
时间:2023-11-30 07:26:16 更多作文 收藏本文 下载本文




In the modern world, peace and development have become two major themes. But some areas in the world are still involved in wars. Take the ongoing lraqi War for example. The war is hurting people's welfare. So people all over the world pay a lot of attention to these issues.

People usually compare wars to disasters. They are right because wars often bring about not only great harm to people but also a lot of waste of wealth. During wartime, people's lives become so miserable that they don't have enough food to eat and no shelter to live in. And in destroyed cities,

the residents find themselves homeless all of a sudden, in addition, if a country wants to win a war, it has to spend a lot of money on both arms and armed forces. Then there is very little money left to develop its economy.

Even if the country wins the war, it is still difficult for it to recover from the damage of the war.

In a word, whether the world can develop steadily depends on whether the world is at peace. So peace and development are still hot topics in the world. I am sure that the majority of people who love peace will appeal for a world without war.


it that something of great terror thrusts people into the real, reality of life? Makes them realize what the real sources of our biggest problems? We can no longer ignore that PEOPLE are the real reason this world is where it is now. But one question I must ask is, why does it have to take such sacrifices to change the world. Why is it that whenever a proposition is called to help the world, some disagree, and it is not negotiated to order?

Thinking about the recent and some past situations, I can draw a conclusion. It takes an overwhelming amount of attention to change something so great as our way of life. I look back toward the begging of our last century, to the time where countries were so alienated, to each other, and they did it to them selves. By almost the middle of the century, two great wars were fought, and the better side, the side representing goodness or good will, won. It took the attention, the deaths of over six million over the period of 15 years to realize; one country cannot and will not change the world. But a band of countries uniting to make WORLD PEACE can get the better of the attention, the goodness of it. Now, another century, and millennium is beginning and we see the same thing trying to happen the world trying to be changed by negative attention.

I wonder to myself, how long is it going to be before this world unites to change the world for the good. And fight the terror as one. I also wonder, the opposite, how long or how many attempts will it take before this world is ruined because of hatred, terror, and everything representing badness. One thing I do understand and believe though. We must have hope. We must have hope that the day will come that we will no long be scared; and we will no longer fear. One day long after this, from the people that had hope, the people that fought for the goodness of the world, along with fighting for their God given right to live, will prosper from all this fighting. And the fighting will pay off, long after we all are forgotten, when the world is given to those you can’t even tell you what terror is, because they had never experienced it. And we all must keep fighting, and we all must have hope until that day that day arrives.


on swimming for peace

ladies and gentlemen:

before swimming in north atlantic in winter and recalling titanic, i come here, great the united states, from my motherland china for pushing on peace. i fell extraordinary honor and pride. im gangyi wang , 49 years old, lawyer, ph.d of jilin university, professor of dalian university of technology.

ten years ago, i used to be here, freedom goddess location-new york, and influenced by the culture of democrace, freedom and rule by law. tady, after ten years, i come back greate city-new york for developing the peace sprit that freedom goddes geve us and for memory of those who died in september 11 event and titanic.

uder the bless and protect of god, i succecded in challinging the south pole, lago grey of chile,han river of korea, ice sea of hokkaido in japan and set the record of human beings survival in low-temprature waters.

i will start off here to canada (st.johns) to swim from the place in ice sea of north atlantic in 17 jan. __ and that sea area is just the place where titanic sank 93 years ago. i hope that the winter swimming with the theme of love of life and swimming for pease is much concernd throughout the world.

i pray god bless and protect us.


well, this is not how i expected to wake up this morning. after i received the news, malia walked in and said, “daddy, you won the nobel peace prize, and it is bo's birthday!” and then sasha added: “plus, we have a three-day weekend coming up.” so it's good to have kids to keep things in


i am both surprised and deeply humbled by the decision of the nobel committee. let me be clear: i do not view it as a recognition of my own accomplishments, but rather as an affirmation of american leadership on behalf of aspirations held by people in all nations.

to be honest, i do not feel that i deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who have been honoured by this prize – men and women who have inspired me and inspired the entire world through their courageous pursuit of peace.

but i also know that this prize reflects the kind of world that those men and women, and all americans, want to build – a world that gives life to the promise of our founding documents. and i know that, throughout history, the nobel peace prize has not just been used to honour specific achievement; it's also been used as a means to give momentum to a set of causes. and that is why i will accept this award as a call to action – a call for all nations to confront the common challenges of the 21st-century.

these challenges can't be met by any one leader or any one nation. and that's why my administration has worked to establish a new era of engagement in which all nations must take responsibility for the world we seek...

some of the work confronting us will not be completed during my presidency. some, like the elimination of nuclear weapons, may not be completed in my lifetime. but i know these challenges can be met so long as it's recognised that they will not be met by one person or one nation alone. this award is not simply about the efforts of my administration – it's about the courageous efforts of people around the world.

and that's why this award must be shared with everyone who strives for justice and dignity – for the young woman who marches silently in the streets on behalf of her right to be heard even in the face of beatings and bullets; for the leader imprisoned in her own home because she refuses to abandon her commitment to democracy; for the soldier who sacrificed through tour after tour of duty on behalf of someone half a world away; and for all those men and women across the world who sacrifice their safety and their freedom and sometimes their lives for the cause of peace.

that has always been the cause of america. that's why the world has always looked to america. and that's why i believe america will continue to lead. thank you very much.


































猫和老鼠之和平的一天 自古以来,猫和鼠就是一对冤家。在混乱镇里,住这一对冤家,它们就是汤姆和杰瑞。 这天清晨,汤姆懒洋洋的躺在垫子上做着白日梦,它那里会想到它的死对头杰瑞已经在厨房里大吃大喝,还傻呼呼地以为杰瑞正在睡大觉。便做出荒唐可笑的事情,吃饱喝足的杰瑞忍不住大笑起来。

猫听见了笑声觉得很没面子,就一骨碌从垫子上翻起,寻找笑声的来源,一眼边瞅见了在一旁偷笑的杰瑞。眼疾手快的捉住了它,杰瑞自知难以脱身便说:“咱俩和平共处一定能干出一件大事。”汤姆一听,眼睛一亮说“好,咱俩就和平共处。” 于是它们开始搬家,搬到了镇上的和平镇。在这里它们看到老虎和山羊、兔子、野牛……一起共享夏日的阳光,并且一起共进晚餐。它们迫不及待地加入这个团体,一起唱歌、跳舞…… 可是在下午,杰瑞和汤姆一起去郊外游玩的时候。

杰瑞在马路旁边捡到一块鲜嫩的肉,打算带回去分享给朋友们吃,可是,汤姆不愿意,打起了自己的小算盘。趁杰瑞不注意,一把抢走了那块肉,吞进了自己的肚子。杰瑞非常的生气,想它既然没有和平共处的决心,就不想和它做朋友了。而且和平镇有一条规定,如果有人不和大家分享食物的话,它就不能在这里住下去了。而且有一个摄像头能把和平镇每个人干的事都拍下来。镇长知道了这件事,便在全镇搜查汤姆的踪迹,竟把汤姆赶出了和平镇。 它被迫流入了混乱镇,过上了孤独的生活。而杰瑞在和平镇过着舒适的生活。 猫和老鼠和平计划彻底泡汤。以后,谁也不再提和平的事了。


我希望地球能和平范思诗我有一个美好的愿望,希望地球能和平。我不想看见地球战争,鲜血横流。 我不想看见人们破坏森林,沙尘满地。有一天,我放飞和平鸽,心中充满了自豪。我仿佛看见了:人们和平共处, 在地球上幸福地生活着。人们在植树造林,到处鸟语花香,小朋友们在草地上,玩耍,嬉戏。让我们做出行动,让地球和平。-5-15下午于四川邻水







要和平,不要战争! 作者:李萌尊敬的黄老师 您好! 最近,我查阅了一些资料,看到了一幅真实的情景图,引发了我对战争与和平的关注,在这里向您汇报一下:一九三七年八月二十八日,日本侵略者轰炸上海火车南站,顷刻间,一个秩序井然的火车站变成了一片废墟。


战争给人类带来了严重的灾难,让无数人失去了生命。据统计,第一次世界大战持续了四年零三个月,有三十三个国家参战,卷入战争的人口达十五亿以上,军民伤亡达三千多万。弟二次世界大战历时六年之久,先后有六十多个国家和地区参战,二十多亿人卷入战争,死伤七千多万人。 战争给人类带来身体和心灵的创伤,是一个毁灭人类的恶魔。它使人妻离子散,家园破坏,到处充满血腥。














the goal of international day

the goal of the international day of peace vigil is: “to encourage the observation of a worldwide, grassroots 24-hour vigil for peace and nonviolence on the international day of peace, sunday, 21 september, in every house of worship and place of spiritual practice, by all religious and spiritually based groups and individuals, and by all men, women and children who seek peace in the world.”

this vigil is meant to demonstrate the power of prayer and other spiritual observances in promoting peace and preventing violent conflict. support this worldwide initiative by committing to hold a 24-hour vigil on 21 september.


Once, again and again, never end.

War, the evil demon of the world, has a bloody mouth full of bedbugs, and the greedy eyes squeeze the black hole's eyes out of the dark eyes. I kneel down, or resist, only to Kang jump, began to seek martyrs' life.

I am in the dark, for peace of the shadow, but always there is a movie back to the sun without shadow. In my dreams, seek peace song, can the dream is always silent, the sound will return to reality.

I am tired of the sun, and continue to look for the shadow of peace in the dark. I'm tired of reality, continue to explore peace in a dream song.

Peace, a distant place, is the horizon that I can't get to. War, a world of cruelty, is the misty palace where I can't escape.

In my dream, I saw my tears as dead as I could, and I couldn't see it in a moment. But still can't escape the cage.


In the era of bloody war, everywhere is full of the smell of blood. The flowers were no longer blooming, the sky turned gray, and the original warm sun was now cold. Wherever he went, it was a scary fight, and everyone was so worried. Fighting has left us too many things and lost too many relatives. Lonely children cry silently for their parents, and their parents are struggling. Many people were displaced and homeless, always with a heart of anxious and fearful heart.

The age of war flames of war, bloodshed and evil, and the age of peace is totally different, there have is everything beautiful and happy.

In the times of peace, people live and work, eat and wear warm, and live a happy life. The people at ease and develop their careers, to achieve some success through their own efforts; the children can wear clean, neat clothes sitting in class dedicated to the bright and spacious classrooms, in the book world carefree travel, so people no longer afraid to live. In the times of peace, everyone is happy, without pain, with laughter and happiness. The world of peace is the best world, the sun is bright, the river is clear, the trees are green, the people are kind, and there is a vibrant scene everywhere. Everything in the world is the best!

We love peace, who would want to escape from the smoke of the war? Cherish the present life, more tolerance, let peace live forever, let the war away from us!


In August 28, 1937, the Japanese aggressors bombed the ShangHai Railway Station. The scene was a mess, and the stench emanated from the decay of the corpse. Wow - Wow - wow, a baby's cry broke the dead silence. Lying next to the children's parents is a happy family. They are preparing to return home and visit their relatives. But all of this changed in an instant, and the baby became an orphan. A good man adopted him.

When he grew up, his adoptive parents told him the truth. From then on, he hated the war like that, and it was a war of sin that made him lose his most intimate person. He looked forward to peace and peace, because he knew that only peace would make the earth a home of human beings full of sunshine, flowers and love.


We live in the peace era, and the children of Iraq, Afghanistan and other regions and countries?

We live every day in a carefree way, and children living in war areas are homeless and even can't sleep in a safe way.

We can play football in the playground every day and play on the grass, and the children in the war area have lost their deserved joy. But then a landmine exploded pit, let the children could not play.

We play in the sea; and you can think in a war zone, the sea aboard a warship, a sea mine, have the potential for enormous risks.

Let us join hands, create harmony, stop the war, let the “God of peace” live forever, and let the world be filled with laughter and laughter.










“Firecrackers myself, put firecrackers myself!”

At six o'clock, the dinner has been eaten, my brother and brother while the burp, while lazily lying on the sofa watching TV.

“Ya, some people in the firecrackers, and heard this sound, just do not even want to move a brother,” Baji “about stood up, loudly shouting:” I want to set off firecrackers, I want to set off firecrackers! In his case of hard and soft, uncle agreed.

We went downstairs to shop for firecrackers. Wow, this year's firecrackers really what! What “butterfly king”, “gold ingot”, “color fireworks”, “machine gun”, everything has, countless, pick my eyes are spent. Finally, we pick the eight “color fireworks” four “butterfly king”, a “Avalokitesvara”, there is a “gold ingot” and “cannon”.

We first put the “cannon” put. “Cannon” sound is loud, let you have to run quickly. I and my brother standing on the slope, with four tight eyes staring at the cannon, see the uncle to the fire on the pull on the run.

“Run wow!” We shouted in unison, and then did not go back home to run.


The cannon rang, I also “fly” up. This power can be big enough.

We put a few “color fireworks”, ready to “heavyweight” and “gold ingot” to put.

We put the “gold ingot” on the ground, carefully ignited the above fuse. “Pop” “gold ingot” in the flames of the fireworks, fireworks next to jump out of the yellow sparks, like a golden fountain in the small yellow water spray. Blink of an eye, the fireworks changed, turned into a green! Next to a blue spark, like a green earth dotted lakes. For a while, the fireworks changed again! This time, is a white fireworks, colorful stars, as if the white skirt sprinkled with colorful flowers.

We put the rest of the firecrackers finished, seven thirty, and the preparation to see the Spring Festival Evening, we will put down firecrackers, go home.

Home, I look in the mirror, the whole family laughed: a small black in the mirror, black and black hands black arm! Xu Jingxan where to go is this “little black”!


Bang, bang“ With the sound of deafening sound of firecrackers, long years of hope is coming. Chinese New Year when people have to walk relatives, there are online chat, playing mahjong playing poker ... ... and I prefer the firecrackers.

Chinese New Year this year, my father bought a lot of firecrackers, all kinds of earth red, red sky guns also called two kicks, bombing, black spider guns, fireworks ... ... I bought a baby music and tattoo. Look at so many firecrackers I am happy to open the flowers. Dad they adults took two kicks out and put, my sister and I took the baby music bounce to come outside. I saw my father put two kick on the edge of the flower bed with cigarettes to point two kick the fuse, and then immediately went to the side, at this time ”bang“ soon as two kicked into the sky, like a small rocket rushed The sky, with the ”boom“ of the two kicks in the air exploded, I am happy to pat the hand. My sister is also another flower bed side of the baby to play, snapping sound, I am anxious to keep up. I first took out a baby Le whip at the edge of the flower bed, one hand over his ears to hold the other hand holding the incense hand up, the heart of a fear of a shiver, did not point to see my sister put a One of my heart is really envious and jealous. I once again scrape together up to halfway children and shrink back, my heart ”bang bang bang“ violent beating, afraid to collapse their own. Ugh! Looked up, sister of a box of baby music are almost finished, is proud of looking at me. ”I do not believe I dare not point“ I am determined to summon the courage, I put the incense to the fuse and then as fast as the rabbit ran to the distance, the whip immediately ”snapped“ to sound, I am pleased to laugh The

”In addition to the sound of firecrackers in addition to the spring, warm spring into the Tu Su ... ..." accompanied by earth-shattering sound of firecrackers, people laughter echoed in the air.


We have only one earth. But now,the environment becomes worse and worse.

As you know,theres no enough clean water for people. So many of them lose their lives because of water. In a lot of countries, people have to cut trees for living. So theres nothing to keep water from running away. Also we have polluted the land, the river and the air. So we have to face more and more floods and droughts .

Its time that we must do something useful to protect our environment. We can plant trees and take good care of them. We can save the water and ask our parents to do so. We cant throw any litter onto the ground and we should collect them for recycling.


Environment is vital to both human beings and all the other living things.

To protect our environment, we need spare no effects. For one thing, we should make reasonable laws and regulations. By legislation, many behivors can be prevented or advocated. For another, it is essential to reinforce the education on the whole society for the sake of enhancing global awareness of protecting the environment.

In addition, lots of economic measures can be implemented to protect the enviroment. For instance, tax is a useful way of forcing the industry to pay attention to the environment.

In a word, all the world should reach the agreement of the importance of protecting the environment and strengthen cooperation to make a better environment for both our generation and our next generation.



Water conservation

One day, I told my brother to play, he saw an uncle was holding a large brush, effortless in the pool also wrote a Please conserve water, five characters, then who will be the tap open to the uncle began to wash the largest pen. Washing with washing with water on the flooded pond, like hair, like flood, to flow in all directions to go, uncle, or turn a blind eye, still go its own way. He splashed the water in order to keep themselves, stay away.

Water in the brawl in flowing, as if in sad to say: Oh, some people really do not know a thing about the village that we do not know how much our contribution, if the plants without water, they will thirst death, to know our countrys fresh water resources become increasingly strained. Well, I hear a sigh, thinking: his uncle, who wrote a number of characters, Please save water, but he himself was a waste of water resources, he said and do not at all inconsistent with ah! So I walked over, courtesy of his uncle, said: Uncle, water is the source of life, you do not save water until the water dried up the day of regret too late, plant will all thirst, humanity would cease to exist, the water is too precious to mankind ah!

Uncle listened to me, first froze a moment, surprised to see me, and blushed to the ears and roots, said: Great, youre my teacher Then he hastened to shut the tap.

I experienced such a thing, decided to start from their own and cherish water resources:


























