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It’ll be the first time I will talk with a western businessman tomorrow.

明天将是我第一次 和西方人谈生意。

You' d better keep focusing on matters.

那你们的谈话一定 要围绕商务。

You mean family and personal should not be brought up.

你的意思是不要涉 及家庭个人问题。

Yes, especially the first time you meet.

是的,尤其是第一次 见面时。

Oh? Oriental business culture is opposite.

噢?这正好与东方 的商务文化相反。

Please say more about it.


For example, in Japan, it’s a good policy a good policy to refrain from discussing business until the first 15 minutes of any conversation.

比如说,在日本,交 谈15分钟后再谈生上策 意才是上策。



Anyway I’ll take your advice since it is a western businessman that I am going to talk with.

不管怎么说,我会听 从你的忠告的,因为明天要和我谈生意的是西方人。


柠檬牛肉 Sautéed Beef with Lemon Juice

牛腩煲 Stewed Beef Brisket in Casserole

牛肉炖土豆 Stewed Beef with Potatoes

牛肉丸 Stewed Beef Meatballs

青豆牛肉粒 Sautéed Diced Beef with Green Beans

青椒牛肉 Sautéed Beef with Green Pepper

清蛋牛肉 Fried Beef with Scrambled Eggs

清汤牛丸腩 Stewed Beef Brisket and Beef Balls

三彩牛肉丝 Sautéed Shredded Beef with Vegetables

山药牛肉片 Sautéed Sliced Beef with Chinese Yam

什菜牛肉 Sautéed Beef with Assorted Vegetables

什锦扒牛肉 Grilled Beef with Assorted Vegetables

石烹肥牛 Beef Slices Grilled on Stone Plate

时菜炒牛肉 Sautéed Beef with Seasonal Vegetable

爽口碧绿百叶 Beef Tripe with Green Vegetable

水煮牛肉 Sliced Beef in Chili Oil

酥皮牛柳 Crispy Beef Tenderloin

酸辣蹄筋 Spicy Beef Tendon with Vinegar

堂煎贵族牛肉(制作方法:黑椒汁、云呢拿汁)Pan-Fried Superior Steak (with Black Pepper Sauce, Vanilla Sauce)

特色牛蹄 House-Special Beef Tendon



Dialogue 1

A:I have been waiting here in the conference room for ten minutes already, what time is the meeting start? where is anyone anyway?

B:Didn't you hear about that, our meeting was postponed until Friday.

A: What? the meeting was postponed? No one told me anything about it.

B: Did you get the memo?

A: What memo? They havn't any memo this whole week, I check my inbox every day.And I havn't seen anything.

B: The memo went out 3 days ago. It should have made to your inbox, but maybe lost in all collectors on your desk.

A: You know how things get pilot about my desk when I'm busy. I know sometimes I do many please things,but I always read all the memos go arround, they go directly to my inbox. Are you sure were send to whole office?

B: It should have got arround to every body, they also post a copy of the memo in the break room. Don't you ever look at meassages post on the bulletin board?

A: I'm usually too busy to take a bunch of cofee break by the watercooler, Anyway, I'm sure the memo never get to my inbox, I'll have to talk our secretary about it.

B. That's right, You will never know what your missing out of it if you don't read the memos.

Dialogue 2

A: Ms. Dorsen, I need to take a dictation for me,

B: Yes, sir;

A: They should go out intra office memorandum to all employee by this afternoon, are you ready?

B: Yes, sir, Go ahead.

A: Attention all staff:effective immediately, all office communication are restricted to email correspondance as official memos, the use of instance message porgram by employee during work hour are strictly prohibited.

B: Sir, Does this apply to intra office communication only or relate also restrict external communications?

A: It should apply to all communications. Not only in this office between employees, but also any outside communciations.

B: But sir, many employees use instance messaging to communcate with clients.

A: This were just have to change the communication methods, I don't want any one use instance messaging in this office, it waste too much time. Now, please, continue the memos. Where were we?

B: This apply to internal and external communications.

A: Yes, any employee who persist using instance messaging, will first recieve a warning, and placed on prohibition, and the second sense, the employment will be termination. Any question regarding this new policy maybe dirctly to the department of his.

B: Is that all?

A: Yes, please give this memo type out and distribute to all employees before 4:00 PM.



Miss Wu: OK,why did you choose your major,Miss Wei? Miss Wei: Because I am interested in it and I think it’s suitable for my personality.I felt that it would prepare me for a career in a company.

Miss Fan: Which classes in your major did you like best and tell me reasons, Miss Zhou?

Miss Zhou: I like business English.This course improved my spoken English and I can communicate with foreigners in English very well.

Miss Lin: Why are you interested in this company,Miss Zhang?

Miss Zhang: I think working in this company would provide me with a good opportunity to make fully use of my knowledge and display my ability to the fullest. I really appreciate to opportunity to develop my career in a big company like yours. Miss Wu: Tell me if you have a good command of Chinese.

Miss Chen: I won a second place in a citywide speech contest, so I am sure that I can communicate with others fluently and clearly in Chinese.

Miss Fan: Would you describe yourself as extroverted or more introverted?

Miss Zhou: I am extroverted in the work but introverted in my life. I like cooperating with others and getting the job done by working together.

Miss Wu:As you can see, we offer two positions of front desk agent. How does your work experience relate to this job?Answer the question in turn. Miss Wei: Well,there aren’t many people who haveworked for Bank Of China.I worked in the administrative department for seven months.And my responsibilities are communicating with clients,keeping files, arranging meetings and so on. Miss Chen: As a trainee,I’m lucky that I have worked in agricultural bank of china for 8 months as a project clerk. I am responsible for examining and verifying clients’ check, inputting clients’ personal information and registering relevant volume and daily error rate. Miss Zhang: 经历 可以写你实习的经历

Miss Zhou: I am lucky that I have worked in the sixth professional skill appraisal. I learned a lot from the internship,such as interpersonal skills. Miss Lin: Why did you leave your last job?

Miss Zhang: I hope to get an offer of suitable position .I feel there is no room for advancement. Miss Wu: How would your colleagues describe you? Miss Wei: Steadfast,stubborn,struggling and a little

Miss Fan: Why should we hire you?

Miss Zhou:I feel I can make some positive contribution to your company.

Miss Lin: What makes you think you would be a success in this position?

Miss Chen: My vocational college training combined with my experience obtained in the internship should qualify me for this job.I believe I will succeed.

Miss Fan: OK,do you have any questions?

Miss Zhang: Yes, I’d like to know about the issue of salary.

Miss Fan: Well, the start salary for front desk agent in the company is RMB 3000per month,and a raise is given after three months according to your performance.

Miss Zhou: How are pay rises and promotion conducted?

Miss Lin: They are based completely on the actual performance.

Miss Wei: I want to know about the issue of welfare. Miss Lin: OK, we provide benefits such as annual bonus,three-week paid vacation a year,and health insurance.

Miss Chen: What extent will the company provide for medical care?

Miss Wu:We have a company clinic for first consultations which is free for all employees and their families. Any major operations will be paid in part by our company.

Miss Wu:Any problem?

Miss Chen: Well,that’s all for our questions.Thank you.



A Job Interview

Words for employers

1.Do you know how to fill out the application forms?

2.Take all your certificates and other relevant documents with you when you are asked for an interview.

3.The Human Resources manager interview each job applicant in person and picks out his prospective employees according to their education, experience and potential.

4.If the employer believes that you have the qualifications for the job,you will get it.

5.Now we are short handed,so I hope you can start working as soon as possible.

Wors for employees

1.Miss Zhang works as a part-time editor in a publishing house.

2.I am a green hand.

3.I will try my best to fulfill my responsibilities.

4.I saw a job advertisement outside the restaurant,so I came in to inquire if it is still available.

Fashion Conversation

Conversation 1

A:May I come in?


A:How are you doing,sir?My name is Wu Dan.I've come to your company for an interview as requested.

B:Fine, thank you for coming.Please take a seat.I am Hans Blake,the general manager.

A:Nice to meet you,Mr.Blake.

B:Nice to meet you,too.

Conversation 2

A:Excuse me.May I see Mrs.White?

B:Yes,I am.What can I do for you?

A:Nice to meet you,Mrs.White.I'm come here for an interview by appointment.

B:Oh,I see,are you Mr.Li?

A:Yes,I am.

B:Nice to meet you.On my right,this is my colleague,Annie,and my left,Monica.Please sit down.

conversation 3

A:Nice to meet you here.How come you dropped into this company today?

B:My boss sent me here to take some business documents back to his office.I didn't know you were working here.What a surprise.How long have you been doing this?

A:Two years or so.

B:That is great.Do you have to work the night shift?

A:No,in most cases I don't have to unless there is something urgent to deal with.I work five days a week.

B:Do you enjoy work here?

A:It is hard to say.But I've to start by working as a trainee before I really become an experienced marketing assistant.Sometimes,I am really under great pressure when it gets busy.

B:Take it easy.I'm sure you will gain enough experience while working as a marketing assistant.I hope you haven't been given much trouble in the job.

A:Luckily not.The cilent I meet are generally very friendly and have a good boss.

B:Glad to hear that.

Conversation 4

A:Excuse me.May I see the manager of your store?

B:I am the manager.Can I help you?

A:Oh,great,I saw a job ad outside your store.I am interested in the job advertised.I am coming to see if there is any opportunity available for me.

B:All right.Take a seat,please.Would you like to be a shop assistant or a cashier?

A:I can do the work of ashop assistant and I worked part time in a small department store during my summer vocation last year.

B:So now do you want a full-time job or part-time job?

A:At present,both are OK for me.What do you need most,then?

B:Now we really need some part-time workers.You see,our full-time staff knocks off at 5:00 pm,but now we hope to extend the hours to 8:00pm.We need some part-time shop assistants to work 3 hours a day from 5:00pm to 8:00pm.But I am not sure if you are qualified for the job.Since most of our customers are for engners,competence of good comunication in English is necessary here.

A:I think I can.I have been learning English for almost 5 years and especially I am fluent at speaking English.Also,I have made some foreigners friends during the experience of learning English.

B:That is fine.I think you have the qualifications needed for the job,so I will let you have the job.Does the work schedule suit you?

A:It quite suits me.I am free in the evening these days,I will have no difficulty starting at 5:00pm.

B:Good.There is only thing to be settled.Ten RMB an hour is the maximum we can pay you.Is the rate of pay acceptable to you?

A:It seems reasonable.By the way,I can get my earning rasied with a excellent performance,can't I?

B:Sure.You will get more if you can invite more customers with your good service.

A:I see.I will try my best to do the job well.

B:That is good of you to say so.When can you start working?

A:How about next monday?

B:Ok.Let's make is next Monday. I n the end,you need to fill out the application form.

A:Thank you for your kindness,ma'am.See you next Monday.

Conversation 5

A:May I see the manager of your company?

B:I am.What can I do for you?

A:Form your company's advertisement in the TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY,I learn that you are a foreign trade company of good service.I am interested in it.Here is my resume,ma'am.

B:Very good,you majored in International Trade?

A:Yes,I will graduate from the People's University of China this July majoring in International Trade.Besides,at school,I am a top student.Mireover,both my spoken and written English are pretty good.

B:Well,for this position,we prefer experienced employees,Those who have just graduated from university,they are supposed to start by working as an intern for at least half a year.

A:I think I 'm qualified for the job if I can be given the chance.While at school,I once worked as part-time translator in a company and salesperson with a textile company for two years.And I don't mind being paid less from the start;I just want to enrich my experience and competence.

B:Good.That is the kind of man we are looking for.By the way,do you like traveling?Our sales representatives need to travel a lot.

A:Yes,I do.I like traveling very much.

B:Are you willing to work for extra hours?

A:Of course,I'll try my best.When can I start working?

B:What about next Monday?

A:Great.Let's start next week.Thank you,ma'am.

B:Well,see you next monday.

Conversation 6

A:After graduation,I have been working at the Personnel Department of DDD company.

B:As a telecommuncation apparatus company DDD company is very diffierent from our trade company.

A:I am good with people and have excellent communication skills.

B:Do you think it is a rewarding job?

A:Very much so.


business english - being a good manager


michael: hey billy - who is the new guy going into the cfo's office?

billy: why are you whispering, michael?

michael: i don't want anyone to hear me. do you know who the suit is?

billy: i think he might be our new manager!

michael: you mean we are getting a new head-honcho?

billy: maybe. he looks like the management type.

michael: do you think i look like potential management?

billy: i think you look ok, but do you know what it takes to be a good manager?

michael: not really, but i get the feeling that you are about to tell me.










new words 新单词

1) cfo: chief financial officer


a company's cfo is usually responsible for all of the financial aspects of running the organization.


2) suit: sometimes used to mean a manager as opposed to technical or professional staff


when i worked in an advertising agency, the suits always looked down on the creative staff.


3) head-honcho: the boss, your manager


it's probably not a good idea to let your manager hear you calling them the head-honcho!


4) potential: something that might happen


i have the potential to be an olympic athlete, but i am just too lazy to do any training.



Miss Wu: OK,why did you choose your major,Miss Wei? Miss Wei: Because I am interested in it and I think it’s suitable for my personality.I felt that it would prepare me for a career in a company.

Miss Fan: Which classes in your major did you like best and tell me reasons, Miss Zhou?

Miss Zhou: I like business English.This course improved my spoken English and I can communicate with foreigners in English very well.

Miss Lin: Why are you interested in this company,Miss Zhang?

Miss Zhang: I think working in this company would provide me with a good opportunity to make fully use of my knowledge and display my ability to the fullest. I really appreciate to opportunity to develop my career in a big company like yours. Miss Wu: Tell me if you have a good command of Chinese.

Miss Chen: I won a second place in a citywide speech contest, so I am sure that I can communicate with others fluently and clearly in Chinese.

Miss Fan: Would you describe yourself as extroverted or more introverted?

Miss Zhou: I am extroverted in the work but introverted in my life. I like cooperating with others and getting the job done by working together.

Miss Wu:As you can see, we offer two positions of front desk agent. How does your work experience relate to this job?Answer the question in turn. Miss Wei: Well,there aren’t many people who haveworked for Bank Of China.I worked in the administrative department for seven months.And my responsibilities are communicating with clients,keeping files, arranging meetings and so on. Miss Chen: As a trainee,I’m lucky that I have worked in agricultural bank of china for 8 months as a project clerk. I am responsible for examining and verifying clients’ check, inputting clients’ personal information and registering relevant volume and daily error rate. Miss Zhang: 经历 可以写你实习的经历

Miss Zhou: I am lucky that I have worked in the sixth professional skill appraisal. I learned a lot from the internship,such as interpersonal skills. Miss Lin: Why did you leave your last job?

Miss Zhang: I hope to get an offer of suitable position .I feel there is no room for advancement. Miss Wu: How would your colleagues describe you? Miss Wei: Steadfast,stubborn,struggling and a little

Miss Fan: Why should we hire you?

Miss Zhou:I feel I can make some positive contribution to your company.

Miss Lin: What makes you think you would be a success in this position?

Miss Chen: My vocational college training combined with my experience obtained in the internship should qualify me for this job.I believe I will succeed.

Miss Fan: OK,do you have any questions?

Miss Zhang: Yes, I’d like to know about the issue of salary.

Miss Fan: Well, the start salary for front desk agent in the company is RMB 3000per month,and a raise is given after three months according to your performance.

Miss Zhou: How are pay rises and promotion conducted?

Miss Lin: They are based completely on the actual performance.

Miss Wei: I want to know about the issue of welfare. Miss Lin: OK, we provide benefits such as annual bonus,three-week paid vacation a year,and health insurance.

Miss Chen: What extent will the company provide for medical care?

Miss Wu:We have a company clinic for first consultations which is free for all employees and their families. Any major operations will be paid in part by our company.

Miss Wu:Any problem?

Miss Chen: Well,that’s all for our questions.Thank you.


Taking a taxi

Useful sentences

words for drivers

1.Is it the rush hour now?

2.Where to, madam?

3.The streets are heavy with traffic at this time of day.

4.We got stuck in the traffic jam

5.The fair veras according to the distance.

6.Here we are.

7.Here's the changes

words for passengers

1.Could you tell me where I can take the taxi?

2.Hop in.

3.Could you take me to the World Trade Centre?

4.How long does it take to reach the hotel?

5.Could you please drive faster?

6.What is the fairs for the kilometer?

7.How much should I pay you?

8.Oh,that is my destination.

9.Here's the money.

10.Keep the change, please

Fashion conversation

conversation one


B:Get in,please. Where to,madam?

A:The international airport,please.I have to be there by 8:00.

B:I can't promise anything, but I'll try my best.

A:Oh,that's my stop. How much do I need to pay?

B:That'll be 10 dollars,please.

A:Thanks a lot.here.

conversaton two

A:Where are you going?

B:Take me to the center station, please

A:OK,here we go.

B:Do you think you can get me there 7:30?

A:We shouldn't have any trouble if we don't get stuck in the traffic jam.

B:Hope we have good luck.

A:Here we are, you still get plenty of time. That's 8.15$, please.

B:Thank you very much. Here's 10$,keep the change,please.

conversation three

A:Where is it?

B:I'm going to the Golden hotel.

A:Get in,please.

B:Thank you. I have an appointment with an important client at 10:00. Could you please drive a little faster or I maybe late.

A:Don't worry, you'll be there plenty of time.

A:That is it. 7.15$, please.

B:Thank you.here's 10$,just give me 1$ back ,please.

conversaton four


B:Yes,sir. Where to?

A:The city square,please.

B:Are you in a hurry?

A:Yes,I have to be there to meet a friend at 5:00pm. So we're sure we can get there on time?

B:I'm afraid not,sir. Generally we can, but you know how it is in the rush hour


A:I see. Here's the extra 5$ for you if you can get me there on time.

B:All right. I'll do my best.

A:Oh.we made it. Thank you. How much do I own you?

B:The reading on the kilometer is 12$.

A:Here's the money, keep the changes,please.

B:Do you need a receipt?

A:No,thank you.

conversaton five

A:Hi,taxi.Could you take me to the financial street,please

B:Pardon, where to ,sir?

A:I want to go to the financial stree.

B:All right. Hop in,please.

A:Excuse me, how long does it take to get there?

B:It usually takes about half an hour.

A:Oh,does it really a long way to go.

B:Yes. Moreover, since the street is heavy with traffic this time of day.I'm not sure we can make it. By the way, are you pressed for the time?

A:No,I'm not.you can just drive slowly and carefully.


A:You are very skillful driver.

B:Thank you.

A:By the way,is the fair the same for any distance?

B:No. It veras according to the distance, you can read from the meter.

A:Oh,I see.




Addressing someone differs addressing from nation to nation.


Would you give an example?


Say Americans. They like using first name in any relationship.


Even to call their boss?


You said it. In their opinion this helps make their communication easy.


And their interaction in the workplace is more equal.


En. The British also use first names most of the time.


But I find some Englishmen are not good at remembering names.


So they will often use no names at all.


Our Chinese seem to value titles.


So do German and Italian businesspeople. Addressing them only by first names would be unpleasant or even disastrous to business.


红油牛头 Ox Head with Chili Oil

胡萝卜炖牛肉 Stewed Beef with Carrots

湖南牛肉 Beef, Hunan Style

家常烧蹄筋 Home-Style Braised Beef Tendon

家乡小炒肉 Country-Style Sautéed Beef Fillet

尖椒香芹牛肉丝 Sautéed Shredded Beef with Hot Pepper and Celery

姜葱爆牛肉 Sautéed Sliced Beef with Ginger and Scallion

椒盐牛仔骨 Spiced Calf Ribs

椒子肥牛片 Sautéed Beef Slices with Green Pepper

金蒜煎牛籽粒 Pan-Fried Diced Beef with Garlic

京葱山珍爆牛柳 Braised Beef Fillet with Scallion, Beijing Style

扣碗牛肉 Steamed Beef in Casserole

辣白菜炒牛肉 Sautéed Beef with Spicy Cabbage

辣子牛肉 Spicy Sautéed Beef

荔枝炒牛肉 Sautéed Beef with Lichee

凉瓜炒牛肉 Sautéed Beef with Bitter Melon

芦笋牛柳 Sautéed Beef Tenderloin with Green Asparagus

麻辣牛肚 Spicy Beef Tripe

蒙古牛肉 Sautéed Mongolian Beef

米粉牛肉 Steamed Beef Coated with Rice



A: OK. Now let’s get started. What’s your name? Where are you from?

B: My name is Li Ming, and I’m from Shanghai.

A: Thank you. And you? Where are you from?

C: I’m Zheng Fang. I’m from Hangzhou.

A: Thanks. Do you work or study here, Miss Zheng?

C: I work as a sales clerk in a foreign company.

A: What about you, Mr. Li?

B: I’m a student. I study Biology.

A: Do you like your major, Mr. Li?

B: Yes, I’m very fond of Biology.

A: Why?

B: I find biology very interesting and very useful. It helps me understand life forms and nature better.

A: How about you, Miss Zheng?

C: I like my job very much. The Sales Department is very important in the company. I can learn a lot from my work, and my boss treats me very well.

A: Thank you. Now I’m going to ask you both some questions about office hours. How many hours do you study each day, Mr. Li?

B: I study about 10 hours every day.

A: What about you, Miss Zheng? How many hours do you work every day?

C: Eight hours.

A: Do you think working overtime is a good thing for a company, Miss Zheng? C: No, I don’t think so.

A: Why not?

C: Working overtime will cause complaints from employees and ruin their health in the long run. If the workers develop the habit of working overtime, their efficiency tends to be lower. And that means the company should pay more to them.

A: What do you think of it, Mr. Li?

B: I don’t think overtime work is a good thing. That makes the job very stressful and tiring. Of course, it’s understandable to work overtime occasionally when it’s really busy and necessary.

A: Mr. Li, do you think people in the future will work longer hours or shorter hours? B: I think people will work shorter hours in the future.

A: Why?

B: With the help of computers, work efficiency will be much higher than before. Within the shorter hours, they can do the same even more work than what they can do now.

A: Do you think people will feel free to choose the work hours in the future, Miss Zheng? C: Yes, I suppose so.

A: Why?

C: Computers have made it possible for people to work at home. So they may choose to

A: OK. That’s all for the first part of the exam. Now let’s move to the second...



I choose topic A, 然后把题念一遍。

总括I think there are three points/aspects to consider.

First, 把题卡上第一点说一下,然后用两三句话解释

Second, 把题卡上第二点说一下,然后用两三句话解释

Third, 把你发挥的第三点说一下,然后用两三句话解释


In conclusion,/In summary, I think 三个要点重复一下 are important when doing sth.(重复一下原题的要求)

Well, that’s all I want to say. Thank you! 或

Well, I think I have covered the main points. Thank you!


1. 一定要合理利用1分钟的准备时间,最好写下要点,以防忘记,造成发言不连贯。要点是指能起到提醒作用的单词或词组,不必写完整句子,时间太短,没有时间写完整句子。

2. 一定要尽量发挥第三点,以使你的发言丰满,同时也能使考官看到你语言和话语组织能力。但是如果实在想不出来第三点,就说提示的两点也可以,但是一定要说满一分钟,解释要点可以有详有略。注意采用总-分-总的方法,这样显得条理清楚。

3. 在听搭档发言时,就要努力想自己要提的问题,要根据搭档的发言提问,不要跑题。如果搭档讲的内容没有听明白,就根据你听懂的几个单词提问也可以。

Which do you think is the most important point? Why? (前提是搭档在发言时没有表明态度)

要求搭档进一步解释某个要点。I am very interested in -----Could you further explain ----- , please?

提出自己看法,然后要求搭档评论。I think --- is also important. What do you think of it?

要求搭档说一下自己公司的有关情况?Could you say something about ----- in your

4. 回答搭档的问题时,不要简单回答Yes或No, 要用两三句来解释。不知道如何回答,可以结合自己熟悉的事情,如自己生活和工作经验等来回答,举例说明是个很好的方法,



A: OK, shall we make a start?/let's start.OK?

B: OK.

A: Let’s start with the first question. 然后把第一个讨论题念出来。


B: let’s discuss the second question 或Let’s move on to the next question.然后把第二个讨论题念出来


讨论过程中有观点和论据。在阐明自己的想法后,一定要询问搭档的看法。如果搭档说不出来,你要想办法给他一个台阶下,你可以说Do you agree with me? 如果他同意,那你们就可以把谈话进行下去,如果他不同意就让他解释原因。

如果自己没想好,可以先问搭档的观点(What’s your opinion? How /What about you?)。以争取更多的时间思考。在倾听搭档表达个人观点时,自己也一定要积极思考。以免搭档卡壳,出现冷场。搭档没有表达清楚,要积极帮助搭档表达清楚,让考官看到你积极主动与人沟通的一面,充分体现你良好的沟通愿望和技巧,给考官留下非常好的印象。

如果你对题目毫无看法,当搭档问你的观点时,你可以说I agree with you., 然后用自己的话复述一下搭档的观点。也可以适当补充一下搭档的观点。这样也可以让考官看到你语言水平。


In conclusion,-----

To sum up-----














浅谈如何培养小学生的英语口语交际能力 (仁爱版英语)2022-04-30









