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When I was very small, I liked to read novels and watched all kinds of detective cartoons. In my heart, I have a small dream. I want to be a writer. So I have written some short stories, but I am very shy and never let others to see it. I keep revising the stories and when I am ready, I want my best friend to be my first reader.



a farmer being on the point of death,wished to insure from his sons the same attention to his farm as he had himself given it.


he called them to his bedside, and said, “my sons, there is a great treasure hidden in one of my vineyards.”


the sons after his death took their spades and mattocks, and carefully dug over every portion of their land.


they found no treasure, but the vines repaid their labour by an extraordinary and super abundant crop.



The Fox and the Crow

A Fox once saw a Crow fly off with a piece of cheese in its beak and settle on a branch of a tree. ‘That’s for me, as I am a Fox,’ said Master Reynard, and he walked up to the foot of the tree. ‘Good-day, Mistress Crow,’ he cried. ‘How well you are looking to-day: how glossy your feathers; how bright your eye. I feel sure your voice must surpass that of other birds, just as your figure does; let me hear but one song from you that I may greet you as the Queen of Birds.’ The Crow lifted up her head and began to caw her best, but the moment she opened her mouth the piece of cheese fell to the ground, only to be snapped up by Master Fox. ‘That will do,’ said he. ‘That was all I wanted. In exchange for your cheese I will give you a piece of advice for the future .’Do not trust flatterers.


【Sun the Ice】

Once a simpleton's wife told him to buy some ice.

Two hours later, he didn't come back. She wanted to know why he didn't come back and went out to have a look. She saw he was standing in the sun at the gate and watching the ice melting.

“What's the matter?” She asked him. “Why don't you bring it in?”

“I saw the ice was wet and I was afraid that you would scold me so I'm running it dry.” The simpleton answered.








A party of visitors were being shown round a lunatic asylum.They came across one individual in the grounds,with wild eyes,dishevelled hair,feverishly endeavouring to catchflies and keep them in his pocket.


His was a sad case,said the attendant.Whilst he was at the war his wife abandoned his home and ran off with another man.


Terrible,said a visitor.


Presently they came to a padded cell,in which could be heard a raging as of a wild beast.


That's the other man,said the attendant.


















The Sole

The fishes had for a long time been discontented because no order prevailed in their kingdom. None of them turned aside for the others, but all swam to the right or the left as they fancied, or darted between those who wanted to stay together, or got into their way; and a strong one gave a weak one a blow with its tail, which drove it away, or else swallowed it up without more ado. “How delightful it would be,” said they, “if we had a king who enforced law and justice among us!” and they met together to choose for their ruler, the one who could cleave through the water most quickly, and give help to the weak ones.

They placed themselves in rank and file by the shore, and the pike gave the signal with his tail, on which they all started. Like an arrow, the pike darted away, and with him the herring, the gudgeon, the perch, the carp, and all the rest of them. Even the sole swam with them, and hoped to reach the winning-place. All at once, the cry was heard, “The herring is first!” “Who is first?” screamed angrily the flat envious sole, who had been left far behind, “who is first?” “The herring! The herring,” was the answer. “The naked herring?” cried the jealous creature, “the naked herring?” Since that time the sole's mouth has been at one side for a punishment.



One day the leader bird saw two branches rubbing against each other. They were making wood powder come falling down. Then he noticed a tiny wisp of smoke rising from the rubbing branches. He thought, “There is no doubt a fire is starting that may burn down the whole forest.”

So the wise old leader called a meeting of all the birds living in the great tree. He told them, “My dear friends, the tree we are living in is beginning to make a fi re. This fire may destroy the whole forest. Therefore it is dangerous to stay here. Let us leave this forest at once!”

The wise birds agreed to follow his advice. So they flew away to another forest in a different land. But the birds who were not so wise said, “That old leader panics so easily. He imagines crocodiles in a drop of water! Why should we leave our comfortable homes that have always been safe? Let the scared ones go. We will brave and trust in our trees!”

Lo and behold, in a little while the wise leader's warning came true. The rubbing branches made sparks that fell in the dry leaves under the tree. Those sparks became flames that grew and grew. Soon the giant tree itself caught fire. The foolish birds who still lived there were blinded and choked by the smoke. Many, who could not escape, were trapped and burned to death.

The moral is: Those who ignore the advice of the wise, do so at their own risk.



The Monkey King


All the animals are gathered in the forest. There is going to be a dance contest to pick the king.


Fox: Everyone gets a chance to dance. The best dancer will become the king.


Rabbit: Who will be the judge?


Fox: All of us, of course. We will pick the best dancer.


Bear: That sounds interesting. I hope I get picked. I want to become the king.


Rabbit: Not a chance! You’re a terrible dancer. I saw you dance before. Forget it.


Bear: Oh, yeah! Well, you’ll be surprised. I have been practicing.


Rabbit: Okay. We’ll see about that later.


Fox: Quiet, ladies and gentlemen! Everybody ready? Let’s start then. Mr. Duck, you go first. Go ahead. Dance!


Duck: Okay. Let’s go!


Mr. Duck dances to the disco. He shakes his bottom from left to right. It looks so funny. All the animals laugh. 鸭子先生跳的是迪斯科。他左右摇摆着屁股。样子看上去滑稽极了。所有的动物都哈哈大笑。

Rabbit: Look at Mr. Duck! Look at him dance! Oh, my, my…


Bear: What is he doing? It is so funny. I can’t help laughing. Ah ha ha.


Fox: Thank you, Mr. Duck. You did well. You may sit down now. Next is Mr. Turtle. Go ahead.


The music is played and Mr. Turtle starts to dance. The music is slow just like Mr. Turtle. Mr. Turtle just moves back and forth. 音乐声响起,乌龟先生开始跳舞。音乐的节奏和乌龟先生的动作一样缓慢。乌龟先生只是随着音乐前后摇摆着。

Rabbit: What is Mr. Turtle doing? It’s too boring. He is no good.


Bear: The music is too slow. It’s no fun.


Fox: Thank you, Mr. Turtle. You may go in now. Who’s next? Oh yes, Mr. Bear. It’s your turn.


Bear: Thank you, Mr. Fox. I’ll try my best. Music please! One, two, cha, cha, cha. Three, four, cha, cha, cha.


All of the animals are surprised. Mr. Bear dances the Cha Cha. It seems like Mr. Bear has been practicing a lot.


Fox: Bravo, Mr. Bear! That was great! Next is Miss Rabbit. Give a big hand for Miss Rabbit.


Everyone claps their hands. Miss Rabbit starts dancing to a cheery tune. Her dance is very cute.


Fox: Thank you, Miss Rabbit. That was really cute.


Bear: You were very good, Miss Rabbit. You’ll win for sure.


Rabbit: I don’t think so, Mr. Bear. You were better.


Fox: Our final dancer is Mr. Monkey. Okay. Go ahead.


Mr. Monkey dances to techno music. He is better than Miss Rabbit and Mr. Bear. He is the best dancer. Everyone picks Mr. Monkey. 猴子先生选择的是电子音乐。他的表演比兔子小姐和熊先生还要精彩。他跳得。所有的动物都选猴子先生做‘森林’。

Fox: Gather around everyone. A new king is born! Congratulations to Mr. Monkey! You are our NEW KING!


Monkey: I knew it!!! I am the KING! You must all obey me from now on!


All the animals are shocked at Mr. Monkey’s words.


Rabbit: What’s wrong with him?


Bear: I don’t know. He must be crazy.


The Monkey King starts ordering the other animals around.


Monkey: Hey there, Bear. Get me something to eat. Rabbit, get me a drink. Turtle, fan me. Hey Fox, wash my feet.


Every day, the Monkey King becomes more and more haughty. The other animals finally can’t take it anymore.


Fox: Mr. Monkey wasn’t like this before. He used to be nice and humble. He has changed. We should teach him a lesson.


Bear: How do we do that?


Rabbit: I have an idea.


Bear: What is it?


The animals hear Miss Rabbit’s plan. They agree to go ahead with the plan. The next morning, Mr. Fox goes to the Monkey King.

动物们听了兔子小姐的计划,都表示愿意参加。 第二天,狐狸先生来到猴子国王的住处。

Fox: Monkey King, how are you today?


Monkey: Not bad.


Fox: Are you busy right now?


Monkey: No, I’m not. Why?


Fox: Well, I’ll take you to a nice place.


Monkey: Really? Where is that?


Fox: It’s a secret. But there’s lots of delicious food there. Just follow me. All of the other animals are waiting for you.


Monkey: Well then, let’s go.


The Monkey King follows Mr. Fox to a cave.


Monkey: Where is the food?


Fox: It’s inside the cave, sir. You go inside first.


Monkey: Where is the food? Where is everyone? It’s so dark in here.


As soon as the Monkey King goes into the cave, the other animals cover the cave door with rocks. The cave is closed. The Monkey King is locked inside. 猴子国王刚一走进山洞,其他的动物就用石头把洞口给堵了起来。洞口被封死了。猴子国王被关在了里面。

Monkey: Let me out! Let me out! Right now!


Rabbit: No way, Mr. Monkey. You have been a bad king! We don’t like you!


Monkey: But I am the king! Do as I say! Open the cave door.


Fox: Do it yourself. Farewell.


Monkey: No, don’t go! Wait! I’ll be a good king from now on. Please, let me out!!!


Bear: it’s too late, Mr. Monkey.


MORAL: If you act haughty because of your position, no one will like you.



The Frog and the Ox

“Oh Father,” said a little Frog to the big one sitting by the side of a pool, “I have seen such a terrible monster!

It was as big as a mountain, with horns on its head, and a long tail, and it

had hoofs divided in two.”

“Tush, child, tush,” said the old Frog, “that was only Farmer White's Ox.

It isn't so big either; he may be a little bit taller than I, but I could easily make myself quite as broad; just you see.”

So he blew himself out, and blew himself out, and blew

himself out.

“Was he as big as that?” asked he.

“Oh, much bigger than that,” said the young Frog.

Again the old one blew himself out, and asked the young one if

the Ox was as big as that.

“Bigger, father, bigger,” was the reply.

So the Frog took a deep breath, and blew and blew and blew,

and swelled and swelled and swelled.

And then he said: “I'm sure

the Ox is not as big as But at this moment he burst.

Self-conceit may lead to self-destruction.






During the Han dynasty, about two thousand years ago, to the north of Huayin Mountain, there lived a family called Yang. They were farmers, and had only one child, who was so precious to him that they named him Treasure Pao.


Yang Pao was not only clever, kind, and quick-witted, but he was also very good looking with his clear eyebrows and bright eyes. His parent shaved all of his hair off except for two locks on the top, which they tied into two knots. Everybody agreed that he was very cute.

杨宝不仅聪明、善良、机敏,而且眉清目秀,一表人材。他的父母剃光他的头, 只留下头顶的两撮头发,扎成两个发髻 .每个人都 承认他很聪明 .

Yang Pao loved nature. He spent a lot of time playing in the forests of Huayin Mountain. One day when he was nine years old, he was playing outdoors as usual. All of a sudden he heard a cry above him. He looked up and saw a hunting owl had just snatched a little bird, a titmouse, out of the air. The owl was so startled to discover someone watching it hunt that it dropped the titmouse, which fell to the ground. It was so dazed it just lay there without moving.

杨宝热爱自然。他时常在华阴山的森林里玩。九岁的时候,一天他跟往常一样在外边玩。忽然他听到上方传来一阵惊叫声。他抬头一看,见一只猫头鹰刚在空中抓住了一只山雀 .发现有人在看见它捕猎,猫头鹰受到惊吓,丢下了山雀。那只山雀被摔昏了,躺在地上一动不动。

Ants then came to take it away for food, but the titmouse had been hurt by the owl's claws and the fall to the ground, so it couldn't move. Yang Pao ran over and picked the titmouse up, brushing away the ants. He took the titmouse home and raised it in a bamboo cage.


He loved his little bird. He fed it chrysanthemum petals and tended to its wounds until it was strong enough to fly. Then he took it to the forest and let it go.

他很珍爱这只小鸟。他用菊花的花瓣来喂它,还照料它的伤口, 直到它康复能够飞翔 .之后他把它带到树林里放生了。

”You're free now! Watch out for owls! Goodbye!!“

”你现在自由了! 小心猫头鹰 !再见了!“

Not long afterwards, he had a strange dream. A child dressed in brown clothes came to thank him for saving his life. He presented Pao with four priceless white jade bracelets, saying, ”Sir, I am an envoy of the Heavenly Queen. You have saved my life. I would like to show my gratitude by presenting these four immaculate jade bracelets to you, with my blessing that your children and grandchildren be as spotless as pure jade, and hold posts in the top ranks of the government.“


Yang Pao did not want to take the gift, but the little boy dressed in brown insisted, so he finally took the bracelets. As soon as he did, he woke up and found that it had just been a dream.


”That sure was a strange dream,“ he thought, shaking his head.


Yang Pao's sons, grandsons, great-grandsons, and great- grandsons were as spotless as pure jade. For four generations, his descendants all held posts in the top ranks of the government.

杨宝的儿子、孙子 、曾孙……,都像纯洁的玉一样无暇。他的四代子孙都是高官。



英文版:It is said that there was a farmer served a poor boy on a cold windy Chrismas Eve and gave him a big chrisemas meal. The boy cut a Fir tree's branch and inserted it into the earth.He said, ”every year this time. there will be many presents in this branch. I wish I can pay back to your favor by this beautiful Fir tree. “ After the boy left, the farmer discovered that the branch had grow up as a big tree. Then he realized that the boy was an envoy of the god. This is the origin of the chrismas day. In western countries, Whatever you are, everyone will prepare a chrismas tree to increase the happiness of the chrismas day. Chrismas trees are made of evergreen tree like Fir trees and they represent the long lives.People put candles,flowers,toys,stars on the tree and they put chrismas present on the tree. On Chrismas Eve,people sing and dance happily and they enjoy themselves around the tree.



The Jay and the Peacock

A Jay venturing into a yard where Peacocks used to walk, found

there a number of feathers which had fallen from the Peacocks when

they were moulting. He tied them all to his tail and strutted

down towards the Peacocks. When he came near them they soon

discovered the cheat, and striding up to him pecked at him and

plucked away his borrowed plumes. So the Jay could do no better

than go back to the other Jays, who had watched his behaviour from

a distance; but they were equally annoyed with him, and told him:

”It is not only fine feathers that make fine birds.“




作 者:小燕子  作者单位: 刊 名:广东第二课堂(小学生版) 英文刊名:THE SECOND CLASS OF GUANGDONG 年,卷(期): ”“(9) 分类号: 关键词: 


One day the king of animals asked a cat to see how his palace was built. After a few hours, the little cat came back and said to the tiger, “Oh, your palace is very large, tall and beautiful. ”Several days later the tiger asked a pig to see it. He said, “Go and see how my palace is built. ”But when the pig came back, he said to the tiger, “My dear king, I thought your palace is beautiful, but it suits yourself only. ”

The tiger was very surprised when he heard it. “Why are the cat’s and the pig’s answers not the same? ”he said to himself. He then asked a camel to go to have a look. Before long the camel ran back out of breath and said to the tiger, “Oh, your palace is too small for you to live in, my king. ”

The king became very angry when he heard what the camel said. He said to the animals angrily, “Maybe somebody of you tell lies. Three people have three ideas. I want to kill you. ”Just at the moment, a fox came out to stop the tiger from doing that. He asked the tiger himself to go to see it before killing them.

After the tiger saw the palace himself, he thought that their answers were all right. He said to the animals, “To see with one’s own eyes is more important than only to hear others. ”






The horse of Confucius’s chariot escaped to the farmer’s field and ate the crop during the rest time. The farmer kept the horse in custody.

The eloquent Zi Gong went to argue with the farmer, but out of his expectation, the farmer would not listen to him.

At that time another farmer who had just come to study under Confucius came over and said to the former farmer, xiaogushi8.com “You don’t cultivate land by the east sea, and I don’t farm by the west sea. Since we are so close to each other, it is impossible to prevent my horse from eating your crop.”

Hearing this, the former farmer became delighted, xiaogushi8.com and said to the second farmer, “What you said is quite right, making much more sense than the person person before you!” So he gave the horse to him right away.

给孔子驾车的马趁人不注意,在休息的时候,跑到田里吃了农民的庄稼,结果被农民扣住不放. 能言善辩的子贡跑去说了一大通,却不料那农民根本不予理睬。有个刚来跟孔子学习的乡下人走来对农民说:“你不在东海边种地,我也不在西海边耕田,我们相距这么近,我的马怎么可能不吃你的庄稼呢?”



”I had another bad dream,“ she told her fiancé. ”It was about you again. You and your ex-girlfriend were kissing. I yelled at you to stop it. You looked right at me, and then you laughed at me! She laughed, too. Then you both went back to kissing. I tried not to watch, but when I covered my eyes, something pulled my hands away. I tried to leave, but my feet were glued to the ground. Finally, I woke up. Of course, it was very difficult to get back to sleep.

“I had to drive home from Las Vegas this morning. It's a wonder I didn't crash 50 times. Instead of seeing traffic in front of me, all I saw was you and her. I can't take any more dreams like this. We're going to have to break up. We can be friends, but just friends. That way, I won't be jealous anymore, and I won't have these bad dreams anymore.”

“Why didn't you call me up and tell me about your dream?” he asked. “They say that the more you talk about bad dreams, the sooner you'll stop having them.”

She disagreed. She thought that the only solution was to break up and be just friends. She loved him, but these dreams had become so frequent that she was actually afraid to go to sleep. She was losing weight and having stomachaches from the stress.

He didn't know what to do. He wanted her to have pleasant dreams. He wanted her to have a life without stress. He wanted her to be his wife. This was it, she repeated; if she had just one more bad dream, they were through. He squeezed her hand, but said nothing.



The First Snow (初雪)

The first snow came.How beautiful it was,falling so silently all day long,all night long,on the mountains,on the meadows,on the roofs of the living,on the graves of the dead. All white save the river,that marked its course by a winding(缠,绕) black line across the landscape(风景,山水画);and the leafless trees,that against the leaden(沉闷的)sky now revealed more fully the wonderful beauty and intricacies of their branches.What silence,too,came with the snow,and what seclusion(隔离)! Every sound was muffled(蒙住, 压抑),every noise changed to some thing soft and musical.No more tramping(踏,践) hoofs(蹄),no more rattling wheels.Only the chiming of sleigh(雪橇)-bells,beating as swift and merrily as the hearts of children.




Saturday morning meant one thing for Susan—doing the laundry. She hated doing the laundry. Unenthusiastically, she took the pillow cases off all the pillows. Then she removed the fitted sheet from the mattress. She took the towel off the towel bar in the bathroom.She grabbed a couple of dirty dish towels out of the kitchen, and looked all around her apartment for anything else that needed washing.In the corner of her living room, a can of coins sat on top of the file cabinet. She fished out seven quarters. She opened the cabinet under her kitchen sink and grabbed a plastic bottle of liquid detergent.Finally, she set her electronic timer for 35 minutes. The timer would remind her that the washing was done, and that it was time to go back downstairs and put the clothes into the dryer for 40 minutes. Without the timer, Susan would completely forget to check her clothes.Susan carried the laundry basket downstairs. How happy she would be when her laundry was done for this week. As she approached the laundry room, she heard a familiar sound. The sound was the washer washing and the dryer drying. One of her neighbors had got there before her. Muttering, Susan took her basket back upstairs.


Small goat said: “Oh, dared to offend you because I roof dwarf? High roof as big brother, I gave him to wear!” Although the roof as the big brother, his legs may be too rough, would not be able to wear.

Piglets,monkeys, small Qiwei, small squirrels ...... also no law to wear.

Like big brother thought for a little while, said: “This small boots only the owner can wear it. Owners can Who? No owner, no one wearing more than a pity!” “This small boots can I do to Waterloo.” Small squirrels Then, jumping on the small boots go. She can just jump into, shouting up: “help ah! I climb not come up!” We hastened to find something long tree branches to throw small boots go, let along the branches of small squirrels to climb up. We said: “This small boots useless, it has had to throw away.” “Do not throw, it can give me to do chimney!” Small rabbit heard of this matter and immediately ran over. Her own small boots on the roof. You see, all laughed, and said: “small rabbits, not under your chimney hole, how smoke into?” Small rabbits in all seriousness: “I have this special chimney usefulness.” After a while, small mouth giraffe just out of the house, see far away places, there is a strange chimney. He went one, was shocked: “This is not my small boots?” He found a small giraffe small boots. Now, he has the four feet on a small boots.


Father had a family of sons who were perpetually quarrelling among themselves. When he failed to heal their disputes by his exhortations, he determined to give them a practical illustration of the evils of disunion; and for this purpose he one day told them to bring him a bundle of sticks. When they had done so, he placed the faggot into the hands of each of them in succession, and ordered them to break it in pieces. They each tried with all their strength, and were not able to do it.

He next unclosed the faggot, and took the sticks separately, one by one, and again put them into their hands, on which they broke them easily. He then addressed them in these words: “My sons, if you are of one mind, and unite to assist each other, you will be as this faggot, uninjured by all the attempts of your enemies; but if you are divided among yourselves, you will be broken as easily as these sticks.”


There was a sturdy ram1 with a pair of thick horns upright on its head.It strutted2 about proudly and saw a fence built with bamboo and wood in front, which blocked its way. It cast a sidelong glance at the fence, lowered its neck and lunged at the fence, hoping to knock it down. The fence remained intact but the ram injured its own horns.If it had not injured its horns, the ram would have persisted obstinately3 in butting4 against the fence, even against the spokes5 of a wheel until it bled with a fractured skull6.As a result, with its horns caught in the fence, the ram could neither advance nor retreat but bleat7 helplessly.


There were two pots on the bank of a river. One was made of brass, and the other was made of clay.

When the water rose they both floated off down the river. The earthen pot tried to stay away from the brass one.

So the brass pot cried out, “Fear nothing, friend, I will not hit you.”

“But I may come in contact with you,” said the earthen pot. “If I come too close, whether I hit you or you hit me, I shall suffer for it.”

After that the earthen pot floated away.


There was once a blind man who had so fine a sense of touch that, when any animal was put into his hands, he could tell what it was merely by the feel of it. One day the cub of a wolf was put into his hands, and he was asked what it was. He felt it for some time, and then said, “Indeed, I am not sure whether it is a wolf's cub or a fox's: but this I know -- it would never do to trust it in a sheepfold.”

Evil tendencies are early shown.




school teacher friend of mine in juried his back and had to wear a plaster cast around the upper part of his body.

On his first day of the term, still with the cast under his shirt, he was assigned to teach the most undisciplined class. Stepping confidently into the rowdy classroom, he opened the window as wide as possible. Just then, a strong breeze made his tie flap. Trying to fix the tie, he took a blackboard eraser and hammered a large tack through his tie into his chest.

He had no trouble with discipline that term.





A cock was once strutting up and down the farmyard among the hens when www.52article.com suddenly he espied something shinning amid the straw. “Ho! ho!” quoth he, “that's for me,” and soon rooted it out from beneath the straw. What did it turn out to be but a pearl that by some chance had been lost in the yard? “You may be a treasure,” quoth master pock, “to men that prize you, but for me I would rather have a single barley-corn than a peck of pearls.”

Precious things are for those that can prize them.





a king was embarked on board a ship, which also carried a slave.


the boy had never been at sea, nor experienced the inconvenience of a ship.


he set up a weeping and wailing, and all his limbs were in a state of trepidation, and, however much they soothed him, he was not to be pacified.


the king’s pleasure party was disconcerted by him; but they offered no help.


on board that ship there was a physician. he said to the king; “if you will order it, i can manage to silence him.”


the king replied, “it will be an act of great favor.”


the physician directed that they throw the boy into the sea, and after he had plunged repeatedly, they seized him by hair of the head and drew him close to be ship,


where he grabbed the rudder with both hands and, scrambling up on to the deck, slunk into a corner and sat down quiet.


the king, pleased with what he saw, said, “what art is there in this?”


the physician replied, “originally he had not experienced the danger of being drowned, and undervalued the safety of being in a ship;


just as a person is aware of the preciousness of health only when he is overtaken with the calamity of sickness.”



My Son John = Diddle, Diddle, Dumpling

here was a little boy called John. He was very playful. He played hard at the playground and was exhausted1 when he got home. His father told him to get undressed and ready for a bath. The little boy nodded and went straight to his room.

His father was waiting for John at the bathroom but he never came. His father went to John’s room. He saw that John was already asleep in his bed fully2 clothed. And one shoe was off but one shoe was still on his right foot.

His father took off John’s shoe and his trousers. He dressed him in his pyjamas3 and left him to sleep.

Moral of the story :

Avoid playing too much until you are too tired to do anything else.

Cobbler Cobbler

In a small town in England, there lived a poor little girl. Her friend invited her to come to her birthday party. She was so excited. But her right shoe was spoilt. She needed to get it mended quickly. So, she went to see a cobbler in her little town.

“Cobbler, cobbler,“ called the girl. “Please mend my shoe.”

“When do you want it done, little girl?“ asked the cobbler.

“Get it done by half-past two. Then I will give you half a crown,” said the girl. The cobbler smiled and quickly mended her shoe.

The cobbler finished repairing her shoe before half-past two. The little girl was so happy. Now, she could go to her friend's birthday party.

Moral of the story :

You should be grateful that there are people who could do something good for you.


Clever Thief 聪明的小偷

Devan was a clever thief. He robbed the rich and gave all to the sick and the needy. The other thieves were jealous of him. They planned to get rid of him. They challenged to steal the King’s Pyjamas.

Deven accepted the challenge. After that he prepared to execute the new challenge. He charted out a plan to steal the King. He prepared himself mentally to carry out a plan.

He went to the King’s Palace. He found the King sleeping. He opened a bottle of red ants on the bed. The King was badly bitten. He cried for help. The servants rushed in. They pretended to look for ants. Deven removed the King’s Pyjamas and escaped. Other thieves were dump founded.

They accepted Deven their leader.

Moral : Be clever.

Cat and Dog were Friends

Once upon a time in a fairy tale land a cat and a dog were friends. One night, the cat invited the dog for a party at his house.

The cat played the fiddle1(演奏小提琴). The dog happily clapped his hands. Suddenly, they saw a cow flying in the sky. It jumped over the moon. The dog laughed. Just then, they saw a dish and a spoon from the party running away together. And they laughed even louder. After that they became the best friends.

Moral2 of the story :

Enemies could also become good friends.




Once upon a time there lived a lion in a forest. One day after a heavy meal. It was sleeping under a tree. After a while, there came a mouse and it started to play on the lion. Suddenly the lion got up with anger and looked for those who disturbed its nice sleep. Then it saw a small mouse standing1 trembling2 with fear. The lion jumped on it and started to kill it. The mouse requested the lion to forgive it. The lion felt pity and left it. The mouse ran away.

On another day, the lion was caught in a net by a hunter. The mouse came there and cut the net. Thus it escaped. There after, the mouse and the lion became friends. They lived happily in the forest afterwards.





















