英语面试自我介绍 应聘

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英语面试自我介绍 应聘(集锦13篇)由网友“爱吃肉肉肉肉肉”投稿提供,以下是小编给大家整理的英语面试自我介绍 应聘,欢迎大家前来参阅。

英语面试自我介绍 应聘

篇1:英语面试自我介绍 应聘

My name is John Jones and I am an experienced problem solver for marketing departments. I know that you have an opening here in your West Coast Marketing Group, and I understand that you are concerned that your California advertising campaign is not producing as you expected. I have worked on several successful advertising campaigns and have had some great results in improving positioning. I know that I could step into this role and show you some progress from day one.




1. May I introduce myself? 我可以自我介绍一下吗?

2. Let me introduce myself. 让我自我介绍一下。

3. Do you mind if I introduce myself? 让我自我介绍一下好吗?

6. I graduated three years ago. 我已经毕业三年了。

7. I am an economics major. / I major in economics. 我主修经济学。

8. I enjoy singing and dancing. 我喜爱唱歌和跳舞。

9. Let me do the introduction. 让我来介绍一下自己。

10. Which aspect do you want to know about me?/What do you want to know about myself? 您想知道我哪方面的情况?

[英语面试自我介绍 应聘]


dear sir,

i would like to ask you to consider my qualification for the position in sales that you advertised in .

i graduated from the college of business administration in june of xxxx. since that time i have been taking night courses at city polytechnics in sales techniques and advertising.

for the past four years, i have worked as a shipping salesman for maersk, one of the world largest shipping company. at present i am their chief salesman and account for over one quarter of the sales in asia. before my present employment, i worked for abc chains boutique as a salesclerk. we worked mainly on commission and i was able to earn a substantial amount although i was very young.

i would like to make a change now because i feel that i can go no further in my present job, i feel that my ability and my training should enable me to advance into a better and more responsible position, and it appears that this will not be forth-coming at my present position.

if you would like to know more about my ability, i can be available for an interview at any time convenient to you.


It is a great honor for me to attend the interview of **** and have the opportunity to introduce myself.

My name is *** years old. I hope this interview can show me and improve myself. Im a * family. ****. I like reading books and surfing the Internet. I am more outgoing and easy-going. Be able to relate to everything around you, get along with your family and friends, and be confident in your life. I have worked as an intern in ***, so I have some practical experience.

In the four years of studying abroad, I have developed a strong character, which has enabled me to overcome some difficulties in my study and life and make progress. If I have the opportunity to be hired, I will be able to get exercise in my work and realize my value. I will be a civil servant and a qualified civil servant. At the same time, I also realized that the relationship between people and work is based on self-knowledge, and I think I have the ability and confidence to do the job well. The civil servant is a sacred and noble profession, which pursues the maximization of the public interest. Its fundamental purpose is to serve the people and serve the country. Lei feng said: peoples life is limited, and the service to the people is infinite. I want to devote my limited life to the unlimited service of the people. This is also my best interpretation of civil service cognition.

As the saying goes: the ship cant have no direction, so life cant have ideal. I hope I can get you to know me well, because I think I am qualified for this job.


Hello, my name is Li xx, I was just a door to enter the high school senior students, like many freshmen, I with a curious and have a strong desire for knowledge of the heart to the sacred temple. Surely we were not familiar to me! I give everybody to introduce myself

Im plain: a round face with a pair of small but bright eyes; eyes below is the collapse of the face almost touching the nose, even reminiscent of “plain”; “the nose is my glib mouth, it can often help me to bring me joy! Although the plain, but my character and my age but many girls are not the same:

I have a black head, neat short hair, then with my appearance and name, to see how like a boy. My hobbies and personality as well as many boys, I like sports, badminton and table tennis room I love; my character and I love boys almost. Director of agile, poker-faced, have not love sloppy, dilly dally. Perhaps it is my advantage! Because I love poker-faced, unremittingly to do one thing, even if encountered great difficulties, I will continue. Im not bragging:

I remember when I first came home from the transfer to Beijing, my English really can be said to be 7 through the six - body. Then I had been utterly ignorant of the fourth grade, I am supposed to be strong, watching the students can get ideal always when the exam scores, but I dont really mind. Not the taste. Thats when I decided to secretly: I must catch up with my classmates, they strive to exceed! Since then, I began to work hard to fulfill his promise: every Sunday for 3 hours every night classes; to do the exercises. In this way, with I dedicated to English, my English Results slowly increased, imperceptibly, my English has been among the best, this makes me indescribably happy! Also, it also confirms the China of an old saying: nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it! You say, is it

No one is perfect, of course, I have many shortcomings. But one of the most deadly ”or“ I am very sloppy. This disadvantage has been with me for six years, I really want to get rid of it. However, I how to also of no avail, always some small errors at the crucial moment. I really I hope I can get rid of the disadvantages, there is an old saying: nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it! I believe that one day I will have my advantage over my fatal defect.

Do you know me? This is me, a plain looking me, a boy like me, a persistent me, a careless me


It is a great honor for me to attend this interview. I am ***, and I am applying for the position of geological researcher. I hope that I can learn from you through this interview.

I come from the beautiful coastal city, this year *** years old, is a university major undergraduate course graduate. I grew up in the mountains and waters of minnan, and my blood is full of the lively and cheerful character of minnan people and the struggle spirit of love. With this spirit, during the period of school I study hard, to deliver respectively won second-class scholarship, 07-08 year 09-10 and 10-11 third-class scholarship, raising by actual efforts to repay our parents and teachers.

Besides studying, I also actively participate in various social practice activities. I have served as a publicity committee member of the class, organized several classes and college public welfare activities, such as youth volunteers to help the disabled activities, and to the orphanage children to offer love activities and so on. And members of the activity and organize these activities and get along let me learned a lot, to cultivate their abilities and interpersonal treatment have great benefits, faster for me to the society provides a good platform.

In addition, the computer and basketball is my biggest hobby amateur, I had a computer national level 2, in addition to the familiar with daily computer operation and maintenance, also taught himself website design, etc., and designed a personal home page. I am the main force of the basketball team in the class. I think basketball can not only strengthen the body but also cultivate the team spirit of a person.

Looking back on my four years of work and study life in my university, I feel very deep, but the harvest is quite abundant. Mastering the professional knowledge and developing the ability of all aspects will be of great help to the future work. In addition, I should also see some of my shortcomings, such as sometimes doing things in a hurry to achieve, in the work actual experience is not enough and so on. But the ”gold no pure gold, no one is perfect“ everyone his defects inevitably exist, there are shortcomings is not terrible, the key is how to treat their own shortcomings, only face up to its existence, through continuous efforts to learn to correct his shortcomings. In the future, I will be more strict with myself, work hard, study hard, carry forward the advantages, correct the shortcomings, and forge ahead.

This time I chose this position in addition to my major, and I feel that I also like this position very much. I believe that it will enable me to fully realize my social ideal and reflect my own value. I think I have the ability and confidence to do the job well. I hope you can recognize me and give me this opportunity!



英语面试时,我们会面对形形色色的问题,最令人哑口无言的,通常是一些最简单和最常见的题目,所以面试英语需要注意如何自我介绍。比如”请你自我介绍一下“。大多数应征者的反应是--我应该如何作答呢?其实要懂得应对此问题,就要先做好准备You'll have a better chance of impressing the interviewer if you think about this question before the interview. The first thing to realize is that the question, ”Tell me about yourself,“ provides you with a great chance to promote your strong points. This is particularly important when applying for a job that is different from what you have done in the past. You need to show the interviewer that your previous jobs provide you with skills that can be used in the new job. WHAT TO TALK ABOUT 如何介绍?你可以选择三个重点来介绍自己,但避免重复履历中曾提及的资料。Around this skeleton should be the meat of your answer; your less obvious, but important skills. Here are some of the skills that you might want to mention. 你可以介绍自己是:Problem solver 解决问题能手、Creative thinker 充满创意、Accurate 小心谨慎、People person 与人相处融洽、Team player 合群、Organized 组织力高。This doesn't mean that you just say, ”I'm a great problem solver.“ Instead, explain how you used your problem-solving skills at your previous job. 事例比自我夸耀更能说明问题。 自我介绍的时间不要过长,最好是一至三分钟。最初你可能会觉得时间太长,但当你真正要介绍自己三项特质时,你就会发现时间不够用了。WHAT TO SAY 应说什么? What you actually say, in terms of the words you use, is something that you have to decide. You need to create an answer that sounds natural and, at the same time, interesting. 背答案估计没有人愿意听。The way to determine whether your answer is natural is simply by writing a first draft of the answer and then read it out loud. When you do this, you'll probably spot things that you have to change. 当你构思答案时,你要想想应该如何说出,内容要令人感兴趣,不沉闷,避免滔滔不绝地只说自己的强项。Here are some final things to think about when answering the question ”Tell me about yourself." Mention major awards or accomplishments that relate to your career;阐述工作上的重要成就或奖项、Promote your strengths, but do not mention any of your weaknesses;推销自己的长处,但不要提及自己的弱点、Try to be funny if you can, but don't force it;可以的话,尽量说得幽默有趣、Summarize your career and education, but don't recite a list;概括说出你的'工作经验和学历,但切勿背诵、Don't start with your date of birth;不用提及你的出生日期、Avoid information that is not career-related. The fact that you own a dog won't get you a job避免说一些与职业无关的事,例如:你有一只狗,这并不能为你争取到工作、Always answer this question经常思考和解答这条问题、Try to sound natural对答要自然、Relax and enjoy yourself!放松心情,尽力而为。希望以上的面试英语介绍能给你带来帮助,祝你面试成功! Good morning everyone! I'm Nickole. I'm 24. I graduated from Hunan Normal Universaty on Shuda Campus. My major is English Education. After graduation, I have worked for one year in Li Yang听Kid's Engish. My students are between 5 and 12 years old. I'm outgoing and open-minded. In my spare time, I have broad interests. Such as reading, surfing the internet, listening to music and even chatting with foreign friends online if possible. I like children very much. I think children are active, innocent and pure. With them, I feel very relaxed, plesant and younger. Therefore, I learned a lot from my one year working experence. Teaching children English is very interested but it is also challeging. Because children are always active, even sometimes very naughty. So teachers need a lot of patience to deal with children. The most important that I have learned from my one year teacing experence is that a teacher should have the kind of听the mind that always wants to go on learning. Teaching is a job at which one will never be perfet. If I have the chance, I will try my best to be a good primary English teacher. good morning, my name is xx, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually enroll in this primary school. I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. China. With tremendous interest in Industrial Engineering, I am writing to apply for acceptance into your Ph.D. graduate program. In 1995, I entered the Nanjing University of Science & Technology (NUST) -- widely considered one of the China’s best engineering schools. During the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department. I was granted First Class Prize every semester, and my overall GPA(89.5/100) ranked No.1 among 113 students. In , I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test. I selected the Shanghai Jiao Tong University to continue my study for its best reputation on Combinatorial Optimization and Network Scheduling where my research interest lies.



Graduated as a big period. Since then, we bid farewell to the a pure youth, a young frivolous days, a fantasy of the times... During the period of school, I have been committed to training in compound talents. Usually learning hard, professional and professional basis, the professional performance is excellent, has won the 13-14 to learn the individual scholarship, and in 14 years through the adult college entrance examination. And in the second half of 14 years, the self examination (administrative management professional), has passed the computer application basis, political economics and other courses. I personally think that the biggest drawback is that I like to use one or more. Instant success, like many things in one breath, but bite off more than you can chew, even if the final can learn has got himself very tired. Now think about it, this is not good, so in essence not wide. If focus I for a period of time in a kind of knowledge, not for Bo but refinement, I believe that more deeply understand and master the knowledge. Since I found myself with the shortcomings and problems, I often warn myself, after entering the community can not be a one. Glad their with the passage of time, in the university which buried countless people but also the achievements of countless people big steel-making furnace, in addition to wash away my childish, has not been able to take away my innocence and passion, and improve themselves, I can be proud of, but no one is perfect, if the university again, I will walk on the rugged road, to hone their own, but I will make it more rich, more exciting, I will not easily satisfied, because it is more exciting, starting from today!


My name is & &, is a graduate school of Accounting & & professional, I hope I can have the opportunity to your company engaged in accounting work, I know there are still insufficient, but I will work hard to correct.

Secondary school for three years, I only focus on basic courses of study, and emphasis on ability. During the period of school, I seize the time, study hard, to complete the outstanding achievements of the basic theory of learning. At the same time, I also have plans to take time to read all kinds of books, magazines, and strive to expand their knowledge as much as possible and keep up with the pace of the times. The study, out of school, I try to capture every opportunity to exercise, get along with people at different levels, so that their close contact with society, feel the life, savour the life sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, so that their mature as soon as possible.

Now, I am eager to go to work in your organization, and combine the theoretical knowledge with practice so that I can make a qualitative leap in my life

I have been looking forward to being able to work in your company. I hope I can have this opportunity to become one of them. I will try my best to become an excellent accountant


My name is XX, 27 years old this year, graduated from XX school, I was born in the beautiful scenery of the border town of Linjiang, XX I was admitted to the honors college of economics and management, Jilin Industrial University, opened a new chapter in my life. Since I have been enrolled as a class group secretary, busy work not only to cultivate and exercise my ability to work, more exercise my ability to solve problems

I majored in accounting, bachelor degree, four years of college I have passed CET four examination, made the accounting computerization and accounting qualification certificate, to learn about financial each discipline, proficient in computer, in the past 2 years has been working in XX company, engaged in the cashier. Accounting work, have rich experience in financial management and tax declaration, proficient in financial software, passion for work, always adhere to the professional knowledge and learning, and intend to in this year through the accounting exam.

I am outgoing, active thinking, willing to accept all challenges, the university served as chairman of the student union, that is when I developed a strong sense of responsibility, execution and leadership. During the University participated in the student union, have strong communication skills and ability, hard working, and strong learning ability and adaptability, positive enterprising, strive for. In life, my hobby is widespread, especially love history, familiar to celebrity biography, I also love sports, and organize colleagues to learn skills, good at badminton.

In order to broaden their knowledge, I also participated in the study of computerized accounting, master the basic applications and accounting software applications such as EXCEL. In order to study their professional knowledge can be combined with the practice, I also learned about the case teaching materials, such as strategic management, corporate management, financial management. The capital operation, and apply it to your internship.

If I have the chance to be employed, I will be able to receive training at work and realize their own value, striving to do work elite, qualified staff. At the same time, I also realized, and working relationship is established on the basis of the self, I think I have the ability to have the confidence to do this accounting work.


It is my pleasure to take part in this pilot recruiting process. To become a pilot, that is the dream in many young minds, and I am one of them.

I hope I can make a good performance today. Im confident that I can succeed.Now i will introduce myself briefly :

Im 22 years old , born in ~~provinnce . And Im a senior student at ~~ 大学~University.. My major is ~专业~. And I will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in June. In the past four years, I spent most of my time on study. I passed CET4 and CET6 with a ease and acquired basic theoretical and practical knowledge of Language. And I’ve acquired basic knowledge of my major. Courses completed ~谈一下你的专业~

In my extracurricular time, I like running, basketball, boxing, especially basketball and boxing, because playing basketball can let me feel happy, also can let me have a better coordination, reaction more agile, while playing basketball can also deepen the friendship between friends, improve our team work.(谈一下你的个人爱好,业余时间安排)

Flying in the blue sky, one feels free and pleasant. However, to be a true pilot, one has to have high quality and great personality. I have been working hard with great effort in the past, and I will continue to do so in future. I also enjoy very much the culture and custom of foreign conutries. I am so attracted to the difference of different countries. My dream can come true if I am a pilot for international flight.(谈下对飞行员的认识及自己愿望。)

And I will try my best.

That’s all. Thank you for giving me the chance.



Good morning everyone!

I'm Nickole. I'm 24. I graduated from Hunan Normal Universaty on Shuda Campus. My major is English Education. After graduation, I have worked for one year in Li Yang听Kid's Engish. My students are between 5 and 12 years old.

I'm outgoing and open-minded. In my spare time, I have broad interests. Such as reading, surfing the internet, listening to music and even chatting with foreign friends online if possible. I like children very much. I think children are active, innocent and pure. With them, I feel very relaxed, plesant and younger. Therefore, I learned a lot from my one year working experence.

Teaching children English is very interested but it is also challeging. Because children are always active, even sometimes very naughty. So teachers need a lot of patience to deal with children. The most important that I have learned from my one year teacing experence is that a teacher should have the kind of听the mind that always wants to go on learning. Teaching is a job at which one will never be perfet. If I have the chance, I will try my best to be a good primary English teacher.














General Introduction

I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University P. R. China. With tremendous interest in Industrial Engineering I am writing to apply for acceptance into your Ph.D. graduate program.

Education background

In 1995 I entered the Nanjing University of Science &Technology (NUST) -- widely considered one of the China’s best engineering schools. During the following undergraduate study my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department. I was granted First Class Prize every semester and my overall GPA(89.5/100) ranked No.1 among 113 students. In I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test. I selected the Shanghai Jiao Tong University to continue my study for its best reputation on Combinatorial Optimization and Network Scheduling where my research interest lies.

At the period of my graduate study my overall GPA(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the department. In the second semester I became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only. This year I won the Acer Scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university. Presently I am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of Excellent Graduation Thesis.

Research experience and academic activity

When a sophomore I joined the Association of AI Enthusiast and began to narrow down my interest for my future research. In I participated in simulation tool development for the scheduling system in Prof. Wang’s lab. With the tool of OpenGL and Matlab I designed a simulation program for transportation scheduling system. It is now widely used by different research groups in NUST. In I assumed and fulfilled a sewage analysis &dispose project for Nanjing sewage treatment plant. This was my first practice to convert a laboratory idea to a commercial product.

In 1999 I joined the distinguished Professor Yu-Geng Xis research group aiming at Network flow problem solving and Heuristic algorithm research. Soon I was engaged in the FuDan Gene Database Design. My duty was to pick up the useful information among different kinds of gene matching format. Through the comparison and analysis for many heuristic algorithms I introduced an improved evolutionary algorithm -- Multi-population Genetic Algorithm. By dividing a whole population into several sub-populations this improved algorithm can effectively prevent GA from local convergence and promote various evolutionary orientations. It proved more efficiently than SGA in experiments too. In the second semester I joined the workshop-scheduling research in Shanghai Heavy Duty Tyre plant. The scheduling was designed for the rubber-making process that covered not only discrete but also continuous circumstances. To make a balance point between optimization quality and time cost I proposed a Dynamic layered Scheduling method based on hybrid Petri Nets. The practical application showed that the average makespan was shortened by a large scale. I also publicized two papers in core journals with this idea. Recently I am doing research in the Composite Predict of the Electrical Power system assisted with the technology of Data Mining for Bao Steel. I try to combine the Decision Tree with Receding Optimization to provide a new solution for the Composite Predictive Problem. This project is now under construction.

Besides In July I got the opportunity to give a lecture in English in Asia Control Conference (ASCC) which is one of the top-level conferences among the world in the area of control and automation. In my senior year I met Prof. Xiao-Song Lin a visiting professor of mathematics from University of California-Riverside I learned graph theory from him for my network research. These experiences all rapidly expanded my knowledge of English and the understanding of western culture.

I hope to study in depth

In retrospect I find myself standing on a solid basis in both theory and experience which has prepared me for the Ph.D. program. My future research interests include: Network Scheduling Problem Heuristic Algorithm research (especially in GA and Neural network) Supply chain network research Hybrid system performance analysis with Petri nets and Data Mining.

Please give my application materials a serious consideration. Thank you very much.

1、good morning my name is xx it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview i would like to answer whatever you may raise and i hope i can make a good performance today eventually enroll in this primary school.

2、now i will introduce myself brieflyi am xx years oldborn in xx province and i am curruently a xxxx.my major is xxx..in the past 4 yearsi spend most of my time on studyi have passed CET4/6 with a ease. and i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice. besides i have attend

3.i will have Patience on all of the children and my hard work will be improved if you enroll me.





















英语面试自我介绍 应聘
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