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英语作文 记叙文 范文







记叙文的写作要注意交待清楚六大要素,即时间(time)、地点(place)、人物( character)、事件的原因(cause)、经过(process)和结果( effect)。







无论采用第一人称,还是采用第二人称,都要保持全文叙述主体的人称的一致性。注意:句式尽量要多变,不要通篇文章的句子都以人称代词开头,否则文章会显得单调沉闷。例如: I loved the book first because of its beautiful heroine. Then I found it a romantic love story which

greatly moved me. I now find that it is better taken as the growth story of a naive girl into a strong-willed woman. I realize that it is the essence of the book that attracts such big number of faithful readers.









The results of the college entrance examination came. I tore open the envelope. As soon as I saw the score,tears streamed down my face. I fell into my bed and did not get up the whole day. All was over. What is the meaning to live on earth? For the first time,I thought of death,of being a vagrant and of being single all my life. I was only seventeen. Wasn’t it cruel to me? My father was hurt and he could not stand it that his son was a disgrace. He was angry beyond words. My mother kept silent,and often I saw her in tears. Horror filled the house.






如first、second、moreover、for one thing…for another、on the one hand…on the other hand等。这样既可以显示语言功底,又增强了记叙内容的连贯性和生动性。





With the evolution of our daily life and society,more and more natural resources are exploited to meet our so—called economic demands。Then,it occurs to some people that it is time to carry out asuccession of measures necessarily because of the fact that our planet deserves a chance to release its pressure given by us。Well,there are many methods,something environmental friendly,being introduced in,including ecotourism。

Ecotourismis first proposed in the year 1983 by Ceballas Laskurain,aspecial consultant of International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources,and then well defined in 1990 by the International Ecotourism society。Frankly speaking,it is a kind of tourt raveling around the resort and cultural palace with responsibility and enjoying the natural scenery purely without the phenomena to destroy anything。

Inactuality,what matters most is not justitse lf called ecotourism but its meaningful appearance making positive sense。It is a kind of measure which could efficiently reduce the pollution and arouse the consciousness to protect our environment。And this is a special approach and effective attempt to protect our home spontaneously。At the sametime,its peculiarity happen to consists in its popularity and living in harmony with nature,because of which it is appealing to most of adults,the energetic generation。For example,we,the cheap labor of our society and city,are bathed in the miserable atmosphere that smells and huge pressure given by ourselves or the govern or of our life。Well it will be certainly abrisk period to enjoy at our adjacent to the sea with warms and and sunshine compared with your busy and dull life。What is more,the experience will also motivate your mind to treat the environment surrounding you and your family friendly。

In nature,living with nature calls for our conscientiousness。Besides,attaining sustain able development is also asignificant aim of eco tourism demanding us not to damage our natural environment but to make up the mind to protect。Only in this way can we truly live in harmony with nature and develop our economy smoothly。

Although the theoretical analysis of ecotourism is full of advantages,its thorough implement ation is also in question,on account of the fact that mass tourism makes up most of the industry of tourism which costsless than ecotourism。

Meanwhile,ecotourism aiming to arouse the conscientiousness of tourists calls for higher quality and level of education,defined as the upper—classactivity by many people and causing difficulty in developing further。Apart from what is mentione dabove,the difference of various regions should be taken into consideration when it comes to the unified criteria。

Therefore,the field of this industry is not easily established and controlled due to the lack of the special experience and the system manage mode。

Above all,our government must persist in the Scientific Out look on Development,

releases some inter related policies to motivate the evolution of ecotourism,and combined nowadays tourism with ecology or ganically。Simultaneously,utilizing the potentiaity of ecotourism’s development will advance our economy oppositely without destroying our environment。

To conclude,ecotourism is perfect to conserve our environment but demands more people to compensate its in sufficient in the future。


Every time when the New Year is coming, my mother will go to the flower market to buy some fresh and beautiful flower to decorate our house. I like to go there with her, because I can gain the knowledge about flowers, at the same time, I like the living atmosphere. It makes me feel the happiness.



In the last century, the government carried out the policy of family planning to control the increasing population. So most families have only one child, but recently, a new policy has been announced and people can have the second child. It sounds like the good news for the family, as the only child can have a sibling to company. While for some parents, they seem to be not the qualified parents. A boy complained that his parents’ second child was the smart phone, because they lowed down their heads all the time. Many parents did not realize the lack of communication with their children. If they want another child, they’d better learn to communicate their kids first.



As a student, my main target is to study well and then make progress step by step. When holiday comes, it is time for me to play, and I should be happy, while playing all the time makes me feel empty in my heart. I have done nothing at all. I want to do something meaningful to enrich my life. So a target is needed for me. I set a small goal, such as, read a book, or help my mother with her work. Everytime when I finish my target, I will feel so satisfied. The meaningful life is to do something useful and make you feel happy.



Since I went to middle school, I had told myself that I was not a little kid anymore. I needed to grow up. So the first thing is not to ask my parents for help at the first time. I should take some time to think about the difficulty and then figure out the solution. If I ask my parents immediately, I will never be mature, as I always want to depend on them. But if I can’t solve the problem, I will turn to my friends for help. They can give me some advice and I will make my own judgement. At last, the suggestion from my parents won’t be ignored. It is the most useful.



On November 11th, which is treated as the Single Day in China, has become the shopping day on the Internet. The e-commerce earns the largest profit in this day, while in the western countries, they also have such discounting day. On the first working day after Christmas Day, which is called boxing day. The shops will give great discount, which attracts people to buy products. Many Chinese people have joined this group now. They fly abroad and spend Christmas, then they are waiting for the Boxing Day, preparing to buy the brands. The coming of Boxing Day was in the Middle Age. Boxes were put in front of the churches, after Christmas, the workers would open these boxes and donated the money to help the poor. Now Boxing Day is very popular, and western people want to buy what they want in great discount.



My sister got married two years ago and now her daughter is one year old. Last week, my sister was busy and she asked me to take care of her child for half a day. I said yes without hesitation, because I thought it would be very easy, but later it turned out to be wrong. My niece was moving all the time. As she was too young to walk, so she crawled everywhere, then I needed to focus my attention all the time. Once she was out of my sight, then something bad would happen. Though I sat at the table, I could do nothing, it was so tired. When my sister was back, I felt relieved, raising a child is never a easy work.



I like reading novel books very much, and now I have read a lot of books. Thanks to my parents, they lead me the road to fall in love with these amazing books. I open my vision and learn a lot outside the class. Everyday before I sleep, I will take out the books and read them for an hour. This good habit helps me to know more about the world.



I have a goodfriend,He is a boy,he has a very nice name—Robert。He es from England。He has big eyes,they are round and cute。He es to China with his parents。We know each other since last year。From then on,we bee goodfriends。

At weekends,we often get together to play basketball,he plays it very well,and,he sings well,too。He teaches me English and I teach him Chinese。

We are goodfriends forever。





LastSunday,I went to guangzhou to visit my uncle and aunt。We had a good time 。

The first day,we got to the airport of Zhengzhou and flew to guang

zhou。I sat down the chair which was near window。Then it was dark。We found hotel to rest。

The second day,we visited my uncle 、aunt and zhu jiang。The scene of zhu jiang is very beautiful。We all love there。

The third day,we went to shenzhen by power car。 We visited The window of the world。

there are many interesting places of different countries。we are happy in it。

finally,we went shopping。my mum bought four bags。mysister bought a trolley case。I bought nothing because they not fit in me。

this travel tell me:the world is very big!I should thank my grand parents for giving me this time to go to guangzhou,thank you very much!


I like dreaming。 Sometimes I will think if I were a bird, it would be so good。 If I were a bird, I won’t need to go to school and have class everyday。 And I also do not need to do so much homework。 If I were a bird, I can fly freely。 I can go wherever I want。 I can fly to New York to visit my pen friend。 If I were a bird, I can sleep on the tree。 I can breathe the fresh air every day I wake up。 How wonderful it would be to a bird。



Legend has it that on this evening, Niulang, or the Cowherd, and Zhinu, or the Weaving Maid, meet each other for their annual tryst on a bridge formed by sympathetic magpies over the Milky Way. If it happens to rain that night, a Chinese elder might say it is Zhinu weeping after meeting her husband Niulang on the Milky Way.


This day used to be commemorated as a festival for girls and also for young people in love. As the story goes, there was once a cowherd, Niulang, who lived with his elder brother and sister-in-law. But his sister-in-law disliked and abused him, and the boy was forced to leave home with only an old cow for company.

The cow, however, was a former god who had violated celestial rules and had been sent to earth in bovine form. One day he led Niulang to a lake where fairies came bathe on earth; among them was Zhinu, the most beautiful girl and a skilled seamstress. The two fell in love at first sight and were soon married. They had a son and a daughter, and their happy life was held up as an example for hundreds of years in China.

Yet in the eyes of the Jade Emperor, the Supreme Deity in Taoism, marriage between a mortal and a fairy was strictly forbidden. He sent his empress to fetch Zhinu. Niulang grew desperate when he discovered Zhinu had been taken back to heaven. Driven by Niulang's misery, the cow told him to turn its hide into a pair of shoes after it died.

The magic shoes whisked off Niulang, who carried his two children in baskets strung from a shoulder pole, off on a chase after the empress. The pursuit enraged the empress, who took her hairpin and slashed it across the sky, creating the Milky Way which separated husband from wife. But all was not lost. An army of magpies, moved by their love and devotion, formed a bridge across the Milky Way to reunite the family. Even the Jade Emperor was touchhed and allowed Niulang and Zhinu to meet once a year on the seventh night of the seventh month. It is said that at that night, children can hear the private conversation between the Weaving Maid and the Cowherd under the grape trellis. This is how Qixi came to be.

In actuality, the festival can be traced back to the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220). People would traditionally look up at the sky and spot a bright star in the constellation Aquila, as well as the star Vega, identified as Niulang and Zhinu. The two stars shine on opposite sides of the Milky Way.

Qixi is also known as the “Begging for Skills Festival” or “Daughters' Festival.” In the past, girls would hold ceremonies on the day and pray to Zhinu for wisdom, dexterity and a satisfying marriage. In some parts of Shandong Province, young women would offer fruit and pastries to her in return for a blessing of intelligence. If spiders were seen to weave webs on sacrificial objects, it was believed that Zhinu was offering positive feedback. In other parts of China, the custom was for seven close friends to gather to make dumplings. They would put into three separate dumplings a needle, a copper coin and a red date, which represented perfect needlework skills, good fortune and an early marriage respectively.

Young women in southern China wove small handicrafts with colored paper, grass and thread. Weaving and needlework competitions would be held to see who had the best hands and the brightest mind, prerequisites for being a good wife and mother.

However, these ancient traditions and customs have been slowly dying out. Fewer people than ever gaze at the heaven on that day to pick out the two stars shining bright on either side of the Milky Way -- that is, if they even know on which day Qixi falls.





With the evolution of our daily life and society,more and more natural resources are exploited to meet our so—called economic demands。Then,it occurs to some people that it is time to carry out asuccession of measures necessarily because of the fact that our planet deserves a chance to release its pressure given by us。Well,there are many methods,something environmental friendly,being introduced in,including ecotourism。

Ecotourismis first proposed in the year 1983 by Ceballas Laskurain,aspecial consultant of International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources,and then well defined in 1990 by the International Ecotourism society。Frankly speaking,it is a kind of tourt raveling around the resort and cultural palace with responsibility and enjoying the natural scenery purely without the phenomena to destroy anything。

Inactuality,what matters most is not justitse lf called ecotourism but its meaningful appearance making positive sense。It is a kind of measure which could efficiently reduce the pollution and arouse the consciousness to protect our environment。And this is a special approach and effective attempt to protect our home spontaneously。At the sametime,its peculiarity happen to consists in its popularity and living in harmony with nature,because of which it is appealing to most of adults,the energetic generation。For example,we,the cheap labor of our society and city,are bathed in the miserable atmosphere that smells and huge pressure given by ourselves or the govern or of our life。Well it will be certainly abrisk period to enjoy at our adjacent to the sea with warms and and sunshine compared with your busy and dull life。What is more,the experience will also motivate your mind to treat the environment surrounding you and your family friendly。

In nature,living with nature calls for our conscientiousness。Besides,attaining sustain able development is also asignificant aim of eco tourism demanding us not to damage our natural environment but to make up the mind to protect。Only in this way can we truly live in harmony with nature and develop our economy smoothly。

Although the theoretical analysis of ecotourism is full of advantages,its thorough implement ation is also in question,on account of the fact that mass tourism makes up most of the industry of tourism which costsless than ecotourism。

Meanwhile,ecotourism aiming to arouse the conscientiousness of tourists calls for higher quality and level of education,defined as the upper—classactivity by many people and causing difficulty in developing further。Apart from what is mentione dabove,the difference of various regions should be taken into consideration when it comes to the unified criteria。

Therefore,the field of this industry is not easily established and controlled due to the lack of the special experience and the system manage mode。

Above all,our government must persist in the Scientific Out look on Development,

releases some inter related policies to motivate the evolution of ecotourism,and combined nowadays tourism with ecology or ganically。Simultaneously,utilizing the potentiaity of ecotourism’s development will advance our economy oppositely without destroying our environment。

To conclude,ecotourism is perfect to conserve our environment but demands more people to compensate its in sufficient in the future。


The story of an ugly swan becomes beautiful as it grows up telling people not to judge others by appearance. Most kids especially girls look homely but they turn to be beauties as they become adults. But some people are exceptions, because they look beautiful all the time. For the celebrities, they like to show the audience with their pictures as they are small, which proves that they are naturally beautiful, instead of doing the plastic surgery. Like Natalie Portman, the famous actress and winning the Oscar Award for Black Swan, became famous in her 13. The audience grew up with her and watched her became more and more beautiful. But what makes people surprised is that Portman studied at the top university. She is a smart girl with beautiful face. Only the talent can help a person shinning all the time.



My Best Friend

Upon reading the expression “best friend”, a figure Jumps into my mind-Zhang Ye, my schoolmate in senior high school。 During the three years in high school, we shared countless moments of laughter and tears, joy and sorrow。

She is of medium height and slim figure。 Though not strong, she is really a girl with amazing perseverance。 Despite the similarities in our outlook on life and living, it is always she, the physically weaker one, who encouraged and urged me to finish some tasks when I was about to give up。 When we were preparing for the National Entrance Exam, she cheered me up emotionally and gave me a hand whenever I was in trouble。 After the exam, she got enrolled by Tsinghua University in Beijing while I came to a college in the South of China。 For the past several years, we have been in touch to share everything we have been experiencing, sad or happy, dull or exciting。

Without a doubt, Zhang Ye is really a true friend of mine。 The relationship between us can melt the ice in our hearts and blow away the mist on our minds。 I believe the friendship between us will be the life-time beacon for both of us。


A Journey to Xiamen

My mother and I were invited to spend several days with my aunt in Xiamen last Spring Festival。 My father went to see us off as we had some rather heavy luggage。 We said good-bye to my father, so began the journey。

When the train started, I thought about the essence of a journey, which was not just a trip or a vacation。 It should be a process of discovery of both the world and human beings。 As the train can lead us to a certain destination, where does our life journey lead us to? Does the person create the journey or does the journey create the person? That is a good question worth thinking about。

Then I looked out of the window。 The train traveled quickly and smoothly along, passing by farms and villages, over one or two bridges and through some tunnels。 After an hour or two, I began to feel tired of sitting still。 Although the seats and cushions were fortable enough, I looked forward to the end of the journey。

After a long ride we reached our destination at last。 As soon as we stepped down from the train we saw my aunt and two cousins, who had e to meet us on the platform。


I will bee a high school student this September。I am a little bit nervous about it。I have to do well in the high school entrance exam to enter a good high school。I will go to a different school, make new friends。Most of all, I heard that there are much more courses in high school, I will be very busy in studying。I have been visiting a high school, there were many text books and papers on the desks in the class room。But I also saw the students in the high school were very active to join the extracurricular activities after school。They had football and basketball matches, singing conferences, painting and calligraphy exhibitions and so on。So I am looking forward to be a high school student。



Every time when the New Year is ing, my mother will go to the flower market to buy some fresh and beautiful flower to decorate our house。I like to go there with her, because I can gain the knowledge about flowers, at the same time, I like the living atmosphere。It makes me feel the happiness。



As a student, my main target is to study well and then make progress step by step。When holiday es, it is time for me to play, and I should be happy, while playing all the time makes me feel empty in my heart。I have done nothing at all。I want to do something meaningful to enrich my life。So a target is needed for me。I set a small goal, such as, read a book, or help my mother with her work。Everytime when I finish my target, I will feel so satisfied。The meaningful life is to do something useful and make you feel happy。



I like reading novel books very much, and now I have read a lot of books。Thanks to my parents, they lead me the road to fall in love with these amazing books。I open my vision and learn a lot outside the class。Everyday before I sleep, I will take out the books and read them for an hour。This good habit helps me to know more about the world。



Since I went to middle school, I had told myself that I was not a little kid anymore。I needed to grow up。So the first thing is not to ask my parents for help at the first time。I should take some time to think about the difficulty and then figure out the solution。If I ask my parents immediately, I will never be mature, as I always want to depend on them。But if I can’t solve the problem, I will turn to my friends for help。They can give me some advice and I will make my own judgement。At last, the suggestion from my parents won’t be ignored。It is the most useful。




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