Don’t look back, let it go.

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Don’t look back, let it go.(共10篇)由网友“风花”投稿提供,这次小编给大家整理过的Don’t look back, let it go.,供大家阅读参考,也相信能帮助到您。

Don’t look back, let it go.




1. Don’t stand o______. Come in please.

2. He likes w_____ to school. He thinks it’s good for his health.

3. Go to w_____ your hands, they are too dirty.

4. Don’t f_____ with each other.

5. “No talking” is one of the library r_____.

6. Don’t talk l_____ in the reading room.

7. Do you have to ______(穿) uniform today?

8. These ______(孩子们) are playing games.

9. I can’t _______(会见我的'朋友) after school. I have to go home.

10. There are _______(太多) things in her room.


1. Mary is only four years old, but she can ______( read).

2. _____( arrive not) late for class.

3. Does Tom have to _____( finish )his homework by five?

4. She practices _____( play )the piano every day.

5. The people here are very ______( friend).


1. Let’ s _____ our dorm’ s (寝室的) rules。

A. get B. set C. make D. plan

2. — Mom, can I go to play football now?

—No, you finish your homework first.

A. must B. can C. could D. may

3. Mr. Green will arrive Beijing this afternoon.

A. at B. in C. on D. to

4. I to cook now.

A. have not B. don’t have C. had not D. didn’t have

5. I smoke here?

A. Must B. Need C. Can D. Have to

6. draw on the wall.

A. Not B. No C. Doesn’t D. Don’t

7. The visitors our school yesterday morning.

A. got to B. reached to C. arrived D. arrive in

8. My mother is not very well, she works very hard.

A. or B. but C. and D. too

9. do you think about Hangzhou?

A. How B. Which C. Where D. What

10. They don’t have to their school uniforms.

A. dress B. have on C. put on D. wear

11. Don’t watch TV school nights.

A. at B. in C. D. on

12. You can’t eat outside the dining hall.

A. in B. at C. D. on

13. Students can’t music in the hallways.

A. listen B. hear C. hear to D. listen to

*14. A kid breakfast every morning, because it’s good for his health.

A. have to B. has to C. has to have D. has to has

*15. It’s not good loudly in class.

A. talk B. to talk C. talks D. talked


1. We can wear hats in school. (改为否定句)


2. No food in class. (改为同义句)


3. I have to do my homework after school. (对划线部分提问)


4. She has to be in bed by ten (对划线部分提问)


5. Do your homework at school. (改为否定句)



1. He doesn’t his homework at home .

2. Not go out at night, Alan.

3. You can’t fight with your classroom, I can’t, too.

4. Don’t listen music, please be quiet.

5. That make our teacher really unhappy.


We can see many traffic signs(交通标志)on_1_sides of the roads .Some_2_the drivers_3_to do , others tell them what not to do .

The traffic signs are the traffic rules _4_people must obey(遵守).The rules and mustn’t break(违反)them. Each traffic sign _5_its meaning. Do you see the sign “P”? Do you know its meaning ? In big cities , there are 6 cars, trucks and buses . They can’t stop on the streets 7 any time . If a driver wants to stop his car , he must 8 a place for his car–a car stop. A car stop 9 a special “hotel” and it’s for cars to live in. “P” is the first letter of the word “Park” (停车) and it means “You can stop your car here!” 10 important to obey the traffic rules.

1. A. all B. any C. both D. every

2. A. say B. tell C. talk D. speak

3. A. that B. what C. why D. how

4. A. All B. Some C. Many D. Lots of

5. A. have B. has C. had D. have to

6. A. too much B. too many C. a lot D. lot of

7. A. at B. in C. on D. for

8. A. look at B. look like C. look for D. finds

9. A. like B. is like C. likes D. has

10. A. That B. It C. That’s D. It’s


Every year thousands of people get hurt or die in road accidents. How can we make the roads safer? First we must obey the traffic rules. If everybody obeys the rules, the roads will be much safer. In our country traffic keeps on the right side of the road. Second, we must stop and look both ways before crossing the road. Look left, look right, and then look left again. Then, if we are sure that the road is clear, we can cross the road. Third, it is good to help children, old people or blind (盲人) people to cross the road. Last , we must never play in the street.


1. Everybody must be careful and obey the traffic rules.

2. You must ride a bike on the right side of the road.

3. In our country , all the cars and buses keep on the left.

4. “The road is clear” means there is no car or bus that may hurt you.

5. We look only one way before crossing the road.




一、1. outside 2. walking 3. wash 4. fight 5. rules 6. loudly 7. wear 8. children

9. meet my friends 10. too many

二、1. read 2. Don’t arrive 3. finish 4. playing 5. friendly

三、1~5 CABBC 6~10 DABDD 11~15 DCDCB

四、1. We can’t wear hats in school.

2. Don’t eat food in class.

3. What do you have to do after school?

4. When does she have to be in bed?

5. Don’t do your homework at school.

五、1. doesn’t → doesn’t do 2. Not → Don’t 3. too → either 4. listen→ listen to

5. make → makes

六、1~5 CBBAB 6~10 BACBD

七、1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F


篇2:Don' teat in class说课稿

Section A 1a to 4



Step1 Warming up

After greeting, teacher says:“ Im happy. Do you know why ”

Let the students guess.

Tell them:“ Because I heard a nice song. Do you want to listen to it ”

“What do you think of the song ”

“Do you like listening to music ”

“Can you listen to music in the classroom ”


Step2 Presentation

Take out an apple.

T: Can I eat an apple in class now “

Ss: No, you cant

T: Can you eat apples in class now

Ss: No, we cant.

Repeat it with a cigarette.

Can和cant 的句式在七年级上册书已经有所讲授,但是用法有所差别,不再是用can和cant表示能力,而是表示许可.所以可以轻句型而重用法.运用实物讲授知识,既直观形象,又方便有效.

Step3 Practice

Show the students some pictures ,then let the students talk about them with” Can you/we… “

S1.Can we arrive late for class.

S2.No, we cant. We cant arrive late for class.


Step4 Game

Every student makes a list of six rules. Use ”can“ in the rules. Put the rules in a bag. And take a different set of rules out. Now find the students who wrote these rules.


Step5 Listening

Finish Section A 2a 2b


Step6 Presentation

Show the students some picture of the students who are breaking school rules and ask:” Can we … “Present ”Dont…“


Step7 March

Finish Section A 1a


Step8 Listen

Finish Section A,1b

First, let the students guess what rule Peter/Selina/Nick is breaking.


Step9 Competition

Have a competition between boys and girls; let them say as many school rules as they can

T: There are many school rules in our school. Can you name any of them

篇3:Don' teat in class说课稿

S2: WE cant fight…


Step10 Homework

To sum up our school rules.

To find out some signs around us and try to draw them out.


篇4:don t alow后加什么时态

don't 和not 的区别:


1、not否定陈述语气谓语动词必须借助操作词,能和not构成缩合形式的'限定动词,如isn't,shouldn't, won't中的is,should, will等。如:

He is not at home. (原句有操作词is,加not)


He will not come. (原句有操作词will,加not)


2、don't用于句子中没有操作词时,主语是第一、二人称和复数形式的一般现在时的陈述语气的否定,实意动词改为不带to的不定式。主语是第三人称单数则需要加 doesn't。一般过去时的陈述语气否定需要加didn't,例:

I don't like her. (原句没有操作词,一般现在时)


He didn't do it. (原句没有操作词,一般过去时)




2、don't或do not 用于祈使语气否定,用在动词原型前 。例如:

Don't move.


Don't be stupid.


篇5:Don’t Miss Out on Life

It takes only a minute to get crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone. But it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

Don't go for looks; they can deceive. Don't go for wealth; even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile. Because it only takes a smile to make a dark day seem bright. Find the one that makes your heart smile.

Maybe we meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person. We will know how to be grateful for that gift.

It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.

Giving someone all your love will not provide assurance that they'll love you back. Don’t expect love in return; Just wait for it to grow in their hearts. But if it doesn't, be content. It grew in yours.

There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real!

May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, and enough hope to make you happy.

The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything. They just make the most of everything that comes along their way.

Happiness are for those who cry, those who have searched, and those who have tried because only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives.

篇6:演讲稿:Don’t go to the&n


Don’t go to the Murk

I had always thought myself tough, one of the people who could survive if I’d been sent to the barren island without water and food.

In my past 24 years, I suffered a series of physical losses, even suffered a terrible traffic accident 5 years ago which made me lied in the hospital about 3 months.But I didn’t cry, I didn’t care, I didn’t fear, and went through the hard time intact with a peace and strong heart.

I always impose myself as the X-Man, wolverine, who can recover quickly after any injuries. Dear friends,this is Murk, lastyear, I lost my super power, and go to the murk.

I have broken up the 6 years relationship with my girlfriend, I drop into a deep sadness, andit seems I lost all of my vitality, I don’t want to eat, I don’t want to talk, Idon’t want to sleep. One day, I wake up from my bed,I found that I am also scared to get out of the bed even half year past afterthe separation. I don’t know what the problem is, I wish I did, but I don’t,but I think, I think I am not so tough as I think, I think maybe I am not the people who can survive in the barren island without water and food, I think I am the man Murk should go to the murk.

3months later, I also felt terrible, and I also realize that it is depression.

Yes,I suffer from depression. You may say, WOW, are you kidding me?  Murk!  (In your imagination I am the person like this, 2 but the depression is like this,)Andthat's also ironic to me, but I accepted, I accepted that I am not good even the sadness of the broken passed more than half years.

See,somebody might fear snake, somebody might fear his boss, somebody might fear to take a speech in the public like what I am doing now, but for me, I fear separation,I fear lost, I fear my vulnerability, and that fear made me feel like I was weak! It’s very hard to say I am weak as a man, so I accepted it and hide it, I accepted it and hide it, it’s a sensation of being afraid all the time, but not even knowing what it is that Iam afraid of. That’s the depression, the depression I suffered.

TodayI would say I am appreciated of myself in that time, because I struggled against my depression bravely. I don’t know why but I did. So I tried someways, read the depression related books, practice Yoga, see comedy movies,,,

ButI tell you the truth; all of them are completely useless. Finally, one day I wasvery hungry and I cook some spaghetti for myself. Take a guess, what happen?

Ifelt good and comfortable unprecedentedly when I was cooking, and that feeling made me feel like I was forced into a garden with the flowers with wind with sunshine, but without depression.

Wowa,It seems I found the effective way to break down the depression. So I kept cookingevery day.  I am creating a world belongto myself with the rice, with the vegetable, with the seafood, with the taste,but without the depression. Fortunately, I felt better and better, and more, fortunately, my cooking was also getting better and better.

Now, to be totally honest, I would like tostand here to say and to talk about the depression I suffered, partly said, becauseI passed, I passed the sadness under my smile, passed the dark under my light,passed the pain under my personality, passed the vulnerability under my strongheart. In a lot of ways I am grateful my experience, yeah it's put me inthe low, but only to show me there's peaks, and yeah it's dragged me throughthe murk but only to remind me there is light.

Butfor someone who is suffering, it’s very hard for them to talk about, I knowbecause the depression, it’s not happy, it’s not funny, it’s not light, andit’s not positive. We are so, so, so accepting of any body part breaking downother than our brains and so, so, so caring of any physical health other thanthe mental health which we can’t see it.

Well,let me start to show you some parts of the shadow. Whatever you are sufferingor you have experienced depression, however you hated being depressed, youshould know that it’s OK, the depression  is Okay, and know that you are not weak, but sick,it’s not a personality label  but a psychologicalissue. Once you passed, you can see what the depression really is, the fear,the ridicule, the vulnerability, all of them are the part of your life, justpart of yourself. That's a natural human character. We're people. The truestrength doesn’t mean never showing any weakness because we're people, and wehave problems. We're not perfect, and that's okay. Shutting up the depressionstrengthens it, while you hide from it, it grows, but if you are able totolerate the fact, finally you will find a way to break down the depression,because it will force you to find and cling to joy.

So, we need to stop the shadow, stop the numbness, stop the silence, and takeaway the taboos, to take up your vitality, to speak out the situation what youare suffering. And more than anything, learn to love ourselves, learn to acceptourselves for who we are, the people we are, not the people others want us tobe.

If you are suffering from depression and don’t know how to do firstly, maybe youcan learn from me, just do what you want to do and have fun in it.

Ladies and gentleman, this is Murk,from the murk.

篇7:Don’t Waste Water作文

Don’t Waste Water作文

A man is washing his clothes, regardless of the notice above ”Save the Water Please."

As we see ,water is the source of life. But there is a very limited available water resource in our world. So we shouldn't waste it. Of course, we have to use it to drink, cook, wash, clean and etc. But we must remember not to use it extravagantly. If we didn't stop such wasteful habits, we would cut off the development of the world and the human life.




篇8:演讲稿:Don’t go to the Murk

I had always thought myself tough, one of the people who could survive if I’d been sent to the barren island without water and food.

In my past 24 years, I suffered a series of physical losses, even suffered a terrible traffic accident 5 years ago which made me lied in the hospital about 3 months.But I didn’t cry, I didn’t care, I didn’t fear, and went through the hard time intact with a peace and strong heart.

I always impose myself as the X-Man, wolverine, who can recover quickly after any injuries. Dear friends,this is Murk, lastyear, I lost my super power, and go to the murk.

I have broken up the 6 years relationship with my girlfriend, I drop into a deep sadness, andit seems I lost all of my vitality, I don’t want to eat, I don’t want to talk, Idon’t want to sleep. One day, I wake up from my bed,I found that I am also scared to get out of the bed even half year past afterthe separation. I don’t know what the problem is, I wish I did, but I don’t,but I think, I think I am not so tough as I think, I think maybe I am not the people who can survive in the barren island without water and food, I think I am the man Murk should go to the murk.

3months later, I also felt terrible, and I also realize that it is depression.

Yes,I suffer from depression. You may say, WOW, are you kidding me?  Murk!  (In your imagination I am the person like this, 2 but the depression is like this,)Andthat's also ironic to me, but I accepted, I accepted that I am not good even the sadness of the broken passed more than half years.

See,somebody might fear snake, somebody might fear his boss, somebody might fear to take a speech in the public like what I am doing now, but for me, I fear separation,I fear lost, I fear my vulnerability, and that fear made me feel like I was weak! It’s very hard to say I am weak as a man, so I accepted it and hide it, I accepted it and hide it, it’s a sensation of being afraid all the time, but not even knowing what it is that Iam afraid of. That’s the depression, the depression I suffered.

TodayI would say I am appreciated of myself in that time, because I struggled against my depression bravely. I don’t know why but I did. So I tried someways, read the depression related books, practice Yoga, see comedy movies,,,

ButI tell you the truth; all of them are completely useless. Finally, one day I wasvery hungry and I cook some spaghetti for myself. Take a guess, what happen?

Ifelt good and comfortable unprecedentedly when I was cooking, and that feeling made me feel like I was forced into a garden with the flowers with wind with sunshine, but without depression.

Wowa,It seems I found the effective way to break down the depression. So I kept cookingevery day.  I am creating a world belongto myself with the rice, with the vegetable, with the seafood, with the taste,but without the depression. Fortunately, I felt better and better, and more, fortunately, my cooking was also getting better and better.

Now, to be totally honest, I would like tostand here to say and to talk about the depression I suffered, partly said, becauseI passed, I passed the sadness under my smile, passed the dark under my light,passed the pain under my personality, passed the vulnerability under my strongheart. In a lot of ways I am grateful my experience, yeah it's put me inthe low, but only to show me there's peaks, and yeah it's dragged me throughthe murk but only to remind me there is light.

Butfor someone who is suffering, it’s very hard for them to talk about, I knowbecause the depression, it’s not happy, it’s not funny, it’s not light, andit’s not positive. We are so, so, so accepting of any body part breaking downother than our brains and so, so, so caring of any physical health other thanthe mental health which we can’t see it.

Well,let me start to show you some parts of the shadow. Whatever you are sufferingor you have experienced depression, however you hated being depressed, youshould know that it’s OK, the depression  is Okay, and know that you are not weak, but sick,it’s not a personality label  but a psychologicalissue. Once you passed, you can see what the depression really is, the fear,the ridicule, the vulnerability, all of them are the part of your life, justpart of yourself. That's a natural human character. We're people. The truestrength doesn’t mean never showing any weakness because we're people, and wehave problems. We're not perfect, and that's okay. Shutting up the depressionstrengthens it, while you hide from it, it grows, but if you are able totolerate the fact, finally you will find a way to break down the depression,because it will force you to find and cling to joy.

So, we need to stop the shadow, stop the numbness, stop the silence, and takeaway the taboos, to take up your vitality, to speak out the situation what youare suffering. And more than anything, learn to love ourselves, learn to acceptourselves for who we are, the people we are, not the people others want us tobe.

If you are suffering from depression and don’t know how to do firstly, maybe youcan learn from me, just do what you want to do and have fun in it.

Ladies and gentleman, this is Murk,from the murk.

篇9:Don’t Lose Your Courage

某对外发行的`英文刊物正在进行中学生英语征文,请根据下列提示,以Don’t Lose Your Courage为题写一篇短文,以便向该刊投稿。


1. 上高一的第一天;

2. 英语老师刘老师面带微笑进入教室;

3. 她自我介绍,应称呼她Miss Liu,而非Teacher Liu;

4. 要求我们每人到教室前自我介绍;

5. 我又怕又羞难以启齿;

6. 老师鼓励我,我讲得很好;

7. 难忘的第一节课;

8. 实践出真知。遇到困难不能灰心丧气。


1. 词数100~140;

2. 不要逐字翻译提示,可适当增加细节使文章连贯。

篇10:《Don’t eat in class!》说课稿





















Don’t look back, let it go.
《Don’t look back, let it go..doc》

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