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1. You are an university student who are living in the accommodation at the campus. One day you find something wrong with your accommodation. So you write a letter to the House Officer to tell them what happened, the reason you think, what you decide to do, and whether if it is right.

2. It is wrong that our government pay more money to the artist projects, for instance, there are more and more paintings and sculptures appearing at the public places, because there are more important thing to do. What's you opinion? Do you agree or disagree with it?

3. writing to an English speaking college about qualification, accommodation, fee, what courses do you want to choose and why.

4. Participating in a sport is as important for psychological health as it is for physical condition and social development.

5. You have left college. But you didn't say goodbye to your friend who live in the room with you because he had a course at that time. Write a letter to him to appology and tell hem how you spend that days before you leave and how you get home. Then invite him to visit you.

6. Some people say the parents should except school to conduct their children's behavior and tell them what is 'right' or 'wrong'. Others say schools should take this responsibility. Please give your point about it.

7. Write to the agency officer and complain about the rent car which has sth wrong. Tell them the problems of the car you rent from the agency and your requiring.

8. As the developing countries and the third world countries, there are a funds, how to use it? Invest in the basic education or in the high-technology, for instance, computer? What‘s your opinion?

9. You are a foreign student. Write to the Student Union, introduce your hobbies and interests and a



1月11日 (北京,大连,武汉,西安,深圳,上海,杭州,南京,昆明 ) V104

1月18日 (北京,长沙,济南,沈阳,广州,海口,福州,成都 )V115

1月25日 (北京,哈尔滨,青岛,天津,郑州,广州,厦门,南宁,上海,杭州,南京,重庆 )V105

2月8号 (大连,济南,深圳,)V115

2月15日 (北京,长沙,青岛,沈阳,西安,广州,福州,上海,杭州,南京,合肥,成都 )V121

2月22日 (北京,哈尔滨,天津,武汉,广州,厦门,深圳,上海,杭州,南京,重庆,宁波 )V118

3月8日 (北京,大连,济南,青岛,广州,深圳,上海,杭州,南京,昆明 )V107

3月15日 (北京,沈阳,天津,武汉,郑州,广州,海口,福州,成都 )V107

3月22日 (北京,长沙,哈尔滨,西安,广州,厦门,南宁,上海,杭州,南京,重庆 )V114

4月12日 (北京,大连,济南,青岛,广州,深圳,上海,杭州,南京 ) V120

4月19日 (北京,哈尔滨,天津,武汉,广州,福州,上海,杭州,南京,合肥,成都) V113

非典原因,GZ取消以下考试:4月26日 5月10日 5月17日 5月24日 6月14日 6月21日的考试

6月28日 (北京,天津,武汉,广州,厦门,深圳 )V106


7月12日 (北京,大连,青岛,沈阳,广州,深圳,南宁,上海,杭州,南京,昆明)V112

7月19日 (北京,长沙,济南,西安,郑州,广州,海口,福州,成都) V104

7月26日 (北京,哈尔滨,天津,武汉,广州,厦门,深圳,上海,杭州,南京,重庆) V119

8月9日 (北京,大连,青岛,西安,广州,深圳,南宁,上海,杭州,南京,合肥,昆明) V112

8月16日 (北京,长沙,哈尔滨,济南,沈阳,郑州,广州,福州,上海,杭州,南京,成都) V109

8月23日 (北京,天津,武汉,广州,厦门,深圳,重庆) V110


9月6日 (北京,哈尔滨,青岛,西安,广州,深圳,南宁,上海,杭州,南京,昆明)


9月13日 (北京,长沙,大连,济南,沈阳,广州,海口,福州,成都)


9月20日 (北京,天津,武汉,郑州,广州 ,厦门,深圳,上海,杭州,南京,重庆)


10月11日 (北京,哈尔滨,济南,青岛,沈阳,西安,广州,福州,南宁,上海,杭州,南京,合肥,成都)


10月18日 (北京,长沙,大连,天津,武汉,郑州,广州,厦门,深圳,重庆)


11月1日 (北京,济南,沈阳,西安,广州,深圳,南宁,上海,杭州,南京,昆明)


11月15日 (北京,哈尔滨,青岛,天津,武汉,广州,海口,福州,上海,杭州,南京,成都)


11月22日 (北京,长沙,大连,郑州,广州,厦门,深圳,重庆)


12月6日 (北京,济南,沈阳,西安,广州,深圳,南宁,上海,杭州,南京,合肥,成都)


12月13日 (北京,哈尔滨,青岛,天津,武汉,广州,福州,重庆)


12月20日 星期六




1. Some people think that the negative effects of advertisements far outweigh their positive ones. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2. To what extent do you think international tourisms advantages far outweigh its disadvantages?

3. Some people think that old buildings should make way for new buildings. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

4.Some people think the frequent cultural and commercial communications are positive, while others hold a different view. Whats your opinion?

5. Some people are optimistic to the 21st century. To what extent do you agree or disagree with their optimism and what changes would you like to be made in the 21st century?

6.The environmental pollution is a serious problem confronting us in modern society. What are its causes and what solutions can be taken to solve it?

7.Some people think that teachers will be replaced by computers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

8. Some people think that happiness is closely related to economic success, while others think happiness result from other factors. Discuss both views and give your opinion?













4、在我们生活中,令我们感动的事例很多很多。有时是一种声音,有时是一种色彩,有时是一种状态,有时是一种场景生活中你一定 经历、体验过许多令你感动的事情。请以“感动”为话题写一篇作文。


6、提示:可以用“发现”为题作文,也可以根据你要写的内容,在“发现”二字的前面、后面或前后加上适当的词语,也可以用“发现”作为话题自拟题目作文。 参考题目:《我发现幸福就在身边》;《良心的发现》;《我发现了读书的奥秘》;《不同寻常的发现》;《偶然的发现》;《我发现了“新大陆”》;《21世纪的新发现》;《我发现了科学的奥妙》;《意外的发现》,







13、们生活在大千世界里。在我们的身边有形形色色的人。有你的至亲,有你的朋友,有你的左邻右舍,有你根本不认识的人。 就以我想写的一个人为话题写一篇记叙文。题目自拟,写前想想我为什么写他。

14、一个苹果 (或者一个苹果引发的故事)苹果是我们日常生活中最常见的一种水果。它味道可口,营养丰富,人人爱吃。当然在它身上也会发生许多个动人的、有趣的、或难忘的故事,找一个出来写一写,写出你的真情实感。如果没有的话,那么请你发挥想象,合理地编一个与苹果有关的故事。

15、《春天来了》(或者 冬天来了)从声音、色彩、气息、感觉等方面描写一个季节,请用上拟人比喻等修辞手法,试一试写成童话。





20、那件事,我总忘不了 要求:要有具体内容,有中心,有条理,有真情实感;注意前后照应,语句通顺,字体工整,会用学过的标点符号。



1. 在生活中,有一些“声音”时时与我们相伴、像父母的叮嘱、老师的教导、朋友的安慰...你印象最深的“声音”是什么?它使你想起了哪些往事?又使你领悟到什么道理?请你围绕自己最难忘的“声音”选择合适的材抖,写一篇500字以上的记实作文,表达出自已的真情实感。题目自拟。要求:L中心明确,内容具体,结构完整,语言通顺。2.书写工整,卷面整洁,不写错别字。3.文中不要出现真实的校名、人名。

阅读以上考试题,你的解题思路是什麽?列写作提纲 写出开头和结尾 (

2. 生活中的一些小事,常常会使我们领悟到做人的道理。相信你也曾经有过这样的经历和感悟。请以“成长中的一件事”为题,写一篇记叙文。要求:必须通过一件具体的事来表现中心,表达真情实感。字数不少于500字。阅读以上考试题,你的解题思路是什麽?列写作提纲 写出开头和结尾

3. 题目:我的闪光点


4. 材料: 我们班报名参加全校的板报评比,同学们都积极出谋献策。我经过充分准备,提出自己的设计方案。在大家的努力下,我们的板报获得了一等奖。

要求:1.自拟题目. (写在第一行) 2.把所给材料扩写成一篇不少于500字约记叙文。2.围绕中心,内容具体,语句通顺,书写工整。提示:可以写大家出谋献策的情景,也可以写“我”准备的过程、设计的'方案。阅读以上考试题,你的解题思路是什麽?列写作提纲 写出开头和结尾

5. 题目:这也是课堂

材料:幼年的我,知道有桌有椅的教室就是课堂,上了小学的我,了解了教室外的操场也是课堂,如今的我,懂得了生活处处是课堂。 今天,我在这里亲身经历了这件事,真是获益匪浅。这也是课堂!

提示和要求: 1.联系日常生活体验,想想“这”指什么地方,“我”经历了怎祥的一件事,“我”有什么收获。2.用上提供的材料,把《这也是课堂》这篇记叙文写具体、完整,字数五六百字。阅读以上考试题,你的解题思路是什麽?列写作提纲 写出开头和结尾

6. 题目:理解

材料: 周末,我们的家庭“战争”叉一次爆发了。 “为什么总是我的错,难道你们做大人的都是对的吗?”说着,我气冲冲地跑回自己的房间,“砰”地一声关上了房门,一头扑到床土,任泪水从眼角流下来。....

要求:1.请你依据标题“理解”,用提供的材料作开头,续写成一篇记叙文,续写部分不少f500字。2.展开合理的想象,恰当地运用叙述、描写、议论等表达方式。3.中心明确,内容具体,文从字顺。.认真书写,卷面整洁。阅读以上考试题,你的解题思路是什麽?列写作提纲 写出开头和结尾




1. You are an university student who are living in the accommodation at the campus. One day you find something wrong with your accommodation. So you write a letter to the House Officer to tell them what happened, the reason you think, what you decide to do, and whether if it is right.

2. It is wrong that our government pay more money to the artist projects, for instance, there are more and more paintings and sculptures appearing at the public places, because there are more important thing to do. What's you opinion? Do you agree or disagree with it?

3. writing to an English speaking college about qualification, accommodation, fee, what courses do you want to choose and why.

4. Participating in a sport is as important for psychological health as it is for physical condition and social development.

5. You have left college. But you didn't say goodbye to your friend who live in the room with you because he had a course at that time. Write a letter to him to appology and tell hem how you spend that days before you leave and how you get home. Then invite him to visit you.

6. Some people say the parents should except school to conduct their children's behavior and tell them what is 'right' or 'wrong'. Others say schools should take this responsibility. Please give your point about it.

7. Write to the agency officer and complain about the rent car which has sth wrong. Tell them the problems of the car you rent from the agency and your requiring.

8. As the developing countries and the third world countries, there are a funds, how to use it? Invest in the basic education or in the high-technology, for instance, computer? What's your opinion?

9. You are a foreign student. Write to the Student Union, introduce your hobbies and interests and ask information of clubs and societies. You want to join a club or society enjoy your time when you study there.

10. Fast food is developing more and more popular. It replaces other traditional food. Some people think it is good, some people disagree with it. What's your opinion about it. Give some reason of your opinion.

11. A friend will visit Beijing. You will meet him at airport. But for some reason, you have to be late. Explain the reason. Since you haven't meet each other, tell the friend where you will meet and how to recognize each other.

12. More and more children's writing & math ability are affected by computers and calculators. We should limit the use of those tools. Disagree or agree.

13. you have broke your leg and have to stayed in hospital. you received many cards and letters from your classmates. write a letter to tell them your detail of your position and thank them at the same time.

14. some people say that it is impossible for women to be an effective women and to be a good mother in home at the same time. they also suggest that the government should give the salary to mothers who stay at home to take care of their children.

15. Your friend write to you and tell you that he is hesitating to chose computer or history as his major in university. Write to him and tell him your opinion.

16. Participating in a sport is as important for psychological health as it is for physical conditions and social development.

17. You live in a room in college which you share with another student. You find it very difficult to work there because he or she always has friends visiting. They have parties in the room and sometimes borrow your things without asking you. Write a letter to the Accommodation officer at the college and ask for a new room nest term. You would prefer a single room. Explain your reason.

18. Who has responsible for our old people?

19. Write to the agency officer to complain about a rent house by them. Tell them the problems of the house and your requiring.

20. You read an ad about a sale of a shop in the local newspaper, when you came to buy the goods you wanted, you find the sale had ended. Write to the shop manager and complain about this. Require for the compensation.

21. Write to an English speaking college about qualification, accommodation, fee, what courses do you want to choose and why.

22. You are accepted as an oversea student by an university. Before you go to the university, write to the student officer and ask them sth about the accommodation, the transportation,and the class schedule.

23. You are a history teacher at a high school. You see an ad at the local newspaper to introduce the local museum which coincidens with what you teach now. Write to the museum officer and tell them that you want to bring your students to visit it.

24. Write a letter to your friend and express thanks for his present which was brought to you during you were ill at the hospital.

25. The first car appeared on British roads in 1888. By the year there may be as many as 29 million vehicles on British roads. Alternative forms of transport should be encouraged and international laws introduced to control car ownership and use. What do you think? Give reasons for your answer.

26. The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace. Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. The benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages. Give reasons for your answer.

27. People can do longer expect a job for life. What should individuals and governments do to prepare the current and future environments for different working conditions?

28. As technological innovation brings about rapid changes and retraining becomes a lifelong necessity, industry should take over more and more of the responsibility for education.

29. It is more important for governments to ensure adequate standards of housing, education and health care for their citizens by developing the industrial base than to use their resources to develop the rural areas.

30. Business education and training today must promoter environmental awareness.

31. Whilst studying abroad provides an opportunity to broaden one's experience, it also presents the danger of negative influences from the host culture.

32. Technological advances continue to improve manufacturing efficiency; the weight of a drinks can has come down from thirty-five grams to about fifteen grams, for example, and modern cars and production techniques are much more energy efficient. Governments need to control the environment rather than controlling industry, as companies already control their resources very efficiently.

33. Training for work is far more important than proving a broad-based education.

34. What steps should a student take in preparing for tertiary education and what would be the benefit of taking such steps?

35. The developed world should lead by example and not insist that aid to the Third World is used to develop rural areas.































1. You are an university student who are living in the accommodation at the campus. One day you find something wrong with your accommodation. So you write a letter to the House Officer to tell them what happened, the reason you think, what you decide to do, and whether if it is right.

2. It is wrong that our government pay more money to the artist projects, for instance, there are more and more paintings and sculptures appearing at the public places, because there are more important thing to do. What's you opinion? Do you agree or disagree with it?

3. writing to an English speaking college about qualification, accommodation, fee, what courses do you want to choose and why.

4. Participating in a sport is as important for psychological health as it is for physical condition and social development.

5. You have left college. But you didn't say goodbye to your friend who live in the room with you because he had a course at that time. Write a letter to him to appology and tell hem how you spend that days before you leave and how you get home. Then invite him to visit you.

6. Some people say the parents should except school to conduct their children's behavior and tell them what is 'right' or 'wrong'. Others say schools should take this responsibility. Please give your point about it.

7. Write to the agency officer and complain about the rent car which has sth wrong. Tell them the problems of the car you rent from the agency and your requiring.

8. As the developing countries and the third world countries, there are a funds, how to use it? Invest in the basic education or in the high-technology, for instance, computer? What's your opinion?

9. You are a foreign student. Write to the Student Union, introduce your hobbies and interests and ask information of clubs and societies. You want to join a club or society enjoy your time when you study there.

10. Fast food is developing more and more popular. It replaces other traditional food. Some people think it is good, some people disagree with it. What's your opinion about it. Give some reason of your opinion.

11. A friend will visit Beijing. You will meet him at airport. But for some reason, you have to be late. Explain the reason. Since you haven't meet each other, tell the friend where you will meet and how to recognize each other.

12. More and more children's writing & math ability are affected by computers and calculators. We should limit the use of those tools. Disagree or agree.

13. you have broke your leg and have to stayed in hospital. you received many cards and letters from your classmates. write a letter to tell them your detail of your position and thank them at the same time.

14. some people say that it is impossible for women to be an effective women and to be a good mother in home at the same time. they also suggest that the government should give the salary to mothers who stay at home to take care of their children.

15. Your friend write to you and tell you that he is hesitating to chose computer or history as his major in university. Write to him and tell him your opinion.

16. Participating in a sport is as important for psychological health as it is for physical conditions and social development.

17. You live in a room in college which you share with another student. You find it very difficult to work there because he or she always has friends visiting. They have parties in the room and sometimes borrow your things without asking you. Write a letter to the Accommodation officer at the college and ask for a new room nest term. You would prefer a single room. Explain your reason.

18. Who has responsible for our old people?

19. Write to the agency officer to complain about a rent house by them. Tell them the problems of the house and your requiring.

20. You read an ad about a sale of a shop in the local newspaper, when you came to buy the goods you wanted, you find the sale had ended. Write to the shop manager and complain about this. Require for the compensation.

21. Write to an English speaking college about qualification, accommodation, fee, what courses do you want to choose and why.

22. You are accepted as an oversea student by an university. Before you go to the university, write to the student officer and ask them sth about the accommodation, the transportation,and the class schedule.

23. You are a history teacher at a high school. You see an ad at the local newspaper to introduce the local museum which coincidens with what you teach now. Write to the museum officer and tell them that you want to bring your students to visit it.

24. Write a letter to your friend and express thanks for his present which was brought to you during you were ill at the hospital.

25. The first car appeared on British roads in 1888. By the year 2000 there may be as many as 29 million vehicles on British roads. Alternative forms of transport should be encouraged and international laws introduced to control car ownership and use. What do you think? Give reasons for your answer.

26. The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace. Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. The benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages. Give reasons for your answer.

27. People can do longer expect a job for life. What should individuals and governments do to prepare the current and future environments for different working conditions?

28. As technological innovation brings about rapid changes and retraining becomes a lifelong necessity, industry should take over more and more of the responsibility for education.

29. It is more important for governments to ensure adequate standards of housing, education and health care for their citizens by developing the industrial base than to use their resources to develop the rural areas.

30. Business education and training today must promoter environmental awareness.

31. Whilst studying abroad provides an opportunity to broaden one's experience, it also presents the danger of negative influences from the host culture.

32. Technological advances continue to improve manufacturing efficiency; the weight of a drinks can has come down from thirty-five grams to about fifteen grams, for example, and modern cars and production techniques are much more energy efficient. Governments need to control the environment rather than controlling industry, as companies already control their resources very efficiently.

33. Training for work is far more important than proving a broad-based education.

34. What steps should a student take in preparing for tertiary education and what would be the benefit of taking such steps?

35. The developed world should lead by example and not insist that aid to the Third World is used to develop rural areas.



It is expected that there will be a higher proportion of older people than young people in many countries in the future. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?



older people

“老年人”有很多说法,这个词在文章中肯定会多次出现,因此一定要做好同义替换准备。elderly people, the elderly, pensioners, senior citizens都可以,但要少用old people. ageing society (Br.E.) / aging society (Am.E.)


关于ageing society的相关知识,请阅读维基百科。




1. Surveys show that in many countries, people are living longer but increased life expectancy has many implications for the aging individuals and for society as a whole. What are the possible effects of longer living for individuals and society?

2. Some people believe that in order to give opportunities to the new generation, companies should encourage high level employees who are older than 55 to retire. Do you agree or disagree?

5. Some countries have an ever-increasing proportion of population who are aged 15 and younger. What is your opinion of the current and future effects it may have in those countries?


1. You are an university student who are living in the accommodation at the campus. One day you find something wrong with your accommodation. So you write a letter to the House Officer to tell them what happened, the reason you think, what you decide to do, and whether if it is right.

2. It is wrong that our government pay more money to the artist projects, for instance, there are more and more paintings and sculptures appearing at the public places, because there are more important thing to do. What's you opinion? Do you agree or disagree with it?

3. writing to an English speaking college about qualification, accommodation, fee, what courses do you want to choose and why.

4. Participating in a sport is as important for psychological health as it is for physical condition and social development.

5. You have left college. But you didn't say goodbye to your friend who live in the room with you because he had a course at that time. Write a letter to him to appology and tell hem how you spend that days before you leave and how you get home. Then invite him to visit you.


6. Some people say the parents should except school to conduct their children's behavior and tell them what is 'right' or 'wrong'. Others say schools should take this responsibility. Please give your point about it.

7. Write to the agency officer and complain about the rent car which has sth wrong. Tell them the problems of the car you rent from the agency and your requiring.

8. As the developing countries and the third world countries, there are a funds, how to use it? Invest in the basic education or in the high-technology, for instance, computer? What's your opinion?

9. You are a foreign student. Write to the Student Union, introduce your hobbies and interests and ask information of clubs and societies. You want to join a club or society enjoy your time when you study there.

10. Fast food is developing more and more popular. It replaces other traditional food. Some people think it is good, some people disagree with it. What's your opinion about it. Give some reason of your opinion.


11. A friend will visit Beijing. You will meet him at airport. But for some reason, you have to be late. Explain the reason. Since you haven't meet each other, tell the friend where you will meet and how to recognize each other.

12. More and more children's writing & math ability are affected by computers and calculators. We should limit the use of those tools. Disagree or agree.

13. you have broke your leg and have to stayed in hospital. you received many cards and letters from your classmates. write a letter to tell them your detail of your position and thank them at the same time.

14. some people say that it is impossible for women to be an effective women and to be a good mother in home at the same time. they also suggest that the government should give the salary to mothers who stay at home to take care of their children.


1.重要的:Key, crucial, critical, important, significant, vital, substantial, indispensable, imperative

2.损害: Damage, hurt, injure, harm, impair, undermine, jeopardize

3.给与:Give, offer, render, impart, provide, supply, afford

4.培养::Develop, cultivate, foster

5.优势:Advantage, merit, virtue, benefit, upside, strength

6.缺陷:Disadvantage, demerit, drawback, downside, weakness

7.使迷惑:Puzzle, bewilder, perplex, baffle

8.解决: Solve, deal with, cope with, handle, resolve, address, tackle

9.认为:Think, believe, insist, maintain, assert, conclude, deem, hold, argue, be convinced, be firmly convinced, be fully convinced

10.保护:Protect, conserve, preserve

11.确保:Assure, ensure, guarantee, pledge

12.有害的: Bad, baneful evil, harmful, detrimental

13.要求 :Request, demand, needs, requisition

14.消除 :Eliminate, clear, remove, clear up, take away, smooth away

15.导致: Lead to, bring about, result in, cause, spark off, conduce to, procure, induce, generate

16.因此:So, therefore, thus, hence, consequently, as a consequence, accordingly, as a result, because of this, as a result of this

17.增长至:Grow to,rise to,increase to,go up to,climb to,ascend to,jump to,shoot to

18.降低至:Dip to,fall to,decline to,decrease to,drop to,go down to,reduce to, slump to,descend to,sink to,slide to

19.保持稳定:Level out,do not change,remain stable,remain still,remain steady,be stable,maintain the same level,remain unchanged,be still,remain the same level,stay constant,keep at the same level,level off,stabilize,keep its stability,even out



22.宣称:Allege, assert, declare, claim

23.发生:Happen, occur, take place

24.原因:Reason, factor, cause

25.发展:Development, advance, progress

26.有益的:Useful, helpful, beneficial, profitable, rewarding, advantageous

27.影响:Influence, impact, effect

28.明显的:Clear, obvious, evident, self-evident, manifest, apparent, crystal-clear

29.占:Comprise, take up, account for, constitute, consist of, make up, occupy, hold, compose

30.与…相比:Compared with,compared to,in comparison with,in comparison to,by comparison with,by comparison to

31.对比而言:By contrast,in contrast,on the other hand,on the contrary=,conversely

32.展示:Show, reveal, illustrate, demonstrate, depict, present, represent, describe


34.换言之:Namely,that is to say,in other words,to put it like this,to put it differently,to put it from another way,to put it from another angle.

35.事实上:Practically,in practice,essentially,in essence,in reality,in effect,in fact,as a matter of fact,it is a fact that

36.波动:Fluctuate,go ups and downs,display a fluctuation,demonstrate a fluctuation


1.完全不同的观点 a totally different argument

2.一些人 …而另外一些人 … Some people… while others…

3. 就我而言/就个人而言 As far as I am concerned,/Personally,

4.就…达到绝对的一致 reach an absolute consensus on…

5.有充分的理由支持 be supported by sound reasons

6.双方的论点 argument on both sides

7.发挥着日益重要的作用 play an increasingly important role in…

8.对…必不可少 be indispensable to …

9.正如谚语所说 As the proverb goes:

10.…也不例外 …be no exception

11.经济的快速发展 the rapid development of economy

12.人民生活水平的显著提高/稳步增长 the remarkable improvement/steady growth of people’s living standard

13.先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology

14.面临新的机遇和挑战 be faced with new opportunities and challenges

15.人们普遍认为 It is commonly believed/recognized that…

16.社会发展的必然结果 the inevitable result of social development

17.引起了广泛的公众关注 arouse wide public concern/draw public attention

18.不可否认 It is undeniable that…/There is no denying that…

19.热烈的讨论/争论 a heated discussion/debate

20. 有争议性的问题 a controversial issue Examda.com

21.对…产生有利/不利的影响 exert positive/negative effects on…

22.利远远大于弊 the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

23.导致,引起 lead to/give rise to/contribute to/result in

24.复杂的社会现象 a complicated social phenomenon

25.责任感/成就感 sense of responsibility/sense of achievement

26. 竞争与合作精神 sense of competition and cooperation

27. 开阔眼界 widen one’s horizon/broaden one’s vision

28.学习知识和技能 acquire knowledge and skills

29.经济/心理负担 financial burden/psychological burden

30.考虑到诸多因素 take many factors into account/consideration

31. 从另一个角度 from another perspective

32.做出共同努力 make joint efforts

33. 对…有益 be beneficial/conducive to…

34.为社会做贡献 make contributions to the society

35.打下坚实的基础 lay a solid foundation for…

36.综合素质 comprehensive quality

37.无可非议 blameless/beyond reproach

39.致力于/投身于 be committed/devoted to…

40. 应当承认 Admittedly,

41.不可推卸的义务 unshakable duty

42. 满足需求 satisfy/meet the needs of…

43.可靠的信息源 a reliable source of information

44.宝贵的自然资源 valuable natural resources

45.因特网 the Internet (一定要由冠词,字母I 大写)

46.方便快捷 convenient and efficient

47.在人类生活的方方面面 in all aspects of human life

48.环保(的) environmental protection/environmentally friendly

49.社会进步的体现 a symbol of society progressExamda.com

50.科技的飞速更新 the ever-accelerated updating of science and technology


1.对这一问题持有不同态度hold different attitudes towards this issue

2.支持前/后种观点的人people / those in fovor of the former/ latter opinion

3.有/提供如下理由/证据have/ provide the following reasons/ evidence

4.在一定程度上to some extent/ degree / in some way在某种意义上

5.理论和实践相结合integrate theory with practice

6. …必然趋势an irresistible trend of… irresistible不可抵抗的,不能压制的

7.日益激烈的社会竞争the increasingly fierce social competition

8.眼前利益immediate interest/ short-term interest

9.长远利益. interest in the long run

10.…有其自身的优缺点… has its merits and demerits/ advantages and disadvantages

11.扬长避短Exploit to the full one's favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable ones

12.取其精髓,取其糟粕Take the essence and discard the dregs.

13.对…有害do harm to / be harmful to/ be detrimental to /be pernicious to

14.交流思想/情感/信息exchange ideas/ emotions/ information

15.跟上…的最新发展keep pace with / catch up with/ keep abreast with the latest development of …

16.采取有效措施来… take effective measures to do sth.

17.…的健康发展the healthy development of …

18.有利有弊Every coin has its two sides. No garden without weeds.凡事有利弊。 No garden without its weeds.

19.对…观点因人而异Views on …vary from person to person.

20.重视attach great importance to…高度重视...

21.对…产生有利/不利的影响exert positive/ negative effects on …

22.利远远大于弊the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

23.导致,引起lead to/ give rise to/ contribute to/ result in

24.复杂的社会现象a complicated social phenomenon



Right in the center 市中心

In the suburb/ outskirts 在郊区

Spacious 宽敞的

Cramped 狭窄的

Detached house 独立别墅

High-rise flats 小高层

Cosmopolitan/ Modern metropolis国家大都市

Picturesque 风景如画的

Hustle and bustle 城市喧嚣

Historic architecture 历史建筑

Stunning views 非常棒的景观

a fast-growing city in the world 发展很快的城市

Green spaces and parks 绿地和公园


Within walking distance of shops, restaurants, and bars 步行即可到达商店、饭店和酒吧

Two -thirds of the city comprised of water and green space 三分之二的城市由水和绿地组成

Give its residents an amazing high quality of living and safety 居民有高质量的生活和安全感

……. is home to such iconic structures as (the opera house) ……是(歌剧院)等标志性建筑的所在地

draws so many people from the world 吸引了很多国外的游客

the city is well-known for its easygoing lifestyle, sophisticated culture, and world-class restaurants 城市因为轻松的生活方式,深厚的文化和顶尖级的餐厅而闻名

…….. (Playing chess) Is an integral part of the city’s street culture ……是城市街道文化非常重要的一部分

…… is home to the most vibrant economies on the planet ……是世界上最具活力的经济体的所在地

……. is popular for it location and modern infrastructure 因为位置和现代的基础设施而有名

good transport links to the city center 去市中心交通十分便利

Is very desirable for its Beautiful architecture and views 因为建筑和景观而闻名


be the first from the left 从左数开始一个

be on the corner of A street and B street 在A和B街角处

ground floor 一层

wing/annex 翼楼/配楼

intersection/crossroad 十字路口

T-junction 丁字路口

pavement/sidewalk 人行道

zebra crossing/pedestrian crossing 斑马线







这个时候,考生已经进入了考前强化阶段。课堂上,老师会对听力解题技巧详细分析和反复练习。但是,因为相关场景知识的缺乏,依然会有部分学生停留在第二阶段,即使此时学生们的听力水平已经得到了提高。这就要求我们的老师在课堂上合理安排教学内容,让考生们多了解和熟悉雅思听力考试中出现的高频场景和重点场景,重点学习这些场景中出现的高频词汇,从读音和拼写上加强考生们的听力词汇量。另外,有些较为生活化的词汇对于考生们来说也是难以跨越的一个障碍,因为在生活中学生们没有机会接触和使用这些词汇。那么教师在课堂上就应该给学生创造这样的机会,适当结合雅思听力机经中出现的考点词汇让考生们熟悉并掌握这些表达方法,以保证考试有备无患。最后,也是最难的一部分,即一些专业场景中出现的表达,在考试中这部分词汇通常出现在听力考试的最后一部分(section four),这也是整个听力考试中最难的一关。老师和学生们都不能忽略这部分知识的积累。该部分的学习不仅保证了听力考试中高分的出现,同时也为将来在国外教学环境中能够顺利学习和交流打下了坚实的基础。


1 听力的大小写问题不要过分强调,官方回答通常情况下是大小写都可。

2 雅思听力只考细节,基本不考总结题,主旨题。

3 听力最重要的是词汇,听力词汇与其他词汇不同点在于,你需要听出单词而不是单纯的看出或者写出单词。

4. 需要特别注意单词的拼写和单复数,细节决定成败。

5. 注意题型的多样性,主要两大类分为填空题和选择题。

6. 填空题分为表格题,总结填空题,单句填空题,地图题。

7. 填空题要根据空格前后的词来预测答案的词性和内容。

8. 做适当的笔记,跟题干预测相关内容的笔记,比如说填数字,就记录数字;填动词就记录动词。

9. 注意原文当中和题干当中的同义替换,雅思听力就是考的题干和原文的同义替换能力。

10. 速记答案时采用缩写形式,只记单词的前两个字母,或者辅音变化,不用全部拼写出来 。

11. 不选违反常规的选项 。

12. 明显跟其它三个选项不同的选项90%是干扰项。

13. 正确的选项往往是对原文的同义替换;生动具体、重复原词的选项通常不正确。

14. 对于字数较多,难以辨别的选项,一定要认真比较它们的关键词,不要怕耽误时间。

15. 选择题要注意听风就是雨的陷阱,要听懂整个句子再进行选择。

16. 看题干要沉着,明确题目问什么再答题。考生因审题粗心而答错题的概率比你想象的高得多。

17. 在同一题下出现并列的短语,单词,数字,一般选最后一个。

18. 注意重复原则,同一题下出现多次的单词是关键词,也有可能就是答案。

19. 当句中突然出现语音,语调,语速的变化,暗示了答案的出现。

20. 当句中出现了明显的转折词,那么意味着有考点的出现。

21. 趁余音缭绕快速答题,否则会记忆缺失,混淆正确答案。

22. 雅思听力的出题频率一般是30秒钟间隔,如果过长没有出现下一个题的答案,多半就是已经漏听了,注意舍得原则,有舍才有得。

23. 没有证据,切忌想当然。没找到靶子,胡乱放的一枪,肯定没有打中。基本上,你拿不准的题就是答错了。

24. 最佳复习资料推荐剑桥系列3-7,每套题做精听,听力按照场景和题型分类复习。









guided tours     有导游的游览

in advance        提前

notice board     公告栏

places of historical interest      历史古迹

sixteen-seater minibus            16座小巴

package tour 跟团旅游

hiking boots   旅行靴

round-trip      往返

sleeping bag  睡袋

one-day pass             (公共交通)一天的通票

travel agency 旅行社

one-way ticket            单程车票

opening hours            开放时间

toursits attraction       游览胜地

vary from......to....       从.....到.....不等

three hours drive=a three-hour drive=a five minute walk    三小时开车=五分钟步行

per person = a head  一个人

figure out       解决问题

work out         仔细考虑并计划 (口语=锻炼)

well worth       很值得

by the way     顺便一说

a brief accout             简要介绍

ticket office  受票处

gift shop       售纪念品处

raw material   原材料

on display      展出

information desk         咨询处

reception desk          前台

car park        停车场

in front of       在....前面

ahead of        在....前面

across.....from....        隔着.....与....正对面

in the middle  在中间

at the top      在顶端

in the top right-hand corner     (面对地图)在右上角

on the right/left            (面对地图)在右边/左边

at the bottom  下面

to the left/right/est/west            在.....的左边/右边/东边/西边

get a view       看到

just past          过去一点

get/have an idea of      对.....所了解

come along     跟着一起

office hour      上班时间

have be to do with somebody/somthing          关于某人/某物

significant impact          重大影响

inland city         内陆城市

on the local scale          在局部范围内

a blet of trees   林带

environmental problems             环境问题

population explosion     人口爆炸

water resources            水资源

air pollution      空气污染

carbon dixoide 二氧化碳

in short supply 短缺

the reason that ....is .... 某事发生的原因在于

in particular=especially 特别是

as though=as if             仿佛,好象

independeng of             不倚赖于,独立于

travellers cheque          旅行支票

exchange rate  汇率

cash point        取款机

credit card       信用卡

visa card         维萨信用卡

master card     万事达信用卡

american express         美国运通卡

b&b    只提供早餐和住宿的旅馆

youth hotel      青年旅馆

be back in a moment     一会儿回来

counselling service       咨询服务

social contacts 交往的人(如熟人,家人,朋友等)

chase up          提醒某人尽快做某事

social network  社会关系网

drop out           放弃

jump  out          跳出

welfare service            福利服务

dietary problems           饮食问题

low-interest loan            低息贷款

on behalf of      代表

be off  不再喜欢

response rate  回收率

in comparison with        跟.....相比

in accordance with        与.....一致

specialist knowledge     专业知识

we'll see that ...............      (听力常用句)

that/this is why..............

to begin with.............

another interesting development was..................

you probably know that................

the surprising thing is..............

as you may have heard.........

this is how it came about...............

the problem here was that...............

the next thing was........

one of the problems is...........

here is a big problem.

what we've come to by now was that..............

it's really very interesting that...........

this is not the end of the story.

our stroy does not finish here.

and that's all we'll talk about today.

sound good  听起来不错

save sb.money          给某人省钱

single person            单身

quite a big    相当多(一般做副词修饰谓语动词)

double bedroom        双人间

twin room      (旅馆)双人间

gas heater    烧煤气的暖气

studio apartment        一居室的公寓

stereo system            立体音响系统

living room    客厅

phone connection      (电脑)电话连线上网

sitting room   起居室

entrance hall 门廊进门的门厅

art exhibition 艺术展览

plenty of       许多

in spite of      不管

well worth doing         值得做

art and music festival     艺术音乐节

equire about    询问

refresher course          复习课程

build up           树立;增进

wide ranges of approaches          多种的方法

get the most from           最大限度的利用

enrollment fee   报名费

cope with          处理,应付

registration form            登记表

focus on           集中

be better off      境况好

student union  学生会

hall of residence           学生公寓

lecture rooms   报告厅

in broad terms  宽泛的说

insurance center           保险中心

student counselling centre        学生咨询中心

security personnel         安全(部门)人员

cheap tickets    折价车票

catering services           饮食服务

dinning hall       餐厅

medical & legal problems            医疗和法律问题

double the work             事倍功半

take notes        作笔记

near the time    时间紧迫

office staff        办公室全体职员

faculty head     系主任

social fund        社会基金

later on             稍后

finish at             几点结速

begin at            几点开始

further information         补充信息

sort out             挑选,解决

meet up            偶遇

in detail             详细地

flight reservation             预定机票

front desk          前台

be crowded with             充满,满是

less effective     不太有效

well-received     受到欢迎的

most-watched    最常看的

coin meter         硬币收费表

last-minute booking        最后时间预定




所谓不一致不光指主谓不一致,还包括了数的不一致、时态不一致以及代词不一致等。比如:When one have money, he can do what he want to.

分析:one是第三人称单数,因此本句的have应改为has; want应改为wants, 本句是典型的主谓不一致。

改为:When one has money, he can do what he wants (to do).


英语与汉语不同,同一个修饰语置于句子不同的位置,句子的含义可能引起变化。对于这一点考生们往往没有引起足够的重视,因而造成了不必要的误解。比如:I believe I can do it well and I will better know the world outside the campus.



在口语中,交际双方可借助手势语气上下文等,不完整的句子完全可以被理解。可是书面语就不同了,句子结构不完整会令意思表达不清,这种情况常常在主句写完以后,作者又想加些补充说明时发生。比如:There are many ways to know the society. For example by TV, radio, newspaper and so on.

分析:本句后半部分“For example by TV, radio, newspaper and so on.”不是一个完整的句子,仅为一些不连贯的词语,不能独立成句。

改为:There are many ways to know society, for example, by TV, radio, and newspaper.


所谓悬垂修饰语是指句首的短语与后面句子的逻辑关系混乱不清。比如:At the age of ten, my grandfather died. 这句中”at the age of ten“只写出十岁时,但没有说明“谁”十岁时,按一般推理不可能是my grandfather, 如果我们把这个悬垂修饰语改得明确一点,读者或考官在读句子时就不会误解了。

改为:When I was ten, my grandfather died.


“词性误用”常表现为:介词当动词用;形容词当副词用;名词当动词用等。比如:None can negative the importance of money.


改为:None can deny the importance of money.


指代不清主要讲的是代词与被指代的人或物关系不清,或者先后所用的代词不一致。比如:Mary was friendly to my sister because she wanted her to be her bridesmaid.

读完上面这一句话,读者无法明确地判断两位姑娘中谁将结婚,谁将当伴娘。如果我们把易于引起误解的代词所指代的对象加以明确,意思就一目了然了。这个句子可改为:Mary was friendly to my sister because she wanted my sister to be her bridesmaid.


这个错误的出现受中文意识的影响很大。很多考生在写句子时,句子之间缺乏有效的连接成分。甚至,有的句子写的比较中式化。比如:There are many ways we get to know the outside world.

分析:这个句子包含了两层完整的意思:“there are many ways”以及“we get to know the outside world”。简单地把它们连在一起就不妥当了。

改为:There are many ways for us to learn about the outside world. 或:There are many ways through which we can become acquainted with the outside world.


学生在写作中没有养成良好的推敲,斟酌句子中所选用词的习惯。大部分考生随心所欲,拿来就用,所以作文中用词不当的错误随处可见。比如:The increasing use of chemical obstacles in agriculture also makes pollution.

分析:显然,考生把obstacles“障碍”,“障碍物”误作substance“物质”了。另外“the increasing use(不断增加的使用)”应改为“abusive use(滥用)”。

改为:The abusive use of chemical substances in agriculture also causes/leads to pollution.


写句子没有一个多余的词;写段落没有一个无必要的句子。能用单词的不用词组;能用词组的不用从句或句子。比如:In spite of the fact that he is lazy, I like him.

本句的“the fact that he is lazy”系同谓语从句,我们按照上述“能用词组的不用从句”可以改为:In spite of his laziness, I like him.

比如:For the people who are diligent and kind, money is just the thing to be used to buy the thing they need.

整个句子可以大大简化为:Diligent people use money only to buy what they need.


不连贯是指一个句子前言不对后语,或是结构上不畅通,这也是考生常犯的毛病。比如:The fresh water, it is the most important things of the earth.

分析:the fresh water与逗号后的it不连贯,it与things在数方面不一致。


1. In brief/ To conclude/ In conclusion, .......

2. As for me, I am firmly convinced that......

3. Taking into account both sides of argument, I think......

4. Thus, based on the above discussion and analysis, we can see that......

5. For my part, I completely agree with the latter view that......



1. Nowadays there is a growing concern over...... Many people like......, while others are inclined to......

2. There is a debate/controversy today as to /over/concerning the issue/problem of ......

3. Those who criticize/oppose/argue that...... They believe that...... But people who advocate/favor/are for......, on the other hand, ........

4. Some people say that......, other people suggest that...... But I can hardly share this point of view for several reasons.

5. As far as I am concerned/Personally, I am in favor of the opinion that......




Task Response

Coherence and Cohesion

Lexical Resource

Grammatical Range and Accuracy
























1. 无中生有

选项中的内容在音频中没有被提到,如C5T1S3中的选项E. study diary在音频中并未被提及,即可排除此选项;或者选项中的内容在音频中只提到了一部分,另一部分的内容在音频中未被提及,如C5T2S2中的选项G. write to the government,音频中提到了government, 但并没有提到write, 也没有出现其同义词,故可排除该选项。

2. 似是而非

选项中的内容与音频中的表述几乎一模一样,但实际上不同,如C5T2S2中的选项D. do voluntary work in its office, 音频中说的是Also you could help by contacting the voluntary staff at our offices, voluntary与office的出现几乎可以以假乱真,但是音频中说的是contacting而不是选项中的do, 不仔细很容易将D听成正确选项。

3. 答非所问

选项中的内容在音频中的表述与题目的问题无关或意思相反,如C6T2S2, 题目问的是现在从Trebirch出发坐火车可以参观哪三个景点,选项B. a theme park, 音频中说的是your children will find it just as fascinating as any theme park, 与题目无关,故可排除该选项。再如C8T4S3题目问的是女生Jeannie离开社团的原因,选项B. The activity interferes with her studies, 音频中说的是尽管排练戏剧影响了学习,但她会继续留在该社团,与题目相悖,故可排除该选项。

4. 时间错乱

选项中的内容所表达的时态与题目问的时态不相符合,一般地,听力多选题的题目问题以现在时为主,所以发生在过去或者将来的则是陷阱。如C6T4S3题目问的是这个学期的学习技能研讨会包含哪三个话题,选项A. an introduction to the Internet, 音频中说的是The one on the Internet for beginners was last term, 这里的时间last term与题目中的时间this term不一致,故可排除该选项。再如C6T2S2题目中问的是现在从Trebirch出发坐火车可以参观哪三个景点,选项A. science museum, 音频中说的是when the new science museum opens next year, 这里的时间next year与题目中的时间at present不一致,故排除该选项。

5. 肯定与否

选项中的信息在音频中以否定的形式出现,如C8T1S2题目问的是学生们可以随身携带哪三件东西进入博物馆,选项A. food和选项B. drinks, 音频中说的是they should not bring anything to eat into the museum, or drinks of any kind. 因为有否定词not, 故可以轻松排除AB选项。再如C4T4S4, 题目问的是哪两个因素降低了鲨鱼网的作用,选项D. sharks eat holes in nets和选项G. holes in nets scare sharks, 音频中说的是It’s not that they think sharks are afraid of nets, or because they eat holes in them, because neither of this is true. 因为有否定词not和neither, 故可排除D和G选项。



mammal (n.) 哺乳动物

kangaroo (n.) 袋鼠

joey (n.) 小袋鼠

koala (n.) 树袋熊,考拉

brown bear (n.) 棕熊

polar bear (n.) 北极熊

panda (n.) 熊猫

dinosaur (n.)恐龙

antelope (n.) 羚羊

leopard (n.) 豹

elephant (n.) 大象

zebra (n.) 斑马

rabbit (n.) 兔子

rhino (n.) 犀牛

hippo (n.) 河马

squirrel (n.) 松鼠

goat (n.) 山羊

sheep (n.) 绵羊

camel (n.) 骆驼

bat (n.) 蝙蝠

marine mammal 海洋哺乳动物

shark (n.) 鲨鱼

dolphin (n.) 海豚

whale (n.) 鲸鱼

blue whale (n.) 蓝鲸

killer whale (n.) 虎鲸

minke whale (n.) 小须鲸

Northern right whale (n.) 北露脊鲸

sperm whale (n.) 抹香鲸

sea otter (n.) 海獭

bird species 禽类

pigeon (n.) 鸽子

falcon (n.) 游隼,猎鹰

hawk (n.) 隼,鹰

parrot (n.) 鹦鹉

penguin (n.) 企鹅

kaka (n.) 卡卡啄羊鹦鹉(新西兰的一种橄榄色鹦鹉)

emu (n.) 鸸鹋

ostrich (n.) 鸵鸟

insect 昆虫

wasp (n.) 黄蜂

bee (n.) 蜜蜂


lizard (n.) 蜥蜴

chameleon (n.)变色龙

amphibian 两栖动物

crocodile (n.) 鳄鱼

frog (n.) 青蛙

toad (n.) 蟾蜍

fish 鱼类

herring (n.) 鲱鱼

whiting (n.) 牙鳕

others 其他

ocean urchin (n.) 海胆

jellyfish (n.) 水母

spider (n.) 蜘蛛

lobster (n.) 龙虾



Nowadays, more and more people, particularly feminism supporters, help to improve women’s place in society. They indeed play a vital role in helping improve women’s status. However, Some of them are too dogmatic to the equal right of two genders. They argue that universities should accept equal numbers of male and female study in every subject. Although being a girl, I feel this opinion is unreasonable.

It is natural that different genders have different talents. Everyone, male and female, has equal right to study in universities, nevertheless, due to difference of in thought and views. The male has more powerful ability in logical analysis while the female naturally good at designing and making handicrafts. Hence, universities should establish an educational atmosphere for different genders in which students are more likely to be stimulated to study what they’re good at.

Pursuing absolute equal numbers of male and female study in every subject is unscientific. For example, few girls like to study subjects like mechanics and mathematics, which are favored by a lot of boys. It is also hard to find male students in nursing school. If we make a rule that seems to be “equal”, it would lead to the results that student can’t fulfill their wishes .In the long run, the development of those subjects will be confined.

All in all, I believe it is unreasonable that universities should accept equal numbers of male and female study in every subject. Giving each gender equal chance to choose majors is a much better way.



Gender equality is, first and foremost, a human right . Women are entitled to live in dignity and in freedom from want and from fear. Empowering women is also an indispensable tool for advancing development and reducing poverty.

Empowered women contribute to the health and productivity of whole families and communities and to improved prospects for the next generation. The importance of gender equality is underscored by its inclusion as one of the eight Millennium Development Goals. Gender equality is acknowledged as being a key to achieving the other seven goals.

Unconscious bias is particularly important as it arises from the implicit assumptions and unspoken attitudes, beliefs and expectations that we all have about others. Study after study has highlighted that both men and women have unconscious gender biases. For example, people view men as more capable leaders, men are rewarded more highly than women - just having a male name is more likely to get you the job. If you are a mother, your chances of getting the job are reduced by 70%. Overcoming stereotypes and unconscious bias can only be achieved if we are all willing to address our own immediate judgments and can put in place practices and procedures to mitigate their potential effects.

Yet discrimination against women and girls - including gender-based violence ,economic discrimination ,reproductive health inequities ,and harmful traditional practices - remains the most pervasive and persistent form of inequality. Women and girls bear enormous hardship during and after humanitarian emergencies , especially armed conflicts. For more than 30 years, the Fund has been in the forefront of advocating for women, promoting legal and policy reforms and gender-sensitive data collection, and supporting projects that improve women's health and expand their choices in life.



Despite decades of advances, the gender gap remains wide. Women are still under-represented in senior positions and among entrepreneurs. That helps to explain why the median female wage is 80% of that of men, lower than the OECD average.


词汇:be under-represented 在高层职位女性占少数/人数不足;

衔接:despite+n. ;that 指代;why 宾语从句;

Ms Boushey argues that America’s labour-market troubles are largely the result of its failure to grapple with changes in family structures. Women once stayed at home,cooking meals, ironing clothes and looking after children while their husbands went out to work.


词汇:grapple with sth=solve 努力解决某事;

At the start of the 1950s only about one-third of American women worked, compared with almost 90% of men. Today 57% of women are in work, while the share of men is just under 70%.


衔接:转折对比compared with…/while;

词汇:sb work=sb be in work;


This shift has added trillions to economic output, and allowed women who might otherwise have been stuck at home to start companies, invent new products, advance the course of science or simply to earn a living of their own. It also transformed life within the home.


衔接:this shift 指代相比从前更对女性出来就业;who 定语从句;also 并列;

词汇:be stuck at home=stay at home 指代在家忙于家务;advance sth 推动发展;


As women joined the paid labour force in increasing numbers, more household responsibilities were shoehorned into the hours outside work. (Although men do more in the home than they used to, women still carry out the bulk of domestic duties.) That may in turn push them to give up formal work.


词汇:join the paid labour force=work;shoehorn(n.鞋拔,此处为v.硬塞:家务只能挤在空余的时间进行)


On the face of things, new government rules and regulations are unnecessary.

可作为主题句sth is necessary;

Boushey therefore wants America’s government to grant workers more paid time to care for new babies or ailing relatives; to allow greater flexibility in working time;and to provide greater support for the education of pre-school children.


词汇:grant sth 保证;ailing 生病的;flexibility 灵活(工作时间)

Better family leave policies should not only improve the lives of struggling families but also boost workers’ productivity and cut firms’ costs.


The cost to employers of replacing workers who leave (for any reason, from a new job to parenthood) could amount to between15% and 20% of annual pay, even in occupations paying less than $30,000 per year. Doing good for workers should,therefore, be good for businesses and for the economy.

The cost of hiring replacements ought to give hard-pressed employees—those who are pregnant, say, or who have to care for elderly parents—room to bargain for better treatment.


Other research suggests that more flexible work rules reduce absenteeism and increase productivity.

词汇:struggling families 不富裕的家庭;提高boost productivity=increase;cut costs=reduce costs ; replacing workers 用定语从句描述代替休假的员工=replacements;reduce absenteeism 灵活的工作制度减少缺勤

Broad social insurance could help smaller companies to share the financial load: they would pay into a fund, from which they could draw when employees go on parentalleave.



Male/Female Work Roles: What Kind of Future?

What will determine male/female roles in the workplace of the future?

In the past two decades, we have witnessed a major transformation in the nature of male/female roles in the workplace. As more women have entered the labor force, the working lives of women and men at work have been profoundly altered. In fact, many people believe that all the changes that are going to take place in this area have already occurred and that a person's sex no longer has much influence on what happens to him or her at work.

Sex-related issues have not entirely disappeared from the workplace, however, and there is still room for change. The purpose of this article is to speculate about future changes in the working lives of women and men so that HR managers can be prepared for what's to come. Let's begin by assessing the current state of affairs.

The Present: Stability and Change There is evidence of both stability and change in the current state of male/female work roles. The majority of women have rejected the traditional role of woman as ”a homemaker“; however, the vast majority of men still subscribe to the traditional image of the man as ”a breadwinner." As a result, men and women are still experiencing considerable conflict and confusion over what roles they should play in their work and home lives.

New conceptions have developed about what it means to be male or female; androgyny--a blend of masculine and feminine characteristics--has been touted as the new ideal for both sexes. However, much of society still endorses sex-role stereotypes depicting men as essentially masculine and women as essentially feminine. Further, the socialization experiences of young females and males continue to differ in ways that reinforce these stereotypes.

Barriers to the entry of women into the higher-paid, male-dominated occupations have been breaking down; a larger number of women have been preparing for and entering these occupations than ever before. However, men have not demonstrated a corresponding interest in the lower-paid, female-dominated occupations such as nursing, teaching, and secretarial/clerical work. Further, women's average full-time earnings remain substantially below those of men.

As the number of women in male-dominated occupations has increased, the sex ratios of work groups within those occupations have shifted from uniform (all male) to skewed (greater than 85% male) or tilted (65% to 85% male). Balanced sex ratios (approximately equal proportions of males and females) have seldom been achieved, however, and majority/minority dynamics remain between men and women in most work groups.

Many organizations have implemented and successfully enforced federal guidelines banning sexual harassment in the workplace; however, the …





You are an university student who are living in the accommodation at the campus。

One day you find something wrong with your accommodation。

So you write a letter to the House Officer to tell them what happened, the reason you think, what you decide to do, and whether if it is right。


It is wrong that our government pay more money to the artist projects, for instance, there are more and more paintings and sculptures appearing at the public places, because there are more important thing to do。

Whats you opinion? Do you agree or disagree with it?


writing to an English speaking college about qualification, accommodation, fee, what courses do you want to choose and why。


Participating in a sport is as important for psychological health as it is for physical condition and social development。


You have left college。

But you didnt say goodbye to your friend who live in the room with you because he had a course at that time。

Write a letter to him to appology and tell hem how you spend that days before you leave and how you get home。

Then invite him to visit you。


Some people say the parents should except school to conduct their childrens behavior and tell them what is right or wrong。

Others say schools should take this responsibility。

Please give your point about it。


Write to the agency officer and complain about the rent car which has sth wrong。

Tell them the problems of the car you rent from the agency and your requiring。


As the developing countries and the third world countries, there are a funds, how to use it? Invest in the basic education or in the high-technology, for instance, computer? Whats your opinion?


You are a foreign student。

Write to the Student Union, introduce your hobbies and interests and ask information of clubs and societies。

You want to join a club or society enjoy your time when you study there。


Fast food is developing more and more popular。

It replaces other traditional food。

Some people think it is good, some people disagree with it。

Whats your opinion about it。

Give some reason of your opinion。


A friend will visit Beijing。

You will meet him at airport。

But for some reason, you have to be late。

Explain the reason。

Since you havent meet each other, tell the friend where you will meet and how to recognize each other。


More and more childrens writing math ability are affected by computers and calculators。

We should limit the use of those tools。

Disagree or agree。


you have broke your leg and have to stayed in hospital。

you received many cards and letters from your classmates。

write a letter to tell them your detail of your position and thank them at the same time。


some people say that it is impossible for women to be an effective women and to be a good mother in home at the same time。

they also suggest that the government should give the salary to mothers who stay at home to take care of their children。


Your friend write to you and tell you that he is hesitating to chose computer or history as his major in university。

Write to him and tell him your opinion。


Participating in a sport is as important for psychological health as it is for physical conditions and social development。


You live in a room in college which you share with another student。

You find it very difficult to work there because he or she always has friends visiting。

They have parties in the room and sometimes borrow your things without asking you。

Write a letter to the Accommodation officer at the college and ask for a new room nest term。

You would prefer a single room。

Explain your reason。


Who has responsible for our old people?


Write to the agency officer to complain about a rent house by them。

Tell them the problems of the house and your requiring。


You read an ad about a sale of a shop in the local newspaper, when you came to buy the goods you wanted, you find the sale had ended。

Write to the shop manager and complain about this。

Require for the compensation。


The position of women in society has changed markedly in the last twenty years. Many of the problems young people now experience, such as juvenile delinquency, arise from the fact that many married women now work and are not at home to care for their children.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Model Answer:

It is certainly true that the position of women in society has undergone a dramatic change in the past twenty years but I do not feel that this is a direct cause of the indisputable increase in juvenile-related problems during this period.

It is now accepted that young women should find work on leaving school; indeed to rely totally on their parents' financial support is no longer an option in many families. Likewise, once they get married, the majority of women continue working since the financial pressures of setting up a house and establishing a reasonable standard of living often require two incomes.

Twenty years ago it was common for women to give up work once they had children and devote their time to caring for their children. This is no longer the general rule and the provision of professionally-run child care facilities and day nurseries have removed much of the responsibility for child rearing that used to fall to mothers. However, these facilities come at a cost and often require two salaries coming into a family to be afforded.

I do not believe that the increase in the number of working mothers has resulted in children being brought up less well than previously. Indeed it could be argued that by giving mothers the opportunity to work and earn extra money children can be better provided for than previously. There is more money for luxuries and holidays and a more secure family life is possible. Of course there are limits as to the amount of time that ideally should be spent away from home and the ideal scenario would be for one of the parents (often the wife) to have a part-time job and thus be available for their children before and after school. It is important to establish the correct balance between family life and working life.






















