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( ) 1. ----- How do you do? ----- _____________

A. Hello! B. Good morning! C. How do you do?

( ) 2. ----- _____________ ----- I’m fine. Thank you.

A. Are you Michael? B. How are you? C. How do you do?

( ) 3. ----- _____________ ----- See you.

A. See you later. B.How do you do? C. How are you?

( ) 4. Are _____from Japan?

A. she B. he C. they

( ) 5. ________name is Kangkang.

A. I B. My C. You

( ) 6. ----- Where _______they from? ------ They’re from Japan.

A. is B. are C. am

( ) 7. ---- ________, are you Jack? ---- Yes, I am.

A. Hi B. Excuse me C. excuse me

( ) 8. ----________ his telephone number? ----- His telephone number is (010)8217-6952.

A. What’s B what’s C. What

( ) 9. ---- Are you from China? -----Yes,_________.

A. I’m B. you are C. I am

( ) 10. ----Where is Deng Yaping from ? ---- _____is from ______.

A. her; China B. She; China C. Her; China

( )11. 路遇一位朋友,无论何时我们都可以说:

A. Hello B. Bye-bye C. Good morning.

( ) 12. ----Where is Shanghai? ----It’s in ________.

A. Japan B. England C. China

( )13. They and I _____ from England.

A. are B. am C. is

( ) 14 This is Miss Yang. ____ is an English teacher.

A. Her B. He C. She

( ) 15 ----- Who is he? ----- He is __________ .

A. Michael B. Maria C. Jane

( ) 16. ----- ________ is your mom ? ----- She is fine.

A. Where B. How C. What

( )17. ----- Is Kangkang from China? ----- ___________. He’s from Beijing.

A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn’t. C. Yes, she is.

( ).18. 下列哪个既是字母又是单词?

A. C B. I C. U

( ).19. 下列哪组字母发音音素相同?


( ).20. 当你在野外发生意外,急需援救时,你应该打出什么信号?



A.从II 栏中选出与I栏恰当的答语.(10分)


( ).1.Welcome to China ! A. No, I’m Jane.

( ).2. What’s your name ? B. Good evening.

( ).3. Where are you from ? C. It is in the USA.

( ).4. Is he Kangkang ? D. I’m from England.

( ).5.What’s your telephone number ? E. Thank you.

( ).6.Nice to see you? F. My name is Jane.

( ).7. Are you Maria? G. Michael and Maria.

( ).8.Where is New York(纽约)? H. No, he isn’t.

( ) 9. Good evening. I. Nice to see you, too.

( ) 10 Who are they? J. (010)9267-6929

B.完成下列对话,从下框中选词填空, 每空一词:(10 分)

where aren’t who England from teacher in good she’s am

1.----- ___ are you from? ----- I’m from Youxi.

2.----- ___ is he? ----- He is Jim.

3.-----Where is Zhou Weilun from? ----- He is ____ Beijing.

4. ----- Where is Nanjing? -----It’s Jiangsu.”

5. Mr Yang is from Sanming. He is a P.E. .

6.----- _____ afternoon! ----- Good afternoon!

7.-----Where is Kumiko from? ----- _____ from Tokyo, Japan.

8.-----Are you Kitty? ----- Yes, I _______ .

9.-----Are Maria and Jane from Washington D.C.? ----- No, they . They’re from New York.

10.-----Joy Smith is from __________. ----- Yes. That’s right .”


A: Excuse ___1 ___ , are you Jane ?

B: Yes, I ___ 2 ___ .

A: Good. My name is Liu Qiang. Welcome to China.

B: ____ 3 ___

A: ____ 4 __ are you from ?

B: I’m from Chicago(芝加哥).

A: Chicago ? Is it ___ 5 ____ England ?

B: No, it isn’t. It’s in ___ 6 ____ .

A: _____ 7 __ he?

B: Oh, ____ 8 _____ Michael.

A: Is he from England ?

B: No. He is from Washington (华盛顿).

A: Is Washington in the USA, ____9 ___ ?

B: Yes, that’s righ. Michael is ___10___ American boy.

( ) 1. A. I B. my C. me

( ) 2. A. am B. is C. am not

( ) 3. A. How are you ? B. Thank you C. Welcome.

( ) 4. A. Who B. What C. Where

( ) 5. A. from B. to C. in

( ) 6. A. the USA B.Canada C. Cuba

( ) 7. A. Who B. Who’s C. What’s

( ) 8. A. it’s B. his C He’s

( ) 9. A. too B. right C.OK

( ) 10. A. a B. an C.. the


( A )

Hello, I’m Lucy. I am from the USA. But now I’m in China. My teacher is Miss Chen. She is from Tianjin. She is Chinese. I have a sister. Her name is Lily. She is in China , too.We are in the same school.

阅读短文,判断句子正(用 “T” )误(用 “F” )

( ) 1. Lily and Lucy are from Canada.

( ) 2. They are in China now.

( ) 3. Miss Liu is their teacher.

( ) 4. Miss Chen is from Dalian.

( ) 5. Lily and I are students.

( B )

Lily is from New York , the U.S.A. She is twelve. She is in Shanghai NO.3 Junior High School. She is in Class Eight, Grade One. Her phone number is 66786019. Dongdong is from Kunming. His English name is Tom. He is eleven .He is in Class Seven,Grade One. His telephone number is 24524233. They are not in the same class. They are good friends


( ) 6. Lily is from _____ .

A English B China C the U.S.A

( ) 7. Dongdong is in Class ______ .

A Six B Seven C Eight

( ) 8. Lily and Dongdong are good___________ .

A students B friends C teachers

( ) 9. Where is Tom from ? He is from______________

A The U.S.A B Japan C China

( ) 10. How old is Lily ? She is ________________

A ten B eleven C twelve



1. two(同音词) ______________ 2. he(复数形式) ___________ __

3. I am(缩写形式) ____ 4. mister(缩写形式) ___________

5. yes (反义词)_________________

(B)用am, is和 are填空(5分)

1. .-----_________ this your friend, Maria? .----- Yes, it ________

2. ----- ________ you Michael? ----- No, I _________ not.

3.Mary and I ___________from Canada. We __________ in China.

4. .-----_________ he Li Ming? .----- No, he ________ Kangkang.

5.My name _________ Kumiko. I ________ from Japan.

VII. 连词成句并正确书写并标上标点符号(10分)

1. meet, too, nice, you, to

2. teacher, is, my, Lee, this, Miss

3. where,they,are,from

4、she, from,is,Japan, not

5、to, welcome, class, our

VIII. 根据要求完成句子,注意一空一词.(5分)

1. -----玛丽来自哪里?-----来自美国。

----- ____ Mary from? -----She is ____ the USA.

2. -----你叫什么名字?-----我叫Jane.

----- ____ her name ? ----- ____ ____ Jane.

3. -----他是杰克吗?-----不,他不是。

-----Is _____ Jack? -----No, he _____ .

4. -----你好吗?-----很好。谢谢。

-----___________ are you? ----- I’m fine,_______________.

5.他的电话号码是多少? What’s his _____ ______ ?

Ⅸ. 书面表达.(5分) 下面是Bill的个人信息,请根据表格提供的信息,写一篇小短文,至少三句。


From:the U.S.A

Tel Number: (010)9843-2089




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20



A.从II 栏中选出与I栏恰当的答语.(10分)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


B.完成下列对话,从下框中选词填空, 每空一词:(10 分)

1. Where_ 2.Who 3.from4.in5.teacher6.Good 7.She’s 8.am 9.aren’t 10.England


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10




1.too/to 2.they 3.I’m 4.Mr. 5.No

(B)用am, is和 are填空(5分)

6.Is;is 7.Are; am 8.are;are 9.Is;is 10.is; am

Ⅶ. 连词成句并正确书写并标上标点符号(10分)

1. Nice to meet you, too.

2. This is my teacher, Miss Lee.

3. Where are you from?

4. She is not from Japan.

5. Welcome to our class.

Ⅶ. 根据要求完成句子, 注意一空一词.(5分)

1. Where’s ; from 2. What’s ; My; name’s 3.he ; isn’t 4.How; thanks 5. telephone; number

Ⅸ. 书面表达.(5分)

Hello! I am Bill. I am from the USA. My telephone number is (010)9843-2089.















































































































7. How many buildings are there in Adam’s school?

A. Only one. B. Two. C. Three.

8. Are there any art rooms in his school?

A. Yes, they are. B. No, there aren't. C. Yes, there are.

9. Is the playground big or small?

A. Big. B. Small. C. Not very big.


A birthday party

Whose It’s 10 ’s birthday party

When 11

Where 12

10. A. Peter B. Nancy C. Linda

11. A. Sorry, I don’t know. B. This Sunday, at 3 p.m. C. This Saturday, at 3 p.m.

12. A. In a restaurant. B. At school. C. At home.


13. What does Mr Green do first in the morning?

A. Drives to work. B. Rides a bike to work. C. Takes his children to school.

14. Who has lunch at home?

A. Mr Green. B. Mrs Green. C. Mr Green and Mrs Green.

15. How do the children come back home in the afternoon?

A. By bus. B. By bike. C. On foot.



16. Of the underlined parts(划线部分), which has a different pronunciation(发音)?

A. grade B. age C. black D. cake

17. In the following words, which has the pronunciation (发音) /i:/ ?

A. egg B. he C. leg D. elephant

18. Lady Gaga is very popular singer. She has lots of fans.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

19. — Can I use your English Chinese Dictionary? — Sorry. I don't have .

A. it B. this C. that D. one

20. The shop is . Let’s go to buy some food.

A. open B. close C. opened D. closed

21. Children shouldn't watch TV. It's bad for their eyes.

A. much too B. too much C. many too D. too many

22. — Would you like tea? —Thanks a lot.

A. any B. many C. two cup of D. some

23. Her cousin enjoys model ships

A. making B. to make C. makeing D. makes

24. Amy any housework at home on Sundays. She is lazy.

A. doesn’t do B. doesn’t C. does D. don’t do

25. You can find on the Internet.

A. lots of informations B. many information

C. lots of information D. some informations

26. Miss Gu teaches English this term. She is favourite teacher.

A. our, my B. us, my C. my, our D. us, mine

27. — You look cool in a red shirt and white trousers. — .

A. Thank you. B. I think so. C. Of course. D. No, I don’t.

28. — in the beautiful lake? —There’s a boat in it.

A. Is it B. What’s C. Is there D. Are there

29. — do you like your new English? — He is very nice

A. What B. How C. Why D. When

30. Peter and I love football in our class

A. all B. each C. both D. every



I have a good friend. 31 name is Peter. We study in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. We are in the same (同一个) class. He sits in front of 32 . His favourite lesson is Music. He 33 many CDs. He likes 34 music very much. He likes playing football, too. After school we often play football in the 35 . He is very helpful. We often help each 36 .

Peter is not Chinese. He is from 37 . He comes to Beijing 38 his family. His father is a doctor and his mother is a nurse. They work from Monday 39 Friday. At weekends, his mother likes shopping and his father likes fishing. Sometimes they go to the park. They all like Chinese food. They 40 very happy.

31. A. He B. His C. She D. Her

32. A. I B. my C. mine D. me

33. A. have B. has C. there is D. there are

34. A. listen B. listen to C. listening D. listening to

35. A. classroom B. library C. playground D. bookshop

36. A. one B. other C. others D. some

37. A. England B. Chinese C. English D. American

38. A. from B. on C. with D. for

39. A. in B. to C. with D. of

40. A. be B. am C. is D. are


阅读下面内容, 然后从41–50各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。


Mason’s Clothing Store(服装店)

Clothes Colour Price

socks white, blue $4

pants black $11

sweater red, white $8

T-shirt red, green, black $7

hat black, red $6

41. Which is the cheapest(最便宜的)of all?

A. Hat. B. T-shirt. C. Pants. D. Socks.

42. How much are two sweaters and a hat?

A. $14. B. $20. C. $21. D. $22.

43. You can buy in Mason’s Clothing Store.

A. black pants B. a blue sweater C. a green hat D. red socks


A bus stops at a small bus stop. A man is hungry and he wants to buy some cakes. It’s raining hard, he doesn’t want to go out in the rain. He sees a boy. “Come here, boy!” he cries. “Do you know how much the cakes are?” The boy says yes. The man gives the boy four dollars(美元) and asks him to buy two cakes. “One is for you and one is for me.” Three minutes later, the boy comes back. He’s eating a cake. He gives the man two dollars and says, “Sorry, there is only one cake left.”

44. Where is the man?

A. He’s near the bus. B. He is at home.

C. He is in the car. D. He’s in the bus.

45. How many cakes does the boy get?

A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.

46. How much is a cake?

A. Two dollars. B. Four dollars. C. Five dollars. D. Ten dollars.


Americans usually eat three meals a day. Breakfast usually comes before eight o’clock in the morning. They usually have eggs, some meat, bread, fruit juice and coffee. Lunch is between twelve and one o’clock. It is like a light meal and working people must take lunch with them or get it near workplace.

Children in school take sandwiches, fruit, and cookies with them or eat in school. Supper, the main meal, is between six and eight in the evening. People cook it carefully. They may have meat or chicken, turkey and duck. They may all have potatoes or rice, vegetables or salad. The drink is coffee, tea or milk. Then comes the dessert(甜点).

47. is the most important meal in a day.

A. Breakfast B. Lunch C. Meals D. Supper

48. What does “light” mean in Chinese?

A. 重的 B. 轻的 C. 有用的 D. 不太重要的

49. Americans usually have breakfast and supper at .

A. home B. office C. hotel D. workplace

50. When Americans have supper, comes last.

A. drink B. meat C. dessert D. vegetables




51. The computer room is on the ______ floor (one).

52. Carl's father often ______ nice food with her at home. (share).

53. Annie and Sandy are good at ______ . (draw)

54. My brother has a dog. ______ eyes are very bright (it).

55. Don't put the ______ on the bed. Put them on your desk (newspaper).


56. Everyone can swim ______ (除……之外) Li Ping in our class.

57. Children usually wear ______ (特殊的) costumes with masks at Halloween.

58. Our math teacher says, “You can do it in many ______ (方法)” .

59. I always get many beautiful ______ (礼物) from my aunts every year.

60. Kobe Bryant is one of the best basketball ______ (运动员).



61. He goes to the park by bus.(改成同义句)

He ______ a bus ______ the park.

62. Simon likes Japanese best. (改成同义句)

______ is Simon’s ______ subject.

63. The students leave school at 5 p.m.(对划线部分提问)

______ ______ do the students leave school?

64. There is only one English book in my bag. (对划线部分提问)

______ ______ English books are there in your bag?

65. My mother watches TV for an hour every day.(改成同义句)

My mother ______ an hour ______ TV every day.


Mr. Mason is standing in front of a car. He is looking at it. It is a beautiful car and it is very big. Mr. Mason likes big cars. A policeman is standing behind Mr. Mason. He is looking at the car, too. He is writing in a notebook(笔记本). Now he is giving a piece of paper to Mr. Mason.

Policeman: Excuse me, sir.

Mr. Mason: Yes?

Policeman: This is for you.

Mr. Mason: What is it?

Policeman: It’s a ticket.

Mr. Mason: A ticket?

Policeman: Can you see the notice(布告)?

Mr. Mason: Yes.

Policeman: It says “NO PARKING”. You can’t park your car here.

Mr. Mason: This isn't my car.


66. The policeman is standing ______ Mr. Mason.

67. This policeman gives Mr. Mason a ______ .

68. Mr. Mason says that car isn't ______ .

69. “No Parking” means you can't ______ your car here.

70. The policeman ______ the car is Mr Mason’s.



71. 你是读书俱乐部的一员吗?

Are you ______ ?

72. 放学后你经常做什么?

What do ______ ?

73. 我正期待着你的电子邮件。

I am ______ .

74. 西方人庆祝万圣节

People ______ Halloween.

75. 我们住在一个叫镇江(Zhenjiang)的城市。

We ______ Zhenjiang.


假设你准备参加学校组织的英语征文比赛。请根据下面所提供的信息,以“My friend”为题,写一篇介绍好友Bruce的征文稿,字数在50字左右。







1.B 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.B 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. B

11.C 12. C 13.C 14.B 15.A


16.C 17.B 18.A 19.D 20.A 21.B 22. D 23. A 24.A 25.C

26.B 27.A 28.B 29.B 30.C


31.B 32.D 33.B 34.D 35.C 36.B 37. A 38. C 39.B 40.D


41.D 42.D 43.A 44.D 45.A 46.A 47. D 48.D 49.A 50.C


51. first 52. shares 53.drawing 54. Its 55. newspapers

56. except 57.special 58.ways 59. presents 60. players


61. takes, to 62. Japanese, favourite 63. What time

64. How many 65. spends, watching


66. behind 67. ticket 68. his 69. park 70. thinks



71. Are you a member of the Reading Club?

72. What do you often do after school?

73. I am looking forward to your e-mail(s).

74. People in the west celebrate Halloween

75. We live in a city called Zhenjiang.


My friend

Bruce is twelve years old .He is in Grade 7.He was born in America. He has short hair and big eyes. His favourite sport is basketball. He often plays basketball with his classmates at weekends. He also likes chatting with his friends .He has a good time at school.




( )1. A. It’s under the bed . B. They’re under the bed . C. They are balls.

( )2. A. My name’s Gina. B. Her name is Gina. C. His name is Bob.

( )3. A. It’s a book. B. They are books. C. They are under the bed.

( )4 A. Yes, she isn’t. B. No, she isn’t. C. Yes, it is .

( )5. A. It’s 5266987 . B. It’s a book . C. It’s red.


( )6. Where’s the computer game?

A. Behind the door. B. On the sofa. C. Behind the sofa.

( )7. Is it under the table ?

A. Yes, it is . B. No, it isn’t. C. I don’t know.

( )8. What color is the eraser?

A. It’s black. B. It’s white. C. It’s red.

( )9. What’s on the bookcase ?

A. An English book. B. A math book C. A set of keys.

( )10. Is Li Ming his cousin?

A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn’t. C. Yes, he isn’t.


( )11. is under the bed.

A. The backpack. B. The baseball. C. The hat.

( )12. The keys are .

A. on the dresser. B. under the sofa. C. in the table.

( )13. The computer game is .

A. under the bed. B. next to book case. C. on the table.


( )14.The books are .

A. on the sofa. B. on the bed. C. under the table.

( )15.The pencil case are_______.

A. in the backpack. B. on the bed. C. on the table.


Things my quilt my computer 17 my jacket 19 20

Where on the bed 16 on the bookcase 18 in the drawer on the floor


A) 单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分)从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的答案填空。

( )21. I have aunt. name is Linda.

A. a , Her B. an, Her C. an, She

( )22. Thanks your notebook.

A. of B. for C. in

( )23. Draw a picture your family.

A. of B. for C. in

( )24 . my parents.

A. This is B. These are C. That is

( )25.Can you some photos here tomorrow?

A. take B. bring C. get

( )26. Is this your sister?

A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, it is C. Yes, they are.

( )27. Bob is not my brother. my cousin.

A. He’s B. She’s C. They are

( )28. ——Where are my books? —— .

A. They are on your bed. B. It’s on your bed C. They are books

( )29. Can you see the bird(鸟) the apple tree?

A. on B. in C. at

( )30. That’s chair. A cat is under chair .

A. a, the B. the, a C. a, a

( )31.This my brother. And those my grandparents.

A. is , is B. is , are C. are , is

( )32.My uncle’s son is my .

A. brother B. sister C. cousin

( )33.Tom and I good friends. He ten.

A. am, is B. are, is C. am, are

( )34. —— your books? —— They’re at school.

A. Where are B. Where is C. Where’s

( )35.—— ? —— They are our English books.

A. What’s this ? B. What are those? C. Where are they ?

B) 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分)从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

Look, this 36 Jim’s room. 37 is an old house(旧房子), but it’s very nice. There are(有)some 38 and a clock 39 the wall(墙). There is a set of keys on the desk. 40 backpack is 41 the chair. His coat is on the bed. 42 is the baseball? It is 43 the door. 44 that under the bed? It’s 45 English book.

( )36. A. am B. is C. are

( )37. A. It is B. It C. It’s

( )38. A. pictures B. picture C. a picture

( )39. A. at B. on C. in

( )40. A. He B. His C. him

( )41. A. on B. at C. of

( )42. A. How B. What C. Where

( )43. A. behind B. under C. in

( )44. A. Where’s B. What’s C. It’s

( )45. A. a B. an C. the


A) 选择(共5小题,每小题3分)阅读短文,从每题的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题。

This is Jack’s room. His bed is near the door. His math book is on the bed. His table is near the bed. His TV set is on it. The telephone is on the table too. His backpack is on the chair. The baseball is under it. His dog is under the sofa. The dog’s photo is on the wall(墙). Oh! Who’s under the bed? It’s Jack.

( )46. What’s on the table?

A. The TV B. The telephone C. The TV and telephone

( )47. Where’s Jack’s dog ?

A. It’s on the wall. B. It’s on the sofa. C. It’s under the sofa.

( )48. Is Jack’s backpack on the bed ?

A. Yes, it is . B. No, they aren’t. C. No, it isn’t.

( )49. Where’s Jack’s baseball ?

A. Under the table. B. Under the chair. C. On the chair

( )50. Is Jack in his room ?

A. No, he isn’t . B. Yes, he is . C. I don’t know.

B) 判断(共5小题,每小题3分)阅读对话,判断下列句子是否符合对话内容,符合的写T,不符合的写F。

Mike: Mother, this my friend, Paul.

Paul: Nice to meet you, Mrs Brown.

Mrs Brown: It’s nice to meet you, Paul .

Mike: And these are my grandparents, Kevin and Emma Brown. That’s my brother , Bob, and this is my cousin, Tim.

Paul: Hello! And is this your sister ?

Mike: Yes, this is Jenny.

( )51. Paul and Mike are brothers .

( )52. Mike and Tim are cousins.

( )53. Kevin and Emma are Mike’s grandparents.

( )54. Jenny is Mike’s sister .

( )55. Mrs Brown is Jenny’s mother.

C) 摘要信息(共5小题,每小题3分)阅读短文,然后完成内容摘要。(每空最多填写三个词)

These are Lucy and Lily. They’re twins(双胞胎).They’re twelve. This is their room. They have one desk and two chairs. Lucy’s chair is yellow and Lily’s chair is red. Lucy’s jacket is on her bed and Lily’s jacket is on the chair. A clock, some books, an eraser and some flowers are on the desk. Lucy’s backpack is on the dresser. A soccer ball is under the bed. A black cat is under Lily’s chair.

Things Where

Lucy’s jacket on the bed

Lily’s jacket 56

a clock, some books, 57 and some flowers on the desk

58 under Lily’s chair

Lucy’s backpack 59

a soccer ball 60



A: Mom, 61.

B: I don’t know. 62.

A: No, they aren’t.

B: Are they in your backpack?

A: 63. Thank you.64.

B: Your baseball ? 65.

B) 翻译(共5小题,每小题2分)阅读下列短文,将文中画线的句子翻译成汉语。

My name is Han Mei. I’m an Chinese girl. 66.My English name is Alice. And my English teacher is Mr Li. His telephone number is 8965325. 67.This red jacket is Mr Li’s. Oh, 68.where is my black jacket? It’s on the chair. An English book is on the desk. 69.It’s not my English book . 70.My English book is in my backpack. Oh, my telephone number is 8695369.






C) 作文(10分)


Dear Li Ping,

Pease take these things to me: my English book, ruler, notebook and CDs.


Li Ming


Ⅰ、1-5. BBBBA 6-10. CABBA 11-15. BBABC

16. on the table 17. my books 18. on the chair 19. my keys 20. my pencil

Ⅱ、21-25. BBABB 26-30. AAABA 31-35. BCBAB 36-40. BBABB 41-45. ACABB

Ⅲ、46-50. CCCBB 51-55. FTTTT

56. on the chair 57. an eraser 58. a black cat 59. on the dresser 60. under the bed

Ⅳ、A) AECDB B) 66. 我的英文名字叫艾丽斯。67. 这件红色夹克是李老师的。68. 我的黑色夹克在哪里?69. 那不是我的英语书。70. 我的英语书在我的背包里。

C)Dear Li Ping,

Pease take these things to me: my English book, ruler, notebook and CDs. The English book is on the dresser. The ruler is under the bed. The notebook is on the bed. The CDs are in the drawer .


Li Ming



( )1.The girl’s name is Maria Schuartz, so her ___________ name’s Maria.

A. last B.family C.first D.mother

( )2. —Are you Mr Li? —_________.

A. Yes, I am B. No, you’re not C. Yes, you are

( )3. —Is this _____ basketball? —No. It’s _____ basketball.

A. you;my B. my;you C. your;his

( )4.-What’s your telephone number? -___________ 278-106.

A.I’m B.It C.It’s D.Is it

( )5.-Is that a ruler? -No, ______________.

A.it is B.it isn’t C.that is D.that isn’t

( )6.That’s a girl. Her name is ___________.

A.Wang Xiaoling B.Wang Xiao Ling

C. Wang xiaoling D. Wang xiao ling

( )7. I _____ a student. You ______ a teacher. It ______ a book.

A.am, are, is B. be, are, is C. am, be, is D. am, is, are

( )8. M y name _______ Jim Green.

A. am B. is C. are D. be

( )9.—How is Li Ming? —_______.

A.He is good. B. He is a boy. C. He is fine. D. I’m fine.

( )10.—Hello, Kate. Nice to meet you! — _________.

A .How are you? B. What’s your name?

C. Nice to meet you, too! D. I’m fine.

( ) 11. —_______ do you spell “pen”? — P-E-N.

A. What B. Where C. How D. Which

( )12.This is Gina. _______ phone number is 5874—6923.

A. She B. Her C. He D. His

( )13.In England, the last name is the __________.

A. family name B. middle name C. given name D. full name

( )14.-Is Grace your friend? -Yes,____ is.

A.his B. her C. she D. he

( )15. -What’s this ____English? -It’s ____orange.

A. in; an B .at; an C. in; a D. on; the

( )16.This is _____ruler.

A.I B.my a C.a my D.my

( )17. -What color is _____jacket? -Red.

A.your B.I C.you D.it

( )18.This is _____pen and that is _____orange.

A.a; a B. an; an C.a; an D.an; a

( )19.This is a ruler. _____ruler is blue.

A.A B.The C.An D./

( )20. -Are you Helen? -____.

A.No, I’m not B. No, it isn’t C.Yes, it is D.Yes, I’m

( )21.Mary is a(n)____student. She is ____.

A.good; fine B.well; OK C.OK; fine D.well; fine

( )22.与字母L含有相同因素的一组字母是______.


( )23.—Your English is very good. —______.

A.Thank you B.Thanks you C.You are good D.Not good

( )24._______Steven._______phone number is 215-0273.

A.My is;I B.I’m;My C.I is;I D.I’m;I

( )25. —What’s ______name? —He’s Vinson.

A.he B.he’s C.his D.her

( )26. —Is it ______backpack? —No,it isn’t.

A.he B.she C.her D.hers

( )27.This is ______pen.

A.white B.a white C.an red D.an green

( )28.Look! This is ______ID card.

A.a B.an C.the D./

( )29. —What’s four and three? —It’s_____.

A.seven B.eight C.one D.six

( )30. —____ your name? — My name is Kate.

A. What’s B. What C. Where

( )31. —Is she Maria? —No, she ____.

A. is B. isn’t C. aren’t

( )32. “ One one zero ” 表示 ____。

A. 火警 B. 匪警 C. 急救中心

( )33. —What’s this ____ English? —It’s ____ egg.

A. to; a B. to; an C. in; an D. in; a

( )34. —Is that an orange? ____. It’s an apple.

A. Yes B. No C. It is D. It isn’t

( )35. —____ your name. —T-I-N-A, Tina.

A. Spell B. Now C. Say D. Speak

( )36. My mom is ____ teacher. She’s ____ English teacher.

A. a; an B. a; a C. an; a D. an; an

( ) 37 . —Is her name Kate? — ____

A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn ’ t. C. Yes, it ’ s. D. No, it isn ’ t.

( )38.—Is this_______English car ? —No, it’s _____Japanese car.

A. a; a B.a; an C.an; an D.an; a

( )39. —Is your name Brown?

A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I’m. D. No, I’m not.

( )40. I am a teacher. She is a teacher, _______.

A. to B. too C. two D. do



( )41.—Glad to meet you. —Glad to meet you, too.

A. Good B. Nice C. nice D. Hi

( )42. —What’s your name, please? —I’ m Tony. And your name? —My name is Lily.

A. And your mom? B. And how are you?

C. And what’s your name? D. And how old are you?

( )43. —How old are you? —I’ m thirteen.

A. thirty year old B. thirteen year old

C. thirteen years old D. three years old

( )44. My hair is long.

A. I have short hair. B. I have long hair.

C. I have red hair. D. I have white hair.

( )45. I come from the USA.

A. China B. America C. UK D. UN


This girl 1 twelve. 2 name is Kate. That boy 3 thirteen. 4 name is Tom. 5 teacher 6 a woman. 7 name is Wang Fen. 8 is a good teacher. Kate and Tom are good 9 . 10 are also good students.

( )46.A. be B. am C. is D. are

( )47.A. My B. Your C. His D. Her

( )48.A. be B. am C. is D. are

( )49.A. His B. Your C. My D. Her

( )50.A. They’s B. They’re C. They D. Their

( )51.A. am B. is C. are D. be

( )52.A. His B. Her C. She’s D. He’s

( )53.A. She’s B. He’s C. She D. He

( )54.A.friend’s B. friends C. friend D. friends’

( )55.A.They B. They’re C. their D. them



Mr. Black comes from New York in America(美国). He teaches(教)English in No. 3 Middle School. He likes his work(工作) very much. He often says Chinese people are very friendly(友好).

He has two daughters(女儿). They are Lily and Lucy. They are twins(双胞胎). They are in the same school. They study(汉语) Chinese very hard(努力). The teachers and students all(都)like them. They have a lot of Chinese friends.


( ) 56. Mr. Black is from New York .

( ) 57. Mr. Black teaches (教) English in No. 5 Middle School.

( ) 58. Lily and Lucy are twins.

( ) 59. Lily and Lucy are in different schools.

( ) 60. Lily and Lucy have a lot of Chinese friends.


Mr. and Mrs. Brown are from America. They are now teaching English in Zhengzhou. Their son Jack is with them. Jack speaks English. They want him to learn some Chinese. Jack is in Grade Three in a Chinese school. He plays with Chinese children every day. He listens to Chinese, speaks(讲) Chinese, reads books in Chinese and writes in Chinese. He is doing well in his Chinese.


( ) 61. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are________. A. Chinese B. English C. America D. Americans

( ) 62. They are working ________ now.

A. in England B. in China C. in America D. in Grade 3

( ) 63. Jack is________.

A. a student in a Chinese school B. a girl from America

C. in Class One, Grade Three D. learning English

( ) 64. Jack likes to play with________.

A. his father B. his mother C. his brothers D. Chinese children

( ) 65. Jack learns the Chinese language (语言) by________.

A. listening to the language B. listening to the language and speaking it

C. reading books in Chinese and writing in it D. listening, speaking, reading and writing


I’ m Tom. I’ m an American boy. Jim is my good friend. He is from England. He’ s thirteen. My sister is Ann. She is ten. She has a round face and a small nose. She is very lovely(可爱的). We are in the same school. But we are in different grades. I’ m in Class 3, Grade 2.

Our teacher is from China. She is Miss Gao. She has big eyes and long hair. We like(喜欢) her very much.


( ) 66. _______ come from America.

A. Tom and Jim B. Tom and Ann C. Jim and Ann D. Tom, Jim and Ann

( ) 67. Tom and Ann are in different _______ .

A. schools B. school C. grades D. grade

( ) 68. Ann has ______ .

A. a long face and a small nose B. a round face and a big nose

C. a round face and a small nose D. a short face and a small nose

( ) 69. Our teacher, Miss Gao is ______ .

A. American B. my good friend C. English D. Chinese

( ) 70. We like ______ very much. A. Jim B. Tom C. Ann D. Miss Gao



1.Good a _____ , Cindy! 2.What’s this in _____(英语)?

3.This is a ____(被子). 4.Her name is Alice. A____ my name is Mike.

5.My name is Li Hong. Li is my f____ name. 6.Frank is in _____ (中国).

7.消费者投诉电话:one—two— three— one —____

8.—How are you? —I am f_____, thanks.

9.______(拼写) it, please. 10.What is your telephone n_______?


1.What’s ________name? ( you ) 2.He is my friend._____(he) first name is Tony.

3.—What’s this? —_______(it) a key.

4. Hi! I ____ Liu Yun. What is your name? (be) 5.It is ______ (a) UFO.


1.My name is White. (对划线部分提问) ____ ____ ____ last name?

2. Alice is fine. (改为同义句) Alice ____ _____.

3. It is a blue map.(改为一般疑问句) ____ ____ a blue map?

4. —Is he Dale? (作否定回答) —N0, he ____.

5. The ruler is purple. (对划线部分提问) ____ ____ is the ruler?


假如你的朋友叫Dale Brown,请以“ My Good Friend ”为题,运用所学的英语知识,介绍一下你最要好的朋友。注意:1.语句通顺,语意连贯。 2.不少于30个单词。你可以这样开头:

My Good Friend

I have a good friend. His / Her name is


一、1-5CACCB 6-10AABCC 11-15CBACA 16-20DACBA 21-25ADABC 26-30CBBAA 31-35BBCBA 36-40ADDAB


三、46-50CDCAD 51-55BBCBA

四、56-60ABABA 61-65DBADD 66-70BCCDD

五、A)1-5 afternoon, English, quilt, And, family 6-10 China, five, fine, Spell, number

B) 1-5 your, His, It’s, am, a

六、1、What is your 2、is OK(well) 3、Is it 4、isn’t 5、What color




第一节 单项选择(20*1=20分)

( ) 26. I love sports, I don’t play sports---I only watch them TV.

A. and; in B. so; for C. but; on D. but; at

( ) 27. —_________!Where is my cup?

—_________, I don’t know.

A. Excuse me; Yes B. Yes, Sorry C. Excuse me; Sorry D. Sorry; Yes

( ) 28. — _______ your brother like hamburgers? —No, he ______.

A. Do; doesn’t B. Do; don’t C. Does; does. D. Does, doesn’t.

( ) 29. The lunch in our school ______ good.

A. are B. is C. am D. be

( ) 30. Let’s go! We late!

A. be B. are C. do D. /

( ) 31. —Let’s have oranges. — ________.

A. That’s sound good B. That sound good

C. That’s sounds good D. That sounds good

( ) 32. Look! Some ________ is on the table.

A. tomato B. eggs C. chicken D. bananas

( ) 33. — Do you like basketball game?

— No, I don’t like it, I think it is _________.

A. boring B. fun C. relaxing D. great

( ) 34. ---I like this yellow T-shirt and it’s only two yuan. I’ll take it.

--- .

A. Can I help you? B. Here you are.

C. How much is it? D. You’re welcome.

( ) 35. —________ does your father have ______ lunch?

A. What; for B. What; / C. How; for D. How; /

( ) 36. Tim is a ______ boy and he studies______ at school.

A. good; well B. good; good C. well; well D. well; good

( ) 37. He has _______ egg and _______ hamburger.

A. an, an B. a, a C. an, a D. a, an

( )38. We sell all our clothes a good price.

A. at B. on C. of D. under

( ) 39. — Do they like apples? — Yes, they like ________ very much.

A. it B. them C. their D. its

( ) 40. When is your father’s birthday? —It’s .

A. on December B.on December nineth

C. Decenmber D. on December twelfth

( ) 41. _______ Jim and Jack _______ three tennis balls?

A. Do, have B. Do, has C. Does, have D. Does, has

( ) 42. ---_________ are these trousers?

---They’re thirty dollars.

A. How much B. How many C. How old D. How about

( ) 43. She wants __________. It’s fun.

A. play ping-pong B. playing ping-pong

C. to play ping-pong D. to plays ping-pong

( ) 44. Oh, look! We don’t have any fruit now, dad. Let me some.

A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. to buying

( ) 45. Sue ________ sports after school.

A. don’t play B. don’t plays C. doesn’t plays D. doesn’t play

三.完形填空(10 *1=10分)


My name is Tim. I’m an English boy. I have three Chinese ___46___. They are Liu Ying, Li Hua and Wang Yong. Liu Ying and Li Hua are ___47____. Wang Yong is a boy. He ___48___ sports very much. He ___49____ five baseballs, eight basketballs, four ___50____ and three volleyballs. They all like to play ____51____. They think it’s ___52____, and they always ___53____ basketball with their classmates after school. But sometimes they ___54____ games ___55____ TV.

( ) 46. A. friends B. classes C. books D. teachers

( ) 47. A. boys B. girls C. boy D. girl

( ) 48. A. love B. loves C. don’t love D. doesn’t love

( ) 49. A. have B. has C. is D. are

( ) 50. A. tennis bat B. tennis bats C. tennises bat D. tennises bats

( ) 51. A. sport B. sports C. game D. games

( ) 52. A. relaxing B. boring C. difficult D. fine

( ) 53. A. get B. have C. like D. play

( ) 54. A. watch B. watches C. look D. looks

( ) 55. A. in B. on C. at D. to




I am Bill. I have a big family. They like different(不同的) food. My grandfather likes strawberries, but he doesn’t like hamburgers. My grandmother likes apples very much, but she doesn’t like oranges. My parents like eggs and bread. They don’t like ice cream. I like salad, but I don’t like bananas. My sister Mary and my brother Tony all like ice cream and hamburgers. Is it interesting?

( ) 56. What does Bill’s grandfather like?

A. strawberries B. apples C. pears D. salad

( ) 57. Does his mother like eggs?

A. No, they aren’t. B. Yes, they are.

C. Yes, she does. D. No, she doesn’t.

( )58. What do Mary and Tony like?

A. They like eggs and bread. B. They like oranges and ice cream.

C. They like ice cream and hamburgers. D. I don’t know.

( ) 59. Which is the grandmother’s favorite (最喜欢的) food?

A. Apples B. Vegetable C. Tomatoes D. Bananas

( ) 60. Does Bill like salad?

A. No, he doesn’t B.Yes, they does

C. No, he does. D. Yes, he does.


Dear mom and dad,

How are you these days? I miss(想念) you very much. I’m happy in America. I eat healthy food every day. For breakfast, I have eggs and milk. For lunch, I eat vegetables and fruit salad. For dinner, I have chicken. So I am ve ry healthy now.

I have a new friend here. His name is Jack. He is 11. We are in the same class. Jack has good eating habits. He likes fruit, vegetables and chicken. But he doesn’t like fast food. He thinks it is not healthy. He also likes sports, and basketball is his favorite(最喜爱的) sport. We often play basketball after class.


Chen Xi

( ) 61. Where is Chen Xi?

A.She’s in America. B She’s in China.

C. She is in Japan. D. She is in England.

( ) 62. What does Chen Xi eat for dinner?

A. Eggs and milk. B. Chicken.

C. Fruit, vegetables and chicken. D. Fruit salad and vegetables.

( ) 63. What does Jack like?

A. Fast food. B. Basketball. C. Clothes. D. Chinese.

( ) 64. How old is Jack?

A. Ten. B. Twelve. C. Eleven. D. Thirteen.

( ) 65. Which of the followings(下列的) is TRUE(正确的)?

A. Chen Xi doesn’t miss her parents.

B. Chen Xi isn’t happy in America.

C. Chen Xi isn’t Jack’s classmate.

D. Chen Xi and Jack play basketball after class.


Mrs. Wu’s Clothes Store

Clothes Colors Sizes(尺寸) Prices

T-shirts orange, white, green and blue S/XXL ¥55

skirts yellow, red and black S/M/L ¥62

shirts white, purple and blue S/M/L/XL ¥88

Sweaters brown, yellow S/L for girls ¥128

shorts blue, black S/M/L/XL ¥79


66. What does Mrs. Wu’s Clothes Store sell?

67.What clothes does Mrs. Wu’s Clothes Store only have in purple?

68. Jack buys a pair of blue shorts and a white T-shirt. How much are they?

69.If you have 60 yuan, what can you buy at Mrs. Wu’s Clothes Store?

70. David goes to the store with 150 yuan. Can he buy two pairs of blue shorts?


A) 从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话(有两项多余)(5*2=10)。

A:Let’s play basketball.

B:(71)_________ But I don’t have a basketball.

A:Do you have a tennis bat?

B:(72)__________ But tennis is difficult.

A:Then let’s watch TV.

B:(73)__________ Let’s play computer games. Do you have a computer?

A:(74) .

B: (75)__________ It’s relaxing.


B) 根据句意,用括号中所给的词的适当形式填空。(10*1=10分)

76. I _____________ (not know) her name.

77. His sister ____________ (watch) TV at home.

78. How about _______ (help) the girl in the classroom?

79. I don’t want ________ (be) fat.

80. She has some ________ (chicken).

81. Let ______ (we) play ping-pong.

82. September is the (nine) month of a year.

83. My grandfather has __________ (health) eating habits.

84. For _________ (早餐),they eat eggs and pears.

85. The book is __________ (interset),so I like it very much.

D) 书面表达(15分)。


注意:开头已经给出,不计入总词数。提示词:垃圾食品junk food

Frank and I are brothers.


26-30 CCDBB 31-35 DCABA 36-40ACABD

41-45 AACAD 46-50 ABBBB 51-55 BADAB 56-60 ACCAD

61-65 ABBCD

66. It sells T-shirts, skirts, shirts, sweaters and shorts.

67. Shirts.

68. They’re 134 yuan.

69. A T-shirt.

70. No, he can’t.

71-75 BDAGE

76. don’t know 77. watches 78. helping 79. to be 80. chicken

81. us 82. ninth 83. healthy 84.breakfast 85. interesting





















