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Vocabulary and Structure (40 points)


There are 40 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

11. Which is ______ country, the United States or Canada?

A. a larger B. larger C. the larger D. the largest

12. The silk feels ________.

A. soft B. softly C. softness D. softy

13. Two nuclear power stations _______ in the past ten years.

A. are built B. have been built C. would be built D. are building

14. They kept on ______ till they got to the foot of the hill.

A. to run B. running C. runing D. run

15. There is much work to do, _______?

A. isn‘t it B. is there C. isn’t there D. is it

16. _______ as he is, he can‘t understand the English film.

A. A student of English B. Though a student of English

C. Student of English D. Being a student of English

17. The old in the country _______ taken good care of.

A. have B. has C. is D. are

18. Not a single mistake _______ in the test.

A. he made B. did he make C. he has made D. made he

19. ______ my surprise, I got a high grade in this test.

A. For B. To C. To be D. On

20. She never agree _______ you, did she?

A. to B. with C. in D. at

21. Would you mind _______ a photo of you?

A. me take B. to take C. my taking D. me to take

22. The lady treats the boy well as if he ______ her own son.

A. is B. was C. were D. would be

23. _______ round the city, we were impressed by the city‘s new look.

A. Taken B. Taking C. To be taken D. Being taken

24. He had a pain _______ his back.

A. on B. with C. in D. onto

25. The city _______ I was born is on the new railway line.

A. which B. that C. on which D. where

26. I had _______ that I would always remember it.

A. so a good experience B. such a good experience

C. so good an experience D. such good an experience

27. ______ give us help is welcome.

A. Who ever B. Whoever C. No matter who D. Those who

28. After running for nearly half an hour, I was ________.

A. out of place B. out of control C. out of breath D. out of practice

29. The mother told the little boy to do all the things _______.

A. on himself B. on his own C. to himself D. by own

30. You had better _______ a jacket, because it is cold outside.

A. take on B. to take on C. put on D. to put on





( )1.A.straight B.prefer C.enough D.fall

( )2.A.low B.though C.knowledge D.sold

( )3.A.calm B.hall C.talk D.ball

( )4.A.already B.each C.league D.weak

( )5.A.produce B.true C.computer D.news



( )6.Are you sure you don‘t have _______ advice to give me?I really need _______.





( )7.When we saw his face, we knew _______ was bad.

A.the news

B.some news

C.a news


( )8.The number of students in our school ________.


B.is increased

C.has increased

D.are increased

( )9.________ your step,or you might fall into the water.




D.Look at

( )10.The meeting _______.

A.is to put off

B.is going to put off

C.is to be put off

D.will put off

( )11.Since the road is wet this morning,last night _______.

A.it must be raining

B.it must rain

C.it must have rained

D.it must have been rained

( )12.Nothing could stop _______.

A.him come

B.that the came

C.him from coming

D.him to come

( )13.The noise of desks _______ could be heard out in the street.

A.opened and closed

B.to be opened and closed

C.being opened and closed

D.having been opened and closed

( )14.The medicine will ______ you good.





( )15.A few years later,I found my hometown completely _______.



C.to be changed

D.to change

( )16.This novel is worthy of_______.



C.having read

D.being read

( )17.It is very kind ______ see me.

A.from you to


C.as if

D.like that

( )18.It looks _______ it‘s going to rain.



C.as if

D.like that

( )19.The stone was so heavy that it was difficult for the old man to ______ it.





( )20.They lives ______ the other side of the road.





( )21.She can speak Japanese better than ________else.

A.the one

B.no one



( )22.This lesson is _______ than the last one.

A.more easier

B.more easy

C.very easier

D.much easier

( )23.Today‘s weather isn’t as cold as it was yesterday, ________?


B.is it

C.was it

D.isn‘t it

( )24.This book is for students ______ native language is not English.

A.of whom




( )25.You may not go out _______ your work is done.





( )26.Look what Father_______ me when he came from work.





( )27.Nobody knew _______ there.

A.how long time I had been

B.how long had I been

C.how long time had I been

D.how long I had been

( )28.The harder he studies,_______.

A.he‘ll make great progress

B.the greater progress he‘ll make

C.he‘ll make greater progress

D.the greater he‘ll make progress

( )29.________,I would have gone to see him.

A.Have I had time

B.Had I time

C.Had I had time

D.would I have had

( )30. He didn‘t go to France,the doctor suggested that he _______there.

A.won‘t go

B.not go

C.not to go

D.didn‘t go


I hand been sitting by myself in my usual compartment for at least ten minutes,waiting __31__. The trains from Littlebury never seemed to start __32__ and I often thought that I could have __33__ in bed a little longer or had __34__ cup of tea before __35__. Suddenly I heard someone shouting __36__ the platform outside. A young girl was running towards the train. The man __37__ put out his hand to stop her but she ran past him and opened the door of my compartment. Then the whistle blew and the train started.

“I nearly missed it,__38__?”the girl said.“How long does it take to __39_ London?”“It depends on the __40__.” I said. “Some days it‘s __41__ others.”

“I‘ll have to have my watch mended,__42__ late again tomorrow,”she said. “It’s my first day __43__ with a new firm today and they told me that the man __44__ is very strict. I __45__ him yet so I don‘t know __46__ but he sounds a bit frightening.”

She talked about her new job __47__ the way to London and before long,I realized that she was going to work for my firm. My __48__ secretary had just left so I must be her new boss. __49__ only fair to tell her.

“Oh,dear,”she said. “__50__ mistake!I wish I had known.”

“Never mind,”I said. “At least you‘ll know when your train’s late that mine will be,too.”

( )31.A. the train to start

B.for the train start

C.the train‘s start

D.for the train to start

( )32.A. on their hour

B. on time

C. at their hour

D. at time

( )33.A. lain

B. laid

C. lied

D. lay

( )34.A. other

B. some other

C. another

D. one other

( )35.A. I had left the home

B. leave from home

C. leaving home

D. to leave home

( )36.A. at

B. by

C. in

D. on

( )37.A. at place

B. on duty

C. for control

D. in post

( )38.A. haven‘t I

B. don‘t I

C. wasn‘t I

D. didn‘t I

( )39.A. get to

B. arrive to

C. reach to

D. make to

( )40.A. driver to the engine

B. driver engine

C. engineer‘s driver

D. engine driver

( )41.A. far slower that

B. much slower than

C. a lot more slow than

D. a great deal more slow that


Ⅰ. Phonetics (10 Points)


In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

1.A. nurse B. thirsty C. universe D. surprise

2.A. belief B. niece C. field D. variety

3.A. surprised B. pleased C. refused D. increased

4.A. temperature B. change C. average D. surface

5.A. construction B. coral C. cross D. model

6.A. mental B. metal C. total D. metallic

7.A. detective B. decide C. nephew D. desire

8.A. determine B. demand C. medical D. belief

9.A. peasant B. present C. promise D. possession

10.A. speech B. stomach C. charge D. church

Ⅱ. Vocabulary and Structure (40 points)


There are 40 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

11. Luckily, the fire fighters arrived and _______ the terrible fire.

A. put on B. put out C. put down D. put away

12. For miles and miles, I could see nothing _______ a great fire and lots of smoke.

A. beside B. besides C. except D. without

13. The shop assistant didn’t give me the right ________.

A. change B. money C. serve D. note

14. The prices of fridges have been ______ recently.

A. pressed B. brought out C. cut off D. brought down

15. This means the boy may be out of job for some time. In this sentence “be out of job” means _______.

A. be on their days off B. go outside

C. lose his job D. finish his work

16. The TV play we watched last night was very ________.

A. frightening B. afraid C. fright D. frightened

17. We took soft drinks to the _______ and our friends took beer there.

A. bench B. beach C. bank D. bend

18. Who will ________ the bill?

A. pay B. pay for C. pay off D. pay out

19. Their debts _______ 700.

A. added to B. adds up C. add to D. add up to

20. There is _______ bread in the cupboard, ________?

A. no more…is there B. not any more…isn’t there

C. no longer…is there D. not any longer…isn’t there

21.―Would you please go out for a walk with us?

―______, but I’m very busy now.

A. Of course not B. I’d like to C. That’s all right D. That’s right

22.―Can I get you a cup of tea?


A. That’s very nice of you B. With pleasure

C. You can, please D. Thank you for the tea

23.―When can I call on you, afternoon or evening?

―________. I’ll be at home all the time.

A. Any B. Either C. Both D. Neither

24.―Has anyone seen my glasses?


A. Here it is B. It is here C. Here are they D. Here they are

25.―May I use your phone?


A. No, I don’t mind B. Yes, you do it

C. Yes, my pleasure D. I’m afraid not

26. He is much more _______ a German

A. like to be B. liking to be C. likely to be D. likely




( ) 1. A. therefore B. through C. theater D. thirsty

( ) 2. A. ground B. blouse C. cousin D. thousand

( ) 3. A. gather B. gentle C. goat D. gold

( ) 4. A. comb B. globe C. smoke D. clock

( ) 5. A. treat B. head C. leaf D. cheap

二 词汇与语法知识(共15小题;每题1.5分,共22.5分。)


( ) 6. C Thank you for coming to meet me.


A. I’m fine B. My duty C. Nice to meet you D. My pleasure

( ) 7. It was really kind ______you to help me with my homework.

A. about B. for C. of D. to

( ) 8. C Is James coming with us?

-- No, he can’t―he _____ for his exams.

A. has studied B. studies C. studied D. is studying

( ) 9. I was caught in a heavy rain. I ____ have brought an umbrella.

A. could B. should C. must D. could

( ) 10. It is hard to imagine how people will _______ the winter without electricity.

A. get away B. get in C. get out D. get through

( ) 11. C Is there any bathroom on this floor?

--No, please go _______, on your right.

A. upstairs B. ahead C. straight D. away

( ) 12. ______ we did was call Susan to tell her we wouldn’t be back till Tuesday afternoon.

A. How B. That C. What D. Which

( ) 13. Keep practicing, and your English will ________.

A. improve B. be improving C. have improved D. have been improving

( ) 14. You can choose _____ apples, oranges or bananas.

A. all B. both C. either D. neither

( ) 15. Michael used to look nervous when _____.

A. scold B. to be scolded C. scolding D. scolded

( ) 16. I’m afraid I cannot_____ two hours for the film tonight.

A. afford B. cost C. save D take

( ) 17. George cooked me a meal, _____ was a first for him.

A. what B. when C. who D. which

( ) 18. The number of girls receiving college education__________ in the country during the past 10 years.

A. is doubled B. has doubled C. was doubled D. had doubled

( ) 19. Don’t forget _____ your mum tomorrow.

A. calling B. to call C. to have called D. having called

( ) 20. The thief had disappeared ______ the boy could stop him.

A. as B. once C. before D. until

三 完形填空(共15小题;每题2分,共30分)


“Dad, can you tell me how to get rich?”

My dad put down the evening paper, “_21__ do you wan to get rich, my son?”

“Because today Jimmy’s mom _22__ up in their new car, and they were going to their beach house for the weekend. He _23__ three of his friends_24__. Mike and I weren’t invited. They told us we weren’t invited because we were ‘__25__ kids (孩子)’.”

“They _26__?” my father asked unbelievably.

“Yeah.” I replied in a _27__ voice.

My dad silently _28__ his head, and went back to reading the paper. I stood waiting for _29__.

I _30__ the same public school where the rich people sent their kids. That was because my _31__ lived on one side of the street. Had I lived on the other side of the street, I would have gone to a _32__ school, with kids from families more like mine.

My dad finally put down the paper. I could _33__ he was thinking.

“Well, son,” he began slowly. “If you want to be rich, you have to _34__ use your head, son,” he said, smiling. He really _35__ that.

( ) 21. A. How B. What C. When D. Why

( ) 22. A. drove B. rode C. stepped D. walked

( ) 23. A. carried B. called C. found D. took

( ) 24. A. but B. for C. so D. then

( ) 25. A. bad B. poor C. weak D. young

( ) 26. A. did B. didn’t C. were D. weren’t

( ) 27. A. broken B. gentle C. hurt D. pleasing

( ) 28. A. struck B. shook C. held D. raised

( ) 29. A. an answer B. blame C. praise D. a question

( ) 30. A. left B. liked C. began D. attended

( ) 31. A. room B. house C. family D. home

( ) 32. A. close B. different C. modern D. similar

( ) 33. A. realize B. recognize C. tell D. understand

( ) 34. A. attempt B. continue C. learn D. manage

( ) 35. A. said B. meant C. felt D. considered

四 阅读理解 (共15小题;每题2分,共30分)



Up to now, you have probably spent most of your time o English grammar and new words. You already know quite a lot about what the rules of English grammar are, and how to form sentences in English. This knowledge is necessary for you to continue your study, but it is not enough for you to speak English well. In order to develop conversational listening and speaking skills, you need practice in these skills, and this is what this textbook aims to give you.

Each unit in this book does not aim at grammar. Instead, the main goal of each unit is to provide conversational tasks or functions (功能) such as introducing yourself, talking about likes and dislikes, and inviting someone to go somewhere. In order to take part in English conversation, it is necessary to learn how these and other basic functions are used in English.

At the end of each unit, you and your classmates will work together to solve (解决) a problem based on the functions you have just learned.

This book gives you chances to listen to native speakers. It also gives you guided practice in developing conversational skills.

36. What does this book aim to provide for the user?

A. Knowledge about grammar rules

B. Ways to remember new English words

C. Exercises for skills to form sentences in English

D. Practice in conversational listening and speaking skills

37. At the end of each unit learners are required _______.

A. to perform a task B. to make a travel plan

C. to introduce a classmate D. to learn another function

38. This book is probably written for English learners_______.

A. who have never listened to native speakers

B. who have no idea how to solve language problems

C. who know some grammar but are weak at speaking

D. who know some functions but need to practice them


I always feel sorry for world learners busy dealing with fights between nations. When my three children were young, most days it was hard keeping my house from becoming a battlefield.

It got worse as they grew older. Three years ago, Zack, then 16, couldn’t make it through a day without making his sisters, Alex 11 and Taryn 9, angry.

My husband and I tried to be understanding the boy at such an age. We reasoned, punished, and left heartfelt notes on his bed about how he was hurting our family. His answer was “I say it because it’s true.”

I even tried telling the girls to fight back bad idea. Now I had three children at war. When there was no way out, I told everything to my sister in an e-mail. She replied, “Don’t e-mail me. E-mail him.”

Our son was online (上网) every day, mailing and talking with his friends. Maybe he would actually hear me this way. I didn’t say anything different, but e-mail just took the tension(紧张气氛) away. There’d be no shouting or door banging. Zack wouldn’t feel under attack.

Zack didn’t reply for days. When he finally did, his entire message was four small words. I smiled when I read them: “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

The children still fought, of course, but Zack changed. Best of all, I now have a better way to talk with not one but three of them. I like that they don’t tune me out as much. They like not having to listen to me shouting to them. Or as Alex says, “You’re so much nicer online.”

All I know is that the house is quiet, but we’re talking.

39. What was the trouble before the online talk in the family?

A. The writer failed to understand her daughters.

B. The children couldn’t get along peacefully.

C. The family found it difficult to keep the house clean.

D. The parents were not willing to talk with their children.

40. Which of the following did the writer try to deal with her son?

A. Talking with him about his pain.

B. Telling him about the truth of the family.

C. Telling her daughters to keep away from him.

D. Encouraging her daughters to fight against him.

41. The writer e-mailed her sister_______.

A. to tell her the family problem

B. hoping she’d e-mailed the boy

C. asking about child-raising

D. to reduce the tension

42. Tune me out in the passage probably means “_______”

A. quarrel with me B. get angry with me

C. pay no attention to me D. keep me out of their room


Hundreds of thousands of young children are being given mobiles(移动电话) by their parents against official health advice. One in nine five-to-nine-year olds has a mobile. This will rise to one in five in a year or two, making this the fastest growing group of mobile users.

A report on mobile safety says that while it is not sure whether they hurt users, children should not be allowed to use mobiles as much as grown-ups. This is because their brains are still developing and their bones are thinner, making it easier for mobile phone radio waves to pass through them. Mobile phone companies say they do not aim at under-16s, although some of their mobiles are designed to interest younger children.

Many of the mobiles are paid for as a safety measure so that the child can always call a parent when necessary. However, when children see that their friends have a mobile, it can become popular among them.

Professor Colin at Oxford University, who studies mobile phone radio waves, told BBC News “It’s new technology(技术) and the science is still developing. We have to be very careful about children―if there are any effects they would hurt young children more than grown-ups.” He suggested that children should be encouraged to use text messages rather than spoken conversations, this would reduce the amount of radio waves greatly.

43. Which age group of mobile users is increasing fastest?

A. From 1 to 5 B. From 5 to 9

C. From 9 to 16 D. Above 16

44. What do mobile phone companies say about their business?

A. They make mobiles for those over 16.

B. They don’t serve those who are under 16.

C. Their designers know the brains of children users.

D.Younger children are more interested in their mobiles.

45. According to Professor Colin, which of the following is TRUE?

A. Reducing radio waves is a hard task for scientists.

B. Children should not be allowed to use mobiles.

C. Scientists usually care for young children more than grown-ups.

D. Sending each other text message is safer than regular calling.

46. What do you think is the purpose of this passage?

A. To make known that children mobile users are increasing very fast.

B. To warn people about the danger of children using mobiles.

C. To discuss the effects of mobile phone radio waves.

D. To teach people a safe way of using mobiles.


When memories of holiday pumpkin pies (南瓜馅饼) are not fresh any more, large-pumpkin growers are already planning next year’s crop. Every year farmers around the world work very hard to see who can grow the world’s largest pumpkin.

The present world record belongs to Steve Daletas of Oregon. His pumpkin weighted 1,385 pounds (682 kilograms). That’s heavier than large bears! In August the pumpkin grew 29 pounds (13 kilograms) per day! Our reporter spoke with Andrew Sabin, who was one of the organizers of the Large-Pumpkin Weighing Competition (比赛).

To grow a large pumpkin, Sabin explained, you need the right seed and the right soil, and a lot of hard work. “It’s like a baby,” he said, “You look at your baby every day.”

All the hard work leads up to the weighing competitions, which usually take place in October. Top prize winners can earn thousands of dollars.

Just getting the large pumpkins away from the farm can be very difficult. The pumpkins are so heavy that farmers often have to use forklifts (叉车) to move them.

What do farmers do with the large pumpkins after the competition? According to Sabin, restaurants often buy the pumpkins for show. Top winners can also sell their pumpkin seeds to other farmers hoping to beat the world record the next year.

Would the large pumpkins be made into pumpkin pies? Not likely, Sabin said. “They don’t taste so good as the small pumpkins that are grown to eat.”

Animals seem to like them though―at least one large pumpkin was fed to an elephant at the Oregon Zoo!

47. Which of the following is TRUE of the passage?

A. People continue to pay attention to holiday pumpkin pies.

B. Farmers in the world are eager to grow pumpkins for food.

C. Farmers try their best to grow pumpkins as large as possible.

D. Pumpkin growers find it difficult to plan the next year’s farming.

48. What can we know about Steve Dalctas from the passage?

A. His pumpkin is the heaviest in the world.

B. His farm has grown 1,385 pounds of pumpkins.

C. He tries to find bears heavier than his pumpkin.

D. He is an organizer of the 2003 pumpkin competition.

49. What does It refer to in “It’s like a baby”?

A. Seed B. Pumpkin C. Soil

50. What might happen to the largest pumpkins after the competition?

A. Winners move them back to their farms.

B. The Oregon Zoo uses them to attract visitors.

C. Their seeds are sold to the farmers who need them.

D. Some restaurants make huge pumpkin pies with them.

五 补全对话 (共5句;每句满分3分,共15分)


提示:一位女士在商店为儿子挑选T恤衫,大小和式样都合适,也有喜欢的颜色,但价格太高。( Shop Assistant= S; Customer= C)

S: Good morning, madam. _______________51______________________?

C: Yes. You see, I’m looking for a T-shirt for my son.

S: We have a large variety of T-shirts. What about this one?

C: Oh, I like it. ___________52__________________?

S: Let me see… Size 4, 6 …Yes, we have size 8. Here you are.

C: Um, but I don’t really like the color. ____________53______________________?

S: Yes, we always have pink, orange, black, blue and…

C: Good, I think blue is nice. _________54_______________?

S: It’s $ 50.

C: Oh, really? I’m afraid __________55_____________. I’ll have to think about it.

六 书面表达 (满分30分)





注意:1. 开头和结尾已经为你写好; 2. 词数应为100 左右。

Dear Tim,

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What do you think about it?

I’m looking forward to your coming.


Da Peng












Ⅲ. Cloze (20 points)


For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices given below and marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

When Pat Jones finished college, she decided she wanted to travel around the world and see as many foreign places as she could _51_ she was young. Pat wanted to visit Latin America first, so she got a job _52_ an English teacher in a school in Bolivia. Pat spoke a little Spanish, _53_ she was able to communicate with her students even when they didn't know much English.

A sentence she had read somewhere stuck in her mind: if you dream _54_ a foreign language, you have really mastered it. Pat repeated this sentence to her students and hoped that someday she would dream in Spanish and they would dream in English.

One day, one of her worst students came up and explained in Spanish that he had not done his homework. He had _55_ early, and had slept badly.

“What does this have to do with _56_?” Pat demanded.

“I dreamed all night, Miss, Jones, and my dream was in English!”

“In English” Pat was very surprised, since he was such a bad students. She was _57_ secretly jealous. Her dreams were still not in Spanish. But she encouraged her young student, “Well, tell me about your dream.”

“All the people in my dream _58_ English,” the student said, “And all the signs were in English. All the newspapers and magazines and all the TV programs were in English.”

“But that's wonderful,” said Pat, “What did all the people say to you?”

“I'm _59_, Miss Jones. that's _60_ I slept so badly. I didn't understand a word they said. It was a nightmare!”

51.A. as B. while C. if D. since

52.A. for B. of C. as D. like

53.A. and B. but C. so D. yet

54.A. in B. about C. of D. for

55.A. got up B. gone to bed C. fallen asleep D. woken up

56.A. you B. me C. your dream D. your homework

57.A. usually B. seldom C. also D. still

58.A. read B. liked C. spoke D. learned

59.A. shy B. silly C. sorry D. sad

60.A. how B. why C. when D. where Ⅳ. Reading Comprehension (60 points)


There are four reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose one best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Passage One

According to an old story, a farmer once found that a bag of corn had been stolen from his house. He went to the judge and told him about his loss. The judge ordered all the people of the farm to come before him. He took a number of sticks of equal length and gave one stick to each man.

He then said, “Come before me again tomorrow. I shall then know which of you is the thief because the stick given to the thief will be one inch longer than the others.”

The thief was afraid of being found out, and so the cut an inch off his stick. The next day the thief's stick was found to be one inch shorter than any of the others. In this way the thief was found out, and was at once taken away to prison.

61. A bag of corn was found ________.

A. to be stolen B. stolen C. being stolen D. having stolen

62. The judge gave each man a stick _______.

A. to change back the farmer's corn B. to beat the thief

C. as a tool to find out the thief D. so as to play a game together

63. According to the judge, the next day the thief's stick would be one inch longer than the others' because _______.

the thief's stick would grow one inch longer

the other's sticks would become one inch shorter

something wrong would happen to the thief's stick

the judge had given the longer stick to the thief

64. Since the thief cut the stick short, ________.

he was found out

the judge couldn't catch him

his stick had an equal length with the others'

his stick wouldn't be any longer

65. The wise way the judge found out the thief in the end was to make ______.

the thief to cut an inch off the stick

the thief cut an inch off the stick

the stick grow an inch longer

the thief tell him what he had done Passage Two

The home computer industry has been growing rapidly in the United States for the last ten years. Computers used to be large, expensive machines that were very difficult to use. But scientists and technicians have been making them smaller and cheaper while at the same time they have been made easier to use. Asa result, their popularity has been increasing as more people have been buying computers for their homes and businesses.

Computers have been designed to store information and compute problems that are difficult for human beings to work out. Some have voices that speak with the operators. Stores use computers to keep records of their inventories (????) and to send bills to their customers. Offices use computers to copy letters, record business and keep in touch with other offices. People have been using computers in their homes to keep track of the money they spend.

One important new use for computers is for entertainment. Many new games have been designed to be played on the computers. People of all ages have been playing these games. People also have been buying home computers to play computer games, watch movies and listen to concerts at home. They have become very popular indeed.

66. Computers used to _______.

A. work rapidly B. be large and expensive

C. be easy to use D. be used for fun

67. In recent years, computers are being made _______.

larger and more expensive B. smaller and cheaper

C. more difficult to use D. to work more slowly

68. Home computers can be used for _______.

A. writing letters B. playing games C. doing business D. all of the above

69. Salesmen use computers mainly to _______.

check the list of goods and materials that are kept in the store house

play games for pleasure

talk with their friends

write letters

70. The best title for the passage would be _______.

A. New Uses For Computers B. The Popularity of Home Computers

C. The Home Computer Industry D. Computers At Home Passage Three

Mr. Chen living next door to us has a habit of drinking. The best present to him, of course, is wine, Now his eldest son brought him a bottle of Mao Tai. He was glad and stared at it for some time, then wrote “105” on the corner of the trademark with a pencil, meaning he had already drunk 105 bottles of the famous wine. Two days later a stranger came. He offered to pay 5 yuan for the empty Mao Tai bottle. Mr. Chen was pleased and sold it. Several weeks later, his second son brought him another bottle of Mao Tai. While examining and enjoying it, he was suddenly terrified-he found “105”-the very mark on it.

71. The story is mainly about _______.

A. two sons of Mr. Chen's B. wine, the best present

C. the secret of “105” D. an empty bottle worth 5 yuan

72. The story tells that the stranger was a man who _______.

A. took back empties B. produced famous wine

C. promoted (促进) the sale of Mao Tai D. knew how to meet people's needs

73. Mr. Chen sold his empty Mao Tai bottle because ________.

he had already numbered it “105”

he knew his second son would bring him another

the price offered was high enough

he hoped the bottle could be used again

74. When examining and enjoying the wine sent by his second son, Mr. Chen was terrified because he found _______.

A. the wine was mixed with water B. he should have marked it “106”

C. the wine had exceeded (超出) the time limit D. his second son had been cheated

75. According to the story, who do you say learned a lesson?

A. The stranger B. Mr. Chen C. His neighbour D. Mr. Chen's eldest son Passage Four

Do you find getting up in the morning so difficult that it is painful? This might be called laziness, but Dr. Kleitman has a new explanation. He has proved that everyone has a daily energy cycle.

During the hours when you labour through your work you may say that you're “hot”. That's true. The time of day when you feel most energetic is when your cycle of body temperature is at its peak. For some people the peak comes during the forenoon. For others it comes in the afternoon or evening. No one has discovered why this is so, but it leads to such familiar monologues (自言自语) as: “Get up, John! You'll be late for work again!” The possible explanation to the trouble is that John is at his temperature-and-energy peak in the evening. Much family quarrelling ends when husbands and wives realize what these energy cycles mean, and which cycle each member of the family has.

You can't change your energy cycle, but you can learn to make your life it better. Habit can help, Dr. Kleitman believes. Maybe you're sleepy in the evening but feel you must stay up late anyway. Counteract (对抗) your cycle to some extent by habitually staying up later than you want to. If your energy is low in the morning but you have an important job to do early in the day, rise before your usual hour. This won't change your cycle, but you'll get up steam (鼓起干劲) and work better at your low point.

Get off to a slow start which saves your energy. Get with a leisurely yawl and stretch. Sit on the edge of the bed a minute before putting your feet on the floor. Avoid the trouble some search for clean clothes by laying them out the night before. When ever possible, do routine work in the afternoon and save tasks requiring more energy or concentration for your sharper hours.

76. If a person finds getting up early a problem, most probably _______.

he is a lazy person

he refuses to follow his own energy cycle

he is not sure when his energy is low

he is at his peak in the afternoon or evening

77. Which of the following may lead to family quarrels according to the passage?

A. Unawareness of energy cycles. B. Familiar monologues.

C. A change in a family member's energy cycle.

Attempts to control the energy cycle of other family member.

78. If one wants to work more efficiently at his low point in the morning, he should _____.

A. change his energy cycle C. get up earlier than usual

B. overcome his lazinessD. go to bed earlier

79. You are advised to rise with a yawn and stretch because it will ______.

help to keep your energy for the day's work

help you to control your temper early in the day

enable you to concentrate on your routine work

keep your energy cycle under control all day

80. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

Getting off to work with a minimum effort helps save one's energy.

Dr. Kleitman explains why people reach their peak at different hours of day.

Habit helps a person adapt to his own energy cycle.

Children have energy cycles, too.

Ⅴ. Writing (20 points)


For this part, you are allowed 20 minutes to write a short composition of about 80 words on the title: Fake Commodities. Base your composition on the outline given below.





Ⅰ. Phonetics (10 Points)


In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

1.A. nurse B. thirsty C. universe D. surprise

2.A. belief B. niece C. field D. variety

3.A. surprised B. pleased C. refused D. increased

4.A. temperature B. change C. average D. surface

5.A. construction B. coral C. cross D. model

6.A. mental B. metal C. total D. metallic

7.A. detective B. decide C. nephew D. desire

8.A. determine B. demand C. medical D. belief

9.A. peasant B. present C. promise D. possession

10.A. speech B. stomach C. charge D. church

Ⅱ. Vocabulary and Structure (40 points)


There are 40 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

11. Luckily, the fire fighters arrived and _______ the terrible fire.

A. put on B. put out C. put down D. put away

12. For miles and miles, I could see nothing _______ a great fire and lots of smoke.

A. beside B. besides C. except D. without

13. The shop assistant didn't give me the right ________.

A. change B. money C. serve D. note

14. The prices of fridges have been ______ recently.

A. pressed B. brought out C. cut off D. brought down

15. This means the boy may be out of job for some time. In this sentence “be out of job” means _______.

A. be on their days off B. go outside

C. lose his job D. finish his work

16. The TV play we watched last night was very ________.

A. frightening B. afraid C. fright D. frigghtened

17. We took soft drinks to the _______ and our friends took beer there.

A. bench B. beach C. bank D. bend

18. Who will ________ the bill?

A. pay B. pay for C. pay off D. pay out

19. Their debts _______ 700.

A. added to B. adds up C. add to D. add up to

20. There is _______ bread in the cupboard, ________?

A. no more…is there B. not any more…isn't there

C. no longer…is there D. not any longer…isn't there 21.-Would you please go out for a walk with us? 21-______, but I'm very busy now.

A. Of course not B. I'd like to C. That's all right D. That's right

22.-Can I get you a cup of tea?


A. That's very nice of you B. With pleasure

C. You can, please D. Thank you for the tea

23.-When can I call on you, afternoon or evening?

-________. I'll be at home all the time.

A. Any B. Either C. Both D. Neither

24.-Has anyone seen my glasses?


A. Here it is B. It is here C. Here are they D. Here they are

25.-May I use your phone?


A. No, I don't mind B. Yes, you do it

C. Yes, my pleasure D. I'm afraid not

26. He is much more _______ a German

A. like to be B. liking to be C. likely to be D. likely

27. I had a new tap _______ the day before yesterday.

A. fix B. fixing C. to be fixed D. fixed

28. We couldn't eat at a restaurant because _______ of us had _______ money on us.

A. all…no B. any…no C. none…any D. no one…any

29. Have you any rooms _______? We'll stay here for only two days.

A. to spare B. to spend C. to take D. to borrow

30. I was so ______ moved by his words that I couldn't fall asleep ______ into the night.

A. deep…deeply B. deep…deep C. deeply…deeply D. deeply…deep

31. The crowd cheered ______ the sight of the honoured guests' motorcade.

A. at B. on C.as soon as D. in

32. He's a new comer. So we try to be as _______ to him as we could.

A. friend B. friends C. friendly D. good friends

33. She had a good time last night, _______?

A. hadn't she B. had she C. didn't she D. did she

34. Don't _______ the child, it will frighten him.

A. call at B. laugh at C. shout to D. shout at


-He is a tall young man with blue eyes and broad shoulders.

A. What is he like B. What does he look like

C. What does he like D. How is he

36. She no longer talked and laughed _______ she used to.

A. like B. as though C. as D. just as

37. I don't know why _______ late for class.

A. you are B. are you C. are you being D. being you are

38. As both dictionaries were good, he said he would take _______.

A. any of them B. all of them C. either of them D. either ones

39. _______ of them knows much English.

A. No B. None C. Both D. Not all

40. Will you ______ the book Tom Sawyer ______ him if he wants to _____ it _____ you?

A. lend…to…borrow…from B. lend…to…borrow…of

C. borrow…to…lend…from D. lend…for…borrow…of



1.“雕栏玉砌应犹在,只是朱颜改”一句所用的修辞手法是: ( )

A.比喻 B.夸张 C.借代 D.拟人

2.戏剧《日出》的作者是 ( )

A.曹禺 B.沈从文 C.茅盾 D.钱钟书

3.《单刀会》的作者是 ( )

A.关汉卿 B.白朴 C.王实甫 D.汤显祖

4. “文起八代之衰”指的是谁的散文 ( )

A. 欧阳修 B. 王羲之 C. 韩愈 D.王安石

5. 下列样式不属于记叙文的是 ( )

A.科学小品 B. 通讯 C. 日记 D. 回忆录

6.《报任安书》的作者是 ( )

A.欧阳修 B.苏轼 C.司马迁 D.宗臣

7.哲学家和作家培根的国籍是 ( )

A. 法国 B. 美国 C.英国 D.德国

8.下列作品中属于汉乐府民歌的是 ( )

A.《氓》 B.《杜陵叟》 C.《陌上桑》 D.《短歌行》

9. 金代最杰出的诗人是 ( )

A. 杨维桢 B. 元好问 C.关汉卿 D.蔡松年

10. 社论、编辑部文章、评论员文章的划分依据是 ( )

A. 议论的篇幅 B. 议论的方式 C.应用的场合 D. 论文的作者

11. 下面不属于议论文的是 ( )

A.韩愈《进学解》 B. 韩愈《师说》 C. 贾谊《过秦论》D. 王羲之《兰亭集序》

12.被誉为世界“短篇小说之王”的作家是 ( )

A.鲁迅 B.契诃夫 C.莫泊桑 D.欧・亨利

13. 从戏剧的容量来看,曹禺的《日出》属于 ( )

A.独幕剧 B.重幕剧 C.多幕剧 D.话剧

14.“忽哪一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开”出自 ( )

A.《关山月》 B.《从军行》

C.《短歌行》 D.《白雪歌送武判官归京》

15.“姜氏何厌之有”的正确译文是 ( )

A.姜氏有多么讨厌! B.姜氏她厌恶什么?



英 语





















Ⅰ.Phonetics (10 Points)


In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

1.A. nurse B. thirsty C. universe D. surprise

2.A. belief B. niece C. field D. variety

3.A. surprised B. pleased C. refused D. increased

4.A. temperature B. change C. average D. surface

5.A. construction B. coral C. cross D. model

6.A. mental B. metal C. total D. metallic

7.A. detective B. decide C. nephew D. desire

8.A. determine B. demand C. medical D. belief

9.A. peasant B. present C. promise D. possession

10.A. speech B. stomach C. charge D. church

Ⅱ.Vocabulary and Structure (40 points)


There are 40 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

11. Luckily, the fire fighters arrived and _______ the terrible fire.

A. put on B. put out C. put down D. put away

12. For miles and miles, I could see nothing _______ a great fire and lots of smoke.

A. beside B. besides C. except D. without

13. The shop assistant didn‘t give me the right ________.

A. change B. money C. serve D. note

14. The prices of fridges have been ______ recently.

A. pressed B. brought out C. cut off D. brought down

15. This means the boy may be out of job for some time. In this sentence “be out of job” means _______.

A. be on their days off B. go outside

C. lose his job D. finish his work

16. The TV play we watched last night was very ________.

A. frightening B. afraid C. fright D. frightened

17. We took soft drinks to the _______ and our friends took beer there.

A. bench B. beach C. bank D. bend

18. Who will ________ the bill?

A. pay B. pay for C. pay off D. pay out

19. Their debts _______ 700.

A. added to B. adds up C. add to D. add up to

20. There is _______ bread in the cupboard, ________?

A. no more…is there B. not any more…isn‘t there

C. no longer…is there D. not any longer…isn‘t there 21.-Would you please go out for a walk with us?


英 语






















assembly 大会

convention 会议

party 晚会,社交性宴会

at-home party 家庭宴会

tea party 茶会

dinner party 晚餐会

garden party 游园会

dance(party),ball,fandango 舞会

reading party 读书会

fishing party 钓鱼会

sketching party 观剧会

birthday party 生日宴会

Christmas party 圣诞晚会

luncheon party 午餐会

fancy ball 化妆舞会

commemorative party 纪念宴会

wedding dinner, a wedding reception 结婚宴会

banquet 酒宴

pajama party 睡衣派对

buffet party 立食宴会

cocktail party 鸡尾酒会

welcome meeting 欢迎会

farewell party 惜别会

pink tea 公式茶会

new years‘s banquet 新年会

year-end dinner party 忘年餐会

成人高考范文 叙事





















