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The graphs below show the size of the ozone hole over Antarctica and the production of three ozone-damaging gases from 1980 to .

Word count: 195

The graphs demonstrate the change of ozone-hole size over Antarctica and the emission of three different ozone-damaging gases from 1980 to 2000.

In general, the ozone hole size enlarged, increasing from 500 thousand square Km to about 2000 thousand square Km. But it witnessed a sudden decline to about 1200 thousand square Km from 1990 to 1994 before increasing sharply to almost 4000 thousand square Km.

The second chart is about the emission of some destructive gases. In 1980, CFC-11 (A) was the major gas destroying ozone layer, which mounted to 70 million tonnes. And CFC-12 (B) was almost 1/3 of CFC-11, with the amount of 25 million tonnes. In the next two decades, A witnessed a sharp decrease to almost 5 million in 2000 while B kept increasing stably to 50 million tonnes, becoming the dominant damaging gas. The emission of N2O (C) appeared in 1990 and then increased dramatically to about 40 million tonnes in a short period of just 10 years, thus becoming the second important damaging gas.

To sum up, the ozone hole was becoming larger and the main reason was the increasing emission of the gas of CFC-12 and N2O.


We can get knowledge from news, but some people think we can't trust the journalist, what do u think? And what do you think are the important qualities that a journalist should have?



问题1: 过于依赖网络,不出去挖掘和发现新闻,总是拷贝和转发别人的文章,缺乏原创性。

问题2: 不客观。举例,很多记者草率的使用那些来源不可靠的信息,这会造成谣言四起。

问题3: 缺乏职业道德。举例,很多记者受贿了。他们隐瞒真相,误导大众,这严重破坏了社会媒体的民主和公平。

素质1: 要有热情。记者应该到事件现场去深入了解情况,掌握第一手的资料。

素质2: 要有责任心。举例,记者应该参与到第一线来收集新闻和线索,这有利于还原真相。

素质3: 要有职业操守。举例,记者应该把社会利益放到自我利益之前,富贵不能淫。


Nowadays, the journalists are losing the prestige in the public because fewer people trust them. In my opinion, this trend is caused by some ill behaviors of them. The reasons and the good qualities of a journalist will be presents as below.

I have to concede that a large proportion of journalists are under the standards of journalism ethics, which leads to the public concerns of the qualities of news in media. Firstly, with the great convenience provided by the Internet, journalists can have an easy access to acquiring all kinds of information. Some of them then begin to repetitively copy or reproduce the news report from certain websites only by clicking the mouse in the office, instead of going outside for practical research. That is to say, these journalists are too lazy to write the original and in-depth news reports.

In addition, the lack of responsibility among journalists also contributes to the news crisis. For example, some of them write and report news by depending on unreliable information sources, so that newspapers and TVs are full of data mistakes and lies. Moreover, influential media are viewed as rumormongers, because they spread false news of natural disasters, social epidemics or terrorist attacks, incurring unnecessary panics in the public. The most worrying aspect is news objectiveness. In many cases of news crimes, bribed news editors cover and twist the truth of social issues, which misleads the public judgment, as well as damages the equity and democracy of social media.

In order to recover the faith and confidence of audience for news media, many good standards of journalist should be built up and tested. Firstly, journalists should have the professional dedication, which means a strong willing to go into the frontline of events, and make efforts of exploring and collecting the firsthand news materials. By this way, the high values of news reports can be ensured. Secondly, high-level work moralities are a must, including honesty, integrity, and law-abiding awareness. These traits can improve the immunity of news practicers from the lure of money. Besides, journalists should learn to give the priority to the social benefits, over the individual media benefits. In other words, what they report on media should be accurate, objective and accountable, rather than publishing untrue news only for attracting more audience.

In conclusion, there are many reasons why massive news media become more untrustful in the public, mainly including the loss of work passion and obligation. For the purpose of curing these ill journalists, some good qualities should be cultivated and encouraged, like the dedication, righteousness and carefulness.

(429 words)


In some countries, TV programs are transmitted throughout the day and night. Some people think that 24-hour TV transmission is a positive development, while others it is negative. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.



1. 不间断的电视新闻直播带来的好处是,人们总是能获取最新的信息,这让人们能了解到社会,甚至是全球的经济,科学,军事,政治,文化的最新变化,这些新鲜信息让观众的思维和知识不断更新,跟上社会的快速发展。

2. 第二个好处是,不管在白天黑夜,24小时的电视能把最新的紧急信息推送给大众,如关于地震,海啸,台风等自然灾害的,这是非常必要的提醒,让人们及时作出反应和准备来避免危险。

3. 坏处在于,它让人们过于沉迷虚拟世界。举例,为了看午夜剧,人们很可能会牺牲掉睡觉的时间,这不仅损害健康,也影响到电视迷们第二天的工作表现。


Nowadays, 24-hour TV news and programs have overwhelming in living or bed rooms in families. In my view, this transmission mode brings both advantages and disadvantages simultaneously, and my reasons would be explored as below.

None-stop broadcasting of TV can provide the latest information to the public with the whole-day availability, which can help viewers overcome the limitation of time and keep pace with this fast-changing society. For example, 24-hour news cycles at night can consistently present up-to-date domestic and international news reports, from economy to diplomacy, from science to war, thus quenching the thirst of acquiring fresh information among groups who have high sensitivity to news, like stockbrokers, businessmen and politicians. In addition, some emergent and important events need 24-hour TV to inform the billions of people on this planet, such as forecasts of bad weathers, natural disasters, as well as the alarming of earthquakes and tsunamis. Consequently, the in-time availability of critical news ensures the safety of all social individuals, by immediately reminding them to make preparation and prevention.

However, with exposure to consistent TV programs, couch potatoes would indulge in a sedentary lifestyle that is detrimental to their health and work, physically and mentally. Firstly, Watching TV at midnight makes the deprivation of sleep among viewers, thus declining their physical health, disordering their day-time schedules, and reducing their productivity in workplace in the next day. Secondly, when people put all attentions and energy in the virtual world on the TV screen, they would lose the interests in the interpersonal communication. That is to say, long-time watching TV serves to isolate the audience from each other, and finally trapping them into negative emotions of depression, loneliness and anxiety.

In conclusion, my opinion is watching TV in moderation is positive, because it can timely offer useful and essential information to the public, which is beneficial for their interests and safety. However, we should be circumspect about the addition in watching TV day and night; otherwise this ill behavior would do harms to the health, work performance and mentality of the audience.

(342 words)



appreciably adv. 显著地,可观的 Hes looking appreciably thinner.

considerably adv 显著地

markedly adv 显著地

remarkably adv 显著地

considerably adv. 可观的 The percentage is considerably higher than

gradually adv 缓慢地 gradual adj. 缓慢的 gradually decline

roughly adv. 粗糙地、大略地、大概地 The percentage is roughly at 7%.

rough adj. 粗糙的、大略的'、大概的

slight adj. 轻微的 a slight slip, error, change, improvement

Slightly adv. 轻微地、微小地 The patient is slightly better today

moderate adj. 适中的、稳健的、温和的 moderate price increases

moderately adv. 适度地; 不过分地

marginal adj.轻微的、边缘的、不重要的、微小的 a marginal difference between .

Substantial adj. 数目大的; 可观的、显著的 a substantial improvement, decrease

dramatically adv.巨大的、夸张的、引人注目的 Her attitude changed dramatically.













maps, diagrams, bar charts, tables, line graphs, pie charts. 有时候考试会是两种形式的结合。




Here we can see that the graph represented information regarding the number of sales of two companies in two years.

The chart illustrates the number of sales of two companies(Marks Ltd and Bumper Store) in and



每一种写作类型,都要掌握一些有用的词汇量。这对于line graphs,maps 和pie charts 尤其重要。其中line graphs写作,可替换(paraphrase)的词汇很多。小作文想要获得高分,使用不同的词汇是很重要的,而且必要的时候要同义替换。单词拼写要认真检查,不要有拼写错误,也不要冒险去用一些词汇。





连接词(lingking words)。







1.保持平稳:我们可以使用的套用结构有: stay stable/remain steady.

举例:表示人口数量保持平稳的时候可以写: the number of population stayed stable。/the number of population remained steady.

2.上升/增加:我们可以使用的套用结构有:rise/ climb/ increase/ ascend/mount/aggrandize(增加)

举例:人口上升:the number of population increased/ascended/mounted等等。

3.下降/减少:我们可以使用的套用结构有:fall/ drop/ decrease/ descend/ decline

举例:人口减少:the number of population decreased/ declined.

4. 下降后保持平稳:这个图形比较奇怪,我给大家划一下大家看到没有,这个线段前面是向下的,后面是平的,在表示这个平的时候我们就不可以使用remain steady了,我们要使用的结构是bottom out.

举例:人口下降后保持平稳:the number of population decreased and bottomed out.

5.上升后保持平稳:这个图形和上面那个一样的奇怪,Mars在总结这个的时候郁闷了好长时间,喝了两杯咖啡。我给大家划一下(我最不会画画了), ,前面的上升我们就不用说了,但是在上升以后保持平稳,我们需要使用level off.

举例:人口上升后保持平稳:number of population mounted and leveled off.

6.复苏: 前面下降了以后,然后就上升了,这两条线段的连接点就叫复苏。英语中表达为recover

举例:人口下降后复苏:number of population decreased and recovered.


举例:人口波动:number of population fluctuated.

8.达到顶峰:peak/ reach its summit/reach its zenith

举例:人口到达了顶峰:number of population peaked/ reached its summit/ reached its zenith.


缓慢的/轻微的:gradually/ smoothly/ steadily/ slightly

陡然的/大幅度的:dramatically/ sharply/ considerably/ appreciably/ greatl

举例:1.人口大幅度攀升:number of population mounted dramatically.

2.人口轻微下降:number of population decreased slightly.

3.人口逐渐下降:number of population decreased gradually.


一. remain steady/ stay stable/ level off/ bottom out/ peak/reach its peak/ reach its zenith后面需要使用的是at.

举例: 1.人口在500万上保持平稳:number of population remained steady at 5 million.

1. 人口在800万时到达了顶峰:number of population peaked at 8 million.

2. 下降后,人口在400万保持平稳:after decreasing, number of population bottomed out at 4 million.

3. 上升后,人口在700万保持平稳: after mounting, number of population leveled off at 7 million.

二. 上升/下降后面使用to(到)和by(了)


1. 人口下降到200万: number of population decreased to 2 million.

2. 人口下降了200万: number of population decreased by 2 million.

3. 人口上升到1000万: number of population increased to 10 million.

4. 人口上升了500万: number of population increased by 5 million.

三. recover的后面大家需要使用的是from

举例: 人口在200万时开始复苏:number of population recovered from 2 million.

四. fluctuate的后面大家需要连接between …..and…..

举例: 人口在2和100亿之间波动:number of population fluctuated between 2 and 10 billion.(那俩人是ADAM和EVE)



1. The phenomenon mainly stems from the fact that …

2. 原因accounts mainly for / are accountable for 结果

3. 原因 be responsible for 结果

4. 原因contributes partly to 结果

5. 原因 be the main/ major factor / reason/ cause

6. Another basic / primary / root reason/ cause why… is that

7. 原因cause / lead to / trigger/ bring about / result in / give rise to / generate 结果

8. 结果is due to 原因

9. 结果be in part / partly attributed to 原因

10. be a second reason/ factor; be regarded as / seen as a root cause

11. due to, owing to, because of …

12. … be the cause of … / …be the reason for… / …be the reason behind

13. … be caused by / result from / be the result of / be the consequence of

14. … affect / influence in a negative way…

15. … can be harmful/ helpful to …


1 according to the chart...

2 the date lead us to the conclusion that...

3 the date show...

4 the tree diagram reveals how...

5 the figures show...

6 this is a cure graph which describes the trend of...

7 the pie graph depicts...

8 the graph provides some interesting date regarding...

9 the table shows the changes in the number of... over the period


10 as is shown in the table...

11 the percentage remained steady at...

12 the percentage of...is slightly large than that of.

13 there is not a great deal of difference between...and...

14 the graphs show a threefold increase in the number of...

15...decreased year by year while... increased steadily.

16 there is an upward trend in the number of...

17 a considerable increase occurred from...to...

18 from...to...the rate of decrease slowdown.

19 from this year on, there was a gradual decline reduction in the

...reaching a figure of.

20 be similar to...be the same as

21 there are a lot similarities between...and...

22 the difference between X and Y lies in...


1.the table illustrates the changes in the number of...over the period from...to...


2.the bar chart illustrates that... 该柱状图展示了...

3.the graph provides some interesting data regarding...


4.the diagram shows (that)... 该图向我们展示了...

5.the pie graph depicts (that).... 该圆形图揭示了...

6.thisis a cure graph which describes the trend of...


7.the figures/statistics show (that)... 数据(字)表明...

8.the tree diagram reveals how...


9.the data/statistics show (that)...


10. the data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that...


11. as is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the diagram/graph/chart/table...


12. according to the chart/figures... 根据这些表(数字)...

13. as is shown in the table... 如表格所示...

14. as can be seen from the diagram, great changes have taken place in...


15. from the table/chart/diagram/figure, we can see clearly that...or it is clear/apparent from the chart that...


16. this is a graph which illustrates...


17. this table shows the changing proportion of a& b from...to...


18. the graph, presented in a pie chart, shows the general trend in...


19. this is a column chart showing... 这是个柱型图,描述了...

20. as can be seen from the graph, the two curves show the fluctuation of...


21. there is not a great deal of difference between...and...


22. the graphs show a threefold increase in the number of...


23. ..decreased year by year while...increased steadily.


24. the situation reached a peak(a high point at) of [%].


25. the figures/situation bottomed out in...


26. the figures reached the bottom/a low point/hit a trough.


27. a is ...times as much/many as b. a是b的...倍。

28. a increased by... a增长了...

29. a increased to... a增长到...

30. high /low /great /small / percentage. 比低高(低)

31. there is an upward trend in the number of... ...数字呈上升趋势。

32. a considerable increase/decrease occurred from...to... ...到...发生急剧上升。

33. from...to...the rate of decrease slow down. 从...到...,下降速率减慢。

34. from this year on,there was a gradual declined reduction in the..., reaching a figure of...


35. be similar to... 与...相似

36. be the same as... 与...相同

37. there are a lot similarities/differences between...and... ...与...之间有许多相似(不同)之处

38. a has something in common with b a于b有共同之处。

39. the difference between a and b lies in... a与b之间的差别在于...

40. ... (year)witnessed/saw a sharp rise in... ...年...急剧上升。


The graph shows (relates) the percentage of radio and television audiences over 4 years old in the UK (the UK population over 4 years old who tuned in to radio and television) throughout the day from October to December 1992. The figure reveals that before 2:00 pm there were more radio audiences, while after 2:00 pm more people turned to television. There was a gap of 10% between radio and television audiences.

The data indicates that radio listeners increased (grow, rise, go up) substantially before 8:00 am, when the percentage reached (amounted to) to a peak of 27%.

The percentage then declined steadily to 11% at 4:00 pm, which was followed by a slight increase to 15% at 5:00 pm.

However, from then on, there was again a gradual decrease to 2% until 4:00 am, when the percentage bottomed out. The period from 4:00 am to 6:00 am saw another slight rise to 4% in radio listeners.

As for (similarly) TV viewers, the percentage went up from 6:00 am to 8:30 am, when there was a leveling off at 8% until 10:00 am (for the next one hour and a half)

After a slight decrease, the percentage rose sharply to 15% between 12 pm and 2 pm, before it dropped slightly.

The peak (45%) was reached at 8:00 pm after a massive rise from 14% since 3:00 pm.

However, the period between 8:00 pm and 3:00 am saw a slump in television viewers. The percentage reached the bottom of 3% at 3:00 am, when there was a slight rise afterwards.

The general trend was that the percentage of both radio and television audiences rose first and then decrease, while the total number of the latter was bigger than the former. In addition, the prime time for radio and television was 8 am and 8 pm, respectively.


The charts illustrate the proportions of both males and females being arrested and the related reasons for these arrests.

As can be seen from the two pie chart, males account for a much higher rate in terms of the total arrests being made, While females show a higher proportion than males with arrests for public drinking, assault, and some unknown reasons, males get arrested more often than females in other respects.

As far as public drinking is concerned, the rate of arrests with women is 6% higher than that with men which is 31% versus 37%. A similar situation goes to assault and the “no answer” category which is 18% vs. 16% and 7% vs. 4% respectively.

Otherwise, men reveal an unexceptional higher proportion than women and among these, men who got arrested for drunken driving, breach of order and theft all compare strongly with women.

In summary, men show a much higher arrest rate than women as a whole, but in certain respects, women also reveal some unexpected higher arrest proportions.


The bar chart compares the proportion of employees of both genders employed in executive positions in ACNE Oil Company within a one-year period between July 1993 and June 1994.

As can be seen from the chart, the percentage of male employees generally increased with the rise of the job categories from Grade E to Grade A while the opposite was true with that of women.

Grade A, which was reported as the highest position, was a male dominated one in which only one-tenth of the staff were female while male employees accounted for the rest.

When it comes to Grade B and C, men also took up over half of the employees, accounting for 80% and 60%, which are 50% and 10% higher than that of women respectively.

However, the situation in the other two jobs categories, which were relatively lower in rank, was totally reversed, with women taking up relatively larger proportion. Men constituted roughly 40% in Grade D, 20% less than that if women and most of the working staff in Grade E were women (over 70%) , twice the percentage of men.

To sum up, on the rank ladder of ACME Oil Company, male employees took up a higher and higher proportion than the weaker sex as it gradually went up to the peak -------- Grade A.


The chart below shows the amount of money per week spent on fast foods in Britain. The graph shows the trends in consumption of fast foods.

Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.


The bar chart shows how much money was spent on fast foods per week in the UK over a span of 20 years from 1970 to 1990 while the graph reveals the trend of fast food consumption over the same period of time.


As we can see from the chart, the weekly expenses of people of different income levels on hamburgers and fish and chips were relatively higher than that on pizza. The graph indicates that while hamburger and pizza consumption both revealed a general trend of increase, fish and chips showed a trend of fluctuation.


First, the weekly average expenses of high-income people and middle-income people were 42 pence and 33 pence respectively, a lot higher than that of low-income people which was 14 pence. As for fish and chips, high-income people spent relatively less, only 17 pence, but the expenses of middle-income and low-income groups reached 25 pence and 18 pence, much higher than their expenses on pizza which stood at 12 pence and 8 pence respectively. What is worth mentioning is the amount of money spent on pizza by high-income people which showed only 20 pence, 2 pence more than their expense on fish and chips.


Second, starting from averagely 85 grams per week in 1970, people’s consumption of hamburgers gradually grew to 100 grams in 1975 and was then followed by a faster growth, reaching more than 200 grams in around 1983. From then on, the growth gained a stronger momentum, hitting the peak across the board at 550 grams in 1990.


Third, the consumption of pizza revealed a similar trend of growth as that of hamburgers and could also be clearly cut into three periods, though the growth rate was not that fast. It rose slowly from 40 grams per week in 1970 to 80 grams in 1980 and then grew faster from 80 grams in 1980 to 130 grams in 1985. From 1985, the growth rate was even faster and we see a big increase from 130 grams to 280 grams.


Fourth, the consumption of fish and chips showed three changes in the general trend of fluctuation. From 1970 to 1975, it dropped slowly from the original 300 grams per week in 1970 to 280 grams in 1975. Later on, from 1975 to 1985, it dropped a little bit faster when it fell from 280 grams to 200 grams. From then on, it began to rise gradually and till 1990, it had climbed back to 240 grams.


To sum up, the consumption of the three above mentioned fast foods in Britain showed certain rises and falls as illustrated in the chart and graph over the designated 20 years.


Task:Different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and .


1. 分段原则为:上升的一段,下降的一段,波动的一段。

2. 采用折现模式,重点描述数据的改变和趋势。

3. 注意一类数据的描述(Max, Min, 最大的改变等等)。


The bar chart shows the changing patterns of transport use in a European city during the period from 1960 to 2000. In brief, the chart shows that the use of the car as a means of transport dramatically increased over the period shown, while the others fell.

In detail, in 1960 the motor car was used least as a method of transport with only about 7% of the population using this method but car use grew steadily and strongly to finally reach about 37% of the population by 2000. This was a massive 5-fold increase in use.

Over this same period, however, the popularity of walking, which had been the most popular means of transport with 35% of the population in 1960 having it as their preferred way of getting around, fell to 10%. Bicycle use also fell from a high of about 27% in 1960 to just 7% in 2000.

On the other hand, bus use was more erratic being popular with almost 20% of the population in 1960 and rising to a peak of about 27% in 1980 before falling back to about 18% in 2000.

(188 words)


Task:The chart below shows the percentage of population in India, China, the USA and Japan in 1950 and .








The bar chart compares the changes in the proportion of population in India, China, the USA and Japan in 1950 and 2002. And it also indicates the projections for 2050.

In 1950. China accounted for one fourth of the world population. Although this figure decreased slightly, it still ranked the first in 2002, compared to other three countries. It is estimated that the population in China will continue to drop to 19 per cent in the middle of this century.

India ranked the second in terms of the population in the table, which made up 15 percent in 1950, but since then, there was a dramatic increase, climbing to approximately 19 percent. The percentage is expected to increase slightly to 21 per cent in 2050 and will probably exceed that in China.

When it comes to the population in the USA and Japan, both of which witnessed a decrease from 1950 to 2002. It is predicted that in 2050, the percentage will remain the same in the USA, and in Japan, the percentage is likely to keep falling.

Overall, it seems that India will become the country with the largest population although there is still a huge number of people in China.

(202 words)


The chart below shows the number (thousands) of four kinds of students in the UK in 1990, and .











1. 饼图和曲线图各自展示了什么数据在哪个时间点或段的变化特征?

2. 在饼图中,数据总值为多少?它由几部分组成?每一部分各代表什么?各自所占百分比又是多少?百分比从大到小如何排列的?谁最大?谁最小?

3. 曲线图有何特征?根据特征,曲线可以分成几段来描述?起点值、终点值、峰值、谷值多少?各自对应的时间点又是什么?



You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The chart and graph below give information about sales and share prices for Coca-Cola.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

You should write at least 150 words.


The pie chart shows the worldwide distribution of sales of Coca-Cola in the year and the graph shows the change in share prices between and .




此为中国学生都已经有的习惯性毛病,写作文时都喜欢写上为什么。雅思小作文属于客观性写作,要求的只是通过图表描述和总结,不可以把为什么写上,不需要解释。参照剑5 TEST 1中曲线图,日本在2030年左右65岁人口数量预计要陡增,但大家要的只是写出事实,根本不需要写出陡增的原因!


雅思写作考试在评分标准第二点中明确提到了Coherence and Cohesion(连贯与衔接),能够看出是一个很重要的得分参考点。而大部分中国学生的作文里已经充满了then, after, before等如此单调的低级连接词,得分肯定自然不会上去。合理的使用一些从句,关联词会使你的句子看起来更加精炼和有创意。

雅思小作文不能写的内容3、趋势描写是increase和decrease以及level off

大家当描写趋势的上升又或是下降时经常需要的只是使用到了一个increase & decrease+副词的模式。大家根本不清楚对上升下降的描写大家能够采取起码3种的描写方式动词+副词,形容词+名词以及把上升下降的词换做形容词来使用。这也正好避免了评分标准四Grammatical Range and Accuracy(语法范围与精确)中的陷阱。


Should secondary students study international news as one of their study projects. one think it is a waste of their valuable study time. Discuss both and tell your opinion.



1. 不该学: 国际新闻对于学生当地的社会而言太过遥远,和他们每天的学习和生活毫不相关。举例,国外的各种政治丑闻,罢工,或是股票的起起落落,都无法教会孩子们去了解当地社会,或是帮助他们取得更好的学校考试成绩。

2. 应该学: 首先,学习国际新闻开阔了学生的视野。举例,通过学习国际新闻中的国外文化元素,孩子们能掌握一种跨文化理解力,这让他们的海外旅行和留学不会犯二。

3. 还有,国际文化帮助孩子们变的更加成熟。举例,在富裕的国家,孩子们总是花钱大手大脚,因为他们的成长环境太安逸。当他们看看那些关于非洲战乱,饥饿和死亡的国际新闻之后,他们能学会珍惜他们的生活。


The world today has become quite dynamic and news stories develop almost every minute. Some people think reviewing the international news need to become a high school subject while another group disagrees. In my opinion, studying the news across the globe can shape these young viewers as well-informed citizens.

Admittedly, the main reason against such news is that it has nothing to do with students’ daily lives. For example, the breaking news in other countries or continents--such as political scandals, work strikes, ups and downs of stock market exchange, is too far from the regional situations to provide practical knowledge or instructions for local students. All they see and hear from the international news fail to reflect the truth and day-to-day changes of local community around them, or to improve their studying performance, or to teach them self-care skills for dealing with the challenges in a real world. In addition, the negative news from other countries including natural disasters, social violence and crimes, unnecessarily shock these young minds, thus trapping them into nervousness and anxiety. On this level, the assertion about the international news wasting time is proper.

However, I strongly believe the international news is highly valuable, to a large extent. Firstly, it is a wonderful means by which students’ minds can be broadened. For example, the international news reports inevitably contain a foreign culture from a certain country--from social manners to languages, from food to religious rituals. By being exposed to the exotic information, students can build up a cross-culture understanding, and their thoughts would become more flexible, adaptable and patient, when encountering with the cultural diversity in future travelling and studying abroad.

Besides, international news plays a role of catalyst for the maturity of youngsters. Actually, many teenagers in some rich countries are overindulged because they grow up in a peaceful, affluent, safe and healthy environment. More or less, they might squander money with no restraint. However, when watching the pictures and stories about Africa, like the massive starvation, epidemics, and the homelessness and death caused by civil wars, they begin to realize how happy their lives are. Then they can learn to spend money in moderation, cherish food and clothes, as well as turn into kind and charitable people with a willing of giving.

In conclusion, for young students in schools, there are more advantages of studying the global news over its disadvantages. Although it is possible that such studying is unpractical for their academic scores in school education or for daily lives, its benefits in cultivating youngsters as well-qualified generations with open, comprehensive and mature thoughts, can never be ignored.



It is known to all that the technological and scientific advances have made greater changes to the range and quality of our food. Some people regard it as an improvement while others believe that the change is harmful. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


Sample answer:

When it comes to the issue about how to judge the use of technologies on food, some people may argue that it contributes to a wider range of available food with better quality for human beings, but others believe that such advances may bring detriments to people’s health.

On one hand, thanks to the modern technologies, human beings are potent to enjoy a wider range of food than before. In the past, people could only enjoy some specific food in specific seasons, such as watermelon in summer. However, with the development of modern technologies, such as the green house, it is also available for individuals to enjoy watermelon in any season they like. Thus, the range of food has been exactly enlarged a lot due to the technological progress.

On the other hand, some potential risks may also exist with the utilization of technologies. It is acknowledged that scientists are eager to explore the mystery of transgene technologies and have adopted some technologies on food. However, the public may be fearful of such new product and even parade to resist transgene food since they cannot know whether some ingredients, after being altered by scientists, would do harm to their health. Considering the short history of transgene food, it is also understandable that human beings are reluctant to accept this new technology.

From my own perspective, it may be inevitable for human beings to adopt some scientific technologies to improve the range and quality of food, especially with the hybrid rice largely alleviating the famine worldwide. However, the possibility of negative consequences caused by it may not be ignored, either. Governments and scientists should be more responsible for their behavior and more scientific researches should be carried out to guarantee that the side effect of new food should be minimal. After all, what human beings intend through technologies on food is a better life, but not death.









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