新课标高一必修3 Unit 2 Healthy Eating--教案4

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新课标高一必修3 Unit 2 Healthy Eating--教案4(整理19篇)由网友“胶皮糖橡树”投稿提供,下面是小编为大家整理后的新课标高一必修3 Unit 2 Healthy Eating--教案4,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。

新课标高一必修3 Unit 2 Healthy Eating--教案4



②应用对数函数的性质可以解决:对数的大小比较,求复合函数的定义域、值 域及单调性。

③ 注重函数思想、等价转化、分类讨论等思想的渗透,提高解题能力。





1 比较数的大小

例 1 比较下列各组数的大小。

⑴loga5.1 ,loga5.9 (a>0,a≠1)

⑵log0.50.6 ,logЛ0.5 ,lnЛ







调递减,所以loga5.1>loga5.9 ;当a>1时,函数y=logax单调递




∵5.1<5.9 ∴loga5.1>loga5.9


∵5.1<5.9 ∴loga5.1




生:找“中间量”, log0.50.6>0,lnЛ>0,logЛ0.5<0;lnЛ>1,

log0.50.6<1,所以logЛ0.5< log0.50.6< lnЛ。



数 的单调性比大小,②借用“中间量”间接比大小,③利用对数


2 函数的定义域, 值 域及单调性。

例 2 ⑴求函数y=的定义域。




解:∵ 2x-1≠0x≠0.5

log0.8x-1≥0 , x≤0.8

x>0 x>0







解: x2+2x-3>0x<-3 或 x>1

(3x+3)>0 , x>-1

x2+2x-3<(3x+3) -2


例 3 求下列函数的值域和单调区间。

⑴y=log0.5(x- x2)




生:此函数可看作是由y= log0.5u, u= x- x2复合而成。


解:⑴∵u= x- x2>0, ∴0

u= x- x2=-(x-0.5)2+0.25, ∴0

∴y= log0.5u≥log0.50.25=2


x x(0,0.5] x[0.5,1)

u= x- x2

y= log0.5u

y=log0.5(x- x2)

函数y=log0.5(x- x2)的单调递减区间(0,0.5],单调递 增区间[0.5,1)

















⑶已知函数y=loga (a>0, b>0, 且 a≠1)

①求它的定义域;②讨论它的奇偶性; ③讨论它的单调性。

⑷已知函数y=loga(ax-1) (a>0,a≠1),




这节课是安排为习题课,主要利用对数函数的性质解决一些问题,整个一堂课分两个部分:一 .比较数的大小,想通过这一部分的练习,

培养同学们构造函数的思想和分类讨论、数形结合的思想。二.函数的定义域, 值 域及单调性,想通过这一部分的练习,能使同学们重视求函数的定义域。因为学生在求函数的值域和单调区间时,往往不考虑函数的定义域,并且这种错误很顽固,不易纠正。因此,力求学生做到想法正确,步骤清晰。为了调动学生的积极性,突出学生是课堂的主体,便把例题分了层次,由易到难,力求做到每题都能由学生独立完成。但是,每一道题的解题过程,老师都应该给以板书,这样既让学生有了获取新知识的快乐,又不必为了解题格式的不熟悉而烦恼。每一题讲完后,由教师简明扼要地小结,以使好学生掌握地更完善,较差的学生也能够跟上。




















定义:实数 λ 与向量 的积是一个向量,记作λ


如果e1、e2是同一个平面内的两个不共线向量,那么对于这一平面内的任一向量a,有且只有一对实数λ1,λ2,使a=λ1e1+λ2e2 ,其中e1,e2叫基底




设是上的 两点,P是上_________的任意一点,则存在实数,使_______________,则为点P分有向线段所成的比,同时,称P为有向线段的定比分点liuxue86.com




(2)|a||b|cosθ叫a与b的数量积,记作a·b,即 a·b=|a||b|cosθ




1、给出下列命题:①若|a|=|b|,则a=b;②若A,B,C,D是不共线的四点,则AB= DC是四边形ABCD为平行四边形的充要条件;③若a=b,b=c,则a=c;④a=b的充要条件是|a|=|b|且a∥b;⑤若a∥b,b∥c,则a∥c



3、若将向量a=(2,1)绕原点按逆时针方向旋转 得到向量b,则向量b的坐标为_____

4、下列算式中不正确的是( )


(C) 0·AB=0 (D)λ(μa)=(λμ)a

5、若向量a=(1,1),b=(1,-1),c=(-1,2),则c=( )

、函数y=x2的图象按向量a=(2,1)平移后得到的图象的函数表达式为( )

(A)y=(x-2)2-1 (B)y=(x+2)2-1 (C)y=(x-2)2+1 (D)y=(x+2)2+1

7、平面直角坐标系中,O为坐标原点,已知两点A(3,1),B(-1,3),若点C满足OC=αOA+βOB,其中a、β∈R,且α+β=1,则点C的轨迹方程为( )

(A)3x+2y-11=0 (B)(x-1)2+(y-2)2=5

(C)2x-y=0 (D)x+2y-5=0

8、设P、Q是四边形ABCD对角线AC、BD中点,BC=a,DA=b,则 PQ=_________

9、已知A(5,-1) B(-1,7) C(1,2),求△ABC中∠A平分线长

10、若向量a、b的坐标满足a+b=(-2,-1),a-b=(4,-3),则a·b等于( )

(A)-5 (B)5 (C)7 (D)-1

11、若a、b、c是非零的平面向量,其中任意两个向量都不共线,则( )

(A)(a)2·(b)2=(a·b)2 (B)|a+b|>|a-b|

(C)(a·b)·c-(b·c)·a与b垂直 (D)(a·b)·c-(b·c)·a=0

12、设a=(1,0),b=(1,1),且(a+λb)⊥b,则实数λ的值是( )

(A)2 (B)0 (C)1 (D)-1/2

16、利用向量证明:△ABC中,M为BC的中点,则 AB2+AC2=2(AM2+MB2)

17、在三角形ABC中, =(2,3), =(1,k),且三角形ABC的一个内角为直角,求实数k的值































3、注意:|a+b| ≤ |a| + |b|,当且仅当方向相同时取等号.











1. 教学重点:两角和、差正弦和正切公式的推导过程及运用;

2. 教学难点:两角和与差正弦、余弦和正切公式的灵活运用.













用- B代替B看看有什么结果?























o 了解向量的实际背景,理解平面向量的概念和向量的几何表示;掌握向量的模、零向量、单位向量、平行向量、相等向量、共线向量等概念;并会区分平行向量、相等向量和共线向量.

o 通过对向量的学习,使学生初步认识现实生活中的向量和数量的本质区别.

o 通过学生对向量与数量的识别能力的训练,培养学生认识客观事物的数学本质的能力.







































篇9:新课标 高一 必修1 Unit 4 Earthquakes

Unit 4 Earthquakes

Part One: Teaching Design (第一部分:教学设计)

Period 1: A sample lesson plan for reading



To listen and talk about natural disasters

To read about earthquakes


I. Warming up

Warming up by looking

Good morning class. Have you ever experienced any natural disasters? Look at the pictures, can you name all the disasters?

volcano fire sandstorm

typhoon hailstone thunderstorm

flood hurricane earthquake

Have you ever experienced an earthquake? Can you describe how terrible an earthquake is?

(The earth is shaking; all the buildings will fall down; many people will die; many children will become orphans.)

Warming up by discussing

Now, look at the pictures of Tangshan and San Francisco in warming up and describe what you see in the pictures. (beautiful cities; broad roads; tall building; large population.)

What will happen if there has been a big earthquake in these two cities?

As we all know, earthquakes are disasters to everyone. But can we avoid or at least reduce the loss caused by earthquakes? Can we foretell earthquakes? Now let’s come to Pre-reading and decide what may happen before an earthquake comes.

II. Pre-reading

1.Talking and sharing

What are the signs of an earthquake? (e.g. Cows, pigs and dogs become too nervous too eat. The mice will run out of the fields looking for places to hide. The water in the wells will rise and fall. Walls of the wells in village will have deep cracks. There will be bright light in the sky….)

2. Imaging and sharing

Imagine there is an earthquake now, your home begins to shake and you must leave it right away. You have time to take only one thing. What will you take? Why?

III. Reading

1. Listening and fast reading

Now let’s come to the text “A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN’T SLEEP” and see what it tells us.

Please listen to the text and get the general idea of the passage. You should pay attention to the first sentences of each paragraph. In what order is the text written? (The text is written in time order. The general idea is the mixture of the first sentences of each paragraph, that is, the text tells us something that happened before the earthquake, during the earthquake and after the earthquake.)

2. Reading and underlining

Next you are to read and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage. Copy them in your notebook after class as homework.


a smelly gas, come out of, in the farmyards, too nervous to eat, run out of, look

for place to hide, water pipes, think little of sth., as usual, it seemed that, at an

end, one hundred kilometers away, one-third, eight kilometers long, thirty meters

wide, cut across, in ruins, be injury, the number of, reach more than 400, 000,

everywhere, everything was destroyed, be gone, blow away, sth. be not safe for, tens of thousands of, give milk, half a million, instead of, be shocked, later that afternoon,

be trapped under the ruins, fall down, all…is/was not…,hundreds of thousands of,

dig out, the dead, to the north of, coal mines, built shelters, fresh water

3. Reading aloud and translating

Next we are going to read aloud the text and translate it into Chinese.

4. Reading and transforming information

Read the text again and answer the following questions.

1. What natural signs of coming disaster were there?

2. Can you think of some reasons why these signs weren’t noticed?

3. Can you describe the disaster caused by the earthquake?

4. What events and situations probably made the disaster worse?

5. How were the survivors helped?

6. Could anything more have been done to help the survivors? Why or why not?

Answers: 1, 3, 4, 5 are easy to answer.

2. Maybe at that time people didn’t have knowledge of an earthquake.

6. The students have their own answers.

4. Discussing writing style

As you have understood the general idea of the text, I still put more questions to you.

1. From whose point of view are events described? How do you know? (A writer

who didn’t see the quake uses the third person “they” when he writes.)

2.Why do you think the writer chose to express her feelings about the quake rather than simply report what happened? (Although the writer was not there he felt sad for the people of Tang Shan. He knows that giving some feelings will make the reading more interesting.)

3.Why is the title “A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN’T SLEEP”? (As usual, night is the time to sleep, and night should be quiet and safe. But that night everything changed. The writer used it as a title to show how terrible and how unusual that night is.)

5. Reading and understanding difficult sentences.

If you have some difficult sentences to understand, come to me for help.

IV. Closing down

Closing down by doing exercises

Now please do the comprehending Exercises 1, 2 and 3 on page 27.

Closing down by discussing

By now you’ve known that earthquakes are terrible natural disasters and that China is unlucky enough to have a lot of them. Now imagine that your group lives in the city that has a lot of earthquakes, what should you do during an earthquake? Look at the given situation and discuss in pairs.

(1) If you are OUTDOORS, …

(2) If you are in a HIGH BUILDING, …

(3) If you are DRIVING, …

(4) If you are HAVING CLASS, …

(5) If you are in a CINEMA, …

What should you do during the earthquake?


(1) how to rescue those still trapped in the ruins;

(2) how to take care of the survivors;

(3) how to repair buildings that survived the earthquake;

(4) what to do with the buildings that survived the earthquake;

(5) where to find people to help build a new city;

(6) how to teach children about earthquake safety;

(7) where to put information for survivors and their families;

(8) how to plan for further disasters.

Period 2: A sample lesson plan for Learning about Language

(The Attributive Clause: that, which, who, whose)


To learn about the usage of who, which, that and whose in the Attributive Clause

To discover useful words and expressions


I. Warming up

Warming up by discovering useful words and expressions

Hello everyone. After reading the passage, we have got to know the usage of the words and expressions, but we should do more practice. Now turn to page 27 to find the correct words and expressions from the passage to finish the sentences. You are given two minutes to finish them. Of course, you can discuss with your partners. Two minutes later, check in pairs and then check with the whole class.

II. Learning about language

1. Reading and finding

Turn to page 26 and read the text A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN’T SLEEP. Tick out the attributive clauses in the reading passage and translate them into Chinese.

2. Doing Exercises 2 on page 28

Turn to page 28 and do Exercise 2 in pairs.

III. Ready used materials for Relative Pronouns: which, that, who whom whose

What are Relative Pronouns?

Relative pronouns are special pronouns which can connect the antecedent and the

attributive clause. Also they can be used as a part of the attributive clause. Here

are some important differences:

1. which/ that: referring to things, can be used as a subject or an object in the

attributive clause; when they are used as an object, they can be omitted:

The plane is a machine that/which can fly.

The school (that/which) he visited last week is to the south of the city.

2. that/ who/whom: referring to a person, can be used as subject or object in the

attributive clause; whom can be used as an object:

The girl (that/whom/who) we saw yesterday was Jim’s sister.

The man that/who is talking to my father is my maths teacher.

3. whose: referring to a person or a thing, can be used as an attribute in the

attributive clause:

This is the writer whose name is known all over the world.

The room whose window faces south is mine.

4.Before everything, anything, everybody, anybody, all, the best +n, the

fifth +n, we use that instead of which:

All (that) I need is time.

This is the largest factory (that) I have ever visited

The sixth lesson (that) we are learning is the most difficult in Book Two.

5. We can’t use that in a Non-Defining Attributive Clause:

I have lost the pen, which I like very much.

I have two sisters, who are both teachers.

IV. Closing down by doing a quiz

Now you are going to take a quiz on Relative Pronouns.

Fill in the blanks, using which, that, who, whom, whose.

(1) The force ( ) causes everything to fall towards the ground is called gravity.

(2) A friend ( ) helps you in time of need is a friend indeed.

(3) Do you know the girl ( ) parents are teachers in our school?

(4)The woman ( ) I spoke to just now is my English teacher.

(5) He saw a house ( ) windows were all broken.

(6)Everything ( ) can be done today mustn’t be done tomorrow.

(7)Can you think of anyone ( ) could look after him?

(8)This is the best hotel ( ) I know.

(9)The man ( ) I saw told me to come back today.

(10)Those ( ) want to go to the Great Wall write down your names here.

(11) He talked a lot about the teachers and the schools ( ) he had visited.

(12)The ninth lesson ( ) we are learning is the most difficult in Book One.

(13)Mount Blanc(勃朗峰), ( ) they visited last month, is the highest mountain in Europe.

(14)We know all the teacher ( ) work in our school.

(15)The house in ( ) Lu Xun once lived is a museum now.

(16)The house ( ) Lu Xun once lived is a museum now.

(17)The house ( ) Lu Xun once lived in is a museum now.

(18)You can take any room ( ) you like.

(19) He showed a machine ( ) parts are too small to be seen.

(20)The sports meet was put off, ( ) was exactly what we wanted.

Answers to the exercises: (1)which/that (2)who/that (3)whose (4)whom/that/who (5)whose (6)that (7)that (8)that (9)that/whom/who (10)who (11)that (12)that (13)which (14)that (15)which (16)in which/where (17)which/that (18)that (19)whose (20)which

Period 3:A sample lesson plan for Using Language

(A letter from Zhang Sha)


To read and speak about traveling

To write a letter describing feeling about traveling


I. Warming up

Warming up by discussing

Have you ever written a speech? What is a speech? Speech means an act of speaking formally to a group of listeners. What do you have to consider when you are writing a speech? Please discuss it in pairs. (1. Who is the audience? 2. How can we express ourselves clearly?)

Warming up by reading

What should you include in your speech when you try to write one? Read the letter on page 29 and imagine you are the student who was invited to give a speech. Now write a short speech, in which you should follow the points in exercise 3 on page 29.

II. Reading and underlining

Read the letter and exercises again and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the letter. Copy them in your notebook after class as homework.

Collocations from the letter

congratulations, be pleased to do sth., win the high school speaking competition, a

group of five judges, all of whom, agree, be proud of, open a new park, honour those who died in the terrible disaster, would like to do, have you do sth., as you know, invite sb.

to do sth., on that special day, at the beginning of, thank sb, for doing sth.,

honour sb. for sth., be known as, encourage sb. to do sth., be happy to do sth.,

collect stamps, lose one’s life

III. Listening

Turn on your books at page 30. We’ll listen to a story about a person who experienced the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. I’ll play the tape three times. First listen and try to get some details that exercises 1 and 2 request. Second listen again and try to finish the exercises. Third listen and check your answers.

IV. Guided writing (SB. page 31)

1. Making a introduction

Have you ever read a newspaper story? Now turn on your books to page 31 and look at Writing. Read the brief description about how to write a newspaper story. Compare a newspaper story to a short story and answer the following questions.

1) What should you write before writing a newspaper story? (outline)

2) What should a newspaper outline have? (a headline; a list of main ideas; a list of important details)

3) Why a headline is needed? (It can tell the readers what the topic is; it can also attract the readers’ attention)

4) How can you finish a newspaper story? (First, you should write a headline, then organize your main ideas into paragraphs, and then put some details into each paragraph.)

5) Have you found out the difference between a newspaper story and a short story?

(Usually a short story begins with small details and includes big details later. A newspaper story does just the opposite. Both kinds of stories use paragraphs with main ideas. In a good newspaper story, the point-of-view is objective (i.e. it has no point-of-view) while a short story is subjective (i.e. it has a point-of-view). A newspaper story has no conclusion; a short story generally does.)

Now I’ll show you a newspaper story to find out the headline, main idea and details of each paragraph.


SEATTLE-A powerful earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 hit Washington State last week. The quake, the biggest in 50 years, caused billions of dollars in damage. But miraculously, only one person died and more than 100 people were injured in the quake.

Authorities said one reason there wasn’t greater destruction is that the region spent millions of dollars in the last decade designing earthquake----proof facilities and improving existing buildings, schools and homes.

Earthquake expert said the event illustrated(说明) the growing gap between rich and poor nations in the ability to mitigate(减轻) natural disasters. Only a handful of people were seriously injured here, a slight number compared with the devastation(破坏) in countries like Turkey, India and El Salvador, where quakes have buried thousands under poorly constructed buildings.

2. Writing

Now prepare the outline for a short newspaper story for China Daily. You can use the example in exercise 1 to help you organize your outline.

3. Underling

Read the outline and the newspaper story in Writing and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in them. Copy them to your notebook after class as homework.

Collocations from Writing

a list of, put some details into each paragraph, a team of, raise money, thousands of,

plan to do sth., in early June, hope to do sth., be interested to do sth.

IV. Closing Down

Closing down by summary

We have learned a lot about earthquakes. Now let’s have a summary about what we have learned. Look at the following questions.

(1) Have you ever experienced an earthquake?

(2) Can you describe an earthquake in English?

(3) What do you know about the cause of an earthquake?

(4) What new information about earthquakes have you learned now?

(5) What words and expressions can you use to describe an earthquake?

Closing down by finding information

Go to the library to read or get online to search in order to find more in formation about natural disasters.

Part Two: Teaching Resources (第二部分:教学资源)

Section1: A text structure analysis of A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN’T SLEEP

I. Type of writing and summary of the main idea

Type of writing This is a piece of descriptive writing

Main idea of the passage The article describes the cause, the course and the

result of Tang Shan earthquake in 1976. It

shows us the terrible image of earthquake. At the

same time it hits us that we must realize that

we can do something to minimize the damage

caused by earthquake.

Topic sentence of 1st paragraph Strange things were happening in the countryside in

northeast Hebei.

Topic sentence of 2nd paragraph Everything began to shake and it seemed that the

world was at an end.

Topic sentence of 3rd paragraph Everywhere they looked nearly everything was


Topic sentence of 4th paragraph All hope was not lost.

II. A text structure analysis

Read the text “A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN’T SLEEP”, and then complete the following chart.

Time/ order What happened Result

three days before the earthquake

at about 3:00 am Saw: cracks

water in the wells--- rose and fell,

animals--- too nervous , hide

fish jumped out of bowls & ponds

bright light in the sky

water pipes---cracked and burst

heard: sound of planes

smelt: smelly gas in the cracks of the wells People thought little of the

events and went to bed

as usual

at 3:42 am

felt: everything shook

one-third nation felt it

heard in Beijing 100 kilometers away

a huge crack cut across houses,


saw: steam burst from holes in the ground

hard hills of rock-rivers of dirt

city lay in ruins

4 400,000 people


75% factories

90% home were gone

bricks covered

dams/bridges fell

not safe railway tracks


cows never milk

pigs/chickens died

wells filled with sand

rescue workers and doctors trapped under the ruins

buildings fell down


hard to get

after that hope not lost

army sent 150,000 soldiers

workers built shelters for survivors

fresh water was taken to the city the city began to breathe again

III. A retold version of the text

One possible version

Strange things happened in Tang Shan. For three days the water in the village wells rose and fell. The well walls had deep cracks and a smelly gas came out the cracks. The chickens, pigs and mice were too nervous. Fish jumped out of bowls and ponds. Bright light appeared in the sky. People heard the sound of planes even when no planes were in the sky. The water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst.

At 3:42 am everything began to shake. It seemed that the world was at the end! One-third of the nation felt it. A huge crack cut across the city. In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins. Two-thirds of the people died or were injured. Nearly everything was destroyed in the city. 75% of its factories and 90% of its homes were gone. Then later that afternoon, another big earthquake shook Tangshan. People began to wonder how long the disaster would last.

But all hope was not lost. The army sent 150,000 soldiers to help them. Workers built shelters for survivors. Slowly, the city began to breathe again.

Section 2: Background information on EARTHQUAKES

I. Zhang Heng

Zhang Heng (张衡) (78AD-139AD) was an astronomer, mathematician, artist and literary scholar(文学学者)in the Eastern Han Dynasty of China.

Born in today’s Nangyang County, Henan, he was a good writer at age 12. At the age of 16, he left home to pursue(从事) his studying the capital city. He spent at least 10 years of his youth in literary studies and writing. He published several well-recognized literary writings. He switched to(转向) astronomy after age 30.

In the year 123 he corrected the calendar to bring it into line with the seasons.

In 132 Zhang Heng invented the first seismograph(地震仪) for measuring earthquakes. His device was in the shape of a cylinder(圆柱体) with eight dragon heads around the top, each with a ball in its mouth. Around the bottom were eight frogs, each directly under a dragon head. When an earthquake occurred, a ball fell out of the dragon’s mouth into a frog’s mouth, making a noise. He also invented the odometer(里程表)

Zhang Heng was the first person in China to construct a rotating celestial globe.

In one of his publications he also proposed π= 730/232 (or about 3.1466) .

II. Earthquake Survival Tips

Would you know what to do during a really big earthquake? Experts have looked into matter carefully. It may be worth you while to look over the following tips they have for us.

If the ground begins shaking while you are driving, pull over and stay in your car. If you are in a building, try to get near a strong wall. The corner of the room or the space under a big doorway is the safest. As soon as the quake is over, check the gas pipe in the building. Gas fires often result from earthquakes. These tips may prove to be lifesavers. We should, therefore, keep them in mind. Remember to always hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

Escape in the School

If it has an earthquake when having classes, the students should listen to the teacher’s instruction, protect their heads and hide under the desks.

If it has an earthquake when the students are in the sports ground, they can crouch on the spot and protect their heads with hands. Be sure to keep away with high building and dangerous objects.

Don’t go back to the classroom.

Retreat in order after the earthquake.

Escape in Public Places

Listen to the command of the site workers. Don’t be scared and don’t rush towards the exits. Try to avoid crowds. Avoid to be squeezed to the wall or barriers.

At theaters and gyms: crouch down or slip under the chairs; avoid suspending lights and electric fans; protect the head with schoolbags; after the earthquake, listen to the command of the workers, retreat in an organized way.

In department stores, bookstores, museums or subway: find firm counters, commodities (low furniture etc.) or a pillar, or the corner of a wall to crouch down on the spot, protect the heads with hands or other objects; keep away from glass windows, glass counters or show counters; keep away from tall cupboards; keep away from advertisement boards and other suspending objects.

On buses or trolley buses: Grasp the handles to avoid being injured; lower the center of gravity; hide near the seats; get off after the earthquake passed.

Section3: Words and expressions

I. Words for reading

1. imagine vt. form a picture of in the mind;think of (sth.) as probable:想象;认为(某事)可能发生或存在。宾语为名词、代词、动名词、从句。宾语从句为否定意义时,要用否定转移,与think, believe, suppose, expect用法相同,成为I/ We don’t imagine…,意为“我(们)认为……不……如:We can imagine her sadness.我们可以想象她的悲伤。I didn’t imagine (my) becoming a teacher in my childhood.在童年时代,我并未想象能成为一名教师。Can you imagine how much I was surprised to hear the news?你能想象我听见这个消息有多惊讶吗?I don’t imagine so. = I imagine not.我认为不是这样。

cf. imagine, guess, suppose


guess: form an opinion, give an answer, make a statement, based on supposition, not on careful thought, calculation, or definite knowledge: “猜测,臆测”,指未知道前的猜测;

suppose: let it be though that; take it as a fact that:认定,假定; guess; think: “想象,推测”,意指“假定或假设中的情形”。

2. cf. shake, tremble

shake: move, be moved, quickly or violently up and down, forwards and backwards: 最普通用词,可指人或物 “摇动,发抖”。指人时常用于感情激动、寒冷、惧怕引起的身体颤动。在表示 “因……而颤抖”时,多用with。在表示 “使受震撼,使(信念等)动摇”,常用于be shaken by/with/at中。

tremble: shake involuntarily ( with fear, anger, cold, physical weakness, etc.) 颤栗,震颤,发抖(因恐惧,愤怒,寒冷,体弱等),常常与shake相互替换,但指握手,摇头或捧腹大笑时用shake, tremble只用作不及物动词。如:The poor boy was shaking with cold.这个孩子正冻的发抖。They were badly shaken by the news.他们对这个消息大为震惊。The host shook hands with all the guests.主人跟所有的客人握手。Her voice was trembling with anger.她气的声音发抖。

3. cf. rise, raise

rise vi. ( of the sun, moon, stars, river, price, temperature, etc.) appear above the horizon:指自然“上升”,常用于日、月、云、霞、烟、水蒸气、物价、温度、河水、潮水及人的职位等:He rose from his chair and began his speech.他从椅子上站起来开始了他的演说。Her temperature is still rising.他的体温还在上升。He has risen in rank.他已经升职了。

raise vt. 1. lift up; move from a low(er) to a high(er) level; cause to rise: 外部的力量,“举起、提高”: The people’s living standard has greatly been raised.人民的生活水平已大大的提高了。 2.grow or produce (crops); breed (sheep, etc.); bring up a family: 饲养、种植”、养育、抚育: They can raise rice here.他们这儿能种水稻。

4. burst into / burst out : send out suddenly; break out into; suddenly begin to ……

burst into + doing: She burst into tears. = She burst out crying.她突然哭起来了。

burst out + n.:All of them burst into laughter = All of them burst out laughing.他们全都大笑起来了。

5. cf. destroy, ruin, damage

destroy: break to pieces; make useless; put an end to: 毁灭;摧毁;毁坏;破坏。表示在肉体上、精神上或道义上彻底摧毁,使之无法复原,也可以表示对某物体进行完全的毁坏: All his hopes were destroyed.他所有的希望都毁灭了。An atom bomb would destroy a city. 一颗原子弹可以摧毁一座城市。

ruin: sth. which has decayed, been destroyed, etc.:败坏,毁坏,崩溃的状态。 指对物体或生命彻底的破坏,但往往是非暴力的,也往往不是一次的打击结果,常指对美好的或希望中的事物的破坏: Smoking ruined his health.吸烟毁了他的健康。She ruined his prospects.她毁了他的前途。

damage: harm or injury that causes loss of value: 损害;损毁(使失去价值)。一般指对物体或生命的局部损坏:Their houses were damaged by the enemy’s shellfire.他们的房屋被敌人的炮火击毁了。

6.cf. hurt, wound, injure

hurt: cause bodily injury or pain to; damage; pain ( a person, his feeling): 使受伤;使疼痛;伤害; 使伤心。一般用语,即可指肉体上的伤害,也可指精神上的伤害,还可用作不及物动词,意为“疼痛、惹起痛苦”: What he said hurt me deeply.他说的话使我非常伤心。

wound: hurt or injury to the living tissue of the body, caused by cutting, shooting, tearing, etc., esp. as the result of attack: 指外伤,如枪伤、刀伤、剑伤,尤指在战争中,战斗中受伤: He got wounded in the fighting.他在战斗中受了伤。

injure: hurt; damage, esp. for result of an accident;一般指由于意外或事故而受伤。如:He was badly injured in the accident.他在这次事故中受了重伤。Smoking will injure your health.吸烟会毁了你的健康。

7. cf. shock, astonish, surprise

shock vt./n: to cause usually unpleasant or angry surprise to (sb.): 震惊,打击,吃惊程度最大,后面常跟介词at/by构成词组be shocked at/by,表示“对……吃惊”,或接不定式表示原因,也可作名词,意为“震动,打击”: He was shocked by what you said.他对你说的话感到震惊。He was shocked to know his son playing all day.他知道他的儿子整天玩大为震惊。The news gave me a great shock.这个消息给了我很大的打击。

astonish vt./n: surprise greatly. 语气比surprise要强,含有令人难以置信: I was astonished to see him in Tibet.在西藏见到他,真感到惊异。The news astonished everyone.这个消息使每个人都很震惊。

surprise vt./n: (feeling caused by) sth. sudden or unexpected: 最普通用词,意为“使惊讶,使吃惊”,含有“意想不到”之意。如: I was surprised to see the great changes in my hometown.看到家乡的巨大变化他惊讶不已。His failure didn’t cause much surprise (was not a great surprise.)他的失败未引起很大的惊奇(并非很意外的事)。

II. Words for using language

1.congratulation n 1)(with on)an expression of joy for sb.’ success, good fortune, luck, etc. : 庆贺,祝贺,常用复述形式,并与介词on搭配,构成短语congratulations on sth. /doing …. 2)Congratulations ( on your winning the races)!恭喜(你获得了胜利)!I offered my congratulations on his success. 我对他的成功表示了祝贺。3)congratulate v. (with on.) to speak to ( a person) with praise and admiration for a happy event or sth. successfully done: 意为“向某人表示祝贺,向某人道贺”,构成短语congratulate sb. on sth. /dong…. congratulate oneself that结构中:We congratulated him on having passed the examination.我们祝贺他通过了考试。He congratulates himself on having chosen a good woman to be his wife.他暗自庆幸自己挑选了一位贤惠的女子作妻子。

2. cf. especially, specially

especially: to an exceptional degree; in particular: 特殊地,尤其,常用于正式文体中: This is a very common word, especially in spoken English.这是一个很普通的词,尤其在英语口语中。She likes the country, especially in spring.她喜欢这个国家,尤其是春天。

specially: for a particular purpose: 特别地,专门地,表示“为了特别的目的”:This cake was specially made for you. 这个蛋糕是专门为你做的。

3. cf. be known as, be known for, be known to sb.

be known as作为……而闻名;be known for以/因……而闻名;be known to sb.为……而熟悉。如:He was known as a excellent singer.他作为一名优秀的歌手而闻名。The city is known for its long history.这座城市以它的悠久的历史闻名。 He is known to the police as a thief. 警察都知道他是个小偷。

III. Explanation of difficult sentences

1. It seemed that the world was at an end.似乎世界末日来临。


1)seem + (to be ) + adj./n.

2)seem + to do

3)seem + like + n.

4)It seems/seemed (to sb.) + that-clause如:Our English teacher seems to be a kind man. He seems to know everything = It seems that he knows everything. It seems like years since we last met. It seems that I have seen her before. = I seem to have seen her before.

2. Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed.人们无论朝哪里看,几乎一切都被毁了。

everywhere 用作连词,等于wherever, no matter where,引起让步状语从句。如:Everywhere I go, I find the same thing.无论我去哪儿,我都看到一样的东西。You see it everywhere you look.无论你往哪儿看,你都会看到它。

3. …90% of its homes were gone.90%的家都不存在了。

是过去分词作表语,意为“不在”“走了”“丢了”“用完了”,或指人“死了”。分数、百分数作主语,谓语动词要根据分数、百分数代表的量是可数名词还是不可数名词而定。如:His job was gone.他的工作丢了。My watch was gone.我的表不见了。He’ll be gone for quite a little while.他要离开很长一段时间。50% of the students in our class are girls.我们班50%的学生是女生。Two-thirds of the earth surface is covered with water.地球表面的三分之二是水。

4. The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.救援人员组成小分队,将被困的人挖出来,将死者掩埋。

those who相当于意为“凡……的人”,表示的是两者以上的不定数量,who引导的定语从句用复数,不能用that代替。(注意:anybody who, he who中谓语动词用单数。)

the dead意为“死难者”。形容词或分词前加表示同一类人或物,谓语动词常用复数形式。如:Those who want to see the film write your names on the paper.想看电影的人把你们的名字写在这张纸上。Anybody who breaks the law will be punished.任何人犯法都要受到惩罚。He who laughs last laughs best.谁笑在最后,谁笑的最好。The rich are not always happy.有钱人并不总是幸福的。

5. To the north of the city, most of the 10,000 miners were rescued from the coal mines. 在城市的北部,一万矿工中的大多数从矿井中被救出。

in the north, to the north与on the north

in表示“在其中”,在境界内;to表示在境外,不接壤;on表示接壤。如:China lies in the east of Asia.中国位于亚洲东部。Japan lies to the east of China.日本位于中国的东面。(指在中国境外)China faces the Pacific on the east.中国东临太平洋。(指东部境界与太平洋相接)

篇10:新课标高一必修2 Unit 3 Computer―教案4

人教版新课标高一必修2 Unit 3 Computer―教案4

人教版新课标高一必修2 Unit 3 Computer―教案4 Unit 3 Computer教4 TITLE=人教版新课标高一必修2 Unit 3    The 3rd period: learning about Language ---the Present Perfect Passive Voice Goals: 1. Learn the Present Perfect Passive Voice. 2. Help the students master the way of using the correct voice, telling the differences between the active voice and the passive voice.  Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Revision and lead-in 1. Check the homework first Ex1: 1 totally  2 revolution  3 artificial intelligence 4 birth  5 simple-minded  6 go by   7 deal with  8 network  9 truly 10 anyway Ex2: revolution; network; went by; totally; truly; simple-minded; Anyway; deal with Ex3: 1  totally  2 amazed  3 exciting  4 excited  5 cheaply 6 unlucky 2. Lead-in Say: Are you familiar with these computers? Can you call them? (ask the Ss to distinguish different types of computers.) Do you know these new inventions of computer ? A wrist-worn PChas been invented recently. A pen-like computer has already been developed. (show them some pictures and ask them to make some sentences , using the Present Perfect Passive Voice.) Eg: It’s rather a hot day today! Would you like to have a swim after school ? Have you ever swum in the Blue Water World(蓝色水世界) in the Oriental Suntown (东方太阳城) which has been set up in Taizhou? There a beautiful swimming pool has been built . Many high buildings have been set up. Lots of flowers and trees have been planted. A new bridge has been completed…. Step2: Discovering Ask the Ss to discover whether these sentences have something in common.. Help them to learn the useful structure : the Present Perfect Passive Voice.  Step3: Discussion : learning the structure Give some explanations 1构成:  主动语态 被动语态 现在完成时 have/has done----------àhave/has been done He has been sent to study the new technology in the company. The dirty clothes have not been washed. Have the windows been cleaned? How many shopping centers have been built in this city? 2. 只有及物动词才有被动语态,不及物动词(词组)没有被动语态, 如:happen, take place, die, appear, disappear, fail, remain, lie, last, sit ,stand, break out, come true, belong to等.如: What has happened to your brother? 3.但许多不及物动词加介词或副词构成的.短语动词,相当于及物动词,也可以有被动语态。 但短语动词是一个不可分割的整体,变为被动语态时,不可丢掉构成短语的介词或副词。如: The child has been taken good care of by Grandma Wang all these years. A notice has been put up on the wall Step4: Practice and exercises 1.Change the following sentences into the Present Perfect Passive Voice. !). We have completed all the preparations for the task, and we’re ready to start. 2). This company has producednew types of computers. 3). They have interviewed several teachers for the job. 4). George has sent some texts and pictures to his friend’s cellphone. 5). They have developed some programmes for the human resource department of their company. 2.Change the following sentences into the Present Perfect Passive Voice. Put the verbs into correct form. Recently we have bought a new personal computer. We have used the computer every day since we bought it. We have just joined our computer to the Internet. However, we have found many problems with it. So we have decided to ask a professional man to fix it.Soon he has fixed the computer. He has built a PC way we wanted . How excited we are! These days we have written a lot of E-mails on the computer. We have decided to write a report about the positive and the negative effects of using computers. 3. Do some exercises: choice Step5: Using the structure : Play a game―What has been decided. 1. Give The Ss the situation : Get into groups of four. Your task is to decide what has been decided for the class .Take turns to make the ideas as interesting or as lively as you can. 2. Give the Ss some examples: S1: It has been decided that those who do not do heir homework will be asked to return to school on Saturday. S2:It has been decided that those who keep the classroom tidy should be allowed to go home early everyday. S3:It has been decided … S4:…    3. Ask them to collect the ones they all like best and be prepared to tell them to the class. Step6: Further Study:高考链接(This step can be done according to teaching needs.) 1. ---How long _____ at this job?B --- Since 1990.  A. were you employedB. have you been employed  C. had you been employed   D. will you be employed 2. When and where to go for the on-salary holiday ___yet. ( 上海春季) D A. are not decided B. have not been decided C. is not being decided D. has not been decided 3.All the preparations for the task ___, and we are ready to start. ( 北京春季) D Step 7: Homework 1.Finish Exercise 1 on P57. 2.Revise the Present Perfect Passive Voice.



























曹禺(1910-),原名万家宝,原籍为湖北潜江,现代著名剧作家。其作品有《雷雨》《日出》《北京人》《原野》《明朗的天》《胆剑篇》《王昭君》等。《雷雨》《日出》是他的代表作。作者出生于天津一个没落的封建家庭,父亲万德尊曾任镇守使、都统和黎元洪总统秘书。曹禺生母早逝,继母酷爱戏剧,常携曹禺观看戏曲和文明戏。曹禺没上过小学,延师在家,诵经读史,但常偷看《红楼梦》、《水浒》、《西厢记》等书。自幼曾广泛阅读中国古代文学作品,尤其喜爱唐传奇、元代戏曲和明清小说,并有机会接触与欣赏中华民族传统戏曲,如京剧、昆曲、河北梆子、唐山落子等。1922年在南开中学读书时,阅读了大量“五四”以来国内的优秀作品和外国文学、戏剧作品,并参加了北方最早的业余戏剧团体之一的“南开新剧团”,演出过易卜生、莫里哀、丁西林等作家的作品。1928年曹禺升入南开大学政治学系。1929年转入清华大学西洋文学系。但他大部分时间是在图书馆和书库里,贪婪地研读着世界名著,特别是莎士比亚、契诃夫、易卜生等人的剧作。同时他也时常和朋友去广和楼欣赏京戏名家的表演,到天桥去听曲艺。曹禺还涉猎了东西方的一些哲学著作。他“读老子、读佛、读圣经”,赞美柏拉图的“神奇的理想国”。“同情叔本华对生活深沉的忧郁”,也热爱过“尼采丰盛的生命力与超人的思想”,而“所罗门的智慧”、“耶稣对人类所寄予的真诚热爱”,都曾使他“仰叹”、“折服”。但是,他是作为一个艺术家被这些先哲们的精神所感动,却没有成为任何一种哲学思想的俘虏。他感到“这个社会非改变不可”,于是想“搜寻出一条大道”来解决他所感到的中国社会的“严重问题”。但是读了这些哲学著作之后,答案仍“苦思不得”。而他那种执着地、热诚地求索精神,却熔铸在他早期的创作里,增强了作品的思想内涵和感染力。 1933年在清华大学读四年级时,完成了他的处女作多幕话剧《雷雨》,以其深刻的思想内容和卓越的艺术技巧第一次显示了他的艺术才华,引起了戏剧界的震动。
















第一场戏:写三十多年后周朴园与鲁侍萍再次相见。意外相见,二人之间展开了紧张激烈的矛盾冲突。第一场(开头到 “侍萍望着周朴园,一句话也不说。”)周仆园和侍萍的冲突














雷雨          --曹禺

周萍        周仆园 + 繁漪--周冲

鲁大海      梅侍萍 + 鲁贵--四凤




这段“舞台说明”交代了故事发生的时间和舞台气氛。这种气氛同剧情紧密配合,烘托了人物的烦躁、郁闷不安的情绪,预示着一场雷雨的到来。不仅为完整地塑造人物服务,而且感染了读者或观众,也随之产生一种压抑感。 这一点跟小说中环境描写的作用是相同的。













6、提问:鲁侍萍又是如何对待周朴园的呢?                                          明确:这时的侍萍,经过30多年苦难的折磨,对过去充满了仇恨,面对着周朴园的威胁哄骗,继续控诉周朴园的罪行:“我这些年的苦不是你拿钱算得清的”,并当即撕毁了支票,表现了她的骨气和尊严,表示了她对周朴园和不公平社会的蔑视和抗议。

7、周朴园知道站在面前的正是30多年前被自己赶出家门的侍萍时,为什么会惊恐万状呢?                                                                                明确:因为他意识到侍萍的出现,将威胁到他的名誉、地位、家庭,他以前的种种罪恶将昭然于天下,所以他立即感到“惊愕”“惶恐”。他以为搬了家,离开了无锡,从前的罪恶无人知道,可侍萍的突然出现,却给他精神上以沉重打击,他表现出的惊恐万状正是他内心虚伪的表现。













1、 周朴园对亲生儿子鲁大海的态度怎样?


板书设计:  冷酷的的面孔  傲慢的态度



板书设计:  资本家←→下层劳动人民            资本家←→工人阶级


1 、周朴园





明确:周朴园正是富有个性的活生生的资本家形象。他那矛盾的行为,以其性格的复杂性、多面性,显示出他作为董事长的周朴园的基本定性──真诚的伪善,伪善的真诚 。(周仆园对侍萍的怀念不免带有虚荣和软化的成分,但总的来说应该承认他的怀念是真实的。同时也要注意到,周仆园对侍萍的“真”是以侍萍的缺席为前提的。他保持她生前的习惯,一方面是忏悔,另一方面是为了向周萍交代。这样一个人,和他周围的人之间自然要发生着尖锐的矛盾。而他,也终于在这些重重的矛盾中,陷入了难以自拔的境地。)






侍萍是一个受侮辱,被损害的女子,是旧中国 劳动妇女 的形象,正直、善良、刚毅、倔强 。 她自己被遗弃以及三十年挣扎的痛苦经历中,认清了周朴园的真面目。她虽然不懂得自己的悲惨命运是阶级压迫造成的,但已意识到她同周朴园之间事实上存在着阶级的壁垒。她知道自己的亲生儿子周萍是不会认她这个生母了,也断言自己的儿子,被周朴园称为闹得最凶的人鲁大海是不会认那个董事长做父亲的。她对过去的事,有的只是满腔的悲愤。她对周朴园不抱幻想,痛惜自己的女儿又走上了自己的老路,来伺侯周朴园的少爷。她把这归之于命运的安排,但最后又发誓以后永远不想再见到周朴园,表现了对自己的命运的抗争,对不公平的社会的控诉,从自己痛苦的经历和现实的磨练中坚强起来了,表现了她的自尊与刚强。( 分析侍萍不要钱的情节)   由于反动统治的毒害,在侍萍身上还存有 封建伦理观念 和宿命论的思想,因而认识不到自己的不幸是那个腐朽的社会制度造成的,却把原因归结为命运的安排。对周朴园,她不去公开揭露,反而在他表示他怀念她的时候心软了,这些都说明了旧社会不仅摧残了劳动人民的躯体,而且毒害了他们的灵魂 ,从另一方面 暴露了旧社会的黑暗 。








3 、鲁大海

鲁大海与周朴园,从血缘上看,他们是父子;从阶级关系上看,他们是你死我活的敌人在同周朴园的斗争中表现出他是一个觉醒了的工人,代表广大工人群众面对面地同周朴园谈判,斗争。他义正辞严地揭穿周朴园软硬兼施镇压工人的罢工的阴谋,揭露他制造事故淹死两千三百个小工以发横财的罪恶。他坚定、勇敢、无私、求实。他对资本家有着清醒、透彻的认识,资本家的威胁、讹诈、利诱等卑鄙手段在他面前无计可施。他义无反顾地在反抗斗争的道路上走下去( 反抗精神、坚强不屈的性格) 。同时在斗争中又显出经验的不足、鲁莽等弱点。



作者灵活运用灵活地运用了“回顾”与“ 穿插” 的表现方法,让鲁侍萍以叙述别人故事的口吻,以“回顾”的方式,诉说自己的遭遇,从私生活的角度揭露周朴园的罪恶历史;又以鲁大海的控诉,从社会斗争的角度揭露周朴园罪恶的发家史:这样就把“现在的戏剧”与“过去的戏剧”交织起来,让新旧矛盾,周鲁两家的矛盾、封建资产阶级与工人、下层劳动人民的矛盾交汇在一起,都集中在一个下午在周朴园的客厅里展现出来,从而有力地刻画了人物的性格,推动剧情的发展,深刻表现了主题。

因为剧本的演出,受到时间和空间的限制,要求故事的时间、地点和人物尽可能集中。 周朴园在家策划破坏工人罢工;鲁侍萍不愿女儿帮人,前来寻找在周家作使女的四凤;鲁大海代表工作来找董事长谈判。这样,就使得三个人物在一个夏天的午饭后,在周公馆客厅里相遇了。通过鲁家母子的控诉,把周朴园三十多年来在家庭和社会上的罪恶活动揭露出来。其中侍萍被周家赶出,含恨投河及母亲被气死等情节,因受舞台演出的限制,都是由人物对话表现出来的。



结构紧凑集中  地点→周朴园的客厅




《雷雨》中,人物的语言不仅符合人物的身分,而且随着剧情的发展和人物思想感情的变化,作者在用词和语气的处理上,也都相应有, 剧中人因出身、地位、经历、个性不同,所以他们的说话口气,措词风格也不同。




人物语言个性化    鲁侍萍→抑郁平缓







3、人物动作:( 鲁侍萍) 有关窗的习惯,“自然地走到窗前,关上窗户,慢慢地走向中门”。“很自然地” 暗示了她的身份,“慢慢地”表明了她内心的痛苦、矛盾。她的动作,自然地使周朴园回想起三十年前的梅姑娘,推动剧情发展。

4、表情: ( 周朴园) “汗涔涔” 显出一副狼狈相;( 周朴园)“惊愕”表示他极度的恐惧和不





















一. 导入


板书:西厢记 王实甫






板书:       前身金董解元《西厢记诸宫调》,





玉骢cōng   迍zhūn迍  金钏cuàn   靥yè儿  揾wèn  挣zhèng揣chuài

谂shěn知  玉醅pēi     白泠líng泠 罗帏wéi  青鸾luán














缠绵不舍 痛快忧愁 担忧牵挂 郁闷怨恨














4. 剧的角色:末(男主角)旦(女主角) 净(俗称“大花脸”,大都扮演性格、相貌有特异之处的人,如张飞、李逵等。) 丑(俗称“小花脸”,大都扮演次要男角)














紧 西风紧,秋风里莺莺的心也被张生的离去紧紧地揪着

醉 霜林象喝了酒一样红,莺莺也在离愁的折磨下象喝醉了酒一样不能自持

染 沟通了景与情的联系,自然之物中融入了人的愁苦

泪 一路离别泪,一路离别情











青山疏林,淡烟暮霭,夕阳古道,禾黍秋风构成一幅深秋郊外黄昏的画面,和《端正好》当中的清晨景色相比,氛围更加萧瑟、凄冷。 在这样的背景下,莺莺怅然痴立,极目远送,发出“夕阳古道无人语”的感叹,这种感叹应与柳永的“便纵有千种风情,更与何人说”一样,是在感叹张生离去,欲语无人,是“除却天边月,无人知”的孤独与寂寞。



















这节课我们主要学习“借景抒情”的方法,《长亭送别》这一折以景物描写设置戏剧环境;渲染气氛,与主人公的离愁别恨天然浑成,达到了情景交融的艺术境界。 也许这是《西厢记》传诵千古的一个原因。
















末(男主角)旦(女主角) 净(俗称“大花脸”,大都扮演性格、相貌有特异之处的人,如张飞、李逵等。) 丑(俗称“小花脸”,大都扮演次要男角)





















(1) 听得道一声‘去也’,松了金钏;遥望见十里长亭,减了玉肌。

(2) 昨宵今日,清减了小腰围。


(3) 泪添九曲黄河溢,恨压三峰五岳低。


(4) 淋漓襟袖啼红泪,比司马青衫更湿。


(5) 暖溶溶的玉醅,白泠泠似水。












篇13:新课标高一必修3 Unit 2 Healthy Eating--教案4

人教版新课标高一必修3 Unit 2 Healthy Eating--教案4

人教版新课标高一必修3 Unit 2 Healthy Eating--教案4 Unit 2 Healthy Eating--教案4 TITLE=人教版新课标高一必修3 Unit 2 Healthy    Unit2 Healthy eating The fourth period Extensive reading   Step ⅠRevision   1. Check the homework   2. Share the information the students have got form the Internet. Step Ⅱ Pre-reading   Ask the students to read some proverbs and translate them into Chinese.   T: Today we are going to see the end of the story. First, please look at the blackboard and try to translate the proverbs into Chinese.   a. You are what you eat.   b. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.   c. First wealth is health.   The students discuss with their partners.   a. 人如其食.   b. 一天一个苹果,医生不来找我.   c. 健康是人生的第一财富.   Step Ⅲ Reading   The purpose of this reading is to complete the story of Wang Pengwei and Yong Hui and show the students that it is never too late to change bad eating habits and begin afresh. After the fast reading, let the students do the exercises on page 15. Then let them match the words with their definitions.   T: Eating healthily means that no food in itself is good or bad. Eating properly depends on eating the right variety of foods in the right amount. Let’s read the passage quickly and say what they did with their menu.   Ask the students to report their work.   What did they do? Result   Combine their menu and provide a balanced one   1. raw vegetables with hamburgers   2. the boiled potatoes, not fried   3. fresh fruit with ice cream 1. cut down the fat   2. increase the fibre 3. a big success   Then find the words from the text to match the definitions.   Definitions words   Stare angrily or fiercely Glare   Take a long deep breath Sigh   Keep alive in a certain style Earn one’s living   Advantage or profit Benefit   Join or mix together to form a whole Combine   Owe a lot of money In debt   Step Ⅳ Homework   1. Collect eating attitudes from the Internet   2. Practice presenting reasons to support your ideas.

篇14:新课标高一必修3 Unit 4 Astronomy The Scienc

人教版新课标高一必修3 Unit 4 Astronomy The Science of the Star--教案4

人教版新课标高一必修3 Unit 4 Astronomy The Science of the Star--教案4 Unit 4 Astronomy The Science of the Star--教案4 TITLE=人教版新课标高一必修3 Unit 4 Astronomy The Science of the  Unit 4 Astronomy  The Science Of The Stars Teaching aims: 1. Enable students to improve their listening skills and reading ability. 2. Enable students to understand the development of gravity and how gravity affects us in different times and places. 3. Arouse students’ interest to search for the mystery of space. Emphasis: 1.  Words and expressions: gravity, float, cheer up, now that, break out, etc 2. Astronomic knowledge like gravity and black hole. Difficulties: 1. Help the students to understand the development of gravity. 2. Help the students to know how gravity influences us. Teaching methods: skimming, scanning, discussing. Teaching aids: a tape recorder, a projector and a computer.   Teaching procedures: The first period reading Step I Presentation T: Hello, everyone! Today we’ll come to Unit 4 Astronomy. Before that I have a question: Where do we come from? Or we can say: Who are our ancestors? S1: Monkeys! S2: Beijing Ren who lived many years ago. S3: Reptiles. S4: Mammals. S5: Amphibians. S6: Dinosaurs. T: Very good! Can you put them in right order? S7: Amphibians, Reptiles, Dinosaurs, Mammals, Beijing Ren. T: Do you know what it was like before life appeared on earth? S8: It was full of water, perhaps. T: Before that, what was it like? S9: Sorry, I don’t know. T: Do you want to get more information? Today we’ll learn something about How Life Began on the Earth. Turn to Page 25. Let’s come to Warming up first. Step II Warming up 1. Read the three questions, while the students listen and follow. 2. Give the Ss several minutes to discuss the questions. 3. Collect answers from the whole class. 4. Check the answers while discussing. T: I’ll read the three questions for you. You should listen to me carefully. (If students don’t know how to discuss, show them an example.) For example, medicine. When someone gets serious illness, he will go to the hospital. The doctor will examine him. He will take his temperature, measure his blood pressure and give him an X-ray, or a CT. For the whole process of the examination, what kind of science has been used? S1: Biology. S2: Chemistry. T: So we can say medicine combines biology and chemistry. What about biochemistry and geophysics? S3: I think biochemistry combines biology and chemistry. S4: Geophysics combines geology and physics. T: What about astronomy? S5: Physics. S6: Mathematics. T: Very good. We should know that astronomy is a multidisciplinary subject and if we want to do some research on it, we should know many science subjects related to it. Now discuss the second question: What do we mean when we say we are studying a subject scientifically? Or what’s the correct attitude towards science? S7: We should be objective, not superstitious. T: What’s the correct way to prove a scientific idea? S8: We should design experiments to test it for several times. S9: Then we can analyze the results and draw a conclusion at last. T: Let’s sum up the answers. To study a subject scientifically, we must try to be objective. In order to test our idea, we should design experiments, then analyze the results and draw a conclusion. Now let’s talk about the third question. What are the most important skills we need to be real scientists? S10: We should be very careful. S11: Be objective and logical. S12: We should be wise enough to design an experiment and write the reports clearly. S13: We should be able to draw conclusions from the experiments and not impose conclusions on the data. T: I think you have done great work. From the discussion we know that it’s not easy to be a scientist. So you should work harder if you want to be a scientist. Step Ⅲ Pre-reading Get the Ss to discuss the questions on Page 25 with their partners. Then ask the Ss to tell their stories. Encourage the Ss to tell different stories. If they don’t know any, tell them some. T: Now please look at the slide show. And discuss these questions with your partners. Then I’ll ask some students to tell us their stories. Are you clear? Ss: Yes, Sir/Madam. 1. Do you know each religion or culture has its own ideas about the beginning of the universe? Please give an example if you know. 2. Do you know what a scientific idea is? After the Ss’ discussion, teacher says the following. T: Now who’d like to tell us a story? Volunteer! S1: Let me try. In China, we all know that Pangu separates the sky from the earth. T: Can you describe the story in details? S1: Sorry, I can’t remember clearly. T: Who can? Nobody? Now I’ll tell you. Look at the screen. Step Ⅳ Reading Scanning Get the Ss to read the passage quickly and accurately and meanwhile help the Ss to form a good habit of reading. Teacher gives the Ss a couple of minutes to look through the whole passage. Tell the Ss to read the text silently and then ask some detailed questions about the text on the slide show with their partners. Teacher should encourage the Ss to express their ideas. T: We’re going to learn a passage about how life began on the earth. Now let’s look at the slide show. Read the text quickly and find answers to the following questions. Show the questions on the screen. 1. What was there on the earth before life could begin? 2. Why do scientists think there has never been life on the moon? 3. Why did animals first appear in the seas? 4. Why did green plants help life to develop? 5. Why were mammals different from other animals? T: Now who can answer the first one? S1: Water vapour, carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen and other gases. T: What about the second one? S2: Because there is no water on the moon. T: What about the third one? S3: Because water allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases into the oceans and seas. T: The fourth one? S4: Because green plants can take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and fill the air with oxygen. T: What about the last one? S5: They were different because they produced their young from within their bodies. T: Well done! Now turn to Page 26 Comprehending1, I think you may continue to read it again to get more details. Skimming In this part, Ss will read the text again and then finish Part1, 2 and 3. T: Now please skim the passage fast to finish Part1. Then we will check the answer. Key to Part1: BCBB T: Skim Paragraph 2, 3 and 4, and finish Part 2 and 3. Key: DBIGEHACFJ T: For Part 3, discuss them with your partner. T: Why is it wrong in films and stories to show dinosaurs and people together? S: Because dinosaurs died out long before human beings developed on the earth. T: Do you agree with him? S: Yes. T: What about the answer to the second question? S: They are the cleverest animals because they have larger brains than any other creatures on the earth so far. T: Excellent job! I’ll check how much you have learned about the passage. Step V Listening Listen to the tape for the students to follow and have further understanding of the passage. T: Read after the tape, then answer me some questions with your book closed. Play the tape T: How did water come into being on the earth? If one student can’t answer completely, ask two or three or more students. Ss: The explosion of the earth produced water vapor, which turned into water when the earth cooled down. T: Why is water important on the earth? Ss: Because water allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases into the oceans and seas. T: No.3, finish the following form.     1 small plants in water 2           3 green plants on land 4insects(on land) 5 6 forests 7 8 9               Key to the exercise: 2. shellfish and all sorts of fish   5.amphibian(on land

篇15:新课标高一必修3 Unit 4 Astronomy The Scienc

人教版新课标高一必修3 Unit 4 Astronomy The Science of the Star--教案3

人教版新课标高一必修3 Unit 4 Astronomy The Science of the Star--教案3 Unit 4 Astronomy The Science of the Star--教案3 TITLE=人教版新课标高一必修3 Unit 4 Astronomy The Science of the  Unit 4 Astronomy  The Science Of The Stars The Fifth Period Speaking and Writing Step 1 Speaking 1. Space walk is difficult and dangerous. What should an astronaut take with him?   Oxygen can, spacesuit, gravity boots, water system, special food, special ropes. 2. Have an interview with the following two heroes. 1). How do you feel when you have just come back from outer space? 2)  What is the most exciting experience when you are in outer space? 3)  What about the most terrible thing? 4)  What difficulties have you gone through? 3 Speak one or two sentences for each equipment you should take. Step 2 Talking on Page 62 1. Show the useful expressions: Please look at/ listen to... Please check that... You need... Please pay attention to... Don’t forget to... You’d better... Make sure you... Watch out for... You mustn’t... 2. Give the Sample dialogue Step 3 Discussion 1. If you are going off on a holiday, what will you take?   I will take clothes, shoes, food and many other things. 2. But for space travel, you need specialized equipment. What equipment should you take? Write down the dangers and the way to solve them.  Step 4 Writing Task 1. Have you ever remembered 16th Oct, ? What happened on that day? 2. How many preparations have they made for this space travel? 3. Suppose you are the scientist who visits the moon in the future, please tell us your plan. For example, you can think about these questions and write down your plan. 1). What preparations should you make? 2). What will you see during your space travel? 3). What will you do on the moon? 4. show a Sample article to the students Step 4. Homework   Sum up the whole unit.   Collect the materials about stars, space travel and different ideas about the beginning of life.

篇16:新课标高一必修3 Unit 4 Astronomy The Scienc

人教版新课标高一必修3 Unit 4 Astronomy The Science of the Star--教案1

人教版新课标高一必修3 Unit 4 Astronomy The Science of the Star--教案1 Unit 4 Astronomy The Science of the Star--教案1 TITLE=人教版新课标高一必修3 Unit 4 Astronomy The Science of the  Unit 4 Astronomy  The Science Of The Stars The third period  Language Study Step 1 Revision Translate the following sentences 1. 你迟早会成功的。   You’ll succeed in time. 2. 我的车与你的不一样。   My car is different from yours. 3. 站在门旁边的.那个人是谁?   Who is the person standing by the door? 4. 他总是第一个来,最后一个离开。 He’s always the first to come and the last to leave. 5. 既然你已经长大了,你自己决定吧。 Now that you have grown up you can decide it yourself. Step 2 Check the exercises in this part . Step 3 Grammar What part does the underlined part serve as in each sentence?    A tree has fallen across the road.   You are a student.   To find your way can be a problem.   Smoking is bad for you. “How do you do?” is a greeting.   What she said is not yet known.   That we shall be late is certain.   It is certain that we shall be late.   We can see from these sentences that a sentence serves as subject, so we call it Subject Clause 1. Noun Clauses as the Subject To tell what it is and the importance with some examples What the teacher said today was quite right.  That they are badly in need of help is quite clear. Whether they will sell the house is not yet decided. Whatever was said here must be kept secret. 2 it 作形式主语 It is a pity that she has made such a mistake. 1) It is + adj. / n. +从句 It is a pity/shame that... 遗憾的是…… It is possible that...  很可能…… It is unlikely that...  不可能……  2) It +不及物动词+从句 It seems/appears that... 似乎…… It happened that... 碰巧…… 3) It + be +过去分词+从句 It is said that...  据说…… It is known to all that...    众所周知…… It is reported that...  据报道…… It is believed that... 据信……;人们相信…… It is suggested that... 有人建议…… 1.  Ask the students to do some exercises Step 4 Homework Finish the exercises about Noun Clauses as the Subject       The Fourth period Listening Step 1 Pre-listening Introduce Isaac Newton  and  Albert Einstein Step 2 Listening 1.  Listen to the tape and fill the form 2.  Hand out the listening materials and listen to the tape again, then fill the bracket with the right answers. At last ask some students to read the passage Step 3 Listening on P62 1. Discuss the following questions 1)_. Who’s Yang Liwei? He’s our hero who traveled into space on October15, 2003. 2). What’s the name of the spaceship? Shenzhou V. 3). Do you know what education and experience you need to become an astronaut? No. 2.Listen to the tape and answer some true or false questions 3.  Give the students listening material and ask them to complete the passage while listening Step 4 Homework After class, you should listen to them again and sum up what you have learnt from them. For the homework, think about one question: What needs to be an astronaut?     The Fifth Period Speaking and Writing Step 1 Speaking 1. Space walk is difficult and dangerous. What should an astronaut take with him?   Oxygen can, spacesuit, gravity boots, water system, special food, special ropes. 2. Have an interview with the following two heroes. 1). How do you feel when you have just come back from outer space? 2)  What is the most exciting experience when you are in outer space? 3)  What about the most terrible thing? 4)  What difficulties have you gone through? 3 Speak one or two sentences for each equipment you should take. Step 2 Talking on Page 62 1. Show the useful expressions: Please look at/ listen to... Please check that... You need... Please pay attention to... Don’t forget to... You’d better... Make sure you... Watch out for... You mustn’t... 2. Give the Sample dialogue Step 3 Discussion 1. If you are going off on a holiday, what will you take?   I will take clothes, shoes, food and many other things. 2. But for space travel, you need specialized equipment. What equipment should you take? Write down the dangers and the way to solve them.  Step 4 Writing Task 1. Have you ever remembered 16th Oct, 2003? What happened on that day? 2. How many preparations have they made for this space travel? 3. Suppose you are the scientist who visits the moon in the future, please tell us your plan. For example, you can think about these questions and write down your plan. 1). What preparations should you make? 2). What will you see during your space travel? 3). What will you do on the moon? 4. show a Sample article to the students Step 4. Homework   Sum up the whole unit.   Collect the materials about stars, space travel and different ideas about the beginning of life.

篇17:新课标高一必修3 Unit 4 Astronomy The Scienc

人教版新课标高一必修3 Unit 4 Astronomy The Science of the Star--教案6

New Senior English For China Student’s Book 3   Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the star  (Reading) learning aims: l Learn how to use different reading skills for different reading purposes, ( inferring; skimming; detailed reading, and so on.) l Read the passage and learn about the development of the earth. Difficult and important points: l Develop our reading ability. l Learn the following words and phrases:  theory; violent; unlike; harmful; mutiply; exist;  in time; lay eggs; give birth to; in one’s turn; prevent…from. Reading: How life began on the earth I. Skimming(略读) Reading strategy(策略): Go through the passage quickly to get the main idea of each paragraph. Don’t worry about the details and new words. Skim the passage and match the main idea with each paragraph. Para. 1 The formation(形成) of the earth Para.2  The importance of water for life Para.3  A widely accepted theory about the formation of the universe Para.4  The arrival of humans and their effects on the earth Para.5  The development of plants and animals on the earth II .Detailed reading(细读) Reading strategy: Read the passage carefully paragraph by paragragh and try to get more information. Then answer the questions. Para 1&2: the formation of the universe and the earth 1.About how the universe began, which theory is widely accepted? 2.What form(形状) was the earth after the “Big Bang”? 3.What made up the earth’s atmosphere after the earth exploded? 4. In the sentence “It exploded loudly with fire and rock. They were in time to produce carbon, nitrogen…” here “they” refers to__________.  “In time” means_______.  Para 3 the importance of water for life ? What made the earth different from the other planets is that ________ remained on the earth. ? The significance(意义) of the continued presence of water is that it allowed________________________. Para 4 The development of life   7.___________ 8.dinosaurs 9___.____ 1.small plants in the water 3.____________ 4. insects on land 5._____________ 6._________ 2._________   2._________   Para 5  the arrival of humans and their effects on the earth 1.What problems have been caused by humans to the earth? 2.What does the last sentence mean? III. From the text, we can infer(推断)except that___. A. The passage tells us the scientific idea of how life began on the earth. B. It is wrong to show films with dinosaurs and people together. C. Finally, humans rule the world, but they are not taking care of the earth very well. D. Life began on land and then in water. IV. Can you find their English? 1.  随后他会变成什么一直无法确定,直到约45亿至38亿年,这团尘埃最终变成一个固体圆球. 2. 地球变得如此激烈动荡, 以致于不知道这个形状是否会继续存在下去. 3. 更重要的事,随着地球的`冷却,地球的表面就开始出现了水。 4. 很多科学家相信,水的继续存在使地球得以把有害气体和酸的物质溶解到海洋里.  V. Talking bar(谈谈吧) How to protect the earth and make it a better place to live on? VI.  Homework. ?  Learn and recite the four sentences above ?  Retell the passage about how life began on the earth. ?  Learn the useful words and expressions by heart.

篇18:新课标高一必修3 Unit 4 Astronomy The Scienc

人教版新课标高一必修3 Unit 4 Astronomy The Science of the Star--教案5

Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars 教材分析和教材重组 教材分析   本单元的主要内容是边缘科学、地球生命的起源,万有引力、黑洞和太空旅行等天文学知识。通过本单元的学习,培养学生对科学的兴趣,激发学生探究科学的热情。 1. Warming Up部分共有三组问题,第一组问题引导学生讨论边缘科学(Frontier Science),即以两种或多种学科为基础而发展起来的科学。例如,生物化学是以生物学和化学为基础的边缘科学。第二组问题探讨科学研究的方法。第三组问题让学生思考要成为真正的科学家所必须掌握的技能。 2. Pre-reading部分主要让学生弄清楚什么是科学思想,什么是宗教信仰或文化传统。学生总喜欢听故事或讲故事,在探讨生命的起源的科学道理之前,让学生交流一下有关宇宙的起源的种种传说,既有趣味性,又能调动学生的相关知识,激活学生的'思维。 3. Reading部分讲述了地球上生命的起源。水的形成使得地球有别与其他星球,它使得地球上生命的诞生成为可能。科学家认为,地球上的生命首先诞生于水中,上百万年后,陆地上才长出绿色植物,随后出现了陆栖动物和水陆两栖动物。最初的动物靠孵化繁衍后代,后来出现了哺乳动物,人类也随之诞生了。文章最后讲述的现象发人深省:The earth may become too hot for the lives on it.它关系到地球上生命的未来。 4. Comprehending部分通过四个选择填空题检测学生对本文核心问题的理解:地球上生命的起源和延续需要哪些条件?随后通过排序的方式帮助学生弄清本文的行文线索,也就是地球上生命的起源和发展历程。最后提出两个问题,考查学生的深层理解和推断能力。 5. Learning about Language部分首先通过英文解释帮助理解课文中的生词,然后,通过短文填空、词语分类等形式将这些词语用于一个相关的情境中。语法部分也是采用先发现后应用的学习方法。先通过到课文中找句子,让学生认识主语从句,然后,设置一个用手机发短信息的情境,让学生进行简单句与主语从句之间的转换练习。最后设置情境来复习第三单元出现的表语从句。 6. Using Language部分综合训练听说读写的能力。听力部分的内容介绍三位科学巨匠,不仅通过听力填表的形式训练学生捕捉细节的能力,还通过四选一的形式帮助学生找主题思想。在解释对与错的过程中,教师可以适当地介绍一下概括主题的方法。阅读部分是一个科幻小故事,通过“我”和“我的朋友”乘宇宙飞船登月球的经历,介绍了重量、失重和地球引力等科学道理。说和写部分以Visiting the moon为话题,要求学生讨论登月球需要携带的物品和在月球上可能遇到的困难,并要求学生找出克服这些困难的方法。教师可以根据课本上的提示,向学生介绍“先分述后总结”的写作方法。提出问题的解决方案时,要求学生选用适当的“指示”用语。 教材重组   1. 将Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading与Comprehending整合在一起上一节“阅读课”。 2. 将Learning about Language和Workbook的using words and expressions及using structures整合在一起上一节“语言学习课”。 3. 将Using Language设计为一节包括听说读写在内的“综合技能课(一)”。 4. 将Workbook的READING AND LISTENING和TALKING结合在一起上一节“听说课”。 5. 将Workbook的LISTENING TASK,READING AND WRITING TASK和SPEAKING TASK设计为一节“综合技能课(二)”。 课时分配 1st Period  Reading 2nd Period  Language study 3rd Period  Integrating skills(Ⅰ) 4th Period  Listening and Speaking 5th Period  Integrating skills(Ⅱ)   Part 1: Teaching Design  (第一部分:教学设计) Period 1: A sample lesson plan for reading (HOW LIFE BEGAN ON THE EARTH) Aims To develop the students’ reading ability To learn something about astronomy Procedures I. Warming up by learning vocabulary Good morning, class! Today, w are going to take Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars. Before we read the text, let’s turn to page 99 and get familiarized with the vocabulary first. Pay attention to the making of the word. Study the prefixes, roots and suffixes in the words.   Astronaut Yang Liwei II. Pre-reading 1. Looking and saying Have you ever wondered how the universe began? Well Im sure you may have many answers to this question, but I have one that perhaps, you may not have heard of yet. I will be giving you my theory on this subject. Now look at the screen and listen to me telling you something exciting. 科学家透露:宇宙可能有两个 我们的宇宙和一个隐藏的宇宙共同镶嵌在五维空间中。在我们的宇宙早期,这两个宇宙发生了一次相撞事故,相撞产生的能量生成了我们宇宙中的物质和能量。 2. Talking and sharing Do you know how the universe began? In the 1920s in California, astronomer Edwin Hubble observed distant galaxies using an extremely powerful telescope. He made two mind-boggling(unbelievable) discoveries. First, Hubble figured out that the Milky Way isn’t the only galaxy. He realized that faint, cloud-like objects in the night sky are actually other galaxies far, far away. The Milky Way is just one of billions of galaxies. Second, Hubble discovered that the galaxies are constantly moving away from each other. In other words, the universe is expanding. The biggest thing that we know about is getting bigger all the time. A few years later, Belgian astronomer Georges Lematre used Hubble‘s amazing discoveries to suggest an answer to a big astronomy question: “How did the universe begin?” III. Reading 1. Listening and reading aloud Now please listen to the recording and then read the text aloud. Pay attention to how the native speaker is reading along and where the pauses are within each sentence. I will play the tape twice and you shall read aloud twice, too. 2. Reading and underlining Next you are to read and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage. Copy them into your notebook after class as homework. Collocations from HOW LIFE BEGAN ON THE EARTH a cloud of energetic dust具有能量的尘埃, combine into…合成……, move around the sun环绕太阳运转, become violent变得激烈, the solid surface固体表面, explode loudly猛烈爆炸, in time及时,最终, produce the water vapor产生水蒸汽, make the earth’s atmosphere构成了地球的大气层, cool down冷却, on the surface在表面, be different from…与……不同, go round the sun环绕太阳运转, disappear from…从……消失, stay on…存留在……, show one’s quality显现某人的特性, dissolve harmful gases分解,溶解有害气体, become part of…变成……的一部分, develop life发展生命, grow in the water在水里生长, fill… with…用……来填充……,充满了……, encourage the development of…鼓励……的发展, millions of years later几万年以后, live on land在陆地上生活, live in the sea在海里生存, grow into forests长成森林, produce young生出幼仔, lay eggs下蛋, animals with hands and feet长着手脚的动物, spread all over the earth遍布全世界, develop new methods发展了新的方法, grow food种植, move around迁徙, go by过去,推移, take care of…在意……,照看好……, put…into…把……带入,放入……, prevent…from…防止……做……, escape from… into…从……逃离到……, become hot变热, depend on….依靠,依赖,取决与……, solve a problem解决一个问题 3. Reading and understanding difficult sentences Skim the text and identify the difficult sentences of each paragraph. You may put your hand up if you have any questions. 4. Reading and transferring information Read the text again to complete the table below, HOW LIFE BEGAN ON THE EARTH What was the earth like after the “Big Bang”?   Why was the earth different?   How was life developed on earth?   What did small clever animals do?   5. Reading and translating As you have read the text times, you can surely put it into Chinese. Wang Hongqin, will you be the first to have a try, of putting the first paragraph into Chinese. IV. Closing down Closing down by doing exercises To end the lesson you are to do the comprehending exercises 2 and 3 on pages 26 and 27. Closing down by having a discussion―How Did the Universe Begin?There are only three possible answers to this question. 1.It was created by something larger than itself since the first law of thermodynamics(热力学) says that energy cannot be created, only changed. The universe had to be created by something outside itself, because of the same law. We also know that man could not have created it. 2.It was begun by chance (or accident); or 3.The answer is not sure. Shown this way, the question is:   Additional Materials Complete the summary of the story with one word in each blan

篇19:新课标高一必修3 Unit 4 Astronomy The Scienc

人教版新课标高一必修3 Unit 4 Astronomy The Science of the Star--教案2

人教版新课标高一必修3 Unit 4 Astronomy The Science of the Star--教案2 Unit 4 Astronomy The Science of the Star--教案2 TITLE=人教版新课标高一必修3 Unit 4 Astronomy The Science of the  Unit 4 Astronomy  The Science Of The Stars The Fourth period Listening Step 1 Pre-listening Introduce Isaac Newton  and  Albert Einstein Step 2 Listening 1.  Listen to the tape and fill the form 2.  Hand out the listening materials and listen to the tape again, then fill the bracket with the right answers. At last ask some students to read the passage Step 3 Listening on P62 1. Discuss the following questions 1)_. Who’s Yang Liwei? He’s our hero who traveled into space on October15, 2003. 2). What’s the name of the spaceship? Shenzhou V. 3). Do you know what education and experience you need to become an astronaut? No. 2.Listen to the tape and answer some true or false questions 3.  Give the students listening material and ask them to complete the passage while listening Step 4 Homework After class, you should listen to them again and sum up what you have learnt from them. For the homework, think about one question: What needs to be an astronaut?

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新课标高一必修3 Unit 4 Astronomy The Scienc




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