初一期末英语作文 Culture共

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初一期末英语作文 Culture共(精选26篇)由网友“王好好”投稿提供,下面是小编整理过的初一期末英语作文 Culture共,欢迎阅读分享,希望对大家有所帮助。

初一期末英语作文 Culture共

篇1:初一期末英语作文 Culture共

The way of life that a group of people builds up over a long period of time becomes the people's culture. Culture includes the people's values and beliefs as well as their technical competency. Some aspects of culture are learned in a formal setting, such as a school, while other aspects are learned informally in the process of day-to-day living. A culture is always changing. Changes in s culture often come about by borrowing form another culture and by invention. To enrich the culture of our nation, we are constantly adapting new inventions and new ideas into our way of life.




The way of life that a group of people builds up over a long period of time becomes the people's culture. Culture includes the people's values and beliefs as well as their technical competency. Some aspects of culture are learned in a formal setting, such as a school, while other aspects are learned informally in the process of day-to-day living. A culture is always changing. Changes in s culture often come about by borrowing form another culture and by invention. To enrich the culture of our nation, we are constantly adapting new inventions and new ideas into our way of life.




珍惜时间 超前学习是法宝








(   ) 1. A. me                       B. he                       C. she

(   ) 2. A. let                        B. get                      C. hat

(    ) 3. A. here                      B. there                     C. where

(   ) 4. A. three                       B. thirty                    C. thirteen

(   ) 5. A. easy                       B. free                     C. healthy

(   ) 6. A. January                    B. June                     C. July



(   ) 7. A. 421                    B.412                    C. 241

(   ) 8. A. What’s her name?         B. What’s his name?        C. What’s your name?

(   ) 9. A. Wh at’s this?             B. What color is the pen?     C. How much is the book?

(   ) 10. A. How old are you?        B. Who are they?           C. What color do you like?

(   ) 11. A. Come on.              B. Excuse me.              C. Good evening.

(   ) 12. A. Do you like English?     B. Are you Gina?           C. Does she have a football?



(   )  13. A. Yes, I am.           B. Yes, he is.                   C. Yes, you are.

(   ) 14. A. It’s on your head.     B. They are in the bookcase.       C. It’s black.

(   ) 15. A. Come on.           B. Oh, yeah! Haha!              C. Sounds good.

(   ) 16. A. Sorry.              B. Yes, please.                  C. You, too.

(   ) 17. A. I am 13.            B. I am fine.                    C. I am good.

(   ) 18. A. Apples.             B. Blue.                       C. English.



(    ) 19. A. No, he doesn’t.            B. Yes, he does.           C. I don’t know.

(   ) 20. A. Ms. Yang.                 B. Miss Huang.           C. Mr. Yang.

(   ) 21. A. $15.                   B. $50.                 C. $55.

(   ) 22. A. Because it’s boring.        B. Because it’s interesting.   C. We don’t know.

(   ) 23. A. Sep.9th.                 B. Oct. 9th.               C. Nov. 9th.

(   ) 24. A. Red.                    B. Black.                 C. Yellow.

第五节 (每小题1.5分,共6分)


(   ) 25. Mike is ________ years  old.

A. forty                        B. fourte en               C. four

(   ) 26. He likes ________for breakfast.

A. bread                       B. milk                  C. bread and milk

(   ) 27. His favorite subject is ________.

A. English                      B. math                  C. Chinese

(   ) 28. He doesn’t like math because he thinks it’s ________.

A. difficult                      B. interesting              C. easy

II. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分)


(   ) 29. ________you in the classroom?

A. Are            B. Do             C. Is              D. Does

(   ) 30. ________breakfast, I like milk and eggs.

A. For            B. To             C. In              D. On

(   ) 31. —Can I help you?


A. Sure.           B. Yes, please.       C. Sounds good.          D. Thanks.

(   ) 32. Teachers’ day is on ________.

A. Jul. 10th         B. Jun. 10th          C. Aug. 10th           D. Sep. 10th

(   ) 33. He is ________Chinese boy. ________ boy’s name is Xiaoqiang.

A. an; A           B. a; An             C. the; The             D. a; The

(   ) 34. Our science class is ________ Monday________Wednesday.

A. from; to         B. at; to         C. from; for          D. in; about

(   ) 35. —________

—She is my English teacher.

A. Where’s she?                            B. Is she your teacher?

C. Who’s she?                              D. Why is she?

(   ) 36. —What do you want?

—I want some ________ and________.

A. vegetable; chickens                        B. vegetable; chicken

C. vegetables; chicken                         D. vegetables; chickens

(   ) 37. He is a________ teacher, and he also plays soccer ________.

A. good; good           B. well; well     C. well; good           D. good; well

(   ) 38. Hamburgers are not ________, we do not eat ________.

A. health; they       B. healthy; they       C. healthy; them      D. health; them

(   ) 39. All my classes finish _____ 5:00 P.M..

A. in          B. at       C. on         D. with

(   ) 40. Mary and I ________ in ________ class, we are good friends.

A. am; same        B. are; same       C. are; the same        D. am; the same

(   ) 41. She ________ all fruit but I ________.

A. likes; don’t       B. like; don’t        C. likes; not        D. likes; aren’t

(   ) 42. My grandpa always________ us ________sports.

A. let;  play         B. lets; play            C. lets; plays      D. let; plays

(   ) 43. —How much is the quilt?


A. It’s 15 yuan.   B. They’re 15 yuan.     C. That’s 15 yuan.      D. That's an orange.

(   ) 44. At our great sale, we have skirts ________ red ________ 20 dollars.

A. in; for           B. in; in           C. for; for                D. for; in

(   ) 45. —______ you _____ your help, Linda.

—You’re welcome.

A. Ask; for          B. Thank; of        C. Thank; for          D. Think; about

(   ) 46. —When _________he have P.E.?

—He ________ it on Monday.

A. do; has             B. do; have        C. does; have         D. does; has

(   ) 47. —Happy birthday!


A. You, too.        B. Thanks.        C. Happy birthday!        D. Sure.

(   ) 48. The English test is difficult ________ interesting.

A. and           B. but           C. so            D. well

III. 完形填空。(每小题1.5分,共15分)


Dear Claire,

You ask me about my favorite festival. It is Spring (春) Festival. It is   49   January or February. For the festival, we do many things and buy many things, so we are always   50  . The      51  of Spring Festival is   52  . We wear (穿) new red   53   and put up (张贴) red paper-cuts (窗花). And we put (放) lucky money (压岁钱) in red packets (红包). Boys and girls are always happy those days,   54   they can have a good time with   55   family, and they can get lucky money from their parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts. What do we   56   on Spring Festival? Jiaozi and some fruits. In the evening, the family will watch TV together, but children(孩子们)   57   watching TV for  4 hours. It’s really boring for them. They always play   58   their friends.

What about you? What festival do you like best?

Your friend,

Li Ju

(   ) 49. A. on               B. for               C. at             D. in

(   ) 50. A. busy             B. free              C. cool            D. fun

(   ) 51. A. thing             B. color             C. food           D. year

(   ) 52. A. yellow           B. blue              C. black           D. red

(   ) 53. A. clothes           B. jackets            C. skirts           D. shirts

(   ) 54. A. so               B. and               C. but            D. because

(   ) 55. A. them             B. their              C. they           D. our

(   ) 56. A. eat               B. watch             C. play           D. do

(   ) 57. A. like              B. want              C. don’t like       D. need

(   ) 58. A. with             B. at                 C. about          D. to

IV. 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分)



Spring Festival(春节) comes on February 19th this year! Boys and girls like it very much because(因为) they don’t go to school from February 1st to February 28th. And they can have new clothes and much money. They can also eat lots of food. But in Liangshan, Sichuan, some boys and girls are not happy. They don’t have warm(暖和的) clothes or food. They can’t go to school. They need help. Do you want to help them? Call us at 87865866.

59. Spring Festival is on ________.

A. February 1st     B. February 19th      C. January 26th       D. January 9th

60. Most(大多数的) boys and girls can have________during Spring Festival(春节期间).

A. new clothes      B. computer          C. a soccer ball      D. a telephone

61. In Sichuan, some boys and girls don’t have ________.

A. parents         B. food           C. warm clothes        D. B and C


Students like fast food(快餐) very much. Many of them like to meet friends in a fast food restaurant. They can eat many kinds(种类) of food and listen to(听) music in the restaurant. They like to have chicken, French fries, hamburgers, salad and Cola. Their favorite food is ice-cream. But I don’t think fast food is healthy. I like vegetables and fruits. They are healthy food.

62. Students like ________very much.

A. Cola          B. ice cream         C. chicken        D. fast food

63. What does “restaurant” mean in Chinese?

A. 商店         B. 餐馆             C. 书店         D. 酒店

64. ________ are healthy food.

A. French fries and chicken             B. Hamburgers and Cola

C. Vegetables and fruits                D. Cola and ice cream

65. Their favorite food is _______.

A. cola            B. fruits          C. ice-cream       D. salad


Hi, boys and girls! A new(新的) Mama store is in No. 1 Middle School now. Come and see at our great sale! We have bread for 3 yuan. Xiangpiaopiao milk tea is on sale for 2 yuan. Vegetable hamburgers are only 3 yuan. Do you need notebooks ? They are only 6 yuan for three. We also have pens in all colors, only 1 yuan each(每支). Some students want to buy socks. We have black socks for only 10 yuan for 3 pairs. For girls, we have socks in pink and purple, they are very nice. Come and buy your things at our great sale.

66. The new store is ______.

A. in the school        B. in our room     C. i n the library     D. in the classroom

67. Mary wants to buy a notebook and a pen, she pays(付钱) ________.

A. 6 yuan.          B. 2 yuan.          C. 3 yuan.         D. 4 yuan.

68. We can’t buy ________ at the store.

A. pens           B. socks     C. bags   D. bread

69. This article (文章) is ________.

A. a letter(信件) B. a notice(通知)     C. an e-mail        D. an ad(广告)


This is the timetable for the tests of Chongqin g No.1 Middle School. It’s for the students

in Grade(年级) Seven. After the tests, their first term in this school will finish.

Dates Days  Time Subjects

January 26th       Monda  9:00 - 11:00 A.M.     Chinese

2:30 - 4:30 P.M. English

January 27th Tuesday 9:00 - 11:00 A.M. math

2:00 - 3:30 P.M. politics and history

70. The students have ________ tests in the morning.

A. Chinese     B. English   C. politics and history       D. Chinese and math

71. The Chinese for t he word “timetable” is ________.

A. 座次表     B. 课桌     C. 时间表     D. 饭桌

72. The students have tests of ________ subjects.

A. two        B. four      C. three        D. five

73. Which of the following(以下哪句) is RIGHT?

A. The students have an English test for 2 hours.

B. The students have a geography test.

C. The math test is on Jan. 26th.

D. The Ch inese test is in the afternoon.

第Ⅱ卷(共 55分)

V. 任务型阅读。(每小题2分,共6分)


Dear friends,

Today(今天) is a great day. It’s my birthday. Can you come to my birthday party?

I have some nice and fun things for you. I have a big ball collection(收藏), because I like sports very much. And we can eat a big birthday cake(蛋糕) then.

Let’s meet at 6:00 in the afternoon, in our classroom.

Please call me at 68314567.


Jan. 12th

74. Is Cindy’s birthday on January 12th?


75. What can we eat in the party?


76. Why does Cindy like balls?


VI. 口语交际。 (每小题1分,共5分)


Grace: Do you like watching TV?

Jane:        77

Grace:      78

Jane: I AM A SINGER. (歌手)

Grace: Do you like Han Hong?

Jane: No, I don’t. But I like Zhang Liangying. She sings very well.      79

Grace: I like THE EMPRESS OF CHINA(武媚娘传奇). The girls in it are very beautiful(漂亮).

Jane:      80

Grace: It’s from 7:30 to 10:00 p.m..

Jane:      81

A. No, I don’t.

B. Yes, I do.

C. What about you?

D. What’s your favorite show(节目)?

E. OK, let’s watch TV this evening.

F. Really? When is it?

G. Well. That’s for sure!

77.___________ 78. __ ___________ 79.______________ 80._____________ 81.______________

VII. 用所给出单词的正确形式填空。(每空1分,共6分)

82. I don’t like hamburgers, I don’t want ________ (be) fat.

83. Apples are good for you, too. Let’s ________ (have) some.

84. September is the ________ (nine) month of a year.

85. It’s ________ (use) to buy a dictionary.

86. Math is easy for ________ (I).

87. I always watch RUNNIG MAN on TV, and I ________ (real) like it.

VIII. 完成句子。(每空1分,共12分)


88. They have a basketball. (变为一般疑问句)

__ ______ they ________ a basketball?

89. My daughter is only 8 months old. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ is your daughter?

90. 体育明星都有良好的饮食习惯。(完成译句)

Sports stars have good ________ ________.

91. My favorite subject is P.E.. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ favorite subject?

92. I am not free on Monday. (同义句转换)

I am ________ on Monday.

93. The geography class is at 8:00. (对划 线部分提问)

________is the geography class?

94. His father thinks the teachers are right. (变为否定句)

His father ________ ________ the teachers are right.

IX. 短文填空。(每空2分,共16分)

根据以下短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。每空一词, 注意在文中的大小写形式。

Hello! My name is Justin. I am    95    American boy. My Favorite day is    96    because the next day is Saturday. And I don’t need to go to school.    97     Friday, after I finish my homework(家庭作业), I can go to the park with my parents. It’s a    98     time(时光) for me. I like to play tennis with my father, because he plays it     99    .     100    my mother doesn’t play    101    , she only watches us. In the evening, we go to     102    some fruit in the store. I like bananas and oranges very much.

95. _____________ 96. _______________ 97. _____________ 98. ______________

99. _____________100. ______________ 101. _____________ 102. _____________

X. 书面表达。(共10分)







Hello, everyone, I have a right person(合适人选) for this “wall(墙)” .__ _________________







一basic rules (写作规则)

1.信息提取—找全信息2.信息加工–- 重组信息 (适当的`加入细节)


方法一:善用词汇 甚至善用高级词汇

A.They listened to the music on the beach.

B .They enjoyed the music on the beach.

A I wish you can help me.

B I’m looking forward to your help.

A They arrived early.

B They arrived as early as they could.

A His dog was saved at last. He was very surprised.

B To his surprise, his dog was saved at last.

A I think learning English is interesting.

B I find it really fun to learn English .

A We should protect the environment.

B It’s our duty to protect the environment.


A She is very young.

She can’t carry the heavy box.

B She is too young to carry the heavy box.

C She is so young that she can’t carry the …

D She is not old enough to carry the…

表示并列或递进: and, as well as, both…and, what’s more not only…but also, neither…nor

2.表示选择: or, either…or

3.表示转折: but,however,although hough,after all,anyway

4.表示因果: because, so, therefore,since,for,as a result

5.表示条件: if , unless

6.表示对比: instead, not…but, while, in the same way, on the one hand…on the other hand

7.表示解释: for example, for instance, such as, that is to say, in other words,to tell the truth

8.表示顺序: to begin with, firstly, first (of all), second(ly), next, later, since then, from then on, finally, in the end

9.表示强调: also, besides, especially, actually, in fact

10.表示结论: all in all, altogether, in a word, generally speaking, in short


How do people spend their vacationWe made a survey and here is our report.

According to it, a lot of people travel. And some people stay at home. They watch TV or surf the Internet. Also some other people visit friends or parents. However, a few people work. Come and enjoy your vacation. People who relax well work well.

增加连接词:How do people spend their vacationWe made a survey and here is our report.According to it, a lot of people travel. And some people stay at home. They watch TV or surf the Internet. Also some other people visit friends or parents. However, a few people work. Come and enjoy your vacation. People who relax well work well.

美文赏析: We interviewed people about the ways to spend the vacation and here is our report. According to it, most people choose to travel to get away from the busy world during the holidays. Then some people like to stay at home, watching TV or surfing the Internet to have a good rest. And to

visit friends or parents also makes them relaxed. However, a few people have to work. Come and enjoy your vacation. People who relax well work well.


According to it, most people choose to travel to get away from the busy world during the holidays. Then some people like to stay at home, watching TV or surfing the Internet to have a good rest. However, a few people have to work. As the saying goes, ―All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.‖ Come and enjoy your vacation. People who relax well work well.


However, a few people have to work. ____________________________________________

As the saying goes, “All work and no play makes____________________________________________

Jack a dull boy.” Come and enjoy your vacation. People____________________________________________

who relax well work well. ____________________________________________


We teenagers should do what we can to protect the environment and save the earth.For example, we can use recyclable bags instead of plastic bags, stop using napkins, plant more trees and save water and energy.

I often help my parents do housework, such as washing dishes, folding the clothes, taking out the trash and so on.

方法五 结尾:提出倡议或号召

Let’s …

Do it now ! / Don’t do it again!

As students, we should start from ourselves.

Don’t wait. Join us now!

Start to join us now!

Don’t put it off! Become a volunteer today!

How amazing! I can’t wait!

Save animals! Save Ourselves! Save our planet!

Don’t hesitate(犹豫). It will be great fun!


1. we shouldn’t eat wild animals.We should keep them away from our dinner. In this way,there will not be wild animals on sale. I think the hunters and killers will become fewer and fewer.

2 We need to protect animals better.We should give them fresh water to drink.We should make the forests bigger for animals in danger to live in.We should advice people not to kill animals beacause they are our friends!

3 we should protect the environment.We should stop people from cutting trees down. Without trees, wild animals will lose their home. And we will lose our animal friends. All of us should try our best to protect animals.


1. Almost everyone is fond of music.I am a music lover.

2. Listening to music is a hobby in my life.

3.Listening to music will make me feel relaxed.

4.Whenever I feel sad, I can just turn on the radio and listen to some music.

5.Music can cheer me up when I am sad.

6.feelings of country people. Pop music can make us excited and happy.

7.I am willing to share their happiness and trouble. 8.Music comes from the heart and flows into the heart.

9.Music is a kind of language that all the people in the world can understand it



一basic rules (写作规则)

1.信息提取―找全信息2.信息加工C- 重组信息 (适当的加入细节)


方法一:善用词汇 甚至善用高级词汇

A.They listened to the music on the beach.

B .They enjoyed the music on the beach.

A I wish you can help me.

B I’m looking forward to your help.

A They arrived early.

B They arrived as early as they could.

A His dog was saved at last. He was very surprised.

B To his surprise, his dog was saved at last.

A I think learning English is interesting.

B I find it really fun to learn English .

A We should protect the environment.

B It’s our duty to protect the environment.


A She is very young.

She can’t carry the heavy box.

B She is too young to carry the heavy box.

C She is so young that she can’t carry the …

D She is not old enough to carry the…

表示并列或递进: and, as well as, both…and, what’s more not only…but also, neither…nor

2.表示选择: or, either…or

3.表示转折: but,however,although hough,after all,anyway

4.表示因果: because, so, therefore,since,for,as a result

5.表示条件: if , unless

6.表示对比: instead, not…but, while, in the same way, on the one hand…on the other hand

7.表示解释: for example, for instance, such as, that is to say, in other words,to tell the truth

8.表示顺序: to begin with, firstly, first (of all), second(ly), next, later, since then, from then on, finally, in the end

9.表示强调: also, besides, especially, actually, in fact

10.表示结论: all in all, altogether, in a word, generally speaking, in short


How do people spend their vacationWe made a survey and here is our report.

According to it, a lot of people travel. And some people stay at home. They watch TV or surf the Internet. Also some other people visit friends or parents. However, a few people work. Come and enjoy your vacation. People who relax well work well.

增加连接词:How do people spend their vacationWe made a survey and here is our report.According to it, a lot of people travel. And some people stay at home. They watch TV or surf the Internet. Also some other people visit friends or parents. However, a few people work. Come and enjoy your vacation. People who relax well work well.

美文赏析: We interviewed people about the ways to spend the vacation and here is our report. According to it, most people choose to travel to get away from the busy world during the holidays. Then some people like to stay at home, watching TV or surfing the Internet to have a good rest. And to

visit friends or parents also makes them relaxed. However, a few people have to work. Come and enjoy your vacation. People who relax well work well.


According to it, most people choose to travel to get away from the busy world during the holidays. Then some people like to stay at home, watching TV or surfing the Internet to have a good rest. However, a few people have to work. As the saying goes, DAll work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.‖ Come and enjoy your vacation. People who relax well work well.


However, a few people have to work. ____________________________________________

As the saying goes, “All work and no play makes____________________________________________

Jack a dull boy.” Come and enjoy your vacation. People____________________________________________

who relax well work well. ____________________________________________


We teenagers should do what we can to protect the environment and save the earth.For example, we can use recyclable bags instead of plastic bags, stop using napkins, plant more trees and save water and energy.

I often help my parents do housework, such as washing dishes, folding the clothes, taking out the trash and so on.

方法五 结尾:提出倡议或号召

Let’s …

Do it now ! / Don’t do it again!

As students, we should start from ourselves.

Don’t wait. Join us now!

Start to join us now!

Don’t put it off! Become a volunteer today!

How amazing! I can’t wait!

Save animals! Save Ourselves! Save our planet!

Don’t hesitate(犹豫). It will be great fun!


1. we shouldn’t eat wild animals.We should keep them away from our dinner. In this way,there will not be wild animals on sale. I think the hunters and killers will become fewer and fewer.

2 We need to protect animals better.We should give them fresh water to drink.We should make the forests bigger for animals in danger to live in.We should advice people not to kill animals beacause they are our friends!

3 we should protect the environment.We should stop people from cutting trees down. Without trees, wild animals will lose their home. And we will lose our animal friends. All of us should try our best to protect animals.


1. Almost everyone is fond of music.I am a music lover.

2. Listening to music is a hobby in my life.

3.Listening to music will make me feel relaxed.

4.Whenever I feel sad, I can just turn on the radio and listen to some music.

5.Music can cheer me up when I am sad.

6.feelings of country people. Pop music can make us excited and happy.

7.I am willing to share their happiness and trouble. 8.Music comes from the heart and flows into the heart.

9.Music is a kind of language that all the people in the world can understand it



One of the most memorable time I travel is to go to Ocean Park in shenzhen. As soon as I went in I jumped with joy, wow, a towering building, how so like a private house, I began to doubt. The house was full of praise for me.

We went to the aquarium, there is a ferocious shark, the lovely dolphins, timid sea turtles, Marine animals! Let me be during pick up, walk to the ocean theatre, dolphins, sea lions performance, clown diving is the most wonderful, funny, lovely clown, jumped into the water from the diving platform, all wet and there is a clown jump into the water, some threw a life buoy to another clown head,... .

We came to the seaside to swim, the water of the sea wave to wave to me, ah! So comfortable! Washed away by the sea water to the sand of the sea, the foot on the beach, soft, feel good!

We picked up a lot of shells on the seashore, different shape, big and small, triangular, 栯 round, color variety, beautiful!

After dinner, we again to the beach to catch crabs, found a small crab, I quickly caught it by hand. Ah! Is really a big harvest, we caught six crabs altogether. We went happily back to the hotel.

The tour that I learned many knowledge, also is my most happy one.





吃过晚饭后,我们又到沙滩捉螃蟹,发现了一只小小的螃蟹,我迅速的用手把它捉住了。啊!真的是大收获,我们一共捉到六只螃蟹。 我们就高高兴兴地回到酒店了。


篇8: 中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文

中国茶文化 Chinese tea culture英语作文

In China , tea has a very long history and has formed the Chinese tea culture. At the same time, tea is beneficial to our health, thus it is well received by many people. Chinese tea culture is both extensive and profound, which not only contains the level of material culture, but also includes a deep level of spiritual civilization. Referring to Chinese tea, we can trace it back to ancient times, which flourished in the Tang and Song Dynasties, Since then, the spirit of tea has penetrated into the court and society, going deep into Chinese poetry, painting, calligraphy , religion and medicine. For thousands of years, China has accumulated a great deal of culture in tea cultivation and production, moreover, enriching the spiritual culture of tea.



一. 26个英文字母,主要包括26个字母的大小写,发音,分类(包括元、辅音字母分类,读音分类).其中,元辅音字母的发音是音标学习的一项重点,包括元音字母在开闭音节中的发音,,由“掐头”,“去尾”,“英汉对照法”得到的辅音字母的发音。明确知识点后,由教师集体点拨,然后以小卷形式考察这些知识。然后根据字母和音标训练学生写出规则词的音标,并能根据音标写单词,使之掌握开闭音节的读音。

二. “单词,词组,句型”三者之间是一个“滚雪球”的过程,在滚雪球的过中,有时会脱落一些,这说明雪球内部结合力不强,还没有融会贯通。复习也是一样,要经常归纳整理,不断把所学的内容融入自己原有的知识体系中,使之成为一体,这样形成的只是不容易“脱落”,而且敬酒不忘,这就要求学生做学习的有心人,及时归纳整理相关的知识。






6、 一般现在时:be动词和实意动词时的结构以及句型复习动词的第三人称单数形式的构成方法。



9、 特殊疑问句:


1.What is your name?

2.What color is it?


1、Where's the basketball?

2. Where are your books?

How much:

1、How much is the hat ?

2、How much are these socks ?

三. 及时整理笔记。整理笔记的过程是知识反刍的过程,在此过程中,学生通过回顾上课的情景,再次体会课堂重点,不仅加深了印象,而且能温故知新。

四. 整理错题。要求学生将每次作业,练习,测试中的错题整理到“错题集”上,并对错题进行分析,归纳,总结,并反复进行复习,每次考前勤翻阅,以加深印象,避免下次犯同样的错误。这样反复记忆,久而久之,便会养成认真思考的习惯。









1. importance in Thailand 在泰国的重要性

2. Let’s see…. first. 让我们先看...

3. favorite animals 最喜欢的动物

4. kind of interesting 有点有趣

5. South Africa 南非

6. be from =come from 来自

7. be smart 聪明的

8. walk on two legs 用两条腿走

9. all day / all night 整天 /整夜

10. a good name for her 对于她是个好名字

11. like …a lot 非常喜欢...

12. black and white 黑白相间

13. You’re right. 你是正确的。

14. one of +名词复数 (...其中之一)

15. our first flag 我们的第一面旗

16. a symbol of good luck 好运的象征

17. draw well 画得好

18. forget to do 忘记做某事

19. get/be lost 迷路

20. places with food and water有食物和水的地方

21. be in great danger 处于危险

22. cut down 砍倒

23. over = more than 超过/多于

24 be made of... 由…制成

25.Thai Elephant Day 大象节


I have two best friends. They're Julie and Ken. One day, we talk about we New Year’s resolution. I'm going to be a singer. So, I'm going to take singing lessons .In next year,I'm going to learn to play the piano. Julie is going to be a soccer ball player. So she is going to play soccer every day. In the next year, she's going to teach other students to play. Ken is going to be a computer programmer. So, he's going to try his best to learn math. In the next year, he's going to ask teachers for help.


Everybody has a dream job. Do you want to know what I want to be in the future? Well,I want to be a singer. Because I love singing very much. I will move to New York and be a singer there. And I will sing my favorite English songs there. Although it is a tired job, I love it . Because when I sad, I can sing songs to be happy and I will become very popular. That’s so interesting and exciting. For my dream job , I will sing every day and sing well. I hope that day come quickly, I can’t wait! How about you? What’s your dream job?


Dear Sally,

Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party. I’d love to go, but I have many things to do. On Wednesday I have to go to my piano lesson. Then I have to go to see a doctor on Thursday afternoon. And on Friday I have to visit my aunt with my parents. I am busy on Saturday. I have to finish my homework. I will have a nice present for you. I hope you will like it. Happy Birthday!




My winter holidays are coming. I’m very glad. In the vacation I’m going to Beijing with my parents. Beijing is our capital, and it is a beautiful city, too. I love her. We are going sightseeing there. We are going to Tian’anmen Square, the Summer Palace and many places of interest. We are going to take many photos there and buy a lot of things we like. I think we are going to have a good time.


Dear Wang Ming,

I’m writing to kindly remind you of the dormitory rules. As we live in the same room, we are like families thus we should love each other and respect each other. What’s more, we should make our room clean and tidy.

Therefore, I hope you can read the following rules and obey them. Rule No.1 When you get up in the morning, remember to make the bed. Rule No.2 Don’t make phone calls when we are sleeping. Rule No.3 Don’t use others’ things without permission. Rule No.4 Turn off the lights before you leave the room. I hope all of us can obey these rules and make our room more and more comfortable.

Best wishes,



Dear friends,

I’d like to share my unique learning style with you,which I hope can be beneficial.

First of all, read extensively. While reading, I take detailed notes, which benefits me a lot. Secondly, to broaden my horizons I spare no effort to attend as many lectures as possible, which greatly enrich my experience. What’s more, I always combine what I have learned from books with that learned in lectures. Last but not least, I prefer studying independently, thus practicing my ability to analyze tough problems.

Of course, not everyone learns in the same way. Remember that developing your own learning style really counts.


Li Hua


Spring set in early this year. Some of my neighbors began to grow flowers. There were morning glories, jasmine, cactus, and the like in their flowerpots. I wanted to have a try myself. But I had neither knowledge nor experience in such matters. Fortunately, I came across a book on plants in the library. I read the relevant chapters, which left me with the impression that any plant would grow luxuriantly if you could supply it with sufficient fertilizer and water. Of these two essential factors, fertilizer was obviously by far the more important one.

According to what I had learnt from the hook, I sowed some seeds of morning glory in a flowerpot with a lot of fertilizer, and watered them everyday. I really took good care of them and eagerly awaited their sprouting. But,be that as it may,they just didnt come up. When half a month had elapsed,I was absolutely disappointed. I dug some of the seeds out of the soil and found they had already rotted! Why they had rotted defied my analysis. So I went to consult one of my neighbors. He told me my failure was due to my misunderstanding of the hook, and the fact was that I had overfed them water or fertilizer may be a two-edged sword.

I think I must draw a lesson from this failure——Never go beyond the limit even if for good purpose.





































































初一年级英语作文:my computer



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