牛津英语3B Module 2 Unit 1 Animals I lik

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牛津英语3B Module 2 Unit 1 Animals I lik(合集6篇)由网友“阿拉哟”投稿提供,以下是小编精心整理的牛津英语3B Module 2 Unit 1 Animals I lik,希望对大家有所帮助。

牛津英语3B Module 2 Unit 1 Animals I lik








第二、玩中有学 学中有玩

爱玩是孩子的本性。我就利用这一点,注意让学生在各种游戏中学习单词,而不是死记硬背单词。我先以各种不同形式把要记的单词实行整体大量输入,采用各种游戏形式进行渗透,如Pass the card 、Do the action、Find your friend 、Draw and colour ,在游戏中通过多听、反复感觉,从而在脑海里的印象就加深了,这样不仅可以让学生记住了单词,还可以减轻他们的心理压力和负担,给学生一个轻松和谐的语言环境,也使得课堂充满活力。教学实践证明,在英语教学中,游戏是深受学生欢迎的活动。可以说:它是英语教学的“润滑剂”。让学生在游戏中练习,让富有情趣的活动去诱发学生反复练习同一语言的欲望,在愉快、和谐、欢乐的气氛中巩固学到的知识,使他们的大脑皮层始终处于兴奋状态。



[1] [2]




一. 正确朗读下列字母组:

NMJG UV IR SZ pq hn wvljxs

二. 正确朗读下列单词:

jump mouth autumn bean balloon bicycle sister slide swing five

purple brown colour turn fireman

howmany pickout very high at all policeman

Is he a short driver?

三. 听一听,作应答:

1. What do you like to eat?

2. Have you go talemon

3. What have you got?

4. What has he got?

5. Can you dance?

6. Good morning.

7. How are you?

8. How old are you?

9. Hello.This is Peter.

10.How many rubbers have you?

11.What’s this?(apple)

12.What’s that?(leaf)

13.Is this a pear?

四. 听录音,做动作

1. Showmeyourhand.

2. Touchyourarms.

3. Clapyourhand.

4. Raiseyourhands.

5. Closeyoureyes.

6. Openyoureyes.

7. Standup,please.

8. Sitdown,please.

9. Givemearubber,please.












五. 用Ihavegot…说说你有的玩具:


一. 选出你所听到的字母、单词:

( )1.A.JG B.GJ C.LJ

( )2.A.RI B.IR C.AR

( )3.A.UV B.VU C.WV

( )4.A.mn B.nm C.nh

( )5.A.opq B.pqo C.oqp

( )6.A.ball B.doll C.balloon

( )7.A.ruler B.rubber C.read

( )8.A.slide B.sweet C.swing

( )9.A.he B.she C.the

( )10.A.not B.got C.no

二. 选出你所听到的句子:

( )1.A.Isthataslide?No,itisn’t. B.Isthataslide?No,itisn’t.

( )2.A.Hashegotasister? B.Hasshegotasister?

( )3.A.Icandrawalittletree. B.Icandrawtwolittletrees.

( )4.A.Pickupthedoll. B.Pickuptheball.

( )5.A.Ilovehim. B.Iloveher.

( )6)A.Isheadriver? B.Issheadriver?

( )7)A.Turnleft. B.Turnright.

( )8)A.Itisablueballoon. B.Itisablueball.

( )9)A.Whatcolouristhekite? B.Whatcolouristhecat?

( )10)A.Howmanybutterlflies?Four. B.Howmanybutterflies?Five













1. Howoldareyoutoday? ( )No,hehasn’t.

2. Haveyougotaballoon? ( )Shehasgotataro.

3. Whatdoyouliketoeat? ( )Iliketoeatpeaches.

4. Whathasshegot? ( )No,Ihavegotaball.

5. Hashegotaswing? ( )I’mfive.


1. What’syourname?

2. Howareyou?

3. Howoldareyou?

4. Howmanybooks?(4)

5. HappyNewYear!

6. Happybirthday.

7. What’syourfather?

8. What’syourmother?

9. Areyouapupil?






































1.Show______yourpresent. A.I B.me

2.Try_______newshoes. A.you B.your

3.How_____you? A.is B.are

4.______NewYear! A.Happy B.Habby

5.Whatdoyousee?Isee_________. A.abee. B.bee

6.Makeseven_______. A.kite B.kites

7.Howmany_______?Five. A.apples B.apple

8.____colourisit? A.What’s B.What

9.Thisis_____orange. A.an B.a

10.Whatcolourisit?It’s____orange. A./ B.an

11.Isheapostman?Yes,___is. A.he B.she

12.Issheadoctor?No,she_____ A.is B.isn’t



1. 2.

医生 护士 蜜蜂 蝴蝶

3. 4.

消防员 送牛奶工人 兄弟 姐妹

5. 6.

黑色 兰色 两只鸟 三只兔子

7. 8.

左 右 连衣裙 鞋子

9. 10.

画画 折纸 气球 礼物


1.write sing 2.sweets shoes

3.uncle aunt 4.yellow brown

5.fourbigbirds fivelittlebirds 6.makethekite colourthekite


1. 2.

折纸 跳 唱 二只蝴蝶三只蝴蝶四只蝴蝶

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


方向盘 信 书

( ) ( ) ( )


表示,不相符的用 表示)5%

1. 2.


1、听懂、会说、会说和会拼写单词mean, danger, must, should, shouldn’t, make, litter, park, cycle.

2、能听懂、会说和会读单词和词组public, a sign, a cousin, always, a question, grass, a cage, quiet, touch, keep off, make noise.

3、能听懂、会说、会说和会写句型What does it /this/that mean? It means you/we must /should/shouldn’t…

4、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型There are a lot of signs here. They mean different things. Keep off the grass. Keep quiet. No cycling. No smoking. No littering. No parking. Danger. Do not touch.


6、会唱歌曲The signs in the park.7、认识公共标志,培养学生遵守社会公德的积极态度。教学重点: 听懂、会说、会说和会拼写单词 mean, danger, must, should, shouldn’t, make, litter, park, cycle.教学难点: 能听懂、会说、会说和会写句型What does it /this/that mean? It means you/we must /should/shouldn’t…

教法学法: 读导法、听说法、表演法

教学具准备: 投影片、录音机、磁带、多媒体电脑

课时安排: 5课时




我说课的内容是江苏牛津版教材5B第九单元BC部分。这两部分是本单元的核心内容,具体介绍了国家、国籍和语言。重点学习句型Where are u fr? 及其答语。在B 4B第八单元中学生已学过China,Chinese,English.,因此.教师可采用以旧带新的方法拓展相关内容。在教学中我主要采用面向全体而又分层教学的方法,介助情境教学,利用各种媒体的辅助,让学生在教师鼓励性评价中体会学习英语的乐趣,在多说、多做、多练中学会用书面和口头语传递信息,提高学习效率,同时增进对西方文化的理解。



1)能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词U,British, USA, Aerican, Australia, Australian, apan, apanese, France, French。

2)学习四会句型Where are u fr? I’ fr … I’ …











学习要求四会的语句:Where are u fr? I’ fr … I’ …/ U,British, USA, Aerican, Australia, Australian, apan, apanese, France, French等。












Step 1:War up

1.听读a rhe:Ce here and eet us,please。渲染英语学习的气氛。


Step 2:Revisin

1.出示一张中国地图,让学生认读国家名称,并自我介绍。如:I’ fr china. I’ chinese. I spea chinese 。

2.师问句型:Where are u fr? 教师在一个学生身上粘上国旗,让他进行句型练习。

Step 3:Presentatin

1.上述师生问题的方式运用图片或教学片引出三会和四会单词词组:Where are u fr? I’ fr China. I’ Chinese.

2. USA, U, France, French, apan, apanese 的引出方法同上。


Step 4:Cnslidatin

1。小组竞赛:出示一幅地图,让学生粘上教师所说的图片,学生再用I’ fr… I’ … 句型描述,看哪一组粘得多,说得快。







在这次校级骨干教师展示课活动中,我所展示的是《牛津小学英语3a》教材中的unit 2 b部分的八个颜色单词。下面是我在执教颜色单词的教学设计及反思。


1、songs:《hello!》《apple song》 (表演唱形式) 1、上课前播放了英语歌曲 “hello”来帮助学生巩固所学的知识。通过播放课件,师生跟着大屏幕边做动作边演唱这首英语歌曲,营造了很好的英语学习氛围,拉近师生间的情感距离,消除学生的紧张心理,为投入本课的学习创造积极的心理状态。

2、free talk:hi /hellow / good morning / nice to meet you! 教师面带微笑,走下讲台与学生握手问候。






(1)播放课件。让学生听声音猜动物猫和狗。然后由动物的颜色引出颜色单词white,black.学会这两种单词后进行拍拍手,说一说:colour,colour,what colour.

white,white,it’s white.

colour,colour,what colour.

black,black,it’s black..




(4)教师拿出已学的四种颜色的单词卡片,边问候边提问学生,“what colour is it?”记忆力强又比较胆大的学生纷纷举起了手,我点了一个想举又不敢举的学生。一开始他犹豫着吞吞吐吐地说,“black.”我点了一下头,说了声,“good!” 然后我引导他又把black读了三遍,这三遍他说得愈显自信,且声音清晰、响亮。接着我引导大组进行练说比赛,把复习由点到面铺开。学生们在竞赛的激励中都说得那么响亮、清晰,效果还真不错。




1、变魔术的方法来教学单词orange,green,brown, purple. 在课前我准备了一些试管,示先用颜料调好red,yellow,blue.课上我仿效美术中三元色混合后会变成其他颜色的方法如: red+yellow=orange,yellow+blue=green,red+blue=purple,purple+yellow=brown..我不仅自己表演,还让一些学生到上面来表演魔术变颜色。学生兴趣高涨,学习起来一点也不费力。


The first period

Content: Comic strip and welcome to the unitTeaching aids: a tape recorder, pictures of trailwalkersTeaching aims: 1) Have the Ss know sth. participating in charity events and how they can support charity events.

2) To introduce different kinds of needs and disabilities3) To encourage Ss to talk about how they can help those people in need.

Teaching procedures:

Step1. Lead-in

1.       T asks Ss what a charity walk means.

2.       Some Ss present the pictures about charity walk.

Step2. 1.  Ss listen to the tape of comic strip and read and then act it out.

2.  T provides some information about the charity walk.

Step3. Ss learn sth. on P92 about the main task. T asks them to plan to get sth. ready for the task.

Step4. Warm-up

Divide the class into groups of four. Ask students to talk about what they would take with them on a charity walk. Tell each group to make a list of the items they would need. Collect the lists and compare them. Talk about why some items would be more useful than others.

Step5. Welcome to the unit

T presents some English notes about some words and let Ss infer which word it is.

1.       A person cannot see

2.       A person cannot hear.

3.       A part of his/her body does not work properly.

4.       A person is old.

5.       A person has no home.

6.       A poor person has little money.

Step6. Deal with Part A on P93

1.       Tell Ss to label the pictures in Part A using the words from the box.

2.       Ask volunteers to read out the answers.

3.       Talk about what it might be like to be disabled or disadvantaged. Remind Ss that most people with difficulties would prefer leading independent lives to depending on others for help.

4.       T shows pictures of some great people with difficulties and introduces them to Ss.

Step7. Part B on P93:

Divide the class into pairs. Ask Ss to read Amy and Daniel’s conversation in Part B. Then ask them to talk about the people in Part A and how their lives might be made easier. T provides some information as following:

e.g. For poor people, education programs that allow them to get better jobs are helpful. Free medical care and affordable housing are also helpful. For blind people , they can benefit from Braille signs, spoken announcements rather than written notices, contoured pavements and unobstructed sidewalks.

For homeless people, shelters and soup kitchens can offer short-term help.

For deaf people can benefit from written notices and a greater awareness of sign language.

Step8. Extension activity

Ask Ss to make a list of things they would find most difficult to do or they would miss most if they were blind, deaf, elderly, homeless, physically disabled or poor.

Assignment:   1. Recite the conversation in the Comic strip2.Writing: What can we do to help ( disabled/blind/elderly……) people?

The second period

Teaching aims:

1.       To recognize and understand information presented in a newspaper article.

2.       To understand related details and information.

3. To infer general meaning from pictures, titles and context.

4. to improve the students’ reading comprehension abilities.

Teaching procedures:

Part A

Step 1. Ask students whether they enjoy walking through country parks and ask them how far they would feel comfortable walking in a day. Then ask how much they know about Oxfam Trailwalker. Explain that Oxfam Trailwalker participants have to walk 100 kms in 48 hours, which usually means they cannot sleep for two days.

Step 2. Ask whether students have participated in any other charity events.

Step 3. Listen to the tape about the reading and then ask the students to read the article by themselves.

Step 4. Ask students to answer some questions about the reading to check their understanding about the passage.


1.       When did Oxfam Trailwalker start?

2.       Who is helped by the money that is raised?

3.       When is Oxfam Trailwalker held?

4.       Who can join Oxfam Trailwalker?

5.       What’s the aim of Oxfam Trailwalker?

6.       Is Oxfam Trailwalker a difficult walk?

7.       What’s the job of a support team?

8.       What spirit must the members of the team have?

Step 5. Ask the students to find out the language points and make up some sentences using some phrases.

Step 6. Do a class feedback, checking the students’ understanding of the text and how they feel about this sort of event. Raise some general issues and encourage discussion.

Step 7. Task

1.       Retell the text based on some important phrases presented on the board.

2.Make up a dialogue according to the meaning of the passage.


1. Fill in the blanks according to the passage.

Trailwalker is a ??____event.People organized it to______money for helping poor people. It is held in ______every year. People over 18 can_______themselves into a team of four people and _______the charity walk. They must finish walking a ______ trail within 48 hours.

The Trailwalkers have to walk through _______ country parks and over _______ hills and mountains. They need to walk _______ to finish the hike because only the team’s finishing time will be ________. It can help them learn team ________ They should carry things with them, and they also need _______ teams to bring food and drinks for them.

After you try your_____ to finish the walk, you’ll find it is an_______ you will never forget.

2. Write a T if the sentence is true. Write an F if it is false.

1.       Oxfam Trailwalker is organized by the Red Cross.

2.       The money helps poor people in Hong Kong and other parts of Asia and Africa.

3.       If you are 16,you can join Oxfam Trailwalker.

4.       There are five people in each team.

5.       Teams have to walk 100 kilometres in 48 hours.

6.       The route goes through eight country parks.

7.       Teams have to carry everything they will need.

8.       Each person must raise at least HK$6,000.

3. Fill in the blanks using the correct forms of the following phrases.

group…into…  in need  finish walking…  carry…with… without sleep1.       Now let’s _____ ourselves _____ a team of four and play games.

2.       Kate worked two days and nights _____ for the exams.

3.       The disabled people are required to _____ ten miles within fifteen minutes.

4.       On rainy days we had better _____ raincoats _____ ourselves.

5.       We should do something to help the people _____ in the Southeast Asia.


1.       fund-rasing, raise, November, group, join, 100-kilometre, eight, twenty, walk, recorded, spirit, support, best, experience2.       1. F   2. T   3.F   4. F   5. T   6. T   7. F   8. F3.       1. group, into   2. without sleep   3. finish walking4.       carry with      5. in need

The third period

Teaching aims: 1. To identify specific meaning in different contexts2. To check understanding by completing a conversationTeaching procedures:

Part B

Step1  Ask students to match the words with the meanings in Part B1.

Step2  Ask four students to each read out one word and its meaning .Repeat the answers and clarify any misunderstandings.

Step3  Explain the content and instructions for Part B2. Tell the to look at the underlined words and explain that they must find a word or words in the reading passage on pages 94 and 95 to replace each word or phrase.

Step 4  Ask students to complete Part B2.

Step 5  Ask two volunteers to read out the conversation , replacing the underlined words with the correct words/phrases from the reading passage. Ask students to check their own answers.

Part C

Step 1 Tell students to read the headings in PartC1.Explain that each heading corresponds to a paragraph of the article on pages 94 and 95.Tell them to refer to the article and put the correct paragraph numbers in the blanks.

Step 2  Read out the headings and ask students to call out the paragraph numbers. Ask students to check their own answers and clarify any misunderstandings.

Step 3  Explain the context of Part C2.Tell the students to read the passage in Part A on pages 94 and 95 again and use the information there to complete the conversation.

Step 4  Read out Lily’s questions. Choose volunteers to give Ben’s answers .If any students have difficulties ,Point out where they can find the answers in the reading passage.

Exercises for period three

I. Multiple choice

(   ) 1.The room is too small for us _______________.

A. to live  B .living   C. to live in   D. to living(   )2.It’s ___________ of you to help me solve the problem.

A. important    B. necessary     C. impossible   D .kind(   )3.It’s ___________excellent chance for people to learn team spirit.

A. the         B./            C. a           D. an(   )4.____Thanks to the building of the Three Georges Dam, traffic becomes much better.

_____So it is, and floods and droughts can ____________, too.

A. prevent     B. be prevented    C. be preventing   D. prevents(   )5.The sign of NO SMOKING means ___________.

A. There’s no smoke            B. don’t smoke any moreC .you can’t smoke here          D. smoking is bad for your healthII. Translation

1.    中国是亚洲的一部分。

2.    对毅行者来说,要在48小时内走完100千米是很困难的。

3. 对人们来说,这是一个多么好的学习团队精神的机会啊!

4.    我们应该尽我们最大的努力去帮助那些确实需要帮助的人们。

5.    在这样的一个雨天,温暖和干燥衣服对保持你舒适很有必要。

III. Error correcting

(   ) 1.It’s important of Ben to drink milk every morning.

A          B       C           D

(   ) 2.He needs to buy more three dictionaries.

A    B       C       D

(   ) 3.My wife will be back after a monthA     B       C     D

(    ) 4.Although he walked for a long time but he didn’t feel tired.

A             B            C             D(    ) 5.The man has left the factory for three years.

A     B        C   D

IV. Reading comprehension

Jeff Keith has only one leg. When he was 12 years old, Doctors had to cut off most of his right leg.

Every day Jeff puts on an artificial leg(假肢)。The leg is plastic. With the plastic leg Jeff can ski, ride a bicycle, swim, and play soccer. He can also run.

Jeff made a plan with his friends who had plastic legs, too. They decided to run across America. They all wore special T-shirts. On it was “Run, Jeff, Run, Jeff Keith’s Run Across America.”When he was 22 years old. Jeff Keith ran across the United States from the east to the west. He started running in Boston. Seven months later, he stopped running in Los Angles. He ran 3200 miles. Jeff wore out 36 pairs of running shoes and five plastic legs. Jeff stopped in cities on the way  to Los Angeles. In every city people gave Jeff money. The money was not for Jeff, but for the American Cancer Society. The Society used the money to know more about cancer.

On the way to Los Angles Jeff talked to people about cancer. Jeff is disabled, but he can do many things. He finished college and is studying to be a lawyer(律师)。Jeff says,“People can do anything they want to do. I want people to know that. I ran not only for disable people. I ran for everybody.”(   )1. Jeff’s right leg was cut off because he had _____________.

A. TB    B. an accident     C. cancer     D. hurt(    ) 2. Jeff’s friend s ran across America with him. They all have no_____________ .

A. T-shirts   B. legs    C. shoes       D. bicycle(    ) 3. From the passage we know that Boston is______________ .

A. in the west   B. in the middle  C. near Los Angeles   D. in the east(    )4. Jeff Keith wants us to know that_______________.

A.     disabled people can do many thingsB.      It’s 3200 miles from Boston to Los AngelesC.     running shoes are easily broken

D.     disabled people can do everything

(    )5.The sentence “I ran for everybody” means_____________.

A. he wants to get more artificial legs

B. people can do anything they want to

C. some disabled men will become lawyers

D. disabled people also can run


I.                    1. C  2. D  3.D  4. B  5. CII.                 1.China is a part of Asia.

2.To Trailwalkers, it’s tough to finish walking a 100-kilometr trail within 48 hours.

3.What an excellent chance for people to learn team spirit.

4.We shpuld try our best to help people in need.

5.On such a rainy day, warm and dry clothes were necessary to keep you comfortable.

III.    1. B  for  2. C three more   3. C in  4.A 或 C去掉  5. B has been away fromIV.    1.C   2.B   .3.D    4.A     5.B

The fourth period

Contents: Vocabulary

Teaching aims:

1 To develop an understanding of compound nouns2 To guess the meanings of compounds and create nouns using promptsImportant and difficult points:

We can create new words by putting two words together. Sometimes we need to add a hyphen.

Teaching procedures:

Step1 Revision

1 Review the useful expressions


1.重大事件之一                    6.group themselves into a team of four people2.带者疲惫的身躯走上山            7.walk two days and nights without sleep3.学习团队精神                    8.finish a 100-kilometre trail within 48 hours4.需要一起走完这个徒步行走        9.keep you comfortable5.支持发展工程                   10.an experience you will never forget2 Retell the reading

Step2 Presentation

1.Ask the students

e.g. 1. T:  What’s this?     S:  It’s a blackboard.

black +board  (a compound noun)

2  T:  .What’s this?    S:  It’s a football.

foot +ball  (a compound noun)

Step3 Vocabulary

1.We can create new words by putting two words together. Sometimes we need to add a hyphen(-) between the two words.

class       +        room           → classroomfund       +              raising                → fund-raisinghome      +         work           → homeworkwild       +        life                      → wildlife2.Tell students the way of forming compound nouns.

(1)    n. + n.                 e.g., home town, football, raincoat, etc(2)    adj. + n.      e.g., wildlife, blackboard, etc(3)    v-ing + n.     e.g., waiting-room, sleeping-car, etc(4)    v. + n.        e.g., cross-country, pickpocket, etc(5)    num. + n.     e.g., first-aid, second-hand, etc3.Tell students the way of forming compound adjectives.

a)        n. + adj.     e.g., worldwide, world-famous, etcb)        n. + v-ing   e.g., fund-raising, peace-loving, English-speaking, etcc)         n. + v-ed    e.g., man-made, air-filled, grass-covered, etcd)        adj.+ n-ed   e.g., kind-hearted, bad-tempered, etce)         num. + n. + (adj.) e.g., 100-kilometre, 13-year-old, etc4.Finish Part A and Part B.

Step 4 Game

Divide the class into six groups. Give them two minutes to see how many compound words they can write. If the group writes the most words, it will be the winner.

breakfast                anyone                  railway                birthdaysunset seafood afternoon eyesight                                                                   everything               housekeeper              swimsuit              handwritingearthquake               keyboard                headache               sunshinesuperstar                 sometimes              basketball              nothingschoolbag                website                 bedroom               bookshopweekend                 northeast                southwest             playgroundAssignment:


1.They are going to climb the m___________ next week.

2. It’s an e_____________ chance for us to learn teamwork3. Although he died, his s__________ of generosity lives on.

4. Liu Xiang set up a new r______________ in the Olympic Games.

5. I don’t think it’s n_______________ for me to learn it.

6. It’s i_____________ for him to finish the work in two days because it’s too hard.

7. I like water sports very much, e______________ surfing.

8. People o______________ 18years old can form groups of people .

9. What a______________ does it organize to raise money ?

10. It’s t_____________ that he doesn’t like hiking.


mountain,  excellent, spirit,  record,  necessary,  impossible,   especially,  over,  activities,   true.


land  country  rail  every  table  rain  tennis  thing  way  drop  side  wet(1) Every summer, I go to the             for a trip.               (countryside)(2) I’ll meet you at the           station.                        (railway)(3) There are many birds in the            in Zhalong Nature Reserve.(wetland)(4) It's rainy outside. You can see a lot of            .              (raindrops)(5) You don’t have to carry            with you.                  (everything)(6) Liu Guoliang is very good at playing            .              (table-tennis)三。改错

(1) We can help blind people across the road.

(2) Trailwalker has been one of Hong Kong’s biggest fund-raising event since 1981.

(3) It’s a excellent chance for you to learn English.

(4) The money used to help poor children.

(5) This event can provide poor children of a chance to go to school.

(6) I have joined the club for nearly 10 years.

(7) We would like to celebrate his birthday by give him a lot of cards.

(8) All we need are enough time to practice playing the piano.

(9) Some workers work 48 hours without have a rest.

(10) It is difficult walking through eight country parks.


(1)    天马上要下雨了,你很需要带一件雨衣。(raincoat)(2)    这里过去是野生生物的理想的家,现在它已变成一个现代化的医院。(wildlife)(3)    募集基金的行为之一是举办一次慈善义演。(fund-raising)(4)    你还有什么别的要说吗?(anything)(5)    我们的教室应该每天打扫。(classroom)(6)    足球是一项遍及全世界的运动。(worldwide)课后小结:

The fifth period

Content: Grammar A

Teaching aim:

To use ‘It is’+ adjective + ‘that’ to say how one feels about somethingImportant and difficult points:

We can use the pattern ‘It is’+ adjective + ‘that’

Teaching procedures:

Step1 Revision

1.Review compound nouns

2.Play a game. Divide the class into two teams. Choose some compound words from the list below and write them on cards. Cut the card in half to separate the two words. Give each team an equal number of divided words and ask them to reassemble them to make compound words. The first team to assemble all their words correctly is the winner.

Step2 Presentation

1.We have learned about using adjectives to describle someone/something. We can also use adjectives in different patterns to give information about someone/something.

2.We use the 'It is'+ adjective + 'that' structure to say how we feel about something.

e.g. 1)It is necessary that you train yourself before the walk.

2)It is important that you have your own support team.

3)It is clear that you are wrong.

3.Write some adjectives on the board, such as good, lucky, possible, surprising, etc. Ask students to make up sentences using the “It is” + adj.+ “that” structure.

4.Finish the exercises on page 99 and invite students to read out their answers.

Step3 More practice

Ben and Lily are talking about Oxfam Trailwalker, write what they say using the adjectives from the box and the given phrases.

important     lucky     possible     interesting    nice    surprisinge.g.1.we can walk 100 kilometres in 48 hours→It is possible that we can walk 100 kilometres in 48 hours.

2.there are so many different trees in the country parks3.there was snow on one of the mountains

4.each team must raise at least HK$6,000

5.so many people want to help others in need6.the weather is pleasant during the hikeStep4 Extension

Ask students to complete the following sentences with their own ideas. Using the structure they have learned in Part AIt is important that……

It is tough that……

It is good that……

It is necessary that……

It is sad that……



1.       necessary/we keep our city clean2.       dangerous/people drive after drinking3.       lucky/the weather is pleasant during the hike4.       important/each team must raise at least HK$60005.       interesting/there are so many different trees in the country parks6.       sad/people in poor countries do not have enough food二。根据中文,完成下列句子。

1. 他不会来参加晚会是真的。

2. 你每天读英语是很重要的。

3. 帮助别人学英语是快乐的。

4. 他是容易相处的。

5. 在河边玩是危险的。

6. 参加读书俱乐部是很有意义的。

7. 对于我们来说学好英语有必要。

8. 你能帮助我们真的太好了。


10. 百闻不如一见。


1. It’s true that he won’t come to the party. 2. It’s important that you read English every day. (It’s important for you to read English every day)3. It’s a pleasure to help others with English.4. He is easy to get on well with.

5. It’s dangerous to play by the river.6. It’s meaningful to join the Reading Club.

7. It’s necessary for us to learn English well.8. It’s very kind/nice of you to help us.9. It’s clear that he told a lie.

10. It’s better to see one time than to hear a hundred times.( To see one time is better than to hear a hundred times)课后小结:

The Sixth Period

Contents: Grammar B,C

Teaching aims:

1.       To use “It is” + adj. + “to”-infinitive to describe actions and situations.

2.       To use “It is” + adj. + “for…” + “to’-infinitive to specify the person one is talking about.

Important and difficult points:

1.       It is + adj. + to Cinfinitive

2.       It is + adj. + for sb. + to CinfinitiveTeaching procedures:

Step 1. Revision

Translate the sentences

1.       很明显,他说了谎。

2.       我们要学好英语,这是必要的。

3.       他来看我们,是真的吗?

Step 2. Presentation

1.       Explain that the ”It is“ + adj. + ”to“-infinitive structure is similar to the structure in part A, except that here, the adjective describes an action or activity. Find out the sentence with the structure in the reading:

It is useful to have support teams to bring you food and drinks.

2.       Ask students to make up more example sentences with the structure.

e.g.  It is difficult to understand him.

It is necessary to learn English well.

It is wise to take a map.

It is important to raise money to help people in need.

Step 3. Practice

1.       Ask students to go through the six pictures on page 100 and make sentences using the words in brackets and the verbs in the box.

2.       Invite volunteers to read out the sentences.

Step 4. Extension

Ask students to complete the following sentences with their own ideas, using the structure they have learned in part B.

1.       It is difficult to…

2.       It is easy to …

3.       It is surprising to …

4.       It is exciting to …

5.       It is interesting to …

6.       It is impolite to …

Step 5. Presentation

1.       Tell students that structure in part C is the same as the one in part B except that we insert ”for sb.“ between the adj. and the ‘to’-infinitive to indicate who we are talking about. Find out the sentence with the structure in the reading:

It is necessary for them to support and help each other both before and during the event.

2.       Ask students to read the three sentences in the box on page 101. Write the extra examples on the board with the words in a different order, ask students to rearrange the words in correct order.

e.g.  1. for you / to teach / It is / Mary / easy2. to learn / for us / It is / a foreign language / difficult3. dangerous / to swim / It is / in that river / for children3.       Ask students to tell the differences between the two sentences:

(1)    It is difficult for you to work out the Maths problem.

(2)    It is very kind of you to help me.

When the adjective describes someone’s character, we use ”of sb.“. When the adjective describes something or an action, we use ”for sb.“.

Make more examples:

e.g.   It is clever of you to solve the problem. / You are clever to solve the problem.

It is kind of you to give me the book. / You are kind to give me the book.

It is very dangerous for children to cross the busy street.

It is meaningful for us to join Oxfam Trailwalker.

Step 6. Practice

1.       Explain the context of the exercise in part C and complete the conversation. Invite some students to role-play Lucy and Lily’s conversation.

2.       Ask students to complete ”Work out the rule" on their own.

Step 7. Consolidation

Make the sentences using the 'It is'+adjective+'for…'+'to'-infinitive structure.

e.g.1)。Lucy wants to be a doctor.(necessary/work hard/become)→It is necessary for Lucy to work hard to become a doctor.

2)。Ben's team wants to finish Oxfam Trailwalker within 30 hours.

(important/train/every day)

3)。Mary is busy with exams this week.(inconvenient/be/in the support team)4)。You can get very hot on the hike.(important/take/lots of water)5)。People should not go hiking alone.(dangerous)6)。Ben's team can raise over HK$6,000 for charity.(possible)Assignment:


1. You can exercise ______________(keep) fit before you start out.

2. What foreign language _________________(teach) in your school ?

3. Great changes _________________(take) place in this village since 1981.

4. My twin is interested in __________________(collect) stamps.

5. Many years ago people ____________( know)that the earth _________(go) around the sun.

6. This is a picture _________________(draw) by the famous painter.

7. She said that she _______________ (celebrate) her birthday next Saturday .

8. Let’s go and find out what ______________ (happen) over there.

9. Do you know another way of ___________________(work) out the problems.

10. Do you know if there ___________________ (be) a piano concert at the Capital Theatre this Saturday ?


1.to keep 2. is taught 3. have taken 4. collecting 5. knew, goes 6. drawn 7. would celebrate      8. is happening  9. working   10. will beComplete the sentences according to the Chinese1. It is sad                                        (一些山区的孩子不能上学)。

2. It is necessary                                      (保持我们的教室干净)。

3. It is impossible                                   (在24小时内完成这工作)。

4. It is important                                    (我们每天喝牛奶以保持健康)。

5.                (是有意义的)to raise money for Project Hope.

6. It is helpful                              (捐款给慈善机构)。

7. It is not easy                                (中国学生读这些单词)。

8. It is true                         (美国队很强大), but we can still win.






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