Unit 9 When was he born?(Section A)教

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Unit 9 When was he born?(Section A)教(精选9篇)由网友“秀秀猪”投稿提供,下面是小编为大家汇总后的Unit 9 When was he born?(Section A)教,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。

Unit 9 When was he born?(Section A)教

篇1:Unit 9 When was he born?(Section A)教

Unit 9 When was he born?(Section A)教案

Unit 9 When was he born?(Section A)教案     新课改要求英语课教学应以学生为主体,以训练为主线,以能力的培养为宗旨.学生是学习活动的主人,教师是学习活动的组织者和引导者.教师要努力创设多种多样的方式和机会让学生通过自主合作,探究等学习方式进行学习,注重教与学的互动性和生生互动. [教材分析] 本节课的教学内容是Go for it八年级When was he born?SectionA.主要语言功能项目是谈论自己崇拜的名人以及名人的职业生涯.以人物简历为线索,进一步学习一般过去时态,尤其是一般过去时态的特殊疑问句.通过SectionA的学习,学生可以了解成功人士的生活经历,并且学习有关职业的英文表达方式. [学情分析] 同学们在七年级已学过一般过去时,学生对这一时态颇为熟悉,这为学习本单元的新知识奠定了认知基础.他们热爱并崇拜乔丹,邓亚萍,贝克汉姆等名人.对他们的人生历程充满好奇.因此在教学中,教师可充分利用学生这一心理特点,引导学生深入探究,自主地解决问题. [教学目标] 1.语言技能目标  (1)能对别人的出生年月进行问答,如:When was he born? He was born in/on… (2)能对别人的经历进行询问,如:When did he start hiccupping? How long did he hiccup? 2.语言知识目标  (1)词汇:  (2)句型: Who is that? That’s Deng Yaping.She is a great ping-pong player. When was she born? When did she start/stop…? How long did she start…?  (3)掌握被动语态以及由when 引导的状语从句和由how long/when 引导的特殊疑问句. 3. 情感目标  (1)通过谈论体育明星的成就,培养学生吃苦耐劳的精神.  (2)在谈论自己和别人的经历的同时,树立远大的理想. 4. 文化意识目标 (1)了解主要的文娱和体育活动. (2)能用恰当的方式评价别人. 5. 学习策略目标  (1)认知策略:鼓励学生向一些公众人物学习,体会他们在取得成就的道路上表现出来的坚忍不拔的精神和优秀品质.  (2)资源策略:通过网络搜索,拓展知识,丰富并培养学生的自学能力. (3)交际策略:通过言语交流,培养学生的.合作精神.  (4)调控策略:学生通过学习,明确”在用中学,在学中用”的理念.  [教学重难点] 根据本节课的教学内容和学生对知识的理解程度,结合教学目标,确定重点是: When was he/she born? When did he/she start…? How long did he/she…? 难点为重点句型的实际运用及when引导的状语从句和特殊疑问句.  [教学过程设计] 按照上面的教学思路,结合中学英语的教学特点,我们倡导构建式的学习,努力运用学生的主动参与,感知体验,探究发现,交流合作的学习方式,让学生在语言实际运用中感受成功的喜悦,使课堂真正形成”乐说””会说””能交际”的氛围.本节课分为以下六个教学环节。   Step 1 Warming-up and revision(8 minutes) 1)  Intercourse 2)  A guessing game Get the students to review how to describe the famous people. T: The whole class,please. It is a guessing game. She is Chinese.She was born in 1973. She plays ping-pong very well. She is short. She is very great.Do you know who she is ? S: Is she Deng Yaping ? T: Yes, you are right . Now please try to describe the famous persons 利用猜一猜这一游戏环节,使学生在轻松的交流中复习句型:Who’s that? That is..  When was she born?  为教学新课做好铺垫,通过多媒体呈现人物进行操练,形象生动,激发学生兴趣。   Step 2 Presentation (8 minutes) This activity introduces the difficult points. A: When did Deng Yaping start playing ping-pong? B:She started playing ping-pong in 1978. A:When did she stop playing ping-pong? B:She stopped in . A:How long did she play ping-pong? B:She played for 19 years. 1) Ask the students to practice the sample conversation, then make up similar conversations. 2) Ask several students to perform their conversations. 3) Learning the new words. 此环节也通过多媒体的辅助,呈现给学生更多的语言练习素材,突出本节课的教学目标,并设定一个情景进行对话,使学生融于真实的交际环境中,给学生利用目标语言表达交流的机会,在学中用,在用中学。   Step 3  Practice and listen (10  minutes) Now we are going to talk about two unusual people. Look at this picture in section A 2a and the chart. T: What are their names ? S: The man is Charles Smith and the woman is Donna Green. T: What are they doing ? S: Charles Smith is hiccupping. Donna Green is sneezing. (Help them answer) T: What kinds of world record did they have ? S1: Charles Smith had a world record for hiccupping. S2: Donna Green had a world record for sneezing. T: How long did Charles Smith hiccup ? S3:He hiccupped for 69 years and 5 months. T: How long did Donna Green sneeze ? Let students listen to the tape and fill in the “How long” column in the chart. Let students listen again and fill in the “started”and “stopped”columns. Get the students listen and write ,then check the answers. 通过反复的听力练习,提高学生的听力水平,注重跟读模仿语音语调。   Step 4  Drill (7  minutes) Ask some pairs of students to perform the conversations. T: You got all the answers right now. Let’s come to section A 2c pairwork.Please fill in the blanks with information from the listening. Ask two pairs of students to Practice the conversations. T: You did very well. I’d like you to work in pairs and make the same kind of conversation about Donna. S1:How long did Charles Smith hiccup? S2:He hiccupped for 69 years and 5 months. S1:How long did he start hiccupping? S2:He started in 1922. S1:When did he stop hiccupping? S2:He stopped in 1990. Ask several pairs to act it out. 这个环节检查了学生对课堂任务掌握的情况,让学生自编对话,增进生生互动,用所学的语言去解决实际问题,促进了学生的自主学习,达到语言教学的真正目的。   Step 5  Sum-up (5  minutes) Think about what we learn today 指导学生总结该节课所学的知识,有助于学生加深理解,巩固知识,并且将知识系统化。   Step 6  Homework (2  minutes) 1)Write down a list of famous stars about their ages, birthdays,hobbies and achievements 2)Ask your parents birthdays and help them do something. 作业是课堂的巩固与延伸,课堂所涉及的东西是有限的,学生课后可以做适当的拓展。学生通过查阅资料对优秀人物有所了解,同时增长他们的课后知识,使所学知识不断地延伸。   教学反思 本节课在多媒体的辅助下,直观生动地呈现给学生学习语言需要的材料,为学生搭建了一个很好的语言练习近平台。在导入环节中,通过猜一猜,营造了轻松愉快的氛围,学生积极参与,作为教学前奏,为后面的学习作了很好的铺垫。我们不难看出,在课堂教学中,如果教师设计了一个轻松愉快的接近生活的语言环境,创造一个学生没有心理压力,比受任何约束,又能表现自我的课堂氛围,这就自然地使他们放松,激起他们开口说英语的欲望。因此,有目的,有乐趣的课堂活动不失为一种鼓励学生大胆说英语的好方法。施之以教,贵在引导”。教师通过自己的主导作用发挥学生的主体作用通过丰富多彩的任务情境调动学生的学习积极性,主动地投入学习。  

篇2:新目标八年级Unit 9 When was he born?


1 表述自己在过去的生活经历。

2 询问他人过去的一些生活经历和所取得的成绩。

3 写一篇短文把自己和周围同学的生活经历写出来。

4 写一篇简短的人物传记。并附上人物的小档案。


Who’s that? That’s Deng Yaping.

What’s her job? She is a great ping-pong player.

When was she born? She was born in 1973.

When did she become a ping-pong player?

She became a ping-pong player when she was 3 years old. / When she was 3 years old.

When did she …? When she was … years old.

How long did she …? When did she stop …?

When did you …? I … when I was … years old.

I first ….when I was … years old. I was/felt happy/tired/excited.


learn to do sth. 学会做某事

start doing(to do) sth.开始做某事

have a party 举行一次聚会

was(were) born出生于

stop doing sth. 停止做某事

free time 业余时间

see sb. do sth. 看见某人做某事

begin doing(to do) sth.开始做某事

at the age of在几岁(多大年龄)的时候

take part in参加


1.record n. 记录, 履历, 档案, 报告, 唱片

v. 标明, 将...录音


classroom record 课堂记录

world record 世界记录

speed record 速度记录

time record 时间记录

set (up) a new record创新纪录

hold record 保持记录

enter on the records 载入记录

beat [break, cut] the [a] record打破记录

a record run 打破记录的赛跑

write a record of one's journey写下旅行记录

have an honourable [a criminal] record 有光荣的[犯罪的]履历

a matter of record 有案可查的事件

2. achievement n. 成就, 功绩, 完成;达成, 成功, 成绩

Flying across the Atlantic for the first time was a great achievement.


Such a goal was impossible of achievement.


3. become v. (became, become)

Helen became an electronic engineer.


This design of resident buildings is becoming / getting fashionable.


The travelers became / got thirsty.


4. receive v. 收到, 接到, 接收, 遭到, 受到, 接待, 接见

Did you receive any letters today?


The novel received great acclaim.


The report received accolades from the press.


I received an invitation.


5. admire v. 赞美, 钦佩, 羡慕

I admire her for her bravery.


We all admired her for the way she saved the children from the fire.

她把孩子们从大火中救出来, 我们都钦佩不已。

Everybody admires him for his fine sense of humour.


6. enter v. 进入, 加入, 参加, 登录

to enter without knocking 不敲门就进

We will not enter the discussion of the plan for the moment.


Her dream to enter the famous university came true.


A lot of cars entered for this race last year.


enter into 开始;着手

enter into a contract 订立合同

Our shop has entered into a contract with a clothing firm to buy 100 T-shirts a week.


The agreement shall enter into force upon signature.


We'll enter into details at the next meeting.



I. 用所给动词的适当形式填空.

1. He _______ (be) not with me at that time.

2. She _______(be) born in 1997.

3. They ______ (go) to the park last Sunday.

4. Bob was so tired that he _____(sleep) earlier than usual.

5. My mother ________(give) me a present last Christmas.

6. Mrs. Li _______(live) here many years ago.

7. I _____(have) a good time last vacation.

8. She was in a hurry, so she ____(not have) time to cook for you.

II. 选择填空.

1. “When _____ he born?” “In 1995.”

A. is B. wasC. hasD. does

2. Yao Ming was born _____September 12, 1980.

A. on B. in C. at D. to

3. Bill Gates is an _____ person.

A. famous B. talented C. outstanding D. kind

4. She started ice skating _____she was four.

A. after B. whenC. howD. where

5. She _____a skating champion when she was twelve.

A. becomes B. become C. becoming D. became

6. She toured the U.S. when ______ was fourteen.

A. he B. her C. sheD. herself

III. 补全句子.

1. 他四岁时就学会滑冰了。

He learned to skate _____ _____ _____ _____four.

2. 我六年以前就开始学习英语了。

I _____ _____ _____ English six years ago.

3. 你什么时候参加英语俱乐部?

When will you_____ _____ _____ the English club?

4. Lily五岁时就会游泳了。

Lily could swim _____ _____ _____ _____ years old.

5. Smith先生去年戒烟了。

Mr. Smith ______ _______ last year.

IV. 完形填空.

Once, a king showed two men a large basket in the garden. He told them to fill it with water from a well. After they (1) their work, he left them, saying, “When the sun is down, I will come and see your work.”

At last one of them said, “What’s the use of doing this foolish(愚蠢的) work? We can

(2) fill the basket.” (3) man answered, “That is none of your business.” The first man said, “You may do as you like, but I am going to work at (4) so foolish.” He

(5) his bucket(桶) and went away. The other man said no word, and kept on carrying

(6) . At last the well was almost (7) .

As he poured(倒) the last bucket of water into the basket, he saw a bright thing in it. He picked it up. It was a beautiful gold ring (金戒指). Just then the king came. (8) he saw the ring, he knew that he had found the kind of man he wanted. He told him to keep the ring for himself. “You (9) so well in this little thing,” he said, “ (10) now I know I can believe you with many things.”

( ) (1) (A) finished (B) did (C) began (D) had

( ) (2) (A) ever(B) never (C) easily (D) no

( ) (3) (A) The other (B) Another (C) One (D) A second

( ) (4) (A) anything (B) something (C) nothing (D) everything

( ) (5) (A) picked up (B) put away (C) took away (D) throw down

( ) (6) (A) water (B) basket (C) well (D) work

( ) (7) (A) full (B) empty (C) filled (D) clean

( ) (8) (A) While(B) As soon as (C) Before (D) Since

( ) (9) (A) have done (B) will do (C) do(D) are doing

( ) (10)(A) what(B) why(C) when (D) that

V. 阅读理解.

“Tom? Are you in bed yet?” called Mrs. White. There was no answer. Mrs. White put down her book and went to her 14-year-old son’s room. Tom was sitting in front of a right computer screen (屏幕) on which a colorful dragon (龙) jumped and shouted.

“Oh, Tom! You’re still playing on that computer. You must stop now, it’s half past eleven. If you don’t go to bed soon, you’ll be very tired tomorrow.” said Mrs. White.

“But I’ve nearly beaten the dragon.” said Tom. Mrs. White could see the excitement (激动) on her son’s face. She sat down beside him.

“You are always playing on that computer. You spend more time with this machine than with your family.” she said with a smile. “What’s so special (特别的) about it? Show me what it can do!”

Tom was very excited. “I think this is a great computer, Mum!” he said happily. “The hardware (硬件) is good. There’s so much memory (内存) and it has some wonderful software programmes. This game, Dragonsplayer, is my favourite, but I sometimes borrow games from Danny and other friends. I don’t have to worry about any infected (被感染的) disks (磁盘) because I have a virus (病毒) detector (监测器) which can go over any disk and check it for viruses. Let me show you!” Tom began tapping (敲打) keys on the keyboard (键盘). The screen changed in answer to his orders (命令).

“Oh, Tom.” laughed Mrs. White. “I’m sure it’s a wonderful computer, but I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

( ) (1) When Mrs. White was calling Tom, he was _______.

(A) lying in bed reading a book

(B) on the computer with a dragon

(C) standing in front of the screen of the computer

(D) playing computer games in his bedroom

( ) (2) From the passage we know that the story happened _______.

(A) before Tom went to school in the morning

(B) before Tom went to bed at night

(C) just as the dragon jumped and shouted

(D) after Tom had slept for some hours in the evening

( ) (3) Tom was very excited because _______.

(A) he had a radio detector in his computer

(B) he was worrying about the infected disks

(C) he had nearly beaten the dragon in computer game

(D) his mother came upstairs to ask him to go to bed

( ) (4) Which of the following is true according to the passage?

(A) Tom liked playing computer games

(B) Tom enjoyed playing with real dragons

(C) Tom hated tapping on the keyboard

(D) Tom hated teaching his mother how to play the computer

( ) (5) How did Tom get on with his mother?

(A) Mrs. White was very hard on her son.

(B) Mrs. White loved her son and took good care of him.

(C) Tom didn’t want to talk about the computer with his mother.

(D) Tom thought his mother was as wonderful as the computer game.



1. was 2. was 3. went 4. slept 5. gave 6. lived 7. had 8. didn’t have


1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. C


1. at the age of

2. began to learn(study)

3. take part in

4. when she was five

5. stopped smoking


1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D

6. A 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. D

1. King布置完任务后,并说 “When the sun is down, I will come and see your work.” 显然不能选择 “finished”。余下的三个选择中,began更加符合文中的情景,因此选择 C。

2. 两人中的一人认为,用水装满竹篮是一件愚蠢的工作。因此,never和no是候选,二者比较,只有never符合题意。因此选择 B。

3. 两个中的“另一个”是“the other”; 不定数目中的“另一个”是“another”。因此,因此选择 A。

4. 根据后一句中的went away, 本句应选C: nothing.

10. 因为前句中有so, so…that… 意为:如此……以致于……



(1) D (2) B (3) C (4) A (5) B

1.原文 “went to her 14-year-old son’s room. Tom was sitting in front of a bright computer screen” 部分,得出答案 “D”。

2.原文 “It’s half past eleven. If you don’t go to bed soon, you’ll be very tired tomorrow” 部分,明确给出故事发生时间 “It’s half past eleven” 答案为 “B”。

3.原文 “ ‘But I’ve nearly beaten the dragon,’ said Tom. Mrs. White could see the excitement (激动) on her son’s face” 部分中 “have nearly beaten” --- 几乎就打败了,Tom 显得很激动,选项为 “C”。

4.通读全文表现出Tom 对玩电脑十分感兴趣,选项为 “A”。

5.选题中词组 “get on with sb” ── 与某人相处,从文中多处看到 Mrs. White 对儿子Tom的喜爱,关心爱护,选项为 “B”。

篇3:八年级上 Unit 9 When was he born ?

Unit 9 When was he born ?

Teaching goals:

1. Learn to use “be born” to ask sb sth

2. 掌握一般过去时态的以how long , when , where 等疑问词开头的特殊疑问句.

3. 能用有关的形容词来描述人,并能用一般过去时来谈论熟知的、敬佩的人物.

Period 1

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

Greeting .Ask Ss when they were born and which sports stars they like.

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page53,1a &1b.Ask Ss to make a list of international sports stars they know.Show some sports stars photos to Ss

Ask :T: Who’s that ? S: That’s … .

T:When was he born ? S: She was born in … .

Pairwork :make conversations .-

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 53 , 1b .Look at the pictures .Read the names and the occupation .Make sure what Ss should do .

Listen carefully.Complete the exercise .Check the answers.

SB Page 53 , 2a & 2b .Point out the columns and read the headings to class .Explain the meaning of the words at the top of each column if necessary .Say ,this time fill in the information under How long .Play the recording,Ss complete activity 2b .Correct the answers .

Step 4 Post-task

Point to the chart in activity 2a .Point out the fill-in lines in the conversation in activity 2c .Show Ss how to do the activity .Ask Ss to work in pairs .Then make their own conversation .Correct the answers .

Step 5 Homework Collect the information about sports stars.Then make cards .-


Period 2

Teaching contents: Grammar focus , Section A 3a, 3b , 4a , 4b .

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

Revise the past tense .

Step 2 Pre-task

SBPage54,Grammarfocus.AskSs to say the questions and responses .Answer the questions the Ss might have .

Step 3 While-task

SB Pag3 55 , 3a .Ask Ss to point to the names in the chart below the article .Read the name to the class .

Explain the word achievement .

Divide the class into two groups -A and B .Have them continue filling in their own charts , on their own .

SB Page 55 , 3b .After Ss have finished reading and filling their answers , ask Ss to work in pairs .

Draw the chart on the Bb .Ask the Ss who finish first to write the answers in the chart .-

Correct the answers .

Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 55 , 4a .

Write this sample question on the Bb .Then ask two Ss to ask and answer these questions .

Ask Ss to talk to several other Ss .Move around the room checking their progress .

SB Page 55 , 4b .Ask Ss to tell the class what they learned about a student. Allow other Ss to ask questions if they don’t understand something another student says .Ask each student to read at least one statement from his chart .

Step 5 Homework( 改错 )

1. I went to the classroom , but no one were there .

2. Last summer I go to HongKong .

3. Lucy and Lily didn’t late for school last week .

Did your friend bought a new watch yesterday ?-


Period 3

Teaching contents : Section B 1a , 1b ,2a , 2b , 2c .

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Revision

Check the homework .

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 56 , 1a .

Write on the Bb the eight words at the top of the page .Ask a student to the names of the people in the pictures .

Ask Ss to write one or two words from the list under each person’s picture .

SB Page 56 , 1b .

Ask several Ss to read the class the words they wrote under each picture .Say , Now work with a group .Make your own statements about the people in the pictures ,using the words you wrote in your book .Ask Ss to tell the class what they said about some of the people.

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 56, 2a .-

Read the instructions and point out the words in the list in activity 1a .

Play the recording .Ss listen and circle the words they hear

Check the answers.

SB Page 56 , 2b .

Point out the eight sentences .Ask two Ss to read them .

Play the recording and have Ss write down the answers .

Correct the answers .

Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 56 , 2c .

Ask two Ss to read the sample conversation .

Have Ss work with a partner .Ask and answer questions using the sentences in activity 2b .

Ask several pairs to say a conversation to the class.

Step 5 Homework

Remember the words learned in this class .-


Period 4

Teaching contents: Section B 3a ,3b ,3c ,4 , selfcheck .

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

Ask some Ss some questions :When were you born ? When did you get to school yesterday ? etc .

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 57, 3a .

Ask Ss to read the phrases in the chart .

Then have Ss to read the article on their own ,ask Ss to circle any words or phrases they don’t understand .

Ask Ss to read to the class any words or phrases they circled .Write them on the Bb .Ask other Ss to explain what they mean .

Ask Ss to read the article again and fill in the information in the chart .

Correct the answers .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 57 , 3b .-

Ask Ss to use these sentences to start their articles .

Ask Ss to use the article about Midori as an example .

SB Page 57 , 3c .

Read the instructions and ask Ss who they write about .

Ask Ss to work on their own .When they finish,ask the Ss to read the article to a partner and to talk about the person in the article .

Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 57 , Part 4 .

Ask Ss to work in groups of four .

Point out the sample conversation .Ask three Ss to read it to the class .

Then ask Ss to work with their groups .

Step 5 Homework

Get Ss to finish the selfcheck on their own .



篇4:(人教版+汤姆森)初二Unit 9 When was he born?


一. 教学目标:

1. 谈论自己崇拜的名人;

2. 学习一些有关职业的英文表达方式;

3. 谈论自己过去的生活经历;

4. 谈论自己和别人的成就;

5. 能够写一篇短文,介绍自己和周围同学的生活经历;

6. 学习写一篇简短的人物传记。

二. 语言结构:

1. 被动语态

2. When引导的状语从句

3. When / How long 引导的特殊疑问句

三. 重点词汇

1. achievement n. 成就、功绩

2. skater n. 溜冰者

3. champion n. 冠军

4. great adj. 伟大的

5. born(动词bear的过去分词)出生

6. star n. 星星、明星

7. violinist n. 小提琴手

8. movie star 电影明星

9. golf v/n. (打)高尔夫球

10. sneeze v/n打喷嚏

11. hiccup v/n打嗝

12. start v. 开始

13. stop v. 停止

14. talented adj. 有天赋的、天才的

15. loving adj. 慈爱的

16. creative adj. 有创造力的

17. outstanding adj. 杰出的、出色的

18. unusual adj. 不寻常的、独特的

19. famous adj. 著名的

四. 重点短语

1. ping-pong player 乒乓球运动员

2. basketball player 篮球运动员

3. tennis player 网球手

4. take part in 参加

5. start doing / start to do 开始做…

6. at the age of 在…岁时

7. receive an honor 获得荣誉

8. win the first prize 获得一等奖

9. a piece of music 一段音乐

10. a professional basketball player 一名职业篮球运动员

五. 重点句子

1. Who is that?


2. That’s Deng Yaping. She is a great ping-pong player.


3. When was she born?


4. She was born in 1973.


5. Who is shirley Temple?


6. She is a movie star.


7. When did she become a movie star?


8. When she was three years old, she began to learn dancing.


六. 语法重点:被动语态


1. 主动语态:表示主语是动作的执行者,叫做主动语态。

eg: Everybody loves him.

We have finished our work.

2. 被动语态:表示主语是动作的承受者,叫做被动语态。

eg: He is loved by everybody.

Our work has been finished.



主动语态 被动语态

一般现在时 keep(s) (is)kept

现在进行时 is keeping (is)being kept

一般过去时 kept was kept


We always keep the secret.

The secret is always kept.

His mother asked me to have a cup of tea.

I was asked to have a cup of tea.

I often hear her sing in the room.

She is often heard to sing in the room.

七. 重难点解析:

1. too…to的含义及用法

“too…to…”是英语中常用的一种结构,其句型为“too+形容词或副词原级+to do …”,译为“太…而(以致)不能…”。它在形式上是肯定的,但在意义上是否定的。



She is too young not to go to school. (×)

She is too young to go to school. (√)


eg: The water is too hot to drink.


2. start的用法


eg: The old men started singing / to sing.


They started the party with dancing.



eg: My father couldn’t start the car.



3. When was she born? 她什么时候出生的?

be born出生于(be用过去时态形式was或were,因为人的出生多为发生在过去的事,所以用一般过去时)

eg: The great pianist was born on October 10th, 1890.


-Where were you born?


-I was born in Beijing.


4. record / ri /vt. 记录、记载,

record/ /n. 记录,唱片

eg: She has recorded many songs.


He made a lot of records.


Jay sold hundreds of records lost year.




I love surfing the Internet very much.


She has loving grandparents.


Jane is a lovely girl.


6. at the age of 在…岁时

eg: At the age of 4 Mike began to write peoms.


He was very clever and at the age of 15 he went to college.


7. He spent all his free time with his grand children.



第3单元SB 3a中:

I’m planning to spend time in the beautiful countryside.


eg: She spent $ 500 last year.


词组(A)spend …on sth 在某物(事)上花费(时间,金钱)

eg: Maria spent five yuan on the book.


I often spend a lot of time on my homework every night.


(B)spend …(in)doing sth. 花(时间或金钱)干某事

I often spend a lot of time (in)doing my homework.

Maria spent five yuan(in)buying the book.

注意,spend的主语必须是人,在第四单元中我们学过“It takes sb. some time / money to do. ”也可表示“做某事花某人多少时间/金钱”,但take的主语应是物,而不能是人。

eg: It takes me a lot of time to do my homework.

It took Maria five yuan to buy the book.

8. join -take part in两者都表示“参加”,join指“参加”某种组织。take part in 表示参加某项活动。

eg: He joined the Party at the age of 40.


When did your brother join the Army?


Do you want to take part in the sports meeting?


9. when的用法:


eg: When are you leaving?


When did Tony go to the library?



eg: When he was a small boy, he began to perform Beijing Opera.


She toured the U.S. when she was fourteen.


10. 年龄表达方法

(1)用基数词表达年龄,可以加上“…years old”three years old.

(2)用when引导的从句 when I was three(years old)

(3)at the age of +基数词 at the age of three

(4)基数词+-year-old three-year-old,注意这种表达常作定语

如a three-year-old boy.

八. 课文解析:SB 3a

Li Yundi, the well-known Chinese pianist, always loved music. He was born in 1982 in Chongqing. When he was a small boy, he could hum songs and difficult pieces of music. He began to learn the accordion at the age of four, and he started to learn the piano when he was seven. In October , Li Yundi took part in the 14th Chopin International Piano Competition in Poland. He won the first prize in his group. He was also the first Chinese pianist in the 70-year history of the competition to win this prize.

1. Li Yundi, the well-known Chinese pianist, always loved music.


划线部分是“Li Yundi”的同位语,作进一步解释说明。

2. When he was a small boy, he could hum songs and difficult pieces of music.



词组hum songs意为“哼唱歌曲”

pieces of music. 意为“音乐篇章”

3. learn 学习learn sth 或learn doing sth.

eg: learn English 学习英语

learn dancing 学习跳舞

4. the 14th Chopin International Piano Competition.


5. He was also the first Chinese pianist in the 70-year history of the competition to win this prize.



一. 翻译下列词组

1. 在五岁时_____________________

2. 太小而不能上学_____________________

3. 开始作曲_____________________

4. 一个职业足球选手_____________________

5. 学习骑自行车_____________________

6. 得到荣誉_____________________

7. 拉手风琴_____________________

8. 主修音乐_____________________

9. 打乒乓球_____________________

10. 周游中国_____________________

二. 用所给词的适当形式填空:

1. They are students. I teach _______(they)English.

2. There _______(be)only sugar in the jar.

3. I usually finish _______(do)my homework at about 8 o’clock.

4. Thank you for _______(come)to see me.

5. I _______(not like)climbing hills. She _______(not), either.

6. I’m in good heath now, but I _______(be)often ill last year.

7. There _______(not be)a film last night.

8. He _______(not do)washing yesterday, but he _______(do)some washing tomorrow.

9. _______he_______(have)a good sleep last night?

10. Tom stood there for a moment and then _______(start)to read a book.

三. 选择填空:

1. She spends two hours _______ the violin every day.

A. play B. plays C. to play D. playing

2. She was born ________ the evening _____ May 5, .

A. in, of B. on, of C. in, in D. on, in

3. When did the young man ________ the army?

A. join B. join in C. take part in D. enter

4. When the teacher ______ the classroom, the children stopped _______.

A. entered, talking B. entered into, talking

C. came into, to talk D. came in, to talk

5. The little children can read so many words. That’s really _______.

A. unusual B. usual

C. creative D. talented

6. It was an ________ day today, so he got up much earlier than ______.

A. unusual, usual B. usual, unusual

C. unusual, unusual D. usual, usual

7. He felt very ________ at the news.

A. happily B. happy

C. badly D. well

8. ______ a child received _______ many honors.

A. Such, so B. So, such

C. Such, such D. So, so

9. -Can I help you?


A. That’s right. B. No, thanks.

C. Here you are. D. Yes, I can.

10. He’s not going to the cinema. I’m not, ________.

A. too B. also C. either D. so

四. 补全对话:

Girl: John, do you admire Wilma Rudolph?

Boy: Yes, Laura. She was 1 outstanding runner.

Girl: What 2 athletes 3 you admire?

Boy: I really admire Michael Jordan. He 4 basketball.

Girl: I know that, John! I’ve watched Michael Jordan. He 5 outstanding!

Boy: He really is talented. But I admire Babe Ruth, 6 .

Girl: Who is Babe Ruth?

Boy: He was 7 famous baseball 8 , Laura.

Girl: Oh, a baseball player. I don’t like 9 . So I don’t 10 about Babe Ruth.

五. 读句子,请在符合句意的词下面划线。

1. I (am, was)a middle school student now. I (go, am going)to college in America after I finish high school.

2. When I (am/was)seven, I (start/started)learning skating.

3. Shirley Temple(becomes/became)famous at the age of three.

4. I usually (visit/visited)my grandparents on weekends. Last Sunday I(go/went)to the aquarium.

5. My mother sometimes(watches/watched)TV in the evening. Last night, she (goes/went)to the movies.

6. I (am going, went)to the aquarium with my friends next Sunday.

7. I (study/studied)for English test yesterday.

8. Lucy and Lily(is,are)going to spend their holiday in China.

六. 完型填空


Most American businesses are 1 five days a week. American school 2 go to school five days a week, 3 . American families usually have a two-day weekend. The weekend is Saturday and Sunday. During the weekend, people 4 their time in many ways. Many families enjoy weekend together. They may go 5 , go for a drive or visit their friends. They may also have a party at home. Many American families take part in sports 6 the weekend. Running, biking, hiking, playing volleyball and swimming are popular in summer. Skiing (滑雪)and skating are the favourite 7 sports. Weekends are also a time for American families to 8 something in their yards (庭院)or on their house. They 9 their old house. Many families plant flowers and vegetable in their gardens. For 10 Americans, weekends are very free.

1. A. open B. opened C. close D. closed

2. A. boys B. girls C. child D. children

3. A. also B. too C. either D. yet

4. A. take B. cost C. use D. spend

5. A. shop B. to shop C. a shop D. shopping

6. A. in B. on C. for D. between

7. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter

8. A. work on B. work at C. do on D. do at

9. A. build B. repair C. find D. put

10. A. many B. much C. more D. most

七. 阅读理解:


Harry is driving a car on his way home. He likes driving very much. He is thinking about the coming evening. “Oh, my son, Robin, is ten years old today! I am so happy! I have a nice box for him. He will be very happy to open the box and see…I must drink some whisky(威士忌)for his birthday. I have a bottle of whisky just on the right seat of the car. ”He looks at the nice green bottle of whisky and smiles.

The traffic lights are red now, but Harry is thinking and he can’t see them. He doesn’t stop his car and his car hits another car in front of his. An old man is in the front car. The old man is very afraid and says to Harry, “What are you doing? You nearly (几乎)kill(杀)me! ”

“Yes, ”Harry answers. “I am very sorry! ”He takes the bottle of whisky out of his car and say, “Drink some of this, then you’ll feel better. ”He gives the old man some whisky and the man drinks it. But the old man shouts again: “You nearly kill me! ”

Harry gives him the bottle again, and the old man drinks more. He drinks more and more. At last he drinks a lot of whisky. The old man smile and says to Harry, “Thank you. I feel much better now. But why aren’t you drinking? ”“Oh, well, ”Harry answers. “I don’t want to drink any whisky now. I’m going to sit here and wait for the policeman. ”


( )1. Harry hits an old man.

( )2. Harry’s car hits another car.

( )3. Harry is very afraid.

( )4. Harry gives the old man some water.

( )5. The old man drinks a lot of Harry’s whisky and he is very angry.


American Schools begin in September after a summer holiday. There are two terms in a school The first term is from September to January, and the second is from February to June. Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years old. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high school.

High school students take only four or five subjects (学科)each term. They usually go to the same classes every day, and they have homework for every class. After class they do many interesting things.

After high school, many students go to college (大学). They can go to a small one or a large one. They usually have to give a lot of money(钱). So many college students work after school to get money for their studies.

( )1. In America, a summer holiday begins in _______.

A. September B. July C. June D. February

( )2. Most American children go to school at the age of _______.

A. five B. seven C. eight D. seventeen

( )3. High school students _______ after class.

A. only do their homework

B. go to work

C. do many interesting things

D. play football

( )4. After high school, many students go to ________.

A. work B. make money C. cities D. college

( )5. In order to _______, many American college students work after school.

A. help their parents

B. get the money for their studying

C. help others

D. learn some useful things

八. 写作:介绍一名你最喜欢的名人,包括写出他(她)的国籍,出生年月,头衔、主要成就等内容,不少于80词。


一. 1. at the age of 5 2. too young to go to school

3. start making music 4. a professinal soccer player

5. learn riding a bicycle

6. receive an honor

7. accordion player

8. major in music

9. play ping-pong

10. tour China

二. 1. them 2. is 3. doing 4. coming

5. don’t like; doesn’t 6. was 7. was

8. didn’t do will do 9. Did; have 10. started

三. 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. A

6. A 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. C

四. 1. an 2. other 3. do 4. is a 5. is 6. too

7. a 8. player 9. it 10. know

五. 1. am; am going 2. was; started 3. became

4. visit; went 5. watches; went

6. am going 7. studied 8. are

六. 1. A 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. D

6. B 7. D 8. A 9. B 10. A

七. (A)1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F

(B)1. C 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. B

篇5:八年级上新目标英语教学笔记 八年级Unit 9 When was he born?

Teaching Goals:

1. Talk about exceptional people, famous people.

2. Talk about profession

3. Talk about things in the past

Language Structures

1. “who”,“when”“How long”“what”questions

2. Consolidate Simple Past Tense and the past form of verbs

3. Adverbial clauses with“when”,

4. Passive voice


1. Words about profession

ping-pong player,basketball player,tennis player,soccer/football player,skater(滑冰者)pianist(钢琴家),violinist(小提琴家)movie star(电影明星),golfer(打高尔夫球的人),athlete(运动员)



3. Adjectives



4. Others



Important sentences

1. Who is that?

2. That's Deng Yaping. She is a great ping-pong player.

3. When was she born?

4. She was born in 1973.

5. Who is Shirley Temple?

6. She is a movie star.

7. When did she become a movie star?

8. When she was three years old, she began to learn dancing.

Some other notes in this unit:

1. When was he born? 他什么时候出生的?

He was born in 1895. 他出生于1895年。

be born 意为“出生”,后面加介词短语“in 1895”. 这实际上是被动语态,结构为“be+动词的过去分词”表示“主语被....”在句中,人是被生出的,因此用被动态,born原形是bear,意为产生、生育。

2. start doing sth. Start to do sth. Begin to do sth 都可以表示开始做某事。


eg: The old men started singing / to sing.


They started the party with dancing.



eg: My father couldn't start the car.



3. too...to... 太...而不能


a. The boy is too young to dress himself.


b. This house is too big to clean in one day.


c. She is too young to go to school.


4.some adjectives to describe people.




5. at the age of 在...岁时

At the age of 4 Mike began to write peoms


6. take part in 参加(......活动)

join -take part in两者都表示“参加”,join指“参加”某种组织。take part in 表示参加某项活动。

eg: He joined the Party at the age of 40.


When did your brother join the Army?


Do you want to take part in the sports meeting?


7.win the first prize 赢得第一名

8.the 70-year history 70年的历史


如:a four-year old girl 一个四岁女孩。


(1)用基数词表达年龄,可以加上“...years old”three years old.

(2)用when引导的从句 when I was three(years old)

(3)at the age of +基数词 at the age of three

(4)基数词+-year-old three-year-old,注意这种表达常作定语

如a three-year-old boy.


一. 写出下列动词的过去式:

1. is _________ 7. have _________

2. are _________ 8. become _________

3. start _________ 9. play _________

4. do _________ 10. take _________

5. hiccup _________ 11. win _________

6. learn _________ 12. begin _________

二. 把下列词组译成英语:

1. 运动明星 _________ 8. 太...而不能... _________

2. 乒乓球运动员 _________ 9. 开始打高尔夫球 _________

3. 篮球运动员 _________ 10. 滑冰冠军 _________

4. 网球运动员 _________ 11. 中国的钢琴家 _________

5. 足球运动员 _________ 12. 获得第一名 _________

6. 停止打嗝 _________ 13. 参加 _________

7. 电影明星 _________ 14. 主修 _________

15. 清华大学 _________ 16. 在四岁的时候 _________

三. 选择填空:

1. Deng Yaping _________ born in 1973.

A. is B. was C. were

2. She is a great _________ ping-pong player.

A. China B. Korea C. Chinese

3. --_________ did Tara learn ice skating?

--For three years.

A. How long B. How old C. How many

4. Tiger woods started _________ when he was only ten months old.

A. golf B. golfer C. golfing

5. You are never _________ young _________ start doing things.

A. so...that B. between...and C. too...to

6. Is he _________? No, he isn't.

A. alive B. live C. life

7. Most of students in our class _________ part in the math match yesterday.

A. joined B. took C. made

8. He spends all his free time _________ his grandchildren.

A. for B. to C. with

9. Lucy became a famous _________ when she was just 11 years old.

A. piano B. violin C. violinist

10. When do Shakespeare stop writing plays?

He stopped writing plays _________.

A. in 1613. B. for 20 years C. once a week

四. 汉译英:

1. 她在1993年开始上钢琴课。

2. Tony太累了不能跑了。

3. Shirley在三岁的时候成为一名电影明星。

4. Lisa什么时候开始学习滑冰?

5. 他打嗝打了69年零5个月。

篇6:When was he born教学反思

When was he born教学反思


首先,设计别出心裁,对教材进行了重组,将Section B 的1a部分提到了这一课时,使学生在描述名人或者自己喜欢的人物时能有更多的选择,为最后的文段输出打下了较好的基础。事实证明,这样的设计合理、科学,在我校学生中可以畅通无阻。可在我的第一稿设计中却非如此,完全按照教科书的编排顺序,在和本备课组和本科组老师的集体研讨下,几易其稿,最后,才成了现在的面目。如果将Section A 2a的听力再放到第一课时,听力内容就稍显偏多,对话及句型练习的时间就会被压缩,而后面的内容扩展就不会水到渠成,让学生进行文段的输出也会显得捉襟见肘。

其次,导入新课轻松、自然。本来是准备了一段姚明在 “ NBA”的比赛视频,作为导入新课的前奏。但如果一上来就让学生看视频,显得突兀和做作。为什么这么说呢?因为我们的传统是每节课前都有学生的 “Daily report”,每天的报告内容都和正在学习的该单元密切相关,如果是新单元的第一课时,那今天的 “report”肯定是和上一个单元的内容密切相关。后来又打算以奥运主题曲 “You and me”以及奥运冠军的图片来导入新课。但是,北京奥运会已走远,正在进行的“东亚运动会”的影响力又不如奥运那么广泛,用哪一个运动员?“郭晶晶”还是“刘子歌”?举棋不定,主要是觉得不自然,太牵强。如果是用运动员来导入新课的话,怎么和学生自己相联系?如果一下子描述了好几个的话,学生对句型会很熟悉,这样未尝不可,也可轻松联系到学生本人及家人的`出生日期和他们的工作,但是,接下来的听力怎么办?又再转回到运动员那里,岂不是显得太杂乱,脉络不清晰。如果一直是名人介绍,最后再联系到学生本人,那么多的运动员,会让学生眼花缭乱,无所适从。所以,这个设想又被毙掉了。经过讨论、修改,冥思苦想,最后还是从学生的 “report”作为突破口,因为上一单元是用一般过去时态谈论你的上一次的学校旅游以及上周末的活动,所以,紧接着学生之间的问题互答,我微笑着提问: “Did you have a birthday party last weekend? ” “No” “Did you have a birthday party last year?” “Yes”接着引入本课时的重点句型“When were you born?”又给出了词组 “give birth to…” 的用法,顺带着对学生进行了感恩和孝心教育,对年、月、日的练习也顺理成章地进行了。所以,本课时的导入我是比较满意的,当然还有更好的方法,我会一直不停地思考下去。

再次,本课时主要谈论的对象是著名运动员,思路未免狭窄了点,我在备课时,考虑到学生未来的职业选择,以及对他们从小进行爱国、爱乡和理想主义教育,于是又增加了国内的几位名人。比如作家“鲁迅”,科学家“钱学森”以及祖籍的著名乒乓球运动员,中国第一位世界冠军“容国团”的生平事迹和成就介绍,在这同时,又引入了本单元出现的所有描述性的形容词,并在介绍的同时又学习了”Start doing sth”和”Stop doing sth”的用法,不仅使学生开阔了眼界,增加了知识,而且丰满了学生的语言,使学生在描述名人时有内容可讲,更能增加他们学英语的信心,而且,谁又能不信在未来的日子里,在座的学生中不会出现第二个“鲁迅”和 “钱学森”呢?




篇7:Unit 9 When was he born? 教案教学设计(人教版英语八年级)


课题 Unit 9 When was he born?第一课时

作者及工作单位 西城中学 蔡满芳




围绕sports stars这一话题展开思维( 1a)、听力(1b)、口语( 1c)训练。课前让学生搜集世界体育明星的照片和资料。上课时老师从简单提问导入新课题,由易到难,自然过渡。利用多媒体课件中的图片内容进行教学活动。


学生在第3单元已学过了 when 和 how long 特殊疑问句,这样学生就能初步接触 when 和 how long 在一般过去时态的应用。(让学生回忆 when 对时间点进行提问,而 how long 是对时间段进行提问)从而为学生掌握 when 和 how long 从句做好铺垫。


1. 谈论自己崇拜的名人。

2. 学习一些有关职业的英文表达方式。





环节 教师活动 预设学生行 为





三、教学SectionA -1a,1b:



2.老师呈现以上图片提问:How old is he? And do you know who's that? What's he/she? Where is he from? 学生对这些明星的很多情况都很熟悉,可是不太熟悉他们的出生时间。提出以上一系列问题后,就可引起学生的好奇心,这时,让他们听录音,写下明星们出生的年份,完成2b。

四、教学SectionA -1c

活动 Pairwork: 学生用 How old … When … 来操练并进一步引出其他人称的运用。

1.利用2b的信息内容,填空,完成 2c。

2.学生分角色朗读 part 1c, 然后对话。



Teacher: “Who's that?”

Students: “That's Michael Jordan.”

Teacher: “He is a …?”

Students: “He is a basketball player.”

Teacher: “When is he from?

Students: “America.”

Teacher: “He is an American basketball player.”

“When was he born?”

Student: “He was born in 1963.”


课前让学生搜集世界体育明星的照片和资料。上课时老师从简单提问导入新课题,由易到难,自然过渡。 利用多媒体课件中的图片内容进行下列教学活动。








Unit 9 When was he born?

hiccup Who's that?

sneezeThat's Michael Jordan.

hold the record He is a …

He is a basketball player.

......When was he born

He was born in 1963.





4. 评价不采用记分的形式,而是分为A(Excellent)、B(Good)、C(OK)、D(Come On)四个等级。学习行动(包括:学习态度、课堂参与、合作学习等内容)、学习情况(包括:听、说、读、写等内容)、评价形式分自评、互评、师评、总评。此外评价表上还列有“我眼中的自己、同伴眼中的我、老师眼中的我”几个栏目,由教师、同伴、家长以及该学生本人分别写上评语,让学生通过这种无声的评语感受到老师、家长以及同伴的爱和希望,感受到同伴的关心和支持。最后学生自己再在表上制定出下一步的学习目标。



篇8:Unit 9 When was he born? 教案教学设计(人教版英语八年级)

Unit 9 When was he born?



(1) 能对别人的出生年月进行问答,如:When was he born?

He was born in/on…

(2) 能对别人的经历进行询问,如:When did he start hiccupping?

How long did he hiccup?


(1)词汇: achievement; record; violinist; start; stop;

pianist; creative; outstanding.

(2)句型: Who is that?

That’s Deng Yaping. She is a great ping-pong player.

When was she born?

When did she start/stop…?

How long did she start…?

(3)掌握被动语态以及由when 引导的状语从句和由how long/when 引导的特






When was he/she born? When did he/she start…?

How long did he/she…?



Step 1 Warming-up and revision

(1) Intercourse

(2) A guessing game

Get the students to review how to describe the famous people.

T:. Let’s play a guessing game. I will tell you something about

a famous woman. Please listen to me carefully, and try to guess who she

is. She is Chinese. She was born in 1973.

She plays ping-pong very well. She is short. She is very great.

Do you know who she is ?

S: Is she Deng Yaping ?

T: Yes, you are right . Now please try to describe the famous persons

Step 2 Presentation

This activity introduces the difficult points.

A: When did Deng Yaping start playing ping-pong?

B: She started playing ping-pong in 1978.

A: When did she stop playing ping-pong?

B: She stopped in .

A: How long did she play ping-pong?

B: She played for 19 years.

1、 Ask the students to practice the sample conversation, then make

up similar conversations.

2、 Ask several students to perform their conversations.

3、Learning the new words.

Step 3 Practice and listen

Now we are going to talk about two unusual people.

Look at this picture in section A 2a and the chart.

T: What are their names ?

S: The man is Charles Smith and the woman is Donna Green.

T: What are they doing ?

S: Charles Smith is hiccupping. Donna Green is sneezing.

(Help them answer)

T: What kinds of world record did they have ?

S1: Charles Smith had a world record for hiccupping.

S2: Donna Green had a world record for sneezing.

T: How long did Charles Smith hiccup ?

S3:He hiccupped for 69 years and 5 months.

T: How long did Donna Green sneeze ?

Let students listen to the tape and fill in the “How long” column in

the chart.

Let students listen again and fill in the “started” and “stopped”


Get the students listen and write ,then check the answers.

Step 4 Drill

Ask some pairs of students to perform the conversations.

T: You got all the answers right now. Let’s come to section A 2c pair

work. Please fill in the blanks with information from the listening.

Ask two pairs of students to Practice the conversations.

T: You did very well.

I’d like you to work in pairs and make the same kind of conversation

about Donna.

S1:How long did Charles Smith hiccup?

S2:He hiccupped for 69 years and 5 months.

S1:How long did he start hiccupping?

S2:He started in 1922.

S1:When did he stop hiccupping?

S2:He stopped in 1990.

Ask several pairs to act it out.

Step 5 Sum-up

Think about what we learn today

Step 6 Homework

1)Write down a list of famous stars about their ages, birthdays, hobbies

and achievements

2)Ask your parents birthdays and help them do something.


Unit 9 When was he born? He was born in/on…

When did he start hiccupping? How long did he hiccup?

Who is that?

That’s Deng Yaping. She is a great ping-pong player.

She started playing ping-pong in 1978.

篇9:Lesson plan of Unit 9 When was he born? 教案教学设计(人教版英语八年级)

Lesson plan of Unit 9

When was he born?





本节课的教学内容是Go for it八年级上册Unit9 When was he born? 本单元.主要语言功能项目是谈论自己崇拜的名人以及名人的职业生涯.以人物简历为线索展开语言交际和语言实践活动。Section B的第一课时,在掌握Section A部分内容的基础上学会使用描述性形容词 talented, outstanding , unusual, creative…etc来描述自己崇拜的人以及名人。并通过听力练习的训练,学生可以了解成功人士的生活及成长经历,并且能够熟练的使用英文介绍名人及成功人士的职业生涯。


通过对本单元Section A的学习,同学们对学习本节课的新知识奠定了认知基础.他们热爱并崇拜乔丹,邓亚萍,贝克汉姆,姚明等名人。对他们的人生历程充满好奇.因此在教学中,教师可充分利用学生这一心理特点,利用他们已有的知识,引导学生深入探究,自主地解决问题。


1. 语言技能目标

(1) 能对别人的身份进行问答:Who’s this/that? She is Den Ya ping. She is a great Chinese ping-pong player. Who do you admire? I admire Michael Jordan.

Why do you admire him/her? Because he/she is a famous/ an outstanding basketball player.

(2) 能对别人的出生年月进行问答,如:When was he/she born?

He/She was born in/on…

(3) 能对别人的经历进行询问,如:When did he/she start playing ping-pong/basketball?

How long did he/she play ping-pong/basketball?

2. 语言知识目标

(1) 词汇:

(2) 句型Who do you admire?

I admire Den Yaping/....

Why do you admire her/him?

Because she/he is a famous/an outstanding …player.

Who is that?

That’s Zhang Yiling. She is a great ping-pong player.

When was she born?

When did she start/stop…?

How long did she start…?

(3) 掌握由Who/ Why /when 引导的状语从句和由how long/when 引导的特殊疑问句.



1、Who’s this/that? Who do you admire?Why do you admire him/her? When was he/she born? When did he/she start…? How long did he/she…? 难点为重点句型的实际运用及when引导的状语从句和特殊疑问句.




Step 1:Preparation : (Warming-up and revision) (8 minutes)

1. Greetings and sing an English song.

2. A guessing game (Get the students to review how to describe some famous people )

T: The whole class , please. She is Chinese .She plays table tennis very well. She is short .She was born in 1973.She is very great and famous . Do you know who she is?

S:Is she Den Ya ping ?

T: Yes, you are right. When did Deng Yaping start playing ping-pong?

S: She started playing ping-pong in 1978.

T:When did she stop playing ping-pong?

S:She stopped in 1997.

T:How long did she play ping-pong?

S:She played for 19 years.

T: Yes, great. Now please try to describe the famous persons .

3. Teacher can have a few Ss describe some famous persons and let other Ss guess who he/she is .

. 【设计说明:课前教师简单的问候能拉进师生之间的距离,歌曲热身将学生的心收之于课堂。利用猜一猜这一游戏环节,使学生在轻松的交流中复习学过的句型: Who...? When did ...? How long...? When was she /he born? 再现SectionA 中有关名人的生平简历 , 为教学新课做好铺垫,通过多媒体呈现人物进行操练,形象生动,激发学生兴趣。】

Step 2 Presentation (10 minutes)

This activity introduces the difficult points. Teacher can Use flashcards to present the next:

1. A: Who’s that?

B: that’s Zhang Yining .

A: When did Zhang Yining start playing ping-pong?

B:She started playing ping-pong in 1986.

A:When did she stop playing ping-pong?

B:She stopped in 2009.

A:How long did she play ping-pong?

B:She played for 23 years.

1)Ask the students to practice the sample conversation, then make up similar conversations.

2) Ask several pairs of students to perform their conversations.


3. Teacher continue talking about Zhang Yining and ask:

(1) A: Do you admire Zhang Yining?

B: Yes, I do.

A: Why do you admire her?

B: Because she is a great and famous Chinese ping-pong player .She is also a talented player. So I admire her.

A:And except Zhang Yining who else you admire

B: Michael Jordan.

A: Why?

B:Because he is an outgoing and talented basketball player. He is very famous in the world. He is talented in basketball.

A: What else do you know about him?

B:I know he was born in America in 1963.

(2) Get the Ss to talk about other famous persons in pairs and then have some pairs perform their conversations.

(3)Then choose some individuals to introduce some famous persons he/she knows.

【设计说明:通过师生问答式的交流,既能对SectionA 中内容进行复习与巩固。锻炼语言思维,提高语言表达流畅度。实际上SectionB中的内容就是对SectionA中知识的延伸于拓展,让学生在实际的语言操练中,不仅学会使用描述性的形容词,而且会把描述性的形容词放到一段话中去描述名人或成功人士。让语言与实际生活紧密的联系在一起,这样语言才真实,才具有实际魅力。】

Step 3 Practice (10 minutes)

1.Now we are going to talk about some unusual people.

Look at these pictures in 1a and talk about these persons

T: Look these persons. Are they usual?

Ss: No, they are unusual.

T: Why? Now please write one or two words to describe the persons with the words given in 1a. (1 minute)

T: Who’s this/that?

S1: This is Arthur.

T: Do you admire him?

S1: Yes.

T: Why?

S1: I admire him because he is loving and kind. He is a loving grandfather. He always spends all his free time with his grandson. He is kind and he loves his grandson very much. So He is loving. ( help the student answer)

2. Repeat with other persons in the same way.

3. Imagine you know the persons in the pictures in 1a. Tell your partner about each person like this: (1b)

A: Sarah is a beautiful girl. She is a famous tennis player. She plays tennis very well. She is outstanding in tennis.

4. Get some individuals to report their answers to the class.


Step 4 Production (12 minutes)

1. In our daily life ,there are lots of people that we admire .Next, We will hear a conversation .There are two people talking about people they admire, Please listen and circle the words in the list in 1a that you hear. Then answer the question “ Who are the two people the two persons are talking about?”

2. Check the answers with the class.

3. Listen the recording again and write “M” or “L” on the lines in 2b

4. Check the answers. Then listen again and let two students talk about Midori and Laura like this: Midori is a famous violinist. She was born in 1971. I saw her play when I was eight. She toured the U.S. when she was fourteen years old.


Step 5 Progress(5 minutes)

1.Ask the students to take out the photos about the famous people they have prepared and introduce them

2. Ask some students to report their answers to the class.

3. Sum-up : Think about what we have learned today

4. Write down a list of famous TV/ movie/... stars about their ages、 birthdays、,hobbies and achievements an4d then write a short passage about them.

5. Make a survey about famous people around you and learn more about them.



本节课在多媒体的辅助下,直观生动地呈现给学生学习语言需要的材料,为学生搭建了一个很好的语言练习近平台。在导入环节中,通过唱英语歌曲和猜一猜,营造了轻松愉快的氛围,学生积极参与,作为教学前奏,为后面的学习作了很好的铺垫。我们不难看出,在课堂教学中,如果教师设计了一个轻松愉快的接近生活的语言环境,创造一个学生没有心理压力,不受任何约束,又能充分展现自我的课堂氛围,这就自然地使他们放松,激起他们开口说英语的欲望。通过多种形式的听、说、读、写语言实践活动 让学生体味到了英语语言的真正魅力所在。因此,有目的,有乐趣的课堂活动不失为一种鼓励学生大胆说英语的好方法。施之以教,贵在引导”。教师通过自己的主导作用发挥学生的主体作用通过丰富多彩的任务情境调动学生的学习积极性,主动地投入学习。



八年级上Unit3 SectionA学案 (人教版英语八年级)


新目标八年级上 Unit9-10 教案(完整英文版)






Unit 9 When was he born?(Section A)教
《Unit 9 When was he born?(Section A)教.doc》

【Unit 9 When was he born?(Section A)教(精选9篇)】相关文章:










