
时间:2022-08-19 07:56:05 试题试卷 收藏本文 下载本文





听力部分(ListeningPart )

一、    听录音,选出与所听句子有关的单词(5分)

(  )1、A by  B fly C why

(  )2、A winter  B which C when

(  )3、A clean B climb C cousin

(  )4、A funny B studyC chant

(  )5、A bear B wear C sweater

二、    听录音填空,使之成为一段话,一空一词。(10分)


B:I am sendingGrandmaan e-card.




B:___________ 9th.


(  )1、A It’s July 4th BIt’sJuly7th

(  )2、A Yes ,theyare  B Yes , theycan

(  )3、A No ,she does B No, shedoesn’t

(  )4、A It’srunning B They arerunning

(  )5、A I ammaking a birthdaychart

B I amsendingGrandmaae-card


A:It’stime go where isJohn?Is he    ?

B: No ,he

A:Is he    ?

B: Yes ,

A: Tell himwe’re leaving.


( )1、Look!The kangaroois jumping!

( )2、The duck isflying.

( )3、I canseeelephants.

( )4、They’regoodclimbers.

笔试部分(Writing Part )


( )1、Afly Bjump C walk D climber

( )2、AcatBmonkey C zoo D panda

( )3、AheadB nose C ear D mom

( )4、AmarchB spring C summer D winter

( )5、A tofuB cabbageC trunkD eggplant

( )6、A coolB coldC skateD hot

( )7、A seasonB summerC fallD winter

( )8、A cloudB snowC rainD spring

( )9、A alwaysB swimC skateD sleep

( )10、A eveningB workC noonD morning

二 从方框中选择适当的词填空(6分)

Whatwhy which whowhere when

1、________ do yougetup?At6:00

2、________iszip’s favoriteseason?


4、________areyou from? I’mfromchina.

5、________do you likewinter?BecauseIcanskate.


( )1whataretheelephantsdoing ?________ drinking

A we’re B They’re  C It’s

( )2、Cantigers swim?--- ________.

A Yestheycan’t BNo,they can’t C No, they can

( )3、CanI speakto yourmom,Please? ________ ________

A Sure B Thankyou C Youarewelcome

( )4、What is your father doing? _____walking.

A It’sB He’sC She’s

( )5、--What’shelike !----_____________

A He likestea B Heisshort C Mr Carter

( )6、Isthere amirror inthehouse?

A Yes thereis B Yesit is C Yesthere are


1、see Ielephantstwo(.)


2、What parkbig anature(!)


3、youisforathere call(.)


4、aninstudythewriting e-mailhe’s(.)


5、ineveningeat dinnerI7:00theat(.)



eg: sleepsleeping

swim __________ playthepiano____________________

run __________writealetter __________???

take picture __________  skate __________


1、Whendoyou getup ?


2、What doyoudo on theweekend? ________________

3、Which seasondoyoulikebest?_________________

Why? __________________________________

4、When isyourbirthday?_____________________

5、Whenisyourmother’s birthday?___________________

6、Whendoyou gotoschool?________________________


1、    Are you eating lunch? No,___________.

2、    Is he playing chess? Yes,_________________.

3、    My birthday is _____________________.(10月1日)

4、    He is _____________________________(接电话)

5、    I usually_______________________at 5:00.(晨练)

6、    What is it doing? It is ___________________.(跳)


I like my village .There are many mountains near my village.There is a river in front of my village.The village is very beautiful in spring. The mountains come green. There are many trees and flowers.The flowers are colourful .There aremany ducks in the clean river. Many fish swim happyily in the river. But I like summer. it’snothot.It’s very cool .Do you like my village? Welcome to my village.


1、Is there a river in the village?____________________________

2、Are there many fish in the river?___________________________

3、Which season does she like best?____________________________

4、Which season is beautiful?__________________________________

5、Do you like the village?____________________________________


(  )1、There are many houses on the mountain.

(  )2、The summer is colorful.

(  )3、It’s not hot in summer.

(  )4、There are many fish in the river.

(  )5、Many ducks are in river in spring.




一、Listen and choose


(    ) 1. A. climbing            B. climb            C. climbs

(    ) 2. A. swinging            B. swimming        C. swim

(    ) 3. A.7:50                B.7:15              C. 7:30

(    ) 4. A. date                B. day              C. daily

(    ) 5. A. cloudy              B. cold             C. cool

(    ) 6. A. July                B. June             C. January

(    ) 7. A. fruit                B. food             C. foot

(    ) 8. A.                    B.                 C.

(    ) 9. A.                  B.                C.

(    ) 10. A.                 B.                C.

二、Listen and judge

你将听到一个句子或一组对话,请根据所听到的内容, 判断图片或句子是否相符, 相符的在相应的括号内打“√” , 不相符的打“×”。(每小题1分,共10分)

1.            . 2. 3.

(      )                  (      )                (      )

4. 5.

(      )  (      )

6. John and Wu Yifan are picking up leaves.  (     )

7. My father is watching TV with my mother in the living room. (     )

8. I often climb mountains on the weekend. (      )

9. The tigers can’t fly but can swim.  (      )

10. I often do morning exercises at 8:20. (     )

三、Listen and choose


(    ) 1. A. John is watching insects.          B. Amy is writing a report.

C. I am doing homework.

(    ) 2. A. I’d like to swim.    B. I like swimming.    C. I can swim.

(    ) 3. A. At 8:30p.m.        B. At 8:00 a.m.        C. At 12:00 noon.

(    ) 4. A. Yes, she is.        B. No, he isn’t.        C. No, it’s in September.

(    ) 5. A. He’s picking apples.     B. They’re doing an experiment.

C. We are collecting leaves.

四、Listen and fill

听录音,根据对话内容填入所缺的单词, 使句子意思合理、完整,每空只填一词,注意大小写的规范要求。(每空1分,共5分)

1. A: What are the students doing?           B: They are _________swimming.

2. A: When do you do morning            ?   B: At 9:00.

3. I like winter. Because II can make a ____________.

4. My birthday is in _____________. How about you?

5. My dad is_______________ the phone.

五、Listen and choose


1.      for the rain to paint a rainbow.            (  A. way     B. wait  )

2.A      without hair does not care what he wears.  (  A. bear     B. beer  )

3.         chips sell in cheap chip shops.         (  A. cheap    B. check )

4.You ate          with my group.              (  A. coup     B. soup )

5.Smart snails smile        slow smiles.         (  A. small     B. smell )

六、Listen and judge


(   ) 1. There are four people in Sarah’s family.

(   ) 2.Sarah likes winter. Because she can skate.

(   ) 3. Sarah’s brother likes fall best.

(   ) 4. Sarah’s mother likes planting trees.

(   ) 5. Sarah’s father likes swinging.


七、Read and fill


1. A:         do you have __________?  B: At 7:10 in the morning.

2. A: What do you        on the weekend?

B: I often play basketball. ________ I go hiking.

3. A: ______ do you like summer?  B: ___________ I can swim.

4. A: Teacher s’ Day is ____________ 10th.

5. The _________ day of the week is Sunday.

6. John and Mike _________ playing chess under a big tree.

7. The pandas can __________ trees.

八、Read and choose


A: Hello, this is Amy!

B: This is Sarah. _____________________________?

A: I am sorry. She is busy now. Please hold on.

B: ______________________________________________?

A : She is listening to music. She is coming.

B: Hi, Chen Jie! ________________________________________.

C: I go to the playground at 7:00 in the morning.

B: It is early. ______________________________________?

C: I get up at 6:00.

B: Shall we meet at 6:50 at school?

C: ___________________________________________.

九、Ask and answer


1. A:                (根据图片提问)

B:  No, she is answering the phone.

2. A:  What are the tigers doing?(根据提示图回答)


3. A:What date is it today? (按实际情况回答)


4. A:

B:  Yes, I usually play ping-pong at 3:00.

5. A: When is your grandma’s birthday?


十、Read and judge


Today is June 1st. It’s Children’s Day. My father takes me to the zoo. There are many kids of animals, such as tigers, pandas, monkeys, elephants and giraffes.

Look, the elephants are walking by the river. The monkeys are climbing mountains. The giraffes are eating leaves. I like pandas best. They are eating bamboo now. Where are the tigers? Oh, they are fighting. I love all the animals.

(   )1. Tomorrow is June 2nd.

(   )2. Today is Teacher’s Day.

(   )3. The giraffes are eating leaves. I like giraffes best.

(   )4. The monkeys can climb mountains.

(   )5. My mother takes me to the zoo.


一、Listen and choose

1. The monkeys often climb trees.

2. The ducks are swimming.

3.My mother often goes to work at 7:50.

4. What date is it? It’s June 16th.

5. The weather is cool in autumn in Dongguan.

6. It’s June 1st. It’s Children’s Day.

7. What’s your favourite fruit?  Apples.

8. The monkey is jumping.

9. The girl is doing homework.

10. I like winter. Because I can ski.

答案:B B A A C   B A B C B

二、Listen and judge

1.Today is National Day. It’s my birthday too.

2. I often do housework on the weekend.

3.Is the elephant walking? No, the elephant is drinking water.

4. The weather is cold and windy in winter.

5. Are you watching TV, Mike?  No, I am watching insects.

6. John is picking up leaves. Wu Yifan is picking apples.

7.My parents are watching TV in the living room.

8. I often go hiking on the weekend. Sometimes I climb mountains.

9.Can the tigers fly? No, but they can swim.

10. I often do English exercises at 8:20.

答案: √×××√      ×√×√×

三、Listen and choose

1. What is Amy doing, John?

2. What would you like to do in summer?

3. When do you do morning exercises?

4. Is your mom’s birthday in August?

5. What are you doing, John and Mike?

答案:B A B C C

四、Listen and fill

1.What are the students doing? They are going swimming.

2. When do you do morning exercises? At 9:00.

3. I like winter. Because I can make a snowman.

4. My birthday is in November. How about you?

5. My dad is answering the phone.

答案:1. going    2. exercises   3. snowman   4. November  5.  answering

五、listen and choose

1.Wait for the rain to paint a rainbow.

2. A bear without hair does not care what he wears.

3. Cheap chips sell in cheap chip shops.

4.You ate soup with my group.

5. Smart snails smile small slow smiles.

答案:B  A   A   B   A

六、Listen and judge

Hello, I am Sarah. I have a happy family. We like different seasons. I like winter best, because it’s snowy here. I can skate and make a snowman. My brother doesn’t like winter. He likes autumn. In autumn, the weather is cloudy and cool. He can fly kites. My mother likes spring, because she can plant flowers. My father likes summer best. He can swim in the river.

答案:√ √ √ × ×

七、Read and fill

答案:  1. When   breakfast        2. do   Sometimes

3. Why   Because          4. September

5. first        6. are        7. climbing

八、Read and choose

答案: A C B E G

九、Ask and answer

1. Is Amy listening to music?

2. They are fighting.

3. It’s…

4. Do you usually play ping-pong at 3:00.

5. It’s Sept. 10th.

十、Read and judge

答案: √ × × √ ×




Part I.听力部分


( )1.A.HKJ B.AKJ C.AKH ( )2.A.CAJ B.GCJ C.CJG ( )3.A.BBC B.ABC C.CBAn ( )4.A.HK B.UN C.UK ( )5.A.mnl B.nml C.nlm ( )6.A..cat B.bag C.car

( )7.A.book. B.goodbye C.afternoon ( )8.A.oae B.aeo C.oea


( )1.What's this in English? A bag.. ( )2.This is Zhan lin. ( )3.Good evening,,boys and girls. ( )4.It's green. ( )5.Excuse me.


1.This is___.A.LI hong B.Zhang C.Peter 2.What's this in English? A..An apple B.A book C.A head

3.What colour is the pen?A.Red B.Gereen C.Black and white

4.Shoe me the___,please.A.small lettere B.big letter E C.small letter k

5.How___you ?A.is B.are C.am 6.I'm___.A.eleven B.twelve C.ten

7.Goodbye,____.A.Mr Lin B.Mr Yan C.Mr Li

Part II. 笔试部分



1.HK( ) 2.IR( ) 3.MN( ) 4.TV( ) 5.FSY( ) 6. WQU( ) 7.edc 8.AEI( )



一、 把下面的英语句子写在字母格内。(4分)

My birthday is in February.



(      )1. Jan__ __ry     A. au   B. oa    C. ua    D. ao

(      )2. ch__ __t       A. ar   B. ia     C. er    D. or

(      )3. A__ __ __l     A. irp   B. ipr    C. pir   D. pri

(      )4. cou__ __n     A. is    B. zn     C. si    D. se

(      )5. f__ __ __th    A. oor   B. our    C. oru   D. ore

三、从B栏中找出与A栏相对应的汉语,把序号填在括号里。(12 分)


(      )1. When is your birthday ?

(      )2. National Day is on October 1st .

(      )3. There are four birthdays in   September in my class .

(      )4. What’s the date today ?

(      )5. I’m making an e-card for John .

(      )6. Whose birthday is in December in   your family ?









1.January_________ 2.April________ 3.August________

4.September___________ 5.December___________


1.Her birthday is in June.(改为一般疑问句)


2.My birthday is in February.(对划线部分提问)


3.There are three birthdays in June.(改为否定句)


4.My English teacher is in the classroom.(对划线部分提问)


5.She is a teacher.(对划线部分提问)



(  )Me too.Let’s play together!

(  )What are you going to do this afternoon?

(  )I am going at 2 o’clock.

(  )OK .See you at 2 o’clock.

(  )I’m going to play basketball.

(  )Great! What are you going?

(  )See you then!


I’m Chen Jie. My birthday is July 20th. I usually get up early on my birthday. I am too excited to sleep. My parents and friends give me many presents. I don’t go to school on my birthday, because I am on summer holidays(假期). Usually I have a birthday party. We have a big dinner and eat a birthday cake and ice-cream. We sing, dance, watch TV and play computer games at the party. In the evening, my family goes to the beach because it’s usually very hot. I have a good time on my birthday.

(      )1、 Chen Jie’s birthday is in              .

A.   spring  B. summer  C. fall

(      )2、 Chen Jie usually gets up early on ____________.

A. Monday  B. July 20th   C. July 12th

(      )3、 Chen Jie usually _________ on her birthday.

A.   goes to school  B. has English class  C. has a birthday party

(      )4、 Chen Jie doesn’t________ at the party.

A.  play sports  B. watch TV  C. play computer games

(      )5、 Chen Jie goes to the beach with her __________.

A.   family  B. friends  C. classmates


一、写出下列单词的 ing形式。(16﹪)

1. fly____________ 2. run____________ 3.write____________

4.sleep____________ 5. climb____________ 6.walk____________

7. make____________ 8.swim____________ 9.jump____________

10.swing____________ 11. do____________ 12. cook____________

13. eat____________ 14. fight____________ 15. swing ____________

16. drink____________


( ) 1. She can’t ___________ a letter.

A. write B. writes C. writing

( ) 2._______you doing your homework, Ann?

A. Do B. Are C. Can (

) 3. I see ________elephant in the park.

A. an B. a C. two

( ) 4. ---What is it doing?----_______________.

A. He’s sleeping. B. It is jumping. C. She is running.

( )5.Amy and Sarah _______doing their homework.

A. is B. are C. Are

( )6. Which animal lives only in Australia? ______________.

A. Panda. B. lion. C. Kangaroo

( ) 7. --- ________ is it sleeping? --- ______________

A. Where B. Who C. When

( ) 8. Koala bears sleep 20 hours ________day.

A. a B. an C. /

( ) 9. Look ________the monkeys.

A. to B. on C. at

( ) 10. Do you see ________lions in the zoo?

A. some B. any C. many


1.Are, doing, they, what?


2. climbing, are, trees, they.


3. is, what, it, doing?


4. rabbit, jumping, is, the.


5. elephants, drinking, with, trunk, its, the, is, water.



A. I’m Uncle Bill. B. She’s listening to music. C. I’m watching TV.

D. This is Uncle Bill. E. Yes, I am. F. Thank you.

G. He is reading a book. A: Hello.

B: Hello, Sarah. . What are you doing ?

A: Hi, Uncle Bill. ___________________.

B: What is your father doing?

A: _______________.

B: What is your mother doing?. A:______________________ .

B: Can I speak to your mom, please?

A: Please hold on.

B: _________________

五、根据文章内容判断下列各题,对的打√ ,错的打×(20%)


It's September. It's fine. Mr. Green and his family are in the park. They are having a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Green are looking at some fish in the lake. Tom, their son, is looking at a plane in the sky. Mary, their daughter, is walking behind her parents. She is looking at fish in the lake, too.

( ) l. It's a fine day today.

( ) 2. Mr. Green and his students are in the park.

( ) 3. Torn is looking at a plane in the sky.

( ) 4. Mary is sitting behind her parents.

( ) 5. Mary is looking at the fish in the lake, too.


It’s a hot day in summer. It’s a good season, because I can go swimming in the river. But my favourite season is not summer, it’s spring. I have a garden. There are many beautiful flowers in it. It’s nice to watch the flowers grow. In autumn I can pick fruits from the trees and see the leaves fall. In winter the trees have no leaves. I can find many things to do.

( )1、Is it semmer now?

A.Yes, it is . B.No,it’s not.

( )2、Which season do you like best?

A. I like spring best. B. I like summer best

. ( )3、What do you do in spring?

A.I like to watch the flowers grow.B. I like to watch the leaves fall.

( )4、Are the trees green in winter? A.Yes,they are. B. No,they aren’t.

( )5、What can you eat in fall?

A. I can eat many furits. B. I can eat fruits.


(jumping are flying are bird is fly swimming tiger in birds swinging)

There ______ many animals in the zoo. Look! The ______ are running. The two lions ______fighting. The monkeys are ______.The fish ______ ______ ______ the river. Many ______ are ______ in the sky. Look,it’s a rabbit, it’s_________.




一、Listen and judge whether the pictures accords with what you hear 判断下列图片与所听内容是否相符,用“√”或“×”表示(8%)

1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( )

5. ( ) 6. ( ) 7. ( ) 8. ( )

二、Listen and choose the word which belongs to the different category with the word you hear听录音,找出与所听单词不同类的词,将序号和单词写在横线上(8%)

1. __ __________ 2. _ __ __________

3. _ _ __________ 4. _ _ _ __________

5. _________ __________ 6. __________ __________

7. _________ __________ 8. __________ __________

三、Listen and fill in the blanks, then answer the questions听录音, 先填空再回答问题(14%)

Today is ________. In Class 2, Grade 5, everyone is here. But David ________. He ________ got a ________ ________.There are four ________ in the morning and one in the ________. When classes are ________, Mike calls David. David feels better . He wants to know homework. So Mike will go to tell him, and ________ some ________ for him, too.

1. What day is it today?


2. What‘s wrong with David?


3. How many classes do they have today?


4. Why does Mike go to David’s home?



三、Read and find out whether the sound of underlined parts are same or not, write “√”if they are same, write“×” if they are different 判断下列每组单词中划线部分的发音是否相同, 相同打“√”,不同打“×”(9%)

1 come 2 so 3 to

brother ( ) on ( ) cold ( )

4 social 5 Monday 6 sofa

computer ( ) hot ( ) hope ( )

7 Maths 8 term 9 feel

has ( ) better ( ) read ( )

四、Rewrite the words according to the instructions 按要求写出下列单词(10%)

1. do(第三人称单数)__________2. lesson(近义词)__________

3. these(对应词)__________4. hot(对应词)__________

5. take(现在分词)__________6. her(主格)__________

7. class(复数形式)__________8. parents(所有格)__________

9.children(单数形式) __________10. write(同音词) __________

五、Complete the words in the dialogue according to the context and the given alphabet 根据单词首字母和句子意思,将对话中的`单词补充完整(15%)

A: Welcome b________ to school, Ben.

B: Nice to m________ you, Mr Green.

A: There is a n________ subject in this t_______, do you know?

B: Yes. It‘s S________ S________.

A: Do you l________ it?

B: Maybe. I t________ it will be i________.

A: Of course. When do you h________ this l________? On M________?

B: No. It’s on F________. W________ will teach us, Mr Green?

A: Mr Zhang. He is a very good t________.

六、Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions 填入适当的介词(8%)

1. How many Art lessons do you have ________ a week?

2. We have a Computer Studies lesson ________ Friday.

3. First draw some flowers ________ the paper.

4. She goes to school ________ half past seven.

5. Can you come and help me ________ my Maths?

6. Here‘s a new copybook ________ Nancy.

7. Take ________ your coat, please. It’s hot today.

8. Boys and girls, this is the first day ________ the new term.

七、Translate the phrases 英汉互译(10%)

1. the first lesson _______________2. 星期一早晨 __________________

3. stay in bed __________________4. 午饭后 ______________________

5. take some medicine ___________6. 带些水果给你 ________________

7. get better ____________________8. 八门学科 ____________________

9. have a lot of rest ______________10. 上课 _______________________

八、Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the given words 请用所给单词的适当形式完成句子(6%)

1. My father often reads newspaper ________________.

2. Who ________________ today?

3. -- ________________ with your watch? -- It doesn‘t work.

4. We work for a long time. Let’s ________________.

5. The present is very good. Thanks ________________.

6. The classes ________________ at four o‘clock. In the afternoon.

九、Rewrite the sentences according to the instructions 按要求写出下列句子(5%)

1. He has Chinese, Maths, English and Art in the morning. (改为否定句)


2. There are four English lessons in a week.(改为一般疑问句)


3. I’m not taking any medicine.(改为肯定句)


4. They aren‘t reading the books.(改为单数形式)


5. I’ve got a bad cough.(对划线部分提问)


十、Reading comprehension. Choose and judge to the passages阅读理解,选择并判断(7%)


Jane is a schoolgirl. She is fifteen. She lives with her parents and her grandpa. Her grandpa is seventy years old. He‘s got a backache. He needs to see a doctor. But Jane’s parents are very busy. Her father is a policeman. Her mother is a teacher. So Jane wants to go to hospital with her grandpa after school. She hopes her grandpa gets better soon.

1. What is Jane?

A. A teacherB. A policewomanC. A student

2. --What‘s wrong with her grandpa? --He’s got a _____.

A. toothacheB.backacheC.earache

3. Who needs to see a doctor?

A. JaneB. Jane‘s parentsC. Jane’s grandpa


A: Hi, Mike. Nice to see you.

B: Nice to see you, too. Liu Tao.

A: What day is it today?

B: It‘s Thursday. What lessons do you have in this morning?

A: We have Maths, Chinese, Art, and Science.

B: Oh, I like PE very much. But we don’t have it today.

A: We have PE and Computer Studies this afternoon.

B: Great! Do you like PE?

A: No, I don‘t. I like English very much. Tomorrow we will have an English lesson in the morning.

B: It’s time for class. Let‘s go!

( )1. Liu Tao has PE in the afternoon.

( )2. Liu Tao has six lessons today.

( )3. Mike likes English very much.

( )4. Liu Tao will have English lesson on Friday morning.




1.j_____p 2.Q_____W


1.I’ll do some shopping for her ( )


2.the yellow coat is nicer than the blue one ( )



红色的_______________ 大的_______________ 连衣裙_______________

手提包_______________ 妻子_______________ 绿色的_______________

小的_______________ 手表_______________


______________ 1. big bag small

______________ 2. hat cat dog

______________ 3. blue green have

______________ 4. my her we


_____________dinner _____________her some flowers

_____________a cold _____________the room


( ) 1.So many nice !

A. kite B. kites

( ) 2. Mom yellow color.

A. like B. likes

( ) 3. I to buy a pen.

A. want B. will

( ) 4. The sun is than the moon.

A. big B. bigger

( ) 5. The moon is than the earth.

A. small B.smaller

( ) 6. The train is than the bus.

A. shorter B. longer

( ) 7. I a bag tomorrow.

A. will buy B. bought

( ) 8. They want to give some to their mother.

A. present B.


( ) I want to buy a skirt.

( ) Eighty yuan.

( ) Can I help you, madam?

( ) What about this one?

( ) Well, I like it. How much is it?


● I’ll buy her a dress. ● The green coat is longer than the blue one.

● I'll give her some flowers. ● So many beautiful flowers!

● I want to buy a watch for my wife. ● Can I help you, madam?


( _________________________________________ )


( _________________________________________ )


( _________________________________________ )


( _________________________________________ )


( _________________________________________ )


( _________________________________________ )




learn _______ sing ________ dance _______ eat _______am/is_______ fly_______

take _______ climb _______ have ________ buy ________play________ visit ________

row _______ see _______ get _______ read ________wash _______ clean_______

do ________ go ________ leave ________watch________


唱歌和跳舞________________ 照相____________


游泳_____________________ 看大象___________

去滑雪___________________ 去滑冰___________



( ) 1. _______ did you do on your holiday ?

A.How B.Where C.What

( ) 2. Where _____ you _____ on your holiday ?

A. did, go B. did, do C. did, went

( ) 3. She ________ last weekend .

A. went ski B. went sking C. went skiing

( ) 4. He bought some books ____ me .

A.to B.for C.at

( ) 5. I _______ and ________ yesterday .

A. sang, dance B. sang, danced C. sing, danced



( )1、Where did you go ? A. Last weekend.

( )2、How did you go there? B.We went skiing.

( )3、When did you take the photos? C.I went to Beijing.

( )4、What did you do yesterday? D. Yes, I did.

( )5、Did you have a good time? E. We went there by plane.


( ) 1. What did he do yesterday ? A. Yes, she did.

( ) 2. Did she wash the clothes yesterday ? B. I went fishing .

( ) 3. What did you do last weekend ? C. No, I didn’t .

( ) 4. Did you went to the park ?D. He read a book yesterday.

( ) 5. What was the weather yesterday ? E. It was sunny .


1、took, many, in, we, park, pictures, the (肯定句)


2、do, you, did, night, last, what (疑问句)


3、presents, for, friends, my, bought, I (肯定句)


4、Xinjiang, How, to, did, go, you(疑问句)


5、holiday, your, did, where, you, go, on (疑问句)



( took, climbed, food, saw, older, sang, happy, old, mountains, had )

Yesterday I________a mountain with my cousin Tom. Tom is 13 years ________. He is one year ________than I. We took some _________and drinks with us. And Tom took his camera, too. On the mountain, we took a lot of pictures of the beautiful scenery. When we got to the top of the _________, it was 2:00 p.m.We _______and danced there. We got tired. But we felt very ________. Because we________ some squirrels and ________many pictures. We ________a good time.


Today was hot. I went to the farm(农场) with my parents. There was a river near the farm . I went to the river with my dog . We ran and played . Suddenly I dropped (掉进)into the river ,“Help , Help……”My dog jumped into(跳进)the river and swam to me , Ten minutes later , I was saved(救). I was grateful to him. We are good friends.

( )1、It was very______________ .

A、cold B、hot C、windy

( )2、I went to the farm with my ______________.

A、parents B、friends C、teacher

( )3、I ran and played with ______________.

A、my cat B、my dog C、my sister

( )4、______________jumped into the river and saved me.

A、My dog B、My mother C、My father

( )5、I was very grateful to my______________ .

A、mother B、friend C、dog




watch_______wash _____ clean _____ play _______fly______

visit _____ do ____ go ____ read _____ am/is_____have______


1、上周末____________6、wash clothes____________

2、去游泳____________7、visit grandparents ____________

3、去钓鱼____________8、listen to music____________

4、去郊游____________ 9、play football____________

5、看电视____________10、go to the park____________


1、He w_______--to a park yesterday?

2、I c_____my room last weekend.

3、Did you r________the magazine?

4、Did Lucy c________a mountain

5、Last Saturday ,Candy v_____her uncle.

6. What did you d_____ last weekend ?

7. She r______ a book last night .

8. He went s________ yesterday .

9. Amy l_________ to music last Tuesday .

10. We w________ fishing yesterday


1、did , what , you , yesterday , do?


2、you , full , did , the , moon , see


3、went , I , to , park , a , yesterday


4、jumped , the , into , lake , he


5、with , Wang Ping , his ,played ,friends , last ,football , weekend




( ) 1. What did he do yesterday ?A. Yes, she did.

( ) 2. Did she wash the clothes yesterday ? B. I went fishing .

( ) 3. What did you do last weekend ? C. No, I didn’t .

( ) 4. Did you went to the park ? D. He read a book yesterday.

( ) 5. What was the weather yesterday ? E. It was sunny .


Today was hot. I went to the farm(农场) with my parents. There was a river near the farm . I went to the river with my dog . We ran and played .

Suddenly I dropped (掉进)into the river ,“Help , Help……”My dog jumped into(跳进)the river and swam to me , Ten minutes later , I was saved(救)。 I was grateful to him. We are good friends.

( )1、It was very .

A、cold B、hot C、windy

( )2、I went to the farm with my .

A、parents B、friends C、teacher

( )3、I ran and played with .

A、my cat B、my dog C、my sister

( )4、 jumped into the river and saved me.

A、My dog B、My mother C、My father

( )5、I was very grateful to my .

A、mother B、friend C、dog


1、What do you usually do on the weekend?


2、What did you do last weekend?


3、Did you help your mother clean the room?(肯定回答)


4、Did you go to the park yesterday?(否定回答)





一、判断下列单词画划部分读音是否相同,用“ √” 或“ ⅹ”表示。(6分)

1. rain play ( ) 2. know now ( ) 3. soup soap ( )

4. class water ( ) 5. when who ( )


1. feet(单数)________________ 2.know(同音词)______________

3.sad(反义词)______________ 4.fat(比较级)______________

5.happy(副词) ______________ 6.bad(比较级)___________

7. much(比较级)_________ 8.good(比较级)____________

9.little (比较级)_________ 10.funny(比较级)________


1.吃药______________________ 6.take it easy__________________

2.感冒______________________ 7.laugh at _____________________

3.头痛________________________ 8.the math test__________________

4.肚子痛______________________ 9.see the doctor_________________

5.传球__________________________ 10.betweeb ….and …______________

四、按要求写句子:( 15分)

1. He is five.( 对画线部分提问) _________ is he?

2. She can see two birds in the tree. (对画线部分提问)

______ _______ _______ can she see in the tree?

3. The boy can see some flowers on the desk. (改为否定句)

The boy _____ ______ _____ flowers on the desk.

4. I would like something to drink. (改为一般疑问句)

______ ______ like ______ to drink?

5. They like the picture. (改为一般疑问句)

______ they______ the picture?

6. How are you today? (写出答语)

______, ______


1. people , in , some, sick , the , feel , winter

(____________________________________________________. )

2. drinks, take, medicine, hot, and, drink, some

(____________________________________________________. )

3. so, look , happy , today , you

(____________________________________________________. )

4. do , you , how , flu , have , feel, you, if , the

(____________________________________________________? )

5. matter, is , with , what, the, John

(____________________________________________________? )


( )1. Amy ________ very sad. What’s wrong _______ her ?

A. looks, with B. look, with C. looks , to

( )2. — ________ does John feel ? — He’s bored.

A. What B. How C. Where

( )3. I’m glad _______ hear that.

A. for B. to C. in

( )4. John passes the ball ____ Mike. And the ball bounces ____ Mike’s head.

A. to, off B. in , on C. to , to

( )5. Please stay in _______ bed and drink _______ water.

A. / , many B. / , more C. the , much

( )6. _________ some medicine and you’ll be ________ soon.

A. Have, fine B. Take, well C. Take ,better

( )7. — How ________ you feeling ? — I am ________ better now.

A. are, feel B. is, feels C. are, feeling

( )8. The straw man _______ a headache, and the robot ______ tired.

A. has is B. have is C. has feeling

( ) 9. I can’t see ___ bread in the box.

A. some B. any C. a

( )10. Please give ____ some bananas.

A. hers B. his C. us


In winter, the weather is very cold. Some people feel sick in the cold weather. If you don’t wear enough clothes, you will have a cold. How do you feel if you have a cold? You will be very tired. Your head may hurt badly. Your temperature(体温) will be higher than 37℃,then the cold may turn into a fever. But don’t worry if you are sick, go to see a doctor. Take some medicine and stay in bed for a few days. And drink more hot water. Then you will get well soon.

( ) 1. People feel sick in winter because it’s .

A. warm B. cold

( ) 2. If you have a cold you will be .

A. tired. B. happy.

( ) 3. If your temperature is higher than 37℃ you will .

A. have a cold. B. have a fever.

( ) 4. If you are sick, you must .

A. see a doctor. B. go to school.

( ) 5. is good for you when you’re sick.

A. Drinking hot water. B. Drinking cold water






1. like you do Ben which monkey ?


2. 30cm its is about tail long .


3. big feet are how your ?


4. than thinner I’m you .


5. monkey yellow 150cm tall the I think is .



1.Old(比较级)__________ 2.up(反义词) __________3. big(比较级)__________

4.are(第一人称单数)__________ 5. heavy(比较级)__________


( ) 1.I taller than John.

A. is B. am C. are

( ) 2. you heavier than Tom?

A. is B. am C. are

( ) 3.She three years older than her little sister.

A. is B. am C. are

( ) 4.How is your brother?

A. tall B. taller C. high

( ) 5. An elephant is ,and it is than a panda.

A.big;big B.big;bigger C. bigger;bigger

( ) 6. The monkey’s tail is than the rabbit’s tail.

A.long B.longer C.short

( ) 7.I’m taller than .

A.him B.his C.he

( ) 8.He is stronger than .

A. me B. my C. I

( ) 9.My arms are longer than .

A. your B. you C. yours

( ) 10.A tiger is ,but a whale is than it.

A. heavier;heavy B.heavy;heavier C. heavy;heavy

八.在B栏中找出A 栏中问句的答语。(10分)


( )1.How old are you?

( ) 2.How many people are there in your family?

( ) 3.How tall are you?

( ) 4.How much is your T-shirt?

( ) 5.How do you usually go to school?

( ) 6.How long is Changjiang river?

( ) 7.How high is that mountain?

( ) 8.How far is it from your home to your school?

( ) 9.How are you?

( ) 10.How do you do?


A.There are five.

B.I’m 12.

C.How do you do?

D.It’s about 6300 kilometers long.

E.On foot.

F.It’s about 10 minutes by bike.

G.Over 1000 kilometers high.

H.Thirty yuan.

I.Fine,thank you.

J.I’m 158cm tall.


Nancy is reading an e-mail from her America friend Jack.She is very happy to get the e-mail.Jack writes about his school and his weekend.Jack’s school is not very big but it’s beautiful. There are two buildings, two gardens and a playground. Their classrooms are big and clean.Jack likes his school very much.

Jack doesn’t go to school at the weekend. He often gets up at six on Saturday and Sunday. He runs in a park for half an hour. Then he eats his breakfast.At eight, he begins to do his homework...He has lunch with his family at home.In the afternoon. He helps his mother do housework. Sometimes he plays computer games with his classmates on the Internet. In the evening,he listens to music or reads books. He really has a good time at the weekend.


( )1.Jack is an American boy.

( ) 2.Jack’s school is big and beautiful.

( ) 3.Jack doesn’t go to school on Saturdays and Sundays.

( ) 4.He does his homework in the evening.

( )5.He often plays computer games with his classmates on the Internet.




1. 三名治_____ 2.特别喜爱的'____ 3.看书_____ 4.有用的____ 5.星期日______ 6.蔬菜沙拉______ 7..洋葱_____ 8..疲倦的___ 9.完成________ 10.美味的______


1.clever________ 2.name_____ 3.friendly______ 4.windy ______ 5.healthy______ 6.polite_____ 7.sometimes____ 8.strict_______ 9.finish______


a y n u s d __________

2. n i g o k o c ________

3. s y t h t r i __________

4. k a e s p_____________

5. a y d n e w e d s ___

6. l a a s d _____________

7. l e e h s c d u _______

8. a t e ________________

9.l l iw _________________

10. n g u o y __________


( )1、wash my clothes                     A、我很饿

( )2、play football                           B、洗衣服

( )3、On Thursdays                         C、没问题

( )4、The sandwich is delicious       D、保重

()5、It’s healthy                             E、让我展示给你看

( )6、Be careful                                F、三明治很美味

( )7、No problem                            G、踢足球

( )8、I;m hungry                              H、他很健康

( )9.Let me show you                       L、选择和写

( ) 10.Choose and write                   J、在星期四





















