八年级英语下册全册教案人教版新目标 (新课标版英语八年级)

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八年级英语下册全册教案人教版新目标 (新课标版英语八年级)((锦集19篇))由网友“来吃橙子”投稿提供,以下是小编为大家汇总后的八年级英语下册全册教案人教版新目标 (新课标版英语八年级),希望对大家有所帮助。

八年级英语下册全册教案人教版新目标 (新课标版英语八年级)

篇1:八年级英语下册全册教案人教版新目标 (新课标版英语八年级)


1、Words&phrases: robot, paper, less, fewer, simple, unpleasant, factory, seem, etc .

2、will 构成的一般将来时态的陈述句、否定句、疑问句及回答.

3、There be 句型的一般将来时.4、more , less , fewer 的用法.



1、will构成一般将来时态的句式。 2、There be 句型的一般将来时态。

3、more , fewer , less 的用法。4、How to make predictions .

Period 1





Step 1 Leading in

1.Greetings: Welcome to school .

What’s the date today ? Who’s on duty today ?

Do you enjoy your winter holiday ?

Do you finish your Homework

Do you want to live on the moon ?

Can you guess what will happen in ten years ?

Collect the Ss’ answers and say something about their predictions .

Step 2

SB Page 2 ,1a .

1.Look at the picture :How will the world be different in the future ,100 years from now ?We’re going to talk about sth in 100 years .

2.Read each predictions to the class .Explain the new vocabulary .

3.Read the instructions .Make sure Ss know what they should do .

4.Do it by themselves .

5.Talk about the answers with the class .

Explain :一般将来时态

构成: shall/ will / be going to +动词原形

Step 3

SB Page 2 ,1b .

1.Practise reading the six predictions .

2.Read the instructions to Ss .Circle the things you hear on the recording .

3.Play the tape twice .

4.Play the tape a third time .At the same time ,check the answers .

SB Page 2 , 1c .

1、Pay attention to the dialogues .

2、Read the dialogues fluently .

3、Pairwork .Work in pairs to make predictions according to the sample .

4、Ask several pairs to share their conversations to the class .

SB Page 3 , 2a & 2b .

1、Read the predictions .

2、Read the instructions and point out the sample answer .

3、Play the tape twice .Ss circle the word they hear in each sentences: more , less , fewer .

4、Check the answers .

学生探究: less , fewer 的区别。

Step 4

1、Point to the example in the sample dialogue .Practice reading .

2、Look at activity 2b .Groupwork:Take turns to make conversations about the predictions .

Grammar Focus:

1.、Review the grammar box .Ss say the statements and responses .

2、Make summaries about “will” ,“fewer” and “less” .


1、Make predictions about yourself in 10 years .Write down 5 sentences .

2、Go over the new words .


Period 2




Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

1.Greetings and free talk .

2.Check their Homework :Ask two or three Ss to speak out what they wrote down .

Step 2

1.Go over what we learnt yesterday .


Step 3 SB Page 4 , 3a .

1.Point to the three picture and say :This is Sally .The first picture is Sally five years ago ,the second one is Sally now ,and the third one is Sally five years in the future .

2.Read the instructions .

3.Complete filling in the blanks individually .

4.Check the answers .

5.Practise reading .Then ask some Ss read them out .

SB Page 4 , 3b .

1. Look at activity 3a .Make predictions about Sally .

2. Point to the example in the sample dialogue .Ask two Ss to read the dialogue to the class .

3. Practise reading .

4. Pairwork .Make their predictions about Sally .

Step 4

1. Write about yourself .

With the help of the sample of Sally .We can write sth about ourselves five years ago ,today and in five years .

2. Complete the work individually .

3. Review the task .Ask a few more Ss for answers .


Draw a picture of the city in 20 years .Describe it to the class .


Period 3




Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Leading in

1. Greetings .

2. Say yourselves :five years ago , today and in five years .

3. Check the Homework.

Step 2

SB Page 5 , 1a .

1. Look at the form and read the headings to the class .Make sure the Ss know what they mean .

2. Read the list of seven words .Explain the new words .

3. Write each word in the correct column .Check the answers.

SB Page 5 , 1b .

1. Read the words already written on the chart .

2. Groupwork: Think about what we learned before .Write some words in the chart above .Divide the class into groups of four ,let them have a competition .

Step 3

SB Page 5 , 2a .

1. Look at the pictures carefully .Can you guess what we’ll listen ?Talk about them .

2. Read the instructions .We’ll listen to 3 conversations .Number the pictures 1-3 .

3. Play the tape twice .Check the answers .

SB Page 5 , 2b .

This activity is easy ,I think .For we know the conversations are talking about Alexis 10 years ago ,today and in 10 years .

1.Read the instructions .

2. Pay attention to the sentences and the verbs in the box .

3.Play the tape and correct the answers .

Step 4

1. Read the instructions .

2. Pairwork. One is Alexis, one is Joe .

3. Point out the example in the sample dialogue .Read it to the Ss .

4. Talk about Joe’s life now , ten years ago and in ten years .

5. Ask some pairs of Ss to say their dialogues .


1. Go over the words .

2. 写一篇50个单词左右的小短文,预测与展望未来我们的学习和生活。


Period 4




Teaching procedures

Step 1 Leading in

1. Greetings .

2. Ask two Ss to say sth about Joe .

3. Check their Homework .

Step 2

SB Page 6 , 3a .

1. Read the instructions .

2. Give Ss 3 minutes to read the passage , tick out the new words.

3. Explain the new words and practice reading .

4. Point out the chart .Read the column headings to the class .

5. Read the passage again .Write words from her answers in the correct columns below .

6. Check the answers .

7. Practise reading .

SB Page 6 , 3b .Playing a game :Who write it ?

1. Ss write about their life in ten years on a piece of paper but don’t write names on the paper .

2. Put all the Ss’ papers together .

3. Take turns reading the paper .The other Ss guess who wrote it .

Step 3

SB Page 6 , Part 4 .

1. Read the questions below .

2. Ask two Ss to read the dialogue .

3. Answer the questions .

4. Pairwork. Get your partner’s answers .

5. Share a few Ss’ conversations .


1. Finish selfcheck as their Homework

2. Go over the words in this unit .


Period 5




Teaching contents:

Reading :Do you think you will have your own robot ?

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

1. Greetings and free talk .

2. If possible,draw a robot on the Bb or put up a picture of a robot.

Tell :What does it look like ? What can it do ?

3. Tell your partner what you know about robots .

Step 2

SB Page 8 , 1b .

1. Read the title of the passage .

2. Look at the picture together .Ask a few Ss to describe What they see .

3. Read the words and phrases in the box .Practice reading the words .

4. Circle the words you think you will read in the passage .

Step 3

SB Page 8 .

1. First let Ss scan the passage for the main idea .

2. Explain something .

(1)help sb with sth /do sth(2)do the same as …

(3)make sb do sth (4)It takes /took /will take …

3. Ask a few comprehension questions around the class .

4. Read the passage by the Ss .

Step 4

1.Go through the reading again .

How many words in 1b did you correctly predict ?

2. Go over the structures in SB Page 9 , 3b .

Make their own sentences .


1. To make sure the Ss understand the passage .and I want to know whether they’re careful in the class ,let Ss translate the passage into Chinese .

2. Go over this unit .

3. Make their own sentences .

4. What ways do you think a robot will help you and your family in the future .Write your ideas .


Period 6


1. Kids (not go) to school in 100 years.

2. I (fall) off the tree yesterday afternoon.

3. I'll have many different(kind) of goldfish.

4. I'll be a computer ( programme ).

5. There will be (many) people in the future.

6. I think there will be (little) pollution.

7. My life will be a lot (good) than it is now.


( ) 1. What do you think your life next month?

A. likeB. is like C. will like D. will be like

( ) 2.-Will people live to be 150 years old? -

A. Yes, there will B. No, there won' t C. Yes, they are D. Yes, they will

( ) 3. Do you have any problems in English?

A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. learned

( ) 4. I don't have a computer because I can't use it, our family doesn't have enough money.

A. butB. or C. besides D. though

( ) 5. Will you your class East Lake, Miss Gao?

A. take; to B. make; at C. carry; to D. take; near

( ) 6. Is there cleverer than you in the class?

A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody

( ) 7. the way, do you have any film tickets? A. In B. On C. By D. To

( ) 8. Will there be any paper money 100 years?

A. after B. to C. later D. in

( ) 9. We all enjoy football. It's very interesting.

A. to play B. playing C. play D. playing the

( )10.They decided up bowling and make it a gentlemen's game again.

A.cleanB.to clean C.to give D,cleaning


1.1. Do you think there will be robots in people's homes? (作肯定回答)

2.There will be some paper money in the future.(改为否定句)

There paper money in the future.

3.There will be less pollution in the neighborhood.(改为一般疑问句)

be less pollution in the neighborhood?

4.Our country will win the next World Cup? (提问)

country will win the next World Cup?

5.I think that he will win the game.(改为否定句) Ithink he will win the game.


1.明天天气晴朗。There sunshine tomorrow.

2.保龄球场离我家不远。The bowling alley isn't .

3.孩子们将用电脑在家学习。Kids will study at home .

4.今年你会怎样度过这个暑假?How will you spend your summer this year?


1.The radio says it (rain)tomorrow.

2. everything (begin)to grow in spring?

3.I think Liu Xiang (win)the game again in.

4.Look! They (wash)their clothes.

5.There(be) more people here yesterday.

6.Sorry,wait a moment,please.She (answer) a telephone call.

7.I (get) up very late yesterday morning.


A:Will it help you learn English?

B:There will be robots in every home.

C:What will life be like in 50 years?

D:Yes,it will.

E:What will a robot do?

F:It will help people do everything they want it to do.

请按顺序排列句子 (首句已给出)

1. C 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.





1. 语言知识目标:

1) 能掌握以下单词:decide, try, paragliding, feel like, bird, bicycle, building, trader, wonder, difference, top, wait, umbrella, wet, because of, below, enough, hungry

2) 能掌握以下句型:

① where did…?

② what did…?

③ how was…? / how were…?

④ did she/he…?

2. 情感态度价值观目标:



1. 教学重点:

1) 掌握本课时出现的生词及表达方式。

2) 进行听力训练,提高综合听说能力。


2. 教学难点

1. 听力训练

2. 阅读2b部分的短文并完成相关要求。


ⅰ. warming- up and revision

1. daily greeting.

2. check the homework. let some ss report where did they go on vacation.

3. review the “复合不定代词”

4. review the “反身代词”

5. show a movie of paragliding.

ⅱ. writing

work on 1a:

1. point to the six words. delicious, expensive, exciting, cheap, terrible, boring

2. read the words and let ss read after the teacher.

3. point to the last picture and say: this is a cake. it’s delicious. then do the same thing for all six pictures.

4. let ss match each word with a picture. then check the answers with the students.

work on 1b:

1. explain the meaning of “ j words” and “ l words.”

2. let ss discuss the words they know and write them down on the line.

3. let some ss read out their words to the class. (or let some ss write their words on the blackboards.)

ⅲ. listening

work on 1c:

1. t: now let's work on 1c. first, let one student read the questions aloud. make sure all the ss know the meanings of the questions.

2. play the recording for the first time. ss only listen.

3. then play the recording for the second time. ss listen and answer the questions.

4. then play the recording for the third time for the ss to check the answers.

5. ss listen to the tape and circle the words and phrases they hear.

6. check the answers: (look at the big screen.)

work on 1d:

1. tell ss this time they have to write down what lisa said about her vacation, the people, the fun park, the food and the store.

2. then play the recording for the second time. ss listen and write down the words.

3. then play the recording for the third time for the ss to check the answers.



ⅳ. pair work

1. tell ss to ask and answer about lisa’s vacation. begin your questions with the following sentences. for example:

where did you go on vacation?

i went to new york city.

did you go with anyone?

yes, i did.

2. ss work in pairs and ask and answer about lisa’s vacations.

3. let some pairs come to the front and ask and answer in pairs.

ⅴ. discussion

1. tell ss to work in groups. discuss the questions together.

what do people usually do on vacation?

what activities do you find enjoyable?

2. give ss some possible answers:

people usually go to some places of interest for vacation.

i find fishing enjoyable.

3. ss discuss the two questions. write down their answers. let some group report their answers.

vi. reading

work on 2b:

1. t: now we’ll read jane’s diary entries about her vacation and answer the questions.

did jane have a good time on monday?

what about on tuesday?

2. ss read the diary quickly and find the answers to the questions.

3. check the answers with the ss.

work on 2c:

1. let some ss read jane’s diary entries again. fill in the chart.

2. let ss look at the chart first. then let them read and fill in the chart.

3. check the answers. (look at the big screen.)

work on 2d:

1. tell ss they should read the conversation about jane’s trip to penang again and use the information in the diary entries.

2. ss read the conversation about jane’s trip to penang first then try to fill in the blanks.

3. 方法指导:首先,应读通读整个对话一遍,理解对话的大意;然后,认真阅读有空格的上下句的内容,结合日记的内容,确定空格处的内容。 最后,再通读一遍对话,综合日记的内容看每个空格处是否贴切。

3. ss read carefully and try to write down the words in the blanks.

4. check the answers with the class.

work on 2e:

1. 告诉学生们这篇日记是jane在七月十八日又一次参观了penang hill 后,所写的。读日记,并用括号中单词的正确形式填空。

2. 方法指导:首先,再次明确这是一篇日记,因此应用一般过去时态;然后,通读一遍日记的内容,了解大体内容;最后,综合每句的内容,用括号中动词的正确的形式填空。

3. ss read the diary and try to fill in the blanks.

4. check the answers. (look at the big screen)

5. 对动词一般过去时的规则形式与不规则形式,再复习一遍。



my mother ______ (buy) a new schoolbag for me yesterday.

when _____ you _____ (start) to learn english?

my aunt ______ (take) us to dinner at a restaurant but the food _______ (is) not good at all.

when i _______ (am) in america, i _______ (make) a lot of new friends.

they _______ (have) a great sale last weekend.


section b1 1a-2e

words: decide, try, paragliding, feel like, bird, bicycle, building, trader, wonder, difference, top, wait, umbrella, wet, because of, below, enough, hungry

① where did…?

② what did…?

③ how was…? / how were…?

④ did she/he…?

did jane have a good time on monday?

what about on tuesday?



1. 语言知识目标:

1) 复习询问或谈论假期去某地旅行的经历。

2) 能够综合运动词的一般过去时形式,并能正确填空。

3) 总结回顾动词过去式的规则变化不规则变化。

2. 情感态度价值观目标:

1) 学生了解我国不同地方的人们上学的方式,了解还有一些贫困地区的孩子们需要我们去帮助他们。



1. 教学重点:

1) 能综合运用所的重难点词汇来完成相关任务。


2. 教学难点:



ⅰ. warming- up and revision

1. let ss read the passage about jane’s vacation to malaysia. then fill in the blanks.

2. check the answers.

ⅱ. discussion

1. show some pictures of the some places of interest. tell ss the name of them.

e.g. the great wall, summer palace, tian’anmen square, a beijing hutong…

2. let ss discuss what they can do, eat, buy… in those places.

ⅲ. writing

1. tell ss they went to one of these places of interest last summer vacation. with the help of the words in the box, try to fill in the blanks of the diary.

2. let some ss read the words in the box.

3. ss read the diary and try to fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

2. 阅读指导:

首先,应阅读日记一遍,了解日记的大意。然后,细读每一句,根据上下文文意来确定每个空格处应填的词汇。比如:读第一行可知此处是填空记日记时的时间,空格后面有日期,因此空格处应填月份august。读第二句话,可知空格处应填写天气的词汇,故应选hot and sunny。其他类似。

3. ss read the passage then fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

4. check the answers.

ⅳ. practice

work on 3b:

1. let some ss read the questions aloud to the ss. make sure they know the meaning of the questions.

2. let ss work in pairs to ask and answer the questions. write their answers on a piece of paper.

3. get some pairs read out their answers.

4. check the verbs forms.

work on 3c:

1. tell ss to write a travel diary like jane’s on page 5. use your notes in 3b.

2. 写作指导:

本文为写日记, 因此应用一般过去时态。应注意动词的过去式形式。




3. ss write their diary by themselves. give any help they need.

4. let some ss read their diary to the class.

ⅴ. self check 1

1. 让学生们看自己的笔记,复习相关复合不定代词的用法。

2. let ss read the small conversation and choose the correct words in the box to fill in the blanks.

3. check the answers with the ss.

4. explain any problem that ss can’t understand.

ⅵ. self check 2

1. 让学生们看自己的笔记,复习相关动词过去式的规则变化及不规则变化。

2. ss read the passage and fill in the blanks.

3. let some ss write their answers on the blackboard.

4. check answers with the ss.

5. explain any problem that ss can’t understand.

ⅶ. group work

1. tell ss what they should in this activity. imagine you are all foreigners on vacation in china. you meet each other at the airport on your way home. talk about what you did on your vacation.

2. ss work in groups of four and ask and answer about their vacations in china.

3. let some pairs act out their conversations in front of the class.


1. review section b.

2. 阅读self check 2 的短文,并强化记忆所列举动词的一般过去式形式。

3. 总结全单元出现的不规则变化的动词的一般过去式,并努力记住他们。


section b 2 3a-self check

3a: august, hot and sunny, a beijing hutong, beautiful, bought something special, it was interesting, beijing duck, delicious, tired

3b: where did you go? what food did you eat?

did you go with anyone? what did you like best?

how was the weather? did you dislike anything?

what did you do every day? how did you feel about the trip?



1. 语言知识目标:

1) 复习所学的重难点句型及句式结构。

2)总结学习anyone, someone, everyone, something, anything, nothing等不定代词的用法。


2. 情感态度价值观目标:



1. 教学重点:

1) 用所学的功能语言交流假期去了什么旅行。

2) 复习运用本课时出现的新词汇。

2. 教学难点:

1) 复合不定代词someone, anyone, something, anything等 的用法。

2) 阅读填空能力的提高。


ⅰ. warming- up and revision

1. free talk: ask ss the questions: where did you go on vacation?

ss try to answer the questions.

2. review the usage of “复合不定代词”

ⅱ. grammar focus.

1. 学生阅读grammar focus中的句子,然后做填空练习。

1. 你去了什么地方去度假?

______ ______ you go on ___________?

2. 我去了纽约市。

i _______ _______ new york city.

3. 你和什么人别一起去的吗?

______ ______ go out with ________?

4. 不,没有别人在这儿。每个人都在度假。

no. ____ ______ was here.

________ was on _________.

… (其余试题见课件部分)

3. 学生们完成填空试题后,可以打开课本检查答案,对错误的句子,单独进行强化记忆。

ⅲ. try to find






























Unit 2 What’s the matter?

Teaching aims and demands

What’s the matter?

I have a headache.

You should drink some tea.

That sounds a like a good idea.

I have a sore back.

III. Teaching importance and diffculty:

Talk about your health.

Make suggestions.

IV. Teaching ways:

Revision, Learning, Practice and Reading.

V. Teaching tools:

Tape-recorder and Lattern.

V. Teaching time:

Six periods

VI. Teaching procedure:

Period 1

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects.

Body names.


What’s the matter?

I have a cold.

2. Ability Objects.

Listening skill.

Recognizing skill.

3. Moral Objects.

Exercise every day and keep healthy and strong.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

What’s the matter?

I have a cold.

III. Teaching Methods

Recognizing method.

Listening method.

Discover method.


IV. Teaching Aids

A tape recorder.

A doll for teaching the names of the body.

A Projector.

V. Teaching Procedures

Step I Greet the class and check the homework.

Step II Section A 1a

Bring out a doll. Teach the words of body parts.

Read the words to students and ask them to repeat.

Now open your books and turn to page 7. Please look at the picture, I’ll ask a student to read the list of thirteen names of body parts.

Step III 1b

Act out an illness. Then show the other new words on the blackboard. Read the new words to students and ask them to repeat. Make sure every student knows the meaning and can read them.

Step IV Pairwork

Teach students more words of illness. For example,

Have a cold have a fever

Headache stomachache

Headache toothache

Have a sore back have a sore throat

Step V An activity

Play the game Simon says with students. First have students line up in rows .Ask students to touch different parts of their bodies.

Step VI An activity

Now please turn to page 106. There is a picture of a head with no eyes, nose, mouth or ears. Please draw them in the correct paces and say their names in English. Then show your pictures. Who draws the best?

Step VII Homework

Write down the new words in your exercise book and read them for several times

Step VIII Blackboard Design

Unit 2 What’s the matter?

tooth ——teeth(pl.)

foot ——feet(pl.)



eyes nose mouth ears

Period 2

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

New words.

Some advice.

Grammar Focus.

2. Ability Objects

Listening skill.

Reading skill.

Writing skill.

Communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

To be a doctor and serve the people heart and soul.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

What’s the matter?

I have a toothache.

Maybe you should see a dentist.

That’s a good idea.

III. Teaching Methods

Listening method.

Reading and writing methods.


IV. Teaching Aids

A tpae recorder

A projector.

IV. Teaching Procedures

Step I Greet the class and check the homework.

Step II Show the new words on the screen.

Read the new words to students and ask them to repeat.

Step III 2a

Now open your books and turn to page 8.First read the eight items to students and ask them to repeat.


Sore throat



Lie down and rest

Hot tea with honey

See a dentist

Drink lots of water

Step IV 2b

First look at the four pictures. Each picture illustrates of the conversations. Now we’ll listen to the conversations again. This time listen for the missing words. Write the missing words on the blackboard.

Step V 2c Pairwork

First I’ll have two students read the dialogue in the box. OK. You two please.

Sa: What’s the matter?

Sb: I have a toothache.

Sa: Maybe you should see a dentist.

Sb: That’s a good idea.

Ask students to work in pairs.

Step VI Grammar Focus

I have a headache.

He has a stomachache.

She has a toothache.

You should go to bed.

He shouldn’t eat anything for 24 hours.

She should see a dentist.

Step VII Homework

This class we’ve leant some advice to people in advertisements for cold medicines , pain medicines and other medicines. Please recover the name and picture of the medicines in the advertisement and leave only the person. Next class we’ll play a game.

Step VIII Blackboard Design

Unit 2 What’s the matter?

Problems Advice

Period 3

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Reading and writing materials.

Oral Practice.

2. Ability Objects

Reading skill.

Writhing skill.

Communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

Give good advice when someone needs your help.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Reading practice.

Oral practice.

III. Teaching Methods

Reading and writing methods.



IV. Teaching Aids

Workbook exercises.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step II 3a

Now open your books at page 9.Now look at the conversation on the left.

A: What’s the matter?

B: I’m not feeling well. I have a 1 .

A:When did it start?

B: About 2 ago.

A: Oh, that’s too bad. You should 3 .

Step III 3b Pairwork

Now let students look at the picture. Have students ask and answer what’s the matter with the people in the picture.Write the answer on the blackboard. For example,

What’s the matter?

He has a toothache.

She has a sore throat.

He has a sore back.

She has a stomachache.

Step IV 4 Groupwork

First look at the dialogue on the left. Read it to the class.

What’s the matter?

Do you have a sore throat?

No, I don’t.

Do you have a sore throat?

No, I don’t.

Do you have a cold?

Yes, I do.

You should drink some hot tea.

Step V An Optional Activity

Write the names of several illness on the board. Then ask students to explain in simple English what advice their parents or grandparents give for each illness.

Step VI Summary

This class we’ve learnt some advice and done some reading,

writing and oral practice. I hope you can give your classmates of friends good suggestion when they need your help.

Step VII Homework

Finish off the exercises of workbook.

Step VIII Blackboard

Unit 2 What’s the matter?

What’s the matter?

He has a toothache.

… a sore back.

…a sore throat.

…a stomachache.

Period 4

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Key vocabulary.

Reading practice.

Oral practice.

2. Ability Objects

Listening skill.

Reading skill.

Writhing skill.

Practice skill.

Communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

Ask for help when you have problem.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Key vocabulary.

Reading practice.

Oral practice.

III. Teaching Methods

Reading and writing methods.

Understanding method.


Listening method.

IV. Teaching Aids

A tape recorder.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step II Section B 1a

Now open your books at page 10. First I’ll read the words to you.




Stressed out

Step III 1b

Now read the four sentences after me.

Eat an apple.

Drink some water.

Listen to music.

Step IV 2a

First let students look at the chart. Then tell students they’ll listen to the recording. There are four conversations.

Write the problems in the blanks after each person’s name.

Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Then play the recording a second time.

Step V 2b

Ask one or two to write their answers on the blackboard. Then correct the answers with the whole class.

Gina: should go to bed early

Shouldn’t go to the party tonight

Tony: should listen to music

Shouldn’t study

Alan: should eat an apple

Shouldn’t play soccer before dinner

Step VI 2c Pairwork

Ask two students to read the conversation in speech bubble.

What’s the matter with Gina?

She’s tired.

Well, she should go to bed early. She shouldn’t go to the party.

Step VII Homework

After class you can talk to an expert about a particular problem. For exaple, what should I do when I have problems with my little brother?

Step VIII Blackboard Design

Unit 2 What’s the matter

Gina: should do …

Shouldn’t do …

Tony: …

Julie: …

Alan: …

Period 5

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Key vocabulary.

Reading material.

Group work.

2. Ability Objects

Reading skill.

Writhing skill.

Communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

Great Chinese culture.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Key vocabulary.

Reading practice.

Writing exercise.


III. Teaching Methods

Reading and writing methods.


Communicative approach.

IV. Teaching Aids

A projector.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step II New words

Open your books and turn to page 118. We’ll leant the new words of page 11.

Show a picture on the blackboard. Explain yin and yang in Chinese.

Step III 3a

Read the article to the class.

Now let students read the article and and underline each thing they should do.

Step IV 3b

Read the paragraph to the class, saying blank each time when come to a blankline.

Are you tired?

Eveyone gets tired sometimes. When you’re tired, you shouldn’t 1 . You should

2 for a few nights and you should 3 to stay healthy. You should also eat

4 and other healthy foods. You shouldn’t 5 when you are tired.

Step V 3c

First read the instructions.And then ask students to say some things to do when they have a cold.

Then ask some students to read their paragraphs to the class.

Step VI 4 Groupwork

Ask students to write the names on the blackboard. Then let them raise their hands voting for Dr. Know.

Step VII Homework

Now, Homework. Write down the sentences about when you’re tired in your exercise book.

Step VIII Blackboard Design

Unit 2 What’s the matter

Stuents’ names Best advice is Dr. Know.

Period 6

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Vocabulary in this unit.

Writing practice.

Just for Fun.

2. Ability Objects

Reading skill.

Writhing skill.

Communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

Give your help to who needs one.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Vocabulary in this unit.

Writing practice.

III. Teaching Methods

Reading and writing methods.

Self check method.

IV. Teaching Aids

A projector.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step II Show the new words on the blackboard.

Step III Self Check 1

First ask students to fill in the blanks with the word given. Then check the answers.

Then ask students to make their own sentences with the words.

Step IV 2

This is a letter from Sally. First I’ll read the letter to you.

This activity provides writing individually. Then ask some of them to read their advice to the class.

Step V Just for Fun!

Ask the students to repeat.

T: What’s the matter with the snowman, do you know?

S: He’s stressed out.

T: Why is he stressed out? Well, because of the sun. He’s melting.

T: Can the boy help him? What does he do?

S: Yes. He puts him into the fridge.

T: OH, great! You ‘re quite right. Is the snowman stressed out now?

S: No, he isn’t.

Step VI Workbook

Step VII Summary



Unit 1 Will people have robots ?

Teaching goals:

1. Words&phrases: robot, paper, less, fewer, simple, unpleasant, factory, seem, etc .

2. will 构成的一般将来时态的陈述句、否定句、疑问句及回答.

3. There be 句型的一般将来时.

4. more , less , fewer 的用法.

5. 学习一般将来时态的相关知识,学会对未来进行预测.

6. 对five years ago ,today ,in five years 简洁回顾与展望的方式,贴近实际符合学生心理,激发学习兴趣.

7. 通过时间对比复习一般过去时态、一般现在时态,巩固一般将来时.

Important and difficult points :

1. will构成一般将来时态的句式。

2. There be 句型的一般将来时态。

3. more , fewer , less 的用法。

4. How to make predictions .

Period 1

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Leading in

1. Greetings: Welcome to school .

What’s the date today ? Who’s on duty today ?

Do you enjoy your winter holiday ?

Do you finish your homework ?

Do you want to live on the moon ?

Can you guess what will happen in ten years ?

Collect the Ss’ answers and say something about their predictions .

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 2 ,1a .

1. Look at the picture :How will the world be different in the future ,100 years from now ?We’re going to talk about sth in 100 years .

2. Read each predictions to the class .Explain the new vocabulary .

3. Read the instructions .Make sure Ss know what they should do .

4. Do it by themselves .

5. Talk about the answers with the class .

Explain :一般将来时态

构成: will / be going to +动词原形

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 2 ,1b .

1. Practise reading the six predictions .

2. Read the instructions to Ss .Circle the things you hear on the recording .

3. Play the tape twice .

4. Play the tape a third time .At the same time ,check the answers .

SB Page 2 , 1c .

1. Pay attention to the dialogues .

2. Read the dialogues fluently .

3. Pairwork .Work in pairs to make predictions according to the sample .

4. Ask several pairs to share their conversations to the class .

SB Page 3 , 2a & 2b .

1. Read the predictions .

2. Read the instructions and point out the sample answer .

3. Play the tape twice .Ss circle the word they hear in each sentences: more , less , fewer .

4. Check the answers .

学生探究: less , fewer 的区别。

Step 4 Post-task

1. Point to the example in the sample dialogue .Practice reading .

2. Look at activity 2b .Groupwork:Take turns to make conversations about the predictions .

Grammar Focus:

1. Review the grammar box .Ss say the statements and responses .

2. Make summaries about “will” ,“fewer” and “less” .


1. Make predictions about yourself in 10 years .Write down 5 sentences .

2. Go over the new words .


Period 2

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

1. Greetings and free talk .

2. Check their homework :Ask two or three Ss to speak out what they wrote down .(教师作出适当的评价)

Step 2 Pre-task

1. Go over what we learnt yesterday .

2. 通过三种时间的对比简略复习一般过去时与一般现在时。

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 4 , 3a .

1. Point to the three picture and say :This is Sally .The first picture is Sally five years ago ,the second one is Sally now ,and the third one is Sally five years in the future .

2. Read the instructions .

3. Complete filling in the blanks individually .

4. Check the answers .

5. Practise reading .Then ask some Ss read them out .

SB Page 4 , 3b .

1. Look at activity 3a .Make predictions about Sally .

2. Point to the example in the sample dialogue .Ask two Ss to read the dialogue to the class .

3. Practise reading .

4. Pairwork .Make their predictions about Sally .

Step 4 Post-task

1. Write about yourself .

With the help of the sample of Sally .We can write sth about ourselves five years ago ,today and in five years .

2. Complete the work individually .

3. Review the task .Ask a few more Ss for answers .

Homework :

Draw a picture of the city in 20 years .Describe it to the class .


Period 3

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

1. Greetings .

2. Say yourselves :five years ago , today and in five years .

3. Check the homework.

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 5 , 1a .

1. Look at the form and read the headings to the class .Make sure the Ss know what they mean .

2. Read the list of seven words .Explain the new words .

3. Write each word in the correct column .Check the answers.

SB Page 5 , 1b .

1. Read the words already written on the chart .

2. Groupwork: Think about what we learned before .Write some words in the chart above .Divide the class into groups of four ,let them have a competition .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 5 , 2a .

1. Look at the pictures carefully .Can you guess what we’ll listen ?Talk about them .

2. Read the instructions .We’ll listen to 3 conversations .Number the pictures 1-3 .

3. Play the tape twice .Check the answers .

SB Page 5 , 2b .

This activity is easy ,I think .For we know the conversations are talking about Alexis 10 years ago ,today and in 10 years .

1. Read the instructions .

2. Pay attention to the sentences and the verbs in the box .

3. Play the tape and correct the answers .

Step 4 Post-task

1. Read the instructions .

2. Pairwork. One is Alexis, one is Joe .

3. Point out the example in the sample dialogue .Read it to the Ss .

4. Talk about Joe’s life now , ten years ago and in ten years .

5. Ask some pairs of Ss to say their dialogues .


1. Go over the words .

2. 写一篇50个单词左右的小短文,预测与展望未来我们的学习和生活。


Period 4

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Leading in

1. Greetings .

2. Ask two Ss to say sth about Joe .

3. Check their homework .

Step 2 While-task

SB Page 6 , 3a .

1. Read the instructions .

2. Give Ss 3 minutes to read the passage , tick out the new words.

3. Explain the new words and practice reading .

4. Point out the chart .Read the column headings to the class .

5. Read the passage again .Write words from her answers in the correct columns below .

6. Check the answers .

7. Practise reading .

SB Page 6 , 3b .Playing a game :Who write it ?

1. Ss write about their life in ten years on a piece of paper but don’t write names on the paper .

2. Put all the Ss’ papers together .

3. Take turns reading the paper .The other Ss guess who wrote it .

Step 3 Post-task

SB Page 6 , Part 4 .

1. Read the questions below .

2. Ask two Ss to read the dialogue .

3. Answer the questions .

4. Pairwork. Get your partner’s answers .

5. Share a few Ss’ conversations .


1. Finish selfcheck as their homework .

2. Go over the words in this unit .


Period 5

Teaching contents:

Reading :Do you think you will have your own robot ?

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

1. Greetings and free talk .

2. If possible,draw a robot on the Bb or put up a picture of a robot.

Tell :What does it look like ? What can it do ?

3. Tell your partner what you know about robots .

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 8 , 1b .

1. Read the title of the passage .

2. Look at the picture together .Ask a few Ss to describe What they see .

3. Read the words and phrases in the box .Practice reading the words .

4. Circle the words you think you will read in the passage .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 8 .

1. First let Ss scan the passage for the main idea .

2. Explain something .

help sb with sth /do sth

do the same as …

make sb do sth

It takes /took /will take …

3. Ask a few comprehension questions around the class .

4. Read the passage by the Ss .

Step 4 Post-task

1. Go through the reading again .

How many words in 1b did you correctly predict ?

2. Go over the structures in SB Page 9 , 3b .

Make their own sentences .


1. To make sure the Ss understand the passage .and I want to know whether they’re careful in the class ,let Ss translate the passage into Chinese .

2. Go over this unit .

3. Make their own sentences .

4. What ways do you think a robot will help you and your family in the future .Write your ideas .


Unit 2 What should I do ?

Teaching goals :

1. Words & phrases : keep out , loud , argue , What’s wrong ? football , either , except , themselves , include ,etc .

2. 情态动词could /should 的用法。

3. Why don’t you … ?结构表建议的运用。

4. 如何谈论问题及提出建议。

5. 在处理问题中学会自省与人际交往。

Important and difficult points :

1. should /could 情态动词的用法。

2. 如何提出建议。

Teaching aids : a tape recorder5 , cards .

Period 1

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

1. Greetings and free talk .

2. Check the homework .

Step 2 Pre-task

T: I want to buy a new guitar but I don’t have enough money .What should I do ?

Ss think it over ,and try to give his/her advice .

Write their advice on the Bb .

1. Borrow one .

2. Buy a second-hand guitar .

3. Get a part-time job .

4. Don’t buy a guitar .

5. Wait until next year .

Practice reading the advice by the Ss .

导入: In this unit we are going to talk about problems people have and learn how to give these people advice –to tell people what we think they should do .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 10 , 1a .

1. Read the instructions to the Ss .

2. Read the problems by the Ss .

3. Ask Ss to write the problems in the “Serious” or “Not serious” columns .

4. Explain .

5. Talk about the answers with the class .Practice reading .

SB Page 10 , 1b .

Make sure the Ss understand what should they do .Play the tape twice .Ss circle the problems they hear .Play the tape a third time .Check the answers .

Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 10 , 1c .

Look at the problems in activity 1a and make conversations .

Step 5 While-task

SB Page 11 , 2a .

1. Read the instructions .Make sure the Ss understand what should they do .

2. Point to the sentences below .

3. Play the tape the first time .Ss only listen .Pay attention to Peter’s friend’s advice .

4. Play the tape again .Ss circle “could” or “should” .

5. Correct the answers .

SB Page 11 , 2b .

Read the instructions .Pay attention to Peter’s answers .Play the tape again .Check the answers .

Step 7 Post-task

Make conversations with peter and his friend with the help of 2a & 2b .

Step 8 Grammar Focus

Review the grammar box .Ss say the questions and the responses .Explain the differences between could/should .


1. Go over the words .

2. My clothes are out of style ,what should I do ? Please give the advice .


Period 2

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

1. Greeting and free talk .

2. Check the homework .Collect the students’ advice .Write it down on the Bb .

Step 2 Pre-task

1. Review the differences between “could /should” .

2. Learn the new words in Page 12 .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 12 , 3a .

1. Read the instructions .

2. Read the conversations by Ss or listen to the tape .Then write “good idea” “okay idea” or “bad idea” .

3. Talk about the students’ answers .

4. Make sure the students understand the dialogue.Practice reading

Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 12 , 3b .

1. Read the instructions .Point out the example conversation and ask two students to read it to the class .

2. Use your head .Find some other ways to get money that aren’t in the book .

3. Ask Ss to work with partner as they ask for and give advice .

4. Pairwork .

5. Act out the conversations to the class .

Step 5 While-task

SB Page 12 , Part 4 .

1. Read the instructions .Make sure the Ss understand what they should do .

2. To students read the dialogue .

3. Practice reading .

4. Ask another pair to give their advice on another topic .

5. Pairwork .

Homework :


1. keep out 2. out of style 3. What’s wrong ?

4. call sb up 5. pay for 6. ask for something

7. summer camp 8. stay at home


Period 3

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Leading in

1. Greetings and free talk .

2. Check the homework .

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 13 , 1a .

1. Read the instructions to the students .

2. Read the sentences and ask a student to read the sentences to the class .

3. Write NI , I , VI for each statement .

4. “What is important to you when you choose clothes ?”Write one or more of their statements to the class .

Talk about the answers with the class .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 13 , 2a .

1. Read the instructions .Make sure the Ss understand what they should do .

2. Read the three sentences in the box .You will be listening to a radio advice program .They will be talking about one of these problems .

3. Play the tape twice .Ss check the problem they hear .

4. Play the tape again ,Ss correct the answers .

SB Page 13 , 2b .

1. Read the instructions .Make sure Ss understand what they should pay attention to .

2. Look at the chart .There are three persons ,Kim , Nicole , Emilio .Who will give Erin some advice ?What are they ? Read each name for the class .

3. Play the recording again .Ss write their answers .

4. Play the recording again ,one sentence by one sentence .Check the answers .

Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 13 , 2c .

1. Point out the example in the sample dialogue .Ss practice reading .

2. Pairwork: What do you think Erin should do ?

3. Share their conversations with whole class .

Homework :

You left your homework at home ,what should you do ? Please give your advice .


Period 4

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

1. Greetings & free talk .

2. Check the homework :I left my homework at home ,what should I do ? Share some students’ advice .

Step 2 While-task

SB Page 14 , 3a .

1. Scan this letter ,underline the problem .

2. Read the letter again , tick out the new words .

3. Explain something :

except=but 除…之外(不包括在内)

besides 除…之外(包括在内)

All the students went to the park except him .

Lucy and Lily will come to the party besides me .

find out = learned 了解到 find 找到

I just find out there is a dance tomorrow .

4. Listen to the recording .Ss practice reading .

SB Page 14 , 3b .

1. Pairwork: Give some advice to the lonely kid in 3a .

2. Suppose you’re Mary .Write the letters on your own .

3. Read the letters to the class .

SB Page 14 , Part 4 .

1. Read the problem in the box .

2. Two students read the dialogue .

3. Pairwork : Think them over and give your advice .

4. Groupwork: See which classmate has the best advice .

Step 3 Post-task

SB Page 15 , Selfcheck .

1. Fill in the blanks with the words given .Try to make your own sentences with the words .

2. Read the letter to Aunt Chen’s advice column and then write some advice .

Homework :

What’s your problem ? Please write your own letter to an advice column .


Period 5

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

1. Greetings and free-talk .

2. Check the homework :Read the letter out in the class ,the other Ss give their advice .

Step 2 Pre-task

1. What after-school activities can you think of .Write what you do and what you don’t do .

2. SB Page 16 , 1b .Read the words and guess the meaning .if there are some new words in the box , look up in the dictionary .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 16 .

1. Read the passage quickly and get the main idea .

2. Listen to the recording .Circle the words in the box in 1b .

3. Explain something :

busy enough

It’s time for sth .

the + 姓s : 夫妇/一家

SB Page 17 , 3a .

1. Read these statements .

2. Pairwork: Number each pair 1-5 around the class .Ask each pair to discuss only the question with their number .

3. After a while .All pairs with the same number from a group and compare ideas .

4. After five minutes .Each group report their ideas to the class .

Homework :

1. Write four sentences using one of the words from 1b in each sentence .

2. Are you or your friends under pressure ? Do a survey to find out .


Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived ?

Teaching goals :

1. Words : barber shop , well , bathroom , accident , earth , silence , playground , around , strange , kitchen , modern , follow , shirt .

2. when , while 引导的时间状语从句。

3. 学习过去进行时态。

4. 利用知识谈论过去发生的事情。

5. 复习过去式,学会讲故事。

6. 了解一些自然科学知识和社会科学知识。

Important and difficult points:

1. when , while 引导的时间状语从句。

2. 学习过去进行时态。

Teaching aids : a tape-recorder , cards .

Period 1

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

1. Greetings and free-talk .

2. Check the homework .

3. Dictate the words in Unit 2 .

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 18 , 1a .

1. Point to the sentences .Read the sentences .Explain what each one means .

2. Look at the picture .Point out the six people .Match the statements with the people in the picture .

3. Check the answers .

4. Practice reading .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 18 , 1b .

1. Read the instructions .Make sure the Ss understand what they should do .

2. Look at the dialogue in the picture .

Explain :

过去进行时态的构成: was / were + doing .


I was standing in front of the library when the UFO arrived .

3. Play the tape twice . Circle the correct responses .

4. Check the answers .

Step 4 Post-task

Talk about what people were doing when the UFO arrived .

Step 5 While-task

SB Page 19 , 2a .

1. Read the sentences .Make sure the Ss understand what they mean .

2. Play the tape twice .Order these statements .

3. Play the tape again ,correct the answers .

SB Page 19 , 2b .

1. Read the instructions .

2. Play the recording .Write “when” or “while” on each line .

3. Play the recording again ,correct their answers .

Notice: when / while

※ When comes before a quick action that happens only once .The word “while” comes from an action that continues for some time .

Step 6 Post-task

SB Page 19 , 2c .

1. Point ort the picture .Ask what each person is doing .

2. Groupwork : Ask “What was …doing when the UFO arrived ?”

3. Ask a group to say its conversation to the class .

Step 7 Grammar Focus

Review the grammar box by asking some students to read the sentences .

Homework :

1. Go over the words in this unit

2. 用介词或介词短语填空。

① They were talking the phone .

② I was the barber’s chair .

③ The boy was walking the street when a UFO landed .

④ I had a very unusual experience Sunday .

⑤ The alien visited the Museum Flight .


Period 2

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

1. Greetings and free-talk .

2. Check the homework .

Step 2 While-task

SB Page 20 , 3a .

1. Read the instructions .

2. Read the e-mail by the Ss first .Number the pictures in the correct order .

3. Explain something .

4. Practice reading and listen to the tape .

SB Page 20 , 3b .

Cover the story .Look at the pictures and take turns to tell the story . I think this activity is hard to most of the students .

If necessary , do it as homework .

SB Page 20 , Part 4 .

What were you doing at these times last Sunday ?

1. Read the sample dialogue in the box .

2. Look at the table .Read the times for the Ss .

3. Pairwork : Talk about what they were doing at different times .

4. Write down your answers .

5. Practice reading .

Step 3 Post-task

Make an interview .

Interview two classmates in your class and write down their answers .Begin like this :What were you doing at … ?

I was … .

Homework :

Cover the story in 3a .Try to retell the story .


Period 3

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

1. Greetings and free-talk .

2. Check the homework .

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 21 , 1c .

1. Look at the pictures .Please say something about the picture .

2. Read the sentences and explain the new words .

3. Match the sentences with the pictures .

4. Check the answers .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 21 , 2a & 2b .

1. Read the things in the chart below .They will help Ss to guess what you will heard .Hear six things in the chart .

2. Play the recording the first time .Ss only listen .

3. Play the recording a second time .Check the phrases they hear on the recording .

4. Listen again .Pay attention to the persons who did each thing in the chart above .Match the phrases with the persons .

5. Play the tape again and correct the answers .

Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 21 , 2c .

Pairwork : Read the sample dialogue in the box .Talk about the people in activity 2a .S1 begins a sentence with the word “while” ,S2 complete the sentence .

① While John was walking to school , he saw a cat in a tree .

② While John was climbing the tree , a man saw him .

③ While the man was calling the police , a woman called the newspaper .

④ While the newspaper reporter was taking photos ,the cat went up the tree again .

Ss can say them out by themselves .

Homework :

SB Page 23 , Selfcheck , Parts 1and 2 .


Period 4

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Leading in

1. Greetings and free-talk .

2. Check the homework : Correct the answers .

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 22 , Part 3 .

1. Read the instructions ,pointing to the article and the list of questions .

2. Scan the passage for the main idea .

T: Who found Linda’s dog ? (the police officer’s dog )

3. Read the questions by the Ss .Make sure they understand them .

4. Play the recording .Ss listen carefully .

5. Write answers to the questions .

6. Practice reading .

7. Correct the answers .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 22 , 4a .

1. Read the instructions .

2. Look at the pictures .Discuss in groups .

3. Ask students to explain what is happening in each picture .

4. Complete the work on their own .Remind them to use times in their stories .

5. Share their stories .(If someone can’t finish it in class ,do it as homework .)

Step 5 Post-task

SB Page 22 , 4b .

1. Read the instructions .

2. Read the times .

3. Pairwork : One is the police officer ,the other is the bicycle thief .Begin like this :

A: Where were you at … ?

B: I was in the park .

A: What were you doing there ?

B : … .

4. Show the role-plays to the class .

Homework :

1. Finish Selfcheck , Part 3 .

2. 运用过去进行时态when / while 来描述上个星期日两人不同的动作,写出五个正确的句子 。

Time Action

Linda Me

8:00 am read English play football

12:00 am have lunch read newspaper

2:00 pm have a rest play computer games

4:00 pm play basketball sleep

6:00 pm do homework watch TV


Period 5

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Leading in

1. Greetings and free-talk .

2. Check the homework .

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 24 , Groupwork .

1. Arrange the Ss in small groups .Ask them to look at the pictures and talk about the events .Encourage students to say how historical events affected their lives .

2. Tell the Ss to help each other with vocabulary they might need and don’t know .

Step 3 While-task

1. Reading strategy :The title can be helpful for you to understand a text .It is also a good idea to read the first sentence of each paragraph before reading .

2. Read the title ,which gives an indication of the content of the reading .Think of one question they think might be answered in the reading .

3. Play the recording , Ss listen .

4. Ask Ss to read the story out to the class .

5. Ask Ss to comment on whether their questions in the previewing stage were answered .

Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 25 , 3a .

Read the four events and match them to the correct dates .When finished ,ask Ss to swap their book with a partner for correction .

Homework :

Write about an event that you remember well .Give dates and say why you remember it ,and what you were doing at the time when you heard the news .


Unit 4 He said I was hard-working .

Teaching goals:

1. Vocabulary: hard-working ,report card ,can do better ,speaking ,listening ,average ,surprise .

2. Patterns: What did your math teacher say ?

He said he could speak three languages .

3. 直接引语和间接引语的转换。

4. 写成绩报告单,并能将自己的成绩报告给他人。

Important and difficult points :

1. 新的词汇和习语。

2. 个人Report card 的写作。

3. 直接引语转换间接引语中,注意一些关键动词的变化和人称代词的变化。

Teaching aids : teaching cards , pictures and a tape recorder .

Period 1

Teaching contents:SectionA 1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,2c,Grammar focus .

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

Ask several Ss what they are going to do after school .Write their sentences on the Bb .

Step 2 Pre-task

Say, These Ss talk about what they are going to do after school ,if you want to tell a friend what they said ,how would you tell him ?

Write the words “He said” and “She said” on the Bb .Say,We can use the words “He said” and “She said” to tell your friend like this :He/She said he/she was going to play basketball after school .Get the Ss to repeat .

Repeat this process with the other sentences on the Bb .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 26 , 1a .

1. Ask a student to read the four questions .

2. point out the TV screens in the picture .Ask one student to read what the person says in the first picture .Then ask another student :What did she/he say ? Help to answer :She/He said she/he was having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night .

3. Repeat with the other pictures .

SB Page 26 , 1c .Pairwork.First Ss work in pairs ,then ask some pairs to present their dialogues to the class .

SB Page 26 , 1b .Play the recording and correct the answers .

Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 27 , 2a & 2b .

1. Ask several Ss to read these sentences .

2. Play the recording .Ss circle their answer .

3. Check the answers .

Step 5 Grammar Focus

1. Review the grammar box by ask Ss to say the statements .

2. Explain: In each case ,the direct speech talks about present situations and the reported speech talks about past situations .

Step 6 Homework

用she/he said 将直接引语改为间接引语。

1. I am a clever girl . 2. I am having lunch at school .

3. I can dance well . 4. I play football every day .

5. I don’t like my younger brother .


Period 2

Teaching contents :SectionA 3a ,3b ,4 ,SectionB 2a ,2b ,2c .

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

Check the homework .Ask several students to read their sentences to the class .

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 28 , 3a .

1. Read the article to the class .

2. Ask Ss to fill in the blanks on their own .

3. Correct the answers .

SB Page 28 , Part 4 .Ss work in groups of four to complete the role plays .Ask a few Ss to show their role plays to the class .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 29 , 1a .

1. Read the sentences to the class and teach new words .Then ask Ss to check the sentences that are true for themselves .

2. Ask one student to read each sentence to the class and ask Ss to raise their hands if they checked that answer .

SB Page 29 , 2a & 2b .

1. Read the instructions to Ss .Make sure they know what to do .

2. Play the recording two or three times .Correct the answers .

Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 29 , 2c .

Pairwork . In pairs ,get Ss to choose a report card from activity 2b to talk about .Then ask some pairs to present their dialogues .

Step 5 Homework

SB Page 28 , 3b .Ask Ss to write anything they want .


Period 3

Teaching contents: SectionB 3a , 3b , 3c , 4 , selfcheck .

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

Check the homework .Ask several students to read their episodes to the class .

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 30 , 3a .

1. Read the instructions and ask Ss to read the letter on their own and write Alan’s name on his report in activity 2b .

2. Correct the answer .

SB Page 30 , 3b .

1. Get Ss to use the information from activity 2b to write a letter to a relative or a friend about their report cards .

2. Ask a student to read his or her completed letter to the class .Orally correct any mistakes .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 30 , 3c .Ask Ss to write their own report cards .While Ss work ,walk around and offer assistance if necessary .

SB Page 30 , Part 4 .

1. Get Ss to make up their teachers comments .

2. Pairwork. In pairs ,talk about their report cards .

3. Ask several pairs to share their conversations .

Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 31 ,Selfcheck ,Part 1.

1. Ask Ss to fill in the blanks on their own .

2. Correct the answers.

3. Have Ss make sentences with the words .

SB Page 31 , Selfcheck , Part 2 .

1. Ask Ss to read the story .

2. In pairs ,have Ss to make conversations according to the story .

3. Ask some Ss to share their conversations with the class .

Step 5 Homework

Ask students to write their conversations on their exercise books .


Period 4

Teaching contents: Reading :She said helping others changed her life .

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

Ask Ss to think of people who need help and write some ideas .Then discuss with their partner .

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 32 , Section 2 .

1. Have Ss read the passage first for meaning .

2. Ask Ss to read it again and fill in the blanks .

3. Check the answers .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 33 , Section 3 , 3a .

1. Ask Ss to read through again to find the relevant information for Yang Lei’s students .

2. Ask Ss to complete the information under “you” , saying what is true for their own lives .

3. Have Ss discuss their answers with their partner .

SB Page 33 , Section 3 , 3b . In pairs ,ask and answer the questions .

SB Page 33 , Section 3 , 3c .Have Ss write a summary of the reading and share the summaries in groups of five .

Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 33 , Section 4 .

1. Have a class discussion about the work each organization does .

2. Ask some Ss to say which organization they would like to work for and why .

Step 5 Homework

Write the summary of the reading on their exercise books .


Unit 5 If you go to the party , you’ll have a great time !

Teaching goals:

1. Words and expressions in this unit .

2. Target language :

Are you going to the party ?

Yes , I am . I’m going to wear my jeans .

If you do , you’ll have a great time .

You should wear your cool pants .

3. 掌握现在进行时态表示将来(Present progressive as future ).

4. 学习条件状语从句: if + will .

5. 进一步了解情态动词should的用法.

6. 学习谈论因果关系.

7. 做出决定是否做某事.

Important and difficult points :

1. 学习运用be going to 和will构成的一般将来时。

2. if 引导的条件状语从句。

Teaching aids : teaching cards , a tape recorder .

Period 1

Teaching contents:SectionA 1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,2c,grammar focus .

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

Draw two pictures on the Bb ,in the first picture a boy is getting up late ,and in the second picture the boy can’t catch the early bus .Then talk about the pictures with Ss and write down the sentence “If you get up late , you will not catch the early bus .”Read the sentences ,Ss repeat .

Repeat with other sets of pictures .

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 34 , 1a .

1. Point out the pictures and ask Ss to tell what they see .

2. Ask some students to read the statements and responses .

3. Have Ss match the statements and responses on their own .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 34 , 1b .

1. Play the tape and get Ss to check their answers to activity 1a .

2. Talk about the answers together .

SB Page 34 , 1c .

1. Ask two Ss to read the example in the sample in activity 1c.

2. In pairs , get Ss to talk about what happened in the pictures .

3. Ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class .

SB Page 35 , 2a & 2b .

1. Read the instructions .Make sure the students know what to do .

2. Play the recording .Ss listen and write down their answers .

3. Correct the answers .

Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 35 , 2c .

1. Ask two students to read the sample dialogue .

2. In pairs ,get the students to role play the conversation between Andrea and her friend .

3. Ask a few pairs of students to practice their conversations for the class .

Step 5 Grammar Focus

SB Page 35 , Grammar Focus .

1. Review the grammar focus .Ask Ss to say the statements and responses .

2. Ask Ss to work in small groups .Ask each group to write down as many sentences like those in the grammar focus as they can.

3. Ask some groups to share their sentences with the class .

Homework :

Have Ss write their sentences on their exercise books.


Period 2

Teaching contents: SectionA 3a,3b,4,SectionB 1,2a,2b,2c.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Leading in

Ask some students to make sentences with if .

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 36 , 3a .

1. First ,let Ss read the notice from the principal .

2. Read the dialogue to the class saying bland when come to a blank line .

3. Get Ss read the notice again and fill in the blanks .

4. Correct the answers .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 36 , 3b .

1. Ask some students to read out the sample dialogue and the words in the box .

2. In pairs , let Ss have a conversation about the rules .

3. Get some pairs to say their conversations to the class .

SB Page 36 , Part 4 .

1. Read the instructions and ask Ss to complete the work in pairs .

2. Ask a few students to share their conversations .

Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 37 , Part 1 .

Ask students to complete the work on their own .Then do a quick check to see which things are most important to students in the class .

SB Page 37 , 2a & 2b .

1. Read the instructions and play the recording .

2. Ss listen and write down their answers .

3. Correct the answers .

SB Page 37 , 2c .

In pairs , get Ss to role play a conversation according to the information in activity 2b .


Have Ss write their conversations on their exercise books.


Period 3

Teaching contents :SectionB 3a , 3b , 3c , 4 , selfcheck .

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

Check the homework .Ask a few students to present their dialogue to the class .

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 38 , 3a .

1. Read the instruction and ask students to read the article first for the meaning .

2. Let Ss read the article again and complete the chart .

3. Check the answers .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 38 , 3b .

1. Read the instructions .Ask Ss to look back at activity 2a and 2b to get ideas for the letter .

2. Ask Ss to complete the letter on their own .

3. Ask some students to read their completed letters to the class .

SB Page 38 , 3c .

1. Ask two different students to read the two sets of sentences in the examples .

2. Have Ss write about their own plans .

3. Ask several students to read their sentences to the class .

Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 38 , Part 4.

1. Read the instructions and then have a student read the example .

2. Ask the whole class to practice doing the exercise together .

3. Ask Ss to work in groups of four or five .Then let several groups to say their stories to the class .

Step 5 Selfcheck

SB Page 39 , Selfcheck Part 1 .

1. Ask Ss to fill in the blanks on their own .

2. Check the answers .

3. Ask Ss to make their own sentences with the words given .

SB Page 39 , Selfcheck Part 2. Have Ss fill in the blanks on their own .Correct the answers .

Step 6 Homework

Have students write the sentences in Part 2 on their exercise books .


Review of units 1-5

Teaching contents: Review of units 1-5(SB Page 40-43) .

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Leading in

SB Page 40 , 1a .Ask Ss to do the crossword individually .Correct the answers .

SB Page 40 , 1b .

1. Have Ss understand what they need to do by explaining the example .

2. Ask Ss to do the activity in pairs .

3. Ask several pairs to share their clues with the class .Let the other students guess the answer .

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 41 , 2a & 2b .

1. Read the instructions and let Ss know what to do .

2. Play the recordings of conversations 1-4 .

3. Correct the answers .

SB Page 41 , 2c .

1. Replay the second dialogue about the school fire .

2. Ask two pairs of students to practice the sample dialogue for the class .

3. Ss complete the task .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 42 , Part 3 .

1. Remind Ss to write in sentences .

2. Ask some Ss for their suggestions .

SB Page 42 , Part 4 .

1. Ask a few Ss about things they like to do ,tell Ss to write five things they do .

2. Ask Ss to share their activities with their partner .

3. Ask Ss to share the answers with their partner .

Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 42 , Part 5 .

1. Ask Ss to rank the signs in order of importance .

2. Ask Ss for their answers .

SB Page 43 , Part 6 .

1. Explain to Ss that aliens landed at your school the week before .Ask Ss to interview several people and write down what the people said .

2. Instruct Ss to turn the quotes they have into reported speech in their magazine article .Let Ss do activity on their own .Monitor and provide support as required .

Step 5 Homework

SB Page 43 , Part 7 .Have Ss complete the questionnaire .


Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shell ?

Teaching goals:

1. Words and expressions in this unit .

2. 现在完成进行时的用法。

3. Patterns: How long have you been doing sth ?

I have been doing sth since … .

I have been doing sth for … (period of time) .

4. 谈论人们做某事持续多长时间。

5. 谈论人们的业余爱好。

Important and difficult points:

1. Words and expression in this unit .

2. 现在完成进行时的用法以及与现在进行时和过去进行时的区别。

Teaching aids: teaching cards , pictures , a tape recorder .

Period 1

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

Ask one of the students the question: Liu Ziyang, when did you study English ?Help the student answer: I studied English in .Say,in this unit we’re going to talk about how long we’ve been doing things .Then ask :Liu Ziyang, how long have you been studying English ?Help him to answer : I have been studying English since 2003./I have been studying English for two years .Get Ss to repeat .

Repeat the activity with other students .

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 44 , 1a .

1. Ask a student to read the three questions ,and answer the questions as example like this: I started class at 9:00 .I slept for ten hours . I have been skating for five hours/ I have been skating since five years ago .

2. Have Ss work in groups of four .

3. Ask the class each question and call on several different students to answer .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 44 , 1b .

1. Play the recording and get Ss to fill in the chart .

2. Correct the answers .

SB Page 44 , 1c .In pairs ,get the students to ask and answer .Then ask some pairs to say their conversations to the class.

SB Page 45 , 2a & 2b .

1. Read the instructions and have Ss know what to do .

2. Play the recording .Ss write down their answers .

3. Correct the answers .

Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 45 , 2c .

1. Read the example in sample dialogue in activity 2c .

2. In pairs,role play the interview between Alison and the reporter .

3. Ask two pairs to say their conversations to the class .

Step 5 Grammar Focus

SB Page 45 , grammar focus .

1. Review the grammar box .

2. Explain that in these sentences “since” comes before a date and “for” before a period of time .

3. Ask What is the difference between “How long did you skate ?”and “How long have you been skating?” .Explain that “did” question means that the person has stopped doing the action .The “have you been” question shows that the person is continuing to do the action at the present moment .

Step 6 Homework

Review the present perfect progressive .


Period 2

Teaching contents: SectionA 3a,3b,4,SectionB 1a,1b,2a,2b,2c.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Leading in

Ask some students the questions: How long did you skate ?How long have you been studying English ?

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 46 , 3a .

1. Ask Ss to read the passage and fill in the table .

2. Check the answers .

SB Page 46 , 3b .Read the instructions and ask Ss to complete the task .Correct the answers .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 47 , 1a & 1b .

1. Ask different students to say the items they see in the picture .

2. Ask students to write the names of things they collect and things they would like to correct in the chart .

3. Ask some students to read their lists to the class .

4. In pairs ,let students tell their partner what they collect and what they would like to collect .Say why .

5. Ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class .

SB Page 47 , 2a & 2b .

1. Read the instructions and let the students know what to do .

2. Play the recording and get students to fill in the chart .

3. Correct the answers .

Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 47 , 2c .

1. Ask two students to read the example in the sample dialogue .

2. Have students practice conversations in pairs .

3. Ask two pairs to say their conversations to the class .

Step 5 Homework

SB Page 46 , Part 4 .

1. Read the instructions and ask two students to read the dialogue .

2. Make sure students understand what they need to do .

3. Have students complete the work in groups of four after class .


Period 3

Teaching contents: Section A 3a,3b,4a,4b,selfcheck.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Leading in

Check the homework .Ask on group of students to share their conversations with the class .

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 48 , 3a .

1. Ask some different students to tell what they see in the picture .

2. Read the instructions and make sure students know what to do .

3. Ask students to read the e-mail on their own and then draw lines matching each snow globe with its description.

4. Correct the answers .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 48 , 3b .

1. Read the instruction to make sure students know what to do .

2. Ask students to complete the message ,writing about Bob ,Marcia or Liam in activity 2a .

3. Ask some students to read their messages to the class .

SB Page 48 , 4a .

1. Ask two students to read the dialogue.

2. Ask a student the same questions but let him answer with his own hobbies .

3. In groups of four ,have students complete the work .

4. Ask two groups of students to share their conversations .

SB Page 48 , 4b .

1. Point to the questions and ask a student to read them to the class .

2. In groups of four ,get students discuss each question .

3. Read the four questions one by one and ask each group to say their answers to the class .

Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 49 , Selfcheck , Part 1.

1. Ask students to fill in the blanks on their own .

2. Ask one student to write the answers on the Bb .

3. Correct the answers .

4. Ask some different students to make sentences with the words given .

SB Page 49 , Selfcheck , Part 2 . Ask students to complete the letter on their own .Then ask on student to read his letter to the class .

Step 5 Homework

Have students write their letters on their exercise books .


Period 4

Teaching contents: Reading:I’ve been studying history in China .

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Before reading

SB Page 50 , Section 1 .

1. In groups of four ,get students to discuss the three questions .

2. Ask a speaker from one group to tell the class what the group knows .Help to complete any missing dynasties and famous characters the class should know .

Step 2 While reading

SB Page 50 , Section 2 .

1. Ask students to read the passage silently once for general meaning .Ask students if there is anything they don’t understand .

2. Let students read the passage again for detail .

Step 3 After reading

SB Page 51 , Section 3 , 3a .Ask students to scan the text for information to complete the sentences .

SB Page 51 , Section 3 , 3b & 3c .

1. In groups of three ,let students practice the sample conversations first ,then make their own conversations .

2. Ask two groups of students to present their own conversations in front of the class .

Step 4 Go for it

1. Direct the students’ attention to the box and read the heading on the left and ask students to list other things they would miss .

2. Ask students to share their ideas .

3. In the same way ,do with the right part of the chart .

Step 5 Homework

1. Remember the words and expressions in this unit .

2. Review the present perfect progressive .


Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music ?

Analysis of Unit 7

Teaching goals:

1. 学习Would you mind doing sth ?这一句型,学会恳请对方对于某事如何表达歉意。

2. 本单元围绕“歉意、恳请”这一话题展开教学,以此培养学生的交际能力。

Important points :

A: Would you mind doing sth ?

B: I’m sorry .I’ll do it right away .

A: Would you mind not doing sth ?

B: Sorry. We’ll go and play in the park .

Difficult points :

比较: Would you mind (not) doing sth ?

Could you please do sth ?

Please do sth .

You have to do sth .


Would you mind cleaning your room ?

I’m sorry .I’ll do it right away .

Would you mind moving your bike ?

No, not at all .I’ll do it right away .

Period 1

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Assign the task

Write the following requests on the Bb :

Can you give me the book ?

Please give me the book .

Would you mind giving me your book .

Explain that the last example is a very polite way of making a request .

Step 2 Warm up Section A(1a-1c)

SB Page 52 ,1a .

1. Point to the four requests in the box .Say each phrase to the class and ask the Ss to repeat it .

2. Point to the picture .Ask Ss to write the letter of each request in the correct place in the picture .

3. Correct the answers .

SB Page 52 ,1b .

1. Point to the list of requests in activity 1a.Play the recording the first time .Ss only listen .

2. Play the recording a second time .Correct the answers .

SB Page 52 ,1c.

1. Ask two students to read the words in the sample dialogue in activity 1c. Say, You’ll work with your partner .Make requests .

2. Ask two pairs to say their conversations to the class .

Step 3 Pre-task Section A (2a-2c)

SB Page 53 ,2a .

1. Read the instructions with the students .Play the recording the first time .Ss only listen .

2. Play the recording a second time .Ask Ss to write the number of each conversation .

3. Correct the answers.

SB Page 53 , 2b .

1. Point out the five responses in activity 2b .Ask different Ss to read each one to the class .

2. Play the recording .this time ask Ss to fill in the letters of the pictures in front of the responses .

3. Correct the answers .

SB Page 53 , 2c .

Ask two Ss to read the words in the sample dialogue .Say, Make conversations like this about the information above .

Step 4 Grammar Focus

1. Review the grammar box .Ask students to say the statements and responses .

2. Ask students to talk about the differences among the different sentences .

Exercise: 汉译英:

a) 你介意把门关上吗?好的,我马上就办。

b) 你介意把收音机关小点儿声吗?不,一点也不。

c) 请不要在教室里大声说话好吗?对不起。


Period 2

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Pre-task

SB Page 54 , 3a .

1. Read the instructions .Point to the pictures .Ask Ss to explain what is happening in each picture .

2. Point to the note .Ask Ss to read the note and fill in answers .

3. Check the answers .

SB Page 54 , 3b .

1. Read the instructions .Point out the list of requests and commands in the box .

2. Ask Ss to make conversation like the sample dialogue .

3. Ask several pairs to say one of their conversations to the class .

SB Page 54 , Part 4.

1. Ask Ss to complete the work in groups .

2. Ask a few students to share the sample conversation .

Homework : 完成对话

A: mind up ? You to help me in the kitchen .

B: OK .I’ll get up right . Do I have to the dishes .

A: Yes , and you have to help me dinner .

B: OK . When I finish , you help me my homework ?

A: Sure .


Period 3

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Assign task

Teach the new words .

SB Page 55 , 1a .

1. Read the instruction and ask Ss to read each situation and think about the two questions .

2. Ask some students to share their answers with the class .Ask other students whether they agree with the opinions or not .

SB Page 55 , 1b .

1. Help the students understand that something that is unpleasant or something that bothers you is annoying .

2. Then ask the students to number the ideas from most annoying to least annoying .

3. Ask the class to vote on the most annoying item on the list .

SB Page 55 , 2a .

1. Read the instructions .Play the r4ecording .This time Ss only listen .Answer any questions they have about the recording .

2. Play the recording again and ask the students to write the number 1, 2 and 3 in front of the correct pictures .

3. Correct the answers .

SB Page 55 , 2b .

1. Say , Listen to the three conversations again .This time write the situations ,problems and solutions in the chart .

2. Point out the sample answers .Play the recording again .Ask Ss to fill in the answers on their own .You may need to pause the tape from time to time to allow students to write answers in their books.

3. Check the answers .

SB Page 55 , 2c .

1. Read the instructions .Point out the problems in activity 2b .

2. Ask one or two students to say the conversations to the class .

Step 2 While-task

SB Page 56 , 3a.

1. Read the article to the class .Ask Ss which words they don’t understand. Write these words on the board .

2. Ask students to underline the things that are annoying .Then have the students circle what people do when something annoying happen.

3. Correct the answers with the class .

SB Page 56 , 3b .

1. Look at each picture with the class .Ask different students to tell what is happening in each picture .

2. Read the instructions and ask students to complete the activity on their own .

3. Check the answers .

SB Page 56 , Part 4 .

1. This activity provides speaking ,listening and writing practice using the target language .

2. Ask students to complete the work in groups .


Period 4

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Self Check

SB Page 57, Part 1 .

1. Ask Ss to fill in the blanks on their own .Check the answers.

2. Ask Ss to make their own sentences with the words ,preferably sentences that are meaningful .

SB Page 57, Part 2 .

1. Ask the students what might be annoying in the picture .

2. Ask the students to write the letter on their own .

3. Ask a few students to share their letters .

Step 2 While-reading

SB Page 58 , Section 1 .

1. Read the title .Ask the students to predict what they think the article is about based on the article .

2. Look at the picture .Ask students to describe what is happening in the picture .

SB Page 58 , Section 2 .

1. Encourage Ss to use the reading strategy of scanning for specific information .

2. Ask Ss to read the article carefully once time .Then ask Ss to raise their hands and say which words and sentences they don’t understand .Encourage Ss to read in contest ,guessing the meaning of words and phrases from the other words around them.

3. Ask the Ss to read the article again for comprehension .

SB Page 58 , Section 3 .

1. complete the task .Ss can work individually or in pairs .

2. Check the answers .

3. Practice students’ speaking and listening skills .

Homework: 词组翻译

1. 控制你的声音 2. 熄灭 3. 例如

4. 在公共场所 5. 捡起垃圾 6. 实际上

7. 排队 8. 变得气恼


Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf ?

Analysis of Unit 8

Teaching goals :

1. 掌握如何表达应该给别人买什么礼物,掌握如何建议别人买礼物的表达法,掌握如何比较物品的品质。

2. 通过学习如何赠送礼物,对比中西方文化的不同。

Important points :

1. What should I get sb ?

2. Why don’t you get/buy sb sth ?

3. What about /How about sth ?

4. It’s/They are too + adj .

5. Present perfect tense .

Difficult points :

1. too + adj : 太…

2. adj + enough :足够


1. What should I get my sister ?

2. Why don’t you get a camera ? hat’s too expensive .

3. How about some tennis balls ? hey are too cheap .

4. What about a watch ? That’s too personal .

5. What’s the best present you have ever received ? A bike .

Period 1

Teaching of new lesson

Step 1 Assign the task

In this unit students learn to compare qualities .

SB Page 60 , 1a .

1. Ask Ss to read the list of gifts and any words they don’t understand .Use simple drawings or use the words in other sentences to explain their meaning .

2. Point to the column heads and ask Ss to write the name of each gift under one or more other gifts you can think of ? Add them to the chart .

3. Discuss the answers .

SB Page 60 , 1b .

1. Point out the picture and the gifts in the second boy’s thought bubbles .Ask Ss to say the name of each gift .

2. Then ask a pair of students to read the conversation .

3. Play the recording the first time .Ss only listen .

4. Then play the recording a second time .Number the sentences from 1 to 4 .

5. Check the answers .

SB Page 60 , 1c .

1. Read the instructions and then have Ss work in pairs .

2. Check the answers by calling on several different pair of students to say their conversations to the class .

Step 2 Warm up

SB Page 61 , 2a .

1. Point out the chart and read the instructions .Say , You will hear three conversations .After each conversation , put a check after the name of the person who is going to receive the gift .

2. Play the recording and ask Ss to make checkmarks in the chart .

3. Check the answer .

SB Page 61 , 2b .

1. Point out the suggestions and Comments .Review the meaning of any terms students are not sure of .

2. Point out the sample answers .

3. Play the recording several times .Fill in the suggestions and comments on this chart .

4. Correct the answers .

SB Page 61 , 2c .

1. Ask two students to read the example in the sample dialogue in activity 2c .Say , Please work with your partner .

2. Ask one or tow pairs of students to say their answers to the class .

Step 3 Grammar Focus

Review the grammar box .Ask students to say the statements and responses .

Exercise –designing for Period 1: 汉译英

1. 我该给爸爸什么样生日礼物?照相机怎么样?那太贵了!

2. 为什么你不给妈妈买一条围巾呢?那不够有趣。


Period 2

Teaching of new lesson

Step 1 Pre-task

SB Page 62 , 3a .

1. Point out the chart in activity 3a .Review the meaning of any words Ss don’t understand .

2. Ask Ss to work in pairs .

3. Point out the example in the sample dialogue .Then complete the first question and answer exchange with a student .

4. Ask the pairs to continue on their own .Move around the room checking the progress of the pairs .

5. Correct the answers .

SB Page 62 , 3b .

1. Read the instruction .Say ,This activity is just like activity 3qa .But this time you are going to talk about real gifts that you have received .

2. Ask a pair of students to read the example in speech bubbles to the class .Ask several other students to do this .

3. Then ask Ss to work in pairs .As they talk , move around the room checking progress and offering language support as needed .

Step 2 While-task

SB Page 62 , Part 2 .

1. Read the instructions .Ss can practice several times .

2. Ask two students to read the dialogue .

3. Ask Ss to complete the work in pairs .

4. Ask a few students to share the sample conversation .

Exercise designing for Period 2: 完成对话

A: What’s the best Vera has ever ?

B: A bracelet .

A: When Vera it ?

B: his tenth birthday .

A: Who it to him ?

B: His grandma .

A: a lucky guy !


Period 3

Teaching of new lesson

Step 1 Assign task

SB Page 63 , 1a .

1. This activity reviews earlier vocabulary and introduces some new words .

2. Point out the pet shop in the picture .Ask different students to point to and say the names of the animals they see there .

3. Read the instructions .Ask Ss to write the names of the animals in the picture in the correct parts of the diagram .

4. Discuss the answers .

SB Page 63 , 1b .

1. Ask a student to read the example in the sample dialogue .

2. Ask Ss to do the activity in small groups .

3. Ask different students of each group to tell the class what is the most unusual pet and most popular pet .

SB Page 63 , 2a & 2b .

1. Point out the write-on lines on front of each pet .Say , You will listen to the recording and write your answers on these lines .

2. Read the instructions and answer any questions students may have.

3. Play te recording .

4. Correct the answers .

SB Page 63 , 2c .

1. Read the instructions for the activity

2. Point to the example .Ask two students to read the questions and answers to the class .

3. Then have Ss work in pairs .

4. Check the answers by calling on different pairs to do one question and answer each .

Step 2 While-task

SB Page 64 , 3a .

1. Read the story to the class .After you finish ,ask if Ss have any questions about the words or phrases on the article .

2. Say ,Now read the story again .Write the answers to the two questions .

3. Check the answers .

SB Page 64 , 3b .

1. Point to the picture and read the instructions .

2. Point out the list of good and bad things about hamster .

3. Ask Ss to finish the writing on their own .Ask Ss work , move around the classroom checking the work .

4. Ask a student to read his or her completed article to the class .

SB Page 64 , 3c .

1. Read the instructions .

2. Remind Ss not to say the name of the animal they are writing about on their articles .

3. Ask Ss to write their articles on their own .

SB Page 64 , Part 4 .

1. Read the instructions .Ask if any students have pets .If so ,ask about the advantages and disadvantages of such pets .

2. Ask a few groups to share their lists .


Period 4

Teaching of new lesson

Step 1 Self Check

SB Page 65 , Part 1 .

1. Ask Ss to fill in the blanks on their own .

2. Check the answers .

3. Ask Ss to make their own sentences with the words ,preferably sentences that are meaningful .

SB Page 65 , Part 2 .

1. Read the instructions .

2. Ask Ss to read the passage on their own .

3. Ask Ss to work on their own .

4. Ask a few groups to share their lists .

Step 2 While-reading

1. Ask Ss what English songs they like best .Then look at the picture .Ask Ss to describe what is happening in the picture .

2. Read the reading strategy with the students. Encourage Ss to use it to read the story .

3. Ask Ss to read the article once .Ask Ss to raise their hands and say which words and sentences they don’t understand .

4. Ask Ss to read the article again for comprehension .

SB Page 67 , 3a .

1. Ss complete the task .Remind them to look at the story again for extra help .

2. Check the answers .

SB Page 67 , 3b & 3c .

1. Read the instructions with the students .

2. Ss complete the task .

3. Check the answers .

Exercise designing for Period 4 : 按要求写出下列单词

1. cheap(反义词) 2. interesting(反义词)

3. person(形容词) 4. lucky(名词)

5. friend(形容词) 6. agree(反义词)

7. good(最高级) 8. usual(反义词)

9. care(副词) 10. spend(过去式)


Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park ?

Teaching goals :

1. 掌握如何表达现在完成时。

2. 对比现在完成时,一般过去时和现在进行时表将来的用法。

3. 描述某人曾经去过哪些有趣的地方。

Important and difficult points :

1. 现在完成时态。

2. so 和neither 的区别。

3. have been to sw 与have gone to sw 的区别。

Structures :

Have you ever been to an aquarium ?

Yes , I’ve been to an aquarium .

No ,I haven’t .

No ,I’ve never been to an aquarium .

I’ve never been to a water park . Neither have I .

Functions : Talk about past experiences .

Period 1

Teaching of new lesson :

Step 1 Assign the task

New language

Have you ever been to Europe ?

Yes ,I have . / No , I’ve never been to Europe .

In this unit ,students learn to talk about past experiences in the other way .

Step 2 Warm up Section A (1a-1c)

SB Page 68 , 1a .

1. Read each of the words and phrases at the top of the page to the class .

2. Read the instructions .

3. Do a quick check to see where Ss would like most to visit .

SB Page 68 , 1b .

1. Read the instructions .

2. Point out the sample answer .

3. Play the recording .Ask Ss to check off their answers .

SB Page 68 , 1c .

1. Read the instructions for the activity .

2. Point to the example in the sample dialogue .Ask two students to read the dialogue to the class .

3. Then have Ss work in pairs .

4. Check the answers by calling on several different pairs of students to say their conversations to the class .

Step 3 Pre-task

SB Page 69 , 2a .

1. Read the instructions .

2. Point to the map ,play the recording and ask Ss to circle pla


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Unit 1 How often do you exercise ?Teaching goals:1. Words &phrases: how often , hardly , twice , once , difference , look after , although ,etc .2. Learn to talk about how often do you do things .3. 一些表示频率的副词: always , usually , often , never , hardly ever , sometimes .4. 句子结构: What do you usually do on weekends ? How often ?及回答.Important and difficult points :What does she /he do on weekends ?She often goes to the movies .How often do you shop ?Once a week / Twice a week .Teaching aids : cards , pictures and a tape recorder .Period 1Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading-in1.Greetings:Talk about something the students did on

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summer vacation .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 1 , 1a .1. Look at the picture (学生识图).2. Name each activity .T: What are they doing ?They are shopping /reading /exercising /watching TV /skateboarding .(Help the students to answer )3. Write the activities on the line .4. Check the answers on the Bb .Correct their own activities .5. Practise reading .SB Page 1 , 1c .1. Focus on the conversation in the box .2. Practise reading .3. Pairwork : What do you do on weedends ? I .4. Groupwork :Divide the class into groups of four or five .Make conversations .First S1 to S2:S1:What do you do on weekends ?

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S2:I .S1:What does she /he do on weekends ?S2:She /He .5. Act out their own dialogues .Step 3 While-task SB Page 1 , 1b .1. Look at each picture in 1c.Tell what the person does on weekends .Check the Ss orally.2. Make sure what they will hear and do .3. Read these adverbs and explain.4. Play the tape twice .Write the letters on the line.SB Page 2 , 2a & 2b .1. read the activities and the answers of “how often” first .2. Practise reading .3. In 2a we should know the activities you hear .In 2b we should know the answers of how often he does the activities.4. Play the tape for a first time .Ss only listen .5. Play the tape a second time .Ss do 2a .

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6. Play the tape a third time .Check the answers .7. Play the tape .Ss do 2b .8. Check the answers .In this part ,we should pay attention to how often引起的特殊疑问句及回答.Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 2 , 2c .1. Focus on the conversation .2. Practice reading .3. Read the activities in the left box .4. Fill in the chart .5. Pairwork: Make conversations .


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Period 2Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading-in1. Greetings2. Drills:T: What do you usually do on weekends ?S1: I usually play soccer .T: How often do you play soccer ?S1: I play soccer twice a week .T: How often does he play soccer ?The other Ss: He plays soccer twice a week .Repeat for three times .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 2 ,Grammar Focus .1. Review the grammar box .Ss say the questions and answers .2. Practise reading .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 3 , Part 3 .

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1. Call attention to the survey .Make sure the Ss understand the chart .T: What activity do ninety-five percent of Green High students do every day ?Ss answer .If necessary , give them help .2. Review the information in the green box with Ss .3. Read the article first by the Ss .4. Read it to the class .5. Look at the survey and fill in the blanks in the article .6. Finish the activity individually .7. Check the answers .8. Practise reading .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 3,Part 4 .1. T: What can you do to improve your English ?(e.g. read English books, practice reading and speaking ) How often do you ?2. Think of more things you can do to improve your English and write them here .

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3. Ask several Ss each question .4. See: Who is the best English students in the class Homework:Revise the new words .


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Period 3Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in1. Greetings & free talk .2. Practise reading the article in Page 3.3. Check the homework.Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page4 , 1a .1. Point out the five phrases .2. Ss read after the teacher .3. Make sure the Ss understand what do they mean .4. Call attention to the pictures .Say something about the pictures .5. Match the words with the pictures .6. Check the answers .7. Practice reading .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 4 , 1b .1.pay attention to the conversation in the box on the right .

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2. Read it to the class .3. Explain : “be good for” means :有益于…,对…有好处.4. Pairwork. Choose a new partner .Use the words in Activity 1a to make conversations .5. Share the students’ conversations.SB Page 4 ,2a&2b .1. T : Now you will hear a reporter interview two people ,Katrina & Bill .Read the two names for the Ss. In 2a ,we’ll know who is healthy , Bill or Katrina ?2. Read the questions in 2a .3. Listen to the tape carefully twice .Circle “yes” , “no” or “I don’t know” in the chart .4. Before we check the answers in 2a,we’ll read through the questions in 2b .Pay attention to Katrina’s and Bill’s answers .5. Play the tape again .This time ,if we have heard one questions and we have a pause .Make sure Katrina’s and Bill’s answer.

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6. From the answers in 2b ,we can tell who is healthy Bill or Katrina ?Step 4 Post-taskRole-play .Groupwork .Divide the Ss into groups of three .S1 is interview,S2 is Katrina ,S3 is Bill .S1: How often do you exercise ?S2: I exercise every day .S3: … .With the help of 2b .Homework 请同学们用2b里面的问题调查你熟悉的两位同学,写出答案并做比较.


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Unit 2 What’s the matter ?Teaching goals: 1. 词汇.让学生熟记这些单词,能够很熟练地指出表示身体部位的某些单词.2. 能够用所学的单词谈论身体并且能给出中肯的建议.3. 通过听力练习,争取能够提高学生的听力能力.4. 文化欣赏,中国文化.Important and difficult points:1. words .2. How to talk about the health and give the advice .Period 1Teaching procedures:Step 1 Leading in1.T :How many parts of the body can you name ?What’s this ?(head , mouth etc.)Today we’ll learn some parts of the body .2.This is my head .Oh ,I have a headache .Step 2 Pre-task1.Read the new words by the Ss first .

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2. Then check the Ss if they can read the new words by themselves correctly .if there is a mistakes ,correct .3. Practice reading the new words .Give them 6 minutes .4. Have a competition between boys and girls .Write the words you remembered just now on the blackboard .5. Page7,1a.Do this part by the Ss first. Write the correct letter after the name of each body part on the list .6. Check the answers .7. Play a game .All the Ss close your books ,we’ll have a instructor to say :Touch your nose /head /right ear … .Let’s see which student do it correctly and quickly .First all the Ss do this game .Then have competitions between boys and girls .5 boys and 5girls to the front to do what the instructor said .if you are wrong ,please go back to your seats ,the last one who stands at the front is the winner .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 7, 1b .Listen and check the answers .SB Page 7,1c .Work in pairs and act out .

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SB Page 8, 2a .1. Point out the eight items in this activity .Read the item to the class .Ss repeat .2. There are different conversations .Listen carefully . people are talking about health problems they have and getting advice .3. Match the problems with the advice .4. Play the tape twice .5. Check the answers .Step 4 Post-task 同桌之间设计一个医生与病人之间的对话.Step 5 Homework 1. Remember the name of your body part .2. Write conversations between the doctor and the patient .


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Period 2Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in 1. Free talk .2. Revise playing the game .3. Practice reading the dialogues .Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 8, 2b .1. Pay attention to the four pictures .Each of these pictures illustrates one of the conversations .2. Play the tape ,write the missing words on the blank lines .3. Play the tape again and check the answers .4. Pairwork .Practice reading the dialogues in the pictures .Take turns having the problem and giving the advice .5. Practice reading the dialogue in 2c ,and make their onw conversations .6. Act out the dialogue .

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Step 3 While-taskSB Page 9, 3a .1. Point out the picture and ask Ss to describe it .(There is a boy sitting on a bench .He’s sick .A teacher is talking to him )2. Pay attention to the dialogue and the blanks in the dialogue .3. Fill in the blanks in the conversation .4. Go over the answers.5. Practice reading the dialogue with a student, then work in pairs .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 9 , 3b .1. Look at the picture with activity .A: What’s the matter ?B: I’m not feeling well . I have a toothache /fever/sore throat /sore back .2. Pairwork.Make your own dialogues setting 3a as an example .

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3. Act out the dialogue .Ask some pairs to come to the front to act out their onw dialogues .SB Page 9, Part 4.1. Read the instructions and demonstrate what a “mime” is .2. Read the dialogue by the Ss .3. Ask a student to come to the front and mime an illness ,the other Ss guess what the illness is .4. Ask one student to give advice .5. Give several students an opportunity to come to the front and mime an illness .Step 5 Homework 1. When you had some problems.please remember what the doctor said .2. Remember the new words .


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Period 3Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in1. Free talk .2. Play the game :One student mimes an illness , the other students guess the illness and give advice .What’s the matter? Do you have a sore throat ?Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 10 ,1a .1. Look at the picture .Point out the four new words and expressions .Say each word and ask Ss to repeat .2. The first picture .Explain something about it using one of the four words and expressions .3. Match the words with the pictures by the Ss .4. Check the answers .5. Practice reading and make sure the Ss understand the meaning of the words .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 10,1b .

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1. Read the four sentences ,Ss practice reading .2. Look at the picture and match each picture with advice.3. Check the answers .SB Page 10 ,2a & 2b .1. First ,make sure the Ss understand what they will hear .2. Then read the four names 3. Listen and write the problems on the bland lines .If possible ,write what each person “should” and “shouldn’t” do for their problem.4. Check the answers .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 10,2c .1. Ask two students to read the conversation to the class .2. Pairwork .Make conversations with your partner .3. Act out the conversations for the class .4. Write two dialogues in the exercise book .SB Page 11, 3a &3b .1.3a .Read the article and underline the things you should do . Check the answers .

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2.3b .Let the Ss read the paragraph and fill in the blanks .Check the answers .SB Page 11 ,Part 4.Play the game Step 5 Selfcheck SB Page 12 ,Part 1 .1. Fill in the blanks on their own .2. Make your own sentences with the words .SB Page 12,Part 2.Read the letter .Make sure Ss can understand it .Step 6 Homework1. Remember the words in this unit .2. Do the exercises on Pages 6-8of the workbook .


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Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation ?Teaching goals :1. Words & phrases: babysit ,get back , fishing , rent , think about , decide(on) , tourist etc.2. How to talk about future plans .3. 现在进行时表示将来计划或行动.4. 特殊疑问句(where , when , how long引导)Important and difficult points :Drills :What are you doing for vacation ? I’m watching TV . When are you going ? I’m going … . How long are you staying ? We’re staying for five days .Teaching aids : cards and a tape ,a large wall calendar .Period 1Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in

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1. Free talk .2. Put up the wall calendar .T: I’m staying home on Saturday (pointing to next Saturday ). Ss repeat . Ss: I’m staying home on Saturday . T: OK. Today we’ll learn how to talk about future plans.Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 13 , 1a .1. Look at the picture carefully and tell what you see in the picture .2. Write the activities from the pictures in the box and add some more .3. Practice reading .Step 3 While-task 1. Using the activities we write in 1a to make conversations .For example :What are you doing for vacation ? I’m visiting my uncle .2. Pairwork .Practice in pairs .

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3. 用第三人称练习对话.4. Groupwork . Divide the Ss into groups of four or five .Make conversations .5. Listening Page 13,1b. Check the answers .SB Page 14 ,2a & 2b .1. First ,read the names of the people .2. Play the recording and let Ss fill in the chart .3. Check the answers .Step 4 Post-task SB Page 14,2c .Read the conversations first .Groupwork and fill in the chart .Step 5 Homework1. 如果没填完上面的表格回去接着做完.2. 记单词.


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Period 2Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in 1. Free talk .2. Revise : Make conversations with the setences what are you doing for vacation ?When are you going ?Who are you going with?Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 14,Grammar focus .1. Call attention to the sentences together .Read them by the Ss .Ask a student to say the question using the word he and then again using a boy’s name .2. Do in the same way with “she” and a girl’s name.Step 3 While-taskSB Page 15, 3a .1. Read the conversation by the Ss and practice reading .2. Listen and fill in the chart .3. Check the answers .SB Page 15, 3b .

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1. Look at the conversation in the box .2. Practice reading .3. Pairwork . Make conversations using the information in 3b .4. Act out your conversations .Step 4 Post-task Vacation Dreams .Imagine your dream vacation .Write something on a piece of paper using what we learnt .Share the dreams .Step 5 HomeworkWrite 2 conversations about 3b in the exercise books .If you don’t finish your dream writing, do it at home .


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Period 3Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in 1. Free talk .2. Check the homework :Ask one or two Ss to say something about their dream vacation .并给出全适的评价.Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 16, 1a .1. Say each phrase and ask Ss to repeat .2. Call attention to the pictures .Say something about the pictures .Match each phrase with a picture .3. Check the answers .Step 3 While task1. Make conversation. Work with your partner .Talk about what you would like to do on vacation .2. Share their conversations.SB Page 16 , 2a&2b .1.Read the reporter’s questions together .

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2. Play the recording and check the answers .Step 4 Post-task 1. Find a new partner . Student A is the reporter .Student B is He Yu . A interview B . 2. Read the conversation in 2c and with the help of the listening .Step 5 Homework 1. Remember the new words .2. Write the conversations about your interview .


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Period 4Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in1. Greetings .2. Make an interview with a student .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 17 ,Part 4 .T: What are you doing this weekend ?1. Ask each other ,write down their answers .2. One student to present his /her exercise .Step 3 While-task SB Page 17 , 3a .1. Read the article about Ben Lambert’s vacation plans by the Ss .Tick out the new words .2. Read the article to the class .3. Explain the new words .4. Play the tape .Ss listen and repeat .5. Point out the five numbered pictures .Ss identify the items .

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6. Check the answers .7. Play the tape again .Practice reading .SB Page 17, 3b .T: This is an article about Julia’s vacation plans .Call attention to the blanks in the paragraph .Read the paragraph to the class ,saying blank each time when we come to a bland line .Read the paragraph and fill in the blanks .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 17 , 3c .T: We read about Julia’s vacation and Ben’s vacation .If you are a famous singer or football player ,What are your vacation plans ?Write about your vacation plans .Give them help if they need .Step 5 Homework Complete the Selfcheck .


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Unit 4 How do you get to school?Teaching goals :1. Words & phrases: get to , how far , bicycle , subway , minute , mile , bus stop .2. Talk about how to get to places (谈论出行方式)take the bus /subway /train /taxi , ride a bike /walk .3. how引导的特殊疑问句,表示乘坐何种交通工具的方式.how far ,how long 引导的特殊疑问句.4. 复习基数词及时间的表示方法.5. 了解中外文化的差异.Important and difficult points :1. how /how far /how long 引导的特殊疑问句.2. 乘坐交通工具的表示方法.3. It takes /will take/took sb some time to do sth .Teaching aids: cards and a tape-recorder .Period 1Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in1.Greetings and free talk .

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3. T: How do we get to school ? Some students walk ,some students take the bus ,some students ride a bike .Does anyone take the subway ? No , we have no subway .OK ,today we will learn Unit 4 .Explain : get to Step 2 While-task SB Page19 ,1a&1c .1. Write down how you get to school .2. Look at the picture .Write down how the students get to school.3. Make dialogues with the phrases .4. Groupwork: Divide the students into groups of three or four .Practice reading the dialogues.5. Act out their dialogues .SB Page 19 , 1b .Listening 1. Make sure the Ss know what ot do .Give them an example orally if possible .2. Read the names .3. Play the tape and check the answers .

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SB Page 20 , 2a&2b .1. Revise the numbers .2. Teach the new word :minute .3. Play the tape for the students to finish 2a&2b .Then play again and check the answers .Step 3 Post-taskIf there is time ,make conversations .Step 4 Homework用对话的形式告诉老师你是怎么到达学校并需要多长时间,then please tell me how you get to school and how long it takes .


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Period 2Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in 1. Greetings .2. Check the homework .3. Go over the dialogue in Page20 ,2c .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 20 ,Grammar focus .1. Review the grammar box .Ask students to say the statements and responses .2. Practice reading .3. Explain the usage of “take” in “take the train” and “take sb some time to do sth” .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 21,3a .1. Pay attention to the speech bubbles .Read the questions .2. Read the passage by the Ss. Find the answers to the questions and write the answers on the lines .

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3. Check the answers .SB Page 21, 3b .1. Show Ss the example in the box .Two students read it to the class .2. Pairwork: Make your own conversations using the information in the left box.3. Ask some pairs to present the conversations to the classStep 4 Post-taskSB Page 21 ,Part 4 .Groupwork.Divide the Ss into groups of three .In each group ,one is A,who look at Page 21.One is B,who look at Page 85,the other is C,who look at Page 86 .Fill in the blanks .The group who fill in the blanks first wins .Step 5 HomeworkWrite two conversations in 3b in the exercise books .


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Period 3Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in1. Greetings and free talk .2. Check the homework.3. Go over the passage in 3a Page 21 .Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 22 ,1a .1. Say the four new phrases and Ss repeat .2. Match the words with the pictures .3. Check the answers .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 22,2a&2b .1. Play the tape for the students to finish them .2. Point out the two sets of pictures with a blank line in front of each .3. Check the answers .SB Page 22, 2c .Talk about how Nina gets to school .Step 4 Post-task

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SB Page 23, 3a .1. Read the instructions to the class and read through the statements abut the article .2. Read the article again by the Ss .Write if the statements are true or false in your exercise books.3. Do the activity individually and check the answers .SB Page 23 ,3b .Read the article and fill in the blanks .Check the answers.Selfcheck Part 2 .1. Look at the picture .Make sure what the people in the picture doing .2. Finish the conversation .3. Practice reading .Step 5 Homework1. Write a newspaper article .2. Go over this unit .


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Unit 5 Can you come to my party ?Period 1Teaching contents :Section A:1a , 1b ,1c ,2a ,2b.Teaching goals :1. vocabubary: lesson , hey , baseball game ,test , piano , guitar , aunt , concert , party .2. Patterns: Can you come to my party ?z Sure, I’d love to . Sorry ,I can’t . I have to … .3. 能力目标:学会邀请别人以及回答的方式.4. 情感目标:培养学生礼貌用语的习惯.Teaching procedures :Step 1 leading in Play the song : Happy birthday .Say ,today it’s Meimei’s birthday .She wants to invite you to her birthday party .Can you tell me what she should say ?Ask students to say .

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Step 2 Pre-taskPage 25 ,1a ,1b .Ask ,Can you come to my party ?Ask some students to answer .Ask the students who say I can’t go to say why .Call attention to the words in Activity 1a. Read together .Say ,look at the picture .Ask Ss to tell what they see in each scene .Match the words with the picture and check the answers .Say ,now listen to the recording .Write the name of each person next to his or her picture .Play the recording .Ask Ss to complete the activity individually .Correct the answers .Step 3 While-taskSB Page25 , 1c.Point to the example in the box .Ask Ss to do a practice with partners .Ask some groups to act .Game:

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One student invite some students to his/her party .The other students answer .SB Page 26, 2a .Point to the five sentences .Say ,listen to each conversation and then circle the word that makes the sentences correct .Play the recording .Check the answers .SB Page 26 ,2b .Call attention to the five sentences in activity 2a ,ask a student to read these sentences to the class saying the correct word “can” or “can’t” .Say ,now listen to the recording again .Write the number of the conversation (1 through 3) in front of the reasons .Play the recording .Write down these answers .Check the answers .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 26 ,2c .Call attention to the points listed in activity 2b .

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Ask students to make their own conversation like the example .As students work ,move around the room and monitor .Ask some students to present their dialogue .Step 5 HomeworkPractice :Invite your friends to come to your party .Write down their answers .


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Period 2Teaching contents :Section A Grammar focus , 3a , 3b , 4 .Teaching goals :1. vocabulary : whom , start , join , practice , math test , mall , calendar .2. Patterns : Can you go to the mall this week ? Can she/he/they go to movies ?3. 能力目标:学会写请贴,会制做日程表.4. 情感目标:学会人际交往的基本常识.Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in Ask :How many people did you invite yesterday ?What did they say ?Ask one student to show his answer .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 26 , Grammar focus .Review the grammar box .Ask Ss to say the questions and answers .

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Talk about the two ways people give reasons for saying no to an invitation .Call attention to “has to” and “have to” ,under the words write “I’m ing , and she’s ing .”Step 3 While-taskSB Page 27 , 3a .Call attention to the invitation .Ask questions about it .eg.What kind of invitation is it ?Call attention to the dialogue .Ask a pair of students to read it to the class ,saying blank each time they come to a blank line .Ask students to fill in the blanks according to the invitation .Check the answers .SB Page 27 , 3b .Ask two students to act the conversation you just completed .Call attention to the blank invitation card .Complete this card .

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Ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class .Step 4 Post-task SB Page 27 ,Part 4 .Read the instructions for this activity to the class .Read the dialogue with a student .Point out Eliza’s calendar on page 27 and Lu Qing’s calendar on Page 87.Ask students to make conversations.Discuss the answer with the class .Step 5 Homework1. Make your own calendar .2. Make an invitation .


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Period 3Teaching contents: Section A 1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,2c.Teaching goals:1. vocabulary:Sunday ,Monday ,Tuesday ,Wednesday , Thursday ,Friday ,Saturday ,tomorrow .2. Pattern: Can you play tennis with me ? What’s today ?3. 能力目标:能训练地用英语和别人进行交际.Teaching aids :Step 1 Leading inAsk the student who is on duty to say something to the class .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 28 ,1a , 1b .Show the days of the week in a large monthly calendar .Point out the days of the week at the top of the calendar and ask a student to read these words aloud .Ask a student to point out today’s date ,tomorrow’s date ,the day after tomorrow’s date and yesterday’s date .

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Complete activity 1a ,check the answer .Ask students to write the words today ,tomorrow , yesterday and the day after tomorrow in the correct spaces on the calendars in their books .Step 3 While-task SB Page 28, 1c .Call attention to the example in the box .Ask two students to read it to the class .Ask Ss to work in pairs .Ask :What do you want to do on Monday , Tuesday … ?Write down your answers .Make some conversations with your partner .Ask some Ss to present their conversations .SB Page 28, 2a, 2b .Point to the picture .Listen to the conversation .Can Vince play tennis with Andy ?Circle “yes” or “no” .Play the recording .Ask what can Vince do today .Pay attention to the list of five activities ,and the three

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lettered words .Point out the sample answer ,say, Number 1 is b ,that means that Vince is playing soccer tomorrow .Play the recording .Correct the answers .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 28, 2c .Help student find partners .Say ,one student is Andy ,the other is Vince .Ask the pairs to practice for a few minutes like the example.Ask some pairs to present their conversation .


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Period 4Teaching contents :Section B 3a, 3b ,3c ,4, selfcheck .Teaching goals :1. vocabulary: e-mail message , invitation , science , match ,whole ,come over to ,till 2. Patterns: Thank you for your invitation. I’m sorry I can’t . I have to … .3. 能力目标:学会以“邀请”为主题的书面表达形式,弄懂E-mail 的写作法.4. 情感目标:理解“义务”涵义.Teaching aids : tape , tape-recorder , cards .Teaching procedures:Step 1 Leading inShow an article to the class .Say ,this is a e-mail message .Call attention to the form .Read the article individually .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 29 ,3a .

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Say ,there is another e-mail message .Ask a student to read it to the class .Call attention to the blank calendar .Say ,Now read it again .Then complete Sonia’s calendar .Check the answers .Step 3 While-task SB Page 29 ,3b .Point out the e-mail message .Ask a student to read it aloud .Say ,Fill in the blanks in the e-mail message ,use “I’m+verb+ing” or “I have to +verb”.Ask students to complete the activity on their own .Ask some Ss to present the answers to the class .SB Page 29 ,3c .Say ,now write your own e-mail message to a friend .say why you can’t visit next week , give some reasons you wish .As Ss work ,move around the room monitoring their work.Ask some Ss to read their message to the class .

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Step 4 Post-task SB Page 29 ,Part 4 .Read the instruction to the class.Complete the calendar on Page 88 .Say ,now go around the class .Ask Ss if they can come to your party at the time you are free .Step 5 ExerciseSelfcheckThen ask some students to present their answers .Check the answers .


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Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister .Period 1Teaching contents : Section A 1a , 1b, 1c ,2a ,2b ,2c .Teaching goals :1. vocabulary : outgoing , more , than , calm , wild , athletic , twin ,tall , short , thin .2. Pattern: He has shorter hair than Sam . Is Tom smarter than Tim ?3. 能力目标:能对人物的外表进行描绘,个性进行比较.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Leading in Ask a student to introduce herself/himself .Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 31 , 1a .Show some pictures to Ss .Say ,They are stars .Ask Ss to tell what they see .Ask Ss to use the words :tall ,wild , thin , long hair , short hair , heavy , calm , short and so on .

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Then ask Ss to repeat these sentences :Yao Ming is taller than Ronaldo .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 31 , 1c , 1b .Call attention to the picture .Point out the sample conversation in activity 1c .Say ,Now work with a partner .Make your own conversation about the twins .Ask several pairs to say one or more of their conversations .Then listen to the recording .Ask Ss to number the twins .Check the answers .SB Page 32 ,2a .Point out the two columns and read the headings :-er , -ier and more .Then point out the words in the box .Read .Say ,now listen and write the –er and –ier words in the first column and the words that use more in the second column .Play the recording and check the answers .

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SB Page 32 , 2b .Point out the picture and the two boxes with the headings Tina is and Tara is .Say ,listen to the recording .Write word in the boxes .The words are from the list in activity 2a .Play the recording and check the answers .Step 4 Post-task SB Page 32 , 2c .Point out the chart in activity 2c and on Page 89 . Say , Make your own conversations according to the information. Ask pairs to continue on their own .Correct the answers .Step 5 HomeworkHow are you and your sister /brother different ?Write down .


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Period 2Teaching contents: Grammar focus , 3a , 3b ,4 .Teaching procedures:Step 1 Leading inAsk ,How are you and your mother/father different ?Ask some Ss to answer .Step 2 Pre-task Grammar focus . Review the grammar box .Ask Ss to read the sentences to the class .Call attention to the word “funny”,circle “y” and say when a word ends in y ,change “y” to an “i” and add –er .Write the phrases “more athletic than” .Say,when you complete things using words with three or more syllables ,you use the word more .Practice : happy , outgoing , short , thin , good .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 33 , 3a .Call attention to the letter .Ask a student to read it to the class .Say, now read the article ,then answer the questions .

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Write if the statements are true ,or false ,or “don’t know” if you don’t know the answer .Check the answers .SB Page 33 , 3b .Say ,tell your partner about things that are the same and different between you and a member of your family or a friend .You can make a conversation like the example .Ask two Ss to read the sample conversation in the box .Have Ss work and ask some pairs to say their dialogues .Step 4 Post-taskRead the instruction to the class .Ask pairs of Ss how many same and different examples they found .Work in pairs and ask some pairs to read their lists .Step 5 HomeworkWrite down the same and different between you and a friend .


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Period 3Teaching contents : Section B 1a , 1b , 2a , 2b , 2c .Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in Show a maxim to Ss : A friend indeed is a friend in need .Ask ,What kind of things are important in a friend ?Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 34 , 1a .Read each description to the class and ask the Ss to repeat.What kind of things are important in a friend .Rank the things below 1-6 (1 is most important )Ask different Ss to copy the six phrases on the Bb .Then read the phrases together .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 34 , 1b .Say , Now make your own statements about friends using the phrases in activity 1a .Ask some Ss to tell the class what they look for in a friend .And say ,who is your best friend ?

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SB Page 34 , 2a .Play the recording and check the answers .SB Page 34 , 2b .Play the recording and check the answers .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 34 , 2c .Say , Now work with your partner .Make a conversation using information in the chart .Ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class .Step 5 Homework 连词成句:1. Tom , Sam , intellectual , more , than , is .2. her sister , as … as . not, sports , at , good, is ,Liu Ying.3. me , same , as , the , friend , my , is .4. makes , laugh , a , me , good , I , think , friend .5. outgoing , are , both , we .


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Period 4Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in Greeting .Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 35 , 3b .Read the instruction to the class .Ask Ss to look at the chart on Page 34 .Ask a student to read the example to the class .Say ,now write your own sentences .Ask students who finish first to write sentences on the Bb.Ask some Ss to read the sentences ,each student read one sentence one by one .Step 3 While-task SB Page 35 , 3a .Read the instruction .Point out the sample answer .Say , Now read the article .Explain the words and sentences in your own words .Listen to the recording .

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Say ,Now read the article again .Underline all the words that describe what people are like .Check the answers .SB Page 35 ,3c .Ask Ss to choose a friend to write about .Ask Ss to try to tell the truth .Say ,Now finish the activity on your own .Ask some Ss to read their sentences to the class .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 35 ,Part 4 .Write the names of two outgoing students on the Bb .Say ,Who do think should get the job , A or B ?Ask Ss to work in pairs .Ask some pairs who they thought should get the job and why .Step 5 Exercise Selfcheck .Ask Ss to work on their own .Check the answers .


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Unit 7 How do you make a banana smoothie ?Period 1Teaching contents :Section A 1a ,1b ,1c ,2a ,2b , 2c .Teaching goal :1. vocabulary :blender , yogurt , turn on , cut up , peel , pour , put into , ingredient , cinnamon , teaspoon , amount ,watermelon .2. Patterns: How do you make a banana smoothie ? How many bananas do we need ? How much cinnamon do we need ?3. 能力目标:学会使用how many 和how much 分别对可数名词和不可数名词的量提问.4. 情感目标:培养学生热爱劳动的习惯.Teaching aids : tape , tape-recorder , cards .Teaching procedures:Step 1 Leading inGreeting .Step 2 Pre-task

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SB Page 41 , 1a .Look at the picture .What can you see ?Point out the blank likes in the picture .Ask Ss to write the names of the actions .Choose the correct words .Ask Ss to fill in the blanks on their own .Check the answers .SB Page 41, 1b .Point out the actions in the picture and the list of actions in activity 1b .Play the recording and check the answers .Step 3 While-task SB Page 41 , 1c .Point out the instructions in activity 1b .Ask Ss to talk with a partner .SB Page 42 , 2a .Point out the two columns in the chart and read the headings .Say , Maria and Katie are talking about making fruit salad .Listen carefully .What do they need ?Write the names of the ingredients .

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Play the recording and check the answers .SB Page 42 , 2b .Say ,Now listen again .This time listen to the amout of each ingredient the girls talk about .Write the name of each ingredient next to the correct amount .Ask a student to read the amounts in the first column .Play the recording .Ss work .Check the answers .Step 4 Post-task SB Page 42 ,2c .Read the instruction for the activity .Point to the sample conversation .Ask two students to read the questions and answers to the class .Have Ss work in pairs .Ask some pairs to present their conversations .Step 5 Homework Make a banana smoothie or fruit salad with your friends .


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Period 2Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inGreeting .Ask two students to present their conversation about how to make a banana smoothie or fruit salad .Step 2 Pre-taskGrammar focus .Review the grammar box .Ask Ss to say the questions and answers .Write the words countable and uncountable on the Bb .Ask one or two students to explain what these words meanCall attention to the verb .Say , there are imperative sentences .Ask some students to say sentences like these .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 43 , 3a .Point out the picture and ask Ss what the boy and girl are doing .Point to the four words at the beginning of the activity .Ask Ss to number the words to show the order .Read the conversation .Ask Ss to complete it .

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Check the answers .Ask Ss to read the conversation with their partner .SB Page 43 , 3b .Point out the picture .Ask Ss to tell what is happening in each picture. Review the words :popcorn , popcorn popper ,salt , bowl .Ask a student to read the directions in the box .Ask Ss to work with partner ,then ask one or two students to tell the class how to make popcorn .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 43 , Part 4 .Ask Ss to work in teams of three .Read the instructions. Ask Ss to work in pairs .Then ask some pairs to present their questions and answers to the rest of the class .Step 5 HomeworkWrite your own recipe about a sandwich .


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Period 3Teaching contents :Section B 1a , 1b , 2a , 2b , 2c .Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in Review how to make fruit salad .Ask Ss to answer .Step 2 Pre-task Say ,Let’s make a sandwich .Ask Ss that what ingredients they need .Ask two students to say and write the ingredients on the Bb .Then ask ,How do you make your favorite sandwich ?Ask one student to answer .Say , let’s make it together .Step 3 While-task SB Page 44 , 1a ,1b .Point to the sandwich ingredients in the picture .Say each word and ask Ss to repeat it .Read the instructions and point to the lines where Ss write the things they like in a sandwich .Students work .After that .Say, Now ask and answer .Point

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out the conversation in the box .Ask Ss to work with a partner .As Ss work ,move around the room monitoring .Ask some pairs to say their conversations to the class .SB Page 44 , 2a .Read the instructions to the class .Point to the foods in activity 1a .Play the tape the first time .Ss only listen .Play the tape again .Ss circle the words in activity 1a .Check the answers .SB Page 44 ,2b .Listen carefully and write the ingredients on the correct lines in the chart .Check the answers .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 44 , 2c .Ss work in pairs .Ask several pairs to act out .Step 5 Homework Make a sandwich .


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Period 4Teaching contents :Section B 3a,3b ,3c , 4 , selfcheck .Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inAsk some students to show the sandwiches they made .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 45 , 3a .Read the instructions to the class .Have a student to read the recipe to the class .Point to the words vegetables ,meat and others in the chart .Point to the example answer .Say ,Now read the recipe and write the ingredients under the correct words in the chart .Check the answers .Step 3 While-task SB Page 45 , 3b .Read the instructions to the class .Read the recipe to the class .Say “blank” each time when coming to a blank line .Say ,Now write a word in each blank .Check the answers .

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SB Page 45 , 3c .Read the instructions to the class .Then ask students to write their recipes .As students work ,move around the room offering assistance as needed .Ask students to read their recipes to a partner .Ask some students to read their recipes to the class .Step 4 Post-task Selfcheck .Ask students to finish the work .Ask some students to present their answers to the class .Check the answers .Step 5 Homework SB Page 45 , Part 4 .Ask students to work with a partner .Tell your partner how to make a sandwich with the ingredients in your list .


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Unit 8 How was your school trip ?Teaching goals :1. words & phrases : shark , seal , ate , win , won , got , visitor , drive , at the end of .2. Use the past tense to talk about things .3. 掌握由there be 结构和行为动词构成的一般过去时.4. 掌握规则和不规则动词的过去时.Important and difficult points :How to use the past tense correctly .The form of the past tense .Teaching aids : card , picture and a tape recording .Period 1Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in Greeting : talk about something the Ss did last week .Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 47 , 1a , 1c .T: What did you do on your last school trip ?Look at the picture .Guess :What did Tina … do ?

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Pairwork : Did Tina buy a souvenir ? No , … .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 47 , 1b .Listen and check the answers .SB Page 48 , 2a , 2b .Play the recording and correct the answers.Step 4 Post-task SB Page 48 , 2c .Pairwork : Make conversations .Ask several students to present their conversations .Step 5 Conclusion Grammar focus .Review the grammar box .Ss say the questions and answers .Practice reading .


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Period 2Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in Greeting : talk about what last day off was like .Was it a good day off or a terrible day off ?Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 50 , 1a , 1b .Look at the pictures .say something about the pictures .Point out the five phrases .Ss read after teacher .Make sure Ss understand what they should do .Rank them from 1-5 .Pay attention to the conversation in the box on the right .Read .Pairwork : make conversations .Share the students’ conversations .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 50 , 2a , 2b .Say , Now you will hear a conversation about what Tina and Tony did on their last day off .Point out the sample answer in 2a .

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Listen carefully twice .Fill in the chart.Read the sentences in 2b .Pay attention to who said these things .Play the tape again .Listen carefully .Check the answers .SB Page 49 , 3a .Ask one student to read the article .Ss read and work : correct the statements below .Listen to the recording .Read after it .Ask Ss to read together .Step 4 Post-task Pairwork: Make conversations with your partner using these phrases : Were there … ? Did you see … ? Did you go … ?Step 5 Homework Make up a story .


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Period 3Teaching procedures:Step 1 Leading in Free talk .Check the homework .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 51, Part 4 .Say ,Here are some photos of your last vacation .What did you do ?Ask and answer with your partner .Question like this : Did … ? What … ? Were there … ? Where … ? How was … ?Pairwork .Step 3 While-taskSB Page51 ,3a .Read the letter about the things Nick did by Ss .Explain the new words .Play the tape .Ss listen and repeat .Point to the number 1-5 .Point out the sample answer.

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Ss work .Then check the answers .Play the tape again .Practice reading .SB Page 51 , 3b .Say , Imagine you are Tony and you’ll give Nick a letter .Point out the letter .Read the letter to the class .saying blank each time when come to a blank line .Read the letter and fill in the blank .Ask one student to present the answers .Step 4 Post-task SB Page 51, 3c .Say :We read about the things Tony and Nick did .What did you do on your last day off .Let’s write a letter about them .Give them help if they need .Ss work .Step 5 HomeworkComplete the selfcheck .


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Unit 9 When was he born ?Teaching goals: 1. Learn to use “be born” to ask sb sth2. 掌握一般过去时态的以how long , when , where 等疑问词开头的特殊疑问句.3. 能用有关的形容词来描述人,并能用一般过去时来谈论熟知的、敬佩的人物.Period 1Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in Greeting .Ask Ss when they were born and which sports stars they like.Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page53,1a &1b.Ask Ss to make a list of international sports stars they know.Show some sports stars photos to Ss Ask :T: Who’s that ? S: That’s … .T:When was he born ? S: She was born in … .Pairwork :make conversations .

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Step 3 While-taskSB Page 53 , 1b .Look at the pictures .Read the names and the occupation .Make sure what Ss should do .Listen carefully.Complete the exercise .Check the answers.SB Page 53 , 2a & 2b .Point out the columns and read the headings to class .Explain the meaning of the words at the top of each column if necessary .Say ,this time fill in the information under How long .Play the recording,Ss complete activity 2b .Correct the answers .Step 4 Post-taskPoint to the chart in activity 2a .Point out the fill-in lines in the conversation in activity 2c .Show Ss how to do the activity .Ask Ss to work in pairs .Then make their own conversation .Correct the answers .Step 5 Homework Collect the information about sports stars.Then make cards .


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Period 2Teaching contents: Grammar focus , Section A 3a, 3b , 4a , 4b .Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in Revise the past tense .Step 2 Pre-taskSBPage54,Grammarfocus.AskSs to say the questions and responses .Answer the questions the Ss might have . Step 3 While-taskSB Pag3 55 , 3a .Ask Ss to point to the names in the chart below the article .Read the name to the class .Explain the word achievement .Divide the class into two groups -A and B .Have them continue filling in their own charts , on their own .SB Page 55 , 3b .After Ss have finished reading and filling their answers , ask Ss to work in pairs .Draw the chart on the Bb .Ask the Ss who finish first to write the answers in the chart .

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Correct the answers .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 55 , 4a .Write this sample question on the Bb .Then ask two Ss to ask and answer these questions .Ask Ss to talk to several other Ss .Move around the room checking their progress .SB Page 55 , 4b .Ask Ss to tell the class what they learned about a student. Allow other Ss to ask questions if they don’t understand something another student says .Ask each student to read at least one statement from his chart .Step 5 Homework( 改错 )1. I went to the classroom , but no one were there .2. Last summer I go to HongKong .3. Lucy and Lily didn’t late for school last week .4. Did your friend bought a new watch yesterday ?


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Period 3Teaching contents : Section B 1a , 1b ,2a , 2b , 2c .Teaching procedures :Step 1 Revision Check the homework .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 56 , 1a .Write on the Bb the eight words at the top of the page .Ask a student to the names of the people in the pictures .Ask Ss to write one or two words from the list under each person’s picture .SB Page 56 , 1b .Ask several Ss to read the class the words they wrote under each picture .Say , Now work with a group .Make your own statements about the people in the pictures ,using the words you wrote in your book .Ask Ss to tell the class what they said about some of the people.Step 3 While-taskSB Page 56, 2a .

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Read the instructions and point out the words in the list in activity 1a .Play the recording .Ss listen and circle the words they hearCheck the answers.SB Page 56 , 2b .Point out the eight sentences .Ask two Ss to read them .Play the recording and have Ss write down the answers .Correct the answers .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 56 , 2c .Ask two Ss to read the sample conversation .Have Ss work with a partner .Ask and answer questions using the sentences in activity 2b .Ask several pairs to say a conversation to the class.Step 5 HomeworkRemember the words learned in this class .


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Period 4Teaching contents: Section B 3a ,3b ,3c ,4 , selfcheck .Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inAsk some Ss some questions :When were you born ? When did you get to school yesterday ? etc .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 57, 3a .Ask Ss to read the phrases in the chart .Then have Ss to read the article on their own ,ask Ss to circle any words or phrases they don’t understand .Ask Ss to read to the class any words or phrases they circled .Write them on the Bb .Ask other Ss to explain what they mean .Ask Ss to read the article again and fill in the information in the chart .Correct the answers .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 57 , 3b .

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Ask Ss to use these sentences to start their articles .Ask Ss to use the article about Midori as an example .SB Page 57 , 3c .Read the instructions and ask Ss who they write about .Ask Ss to work on their own .When they finish,ask the Ss to read the article to a partner and to talk about the person in the article .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 57 , Part 4 .Ask Ss to work in groups of four .Point out the sample conversation .Ask three Ss to read it to the class .Then ask Ss to work with their groups .Step 5 HomeworkGet Ss to finish the selfcheck on their own .


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Unit 10 I’m going to be a basketball player .Teaching contents: Section A 1a ,1b ,1c ,2a , 2b ,2c .Teaching goals:1. vocabulary :programmer ,engineer ,pilot ,professional2. Pattern: I am going to do sth .3. 能力目标:掌握一般将来时的用法.Important and difficult points : be going to 的用法.Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in 复习一般现在时表示计划、打算做某事的用法.Step 2 Pre –taskSB Page 59 , 1a .Read each of the words to the class .Teach the new words Have Ss complete activity 1a .Check the answers .SB Page 59 , 1b .Play the recording .Ss listen and write down the answers .Correct the answers .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 59,1c .In pairs ,Ss look at the jobs in activity

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1a and have conversations about these jobs .SB Page 60 , 2a .Point to the picture .Ask Ss to say what they see .Play the recording .Ss listen and write down the answers .Check the answers .SB Page 60 , 2b .Ask a student to read the sample question and sample answer to the class .Play the recording .Ask Ss to write their answers in the chart .Correct the answers .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 60 , 2c .Ask two Ss to read the sample conversation to the class .Point to the questions and answers in activity 2b .Ask Ss to make conversation about Cheng Han .Ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class .Step 5 HomeworkPreview the grammar box .


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Period 2Teaching contents : Grammar focus,Section B 3a,3b,4.Teaching goals:1. vocabulary :sound like , fashion show , part-time , save , at the same time , hold , rich ,retire .2. 能力目标: 谈论未来自己与他人的理想职业及原因.Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inHave Ss make sentences with “be going to” .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 61, 3a .Call attention to the diary .Read the paragraph to the class.Then read the instructions to the class .Have them know what to do .Ask Ss to finish the activity on their own .Correct the answers .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 61 , 3b .Point to the questions .Say , Answer these questions .Tell the truth about your life .What do you plan to do ?

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As Ss write ,move around the room offering help if neededPoint out the sample conversation .Ask two Ss to read it to the class .Ss work in pairs .Ask some pairs to say their conversations to the class .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 61 ,Part 4 .Write the year on the Bb .Ask the class why that is an important date for Beijing and China .(China is hosting the Olympic Games in 2008)Divide the class into small groups .Ask them to talk about what they are going to do for the Olympics and make a list.Step 5 HomeworkWrite the sentences in Part 4 on the exercise books .


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Period 3Teaching contents :Section B 1a , 1b , 2a , 2b , 2c .Teaching goals:1. vocabulary :resolution , instrument , fax .2. 能力目标:谈论为实现理想所做出的的打算和安排.Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inAsk some Ss to say the statement on their exercise books.Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 62, 1a.Point to the resolutions and ask different Ss to explain in their own words what each one means .Point out the box next to each picture and ask some Ss to read the phrases .Ask Ss to match the phrases and pictures on their own .SB Page 62, 1b .Ask two Ss to read the sample conversation to the class .Then ask Ss to find partners to have a conversation .Ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class .Step 3 While-task

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SB Page 62, 2a .Read the instructions and point out the phrases in the list in activity 1a .Play the recording .Ss listen and circle the phrases on the list in activity 1a they hear .Check the answers .SB Page 62 , 2b .Play the recording .Ask Ss to write their answers on the blank lines after each person’s name .Ask three Ss to write one answer each on the Bb .Check the answers .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 62, 2c .Ask two Ss to read the sample conversations .Then ask Ss to work with a partner .Step 5 HomeworkHave Ss write their resolutions on the exercise books .


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Period 4Teaching contents: Section B 3a,3b,3c,4 ,selfcheck.Teaching goals:1. vocabulary: reader , keep , fit , keep fit , build .2. 能力目标:学习制定未来一段时间的计划.Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inCheck homework.Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 63 , 3a .Call attention to the magazine article .Ask a student to read it .Ask Ss to make a list of the New Year’s resolutions in this article .Check the answers.Step 3 While-taskSB Page 63, 3b .Have Ss turn back to Page 62 and call on some individuals to say each person’s name and what that person’s

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resolution was .Then ask some other Ss to tell how each person was going to make his or her resolution work .Point to the magazine article in activity 3a .Ask Ss to write an article like this one .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 63 , 3c .Ask some Ss to tell the class about their New Year’s resolutions .Then ask Ss to write about their resolutions on their own .SB Page 63 , Part 4 . Divide Ss into small groups to do the activity .Ask some groups to write their plans on the Bb .Step 5 SelfcheckAsk Ss to finish the selfcheck on their own .Step 6 HomeworkWrite the article in activity 3c on the exercise books .


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Unit 11 Could you please clean your room ?Period 1Teaching contents: Section A 1a ,1b ,1c ,2a ,2b ,2c .Teaching goals :1. vocabulary : trash , chore , do chores , dish , sweep , fold , hate , meeting .2. patterns : Could you please + do sth ? Could you + do sth ?3. 能力目标:学习有礼貌地提出请求.Important and difficult points :请求允许做某事.Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in Greetings .Step 2 Pre-taskTeach the new words .Step 3 While-taskSB Page65,1a & 1b.Point to the items and ask someone to read the each one to the class . Play the

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recording and let Ss fill in the chart .Check the answers .SB Page 65 , 1c .Point out the sample conversation in activity 1c .Ask two Ss to read it to the class .Have Ss work in pairs .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 66 , 2a & 2b .First point to the chart in activity 2a and get Ss to know what to do ,then play the recording and ask Ss to check “yes” or “no” .Correct the answers .Do with activity 2b in the same way .Step 5 Pairwork SB Page 66 , 2c .Ss work in pairs , then ask some pairs to act out their conversations .Step 6 HomeworkIn pairs make a conversation using “Could you please …?Could you … ?”.


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Period 2Teaching contents:Section A Grammar focus,3a ,3b,4 .Teaching goals :1. Vocabulary :work on , laundry , do the laundry , wash .2. Master and use : I like doing sth because … . I don’t doing sth because … .3.情感态度目标:教育学生在人际交往中要有礼貌.Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inRevise the pattern : Could you please … ? Could you … ?Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 66 , Grmmar focus .Ask Ss to say the questions and answers .Explain :the questions use the word could and the answers use the words can and can’t .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 67 , 3a .Read the conversation to class with a student .Say blank every time you come to a blank .Ask Ss to fill in each blank with the work make or do .Correct the answers .

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SB Page 67 , 3b .Ask two Ss to read the sample phrases . Say ,Now write a list of chores you have to do ,you can use the list of chores in 1a .Ask a student to say the name of a chore .Then ask another student to say I like or I don’t like .Then ask a third student to give a reason .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 67 , Part 4 .In groups of five , give each group a set of blank cards .Ask Ss in each group to write one core onto a card .In turns , one student turns over a card and asks the person next to him to do the chore , that person must say no and give a reason .Step 5 Homework Make some sentences with “I like doing sth because … .” or “I don’t like doing sth because … .”


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Period 3Teaching contents :Section B 1a ,1b,2a,2b,2c.Teaching goals :1. vocabulary: snack ,borrow ,invite ,disagree ,teenager2. 能力目标:熟悉并能灵活运用Could you (please)… ?Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inAsk some Ss with questions :Could you please … ? Could you … ?Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 68 ,1a . Say , Look at the items on the list ,ask Ss to complete the writing on their own .Correct the answers .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 68, 1b . Read the instructions and point out the sample conversation.Ask Ss to work with a partner and make their own conversations about the items in activity 1a .Call several pairs to say one or more of their conversations

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to the class .SB Page 68, 2a & 2b . Read the instructions and have Ss know what to do .Play the recording and ask Ss to write their answer on their own .Ask two Ss to write their answers on the Bb .Correct the answers.Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 68, 2c . Point out the sample conversation and ask two Ss to read it to the class .Then point to the phrases in the box .Ask Ss to ask and answer with a partner .Ask several pairs to say their questions and answers to the class .Correct any incorrect questions or answers .Step 5 Homework 英汉互译: 1.洗餐具 2.处理琐事,干家务3.购物 4.take out the trash 5.make the bed 6.fold your clothes


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Period 4Teaching contents:Section B 3a, 3b , 3c, 4 , Selfcheck .Teaching goals :1. vocabulary :take care of ,feed ,mine ,weren’t=were not2. 能力目标:学习写留言条以请求他帮助.Important and difficult points : 留言条的书写.Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inAsk Ss to translate some Chinese phrases .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 69 , 3a . Read the instructions and have Ss know what to do .Ask Ss to read the letter on their own and complete the chart .Ask two Ss to write their answers on the Bb .Correct the answers .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 69 , 3b .Ask a student to read the beginning of the e-mail message.

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Have Ss finish the message .Tell them they can look at theChart in activity 2b for ideas .Ask some Ss to read their message to the class.SB Page 69 , 3c .Ask Ss to finish the e-mail message on their own and call some Ss to read their messages to the class .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 69 , Part 4 .Point out the sample conversation and read the instructions to have Ss know what to do .Divide Ss into groups of three and ask them to make conversations .Ask several groups to say their conversations to the class .Step 5 Homework Finish the selfcheck .


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Unit 12 What’s the best radio station ?Period 1Teaching contents: Section A 1a ,1b ,1c ,2a ,2b , 2c .Teaching goals :1. vocabulary: comfortable , seat , screen , close , close to , quality , theater , cinema , radio , radio station .2. 能力目标:掌握一些形容词的比较级和最高级.Difficult points : 特殊形容词的比较级和最高级.Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading in Revise the comparative forms and superlative forms of some adjectives .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 71 , 1a . Ask Ss to explain what the word or phrases means in their own words .Then ask Ss to decide which of the things are important or unimportant .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 71 ,1b .Ask some Ss to read the sentences,then

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play the recording .Correct the answers .SB Page 71, 1c . Ask Ss to make a list of real movie theaters they know .In pairs ,Ss read the conversation in the box ,then get them to make their own conversations according to the list of real movie theaters .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 72, 2a & 2b . Ask some Ss to read the phrases and sentences .Play the recording ,Ss listen and write down their answers .Check the answers .Step 5 Role play SB Page 72 , 2c . Have Ss work in pairs .Check the progress and offering help as needed .Ask some pairs to say their conversations to the class.Step 6 HomeworkPreview the grammar box .


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Period 2Teaching contents :Grammar focus, Section A 3a,3b,4.Teaching goals :1. vocabulary :teen ,bargain , delight , by bus .2. 能力目标:学习进行简单的比较并表达自己的好恶.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Leading inAsk a student to say something about the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 72, Grammar focus .Ask a student to read the sentences to the class .Say ,these sentences show different grammar points .Explain the two grammar points .Answer questions the Ss might have .Step 3 While-taskSB page 73 , 3a .Point to the chart .Ask Ss what they will write in the chart.Ask Ss to read the article on their own .

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Ask Ss to read the article again and complete the chart on their own .Correct the answers .SB Page 73,3b . Point out the sample conversation and ask two Ss to read it to the class .Ask Ss to say the names of stores in your town and write the names on the Bb .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 73, Part 4 .Ask the class for the names of three places to have lunch near the school and write them on the Bb .Divide the class into small groups .Ask them to choose three restaurants and fill in the chart .Step 5 Homework写出下列单词的比较级和最高级:happy , late , good , bad , beautiful , heavy , big , wet , small , much .


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Period 3Teaching contents :Section B 1a , 1b, 2a , 2b , 2c .Teaching goals :vocabulary: positive , negative , dull , performerTeaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inCheck the homework.Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 74, 1a .Point to the sample answer in the chart and ask a student to read the pair of words to the class.Ask Ss to complete activity 1a on their own .Correct the answers .SB Page 74 , 1b .Explain that positive words are words that you can use to say good things about people ,ask Ss to say only good things about people as they talk with partner .Ss work in pairs to talk about the people they know .Ask several Ss to say their sentences to the class .

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Step 3 While-taskSB Page 74 , 2a .Ask Ss what a “talent show” is and ask Ss to tell what people do at talent show .Point to the five pictures .Ask different Ss to say what the people are doing in each picture .Play the recording .Ss listen and write the correct name .Check the answers .SB Page 74 , 2b .Play the recording and ask Ss to write what different people say about the performers .Correct the answers .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 74 ,2c .Ask two Ss to read the sample conversation to the class .Then Ss work in pairs .Step 5 HomeworkAsk Ss to write their questions and answers in activity 2c on the exercise books .


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1. 学习表达情感的形容词。

2. 学习linking verb +adj. 结构的用法。

3. 学习如何表达个人情感。

4. 能够询问并表达对事物的感觉。



1. You look excited.!

2. Please say thanks to your mom.

3. Why all the smiling faces?

4. The teacher is angry and the students feel afraid.


1. How are you doing?

见面问候语,相当于How are you?

2.You look tired. 你看起来很疲劳。

“系动词+adj.”构成系表结构,这类动词还有be, feel, smell, sound, taste, turn, get, become, go, seem等。如:I feel terrible. 我觉得很不舒服。



Upset worried

Disappointed unpopular

say thanks to smile

富有的 愚蠢的 不受欢迎的



( )1. -How much did you ____ on the new bike?

-Three hundred yuan.

A. pay B. cost C. take D. spend

( )2. -Mike felt sad because he failed his exam yesterday.

-I’m sorry to hear that. Let’s ____.

A. cheer him on B. cheer on him

C. cheer him up D. cheer up him

( )3. -What’s the matter with Tom? He seems ____ sad.

-His pet dog died.

A. feel B. feels C. to feel D. feeling

( )4. -Shall we go hiking this weekend?

-OK. Sounds ____.

A. good B. well C. good idea D. bad

( )5. We have won the basketball game, we’re becoming __________.

A. disappointed B. silly C. rich D. excited

Section B


5. 学习表达情感的单词和短语。

6. 继续学习linking verb +adj. 结构。

7. 学习如何表达个人情感。

8. 学习谈论电影。



1. He feels disappointed because he can’t get a ticket to The Sound of Music.

2. Michael isn’t able to come

3. How many places should Kangkang set?

4.Why is he disappointed?


1. He feels disappointed because he can’t get a ticket to The Sound of Music.


A ticket tofor sth. ……的票劵入场卷

2. He has a temperature. 他发烧了。

Have a temperature=have a fever 发烧





be able to disappointed

打电话给某人 骄傲,自傲

摆放餐具 心烦的,苦恼的

四、当堂巩固练习1. 句型转换

1.Michael had a temperature because of the bad weather. (改为同义句)

Michael ____ ____ ____ because of the bad weather.

2.Tom’s mother looks worried. (对画线部分提问)

____ does Tom’s mother ____?

3.The novel ends with happiness. (对画线部分提问)

____ ____ the novel end with?

4.The boy will be able to go to school next year. (改为否定句)

The boy ____ ____ able to go to school next year.

5.He must stay at home to care for his grandpa. (改为同义句)

He must stay at home to ____ ____ his grandpa.

2. 单项选择

( )1. -Tom, Jane wanted you to call her.

-I’ll ____ in twenty minutes. Thank you.

A. call on her B. call her on C. ring up her D. ring her up

( )2. Ann will not be able ____ your birthday party because she has a temperature.

A. to come to B. come C. comes D. to come

( )3. Jack wanted to get a ticket to Titanic, but there was ____ left.

A. no B. not C. none D. one

( )4. Kate’s grandmother lives in a house____, but she doesn’t feel ____.

A. alone; alone B. lonely; lonely C. alone; lonely D. lonely; alone

( )5. He entered Beijing University____. The people in his village are ____ him.

A. in the end; pride in B. at the end; pride of

C. in end; proud of D. in the end; proud of

Section C


9. 继续学习表达情感的单词和句子。

2. 继续谈论电影。



1.They were happy to be…

2.…the Titanic had a serious accident…

3.They were very frightened ...

4....they were afraid of losing each other.

5.Rose felt very sad.

6.She was so lonely!

7.The mother was so worried that…

8. …sad and went mad.


1. The Sound of Music is one of the most popular American movies.


one of… …之一,后常接可数名词复数形式,还可接最高级+名词复数形式,最……之一。

He is one of the most popular singers in China.


She is one of the tallest girls in our class.


2. She went to care for a family with seven children.


care for照顾、照料=look after take care of

He cared for his mother because she was ill.


a family with seven children有七个孩子的家庭


a house with two bedrooms




Lively cheer up

Please America

Everywhere lonely

开始,首先 落入

最后,终于 生气的,发疯的



1. I hope everything _____________ well.(go)

2. The story is so _________ and _________.(fun, interesting)

3. Yesterday a student __________(ring)me up.

4. She is a good and _________(live)girl.

5. Beijing opera is also _________(call)Peking opera.

6. These stories end with _________(happy)and laughter.

7. There are four main _______(role)in Beijing Opera.

8. I like Love Me Once More, Mom ________(good)of all.

9. She was able to cheer up the family by _________(teach)them __________(sing)many songs.

10. Its music and _________(sing)come from Xipi.

Section D


10. 了解京剧,加深对中国文化的理解。

11. 复习linking verb +adj. 结构。

3. 能够谈论自己喜欢的电影和戏剧。



1. Please say thanks to your mom.

2. How nice!

3. I hope everything goes well.

4. Why all the smiling faces?

5. Michael isn’t able to come.

6. I’ll ring up Michael later.


1. It is our national opera with a history of 200 years.


with a history of 200 years在句中作定语修饰opera.


He is a young man with short hair.


China is an old country with a long history.



The teacher came into the classroom with a book in his hand.


2. It came into being after 1790 when the famous four Anhui opera troups came to Beijing.


come into being诞生,形成。如:

The building came into being 20 years ago.




come into being role

gesture nowadays

京剧 表达,表示

文化 与某人和解

四、当堂巩固练习 词汇部分。

(A) 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。

1. You should s__________ the table quickly for dinner.

2. Our teachers taught us to sing l____________ songs before class.

3. At first, the mother almost went m____________ because she lost her daughter.

4. The landlord is so c___________ that almost everybody hates him.

5. To our surprise, they made p___________ with each other in the end.

(B) 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。

6. Mary happened to meet one of her old friends and invited him ________ (go) to her new house.

7. They are getting _________ (marry) next month, so they are very excited now.

8. You will feel unhappy when someone_________ (smile) at you in a strange place.

9. Mr. Smith seems to be ____________ (please) with the new student called John.

10. The lights are off. I think there was nobody ___________ (leave).

Topic 2 I’m feeling better now


12. 复习系动词的基本用法。

13. 功能:有关问候、分享感受、安慰和建议的表达。

14. 语音:i和 e的区别,关注句子停顿、弱读和不完全爆破。

15. 语法:1.学习原因状语从句。

2.用同级比较的肯定与否定式,即as…as和not as/so…as的基本用法。



1.She is crying in the bathroom because she did badly in the English exam.

2. She feels very lonely because she has no friends to talk with.

这两个句子是由because引导的原因状语从句, 原因状语从句常用because引出,用来回答以why引导的疑问句,注意“因为……所以……”不可说“because…so…”这两个连词只可留其一。


误:Because he was ill, so he didn’t go to work(×)

正:Because he was ill, he didn’t go to work.(√)

正:He was ill, so he didn’t go to work.(√)

“seem ” 的用法

3. She seems a little unhappy.

Seem 可以做系动词,后接形容词

如:He seems very upset 他好像很苦恼。。

4.What seems to be the problem?

Seem可以充当行为动词,可接动词不定式 seem to do sth.

如:It seems to rain.天好像要下雨了。


as…as表示和……一样, not as/so…as表示两者程度不一样,即“A”不如“B”,Section C课文中出现了五个句型,请画出as…as和 not as/so…as,注意它们中间的形容词或副词用原级

16. I couldn’t sleep as well as usual.

17. I thought the roads here were not so clean as those in our hometown.

18. The food was not as delicious as ours, either .

19. It also seemed that the people here were not so friendly as you.

20. I live as happily as before.

“be used to “的用法

be used to sth.习惯于某事

如:He is used to the weather here.

be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事

如:He is used to getting up early.

not…any longer和no longer的用法

10. He doesn’t hate the driver any longer.

11. He no longer stays in his room by himself.

not…any longer不再,相当于no longer,指时间上不再延长,多与持续性动词连用。

如:He didn’t live in Hainan any longer.



look worried __________ do badly in _________

take it easy ___________ make friends_________


处理、解决______________ 即使、尽管______________

拒绝做某事______________ 振作起来_______________


Jimmy is a l______ boy. We all like him very much.

T______ he is only 7 years old, he knows a lot.

-----What did you do to d_____ with sadness?

-----I’m sorry. I don’t know how to do it.

-----Li Ming didn’t pass the exam, e_______.

-----I’m sorry to hear that.

-----Watching English movies is h____ in improving listening.

-----You are right.


1. I got the _______(感觉) that he didn’t like me very much.

2. I am sorry _______(拒绝) the job yesterday.

3. We want to help her, but she doesn’t _______(接受). .

4. Our teachers are very _______(严格) with us.

5. She often tells us _______(笑话) after class. We like him very much.


( )1.-----Why do you like watching Lucky 52 Program?

-----_______ it’s very interesting.

A. How B. BecauseC. What D. Which

( )2. She looks so happy because she did ______ in her English exam.

A. good B. bad C. wellD.fine

( )3. I ____ live there when I was a child.

A. am used to B. was used to C. get used to D. used to

( )4. -----I don’t know _____ to play the violin.

-----My cousin can teach you.

A. how B.what C.who D.when

( )5. Lily is very careful. Now she is writing as ______ as Lucy.

A. care B.careful C. carefully D.careless

( )6. The old man has no sons or daughters. He lives _____ and he often

Feels ______

. A. alone; aloneB. lonely; lonely

C. alone; lonely D. lonely ;alone

( )7. I’m shy. I’m afraid of ______ in public.

A. speaking B. speak C. to speak D. spoken

( )8. Tom is used to _____ early in the morning.

A. get up B. gets up C.getting up D got up

( )9. The old man is so old and he often worries ______ his health.

A. in B. on C. about D. with

( )10. The teacher made us ______ English exercises all the time.

A. did B. do C. doing D. to do

( )11.You didn’t pass the exam. I didn’t ____.

A. either B. also C. neither D. too

( )12. ___the help of government, the poor boy came back to school again.

A. UnderB. With C. By

( )13. The weather in Beijing is not ____ good ____ that in Hainan.

A. as; than B. so; as C. than; as D. as; so



The farmers are still working, _____ _____ it is raining hard.


She _____ _____ _____ our invitation.


Don’t be so ______ _______ yourself.


Jeff ______ hate the driver ______ _____.


Could you tell me how to _______ ______ sadness?

Topic 3 Many things can affect our feelings



1、语 音

(1)了解元音因素 / i: / 和 / i / 之间的不同并根据读音正确区分单词。




3、语 法

能够了解并掌握英语简单句中的六种基本句型,即S+V, S+V+O, S+V+P, S+V+O+OC, S+V+IO+DO, There be...。

(1) They arrived .

(2) I miss you .

(3) You look happy .

(4) We should keep the classroom clean .

(5) He gives me some money .

(6) There is a book on my desk .

4、功 能









I. 英汉互译:

nervous speech

proud passport

spirit confident

生病的 环境 仔细考虑

作决定 沉默的 噪音

I get so nervous when I give a speech .

If we are not confident about ourselves,we may feel upset or nervous.




II. 单项选择。

( )1. -Tom must be at home because the light in his house is on.

-He ____ be at home, because I saw him playing basketball on he playground.

A. must B. mustn’t C. can’t

( )2. -I feel really ____ before making speeches.

-Take it easy. You are the best.

A. nervous B. disappointed C. unpopular

( )3. Our headmaster told us how to ____a good mood, so we can study in high spirits.

A. keep B. keeping C. keeps

( )4. Before you are going to hand in your test papers, you should ____ again.

A. think about them B. think over them C. think them over

( )5. Mr. Li is ill. Let Mr. Wang ____ us instead of him.

A. to teach B. teach C. teaches

( ) 6. This piece of music sounds ____.

A.the better B. well C.beautiful

( )7. Take it ____,we can help you .

A.easily B.easy C.easier

( ) 8. The glass is ____water.

A fill B filled with C full of

( )9.The boy did not play computer games ____.

A. any many B. any more C. any

( )10. Why is the woman worried ?

B: ____she lost her little son.

A. SoB.SinceC.Because

III. 词汇部分。


1. Maria will give a s______ in front of all her classmates.

2. His aunt can’t find her p______, so she won’t go to England tomorrow morning.

3. He has a very good ______of direction.

4. Don’t make so much n______, the other students are preparing for the English exam.

5. If you are in a good mood, you can study in high s______.


6. Mother lets Michael ______ (not watch) TV all day because the final exam is coming.

7. I don’t want to make a wrong ______ (decide) so I have to think it over.

8. It’s very difficult for her brother ______ (learn) English well.

9. We hope ______ (see) him be happy again.

10. I saw some boys ______ (play) basketball when I passed the gym.

IV. 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。

1. He won the game, and we are ___________ ___________ him.(以……为自豪)

2. Those bottles are ___________ ___________ milk just now.(充满)

3. After he ________ __________ _______, we began to carry it out.(作决定)

4. I am always ready to help my classmates when they are ___________ ___________.(处于困境)

Unit6 Enjoying Cycling

Topic 1 We’re going on a three-day visit to Mount Tai..


1. 学生能正确掌握元音连读的技巧;拼读并运用黑体单词。

2. 能够在不同情况下正确使用动词不定式并理解其在句子中的成分。

I have some exciting news to tell you.

We’re going on a three-day visit to Mount Tai.

It will take us a few days to get there by bike.

We’ll decide on the best way to travel on our field trip.

Where do you plan to visit?

Kangang helped us book the train tickets.




(1)I would like to book some tickets to Mount Tai on April 13th.

(2)How much does a standard room cost?


(1)For our spring field trip,we are going on a three-day visit to Mount Tai.

(2)I plan to start out next month.

(3)The best way to raise money is to sell newspapers.


1. 能听懂有关旅游的短文或对话。

2. 能使用英语与他人谈论关于旅游的话题。

3. 能理解有关旅游、预订等方面的叙述。

4. 能用英语制订旅游计划。


1. 正确掌握元音连读的技巧。

2. 掌握动词不定式的用法。

3. 正确掌握pay, cost, spend 和take 表示花费时的不同用法。

4. 学会如何用英语预订车票、房间。

5. 写出有关旅游方式、心得与感受的短文。



field price

proper hotel

raise total top

冰箱 标准的 单一的

舒服的 皇后 条件

空调系统 收到某人的来信

For our spring field,we are going on a three-day visit to Mount Tai.

It is too far to cycle,but we can choose proper vehicles.

It costs each student one dollar to buy a ticket for the draw.




Ⅰ. 单项选择。

( )1. -What about going shopping together?

-Sorry, I have a lot of homework ____.

A. do B. to do C. doing D. did

( )2. It’s impossible for us ____ there on foot in two hours.

A. to get B. get C. getting D. got

( )3. -Though Mike is ____ boy, he can say many words.

-How clever!

A. an-one-year-old B. a one-year-old C. an one-year old D. a one-year old

( )4. -What did the teacher say just now?

-He asked them ____ the math problem.

A. discussing B. discussed C. to discuss D. discuss

( )5. -I’ll go on a visit to Mount Huang.


A. Thank you. B. Have a good trip! C. Never mind. D. My pleasure.

( )6. -Shall we go on a field trip to Tenglong Cave by bike?

-No. It’s ____ far ____ cycle. Let’s choose other vehicles.

A. too; to B. so; to C. too; not to D. so; that

( )7. The foreign visitors are looking forward to ____ Beijing Opera at Haidian Theater.

A. watch B. watches C. watching D. watched

( )8. -What’s the price of the movie ticket?

-We have tickets ____ ¥35 ____ the front seat.

A. at; for B. at; in C. on; for D. on; in

( )9. -How much did your new car ____ you?

-¥800 000.

A. spend B. pay C. cost D. take

( )10. They will decide whether ____ the movie The Sound of Music at the cinema.

A. see B. to see C. seeing D. Saw


1. He lives at the ___________ (顶部) floor of the building.

2. I’d like to book a s___________ room with two beds.

3. The headmaster called on the students to r___________ money for the poor boy.

4. If you want to live more comfortably, you’d better buy a ___________ (冰箱).

5. They share a ___________ (共同的) interest in reading.

三 用所给词的适当形式填空。

6. They plan ___________ (have) a rest after a long journey.

7. The conditions in the hotel will make you feel ___________ (comfort).

8. ___________ (travel) by car is very pleasant.

9. It took us half an hour ___________ (find) out the cost by train.

10. At last, Lingling ___________ (think) of a good idea and solved the problem.

四 句型转换。

11. It often takes about 16 hours to go from Beijing to Shanghai by train. (对画线部分提问)

_________ _________ _________ it often _________ to go from Beijing to Shanghai by train?

12. She paid 100 yuan for the coat. (改为同义句)

She _________ 100 yuan _________ the coat.

13. His parents will go to Mount Tai by bus tomorrow. (对画线部分提问)

_________ _________ his parents go to Mount Tai tomorrow?

14. The train ticket cost him ¥120. (对画线部分提问)

_________ _________ _________ the train ticket _________ _________?

15. Tom gets a letter from his father every month. (改为同义句)

Tom _________ _________ his father every month.

Topic2 How about exploringTian’anmen Square?


掌握after, before, when, not…until, while, as和as soon as引导的时间状语从句;

※While 表示“当…时候”,强调某一时段主句和从句的动作在同一时期发生。从句中的谓语动词一般是持续性的,通常从句中用进行时态。有时主句和从句课同时用进行时态。

e.g. She was doing her homework while I was calling her.

※after 表示主句的动作发生在从句的动作之后。

e.g. After you read this book, you’ll learn a lot about history.

※as 表示“当。。。时”或者“一边…,一边…”,表示主句和从句的动词同时发生。

e.g. Someone came towards me as I got off the bus. 当我下车时,有人向我走来。

As the students walked along the lake, the sang happily. 学生们一边在湖边走,一边高兴地唱歌。

※when 当…时候,从句的动作可以和主句的动作同时发生,也可以先于主句的动作发生。表示一直进行的动作,通常要用进行尸体啊,此外,从句中的谓语动词通常既可以是持续性的,也可以是短暂性的,通常在主句中用进行时。

e.g. It was raining when I got home. 当我到家时,正下着雨。

Sorry, I was out when you called me.对不起,你打来电话时,我出去了。

※Until 当主句的卫浴动词表示持续性时,通常主句和从句都用肯定形式,意为“直到….”, 当主句的谓语动词表示短暂性时,通常主句用否定形式,即not…until… 意为“直到….才…”.

e.g. I waited here until you finished your meeting.我在这儿等你,直到你开完会。

He didn’t go to bed until his father came back home. 直到他父亲回家,他才上床睡觉。

※as soon as 表示“一…就….”

e.g. He will tell you the truth as soon as you get there. 你一到那儿,他就告诉你真相。

21. 掌握方位词的表达;

※in the+方位词+of…. 指在某一范围内的地区

e.g. Beijing is in the north part of China. 北京在中国的北部。

※to the +方位词+ of….指互不接壤并且互不管辖的两个地区。

e.g. Japan is to the east of China. 日本仔中国的东边。

※on the+方位词+of… 指相互接壤但互不管辖的两个地区。

e.g. Shangdong is on the northeast of Henan. 山东在河南的东北面。

22. 学习辅音/θ/ , / s/ 的发音及正确的语音语调。

23. 学习通过对旅游经历的学习,培养学生热爱生活的情操和用于战胜困难的勇气。

Section A


1. 度假_______________________ 11. 对…感到惊奇____________

2. 忙于做某事_________________ 12. 令某人惊奇的是 _________

3. 为….做准备_________________ 13. 惊奇地做某事 ____________

4. 期待,盼望做某事___________ 14. 向四面八方 _____________

5. 算出,制定_________________ 15.一…就…_________________

6. 制定计划__________________ 16. 忍不住做某事____________

7. 计划做某事_________________ 17. 做某事有乐趣 __________

8. 迫不及待做某事_____________ 18. 迷路,丢失______________

9. 顺便说一下__________________ 19. Push one’s way out _________

10. 充满的__________________20. Raise one’s head____________


1. 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。

1. He was walking down the ________(海边)

2. ---What are they doing in the classroom?

---They are guessing whose ______(明信片)it is.

3. We are going to have a sports c______ in that village.

4. ---How about e_______ the countryside this weekend? ---Good idea.

5. The spring Festival is coming, and I will r______many cards from my friends.


6. 我姐姐正忙于打扫卧室。My sister is ______ _____ the bedroom.

7. 我叔叔正在三亚度假。My uncle is _____ ______ in Sanya.

8. 我算不出这道数学题。I can’t _____ ____ this math problem.

9. 我们正盼望参观博物馆。We are ____ ______ ____ _____ the museum.

10. 康康看电视时候,他弟弟在睡觉。___ ___ ___ ____TV, his brother was sleeping.

Section B


1. Zhejiang is _____ the southeast of Henan.

2. My bike is ____ the back of the building.

3. Sanya is ______ the south of Hainan.

4. China is ____ the east of Asia.

5. We know the Qilin stands _____ the peace of the country.

Section C


Surprise direction step slowly push camp amaze receive mean

1. I missed the fast train and had to get the ______one.

2. We were _____at the news that she didn’t finish the task.

3. When the police arrived, the ran in all _______.

4. When we were having a meeting, someone ____ the door and came in.

5. She took a few____ towards the window.

6. -How about going _________ this weekend?

-That’s a good idea!

7. The Great Wall is an _________building. It’s well-known around the world.

8. Tom is looking forward to _________his father’s letter, because his father works far away.

9. October 1st, 1949 was a _________ day in the history of China.

Section D


When until after while before

1. We should knock at the door ____ we enter other people’s rooms.

2. What were you doing _____ the telephone rang?

3. I didn’t go to bed _____my mother came back last night.

4. _____ Rose was doing her homework, her mother was cooking.

5. _____ his parents died, he lives in this house alone.

II. 句型转换。

1. They rode to Tian’anmen Square together.(同义句)

They went to Tian’anmen Square together____ _____

2. This is a special trip.(感叹句)

_____ _____ _____ trip this is.

3. He took a lot of photos in the center of Tian’anmen Square.(划线部分提问)

____ ____ he ____ in the center of Tian’anmen Square ?

4. It’s ten miles from his home to school. (划线部分提问)

____ ___ is it from his home to school?

5. She took care of her mother at home last Monday. (改为同义句)

She ____ ____ her mother at home last Monday.

6. The teacher went home after he went over the students’ homework yesterday. (改为同义句)

The teacher ____ go home ____ he went over the students’ homework yesterday.

7. Lucy will give a phone call to her friend. Lucy will get off the plane. (用as soon as合并为一句)

Lucy will give a phone call to her friend ____ ____ ____ she ____ ____ the plane.

8. It’s about half an hour on foot from school to my home. (改为同义句)

My home is about ____ ____ ____ ____ from school.

9. Tony doesn’t know which book he should choose. (改为同义句)

Tony doesn’t know which book ____ ____.

Topic 3 Bicycle riding is good exercise .

一、 学习目标

语音:1. 能识别句子中的单词重音



如:If it dosen’t rain tomorrow, we’ll go to the park.

If you break the traffic rules , you’ll get a fine.




(1)When I first arrived, I was afraid of riding my bike anywhere.

( 2 ) It’s easy to park bikes, too .


---That’s terrible.

---I think so.

---I agree.

---Why don’t we…?

That’s a good idea.



遵守交通规则 ------------------------- get a fine---------------------

违反交通规则--------------------------in trouble--------------------

注意-------------------------------------- in case of--------------------

与…分享…----------------------------- in a word--------------------

(二) 根据汉语或首字母提示填空。

1. There are twenty _________(乘客) in the bus.

2. A _________ all ball games, I like basketball best.

3. -Do you hear of Li Yang?

-Yes. He is famous for c_________ English.

4. I can’t find my watch. Did you see it _________(任何地方)?

5. The Tour of Qinghailake is the largest bicycle road race in _________(亚洲).

6. I have a _________ (舒适的) teaching job at a middle school.

7. I want to book a s_________ room with two single beds.

8. Hello, Wei Hua! Did you receive a p_________? I wrote something on it and I sent it to you yesterday.

9. In A_________, most people have light skin, but in Africa, lots of people have dark skin.

10. I _________(注意到) Mr. Wang walking towards our classroom when I went home.


1. Cycling is popular because it doesn’t cause air _________(pollute).

2. David was so _________(care) that he made many mistakes.

3. Wang Junfeng was the _________(win) of 800-meter race.

4. When the flood broke out, the policeman took the baby to the _________(safe).

5. -Computer games are more and more interesting.

-I _________(agree) with you. I think we shouldn’t play too much.

6. While they were playing football, I _________ (record) the score.

7. My dear daughter, I have some exciting news _________ (tell) you.

8. Yesterday we had fun _________ (camp) in the forest. 9

9. Riding a bike can save more time than _________ (walk).

10. This movie is wonderful, but it isn’t _________ (suit) for children.


( )1. China is ____ the west of Japan and ____ the east of Asia.

A. in; to B. to; in C. on; to D. at; in

( )2. They ____ Miss Brown at the airport when she arrives this afternoon.

A. will meet B. met C. meet D. meets

( )3. I think Mike is ____ student in my class.

A. more careful B. the most careful C. careful D. careless

( )4. If it ____ tomorrow, I ____ not go there by bike.

A. rained; will B. rains; will C. is going to rain; do D. rains; do

( )5. -I want to see the film. Would you like to go with me?


A. Certainly, I like to. B. You bet. I’d like to. C. You bet, I would. D. No, I’d like to.

( )6. The children got to the Ocean Park after ____ ride.

A. an hour’s B. an hours’ C. a hour’s D. one hours’

( )7. Many old people are ____ at the ____ modern science.

A. surprised; surprising B. surprised; surprised

C. surprising; surprising D. surprising; surprising

( )8. Tom misses his brother very much and he is looking forward ____ him.

A. to hear from B. hearing from C. to hearing from D. heard from

( )9. -Good morning! Can I help you?

-Good morning! We want ____ two tickets for the hard sleeper.

A. making B. to make C. booking D. to book

( )10. There are many trees on ____ sides of the river.

A. every B. both C. each D. all

( )11. -What beautiful clothes you are wearing! They must be expensive.

-No. They only ____ me fifty yuan.

A. cost B. spent C. paid for D. took

( )12. -What time did you begin your work yesterday?

-____ six o’clock ____ the daytime.

A. On; in B. At; on C. At; in D. On; at

( )13. -____ is it from here?

-It’s about five minutes’ walk.

A. How long


Unit1 Will people have robots?


1、 概念:表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,也表示将来经常发生或反复发生的动作,常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如:tomorrow, next week, in the future等。

I’ll go to New York next month.下个月我将去纽约。

We will come to see you on Saturday.周日我们会来看你。

2、 构成:助动词will+动词原形,will用于各种人称,will在名词或代词后常缩略为’ll。

Lily will go to the zoo tomorrow.莉莉明天将去动物园。

3、 否定形式:will not=(won’t)

I won’t give tickets to you.我不会把票给你。

4、疑问形式:Will sb do sh?

肯定答语:Yes, sh will.

否定答语:No, sb won’t..

4、 there be 结构的一般将来时,表示将来存在某事或某物。

(1) 肯定形式:There will be……

(2) 否定形式:There won’t be……

(3) 疑问形式:Will there be……?

注意:“be going to + 动词原形”也可表示将要发生的动作和安排,意为“将要发生……”打算、计划、决定要……

Unit 2 What should I do?


1、 词性


2、 用法


Should 表示推测“可能,该”



Could 表请示(回答用can)


What should I do now? (表征询建议) 我现在该怎么办?

You could take a rest.(表委婉地陈述看法)你可以先休息一下。

Could I use your eraser?(表请示)我可以用一下你的橡皮吗?

Yes, you can.是的,你可以。

Uint 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?

语法:while & when ,过去进行时

while & when

词汇 含义 表时间点、段 从句中动词 例句

while 当……

的时候 时间段 延续性动词 While I was reading,someone knocked at the door.

when 时间点 时间段 延续性动词

非延续性动词 I was reading when someone knocked at the door.

延续性动词:learn, work, stand, lie, know, walk, keep, have, wait, watch, sing, read, sleep, live, stay等。

非延续性动词:open, die, close, begin, finish, come, go, move, borrow, lend, buy等。




常用时间状语:this morning, the whole afternoon, all day, from nine to ten, when, while, at that time, etc.


否定句:主+was/were+ v.-ing

句型结构 一般疑问句Was/Were+主+ v.-ing?

特殊疑问句 特殊疑问词+Was/Were+主+ v.-ing?

Unit4 He said I was hard-working.


1、 概念

直接引语(Direct Speech),直接引述别人的话,一般前后要加引号。

间接引语(Rported/Indirct Speech),用自己的话转述别人的话,多为含有宾语从句的复合句。

2、 直接引语与间接引语的转变

变化原则 例句

直接引语 间接引语

称 如果主语是第一人称,则无需变化。

如果主语是第三人称,则从句主语随主句变化。 He said,”I like it very much”.

他说:“我非常喜欢它。” He said he liked it very much.



(主句为一般过去时) 从句一般现在时→一般过去时 He said,”I can draw pictures”.

他说:“我会画画。” He said that he could draw pictures. 他说他会画画。

从句现在进行时→过去进行时 He said,“I’m using the knife.”

他说:“我正在用那把小刀。” He said that he was using the knife. 他说他正在用那把小刀。

从句一般将来时→过去将来时 She said,”I will do it after class.”她说:“下课后我就做”。 She said she that she would do it after class. 她说她下课后我就做。

时间状语 tomorrow明天→the next/following day 第二天 She said,”I will do it tomorrow.”她说:“明天我就做”。 She said she that she would do it the next/following day. 她说她第二天会做。

Unit 5 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time!

语法:If 引导的条件状语从句

1、 概念:表示假设的情况可能发生

2、 构成:①if 从句+主句



We will go to the zoo if it doesn’t rain tomorrow.


He will have a birthday party if he gets good grades.


You must stop if the traffic light is red.


You can buy a new dress if yours is old.


If he comes, please let me know.

=Please let me know if he comes.如果他来了,请告诉我一声。

Close the window if you feel cold.如果感觉冷了就关上窗户。

注意:条件状语从句引导词有:if, unless(除非), as/so long as(只要),on condition that(条件是……)等。

Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells?


1、 含义:表示从过去某一时间开始一直延续到现在的动作。这一动作可能刚刚开始,也可能仍在继续,并可能延续到将来。

2、 结构:have/has been +v.-ing。

3、 有时也用来表示经常反复的动作。

4、 强调动作延续时间长久或带有一定的感情色彩。

5、 常和延续性动词连用,并常附带有表示一段时间的状语。

I have been working for five hours.我工作5个小时了。(肯定句)

He hasn’t been doing housework for a week.他都一周没做家务了。(否定句)

Has she been working?她一直在工作吗?(一般疑问句)

Yes, she has./No, she hasn’t.是的,她是。/不,她不是。

Unit7 Would you mind terning down the music?

语法:Would you mind……?

Would you mind……?句型多用来表达委婉、客气地请求、建议、劝说对方做某事或询问对方是否可以做某事。

接续 doing “请做某事好、介意吗?”

one’s doing “某人做某事好、介意吗?”

否定形式 Would you mind not+v.-ing/one’s v.-ing……?“不要做某事好吗?”

答语 介意用肯定回答:Yes./I’m sorry,but I do.

不介意用肯定回答:Not at all./Certainly not./Of course not.

Would可换成 Do Do you mind+ doing/one’s doing?

Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf?


1、 提建议的表达方式

⑴“Why don’t you/Why not+动词原形……?”表示建议对方做某事,意为:“为什么不……呢?”语气比较委婉。例如:

Why don’t you/Why not go with her?你为什么不跟她一起去呢?

⑵“How/What about +名词/代词/动名词……?”多为建议对方一起做某事,有征询对方意见的含义,意为:“……怎么样?”例如:

How about buying a new washing machine?买一台新洗衣机怎么样?

2、 回答建议的表达方式


①OK./All right.好的。

②I’d love/like to.我愿意。

③It’s great./Good idea./That’s a good idea.棒极了。/好主意。/那是个好主意。

What about buying her a bag?给她买个书包怎么样?

That’s a good idea.那是个好主意。


①I’d love/like to,but……/I’m afraid……我愿意,但是……/我恐怕……

②Sorry, I can’t../Sorry, but……对不起,我不能。对不起,但是……

---Why not join us in the game, Tom?汤姆,为什么不和我们一起玩游戏呢?

---I’d love to,but I have to do my homework first.我愿意,但是我得先做我的家庭作业。

Unit9 Have you ever been to an amusement park?





否定句:主语+have/has not+动词的过去分词




Have you cleaned your bedroom? 你已经打扫了你的卧室吗?

---Yes, I have. It’s very clean now. 是的,我扫过了。卧室现在很干净。




I haven’t finished my homework yet. 我还没有完成家庭作业。

Have you ever been to Hangzhou? 你曾经去过杭州吗?

I have never eaten this kind of food before. 我以前从没吃过这种食物。


2、表示过去某一时间开始并一直持续到现在的动作或状态,可以和表示一段时间的时间状语连用。如:these days, all this year, recently, for+时间段,since+时间点,等。

I have known him for ten years. 我认识他十年了。

We have lived here since my childhood. 自从我童年时期,我们就住在这里了。


Unit 10 It’s a nice day,isn’t?





Mr Brown has flown to Qingdao for holiday, hasn’t he?



The clock isn’t slow, is it? 这种不慢,是吗?

指代 the clock



① 肯定陈述句+否定疑问句。

He is a good doctor, isn’t he? 他是一名好医生,不是吗?

It’s very hot today, isn’t it? 今天天气很热,不是吗?

He likes playing basketball, doesn’t he? 他喜欢打篮球,不是吗?

② 否定陈述句+肯定疑问句。

He isn’t a good doctor, is he? 他不是一名好医生,是吗?

His sister didn’t attend the meeting, did she?他妹妹没有参加会议,是吗?


You aren’t a doctor, are you? 你不是医生,是吗?

Yes, I am.不,我是(医生)。/No, I am not.是的,我不是(医生)。

He doesn’t like playing football, does he?他不喜欢踢球,是吗?

Yes, he does.不是,他喜欢踢球。/ No, he doesn’t.是的,他不喜欢踢球。






1. 本册书中要求分层次掌握的新单词、短语、新句型等。

2. 功能用语与话题:

Social communications, Attitudes, Emotions, Talking about a trip, Talking about making reservations for tickets, hotels and so on, Talking about how to raise money, Talking about traffic rules and traffic safety, Talking about direction and position, Talking about cycling races and so on.

3. 语法:

(1)、Linking verb + adjective 结构.

(2)、Adverbial clauses of reason (原因状语从句)

(3)、Equal comparison(同级比较)

(4)、Make/Let + object +…


(6)、Adverbial clauses of time(由while, when, before, after, as, until和as soon as引导的时间状语从句)

(7)、Adverbial clauses of condition (由if引导的条件状语从句)

(8)、Object clauses(宾语从句)

(9)、Comparative and superlative degrees of adverbs (副词的比较级和最高级)

(9)、so…that…, so that…, such…that…句型


Unit 5

(1)Learning the words and phrases in Unit 5.

(2) Learning to describe feeling and expressing emotions share

feelings give advice to others.

(3)Mastering the usage of linking Verb + adj./ adv.

(4)Mastering the clause of reason Letmake + object+ Complement.

Unit 6

(1) Learning the words and phrases in Unit 6.

(2)Learning to describe express the activities .

(3)Talking about traffic rules and warnings freely.

(4)Mastering Infinitives Adverbial Clauses of timecondition.

Unit 7

(1). Learning the words and phrases in Unit 7.

(2) Learning to talk about food festival the ways to cook table manners eating habits .

(3).Mastering object Clauses Comparative and Superlative degrees of adverbs.

Unit 8

(1).Learning the words and phrases in Unit 8.

(2)Learning talk about types of clothes ways of dressing for

different occasions different customs and cultures of dressing.

(3)Mastering the result of Adverbial Clause with “so that ” and object Clause.






贯彻新课标精神,努力改善学生学习的方式如(Brainstorming, chant, sings, games, pictures, actions and so on)。创设情景、鼓励学生积极参与课堂活动。多用可视资源,提供形象的教具,精讲精练。













优秀生:许嘉鹏 金美子 于海波 李强 王春宁 杨旭 崔旭峰 藤林

学困生:丁兆梅 郑玉晶 孙伟峰 王林虎







unit 1 how often do you exercise?

unit 2 what’s the matter?

unit 3 what are you doing for vacation?



unit 4 how do you get to school?


unit 5 can you come to my party?


难点:掌握情态动词have to。

unit 6 i’m more outgoing than my sister.


unit 7 how do you make a banana milk shake?

unit 8 how was your school trip、


unit 9 when was he born?

难点:when was …?与when did …?的区别。

unit 10 i’m going to be a basketball player.

难点:掌握be going to结构和want to be结构。

unit 11 could you please clean your room?

unit 12 what’s the best radio station?






























Unit 1 6课时 第一周----第三周

Unit 2 5课时 第三周---第四周

Unit 3 5课时 第五周---第六周

Unit 4 5课时 第六周---第七周

Unit 5 6课时 第七周---第八周

Review and Mid-Test 5课时 第九周

Unit 6 5课时 第十周------第十二周

Unit 7 5课时 第十二周---第十三周

Unit 8 5课时 第十三周---第十四周

Unit 9 5课时 第十五周---第十六周

Unit10 5课时 第十七周---第十八周

Review and Final-Test 11课时 第十八周—第二十周





1.will 构成的一般将来时态的陈述句、否定句、疑问句及回答。

2. There be 句型的一般将来时。


温故知新 小组讨论设想未来世界的变化。运用be going to谈论将来的'计划和打算。




构成: will / be going to +动词原形

1.用be going to do表示将来:主要意义,一是表示“意图”,即打算在最近的将来或将来进行某事。

Are you going to post that letter? I am going to book a ticket.


It’s going to rain.

2.用will/ shall do表示将来:

You will feel better after taking this medicine. 助动词will+动词原形

I will not lend the book to you. 变否定句直接在will后加not

She will come to have class tomorrow.

Will she come to have class tomorrow? 变一般疑问句,直接把will提到句首。

Yes,she will/ No.she won’t .

3. fewer 与less及more表数量的用法。


few-fewer-fewest“a few”表示“一些”“few”带否定含义,“几乎没有”。

2)little(形容词)“很少的,几乎没有的”(“小的,幼小的”),修饰不可数名词。其比较级、最高级为不规则变化:little-less-least。例:There will be less pollution.

“a little”表“一些”,“little”带否定含义,“几乎没有”。


比较级、最高级为不规则变化:many / much -more-most。


1. In ten years 十年后 In+一段时间:…..之后

in 5 months :5个月后 in 3 years: 3年后 in a week: 一周后

I′ll be a reporter in ten years.十年后我会是一个记者



A: Will people have ________ in their homes?

B: Yes, ________ ________. I think every home will have one.

2. 小组合作讨论预测未来世界的变化完成1a 。

3. 小组合作训练 1)will 构成的一般将来时态的陈述句、否定句、疑问句及回答。

2)There be 句型的一般将来时。

4. 听力技能提高。

1)听录音完成1b 。 2)听前预测2a/2b 。 3) 听录音完成2a/2b 。


小组合作运用将来时的句型对未来作出预测。完成1c/2c 。



1. 书籍将会仅仅在电脑,而不在纸上。

Books _____ only _____ on computers, not _____ paper.

2. 今后在这座城市将会有更多的树木,更少的污染。

Will _____ _____ trees and _____ pollution in the city in future.


Do you will be in people’s homes?

4. 他们不会去野营。我确信他们将来参加我们的聚会。

They _____ go . They _____ come to our party, I’m sure.


------ kids go to school 100 years

------ No, they


1.will 构成的一般将来时态的陈述句、否定句、疑问句及回答。

2. There be 句型的一般将来时。



( )1.I ________ rockets to the moon when I grow up.

A. will put B. will fly C. will take

( )2.If there are ________ trees, the air in our city will be ________ cleaner.

A. less; more B. more; more C. more; much

( )3.I predict he will be an engineer ________ ten years because he is so interested

in making things.

A. in B. afterC. later

( )4.There were many famous predictions that never ________ .

A. come true B. came real C. came true

( )5.“The work of Picasso will never be ________ anything, ”someone said.

A. costB. worth C. spend


























第一部分 听力(20分)

Ⅰ. 听对话,选择正确图片。每个对话读两遍。(5分)


1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____ 5. ____

Ⅱ. 听句子,选择正确答案。每个句子读两遍。(5分)

( )6. A. I’m tall.B. I’m a pilot. C. Very well, thanks.

( )7. A. Good idea. B. See you soon. C. Here you are.

( )8. A. Black bean soup. B. Knife and fork. C. Some new clothes.

( )9. A. I think so. B. Help yourself. C. It’s very nice of you.

( )10. A. Excuse me. B. He should be careful. C. I’m sorry to hear that.

Ⅲ. 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分)

( )11. What will the man do next?

A. Go for a field trip. B. Stay at home. C. Watch TV.

( )12. How much is the new coat?

A. 2 000 yuan. B. 3 000 yuan. C. 4 000 yuan.

( )13. Where will Darren go for his vacation?

A. China. B. America. C. Japan.

( )14. What size does the woman’s daughter wear?

A. Size 25. B. Size 26. C. Size 27.

( )15. Does Lucy like wearing school uniforms?

A. Yes, very much. B. No, not at all. C. Yes, a little.

Ⅳ. . 听短文,根据短文内容完成下列表格信息。短文读三遍。(每空填一词)(5分)

Who will take Li Ming to Dalian? (16).His___________.

How will they go to Dalian? (17) .By ____________.

When will they leave? (18) .On ____________ 2nd.

What will they do in Dalian? (19) .Go ____________in the sea.

How long will the whole trip take? (20). ____________ weeks.

16. __________ 17.___________ 18.___________ 19.__________ 20.____________

第二部分 英语知识运用(55分)

Ⅰ. 单项选择。(15分)

( ) 1. I think it is __________ useful advice, so I will always remember it.

A. a B. an C. the D. 不填

( ) 2. Beijing Opera sounds ____. Many old people like it.

A. beautifully B. beautiful C. well D. badly

( )3. My grandfather lives ____ , but he doesn’t feel ____.

A. lonely; alone B. alone; alone

C. alone; lonely D. lonely; lonely

( ) 4. -Why do they look so disappointed?

-They look disappointed ____ they can’t go to see Love Me Once More, Mom.

A. so B. but C. because D. because of

( ) 5. Li Lei isn’t ____ Liu Ming.

A. tall as B. as taller as C. as tall as D. as the taller as

( ) 6. The young man used to _to work, but he is used to to work now.

A. drive; walking B. drove; walked C. driving; walk D. drive; walk

( ) 7. Zhao Benshan is very funny. He always makes us ______.

A. laugh B. laughing C. to laugh D. laughs

( ) 8. The policeman told the students on the road.

A. not play B. plays C. played D. not to play

( )9. Taiwan is ____ the southeast of China and Japan is ____ the east of China.

A. in; to B. in; in C. to; to D. to; in

( ) 10. -Do you know when ________? I miss him very much.

-Don’t worry. I will tell you as soon as __________.

A. will he come; he comes B. he will come; he comes

C. he comes; he will come D. he will come; he will come

( ) 11. We all want to know ______ the famous writer will come to our school or not.

A. if B. that C. whether D. when

( )12. The T-shirt is ____ expensive ____ I can’t afford it.

A. too; to B. such; that C. so; that D. very; that

( )13. It’s impolite _______ us _________ in public

A. for; to smoke B. for; smoking C. of , to smokeD. in; smoking

( )14. _______ you are, ________ mistakes you will make in the exam.

A. The more careful; the fewer B. The more careful; the less

C. The more carefully; the fewer D. The more carefully; the less

( )15. The following are all traffic signs except(除了) ______ .

Ⅱ. 情景交际。(10分)



( )16. What movie are they going to see? A. Thank you!

( )17. How are you feeling now? B. Let me see. It’s ¥55.50.

( )18. Thank you for telling me the news. C. The Sound of Music.

( )19. What a nice coat it is!D. My pleasure!

( )20. May I have the bill, please? E. Much better!


A. When will the concert begin?

B. Sounds good!

C. When and where shall we meet?

D. I’ll see a movie.

E. Could you please get there earlier?

F. Yes. What’s up?

G. Would like to go with me?

A: Hello, is that Wu Bin speaking?

B: Yes. Who’s that?

A: This is Tian Hong. Are you free this Saturday evening?

B: 21

A: I’ve got two tickets to Jay Chou’s concert.22

B: Certainly. I’d love to. He’s my favorite singer. Thanks for your invitation.


A: Let’s meet at the gate of the park at four o’clock.

B:24I want to buy him a gift.

A: OK. I’ll

篇15:新目标八年级下册短语总结 (新目标版英语八年级)

1.What’s the matter ?=What’s wrong 怎么了? Unit 1 八下

2.have a cold 感冒

3.have a fever 发烧

4.have a stomachache 胃疼

5.lie down 躺下

6.take your temperature 量体温

7.to my /our / everyone’s surprise 使我(我们,大家) 感到惊奇的是

8.take breaks =take a break 休息

9.get off 下车

10 get into陷入, 参与

11.be used to sth/ doing sth 习惯某事/习惯做某事

12.right away 立刻, 马上

13. take risks =take a risk冒险

14.run out of 用完,耗尽

15. get out of 离开,从---出来

16. cut off切除

17 be in control of掌管,管理

18. give up 放弃

1. clean up 打扫 Unit 2

2. cheer up 振奋起来,变得更高兴

3. take after =be like =look after (外貌,行为)像

4. set up 建起,设立

5. fix up 修理,装饰

6. make a difference 影响,有作用

7. give away 赠送,捐赠

8. give out分发,散发

9. hand out 分发

10. come up with (idea/plan) 想出, 提出(主意,计划,回答)

11. put off推迟

12. call up打电话给--- 征召

13. used to曾经,过去

14. care for 照顾, 非常喜欢

15. try out参加---选拔, 试用

1.take out the rubbish 倒垃圾 Unit 3

2.depend on 依靠,信赖

3.take care of =look after照顾,处理

4.in order to +do 目的是,为了

5.all the time 反复,频繁

6.as soon as 一---就 ------ ,尽快

1.What’s wrong? 哪儿不舒服 Unit 4

2.look through 浏览,快速查看

3.work out 解决,成功地发展,解出

4.get on (well) with 和睦相处,关系良好

5.big deal重要的事

6.cut out删除,删去

7.compare ---with 比较,对比

8.in my opinion依我看

1. go off (闹钟发出) 响声 Unit 5

2. pick up (the phone) 接电话, 捡起

3. fall asleep 进入梦乡,睡着

4. die down 逐渐变弱,逐渐消失

5. have a look (at) 看一看

6. make my way 费力多前进,前往

7.take down 拆除,记录,往下拽

8.at first首先,最初

9.in science 沉默,无声

1. turn---into 变成 Unit 6

2. fall in love 爱上,喜欢

3. get married 结婚

4. once upon 从前

5. instead of 代替,反而

6. a little bit =kind of =a little cute 有点儿,稍微

1. feel free (to do ) (可以)随便干某事 Unit 7

2. as far as I know 据我所知

3. take in吸收, 吞入(体内)

4. walk into 走路时撞着

5. fall over 绊倒

6. or so 大约

7. at birth出生时

8. up to 到达(某数,程度)

9. in the face of 面对(问题,困难)

10. even though =even if即使,虽然

11. the Pacific Ocean 太平洋

1. full of满是---的,(有) 丰富的 Unit 8

2. hurry up 赶快,急忙

3. one another 互相

4. ever since 自从

1.tea art 茶艺 Unit 9

2.tea set 茶具

3.thousands of 数以千计的,许许多多的

4.on the one hand --on the other hand 一方面---另一方面

5.all year round 全年

6.National Science Museum 科学博物馆

7.Hangzhou National Tea Museum 杭州国家茶博物馆

8.the Bird’s Nest 鸟巢

9.Southeast Asia 东南亚

10.Night Safari 夜间动物园

11.the Terracotta Army 兵马俑

1. clear out 清理,丢掉 Unit 10

2. check out 检查,审查

3. no longer 不再

4. part with 放弃,交出(不舍的东西)

5. as for 至于

6. according to依据,按照

7. (be) close to接近,几乎

8. to be honest说实在的

9. yard sale 庭院拍卖会

10. bread maker 面包机

11. soft toy 软体玩具,布绒玩

12. board game 棋类游戏

13. junior high school初级中学
















































































































第一单元 权利义务伴我行



人格权严重伤害他人健康的行为,一般都要受到刑事制裁,并附带民事赔偿,对于轻生 命健康权微的伤害行为或者依法不予追究刑事责任任的伤害行为,一般都要承担民事责任。




物质性人格权 生命健康权


精神性人格权―― 自由权、姓名权、肖像权、名誉权、隐私权



























































置疑:阿基米德说这句话的根据是什么 ? 你认为这可能吗?
















支点 ( O ) :杠杆绕着转动的固定点。

动力 ( F1 ) :使杠杆转动的力。

阻力 ( F2 ) :阻碍杠杆转动的力。

动力臂 ( L1 ) :支点到动力作用线的距离。

阻力臂 ( L2 ) :支点到阻力作用线的距离

力臂是支点到力的作用线的距离,作力臂的步骤:( 1 )找准支点;( 2 )沿力的方向作出力的作用线;( 3 )从支点向力的作用线画垂线;( 4 )标出力臂。



支点是杠杆绕着转动的固定点,在分析支点时,我们可以假想杠杆发生转动,杠杆围绕哪一点转动,哪一点就是支点。如图所示,我们假设杠杆在动力作用下做逆时针转动,其中 O 点是不动的,所以 O 点就是支点。

力的作用线就是从力在杠杆上的作用点起,沿力的方向所画的直线,如图所示,动力的作用线是从 A 点起沿 F1 方向的直线。

从支点 O 向动力 F1 的作用线所画的垂线就是动力臂L1 ,从支点O 向阻力F2 的作用线所画的垂线就是阻力臂L2 了。画力臂实际上就是作一个点到一条线的垂线,只要把平面几何中作“点到直线的距离”的方法迁移过来,就不难解决力臂作法这一难点。

必须明确:力臂是支点到力的作用线的垂直距离,而不是支点到力的作用点的距离,如图所示中,不能把 OA 和 OB 作为动力臂和阻力臂。

例题: 在黑板上画出各杠杆的示意图,画出它们的支点、动力和阻力。









第一节 杠杆(一)

杠杆:1 、杠杆:在力的作用下,能绕某一固定点转动的硬杆,叫杠杆。

2 、杠杆的几个概念:

支点 ( O ) :杠杆绕着转动的固定点。

动力 ( F1 ) :使杠杆转动的力。

阻力 ( F2 ) :阻碍杠杆转动的力。

动力臂 ( L1 ) :支点到动力作用线的距离。

阻力臂 ( L2 ) :支点到阻力作用线的距离。


●教学目标:一、知识目标: 1.学生认识物理是有趣的、有用的。对物理研究及物理应用有初步印象,激发学生的学习兴趣。


二、能力目标: 1.过观察和实验,学习初步的探究问题的方法。


三、德育目标: 1.发学生对物理的学习兴趣,培养学生热爱科学的精神,发现科学实验带来的乐趣。





●课时安排: 1课时




[师] 从这个学期开始我们学习一门新课——物理。请同学们观看漂亮的章首图,然后听一位同学带感情地朗读配文。


[师] 科学之旅的第一站,先请同学们观看几个有趣的实验。

[演示] 课本图0.1-1实验 [演示] 课本图0.1-2实验。


教师再演示书本的几个 [想想做做]



[师] 以上的这些实验有趣吗?

[板书] 物理是有趣的

[板书] 物理学的研究范围:声、光、热、电、力等现象

[师] 这些现象不仅有趣且都包含一定的科学道理,以后的学习中我们会逐渐弄清楚其中的奥秘。


[板书] 怎样学习物理。

[板书] (1)勤于观察、勤于动手

[板书] (2)勤于思考、重在理解

[板书] (3)联系实际,联系社会







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八年级英语下册全册教案人教版新目标 (新课标版英语八年级)
《八年级英语下册全册教案人教版新目标 (新课标版英语八年级).doc》

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