GRE填空10条高分经验汇总分享 从考点分析到备考贴士一网打尽
1. 词汇
2. 推断能力
3. 逻辑关系
1. 判断题型
2. 找关键词
3. 辨别同近义词
4. 代入检查
1. 词汇的掌握是备考的根本
2. 阅读能力不能差
3. 备考心态要放松
(1) 单空单选:
这种题目跟现行的句子填空类型完全一样,且限定题干只有一个空格,答案为五个选项中选择一个符合空格的正确选项。例1:Far from viewing Jefferson as a skeptical but enlightened intellectual, historians of the 1960’s portrayed him as ______ thinker, eager to fill the young with his political orthodoxy while censoring ideas he did not like.
an adventurous
a doctrinaire
an eclectic
a judicious
a cynical
此题解答有两种途径,一是从Far from体现的转折关系入手,空格应该体现和skeptical but enlightened的含义相反的意思,故a doctrinaire符合要求;一是从eager to…入手,空格应该体现“渴望给年轻人灌输政治正统思想”的意思,答案仍然是“教条主义者”。
(2) 单空双选:
这类题目在单空单选的基础上增加了一个选项,即每题一共有6个候选答案,但是要求考生选出两个符合空格要求的正确答案。很显然,被选出的答案应该是一组同义词或近义词,甚至是两个意思接近或感情色彩相同的词汇。例2:A restaurant’s menu is generally reflected in its décor; however, despite this restaurant’s ______ appearance it is pedestrian in the menu it offers.
A. elegant B. tawdry C. modern D. traditional E. conventional F. chic
(3) 多空多选:
例3:There has been much hand-writing about how unprepared American students are for college. Graff reverses this perspective, suggesting that colleges are unprepared for students. In his analysis, the university culture is largely (i)______ entering students because academic culture fails to make connections to the kinds of arguments and cultural references that students grasp. Understandably, many students view academic life as (ii)______ ritual.
Blank (i)
primed for
opaque to
essential for
Blank (ii)
an arcane
a laudable
此题两个空格是孤立的,可以分别通过与各自相关的逻辑关系来进行推断。空格(i)可以通过第一、二句话的描述来进行推断,同时也可以用“because academic culture fails to make connections to the kinds of arguments and cultural references that students grasp”进行推断,表示的是对学生来说“unprepared”的意思,即负面的评价,所以答案为“opaque to”。同理,空格(ii)也要表明学生对学术生活“不理解”的态度,因此答案为“an arcane(known or knowable only to the initiate)”。 例4:Most artists maintain an attitude of (i)______ toward their own work. They know, better than any critic would know, how their art (ii)______ their ambitions. The artist would demand of his admirer, Do you really think this is the best I am capable of? Henri Cartier-Bresson’s dismissal of his life’s work in photography, however, is (iii)______: it seems almost contempt, or even hatred, not just for his achievement but for the medium itself.
Blank (i)
extraordinary hubris
irremediable disdain;
healthy disrespect
Blank (ii)
falls far short of
eventually transcends
subtly realizes
Blank (iii)
entirely comprehension
at another level altogether
at odds with his achievement
此题为包含三个空格,但是和例3不同的是它的空格不再是孤立的,而是存在相互的逻辑关系。首先从空格(ii)后的句子可以看出,艺术家对自己的能力是不确定的,是怀疑的,所以空格(ii)应该体现出对“ambitions”的不确信和怀疑,即负面动作。因此,空格(ii)答案为“falls far short of”。此时,空格(i)应该和空格(ii)体现同样的含义,即“对自己的能力缺乏信心”,因此“healthy disrespect”为正确答案。空格(iii)则是相对孤立的,由它前面的“however”可以看出,空格(iii)要体现和前面两个空格相对的含义,所以“at another level altogether”为正确答案。
Because medieval women's public participation in spiritual life was not welcomed by the male establishment, a compensating religious writings, inoffensive to the members of the establishment because of its, became important for many women.
A) involvement with... privacy
B) attention to... popularity
C) familiarity with... scarcity
D) dissatisfaction with... profundity
E) resistance to... domesticity
a ... religious writings became important for many women.
实际上说的很简单,但是,只看着一句暂时分析不出选出什么。于是作者开始添加其他句子成分,来给出线索。Because提示原因,public participation不被welcome,那么,一个compensating 的participation就应该很重要。作者提供了一个因果关系,线索直接指向第一个空格。后者必然是前者的原因,而且第一个空逗号后面是participation的同位语也就是同义的,我们就找一个participation的近义词。许多时候,像本题一样,这个句子中给出了充分多的解题线索,我们可以唯一的找到了A选项。
例1:To believe that a culture’s achievement can be measured by the --- ---- of its written material requires one to accept that a page of junk mail is as ------- as a page of GREat literature.
A、nature.。. readable B、quality.。. prevalent
C、timelessness.。. understandable
D、applicability.。. eloquent E、volume.。. valuable
例2:It is no accident that most people find Davis’ book disturbing, for it is -- ---- to undermine a number beliefs they have long -------
A、calculated..cherished B、annotated..assimilated
C、intended..denied D、anxious..misunderstood
E、reputed.。. anticipated
这时你面临的情况是这样的,cherished是完美的。但是calculated死活想不通是什么意思。而那个misunderstood加入自己的一些想入非非后竟然显得有些象正确答案。这时,一定要沉住气,大胆选cherished。记住,ets的思维是简单直接力求完美的,有cherished在,除非有和 cherished一样完美的答案,否则就不会象许多中国老师一样故意找一些似是而非的东西迷惑你,我们受这些老师的影响太深,所以在考虑问题的时候免不了要多绕一个弯。一定要克服这个误区。希望大家多找些类似的例句,看看这个规律是不是存在。
例3:Given the failure of independent laboratories to replicate the results of Dr. Johnson’s experiment, only the most ------- supporters of her hypothesis would be foolish enough to claim that it had been adequately -------
A、fastidious.。. defined B、partisan.。. verified
C、vigilant.。. publicized D、enlightened.。. researched
E、fervent.。. undermined
例 Ⅰ:
The benedictory address, as it has developed in American colleges and universities over the years, has become a very strict form, a literary ---------- that permits very little ---------- .
(A) text ... clarity
(B) work ... tradition
(C) genre ... deviation
(D) oration ... grandiloquence
(E) achievement ... rigidity
在本题中,“strict form”构成被解释的对象,其后的同位语及定语从句分别对form的 strict作复述式的解释。作为同位语,空格Ⅰ应是form的同义词,则(C) genre最为接近。定语从句中的复述采用了常见的双重否定法。little为第一重否定,故空格Ⅱ应是strict的反义词,则(C) deviation为正确。
genre: 1.类型,体裁,式样 2.风俗画
grandiloquence: 大言不惭,夸张
例 Ⅰ:
In ---------- nature, myths use ---------- reasoning, relating the unfamiliar to the familiar by means of likeness.
(A) observing ... logical
(B) appreciating ... irrational
(C) disclosing ... metonymic
(D) interpreting ... analogical
(E) seizing ... fanciful
先处理空格Ⅱ:因为显然,其后补充说明性质的现代分词短语必会提供线索(参见“具体实战操作——C.中心线索的判断”中的“短语结构”一栏)。神话的逻辑推理方式是怎样的呢? 既然现在分词短语中陈述是“by means of likeness”, 则从“likeness” 求得 (D) analogical为唯一正确的选项。
irrational: 非理性的
metonymic: 换喻的,转喻的
(例:The pen is mightier that the sword. 以pen代表文,以sword代表武。)
analogical: 比拟的,类推的
例 Ⅰ:
The most technologically advanced societies have been responsible for the greatest ----------; indeed, savagery seems to be in direct proportion to -----.
(A) wars ... viciousness
(B) catastrophes ... ill-will
(C) atrocities ... development
(D) inventions ... know-how
(E) triumphs ... civilization
atrocities ... development。
vicious: 邪恶的,堕落的,恶劣的
catastrophe: 惨祸,灾难性的结局
ill-will: 恶意,怨恨
know-how: 技能,诀窍,实际知识
triumph: 1.胜利,杰出成就 2.狂喜
人类在用语言作出某一陈述或判断时,可采用正面陈述和反面陈述两种方式。所谓正面陈述,即是以一肯定句式作出的表述,如“He is a good person”。所谓反面陈述,即是以一否定句式再加上一个与正面内涵相反的概念作出的表述,如“He is not a bad person” 或 “It is wrong to say that he is a bad person”。很大一部分GRE填空题前后两部分是互为重复或互为说明性质的,其思路大抵均沿袭正面陈述和“否定之否定”的反面陈述这一模式。
例 Ⅰ:
The poet W. H. Auden believed that the greatest poets of his age were almost necessarily irresponsible, that the possession of great gifts ---------- the ---------- to abuse them.
(A) negates ... temptation
(B) controls ... resolution
(C) engenders ... propensity
(D) tempers ... proclivity
(E) obviates ... inclination
本题在主句谓语动词believed后,继之以两个以that引导的宾语从句,后者以另一角度复述前者内涵。第一个宾语从句中所陈述的中心主题为irresponsible(不负责任的),带有贬义色彩,这就为第二个宾语从句提供了线索。换言之,出现在第二个宾语从句中的两处空格,应综合体现出前述的“不负责任”这一主题。在空格Ⅱ,五个选项代入后,均无不妥之处,且连同其后作为定语的动词不定式结构,都为贬义色彩。在此情况下,在空格Ⅰ,就再也不能代入任何贬义色彩的选项,否则,“负负得正”的规律会使第二个宾语从句整体上转而带上褒义色彩,故唯有中性色彩的(C) engenders为正确。其余四项代入后均致使事情朝着积极方向发展,无从与此前irresponsible这一主题谐调一致。
abuse: 滥用,妄用
negate: 否定,取消,使无效
resolution: 决心,决意,决定
engender: 使发生,造成,招致
propensity: 倾向,习性
temper: 使变淡,使缓和,使温和
proclivity: 癖性,倾向
obviate: 排除,消除,避免
inclination: 倾向,意向,癖好
诗人W. H. 奥登相信,他那时代最伟大的诗人们几乎都必定是不负责任的;拥有横溢的才华反而导致滥用这些才华的倾向。
allege 非官方的声称 consult 咨询,查阅 sustain 支持 emphasize 强调 endorsement 赞同 assure 断然,确定 support 支持 demonstrate 证明 credible 可信的 saver 品味,体验 triumph 成功 test 证明 enrich 丰富 efficacy 有效 beneficial 有益的 advantage 优秀的
apprehension 理解 immense 无边的 revolution 革命的 breakthrough 突破 milestone 里程碑 fascination 爱好 intensify 强化 evaluate 评估 judging 评判estimate 评估 assert 断言 accept 认可 suggest 说明 enamor 迷恋喜欢 posit 假定
precipitate 促成 believe 相信 propensity 倾向 proclivity 倾向 inclination 倾向 promise 承诺 certainty 确定 determine 决定 feasible 可行的 necessary 必需的 imperative 必要的
available 可用的 inform 获知 confident 自信的 valuable 有价值的 understandable 可理解的 affirm 断言 intriguing 迷人的 insist 坚持 work 起作用 sincerity 真诚 regard 关注 respect 尊敬 adamant 坚定
repudiate 批判 skepticism 怀疑 censure 责难 rejection 拒绝 relinquishment 放弃 useless 无用的 forestall 阻止 resist 抵抗 obviate 消除 cease 停止 incomprehension 不被理解 heterodox 异端邪说的 disregard 漠视 limit 限制
deter 阻止 hamper 妨碍 disrupt 破坏 impair 破坏 obscure 模糊,不确定 lack 缺少 awe of 恐惧 inhibition 压抑,限制 rancor 怨恨 disappointing 让人失望的 flagged 衰退 reluctant 勉强 refute 反驳 doubt 怀疑 denial 拒绝 impede 阻止 constrain 抑制 suppress 抑制 irresponsible 不负责任的
impaired 破坏 sacrifice 牺牲 withdrawal 收回 weakness 缺点 failure 失败 ineffective 无效的 hostile 敌对的 cruel 残酷的 vulnerable 易受攻击的 counterproductive 反生产的 unpopular 不受欢迎的 impossible 不可能的 nonexistent 不存在的
impractical 不切实际的 ridiculous 荒谬的 folly 愚蠢的 detrimental 有害的 insignificant 不重要的 discredit 怀疑 repudiate 批判 prevent 阻止 defy 反抗 weaken 削弱 doubt 怀疑 banish 驱逐 denounce 指责 eradicate 根除
contrition 悔悟 remorse 懊悔 flaw 缺点 resignation 放弃 hinder 阻碍 delay 延误 futility 无意义的 baffle 阻碍 adversity 灾祸 dismal 沮丧 misleading 误导 unsophisticated 没有智慧的 error 错误 conceal 隐瞒 enigma 谜语 unfounded 无理由的
irrelevant 不相关的 unrealistic 不切实际的 imprudent 轻率地 banal平凡的 repudiation 抛弃 contempt 蔑视 restrict 限制 evade 逃避 hatred 憎恨 negative 否定的 unstable 不稳定的 ineffective 无效的
填空题也需因材施教 分类解题指导成就高分
The reception given to Kimura’s radical theory of molecular evolution shows that when _____ fights orthodoxy to a draw, then novelty has seized a good chunk of space from convention.
A. imitation
B. reaction
C. dogmatism
D. invention
E. caution
该题目的分隔是when和then,他们表示同义重复。而GRE核心词orthodoxy的出现意味着考察到的可能性增强,果然与后面的convention重复,而fights…to a draw与has seized a good chunk of space from重复,因此空格重复novelty,选D。
在空格数量上虽然没有增加,但是由于“协同原则”的弱化,导致难度上升。尤其是词组成选项的情况大量上升,导致我们要处理的信息量增大。在选择中注意排掉冗余内容及理解题目重心。如新GRE 的OG中的1道题:
In stark contrast to his later (i) ____, Simpson was largely (ii) _____ politics during his college years, despite the fact that campus he attended was rife with political activity.
Blank (i): A. activism B. apathy C. affability
Blank (ii): D. devoted to E. indifferent to F. shaped by
由于“协同原则”弱化,所以我们要先从好对应的空格入手。所谓的“好对应”,也就是寻找重复信息多的空格。该题目中显然是第2个空格,因为明显的反义分隔despite出现在后半句。rife作为GRE的基础性词汇,表“prevalent especially to an increasing degree”,所以第2空对于politics应该做负动作,选E。这样的话,逗号结构的分隔同义重复的原则告诉我们“In stark contrast to his later (i) ____”这半句等于“对政治漠不关心”,而由于stark contrast,则第空填“热情”,选A。
这个题型的本质与单空题一样,但是从某种程度上将,这个题目的难度不是提高了,而是降低了,或者说,对于词汇的考查以某种形式映射在了这个题目中。因为我们要选的一定是2个同义词,所以某些情况下,不看原文也可以选对。如新GRE 的OG中的1道样题:
It was her view that the country’s problems had been ____ by foreign technocrats, so the to ask for such assistance again would be counterproductive.
A. ameliorated
B. ascertained
C. diagnosed
D. exacerbated
E. overlooked
F. worsened
这是新GRE中的verbal的“杀手锏”,解好这个题型不仅需要逻辑对应能力,同时也需要对于篇章的理解,这在GRE的填空考试中绝对是史无前例的。如新GRE 的OG中的1道题:
Richard M. Russell said 52 percent of the nation’s growth since the Second World War had (i) ____ invention. He said, (ii) ____ research, the government’s greatest role in assuring continuing innovation is promoting a strong, modern patent office. “Unless we can (iii) ____ original ideas, we will not have invention.” Mr. Russell said. Speculating on the state of innovation over the next century, several inventors agreed that the future lay in giving children the tools to think creatively and the motivation to invent.
比对之后,发现第3空相对简单,因为original ideas和invention显然同义重复,而由unless引起的“时间对比”原则说明两句相反,再由于not,则第3空填正动作,选H。
Professional photographers generally regard inadvertent surrealism in a photograph as a curse rather than a blessing; magazine photographers, in particular, consider themselves fortunate if they can ___ its presence in their photographs.
A enhance
B eliminate
C demonstrate
D minimize
E highlight
F emphasize
eliminate 消除,清除,干掉(某人),淘汰
demonstrate 论证,表明,演示,示范,用行动表达(态度等)
highlight 强调,使显得重要,使高亮,聚强光于
inadvertent 漫不经心的,非故意的
surrealism 超现实主义:20世纪的文学和艺术运动,它试图表达潜意识的活动,以怪诞的意象和主题的不协调并存为特征
inadvertent漫不经心的,疏忽的,非刻意的。inadvertent surrealism指并非主观刻意追求的超现实主义,比如照片里拍出来一只多余的手、脸、UFO,不是刻意要追求这种效果,但是很诡异地出现了超自然构图。
专业摄影师对这种鬼神照片的态度是a curse rather than a blessing;in particular可以理解成specifically特别是怎样,也可以认为有递进的语气,只是跟解题关系不大;如果怎样就认为自己是幸运的。
The new biological psychiatry does not deny the contributing role of psychological factors in mental illnesses, but posits that these factors may act as a catalyst on existing physiological conditions and ___ such illnesses.
A disguise
B impede
C constrain
D precipitate
E consummate
biological psychiatry 生物精神病学
posit 假定
catalyst 催化剂,触媒
disguise 假扮,假装,隐藏、遮掩(情感或意图)
impede 妨碍,阻止
constrain 强迫,限制、约束,克制
precipitate 使(某事物)突然或迅速地发生,加速,使沉淀、析出,从高处某然掷下,(气体等)凝结
consummate 完成,实现,使圆满,夫妻初次行房
The pressure of population on available resources is the key to understanding history ; consequently , any historical writing that takes no cognizance of ___ facts is ___ flawed.
A cultural
D intrinsically
B demographic
E marginally
C political
F philosophically
take cognizance of something 注意到某事物,正式获知某事物,(法)受理
demographic 人口统计的
intrinsically 本质上地
marginally 稍微地、略微地 slightly
philosophically 哲学地,像哲学家一样地(指人泰然,冷静,喜怒不形于色)
A perennial goal in zoology is to infer function from ___ , relating the ___ of an organism to its physical form and cellular organization.
A structure
D appearance
B size
E habitat
C age
F behavior
perennial 长久的,常绿的,反复出现的,持续不间断的
zoology 动物学
infer 推断,猜想,下结论,暗示
relate 使建立关联
appearance 出现,外表,表象,景象
habitat (动植物的)栖息地,(某物或某人)常出现的地方
一个空格对应着题干的某个已知部分,找到这种 A 搭配 (B),b 搭配 (a)的对应关系,推测会变得容易很多。
GRE考试中的句子填空(Sentence Completion) 考察的是语义而不考察语法。所谓语义,指的是上下文意义必须相符。而在GRE的句子填空中,句子主干和修饰语就构成了上下文。这些句子的修饰成分可能是定语从句,状语从句,也可能是一般的状语,甚至句子可以是一个带有共享主语或者共享谓语的简单句。
1. The chief flaw of the work is that it dwell too long to matters that are__ to its main subject, leaving__ space for treatment of heat of the topic.
A.Germane; disproportinate B.Tantamount; equivalent C.Ancillary; scant
D.Complement;compensatory E.Integral; inade
2. For all the scathing precision within the lines of social aspirants and moneyed folk, the writer appears to__ being part of the world she makes seem so__
A.Abhor; shallow B.Disdain; glamorous C.Romantic;bysterious
D.Savor; intoxicating E.Relish;instafferate
3.The__ activity that usually accompanies annual conventions of professional scholars is in ill keeping with the__ and order befitting earnest intellectual endeavor
A.erudite;laxity B.Frivolous;gravity C.Frenetic; levity D.Doleful;dilettantism
E.Cerebral; sobriety
1. 这道题目相比比较简单。这个工作的缺陷是在___上逗留的时间太长,猜都能猜到是无关紧要的意思。A 有密切关系的 B相等的 C 附属的 D补足的 E完整的 只有C是对的。
2. 简单题:scathing precision说明作者对于这些moneyed folk是负向态度,根据空格一候选AB,这个世界是空格二的世界,在重复aspirants and moneyed folk,当然比较明显还是负向态度。注意glamorous 跟有钱和地位没有关系,并且一般是一个正向修饰词,只有A第二个词比较合适。(答案:A)
3. 该题仍然不难,in ill keeping with表示了正好相反的逻辑意义。所以是两个空格反义相连。而只有B合适
A 博学的;松弛的 B 轻浮的;严肃的 C 发狂的 ;轻浮的
D 忧伤的;涉猎多,半吊子的 E 大脑的;适度的
1、In some cultures the essence of magic is its traditional integrity; it can be efficient only if it has been _________without loss from primeval times to the present practitioner.
(A) conventionalized
(B) realized
(C) transmitted
(D) manipulated
(E) aggrandized
分析:空格填入一个动词,作用对象是“它(it)”,也就是“魔术(magic)”,分号表示前后复指,所以空格填上后要表达“传统的完整(traditional integrity)”的概念。A 使习俗化;B 意识到;C 传送,传输;D 操作;E 增加,夸大。C 选项正确。
2、Certain weeds that flourish among rice crops resist detection until maturity by ______ the seedling stage in the rice plant's life cycle, thereby remaining indistinguishable from the rice crop until the flowering stage.
(A) deterring
(B) displacing
(C) augmenting
(D) imitating
(E) nurturing
分析:空格填入一个现在分词,表示“某些杂草(some weeds)”对于“幼苗期(seedling stage)”做的动作,thereby 表示前后一致,remaining 表示空格 1 要体现“不容易和水稻区分(indistinguishable from the riccrop)”的含义。A 阻止;B 移动,取代;C 争论;D 模仿;E 养育,培养。D 选项正确。
3、In small farming communities, accident victims rarely sue or demand compensation: transforming a personal injury into a _________ someone else is viewed as an attempt to _________ responsibility for one's own actions.
(A) conspiracy against...assume
(B) claim against...elude
(C) boon for...minimize
(D) distinction for...shift
(E) trauma for...proclaim
分析:空格 1 填入一个名词+介词的结构,表示对“某些人(someone)”产生的行为,该行为的发出者是“事故的受害人(accident victims)”,承受的“someone”应该是事故的肇事者;分号表示解释关系,所以空格1 要表达和“起诉或要求赔偿(sue or demand compensation)”相同或者相反的含义。A 阴谋,共谋“”承担;B 要求得到的东西,主张“”躲避,逃避;C 恩惠“”最小化;D 差别“”转移;E 外伤“”宣布,声明。只有 B 选项符合要求。
4、Professional photographers generally regard inadvertent surrealism in a photograph as a curse rather than a blessing;magazine photographers, in particular, consider themselves ________ to the extent that they can ____________ its
presence in their photographs.
(A) skillful...enhance
(B) inadequate...eliminate
(C) original...demonstrate
(D) fortunate...minimize
(E) conventional...highlight
分析:空格 1 填入一个形容词,表示“杂志摄影师(magazine photographers)”对“他们自己(themselves)”的评价,空格 2 填入一个动词,表示“他们(they)”,也就是“杂志摄影师”对“它的出现(its presence)”所做的动作。这里,its 指代的是前句中的“由疏忽造成的超现实主义(inadvertent surrealism)”。分号表示前后复指,前句对“由于疏忽造成的超现实主义”做负评价(curse),所以后句也要体现同样的意思。用“正负假定法”判断两个空格的关系,如果空格 2 填入正动作,空格 1 就应该填负评价,所以选择一组反义词。A 有技巧的“”提高;B 不足够的“”消除;C 原始的,独创的“”展示;D 幸运的“”最小化;E 传统的“”强调。D 选项符合推理。
5、If those large publishers that respond solely to popular literary trends continue to dominate the publishing market,the initial publication of new writers will depend on the writers' willingness to_________popular tastes.
(A) struggle against
(B) cater to
(C) admire
(D) flout
(E) elude
分析:空格填入一个动词,表示“新的作家(new writers)”对于“流行品味(popular tastes)”做的动作。If 表示前后一致,因为“只迎合流行文学趋势的大出版商继续主导出版发行市场(those publishers that respondsolely to popular literary trends continue to dominate the publishing market)”,所以空格要填入一个“迎合”含义的词。A 斗争;B 迎合;C 尊敬;D 蔑视,嘲笑;E 躲避。B 选项正确。
6、Although some consider forcefulness and _________ to be two traits desirable to the same degree, I think that making a violent effort is much less useful than maintaining a steady one.
(A) promptness
(B) persistence
(C) aggression
(D) skillfulness
(E) lucidity
分析:空格要填入一个名词,表示被认为和“强制力(forcefulness)”“同样可取的方式(two traits desirableto the same degree)”,Although 表达让步转折,后句表示两种方式有差异,所以空格应该体现和“保持稳定”一致的含义,从而体现两种方式没差别。A 敏捷,迅速;B 坚持,持续;C 侵略,攻击;D 有技巧,熟练;E 清楚。B 选项正确。
只要做好这3步 GRE填空高分就是这么简单
1. GRE词汇背诵不能停
2. 提升快速阅读和理解的能力
3. 勤加练习才能熟能生巧
1. If efficacious new medicines have side effects that are commonly observed and _____, such medicines are too often considered _____, even when laboratory tests suggest caution.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A salutary D outdated
B unpredictable E safe
C unremarkable F experimental
2. A number of writers who once greatly _____ the literary critic have recently recanted, substituting _____ for their former criticism.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A disparaged D approbation
B lauded E ambivalence
C influenced F censure
3. The actual _____ of Wilson’s position was always _____ by his refusal to compromise after having initially agreed to negotiate a settlement.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A cowardice D betrayed
B rigidity E foreshadowed
C uncertainty F alleviated
4. Salazar’s presence in the group was so _____ the others that they lost most of their earlier _____; failure, for them, became all but unthinkable.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A mundane D practicable
B visionary E appealing
C eclectic F ignored
5. Although the architects concept at first sounded too _____ to be_____, his careful analysis of every aspect of the project convinced the panel that the proposed building was indeed, structurally feasible.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A unnoticed by D confidence
B reassuring to E exhilaration
C unexpected by F trepidation
6. He was regarded by his followers, as something of _____, not only because of his insistence on strict discipline, but also because of his _____ adherence to formal details.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A an acolyte D reluctant
B a martinet E sporadic
C a tyrant F rigid
7. The valedictory address, as it has developed in American colleges and universities over the years, has become a very strict form, a literary _____ that permits very little _____.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A experience D scientifically
B conjecture E empirically
C surmise F aesthetically
8. Although _____ is usually thought to spring from regret for having done something wrong, it may be that its origin is the realization that one’s own nature is irremediably _____.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A remorse D innocent
B skepticism E frivolous
C certitude F flawed
9. Unlike philosophers who constructed theoretically ideal states, she built a theory based on _____; thus, although her constructs may have been inelegant, they were _____ sound.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A genre D deviation
B feature E rigidity
C achievement F grandiloquence
10. Even though political editorializing was not _____ under the new regime, journalists still experienced _____, though perceptible , governmental pressure to limit dissent.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A commended D clear
B encouraged E discreet
C forbidden F overt
1. No longer______by the belief that the world around us was expressly designed for humanity, many people try to find intellectual______for that lost certainty in astrology and in mysticism.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A an accepted D anachronism to
B an underground E concern about
C an unknown F defiance against
2. Noting that few employees showed any______for complying with the corporations new safety regulations, Peterson was forced to conclude that acceptance of the regulations would be______, at best.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A enthusiasm D grudging
B indifference E indeterminate
C rectitude F unavoidable
3. Yellow fever, the disease that killed 4,000 Philadelphians in 1793, and so______Memphis, Tennessee, that the city lost its charter, has reappeared after nearly two decades in______in the Western Hemisphere.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A decimated D abeyance
B terrorized E secret
C corrupted F quarantine
4. Nature’s energy efficiency often______human technology: despite the intensity of the light fireflies produce, the amount of heat is negligible; only recently have humans developed chemical light-producing systems whose efficiency______ the firefly’s system.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A admire D elusive
B dismiss E relevant
C adapt F unconventional
5. Hampshire’s assertions, far from showing that we can______the ancient puzzles about objectivity, reveal the issue to be even more______than we had thought.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A candid D soliciting
B idiosyncratic E altering
C reticent F eschewing
6. Many of the earliest colonial houses that are still standing have been so modified and enlarged that the______design is no longer______.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A embellished D discernible
B initial E applicable
C appropriate F attractive
7. Ironically, the party leaders encountered no greater ______their efforts to build a progressive party than the______of the progressives already elected to the legislature.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A sustained D reasons
B restricted E substitutes
C hampered F justifications
8. As for the alleged value of expert opinion, one need only ______ government records to see______ evidence of the failure of such opinions in many fields.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A distribute D questionable
B consult E strong
C retain F circumstantial
9. Just as astrology was for centuries______faith, countering the strength of established churches, so today believing in astrology is an act of______ the professional sciences.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A benefit from D success
B obstacle to E reputation
C praise for F resistance
10. Though extremely______about his own plans, the man allowed his associates no such privacy and was constantly______information about what they intended to do next.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A outstrips D stimulates
B inhibits E rivals
C determines F reproduce
GRE填空题是GRE general test的一部分。general test是对所有不同专业的学生进行的考试,所以为了公平起见,解题点上不能涉及任何背景知识。因为GRE 填空属于语文考试,所以不管填空句的内容涉及到的是什么,在考试中你需要的仅仅是语文知识而已。
因果、(because, in that, for, therefore, thus, accordingly, consequently, given, hence, so…that, to, if…then, when...then, as long as……)转折、(albeit, although, though, but, despite, even though, however, in spite of, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding, while, whatever, regardless, even if, even though, yet, and yet……)递进、(even, indeed………)对比、(in contrast, on the contrary, far from, on the other hand, rather than, instead of, not…but, paradoxically, ironically, surprisingly, unexpectedly, curiously……)等等。
(1) 简单的直接重复
The eradication of pollution is not merely a matter of ___, though the majestic beauty of nature is indeed an important consideration.
A. economics B. legislation C. cleanliness D. aesthetics E. restoration
Comparatively few rock musicians are willing to laugh at themselves, although a hint of----can boost sales of video clips very nicely.
A. self-deprecation B. congeniality C. cynicism D. embarrassment E. self-doubt
Melodramas, which presented stark oppositions between innocence and criminality, virtue and corruption, good and evil, were popular precisely because they offered the audience a world ___of___.
A. bereft.. theatricality B. composed.. adversity C. full.. circumstantiality D. deprived.. polarity
E. devoid.. neutrality
(2) 解释型重复
The Muses are___deities: they avenge themselves without mercy on those who weary of their charms.
A. rueful B. ingenuous C. solicitous D. vindictive E. dispassionate
Unenlightened authoritarian managers rarely recognize a crucial reason for the low levels of serious conflict among members of democratically run work groups: a modicum of tolerance for dissent often prevents___.
A. demur B. schism C. cooperation D. compliance E. shortsightedness
冒号后面的内容解释了民主方式运作的工作团体中为何少有严重的冲突,所以即使看不懂a modicum of
tolerance for dissent是什么东西,也应该知道这个东西避免了严重冲突,故选B。
The most striking thing about the politician is how often his politics have been (i) ______ rather than ideological, as he adapts his political positions at any particular moment to the political realities that constrain him. He does not, however, piously (ii) ______ political principles only to betray them in practice. Rather, he attempts in subtle ways to balance his political self-interest with a (iii) ______, viewing himself as an instrument of some unchanging higher purpose.
BLANK (i) BLANK (ii) BLANK (iii)
(A) quixotic (D) brandish (G) profound cynicism
(B) self – righteous (E) flout (H) deeply felt moral code
(C) strategic (F) follow (I) thoroughgoing pragmatism
(一) 选取第一空所在部分:The most striking thing about the politician is how often his politics have been (i) ______rather thanideological, ashe adaptshis political positionsat any particular moment to the political realitiesthat constrain him.
1. Blank1中应该填入一个形容词,用来描述政治家的政治策略的属性。
2. Rather than对前面的属性取反,写出ideology,则blank1中的属性是ideology的反义词。
3. As引导的后半句是对于前半句的重复说明,因而政治家的政策是根据不断变化的现实而改变的,因而政治家的特点应该体现出“变化”感。
4. 选择与自主判读已知的词汇填空:
[1]. quixotic:(幻想的)foolishly impractical especially in the pursuit of ideals; especially : marked by rash lofty romantic ideas or extravagantly chivalrous action
[2]. self-righteous:(自以为是的)convinced of one's own righteousness especially in contrast with the actions and beliefs of others : narrow-mindedly moralistic
[3]. strategic:(有策略的)of, relating to, or marked by strategy
(二) 选取第三空所在部分:Rather, he attempts in subtle waysto balance his political self-interestwith a (iii) ______, viewinghimself as an instrument of some unchanging higher purpose.
The question of (i) ______in photography has lately become nontrivial. Prices for vintage prints (those make by a photographer soon after he or she made the negative) sodrastically (ii) ______in the 1990s thatone of these photographs might fetch a hundred times as much asa nonvintage print of the same image. It was perhaps only a matter of time before someone took advantage of the (iii) ______to peddle newly created “vintage” printsfor profit.
BLANK (i) BLANK (ii) BLANK (iii)
(A) forgery (D) ballooned (G) discrepancy
(B) influence (E) weakened (H) ambiguity
(C) style (F) varied (I) duplicity
(一) 节选出第二空所在部分
1. Prices for vintage prints sodrastically (ii) ______in the 1990sthatone of these photographs might fetch a hundred timesas much as a nonvintage print of the same image.
2. Blank2中应填入一个动词,表示VP的价格在1990年代的变动,由于没有反义关联元素,且只有so… that… 结构存在,故分句之间是同一关系,且没有否定词,因此对应的单词之间是同义关系。
3. 前半句说到价格的增长,that引导的后半句中对于价格增长的描述只有fetch a hundred times,因而VP的价格在1990年代的10年间较NonVP来说增长了上百倍,因此这应该是一种短时间且迅速的增长。