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1~5 BABBC 6~10 ACABB 11~15 ACCAB

16. ten/10 17. Nine/9 18. son 19. aunt 20. cousins

二、1. B 结合选项可知题干意为“一天一苹果,医生远离我”。此处表示泛指,且apple的读音以元音音素开头,故选B。

2. A 问句的主语为your name,故答语中应用it代替,排除C、D两项,B项本身错误,应选A。

3. C 谓语动词为实义动词的一般现在时的否定句结构为:主语+don’t/doesn’t+实义动词原形+其他.,主语为第三人称单数,故选C。

4. D should“应该”;would“将,将会”;must“必须”;can“能,会”。由答语I think Jeff can.(我认为杰夫会。)可知此处问谁会修理电脑,故选D。

5. C 由第一句句意“我找不到我的橡皮了”可推知空格所在句意应为“我可以用一下你的(橡皮)吗?”,空格后无名词,应用名词性物主代词,故选C。

6. B 谓语动词为实义动词的一般现在时的一般疑问句结构为:Do/Does+主语+实义动词原形+其他?。其肯定回答为:Yes, 主语+do/does.。

7. C this/that为单数指示代词,these/those为复数指示代词。第一空用this指代单数名词my sister,第二空用those指代复数名词my brothers。

8. D under the table意为“在桌子下面”;on the floor意为“在地板上”。

9. B 当别人向你表示称赞时,应向对方表示感谢。

10. A Thank you for...因……而感谢你。You are welcome.不用谢;别客气。

11. C 由前句句意“我很整洁”和后句句意“吉娜不整洁”可知两句之间为转折关系,故选C。

12. A my sister意为“我的姐姐”,是女性,其相对应的代词的主格应是she,故选A项。

13. D these作主语的一般疑问句,回答时通常用代词they。肯定回答时,be动词用肯定式;否定回答时,be动词后加not。

14. B “call sb. at+电话号码”表示“拨……电话号码给某人打电话”,为固定用法。

15. A 由第二句句意“它在哪里?”可推知第一句句意为“我找不到我的语文课本了”,故选A。

三、1. C 主语Mary Smith是单数,故连系动词be用is。

2. B 前文是a girl, 用she代替,且句中第一个单词的首字母应大写。

3. B 因句中出现family name,故应选Smith。

4. A 用形容词性物主代词修饰名词。

5. D Mary Smith中Mary是名字(first name)。

6. A 由806-8027知是phone number(电话号码)。

7. A her ID number是单数,be动词用is。

8. B 因her mother是单数,故be动词用is。

9. A her修饰名词mother。

10. A look the same意为“看上去一样”;因为主语是复数,故用动词原形。

四、1. B 由句子I’m an English boy.可知此题应选B项。

2. D 短文中介绍了四个人:my father, my mother, my sister和I。

3. B 由句子The tall man is my father. His name is Ken White.可知此题应选B项。

4. A 由句子This is my mother, Sandy Jordan.可知应选A项。

5. C 由最后一句话I’m the boy in blue.可知C项正确。

6. B 由第一段中的There are three people in my family—my father, my mother and I.可知选B。

7. C 由第二段第二句中的He is a Chinese teacher...可知选C。

8. C 由第二段倒数第三句I go to school on foot every day.可知选C。

9. A 由第二段中的My mother is 42 years old.可知A项正确。

10. C 由短文中的I have two good friends. They are Li Chang and Zhang Xiaoxiao.可知选C。

11. T 由第一句My name is Tony Brown.可知此句表述正确。

12. F 由文中My name is Tony Brown.及My father is Paul Brown. My mother is Emma Brown. I have a brother. His name is Jim Brown.可知Tony家有四口人,故此句表述错误。

13. F 由文中I have a brother. His name is Jim Brown.可知此句表述错误。

14. F 由文中We go to the sports club on Sundays.可知此句表述错误。

15. F 由文中We eat fruit and vegetables every day.可知此句表述错误。

16. 现在我和我的父母在中国。

17. I don’t like milk.

18. A go home意为“回家”,home为副词。

19. C 介词with意为“和……一起”。

20. D 根据原文的I eat rice, meat and vegetables. Sometimes I have noodles or dumplings.知D项正确。

五、1. is 主语her cat是第三人称单数,连系动词be用is。

2. have 谓语动词为实义动词的一般现在时态的一般疑问句结构为:助动词Do/Does+主语+实义动词原形+其他?

3. watches 名词watch意为“手表”。由空格前的two可知此处应填watch的复数形式watches。

4. sounds 主语it是第三人称单数,谓语动词也用第三人称单数形式。

5. healthy 形容词healthy修饰名词food。

六、1. is, mother 2. is a 3. doesn’t have 4. Does, like 5. Where is

七、One possible version:

I am Liu Tao. My last name is Liu, and my first name is Tao. I am a boy, and I am a student. I’m 12 years old. I study in No.1 Middle School. I am in Class 3, Grade 1. There are 8 people in my family. They are my grandparents, my parents, my uncle, my aunt, my cousin and me. My telephone number is 82761383. On Sundays I like playing sports. And I like soccer best.



B. 根据所听内容选择正确的应答语.(听两遍): (5分)

( )6. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, it does.

( )7. A. It’s a book B. They are books? C. Yes, they are mine.

( )8. A. It’s hers. B. It’s purple. C. It’s a coat.

( )9. A. Good idea. B. Thanks. C. I’d like apples.

( )10. A.It’s red. B. It’s mine. C. It’s two o’clock

C. 听一篇长对话,选择正确答案。(听两遍): (5分)

( )⒒ Who is the letter from?

A. Tom. B. Jim. C. Maria.

( )⒓ Where does Maria’s pen pal live?

A. China. B. England. C. The USA.

( )⒔ How old is Maria’s pen pal?

A. Seven. B. Eight. C. Ten.

( )⒕ Does Maria’s pen pal speak Chinese?

A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. He speaks Chinese.

( )⒖ Does Maria’s pen pal like China?

A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. Sorry, I don’t know.

D.根据所听短文内容,判断下列句子的正(R)与误(W)。(听两遍): (5分)

( )⒗ Miss Wang teaches English in No. 1 Middle School.

( )⒘ Miss Wang is forty years old.

( )⒙ Miss Wang teaches English very well.

( )⒚ Miss Wang’s students love her.

( )⒛ Bob is Miss Wang’s student.


II. 词汇。(15分)


pen we foot bread pencil you red

cat brother nose China meat ten cap

hair dog yellow schoolbag brown jacket Cananda

panda face sister rice forty England ruler

twelve green fish shoes they shirt aunt

Japan three cousin he rabbit

1.学习用品:_____ _____ ______ ________ 2.服装:_____ _____ _____ ________

3.人称代词:_____ ______ ______ _______ 4.食物:_____ ______ _____ _______

5.家庭成员:_____ ______ ______ _______ 6.动物:_____ ______ _____ _______

7.身体部位:_____ ______ ______ _______ 8.数词:_____ ______ _____ _______

9.国家名称:______ ______ ______ ______ 10.颜色:_____ ______ ______ ______


11. I have two ________ (knife). He _______ (have)two boxes.

12. This is ______ (Jane)ruler. It’s not ________ (my).

13. What about ______(go)shopping? Sorry, I’d like _____(go)fishing.

14. ______ (we)teachers love us. We love _____ (they),too.

15. I want _____ (visit)the Great Wall. But Tom _______ (not like)it.


16.—How o_________ is she?—She is twelve.

17. Those are eight _________.

18. He is a __________.He works in a restaurant.

19. My mother’s brother is my u______.

20. My sister wants a nice red ________ .

Ⅲ. 句型转换.(10分)

1. My name is Zhang Lei.(对划线部分提问)

_____ your name?

2. Tom and his mother look the same.(同义句)

Tom _____ ______ his mother。

3. I have two big eyes.(变否定句)

I _______ _______ two big eyes.

4. He has a box.(变复数句)

_____ _____ _____ ______.

5. It’s nine forty-five.(同义句)

It’s ____ ________ ______ ________.

IV. 单项选择(15分).

( )1. – Welcome to China! – _________

A. Thank you. B. That’s all right. C. See you.

( )2. That girl is my friend. _______ name is Kumiko.

A. My B. His C. Her

( )3. —What are those in English?

—They are _________.

A.apples B.apple C.an apple

( )4. Jim______big eyes with short hair.

A. have B. has C. look

( )5. I have orange. It’s orange.

A. a, a B. a, an C. an, /

( )6. I want to have some noodles(面条) supper.

A. to B. at C. for

( )7. I can help you your English.

A. with B. to C. in

( )8. What Lucy and her sister like?

A. do, look B. does, look C. is, look

( )9. The boy _______ black is Tom.

A. at B. in C. of

( )10. –What color is your skirt? –It’s _______.

A. orange B. an orange C. orange skirt

( )10. My parents and I _____ love our work.

A. both B. all C. two

( )11. –What’s your father? – ________

A. He is fine. B. He’s forty. C. He is a teacher.

( )12. Tom is a good boy. Do you like ______ ?

A. he B. him C. his

( )13.It’s 5:30 now. It’s time ______

A. to go home B. go home C. go to home

( )14. —Whose book is it? —It’s ________.

A. my B. her C. hers

( )15.I like _______ . They only live in Sichuan, China.

V. 情景交际.(10分)



( )1. How old is your cousin? A. This is Ann speaking.

( )2. What does your uncle look like? B. Thank you.

( )3.Is this your photo? C. He is fifteen years old.

( )4.May I speak to Ann, please? D. He is tall with short hair

( )5.Help yourself to some fish. E. No, it isn’t.


A. Would you like some rice?

B. A glass of orange juice, please.

C. Thanks.

D. No, thanks.

E. Here you are.

A: Help yourself to some fish.

B: 6 The fish is very nice.

A: Would you like some eggs?

B: 7 May I have some chicken, please?

A: 8 What would you like to drink?

B: 9 I like orange juice very much.

A: 10

B: No, thanks.

6. _________ 7. _________ 8. _________ 9. _________ 10. _________

VI. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)

I’m Jack. This is 1 picture of my family. Look, the girl 2 yellow is my sister. 3 name is Helen. She is twelve. The young woman in red is my 4 . She is a 5 . She teaches in a junior high school in Beijing. The man in brown 6 my father. He is a 7 . He works in a hospital. The boy in a hat is me. I’m fourteen ___8___ old. My sister and I are both 9 . We are in the same school, but in different 10 .We work very hard(努力).

( ) 1. A. a B. an C. one D. /

( ) 2. A. on B. in C. with D. at

( ) 3. A. She’s B. Her C. He D. His

( ) 4. A. sister B. brother C. mother D. father

( ) 5. A. nurse B. farmer C. cook D. teacher

( ) 6. A. is B. are C. am D. be

( ) 7. A. worker B. doctor C. driver D. farmer

( ) 8. A. years B. year C. classes D. grades

( ) 9. A. student B. students C. a student D. teachers

( ) 10. A. grades B. grade C. a grade D. Grade One



Kangkang is a Chinese boy. He is a student. He is 14. Kangkang likes to make friends(交朋友). Now he receives(收到) a letter from Sam, his pen pal in England. The letter is in English. Sam is a student, too. He speaks English. He likes China. He wants to visit the Great Wall.


( ) 1. Kangkang is a _________.

A. teacher B. student C. doctor

( ) 2. The letter is in _________.

A. Chinese B. Japanese C. English

( ) 3. Sam lives in _________.

A. China B. the U.S.A. C. England

( ) 4. _________ wants to visit the Great Wall.

A. Sam B. Kangkang C. Kangkang’s brother

( )5. Sam is Kangkang’s _________.

A. classmate B. pen pal C. teacher




Well, I love vegetables. I eat meat too, but not very much. I think this is why I like Chinese food so much. There are lots of(许多)vegetables in Chinese food. Yes, Chinese food is my favorite. I like noodles too. Can you eat with chopsticks(筷子)? I can!


My favorite food is Indian food. On Saturday nights I go to the pub(酒吧) with friends from work and have a few beers, and then we always go to an Indian restaurant. I always order chicken curry with rice. I like it very much!


My favorite food is pasta(意大利面食). I like eating pasta with tomato sauce when I’m in Italy. I went on holiday to the Italian lakes last year. The food there was wonderful.

Notes: lots of许多 chopsticks筷子 Indian印度的 Saturday周六 night夜晚 a few几个 beer啤酒 always总是 restaurant饭店 curry咖喱 tomato西红柿 Italy.意大利 on holiday度假 lakes湖 wonderful极好的.

( )6. _______ is Maria’s favorite food.

A. Chinese food B. Indian food C. Italian food

( )7. Gavin always orders chicken curry with rice in _______.

A. a Chinese restaurant B. an Indian restaurant C. an Italian restaurant

( )8. _______ went on holiday to the Italian lakes last year.

A. Maria B. Gavin C. Lucy

( )9. Lucy likes eating _______.

A. vegetables B. pasta C. noodles

( )10. We can learn from the text that_______.

A. Maria can eat with chopsticks

B. Gavin often drinks alone(独自)in the pub

C. Lucy likes pasta with orange sauce


My name is John Green. I'm a worker in a big factory. I don't work in the morning. I only work at night. Every morning I come home at about half past six. I have breakfast at seven. After breakfast I go to bed. I get up at about half past two. I have lunch at a quarter to three and supper at twenty to eight. Then I go to work at a quarter past eight. I begin to work at nine. I look after the factory every night. I like my work very much.


( )11. John works at night.

( )12. John sleeps (睡觉) at 6:30 a. m.

( )13. John has lunch at 12:00.

( )14. John goes to work at 8:15 p. m.

( )15. John is at home in the morning.

VIII. 书面表达。(以下两道作文任选一题作答)

1. 根据下面所提供的信息,写一篇50-90词的短文,介绍你的笔友。

姓名:Billy 年龄:12岁 国籍:美国 父亲:医生 母亲:教师

爱好:养宠物狗 最喜欢的食物:汉堡包

2. Kate来自美国,现与父母一起居住在中国,以第一人称口吻介绍Kate的饮食爱好,不同的吃饭时间和地点。


likes(√) dislikes(×) Place

Breakfast bread(√) porridge(√)

milk(×) eggs(×) Home

Lunch rice, vegetable, meat, noodles, dumplings School

Supper fish, meat, fruits Home



( ) 1--- How about going on a school trip this weekend ?

---That sounds __________. I like going outside

A. boring B. easy C. interesting D. difficult

( )2.—Do you like ________ ? —Yes, I do.

A. tomato and noodle B. tomato and noodles

C. tomatos and noodle D. tomatoes and noodles

( )3.Please give me ________ and two .

A. a bottle of apple juices; breads B. a bottle of apple juice; fruit cakes

C. an apple juice; bread D an apple juice, breads

( )4 There is _____orange on the table. _______ orange is green.

A. an; An B. th e; The C an; The D.the;a

( ) 5 Ann helps Lily with her homework _______ eight o’clock ______ Sunday

A on ; in B in ; on C at ; on D in ; at

( )6 --- What day is it today? --- _________. .

A. It’s cool B. It’s Tuesday C. It’s eight o’clock D It’s sunny.

( )7.There ______ a bed and two chairs in my bedroom

A. are B. is C.has D have

( )8. Kevin likes animals, ______ monkeys and pandas.

A. so B. so as C. such as D. such

( )9. Peter’s father and mother are not busy this evening. He wants to have dinner with ______.

A. us B. them C. him D. her

( ) 10 It’s time ___ lunch

A have B having C to have D for have

( )11. —______ your cousin have lunch in the dining hall?—Yes, he ______.

A. Does; does B. Do; do C. Do; does D. Does; do

( )12. —Welcome to China! —______.

A. OK B. Bye C. Fine, thanks D. Thank you

( )13 There is only one computer in my home, so I share it _____ my parents.

A. in B. with C. for D. by

( )14. —_____ do you contact (联系)? —By QQ.

A. When B. How C. Where D. Who

( )15We go to ________ playground and play ________ football on Sunday.

A. the; the B. a; the C. 不填; a D. the; 不填

( )16. —How about your _____ for the weekend? —I want to go to the beach (沙滩).

A. dinner B. plan C. job D. lesson

( )17.My father has got a brother, ______ my mother hasn’t.

A. but B. so C. and D because

( )18 .Sorry, there is ________ food in the fridge.

A. a B. some C. any D no

( )19._________students are there in your class? Forty- four.

A. How many B. How old C. How much

( )20 --- Has she got any sisters? ---- . She has got one sister.

A. No, she hasn’t B. Yes, she has C. No, she doesn’t DYes,she does.



Do you have hobbies(爱好)? 21 are your hobbies? I don’t know about 22 , but I have hobbies. Sports are my hobbies. 23 , I think sports are good for our health. I 24 sports every day. I like ball (球) games very much. I can play football 25 basketball. Next, I like sports because playing sports 26 a good way (方式) to make friends. I 27 table tennis. It is interesting but 28 for me. Janet likes table tennis too. It’s the favourite 29 her. Now she is my good 30 .

( )21. A. How B. Where .C What D. Who

( )22. A. it B. him C. you D. her

( )23. A. First B. Now C. Then D. Last

( )24. A. buy B. play C. start D. watch

( )25. A. but B. or C. so D. and

( )26. A are B. is C. have D. has

( )27. A. like B. try C. spell D. have

( )28. A. big B. busy C. funny D. difficult

( )29. A. in B. at C. of D. with

( )30. A. friend B. sister C. cousin D. Aunt

三、阅读理解。阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(10分 )


Hello! My name is Mike. I am from the USA. Now I am in China with my parents. I like China. I like Chinese food, too. I have brea kfast at home. I eat an egg,bread and porridge(粥)for breakfast. I do not like milk. I have no time to go home for lunch. So I have it at school. The lunch in our school is good. I can have much food for lunch. I eat rice,meat and vegetables. Sometimes(有时)I have noodles and dumplings(饺子).I have supper at home with my parents. Sometimes we go out to eat with our friends. We have chicken,vegetables and fruit.

31. Mike is ______.

A. American B. English C. Chinese D. in the USA

32.For breakfast,Mike has _______.

A. an egg, an apple and porridge B. an egg, bread and porridge

C. an apple, bread and milk D. an egg, an apple and bread

33. He has lunch _______.

A. at school B. at home C. in a restaurant D. with his parents

34. He has _______ for lunch.

A. rice, meat and vegetables B. dumplings and noodles

C. chicken, meat and fruit D. A and B

35.Sometimes they have supper ________.

A. at school B. in a restaurant with some friends

C. at his friend’s home D. in a restaurant with teachers


In many English homes people eat four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner.People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. They eat porridge, eggs or brea d. English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast.

Lunch comes at one o’clock. Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon. And dinner is about half past seven. First they have soup, and then they have meat or fish with vegetables. After that they eat some other things, like bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and supper and these meals are very simple(简单的).

36. Many English people have _______ meals a day.

A. two B. three C. four D. three or four

37. People may have ________ for their breakfast.

A. tea and eggs B. porridge, eggs, bread, tea or coffee

C. tea and coffee D. bread and eggs

38. People have lunch at _______.

A. any time B. nine C. five D. one

39. People don’t have ________ for their dinner.

A. porridge B. bananas and apples C. some soup and meat D. meat and fish

40. In many English homes dinner comes _______.

A. at one o’clock B. in the middle of the day

C. at noon D. at night

四、情景交际 (共10分,每小题2分)


A: It is Thursday today. (41)__________ B: Yes, we do.

A: (42)__________ B: At eleven o’clock in the morning.

A: (43)__________ B: No, it isn’t. My favorite lesson is English. (44)__________

A: My favorite lesson is Chinese. B: (45)__________

A: Yes, we do. B: We have an English lesson every day.

五、用所给词的适当形式填空(10分 )

46. Steven can play football very (good).

47. Those are (they) favourite food.

48. Please (drink) more water every day.

493 Do you know the dog ______(call) Jimmy?

50. Lucy and Lily (not go)to school on Sundays.

51. There are lots of ______(plant) in the park.

52. How much food ______(有) in the bag?

53. Alice has got many ______(不同的) caps.

54.We all like (玩) computer games.

55. (露西的)mother is an English teacher.


56. Beef is healthy food. Rice is healthy food, too. (合并为一句)

Beef rice healthy food.

57 Chocolate isn’t healthy. It’s my favourite food. (用连词连接两个句子)

Chocolate isn’t healthy it’s my favourite food.

58.My sister likes apples.(对画线部分提问)

________ ________your sister like?

59. To have a healthy breakfast is good. (改为同义句)

good to a healthy breakfast.

60. Tom goes home at five thirty in the afternoon.(改为同义句)

Tom goes home at _ _____ five in the afternoon.

61. Does the panda come from China ?(改为肯定句)

The panda _______ _________ China

62.We have some juice.(变为否定句)

We________ have ___________ juice.

63. I like Liu Qian’s magic show. I also like Fu Yandong’s magic show. (合并为一个句子)

I like Liu Qian’s magic show _______ ________Fu Yandong’s.

64. This kind of animal eats grass and leaves. (改为否定句)

This kind of animal grass leaves.

65 She’s got a flower.(一般疑问句)

______ she ______ a flower?

七、 完成句子(20分)

66 肉和鱼是健康的食物。

Meat and fish are .

67 你们晚饭喝鸡汤吗?

Do you have chicken supper?

68 我们每天吃大量的水果。

We eat fruit every day.


Having a good breakfast us.

70 他不在学校做作业。

He _____________ his homework at school.

71 大明的家在我家旁边。

Daming’s home is __________________ my home.

72 墙上没有任何地图。

There _______________ maps on the wall.


Cola is_____________ you

74 我擅长唱歌。

I’m ________________


____________do you begin lessons?


A . 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答下列问题。(10分)

Dave I love animals very much. My favourite animal is cats because they are very smart (漂亮的). But I have no pets (宠物) now, because I’m so busy. When I’m not busy, I want to have a cat.

Clark I like animals too! My grandparents have a big farm. When I’m not busy, I always help them there. It’s interesting to be with the animals on the farm. But I don’t have any pets now. I can’t have pets now because I rent (租) a house. But when I have my house, I want to have a pet dog. I think it’s funny to play with him!

Becky I also love animals! My parents often (经常) take me to the zoo to watch the animals. There are lions, kangaroos and elephants. They come from different countries. I really love kangaroos, because they are so cute. I also love pandas. I have a pet fish at home now. It’s very smart.2•1•c•n•j•y

76. Why does Dave like cats?


77 Does Clark have his house?


78. Where does Becky often go to watch the animals?


79. What animals does Becky like?


80. Who doesn’t have any pets now?


B.阅读短文判断正误。 正确的(T)错误的(F)(10分)

Cola is bad for our health. Cola is sweet, because it has sugar in it. Too much sugar can make you get fat. Cola can make you feel full, so you can’t eat much healthy food, such as fruit, vegetables and rice. And cola is bad for your teeth.

Water is important to our body. Drinking water is healthy. We can get water from drink and food, especially (特别是) from fruit and vegetables. But water is the best (最好的)!


( ) 81. Cola is good for our health.

( ) 82. The word “full” means “饱的” in Chinese.

( ) 83. Fruit, vegetables and rice are healthy food.

( ) 84. Water helps us stay healthy.

( ) 85. We can get water from vegetables.


时间 活动内容

7:00am 起床

7:30am 吃早饭

8:00am—11:00am 做家庭作业

11:30am 吃午饭

2:00pm—5:00pm 踢足球

6:00pm 吃晚饭

7:00pm—9:00pm 看电视

9:30pm 上床睡觉


Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力 共20分)

Ⅱ. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (共5分)

( ) 6. A. A little fat. B. Very fat. C. Very tall. D. A little thin.

( ) 7. A. By bike. B. By car. C. On foot. D. By bus.

( ) 8. A. 30 yuan. B. 45 yuan. C. 50 yuan. D. 80 yuan.

( ) 9. A. The blue cap. B. The red cap. C. The orange cap. D. The white cap. ( )10. A. In a restaurant. B. In a garden. C. At home. D. In a park.

III.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示):(共5分)

( )11. Mr and Mrs Smile are farmers.

( )12. Jim and Sue are studying in China now.

( )13. Mr Smile often reads books in the afternoon.

( )14. Jim and Sue often play games with their Chinese friends.

( )15. Jim’s uncle doesn’t like swimming.

Ⅳ.Listen to the passage and complete the sentences

(听短文,完成下列内容,每空格限填一词) (共5分)

16. Kate is on a plane to ______.

17. Kate brings a ______ for her brother’s wife.

18. Kate’s brother has ______ child(children).

19. Mike would like to be a(n) ______ in the future.

20. Kate likes travelling by ______.

Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 词汇和语法 共40分)

V. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences(看图片,完成写列句子):(共5分)

21. Hot dogs apple pies and hamburgers are _______ food.

22. Most children like watching ________, such as

Mickey Mouse and Tommy and Jerry . .

23.This _____ sigh tells us we can turn left.

24. Tourists can see soldiers ________ the Chinese national

flag in Tian’anmen square.

25.I don’t like keeping dogs because sometimes they are too_____.

VI. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子): (共5分)

26. The radio doesn’t work, so you need to buy some _____(battery).

27. I have bought a new flat and it’s on the ________ floor of the building. ( four)

28. After the bell rang, the students waited for the teacher __________(quiet) in the classroom.

29. Mary was _________ ( luck ) to catch the last bus last night.

30.The Summer Palace is one of the most ______ places of interest in Beijing.(excite)

VII. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共20分)

31. There is ____ international food festival at our school.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

32. The little girl couldn’t find her mother. We helped ____ find her mother at last.

A. she B. her C. hers D. herself

33. Please read the _______ carefully before you use the computer.

A. invitation B. information C. instruction D. warning

34. We always have an examination ____ each term.

A. at the end of B. in the end C. by the end of D. end of

35.______ pity it is! You didn’t pass the exam again.

A. What B. What a C. What an D. How

36.______ people visit the Great Wall every year.

A. Thousands of B. Thousand C. Thousands D. Thousand of

37. Our school has a lot of students from ____ countries.

A. another B. others C. the other D. other

38. We ____ break the new traffic rules and learn how to protect ourselves.

A. may not B. mustn’t C. can’t D. needn’t

39. The life in the city is __________ than that in the countryside.

A. more interesting B. much interesting C. much busy D. more busy

40. The music played by Lang Lang sounds ________.

A. wonderfully B. beautiful C. sweetly D. beautifully

41. Danny , you are getting fatter and fatter . You mustn’t eat___ meat.

A. too many B. too much C. too few D. too little

42. The new type of ipad in the photo ____ me about five thousand yuan.

A. took B. spent C. got D. cost

43. I don’t like that black puppy. I’d rather _____ the white cat.

A. to have B. having C. has D. have

44. The students are looking forward to ____ the Great Wall this weekend.

A. visit B. visits C. visited D. visiting

45. — We can use QQ to talk with each other online.

— Good! Will you please show me ____ it?

A. what to use B. how to use C. when to use D. where to use

46. There ____ a class meeting in our classroom next Monday.

A. is going to have B. going to be C. will have D. will be

47. There are more than 20 pens in my pocket. The underlined part means “____”.

A. about B. over C. for D. besides

48. You must do your homework first, ____ you can’t go outside.

A. so B. because C. if D. when

49. — ____ was your trip?

— It was wonderful.

A. How long B. How much C. What D. How

50. — Shall we go to plant some trees in the park?

— ____

A. Yes, we shall. B. That’s right. C. That’s all right. D. That’s a good idea.

VIII. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词): (共10分)

51. Mary needs to buy a silk scarf as her mother’s birthday present.( 否定句)

Mary _______ ________ to buy a silk scarf as her mother’s birthday present.

52.We have already visited the Great Wall.(改为一般疑问句)

_________ you visited the Great Wall __________?

53. Let’s watch DVDs in the hall. (改为反意疑问句)

Let’s watch DVDs in the hall,____________ ____________ ?

54.I can see this information sign in the park. (对划线部分提问)

______ ______ you see this information sign?

55.Of all the singers, his favourite singer is Jay Chou. (保持句子意思不变)

Of all the singers, he_______ Jay Chou ________.

Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 阅读和写话 共40分)

I. 阅读(共30分)

A. True or False(判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的

用“F”表示): (共6分)

Dear parents,

It’s Sunday today. I don’t have classes I am sitting in a computer room now. The weather isn’t nice. It is raining .I miss you very much. There are lots of students here. They are busy. Many students are talking with their e-pals (网友) on QQ. Some students are playing computer games or watching movies on the Internet. My friends, Mike and Eric, are here with me. Mike is buying sports shoes on the Internet. And what is Eric doing? Oh ,he is reading an e-book on a computer. They’re friendly and they often help me learn Chinese. When you come to Beijing, I want you to meet them. I’m OK in Beijing. Please don’t worry about me. I hope you are happy and well!



( )56. Maria doesn’t have any classes on Sunday.

( )57. Today is a sunny day.

( )58. Many students keep in touch with their e-pals by writing letters.

( )59. Students can play games, watch movies and buy things on the Internet.

( )60. Maria thinks her two new friends are friendly and helpful.

( )61. Maria is in China now.

B. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案): (共6分)

The Browns are the Smiths’ neighbours. Mr Brown’s name is John. But when his neighbours talk about him, they all call him” Mr Going-to-go”. Do you know why? Mr Brown says he is going to do something, but he never does it. Every Saturday Mr Brown goes to the Smiths’ back door and talks to Mr Smith. He always says he is going to do something. ”I’m going to clean my house today,” he says, or “I’m going to wash my car tomorrow ,” or “ These trees in front of my house are too big, so I’m going to cut them down next week.”

Mr Smith usually says “Are you John?” He knows his neighbor is not going to clean his house, or wash his car, or cut down any trees. Then he says, “Well, excuse me. John, I’m going to do some work in the house.” And he does . Mr and Mrs Smith often say to their only child Dick. “ A re you going to do something? Then do it! Don’t be another Mr. Going-to-do!”

( )62. What’s the relationship(关系) between Mr. Brown and Mr. Smith?

A. They are brothers. B. They are neighbours.

C. They are father and son D. They are teacher and student.

( )63. Why do people call Mr Brown “Mr. Going-to- do”?

A. Because he talks a lot and does a lot.

B. Because he often talks much before he starts his work.

C. Because he always says to do something, but never does it.

D. Because he usually needs help when he is going to do something.

( )64. When will John cut the trees down?

A. Today. B. Tomorrow.

C. Next week. D. We don’t know.

( )65. What does Mr. Smith think of John’s talks?

A. Pleasant. B. Tiring. C. Worrying. D. Sad.

( )66. Who does Mr. Smith ask Dick not to learn from?

A. Mr. Brown. B. Mrs. Brown. C. Mrs. Smith D. Himself.

( )67. Which of the following is right?

A. Mr. Brown is always busy.

B. It’s easier for Mr. Brown to say than to do something.

C. Dick is another “Mr. Going-to-do”.

D. Mr. Smith always helps Mr. Brown do something.

C. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage


I’m Jim. I come from America. Now I’m ten years old, but I have been in China for 6 years. My father wanted to open an American restaurant in China, because there were many Chinese restaurants in America. At last, we __68__ a KFC in Shanghai. My mother was a teacher in America. Now she works at the KFC. In America, many students work at KFC to make money for their __69__. I hope Chinese students can _70__ money by themselves ,too. So many young people work at our KFC. They like to work here,__71__ they can learn English from my parents. My family often go out and have picnics near the river on Sundays, because my father likes fishing and my mother enjoys __72__. We go back to America during the summer holidays. We visit my grandparents 73 we are at home. They like Chinese history. They came to China in . We were glad that we watched the Olympic Games in China.

( ) 68. A.opened B. open C. closed D. close

( ) 69. A.teachers B. parents C. works D. studies

( ) 70. A.get B. do C. take D. bring

( ) 71. A.that B. why C. so D. because

( )72. A. reading B. singing C. dancing D. swimming

( ) 73. A.before B. however C. when D. after

D. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空

格内 填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(共6分)

Life in the past was much harder than it is today because people didn’t have modern things to live with great peace and convenience. Now, people can have a

c 74 and enjoyable life with the help of modern machines and medicine.

However, life today has got some new problems. One of the biggest is p 75 . In big cities, heavy traffic pollutes the air and makes cities so noisy . In addition, people use machines to make more d 76 water which pollutes our rivers and lakes.

T_77__ have a better life, we must work hard to fight against pollution. The first thing we must do is to make rules, for example, we must clean the water before it is put into rivers. We must plant more trees instead of c 78 them down. And we can build more underground lines to help reduce(减少)air pollution as well as noise pollution. The more we help reduce pollution, the better our life will be in the future. Therefore, we must work harder to have a more p 79 and convenient life. It’s our duty from now on!

74.________ 75. ________ 76. ________

77.________ 78.________ 79. ________

E. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题): (共6分)

Rent price

I lived in a rented(出租的) flat in Gubei(古北)before, a wonderful place for living, with two bedrooms for RMB 1500 per month. Now I move into a new flat with two bedrooms. It is rented at the price of RMB 2500.

Food price

Fast food: There are two KFC’s, one McDonald’s and two Pizza Huts within a 500-metre area around the building I am working in. RMB 20-30 is enough to get a meal on weekdays.

Local food: There are lots of restaurants in the city. Normal cheap dishes cost about RMB 20, while some expensive ones cost RMB 50-60. So I usually spend about RMB 50-80 for Saturday dinners.


Bus: RMB 2 for air-conditioned bus.

Taxi: RMB 14 starting price (起步价)within 3 km and RMB 2.4 for each kilometer more.

Metro: RMB 3 to 9 enough to every comer of the city with no traffic jams.

With the help of many Chinese people, my life in Shanghai is exciting. And it is so interesting that I would never think about leaving it.

Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题): (6分)

80. It is cheaper to live in Shanghai now than before, isn’t it?


81. What does the writer think of the area of Gubei?


82. Which kind of food does the writer usually have for Saturday dinner?


83. How much must she pay for a 2.5-kilometre taxi ride in Shanghai?


84. Why is it faster to travel by underground?


85. What does the writer think about her life in Shanghai?


II.写话: (共10分)

Write a passage of at least 50 words about the topic“My habits”(以“我的习惯”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)

Use the following points as a guide. (短文须包含下列要点)

◆What habits do you have?

◆Are they good or bad for you? Why?

◆How do you change some of them into good ones?



1-5. CBDAE 6-10. ABBAC 11-15. ACCBA 16-20 WWRRW


II. 词汇。(15分)


1.学习用品:pen pencil schoolbag ruler 2.服装:jacket cap shoes shirt

3.人称代词:we you they he 4.食物:bread rice fish meat

5.家庭成员:brother sister aunt cousin 6.动物:cat dog panda rabbit

7.身体部位:foot nose face hair 8.数词:ten forty three twelve

9.国家名称:China Cananda England Japan 10. 颜色:red yellow brown green



11.knives; has 12. Jane’s; mine 13. going; to go

14. Our; them 15. to visit; doesn’t like


16. old 17. buses 18. cook 19. uncle 20. skirt

Ⅲ. 句型转换.(10分)

1. What’s 2. looks like 3. don’t have

4. They have some boxes. 5. a quarter to ten

IV. 单项选择(15分).

1-5. ACABC 6-10. CAABA 11-15. CBACB

V. 情景交际.(10分)

1-5. CDEAB 6-10. CDEBA

VI. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)

1-5. ABBCD 6-10. ABABA


1-5. BCCAB 6-10. ACCBA 11-15. TFFTT

VIII. 书面表达。


Billy is my pen pal. He is twelve years old. He is from the U.S.A. Billy’s father is a doctor and his mother is a teacher. Billy likes pets very much. He has a pet dog at home. Billy’s favorite food is hamburgers.

2. 参考范文:

My name is Kate. I come from the USA. I’m in China with my parents. I like Chinese food very much. I have breakfast at home. I eat bread and porridge for breakfast. I don’t like milk or eggs. At noon, I have no time to go home for lunch, so I have it at school. I can have different food for lunch. I eat rice, vegetables and meat. Sometimes I have noodles and dumplings. I have supper at home with my parents. Sometime we go out to eat our dinner. We usually have fish, meat, fruits. My parents and I like Chinese food very much.


I. 1.B 2.E 3.C 4.A 5.D

II. 6.A 7. D 8.A 9. B 10.D

III. 11. T 12.T 13. F 14. T 15. F

IV. 16. Thailand 17. dress 18. one 19. pilot 20. plane/air

V. 21 American 22.cartoons 23.direction 24. raising 25.noisy

VI. 26 .batteries 27. fourth 28. quietly 29. lucky 30. exciting

VII. 31.B 32. B 33. C 34. A 35. B 36. A 37. D 38.B 39.A 40. B

41. B 42. D 43. D 44.D 45.B 46.D 47..B 48.A 49.D 50.D

51. doesn’t need 52.Have yet 53. shall we 54.Where can 55. likes best

(A) 56. T 57. F 58. F 59. T 60. T 61. T

(B) 62 .B 63. C 64. D 65. B 66. A 67.B

(C) 68.A 69. D 70. A 71. D 72. D 73.C

(D) 74.convenient 75.pollution 76 dirty. 77. To 78. cutting 79. peaceful

(E) 80. No, it isn’t.

81. It is wonderful / a wonderful place for living.

82. She usually has some local food for Saturday dinner.

83. She must pay RMB 14.

84. Because there are no traffic jams.

85 She thinks it’s exciting/ interesting.

X. (Omitted)



1-5 CDBCC 6-10 BBCBC 11-15 ADBBD 16-20 BADAB

二. 完形填空(共10分,每小题1分)

21-25 CCABD 26-30 BADCA

三阅读理解。31-35.A B A D B 36-40.C BDA B

四.情景交际 (共10分,每小题2分) 41-45EACBD

五、46 well 47 their 48 drink 49 called 50 don’t go

51 plants 52 is there 53 different 54 playing 55 Lucy’s


56 and are 57 but 58 What does 59 It’s have 60 half past 61 comes from 62 don’t any 63 as well as 64 doesn’t eat or 65 Has got

七、 完成句子(10分)

66 healthy food 67 soup for 68 a lot of 69 is good for 70 doesn’t do 71 next to

72 aren’t any 73 bad for 74 good at singing 75 What time


A 76Because they are very smart 77 No,he doesn’t

78 To the zoo 79 kangaroos, pandas and fish

80 Dave and Clark

B阅读短文判断正误。 81-85 FTTTT




第一节 单项选择(20*1=20分)

( ) 26. I love sports, I don’t play sports---I only watch them TV.

A. and; in B. so; for C. but; on D. but; at

( ) 27. —_________!Where is my cup?

—_________, I don’t know.

A. Excuse me; Yes B. Yes, Sorry C. Excuse me; Sorry D. Sorry; Yes

( ) 28. — _______ your brother like hamburgers? —No, he ______.

A. Do; doesn’t B. Do; don’t C. Does; does. D. Does, doesn’t.

( ) 29. The lunch in our school ______ good.

A. are B. is C. am D. be

( ) 30. Let’s go! We late!

A. be B. are C. do D. /

( ) 31. —Let’s have oranges. — ________.

A. That’s sound good B. That sound good

C. That’s sounds good D. That sounds good

( ) 32. Look! Some ________ is on the table.

A. tomato B. eggs C. chicken D. bananas

( ) 33. — Do you like basketball game?

— No, I don’t like it, I think it is _________.

A. boring B. fun C. relaxing D. great

( ) 34. ---I like this yellow T-shirt and it’s only two yuan. I’ll take it.

--- .

A. Can I help you? B. Here you are.

C. How much is it? D. You’re welcome.

( ) 35. —________ does your father have ______ lunch?

A. What; for B. What; / C. How; for D. How; /

( ) 36. Tim is a ______ boy and he studies______ at school.

A. good; well B. good; good C. well; well D. well; good

( ) 37. He has _______ egg and _______ hamburger.

A. an, an B. a, a C. an, a D. a, an

( )38. We sell all our clothes a good price.

A. at B. on C. of D. under

( ) 39. — Do they like apples? — Yes, they like ________ very much.

A. it B. them C. their D. its

( ) 40. When is your father’s birthday? —It’s .

A. on December B.on December nineth

C. Decenmber D. on December twelfth

( ) 41. _______ Jim and Jack _______ three tennis balls?

A. Do, have B. Do, has C. Does, have D. Does, has

( ) 42. ---_________ are these trousers?

---They’re thirty dollars.

A. How much B. How many C. How old D. How about

( ) 43. She wants __________. It’s fun.

A. play ping-pong B. playing ping-pong

C. to play ping-pong D. to plays ping-pong

( ) 44. Oh, look! We don’t have any fruit now, dad. Let me some.

A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. to buying

( ) 45. Sue ________ sports after school.

A. don’t play B. don’t plays C. doesn’t plays D. doesn’t play

三.完形填空(10 *1=10分)


My name is Tim. I’m an English boy. I have three Chinese ___46___. They are Liu Ying, Li Hua and Wang Yong. Liu Ying and Li Hua are ___47____. Wang Yong is a boy. He ___48___ sports very much. He ___49____ five baseballs, eight basketballs, four ___50____ and three volleyballs. They all like to play ____51____. They think it’s ___52____, and they always ___53____ basketball with their classmates after school. But sometimes they ___54____ games ___55____ TV.

( ) 46. A. friends B. classes C. books D. teachers

( ) 47. A. boys B. girls C. boy D. girl

( ) 48. A. love B. loves C. don’t love D. doesn’t love

( ) 49. A. have B. has C. is D. are

( ) 50. A. tennis bat B. tennis bats C. tennises bat D. tennises bats

( ) 51. A. sport B. sports C. game D. games

( ) 52. A. relaxing B. boring C. difficult D. fine

( ) 53. A. get B. have C. like D. play

( ) 54. A. watch B. watches C. look D. looks

( ) 55. A. in B. on C. at D. to




I am Bill. I have a big family. They like different(不同的) food. My grandfather likes strawberries, but he doesn’t like hamburgers. My grandmother likes apples very much, but she doesn’t like oranges. My parents like eggs and bread. They don’t like ice cream. I like salad, but I don’t like bananas. My sister Mary and my brother Tony all like ice cream and hamburgers. Is it interesting?

( ) 56. What does Bill’s grandfather like?

A. strawberries B. apples C. pears D. salad

( ) 57. Does his mother like eggs?

A. No, they aren’t. B. Yes, they are.

C. Yes, she does. D. No, she doesn’t.

( )58. What do Mary and Tony like?

A. They like eggs and bread. B. They like oranges and ice cream.

C. They like ice cream and hamburgers. D. I don’t know.

( ) 59. Which is the grandmother’s favorite (最喜欢的) food?

A. Apples B. Vegetable C. Tomatoes D. Bananas

( ) 60. Does Bill like salad?

A. No, he doesn’t B.Yes, they does

C. No, he does. D. Yes, he does.


Dear mom and dad,

How are you these days? I miss(想念) you very much. I’m happy in America. I eat healthy food every day. For breakfast, I have eggs and milk. For lunch, I eat vegetables and fruit salad. For dinner, I have chicken. So I am ve ry healthy now.

I have a new friend here. His name is Jack. He is 11. We are in the same class. Jack has good eating habits. He likes fruit, vegetables and chicken. But he doesn’t like fast food. He thinks it is not healthy. He also likes sports, and basketball is his favorite(最喜爱的) sport. We often play basketball after class.


Chen Xi

( ) 61. Where is Chen Xi?

A.She’s in America. B She’s in China.

C. She is in Japan. D. She is in England.

( ) 62. What does Chen Xi eat for dinner?

A. Eggs and milk. B. Chicken.

C. Fruit, vegetables and chicken. D. Fruit salad and vegetables.

( ) 63. What does Jack like?

A. Fast food. B. Basketball. C. Clothes. D. Chinese.

( ) 64. How old is Jack?

A. Ten. B. Twelve. C. Eleven. D. Thirteen.

( ) 65. Which of the followings(下列的) is TRUE(正确的)?

A. Chen Xi doesn’t miss her parents.

B. Chen Xi isn’t happy in America.

C. Chen Xi isn’t Jack’s classmate.

D. Chen Xi and Jack play basketball after class.


Mrs. Wu’s Clothes Store

Clothes Colors Sizes(尺寸) Prices

T-shirts orange, white, green and blue S/XXL ¥55

skirts yellow, red and black S/M/L ¥62

shirts white, purple and blue S/M/L/XL ¥88

Sweaters brown, yellow S/L for girls ¥128

shorts blue, black S/M/L/XL ¥79


66. What does Mrs. Wu’s Clothes Store sell?

67.What clothes does Mrs. Wu’s Clothes Store only have in purple?

68. Jack buys a pair of blue shorts and a white T-shirt. How much are they?

69.If you have 60 yuan, what can you buy at Mrs. Wu’s Clothes Store?

70. David goes to the store with 150 yuan. Can he buy two pairs of blue shorts?


A) 从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话(有两项多余)(5*2=10)。

A:Let’s play basketball.

B:(71)_________ But I don’t have a basketball.

A:Do you have a tennis bat?

B:(72)__________ But tennis is difficult.

A:Then let’s watch TV.

B:(73)__________ Let’s play computer games. Do you have a computer?

A:(74) .

B: (75)__________ It’s relaxing.


B) 根据句意,用括号中所给的词的适当形式填空。(10*1=10分)

76. I _____________ (not know) her name.

77. His sister ____________ (watch) TV at home.

78. How about _______ (help) the girl in the classroom?

79. I don’t want ________ (be) fat.

80. She has some ________ (chicken).

81. Let ______ (we) play ping-pong.

82. September is the (nine) month of a year.

83. My grandfather has __________ (health) eating habits.

84. For _________ (早餐),they eat eggs and pears.

85. The book is __________ (interset),so I like it very much.

D) 书面表达(15分)。


注意:开头已经给出,不计入总词数。提示词:垃圾食品junk food

Frank and I are brothers.


26-30 CCDBB 31-35 DCABA 36-40ACABD

41-45 AACAD 46-50 ABBBB 51-55 BADAB 56-60 ACCAD

61-65 ABBCD

66. It sells T-shirts, skirts, shirts, sweaters and shorts.

67. Shirts.

68. They’re 134 yuan.

69. A T-shirt.

70. No, he can’t.

71-75 BDAGE

76. don’t know 77. watches 78. helping 79. to be 80. chicken

81. us 82. ninth 83. healthy 84.breakfast 85. interesting



( )1.There is ______ “b” and _______“s” in the word “bookcase”.

A. a; an B. an; a C. a; a D. an; an

( )2._________,where’s the classroom?

A. Pardon B. I’m sorry C. Excuse me D. Thank you

( )3.----Is your name Grace ? ---- _________________.

A. Yes, I’m. B. No, I’m not. C. Yes, it is. D. Yes, I am.

( )4. Hi. This is __________ new teacher. _________ name is Linda and the bag is _______.

A. your; My; hers B. his; Your; she C. your; Her; hers D. her; His; her

( )5. Wow! ________ a lovely dog. Do you know ________ name ?

A. is’s; it’s B. It’s; its C. Its; it’s D. It’s; It’s

( )6. Where _________ his new CD and computer game?

A. is B. are C. can D. isn’t

( )7. I am _______ Mum and Dad in the picture.

A. in B. next C. between D. in

( )8. ----______ he have a tennis ball ? ---- No, he _________.

A. Do; doesn’t B. Does; do C. Does; doesn’t D. does; does

( )9. ---- Well, let’s go to visit the amusement park (参观游乐园) this Saturday.

---- That ______ great.

A. sounds B. feels C. look D. are

( )10.Those are _________.

A. their box B. their boxes C. they boxes D. they box

( )11. Look! Here _______ Kate and Lily.

A. be B. am C.is D. are

( )12. This is _________ family photo.

A. Kate B. Kate’s C. of Kate D. of Kate’s

( )13.Please call Bob _________495-3539.

A. in B. on C. at D. of

( )14.Look! Some beautiful birds (鸟) are ______ the tree.

A. at B. on C. for D. in

( )15.---- Are these your _______? ---- Yes, they’re my uncle’s sons.

A. sisters B. cousin C. cousins D. brother

( )16. ----Your jacket is very nice. ----______________.

A. Oh, no.no. B. Thank you

C. My jacket is not nice. D. You’re welcome.

( )17. They like ______ after school.

A. play the basketball B. play basketball

C. to play the basketball D. to play basketball

( )18. I’m Kate Green. My _______ name is Kate. My ________ name is Green.

A. first; family B. last; first C. family; first D. family; last

( )19.找出下列单词中划线部分发音不同于其他三个的词

A. name B have C. game D. cake

( )20, The underlined part (划线部分) in the word “keys”is pronounced(发音为)_____.

A. /i:/ B. /ei/ C. / e/ D. /i/

二、完形填空 (10分)

I’m ____1_____ English. My name ____2_____ Lily. I’m a new student. I’m twelve. Now I’m in Class Three, ___3_____, No.5 Middle School. My teacher is Miss Green. I have a sister. ___4____ name is Lucy. We are twins. We ____5_____ the same. She is___6___ a different(不同的) school.

I’m ____7____ duty(值日) this morning. I can’t look after my sister. At school I help my teacher put(放) her book, map and pictures on her ___8_____. I tell my teacher everyone is here. But I’m ___9_____. Jim is not at school. I don’t ____10______ where he is. I think he is at home.

( )1. A. a B. / C. an D.the

( )2.A.am B.is C. are D.be

( )3.A.Grade One B. Grade one C. grade one D. grade One

( )4. A. Hers B. Her’s C. Her D. She

( )5. A. put B. see C. look D. ask

( )6. A. on B.in C.at D. of

( )7. A. on B. in C. at D. of

( )8. A. chair B. book C. bed D. desk

( )9. A. right(对) B. good C. wrong(错) D.OK

( )10. A.do B. know C. thank D. think



My name is David Green. I am an English boy. My family are in Beijing. My father and mother work there. I have a sister but no brothers. We have a nice house in Beijing. There is a TV, a radio, a telephone, a computer, two small beds, a big bed and a soccer ball in it. The computer is next to the TV. The telephone is in the big bed. The soccer ball is under one of the small beds. I like playing soccer , but my sister likes watching TV.

( )1.David is ________.

A. Chinese B. an English girl C. an English boy D. a girl

( )2. David doesn’t have ___________.

A. sisters B. a sister C. brothers D. cousin

( )3. They have a nice house in __________.

A. New York B. England C. Jinan D. Beijing

( )4. There is a computer __________.

A. on the bed B. next to the TV

C. behind the ball D. between the beds

( )5. David likes __________.

A. watching TV B. playing soccer

C. playing tennis D. taking photos


Volleyball Club(俱乐部)

Need a relax? Like to make more friends. We are here. Join us now. Call Army at 498-2456.

Lost: My school ID card

My name is Mike.

Please call 487-2349.

Found: A book

Is this your book ?

Please call Tony at495-3456.

Jack Wilson Club

Join us soon! We have a good baseball player Jack Wilson. Let him help you.

Call 476-5939.

Dear Feifei,

Please take(带去) these things to your sister: her hat, watch, notebook, keys and ID card. They are in your brother’s room. Yours


( )1.__________ found the book.

A. Tony B. Jack Wilson C. Mike D. Army

( )2.You found an ID card, you can call Mike at __________.

A. 495-3456 B.487-2349 C. 476-5939 D. 498-2456

( )3. If you want to play volleyball, _________ can help you.

A. Tony B. Mike C. Jack Wilson D. Army

( )4. Take the things to __________.

A. Feifei B. Feifei’s grandma

C. Feifei’s sister D. Feifei’s brother

( )5. How many (多少) things does Feifei take?

A.2 B.3 C. 4 D.5


This is Mary. She is ten. She is in Beijing with her grandparents. Her parents are in the USA. Mary doesn’t have sisters or brothers.

Every morning, her grandfather Mr Lin brings(带来) breakfast to Mary’s room. He knows Mary likes Beijing food very much.

Mary likes her grandfather and wants(想) to thank him.

This morning, Mr. Lin takes breakfast to Mary’s room, but he can’t find his granddaughter.

“Mary, where are you ?”

“I’m here in the kitchen(厨房).” Mary takes a hamburger with some vegetables(蔬菜)to her grandfather.

“Dear grandfather, thanks for your breakfast. And this is my breakfast for you. It’s good for your health.”

What a nice girl.

( )1.Where is Mary?

A. She is in the USA. B. She is in Beijing C. She is in Shanghai.

( )2. What’s Mary’s last name?

A. Lin B. Li C. Smith

( )3. What does Mary’s grandfather do every morning?

A. He takes Mary to school. B. He brings a hamburger to Mary.

C. He brings breakfast to Mary’s room.

( )4. What does Mary take to her grandfather ?

A. A hamburger with some fruit. B. A hamburger and some tomatoes

C.A hamburger with some vegetables

( )5.Which is right?(下面哪项陈述是正确的?)

A. Mary likes hamburgers. B. Mary is with her father

C. Mary likes her grandfather



A: Hi, Jim. Let’s play cards.

B: That sounds good, ___1______

A: Well, do you have a volleyball ?

B: Yes, I have a new volleyball.

A: ____2___

B: No, volleyball is so difficult and I can not play it well.

A: OK ,let’s watch CBA games.

B: ___3___ Hmmm…Let’s play ping-pong! Do you have a ping-pong ball?

A: ___4____ But I have only one bat.

B: Oh, well…do you have a soccer ball?

A: Yes, I do. Let’s play soccer!

B: ____5____

A. Then let’s play volleyball.

B. That sounds boring.

C. That sounds fun.

D. but I don’t have cards.

E. Yes, I do.

F. No, I don’t.



1. This book is ________.(我的)

2. These are my ___________.(朋友)

3.This TV show is very __________.[ˈbɔ:riŋ]

4.He often (经常) ____________(看) football games on TV.

5.Jim has two _____________(词典).They’re in the desk.

6. It’s an __________['ɪntrəstɪŋ] book. I like reading it very much.

7. Gina is not tidy. Her things are e__________.

8. I’m nine years old. What a________ you?

9. Look at the ________[klɒk]. It’s three ten.

10.You can read books in the school l_________.


Kate she like near teacher

Look at the bedroom. It’s ___11______. A computer is ___12____ the window. The computer is very new. You can see some flowers in the room. They are very nice. There are some books on the desk. Kate often does her homework in the room. ___13____ father and mother are ____14______.Her mother teaches Chinese and her father teaches English. Kate has a brother. His name is Jack. He isn’t a student. He is only 7 years old. Kate ___15____ her family very much.


1. My pen is in the pencil-box.(就划线部提问)

_______ _______ your pen?

2. Is it on the sofa?(改为复数形式)

______ _______ on the sofa?

3. Dale’s baseball are yellow and red. (就划线部提问)

_______ _______ are Dale’s baseballs?

4. She doesn’t have a soccer ball.(改为肯定句)

She ________ a _______ ball.

5. We play volleyball.(改为由let开头的祈使句)

________ ________ volleyball.



Hello, I’m Linda. I have a big family. They are my grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, father, mother, cousin and me. My uncle likes sports. He has a great sports collection. He has three volleyballs and two soccer balls. My aunt likes music. She has many CDs and tapes. My cousin likes playing computer games and eating fruit. He eats a lot every day. I like reading. I have many books. I love my family.

1. There are(有) __________people in the family.

2. Linda’s uncle has _________balls.

3. Linda’s aunt has _____________.

4. ____________ likes playing computer games and eating fruit.

5. Linda likes __________________.


Alan Brown ,男孩,14 岁,7年级4班学生。他喜欢玩电脑、做运动。他非常喜欢打篮球,他有5个篮球,但他没有足球。他也喜欢汉语。他父母都是老师。现在住在宁波。他还有一条黑白相间的狗叫Eddie,他们是好朋友。

要求:1.有词准确;2.语句通顺;3.表达清楚;4. 一定要包含所有信息。







五、mine friends boring watches dictionaries interesting everywhere about clock library Kate’s near Her teacher likes

六、Where is Are they What color has soccer Let’s play

七、eight/8 five/5 many CDs and tapes Linda’s cousin reading



一、听力(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)6. What is Kate doing in her bedroom now?

A. She’s reading. B. She’s sleeping. C. She’s studying.

7. When will they have an English party?

A. On Thursday. B. On Friday. C. On Saturday.

8. What's Lucy's father like?

A. Fat. B. Thin. C. Short.

9. Where does Jill sit?

A. In front of Jack. B. In front of Amy. C. Between Jack and Amy.

10. Why isn’t the girl going to the cinema this evening?

A. Because she saw the film last week.

B. Because she is ill.

C. Because she has to do her homework.

B)听对话和短文回答问题, 将正确选项填涂在答题卡相应位置。(读两遍)


11. Who does the woman buy the jacket for?

A. Her daughter. B. Her son. C. Her husband.

12. How much does the woman pay for it?

A. ¥118. B.¥128. C.¥138.


Personal Information

Name: Henry Lee Time of studying English: Three weeks

From: 13 Hobbies: 14

Phone number: 15 Address: 152 Center Street

Club: English Club E-mail address: HenryLee

13. A. America B. China C. England

14. A. football and swimming B. music and basketball C. music and football

15. A. 2056398 B. 2053698 C. 2053689


16. Where does Li Ming work?

A. At school. B. In a cinema. C. In a hospital.

17. What does she usually have for breakfast?

A. Some bread and milk. B. Some eggs and juice. C. Some noodles and tea.

18. How does she go to work?

A. On foot. B. By bike. C. By car.

19. How many hours a day does she work on weekdays?

A. 5 hours. B. 8 hours. C. 9 hours.

20. What does she love doing except singing and reading?

A. Chatting with friends. B. Chatting on the Internet. C. Talking on the telephone.

二、单词辨音 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


21. A. knocks B. kitchens C. neighbours D. carries

22. A. smart B. colourful C. March D. dancer

23. A. healthy B. leather C. teeth D. month

24. A. choose B. wool C. noodle D. boot

25. A. lazy B. raise C. April D. already


从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 填涂在答题卡相应位置。

26. There is ______ “o” and ______ “1” in the word “bowl”.

A. a; a B. a; an C. an; a D. an; an

27. My friend Alice was born ______ 1999, ______ a summer evening ______ September.

A. in; on; in B. in; in; in C. in; in; of D. in; on; of

28. —It’s very hot in the classroom. ______ I open the window, Mr. White?

—Yes, you may.

A. Can B. Need C. May D. Must

29. Lucy ______ goes roller skating on weekends. She likes it very much.

A. often B. sometimes C. seldom D. never

30. — ______ do you sleep every night? —Six to eight hours.

A. How long B. How often C. How D. How many times

31. Simon: Happy Women’s Day to you. Kitty: ______ .

A. Yes, I’m very happy. B. Thank you. C. The same to you. D. Why do you say so?

32. I like this pair of football boots a lot.Can I ______ ?

A.try it on B.try on it C.try them on D.try on them

33. He needs ______ hamburgers because he is very hungry.

A.two more B.more two C.other two D.two another

34. The shoes are made ______ leather and are suitable ______ going for a walk.

A. from; of B. of; to C. from; to D. of; for

35. —How much do you spend ______ the beautiful scarves?

—They ______ me 100 yuan.

A. buying; cost B. to buy; take C. buy; spend D. buying; pay


阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项, 填涂在答题卡相应位置。

A healthy diet with exercise will help you look better, feel better and live longer. But I am 36 to say that many children don't have a healthy lifestyle. They eat much rubbish(垃圾)food 37 French fries and fried chicken. Eating too much rubbish food is 38 . If you 39 to live a long and healthy life, you have to look 40 your living habits(习惯).

It is important to get a yearly physical examination(体检), too. You don't hope to 41 any bad news, but the doctor will tell you 42 healthy you are. It's also a good idea for you to 43 a book on healthy eating. 44 milk or juice from fruits can help to improve(改善) your health, too.

I am in good health now. People tell me that I look so 45 . Healthy eating helps me and it will also help you!

36. A. happy B. sad C. excited D. angry

37. A. with B. as C. like D. about

38. A. cheap B. difficult C. delicious D. unhealthy

39. A. want B. go C. change D. dislike

40. A. for B. after C. like D. at

41. A. hear B. find C. see D. feel

42. A. what B. how C. when D. where

43. A. write B. sell C. read D. take

44. A. Drink B. Eat C. Drinking D. Eating

45. A. young B. old C. fat D. thin


阅读下面内容, 然后从所给四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项, 填涂在答题卡相应位置。


How does Lucy spend a week?

Monday Practice playing volleyball


Tuesday Go to see Tim Children’s Hospital


Wednesday Part-time job(兼职工作)


Thursday Go to the station to meet her uncle Ricky


Friday See Mr Green 10:30—11:30 a.m.

Part-time job 2:00—6:00 p.m.

Saturday A birthday party for Lily 7:00—10:00 p.m.

Sunday Help Frank with his Maths

46. Where does Lucy meet Tim?

A. At Frank’s house. B. At Lucy’s house. C. At the station. D. In the hospital.

47. How many hours a week does Lucy do her part-time job?

A. Five hours. B. Eight hours. C. Ten hours. D. Eleven hours.

48. Who may be ill in hospital?

A. Lucy. B. Lily. C. Tim. D. Ricky.

49. Lucy’s uncle is coming on ______ .

A. Saturday. B. Friday. C. Thursday. D. Wednesday.

50. What does Lucy do on Saturday evening?

A. Have a birthday party. B. Study with Frank.

C. Play volleyball. D. Do a part-time job.


Hello, my dear friends, today here’s a funny cartoon for you! It is a Chinese cartoon. Its name is Happy Sheep and Big Big Wolf(狼).

In this cartoon, there are some sheep and three wolves. Happy Sheep is the leading role(主角). He likes playing football and running. He runs faster than the other sheep. Pretty Sheep likes making clothes and growing flowers. She is very beautiful. Lazy Sheep(懒羊羊) is clever. But he doesn’t like doing sports. He likes sleeping best. Force Sheep(沸羊羊) is stronger than any other sheep. Warm Sheep is the class monitor(班长)at school. Slow Sheep is 68 years old. He is very old. He is the village head(村长). Every sheep has a lovely pet(宠物). Big Big Wolf wants to eat sheep. Red Wolf is Big Big Wolf’s wife. She is very bad. Banana Wolf is nice. He is the friend of the sheep. He likes eating bananas very much.

51. Which sheep doesn’t like sports?

A. Lazy Sheep. B. Force Sheep. C. Warm Sheep. D. Happy Sheep.

52. Pretty Sheep likes ______ .

A. playing football B. sleeping C. making clothes D. eating bananas

53. Who is the sheep’s friend?

A. Big Big Wolf. B. Banana Wolf. C. Red Wolf. D. Little Wolf.

54. How many sheep are there in the passage?

A. Four. B. Five. C. Six. D. Seven.

55. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Happy Sheep runs slower than any other sheep.

B. Slow Sheep is old.

C. Warm Sheep has a lovely pet.

D. Red Wolf is Big Big Wolf’s wife.


The 16th Asian Games is held(举办) in Guangzhou, China. I’m very happy and excited to hear that. What about you? Let me introduce Guangzhou to you. I hope you can take part in(参加) the Guangzhou Asian Games.

There weren’t very good places some years ago. Guangzhou had a lot of cars and the air wasn’t nice. People didn’t look after the environment and threw rubbish to the ground here and there. We think we should do something. So we plant trees and flowers near the road. People plant flowers in their homes too. Now I’m very happy because people are cleaner and politer than before.

Guangzhou food is very delicious. You can eat different kinds of food in Guangzhou. I like Guangzhou food best. I hope you can eat Guangzhou food with me. Then we watch the wonderful matches together. I think it is very interesting. I hope to be your guide(向导). Would you like to come to Guangzhou?

56. Where is the 16th Asian Games held?

A. Beijing. B. Shanghai. C. Shenzhen. D. Guangzhou.

57. What was Guangzhou like before?

A. It was dirty. B. It was very clean.

C. It was very beautiful. D. It was interesting.

58. Why is the writer happy when he sees the changes(变化) of Guangzhou?

A. Because he doesn’t like other places except (除了……之外) Guangzhou.

B. Because Guangzhou becomes more beautiful.

C. Because he is from Guangzhou.

D. Because the 16th Asian Games is held in Guangzhou.

59. What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “environment”?

A. 街道 B. 林荫道 C. 环境 D. 楼房

60. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. There was some rubbish on the ground in Guangzhou before.

B. There are different kinds of food in Guangzhou.

C. The writer wants to help you when you go to Guangzhou.

D. The writer took part in the 16th Asian Games.



61. Can your cousin ______ (play) volleyball with you every Monday afternoon?

62. —What does Frank often do after class?—He often practises ______ (speak) English with his classmates.

63. I like to eat a lot of ______ (potato) in the morning.

64. Mr. King finished ______ (celebrate) his 23rd birthday yesterday.

65. Don’t knock on your ______ (teacher) door. They are not in the office.

66. —How many times a week are the twins do exercise? — ______ (two) a week.

67. I like this jumper very much because it makes me ______ (feel) very comfortable.


68. It’s good for our health to eat ______ ['vedʒɪtəbl] every day.

69. Computer is getting more and more important in the ______ ['mɒdn ] world.

70. It’s not a good habit(习惯) to go to school ______ (没有) breakfast.

71. I don’t think the black coat ______ (适合) you. You may change it.

72. Dad left home angrily. ______ (后来), he came back with a smile on his face.

73. I think the price of this bike is too ______ (贵).

74. We need to eat food to get enough ______ (能量) for doing sports.

75. We want more people to come to our show so we will ______ (设计) some posters.


If someone asks me, “Do you like music?” I will answer him or her, “Of course, I do.” Because I think music is an important part (部分)of our lives.

Different people have different ideas about music. For me, I like rock music(摇滚乐) because it’s so exciting. And my favourite rock band(乐队) is Foxy Ladies(酷妹). I also like pop music. My classmate Li Lan loves dance music, because she enjoys dancing. My best friend Jane likes jazz music(爵士乐) .She thinks it is really cool.

“I love dance and rock music very much,” says my brother, “because they are interesting.”

But my mother thinks rock is boring. “I like some relaxing(轻松的) music,” she says. That’s why she likes country music, I think.

Dear friends, do you like music? What kind of music do you like?

Music—an important part of our lives

Different People Different 76 Reasons(理由)

I I like rock music and pop music. Because they are so 77 .

Li Lan She loves dance music. Dancing is her 78 .

Jane She likes jazz music. She thinks it’s really cool.

My 79 He loves dance and rock music. Because they are interesting.

My mother She likes 80 music. She likes some relaxing music.


根据短文内容及所给首字母提示写出所缺单词, 并将完整单词填在答题卡对应题号后的横线上。

It is Sunday afternoon at No. 1 Secondary School. The students from Class 1, Grade Seven are having the f 81 show to r 82 money for Project Hope, They are showing clothes f 83 the 1970s to the 1990s.

Simon’s trousers are w 84 , and his shirt is purple, his tie is yellow and red. He l 85 very cool. Amy is wearing a yellow c 86 blouse and a pair of blue jeans. All of y 87 people like to wear jeans.

Sandy is d 88 in a black wool skirt, long red leather boots and a red silk blouse. She is also wearing her hair in a 1990s s 89 .

Daniel looks s 90 in the sports clothes. They are very comfortable.


请你根据以下内容写一篇英语短文。要求:1. 要点齐全,可适当发挥;2. 词数60-80;3. 字迹清晰,书写规范。


























