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人教版英语八年级下册Unit 1 测试

(限时:60分钟 满分:100分)

一、单项选择(每小题1. 5分,共15分)

1.—Does your sister have _______ _ fever?

—Yes, she does. I thinkshe should go to________ hospital.

A. an;/ B. a;the C. /;a D. the;an

2.If we just think about________,the boat of friendshipwi ll be overturned(倾覆)anytime.

A. myself B.himself C. yourself D.ourselves

3.—I failed my driving test again.

—Don't ________. Keeptrying and you'll pass it.

A. put up B.give up C. tidy up D. look up

4.I took the subway and ________at the downtown station.

A. got through B.got over C. got on D. got off

5.________ our surprise, Larry came here earliest today.

A. To B. With C. Without D. In

6.You look too tired. You ________ rest and ________work too hard.

A. should; should B. shouldn't; shouldn't

C. shouldn't; should D. should; shouldn't

7.Lucy is used ________ a walk after dinner.

A. to take B. taking C.to taking D. take

8.Did you agree ________ a party for him?

A. having B. to have C. have D. had

9.Please let me tell you again ________ you won't forget.

A. as long as B.if C. so that D. because

10.— My c ousin has a sore throat.

—She should ________.

A. drink water withhoney B. see a dentist

C. take a shower D. get an X? ray


A tone ?deaf(不能辨别音高的)teenager has surprised his familyby suddenly being able to play music after suffering a concussion(脑震荡).

Gordon,a high school student,now can play 13instruments—______11 he has never learned music.

As a smal l child,he loved sports,dreamed of playing lacrosse(长曲棍球)as a career,and had no______12 in music.

“He really had nomusical______13,”his mother told the reporter. “When he playedlacrosse with a local team in Grade Six,he______14backwards and knocked the back of his head______15 the ground. ”

“I remember______16 andthen feeling dazed (神志不清的),”he told the reporter. “I didn'treally realize something______17 had happened. ”

The doctors told him hecould return to the______18. He did so,butunluckily he went on to suffer______19 couple of hard hits on the head,which sent him to the hospital again.

Afterthat,the doctors told him hecouldn't play sports any more,but there was one goodside effect:his newly found______20.

“Now I can play manyinstruments,such as piano,guitar and violin. Music is thething that gets me up in the morning,”hesaid.

11.A. so B. and C. because D. though

12.A. interest B. interested C. interesting D. interestedly

13.A. problem B. difficulty C. instrument D.talent

14.A. falls B. felt C. fell D. was falling

15.A. above B. below C. along D. against

16.A. getting up B. giving up C. to get up D. to give up

17.A. good B. bad C. wonderful D. boring

18.A. classroom B. hospital C. concert D. field

19.A. another B. other C. the other D. others

20.A. hobby B. illness C. habit D. skill

三、阅读理解 (每小题2分,共10分)

On Sunday it was sunny. More than ten people stood on theairport,waiting for thechallenge for skydiving(特技跳伞运动). Suddenly,with the help of a guide dog,a blind man was coming w ith aparachute(降落伞n. ;跳伞v. ) on his back.

“Do you also come forthe parachute training?” someone asked. “Yes!” the blind man answered in a loudvoice. All the people looked at him in surprise. “I know. Do you think how ablind man can parachute?”the blind man said.“Yes,how can you parachute?” Seeing the blind man was so happy,they asked quickly.

“It's not difficult.I'll parachute like you. I am a blind man,butI c an hear!When I hear the orderfor skydiving,I'll carry my guide dogto follow you one by one. The coach (教练)says,counting to 5 from themoment I jump down,I can open theparachute. And I know when to fall to the ground is the most dangerous momentin skydiving. But it's very easy for me. When my guide dog is afraid intocrying loudly and the rope in my hand becomes light,I'll be ready for falling to theground. ” said the blind man quickly.

After the challenge,the coach told everyone,“In this training,Robert gets the highest scoring. ”“Who's Robert?” They askedsimultaneously.

“He!” the coach said,pointing at the young blind man.

21.What did the blind man come to the airport to do?

A. To watch theparachute training. B. To trainhis guide dog.

C. To join in theparachute training. D. To gotravelling by plane.

22.How did all the people feel when the blind man wanted to parachute with them?

A. Happy. B. Surprised. C. Excited. D. Sad.

23.When will the man be ready for falling to the ground?

A. When he hears theorder for skydiving.

B. When he carries hisguide dog to follow one by one.

C. When the coach sayshe can open the parachute.

D. When his guide dog isafraid into crying loudly and the rope in his hand becomes light.

24.What does the word “simultaneously” mean in Chinese?

A. 大声喧哗地 B. 难以置信地 C. 不可否认地 D.不约而同地

25.According to the passage,which of the followingis NOT TRUE?

A. The coach knew Robertwas the best trainer before the challenge.

B. The other peopledidn't believe Robert could parachute at first.

C. The blind man was areal man with great courage.

D. It's unbelievablethat Robert did the best of all trainers.


A. 根据句意及首字母提示填写单词

26. Zhang Lin's grandmother was s________, so he took her to the hospital.

27. Jane's head feels kind of hot. I thi nk shehas a f __________.

28. I h ______my back playing squash.

29. —What 's the t ________with you?

—Ican't sleep well all night.

30. There were too many p ______on the bus, so Icouldn't get on it.

B. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空

31. We need two more new ________(knife).

32. Mrs. Brown________ (lie) in bed for a few minutes,and then she felt better.

33. After his parents'________(die), the young manmoved to another city.

34. You should learn to make a________(decide) byyourself. [来源:Z------k.Com]

35. At weekends,mysister often learns English by________(she).



A:Good afternoon, young man. ______36

B:Good afternoon, doctor. I don'tfeel well. I have a headache.

A:Do you have a fever?

B:______37My mother took mytemperature just now. She said it was OK.

A:Oh, I think you may have a cold.


A:You should drink much water.

B:OK. ______39

A:Well, you should go to bed earlyand have a good rest.


A:No. It's nothing serious, so youcan go to school.

B:Thank you very much.

A:You're welcome.

A. What should I do? B. I hope you will get better soon.

C.Should I stay in bed? D. What's the matter?

E.Are you feeling well now? F. No, I don't.

G.What else?

六、书面表达(25 分)

你的朋友Jack由于长时间在手机(mobile phone)上玩游戏,现在头痛、眼睛痛、背痛,并且睡不好觉。写一篇短文介绍一下他的情况,并给出你对他的建议。

要求:1. 内容包含所提供的信息,可适当发挥;

2. 书写认真,句子通顺;

3. 词数:80左右。





答 案


2. D 点拨:句意:如果我们只考虑我们自己,友谊的小船随时都会倾覆。根据主语we,可知其反身代词是ourselves。故选D。

3. B 点拨:用习惯应答法。句意:——我又没有通过驾照考试。——不要________。继续努力,你就会通过的。由答语后句Keep trying and you'll p ass it. 可知,此处应是安慰、鼓励对方不要放弃考试。give up意为“放弃”,故选B。

4. D 点拨:句意:我乘坐地铁在市中心站下车。get through通过;get over克服;get on上车;get off下车。根据句意,可知选D。

5. A6. D7. C8. B9. C10. A

二、11.D 点拨:分析前后文可知表示让步关系,故用though。

12. A 点拨:have no interest in意为“对……不感兴趣”。

13. D 点拨:problem问题;difficulty困难;instrument乐器;talent天赋。分析句意可知他没有音乐天赋。

14. C 点拨:分析前后文可知用一般过去时。

1 5. D 点拨:above在……上面;below在……下面;along沿着;against撞;碰。分析句意可知选D。

16. A 点拨:get up意为“起来”;give up意为“放弃”。remember doing sth. 意为“记得做过某事”。remember to do sth. 意为“记得要做某事”。根据描述可知记得站了起来,故选A。

17. B 点拨:分析前后文可知是坏事情发生了。故选B。[来源:Z--k.Com]

18. D 点拨:分析后文可推知医生告诉他可以回到运动场地。

19. A 点拨:another意为“又一个”;other意为“其他的”;the other指两者中的另一个;others为代词,后不接名词。分析句意可知他的头部又受到了一 些撞击,用another。

20. D点拨:分析句意可知指的是新发现的技能,用skill。

三、21.C 点拨:细节理解题。由短文第二段开头句子“Do you also come for theparachut e training?” someone asked. “Yes!” the blind man answered in a loudvoice. 可知盲人是来参加跳伞训练的。故选C。

22. B 点拨:细节理解题。根据短文第二段中All the people looked athim in surprise.中的关键词s urprise可知选B。

23. D 点拨:细节理解题。根据短文第三段中When my guide dog isafraid into crying loudly and the rope in my hand becomes light,I'll be ready for falling to theground. 可知答案为D。

24. D 点拨:词义猜测题。结合语境可知是他们“不约而同地”发问。故选D。

25. A 点拨:推理判断题。通读全文,根据大家之前的“吃惊”,后来的“不约而同”可知教练在挑战之前不知道罗伯特是最棒的。A选项表述不正确。故选A。

四、A.26. sick27. fever28. hurt29. trouble30. passengers

B. 31. knives32.lay33. death34. decision35. herself

五、36.D37. F38. A39. G40. C


Jack is my friend. He likes pl aying games on mobilephones very much. He often sits in the same way for too long without moving.Now he has a headache, sore eyes and a sore back. He doesn't sleep well atnight, so he feels tired every day. I think he should take breaks away from themobile phone. He shouldn't use the mobile phone for a long time. He should doeye exercises to relax his eyes and go to bed early at night. I think if he hasa good rest, he will feel well soon.


本文运用了“总—分—总”法提建议,总体介绍存在的问题(He likes p laying games…fortoo long without moving. Now he has a headache…so he feels tired every day. );针对问题给出具体建议(I think he should take breaks awayfrom…He shouldn't use themobile phone…He should do eyeexercises…at night. );最后总结,表达祝愿(I think if he has a good rest,he will feel well soon. )

添彩点:1.恰当运用本单元所学的 sit in the same way,without, sore, should和shouldn't等词汇表达自己的思想。

2. so, do eye exercises, I think if he has a good rest, he will feel well soon. 等词句运用得恰如其分,使文章增色不少。



一、单项选择(每小题1 分 ,共 15分)

1. — Kelly, who's the girl__________glasses in the photo?

-一It’s me. I used to wear glasses and have long hair.

A. by B. of C. on D. with

2. Students shouldn’t go to schoobreakfast. It’s bad for their health.

A. with B. without C. for D. by

3. Victor can play piano. He can join the music club.

A. a B. an C. the

4. How do you like Li Yundi?

- A cool guy! His music really beautiful.

A. tastes B. sounds C. smells D. looks

5. 一M um,I’m not feeling well.

—Oh, dear! ________

A. What’s wrong? B. Not at all. C. All right.

6.Young people today posting wonderful articles and beautiful photos onto the micromes- sage(微信)to share with friends.

A. are afraid of B. are used to C. are worried about

7. Andrea Bocelli never ,which makes him a successful singer.

A. takes away B. gives away

C. gets up D. gives up

8.He hurried back home his schoolbag.

A. fetched B. to fetch C. fetching D. fetches

9. — Why did you get up late this morning?

— _________I stayed up late last night, v

A. Because B. So C. Because of D. But

10. — What’s the matter with you?

一I________a headache.

A. have B. take C. make D, like

11. To our__________, the little girl is the first to go to bed.

A. surprises B. surprise C. surprised D. surprising

12. - -What did your sister do?

—-She_________the bus at the bus stop and went home.

A. got to B. got up C. got down D. got off

13. — What did you see?

— I saw many boys________ games near the river.

A. played B. playing C. plays D. to play

14. It’s __________own business(事情) Please do it yourself.

A. you B. your C. yours D. his

15. My father often cooks some delicious food_________for us at home.

A. herself B. ourselves C. himself D. yourselves

二 、完形填空 (共 10分)

Mr. and Mrs. Green were very worried about their son, Leo. He seemed to be

dumb( 哑的) 15 he was normal in every other way. Mr. and Mrs. Green tried everything to get him to 17 ,but with no success.When Leo was six years old, the best doctors in the town 18 him carefully, but could find nothing wrong.

And he seemed to be smart. It was just that he _19 spoke.

“There might be something wrong with his 20 ,and he doesn’t know he's able to speak,’,one doctor said.“But he can read and write,,,said Mr. Green. “We’ve written him notes, telling him that he can speak. ”“It’s certainly very 21 ,” another doctor said. Perhaps he’ll be able to speak some day. ”22 passed. Leo went to university. But he did not say a 23 word. Then one day,Leo was having a meal with his parents. Without any warning, he looked up from his 24 and said,“Pass me the salt,please. ”

Mr. and Mrs. Green were excited. “You spoke! You spoke!” they cried. “ Why have you 25 so long to speak?” “I didn’t have anything to say,,,he said. “Until now everything was perfect. But you forgot to put salt in potatoes. ”

16. A. because B. when C. though D. before

17.A. speak B. walk C. play D. laugh

18. A. taught B. found C. examined D. asked

19. A. never B. often C. usually D. always

20.A. back B. hair C. face D. mind

21. A. unfair B. strange C. noisy iet

22. A. Hours B. Weeks C. Months D. Years

23. A. good B. right C. single D. new

24. A. chair B. meal G. hands D. books

25. A. slept B. walked C. served D. waited

三、阅读理解(每小题2 分 ,共 40分)


It’s important for us to be healthy. But how can we keep healthy? First,you should eat fruit and vegetables three or four times a week. Then eat some tofu every day because it’s good for people, both the young and the old. Milk is also necessary(必要的),especially for women. So you should have milk twice & day. It can help you to be strong. Next, doing more exercise is better. You can do morning exercises or evening exercises. After supper you should take a walk.

26. You should eat_______ three or four times a week.

A. fruit and fish B. vegetables and mutton

C. tofu D. fruit and vegetables

27. Tofu is good for ______.

A. young people B. old people C. young and old people D. students

28. Why do people have milk?

A. It,s delicious.B. It’s a kind of drink.

C. It’s bad for you. D. It can help you keep strong.

29. You should have milk .

A. four times a day B. five times a week C. twice a day D. twice a week

30. The passage mainly tells us__________.

A. how to keep healthy B. what health is

C. why health is important D. how often you can eat tofu


Do you know the story about Vince? It was a true story. Vince was an English boy and he was eight years old. He didn't like soap or water. Three or four times a day his mother said to him, “Vince, your hands are very dirty again.” Go and wash them. ” But Vince never washed them well. He only put his hands in the water for a few seconds and then took them out again.

Vince’s uncle and aunt lived in another city. One day they came to stay with Vince’s parents, and they brought their small son, Toby, with them. Toby was seven years old and he didn’t like soap or water, ei ther.

The boys sat with their parents for a few minutes and then they went outside. When they were pla ying, Vince looked at Toby's hands and then went back to Toby’s parents and said proudly (骄傲地), “Toby’s hands are dirtier than mine, ”

“Of course they are,”Toby said angrily. “You are one year older than I am, ”

31. Vince’s mother asked him to______three or four times a day.

A. wash his hands B. do his homework C. clean his bedroom D. wash his teeth

32.When Vince saw Toby’s hands, he felt ________.

A, sorry B. proud C. sad D. terrible

33.Vince’s hands were a little______than Toby’s.

A. dirtier B. cleaner C. bigger D. smaller

34.From the story we know that_______ .

A. Vince liked soap and water, but Toby didn’t

B.Toby liked soap and water,but Vince didn’t

C. Vince and Toby liked soap and water

D.Vince and Toby didn’t like soap or water

35. How many people are there in the story?

A. Four. B. Five. C. Six. D. Seven,


When I was about 12,a girl in my class liked to point out (指出)my problems. I was too thin;I wasn’t a good student;I talked too much;I was too proud (骄傲),and so on. At last,I became very angry and ran to my father.

He listened to me quietly. Then he asked, “Are these things true or not? Do you know what you are really like? Go and make a list of what she said and find the things that are true. ”

I did as he told me. To my great surprise, I discovered (发现)that about half of the things were true. Some of them I couldn’t change (改变)(like being very thin). But there were things I could and wanted to change. For the first time, I got a clear picture of myself.

I brought the list back to Dad. He didn’t take it, “That’s just for you,” he said “You know the truth (真相)about yourself better than anyone else. When people say something that is true about you,you should find it helpful. ’,

Our world is full of people who think they know your matter. Don’t be angry and feel hurt. Listen to them. «


36.was angry because a girl in my class pointed out my problems.( )

37.. My father wasn’t interested in what I said.( )

38.found that about half of the things the girl said were true.( )

39.was very proud so I didn’t want to change at all.( )

40 No matter what people say? you should think it helpful.( )


41.I have a stomachache.(就画线部分提问)

_______ is_____ _____ ________ you?

42.She should drink some water.(改为否定句)

.She_________drink_________ water.

43...He fell down when playing soccer.(改为一般疑问句)

_______he_____down when playing soccer?


You should drink ,_______ ________ _________ ___________





提示:1. Dennis今天得了重感冒,头痛、发烧;医生建议他在家休息,多喝水,按时吃药;你准备放学后去看他,帮他补习功课。


1—5. CABAC 6—10. AABCB 11—12. CB 13—15. CBA



41---45 DCDCA 46-55.ABBDC

31 由句意知此句前后为转折关系。所以选C。

32. 格林夫妇通过各种方法想让Leo说话。所以选 A 。

33. 医生仔细地检查Leo examine意为“检查”。 所以选C

34 Leo的问题就是从不张口说话。never意为“从不”。

35. :Leo各方面都正常,所以医生推断他不能说话是因为他的大脑出了问题,所以选D 。

36. :Leo能读会写,并且父母也告诉他他能说话,但他就是不说话。医生对这种情况感到奇怪。

37. :数年以后Leo去上大学,所以选D 。

38. :但 Leb还是没说过一句话,所以选C。

39. :由 “Then one day, Leo was having a meal with his parents. ”可推断出 Leo应该是吃着饭的时候,抬起头来,所以选B 。

40. :句意为“你为什么等那么长时间才说话呢?”,所以选D 。

46.A 由第一•段中 “Three or four times a day his mother said to him, * Vince» your hands are very dirty again. Go and wash them. ’”可知答案为 A。

47.B 由第三段中..Vince looked at Toby’s hands and then went back to Toby’s parents and said proudly... ”可知答案为B。

48.B 由第三段最后一句“Toby’s hands are dirtier than mine.”可知,文斯的手比托比的要干净。故答案为B。

49.D本文主要讲述了文斯和托比两个孩子都不爱 洗手的故事,故答案为D。

50.C 由第三段中“Vince’s uncle and aunt lived in an other city. One day they came to stay with Vince’s parents... ”可知,这里提到托比的父母和文斯的 父母,再加土这两个孩子,共计六人。

61A 由短文第一•句“Frank is a factory worker. ”可 知答案为A。

62C 由第~ 段中“His wife, Alice, has no job, so she slays at home. . . ” 可知答案为 C。

63.B 由第二段中 “One day, Frank came home very late because he was very busy in the factory.,,可知 弗兰克回家晚的原因是他有许多工作要做。

64.D 由第三段中“He was not happy when he found his dinner was not reading

65. B 由最后一段中“But I can be ready to go with you in five minutes. ”可知选项B表述正确。

缺点,“我”很生气。后来,在爸爸的帮助下,“我” 认识到了自己真的存在一些可以改变的缺点。 同时也明白了一个道理:当人们指出你的确存在 的缺点时,你会发现它是很有帮助的。文后题目 为判断正误题,做题时,首先要看懂所给句子的 含义,然后再从原文中找出关键信息,看一下是 否与所给句子表述相同,从而作出正确判断。

66.T 由第一段中 “••• a girl in my class liked to point out my problems.. • At last, I became very angry... ”可知,此句表述正确。

67.F 由第二段中“He listened to me quietly. Then he asked... ”可推断出“爸爸对我说的话很感兴趣”。 故此句表述错误。

68.T 由第三段中. . I discovered that about half of the things were true. ”可知,此句表述正确。

69.F 由第三段中“Some of them I couldn't change (like being very thin). But there were things I could and wanted to change. ”可知,此句表述错误。

70.F 由第四段中“When people say something that is true about you, you should find it helpful.,,可知, 此句表述错误。

71. What, the matter/trouble with

shouldn’t, any

Did, fall

hot tea with honey

As a mountain climber,he is used to taking risks.

One possible version :

My friend Dennis didn’t come to school today. He went to hospital because he had a bad cold. He had a headache and a fever. The doctor looked him over and said,“It’s nothing serious. But you have to stay at home for two days. You should drink more water and have a good rest. Take the medicine three times a day. Then you’ll feel better. ”

After school,I’m going to visit him and help him with his lessons. I hope he will be OK very soon.


人教版英语八年级下册Unit 2单元过关卷

时间:100分钟 满分:120分

第Ⅰ卷 听力部分(25分)

Ⅰ. 听下面5个句子,选出与所听内容相符的图片。(每小题1分,共5分)

Ⅱ. 听下面5段小对话,每段对话对应一个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最 佳选项。(每小题1分,共5分)

6. What did John do?

A. He gave outfood. B. He planned some games.

C. He took somephotos.

7. Who fixed up the bicycle?

A. Sam. B. Mike. C. Eric.

8. How often does the boy visit the sickchildren?

A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Three times a week.

9. How long should Tom stay in bed?

A. For one day. B. For two days. C. For three days.

10. What does the woman mean?

A. The brothers look after each other.

B. The brothers don't care about eachother.

C. The brothers look very similar.

Ⅲ. 听下面4段长对话,每段对话后有几个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最 佳选项。(每小题1分,共10分)


11. What does Tom like doing?

A. Playingbasketball. B. Playing soccer. C. Playing with kids.

12. What volunteer work could Tom do?

A. Help train asoccer team for little kids. B.Help put up signs.

C. Help hand out test papers.


13. What is Tom going to do?

A. To teach the poor children. B. To play with the poorchildren.

C. To raise money for the poor children.

14. What did Sally want to do at first?

A. To buy some oranges. B. To learn from the boy.

C. To buy something for the poor.


15. What can Jack fix up?

A. Bikes. B. Pens. C. Kites.

16. Who makes Jack always help the kids whoare poor?

A. His mother. B. His father. C. His teacher.

17. How does Jack's father like himaccording to the dialogue?

A. He is proud of Jack. B. He is angrywith Jack.

C. He is kind to Jack.


18. Where will the girl go tomorrow?

A. To a library. B. To a hospital. C. To a park.

19. When will the girl go there?

A. At 7:00. B. At 7:30. C. At 8:00.

20. What day is it today?

A. Friday. B. Saturday. C. Sunday.

Ⅳ. 听下面一篇短文,完成表格中所缺的信息,每空词数不限。(每小题1分,共5分)

第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分(95分)

Ⅴ. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分)

26. —Is your dream job to be________ animaldoctor?

—Yes. I want to do what I love to do andhelp animals at ________ same time.

A. an; / B. the; a C.an; the D.by; in

27. If everybody helps a little, it reallymakes a difference ________ our environment.

A. of B.to C.about D.from

28. Alice has the same________ as most ofthe young girls—popular music and clothes.

A.interests B. feelings C. journeys D.troubles

29. You can't ________how excited we werewhen Miss Black agreed to have a trip with us.

A. expect B.decide C.change D.imagine

30. I used to ________ letters to myfriends, but now I'm used to ________ e?mails to them.

A. write;send B.writing; sending

C. writing;send D.write; sending

31. The new program made________ possiblefor the young men to show their talents.

A. this B.that C.one D.it

32. —Who do you think Bob________, his father orhis mother?

—His mother, for they are both cheerful.

A. looks after B.looks for C. takes after D. takes away

33. When you feel helpless and________, just rememberyou are not________ in the world becauseyour friends are around you.

A. alone;alone B.alone; lonely C. lonely; alone D. lonely; lonely

34. If you don't use these school things,you can________ to children in need.

A. give awaythem B.give them away

C. put upthem D.put them up

35. The doctors said that they would dowhat they could________ the sick man.

A. to save B.save C.saving D.saved

Ⅵ. 完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)

For a full?time worker and a mother ofthree, it seems impossible to spend time __36__, but Hope Coopercan make it.

Cooper volunteers atParent?Teacher?Student Association (PTSA) in Varina High School. Her work is to__37__ applications(申请表格)to students with scholarships (奖学金) for college.Cooper says, “I usually run to the PTSA meetings right after work. After themeetings, I have to run home and cook dinner for my own children. ”

__38__ of Cooper's children goesto Varina High School, but she says, “Volunteering isn't all about helping thepeople you know best, but it's about helping those who __39__ you most.” Cooper chooses to volunteer in Varina High School because she __40__some poor students can't afford the higher education. She says __41__she can't help out every student, helping out one student is rewarding (值得的). Cooper thinksvolunteering not only makes a difference to the students but also __42__her thought of what is important in life. Cooper says volunteering may seem __43__to one but means so much to those who need it. She __44__ everyone totake part in it. She plans to keep on volunteering in the future. “Volunteeringgives me a __45__ that I need. I'll ask my children to volunteer, too,”she says.

36. A. volunteering B.studying C. raising D. improving

37. A. care for B.try out C.set up D.give out

38. A. Both B.None C.Either D.Each

39. A. accept B.interest C. need D. have

40. A. expects B.means C.disagrees D. understands

41. A. unless B.although C. but D. because

42. A. changes B.controls C. imagines D. opens

43. A. clever B.strong C.similar D.simple

44. A. prepares B.trains C.advises D.refuses

45. A. feeling B.promise C.notice D.journey

Ⅶ. 阅读理解。(每小题2 分,共30分)


There are always some old clothes youdon't want. And there is always some food you don't eat. What can you do? Sendthem to the two places.


46. We can't see Wall of Kindness inXiamen.

()47. People who need the clothes on thewall can take them away.

()48. China has its first Share Fridge inShanghai.

()49. People have to pay for the food inthe Share Fridge.

()50. Wall of Kindness and Share Fridgeare helpful to people.


If you have no special plans for yourholidays, why not spend your time helping others? More and more people in theUSA volunteer (自愿) to spend their school holidays working forothers. And they don't do it for money. Here are some of their stories.

Alice Hamilton,17

I'm going to help the Forest Centrebuild new hiking paths in the mountains. It's going to be terrific—I'll spendthe whole summer living in the tent and breathing the clean mountain air. I'mgoing to sleep under the stars. It'll be a nice sport, and I'll be able to dosomething good at the same time.

Jason Moore, 18

This summer, I'm going to volunteer withSpecial House Program. They build good, low?cost houses and sell them tofamilies that are not very rich. They'll teach me what to do, so I'll helppeople and also have a chance to learn how to build houses.

Trish Anderson, 16

I'm going to teach kids who have troublereading. I'll work for a program called “Reading for Life”. Every day, I'mgoing to help kids choose and read books that they like. I want to be a teacherand I love children and reading, so this is going to be a great experience forme.

51. Young people in the USA volunteer tospend ______ helping others.

A. school holidays

B. weekdays

C. every morning

D. every afternoon

52. What does Alice volunteer to do insummer?

A. To breathe the clean mountain air.

B. To spend the whole summer living inthe tent.

C. To sleep under the stars.

D. To help build new hiking paths in themountains.

53. From the passage, we know that SpecialHouse Program helps ________.

A. children in poor families

B. workers who build houses

C. poor families that can't affordhouses

D. build hiking paths

54. ________ wants to be a teacher.

A. AliceHamilton B. Jason Moore

C. TrishAnderson D. None of them

55. Which is the most possible title forthis passage?

A. Reading for Life

B. Special House Program

C. The Forest Centre

D. Young American Volunteers


Dear Deborah,

Thanks to you, we are able to have acomfortable place for our children to live and learn this year. Last Monday,Michael and his sister, Janet, celebrated Michael's 9th birthday with cakes andcards here. (56)________ Thank you for your kind gift of $1,000 toChildren's Residential Services of Greater Boston. For the homeless childrenlike Michael and Janet in our center, your kindness makes a difference to them.

(57)________ The children can't wait touse the computers to do their homework and chat with their friends! Thecomputers are part of our excellence (优点) in Service Campaign. (58)________.

We would like you to visit our “home”, so you can meetthe children. We love to show you around our “home”. The children also enjoymeeting visitors. (59)________.

Janet Teebs, our development director (负责人), is alwaysavailable to welcome you, or to answer any questions you may have.

(60)________ You are part of theirlives.


Malcolm Wexter


A.Ibelievetheywillmakeour“home” evennicerforJanet,Michael,andtheirnewfriends.

B.Withyourhelp,we'llbuynew computersforourchildreninadayortwo.

C.Again,thankyouforallyoudidfor thechildren.

D.Therewasalookofjoyontheir faces.

E.Oneortwoofthechildrenmighteven showyouwhattheycandowiththeirnewcomputers.

Ⅷ. 补全对话。(每小题2分,共10分)


A:What are you doing?

B:I'm preparing a list of things we can dofor our church (教堂). We're trying to raise money.


B:Our church's kitchen is old. It needsrepairing.


B:I don't know. Do you have any goodideas?


B:Sounds great. What do I need for a carwash?

A:First, you need things like soap andwater. Second, you need cars to wash! (64)________ Tell everyone about the car wash.

B:We can do that!


B:Yes, volunteers! People in our churchcan help.

A.Andlastyouneedvolunteerstowash thecars.



D.Whatareyoutryingtoraisemoney for?




Ⅸ. 根据汉语意思完成句子。(每小题2分,共10分)

66. 我希望你们能提出一个更好的计划。

I hope you can_____________________________________________ a better plan.

67. 不参加选拔就不能被选入这个队。

You won't be chosen into the team if you____________________________________.

68. 我们必须设法让他振作起来。

We must try________________________.

69. 孩子们应该学着如何照顾老人。

Children should learn____________________________________________ the old.

70. 由于天气恶劣,他们不得不将这次登山推迟到下周。

Because of the terrible weather, theyhad to ______________the mountain climbing till next week.

Ⅹ. 综合填空。(每小题1分,共10分)


Alice was born with a strange disease.She was taken to many hospitals. None of the (71)________ knew the cause of thedisease. They told her parents she would go blind and deaf.

Now Alice is fifteen years old. Hereyesight and hearing are so poor that she can't see or hear (72)________. Butshe is a bright and happy girl. She says to (73)________, “Whateverhappens, I will never give up. ” She (74)________ to enjoy her life. With her (75)________ help, she istravelling as much as she can. She is also (76)________ the interesting thingsshe experiences along the way.

She also wants to help people like her.Her dream is to help researchers (77)________ a method for her disease. If shecan get (78)________, people who have the same disease mayalso be cured (治愈). In fact, she has (79)________ money fora foundation (基金会) fighting the disease since she was inGrade Two. Until now, she has got over $150,000!

Alice thinks helping others can make her(80)________ than having fun alone. She is doing her best to live her lifewithout any regret.

Ⅺ. 书面表达。(15分)

某国际文化交流中心将于5月份组织一些英、美学生来北京学习、交流,现在在招募志愿者。假如你是第二中学的孙新,请根据以下提示给该项目负责人格林先生(Mr. Green)写一封申请信,要求成为此活动的一名志愿者。

提示:1. Why do youwant to be a volunteer in the program?

2. What qualifies (使具备资格) you to do thevolunteer job?

3. When can you do the volunteer job?


Dear Mr. Green,








Sun Xin


Ⅰ.1~5: BBACBⅡ.6~10: CCBBC

Ⅲ.11~15:BACAA16~20: BABBB


第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分

Ⅴ.26.C 点拨:animal是元音音素开头且表泛指,故用an;at the same time意为“同时”,是固定短语。

27. B 点拨:短语make a difference to对……有影响;对……有作用。

28. A 点拨:根据popular music and clothes可知前半句的意思为“爱丽丝和大多数女孩一样有相同的兴趣”,选A符合语境。

29. D 点拨:expect期待;decide决定;change改变;imagine想象。此句意为“当布莱克小姐同意和我们一起旅行时你难以想象我们是多么兴奋。”故选D。

30. D 点拨:used to do sth.意为“过去常做某事”;be used to doingsth.意为“习惯做某事”。此句意为“我过去常给我的朋友们写信,但现在习惯给他们发电子邮件。”故选D。

31. D 点拨:it作形式宾语。

32. C 点拨:look after照顾;look for寻找;take after相像;take away带走。根据答句意思“他的妈妈,因为他俩都性格开朗。”可知问句为“你认为Bob和谁相像,他父亲还是母亲?”故选C。

33. C 点拨:句意为“当你感到无助和孤独时,记住你在世界上不是独自一人,因为你的朋友在你的身边。”lonely意为“孤独的”;alone意为“单独的;独自的”。故选C。

34. B 点拨:give away赠送;put up搭起;张贴。两者都是“动词+副词”短语,其代词宾语应置于副词之前,所以排除A、C项。句意为“如果你不用这些学习用品,你可以把它们赠送给那些需要的孩子。”故选B。

35. A 点拨:句意为“医生们说他们会尽力救治这个生病的男人。”此空白处应为动词不定式表示目的。故选A。

Ⅵ.36.A 点拨:通读全文可知本文讲述的是“Hope Cooper参加志愿者活动”。故A项符合语境。 37.D

38. B39.C40.D

41. B 点拨:A项意为“除非;如果不”;B项意为“虽然”;C项意为“但是”;D项意为“因为”。分析句意应为“她说虽然不能帮助解决每一个学生的困难,但帮一个也是值得的”。故选B。

42. A 点拨:A项意为“改变”;B项意为“控制”;C项意为“想象”;D项意为“打开”。分析此句意应为“Cooper认为志愿者活动不仅对学生们有影响,而且改变了她的关于生活中什么是重要的想法”。故选A。

43. D 点拨:A项意为“聪明的”;B项意为“强壮的”;C项意为“相似的”;D项意为“简单的”。根据“但是对那些需要的人来说是意义重大的”判断出“志愿活动可能对一个人来说简单”。故选D。

44. C 点拨:A项意为“准备”;B项意为“训练”;C项意为“建议”;D项意为“拒绝”。根据短文最后一句中“I'll ask mychildren to volunteer, too,”表明此处为“她建议每个人都参加”,只有C符合题意。故选C。

45. A 点拨:A项意为“感受”;B项意为“许诺”;C项意为“告示”;D项意为“旅程”。通读全文,可知“志愿活动给我一种我所需要的感受”。只有A符合题意。故选A。


51. A 点拨:根据此句More and more people in the USA volunteer to spend their school holidaysworking for others.可知。

52. D 点拨:根据此句I'm going to help the Forest Centre build new hiking paths in themountains.可知。

53. C 点拨:根据此句They build good, low?cost houses and sell them to families that are notvery rich.可知。

54. C 点拨:根据此句I want to be a teacher and I love children and reading, so this is goingto be a great experience for me.可知。

55. D 点拨:根据短文内容,结合此句More and morepeople in the USA volunteer to spendtheir school holidays working for others.可以判断D符合全文的主题。



Ⅸ.66. come up with / think up67. don't try out

68. to cheer him up

69. how to care for / how to look after / howto take care of

70. put off


76. sharing77.find78.well / better79.raised80.happier

Ⅺ. One possible version:

Dear Mr. Green,

I'm Sun Xin from No. 2 Middle School. Iwant to help out as a volunteer in your program. The reason is that I'm interested in other countries and theircultures and want to make new friendsfrom other countries. I'm good at English and I'm outgoing. What's more, I'malways ready to help others. I thinkthat is important for a volunteer. I'm free to help on the weekend. If I can get the job, I'm sure I can be a greathelper.


Sun Xin



1. Thank you for ___________ (help) me with my English.

2. Many children are ________ (interest) in ________ (collect) stamps because they think it _________ (interest) to collect them and they can learn a lot from it.

3. You have been _________ (play) computer games for a long time. It is bad for your eyes.

4. Our teacher told us some _____________(different) in food between ___________(west) countries and China.

5. In China people don’t eat ___________ (separate). They usually order food to share.

6. English is very ______ (use). So we should try our best _________ (learn) it well.


1.—How long __________ your father________ (work) in the factory?

—Since he ___________ (leave) college.

2. How long __________ you __________ (listen) to music last night?

3. When ____________you ________ (attend) the after-school club?

4. He is always the first one _______ (arrive) at school and the last ______ (leave) school.

5. We _______ (be) friends for the whole ten years.

6. _________ (collect) old coins is my father’s hobby.

7. My father had me _ _____ (clean) my bike, but I had it ________ (clean) in the shop.


1. They have been talking for the whole three hours.(一般疑问句)

_________________ they __________________ for the whole three hours?

2. Li Lei told me he did well in the final exam.(同义句)

Li Lei ______________ me ______________ he did well in the final exam.

3. To spit in public places is not polite.( 同义句)

______________ isn’t polite ______________ spit in public places.

4. We have been playing football for two hours . (对划线部分提问)

_____________________ have you been playing football?

5. you , pictures , with, them , do, the , books , in , like (连词成句)



( ) 1. There ______ a pair of sport shoes under the bed.

A. are B. is C. have D. has

( ) 2. There are many trees on _______ sides of the road.

A. each B. every C. both D. all

( ) 3. We ______ 1000 English words since we ______ to this school.

A. learn, come B. have learning, came

C. have been learning, come D. have learned, came

( ) 4. We have run _______ rice, we will have to buy some this afternoon.

A. out B. of C. out of D. out to

( ) 5. He is interested in _______ English songs.

A. to collect B. collect C. collecting D. collected

( ) 6. The child _________ trees for the whole four hours with his parents.

A. plants B. have been planting C. has been planting D. has been planted

( ) 7. The big tree in front of my house is _______ years old.

A. hundred B. hundreds of C. hundreds D. one hundred of

( ) 8. Yesterday I ________ when I was cooking.

A. had my finger cut B. had cut my finger C. had my finger cutted D. had my finger to cut

( ) 9. My bike doesn’t work. I will _______ this afternoon.

A. make it mend B. have it mended C. have it mend D. have it to mend

( ) 10. Have you ever ________ the Great wall?

A. been to B. gone to C. go to D. been

( ) 11. We like those who have only one idea but make it ______.

A. to work B. working C. work D. works

( ) 12. In Great Britain it isn’t polite ______ from each other’s plate.

A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. for eating

( ) 13. That bag isn’t mine. It may be __________.

A. somebody ’s B. somebody else C. somebody’s else D. somebody else’s

( ) 14. They have been skating __________.

A. for three hours ago B. since three hours ago C. three hours ago D. since three hours

( ) 15. _______, what’s your hobby?

A. In the way B. On the way C. To your way D. By the way


通读全文, 掌握其大意, 然后选择最佳答案填空。

Answer the Telephone

The telephone rang and the secretary(秘书), Miss Simpson answered it.

“May I 1 to Mr. Calder, please?” a man said.

“Who is 2 , please?” Miss Simpson asked.

“Mr. Bright.” the man answered. Mr. Calder was in the office at the moment. Miss Simpson put her hand 3 the mouthpiece(送话器) and 4 to him.

“ 5 Mr. Alan Bright, sir.” she said. “He wants to 6 to you.”

“What? Again!” Mr. Calder exclaimed (惊叫). “He wants to sell us a kind of new typewriters, 7 he?”

“Yes, sir,” Miss Simpson said. “He 8 yesterday.”

“And he rang up five 9 last week. We don't 10 new typewriters. I told him that yesterday.” Mr. Calder said angrily.

“Then what shall I 11 , sir?” she asked.

“Tell him I'm not 12 the office.” Mr. Calder said.

Miss Simpson spoke 13 the mouthpiece, “Mr. Bright,” she said. “I'm afraid you 14 speak to Mr. Calder now. Mr. Calder 15 that he is not in his office now. ”

( ) 1. A. ask B. speak C. talk D. tell

( ) 2. A. said B. saying C. spoke D. speaking

( ) 3. A. on B. in C. over D. with

( ) 4. A. spoke B. speak C. speaks D. asks

( ) 5. A. He's B. That's C. It's D. This is

( ) 6. A. tell B. say C. ask D. speak

( ) 7. A. does B. doesn't C. don't D. isn't

( ) 8. A. call B. calls C. called D. calling

( ) 9. A. hours B. times C. time D. minutes

( ) 10. A. need B. use C. have D. sell

( ) 11. A. ask B. speak C. say D. tell

( ) 12. A. out B. on C. off D. in

( ) 13. A. in B. into C. to D. over

( ) 14. A. couldn't B. don't C. can't D. wouldn't

( ) 15. A. says B. said C. say D. told



When you are ill, you should go to see a doctor. After the doctor looks you over, he will write you a note to take to the chemist for some medicine. Chemists are usually good at reading doctors’ notes. But sometimes doctors write too badly and even the chemist can not read them.

One day a woman wrote to a doctor to invite him to have dinner with her family in the restaurant. The doctor wrote an answer, but he wrote too badly and the woman could not read it. “What shall I do?” she asked her husband, “I don’t know whether he is going to come or not. I don’t want to call and say that I don’t u nderstand him.”

Her husband thought for a few minutes and then he had an idea. “Take it to the chemist,” he said, “He will be able to read it for us.”

“Thank you,” the woman said, “That’s a good idea.” She went to the che mist’s shop and gave the doctor’s note to him. The chemist looked at it for a long time.

“Could you wait a moment, Miss?” he said, Then he went to the back of the shop. After a few minutes he came back, carrying a large bottle. He gave the bottle to the woman.

“Take one spoonful(一匙) every day.” He told the woman.

( ) 1. What did the doctor do when he was invited to have dinner in the restaurant?

A. He said he could come on time B. he wrote the woman an answer

C. he was very glad to come D. He wrote a note to the chemist

( ) 2. Why couldn’t the woman understand the “note”?

A. Because the doctor wrote badly.

B. Because the woman didn’t know much about medicine.

C. Because the doctor didn’t like to go

D. Because the woman never went to school.

( ) 3. The husband wanted his wife to _______.

A. call the doctor or have dinner with them.

B. go to the chemist and get some medicine.

C. take the reply to the chemist fo r help D. read it again

( ) 4. In the story, the word “chemist” means “______’ in Chinese.

A. 护士 B. 化验师 C. 药剂师 D.药房

( ) 5. What did the man in the chemist’s shop give the woman at last?

A. A piece of good advice. B. The right idea of the doctor.

C. An invitation from the doctor. D. A bottle of medicine.


An important question about eating out is who pays for the meal. If a friend of yours asks you to have lunch with him, you may say something like this, “I’m afraid it’ll have to be someplace cheap, as I have little money.” The other person may say, “Ok, I’ll meet you at McDonald’s.”

This means that the two agree to go Dutch, that is, each person pays for himself. He may also say, “Oh, no, I want to take you to lunch at Smith’s,” or “I want you to try the Chinese dumplings there. They are great.” This means the person wants to pay for both of you. If you feel friendly towards the person, you can go with him and you needn’t pay for the meal. You may just say, “Thank you. That would be very nice.”

American custom about who pays for dates (约会) are much the same as in other parts of the world. In the old days, American women wanted men to pay for all the meals. But, today, a university girl or a woman in business world will usually pay her way during the day. If a man asks her for a dance outside the working hours, it means “Come, as my guest.” So as you can see, it is a polite thing to make the question clear at the very beginning.

( ) 6. The passage tells us _______.

A. how to eat out B. where to eat out C. what to eat out D. who pays for the meal

( ) 7. If you have little money,_______.

A. you’ll have a cheap meal B. you’ll borrow some from others

C. you’ll ask your fr iend to pay for your meal

D. you will not want your friends to ask you to dinner

( ) 8. “Go Dutch” in this passage means ________.

A. 去饭馆 B. 就餐 C. 订餐 D. 各自付款

( ) 9. Sometimes your friend takes you to lunch. It means _______.

A. he’s going to lend you money to you B. he’s going to pay for your meal

C. he’ll be angry with you D. he can’t understand you

( ) 10. In America, some girls and women _______now.

A. ask men to pay for their meals B. try to pay for the men’s meals

C. try to pay for their own meals D. never have anything outside


1. 谢谢你送给我的邮票。

Thank you _______________________________me the stamps.

2.—你做了多长时间的作业了? —两个小时了。

—How long _____________ __ you _________________________ your homework?

—______ two hours.

3. 自从她六岁以来, 她一直弹钢琴。

She has been_________________________ since she ______________ six years old.

4. 那使我想起了美语和英语的不同。

That _______ me of _______________between American English and British English.

5. 我的头发太长了, 明天我将去理。

My hair is too long, I________________________ it _________________ tomorrow.




一. 1 helping 2. interested , collecting , interesting 3. playing

4.differences , western. 5. separately 6. useful , to learn

二. 1. has, been working , left 2. did, listen 3. do , attend 4. to arrive , to leave

5. have been 6. Collecting 7. clean , cleaned

三. 1.Have, been talking 2. let me know 3. It, to 4. How long

5. Do you like the books with pictures in them?

四. 1-5 BCDCC 6-10 CBABA 11-15 CBDBD

五. 1-5 BDCAC 6-10 DBCBA 11-15 CDBCB

六. 1-5 BACCD 6-10 DADBC

七. 1 for ; sending 2. have ; been ; doing ; For 3. playing the piano ; was

4. reminded, the differences 5. will/am going to have ; cut

八.One possible version:

I am a friendly boy. I like to make friends. But I like to eat, too. My mother gives me some money every day. I always go to buy something to eat. I eat in the class, after school and while playing.One day I went to school with 10 yuan. Suddenly I saw a little boy sitting at the gate of a shop. He was asking people for money. I was surprised. A boy, younger than me! He should go to school like me! I walked to him and asked, “What’s wrong, little brother?” “My parents were dead. So I had nothing.” He said. I touched my money. I really wanted to buy some delicious snacks to eat. At last, I gave him my money! He was very happy, so was I.



( )1.—Do your parents have the same hobby?

—No.My father likes playing_____ chess while my mother enjoys playing_____ piano.

A./;the B./;/ C.the;/ D.the;the

( )2.I was born there and have known that old museum________ I was very young.

A.for B.since C.because D.so

( )3.Noise pollution was a serious problem here_________.

A.since then B.in the future C.once a week D.in the past

( )4.We can’t find Zhang Hong.Where_________ he_________?

A.does;go B.does;gone C.did;gone D.has;gone

( )5.—_______have you known each other? —Since we were in our childhood.

A.How far B.How often C.How long D.How soon

( )6.My grandfather lives in a village________,but he never feels_________.

A.alone;alone B.lonely;alone C.lonely;lonely D.alone;lonely

( )7. Susan and I have been friends_______ five years.

A since B. after C. for D. over

( )8.Our Maths teacher______in our school for 20 years and he ______here when he was 23 years old.

A.has taught;has come B.taught;comes C.taught;came D.has taught;came

( )9.一How long may I________your bike? —For a week.But you mustn’t_________it to others.

A.borrow;lend B.keep;lend C.1end;borrow D.keep;borrow

( )10.There_______a big river in front of the house,but now it has turned into farmlands.

A.used to have B.used to be C.is used to having D.is used to be

( )11. My grandma_______ us stories when I was young.

A was used to tell B. is used to telling C. used to tell D. used to telling

( )12. I hear the tall girl wearing glasses is your new classmate. She's from America, _____?

A. has she B. isn't she C. hasn't she D. does she

( )13. - How do you like your English teacher? - He is great. We_______ friends since three years ago.

A were B. have made C. have been D. have become

( )14. The trip to Hong Kong was_______ and we felt_______.

A. pleased; pleased B. pleased; pleasant C. pleasant; pleased D. pleasure; pleasant

( )15. Holly has_______ fed the dog, but she hasn't watered the plants _______.

A still; already B. already; yet C. yet; still D. yet; already


Mrs Holland lived in a big city and she worked in a 1 . She went there by 2 every morning for 20 years. Then she was 45 years old, and she said to herself, 'I'm 3 and soft now, because I go 4 by car. I'm going to buy a bicycle. '

She bought 5 , and after that, she 6 went to her shop on that, but 7 in her car. Sometimes all the cars stopped at a red light, and she went quickly 8 them to the front, because her bicycle was so 9 . Then she was happy. Yesterday she stopped at a red light, and a man 10 behind her on another bicycle. He stopped too, and said, 'Have the police taken your driving license(驾驶执照) away, too?'

( )1. A. shop B. hotel C. school D. factory

( )2. A. bus B. bike C. car D. train

( )3. A. old B. fat C. thin D. short

( )4. A. anywhere B. somewhere C. nowhere D. everywhere

( )5. A. another B. that C. it D. one

( )6. A. always B. seldom C. sometimes D. never

( )7. A or B. nor C. not D. also

( )8. A to B. pass C. by D. away

( )9. A. popular B. new C. nice D. narrow(窄的)

( )10. A. drove B. walked C. looked D. kept



Three people were walking along the street,first a big man,then a pretty woman.and then an old gentleman.The first two went around the corner.Suddenly the gentleman saw a piece of paper on the ground.He picked it up.It was fire pounds.A few seconds later,the young woman came back.She was crying.‘I have lost five pounds,’she said.

‘Don’t cry,’said the gentleman.‘Here it is.’The young woman thanked him and went away.After a few seconds,the big man came back.He was looking for something.Suddenly a window opened and a short man looked out.‘I saw five pounds fall from your pocket,’he said,‘but that man gave it to a young woman.’The big man was very angry.The gentleman was frightened and gave him another five pounds.When the gentleman had gone,the young woman came back to get her one pound and sixty-seven pence,and the short man came out to get his.

( )1.The short man said________.

A.he saw the big man drop five pounds B.the old man kept the lost money

C.the pretty woman drop five pounds D.he found himself drop five pounds

( )2._________really lost money.

A.The big man B.The pretty woman C.The short man D.The old gentleman

( )3.How many pounds did they get by cheating(期骗)?

A.Six. B.Five. C.Four. D.Three.

( )4.The gentleman________.

A.was very clever and strong B.did a very good deed(好事)

C.was very kind but not brave D.had plenty of money

( )5.The young woman only get_________ at last.

A.seven pounds B.five pounds and ten pence C.ten pounds D.one pound and sixty-seven pence


Fifty-three years ago Barbie Millicent Roberts first appeared in the world of toys. Since then, Barbie doll, as everyone called her, has become the most successful toy doll in history. Her parent, the Mattel Company, said that 90% of all American girls between 3 and 10 have at least one Barbie at home.

However, Barbie is facing some trouble at present(现在). There are many similar dolls on the market in competition with her. Another doll named Bratz, for example, came to life thirteen years ago. She looks more like today's pop stars with heavy makeup(浓妆) and miniskirts. And her company offers more kinds of clothes too.

It seems that Barbie has lost her magic among older girls. 'For younger girls, playing with a Barbie is much fun. But when you get older, you want something smarter and more modern,' says Vera Shepherd, a shop assistant in a New York toy store.

It is good news that on the international market, Barbie is still No. 1. Although Mattel is selling fewer barbie in the United States these years, sales in other countries are still going up. In January , Mattel opened its first Barbie store in Shanghai, where girls can shop, eat, drink or even become fashion designers for their own Barbies.

Mattel is planning big celebrations for Barbie's 53rd birthday. Fashion designers from all over the world have been called to make new dresses for Barbie. How long will Barbie stay popular in the world of toy dolls? It is hard to say, but 53 is surely not the age to retire(退休).

( )6. Barbie's family name is_______.

A. Roberts B. Millicent C. Shepherd D. Bratz

( )7. Barbie's trouble is that_______.

A. it wears heavy makeup and miniskirts B. other dolls are more popular with little girls

C. other dolls are trying to beat her in the market D. it has become less popular in the international market

( )8. Girls can do the following in the first Barbie shop in Shanghai except_______.

A. going shopping B. having food C. drinking juice D. taking photos

( )9. What's the meaning of the underlined words 'fashion designers' in the passage?

A珠宝设计师 B.发型设计师C 舞台设计师 C 服装设计师

( )10. What is the best title of the passage?

A. First Barbie shop in Shanghai B. Barbie's past and present

C. Barbie's 53rd birthday party D. Barbie lost her magic


When you are reading something in English, you may often meet with a new word. What’s the best way to know it?

You may look it up in the English-Chinese dictionary. It will tell you a lot about the word: the pronunciation, the Chinese meaning and how to use the word. But how can you know where the word is thousands of English words? How to find it in the dictionary both quickly and correctly?

First, all the English words are arranged(安排) in the letter order. In the dictionary you can first see the words beginning with letter A, then B, C, D…. That means, if there are two words “desert” and “pull”, “desert” will be certainly before “pull”. Then if there are two words both beginning with the same letter, you may look at the second letter. Then the third, the fourth… For example, “pardon” is before “plough”, “judge” before “just”, etc.

Do you understand how to look up in the dictionary?

The dictionary will be your good friend. I hope you’ll use it as often as possible in your English study.

( )11. This passage is about______.

A. new words in writing B. different dictionaries

C. the best way of reading D. using an English-Chinese dictionary

( )12. In the dictionary you may not find_______.

A. how to pronounce the word B. the spelling of the word

C. who used the word first D. how to use the word

( )13. In an English-Chinese dictionary, the last word______.

A. begins with Z B. begins with A C. is a short one D. is not often used

( )14. Which group of words is in the right order in an English-Chinese dictionary?

A. perhaps, produce, plenty B. straight, subject, surprise

C. century, center, business D. foreign, entrance, headache

( )15. In the passage the writer tries to tell us that_______.

A. we have to use a dictionary when we read something in English

B. an English-Chinese dictionary can tell us everything about a word

C. an English-Chinese dictionary can help us a lot in our English study

D. all English-Chinese dictionary are the same


1.It’s________(浪费)to throw away glass,paper and metal.

2.It's our duty to keep our living e______ _ clean.

3.Have you ever_______ (写)a letter to your parents?

4.On holidays,tourists like to go to Dinghu Mountain because of the _________(新鲜的)air.

5.You will________ (意识到)the mistake you made today in future.

6.How many ______(街区) are there in your hometown?

7.I haven’t heard from him (最近).

8.Now there are a lot of (工厂)in my hometown.

9.Hobby has just (吃) Eddie’s food.

10.Too many cars cause air p .


keep in touch play with change eat from time to time move to

live used to turn…into realize

1. The old man in the house since 1990.

2. At last, he that he was wrong.

3. When the Wangs Fance? Two years gao.

4. When the temperature drops below zero, the water ice.

5. My father read newspapers after supper, but now he often watches TV.

6. Look, the boy the snow.

7. There have been great in my hometown.

8. How do you with each other?

9. Millie is new in our class. She feels lonely .

10. He went to bed after .


1.到目前为止你看了多少部英语电影了? _____________________________________so far?

2.对我们来说,做好每一件事是很有必要的. It’s very necessary______________________________.

3.我们还没有玩过这种游戏.We____________________________________ yet.

4.这是我见过的最漂亮的画.X|k | B It’s the most beautiful picture I_____________________________.

5.He (过去曾经是一名历史老师).


More and more people like bicycling and it is no surprise. It is fun, healthy and good for the environment. Maybe that’s why there are 1. 4 billion bicycles and only 400 million cars on roads worldwide today. Bikes can take you almost anywhere, and there is no oil (油) cost!

Get on a bicycle and ride around your neighbourhood. You may discover something new all around you. Stopping and getting off a bike is easier than stopping and getting out of your car. You can bike to work and benefit(受益)from the enjoyable exercise without polluting the environment. You don’t even have to ride all the way.

Folding(折叠)bikes work well for people who ride the train. Just fold the bike and take it with you. You can do the same on an airplane. You can also take a common bike with you when you fly. But be sure to look for information by getting on airline websites. Not all airlines are bicycle-friendly to travelers.

Health Benefits of Bicycling:

It helps to prevent heart diseases(疾病). Bicycling helps to control your weight. A 15-minutes bike ride to and from work three times a week burns off five kilos of fat(脂肪) in a year.

Bicycling can improve your mood(心情).

Exercise like bicycling has been shown to make people feel better, more relaxed and self-confident.

Bicycling is cheap, fun, healthy and good for the environment.

Cheap You needn’t 1.________ for the oil when you ride a bike.

Fun Bicycling is much 2. _________ for you to discover something new all around you.

Healthy Bicycling helps to prevent heart diseases and control your 3.___________.

It’s good for the environment There is no oil, so there is no 4. ______________.

Suggestion: try to ride your bike as much as 5. ________________.








四、1. waste 2. environment 3. written 4.fresh 5. realize

6. blocks 7. recently 8. factories 9. eaten 10. pollution

五、1. has lived 2. realized 3. did move to 4. turns into/ will turn into

5. used to 6. is playing with 7. changes 8. keep in touch

9. from time to time 10. eating

六、1. How many English films have you seen

2. for us to do everything well

3. haven’t played this kind of game

4. have seen 5. used to be a history teacher

七、1.pay 2.easier 3.weight 4.pollution 5.possible

八. One possible version:

Mr Chen has lived in Nanjing since he was born. He finds that Nanjing has changed a lot over the past years. There used to be fresh air and a lot of trees, but now they have built a new airport. In the past, people could only take the bus, but now you can take not only the bus, but also the subway, airport bus, taxi and so on. It is very fast and convenient. It is also clean and beautiful. These changes have brought a lot of advantages to Nanjing. Mr Chen is very pleased to see the changes.



1. have a fever 发烧

2. have a cough 咳嗽

3. have a toothache 牙疼

4. talk too much 说得太多

5. drink enough water 喝足够的水

6. have a cold 受凉;感冒

7. have a stomachache 胃疼

8. have a sore back 背疼

9. have a sore throat 喉咙痛

10. lie down and rest 躺下来休息

11. hot tea w ith honey 加蜂蜜的热茶

12. see a dentist 看牙医

13. get an X-ray 拍X 光片

14. take one’ s temperature 量体温

15. put some medicine on sth. 在……上面敷药

16. feel very hot 感到很热

17. sound like 听起来像

18. all weekend 整个周末

19. in the same way 以同样的方式

20. go to a doctor 看医生

21. go along 沿着……走

22. on the side of the road 在马路边

23. shout for help 大声呼救

24. without th inking twice 没有多想

25. get off 下车

26. have a heart problem 有心脏病

27. to one’ s surprise 使....... [京讶的

28. thanks to 多亏了;由于

29. in time 及时

30. save a life 挽救生命





人教版七年级下册语文写作:怎样选材 教学设计

















