
时间:2022-08-12 08:04:46 试题试卷 收藏本文 下载本文





一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词,每题读两遍。 (10分)

( )1、 A. near B. fast C. light

( )2、 A. stop B. wait C. go

( )3、 A. By train B. By plane C. On foot

( )4、 A. traffic lights B. traffic rules C. not far

( )5、 A. turn left B. crossing C. go straight


( )1. A. How can I get to the hospital?

B. How can I get to school?

C. How can I get to the bookstore?

( )2. A. Go straight for three minutes.

B. Go straight for six minutes.

C. Go straight for eight minutes.

( )3. A. It’s near the post office.

B. It’s next to the post office.

C. It’s east of the post office.

( )4. A. You must stop at a red light.

B. You must drive slowly.

C. You must slow down and stop at a yellow light.

( )5. A. Is there a cinema near here?

B. Is there a library near here?

C. Is there a museum near here?


A: Excuse me, where is the ________, please?

B: It’s ________ ________ the post office.

A: ________ can I ________ there?

B: You can take the No.________bus. Get off at the ________, then ________ ________ for ________ minutes. You’ll see it.

A: Thank you.

B: You’re welcome.



( )1. A.stop B.wait C.light

( )2.A. red B.yellow C.school

( )3.A.look B.China C.come

( )4.A.library B.museum C.where

( )5.A.by subway B.on foot C.go to the park


( ) 1.You can see three in the street(街).

A.traffic rules B.traffic lights C.weather

( ) 2. How _____ Amy _____home?

A. do go B does go C. does go to D. do go

( ) 3. If you want to see a doctor, you can go to the ______.

A. hospital B. library C. cinema

( ) 4.How do you to the zoo?

A.goes B.go C.going

( ) 5. Turn right ________ the school, then go ________.

A. of, straight B. at, straight C. in, straight

( ) 6. There are three traffic lights in every country: .

A.red, pink and purple B.red, yellow and green

C.red, black and white

( ) 7.Is it far here?

A.from B.about C.for

( ) 8. , is there a school near here?

A.Excuse me B.Sorry C.Excuse

( ) 9. -Is there a bookstore near your home?-

A.Yes, it is. B.Yes, there is. C.No, there is.

( ) 10. I go to school on foot. I go by bike.

A. Sometimes; Always B. Always; Usually C.Usually; Sometimes


( )1.Where is the library? A.No,it’s not far.

( )2.How do you go to school? B.It’s next to the hospital.

( )3.Is the school far from here? C.You can go by bus.

( )4.How can I get there? D.No,there isn’t.

( )5.Is there a bus over there? E.I go to school by bus.


Who What When How Where

1. a great museum.

2. A: do you go to school? B: I go to school by bike.

3. A: do you usually get up ? B: At 6:00.

4. A: is your English teacher? B: Miss Li.

5. A: is the hospital? B: It’s next to the post office.


1. is, Where, bookstore, the?

2. get, to, I, How, can, the, nature, park?

3. I, go, Sometimes, to, foot, school, on.

4. you, do, How, America, to, go?

5. it, far, Is, here, from?


Zhang:Excuse me,how do we get to the People’s Park(人民公园) ?

Man: You can go there by the No.5 bus ,or you can go on foot.

Zhang: How do we go on foot ?

Man: It’s easy. Turn left at the traffic lights.

The park is near a tall office building(办公楼).

John: Thank you very much. Hurry up, Zhang Peng!

Zhang: No! The light is red. Stop!

John: That’s right. We have to wait.

Zhang: Now it’s green. Let’s go!

(1) John and Zhang Peng can’t go to the park by the No.5 bus.( )

(2) John and Zhang Peng want to go to the park on foot.( )

(3) The People’s Park is near the traffic lights.( )

(4) They can go at a red light. ( )

(5) Zhang Peng follows the traffic rules. ( )




三、 hospital, next, to, How, get, 16, cinema, go, straight, five




七、 What, How, When, Who, Where


1. Where is the bookstore?

2. How can I get to the nature park?

3. Sometimes I go to school on foot?

4. How do you go to America?

5. Is it far from here?




二、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组。(10分)

( )1. A. book B. eraser C. crayon

( )2. A. pen B. pencil C. pencil box

( )3. A. bag B. book C. bye

( )4. A. hi B. hello C. have

( )5. A. my name B. your name C. your bag

三、 听录音,将小朋友们的名字与他们所拥有的物品用线边起来。(10分)

1.Mike 2.Sarah 3.Lily 4.ChenJie 5.Wu Yifan


五、 听句子,选出正确的答语。(10分)

( )1. A. Hi! B. Hello! C. Bye!

( )2. A. Hi, I’m John. B. Goodbye, John. C. Bye, John.

( )3. A. I’m 8. B. I have a pen. C. My name’s Lily.

( )4. A. Me too. B. No! C. Hi!

( )5. A. Bye! B. Great! C. Hi!



1.eraser A.尺子

2.ruler B.名字

3.name C.橡皮

4.goodbye D.文具盒

5.pencil box E.你好

6.hello F.再见

7.bag G.书包


( )1. A. pen B. pencil C. Zoom

( )2. A. pencil B. crayon C. have

( )3. A. John B. bag C. Mike

( )4. A. ruler B. name C. eraser

( )5. A. bye B. hi C. hello

( )6. A. book B. show C. open


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

A.Hi,I’m a pen. B.Hello, I’m a bag.

C.Hi, I’m an eraser. D.Hello, I’m a crayon.

E.Hi, I am a ruler.


( )1.--What’s your name? --__________

A.This is Sarah. B.Bye, Sarah. C.My name is Sarah.

( )2.--Bye! Miss White. --__________

A. Hello! B. Welcome. C.Goodbye.

( )3.--I have a book. --__________

A.OK! B.Me too. C.Close your book.

( )4.--Hello, I’m Mike. --__________

A. Hi, I’m John. B. My name’s Sarah. C. Me too!

( )5.--Let’s play. --__________

A.Bye! B.Hello! C.Great!


( )1、把你的铅笔给我看看。

A. Show me your book. B. Show me your bag.

C. Show me your pencil.

( )2、我有一个文具盒。

A. I have a ruler. B. I have a pencil box.

C. I have a pencil.

( )3、你想自我介绍,你应说:

A. Hello. B. Goodbye. C. Hello! I’m Mike.

( )4、你去上学,怎么跟妈妈道别。

A. Hi. B. Bye, Mom. C. I have a bag.

( )5、你看到朋友时打招呼,应该说:

A. Hello! B. Goodbye! C. Great!

( )6、老师叫你打开书时会说:

A. Open your book. B. Close your book.

C. Open your pencil box.

十一、写Aa Bb Cc Dd 的笔顺与笔数,注意书写格式。(10分)



1. Hi, I’m Mike. I have a crayon.

2. Hello, I’m Sarah. I have an eraser.

3. My name is Lily. I have a pencil.

4. I’m ChenJie. I have a book.

5. I’m Wu Yifan. I have a pencil box. (B D A E C)


1. Goodbye!

2. Hi, I’m Mike.

3. What’s your name?

4. I have a book.

5. Hello! (C A C A A)











十一、写Aa Bb Cc Dd 的笔顺与笔数,注意书写格式。(10分)(略)


I. 听对话,回答问题。(10分)


5. What does Lucy do now?

A. She is a teacher. B. She is a doctor. C. She is a student.

6. Where did the woman go?

A. Nanjing. B. Beijing. C. Beijing and Nanjing.

7. What will the man do this evening?

A. He’ll meet his aunt at the airport.

B. He’ll say goodbye to his aunt at the airport.

C. He’ll fly to another city with his aunt.

8. How much is the white shirt?

A. 20 yuan. B. 40 yuan. C. 80 yuan.

9. When will Susan arrive?

A. At 4:30. B. At 4:45. C. At 5:20.

10. Where did the dialogue probably happen?

A. In a street. B. In a shop. C. In a school.

II 听对话和短文回答问题, 每段对话听两遍。(20分)


11. Why can’t the woman s leep well?

A. Because she studies maths too hard.

B. Because she spends much time on TV.

C. Because she has too much for dinner.

12. What does the doctor tell her to do?

A. Go to bed early. B. Eat more fruit. C. Relax herself

听第一篇短文,回答第13-15小题, 完成信息记录表。

Name Xiao Wei

Problem A serious 13 disease病

How long Has been in hospital for about 14

How to 15 him Have an operation手术

13. A. blood B. head C. blind

14. A. three months B. one month C. two months

15. A . operate B. give C. save


16.Where did Mr. and Mrs. White go last Saturday?

A. To the park B. To the farm C. To the theatre.

17.What did Mr. White do when he went into the house?

A. He turned on the lights.B. He stood quietly. C. He changed his shoes.

18.When did they hear the noise?

A. In the front door. B. On the way upstair C.On the way downstairs.

19.Who answered MrWhite at the door of the bedroom?

A. His daughter. B. Nobody. C. His ne ighbor.

20.What did MrWhite see in the bathroom?

A. His children were ch atting.B. Two strangers. C. The radio was on.

二、单项选择 (共15小题;每小题l分,计15分)


21. --What __________ cold weather it is in Harbin!

--Yes. We have _______ unusual time because we live in a hot place.

A. a, a B. /, an C. /, a D. a, an

22. We should tell hunters _______tigers.

A. don’t kill B. not kill C. killing D. not to kill

23. What great fun we had ______ and ______ together at the party yesterday!

A. to sing, to dance B. sang, danced C. singing, dancing D. to sing, dance

24. --- Sandy, please don’t tell anybody about our secret, OK? --- _______.

A. OK, I do. B. OK, I will C. OK, I don’t D. OK, I won’t

25. The little boy often makes his mother _____him _____.

A. talk, something interesting B. tell, something interesting

C. say, interesting something D. speak, interesting something

26. Sandy’s drawing is ________ than ________.

A. much better; her B. more beautiful; his C. a little beautiful; Peter’s D. even worse; Peter

27. --I’m sorry I _____ my exercise book at home. ---Don’t forget _____ it to school tomorrow, please.

A. forgot, to take B. left, to bring C. forgot, to bring D. left, to take

28. --- What is your best friend like?--- .

A. He is fine. Thank you. B. He is a doctor.

C. He likes watching TV. D. He is helpful and generous.

29. I saw a number of pancakes in the plate, but now there is _______left in it.

A. none B. something C. nothing D. no one

30.________ animals are in danger and there will be _______ space for them if we don’t take any action.

A.More and more; more and more B. Less and less; less and less

C. More and more; less and less D. Less and less; more and more

31. ________ of giant pandas is getting _________ because their living areas are becoming farmland.

A. The number, larger and larger B. A number, larger and larger

C. The number, smaller and smaller D. A number, smaller and smaller

32. — I missed the beginning of The Voice of China yesterday evening.

—! But you can watch the re-play tonight.

A. Hurry up B. What a pity C. Try your best D. I don’ t think so

33. — Who is the man over there? Is it Mr. Wu?

— It ________ him, but I am not quite sure.

A. may be B. maybe C. is D. must be

34. Mr. Johnson drives ________________ than Mrs. Johnson.

A. as carefully B. more careful C. much carefully D. less carefully

35. Look! There are many in the sky. I think it will be tomorrow.

A. cloud, cloudy B. cloudy, cloud C. clouds, cloudy D. cloudy, cloudy



One day, a teacher was speaking to a group of students about how to make use of time. He gave such an interesting example that his students would never 36 .

He put a wide-mouth jar (罐子) on the table. Then he 37 some rocks and carefully put them into the jar, one at a time. When 38 rocks would fit inside, he 39 , “Is this jar full?”

Everyone in class shouted, “Yes.” “Really?” The teacher pulled out a bag of small stones. He put 40 small stones in and shook the jar. The small stones went 41 into the spaces between the big rocks. He then asked the group 42 ,“Is this jar full?”

“Probably not,” one of them answered. “Good!” the teacher replied. He brought out a box of sand and 43 some sand into the jar and it went between the rocks and small stones. Again he asked the 44 question, “Is this jar full?

“No,” the class shouted. Again the teacher said, “Good.” He poured a cup of water into the jar 45 it was full. Then he asked, “What is the point (要点)here?” One student 46 his hand and said, “The point is that if you try really hard, you can 47 put more things in.”

“No,” the teacher answered,“That’s not the 48 . What I want to tell you is that if you don’t put the big rocks in first, you will never get others in at all. 49 are the “big rocks” in your life? Time with your friends, your education or your dreams? Remember to put the 50 in first, or you’ll never get others in at all.”

36. A. remember B. like C. forget D. think

37. A. took off B. took out C. gave away D. put away

38. A. no more B. not more C. no many D. not many

39. A. answered B. read C. asked D. said

40. A. no B. few C. any D. some

41. A. up B. out C. down D. away

42. A. no more B. again C. a third time D. a fourth time

43. A. sent B. put C. bought D. collected

44. A. same B. different C. difficult D. common

45. A. as B. until C. while D. because

46. A. put out B. put off C. put up D. put on

47. A. always B. seldom C. never D. hardly

48. A. point B. example C. way D. story

49. A. When B. What C. Who D. Why

50. A. sand B. small stones C. big rocks D. water




Mr. and Mrs. Brown have two children, Mike and Liz. The whole family are all busy, so they often leave notes for each other. Read these four notes of today and answer the following questions.

3:30 pm

To Mike,

Mr. Tyler rang. No football practice today. I’m going to Donna’s house to play and be back at 5:00 pm

Liz 4:00 pm

To Liz,

It’s your turn to walk the dog. I have to do my homework after school. Remember to play with Teddy when you get home!


6:45 pm

Has anyone seen my tennis shoes? I’m in my bedroom doing my homework.

Mike 9:00 pm

I saw your shoes this morning. They smelt terrible so I put them outside the back door. Good night, dears!


51. When will Liz be back home?

A. At 3:30 pm. B. At 4:00 pm. C. At 5:00 pm. D. At 9:00 pm.

52. What is Mike doing at 6:45 pm?

A. Practicing football. B. Going to Donna’s house.

C. Playing tennis. D. Doing his homework.

53. According to the notes, Teddy is __________.

A.Mike’s mother B. Mike’s brother C. Mike’s football couch D. the dog in the family


Tom was a farmer. He worked on the farm all day, but sometimes he went to the town market to sell fruit and vegetables. One day, a terrible sound attracted his attention in the town market. He saw a young bull for sale. The bull was white and yellow. It was looking at Tom in fear. Tom walked up and touched its head gently. Just at that time they both seemed to have known each other for a long time. How amazing! Tom bought it at once and called it Amba.

From then on, Tom and Amba got on well with each other. But some friends told him that it was dangerous to have such a close relationship with an animal.

One afternoon, Tom was walking through the forest with Amba. Suddenly, Amba stopped walking and kept pushing Tom with its head. Tom was very surprised and looked around. There was a big snake in front of him. It was beautiful but poisonous. Quickly Amba stepped on the snake’s tail with its foot and at the same time Tom picked up a stick and hit the snake’s head heavily. Soon the snake died.

Tom was very grateful for Amba’s help. When people heard this, they were shocked at the bull’s expression of love for Tom. But for Tom, Amba was not a bull but a member of his family.

54. Amba was __________.

A. a small and nice cow B. a big and beautiful snake

C. a white and yellow bull D. a black and white dog

55. From the passage, we know Tom and Amba __________.

A. hated each other B. got angry with each other

C. got on well with each other D. disliked each other

56. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Tom went to the town market to sell fruit and vegetables.

B. Tom’s friends thought animals were safe.

C. Tom hit the snake’s head heavily with a stick..

D. For Tom, Amba was a member of his family.

57. The passage mainly wants to tell us __________.

A. the love between humans and animals B. the fight between a bull and a snake

C. how to keep an animal D. how to train an animal


A businessman lost his wallet. There was much money in it. So he makes a promise(诺言), “If someone finds my wallet and returns it to me, I'll give half the money to him.” A dustman(清洁工) found the wallet in a dustbin(垃圾箱). He sent it back to the loser. But the businessman changed his mind.

“There was still a diamond ring(钻戒) in my wallet,” said the loser. “I won't give half the money in my wallet to you before you return it to me!”

“I've never seen a diamond ring in the wallet,” said the dustman.

They began to quarrel. The businessman didn’t do what he hadsaid. The dustman became angry and took him before a judge (法官).

After the judge heard what had happened to them, he said to the businessman, “I'm sure you are an honest man. It's true that you have lost a wallet in which there was a diamond ring. But it's also clear that there is only a lot of money in this wallet. I don't think it's yours. Wait for some time. Perhaps someone will be able to return your wallet to you!”

Then the judge turned to the dustman and said, “Take the wallet home. If the loser doesn't go to get it back in three days, it will belong to you!”

58. The wallet the businessman lost __________.

A. was found in a shop B. was sent to the judge

C. was f ound in a dustbin D. was never to be found

59. The businessman was eager (渴望) to get back the wallet because __________.

A. there was the address of an important judge in it

B. there was a lot of money in it

C. he put in it a diamond ring he had just bought

D. it was a very expensive one

60.Which of the following is TRUE according to the story?

A. The businessman broke his promise.

B. The dustman asked the businessman to give him more money.

C. They began to quarrel because the wallet got dirty.

D. The dustman kept the diamond ring for himself.

61. Where do you think the diamond ring was?

A. The businessman hid it. B. The dustman kept it.

C. The judge stole it. D. The story of the ring was nothing but a lie.


Ladies and gentlemen, I returned to this year in a time machine. In the year2500, we are able to travel through time to any year in the history of the earth.. This year is your last chance to change your lifestyle to save the earth

Beginning in the middle of the 20th century, a few people were worriedabout polluting the earth's water and air, but most people did not change their way of life. Instead, they continued to pour(倒) dangerous chemicals and other waste into lakes and seas, to drive more and more cars and trucks, and to cutdown trees.

By the year 2200, the earth's water was completely polluted. Scientists saidthat in the future there might be too many people on the earth. People could no longer drink water, and they had to use other types of liquids(液体).

So, by the ye ar 2300, there were so many people that food became scarce.There was no water to grow food and all of the fish in the lakes and seas died because of pollution Terrier wars(战争) broke out between the rich and the poor. Scientists were working very hard to find another planet in space wherehumans could live on.

By the year 2400, the air was too polluted for humans to breathe. So we hadto leave earth But only the rich were able to leave. Where did we go? Nowhere.And everyw here. You see scientists did not find another safe planet, so now wemust travel around the universe in our space ships. We are still looking for aplace to call our home.

So, it is up to you to change history. There is still hope. You must changeyour lifestyle now, before it is too late.

62. Which problem is not talked about in Paragraph 2?

A. Water. B. Air. C. Lifestyle. D. Food

63 . What's the meaning of 'scarce' in Paragraph 4 in Chinese?

A.昂贵的 B.充足的 C.缺乏的 D.特殊的

64. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Only a few people changed their lifestyle in the 20th century.

B. There wasn't enough water for people to drink by the year 2200.

C. All the animals died because of pollution by the year 2300.

D. We found a new home in another planet by the year 2400.

65.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. Stop polluting B. Change or leave

C. Look for new home D. Return to the earth

五、词汇运用 (共l0小题;每小题l分,计l0分)

根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语 提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。(每空一词)

66. The local ___________(政府) should take action to protect wild animals at once.

67.Parents often keep(鼓励) us to work hard for a bright future.

68.Tom will fly to Beijing for a short (逗留) .

69. His job is to look after those _________ clothes when they swim in the sea. (游客)

70. Cutting down more and more trees will (导致) to less and less space for wildlife.

71. We hope you can accept our ___________(invite) and join us.

72. Yesterday her brother had his _________(twelve)birthday at home.

73. --- Did you know that bees never get _________(lose)? --- How amazing!

7 4. Tom is a patient boy and he doesn’t give up _________ (easy).

75. It will be (possible) to see the birds in the future if we don’t protect the wetlands.

六、任务型阅读 (共l0空;每空l分,计l0分)


Walden is a quiet small town in England. Cars aren't allowed ( 允许 ) into the centre of the town so it's very pleasant to walk around. it.

There is a famous museum in Walden. It is very big, it takes at least half a day to visit the museum. It's on a hill just outside the town in a very old building. One room there tells people the history of the building itself.

The museum brings history to life. You can even ride on a horse and cart ( 马车 ) in the street. I was really interested in a 1950s living room in the museum. It was just like my grandmother's house when I was a child.

If you can wait, there's a new exhibition (展览) opening soon. Walden is famous for one thing -- candy! If you like candy, this exhibition is the place for you -- you can learn about its history. I never see so many different kinds of candy. But don't go now because it doesn't start until the 26th of May.

Have a look round the town of Walden too while you are there. If you start in the main square and follow the green signs, they'll take you to the museum, and you'll see lots of other interesting things on the way, too.

Welcome to Walden!

Where is Walden? It’s in(76)___________.

What’s special? People(77)______________drive cars into the centre of the town,

What to(78)______n Walden ?

● The museum: on a(79) _________ just outside the town

-- one room tells people the(80) ___________ of the building;

a horse and cart ride; a (81) ____________living room.

● A new exhibition of (82)_________ :so many different

kinds! It will open on(83) ___________, the 26th.

● Something else: start in the main square, the (84)

signs will take you to the museum; you'll see(85)

other interesting things on the way, too.

七、缺词填空 (共10空;每空l分,计l0分)


How can we students keep ourselves safe? Here are some t 86 .

On your way home or to school: W 87 for the green traffic light, and look left and right before you cross the road. If you see a car coming, don’t cross until it is really safe. Dress in bright colours, so the drivers can see you c 88 .

At school: When students around you begin to push, try to hold onto something, or stay in a safer corner. If you fall down in a crowded(拥挤的)place, cover your head with b 89 hands.

When there’s a fire: Stay calm and leave quickly. U 99 a piece of wet cloth to cover your mouth and nose so that you don’t take in s 91 . If your clothes catch fire, please drop to the ground and roll from side to side to put out the fire.

For eating: Wash fruit like apples or grapes carefully b 92 you eat them. Check the expiration dates(保质期)and if your food looks or smells t 93 , don’t eat it.

For riding on the escalator(自动扶梯): Hold onto the handrails(扶手). It is d 94 to run up and down on them. You may fall down because escalator stepsare not fit(适合) for r 95 .

八、书面表达 (计30分)


96. 直到15岁的时候他才明白学习英语的重要性

97. 许多野生动物现在处于危险,我们应该采取措施保护它们。

98. 坚持尝试,你会发现你可以更好地记住东西了。

99. 我们需要更多人为贫困地区的儿童提供书籍。


B. 写作(计20分)


1. 溱湖湿地公园地处泰州市西北部,是我国重要的湿地公园之一,是各种鸟类的理想的栖息地。珍稀的野生麋鹿(milu deer)生活在那里。

2. 人们最喜欢春天去那儿。天气越来越暖和,但是有风。

树木花草...... 鸟儿......蜜蜂、蝴蝶......

3. 人们脱掉厚重的外套,他们喜欢在那里拍照、野餐......

4. 我们可以研究那儿的动物、植物。希望人们明白保护湿地的重要性。


1. 语句通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,字迹工整;

2. 必须包含所有相关信息,并作适当发挥。

3. 开头已给出,不计入总词数, 100词左右。

Qinhu Wetland Park

My family and I visited Qinhu Wetland Park last Sunday. We enjoyed ourselves there.



1-5 BCBBC 6-10 BBCBA 11-15 ACABC 16-20 CABBC


21-25 BDCDB 26-30 BDDAC 31-35 CBADC

三、 完形填空15分

36-40 CBACD 41-45 CBBAB 46-50 CAABC


51-55 CDDCC 56-60BABCA 61-65 DDCAA

五、 词汇运用10分

66. government 67. encouraging 68. stay 69. tourists’ 70. lead

71. invitation 72.twelfth 73. lost 74. easily 75. impossible

六. 任务型阅读10分

76. English 77. can’t 78. do 79. hill 80. history

81. 1950s 82. candy 83. May 84. green 85. many

七. 缺词填空10分

86. tips 87. Wait 88. clearly 89. both 90. Use

91. smoke 92. before 93. terrible 94. dangerous 95. running


A. 根据所给汉语完成下列句子10分。

96. He didn’t know the importance of English learning until he was 15 years old.

97. Many wild animals are in danger now, and we should take action to protect them.

98. Keep trying and you will find you can remember more things better.

99 . we need more people to provide books for the children in poor areas.

100. The weather here is very comfortable all year round.



第一节 单项选择(20*1=20分)

( ) 26. I love sports, I don’t play sports---I only watch them TV.

A. and; in B. so; for C. but; on D. but; at

( ) 27. —_________!Where is my cup?

—_________, I don’t know.

A. Excuse me; Yes B. Yes, Sorry C. Excuse me; Sorry D. Sorry; Yes

( ) 28. — _______ your brother like hamburgers? —No, he ______.

A. Do; doesn’t B. Do; don’t C. Does; does. D. Does, doesn’t.

( ) 29. The lunch in our school ______ good.

A. are B. is C. am D. be

( ) 30. Let’s go! We late!

A. be B. are C. do D. /

( ) 31. —Let’s have oranges. — ________.

A. That’s sound good B. That sound good

C. That’s sounds good D. That sounds good

( ) 32. Look! Some ________ is on the table.

A. tomato B. eggs C. chicken D. bananas

( ) 33. — Do you like basketball game?

— No, I don’t like it, I think it is _________.

A. boring B. fun C. relaxing D. great

( ) 34. ---I like this yellow T-shirt and it’s only two yuan. I’ll take it.

--- .

A. Can I help you? B. Here you are.

C. How much is it? D. You’re welcome.

( ) 35. —________ does your father have ______ lunch?

A. What; for B. What; / C. How; for D. How; /

( ) 36. Tim is a ______ boy and he studies______ at school.

A. good; well B. good; good C. well; well D. well; good

( ) 37. He has _______ egg and _______ hamburger.

A. an, an B. a, a C. an, a D. a, an

( )38. We sell all our clothes a good price.

A. at B. on C. of D. under

( ) 39. — Do they like apples? — Yes, they like ________ very much.

A. it B. them C. their D. its

( ) 40. When is your father’s birthday? —It’s .

A. on December B.on December nineth

C. Decenmber D. on December twelfth

( ) 41. _______ Jim and Jack _______ three tennis balls?

A. Do, have B. Do, has C. Does, have D. Does, has

( ) 42. ---_________ are these trousers?

---They’re thirty dollars.

A. How much B. How many C. How old D. How about

( ) 43. She wants __________. It’s fun.

A. play ping-pong B. playing ping-pong

C. to play ping-pong D. to plays ping-pong

( ) 44. Oh, look! We don’t have any fruit now, dad. Let me some.

A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. to buying

( ) 45. Sue ________ sports after school.

A. don’t play B. don’t plays C. doesn’t plays D. doesn’t play

三.完形填空(10 *1=10分)


My name is Tim. I’m an English boy. I have three Chinese ___46___. They are Liu Ying, Li Hua and Wang Yong. Liu Ying and Li Hua are ___47____. Wang Yong is a boy. He ___48___ sports very much. He ___49____ five baseballs, eight basketballs, four ___50____ and three volleyballs. They all like to play ____51____. They think it’s ___52____, and they always ___53____ basketball with their classmates after school. But sometimes they ___54____ games ___55____ TV.

( ) 46. A. friends B. classes C. books D. teachers

( ) 47. A. boys B. girls C. boy D. girl

( ) 48. A. love B. loves C. don’t love D. doesn’t love

( ) 49. A. have B. has C. is D. are

( ) 50. A. tennis bat B. tennis bats C. tennises bat D. tennises bats

( ) 51. A. sport B. sports C. game D. games

( ) 52. A. relaxing B. boring C. difficult D. fine

( ) 53. A. get B. have C. like D. play

( ) 54. A. watch B. watches C. look D. looks

( ) 55. A. in B. on C. at D. to




I am Bill. I have a big family. They like different(不同的) food. My grandfather likes strawberries, but he doesn’t like hamburgers. My grandmother likes apples very much, but she doesn’t like oranges. My parents like eggs and bread. They don’t like ice cream. I like salad, but I don’t like bananas. My sister Mary and my brother Tony all like ice cream and hamburgers. Is it interesting?

( ) 56. What does Bill’s grandfather like?

A. strawberries B. apples C. pears D. salad

( ) 57. Does his mother like eggs?

A. No, they aren’t. B. Yes, they are.

C. Yes, she does. D. No, she doesn’t.

( )58. What do Mary and Tony like?

A. They like eggs and bread. B. They like oranges and ice cream.

C. They like ice cream and hamburgers. D. I don’t know.

( ) 59. Which is the grandmother’s favorite (最喜欢的) food?

A. Apples B. Vegetable C. Tomatoes D. Bananas

( ) 60. Does Bill like salad?

A. No, he doesn’t B.Yes, they does

C. No, he does. D. Yes, he does.


Dear mom and dad,

How are you these days? I miss(想念) you very much. I’m happy in America. I eat healthy food every day. For breakfast, I have eggs and milk. For lunch, I eat vegetables and fruit salad. For dinner, I have chicken. So I am ve ry healthy now.

I have a new friend here. His name is Jack. He is 11. We are in the same class. Jack has good eating habits. He likes fruit, vegetables and chicken. But he doesn’t like fast food. He thinks it is not healthy. He also likes sports, and basketball is his favorite(最喜爱的) sport. We often play basketball after class.


Chen Xi

( ) 61. Where is Chen Xi?

A.She’s in America. B She’s in China.

C. She is in Japan. D. She is in England.

( ) 62. What does Chen Xi eat for dinner?

A. Eggs and milk. B. Chicken.

C. Fruit, vegetables and chicken. D. Fruit salad and vegetables.

( ) 63. What does Jack like?

A. Fast food. B. Basketball. C. Clothes. D. Chinese.

( ) 64. How old is Jack?

A. Ten. B. Twelve. C. Eleven. D. Thirteen.

( ) 65. Which of the followings(下列的) is TRUE(正确的)?

A. Chen Xi doesn’t miss her parents.

B. Chen Xi isn’t happy in America.

C. Chen Xi isn’t Jack’s classmate.

D. Chen Xi and Jack play basketball after class.


Mrs. Wu’s Clothes Store

Clothes Colors Sizes(尺寸) Prices

T-shirts orange, white, green and blue S/XXL ¥55

skirts yellow, red and black S/M/L ¥62

shirts white, purple and blue S/M/L/XL ¥88

Sweaters brown, yellow S/L for girls ¥128

shorts blue, black S/M/L/XL ¥79


66. What does Mrs. Wu’s Clothes Store sell?

67.What clothes does Mrs. Wu’s Clothes Store only have in purple?

68. Jack buys a pair of blue shorts and a white T-shirt. How much are they?

69.If you have 60 yuan, what can you buy at Mrs. Wu’s Clothes Store?

70. David goes to the store with 150 yuan. Can he buy two pairs of blue shorts?


A) 从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话(有两项多余)(5*2=10)。

A:Let’s play basketball.

B:(71)_________ But I don’t have a basketball.

A:Do you have a tennis bat?

B:(72)__________ But tennis is difficult.

A:Then let’s watch TV.

B:(73)__________ Let’s play computer games. Do you have a computer?

A:(74) .

B: (75)__________ It’s relaxing.


B) 根据句意,用括号中所给的词的适当形式填空。(10*1=10分)

76. I _____________ (not know) her name.

77. His sister ____________ (watch) TV at home.

78. How about _______ (help) the girl in the classroom?

79. I don’t want ________ (be) fat.

80. She has some ________ (chicken).

81. Let ______ (we) play ping-pong.

82. September is the (nine) month of a year.

83. My grandfather has __________ (health) eating habits.

84. For _________ (早餐),they eat eggs and pears.

85. The book is __________ (interset),so I like it very much.

D) 书面表达(15分)。


注意:开头已经给出,不计入总词数。提示词:垃圾食品junk food

Frank and I are brothers.


26-30 CCDBB 31-35 DCABA 36-40ACABD

41-45 AACAD 46-50 ABBBB 51-55 BADAB 56-60 ACCAD

61-65 ABBCD

66. It sells T-shirts, skirts, shirts, sweaters and shorts.

67. Shirts.

68. They’re 134 yuan.

69. A T-shirt.

70. No, he can’t.

71-75 BDAGE

76. don’t know 77. watches 78. helping 79. to be 80. chicken

81. us 82. ninth 83. healthy 84.breakfast 85. interesting





















