牛津高一英语M3U2 Language复习学案(1)(译林牛津版英语高一)

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牛津高一英语M3U2 Language复习学案(1)(译林牛津版英语高一)(共6篇)由网友“xhuihui”投稿提供,以下是小编收集整理的牛津高一英语M3U2 Language复习学案(1)(译林牛津版英语高一),欢迎阅读与借鉴。

牛津高一英语M3U2 Language复习学案(1)(译林牛津版英语高一)

篇1:牛津高一英语M3U2 Language复习学案(1)(译林牛津版英语高一)

牛津高一英语M3U2 Language复习学案(1)


I 词性与词形

1. confuse vt. 使迷惑; 混淆→ confusing adj. 令人迷惑的; confused 糊涂的 → confusion n. 混乱;混淆

2. Europe n. 欧洲 → European adj. 欧洲的;欧洲人的 → European n. 欧洲人

3. mix vt. 混合 →mixture n.混合,混合体

4. create vt. 创作;创造→ creative adj. 创造性的;有创造力的 → creation n. 创造; creativity 创造性,创造力; creature(上帝创造的)生物

5. contribute v. 贡献,捐献,促成 →contribution n. 贡献,捐献; contributor 贡献者 → contributory adj. 捐助的,有贡献的

6. access n. 通道;(使用的)机会,权利 vt .进入,使用 →accessible adj. 可(或易)接近的;可(或易)进入的; 可(或易)得到的;可(或易)使用的[(+to)]

7. replace vt. 取代;把……放回原处 →replacement n. 取代;放回原处 → replaceable adj. 能够被取代的

8. serve v. 服务,服役;上(菜等),敬(烟等) → service n. 服务,服役 →servant n.仆人

9. adopt v. 采取,采纳;收养→adoption n. 收养;采纳→ adoptive adj. 收养的;采纳的

10. embarrass vt. 使尴尬,使难堪 →embarrassing adj.令人难堪的 embarrassed adj.难堪的

11. pronounce vt. 发音 → pronunciation n. 读音,发音

12. process vt. 加工,处理 → process n. 过程 → processed adj. 加工过的

13. difficulty n. 困难,难点 →difficult adj. 困难的

14. appearance n. 外观,外貌 appear vi. 出现;显露; 似乎,看来好像

15. simplify vt.简化 simple adj. 简单的 simplified adj. 简化的

16.distinguish vt.区分,辨别 distinction n. 区别,差别

17.convenient adj.方便的 convenience n. 方便,便利

II. 词组

1. stand for 代表

2. all over the world 全世界

3. name after 以…命名

4. be made up of / consist of 由…..组成,构成

5. mix…..with….. 把…..与…..混合

6. pick up 拿起,拣起,中途搭人,偶然间习得,接送

7. contribute to 是……成因之一

make contributions to 对…做出贡献

8. result in 结果, 导致 (lead to)

result from 由于, 因为

as a result of 由于……的结果

9. take control of 控制

10. work as 担当, 担任

work on 致力于,从事

11. mother tongue / language 母语

12. take the place of 取代, 代替

be replaced by/with 被…….取代

13. depend on 视….. 而定,取决与 it all depends 视情况而定

14. relay on 依靠, 依赖

15. come into widespread use 开始广泛应用

16. get along with 进展, 相处

17. up and down 上上下下

18. for the first time 第一次

19. look into one’s eyes直视某人

20. make fun of 取笑

21. in a word 一句话, 总之, 简言之in other words 换句话说

22. differ from….in….. 在….方面和…….不同

23. as a whole 总体上

24. turn into 使…..变成

25. confusing rules令人困惑的规则

26. look forward to sth / doing 希望得到某物, 希望做事情

27. borrow words from other languages 从别的语言借用词语

28. set a standard for sth 为什么制订标准

29. official language 官方语言

30. throughout history贯穿历史

31. official occasions官方场合

32. aside from 除…之外

33. go through 经历;遭受

34. in conclusion 总之

35. show respect for 尊敬

36. in that 因为,由于

37. over time 随着时间的过去,经过一段时间

38. ought to 应该,应当

III 句子

1. In fact, we would not be able to understand it if we heard it today.(虚拟)

2. After the Norman Conquest, high-class people spoke French while common people spoke English. (while 并列连词,表示对照比较)

3. The question of whether English will keep on changing in the future is easy to answer.

(主语﹢be﹢adj. ﹢动词不定式的主动形式作状语)

4. It is certain that this process will continue, and people will keep inventing new words and new ways of saying.(It 为形式主语)

5. The Chinese language differs from many Western languages in that,instead of an alphabet, it uses characters which stand for ideas, objects or deeds.

6. Not all characters were developed from drawings of objects

7. While the students found the soldier’s idea interesting, the system was too difficult to be of practical use.(while 引导让步状语从句)

8. It is easy to distinguish their meanings by looking at them, for example, the characters for ‘up’ and ‘down’, which are opposites of each other.

篇2:M4 U1 Advertising Reading2: Language focus 学案 (译林牛津版英语高一)

M4 U1 Advertising

Reading 2: Language focus

1. Words

1) persuade vt. 说服; 劝说; 使信服


An advertisement uses words and pictures to persuade people to buy a product or service, or to believe in an idea. (Page 2, line6-7) 广告用文字和图片说服人们购买产品或服务,或相信一种理念。


(1)I finally persuaded her to go out for a drink with me. 我最后说服了她和我一起出去喝一杯。

(2)How can we persuade him into joining us? 我们怎么才能说服他加入我们呢?

(3)I persuaded him of her honesty. 我说服他,让他相信她的诚实。


persuade sb. to do sth 劝服某人干某事(成功地说服了)

= persuade sb. into doing sth

persuade sb. not to do sth劝服某人不要干某事=persuade sb. out of doing sth

persuade sb. of sth 使某人相信某事



(1)Mrs. Green was glad because she _____________ her husband to buy a car.

= Mrs. Green was glad because she ____________ her husband ______ buying a car.


(2)There is nothing I can try to persuade you not to go.

= There is nothing I can try to _________ ___________ _______ __________.

2) cure vt. /n. 治愈,治疗;药物;疗法


This statement tries to fool you into assuming that the toothpaste cures bad breath, yet it does not say that! (Page 2, line17-18) 这种描述试图诱骗你以为这种牙膏可以治愈口臭,然而它却没有那么说。


(1)It is possible to cure HIV(治愈艾滋病).

(2)The doctor cured her of a bad cold(治好了她的重感冒).

(3)The government is trying to find a good cure for employment. (一种解决失业的好办法).


cure sth. 治愈(某疾病)

cure sb. of … 治愈某人(某疾病),矫正某人某行为

a cure for … …的治疗或解决方法



(1) Time can cure everyone for his grief(悲痛).

(2) Is there a new cure of H7N9?




3) comment vi. /n. 评论;评价


The grocery just hopes that when you read the ad, you will feel pleased with the nice comment. (Page 2-3,line22-23) 这家食品杂货店只是希望,当你看到这则广告的时候,会对这种评价感到高兴。


(1)He made comments on the film after he saw it. 他看完电影后对其大加评论。

(2) He commented that it was an excellent film. 他评论这电影很精彩。

(3) He didn’t comment on what I said. 他对我的话未做评论。


make comments on sth.对…做评论

comment that… 评论…

comment on sth.对…做评论



(1)Our Chinese teacher asked us to ______________(评论) the article we learnt yesterday.

(2)She was asked about the pay increase but she___________________(不进行评论) .

4) benefit vt. /vi. 使收益;n. 益处


All of these ads are meant to benefit the public, and you can often learn a lot by following the advice they give.(Page 3,line38-39) 所有这些广告都旨在造福公众,按照它们所给的建议你通常都能学到很多东西。


(1) All of these ads are meant to____________________(造福公众/使公众受益).

(2)I have benefited a lot from reading. 阅读使我受益匪浅。


benefit sb./sth. 使...受益

benefit from… 得益于…,从…中受益

(3) It is said Yoga is of great benefit to human health.据说瑜伽对人体健康有很大好处。

(4)The money is to be used for the benefit of the poor.这笔钱计划用于济贫(为了穷人的利益)。


be of (great) benefit (to sb./sth.) (对…)很有益处

for the benefit of …/for sb.’s benefit 为了…的利益



(1)The new highway will benefit the village people.

→The village people will the new highway.


(2)Fresh air is _______ benefit to our health.

(3)Don’t go to any trouble _______ my benefit!

(4) Readers can benefit _______ this book.

5) promote vt. 促销,推销;提升,晋升;促进,推动


Think about why you should do the things the ad suggests, or buy the product or service the ad promotes. (Page 3,line40-41) 想想你为什么要做广告建议你做的事情,或者为什么要买广告推销的产品或服务。



(1)Our teacher has been promoted to headmaster. ________________

(2)Do you have any idea how to promote this product?_____________

(3)The meeting discussed how to promote cooperation between the two countries._______________

2. Phrases

1) be meant to 旨在,目的是


PSAs are often run for free,and are meant to educate people about health, safety, or any other problem that affects public welfare. (Page 2,line10-11) 公益广告通常是免费投放的,其目的是就健康、安全或任何其他影响公众利益的问题对人们进行教育。



The Youth Olympic Games ________________ promote the Olympic spirits in a special way.


Festivals _____________________ important moments of year.

2) be aware of意识到,明白,了解


However, we still must be aware of the skillful methods used in ads to try and sell us things.(Page 2, line14-15) 但是,我们仍然必须对那些用于企图向我们推销产品的广告伎俩保持清醒的认识。


be aware of意识到,明白,了解

make sb. aware of 使某人知道/意识到



(1)I _________________ (没有意识到)how much I loved English.

(2) We must _______________________(让人们意识到)how serious the air pollution is.

3. Other phrases

(1) 免费

(2) 公众福利

(3) 保护……免受……

(4) 虽然,即使

(5) 哄骗某人做某事

(6) 对…感到高兴

(7) 捉弄某人

(8) 上……的当

(9) 过上更好的生活

(10) 涉及;处理

4. Sentence structures

1) Not all adds play tricks on us though. (Page 3,line27) 然而,并不是所有的广告都跟我们玩这类把戏。

部分否定(partial negation):not与表示全部概念的词all,both,every,always及含有every的合成词everywhere/everybody/everything等连用时,不论not位于这些词的前面还是后面,都构成部分否定(partial negation),常译为“不是一切都…/不总是都…”。


(1) All that glitters is not gold.

=Not all that glitters is gold. 发亮的东西并不一定是都是金子。

(2)Everyone does not like playing volleyball.

= Not everyone likes playing volleyball.不是每个人都喜欢打排球。



(1) All of the answers are not right. ___________

(2) None of the answers is right. _____________

(3) Neither of the brothers is here. _______________

(4) Both of the brothers are not here. _______________


(1) 并不是所有的孩子都喜欢这部电影。______________ the children like the film.

(2) 这些字我一个也不认识。I ________________ of these words.

2) When it comes to advertisements, we must all use our intelligence and not be a slave to them! (Page 3,line41-42) 谈及广告,我们都必须运用自己的智慧,不要做广告的奴隶!

注意: (1)when it comes to… 中的to是介词,后接名词或者V-ing.

(2) 本句常用一般现在时。

(3) 可置句首或句尾。



(1) 当谈到交朋友,你再怎么小心都不为过。

______________________________, you can’t be too careful.


(2) I am no match for her____________.

A. when come to languageB. when comes to language

C. when it comes to language D. when it come to language

5. Summary

persuade sb. to do sth.

cure sb of …

a cure for …

comment on sth.

benefit sb./sth.

benefit from…

be of (great) benefit (to sb./sth.)

for the benefit of …

promote sth.

be meant to

be aware of

make sb. aware of

when it comes to…

for free

public welfare

protect … from …

even if/though

fool sb. into doing sth.

feel pleased with sth.

play tricks on sb.

for free

lead better lives

deal with

6. Translation

当提到虚假广告的时候,很多人想要发表评论,他们会抱怨他们不知道怎样处理这些广告因为并非所有的广告都使我们受益。一些甚至欺骗(cheat)或愚弄(fool)我们,力劝我们对其信以为真(fall for)。现在在这个社会中,我们提倡(promote)诚信(honesty)。即使是这样,许多不诚信(dishonesty)的东西仍然存在(exist)。

________________to false advertisement, many people___________________ them. They will complain that __________________________ these ads because________________________. Some even ______________, trying to_________________________. Now in this society, we_________________. ___________, many ________________________________.

7. Task

8. Homework

Exchange the task with another group and finish it after class.

Review what we have learnt in this period.



1. We have to __________ some practical measures.

A. come out B. come up with

C. come up D. come about

2. ---You ________part in the party in time.

---Sorry, I was delayed by the accident.

A. are supposed to take B. have supposed to take

C. are supposed to have takenD. supposed to have take

3. The popular musician was asked ________ she should intend to be her partner in the next concert.

A. what B. whomC. howD. when

4. A plan has been put forward _______ from next month on electricity fee should be paid at the bank.

A. that B. whether C. when D. where

5. When I caught him cheating me, I stopped ____ things in his shop.

A. buyingB. buy C. to buy D. bought

6. The words of his old teacher left a ______ impression on his mind. He is till affected by them.

A. lasting B. lively C. long D. real

7. The woman is abnormal. Sometimes she is very _____ but sometimes she is really fierce.

A. gentleB. terrible C. frighteningD. fearful

8. A traffic accident happened on the highway, and a driver ______.

A. may have hurt B. may be hurting

C. may be hurt D. may have been hurt

9. An exhibition of paintings ____ at the museum next week.

A. are to be held B. is to be held C. are holding D. will hold

10. Every possible means ____, but none ____ successful.

A. has tried; has proved B. tried; proves

C. has been tried; provesD. is being tried; is proved

11. When we see this kind of film, we can experience anything in the film, even feelings. Everyone will be surprised at _______ it feels.

A. what real B. how real C. how reallyD. which really

12. Letters _______ in the post office before they are sent out.

A. sort B. be sorted C. are being sorted D. are sorted

13. I know Fanning was closed down at the end of , but ____ Fanning’s dream finally began to fade?

A. How was it B. What was it that

C. When was that D. When was it that

14. Not only _____ to stay in from the rain. To his joy, he was invited to dinner with the host.

A. did the stranger allow B. was the stranger allowed

C. the stranger allowedD. the stranger was allowed

15. Mr Green is said ____ an experiment to prove the new method of solving the problem when young.

A. to do B. to have done C. to be doing D. to have been doing

Ⅱ 单词拼写:.

1. New technology has enabled development of an online “v_______________ library”,

2. When it comes to job interviews, first i_______________ are important.

3. He was t_______________ about being asked to play the leading role.

4. U______________ entering the room she saw him.

5. I can send him a note v_______________ the internal mail system.

6. The mailman d_______________ the letters on time.

7. The two football players seem like enemies on the field but in r___________ they are good friends.

8. The nurse m_______________ the patient’s condition carefully.

9. She was a truly _______________(非凡的) woman.

10. I hope you will find true ________________(幸福).

11. The _______________(战役) finally brought the war to an end.

12. We need to develop the steel _______________(工业).

13. It’s nice to be on the _______________(获胜的) side for a change.

14. The wood was wet and would not _______________(燃烧).

15. You look _______________(极好的) in that dress.

Ⅲ 选用下列词组填空,必要时改变形式:

1. An engineer from Jiang Su_____________ this project now.

2. Many IT workers______________ piracy of various softwares.

3. The film____________ the mountainous area is popular with audience.

4. He___________ as the best actress in International Film Festival.

5. He_____________ being attacked by wild animals and stayed for the night in forest.

6. The miners were finally rescued____________ first Aid Team.

7. ________________ his disappointing daughter, the old man went away in silence.

8. At the meeting, the sales manager_________ that he would like to see the product promoted.

9. The Olympic torch______________ from one torch bearer to another.

10. What he said at the conference_______________ the audience present.

Ⅳ 改写句子:根据要求完成句子(单词和句子大多数来自课本)

1. With the rapid development of science and technology, some of our wildest dreams could come true in the future. (填入一词,完成下面句子,并保持两个句子意思一致)

As science ____________ rapidly in the direction of technology, some of our fantasies could become real in tomorrow’s world.

2. However, with VR we are able to do some things that could never be achieved in real life.(填入一词,完成下面句子,并保持两个句子意思一致)

However, VR enables us in some way to do __________ could never be achieved in real life.

3. During the first few years, the company did not make a profit and Mr Bezos thought that his efforts would not pay off. (填入一词,完成下面句子,并保持两个句子意思一致)

At the beginning, the company made no profit and in Mr Bezos’s mind all his efforts would end in _____.

4. She likes traveling and is quite familiar with many countries. (填入一词,完成下面句子,并保持两个句子意思一致)

She is fond of traveling and has a wide _____________ of many countries.

5. In the active voice, some verbs (such as see, find, make etc.) are followed by an object and a bare infinitive (without “to”). In the passive voice, we change the bare infinitive into the to-infinitive. e.g. I saw him go there. → He was seen to go there. (填入一词,完成下面的总结)

A grammatic ____________ is given here about the changes between the active and

篇4:牛津高一英语M4U3 Tomorrow’s world 复习学案(译林牛津版英语高一)


I 词性与词形

1.real adj. 真实的 →reality n. 真实性,现实→ really adv. 真正地,确实→realize vt.实现;意识到

2.tire vt. 使某人累→tired adj. 累的; tiring 累人的 → tiredness n. 疲惫,疲倦

3.happy adj. 快乐的,幸福的 →happiness n. 快乐;幸福 → happily adv. 快乐地

4.able adj. 能够的,有能力的 →ability n. 能力 → enable vt. 使能够

(反义词) disable adj.----disability n.

5.Brazil n. 巴西 →Brazilian adj. 巴西的,巴西人的

6.thrill vt. 使欣喜若狂 →thrilled adj. 欣喜若狂的; thrilling 令人欣喜若狂的

7.fantasy n. 幻想,狂想,想象 →fantastic adj. 奇异的;特棒的

8.impress vt. 给某人留下印象 →impression; n. 印象 →impressive adj. 令人印象深刻的

9.industry n. 工业;产业 →industrial adj. 工业的;产业的

10. amaze vt.使惊奇,使惊诧-amazing adj.令人惊诧的--- amazed adj.感到惊诧的

12. social adj. 社会的,社交的- society n. 社会,社团

13. confident adj. 自信的,肯定的---confidence n. 自信

14.convenience n. 方便,便利-convenient adj. 方便的,便利的

15.secure adj. 安全的;有把握的;稳固的,坚固的 vt.获得;使安全-security n.安全

16. injure vt. 伤害,损害--- injury n.

17. monitor n. 显示器,检测器;班长---monitor v. 监视,检测

18. world-famous(反义词)---unknown

19. inexperienced adj. 没有经验的 (反义词)---experienced

20. set(过去式,过去分词)---set; set

21. burn(过去式,过去分词)---burnt; burnt或burned, burned

II 重点短语

1. be set in以…为背景

2. pass on 传递

3. be connected to 与……相连接

4. give out 发出(气味、热等);用完,耗光;筋疲力尽

give off 发出(气味,光等)

5. put forward 提出(观点、议案等)

6. last but not least 最后但同样重要的

7. be accused of 被控告犯有……罪

8. set up建立,竖立

9. neither …nor…既不…也不…

10. in terror 恐惧地

11. in the convenience of 借助…的便利

12. go on a virtual trip to 虚拟旅行

13. come across遇到,遭遇,偶遇

14. be responsible for对….负责

17. set sail for 起航

18. all of a sudden. 突然

19. add to 增加

20. virtual reality虚拟现实

21. with the aid / help of ..由于..的帮助

22. play a role in 在……中角色

23. take care of 照看;照料

4. in the distance 在远处

25. speak of 谈到,谈及

26. in reality 实际上

27. bring history alive 历史再现

28. as to 至于,关于

29. take the risk of… 冒……危险

30. upon(doing)sth.一… 就

31. hold on to 紧紧抓住

32. compared with / to 与…相比

33. make a decision 作出决定

34. draw a conclusion得出结论

35. be about to do sth 即将做某事

36.in a flash 一瞬间,一会儿,马上

37.rather than 而不是

38. concentrate on 专注于

39.at play 在玩

40. voice one’s opinions 表达某人的看法

III 重点句型

1. Not only will he or she feel every step of climbing Mount Qomolangma felt by viewer, but also the user will also experience the cold, smells, sights and sounds of the surrounding environment.

2. He or she will enjoy a feeling of happiness and a sense of achievement Upon reaching the top.

3.This kind of urban planning is in the long term cheaper and more practical, compared with the way most urban planning is done today.

4. In my opinion, it is about time we had new computers.

It is (about /high) time (that) sb did sth // It is (about /high) time (that) sb should do sth

5. As they were wandering around, they noticed a man sitting against a tree in the distance---- he was at least four meters tall.

6. Immediately, he got his things packed and went to Iceland, forcing his nephew Axel to go with him.

篇5:module1 unit1 教案 (译林牛津版英语高一)


单 元:Unit 1 School life

板 块:Reading 1

Thoughts on the design:

在完成了welcome板块的学习后,阅读一名从中国到英国的交换生的介绍文章。让学生在阅读过程中使用skimming理解文章大意,用scanning 获取细节信息,之后再对文章作综合回顾。然后,引导学生换个角度,从英国学生的角度来看待中国的学校生活,模仿课文,从不同的方面介绍中国的校园生活。

Teaching objectives:

1. to help the Ss master the reading skills of skimming and scanning.

2. to guide the Ss to understand the passage and learn about more details of school life in the UK.

3. to encourage the Ss to learn to view our school life in a different perspective.

Step 1. Lead-in

1. [Teacher] We’ve learned a little about the difference between schools in China and in the UK.

2. [Brainstorming] If you were an exchange student in a UK school, what would you enjoy most?

3. Collect answers from a few students.

4. [Teacher] Today we’ll read an article from a school magazine, written by Wei Hua, who studied in the UK for one year. Let’s find out what she finds enjoyable.

[设计思路]:从上一课时涉及的中英学校生活差异谈起,问学生什么是他们心目中英国校园生活最让人喜欢的部分,从而引出课文的enjoyable experience。

Step 2. Reading for general ideas

1. Introduce the reading skill: skimming.

2. Teacher can start with the title and the first paragraph so that the Ss know how to work out the general idea of each paragraph.

3. [pairwork] Ask the Ss to work in pairs. Go through the passage quickly to find out the main idea of each paragraph.Check answers one by one paragraph.


Step 3. Reading for details

1. Introduce the reading skill: scanning.

2. Teacher can do Q1, Q2 in Part A first.

3. [Individual work]Ask Ss to do Q3 in Part A and questions in C1 individually.

Check answers with the Ss.

4. [Listening and reading] Ask Ss to go through the questions in C2.

Then listen and read after the recording. Ask Ss to answer the questions using their own words.

[设计思路]: 示范传授scanning的运用,并辅以相关练习,让学生在阅读中掌握阅读方法。

Step 4. Consolidation

1. [Task-based reading] Ask the Ss to do the task-based reading and check answers.

Aspects Details

General impression It was a different but exciting and enjoyable 1. ______________

Assembly Students should attend it on the first day and the 2. ____________

Will tell the rules of the school during that period.

Class Our class is of the 3._______ size; we would never study in a fixed classroom.

Subjects English I practiced it every day, so it got 4. ________ a lot.

French I had an 5. _______ French class on Tuesday evenings.

Cooking I learned a lot and could make delicious cakes.

Selective ones Students can 6. _______ studying some subjects if they don’t like them.

7. _________ It was not heavy but a bit 8. ______________

Spare time I played football with others, 9. _______ under a tree and went to the Computer Club where I could send e-mails to my family and friends 10. _________ of charge.

Keys: 1-5 expericenced headmaster average improved extra

6-10 stop Homework challenging relaxed free


Step 5. Discussion

1. [groupwork] Suppose you were Daniel, a UK student in China on a student exchange programme, write a passage for him entitled “School life in China”. Discuss what will be covered in the passage. Draw the outline and present.


Step 6. Homework

1. Revise the text and do part E.

2. Prepare for an interview with Wei Hua.

篇6:Lost Civilization教案 (译林牛津版英语高一)






















Step1 .Revision

Go over the words

Match the words with their definitions

( ) 1.take over A place a dead body in a grave

( ) 2.erupt B rich

( ) 3.unfoutunately C huge

( ) 4.hawre D take control of

( ) 5.wealthy E sadly ,unluckily

( ) 6.ruins F provide space for

( ) 7.enormous G parts of a building that

remain after it has been badly

damaged or destroyed. .

( ) 8. .bury H (of a volcano)throw out lava and ash




1. T: Now let’s talk about two questions with your partners?

Can you name some buildings that would represent ancient civilizations in China?

What does the title Lost Civilizations mean?

2.T:In this passage,, there are two lost civilizations .What are they? (showing some pictures of Pompeii and Loulan)

T: Do you know which place these pictures describe ?

S: Pompeii

T: Do you know which place these pictures describe ?

S: Loulan

T: Have you ever been to Pompeii and Loulan ?

S: _________

T: Have you known about them ?

S: _________

T: Would you like to visit them?

S: __________

Now let’s go with Ann together.



Step3 Reading




T: Now read the passage quickly and answer the following “T” or “F” questions.

A. The author is going to China by air next week.( Day1-15th July)

The city of Pompeii was founded in the 7th century BC.(Day2-16th July)

C. The city of Pompeii wasn’t found until the 18th century.( Day3-17th July)

D. Loulan was a stopping point on the famous silk road between the east and the west almost 2000 years age (Day10 –24th July )

E. Pompeii and Loulan were lost for the same reason.(Day11-25th July )

(2)T: Now read the passage carefully and answer the following wh-questions.

A. What happened to Pompeii in August AD79?

B How was the buried city discovered ?

C Where were the stepping stones along the road in Pompeii used for ?

D. Why was Loulan an important city about 2000 years ago?

How do many people think Loulan disappeared?

F. What is one main similarity between Pompeii and Loulan?

(3)T: Now read the passage more carefully and fill in the following blanks with proper words and phrases

Pompeii Loulan

Where was it located ① China

When was it founded? In the 8th century BC ②

What kind of city was it? A rich city ③

Why was it destroyed? ④ ⑤

How was it discovered In the 18 century ,a farmer found some stone with writing on it, then people started to dig ⑥

What can you find about the city now ? Streets with ⑦,houses with⑧,bodies of people that had been turned to stone the city walls,⑨, ⑩ that ran through the middle of the city

(4)Choose the best answer according to the passage.

( ) A. Which of the following statements is not true?

a. Both of the two cities were lost civilizations about 2000 years ago.

b. Both of the two cities were discovered by local people.

c. Pompeii was destroyed by a volcano while Loulan was gradually covered over by sandstorms.

d. Pompeii was in Italy while Loulan was in China.

( ) B. The purpose of writing this passage is ____

a. show how happy the writer was to have such a chance to visit the sites.

b. to arouse people’s sense of protecting civilizations.

c. to compare the civilizations of Pompeii and Loulan destroyed.

d. to tell us how Pompeii and Loulan were destroyed.




T: As we all know there were lots of ancient civilizations in the world in history.

Some of them have disappeared while others remain today .such as the Great wall, the Terracotta Warriors ,the Hanging Gardens ,Pyramids and so on (showing some pictures of them)

Now let’s discuss in groups.

(1)If you have a chance ,which place would you like to visit most? Why?

T :From the passage we know Pompeii and Loulan were destroyed by nature.

But I think human may also destroy our civilizations. If we want to make our civilizations exist for ever, I think we should make people have the sense of protecting our civilizations

Now let’s discuss in groups.

(2) What can we do to make people have the sense at protesting our civilizations?



Step4 Consolidation

做学生用书Part E、F Page.45

Step5 Summary


Step6 Homework


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