人教新课标 高一Teaching plan for unit 4 Earthquakes

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人教新课标 高一Teaching plan for unit 4 Earthquakes((共9篇))由网友“TAKE”投稿提供,以下是小编帮大家整理后的人教新课标 高一Teaching plan for unit 4 Earthquakes,欢迎大家分享。

人教新课标 高一Teaching plan for unit 4 Earthquakes

篇1:人教新课标 高一Revision (Units7-8)

Revision (Units7-8)

Step1 Words and phrases

Cultural represent give in give up recreate damage limit stand for would rather compete point

Step2 Language points

1、 include : Vt 包含,包括

The price includes transportation fee

There were six people in the room, including three womem.

There were six people in the room, three women included.

2.Give in 1)Vi, 投降。 屈服, 呈现(文件)vt

The nobels were forced to give in.

He has given in to my views.

Please give in you examination papers now.

2) 放弃

I can do nothing more I give in

3. limit n 极限,限制。Vt, adj,

Don’t excelled the speed limit. 不要超速。

You must try to limit your expense. 你要控制你的开支。

The problem is not limit to U.S.A


limited, adj.

Our natural resources were very limited.


My patience is limitless.

4. make (1) make it clear that-----

They want to make it clear to the public that they do an important and necessary job.

(2) make + 宾语 + 名

I will make him king.

(3) make + 宾语 + adj

The film made him famous.

(4) make sib. do sth

The medicine made me feel better.

5.stand for (1)vt , be in favour of sth, support sth

What does the BC stand for?

We will stand for you if he fights with you.

6. would rather do sth

I’d rather stay here.

Would rather----- than----

The soldier would rather die than surrender(投降)

Would rather that + did

I would rather you wrote the letter.

Step3. Exercise

1. The red lines on the map _________ railways.

A. replace B. represent C. recover D. reserve

2. It is not easy to enter the garden in the daytime _______being noticed.

A. without B. instead of C. unless D. before

3. The _______ of the meeting is to elect a new manager.

A. reason B. fact C. result D. purpose

4. The city of San Francisco was lit by an earthquake, A village in this area was also _________.

A. under attack B. an attack

C. under an attack D. on the attack.

5. Although he explained again and again, he could not make himself _______ by all of us.

A. understand B. understanding C. understood

D. be understood

6. Wind _______ electricity in many parts of the world.

A. is widely used to produce B. is widely used to producing

B. widely used to produce D. widely used to producing

7.Is ______ you want to say? Please ask the teacher.

A. this B. that C. all that D. that all

8. The workers bought a new house but ______ will need a lot of work before they can move in.

A. they B. it C. one D. which

9. Would you like some coffee?

Yes, and please get me some milk too,

I prefer coffer ____ milk.

A. to B. than C. with D. of

10. In Sydney, the Chinese team got 28 gold medals, ______ the third of all the competing countries.

A. ranking B. ranker C. the rank D. having ranked

11. We were ______ to hear of your escape from the big fire we cried with great joy.

A. more happy than B more than happy

C. happy more than D. happier than

Keys:1-5 BADAC 6-11 ADBCAB

Step4 Important Drills

1. What(a/an) + n. + 主语 +谓语!

What a dirty ashtray it is!

What beautiful colors( they are)!

What beautiful sunshine!

2. How + adj./adv. + 主语 + 谓语!

How lucky he is!

How terrible the snakes look!

3. make sure that------

Please make sure (that) the door is locked.

He made sure that he had enough food for the journey.

Step 5 Homework

篇2:人教新课标 高一Unit 8 Sports

Unit 8 Sports

Teaching aims and demands:

a. Achieve language skills and related knowledge about the topic of sports and the Olympics;

b. Learn to express likes and interests and hobbies:

c. Vocabulary in this unit:

the words and expressions listed on the teacher’s book

d. Grammar:

the passive voice

Period 1

Main points


stand for; well-known; host; shooting; interest; test; examine✓ match; sport; congratulation; fill in; information; while; beat&win

2.Sentence patterns

would rather…

be worth…


3.Functional item

talk about interests&hobbies

Difficult points

would rather…


Teaching procedures

Step 1 lead-in

Ss : talk about sports

T : Do you like sports?What sports do you know?

How much do you know about the Olympic Games?

Many of you are sports fans.And we all know China will host the Olympics in .Next I will give you a quiz to see which of you knows most about the Olympics.

Step 2 Warming up

1.Ss finish the multiple choices in given time.

2.Check the answers

Step 3 Listening

T : Most sports fans like to listen to sports news.How about you?Next you’ll listen to three sports reports.

1.Go through each task and understand what to do.

2.Play the tape two or three times as necessary.Pause at important points and give the students help as necessary.

3.Let the Ss discuss in pairs and then check the answers.

Steps 4 Speaking

1.Go over the useful expressions listed.T asks and Ss answers.

2.Ss practice asking and answering in pairs.

3.Set an example of an interview.

4.Ss practice in groups of 4.Using the expressions.

Step 5 Language points

1.would rather

(1)+do (d’rather do)

EP:He said he would rather play football.

I’d rather stay here with you.

(2)+not do sth

EP:He would rather not listen to jazz.

2.Prefer to do rather than do

EP:I prefer to write to her rather than telephone her.

I prefer to stay at home rather than go out.

Homework :Review useful expressions and practice.

Period 2

Main points


take part in; competitor; rank; prtpare; every 4 years; in modern times; further&farther; event; history-making; make change; whole&all; honour.

2.Sentence patterns

…the same as…


Difficult points

…the same as…

every 4 years

Teaching procedures

Step 1 Recision

Ask students to talk about interests and hobbies.

Step 2 Pre-reading

1.T:Which sport event do you like to watch most?Why?

2.T:Are the Olympic Games important to our society?Why or why not?

Possible answer:Yes,they are important.It is an opportunity to show how strong you country is and how much the people in your coutry love sports.

Step 3 Reading

Today we are going to learn more about the Olympic.Ask students to read quickly in silence and find the answer to the following question.

Q :Which would be another title for the text?

A .The Summer Olympic Games

B .The Winter Olympic Games

C. The World’s Greatest Sports Games

D. A Great Victory for China (c)

Step 4 Post-reading

Ask students to read the text again and answer the following questions.

1.How have the Olympic Games changed since the old Olympic Games were held in ancient Greece?

A :The Olympics have changed in many ways.Many sports are the same,but new sports have been added.Women are now allowed to take part in the Games.In ,over 10,000 athletes form 227 countries participated in the Olympics.

2. What will be done in preparation for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing?

A :New buildings and sports venues will be built,more trees will be planted and new roads will be built.

Step 5 Language points

1.take part in; join in; attend

(1) John takes part in many school activities. He takes an active part in politics.

(2) Join in sth./join sb in sth.

All the family join me in wishing you a happy future.

(3) attend a meeting;

attend the concert ;

attend a class

2 .in modern times time pl.

Times have changed,and we shouldn’t fall behind them.It is the fastest computer of modern times.

3. the same as…

The jacket is the same as mine.

She goes to the same university as her father did.

Step 6 Listening to the tape

Homework:Review words and language points in the text.

Period 3


Ask several students to say something about what he will do for the 2008 Olympics.

Grammar : The Future Passive Voice

1. Structure:will+be+v.-ed

2. Model-making

T:The classroom is very dirty.I will clean it.So it will be cleaned.

3. Drill&practice

Do exercise on P54-55 in book.Grammar Ex 1.

Homework :Ex 2 on P55.

Period 4

Main points


height; point; skill; facial; live; live his dream; speed

2.Sentence patterns

more than

Difficult points

more than

Theaching procedures

Step 1 Recision

Review the structure of the future passive voice.

Step 2 Lead-in

Ss talk about their favorite sports stars.

You have your favorite sports stars.Would you like to know something about Yao Ming.

In this period,we’ll read the profile of Yao Ming.

Step 3 Ask students to read the profile and make a summary.

Step 4 Teach students how to read and write a profile.

Step 5 Language points

1. height n.

What is its height?(What height is it?)

It has a height of 5cm,a length of 10cm and a width of 4cm.

2. more than

We were more than happy to hear of your success.

He is more than our teacher.He is also our best friend.

Step 6 Listening

Homework : Revise all the words and expressions in this unit.

篇3:人教新课标 高一Unit 11 Music

Unit 11 Music

Teaching Aims and Demands

Words and Phrases

Four Skills: suggestion perform performer characteristic contain traditional spread variety universal satisfy desire process express

Three Skills: musical instrument blues slave jazz folk guitar record inner emotion musician totally intelligence chant

Spoken English:

Asking for suggestions and giving advice:

What can you suggest? Maybe we could …

Can I ask you for some advice? I suggest (that) …

Can you help me decide …? May be it would be better to …

That’s a good ides.

Well, but what about …?

Have you considering doing …?


Revise the different forms of different tenses:

1. 一般现在时被动语态

The classroom is cleaned every day.

2. 现在进行时被动语态

The plants is being watered.

3. 现在完成时被动语态

The work has been finished.

4. 一般过去时被动语态

The door was locked (by the boy).

5. 过去进行时被动语态

The meals were being severed.

6. 过去完成时被动语态

Over 10 songs had been learned (by us) by the end of last week.

7. 一般将来时被动语态

A lecture on birds will be given.

Use of Language:

1. Master the function use of language as defined above.

2. Help the students to finish the tasks of listening, reading, writing, speaking presented in the book and the exercise book through using what the students have learned.

Learn the text about music and encourage the students to learn more about music esp. Chinese traditional folk music in order to expand the students’ vision.

Important points: 1. Talk about different kinds of music

2. Ask for suggestions and give advice.

3. Talk about famous musicians

4. Compare modern and tradition music

Difficult points: The pattern of the passive voice of different tenses

Teaching aids: computer or slider-projector

Way of Teaching: Communication way of teaching, discussion and group work.

Lesson 1

Step 1 Warming-Up

Get the students to listen to some songs and try to guess where the music come from.

Answers to Exercise 1:

Music1: Russian Music 2: South America Music3:Asian


Step 2 Listening

Let the students listen to the songs and answer the questions. After each song, compare answers and ask the students to explain their answers: Where do you think the music comes from? That is about the characteristic of each folk song. Here the students may get a general impression about the sounds of the world.

Get the students to find a song they like best and tell why.

Step 3 Speaking

First ask the students to get themselves prepared for Exercise 2 on p72, then ask them to perform it out.

Step 4 Homework

Prepare for the next class.

Lesson 2

Step 1 Introduction

The teacher may ask the questions in the Pre-reading part as an introduction of the text and in this way to arouse the students’ interest.

Step 2 Fast-reading

Students read the text quickly and make an outline of the text:

1. Most of us like pop music from China or the US, but we also like to listen to other kinds of music. The world is full of interesting music styles.

2. Blues music has a long history and is an important part of African –American culture and modern music. Blues music has influenced and created many other music styles, such as jazz and rock..

3. Modern American music is more than just blues and rock. Hip-hop and rap are two music styles that have become popular.

4. Latin music is an example of world music that has become part of American culture. The style comes from Latin America and is important to the growing number of Spanish-speaking people in the United States.

5. There are many other styles of music we can discover and enjoy if we explore the sounds of the world.

Step 3 Carefully-reading

(1) Ask the students to read the text again and be prepared to answer the questions in the Post-reading part.

The answers:

1. 1 Blue music came from African music that was brought

to the United States by slaves.

2 To rap is to speak the words of a song along with the beat.

3 Latin music is popular in America partly because of the fact that the US has a large Spanish-speaking –population, but also because of the success of such artists as Santana and Ricky Martin.

4 The students may answer in any way.

2. False: 1,2,3,5 True: 4,6

(2) Explain the language points if necessary.

Step 4 Homework

Finish the exercises 1-3 on P146

Lesson 3

Step 1 Revision

Check the homework.

Step 2 Word-study

Give the students several minutes to get prepared for the exercise, then check the answers with the students.

The answers are:


1. vi. To strike repeatedly (esp. the heart)

2. n. a regular, rhythmical unit of time

3. vt. Defeat


1.v. to gather, harvest

2. (pick up) v. to take on passengers

3. (pick out) v. to carefully select


1. vt. To upset

2. a./n. akind of music, rock’roll

3. n. hard and large stones


1. n. the fashion of the moment

2. n. type, kind

3. n. a way of doing something

Step 3 Grammar

List several sentences in which the Passive Voice is used and other sentences which is of Active Voice structure, then ask the students to find the formation of Passive Voice.

1. Dinner is served from 5:00 to 8:00

Mary serves dinner from 5:00 to 8:00.

2. Five houses were destroyed by the tornado last night.

The tornado destroyed five houses last night.

The formation of the Passive sentences is: be and the past participle of the main verb.

Step 4 Consolidation

Get the students to finish the exercises1 and exercise 2 in the Grammar part.

Step 5 Workbook

Finish the exercises on P147 as well as a kind of consolidation.

Step 6 Homework

Be prepared for a song so as to give an presentation and learn more about music.

Lesson 4

Step 1 Revision

Let some students give their talk about the music they learned after class.

Step 2 Discussion

Fill the form:


Comparison Pop music Rock music

Why is music important to the musicians? Music is their career. They use music to become rich and famous. Music is their life. They play music to satisfy their inner desire.

How are songs written? One person writes the words, someone else the music, and other musicians record it. One person has a strong feeling and expresses it with music, and others help build the song

What are the songs about? Most pop songs are simple stories about love that make people feel easy and forger about the real world. Rock music expresses true feelings about society, friendship and even war.


Comparison Traditional Chinese Music Modern Chinese Music

What instruments are used? Pipa, erhu, suona, guqin, zheng, drums, luo, etc. Drums, fuita, keyboard, sometimes traditional instruments

What is the music played? At weddings, during festivals, and in the royal courts Every day, on TV and radio

Who write the songs? Songs are often handed down from generation to generation Pop stars or writers write new songs every year

What are songs about? Love, life, news, legends Love, life, society

Step 3 Writing

Choose one of the two writing tasks below.

1 Write about a Chinese or English song that you like. Try to describe the song and how it makes you feel. Explain why you like the song and what the song makes you think of.

2 We write songs to say something about ourselves and the world. If you write a song, what will you say? What will your message be? Work in pairs and try to write a song --- you can use the music of a song you already know or you can make up your own.

Step 4 Homework

Finish the Checkpoint.

篇4:Unit 14 Festival(高一人教新课标)

Period 1

Warming up, listening and speaking

Step1 Lead – in

Talk about the Spring Festival with students

Step2 Warming up

Part 1 and 2

Step3 Listening

First, talk about the pictures about three festivals. Then look at the exercises and listen to the tape. Listen for three times.

Step4 Speaking

From listening, we have learned a lot about foreign festivals. Now let’s talk about some other holidays. You can work in groups of four, and you can use the useful expressions on Page 10.

Step4 Homework

Write a passage “How I spent the Spring Festival”.

Period 2



We have learned something about some foreign festivals.

Today we are going to read about another festivals ----Kwanzaa.


Read the passage fast to find the main idea of it , which is the main idea of the passage ?(c)

A How Karenga created Kwanzaa.

B What are the seven principle of Kwanzaa.

C Why Karenga created Kwanzaa.

D How Karenga got the idea of creating Kwanzaa.

Step3.True or False

Exx on Page 11

Step4.careful ---reading

Read the passage carefully to finish the following exercise .

1. Which of the following is not true according to the test?

A Kwanzaa is a young holiday .

B The word Kwanzaa means first fruit in Swahili.

C Dr Karenga created Kwanzaa to celebrate American culture and history .

Dkwanzaa is based on old African festivals .

2. The celibration of Kwanzaa lasts _______(A)

A 7days B 5days C 6days D11days

3. Why did Dr.Karenge creat the festival?(B)

A. Because there was no festival in Africa.

B. The African history and culture can be kept alive in African –Americans.

C. Because he thought African festivals were better than American ones. D. He wanted to be remembered by African .

4. From the test we can draw a conclusion that ______(B)

A. the African-Americans don’t like Kwanzaa at all

B. the African-Americans have a strong feeling for their own history and culture

C. Kwanzaa is celebrated from December 26 to January.

D. Kwanzaa was created to celebrate the African culture and history

Step 5. Listening

Listen to the tape, let the ss pay attention to the pronunciation, stress and intonation.

Step 6. Language points

1. dress up. 盛装,打扮

dress up in… 穿…衣服,打扮

dress up as… 打扮成

eg. You don’t need to dress up for this dinner

I just love the fun of dressing up in ancient clothing.

The little girl dressed herself up as an angel.

2. would 可作情态动词,“过去常常做…”

eg. He would sit for hours day dreaming.

When I was a child, I would get up early.


1.Recite the language points

2.Read the text

Period 3

Language study

Step1. Revision

Translate some important sentences in the text

Step2. Word study

First let the Ss do the exercise

Then check the answers

Step3. Grammar

First. explain the usages of the modal verbs___ must, have to, have got to

Then do Ex2 on pages 13,ex1 on page 74


Revise the usages of the modal verbs

Period 4

Integrating skills

Step1. Fast-reading

Ask the Ss to read the four holidays and find out which one is the least important. ( April Fool’s Day )

Step2. Careful-reading

Read the passage carefully to finish the exercise

1. which of the following is true according to the text ? (D)

A. “Day of the Dead” is an American festival.

B. People often feel sad when they celebrate “ Day of the Dead”

C. “April Fool’s Day” falls on the 1st day of spring.

D. “ Earth Day” reminds us to value our world.

2. which of the festival is to celebrate the memory of a great person?(B)

A. Earth Day

B. Martin Luther King , Jr day.

C. Day of the Dead .

D. April Fool’s Day.

3. The best title for the text is ______.

A. some Festivals celebrated in the world.

B. Celebration of life..

C. Celebration of Great Persons.

D. Celebration of Both the living and the dead.

Step3. Listening

Listen to the tape

Step4. Language points

1. care about 关心, 为…担心

care for 想, 喜欢

eg. She thinks only of herself ; she doesn’t care about other people.

Would you care for some tea?

2. play tricks on

play a trick on

eg. That was an unfair trick to play on her.

He was always playing tricks on others.

3. take in

eg. Please take the washing in, if it rains.

They took her in for a week.

She didn’t take in what I said.

Step5. Writing

Write a short description of the Spring Festival.


Finish the writing.

篇5:Unit 15 The necklace(高一人教新课标)

Teaching Aims and Demands

Words and Phrases

Four Skills: dormitory explain recognise continue call on lovely bring back day and night pay off at most debt precious positive attend earn act out besides

Three Skills: surely ball lecture silly author outline quality

Spoken English:

Ask for permission

Could we/I … ?

May/can I …?

Shall we …?

Is it possible…?

Do you mind…?

Talk about possibilies

It can’t be …

It could …

HE might …

They must …


Use the modal verbs must, can/could, may/might

Certain possible impossible

He must /could/may/might can’t be working.

He must /could/may/might can’t be American.

Use of Language:

(1) Help the students to finish the tasks of listening, reading, writing, speaking presented in the book and the exercise book through using what the students have known. Learn the text the necklace, through which the students may get educated.

(2) Learn about communication skills, such as, asking for permission, ask about possibilities.

Important points: to get the students to receive the education morally.

Difficult points: to fell the real meaning of the modal verbs.

Teaching aids: Computer, tape-recorder

Way of Teaching: 交际法教学


Step 1 Presentation

If possible, it may be better to have a class, in which we can show a great drama to get the students mentally prepared for the coming class.

Step 2 Warming Up

First, ask the students to look at the pictures and describe what they think is happening in their own words. It is better to ask the students to act it out.

Step 3 Listening

Have a short listening test as shown in the students books and check the answers.

Step 4 Acting

(1) First divide the students into several groups. And then let them choose their favorite title.

(2) Read the short play one by one so as to better understand the play.

(3) Give the students several minutes to prepare for the play.

(4) At last act it out.

Step 5 Homework

Finish the exercise


Step 1 Revision

Check the homework.

Step 2 Presentation

First, introduce the general idea of the novel to the students as well as the writer.

Step 3 Reading

Get the students to read the play on scene by one scene and answer some questions in order to help the students to fully understand what the play is about.

Scene one

1. Why didn’t Jeanne recognize Mathilde at first?

2. What was the life Mathilde lived in the past ten years like?

3. Why did Mathilde borrow a necklace from her friend?

4. Where was Pierre Loisel working?

5. Why had she been working very hard?

Scene two

1. How did Mathilde feel when her husband told her the good news?

2. Why was Mathilde worried?

3. How much did her dress cost her?

4. What else did she want to wear?

5. What did Pierre suggest?

6. What did they decide to do? Why?

7. When did Mathilde decide to see her friend?

Scene three

1. What kind of necklace did she get?

2. How did they enjoy the ball at the palace?

3. What happened on their way home after the ball?

4. What did they do for Jeanne?

5. How much did the diamond necklace cost?

6. What did they do in order to pay back the debt?

Step 4 Language points

Explain the language points in the text. ( I think it is better to explain the language after the understanding of the text so the students will get a whole story.)

1) after all

2) marry/be married (to)/ get married (to)

3) call on sb call at sp visit/sb./sp pay a visit to sb./sp. drop in on /at

4) pay back 偿还 pay off 还清/pay for

5) worth/wothy

This VCD is worth 1,000 yuan..

What you said is worth considering

Step 5 Homework

Read the text again and fill in the blanks in the exerciseto understand it better.

Pierre Loisel used to work ________ a government office. One day he and his wife Mathilde received an invitation____ __ a ball __ ___the palace. Mathilde spent 400 francs ______ a new dress but had no more money ____ jewllery. She borrowed a beautiful necklace ____her friend Jeanne. The couple had a very good time in the palace. But____ __ the ball Mathilde found the necklace missing. They borrowed money t buy a diamond necklace __ Jeanne. The necklace that looked exactly___ __ Jeanne's cost them 36,000 francs. __ they returned the necklace, they had to work day and night __ ten years to pay back the money they had borrowed. _______ Mathilde met Jeanne again, she had changed so much her friend could not recognize her. She did not know__________ then that the necklace she borrowed was not made ________ diamonds. It was worth 500 francs______ the most

Lesson 3

Step 1.Revision

Check the home work and ask the students to retell the play in their own words.

Step 2 Word Study

Check the exercise about words on P14.

Step 3 Grammar

List all the modal verbs that we are going to learn. Then

Step 4 Practice

Use the exercise on P14 as to check if the students has really understand the use of the modal verb.

Step 5 Workbook

Check the exercises in the workbook.

Step 6 Homework

Lesson 4

Step 1 Revision

Check the homework by doing exercise 1 in part Grammar in the workbook..

Step 2 Reading

Ask the students to read the dialogue on P15-16.

Step 4 Discussion

Use the questions on P16 so as to understand what is a play.

Step 5 Writing

Then, according to what they have just discussed ask the students to write a short play.

Step 6 Homework

Read your play to your families.

篇6:人教新课标 高一Unit 1-6 Revision

Unit 1-6 Revision

Teaching Aims and Demands

Words and Phrases:

honest brave wise smart argue found hunt share lie feeling pronounce broad repeat native equal situation international trade communicate exchange service expression publish compare replace consider means experience vacation nature basic equipment simple normal excitement separate unforgettable disaster finally rescue advance seize swallow drag struggle fight flow fright shake strike destroy national fear opportunity touch note career role award prize choice degree speed creature adult industry owe happiness accept primary leader determine live action

fond of hunt for in order to care about such as drop sb a line make oneself at home in total except for stay up come about end up with bring in a great many at the same time get away from watch out protect sb/sth from see sb off on the other hand as well as

Spoken English: Revise the spoken English in the units 1-6.

Grammar: Direct and Indirect Speech, The Attribute Clause.

Teaching aids: Computer

Way of Teaching: dictation and exercises

Lesson 1

Step 1 Dictation

Dictate the key words and phrases in the six units.

argue share native equal situation international communicate compare experience vacation equipment excitement separate unforgettable rescue advance swallow struggle strike destroy opportunity career award degree creature owe primary determine

fond of hunt for in order to care about such as drop sb a line make oneself at home in total except for stay up come about end up with bring in a great many at the same time get away from watch out protect sb/sth from see sb off on the other hand as well as

Step 2 Sentences

1. Chuck survives the crash and lands on a deserted island where there are no people.

2. On the island, Chuck has to learn to survive all alone.

3. Chuck learns that we need friends to share happiness and sorrow.

4. You must be very tired.

5. People also travel to meet new friends, to try new kinds of food, to experience life in other parts of the world, or simply to get away from cold weather.

6.Wear a lot to protect yourself from yourself from the sun.

7. As with hiking, you should always think about your safety and wear good clothes.

8. Looking up at the large head and down at the large feet makes you feel small.

9.After that it still took seven years before they finally got married.

10. When drinking to someone’s health, you raise your glass, but the glasses should not touch.

Check the dictation with the students and explain the use of the underlined words or parts.

Lesson 2


1. The Direct and Indirect Speech

A. Change the dialogue below into Indirect Speech.

The following dialogue is an excerpt from Mark Twain’s The million-Pound Bank Note.

Henry found there was a million-pound note in the envelope. HE thought the two brothers had made a mistake. HE hurried to their house and rang the bell. The servant appeared, Henry asked for the brothers.

Servant: They are gone.

Henry: Where?

Servant: To the Continent.

Henry: The continent?

Servant: I can’t say, sir.

Henry: When will they be back?

Servant: I can’t say, sir.

Henry: When will they be back?

Servant: In a month, they said.

Henry: A month! Tell me how to get word to them. It’s of great importance.

Servant: I can’t , indeed. I’ve no idea where they’ve gone.

Henry: Then I must see some member of the family. Servant: Family is away, too --- in Egypt and India, I think.

Henry: There’s been an immense mistake make. They’ll be back before night. Tell them I’ve been here, and that I’ll keep coming till it’s all right, and they needn’t worry.

Servant: I’ll tell them, if they come back, but I’m not expecting them. They said you’d be here in an hour to make inquires, but I must tell you it’s all night, they will be here on time to meet you.

B. Finish the dialogue

A: Attention, please, I’d like to tell you what to do in the coming sports meeting. Get to school a bit earlier, at 7:30 tomorrow morning.

B: What did she say?

C: (She told us to come to school a bit earlier tomorrow morning, at 7:30.)

A: Please wear your sports clothes.

D: What to wear?

E: (She asked us to wear our sport clothes.)

A: Su Peng, please don’t forget to bring your camera. (You have to take some photos.)

F: Pardon?

A: (I asked you not to forget to bring your camera.) I want you to take some photos

If it is necessary, explain the formation of Indirect and Direct Speech.

2. The Present Continuous Tense.

Fill in the blank with proper words

1). Jack ___ (work) in a network company now, and he ___ (like) it very much.

2). I can hear something outside the door. It ___ (sound) as if someone ___ (try) to open the door.

3). Grandma normally ____(live) with us, but she ____ (spend ) the last month in Hangzhou and ____ (go)to stay with uncle next week.

4). They ____ (play) really wonderfully. I ____ (think) they ____ (win) the game.

5). A: That is Alice. I ____ (not think) you ____ her before.

B: Oh yes. We ____ (know) each other, for we ____ (be) at the same school.

6). She ____ (grow) up in that farmhouse in the village. She ____ (miss) it very much and ____ (return) to have a look this weekend.

7). A: There ____ (be) a great film on this week. It _____ (be) an Oscar Prize winner. They ____ (ask) you to go with them tonight.

B: Thanks, but I ____ (see) it in only yesterday.

8). A: I ____ (try) to phone George, but he ____ (be) not at home.

B: He should be. He ____ (leave) school an hour ago.

Answers: 1). is working; likes 2). sounds; is trying 3). lives; spent; is going 4). are playing; think; will win 5). don’t think; have met/met; know; are 6). grew; miss; is returning 7). is; is; asked; saw 8). Tried; was; left

Then check the exercise with the students.

3. The Attributive Clause:

Read the text below and mark out the Attributive Clause and the noun modified by it. If necessary fill in the proper link pronouns.

Penicillin is a kind of medicine ___ is now widely used in hospital. It has played a very important part in saving those ____ have got serious diseases. But do you know anything about the person ____ discovered it?

Penicillin was discovered by a British scientist, Alexander, ____ was born on Aug. 6, 1881. After graduating from a medical university, he worked in a laboratory, where his research began. After World War I, he continued his research for the substances ____ would cure people without bringing harm to human bodies.

In the autumn of 1928, he found through his experiments that penicillin was not harmful to man but it would stop the growth of many dangerous germs. Fleming wrote a paper in ____ he described penicillin in detail. The paper was published in 1929.

The keys are: that/which who who who that which.

4. The Attributive Clause:

California, ____ official nickname is the Golden State, is one of the faster growing states in the United States. It covers an area of great physical diversity(多样性) ____ ____ uplands dominate the landscape. The first people ____ explored and settled California were the Spaniards, ____ gave Spanish names to its two great cities, Los Angels and San Francisco. 1849 was the year ____ Americans came and so was it the year ____ gold was discovered.

The reason ____ the men ____ made movies came to California was that the weather here is fine. The sun allowed them to take pictures outdoor nearly every day in the year. Hollywood, ____ lies in the northern part of the city of Los Angeles, became the movie capital of the world. When oil was discovered, people came to work in the oil field. World War II was period ____ many large airplane factories were built in California.

California, the coastline ____ ____ is 1,200 miles long on the Pacific Ocean, is also one of the country’s leaders in commercial fishing.

The highest mountain in California is Mt. Whitney, a 14,494-foot-high granite peak, ____ ____ one can look down on Death Valley to the east, the lowest point in the United States.

The answers are: whose, of which, who, who, when, when, why, who, which, when, of/in which, on/from which

Revise the Grammar the related to the above exercises.

Lesson 3

Step 1 Warming-up

Introduction of your good friend:

Get one of the students to give a brief introduction to his or her good friends.

Step 2 Writing

Get the students to write a short composition about their own experience.

Ask the students to read their composition out and go over the basic skills of writing.

Step 3 Reporting

Divide the students into several groups and get them to prepare for the film stars and the movies that they favour.

Get the students to report it out, while trying using some related words and the grammar learned in these unit.


Write another composition about Being a student with good manners.

篇7:人教新课标 高一Revision( Units 9-10 )

Revision( Units 9-10 )

StepⅠ Words and phrases

.disagreement absolutely appointment behavior emergency environmental measure original amount material

Step ⅡLanguage points

1.appointment n.

by appointment

have an appointment with sb.

keep /break one’s appointment

make an appointment with sb.

2.remind v.

remind sb.of …

remind sb. to do …

remind sb. that …

3.unexcepted adj . <___> excepted adj .

as excepted

than excepted

except vt .

1).expect ﹢ n /pron

2).expect ﹢that

3)expect ﹢so/not

4).expect ﹢to do sth

5)expect ﹢sb . to do sth

4.measure n. vt

measure against

made to measure

take sb’s measure

5.environmental adj . →environment n.

natural environment

social environment

6. want v.

want doing /to be done

a typist wanted

the wanted man

Step Ⅲ Exercises

1. It’s a pleasant day for a picnic , I’m sure we’ll _____

A have a fun B have fun

C enjoy fun D.get funny

2. Tom has always thought of himself for a good cook and never fails to ______everyone of it .

A. remind B. remember C. know D. introduce

3. In summer we usually keep the window ______so that cool air come in.

A opened B to be open C open D opening

4.You must stand it , and see it through ,________it costs .

A no matter what B no matter how

C what D how

5. Mobile phones make it possible for people to stay ______very easily .

A in touch B in connection

C in communication. D in talk

6. I ______the cell phone in school, because it will be taken away from me .

A. daren’t to use B don’t dare to use

C not dare use D dare to not use

7. I really don’t think Tom will be angry ,but I’ll go and see him in case he______

A will be B does

C is D has been

8. The doctors devoted themeleves ________a better cure for the terrible disease .

A to find B finding Cto finding D in finding

9. Many people came to the meeting ,of whom _______left early .

A numbe B. the numbers

C the number D a number

10. Eating good breakfest keeps you ______for the rest of the day .

A alone B.asleep C. alive D.living

11. Put the flowers in warm rooms to _______them _________

the freezing cold.

A stop ;from B keep;from C protect;from D.rescue ;off

12. Many animals and plants ,which couldn’t ______the sudden change of the climate , die out Dinosaurs are one such example.

A.suit to B keep to C get to D.adapt to

13.The police officer wants to know what measures _____-to find the murders as soon as possible .

A to take B to be taken C taken D.being taken

14.These animals ______their environment;______, they hav learned how to live successfully in their habitat .

A are all used to ;that is

B all used to ; that is

C are all used to ;for example

D a ll used to ; for example

15.The work we are doing is quite difficult, so your support will certainly ________>

A make any difference

B make a difference

C be very different

D be of some difference

key Ⅲ1----5BACAA


11 ----15CDAAB

StepⅥ Important drills

<1> … make it possible for us to do …

not only … but also …

… as much /many as …

It’s time to do …

The plans make it possible fou us to have a good rest.

He can speak not only English but also French.

Our school has as many books as your school.

It’s time go to school.

StepⅦ Grammer

<1>The Present Continuous Passive Voice

He is being operated on in the hospital.

They are being taught English At present.

The naughty boy is always being scolded by his father.

Mary is always being praised by the teacher

<2>Review Direct and Indirect Speech

StepVIII Homework

篇8:人教新课标 高一Unit13-17复习教案


------- Focusing on the key phrases and structures

Teaching goals

1. Help students strengthen what they have learnt in the past half term

2. Make them relaxed fully in order that they can deal with the coming exam at their best.

3. Make them have a further understanding about some key structures.

Teaching important points

1.How to motivate our students when they are playing the games

2.How to help them to keep the key phrases and structures by heart efficiently.

Teaching difficult points

1. How to keep the activities well organized and how to clarify some complicated structures.

2. How to give the instructions simply and clearly

Class Type

I am making for a new way to review language knowledge more efficiently

Teaching methods

1. Communicative teaching methods

2. Integrate competitions into the process of reviewing

3. Group work.

4. Induce students to analyze some key structures

5. Strengthen the teaching effects by giving them great encouragement.

Teaching aids

Papers, blackboard, slide projector


Prepare themselves for the coming examination

Summary after Class

The goals made before class have been reached quite well. The students took part in the games actively. They are quite pleased to accept this way of teaching.. However, the amount of knowledge they have really learnt by heart is a little less than we have anticipated beforehand . So we have to admit the fact that it is rather difficult to combine the communicative teaching ways with the current teaching conditions, in which we have such a large class including fifty-six students or so and the great pressure coming from the miscellaneous examinations.

Teaching procedure

Step 1 A competition for key phrases(10 minutes)

T: Good morning, boys and girls .Have you prepared well for the coming exam? Do you feel a little nervous about that ? Now let’s relax ourselves together. We will have a competition. We have four unknown slides. They are slide A, slide B, slide C, and slide D. Each slide has six phrases in Chinese on itself. In our class we have four groups. Every group can get a slide by drawing lots(抽签).In the end , we will see which group can translate all of these phrases into English correctly., Ok , now every group will send a student out to choose your slide.

Group 4 : (A)junk food, ought to , plenty of , keep up with , make a choice, now and then

Group 1: (B)dress up, in one’s opinion, play a joke on sb., take in, call on, bring back

Group 3: (C)pay off, at most, act out, a great deal of , a number of , pick out

Group 2: (D)around the corner, come to terms with, die down, day and night, take possession of, make up

T: Good job. You have finished it very well except for only one mistake. Group 3 have mixed up two phrases.

We should pay attention to the answer to NO.4 in the slide C, The right answer should be ”a number of”. And the answer to NO.5 in the slide C should be “a great deal of ”. Let’ look at another slide.

T: Group1, Group2, Group4 each have got 10 points. Congratulations! Group 3 has got 5 points. Try harder, guys.

Step 2 Design a form about those modal verbs which are used to express possibility.(18minutes)

T: Our competition will continue. We have learnt that “must , can/could, may/might “can be used to express possibility.

Can you try designing a form to make it clear how to use them in different sentence styles and different tenses. Group members should work together to get the best one in your group. Give you ten minutes to prepare for it.

T: Ok, the time is up. You can’t change it any more. Different groups can exchange your forms, and let’ s compare them with each other. Oh, which do you think is the best one?

Ss: We have agreed on the form made by group 3 .

T: Let’s have a look at it with the projector.

Modal verbs to Tensesexpress guess or possibility PresentOrFuture Present continuous Past Or perfect

Positivesentences must:: very sure, certainmaymight perhaps, maybecould possible Modalverb+do/be Modal verb+be doing Modal verb+have done

Negativesentences Can’t very sureCouldn’t it is impossibleMay not perhapsMight not not

Questionsentences Can/could

T: Well done. Your group deserve another ten points and the other three groups each have got five points

Pay attention to two points: (1)“mustn’t” means “You shouldn’t do it”, or “you are forbidden to do something.”. If you want to express you are sure that something is impossible, you should use “ can’t or couldn’t” to say that.(2)Look at the following examples.

a. He must be a student, isn’t he?

b. He must have finished it, hasn’t he?

c. He must have done it yesterday, didn’t he?

If we write the first part of each sentence without “must”, we’ll get three sentences like these.

a’. He is a student b’. He has finished it. c. He did it yesterday.

We got the second part of a, b, c from the sentences a’,b’,c’. Actually, we don’t try to guess any more in the second part of Sentence a, b, c.

Step 3 A game named “single or plural”(15mintues)

T: The following game is still played among groups. The knowledge you will use in this game is Subject-verb agreement.

T:(facing the group 1) Let’ s take Group 1 as an example. I have some phrases for your group members which can be used as subjects. As soon as I tell you one, you should tell me whether its predicate verb is single or plural. I will tell you my phrases one by one and you guys give me your answers one by one. You must do it as quickly as possible because you have only three minutes. Within three minutes, the group who has got the most correct answers is the winner Let’s have a try.

T: physics

S1: single

T: a library together with books

S2: single

T: not only the teacher but also the students

S: plural

… … …

… … …

T: Do you know the rule of the game , S10? Can you tell us something about it?

S10: Yes.I think every student has a chance to take part in the game. It’s very exciting.

T: Quite right. Remember only your first answer makes sense. Anyone can not answer it twice in the same round.

T: When one student is telling his answer, others should keep quiet. Let’ s start our game from group 4.

(maths, the number of students , a number of students, everything, both A and B, half of the food, half of the students, fifty percent of the population, ten pounds, works, every possible means , a clerk and secretary, every boy and every girl, more than one , many a , the pair of glasses, the glasses, bread and butter, the United States, cattle …)

T: Ok, the game is over. Group1 has got 15 points ,.Group 2 has gained 17 points. Group 3 has got 21points. Group 4 has scored 14 points.

Step 4 Summary(1minutes)

Let’s look at our score board

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

30 32 36 29

T: Congratulations. Group 3 win the game at last.

Step 2 Homework(1minutes)

I will assign you nothing for homework. Just remember to prepare yourself for the coming examination. Keep yourself in a high spirit and never forget to relax yourself now and then.

篇9:人教新课标 高一Unit 12 Art and literature

Unit 12 Art and literature

Teaching aims and demands:

a. Achieve language skills and related knowledge about art and literature;

b. Learn to make decisions and give opinions

c. Vocabulary in this unit:

the words and expressions listed on the teacher’s book

d. Grammar:

the Restrictive and Non-Restrictive Attributive Clause

Lesson 1

Main points


exhibition; give opinions; show; local

2.Functional items

Making decisions and give opinions

Diffcult points

give opinions

Teaching procedures

Step 1 Lead-in

T: Do you like painting? Do you know anything about painting?

Ss talk about painting.

Step 2 Warming up

1.Look at the following paintings and match them with the correct painters.

2.Check answers and talk about the pictures and painters.

3.Ask students to discuss the first two questions in pairs.

4.Several pairs report answers.

Step 3 Listening

1.Make sure the students know what to do.

2.Play the tape two or three times as necessary. Pause at important points and give the students help.

3.Check the answers.

Step 4 Speaking

1.Choose one situation and read the instructions.

2.Read the useful expressions for making decisions &giving opinions.

3.Ss work in pairs to make a dialogue.

4.Several pairs act out.

Step 5 Language points

1. opinion n.

in one's opinion

Ep: In my opinion, he has done a very good job.

give/express one's opinion on/upon

Ep: He has given his opinion on this problem.

2. local adj.

the local doctor

locl customs

locl government


Practise giving opinions and making decisions.

Lesson 2

Main points


magic; power; wonder; a series of; treat; in trouble; come across; believe in; habit; welcome; enough; be afraid of; tell &say

2.Sentence patterns


Difficult points

be afraid of doing &be afraid to do

speak, tell &say

Teaching procedures

Step 1. Revision

Check the homework.

Step 2. Pre-reading

1.Q: Have you read any of the Harry Potter books or watched the films?

A: Any possible answers.

2.Harry Potter has magical powers .Do you know any other heroes who have strange powers?

A: Any possible answers.

Step 3. Reading

T: I think you are all interested in stories about magic. Then we'll read a passage about a boy with magic--Harry Potter. Read the text and find answers to the questions.

1.Q:What's Harry's life like before he goes to Hogwarts?

A:Unhappy.They treated him badly.

2.Q:What is taught in Hogwarts?

A:Witchcraft and wizardy.

Step 4 Post-reading

Ask students to read the text again and answers the following questions.

1.Q:Why is Harry's life miserable before he goes to Hogwarts?

A:His parents are dead and the family he is living with treats him badly.

2.Q:What does Harry learn about himself at Hogwarts?

A:Harry learns that he needs to be strong/he needs friends/it is difficult to do the right thing/life is more complicated than he thought/...

Then finish Ex 2 on P81 and check answers.

Step 5 Language points



The music is really magic.


Some people still believe in magic.

the magic of great poetry

2.be afraid to do/be afraid of doing

I'm afraid to tell her.

He was afraid of falling into the river.


It's as cold as ice.

He drove as fast as he could.

Step 6 Listening to the tape


Recite the text and language points.

Lesson 3

Main points


one after another; go hiking

Difficult points


Teaching procedures

Step 1 Revision

1.Check the homework.

2.Ask several students to say something. about music.

Step 2 Grammar

The Non-Restrictive Attibutive Clause

1.Revise the rules.

2.Give the Ss several minutes to do the exercises in pairs orally.

3.Check the answers.

Step 3 Do Ex on P153


Review the grammar.

Lesson 4

Main points


shoulder; whisper; turn around; stupid; compare; announcement; noise,sound&voice; work; open up; each other

2.Sentence patterns

It sounds like...


It looked as if...

...not all of them are safe

If only they could find a way to...

He was just about to say something when...

She didn't have time to finish before the wall...

Difficult points

If only...

Teaching procedures

Step 1 Revision

1.Review the grammar.

2.Make sentence with the following words and expressions:

exhibition; wonder; a series of

Step 2 Presentation

In this period we'll read a passage about Harry Porter again.

1.T helps the Ss understand the passage and what to do.

2.Ss write the ending.

3.Several students read their endings and let the Ss choose which is the best.

Step 3 Language points

1.noise, voice &sound

noise: loud and unpleasant sound

Another kind of pollution is noise.

voice: the sound made through the mouth, esp. of human beings ,in speaking or singing.

He shouted at the top of his voice.

sound: the sound of music

2. if only...

If only I had more money, I could buy some new clothes.

If only she would listen to me!

3. turn around=turn round

He turned around to find a policeman following him.

Step 4 Listening


Revise all the words and expressions in this unit.

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