人教版 高一期末复习Units 1-2

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人教版 高一期末复习Units 1-2((精选8篇))由网友“potatoooops”投稿提供,以下文章小编为您整理的人教版 高一期末复习Units 1-2,供大家阅读。

人教版 高一期末复习Units 1-2

篇1:人教版 高一期末复习Units 1-2

Revision Units 1-2

Step1 Dictation

argue . fond. share. lie. alone. except . communicate . in order to . care about . stay up .

Step2 Language points

1. argue with sb. about/over sth.为某事与某人争

argue for /against argument (n.)论点。辩论

2. be fond of + n.动词的-ing 形式(喜爱)

be into (对----感兴趣)

like + to do/doing“喜爱,爱好”

enjoy +doing(“喜爱”)

3. share “均分,摊分,分享,分担,共同使用”

share sth with /among /between sb. 与某人分担(分享)某物

share in sth.分享(分担)某物。

4. lie n. 谎言 v.说谎 (lied. lied .lying.lies )

tell a lie 说谎

5. alone adv. adj. (作adj. 为表语,表客观状态,无感情色彩)

lonely adj 可作定语、表语,有感情色彩。

Eg. He doesn’t feel lonely when he is alone.


6. in order to “为了”

so as to 不可放在句首

so that 引导目的状语从句,从句中通常有may can might 等。

7. such as “例如”“象…之类”表示同类事物中的几个例子,但不是全部。

for example “例如”一般只举同类中的“一两个”为例。常用“,”隔开。

Eg. He can speak five foreign language ,such as German and Japanese .

He ,for example ,is a good teacher .

He knows several languages ,for example he knows English and French .

8. so﹢主语﹢ be (情态动词或助动词) “…确实如此”

so﹢ be (情态动词或助动词)﹢ 另一主语“…也是如此”

neither/nor ﹢ be (情态动词或助动词)﹢ 另一主语 “…也不…”

9. with+复合宾语(宾语+宾补)(宾补可以是形容词,介词短语,副词短语,分词,或不定式)。

Step 3 Exercises

1. The physics teacher said the earth _____ around the sun .

A.is moving B. moved C.had moved D. moves

2 . Could you tell me why ___?

A. did she come late B. she did come late

C.she came late D.she came late for

3. Hi Jack .Will you attend tomorrow’s meeting?

Oh , I’m afraid not ,___invited to .

A. even if B. as if C. in case D. nor that

4 --- Mr Green has lost Bob’s telephone number .


A .So do I . B . So have I

C. So I do . D .So I have .

5 I’ll never understand how it _____that you were an hour late on such a short journey .

A. came about B. came across

C. came along D. came into

6. However _____, mother will wait for him to have dinner together .

A late is he B he is late

C is he late D late he is

7 .I’m ____classical music .

A.into B. like C. in D. at

8. She has a few shortcomings, but we’re all very ____her .

A..fond of B.like C. love D.enjoy

9. Swimming is always ____to Bob. I always find him ______in it .

A. interested; interested B Interesting ; interesting

B. C interested; interesting D Interesting ; interested

10. This pair of trousers is ____dirty ____my brother won’t wear it .

A so ;that B such ; that C enough; that D too; to

11. It was _____that thousands of people wanted to watch it .

A such a wonderful game B a too wonderful game

C so a wonderful game D a very wonderful game

12 ._____miss the early bus , I get up early every day .

A In order to not B In order not to

C So as not to D In order that not

13. He made many friends ____English well to make himself _____.

A learn ; understand B learning ; understand

C to learn ;understood Dlearn ; understood

14 Mr .Smith likes sports very much and ________his son .

A so does B so is C so has Dso likes

15 ---It was very hot yesterday .

----So___.And so _____today .

A it was ; it is B. was it ; it is

C it was ;is it D was it ;is it

16 –--Robert likes swimming very much ,but he isn’t good at it .

---- _____his sister Joan .

A So does B Neither is

C So it is with D Such is with

17 . The teacher had me _____ the classroom the whole afternoon yesterday .

A. cleaning B to clean

C clean D. to be cleaned

18. We had no difficulty ______his house .

A .find B to find C found D finding

19. Do it well if you do it ______.

A in all B after all C above all D at all

20 .---Have you finished designing the machine?

---_______finished but there’s still something to improve.

A. More or less B. Sooner or later

C. Less than D. More than

21.- –Please ___-who took it away .

----I have known who did it ,but I can’t _____him .

A.find out ; find B. look for ;find

C find ; find out D find out ; look for

22. When I arrived, she was beginning _______lunch.

A. make B. to make C. making D and making

23. _____number of books______ missing from the library; ______number of the missing books ______quite large.

A A; are ;the ;is B .A;is ;the ;are

C, The;is ;a;are D. A.is ;a;are

24. The farmhands were made _______long hours .

A work B to work C working D worked

25. I had been working a couple of months ________I heard a letter from Geiwen.

A when B until C that D while

26 –--Where was it ______the road accident happened yesterday .

----In front of the market .

A when B that C which D how

27 ---–I know nothing about the young ______she is from Beijing .

A except B except for

C except that D besides

28. She ____it herself .

A need not to do B needs not do

C doesn’t need to do D doesn’t needs go

29. --–Shall we go outing this weekend ?

---Oh, with all this work ____, I don’t know if I’ll have time to go out .

A to do B doing Cdone Ddo

30 There are a great many people on the playground . Some are standing still_______ others are walking about .

A where B when C while D but


1---5 DCABA 6---10 DAADA 11---15 ABCAC

16---20 CADDA 21---25 ABABA 26---30 BCCAC

Step4 Sentence patterns

1. 强调句型

it is /was ﹢被强调部分﹢that(who )﹢其他

He broke the window last night.

It was he who/that broke the window last night.

It was the window that he broke the window last night.

It was last night that he broke the window.

2. so … that 与such that …

She is so good a teacher that we all like her.

She is such a good teacher that we all like her.

It was so cold that we didn’t go out that day.

Step5 Grammar



1 “ My father bought me a dictionary last mouth ”Tom said .→

Tom said that _______

2 He asked , “How are you getting along?” →

He asked _______

3 He said: “ Do you after come here to read newspapers ?” →

He asked _______

Step6 Homework

篇2:人教版 高一 期末复习Units 3-4

Revision (Units 3-4)

Step I : Dictation : words and phrases

(1) consider (2) means (3) experience (4) seize

(5) struggle (6) strike (7) separate (8) watch out ( for )

(9) protect sb/sth from (10) go through

Step II : Language points

(1) consider : n.


① consider + wh- to do

that clause

② consider sth/sb to be… / to have done sth

③ consider sb as …

(2) ① a means of communication / transportation.

② the difference of means , way , method.

③ phrases : by no means , by any means ,

by means of , …….

(3) seize = grasp

seize sb by the arm

(4) struggle for

with / against

(5)strike : while the iron is hot

the tree/wall

a match

strike The clock has struck eight

be struck by

…. for


(6) watch out (for)

= take care

= keep on looking for

Step III : Exercises:

(1) Offices cannot work properly_____ certain important_____.

A. without ; equipments

B. without ; pieces of equipment

C. unless ; equipment

D. unless ; pieces of equipment

(2) Do not start a book unless you can see from the first few pages that it is ______you can easily read and understand.

A. that B. one C. the one D. a one

(3) Flowers are a lovely ______ in spring.

A. sight B. look C. thing D. sign

(4) Her grandfather looks much ______after a good night’s rest

A. live B. lively C. alive D. living

(5) I had not driven many miles when I was ______ by a policeman. He asked to see my license.

A. pulled up B. picked up C. brought up D. taken up

(6) We thought of selling this old furniture , but we’ve decided to______ it . It might be valuable.

A. hold on to B. keep up with C. turn to D. look after

(7) It was raining heavily, little Mary felt cold , so she stood ____ to her mother.

A. close B. closely C. closed D. closing

(8) It’s getting warmer and warmer, so the students of Class One are considering____ the hill next weekend.

A. to climb B. climbing C. climb D. climbed

(9) Your brother _____ you is very kind to me.

A. and B. or C. as well as D. as well

(10) When the woman saw the tiger , she was_____ she couldn’t move.

A. such frightened that B. too frightened to

C. so frightened that D. frightened enough to

(11) Miss Brown often hears Bruce, a boy of her neighbor’s ____ with his father.

A. to quarrel B. quarrel C. quarreling D. quarreled

(12) Have you found out ___ the two people are talking about in this tape.

A. that B. which C. what D. whether

(13) The lady began crying when she heard the bad ___ from her husband.

A. information B. message C. news D. situation

(14) You ___ ask me for advice before you do something if you think it is right.

A. haven’t to B. needn’t to

C. won’t need D. won’t have to

(15) Martin Cooper , a US researcher , was considered____ the first call phone.

A. inventing B. to invent

C. having invented D. to have invented


1-5: BBACA 6-10: AABCC 11-15: BCCDD

Step VI: Important drills

(1) … nothing but / except…

… have no choice but to do…

I have nothing to do this afternoon but/except to sleep.

We had no choice but to stay here.

(2) The fact that …

The fact that we lost the match made the class very sad.

The news that we ---------

The information that -----

(3) must / might / need have done

He must have gone out last night.

You need have told me about it earlier.

Step VII Grammar

1. The present continuous Tense for Future Actions

We are going to separate holiday in a few days’ time

When are you going off to Shanghai?

How are getting to the airport?

The train leaves at seven.

My brother is going with me to the airport.

2. The Attributive → who , whom, that or whose

关系代词 That which Who whom whose

指带对象 人/物 物 人 人 人/物

成分 主、宾 主、宾 主、宾 宾 定语

The thief (that/who/whom) the police are looking for a tall man.

The girl whose father is a teacher is in Class Three.

This is the factory that/which we visited last year.

Our village isn’t the small quite place that it used to be.

Step VIII Homework

篇3:人教版 高一 期末复习Units 7-8

Revision Units7-8

Step1 Words and phrases

Cultural represent give in give up recreate damage limit stand for would rather compete point

Step2 Language points

1、 include : Vt 包含,包括

The price includes transportation fee

There were six people in the room, including three womem.

There were six people in the room, three women included.

2.Give in 1)Vi, 投降。 屈服, 呈现(文件)vt

The nobels were forced to give in.

He has given in to my views.

Please give in you examination papers now.

2) 放弃

I can do nothing more I give in

3. limit n 极限,限制。Vt, adj,

Don’t excelled the speed limit. 不要超速。

You must try to limit your expense. 你要控制你的开支。

The problem is not limit to U.S.A 这个问题在美国是不受限制的。

limited, adj.

Our natural resources were very limited.

Limitless: My patience is limitless.

4. make (1) make it clear that-----

They want to make it clear to the public that they do an important and necessary job.

(2) make + 宾语 + 名

I will make him king.

(3) make + 宾语 + adj

The film made him famous.

(4) make sib. do sth

The medicine made me feel better.

5.stand for (1)vt , be in favour of sth, support sth

What does the BC stand for?

We will stand for you if he fights with you.

6. would rather do sth

I’d rather stay here.

Would rather----- than----

The soldier would rather die than surrender(投降)

Would rather that + did

I would rather you wrote the letter.

Step3. Exercise

1.The red lines on the map _________ railways.

A. replace B. represent C. recover D. reserve

2.It is not easy to enter the garden in the daytime _______being noticed.

A. without B. instead of C. unless D. before

3. The _______ of the meeting is to elect a new manager.

A. reason B. fact C. result D. purpose

4. The city of San Francisco was lit by an earthquake, A village in this area was also _________.

A. under attack B. an attack C. under an attack D. on the attack.

5. Although he explained again and again, he could not make himself _______ by all of us.

A. understand B. understanding C. understood D. be understood

6. Wind _______ electricity in many parts of the world.

A. is widely used to produce B. is widely used to producing

C. widely used to produce D. widely used to producing

7.Is ______ you want to say? Please ask the teacher.

A. this B. that C. all that D. that all

8. The workers bought a new house but ______ will need a lot of work before they can move in.

A. they B. it C. one D. which

9. --Would you like some coffee?--Yes, and please get me some milk too,

--I prefer coffer ____ milk.

A. to B. than C. with D. of

10. In Sydney, the Chinese team got 28 gold medals, ______ the third of all the competing countries.

A. ranking B. ranker C. the rank D. having ranked

11. We were ______ to hear of your escape from the big fire we cried with great joy.

A. more happy than B more than happy

C. happy more than D. happier than

Keys:1-5 BADAC 6-11 ADBCAB

Step4 Important Drills

1. What(a/an) + n. + 主语 +谓语!

What a dirty ashtray it is!

What beautiful colors( they are)!

What beautiful sunshine!

2. How + adj./adv. + 主语 + 谓语!

How lucky he is!

How terrible the snakes look!

3. make sure that------

Please make sure (that) the door is locked.

He made sure that he had enough food for the journey.

Step 5 Homework

篇4:人教版 高一期末复习Units 5-6

Step I : Dictation: words and expressions

career award academy creature bring sb back interrupt apologize impression impolite make jokes about sb

Step II: Language points

(1) play an important part in sth

in doing sth

play / act a part / role of sb in a film

play / act sb

(2) owe ( owed owing )

owe sb sth

owe sth to sb

(3) determine vi

determine to do sth

decide to sth

be determined to do sth

(4) apologize to sb for sth / doing sth

make an apology to sb for sth / doing sth

(5) introduce vt

introduce sb to sb

introduce oneself

(6) forgive vt

forgive sb / sth

forgive sb for sth / doing sth

(7) make jokes about sb

make a full of sb

laugh at sb

make fun of sb

Step II Exercises

(1) We can offer you a job _____ a salesclerk, if you’d like to _____ it.

A. as; take B. for; take

C. as; receive D. for; receive

(2) He has done a great ___ of ___ on that subject in recent years.

A. deal; research B. number; research

C. lot; a research D. amount; the researches

(3)--- How do you ____ the movies last night?

----Oh , both interesting and instructive

A. find B. think C. consider D. feel

(4) I’ve got so many English books that I can’t decide___.

A. what to begin with B. which to begin with

C. what to begin D. which to begin

(5) ---How long have you_____?

----It is about ten years since we_____.

A. married; married B. been married; were marred

C. got married; got married D. been married; got married

(6) What do you think ___ him so upset?

A. making B. made C. to make D. to have made

(7) The reason _____ he gave for not coming was ____ his mother wouldn’t allow him to.

A. for which; that B. which; because

C. why; that D. which; that

(8) He may not like my visit, but I shall go and see him___.

A. though B. instead C. otherwise D. anyway

(9) Have you finished all of the exercises?

Yes , completely. ____ is left.

A. None B. Nothing C. No one D. Neither

(10) Jane and July are here. Did I introduce them to you?

No , you didn’t. I’ve seen them, but we ____.

A. hadn’t been introduced

B. haven’t been introduced

C. weren’t introduced

D. didn’t introduced

(11) The train leaves at 6:00 p.m. so I have to be at the station____ 5:40 p.m. at the latest.

A. until B. after C. by D. around

(12) The young man acted strangely during the interview.

He made a bad ___ on the employer.

A. impression B. expression

C. experience D. opinion

(13) The slaves were caught and kept shut, their feet were fixed to one bar and ____.

A. their hands were to another bar

B. their hands fixed to another bar

C. their hands to another bar

D. with their hands fixed to another bar

(14) Now Bob pays much attention to his table ____ because his going to invite the boss’s daughter to dinner next Saturday.

A. method B. manners C. act D. acting

(15) Everything changes ____. What was not accepted in the past may be very popular with people now.

A. in time B. on time C. for time D. over time


1-5 AAABD 6-10 BDDAB 11-15 CACBD

Step VI Important drills

(1) have no choice but to do

We had no choice but to stay at home.

(2) what do you think ---

What do you think of the film?

(3) It took … before…

It took us a long time before we got there.

(4) It’s time for sb to do …

It’s time for you to go to bed, children.

(5) I didn’t mean to …

I didn’t mean to hurt you.

Step VII Grammar

1. The restrictive Attributive Clause and non-restrictive Attributive Clause(限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句)

1) 限制性定语从句是现行词在意义上不可缺少的定语,如果去掉,主句的意思就不完整或失去意义。这种从句和主语的关系十分密切,写时不用逗号。

She has found the necklace that she lost two weeks ago.

This is the man who came to see you yesterday.

It happened at that time when I left the officer.

2) 非限制性定语从句和主句的关系不十分密切,只是对先行词作些附加的说明,如果去掉,主句的意思仍然清楚,之间往往用逗号隔开,一般不用that引导。

Yesterday I met Li Ping, who seemed to be very busy.

In Britain, which has a population of 55.8 million people, a lot of people die from smoking each year,

Step VIII Homework

篇5:人教版 高一期末复习Units 11-12

Revision Units11-12

Step1 Words and expressions

Contain record in trouble habit in common turn---into come across variety a series of believe in

Step2 Language points

1. contain

The room was small and contained far two much furniture.

I couldn’t contain myself at the sight of him.

Cf. include 侧重整体里面“包括”个体。

Two new names were included in the list.

2. in common

have sth(much, little, nothing, etc.) in common with sth

They have a lot in common.

3. variety

a variety of = various , different kind of

This shop has a variety of toys.

4. record n. make records, write a record of , break a record

keep a record of

He still keeps/ holds the record of the high jump.

v. His diary records all the happenings of the day.

5. turn----into = change ----into

The magic spell turned the frog back into a man.

Water can turn into ice at 0℃.

Please turn this Chinese sentence into English.

6. a series of meetings( exams, school textbooks etc.)

7. in trouble

A person with good manners never laughs at people when they are in trouble.

Ask for trouble/ get into trouble/have trouble in doing sth/ make/cause trouble

8. come across

I came across him in the street yesterday.

Run across/ meet with/ run into

9. believe in

You can believe him, he’ll never let you down.

We believe in Marxism.

I believe in keeping early hours.

10. habit

have a habit of doing--/ form/develop the habit of /out of habit

Step3. Exercises

1. Beer ________ alcohol, drinking too much of it will do harm to the health.

A.includes B.contains C.holds D. remain

2. They have a lot _____ and become good friends.

A. in case B.in common C. in surprise D.in peace

3. This restaurant serves a ______of food.

A lot B plenty C.variety D. lots

4.Our county has a ______history of 4,000 years.

A. Recording B.record C.recorded D.records

5.The type of music has become very famous is Britain and is very good music ______.

A.to dance B.danced C.danced to D.to dance to

6.The car is easily _____from the rest;it has some ads on it .

A.got out B.found out C.picked up D.picked out

7. He appeared ______with our team’s performance.

A.satisfying B.to be satisfying

C.to satisfy D.satisfied

8. With all the worries and trouble gone ,he now feels very_____.

A.simple B.free C.easy D.quiet

9. I can hardly ______my eyes ; a lovely pet dog is sleeping in my room.

A.believe B.believe in C.trust D.trust in

10.He succeeded ______himself understood in broken English by the foreigners .

A.to make B.making C.in making D.by making

11. In France it is the ______ to shake hands with people in the office every morning.

A.custom B.behaviour C.habit D. act

12. Chairman Mao called on the people to ____Lei Feng .

A.learn from B.study from C.study D.learn

13. He never comes except when he is _____.

A. in a trouble B.in troubles

C.in trouble D.in the trouble

14._____is the most important at present is ____to stop the SARS virus from spreading.

A.What;how B.What ;that C.Which ;how D.Which ;that

15.-How do you think we can keep fit?

-Oh, I _______doing morning exercises every day.

A.believe in B.believe C.consider D.think

16.John was there again yesterday ,I wonder ______.

A.what B.how C.why D.think


1-4 BBCC 5-8 DDDC 9-12 ACAA 13-16 CAAC

Step.IV. Fill in the blanks.

1.There is ____ _____ _____music out there!

2.Hip-hop and rap have ___in common with blues and rock ,but they also here___ _____ ______.

3. Harry is very happy,and does not know____ ____ ____about his life.

4. Harry also learns ___ ______ _____and to do things he used to _____ ______ ______.

5. _____ _____his friends,Harry learns that it is not always easy to do what is right.


1.a world of

2.much ;their own characteristics

3.what to do

4.to be brave ;be afraid of

5.Together with


1. The Passive Voice in Different Tenses

2. Review the Attributive Clause

1) Restrictive Attributive Clause

2) Non-restrictive Attributive Clause

StepVII Homework

篇6:人教版 高一 期末复习Units 9-10

Revision Units 9-10

StepⅠ Words and phrases

disagreement absolutely appointment behavior emergency environmental measure original amount material

Step ⅡLanguage points

1.appointment n.

by appointment

have an appointment with sb.

keep /break one’s appointment

make an appointment with sb.

2.remind v.

remind sb.of …

remind sb. to do …

remind sb. that …

3.unexcepted adj . excepted adj .

as excepted

than excepted

except vt .

1).expect ﹢ n /pron

2).expect ﹢that

3)expect ﹢so/not

4).expect ﹢to do sth

5)expect ﹢sb . to do sth

4.measure n. /vt

measure against

made to measure

take sb’s measure

5.environmental adj . →environment n.

natural environment

social environment

6.want v.

want doing /to be done

a typist wanted

the wanted man

Step Ⅲ Exercises

1. It’s a pleasant day for a picnic , I’m sure we’ll _____

A.have a fun B.have fun

C.enjoy fun D.get funny

2. Tom has always thought of himself for a good cook and never fails to ______everyone of it .

A. remind B. remember C. know D. introduce

3. In summer we usually keep the window ______so that cool air come in.

A.opened B.to be open C.open D.opening

4.You must stand it , and see it through ,________it costs .

A.no matter what B.no matter how

C.what D.how

5. Mobile phones make it possible for people to stay ______very easily .

A.in touch B.in connection

C.in communication. D.in talk

6. I ______the cell phone in school, because it will be taken away from me .

A.daren’t to use B.don’t dare to use

C.not dare use D.dare to not use

7. I really don’t think Tom will be angry ,but I’ll go and see him in case he______

A.will be B.does C.is D.has been

8. The doctors devoted themeleves ________a better cure for the terrible disease .

A.to find B.finding C.to finding D.in finding

9. Many people came to the meeting ,of whom _______left early .

A.numbe B.the numbers C.the number D.a number

10. Eating good breakfest keeps you ______for the rest of the day .

A.alone B.asleep C.alive D.living

11. Put the flowers in warm rooms to _______them _________

the freezing cold.

A.stop ;from B.keep;from C.protect;from D.rescue ;off

12. Many animals and plants ,which couldn’t ______the sudden change of the climate , die out Dinosaurs are one such example.

A.suit to B.keep to C.get to D.adapt to

13.The police officer wants to know what measures _____-to find the murders as soon as possible .

A.to take B.to be taken C.taken D. being taken

14.These animals ______their environment;______, they hav learned how to live successfully in their habitat .

A.are all used to ;that is B.all used to ; that is

C.are all used to ;for example D.a ll used to ; for example

15.The work we are doing is quite difficult, so your support will certainly ________.

A.make any difference B.make a difference

C.be very different D.be of some difference

key Ⅲ1----5BACAA 6----10BCCDC 11 ----15CDAAB

StepⅥ Important drills

<1> … make it possible for us to do …

not only … but also …

… as much /many as …

It’s time to do …

The plans make it possible fou us to have a good rest.

He can speak not only English but also French.

Our school has as many books as your school.

It’s time go to school.

Step Ⅶ Grammar

<1>The Present Continuous Passive Voice

He is being operated on in the hospital.

They are being taught English At present.

The naughty boy is always being scolded by his father.

Mary is always being praised by the teacher

<2>Review Direct and Indirect Speech

Step VIII Homework











































高一英语期末复习(units 17-22)(人教版高一英语下册教案教学设计)






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人教版 高一期末复习Units 1-2
《人教版 高一期末复习Units 1-2.doc》

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