《牛津初中英语》7A教案Unit 3 Let’s celebrate!

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《牛津初中英语》7A教案Unit 3 Let’s celebrate!(精选13篇)由网友“我最爱抽卡”投稿提供,以下是小编给大家整理的《牛津初中英语》7A教案Unit 3 Let’s celebrate!,欢迎大家前来参阅。

《牛津初中英语》7A教案Unit 3 Let’s celebrate!



《牛津初中英语》7A教案 Unit 3 Let’s celebrate! 一、本单元的教学目标: 1、能听、说、读、写单词festival, as, why,……等,并了解其含义;能听懂,会说,celebrate, ghost, king ……等单词以及dress up, the Mid-Autumn Festival ……等短语,能理解dragon, Halloween……等单词和the Dragon Boat Festival ……等短语。 2、掌握介词at, on, in表达时间的用法及其在不同交际情景中的运用。 3、运用wh-questions互相交流有关的人或事物的信息。 4、理解和掌握some与any的基本用法。 5、了解中外一些重要的节假日及主要庆祝方式、培养学生对中外文化的理解能力,提高学生对中外文化异同的鉴别能力,培养学生的世界文化意识,增强学生对民族文化的自豪感。 二、本单元的教学重点: 1、日常交际用语的运用以及单词的正确读音。 2、能运用介词at, on, in谈论时刻、月份、年份、季节并能相互进行信息交流。 3、理解掌握what, which, who, whose, when, where, why, how等疑问词的不同含义,及其用法。 4、掌握some与any在不同句式中的使用。 三、本单元的教学难点: 1、能运用本单元所学的交际用语。 2、理解并掌握特殊疑问句的语序。 3、理解并掌握some 在疑问句中的特殊含义。 第 一 教 时 Comic strip+ Welcome to the unit+vocabulary 一、教学目标 1. 能听、说、读、写单词holiday, monkey, why, mooncake, May, card, rice 并了解其含义。能听懂、会说单词celebrate, ghost, king, festival, Christmas, Easter, monkey短语dress up, as the Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day能理解单词dragon, Halloween,短语the Dragon Boat Festival, rice, dumplings。 2. 能了解中外一些重要的节假日,节假日的背景及主要庆祝方式,从而激发对本单元的学习兴趣,并初步培养自己的世界文化意识。 3. 能掌握一年中几个主要节日的名称并了解其日期。 4. 能就有关“个人对节日的喜好”情况相互进行简单询问及回答。 5. 能在教师的指导下,参与简单的角色扮演活动。 二、教学重点 1. 日常交际用语和生词的正确读音; 2. 能模仿第35页Part B的对话,简单谈论个人对节假日的喜好情况。 三、教学难点 1. 能根据相关情景,正确地理解,区分相应的节假日名称; 2. 能初步在情景中运用本课所学的互相询问节假日的交际用语。 四、课前准备 1. 教具准备:实物投影仪,幕布、四幅卡通漫画图片(34页)、六幅图片(第35页Part A)、一张人物图片,(《西游记》中孙悟空的形象的'面具)。台历,贺卡,四幅图片(第40页PartB)。 2. 教学准备:请学生准备一张白纸并两人一组讨论写出他们所知道的节日名称(中文)及台历,贺卡等本课所需实物或图片。 3. 板书准备:黑板上预先写好课题Unit 3 Let’s celebrate! 五、教学步骤 Task 1(第34页 Comic strip) 1. 教师用实物投影出示第34页卡通图片,指着图片说Look! We can see Eddie and Hobo again.(图片1)问:What are they doing? Can you guess? 帮助学生回答:I think they’re celebrating their holiday.学习并操练单词:celebrate, holiday。 Holiday―the day you don’t have to go to school. Celebrate―do something for the day. (图片3)问:What is Eddie doing? (He’s dressing up as a ghost)用手势或其它动作、表情教学生短语dress up as……和单词ghost。然后问:Do you like dressing up as a ghost? (No, we don’t). Eddie doesn’t like, either. (图片4)问:What’s Hobo dressing up as now?(He is dressing up as Monkey King).学习单词monkey和king.教师出示孙悟空图片,Do you know him? We often call him Monkey King.(可以让喜欢孙悟空的学生利用面具模仿其造型)Who can dress up as Monkey King? 2. 教师领读,学生跟读。学生两人一组练习对话,并轮流扮作Eddie和Hobo,几分钟后,让一些小组到前面表演,鼓励学生自由发挥,尽量用自己的造型。 Task 2 (第35页Welcome to the unit) 1. 老师让学生展示事先准备好的节日清单并称赞:Very good! 介绍课本内容:In this unit, I will help you to learn more about the Festivals in English.学习单词festival(s),并写在黑板上。用实物投影出示第35页Part A图片(按以下顺序介绍) 图片2―→图片4―→图片6―→图片5―→图片3―→图片1 中国节日:直接用英语教短语Mid-Autumn Festival, Chinese New Year, Dragon Boat Festival,并写在黑板上。 西方节日:允许学生先用中文猜测,然后告诉他们:In English, we call it Christmas/Easter/Halloween,并逐词写在黑板上。 领读数遍单词、短语后,再用实物投影出示第35页Part A图片,询问学生:What’s the name of the festival? 然后学生两人一组活动,互相问答。让他们有充分的感知。 2. 告诉学生:My favourite festival is Mid-Autumn Festival. Do you know why? Because I like to eat mooncakes.学习单词mooncake,可用简笔画来表示,相信学生能猜出其含义。 板书:My favourite festival is…… Because I like to ……要求学生仿照黑板上的例句介绍自己的喜好情况,展开小组交流活动。老师可巡视,进行必要帮助。 3. 打开书,带领学生富有感情地朗读Part B,采用男女生分组分角色方式朗读。学生两人一组练习对话,再进行表演。 4. 让学生用自己的信息替换划线部分,鼓励他们用真实情况来表演对话,可四人一组活动。为方便学生自如地表达,老师可提供以下词汇并板书: eat chocolate/make pumpkin Lanterns. eat rice dumplings/get Christmas presents/(此举也为以后的阅读教学带来方便。) 5. 选出几组同学到前面表演,可让他们看黑板上的选用词汇。鼓励他们增加动作,提高表演欲望。在表演以后,领着其他同学给予掌声鼓励。 Don’t you think they’re very good?(Yes) Let’s give them a big hand. Task 3(第40 页Vocabulary) 1. 教师问:Which special days of the year do you know? 把days of the year写在黑板上,学生两人一组讨论。然后将搜集到的信息如New Year’s Day, May Day,Children’s Day,Teachers’ Day,National Day,Chirsmas Day等写在days of the year下面。然后在节日右边用阿拉伯数字表达法写出一些日期顺序打乱,让学生上黑板用线连接相应的节日名称,并学习短语: National Day, May Day, New Year’s Day. 2.用台历呈现句型:问学生:What day is it? Do we have to go to school? 让学生用Yes or No回答. 并让学生用自备的台历进行问答。然后让学生分组讨论,完成课本第40页Part A。 3.主学生看黑板上的节日名称,问:Whose favourite festival is …?Why do you like it?当呈现到Christmas时,出示贺卡,学习单词card并板书。Look. Here are different kinds of Christmas card, I like Christmas because I can get the cards. 接着用实物或图片教短语rice dumplings,并用the Dragon Boat Festival联系:Why do you like the Dragon Boat Festival?(Because I like to eat rice dumplings.)并操练。打开书本,要求学生完成Part B的笔头填空。全班校对答案并分组朗读四个句子。 六. 家庭作业 1.熟读第34页、35页对话。 2.抄写本课所学节日名称。 3.鼓励有条件、特长的学生课外制作南瓜灯剪纸、手提灯笼及面具等,或画出相应的图片也可。 七、板书设计(略) 第 二 教 时 Reading: A Getting ready for Halloween 一、教学目标 1. 听、说、读、写单词USA,special, shout, if, face, own, cut, sharp(adj), tooth, chocolate, winter, drink,短语cut out并了解其含义。能听懂、会说单词trick, treat, knock, candy, mask, paint, lantern, sharp(n)短语trick or treat,play a trick。能理解单词costume, pumpkin。 2. 能正确理解本课课文,就获取的信息进行相互询问及回答。 3. 能通过本课学习,对英语国家的文化习俗产生兴趣。 二、教学重点 1. 生词和短语的正确读音。 2. 能通过阅读准确获取信息并能基本正确地朗读课文。 三、教学难点 1. 能在教师的指导下,简单地复述故事。 2. 能通过对西方节日及庆祝方式的进一步了解和中外文化对比,加深对中国文化的理解。 四、课前准备 1. 教具准备:磁带、录音机、实物投影仪幕布、图片(自制的关于万圣节的道具)。 2. 教学准备:请学生准备事先制作好的道具或图片。 3. 板书准备:黑板上预先写好课题Unit 3 Let’s celebrate! 五、教学步骤 Task (第36―37页) 1. 教师用实物投影展示第35 页Part A 图2,问:What’s the name of the festival?(It’s Mid-Autumn Festival)指着图中男孩提着的灯笼,教单词Lantern: This is a lantern in English.教师说:Show me your lanterns, please! 让学生出示他们制作的实物或图片。接着,展示图片1:What’s the name of the festival?(It’s Halloween).告诉学生:This is a pumpkin lantern.把lantern写在黑板上。最后展示图片3。让一学生用第35页Part B的对话发问:Which is your favourite festival?(Easter)Why do you like it?(Because I like to eat chocolate eggs .(用手指着图片中的chocolate eggs),再板书chocolate。 2. 介绍课本内容:Today we’re going to learn something about Halloween .In China, we do not celebrate Halloween. But in the USA , people celebrate it. They have a special party on that day. And they play a game called “trick or treat”, They also wear different costumes with masks. They even paint their faces. People do not know each other. They make pumpkin lanterns, eat a lot of chocolates and candies. Don’t you think how interesting it is?(Yes).教师伴着手势、表情,借助于学生手中的实物或图片,给学生简单描述,并将上文的划线部分写在黑板上,然后让学生分组展开讨论:What do people in the USA do for Halloween? 组织学生收集信息,

篇2:牛津初中英语(7A)UNIT 1 This is me


牛津初中英语(7A)UNIT 1 This is me

Unit One ( the first period )

Teaching Contents : Comic strip and Welcome to the unit

Teaching aims:

A: Knowledge

1. Learn the greetings of meeting people

Good morning / afternoon / evening

Hi, I’m ----------. What’s your name ?

My name is ---------- .

2. Learn the new words .

e-dog , master , instruction

B: Language skill

Use everyday expressions for greetings and introductions .

e.g. What’s your name ?

My name is -------.

C: Feeling

1. To develop students to like English .

2. Arouse students’ interest in learning English

3. Train cooperation study

Main points :


Difficult points : How to greet when meeting people .

Teaching method : Circumstance teaching

Teaching aids : Pictures, record and slide

Style of lesson : New lesson

Design for blackboard :

Unit 1 This is me !Hi, I’m--------- . e-dog What’s your name ? masterMy name is -------- . instruction

Teaching process: Teaching activities

Step 1 Warming –up activities

1. self –introduction

Good morning / afternoon /evening

I’m Mr /Mrs /Miss --------.I’m -----------years old . I’m your teacher .

2. Lead-in

Use everyday expressions for greetings and introductions .

The teacher asks one student some questions

“ Hi’, I’m -------- ? What’s your name?”

Then ask some students to do it again . (about 4 students )

Give the model sentences on the blackboard.

e.g. (1) “What’s your name ?” ---- My name is --------.”

(2)“Hi, I’m --------? “ ----“What’s your name ?”

-----“My name is --------“

3. Practice

(1) Let some of the students come to the front and ask the class .

In pairs .(about 4 groups )

Let them practising greetings above.

(2) Work in pairs practising

(3) Check (ask the students to the front and practise )

Step 2 Presentation

2. Introducing six new friends

T: Now you have many new friends .Do you want to make more new friends ?

Show pictures on the blackboard .Let the students look at them .

This is Simon. This is -------.

3. Make six masks of the children and go on introducing six children’s names .( Let the students wear the masks and introduce themselves )

Ask six students to come to the front and play six new friends .

The students point to themselves and say ,

“ I’m Simon” “I’m Amy” “I’m ------------“

3. Pair work.

Let students get to know these six new friends and remember them .Practise greetings in pairs .

Step 3. Greetings

1. Show a clock of different time .Let the students identify the time .

14:35 08:20

22:15 18:10

2. Let the students know when to say

Good morning /afternoon /evening / night

3. Let the students practice greetings at different time

Greet their partners and then introduce themselves

(Ask students to draw pictures of the sun ,the moon , the sun set , a sleeping baby , say greetings to each other according to these pictures.)

4. Do written exercises part B on page 3 and then check it .

(write greetings on the book .)

Step 4 Presentation

1. Use a multimedia to let the students watch the cartoon between Eddie and Hobo.

2. Introduce

This is Eddie . This is Hobo . Eddie is Hobo’s master . Hobo is an e-dog .

3. Ask the students

Who is Eddie? (He’s the master .) Who is Hobo ?

( He’s the e-dog) . Do you like Eddie ? Do you like

e-dogs ? You can ask your mother to go and buy it for you .

Does Eddie like the e-dog ? How do you know ?

(show a real e-dog ) This is an e-dog . It’s very lovely .

4 . Learn new words

Step 5 Presentation

1. Let the students watch the cartoon and listen to the talk

between Eddie and Hobo .

2 .Let students read after the talk of them .

3. Show the new words of this text . Let the students read them first ,then read after the teacher. .

Step 6 Practice

Let the students read by themselves .

Check Let students read the talk .

Step 7 Acting

Let the students play Eddie and Hobo and act out Pair work

Step 8 Homework

Let the students write their profiles .

Notes: 我是-------------。我---------------岁。我是一名学生。我在二班。


Unit One ( the second period )

Teaching Contents : Reading (A, B)

Teaching aims:

A: Knowledge

1. Learn the new words .

Year , flat . clever , maths , basketball , club ,come from , be born , slim ,ponytail ,music ,profile , hard . wear ,enjoy ,polite ,helpful, funny

2. Learn the introduction of oneself

B: Language skill

Let students use the words and the drills to introduce oneself .

C: Feeling

1. To develop students to speak up actively

2. Let students be full of self-confidence

3. Train cooperation study

Main points :

1. The new words

2. Drills

Hi, I’m ---------------.I’m -----------years old . I’m --------(tall/short).

I live in a flat in Huai’an.

I love -----------(swimming / dancing / playing computer games)

Difficult points : Learn how to make an introduction of oneself

Teaching method : Task-based teaching

Teaching aids : Pictures, record and slide

Style of lesson : New lesson

Design for blackboard :

Unit 1 Reading ( A, B)Millie Simon Sandy Kitty Amy Daniel

Teaching process:

Teaching activities

Step 1 Revision

1. Review the lesson which we learned last time

Greetings (The teacher starts with simple greetings to the students)

2. Let students use everyday expressions to communicate when meeting

people .

Step 2 Presentation

1. Intrduction (show three pictures of Chinese teacher ,Maths teacher and English teacher with a few

self-introduction words below them )

Hi, I’m ---------. I’m ------------years old . I’m ---------tall/short.

I (don’t ) wear glasses. I live in a flat in Huai’an.

2. Ask students to read them and guess who they are .

3. Ask students to say after the teacher .

Step 3 Practise and act out

Ask students to practise themselves in groups and act out .

Step 4 Presentation

1. Show six masks of the new friends and ask students who they are and help students memorize

2. Write the names on the blackboard

3. T: Do you know what they like ? If you want to know ,please read their profiles on page 4.

4. Ask students to answer questions “What do they like ?” Use the sentences “ -----likes doing --------.”

5. Learn the new words

T: Now we know what they like ,but do you know more about them ?

I’ll ask you to read it again . Before that , let’s learn the new words .

(New words on the slide)

Step 4 Listening

Listen to reading A on page 4 and repeat it .

Step 5 Do reading B

Fill in the blanks and ask students to read their answers .

Step 6 work in class

Fill in the blanks with the proper words according to the first given letters

1. We are now studying Chinese ,English and M_______.

2. I like listening to m_________ very much . 3. Daniel wears g________.

4. I have black hair in a p________. 5. Millie is c______at Maths.

Complete the following sentences.

1. 她 的名字是安娜。她住在杭州的一所公寓里。

Her _________ name is Anna . She _________ in a _____In Hangzhou.

2. 杰克又矮又胖。他学习十分努力。

Jack is quite ________ and________. He ______ ______.

3. 他喜欢玩电子游戏。

He likes ________ computer _________.

4. Sandy 又高又苗条。

Sandy is _________ and ________.

5. 她擅长数学。

She is ___________ at __________.

Step 7 Homework .

Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the given verbs .

1. Tom ___________(sing ) well .

2. My brother always __________(play )basketball

On Wednesday afternoon .

3. I ________(like ) playing football .

4. We ________ ( watch ) TV in the evening .

5. He __________(like) swimming.

6. He __________(speak) English well .

Unit One ( the third period )

Teaching Contents : Reading (C, D)

Teaching aims:

A: Knowledge

Learn to say simple introduction about themselves .

B: Language skill

Use language to write simple profiles of their friends .

C: Feeling

1 Arouse students’ interest in speaking English .

2 Develop students’ self-confidence

3 Train cooperation study

Main points :

1. Profiles

2. Main sentences : This is ------------.

He/ She is ----------years old .

He/She is -------(tall /small)

He/She loves------(dancing /swimming/playing computer games)

He /She (doesn’t) wear glasses.

Difficult points : Learn how to write simple profiles of their friends .

Teaching method : Task-based teaching

Teaching aids : Pictures, record and slide

Style of lesson : New lesson

Design for blackboard :

Unit 1 Reading ( C , D ) This is ---------. He/She is ------years old . He/ She is --------tall /short. He/She loves ----- He/She wears glasses.

Teaching process:

Teaching activities

Step 1 Revision

Review the new words .

bunch , long ,enjoy , polite , helpful , funny , ponytail , wear glasses

Step 2 Presentation

1. Choose some typical students in the class and ask them to the front

2. Ask the other students questions

T: Who’s tall in our class ?

Who’s tall and slim in our class ? Is ------ tall or short ?

Who wears glasses in our class? Who likes football in our class ?

Who likes music in our class ? Do you like listening to music ?

Step 3 Reading

T: Do you remember what the six friends are like ? Please open the books and read it .

1 . Ask students to listen to the tape and repeat it . 2 . Read

Step 4 Questions

Show a form and complete it . Students say and the teacher writes with a colourful pen .

Then let students read profiles again .

Names boy girl age hair glasses hobbies

Mille Simon Sandy Kitty Amy Daniel

Step 5 Introduction

Show three pictures of Kitty , Amy and Daniel .

Ask students to close the books and introduce them .

Write the model sentences on the blackboard.

This is ---------. He/She is ------years old . He/ She is --------tall /short.

He/She loves ----- He/She wears glasses.

Work in pairs

Let students practise saying another three students’ profiles

Step 6 Check

Let students say true or false according to the following . (True or false questions on the slide )

1. Millie is 11 years old . 2. Simon was born in Shanghai .

3. Sally doesn’t like listening to music . 4. Kitty loves dancing .

5. Amy has long hair . 6. Daniel wears glasses .

Step 7 Asking and answering

Show pictures of six friends and sports which they like

on the slide .

Qs: 1. What does Mille like ? 2. What does Simon like ?

3. What does Kitty like ? 4. What does Amy like ?

5 .What does Sandy like ? 6 .What does Daniel like ?

Let students answer questions orally . Then let students match the sentences .

I likes playing computer games You like playing basketball

He/She like playing football We likes playing tennis

You likes badminton They like dancing

Step 8 Homework

Make a survey in groups .”What sports does he /she like?”

Work after class.

football tennis badminton swimming

李红 高山 刘清 田园

Unit One ( the fourth period )

Teaching Contents : Vocabulary

Teaching aims:

A: Knowledge

Learn the new words

badminton , swimming , tennis , football boots, swimsuit, tennis racket , football field , tennis court , swimming pool , when

B: Language skill

Use the new words to talk about sports

C: Feeling

1. Have the wishes of learning English and like to take part in activities .

2. Work with others

3. Like to say sth. in English

Main points :

The new words

Difficult points : Use new words to talk about sports .

Teaching method : Task –based teaching

Teaching aids : Pictures, record and slide

Style of lesson : New lesson

Design for blackboard :

Unit 1 Vocabulary badminton footballswimmingtennis football boots swimsuit tennis racket

Teaching process:

Teaching activities

Step 1 Revision

Let students say their profiles

Step 2 Group activities

1. Check the homework

2. Make a survey “How many students like sports in your group ?” “What sports do you like ?’’

3.Fill in the blanks

football tennis badminton swimming Yes/No

李红 高山 刘清 田园

Let students tick the result in the form

Let each group ask a student to talk about the result

Step 3 Presentation

show four pictures to the class on the slide.

The first picture . Two students are playing tennis .

T: What are they doing ? They’re playing tennis .

Write new words on the blackboard play tennis

The second picture . One student is swimming .

T: What is she doing ? She’s swimming .

Write new words on the blackboard swimming

The third picture . Two students are playing badminton .

T: What are they doing ? They’re playing tennis .

Write new words on the blackboard play badminton

The fourth picture . A boy is playing football .

T: What is he doing ? He is playing football.

Write new words on the blackboard play football

Step 4 Practice

Let the students read the new words over and over again .

Then ask students to write the sports on the underline on

part A. page 7.

Step 5 Presentation

Ask students some questions.

T: Do you like P.E. lessons ?--------- S1.----------

Do you like these sports ? S2.---------

Do you know more about sports? S3.----------

Now let’s look at these pictures .

Show pictures on the slide and learn new words .

Step 6 Extension activities

Look at the slideshow . Use “swimming “ as an example . Then ask students to complete the columns .

sport Swimming

where Swimming pool

Special clothes swimsuit

Equipment goggles

Team sport N

Work in groups

sport football sport tennis sport badminton

where where where

Special clothes Special clothes Special clothes

Equipment Equipment Equipment

Team sport Team sport Team sport

If students need help , you may give them some of the words to help them .

Step 7 Practice

Ask students to copy the table into their books

Part B. on page 7.

Read answers .

Step 8 Homework

1. Review new words .

2. Introduce the members’ hobbies of their family

Oxford English 7A, Unit 1 Grammar (the fifth period)

Simple Present Tense A B

Teaching Design

Teaching aims:

1. To make positive and negative statements and ask

questions with the verb .

2. To learn to use the simple present tense to talk about things that are always true, things that are true now and things that we do regularly.

3. Using the simple present tense to talk about one’s profile.

Teaching Aids:

1. Student’s Book 7A 2. A picture. 3. A slide projector

Teaching procedure1. :

Step 1. Revision

1. Greeting.

2. Talk about some students’ hobbies to review the simple present tense.

T: Do you have any hobbies? S: Yes.

T: What do you like to do after school? S: I like to ....

T: Good. Do you often swim? S: Yes.

T (To the students )So we can say John often swim.(板书并重复朗读) John, where do you go swimming? S: In the river.

T: Can you see any fish? S: Yes.

T: Where do fish live? S: In the river.

T: Yes. Fish live in water. (板书并重复朗读) Where do you study now?

S: We study in this school . (板书并重复朗读)

T: Oh. Do you like our school? S: Yes. I like ....


Step 2 Grammar

Learning the simple present tense.

T: Who likes fish?

S: I like fish very much.

T: Who else like eating fish? Now please open your books at page 8.

1. Ss look at the pictures and read , then answer the questions.

1)Who else like eating fish?

2)Do you still remember Millie? Does she live in Huaian? Where does she live?

3) What about Simon? What does he often do after school?

2. Studying the usage of the simple present tense.

T: Cats eat fish. This is something that is always true. Right?

Look at the sentences on the blackboard. Which one like this?

S: I think Fish lives in water. Right?

T: Yes, you are right. Look at the second one. Millie lives in Beijing. This is something that is true now.Right? Which is one on the blackboard that is true now?

S: We study in this school now.

T: Ok. You are right. Look at the third one. Simon plays football after school. Is this something that is always true ? S: No.

T: Is this something that is true now? S: No.

T: Yes. This is something Simon does regularly. So this is something that we do regularly. Now which one on the blackboard like this?

S: John often swim, I think.

T: You are right.

(You can give your students more similar sentences in order to help students understand the usage of the simple present tense .)

1. Summing up the simple present tense.

2. Summing up the simple present tense.

3. Workbook on page 5 A .

Step 3 Practice

Workbook on page 6

Do the exercise ,part A2 ,to help students master the usage of the simple present tense.

Step 4 Practice

Grammar A

T: Who will help Millie complete her profile ? And please use the words from the box.

1. Let students complete Part A on their own first.

2. Checking up the answers. Ask some students to read out their answers and check for correct pronunciation.

3. Let students talk about Millie’s profile using the third person singular , pay attention to the forms of the giving verbs.

T: Who is Millie?

S: ….

Step 4 Exercises

Workbook on page 5 A1

1. Ask students to write four things about themselves using the sentences on page 8 as models.

2. Ask some students to read out their sentences.

Step 5 Learning

1. Changing the sentences on the blackboard into negative sentences. Remind students that we do not need to add ‘s’ to the main verb after ‘does not’,e.g. ‘does not live’.

2. Show some pictures. Talk about them.

T: Is it something you often do or something you don’t do, you do not do . Can you tell me ? For example. The first picture, If this something I often do, I can say,“ I often write.”

S: ….

3.Go through the table on page 8 with the students. Learn how to add an ‘s 'to the verb after ‘he’, ‘she’ or ‘it’.

4. Workbook on page 6 A3

Step 6 Practice

Grammar B (on page 9)

1. Students finish the dialogue on their won first.

2. Check up the answers. Let them read out the dialogue.

3. Act out the dialogue in pairs.

Step 7 Production

1. Let the students make their dialogues.Talk about themselves.

2. Act out their dialogues.

3. Work out the rule.Do it.


Exercises: A4, A5, B2 and B3


Unit 1 Grammar A B The simple present tense John often swim. Tom doesn’t swim. Eat Fish live in water. We don’t live in water. afterWe study in this school. Millie doesn’t study here. lunchtime walkfly flies finish finishes every daymiss misses fix fixes milk watch watches always

Oxford English 7A, Unit 1 Grammar (the sixth period)

Simple Present Tense C D E F

Teaching Design

Teaching aims:

1. To make positive and negative statements and ask

questions with the verb ‘to be’.

2. To learn to use the simple present tense to talk about things that are always true, things that are true now and things that we do regularly.

3. Using the simple present tense to talk about one’s profile.

Teaching Aids:

1. Student’s Book 7A 2. A picture. 3. A slide projector

Teaching procedure :

Step 1 Revision

1. Greeting.

2. Check the homework.

Step 2 practice

Grammar C

1.Talking about the pictures.

T: If you want to write a letter to your penfriend and If you want to e-mail it , do you write it on a piece of paper? S: No.

T: Where do you write it? S: On compute.

T: Right. You can write it on compute. Have you send an e-mail to your friend on the compute? Now Millie’s penfriend e-mailed her some pictures of his family. Look at the pictures. Now open your books at page 10.

Who is Millie’s penfriend? ( Students read the letter and find out the answer to the question.)

S: Raymond.

T Yes. Raymond is a boy. Who can read this letter?

S: Let me try. (Read the letter. Then you can let them read it in chorus.)

T: Good. Please look at the first picture. Is this Millie’s father? S: No.

T: Whose father? S: He is Raymond’s father.

T: You’re right. He is Millie’s penfriend’s father.

Ok. What is Raymond’s father doing?

S: He is playing tennis.

T: Yes. He likes playing tennis. Does he play tennis every day?

S: Yes. He plays tennis every day. (Repeat it.)

T: The second picture. Who is the woman?

S: She is Raymond’s mother. T: Does she play tennis every day, too?

S: No. She doesn’t play tennis. She likes reading.

T: Oh, I see. Raymond’s mother does not play tennis. We can also say Raymond’s mother doesn’t play tennis. (Repeat these two sentences.) Ok. What about the third picture? Who are they?

S: They are Raymond’s grandparents. They like watching TV.

T: Oh, They are Raymond’s father’s father and mother. They are watching TV now . They like watching TV. (Repeat it) Please look at the last picture. Whose cat is it?

S: It’s Raymond’s cat. T: Yes. Does Raymond love it?

S: Of course. And it loves Raymond. T: You are very good.

2. Let students talk about the pictures using the first person singular

3. Complete the sentences now . What do they often do?

4. Read the sentences.

Sept 3 Exercises

Complete the sentences on the projector.

1) Millie _______ a dog. 2) Kitty _______ dancing.

3) Ann _______ TV every evening. 4) Daniel _______ kite on Saturday.

5) Simon’s parents _______ from Beijing. 6) Sandy _______ tall and thin.

T: Yes. For example.

Helen is tall.

Jane is not ( isn’t) tall. (Point out the contractions.)

( Written on the blackboard .Be ready for the next step.)

Step 4 Learning

Part 2 Simple present tense of the verb‘to be’.

1. Go through the tables on page 10.

2. Read and practise the sentences like this.

T: I’m happy. Are you happy? S: Yes, I am.

T: Are you sad? S: No, I’m not.

Step 5 Practice

1.Grammar D

T: Look at Millie and Simon . Millie and Simon are introducing themselves to each other.Can you complete the conversations ?

1) Students do them.

2) Let Ss read them.

3) Explain the new word “world”.(We may ask students something about their football.)

2.Part 2 Asking questions with the verb ‘to be ’.

T: When we don’t know anything,we can ask questions .For example, Amy is tall. But I don’t know, how do I ask this question ?

S: Is Helen tall?(板书) T: Good. Is Jane tall?

S: No, she isn’t. T: Is Helen tall?

S: Yes, she is.

1) Practise them like this.

2) Go through the tables on page 11.Then read the sentences and practise them like this.(We can use the sentences on the blackboard again or another information from the students.)

Step 6 Practice E

T: Look at the picture on this page . Now Millie is talking to her new classmates . They are talking about their school and their teachers. Can you complete the sentences for them?

S: Yes.

(Remind the students to use the simple present tense of the verb ‘to be’)

1) Students do them.

T: Who are Millie’s new classmates?

S: They are Sandy and Simon.

2) Explain the words “member, fun” and learn the phrase “a member of the Reading Club”

3) Asking three students to act the conversation.

4) Let students make the similar dialogues.

5) Act out their dialogues.

Step 7 Pravtice

Grammar F What does Simon do at the weekend?

T: Simon is writing to his penfriend about what he and his family do at the weekend. At the weekend means at the Staturday and Sunday. Can we help him?

1) Students do this.

2) Check the answer with the students. And explain these:

be good at


3) Let students write a letter to a penfriend about what they do at the weekend. Give them some phrases to help them. Such as:

do homework clean the floor

wash the clothes play football

Climb the mountain go swimming

do shopping watch TV

go to the zoo go to see grandparents

play the piano work on the computer


1.Write a letter to a penfriend about what their families do at the weekend.

2.Finish Exercises on page 10 on the Workbook: C1 C2 C3 C4


Unit 1 Grammar B C D F The Simple present tense Helen is tall . grandparents weekend Jane is not / isn’t tall . best run Is Helen tall ? world hour Yes, she is . member then Is Jane tall ? a member of be good at No, she isn’t. the Reading Club dinner restaurant sometimes

Oxford English 7A, Unit 1 (the seventh period)

Integrated skills A Teaching Design

Teaching aims:

1. Enable the students to extract information from

an article.

2. Enable the students to obtain information from listening.

3. Enable the students to consolidate information and complete a newsletter article.

Teaching Aids:

1. Student’s Book 7A

2. Some pictures and a football.

3. A computer and a slide projector

Teaching procedure :

Step 1 Revision

1. Greeting.

2. Check the homework.

Step 2 Presentation

1. Present the new words.

Simon’s favourite football player

sports player match the World Cup score goal kick

T: Do you like sports? Ss: Yes, we do.

T: Do you like football? Ss: Yes.

T: OK.(Show a picture of a football player) Who is he? S: He is ….

T What is he? Is he a teacher S: No.

T: Yes. He is a player.(Lead in reading it.) He is a football player. He plays football. What about Yao Ming? Is he a football player?

S: No. He is a basketball player.

T: A football player will play football. Then a lot of

football players ,they play football together. This is called a match. (Lead in reading it .) So when the football players play football together ,it is called a football match. When the basketball players play basketball together ,that is called a basketball match. Which one do you like ,a football match or a basketball match?

S: I like a football match.

T: Good. Do you all like a football match?

Ss: Yes. / No.(Ask two students)

T: So , … likes a football match. …likes a basketball match.

Then the football players will go to a match. And this match is the biggest match of the football. That means all the best football players will go there and play. And this is called the World Cup. (Lead in reading it .) So it is the match for all the best football players. Right for the football players, so it is called the World Cup. Have a look at this picture.(Show the second picture) This is from last World Cup. What is this football player doing? He is kicking.( Read “kick”) He is kicking the football. Now if the football goes into the gate, we say he scores a goal. (Lead in reading them .) Who likes football? Can you kick the football?

S: Yes, I can. T: How to kick?

S: ( Show it) T: ( to the all studrnts) Is he a good football player?

Ss: Yes. T: If it is a gate, can you score a goal?

S: (A student kicked a ball.)

T: Mike kicks the ball. The ball comes into the gate .So he scores a goal. (repeat)Is he your favourite football player?

S: Yes.

T: Who is your favourite football / basketball player? S: ….

Step 2 Learning A1

1.Read the passage.

T: If you want to write about your favourite football player or basketball player , do you know how to write? Can you write an article about your favourite football player or basketball player? I’ll tell you how to write it.

2. A1 Go through the headline of the newspaper article and the picture.

T: (Then ask)Who is Simon’s favourite football player?

S: Li Guanhua is Simon’s favourite football player.

T: Yes. He is Simon’s favourite football player. So Simon is going to write an article about him . But first he has to read this news article to find something about Li Guanhua. Can you read it now?

3. Students read the article first, then find out the answers to these questions:

1) What is Li Guanhua ? / What does he do ?

S: He is a good football player.

2) Which team is he in now ? / Which football team does he play for?

S: He’s in Huanhe

3) Which team was he in before ? / Which football team did he play for?


4) Is he good at football? How do you know that?


5) What did he do? How many football matches did he play in the last six months?

S: 12.

6) Yes. He played 12 matches. How many goals did he score?

S: 15.

T: He scored 15 goals. So is he a good football player?

S: Yes.

T: OK. He is very good football player and he is good at football. What is Simon going to do now? He reads the article . Now Simon is going to complete the note. Can we help Simon complete the notes? First you should know these.

Name Age Appearance

Birthplace New team Next match

2. Complete the notes.

3. Check the answers.

Step 3 Listening


1. Listen to the tape.

T: Let’s listen to the tape and find out more information and then we can help Simon to complete this notes.

T: OK. Do you understand? Can you complete the notes now?

NO. Let’s listen again.

2. Check the answers.

Step 4 Practice


T: Now Simon has this notes. Simon is going to write about Li Guanhua for the Football Clup newsletter. OK. Can you help Simon complete the article.

1. Students do this.

2. Check the answers.(最好使用实物投影。)

Step 5 Consolidation

Complete another article like A1.

T: I have an article about my favourite football player. His name is …. Read this passage then write an article about … for our school newspaper.

1. First students discuss in group of four and write it.

2. The teacher gives them more information about it.

3. Check their answers.


1. Finish up this article.

2. Finish Exercises on page 12 and 13 on the Workbook.

Procedures of Teaching for Unit 1

(the Eighth Period)

Teaching content: Main task

Teaching aims : 1.To master the new words and expressions.

2. Enable the students to use what they have learned in this Unit to write a profile to introduce themselves.

3.To be able to communicate with each other in order to know each other better .

Teaching Aids: Pictures

A projector .

Teaching procedures :

Step 1.Revision


2.Ask students to prepare their dialogues about “Do you have … ? Can I borrow your …?”and get some pairs to act out .

Step 2. Presentation

1.Today we’ll learn “Main Task ” . Do you know “What is the main task of this Unit?”

Let the students discuss and ask one of the students to tell the class .

Teacher writes it on the blackboard

Main task : Writing a profile about yourself.

2.T: But do you know how to write a profile ? First please read Millie’s and Daniel’s profiles to know how to write a profile .

3. Get the students to read the profiles .

4.Teacher gives the students some questions according to the two profiles, and asks them to answer.

1).How old are they ? 2).When were their birthdays?

3).Where were they born ? 4).Where do they live now ?

5).What do they look like ? 6).What are their hobbies?

7) Who is Andy ? 8). Who has a lot of CDs ?

9).Does Millie have a lot of friends ? 10).What does Daniel do on the line ?

5.Then ask the students to ask and answer in pairs .

Read some new words and phrases on the blackboard .

6).Now do you know how to write a profile ?

Sump up : 1). … 2). … 3). …(让学生总结。)

Step 2. Practice

1.T: Millie has a lot of CDs , I have a lot of CDs ,too.

I like listening to music , do you like listening to music ?

S: Yes , I do .

T: Do you like playing computer games ?

S: Yes ,I do .

T: I’m good at singing , are you good at singing ?

S: No , I’m good at playing football

T: I have a cousin ,Do you have a cousin ?

S: No, I don’t . But I have a sister .

2.Can you practise like this .(Let the students ask and answer freely.)


Step4. Writing

T: We will have a party in our class . And many our penfriends will come to the party .

Can you write your own profile for your class noticeboard to let our penfriends know us well .

Now please write .Let the students write .

Ask some students to come to the front to read theirs , that is to tell the class yourself .

Homework :

1. Ss write their profiles and stick their own photos on the page .

2. Ask the Ss to design their profiles and stick their profiles on the wall . Choose five best ones .

Procedures of teaching for Unit 1

The Ninth Period

Teaching content : Checkout To revise the grammar and the vocabulary in Unit 1.

Teaching aims: 1. To revise the grammar and to be able to use it correctly .

2.Enable the students to master the vocabulary in this Unit and to be able to find out more words .

3.Enable the Ss to use what they have learned to communicate with others freely .

Teaching Aids : Pictures Of six students .

A projectors .

Teaching procedures :

Step 1. Revision

1.T: Last lesson I ask you to write your own profile for your class noticeboard . Have you finished ?

S: Yes .

T: Now please hand in your profiles with their photos .

Show some profiles to the Ss and talk to the Ss like the following .

T: Do you know this girl ? S: Yes, I do . She is … .

T: Is she lovely / pretty / beautiful ? S: Yes, she is .

T: Look at this girl , is she tall/ slim / fat /thin ? S: Yes, she is .

T: Does she have long hair ? S: Yes , she does .

T: What is she like ? S: She is slim .

2.Then teachers and Ss talk about their profiles together .

3.T: This is Lily’s profile , look ,Lily is pretty .

Lily ,can you read your profile?

4.Ask some other Ss to come to the front to read their profiles .

Step 2. Presentation

1.Today let’s learn the last lesson --- Checkout .

We will revise grammar and vocabulary .

2.T: Do you like listening to music ? S: Yes, I do .

T: Do you like playing football?(板书)

S: No, I don’t like playing football .(板书)

But Simon likes playing football .(板书)

T: Excuse me , Simon . Do you like playing football ?

Simon: Yes, I do .

T: Oh. I see . You like having sports . Me , too.

But how many kinds of sports do you know .

S: Basketball , football , volleyball and so on .

Now open your book at page 17. We have three word families ---- People , Sports , Appearance .Please put the words on the right word families .

3.Ask three Ss to come to the blackboard and write their answer .

4.Check the answers on the blackboard . Let the students read the words on the blackboard together .

5. Can you say more words about people , sports , and appearance ?

Let the Ss discuss in pairs .

6. Ask some Ss to say their answers .


Step 3.Grammar

T: Now boys and girls ,please look at the blackboard


What kind of tense is used in these sentences .

S: The simple present tense .

T: yes, you are right . Now do you know how to use it ?

Let the Ss discuss in groups to sum up the usage of the simple present tense .


Step4. Exercises

1.T: Now do you know the grammar ?

Do you understand it ?

S: Yes , we do .

T: Please open your books at page 17. Do part A.

Let the Ss fill in the blanks , and then check the answers .

Ask some pairs to work in pairs .

Get them to write their score on the paw .

3.Ask the Ss to write a profile about their good friends, then get the Ss to read it in class .

Homework :

1.Preview the next lesson .

2.Recite the words and expressions of Unit 1.

3.Write a profile about their teacher .

Oxford English 7A, Unit 1 (the Tenth Period)

Integrated skills B

Study Skills

Teaching Design

Teaching aims:

1. Enable the students to exchange information about oneself.

2. Enable the students to ask questions about personal information.

3. Enable the students to respond questions to oneself.

4.Enable the students to establish and

maintain relationships and routines in school.

5. Enable the students to use everyday expressions to give instructions, make requests, and give responses.

Teaching Aids:

1. Student’s Book 7A

2. Some pictures.

3. A computer and a slide projector

Teaching procedure :

Step 1 Revision

1. Greeting. and try to find something about me .

2. Check the homework.

Step 2 Presentation

B Speak up: making new friends

1. Let students ask the teacher some queations.(to the following table)

Name: (What’s your name?)

Address: (Where do you live?)

Hobby: (What’s your hobby?)

T: Could you please say something about me now?

( Show the paper)

Name: Wang Ling

Address: Renmin Road

Hobby: Reading

A member of the Reading Club

S: Your name is ….

T: Good. Where do I live?

S: You live on Renmin Road.

T: ( to another studrnt) Where do you live?

S: I live …. ( Let students practise them.)

T: What do I like?

S: You like reading and you are a member of the Reading Club.

T: Yes. What do you like?

Ss:I like dancing. I am a member of the Dancing Club.

I like listening to music. I am a member of the Music Club.

I like playing the piano. I am a member of the Piano Club.

I like swimming. I am a member of the Swimming Club.

I like playing football. I am a member of the Football Team.

I love watching films. I am a member of the Film Club

2.Present the dialogue.

T: (OK. Do you want to be my friend?) Hi, my name is Wang Ling. What’s your name?

S: I’m Rose.

T: I live on Renmin Road. Where do you live?

S: I live on ….

T: What do you like?

S: I like listening to music. I am a member of the Music Club.

T: Oh really? I’m reading. I’m a member of the Reading Club

Nice to meet you.

S: Nice to meet you, too.

3. Work in pairs (show the sentences).

4. Act out their dialogue.

Step 3 Listening

( Show the picture of Daniel and Sandy)

T: Look at the picture. Who are they? S: They are Daniel and Sandy.

T: What are they doing? S: They are talking.

T: What are they talking about? Please listen to the tape.

And then answer the questions.

Where do they live?

What do they like? (Written on the blackboard)

1. Play the tape for the students.

2. Check the answers.

3. Listen to the tape and read after the tape.

4. Read the dialogue in parts.

Step 4 Presentation

Working with others A

1. Present this.

T: Boys and girls, I want to copy this dialogue. But I don’t have a pen with me. Do you have a pen?

S: Yes, I do. Here you are.

T: Thank you very much. Oh, do you have a new exercise book with you?

S: No, I don’t.

( Written and read)

Do you have a …? Yes, I do.

No, I don’t.

Step 5 Practice

1.Students make dialogues using them.

2.Act them out.

Step 6 Presentation

1. Present this.

T: Do you have a ruler, Mike?

S: Yes, I do.

T: Can I borrow your ruler?

S: Yes, I can. Here you are.

T: Thank you very much. (to the all) I borrow Mike’s ruler or I borrow the ruler from Mike. And Mike lends me his ruler or Mike lends his ruler to me.

(Explain the words “borrow and lend”.)

篇3:牛津初中英语(7A)Unit5 Going shopping

Unit5 Going shopping

第五单元 购物


1. Use “there be” in questions and statements.

2. Use the Present Continuous Tense to talk about things that are happening now and ask and answer questions about what people are doing.

3. Use personal pronouns (object form)


1. 『基础知识』

a. 「重点词汇」 (Vocabulary):

go shopping, free, minute, just a minute, over there, cost, expensive, prefer, match, pretty, mind, never mind, someone, bookshop, clothes shop, shoe shop, sports shop, e-friend, centre, pay, at present, at the moment, right now, study, visit, wait, turn, tonight, stay, hear, poor, pair, size, try on, fit, cheap, jeans, taxi, easy, outside, inside, next door, cry, police car, into.

b. 「重点句型」(Sentences):

I want you to go shopping with me today.

I want to buy a lot of things but I don’t have any money.

Here is my purse. Please come with me!

I need you to carry all the bags.

Can I help you? What are you looking for?

Just a minute. Take a look. They’re great.

How much do the cards cost? That’s quite expensive/cheap.

There’s a discount on ……

They cost / are ¥10.

I prefer to buy …… I’m sure you can find……

How much money can you spend?

How much are they?

I don’t have enough money to buy……

Never mind! I’ll buy……

I’d like to buy a pair of football boots.

Could I try them on, please?

What size are your feet?

It is very easy to find.

You can eat different kinds of food from different countries.

I like watching a film before going shopping.

There are always lots of people waiting for me to finish.


「Listening (听)」

Recognize familiar words in a conversation about shopping preferences and other shopping----related issues.

Identify specific information about different shopping habits.


Interact with others and talk about specifics. Use appropriate register.

Conduct simple negotiations.

Describe the layout of a shopping mall.


Guess general meanings of new words by looking at pictures and keywords.

Identify special information about shopping by reading the conversation.

Respond to the text by doing a survey.


Organize ideas, structure sentences and put them together in paragraphs.

Describe and explain.


Use vocabulary learning strategies for self-study.

第一课时 The First Period


1. 『基础知识』

a. 「词汇」 (Vocabulary):

go shopping, free, bookshop, clothes shop, shoe shop, sports shop.

b. 「句型」 (Sentences):

I want you to go shopping with me today.

I want to buy a lot of things but……

I don’t have any money.

Here’s my purse. Please come with me!

I need you to carry all the bags.

2. 『基本技能』

a. To know some vocabularies about common presents.

b. To learn new words related to this unit’s theme.

c. To guess meaning from pictures and to sort vocabulary.

d. To guess the meanings of words by recognizing shopping items and relating them to typical shops.




Task I

1. Ask Ss to listen to the tape of P70 and answer the question-why does Hobo want Eddie to go shopping with him?

2. Ask Ss to practice the dialogue and act it out!

Task II

1. Ask Ss to look at the pictures in Part A1 on Page 71.Find out which items they can recognize and whether they know the words in English.

2. Ask Ss to do as much of the tasks as they can on their own. Then check all the answers with the whole class. Identify the words which Ss do not know and present them.

3. Ask Ss to look at the pictures again and report which presents are suitable for girls and which ones are suitable for boys.

4. Tell Ss to write down the suitable presents for Simon and Sandy in Part A2. Point out to them that some presents are suitable for both. Ask Ss to check their lists in pairs.

Task III

1. Before looking at the book, ask Ss what shops they know. Ask them to list as many shops as they can. (book shop, electrical shop, shoe shop, toy shop, supermarket, sports shop, clothes shop, CD store, tuck shop, department store, grocery, chemist, butcher, etc.)

2. Ask Ss to look at the pictures on Page75 and write the names of the shops underneath the pictures on their own. Then get some Ss to tell you what things they can buy in those shops, and write some of the items next to the pictures.

3. Tell Ss to check their answers in pairs and ask Ss to read the names of the shops together.

4. Ask Ss to look at the pictures and describe or name the objects. Tell them to write the correct names under the pictures. Then Ss match these items with the shop in PartA by writing the correct number in each of the boxes.



1. What do you want on your birthday?

2. What do you buy for your mother on Mother Day?

3. What do you buy for your father on Father Day?

4. Where do you buy comic books?

5. Where do you buy new clothes at Chinese New Year?


1. B S

2. C U

3. P

4. S E

5. S R

6. C M

7. G A

8. B R

9. S K




第二课时 The Second Period


1. 『基础知识』

a. 「词汇」 (Vocabulary):

minute, just a minute, over there, cost, expensive, prefer, match, pretty, mind, never mind, someone, *bright, *unusual, *cut, *go well with, *fancy, *discount, *shopkeeper.

b. 「句型」 (Sentences):

Can I help you? What are you looking for?

Just a minute. Take a look.

They are great.

How much do the cards cost?

That’s quite expensive / cheap.

There’s a discount on……

They cost / are ¥10.

How much money can you spend?

How much are they?

2. 『基本技能』

a. To increase awareness of different registers.

b. To guess general meanings of new words by looking at pictures and keywords.

c. To identify specific information about shopping from reading to conversations.




Task Ⅰ

1. Tell Ss to look at the pictures and ask them.

Where is Amy? (In a shop)

2. Ask Ss to skim the conversations on their own and underline any words they do not know. Encourage them to guess the meanings of these words from the context Get Ss to work out the meaning of ‘discount’ by deduction as a class activity.

3. Draw a table on the board and ask Ss to copy it in their books.

Things Amy looked at Cost

This year’s cards ¥10

Last year’s cards ¥6

Stickers ¥5

Hair clips ¥9

Tell Ss to write down all the items Amy looked at and list their cost.

Ask for volunteers to write the answers on the board.

4. Play a “Price Bingo” game to practice speaking and listening to the prices.

Task Ⅱ

1. Ask Ss to do Part B1 individually. Encourage Ss to guess the meanings of words from the context and the given definitions. Then check the answers as a class.

2. Ask Ss to look at the table in Part B2. Explain that Amy did a survey of the most popular presents her friends would like to get hair clips as a present? (Four) What is the most popular present for boys? (A computer game.)

Tell Ss to discuss the results with their partners.


A: Can I 1 you?

B: I want to buy a skirt 2 my daughter.

A: What 3 do you want?

B: Green or yellow.

A: Look at the skirts over there. We have different colours. 4 one do you like?

B: I think the green one is nice. But it’s too big.

A: What 5 this one?

B: This one is OK. How 6 is it?

A: 7 ¥28.50.

B: All right. I’ll 8 it.


第三课时 The Third Period




I prefer to buy……

I’m sure you can find……

I don’t have enough money to buy……

Never mind! I’ll buy……


a. To revise the dialogues by asking some questions and ask Ss to act them out.

b. To use ‘wh--’ words to do a survey.

c. To tell Ss to help Kitty choose the things that she can buy.




Task Ⅰ

1. Ask Ss to answer some questions to revise the dialogues. Then get Ss to act them out.

2. Work in groups of four to conduct a survey by asking “What would you like to get as a present?” Then ask some volunteers to report their results.

3. Ask Ss to display the results on the class notice board. Ask Ss to use their creatively to make the bar chart look interesting by adding colors and illustration.

Task Ⅱ

1. Make sure that Ss understand the purpose of the activity. Relate this exercises to the Ss own experience.

2. Ask Ss to do Part C by the conversations on Page 72 in pairs. Provide help they need.

3. Go through the answers with the whole class.



cost, discount, expensive, fancy, look for, match, never mind, prefer, pretty, take a look

1. The match ¥400.

2. They give a 20% on the cakes in the morning.

3. The shoes the dress well.

4. I bought(买) a very hat yesterday.

5. Look at the shoes. I’ll buy them.

6. -----I’m sorry I’m late.

----- .

7. Houses in this area(地区) are very .

8. I can’t find my new clip. I’m it.

9. I didn’t like pop music. I classical(古典的) music.

10. Come and . These flowers are very beautiful.


第四课时 The Fourth Period


1. 『基础知识』

“there is/ are” sentence

2. 『基本技能』

To use “there is /are” in questions and statements;

There is/ are (not) + n. + 介词短语.

Is/ Are there + n. +介词短语?

Yes, there is/ are. No, there isn’t/ aren’t




Task Ⅰ

1. Go through the table on Page 76 with Ss. Make sure that they use “there is” for uncountable and singular countable nouns and “there are” for plural nouns. Also point out that in question the verb comes first.

2. Check out the prepare exercises.

Task Ⅱ

Show Ss a picture of a shopping mall. Ask Ss questions about the shopping mall,


---- Is there a bakery in this shopping mall?

---- Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t.

---- Are there many people in this shopping mall?

---- Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.

Practise the structure until Ss understand it.

Note: the using of “some” and “any” in “There be”.

Task Ⅲ

1. Ask Ss to complete the sentence in the e-mail on their own and then check answers with the whole class. Then read the e-mail each other in pairs.

2. Tell Ss that they can use this model e-mail to talk about other things, eg, a youth club, a cinema, a restaurant and write it out as their home work..



1. 我有一辆新自行车。________________________.

2. 桌子上有一个茶杯。________________________

3. 教室里有很多学生吗?没有。______________________________.

4. 你有一些贴纸吗?有。____________________________.

5. 我父母亲正在看电视。_______________________.


第五课时 The Fifth Period


1. 『基础知识』

a. 「词汇」 (Vocabulary)

Personal pronouns (Object form): me; you; him; her; it; us; you; them.

pay; at present; at the moment; right now; study; visit; wait; turn; *(lie; tonight; stay; stay; video; hear;)

b. Present Continuous Tense

c. Personal Pronouns (object form)

2. 『基本技能』

a. To recognize and use the present continuous tense to talk about things that are happening now.

The Present Continuous Tense.

I am (not)

You/ We/ They are (not) V-ing…

He/ She/ It is (not)

Am I

Are you/ we/ they V-ing …?

Is he/ she/ it

I am. I’m not.

Yes, you/ we/they are. No, you/we/they aren’t.

he /she/it is. he/she/it isn’t.

b. To introduce personal pronouns (object form) to refer to someone/ something. Object form: me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them.




Task Ⅰ

1. Go through the tables on Page 77&78 with Ss. Make sure that they can understand the structures of present continuous tense: “be + V-ing”.

2. Check out the prepare exercises.

Task Ⅱ

1. Make some crazy suggestions to get their attention. Try to adapt the initial questions to arouse Ss’ interest. Act out your questions using voice and questions.

What are you doing…?

Are you writing a letter to me?

Are you singing…?

Are you playing the computer games right now? etc.

2. Then make some statements about yourself, e.g.

I am enjoying myself.

I am having a great time.

I am talking to you.

Ask Ss what kind of statements and questions you have formulated. Elicit the ideas about things going on now.

at present, at the moment, right now, now.

Task Ⅲ

1. Ask Ss to look at the pictures in Part B, and describe what the people are doing without reading the sentences below the picture. Then Ss complete the sentences. Check their answers with the whole class, paying attention to the use of the present continuous tense.

Ask Ss to work out the rule at the bottom of P77.

2. Ask Ss to look at the picture at the bottom of Page 78, and talk about what they are doing. Then Ss complete Part B2 on their own. After checking the answers. Ss work in pairs to practice the conversation. Ask a few pairs of volunteers to role-play the conversation in front of the class.

Task Ⅳ

1. Go through the sample sentences on Page79 and find out how each pronoun is related to the subject in the first sentence for we use personal pronouns to avoid repeating nouns which have already been mentioned.

2. Ask Ss to read the conversation and complete the sentences with personal pronouns (object form) in pairs. Then underline the personal pronouns in subject form and circle them in object form. Ask six volunteers to read out a speech bubble each to check answers.



1. The twins are reading in the classroom. Can’t you see ________?

2. Wow, you have a new bike. Can I borrow __________?

3. Let ______ go to school together, Lily!

4. Today is Liu Mei’s birthday. Jim wants to buy _______a present.

5. He’s too tired. Don’t wake ______ up.

6. I can’t carry the box. Can you help ________?


第六课时 The Sixth Period


1. 『基础知识』

a. 「词汇」(Vocabulary):

poor, pair, size, try on, fit, cheap, jeans, *(collect, notebook, writing paper, donate, advertisement, country, raise)

b. 「句型」(Sentences):

I’d like to buy a pair of football boots.

Could I try them on, please?

What size are your feet?

2. 『基本技能』

a. To recognize familiar words in a conversation about shopping preferences and other shopping-related issues.

b. To develop vocabulary learning strategies.

c. To use a vocabulary tree to categorize and memorize new words.




Task Ⅰ

1. Ask questions “How much pocket money do you get every week?”

What things do you buy with your pocket money ?

2. Ask Ss to look at the pictures in Part A and guess what each person buys with their pocket money.

3. Play the recording and ask Ss to match the items with the people. Then check the answers.

Task Ⅱ

1. Elicit from Ss some ideas of what children’s lives are like in poor areas.

2. Let the students listen to the recording and write down how often Simon and children in poor areas in China buy these items.

Check answers with the whole class.

3. Ask Ss to look at the advertisement in Part B2 and ask questions “What do many children in poor areas in China not have at school?”

4. Let Ss complete Millie and Simon’s letter to the Principal by referring to the advertisement on page 80. Check answers with their partners. Then ask students to read out the completed letter to the class.

Task Ⅲ

Ask Ss to think of ways in which they could help the children in poor areas in China. Then in groups of four, ask them to complete their own letters to the Principal about ways of helping other people.

Task Ⅳ

1. Read the conversation in PartC1 to the class and let the students practise reading it in groups of three

2. Tell Ss to look at the table in Part C2 and ask Ss to make up a new dialogue and work it out in groups



A: Hello, 1 2 to buy a pair of jeans.

B: 3 4 do you wear?

A: 5 6 size 30. I like this 7 .

Could I 8 them 9 , please?

B: Yes, of course.

A: Well, they 10 very well. 11 12 are they?

B: 13 200 yuan.

A: Oh, that’s too 14 .

Do you have a 15 pair.


1. This bike is three hundred yuan .(对划线部分提问.)

______ _______is this bike?

2.My feet are size 36.(对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ are your feet?

3.I’d like to buy a computer.(对划线部分提问)

_______ ______you _______ to buy?

4. The books are very cheap.(同义句)

The books are ______ _______.


第七课时 The Seventh Period


1. 『基础知识』

a. 「词汇」(Vocabulary):

taxi, easy , △taxi rank, *however, *note,

b. 「句型」(Sentences)

It is very easy to find.

You can eat different kinds of food from different countries.

I like watching a film before going shopping.

There are always lots of people waiting for me to finish.

2. 『基本技能』

a. To write a guide to a shopping mall.

b. To develop an understanding of discourse, sentence structure, paragraphing and linking sentences.

c. To describe the layout of a shopping mall.

d. To develop an awareness of audience and appropriate register.




Task Ⅰ

1. Go through the context and instructions. Ensure that Ss understand the purpose of writing a guide. Ask what they would like to see in a shopping guide, and what kind of people would read it. They need to decide upon this before they start the writing task.

2. Ask Ss to read the notes in Part A and check for understanding of vocabulary. Get Ss to find out that when we write notes we do not need to write in complete sentences, we just need to write down the key points.

3. Ask Ss to work in pairs. Talk to Ss about the context. Ask them to focus on sentence constructions, linking ideas in paragraphs and identifying clearly the main idea of each paragraph.

4. Ask Ss to read through the guide first and understanding any words they do not know. Explain these words before doing the exercise. Then in pairs, Ss complete Simon’s writing using words from the note in Part A.

5. Ask for volunteers to read out different paragraphs of the completed guide. Check for correct answers.

Task II

1. Ask Ss to use the picture shown on page 84 to describe the shopping mall. Ask Ss to make some notes about the shopping mall based on the model in Part A and write down a list of things to find out about the shopping malls.

2. Ask Ss to draw shops from the nearest shopping mall. Tell them to write the names of the shops in large letters above the shops. Then ask them to write the ideas sold in each shop under the picture.

3. Show the class the picture of a shopping mall. Give them one picture to look at it carefully. Tell them they have to remember as many things as possible in the picture. After one minute, ask Ss to write down everything they can remember about the shopping mall. Ask Ss to formulate statements about the things they remember using “there is ” and “there are” , Ss get one point for every correct statement. See which pair has the highest points.



There is a _______ _______ near my home. The mall is quite big. There are _____ floors of shops. There is a ______ ______ restaurant on the ground floor. You can eat _______ kinds of food there. There is also a _____ on the first floor. We can buy lots of different things there. I like the cinema. It’s on the ____ floor. I like to _______ a film before I go shopping. My favourite shop is the ______. I love to look at the new books there. The mall is a good _____ to go. I can meet my ____ there.


第八课时 The Eighth Period



a. 「词汇」(Vocabulary)

outside, inside, next door, cry, police car, into, *bankcard, *stomach, *ache.

b. 「语法」(Grammar)

“There be” sentence

The Present Continuous Tense

The personal pronouns (object form)


a. To develop vocabulary learning strategies;

b. To check the use of ‘there is/ are……’ and the present continuous tense;

c. To revise vocabulary related to shopping.




Task Ⅰ

1. Remind the students that vocabulary is a key part of learning a language and it is important that they think about how they learn best and how they can memorize the greatest number of words.

2. Choose some good students who can remember words quickly. Then let them introduce their own ways of remembering words.

3. Introduce another way of remembering the words on Page 82. Go through the points at the top of Page 82. And ask them to look at the words and topics on the vocabulary tree. Ask more able students to draw pictures and add new words on their own. Tell them to think of two more items for each category.

Task Ⅱ

1. Let the students remember the use of ‘there is/ are…….’and ‘the present continuous. And tell them Part A gives them an opportunity to check how well they use the above points.

2. Ask the students to look at the pictures in Part A. Encourage them to construct a story based on these pictures.

3. Ss fill in the blanks on their own. Ask for volunteers to read out the description for each picture. Check the answers with the whole class.

4. Tell Ss to look at the word search puzzle in Part B. At this time, you can divide the students into some groups and let them have a competition. The group which can find the words first will win the competition.

5. Ask Ss to make their own word search puzzles with other words they have learned in the unit. If time permits, you can have a dictation.



( )1.The shopping mall is very easy find. ____________


( )2.The members are from different country. ___________.


( )3.There is many people in the street. __________


( )4.They are haveing dinner at the moment. ___________


( )5.She is sitting between you and I . ___________



1. They have a little white dog.(用Tom代替they)

______ ______ a little white dog.

2. She is buying fruit in the shop.( 改写成一般现在时)

She often _______ fruit in the shop.

3. I wear size 8.(对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ do you ________?

4. There are some girls in the room.(改成否定句)

There ________ ________ girls in the room.

5. I want to go there with you. (同义句)

I ________ ________ to go there with you.


Unit 5 Going shopping




1. 『基础知识』

a. 会在疑问句和陈述句中使用there be 结构;

b. 会用现在进行时谈论正在发生的事情;

c. 会用现在进行时询问人们正在做什么并做出回答;

d. 会使用宾格代词。

2. 『基本技能』






Different kinds of shops

1. electrical shop 家电商场

We can buy TV sets, refrigerators(冰箱), air conditioners(空调) and washing machines and so on there.

2. bookshop 书店

Do you know Xin Hua Bookshop? We can buy lots of interesting books and magazines there.

3. Clothes shop 时装店

Are you in fashion? If not, why not have a look at the latest clothes in those clothes shops?

4. shoe shop 鞋店

A shop in which you can buy different kinds of shoes.

5. sports shop 体育用品商店

A place in which you can buy football, basketball, badminton and so on.

6. supermarket 超市

Do you go to the supermarket? There we can buy food and drink you like, and we can also buy clothes and other household products(生活用品) you need. Oh, look, there is a Hualian supermarket over there. Let’s go.

7. Shopping mall / shopping center 购物中心

A shopping mall is usually a building that contains(包含) different kinds of shops, even restaurants and has interesting walkways that make it easy for shopper to walk from store to store. Shopping can buy clothes, shoes, jewels(珠宝), food, drinks, furniture(家俱) and household appliances etc. in different areas or shops in a shopping mall.

How to shop in English?

1. 顾客走进商店,店主招呼顾客最常用的两句话是:

May / Can I help you?或 What can I do for you? 你要买什么?


What do you want? / What do you buy? 因为这样说是不礼貌的。

2. 对于店员的礼貌招呼,顾客若想买什么东西,他会根据自己的实际需要向店主说明:

I want……/ I’d like to buy……/ Do you have……?/ I’m looking for……

当然,顾客若不想买东西,只是想看看,他也可直接回答(I’m just looking, thanks.)


Can you help me find……?

Do you have ……?

I’d like to buy……

3. 购物时询问价格的说法很多,常见的有:

How much is /are ……?

How much does /do……cost?

What’s the price of ……?

为了简便起见,有时甚至可以只说两个词 “How much?”



Comic trip, welcome to the unit & vocabulary


1. 能够根据图片猜测单词并进行归类。

2. 能够将商品和特定商店联系起来。



1. __________ A shop which sells shoes.

2. __________ You can read and buy books there.

3. _________ Women like to go there and buy beautiful clothes.

4. _________ You can buy sports things like football.

5. __________ If you want a walkman, you can go there and get it.

6. __________ A shop where you can buy lots of things.


1. Can I h_________ you?

2. I’d l______ to buy a pair of trousers.

3. I’m l_______ for a coat for my sister.

4. How m________ is it?

5. Do you h_________ any yellow pencils in your shop?

6. What’s the p_______ of this pen?


1. I want you to go shopping with me.我想要你和我一起去购物。

① want sb to do sth “想要做某事,”或“希望某人做某事”,相当于would like sb to do sth.

Eg: The teachers want us to study. 老师们希望我们努力学习。而want to do sth则表示主语本人“想要做某事”或“希望做某事”,等于would like to do sth.

Eg: He wants to play computer games.


a. 我想让你帮助我。

________________________ ________________________

b. 我们想去踢足球。

________________________ ________________________

② “go shopping” 去购物相当于“do some shopping”或“do the shopping”

Eg: Mum often goes shopping on Sunday. 妈妈经常周日去购物。

你还能想出类似的短语吗?____________ _________________

2. I don’t have any money. 我没有钱。

句中not……any=no(没有),所以这句话的同义句是:I have no money.

如果句中出现not a/an 时也可以用no代替。


① The clock has no eyes.

The clock ______have ______ eyes.

② There isn’t a tree here.

There _____ _______ tree here.

3. Here’s my purse.我的钱包在这儿。

这句话是倒装句,其正确语序是:My purse is here. 倒装句用来引起注意或给别人东西。

Eg: Here’s an apple for you. 给你一个苹果。

请翻译:公共汽车来了。 ____________________.

4. I need you to carry all the bags. 我要你拎所有的包。

need 即可作情态动词也可以作行为动词,表示“需要”。

Eg: He needs some help. 他需要一些帮助。这句话中的need 是行为动词;当它作为情态动词时,可以和can一样后面直接加not表示否定含义,或者在疑问句中直接提前。

Eg: You needn’t come if you don’t want to.



① need作行为动词时:__________________________.

② need作情态动词时:__________________________.


第二课时 Reading A. B1& B2






1. f_________ not busy 2. m_________ 60 seconds

3. e_________ dear, cost too much money

4. p________ like better 5. p________ very beautiful


1. What does Amy want to buy?

2. Will Amy buy the cards?

3. Why does Amy buy a present for her friend.

4. What does she buy for her friend?

5. Who is her friend?

6. How much do this year’s football cards cost?


1. What are you looking for? 你要买什么?


____________________ _________________________

2. Just a minute.请稍等。相当于Just a moment.有时还可以表达成:Please wait a minute. 或please wait a moment.

3. Take a look. They are great.看一看,他们很棒的。Take a look的意思是“看一看,瞧一瞧”,相当于have a look.

Eg: I’d like to take a look at this blouse.我想看看这件衬衫。


Take a good look at that film. _______________________________

4. How much do the cards cost? 这些卡片多少钱?cost“药费钱”其主语只能是物。

Eg: The hair clips cost five yuan.这些发夹5元钱。


How much is / are +something?

What’s the price of something?


How much do the CDs cost?

_____________________________ _________________________

5. That’s quite expensive. 那太昂贵了。

expensive“昂贵的”同义词dear, 反义词cheap, 便宜的。

Eg: The Walkman is very expensive. I can’t buy it.




6. That’s a discount on last year’s cards. 去年的卡片打折。Discount作名词解释为“折扣”。对某样东西打折用介词on,如:a discount on books.对某物的价格打折也可用介词on,如:allow 10% discount on the prices of goods.(按货价打九折)。但以某种折扣出售商品用介词at,如:sell a radio at a 25% discount.(以七五折出售收音机)。


第三课时 Reading B3&C






A: Hello, 1 I help you? What are you 2 for?

B: 3 you have 4 cards?

A: Yes, 5 a minute. Please have a 6 . They are 7 .

B: 8 9 do the cards cost?

A: They’re ¥10.

B: Oh, really? That’s quite 10 .

A: 11 12 those cards?

B: Great. I’ll 13 five. Here 14 the money.

A: Thank you.


1. 这件T恤值多少钱?

______ _______ does the T-shirt _________?

2. 这个铅笔盒值十五元钱。

The pencil-box _______ ¥15.

3. --对不起,我迟到了。--I am sorry I’m ________.

--这次没关系。--______ ________ this time.

4. 我每天花四个小时读书。

I _______ four hours _________ ______ every day.


1.I prefer to buy new cards. 我宁愿买些新的卡片。prefer 宁愿要,更喜欢,宁可…而不…,常用短语有prefer to do sth “宁愿做某事”,prefer doing sth to doing sth和prefer sth to sth喜欢…而不喜欢,或比起…更喜欢…;

Eg: ①I prefer to go shopping on Sunday. 我宁愿在星期六去购物。

② I prefer walking to riding a bike. 我宁愿步行,而不愿意骑自行车。

③ My father prefers apples to bananas.



① 我喜欢游泳胜过滑冰。________________________________.

② 杰克更喜欢打篮球。____________________________.

2. How much (money) can you spend? 你能花多少钱?


Sb+spend+时间/金钱+on sth.

Sb+spend+时间/金钱+(in) doing sth.

Eg: ① I often spend much money on books.我经常花很多钱买书。

② His father usually spends 30 minutes (in)walking after supper. 晚饭后,他爸爸经常花30分钟去散步。


It takes me half an hour to read English every morning.

I _______ half an hour ______ _______ every morning.

3. I don’t have enough money to buy her. 我没有足够的钱给他买。


Eg: We have enough time / time enough to do it. 我们有足够的时间去做这件事。


Eg: You are old enough to go to school. 你到上学的年龄了。


① 我个子不够高,够不着篮子。_______________________________.

② 这儿有足够的食物给大家吃。______________________________.

4. Never mind.不要紧,没关系。此处还可以用That’s all right.或It doesn’t matter.


第四课时 Grammar A


1.学会在疑问句和陈述句中使用there be结构

2.学会使用there be 向别人介绍新事物



1. There _____ two English books on the desk.

2. _____ there an American girl in your class?

3. There _____ a football and some toys on the bed.

4. There ______ (not) any water in the river.

5. There ______ 100 dollars in the purse (钱包).

6. _____ there many cakes and an apple in the box?


( )1. Are there _______ in your class?

A. any boy B. any boys C. any boies D. some boys

( )2. Wu Dong and his sister _______ a new bike.

A. have B. there are C. has D. there is

( ) 3. There is _______ cat here.

A. not an B. no C. no any D. not any

( ) 4. ---- What’s on the table?

----_______ some books on it.

A. There’s B. There’re C. It’s D. They’re


1、当我们想向别人介绍某地方有……的时候,我们可以用There be句型来介绍新事物,现在让我们来具体地学习这个句型,然后你们就可以运用自如了!

There be句型

There is/ are + 某物/某人 +某地, 表示“某地有某人或某物”,句中is/ are与最靠近他们的名词在数方面必须一致。

There is (There’s) a table in your room.

There is (there’s) a ruler and two books on the desk.

肯定式: There is (there’s) some water in the bowl.

There are (There’re) some people in the shop.

There are (There’re) two books and a ruler on the desk.

There is not (isn’t) a dog here.

否定式: There are not (aren’t) any cats here.

疑问式: Is there a pencil box in your bag?

回答: Yes, there is . No, there isn’t.

Are there any teddy bears in the shop?

Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.



______ ______ a bird and a cat in the tree.


_______ ______ ______ pictures on the wall?


______ ______ any flowers on the _______ desk?


_______ _______ any water in the bowl?


There _______ two desks and a bag in the picture.

There _______ a bag and two desks in the picture.

2、It is called sunnyside.它被称作阳光地带。

be called被称作,相当于be named


The shop ______ ______ “Honghuo”.

② 我有一个名叫“汤姆”的朋友。

I have a friend ________ “Tom”.

3、Write to me soon尽快给我写信。

write to sb. 或write a letter to sb.或write sb a letter.



① I often ______ ______ my good friend.

② I often ______ _________ ________ my good friend.

③ I often ______ my good friend _______ .


第五课时 Grammar B&C


1. 学习并使用现在进行时,谈论现在正在发生的事情。




1.Look at your shoes. ______ are very dirty. You should clean_______.

2.That is Sally’s book. ________ is looking for _______ everywhere.

3.This is my old bag. _______ want a new one. Can you help________?


1. I _______ (take) photos now.

2. Listen! Li Lei ______ (sing) a song.

3. Look! A cat _______ (run) up a tree.

4. It is 6:00 p.m. The Browns _________ (have)supper now.

5. ---- What are they doing?

---- They ________(clean) the classroom.



请看一下课本Page 77和Page78的三个表格。



eat_______ do__________ run__________ sit___________

lie________ study _________ shop_______ have________


①. Look! The girl _______(play)volleyball.

②. It’s twelve o’clock now. The students________ (have) lunch.

③. Jim, your dad________ (sleep). Please don’t watch TV.

④. Mr and Mrs Black _______(watch) TV every evening.

But they _______ (read) books now.

⑤.---- What ______Kate _______(do)?

---- She ______ (draw) a picture of her house.

2. Millie is paying for her new shoes.

pay for “为……付款”或“支付,赔偿”, 例如:


I ______ _______ 10 yuan ________ the book.

spend, cost也有花费钱的意思,你们能辨别它们的用法吗?通过下面的小练习检查一下吧!

① The house _______ me 100,000 dollars.

② I ______ 100,000 dollars (in) buying/ on the house.

③ I _______ 100,000 for the house.

3. Are you studying at the moment?

at the moment = now

4. I’m waiting for my turn.

wait for one’s turn等候轮到某人(顺序)。例:我们应排队上车。

请看一下Page 79的表格。



①This is my coat. Could you look after ______, please.

② Don’t worry. I can help ________, Lin Tao.

③ Emma is my friend. I like ______ very much.

④ Miss Gao is an English teacher. __________ is a good teacher.

⑤ Lily and Lucy aren’t at school. _______ are at home.


第六课时 Integrated Skills





一. 英汉互译:

1. a pair of______________ 2. 贫穷地区___________

3. bank card ____________ 4.书写纸__________

5.That’s too expensive._____________ 6.试穿一下 __________

7.call us on 2563122 ___________ 8.报纸上的一则广告_________

9.raise some money for them___________ 10.零花钱________

二. 根据句意和所给单词的首字母填空:

1. At school, we often r _____ money for the children in poor areas.

2. I like the watch very much .But it’s e_______.

3. --What s_____ do you wear? ---37.

4. Look! Millie is w_____ TV in her room.

5. We’ll buy some s______ for the beginning of the school, such as pens ,erasers and rubbers.

6. We always go to school early , so we are n______ late for school.

7. There are many wonderful a________ on TV now.

8. I like the shoes. Could I try t______ on, please.

9. What size are your f______?

10. I have some p________ of shoes, but now they are old.


1. We should like to help the children in poor areas in our country. 我们想帮助我们国家贫困地区的孩子们。The children in poor areas贫困地区的孩子们,其中in poor areas作后置定语。


① 骑自行车的男孩_______________________________

② 穿着红色外套的妇女_________________________________

2. We would also like to raise some money for them. 我们也想为他们捐一些钱。

raise用作动词表示“捐献,捐赠”,raise sth for sb.给某人捐赠某物。



3. I’d like to buy a pair of football boots. 我想买一双足球靴子。A pair of 一双(对,副,把,条…)


①一副眼镜____________ ②一条牛仔裤______________

若要表达两双(对…),三双(对…),则要用two pairs of, three pairs of…

eg: two pairs of shoes 两双鞋。



4. What size are your feet? 你穿多大码的鞋?

what size意思是“多大码”。size是一个名词,意思是“尺寸;大小;号码”这句话还可以表达成:

What size shoes do you wear?


His feet are size 40.(对划线部分提问) ___________________________________

5. Could I try them on, please?我试穿一下好吗?

try on “试穿,试戴”

注意:当try on后面是名词时,名词可以放中间,也可以放在后面,但若接代词时,代词只能放在他们中间。

Eg : 请试穿一下这件上衣。

Please try on the coat. Please try the coat on.


这顶帽子很漂亮,请试一下吧! _____________________________________


第七课时 Main Task






1.There _________(be) two boys and a girl in the classroom.

2. We are ________(have) an English lesson now.

3. There _________(be) some water _______(run) down the stream(小溪).

4. Look, there _______(be ) a good place ______(meet) friends.

5. The boys always _______ (play) football before _____(go) home.






1. It’s very easy to find.它很容易找到。

①It is +形容词+to do…… “做某事怎么样……” 例如:It’s nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。

②也可用It’s + 形容词 + for sb + to do sth。“某人做某事很……”例如:It’s important for us to learn English well.对我们而言,学好英语很重要。

③如果涉及到某人的性格或品行,常用It’s + 形容词 + of sb to do sth. “某人做某事很怎么样”例如:It’s nice of you to say so. “你能这样说,你真好。”


a. It’s hard _______ _______ these words.(记住这些单词很难)

b. It’s not difficult ______us _______ learn English well.(对我们而言,学好英语并不难。)

c. It’s clever ______ you ______ _______ this.(你这样做真聪明)

2.I like watching a film before going shopping. 我喜欢在购物前看电影。

Watch a film看电影,相当于 “see a film” 或 “go to the cinema” 本句中的before仍作“在…之前”解,但此时做介词用。如:before, after, while, when doing sth. 这些词在作连词时,后面必须跟句子。如:

He left the room after saying good-bye. 即:

He left the room after he said good-bye.


同义句:He had a rest after he read the text.

=He had a rest after _________the text.

3.When I am playing a game, there are always lots of people waiting for me to finish.我玩游戏时,总有许多人我在等我结束。

There be sb. doing sth.有某人在做某事。

There is a girl over there. The girl is talking to Miss Yang.

=There is a girl over there talking to Miss Yang.



①There is a purse on the ground. The purse is lying on the ground.

→There ______ a purse _____ on the ground.

②There are some workers by the river. The workers are planting trees.

→There _____ some workers _____ trees by the river.

4.The mall is a really fun place to go.“这个大卖场是个有趣的去处。”

to go 在这里修饰名词place,作定语。如:

I have many letters to write.

HangZhou is a wonderful place to go.



The National Park is _______ ________ __________ to go on holidays.


第八课时 Study Skills & Checkout



2.复习巩固there be 句型及现在进行时。



1. old ________ 2. long ________ 3. tall ________ 4.open _________

5. left ________ 6. happy ________ 7. easy _________ 8. small ________

9. lend ________10. like _________ 11. under _________ 12. hot __________


1. There is some milk on the desk. (改成一般疑问句并作肯定回答)

________ ________ _______ milk on the desk?

________ ________ _________.

2.Tom is watching TV with his parents. (改成否定句)

Tom ______ ______ TV with his parents.

3. Mrs. Zhang is doing her house work. (改成一般疑问句并作否定回答)

______ Mrs. Zhang _______ her housework?

_______, ________ _________.

4. My father is cleaning his car. (对画线部分提问)

________ ______ father _______?

5. There ______ two pretty girls under the tree.

A. is B. are C. be D. have

6. There _______ a pen, two books and three rulers in the bag.

A. is B. are C. be D. have


1.She is crying with her hands on her stomach. 她手捂着胃在哭。




① 戴眼镜的男子是我的爸爸。

_______ ______ ______ _______ is my father.

② 我们能用眼睛看,用耳朵听。

We can ________ _________ _________ and ________ ________ ___________.

2.I am calling 110 for help now. 我正在打110求救。

call在此句中是“打电话”的意思,相当于telephone。因此,“打电话给某人”,我们可以说:________ _________ 或________


We often call him Mr. Wang. ________________________________

3.She is having a stomachache. 她肚子痛。

have a stomachache 肚子痛,相当于have a pain in the stomach。

类似的词组还有:have a toothache 牙痛,have a headache头痛



The old man often _______ _______ ________

4.I am standing outside a toy shop. 我站在玩具店外面。



a. 外面很冷,别出去。(作副词)

It’s______ ________. Don’t go out.

b. 把所有的东西放到盒子里。(作介词)

Please _______ everything ________ ______ ________.


单元检测试题(Unit 5)


A.根据所听短语的先后顺序,给下列图画排序,用1~5数字标出。 (5分) 读一遍。

B. 听句子选出最佳答句。(5分)读一遍。

( )6. A. I don’t thinks so. B. Never mind. C. You’re welcome.

( )7. A. My father does. B. He’s often in the room C. My brother is.

( )8. A. There pairs B. Thank you very much. C. It’s 100 yuan.

( )9. A. Yes, you can. B. Yes, I’d like a T-shirt. C. No, you can’t .

( )10.A. Yes, there are some. B. Yes, there is some C. No, there is some

C. 听对话,选择最佳答案。(5分)读两遍。

( )11. Mrs Smith buys a ________ coat.

A.green B. brown C. blue

( )12. The coat is for Mrs Smith’s _________.

A. son B. daughter C. husband

( )13. Mrs Smith doesn’t buy the _________coat.

A. dark blue B. short blue C. light blue

( )14. The long coat is ________ dollars.

A. eighty B. seventy C. eighty-five

( )15. The light blue coat is ________ dollars.

A. eighty B. eighty-five C. one hundred


A. 根据句意及汉语提示写出所缺单词。

16.--How many m________ are there in an hour?

--There are 60.

17. The T-shirt is very nice, but it’s too e__________. I can’t buy it.

18. We usually buy TV sets, radios and washing machines in the e_______ shop.

19. Do these beautiful hair clips m_________ her T-shirt?

20. My mother often goes shopping when she is f_________.

21. Amy wants to buy some presents for ____________(他们)。

22.Let’s go to the shopping c___________(中心)together.

23. The jeans don’t ________(合身)me well.

24. She p_________(宁愿) singing to dancing.

25. Come in, please. Don’t stay o_______(在…外面). It’s too cold.

B. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。(10分)

26. Amy _______(watch) TV every day. But she ______ (read) English.

27. Look! The girls ______ play football over there.

28. I want you _____ (come) to my birthday party.

29. There ______(be) a shoe shop and some bookshops on this street.

30. We have a new friend _______(call) Sandy.

31. It’s 11:30 am. The Greens ________(have) lunch.

32. It’s not easy ______(study) English well.

33. I like _______(listen) to music before ________(go) to bed in the evening.

Ⅲ. 选择填空。(10分)

( )34. There _____ some CDs on the shelf.

A. is B. are C. have D. has

( )35. Dad, my trousers are old. I want to buy a new ______.

A. trousers B. one C. it D. pair

( )36. Is the man ________ the apples on the tree?

A. tall enough to reach B. enough tall to reach

C. tall enough reaching D. enough tall reaching

( )37. I want _____ to listen to ______.

A. she, he B. her, his C. her, him D. hers, him

( )38. --Are there any girls in the room?

--Yes, ________.

A. there are B. they are C. there aren’t D. they aren’t

( )39. --_______ your father doing?

--He is working.

A. What does B. What do C. What is D. What are

( )40. Wu Dong and his sister ______ a new bike.

A. have B. there are C. has D. there is

( )41. --How much is the rice, please?

--________ three yuan a kilo.

A. They are B. It is C. It has D. They have

( )42. This pair of shoes _____ ¥80.

A. takes B. spends C. costs D. pays

( )43. He often spends an hour _______ sports every day.

A. to do B. doing C. on doing D. do


44. There are some people in the bookshop. (改为一般疑问句)

_______ ________ _______ people in the bookshop?

45. A lot of restaurants are on the first floor.(同义句)

______ _______ restaurants on the first floor.

46. There is a shoe shop near my home. (改为复数句子)

There _____ ______ ______ _______ near my home.

47. There is a book in my bag. (同义句)

I ______ _______ ________ in the bag.

48. We have an English class every day. (用now 改写句子)

We ______ ________ an English class now.

49. The CD costs ¥20. (对划线部分提问)

_______ ________ _______ the CD cost?

50. I like that new car better. (同义句)

I ________ that new car.

51. We’re cleaning our classroom. (对划线部分提问)

________ are you _______?

Ⅴ. 补全对话。选择适当的句子,完成对话。(5分)

A: 52 .

B: Yes, I want to buy a shirt.

A: 53 .

B: Blue.

A: What about this one?

B: It looks nice! 54 .

A: Eighty-five yuan.

B: Oh, that’s too expensive!

A: 55 ? It’s only sixty-two yuan.

B: OK. 56 .

A: Here you are.

B: Thanks.

A: You’re welcome.

52__________ 53_______ 54__________ 55________ 56_________

a.How about this one?

b.I’ll take it, please.

c.What color do you like?

d.How much is it?

e.May I help you?



I _______ ________ enough money to buy the computer.

58. 那家书店有很多书。

________ _______ lots of books in that bookshop.

59. 我确信约翰此刻正在睡觉。

I’m sure John is sleeping _______ _______ _______.

60. 那张桌子相当便宜,只要55元。

That desk is quite ______ and it only ______ ¥55.


I need to _____ ______ the early bus every morning.

62. 刘梅正在商店里试穿那件漂亮的上衣。

Liu Mei _____ _______ ______ the beautiful coat in the shop.

63. 弟弟正在找他的书包,但是没找到。

My brother ______ _______ _______ his school bag, but he can’t ______ it.

64. 我想为我妹妹买个发夹。

I’d_______ to buy a hair clip _______ my sister.

Ⅶ. 阅读理解(20分)


Mrs Wilson likes to ask his husband to go shopping with her on Sundays. Her husband(丈夫) pays for the things that she buys. Now they are in a shop.

“Look, Andy. Is it a fancy hair clip?” Mrs Wilson asks her husband.

“All right. And how much is it?” he answers and gives money to the shopkeeper. When Mrs Wilson asks him about something good or bad, he often says ‘All right. And how much is it?’ to her.

At about 8 o’clock p.m, Andy is tired and thirsty(口渴的), and he wants to have a drink. Suddenly his wife looks up at the moon and says, “Look, Andy. Is the moon so beautiful?”

“All right. And how much is it?” his husband answers quickly.

( )65. Mrs Wilson likes to go shopping on Sundays.

( )66. Andy is Mrs Wilson’s husband.

( )67. Mrs Wilson pays for all the things she buys.

( )68. Andy is hungry and wants to buy some food.

( )69. Mrs Wilson wants Andy to buy the moon.

B. 根据短文内容选择正确答案。

It’s time to go home now. I am on a bus on a rainy day and a woman with a dog gets on the bus. It’s a big dog and its feet are not clean.

I don’t want the dog to sit near me. But the woman says to the conductor(列车员), “Oh, I pay for my dog. Can he sit here like the other people?”

The conductor looks at the dog and says, “Yes, madam, but he must not put his feet on the chair.”

( )70. I am going home________.

A. by bike B. by bus C. by car D. by plane

( )71. What do I see?

A. A bus B. A girl C. A dog D. A woman with a dog.

( )72. I don’t want the dog to sit near me because_______.

A. the dog is big B. the dog isn’t mine

C. the dog has no ticket D. the dog is not clean

( )73.Why do the woman and the dog get on the bus?

A. It’s a rainy day B. No one is on the bus

C. The dog can sit D. The woman is a conductor.

( )74.The meaning(意思) of the conductor’s words is _______.

A. the dog’s feet are like the other people

B. the dog must be like a man

C. the dog must not sit on the chair

D. the dog can sit here.

Ⅷ. 书面表达(10分)


内容包括: 1. 具体位置;






Alice, 35

I like shopping, but shopping with young children is not an easy thing. I have to look after them while I’m shopping. Shopping with my husband is not fun either. I only go shopping with my husband when I need to buy something form him. If I look at a dress for myself, he says something like, ‘The queue is too long’ or ‘You don’t need to buy that right now.’ I often go shopping with my friends. It’s fun. I like shopping alone, too.

Maria, 26

I like shopping very much, but I never go shopping at weekends. There are too many people in the shops. I don’t like shopping with other people. It usually takes me a lot of time to choose things because I never buy the first things I see. I always look around other shops to find the best price. I’m good at finding the best deals. I don’t like buying food in small shops and street markets. I think food in the supermarket is fresher and cheaper, so I shop there.

1.Both Alice and Maria like shopping________.

A. with friends B. at weekends C. alone

2. When Alice’s husband says things like ‘ You don’t need to buy that right now…’, he means ________.

A. the dress is not good quality B. he loves shopping

C. he does not want to wait for his wife

3. Why does it take Maria so much time to choose things? __________

A. Because she wants to find the best price

B. Because there are too many people

C. Because she likes looking around

4. From what Maria says, we know_________.

A. things are cheaper at weekends

B. many people like shopping at weekends

C. people don’t like shopping at weekends

5. Maria likes to buy food_____________.

A. in small shops B. in streets C. in the supermarket









1.help 2.for 3.colour 4.which 5.about 6.much 7.It’s 8.take


1.costs 2.discount 3.match 4.pretty/fancy 5.fancy/pretty 6.Never mind. 7.expensive 8.looking for 9.prefer 10.take a look

1. I have a new bike.

2. There is a cup on the table.

3. Are there many students in the classroom? No, there aren’t.

4. Do you have any stickers? Yes, I do.

5. My parents are watching TV now.


1. them 2. it 3. us 4. her 5. him 6. me



1. I’d 2. like 3. What 4. size 5. I’m 6. a 7. pair 8. try 9. on 10. fit

11. How 12. much 13. They’re 14. expensive 15. cheaper


1. How much 2. What size 3. What would…like 4. not expensive


1. shopping mall 2. four 3.fast food 4.different 5.supermarket 6.fourth 7.see

8.bookshop 9.place 10.friends



1.D, find→to find 2.D, country→countries 3.B, is→are 4.C, haveing→having 5.D, I→me


1.Tom has 2.buys 3.What size…wear 4.aren’t any 5.would like




一、1.shoe shop 2.bookshop 3.clothes shop 4.sports shop 5.electrical shop 6.supermarket

二、1.help 2.like 3.looking 4.much 5.have 6.price


1.①a. I want you to help me. I’d like you to help me.

b. We want to play football. We would like to play football.

② going shopping, go fishing

2.①doesn’t, any ②is no

3. Here comes the bus.

4.① Miss Gao needs to go home for supper now.

② Miss Gao need go home for supper now.


一、1.free 2.minute 3.expensive 4.prefer 5.pretty



1. Can I help you? What can I do for you?

3. Have a good look at that film.

4. How much are the CDs? What’s the price of the CDs?

5. The stickers aren’t expensive. I buy some.


一、1.can 2.looking 3. Do 4.any 5.just 6.look 7.great / good 8.How 9.much 10.expensive 11.How/What 12.about 13.buy 14.is

二、1.How much, cost 2.costs 3.late, Never mind 4.spend, reading books/in reading


1.① I prefer swimming to skating.

② Jack prefers to play basketball.

2.② spend, reading English

3.① I’m not tall enough to reach the basket.

② There’s enough food for everyone.


一、1.are 2.Is 3.is 4.isn’t 5.is 6.Are



1.①There is ②Are there any ③Are there, teachers ④There’s not ⑤are, is

2.①is, called ②called

3.①write to ②write letters to ③write, letters


一、1.They, them 2.She, it 3.I, me

二、1.am taking 2. is singing 3.is running 4.are having 5.are cleaning


1.⑴eating, doing, running, sitting, lying, studying, shopping, having

⑵①is playing ②are having ③is sleeping ④watching ⑤is, doing, is drawing

2. am, playing, for

①cost ②spent ③paid

4.①it ②you ③him ④she ⑤They



二、1.raise 2.expensive 3.size 4.watching 5.stationeries

6.never 7.advertisement 8.them 9.feet 10.pairs


1.①the boy one the bike ②the woman in red coat

3.①a pair of glasses ②a pair of jeans , I want to buy two pairs of trousers.

4.What size are his feet?

5.The hat is very beautiful. Please try it on.


一、1.are 2.having 3.is, running 4.is, to meet 5.play, going



1.③ a.to remember b.for, to c. to do


3.①is, lying ②are, planting

4.a good place


一、1.new/young 2.short 3.short 4.close/closed 5.right 6.sad 7.difficult/hard

8.big 9.borrow 10.dislike 11.on 12.cold

二、1.Is there any, Yes, there is

2.isn’t watching 3.Is, doing, No, she isn’t.

4.What’s your, doing 5.B 6.A


1.①The man with glasses ②see with eyes, hear with ears

2.call sb, telephone sb

3.has a stomachache

a. cold outside b. put, inside the box


Ⅰ.听力A.1. comic book 2. shoes 3. tennis racket 4. vegetables 5. walkman


B.6.I’m sorry I’m late 7.Who’s staying in the room? 8.How much does this pair of red boots cost?

9.Can I help you? 10.Is there any water in the glass?

C.M: Good morning, Mrs Smith. Can I help you?

W: I would like a coat for my son Jim.

M: Which colour do you like?

W: Blue, Please.

M: Here you are. I think it’s very nice.

W: Yes, it?

篇4:牛津初中英语(7A)Unit 4 Food

Unit 4 Food





听:1、Guess the meaning of new words by looking at a questionnaire.


2、Develop effective listening skills to extract specific information.


说:1、Formulate questions about diets and respond appropriately.


2、Ask“wh-”questions with the right intonation.


3、Read one's own article to a classmate and check for mistakes.


读:1、Guess general meanings of words from the context.


2、Identify specific meanings.(找出词的特定含义。)

3、Practise intensive reading.(练习精读。)

写:1、Express factual information about diets and lifestyles based on the model article.(以范文为例,表达有关食物和生活方式的实际信息。)

2、Select appropriate vocabulary and sentence constructions to write about personal details.(选择适当的词汇和句式,提供个人的具体信息。)


1、Express likes and dislikes.(表达个人喜恶。) e.g.

I like rice. I dislike hamburgers.

2、Use adverbs of frequency.(使用频率副词。) e.g.

I usually have fish and vegetables.

3、Differentiate between countable and uncountable nouns.(区分可数名词与不可数名词。) e.g.

Some rice, two apples.

4、Understand and use the indefinite articles,“a”and“an”.(理解并使用不定冠词a和an。)

I want to buy a book.

I want to buy an e-dog.

5、词组: a lot of be good/bad for Mid-Autumn Festival after class/school a top student play basketball play computer games a glass of milk chat with sb. walk to fast food try to do not…any more stay healthy twice a day get fat need to do not…at all want to do get tired more/less than go roller skating


I always eat/have an apple for breakfast.

Once/twice a day.

How often do you do exercise?

Good luck with your new diet.

It takes half an hour to cook.

It's important for sb to do sth.

第一课时 (The first period)



教学目标:1、To revise old vocabulary and learn new vocabulary about food.(复习旧单词并学习有关食物的新词汇。)

2、To talk about likes and dislikes with regard to food.(讨论喜欢的和不喜欢的食物。)

3、To use adjectives to describe different tastes.(用形容词描述不同的味道。)


词汇 rice, hamburgers, chicken, fish, apples, oranges, vegetables, cakes, coke, chocolate, tea, mooncake, lemon, vinegar, hotpot, sugar, sandwich, sweet, sour, salty, spicy

句型:1、What food do you like?

What food does he/she likes?

2、How does it taste?

It tastes sweet/sour/salty/spicy.

语言功能:Talk about different food.

学习策略:1、To develop students to look at the same thing in many ways.(培养学生对同一事物要有不同看法。)

2、To develop students' ability to classify what they have learned.(培养学生对所学知识分类能力。)

智能培养:Make a chart and talk about it.


1、Talk about food for three meals and snacks.

2、Talk about food for meals one likes and dislikes.

3、Talk about food by the table.

4、Describe different tastes about food.

教学步骤:Task Ⅰ

1、Talk about food for three meals and snacks. This is a fun activity to learn and revise vocabulary and spelling.

2、Of all the food and snacks, get students to work in groups to make a table by asking:

What do you like/dislike?

Name Love Like Dislike





1、Ask Ss to look at different kinds of food in Part A. Go through the words and make sure that they can pronounce them well and understand their meanings.

2、Ask Ss to tick the boxes according to their own likes and dislikes.

3、Ask some students to present their answers and say something about their likes and dislikes.

4、Ask Ss to report their classmates' likes and dislikes according to the table in Part 1.

5、If there is time, ask Ss to talk about their family as well.

Task Ⅲ

1、Try to bring some pictures of different kinds of food with strong tastes. Get Ss to know the meanings of “sweet, sour, spicy and salty”.

2、Ask Ss to think of other foods that are salty, sour, spicy or sweet.

3、Look at P59 in the textbook and finish them.

Task Ⅳ Exercises.



第二课时 (The second period)



教学目标:1、To revise and expand vocabulary about food and lifestyles.(复习并扩展有关食物和生活方式的词汇。)

2、To learn about the relationship between diet and overall health.(学习饮食结构与身体健康之间的关系。)

3、To practise the technique of skimming for overall comprehension and scanning for detail. (练习快速阅读了解总体大意,快速浏览查找细节的阅读技巧。)


词汇 before, diet, energy, exercise, fast food, healthy, important, lifestyle, seldom, tired, top, dancer, change, fruit, sweet, often, bread, meet, juice, person


1、Before, I seldom ate fruit and vegetables.

Now I always eat an apple for breakfast and I often drink some milk.

2、I swim twice a week.

3、I do not eat fast food any more.

学习策略:The technique of skimming.(快速阅读技巧。)

智能培养:Compound healthy food and do some proper activities.(配制健康食物,适时运动。)

教学设计:Food and lifestyles

1、Read the passage for overall comprehension.

2、Know more about Kitty and Daniel's lifestyles.

3、Learn to talk about a healthy lifestyle.


1、Talk about healthy eating for three meals.

2、Ask Ss to turn to Page 56. Read the title of the article and ask what it means.

3、Ask Ss to scan the passage for new words and underline them. Give their explanation.

4、Ask Ss to skim the text in Part B1 for understanding specific detail.

Task Ⅱ

1、Get Ss to read the article again and prepare two summaries.

Kitty ate… before / eats… now.

Daniel ate… before / eats… now.

2、Ask Ss to complete the lists in Part B2.

3、To Part B3,work through the task individually, check answers as a class.

4、Ask Ss to think about more activities that require a lot of energy and describe their own diets.

Task Ⅲ Exercises.



第三课时 (The third period)



教学目标:1、To practise intensive reading and retell the text.(练习精读,理解并复述课文。)

2、To understand and master the new points in the text.(理解掌握课文中的新语言点。)


1、I want to be a dancer.

2、It's important for a dancer to be healthy.

3、Before, I seldom ate fruit and vegetables.

4、I know that sweet snacks are not good for me.

5、I do not eat sweet snacks between meals any more.

6、After class, I also like playing computer games and chatting with my friends on the Internet.

学习策略:Practise intensive reading.(练习精读。)

智能培养:Compound healthy food and do some proper activities.(配制健康食物,适当运动。)

教学设计:Food and lifestyles

1、Read the text and practise intensive reading.

2、Master the new language points.


1、I want to be a dancer. want to be 想成为…… e.g.

Tom wants to be a basketball player when he grows up.

I want to go to the part this Sunday. want to do something 想要干某事

2、It's important for a dancer to be healthy.

It's+形容词 for sb. to do sth. 做某事对某人来说…… e.g.

It's very easy for me to carry this box.

It's very interesting for me to play with my friends.

3、Before, I seldom ate fruit and vegetables.

seldom 很少,表动作发生的频度,已学过的这类词还有always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never等。

4、I know that sweet snacks are not good for me.

be good for… 对……有利/有好处 e.g.

Swimming is good for health.

be bad for… 对……有害/有坏处 e.g.

Smoking is bad for your health.

5、I'm 12 years old and a top student at school.

a top student=a best student 一名优秀学生 e.g.

Do you want to be a top student in your school?

She is one of the top singers in China.

6、I don't eat sweet snacks between meals any more.

not…any more=not…any longer =no longer e.g. 不再……

Mr Zhang doesn't live here any more.

=Mr Zhang doesn't live here any longer.

=Mr Zhang no longer lives here.

Task Ⅱ

1、Translate some drills and explain language points.

Task Ⅲ




第四课时 (The fourth period)



教学目标:1、To recognize and use adverbs of frequency.(识别并使用频率副词。)

2、To recognize and use countable and uncountable nouns.(识别并使用可数名词和不可数名词。)

3、To recognize and use the indefinite articles to talk about things that are countable.(识别并使用不定冠词谈论可数名词。)


词汇 ice cream, story, glass, tea, of course, favorite, kilo, salt, tomato, soup, roller skating, noodle, wish, piano, shelf (shelves), knife(knives), carrot, potato, pot, pancake


1、How often do they/you exercise?

How often does he/she go shopping?

2、Simon often/seldom/always/sometimes/usually/never plays football.

3、What do we need to buy?

4、We need some chickens and some potatoes.

5、I want to buy an egg/a book.

语法项目:1、频率副词:never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always

2、可数名词:a table/an apple/two tables/two stories/two watches/photos/tomatoes/knives

不可数名词:bread, water, hair, air, money, rain, tea, chicken, rice, fruit, cheese, milk, salt, sugar, soup, vinegar.

3、不定冠词:a, an

学习策略:Observation, discovery and induction of the grammar rules.(观察,发现,归纳语法规则。)

智能培养:The ability of synthetical use.(综合应用能力。)


1、Adverbs of frequency.

2、Countable and uncountable nouns.

3、The use of “a” and “an”.

教法步骤: TaskⅠ

1、Ask Ss how often they play football, badminton, go swimming, dancing, roller-skating, etc.

2、Talk about how often the teacher does certain things, e.g.

I always ride to school.

I often eat fruit and vegetables at lunchtime.

I sometimes eat lunch in a restaurant.

I seldom go swimming.

I never go roller-skating.

3、Explain the meaning of different adverbs of frequency, use the table on Page 60 to illustrate the difference.

4、Ask Ss to complete Part A individually.

5、Go through the context of Part A2. Get Ss to talk about it, using adverbs of frequency.

6、Ask Ss to complete Part A3.

Task Ⅱ

1、Explain the difference between countable and uncountable nouns, and bring some pictures to provide some examples to help Ss understand this concept. Go through the table on Page 62.

2、Ask Ss to read the conversation in Part B2 in pairs, then exchange to read it.

3、Ask Ss to write the nouns in the correct column of the table and add more items to each list.

4、Ask Ss to go over Part B again. Make sure they know how to form the plural forms of countable nouns.

Task Ⅲ

1、Explain the table in Part C and the difference between “a” and “an”.

a “u” an “e/l”

a “pear” an “hour”

a “useful book” an “ant room”

Our choice depends on the sound, not the letter.

2、Ask Ss to do the exercise in Part C, and read the sentence aloud.

3、Work in pairs to read out the conversation and then get some pairs to act out the conversation or their own.

Task Ⅳ

Consolidation of three grammar rules.

教学反思: 优点:


第五课时 (The fifth period)



教学目标:1、To revise the grammar items in this Unit.

2、To revise the new words and drills.

3、To do some exercises to consolidate the grammar items and language points.

学习策略:Observation, discovery and induction of the grammar rules.(观察,发现,归纳语法规则。)

智能培养:The ability of synthetical use.(综合应用能力。)


1、Three grammar rules.

2、Some language points.

3、Exercises for consolidation.

教法步骤: TaskⅠ

1、Ask Ss to tell adverbs of frequency and the differences among them.

2、Ask Ss to tell the use of countable and uncountable nouns, give some examples.

3、Ask Ss to tell the use of “a” and “an” and give some examples.

4、To revise some language points in this part.

Task Ⅱ

Do exercises to consolidate the grammars and language points.

教学反思: 优点:


第六课时 (The sixth period)



教学目标:1、To listen for specific details.(听懂具体细节。)

2、To obtain special information about a person's lifestyle.(获得关于某人生活方式的具体信息。)

3、To select information from a questionnaire and listen in order to complete a report on another student's lifestyle.(听录音,从一张调查问卷里选择信息,完成一份关于另一个学生的生活方式的报告。)


词汇less than, not…at all, try, feel, lunch, supermarket, carry, biscuit, total, point, questionnaire, congratulation, partner

语言技能:Reading 看懂调查问卷


Integrated skills

reading listening speaking writing

教学步骤: TaskⅠ

1、Arouse Ss' interest in different lifestyles, food and health issues. Talk about the importance of doing exercise, sleeping and eating fruit and vegetables. Elicit information about the Ss' lifestyles, e.g.

How much TV do they watch?

How much time do they spend playing computer games?

How often do they exercise?

How many snacks do they eat every day?

2、Get Ss to do the questionnaire in Part A1 and A2.

Ss study the questionnaire individually, check for general understanding and confirm the meanings of adverbs of frequency.

3、Play the recording. Ask Ss to listen for specific information about Hu Wen's lifestyle and tick the correct boxes.

4、Ask Ss to enter Hu Wen's score and their own score in the table in Part A3.Then analyze the health scores for Hu Wen and themselves.

Task Ⅱ

1、Ask Ss to read and understand the questions in Part A4.

Then interview their partners.

2、Ask Ss to complete the report in Part A5,using the information obtained from the questions in Part A4.

Ask some Ss to read their reports out.

Task Ⅲ

Language points:1、Less than three times a week.

2、You are not fit at all.

3、Do you feel better?

4、I eat lots of fruit and I feel healthier.

5、What's your favourite fruit?

Task Ⅳ


教学反思: 优点:


第七课时 (The seventh period)



教学目标:1、To express factual information about diets and lifestyles in writing.(将关于饮食和生活方式的实际信息用文章表达出来。)

2、To write an article for a website based on personal information.(根据个人信息为一个网站写篇文章。)

3、To read an article to a classmate and check for mistakes.(读一篇短文给同学听以检查错误。)


词汇 large, take in. mean, fat, stay, healthy, cheese, peanut, slice, beef, pork, vitamin, calorie, amount


1、I am fit and healthy.

2、I think I need(lots of energy).

3、I always/usually/…have…for breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner.

4、This gives sb.…calories to do sth./for sth.

5、I like…because they're/it's good for….

6、I take in…I need vitamins to stay healthy.

7、It's important to do sth.

学习策略:Synthetical use and self comments.(综合应用,自我评价。)

智能培养:Write an article about health and sports.(健康、卫生、体育的逻辑表述。)

教学设计:Food and lifestyles

1、Know about healthy eating

2、Design a diet and write a report

教法步骤: TaskⅠ

1、Arouse Ss why they eat certain types of food and why they should or should not change their diets. Tell Ss to look at the calories and vitamins chart in Part A on page 67.Explain the instructions carefully. Ask Ss to identify the words they do not know. Clarify the meanings of these words with the class.

2、Ss read Millie's article on Page 68.

3、Ask Ss to use Millie's article and substitute the underlined phrases with their own information. Encourage Ss to include additional information or change the model sentences to make their own.

4、Get some Ss to present their articles.

Task Ⅱ

1、This gives me 340 calories to start the day.

give sb. sth. to do 给某人某物做某事

2、That means I take in about calories every day.

take in 吸收、接受,领会,理解,观看

3、I need vitamins to stay healthy.

need sth. to do sth.

4、So you can drink it without getting fat.

without prep. 意为“无,没有”

Task Ⅲ Exercises.

教学反思: 优点:


第八课时 (The eighth period)



教学目标:1、To talk about food and diet.(谈论食物和饮食结构。)

2、To introduce and consolidate common intonation pattern with“wh-”questions.(介绍和巩固wh-句型的常用语调。)

3、To revise the use of adverbs of frequency and the names of common food items.(复习常用频率副词和常用食物的名称。)

4、To revise the simple present tense.(复习一般现在时。)

教学要点:词汇feel, luck, supermarket, carry, stay, taste

语言技能:Speaking 谈论正确的生活方式,会用wh-句型提问做调查问卷。

Pronunciation 用wh-句型提问时,注意用降调。

学习策略:Revision and consolidation

教学设计:Study skills+Checkout

1、Speaking up: likes and dislikes.

2、Pronunciation: Asking “wh-”questions.

3、Check the use of adverbs of frequency.

4、Revise the names of common food items.


1、By questionnaire, ask several Ss to talk about how he/she keeps healthy.

2、Ask Ss to work in pairs and practise saying Meiling and Ricky's conversation, with fluency, eye, contact and appropriate intonation.

3、Ask Ss to work in pairs and talk about their own diets.

4、Ask some pairs to present their conversation to the class.

Task Ⅱ

1、Ask Ss to listen to the questions on the recording, then repeat after it, and pay attention to falling tone on the last stressed word.

2、Write some sentences on the Bb. Let students practise saying them in pairs.

How many apples do you eat every day?

How often do you go swimming?

When do you chat on ICQ?

What is your favourite food?

Why do you eat hamburgers every day?

Who often eats vegetables.

Task Ⅲ

1、Look at the chart, revise the use of adverbs of frequency.

2、Write a few sentences by the chart, then check them with the whole class.

Task Ⅳ

1、Tell Ss about crossed puzzles. Get Ss to explain the following points: stay healthy, a kind of, they grow, can be, taste sour, need

2、Ask Ss to make up their own crossword puzzle and check with the whole class.

3、Ask Ss to make their own crossword puzzle using different food items.

Task Ⅴ Exercises.








听:1、Guess the meaning of new words by looking at a questionnaire.


2、Develop effective listening skills to extract specific information.


说:1、Formulate questions about diets and respond appropriately.


2、Ask“wh-”questions with the right intonation.


3、Read one's own article to a classmate and check for mistakes.


读:1、Guess general meanings of words from the context.


2、Identify specific meanings.(找出词的特定含义。)

3、Practise intensive reading.(练习精读。)

写:1、Express factual information about diets and lifestyles based on the model article.(以范文为例,表达有关食物和生活方式的实际信息。)

2、Select appropriate vocabulary and sentence constructions to write about personal details.(选择适当的词汇和句式,提供个人的具体信息。)


1、Express likes and dislikes.(表达个人喜恶。) e.g.

I like rice. I dislike hamburgers.

2、Use adverbs of frequency.(使用频率副词。) e.g.

I usually have fish and vegetables.

3、Differentiate between countable and uncountable nouns.(区分可数名词与不可数名词。) e.g.

Some rice, two apples.

4、Understand and use the indefinite articles,“a”and“an”.(理解并使用不定冠词a和an。)

I want to buy a book.

I want to buy an e-dog.

5、词组: a lot of be good/bad for

Mid-Autumn Festival after class/school

a top student play basketball

play computer games a glass of milk

chat with sb. walk to

fast food try to do

not…any more stay healthy

twice a day get fat

need to do not…at all

want to do get tired

more/less than go roller skating


I always eat/have an apple for breakfast.

Once/twice a day.

How often do you exercise?

Good luck with your new diet.

It takes half an hour to cook.

It's important for sb to do sth.

第一课时(The first period)



学习目标:1、To revise old vocabulary and learn new vocabulary about food.(复习旧单词并学习有关食物的新词汇。)

2、To talk about likes and dislikes with regard to food.(讨论喜欢的和不喜欢的食物。)

3、To use adjectives to describe different tastes.(用形容词描述不同的味道。)


词汇rice, hamburgers, chicken, fish, apples, oranges, vegetables, cakes, coke, chocolate, tea, mooncake, lemon, vinegar, hotpot, sugar, sandwich, sweet, sour, salty, spicy

句型:1、What food do you like?

What food does he/she likes?

2、How does it taste?

It tastes sweet/sour/salty/spicy.


Talk about different food.

学习策略:1、To develop students to look at the same thing in many ways.(培养学生对同一事物要有不同看法。)

2、To develop students' ability to classify what they have learned.(培养学生对所学知识分类能力。)


Make a chart and talk about it.



1、I don't like Sichuan .It is too .

(hotpot, spicy)

2、I often use to make salad. It's .

(vinegar, sour)

3、At the Mid-Autumn Festival, we eat .They are .(mooncakes, sweet)

4、He often uses to cook fish. It is .

(salty, soy sauce)

rice, fish, hamburgers, oranges, chicken, cakes, coke, tea, lemon, chocolate, vinegar, dried fish, sugar, sandwich, bananas, eggs, tomatoes, salad, milk.

5、How does chocolate ?It is .

(sweet, taste)




Fast food:


Other food:

第二课时(The second period)



学习目标:1、To revise and expand vocabulary about food and lifestyles.(复习并扩展有关食物和生活方式的词汇。)

2、To learn about the relationship between diet and overall health.(学习饮食结构与身体健康之间的关系。)

3、To practise the technique of skimming for overall comprehension and scanning for detail. (练习快速阅读了解总体大意,快速浏览查找细节的阅读技巧。)


词汇 before, diet, energy, exercise, fast food, healthy, important, lifestyle, seldom, tired, top, dancer, change, fruit, sweet, often, bread, meet, juice, person


1、Before, I seldom ate fruit and vegetables.

Now I always eat an apple for breakfast and I often drink some milk.

2、I swim twice a week.

3、I do not eat fast food any more.

学习策略:The technique of skimming.(快速阅读技巧。)

智能培养:Compound healthy food and do some proper activities.(配制健康食物,适时运动。)


meat, fish, eggs, beans and nuts, bread, potatoes, rice, milk, cheese, vegetables, fruit, snackssuch as ice cream, biscuits, cakes, chocolate and sweets




第三课时(The third period)



学习目标:1、To practise intensive reading and retell the text.(练习精读,理解并复述课文。)

2、To understand and master the new points in the text.(理解掌握课文中的新语言点。)


1、I want to be a dancer.

2、It's important for a dancer to be healthy.

3、Before, I seldom ate fruit and vegetables.

4、I know that sweet snacks are not good for me.

5、I do not eat sweet snacks between meals any more.

6、After class, I also like playing computer games and chatting with my friends on the Internet.

学习策略:Practise intensive reading.(练习精读。)

智能培养:Compound healthy food and do some proper activities.(配制健康食物,适当运动。)



1、不再 2、a top student 3、对……有好处

4、play computer games 5、和……聊天

6、on the Internet 7、一天两次 8、fast food



I a singer when I .


in bed is eyes.


It's very important English well.


Li Li study at this school .


They often go out for a walk .


I like my friends the Internet.


I always very after I finish my homework.


What Li Ming often breakfast?

第四课时(The fourth period)



学习目标:1、To recognize and use adverbs of frequency.(识别并使用频率副词。)

2、To recognize and use countable and uncountable nouns.(识别并使用可数名词和不可数名词。)

3、To recognize and use the indefinite articles to talk about things that are countable.



词汇 ice cream, story, glass, tea, of course, favorite, kilo, salt, tomato, soup, roller skating, noodle, wish, piano, shelf (shelves), knife(knives), carrot, potato, pot, pancake


1、How often do they/you exercise?

How often does he/she go shopping?

2、Simon often/seldom/always/sometimes/usually/never plays football.

3、What do we need to buy?

4、We need some chickens and some potatoes.

5、I want to buy an egg/a book.


1、频率副词:never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always

2、可数名词:a table/an apple/two tables/two stories/two watches/photos/tomatoes/knives

不可数名词:bread, water, hair, air, money, rain, tea, chicken, rice, fruit, cheese, milk, salt, sugar, soup, vinegar.

3、不定冠词:a, an


Observation, discovery and induction of the grammar rules.(观察,发现,归纳语法规则。)


The ability of synthetical use.(综合应用能力。)


A、用a, an 填空。

1、There is 'h' and 's' in the word 'fish'.

2、Do you have pen?

3、I want to eat orange?

4、There are 60 minutes in hour.

5、Does your father have useful book?


apple, cup, orange, beef, dish, plate, bowl, egg, pot, bread, hamburger, rice, juice, salt, cheese, meat, tomato, coke, milk, vinegar

Countable nouns:__________________________________________________________

Uncountable nouns:________________________________________________________


1、一公斤鱼 2、一袋大米 3、三篮子花

4、四瓶可乐 5、五杯橙汁 6、六碗面条

第五课时(The fifth period)




1、To revise the grammar items in this Unit.

2、To revise the new words and drills.

3、To do some exercises to consolidate the grammar items and language points.

学习策略:Observation, discovery and induction of the grammar rules.(观察,发现,归纳语法规则。)

智能培养:The ability of synthetical use.(综合应用能力。)










1、I bought three (tomato)for the soup today.

2、Here are four (glass)of (water).

3、The basket is full of (flower).

4、The elephant is eating a (banana).

5、I have an (egg),a cup of (milk)and some (bread)for breakfast.

6、How much (rice)do you want?I'd like two (kilo).

7、He has no or (brother, sister)

8、I like to have some (ice cream)and some (chocolate).


1、There is cup of milk, old glass of water and English fork on the table.

2、He is unusual person. He scored 33 goals in 30 matches.

3、I have orange orange, but my deskmate has yellow orange.

4、There is girl waiting for you at gate of our school. She is wearing cap and pair of sports shoes.

5、Why were you late this morning? Tell me story.

6、Where do you often play basketball? Where do you often play piano?

7、I have old house. Last week I bought new one. Where are they? old one is in Nanjing. new one is here.

8、I often have bowl of rice and plate of vegetables for lunch.

第六课时(The sixth period)



学习目标:1、To listen for specific details.(听懂具体细节。)

2、To obtain special information about a person's lifestyle.(获得关于某人生活方式的具体信息。)

3、To select information from a questionnaire and listen in order to complete a report on another student's lifestyle.(听录音,从一张调查问卷里选择信息,完成一份关于另一个学生的生活方式的报告。)


词汇less than, not…at all, try, feel, lunch, supermarket, carry, biscuit, total, point, questionnaire, congratulation, partner

语言技能:Reading 看懂调查问卷

Writing 写调查报告

Listening 听懂别人的提问和对话


Set up a proper lifestyle according to the interview questionnaire.(通过调查问卷,确立正确的生活方式。)

智能培养:Make a questionnaire and know about healthy issues.(制作调查问卷,了解健康和体育相关知识。)


1、How long are you away from school?

A、Never away from school. B、Less than a week.

C、About two weeks. D、More than two weeks.

2、How often are you ill?

A、Never. B、Sometimes. C、Often. D、Very often.

3、How often do you get to school early?

A、Never. B、Always. C、Sometimes. D、Usually.

4、What time do you go to bed at night?

A、Before 9:30. B、9:30-10:00.

C、10:00-11:00. D、Later than eleven.

5、How many hours of sport do you do every week?

A、Six hours or more. B、About five hours.

C、Three to six hours. D、Less than 3 hours.

6、Do you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables?

A、Often. B、Usually. C、Sometimes. D、Never.

第七课时(The seventh period)



学习目标:1、To express factual information about diets and lifestyles in writing.(将关于饮食和生活方式的实际信息用文章表达出来。)

2、To write an article for a website based on personal information.(根据个人信息为一个网站写篇文章。)

3、To read an article to a classmate and check for mistakes.(读一篇短文给同学听以检查错误。)


词汇 large, take in. mean, fat, stay, healthy, cheese, peanut, slice, beef, pork, vitamin, calory, amount


1、I am fit and healthy.

2、I think I need(lots of energy).

3、I always/usually/…have…for breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner?

4、This gives sb.…calories to do sth./for sth.

5、I like…because they're/it's good for….

6、I take in…I need vitamins to stay healthy.

7、It's important to do sth.

学习策略:Synthetical use and self comments.(综合应用,自我评价。)

智能培养:Write an article about health and sports.(健康、卫生、体育的逻辑表述。)


Breakfast Lunch Dinner1、1、1、2、2、2、3、3、3、

第八课时(The eighth period)



学习目标:1、To talk about food and diet.(谈论食物和饮食结构。)

2、To introduce and consolidate common intonation pattern with“wh-”questions.(介绍和巩固wh-句型的常用语调。)

3、To revise the use of adverbs of frequency and the names of common food items.(复习常用频率副词和常用食物的名称。)

4、To revise the simple present tense.(复习一般现在时。)


词汇feel, luck, supermarket, carry, stay, taste

语言技能:Speaking 谈论正确的生活方式,会用wh-句型提问做调查问卷。Pronunciation 用wh-句型提问时,注意用降调。

学习策略:Revision and consolidation



1、Are you often late for school?

2、Tom's father works in a car factory.

3、What are you doing over there?

4、Please don't open the door.

5、Do you go to school on foot or by bike?

6、Whose bag is this? Is it yours?

7、Why are you late again?

8、Which do you like better, English or Chinese?






Unit 4 单元测试题



1、You should not eat noodles for supper.

You should eat some other food.

2、I often feel at about 12:00 at noon.

It is time for food.

3、After a day's work, my father gets very .

4、People should wash their hands they have meals.

5、It's to keep healthy.


1、You are not fit, and you should change your (the way you live).

2、Food can give us a lot of (power(力量) to do things).

3、Eddie is very lazy and he never (do sports activities).

4、(a kind of yellow fruit)taste sour, but mooncakes taste sweet.

5、Do you have a healthy (the food you usually eat)?


1、How long he (read)English every night?

2、I have some (knife).I can lend one to you.

3、My brother often goes to school without (eat)breakfast.

4、Before, Kitty seldom (have)fruit and vegetables.

5、Would you like (buy)fish?

6、I play computer games (two)a week.

7、My teacher says it is very important (sleep)well before an exam(考试).

8、Those need a lot of time every day.(dance)

9、The fish is too (salt).I don't want to eat it.

10、Daniel usually (have)meat and vegetables for dinner now.


( )1、It takes me half hour to do my homework every day.

A、a B、an C、the D、/

( )2、I often get up 8:00 Sundays.

A、in, on B、at, in C、at, on D、in, in

( )3、- does your mother go for a walk?

-Every afternoon.

A、How long B、How much C、How often D、How many

( )4、is good for our health. It's my favourite sport.

A、Swim B、Swiming C、Swimming D、Swims

( )5、My mother never has noodles breakfast.

A、at B、on C、in D、for

( )6、It takes Mr Wang 20 minutes lunch every day.

A、cook B、to cook C、cooking D、cooks

( )7、I have three sisters. They are all .

A、woman teacher B、woman teachers

C、women teacher D、women teachers

( )8、I can't mend the car your help.

A、of B、with C、without D、for

( )9、You look than before.

A、health B、healthy C、healthiest D、healthier

( )10、Is watching TV too bad your health?

A、much, to B、much, for C、many, to D、many, for


1、Which is your favourite book? Which book you like ?

2、Thanks for your help. Thank you me.

3、Mr Wang doesn't work in this school any longer.

Mr Wang works in this school.

4、Lucy likes Chinese. Lily likes Chinese, too.

Lucy likes Chinese. Lily Chinese.

5、That girl always goes home on foot after school.

That girl always after school.


I have a good friend. His name is Tom. He is a nice boy, but he eats too 1 and doesn't like sports.

He has a big 2 every morning. He has four eggs, 3 of bread and butter and 4 big glass of milk for it. 5 lunch, he eats two hamburgers, a lot of French fries 6 chicken. He drinks a lot of cola or soda, too. For dinner, he likes beef and salad.

He 7 eats beef, chicken, hamburgers, and eggs. He likes ice cream, cola and soda, 8 .

Too much food is not 9 for health. So Tom is very 10 .

1、A、many B、much C、some D、any

2、A、breakfast B、lunch C、dinner D、supper

3、A、much B、many C、lots D、lot

4、A、a B、an C、some D、any

5、A、For B、On C、For D、Of

6、A、for B、and C、of D、but

7、A、often B、never C、seldom D、not

8、A、and B、but C、too D、also

9、A、bad B、good C、important D、hungry

10、A、healthy B、fit C、thin D、fat


A man goes to a fast food restaurant for lunch. “Hi,” a worker says, “May I help you?”

“I'd like a hamburger, large fries and a medium Coke.” the man says.

“Anything else?” the worker asks.

“No.” the man answers, “That's it.”

“Is that for here or to go?” the worker asks.

“To go.” the man says.

The man pays for his lunch. The worker puts the man's lunch in a bag. The man takes the bag.


1、A man goes . a、in the park

2、He says, . b、a lot of money

3、A worker puts . c、the man's lunch in a bag

4、The man takes the bag d、“I'd like a hamburger, large

and takes a walk . fries and a medium Coke.”

5、He opens the bag and e、to a fast-food restaurant for

finds . lunch





Ⅰ、词汇 A、1、always/only 2、hungry 3、tired 4、before


B、1、lifestyle 2、energy 3、exercises 4、lemons 5、diet


1、does, read 2、knives 3、eating 4、had 5、to buy 6、twice

7、to sleep 8、dancer, to dance 9、salty 10、has


1、B 2、C 3、C 4、C 5、D 6、B 7、D 8、C

9、D 10、B


1、do, best 2、for helping 3、no longer 4、also likes 5、walks home


1、B 2、A 3、C 4、A 5、A 6、B 7、A 8、C 9、B 10、D


1、e 2、d 3、c 4、a 5、b


Tom usually has breakfast at home at 6:30.Before,he liked to have fast food. Now, he changed his diet. He often has some milk, bread and eggs for breakfast.At12:00,he has lunch at school. He often has some rice, meat and vegetables. Sometimes, he has fish. He often has supper with his family together. Now he is healthier than before.

(阜宁县明达中学 孙会玲 阜宁教研室 卢国华)

篇5:牛津英语7A unit1 教案

牛津英语7A unit1 教案

7A unit 1 教案 重点 一、  语法 【1】喜欢做某事 like/love/enjoy doing sth 1.Daniel 喜欢打电脑游戏。  Daniel enjoys playing computer games. 2.Simon 和Allan 不酷爱游泳。 Simon and Allan don’t love swimming. 3. Millie喜欢听音乐吗? Does Millie enjoy listening to music? 【2】二 去做某事 go doing sth 去游泳/唱歌/散步/跑步/购物 go swimming/singing/walking/running/shopping 1.让我们去游泳。  Let’s go swimming. 2. 他妈妈总是在周六去购物。His mother always goes shopping on Saturday. 3. 你爷爷每天早晨去散步吗? Does your grandfather go walking every morning? 【3】 擅长做某事 be good/clever at doing sth 1.我不擅长画画。  I’m not good at drawing. 2. 她擅长唱歌吗? Is she clever at singing? 3.他们不擅长跑步,他们擅长游泳。They are good at running. They are clever at swimming. 【简单的一般现在时】客观存在的事实 目前存在的事 实经常做的事 1、Simple present tense of the verb ‘to be’  I am happy 2、Simple present tense of the verb ‘to do’  I like fish n  I am /am not happy. n  He/She/It is /isn’t happy. n  We/You/They are/aren’t happy. 1、Remember that we add an ‘s’ to the  verb after ___,___, or __. ( walk-walks)【书14页表格】 实战习题 Liu Xiang enjoys _______ (run). He goes _______ (run) for 3 hours every day. He is also good at ________(sing). 1.Tom ______ (run) every morning.  He _____(be) good at _________ (run). 2.We _______(like) _______(read).  ____(do) you ____(like) _______(read)? 3.My parents ______(go) _________(shop) every Sunday. They ______(love) _________(shop). 4.Daniel and Sandy ______(come) from Beijing. They enjoy ________(live) there. 5.Mr Wu ___________(not like) ________(sit) in his office. He ______(love) _____(do) sports and he ______(be) clever at _______(play) tennis. 二、  自我介绍 Name:  _________________________ Age : _________________________ Class: _________________________ Grade:  _________________________ Birthplace:_______________________ Living place:______________________ Appearance:______________________ Hobbies:  ________________________ Abilities(begood at):_________________ 三、句子转换 1.他们星期天去购物. They go shopping on Sunday. They don’t go shopping on Sunday. Do they go shopping on Sunday? 2.他在工厂上班. He works in a factory. He doesn’t work in a factory. Does he work in a factory? 4.汤姆和杰克放学后喜欢跳舞. Tom and Jack love dancing after school. Tom and Jack don’t love dancing  after school.  Do Tom and Jack love dancing after school?  

篇6:牛津初中英语(7A)Unit 2 My Day


牛津初中英语(7A)Unit 2 My Day

第一课时Welcome to the unit 教案设计

响水县实验初中 傅丽红


课 型:对话、句型操练课

教 学 目 标:




fun, sleep, a.m, p.m, homework, model, make, newspaper, film, mum, should, right.


wake up, go to sleep, have assembly,…


I get up at 6 a.m every morning.

When do you get up?

When do you go to school?

What do you do after school?




课 堂教学模式:


课 前 准 备:





教 学 过 程:

Step 1: Revision.

Review the names of meals and the different activities presented on page 19. Divide the class into groups of four. Brainstorm the topic of daily life activities. Ask Ss to draw an activity if they do not know the word in English.

Step 2: Presentation.

Talk to Ss about daily routines and activities.

Say: I get up at 6 a.m in the morning.

When do you get up? etc

Step 3: Ask Ss to sort their activities into different sections:

Leisure - Sports - Eating - school.

Teacher tells Ss to write down the day and time when they typically do these activities. As you go around the class, provide help with vocabulary.

Step 4: Each group writes the four lists on the board. Ss can copy the activities they want to include in their diary.

Step 5: Work in pairs to talk about their partner’s diary. You can use the following sentence patterns:

a. When do you go to school /…/ ?

b. Do you go to school by bus /…/ ?

c. What do you do after school /…/ ?

Step 6: Learn Vocabulary.

a. P23 Go through Part A and read the words and phrases correctly. Attention to their pronunciation.

b. Ss complete the task and check answers. Encourage Ss to memorize the collocations Part B.

c. Let Ss go through Part B and explain the context. Ask Ss to do the task on their own, then check answers. Ss correct any mistakes and the teacher explains something if necessary.

d. Divide the class into pairs. Let Ss read the conversation and get some pairs to act it out.

Step 7: Practice - task. 课堂教学任务。




活动形式:Group work/pair work.



Step 8: Homework

a. Learn new words and phrases by heart.

b. Describe your daily activities in your own words.

c. preview Reading.

板 书:(略)

教 学 反 思:

牛津初中英语(7A)Unit 2 My Day

第一课时Welcome to the unit 学案设计

响水县实验初中 傅丽红


学习目 标:




fun, sleep, homework, model…


activity, assembly…


go to sleep, have assembly, have lessons, eat lunch…









学习过 程:

Step 1: 课前预习检查


1、开晨会 2、做课外活动

3、上床睡觉 4、打羽毛球

5、听收音机 6、制作飞机模型

7、看报纸 8、发电子邮件


1、I ____at 6:30 p.m in the evening.

2、Peter _____at school at 11:45 p.m.

3、They _____at 7:00 a.m.

4、Sally _____at 3:30 p.m.

5、Andy and I _____at 8:00 a.m.

Have lessons have lunch watch TVdo after - school activitiesgo to school by bus


( )1、When do you go to school? A. At school

( )2、Do you watch TV every day? B. Yes, she does

( )3、What does he do after school? C. At 7:30 a.m

( )4、Does Lily listen to music? D. No, I don’t

( )5、Where do they play badminton. E. He plays football

Step 2: 要点聚焦

1、Is it time for breakfast? 是吃早饭的时间了吗?

It’s time for + 名词,“是做某事的时间了,该做某事了。”


It’s time_____ class.


It’s time_____lunch.

注:It’s time for 后只接名词或代词,如果跟动词,则用to do.


It’s time_____ _______home.

2、how to have fun. 意为“不知道怎样娱乐”



I don’t know what______ _____.


I don’t know where______ ______.

3、eat breakfast/lunch/supper. 吃早饭/午饭/晚饭

eat 也可以说成have

如:I eat breakfast at 7:30 a.m.= I _____ _____at 7:30 a.m.

4、have assembly. 开晨会。

如:We_____ ______(开晨会)every morning.

注意下列 have 的用法

have a party 举行聚会 have a look 看一看

have breakfast 吃早饭 have lessons 上课

5、after-school activities 课外活动

do after-school activities做课外活动

have after-school activities上课外活动课

如:Sally_____ ______ ______(做课外活动)at 4:00 p.m.

We _____ ______ ______(上课外活动课)every day.

6、go to bed与go to sleep区别

go to bed 指“去睡觉,上床睡觉”强调进入了睡觉的形式。

go to sleep 指“入睡、睡着”强调由醒到睡的瞬间动作。


He ____ ____ ____at 10 o’clock every evening.


Tom ____ ____ ____very quickly.

Step 3:同学们,学了米莉的日记后,你也想记一篇日记吧,请用你自己的日常活动,完成下面的日记条目。

牛津初中英语7A Unit 2 My Day

第二课时Reading I 教案设计

响水县实验初中 薛桂兰






















Step1. 预习情况交流



Step2. 阅读策略培养




Step3. 学法交流









Step4. 练习巩固提高

1)Millie is doing some translation work. Please help her complete the sentenets with the right words.





Step5. (1)课后延伸:根据Reading的学习,写一篇介绍你学校的短文(地理位置,人文景观)。


牛津初中英语 7A Unit 2 My Day

第二课时 Reading I 学案设计

响水县实验初中 薛桂兰






a.词汇:because buy whole day other spend Tuesday Friday also volleyball practise swimmer e-mail

b.短语:more than lots of have fun spend …doing


a. I love my new school.

b. we always have fun.

c. we sit under the tree at lunchtime.

d. we always talk to each other at lunchtime.

e. I like going to assembly.

f. I spend about an hour a day doing my homework.

g. I go to the reading club after school every Tuesday.

h. There are lots of things to do at my school.
















Step1. 预习情况交流



Step2. 阅读策略培养


一节:1.What’s the name of the new school?

2.Does Millie love her new school?

3.Why does Millie love her classroom?

二节:4.Who is Millie’s best friend?

5.What do Millie and Amy often do?

三节:6.Who is Mrs Tang?

7.What does Millie like doing?

四节:8.Where does Millie go after school every Tuesday?

9.Who is a very good swimmer, Millie or Amy?


( )1.Millie e-mails Amy

( )2.There are more than 1800 teachers at Millie’s school.

( )3.Millie sometimes plays games at lunchtime.

( )4.The principal’s name is Mr Tang.

( )5.Millie’s favourite lessons are English and Maths.

( )6.Millie spends three hours a day doing her homework.

( )7.Millie goes to the reading club twice a week.

( )8.Millie is a member of the swimming club.

( )9.Millie doesn’t want Tommy to send her an e-mail.


Millie’s new school is____ Beijing sunshine secondary school. She likes_____ classroom_____ she can see the ____. Amy is her best ______. They always ______ fun. They sit ____ the tree at lunchtime. They always ____ each other or _____ games together. Sometimes they buy _____ from the tuck shop. All her friends are ____ great!

Step3. 学法交流









Step4. 练习巩固提高

1)Millie is doing some translation work. Please help her complete the sentenets with the right words.


We ______ _____at _____ _____on Monday.


_____ you often _____ ______ ? No, I like _____ books.


My ______ _______ Amy always ____ or ____ ____ with me under the tree.


I _____ about an hour ______my homework every day.


I always _____ ______ with my classmates.





Step5. (1)课后延伸:根据Reading的学习,写一篇介绍你学校的短文(地理位置,人文景观)。


牛津初中英语 7A Unit 2 My Day

第三课时 Reading Ⅱ 教案设计

响水县实验初中 王小林









between…and…、spend…doing sth…、more than、have fun

be called…、the head of、twice a week、three hours a day



Millie spends three hours a day doing her homework.

Millie goes to the Reading Club twice a week.





















TaskⅠ Language points.

1、Get the Ss to find out the language points:_____

be called. more than. have fun…

2、Explain some language points on P20.

① be called “被称为……”、“被命名为……”

eg: The girl is called Lily.(那个女孩被叫作莉莉)

② more than. “多于,比……多”

eg: She has more than five comic books.(他有超过五本漫画书)

③ have fun. “玩得很高兴,过得开心。”

eg: We always have fun at weekends.(我们周末总是玩得很开心)

④ talk to. “对某人说,给某人做报告。”

eg: They often talk to each other.(他们经常互相交谈)

⑤ spend + 时间 + doing sth “花……(时间)做某事”

eg: I spend half an hour doing my homework.


⑥ between…and… “在……和……之间”


1、For Part B1. Get the Ss to look at the pictures and read the words correctly first.

2、Ask Ss to identify the correct name for each picture in Part B1.

3、For Part B2, ask Ss to match the words with the meanings.

4、Ask Ss to make sentences with the words in Part B2.

eg: Mr Pan is our Principal.

Task Ⅲ.

1、Remind Ss of the context (Part c). T reads the instructions and clarify.

2、Let the Ss do the task and then check Ss’ answers orally.

Ask Ss to write correct statements for the “false” ones.

TaskⅣ Part D.

1、For Part D. remind Ss of the context. Ss select the correct period of time and write them on the given lines.

2、Check students’ answers.

3、Ask Ss to write complele sentences about when the activies take place.

eg: Millie gets up at 6:30 a.m.

4、Work in pairs to ask and answer about the pictures.

TaskⅤ. Talking .

Let the Ss talk about Millie’s day according to Part D.

TaskⅥ. Practice - Task. 课堂教学任务。



语言技能:Reading and speaking.

活动形式:Group work./ Pair work./ In dividual.



TaskⅦ. Homework.

1、Describe your own day in your own words.




牛津初中英语 7A Unit 2 My Day

第三课时 Reading Ⅱ 学案

响水县实验初中 王小林





a. 能听、说、读、写综合运用下列单词:


b. 能听懂、会读下列单词:



between…and…、spend…doing sth、more than、have fun、be called、the head of、twice a week、three hours a day




Millie spends three hours a day doing her homework.

Millie goes to the Reading Club twice a week.










Step 1. 课前预习检查。



Step2. 下面我们来见识一下本课时的重点短语。

1、be called. “被称为…… 被命名为……”

练一练 那个男孩被称为Bob.

The boy ______ ______ Bob.

2、more than. “多于,比……多”

练一练 桌上有十多本书。

There are ______ ______ ten books on the desk.

3、have fun. “玩得很高兴,过得开心。”

have fun + V- ing. 很高兴做某事。

练一练 a.每个人晚会上都玩得很开心。

Everyone ______ ______ at the party.


I have fun ______ basketball.

4、between 意为“两者之间”经常用于词组 “between…and…”

eg: Who is the boy between your father and mother?


between和 among 的区别:

between 表示“在两者之间”,among表示“在……中间”时指在三者或三者以上中间。

eg: He stands among his students. 他站在他的学生中间。

5、twice 表示“两次、两倍”,once表示“一次”,三次以上用time表示次数。

eg: I have seen the film three times. 我已经看过这部电影三次了。

Step3. Part B1. 米莉还想寄给汤米一些校园内各处的照片。帮她

练一练 玛丽不知道米莉信中一些单词的意思,帮助她把单词和词义连结起来。

1、lunchtime a. the time to have lunch.

2、tuck b. a kind of sport.

3、great c. people who swim.

4、assembly d. a big room to hold meetings.

5、hall e. food eaten by children at school.

6、volleyball f. very good.

7、swimmer. g. a meeting of the teachers and students

in a school.

Step4. Part C. Friends online.

练一练 汤米正在给米莉回电子邮件。读一读看写了些什么并选择最好的答案来完成。

I am so 1 to hear from you. In your letter you say that your school is very 2 and you like your classroom. That’s great! I 3 my classroom too, 4 mine is very quiet and I can finish my work quickly. My best friend is Jack. He is a fun boy and we always have a good time. I like to play tennis, and he 5 to play basketball, but we 6 like to play baseball, so we always play baseball together 7 class. In your letter you say that Chinese is your favorite lesson, 8 I don’t know any words. Next time you write, can you tell me some Chinese words? I go to the Computer Club every Friday evening. I think it helps me 9 my studies. I hope I can 10 you soon.

Best wishes


1、A. sad B. hungry C. happy D. helpful

2、A. small B. big C. middle D. dirty

3、A. hate B. hates C. like D. likes

4、A. so B. however C. because of D. because

5、A. like B. likes C. always D. often

6、A. both B. either C. too D. all

7、A. before B. between C. after D. during

8、A. because B. so C. and D. but

9、A. for B. to C. at D. with

10、A. watch B. look after C. look D. see

Step5. Part D. Millie’s day.


练一练 在每幅图画下写上正确的时间和活动。

牛津初中英语7A Unit2 My Day

第四课时 GrammarA 教案

响水县实验初中 刘恒鸿







②短语:win the first prize、be pleased、in Class1 ,Grade 7、all the time、tell sb. about sth.、meet up with、be busy、be good with sth./sb.


I I live in Yancheng.

单数 you Do you know his name?

he/she/ it he is a member of the football team.

we We are in Class 14,Grade 7.

复数 you You work together.

they They live near each other.















TaskⅠ.Review key words and check for understanding of nouns and verbs.

TaskⅡ.Get Ss to read out the sentences in Part A and understand the meaning of each one.

Then ask Ss to draw a line from the pronoun to the noun it refers to .

1、Ask Ss to do Part A1 and tell them to use the correct personal pronouns. Tell them that they need to refer to both the speakers names and the picture prompts for the answer.

2、Ask students to give you the answers and ask them why they choose a particular personal pronoun. Make sure that the whole class know the correct answers.

3、Ask Ss to practise the conversation in Part A1 and then select a few pairs to do a class presentation.

TaskⅢ. Ask Ss to look at the sentences in Part A2 and to complete the sentences on their own. Then check answers with the whole class.

TaskⅣ. Ss read the article in Part A3 for general understand only. Give a quick explaination of any words they do not know. Ask Ss to complete the task on their own. Then read the article to the class. Try to deal with all the problems after reading the article in order to maintain the students’ interest.

TaskⅤ. Extension activity

Ask students to underline all the personal pronouns(subject form)in the reading passase on page20.

TaskⅥ. Practice-Task. 课堂教学任务



语言技能:Peading and speaking




TaskⅦ. Homework





牛津初中英语7A Unit2 My Day

第四课时 Grammer A 学案

响水县实验初中 刘恒鸿










win the first prize、in Class1, Grade7、all the time、be pleased、tell sb. about sth.、meet up with、be busy












Step2. 要点聚焦

1、win the first prize 获得一等奖

win 的过去式 won,意为“获得、取得、赢得”

练一练 (球赛)谁昨天打赢了

Who ______ the game yesterday?

2、all the time 意为“一直、始终、经常”

练一练 宝宝好像总是在哭。

The baby seems(看起来)to cry(哭)_____ ______ _____(一直、总是)

3、be pleased 高兴、愉快的 be pleased = be glad

be pleased to do sth. 高兴去做某事

练一练 Im pleased____ (meet)you.

4、meet up with 意为“得到,偶遇”

练一练 Then she ____ ____ ____ Simon(得到,偶遇)

5、be good with sth./sb. 意为“善于使用某物,处事、待人或用人” be good at sth./doing sth.(善长某方面;善长做某事)


1)He ____ _____ _____ his hands.(她手很巧)

2)She____ _____ _____ computers.(她善于使用电脑)

3)I am good at______(draw).

6、be busy 繁忙的

练一练 I am_____(繁忙的)this week.

7、Fill in the blanks with the correct pronouns.

1)I have a friend._____likes playing basketball.

2)Tom and Jim are classmates._____are good friends.

3)“Thank____very much.”Amy ofren says.

4)My name is Susam._____come from Cananda.

5)Sandy watches the football match on TV. ___is very exeiting.

8、Millie is asking Andy some questions about David. Complete their dialogue with the correct pronouns.

Millie:Andy, do(1)___know anything about David?

Andy:Yes,(2)____do.(3)___is my favourite basketball player.

Millie:Where does(4)____play basketball with his friends?

Andy:(5)____play at a basketball court.

Millie:Is (6)____a large basketball court?

Andy:Yes,(7)____is very large and nice.

Millie:When do(8)___practise basketball?

Andy:(9)___think(10)____practise on Mondays、Wednesdays and Fridays. By the way,will(11)____watch his game on TV with me tomorrow?

Millie:Sorry, I cant. I will go to the Reading Club with Kitty(12)____will go there together.

牛津初中英语(7A)Unit 2 My Day

第五课时 Grammar(B)教案设计

响水县第二中学 王胜雨




2、知识目标: ①学会运用do和does








Step1: Revision

Revise the words

(use some sentences to revise them)

Step2: Asking questions with the verb ‘to do’

1) Use some sentences to show “Do……?” “Does……?”

2) Using P26 Part 1, the students discuss it.

3) The students make some sentences.

4) Show Aims.

Step3: Teach the students. What they to do?

1) The teacher explains it to the students.

2) Let the students discuss it and the make some sentences.

3) The teacher checks out.

Step4: Teach what Millie likes to do?

1) The teacher explain it in Chinese for the students.

2) Let the students discuss it then write.

3) The teacher checks out.

Step5: Sum up

1) Words / from pronunciation meaning

2) Grammar./ use “Do……?”make some sentences


Step6: Workbook

1) Write and spell the words.

2) Test

Step7: Homework

Copy the sentences of P26. P27

Step8: Pre-view

The words of “Integrated skills”.

牛津初中英语(7A) Unit 2 My Day

第五课时 Grammar B 学案设计

响水县第二中学 王胜雨




a. 能听、说、读、写综合运用下列词汇。

would like ask question send

b. 记忆并运用下列短语。

like doing sth.




a. 辨识第一、二、三人称并注意其区别。

b. do、does的应用。


Step1: 学习过程


1)I (喜欢)swimming very much.

2)I (想要)to have a drink.

3)How many (问题)do you have?

4)May I (问)you some (问题)?

5)Please (寄)this card for me.


1) you like swimming? Yes, I .

2) they like running? No, they .

3) he like reading? Yes, he .

4) she like walking? No, she .

5) it like dancing? Yes, it .

Step2: 要点聚焦

Do Like swimming?

Yes, do. No, don’t.


Does like swimming?

Yes, does. No, doesn’t.


1) (do) Lily like walking?

No, she .(do)

2) (do) Sandy and kitty like reading?

No, they .(do)

3) (do) you and Amy like swimming?

Yes, .



she like ? No, she .


They like ? Yes, they .


Lily and Lucy computer games?


I to you some .


Please your answers soon!


You newspapers?


1、I play basketball every Monday.

2、She likes swimming.

3、Kitty and Daniel read newspapers every day.

4、John likes listening to music and dancing.

5、Amy likes playing computer games.

牛津初中英语(7A) Unit 2 My Day

第六课时 Integrated Skills 教案设计

响水县第二中学 王金华




a. 培养学生正确阅读短文、正确提取信息、运用信息的能力。

b. 学生运用情态动词can、may的能力。

c. 一般疑问句用正确的语调。



information, space, museum, trip, closed, cannot, out,

forget, bring, tomorrow, not.


have our trip, next Monday, from 1 p.m to 5 p.m










Step1: Revision;

Revise the words of the last lesson.

With “Do……?” Yes, …do.

No, …don’t.

“Does…? Yes, …does.

No, …doesn’t. ”

Step2: A school trip

A1: 1) Read the Note (with questions)

2) Read the poster.

To complete A2.

A2: 1) Complete A2

2) Check the answers (with the information of A1)

A3:1) Listen

2) Complete

3) Check the answers

A4:1) Read posters of A1&A2 again

2) Complete

3) Check the answers

Step3: Speak up using “Can” and “May”

B1:1) Listen

2) Read

3) Drills (pairs work)

A: Can ……

B: Yes, ……can

A: May ……

B: Yes, ……may

B2:1) Complete

2) Check

3) Read (pairs work)

4)Practise (Can……? May……?)

Step4: Pronunciation



Step5: Sum up

1) Words

2) Sentences

Step6: Task








Step7: Homework

1) Learn new words and phrases by heart.

2) Preview Main Task.

牛津初中英语(7A)Unit 2 My Day

第六课时Integrated skills 学案设计

响水县第二中学 王金华






a. 能听、说、读、写。

information, space, museum, trip, closed, cannot, out, forget, bring,

bring, tomorrow, hot.

b. 能听懂,会读下列单词。

science, technology, location, district, price, adult, place, except,

organize, look forward to






Step1: 课前预习检查。


①Please get some (信息)about our hometown.

②Let’s go to visit (博物院)。

③We’ll have our (旅程)next Moday.

④We would like to go Beijing zoon in xicheng (社区)。

⑤The (价格)for each student is ¥5。

⑥The China Science Museum is (关闭)on Mondays。

⑦Don’t (忘记)to come to my party。

⑧Tomorrow (带来)your dog here, OK?

⑨The weather is (热)。You should take off your coat。

⑩We’re all here (除了)Jim。


1)了解文章大意。回答下列T / F questions.

①Will the class I Grade 7 students go on a school trip?

②Will they have their trip every day?

③Will the trip cost each student ¥10?

④In China Space Museum it the price of adults ¥30?

⑤Is Beijing Zoo in 137 xizhimenwai Dajie xicheng district?

Step2: Test



Please get some I about the china s M ,the china spience and T .Museum and Beijing Zoo. We’ll have our t next Monday form 1 p.m to 5 p.m. Each student spend ¥10.

B、选词填空。(can, may)

1) I bring it tomorrow? No, you may not.

2) I use yours? Yes, you can.

3) I open the door? Yes, you may.

4) I turn on the lights? Yes, you may.

5) I use your pen? No, you can’t.

牛津英语(7A) Unit 2 My Day

第七课时 Main Task 教案设计

响水县第二中学 杨慧







dislike, reason, food, enough, reach, basket, fun,

difficult, part, answer, library


the Assembly Hall, chat with, tall enough to do sth, different colours



Step1: Revision

1) Revise those words.

2) Revise some sentences.

Step2: Your favourite activities,

A: 1) Look at the chart.

2) Make sentences according to the chart such as: Millie likes…



3) Find out the reasons

B: Complete ‘My happiness chart’ on P31.


a. Complete the chart.

b. Discuss the reasons pair works.

C. Complete the e-mail according to the chart.

Step3: Practice

1)Write an e-mail.

2) Check pay attention to ‘like doing’.

Step4: Practice-tack.





活动形式:Pair work




Step5: Homework

a. Learn new words and phrases by heart.

b. Describe your favourite activities.

c. Preview Checkout.



牛津初中英语(7A)Unit 2 My Day

第七课时 Main Task 学案设计

响水县第二中学 杨慧





a. 能听、说、读、写综合适用下列单词

food, enough, fun

b. 能听懂、会读下列单词

dislike, reason, reach, basket, difficult

c. 识记并会运用下列短语

the Assembly Hall, chat with, different colours






Step1: 课前预习检查。


1)There’re lots of students in the A Hall.

2) I can c with friends and eat nice food.

3) I’m not tall e to r the basket.

4) I love reading because I want to learn more about the w .l

5) I like all the d colours.

6) It’s fun to look at the pictures when I f drawing them.

7) It’s too d and we have too much.

8) This is my favourite a .




例句:I love meeting friends because I love chat with my friends.



1、I love to see all my friends the morning.

2、I like to have a bread lessons especially if I’m hungry.

3、I love to chat my friends.

4、I love walking the park and watch the birds.

5、It’s fun to look the pictures.


1) I love to see (我的所有朋友)in the morning.

2) I like to (休息一下)from lessons especially if I am hungry.

3) I love to (交谈)my friends.

4) I love (散步)in the park and (观看)the birds.

5) It’s (厌烦、烦躁)sometimes.



1) There’re lots students the Assembly Hall.

2) I can chat my friend.

3) I’m not tall enough reach the basket.

4) I want to learn more the world.

5) It’s fun look at the pictures.


1) I want learn (much) about the world.

2) I like all the different (colour).

3) It’s fun (look)at the pictures. When I finish (draw) them.

4) I love in the park and .(watch) the birds (walk).

5) It takes too long. I would rather (watch) TV.

牛津初中英语(7A)Unit 2 My Day

第八课时 Check out 教案设计

响水县第二中学 杨慧






answer, library


do your English homework

a difficult question

on Tuesdays

go to the Computer Club.









Step1: Revision



Step2: A: What are they saying?


2、Discuss and check

3、Read them

4、Act out

Step3: B: What do people do?

1、Look at the pictures and then write out the prases.

2、Complete the sentences.

3、Check the answers.

4、Read the sentences and pay attention to No.3 and 8.

5、Do Exx.

Step4: Sum up



3、Make the same dialogues.

Step5: Preview

The words of the next lesson.

Step6: Homework

1) Recite the words

2) Copy the sentences (P33)

牛津初中英语(7A)Unit 2 My Day

第八课时 Main task 学案设计

响水县第二中学 周洪兵







①词汇:answer, library

②句型:A: Do you……?No, I don’t.

A: Does he ……? B: No, he doesn’t.



Step1: 预习检测题。

1) May I ask you some q ?

2) Please get some i about china.

3) Let’s have a t in Beijing.

4) Please b your raincoat here. It’s raining.

5) I’m not tall e to reach the box.

Step2: “A” what are they saying?





1) Are (you) Han Mei? Yes, (me) am.

2) Tom is (her) your mother?

3) My father, (his) is a doctor.

4)Let’s ask Daniel, (his) is my good friend.

5) You he and (my) are good students.

Step3: B“What do people do?”





1)看电视 6)打网球

2)读报 7)做模型飞机

3)写信 8)读杂志

4)听音乐 9)做作业

5)听录音机 10)玩电脑游戏


1) I (watch) TV every evening.

2) She (read) newspapers on Mondays.

3) They like (play) tennis together at school.

4) Tom (make) model planes every Tuesday.

5) We (listen) to the radio every day.

牛津初中英语(7A)Unit 2 My Day



1. The w__________ class are having an Art lesson now.

2. My f__________ lessons are Chinese and English.

3. All my friends are r________ great !

4. We buy s__________ from the tuck shop after school.

5. They go to school from M_________ to F_________.

6. You should .P_________ speaking English every morning.

7. I like all the d________ colours. it is fun to look at the colourful pictures.

8. She is in the Swimming Club. She is a very good s________.

9. My dad often reads n_________ in the morning.

Ⅱ. Daniel 想测一测词形掌握得怎么样,让我们一起去看一看。(1′×10)

1. There’re lots of things _________ (do) at school.

2. The students usually spend six hours _________ (have) classes every day.

3. English is very_________ (interest).

4. This is the (twin)bedroom.

5. Does Sandy like _________(swim)?

6. I have _________(many) apples than you.

7. She doesn’t want__________(have) lunch now.

8. Lucy has a __________(dance) lesson every week.

9. My parents go _________(shop) on Sundays.

10. My mother _________(not like) watching TV.


( )1. -Can you English?

-Only a little.

A. say B. talk C. speak D. tell

( )2. Look at the books. _____ are new. My aunt gave_____ to me as a present.

A. They, them B. They, their C. Their, them D. Their, they

( )3. -What do you often do at lunchtime?

-I often ______ my good friend Allen.

A. chat B. chat with C. chats D. to chat

( )4.I like seeing all ______ students in the Assembly Hall.

A. the other B. the others C. other D. another

( )5. Many people just don’t know how to ________.

A. have a fun B. have funny C. have fun D. have a funny

( )6. -What time is it now?


A. It’s about 6 B. About at 6 C. In about 6 D. About 6

( )7.It’s time _______school.

A. for B. to C. go D. go to

( )8. -Does she usually clean his room?

- .

A. No, she doesn’t B. No, she don’t

C. Yes, he does D. Yes, she do

( )9. -Millie and Sandy, are reading English books?

-Yes, are.

A. they, they B. we, we C. you, we D. you, they

( )10.The students like_______ computer games.

A. playing B. to playing C. play D. plays

( )11. - _______he______ computer games?

-Yes, very much.

A. Do…like B. Does…like C. Do…likes D. Does…likes

( ) 12. -May I ______ the door? It’s too ______ today.


A. open, cold B. close, hot C. to close, cold D. close, cold

( )13. Kitty often chats her friends at lunchtime.

A. to B. with C. and D. for

( )14. I am not _______ to reach the basket.

A. enough tall B. tall enough C. short enough D. enough short

( )15. Thank you for ______ me to your birthday party.

A. invitation B. invite C. inviting D. to invite

Ⅳ. Sandy在句形变化时,遇到了难题请仔细和她一起看一看?(1′×10)

1. She sees films every Saturday.(改为一般疑问句)

______ she _______ films every Saturday?

2. They clean their bedrooms every Sunday . ( 对划线部分提问)

What ______ they ________ every Sunday?

3. He often flies to the USA. (改为否定句)

He ________ often ________ to the USA.

4. She usually plays tennis on Monday afternoon.(对划线部分提问)

_______ she ________ tennis?

5. His cousin has the rubber in the hand. (对划线部分提问)

_________ __________ the rubber in the hand?

Ⅴ. 考考你的速度,请在最短的时间内搭配好左右两栏。(1′×10)

( )11. Where are you from? A. I am.

( )2. Can you help me? B. They’re playing games.

( )3. Is there any water in the glass? C. I can see only one.

( )4. It’s time to go to school. D. Fine, thank you.

( )5. Who’s on duty today? E. No, I can’t.

( )6. Where is my shirt? F. It’s on the bed.

( )7. Can you swim in the river? G. China.

( )8. How are you? H. OK. Let’s go..

( )9. What are the children doing? I. Certainly.

( )10. How many birds can you see? J. No, there isn’t.

Ⅵ. 补全对话(1′×5)

A. What time B. No, I can’t C. Yes, that’s OK

D. Can I have a look at your bike E. Can you ride (骑) a bike

David:I have a new bike.

Emma:Good. 1 ?

David:Yes, I can.

Emma: 2 ?

David:Yes, can you come on Sunday afternoon?

Emma: 3 .What about Monday afternoon?

David: 4 ?

Emma:Four o’clock.

David: 5 .Four o’clock on Monday.

Ⅶ. 阅读理解(2′×10)


Dear Jack,

I’m in Hangzhou now. I study in No. 3 Middle School. It’s a good school. The students here are very friendly(友好的). My best(最好的) friend is Pingping. We go to school five days a week. What about you?

Now I’m writing to you in my bedroom. We have a new home here in China. It’s different from(与……不同)my old home in America. My new house is big. The walls are blue. My parents and I am happy to be in China.

Well, it’s time to do my homework. Please write back soon.


( )1. Tom is from England.

( )2. Pingping is Jack’s best friend.

( )3.Tom’s new house in Hangzhou is big.

( )4.Tom goes to school six days a week.

( )5.Tom and his parents are very happy now.


Bob is six years old. He is old enough to go to school. On the first day, his teacher teaches him three words, “I, you, he ”. Then the teacher says, “I am your teacher. You are my student. He is your classmate. ”When school is over, Bob goes home. His mother asks him, “What does your teacher teach you today ?’Bob says with a smile, “Listen, Mum and Dad, I am your teacher. You are my student. He is your classmate. ”His mother says, “No, dear. You’re wrong. ”Then she says , “I am your mother. You’re my son. He’s your father. ”The next day, Bob’s teacher asks Bob to make sentences with(用……造句)“I, you and he”.

Bob stands up and says, “I’m your mother. You’re my son. He is your father. ”All the students in Bob’s class laugh(笑).

( )1. Who teaches Bob new words?

A. Bob’s friends. B. Bob’s teacher.

C. Bob’s father. D. Bob’s mother.

( )2. How many words does he teach?

A. Two. B. Tree. C. Four. D. Five.

( )3. Does Bob understand what his teacher teaches?

A. Yes, he does.

B. No, he doesn’t.

C. No, but he understands what his mother says.

D. I don’t know.

( )4. What do you think of the boy?

A. He is kind. B. He is helpful.

C. He is quick. D. He is foolish(笨).

( )5. Who laughs?

A. His mother. B. His teacher.

C. His classmates. D. His father.

Ⅷ. Kitty有几句中文不会翻译成英文,你 能帮帮她吗?(1′×10)


My sister always _______ one hour _______ _______ _______ every evening.


Tom is the best ________ in our class.


We _________ _________ ________ the Spring Festival.


________ ________ play games _________ _________ _________?


He ________ ________ _________ to _________ _________.

Ⅸ. 书面表达(10′)

根据这些内容写一篇My day 为题的作文








篇7:《牛津初中英语》7A教案Unit 3 Let’s celebrate!

《牛津初中英语》7A教案Unit 3 Let’s celebrate!


1、能听、说、读、写单词festival, as, why,

……等,并了解其含义;能听懂,会说,celebrate, ghost, king ……等单词以及dress

up, the Mid-Autumn Festival ……等短语,能理解dragon, Halloween

……等单词和the Dragon Boat Festival ……等短语。

2、掌握介词at, on, in表达时间的用法及其在不同交际情景中的运用。








2、能运用介词at, on, in谈论时刻、月份、年份、季节并能相互进行信息交流。

3、理解掌握what, which, who, whose, when, where, why, how等疑问词的不同含义,






3、理解并掌握some 在疑问句中的特殊含义。

第 一 教 时

Comic strip+ Welcome to the unit+vocabulary


1. 能听、说、读、写单词holiday, monkey, why, mooncake, May, card, rice 并了解

其含义。能听懂、会说单词celebrate, ghost, king, festival, Christmas, Easter,

monkey短语dress up, as the Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day能理解单词dragon,

Halloween,短语the Dragon Boat Festival, rice, dumplings。

2. 能了解中外一些重要的节假日,节假日的背景及主要庆祝方式,从而激发对本单元的


3. 能掌握一年中几个主要节日的名称并了解其日期。

4. 能就有关“个人对节日的喜好”情况相互进行简单询问及回答。

5. 能在教师的指导下,参与简单的角色扮演活动。


1. 日常交际用语和生词的正确读音;

2. 能模仿第35页Part B的对话,简单谈论个人对节假日的喜好情况。


1. 能根据相关情景,正确地理解,区分相应的节假日名称;

2. 能初步在情景中运用本课所学的互相询问节假日的交际用语。


1. 教具准备:实物投影仪,幕布、四幅卡通漫画图片(34页)、六幅图片(第35页Part A)



2. 教学准备:请学生准备一张白纸并两人一组讨论写出他们所知道的节日名称(中文)及


3. 板书准备:黑板上预先写好课题Unit 3 Let’s celebrate!


Task 1(第34页 Comic strip)

1. 教师用实物投影出示第34页卡通图片,指着图片说Look! We can see Eddie and

Hobo again.

(图片1)问:What are they doing? Can you guess? 帮助学生回答:I think they’re

celebrating their holiday.学习并操练单词:celebrate, holiday。

Holiday-the day you don’t have to go to school.

Celebrate-do something for the day.

(图片3)问:What is Eddie doing? (He’s dressing up as a ghost)用手势或其它动作

、表情教学生短语dress up as……和单词ghost。然后问:Do you like dressing up as

a ghost?

(No, we don’t). Eddie doesn’t like, either.

(图片4)问:What’s Hobo dressing up as now?(He is dressing up as Monkey King).

学习单词monkey和king.教师出示孙悟空图片,Do you know him? We often call him

Monkey King.(可以让喜欢孙悟空的学生利用面具模仿其造型)Who can dress up as

Monkey King?

2. 教师领读,学生跟读。学生两人一组练习对话,并轮流扮作Eddie和Hobo,几分钟后,


Task 2 (第35页Welcome to the unit)

1. 老师让学生展示事先准备好的节日清单并称赞:Very good! 介绍课本内容:In this

unit, I will help you to learn more about the Festivals in

English.学习单词festival(s),并写在黑板上。用实物投影出示第35页Part A图片(按以



中国节日:直接用英语教短语Mid-Autumn Festival, Chinese New Year, Dragon Boat


西方节日:允许学生先用中文猜测,然后告诉他们:In English, we call it


领读数遍单词、短语后,再用实物投影出示第35页Part A图片,询问学生:What’s the

name of the festival? 然后学生两人一组活动,互相问答。让他们有充分的感知。

2. 告诉学生:My favourite festival is Mid-Autumn Festival. Do you know why?

Because I like to eat mooncakes.学习单词mooncake,可用简笔画来表示,相信学生能


板书:My favourite festival is……

Because I like to ……



3. 打开书,带领学生富有感情地朗读Part B,采用男女生分组分角色方式朗读。


4. 让学生用自己的信息替换划线部分,鼓励他们用真实情况来表演对话,可四人一组活


eat chocolate/make pumpkin Lanterns.

eat rice dumplings/get Christmas presents/(此举也为以后的阅读教学带来方便。

5. 选出几组同学到前面表演,可让他们看黑板上的选用词汇。鼓励他们增加动作,提高


Don’t you think they’re very good?(Yes)

Let’s give them a big hand.

Task 3(第40 页Vocabulary)

1. 教师问:Which special days of the year do you know? 把days of the year写在

黑板上,学生两人一组讨论。然后将搜集到的信息如New Year’s Day, May

Day,Children’s Day,Teachers’ Day,National Day,Chirsmas Day等写在days of the



National Day, May Day, New Year’s Day.

2.用台历呈现句型:问学生:What day is it? Do we have to go to school? 让

学生用Yes or No回答. 并让学生用自备的台历进行问答。然后让学生分组讨论,完成课

本第40页Part A。

3.主学生看黑板上的节日名称,问:Whose favourite festival is …?Why do you

like it?当呈现到Christmas时,出示贺卡,学习单词card并板书。Look. Here are

different kinds of Christmas card, I like Christmas because I can get the

cards. 接着用实物或图片教短语rice dumplings,并用the Dragon Boat

Festival联系:Why do you like the Dragon Boat Festival?(Because I like to eat

rice dumplings.)并操练。

打开书本,要求学生完成Part B的笔头填空。全班校对答案并分组朗读四个句子。

六. 家庭作业












第 二 教 时

Reading: A Getting ready for Halloween


1. 听、说、读、写单词USA,special, shout, if, face, own, cut, sharp(adj),

tooth, chocolate, winter, drink,短语cut

out并了解其含义。能听懂、会说单词trick, treat, knock, candy, mask, paint,

lantern, sharp(n)短语trick or treat,play a trick。能理解单词costume, pumpkin

2. 能正确理解本课课文,就获取的信息进行相互询问及回答。

3. 能通过本课学习,对英语国家的文化习俗产生兴趣。


1. 生词和短语的正确读音。

2. 能通过阅读准确获取信息并能基本正确地朗读课文。


1. 能在教师的指导下,简单地复述故事。

2. 能通过对西方节日及庆祝方式的进一步了解和中外文化对比,加深对中国文化的理解


1. 教具准备:磁带、录音机、实物投影仪幕布、图片(自制的关于万圣节的道具)。

2. 教学准备:请学生准备事先制作好的道具或图片。

3. 板书准备:黑板上预先写好课题Unit 3 Let’s celebrate!


Task (第36-37页)

1. 教师用实物投影展示第35 页Part A 图2,问:What’s the name of the

festival?(It’s Mid-Autumn Festival)指着图中男孩提着的灯笼,教单词Lantern:

This is a lantern in English.教师说:Show me your lanterns, please! 让学生出示

他们制作的实物或图片。接着,展示图片1:What’s the name of the festival?(It’s

Halloween).告诉学生:This is a pumpkin lantern.把lantern写在黑板上。最后展示图

片3。让一学生用第35页Part B的对话发问:Which is your favourite

festival?(Easter)Why do you like it?(Because I like to eat chocolate eggs .(用

手指着图片中的chocolate eggs),再板书chocolate。

2. 介绍课本内容:Today we’re going to learn something about Halloween .In

China, we do not celebrate Halloween. But in the USA , people celebrate it.

They have a special party on that day. And they play a game called “trick or

treat”, They also wear different costumes with masks. They even paint their

faces. People do not know each other. They make pumpkin lanterns, eat a lot of

chocolates and candies. Don’t you think how interesting it is?(Yes).教师伴着


黑板上,然后让学生分组展开讨论:What do people in the USA do for Halloween? 组


3. 放课文录音,听一遍。Now, please listen to the tape. This is a letter from

Wendy to Millie. Try to answer: When is Halloween?(板书) 并把答案(On

October 31st)写在黑板上。

4. 打开书本,让学生细读一遍课文,然后就课文内容提一些问题

Paragraph1: What’s Wendy’s favourite festival?

Paragraph2: How do you play the game called “trick or treat”?

Paragraph3: How do they dress up at Halloween?

Paragraph4: How do you make your own pumpkin lantern?/What do people do with


Paragraph5: What do they eat on that day?


让他们通过手势、表情等动作或上下文猜出shout, own, cut, sharp, tooth, winter等


5. 再放一遍录音,让学生跟着录音,模仿语音、语调进行朗读训练,提醒学生注意黑板


6. 让部分学生根据图片,课文内容及板书分段复述课文

7. 让学生以解说员的身份,向同学们介绍万圣节的情况。

8. 让一些同学根据万圣节的有关内容,表演出万圣节欢快的情景。












第 三 教 时

Reading: B&C


1. 能熟练掌握和理解上一课所学的语言知识并进行交际运用。

2. 能进一步熟悉和了解西方节日及主要庆祝方式,逐步增强自己的世界文化意识。

3. 能正确理解与上一课内容相当的课外短文并准确搜集信息。


1. 复习巩固上一课所学单词、短语。

2. 能流利地运用所学语言表达不同的情景。


1. 能通过阅读获取简单的信息 。

2. 能在交流中用英语介绍祖国传统文化。


1. 教具准备:实物投影仪幕布、四幅图片(第38页Part B)

2. 教学准备:请学生准备一些自制实物或图片。

3. 板书准备:黑板上预先写好课题Unit 3 Let’s celebrate!


Task 1

教师用实物投影展示上一课的复述提纲,鼓励更多的同学到前面复述 celebrating



Task 2

1. 教师说: I’m glad to see that most of you know how to celebrate Halloween.

And if you are Millie , your friends wants to have a Halloween party with you

..What do you have to do? Please look at the pictures on Page 39.让学生看第39

页C2的图片,分组说出相应的短语:buy some chocolates, want special costumes,

make a pumpkin lantern, dress up as a tiger,然后指导学生按要求完成书中任务。

2. 投影仪展示第39页C1,指着headings告诉同学们:

Middlie wants to tell her classmates about Halloween. She makes a poster and

uses these headings.Can you help her find which paragraphs they are in ?You

can say out the correct numbers for each heading.让学生快速浏览第36-37页课文


3. 用投影展示第38页Part B图片,并在黑板上给出party, pumpkin lantern, special

costume, trick or treat 等关联词或短语,说,OK!Then let me check if you know

names one by one .学生两人一组讨论答案,然后选出一些小组与全班同学核对,并把答


4. 游戏

把学生分成若干小组,每组由同学们选出一位代表,扮演Millie ,到前面向全班同学介绍




5. 打开书本,学生两人一组完成第38页Part B2,全班核对答案。

Task 3




2. 通过投影让学生们看C2中的四幅图。

介绍Millie和她的朋友们正在准备一个Halloween party. 不看彩框中的选项,让学生猜




1. 复习上一课所学单词。

2. 根据所了解的信息,运用上一课学过的语言,仿照第39页C1中的Headings,制作一张有

















第 四 教 时

Grammar: (A) Prepositions of time


1. 能听、说、读、写单词date, season, spring, summer, autumn, January,

February, March, April, June, July, August, September, November, December,

Sunday, Saturday并了解其含义。

使学生能听懂、会说单词during 。

2.; 使学生能初步掌握介词at ,on, in表达时间的用法及在不同交际情景中的运用功能。








Task 1


What day comes after Thursday? (Friday comes after Thursday)

What day comes after Friday? (Saturday comes after Friday.)

What day comes after Saturday?(Sunday comes after Saturday.)

学习单词Saturday, Sunday,并写在黑板上。同样的方法用October引出其余表月份的单词

。用winter 引出其余三个季节的单词。随后让学生三人一组,用事先准备好的台历,操


Task 2

1. 展示一组句子


When is Christmas? It’s in December.

It’s on 25th, December.

What do we eat at Christmas?

让学生两人一组或三人一组讨论介词at, on, in 在时间表达方式中的基本用法,再搜集


2. 带学生浏览Page 41,Part A中的表格,让学生依照例句,用Example中的表短语 at

six o’clock, on Monday, in the morning等其它相似短语造句,可进行“造句竞赛”

3. 打开书本,让学生完成Page 41, A1中的介词填空,完成后两人一组纠正错误,让学生


4. Millie writes a letter to Wendy about her week.

But she is not good at the Prepositions.

Can you help her?

Please turn to Page 42.

Use “at, in, on” to fill in the blanks.


5. 总结.



a) I’m going to get up _____ 5 o'clock tomorrow morning.

b) My sister’s birthday is ______ 8th September.

c) ______ Sundays we often play games _____ our friends.

d) ______ New Year’s Day we have a holiday.

e) I don’t do anything ______ Sunday morning.

f) Chinese people eat moon cakes _______ Mid-autumn Festival.

g) We will have a special party ______ October 31th.

h) My friends and I often dress up _______ Halloween.

i) Dragon Boat Festival is _____ May.

j) She left her parents ______ ten.

k) My grandparents was born ______ 1939.

l) _____ winter, children like to make a snow-man.

m) I always take Mimi for a walk _____ the evening.


















第 五 课 时

Grammar (B) Asking ‘wh–’questions and some / any


1. 能听、说、读、写单词cook, fishing, by, 短语by bus 并了解其含义。能听懂、会

说单词 skateboard。

2. 能熟练地运用‘wh–’questions互相交流有关人或事物的信息。

3. 能结合本单元中心话题,用所学语言知识进行交际。

4. some与any在不同句式中的使用。


1. 能理解what, which, who, whose, when, where, why, how 等疑问词的不同含义,掌

握其 基本用法。

2. 能正确区分some与any在不同句式中的使用。


1. 能基本理解“some”在疑问句中的特殊含义。

2. 能根据不同的情景,正确地使用‘wh–’questions。


1. 教具准备:实物投影仪幕布、一幅图片(第44页Part B2 )。

2. 教学准备:请学生准备一些物品。


Task 1

1. 师生对话开展Free talk:

What is your name? How old are you? When is your birthday? Where do you live?

Which is your favourite sport? Who is your favourite star? What do you do on

Sunday? Why do you like Mid–Autumn Festival?板书What, How ,When, Where,

Which, Who, Why.然后拿起一些学生的物品,问:Whose bag/pen/ruler is this? 再板




(2)、Part B中‘wh–’question图表,帮助学生对语法项目进行归纳小结。

2. Millie is a good girl. She loves to ask questions . Do you like to ask

questions ? I think every one should love to ask questions in English.

让学生完成Page 43,PartB1

检查学生能否通过看图观察、联想,正确地填出who、what 、why等疑问句,借助于图片

教授单词look, fishing.

3. 展示Page44 PartB2图片,复习下列物品名称:

the Dragon Boat Festival ,Christmas.

Mid-Autumn Festival ,Chinese New Year.


Why do you like the Dragon Boat Festival?

How do you celebrate Christmas ?

When is Chinese New Year this year?

再鼓励学生用自己设计的“wh-”questions 来交流。

4. 学生完成Page44,Part B2填空练习


Task 2


Look! What festival are they getting ready for ?(Christmas)

What does the girl want to buy ?(Some Christmas presents)

Does she have any money ?(No ,she doesn’t have any money.)

将some ,any 写在黑板上,朗读图片上方对话,然后学生两人一组,用其他物品替换,




1.My favourite food is fish.

2.He is making a poster .

3.Many people eat chocolate eggs at Easter.

4.My birthday is on October 5th .

5.They are from the USA.

6.The boy goes to school by bike every day .

7.The bag is Millie’s.

8.I want to be a singer because I like singing.

二、用a ,an , some , any 完成对话。

A: What’s in the fridge ?

B: Let me see . There are _____ cakes in it .

A: Is there ____cup of coffee?

B: No , there isn’t . Is there any fruit ?

A: Yes , I think there is . there are ______ pears .

B: Good , Is there _____ potato?

A: No , there aren’t ______ potatoes . But there are ______ tomatoes.

B: Is there _____ empty glass in it ?

A: Yes there is . Do you want it ?

B: Yes , I want to drink some coffee.











第 六 教 时

Integrated skills


1. 能听、说、读、写单词 lion, midnight, happen并了解其含义。能听懂,

会说单词packet traditional, excited.能理解单词Chinatown.

2. 能听懂与本单元中心话题有关的语段,利用所给提示,获取简单的信息。

3. 能通过阅读短文或海报,了解海外中国传统节日的庆祝方式,提高对中外文化异同的


4. 能相互交流有关“个人对节日的喜爱”信息。

4. 能熟练运用“wh-questions”进行详细询问和应答。

5. 用favourite一词来表达偏好。


1. 生词和日常交际用语的语音语调。

2. 通过对话题How to celebrate Chinese New Year的听、说、读、写综合训练,培养学



1. 阅读一份在纽约欢度春节的海报,找出其中的要点,并写出贺卡。

2. 听有关在纽约庆祝春节的广播节目。

3. 用wh-问句和favourite一词来谈论一年中最喜欢的日子。


1. 教具准备:磁带、录音机、投影仪幕布、图片。

2. 教学准备:请学生自制新年“压岁钱”红包。

3. 板书准备:黑板预先写好课题 Unit 3 Let’s celebrate!


Task I

1.Warming up Play a game guess a festival specific questions to find out what

festival I am , but I can only say “Yes ”or “No”,在黑板上写一些疑问句做示

范,先练习这些疑问句,如:Are you in August ? Do people send cards ? Do people

eat mooncakes?等。



2.教师用投影仪出示46页A部分的海报,并问:What’s this?(学生答:It’s a


3.教师介绍生词:There are lots of Chinese people in New York . They often

live in Chinatown. 教生词Chinatown 。教师说:They always celebrate Chinese New

Year . Do you know why ?(学生答:They’re Chinese ,too )教师提问:What can

peopleeat at Chinese New Year ?(学生答:dumplings , Sichuan hot food

,Cuangdong sea food 等)教师接着说:These are all traditional Chinese food . 教

生词traditional 教师问And what can people see ?(帮学生答:lion dance and

fireworks )教生词:lion fireworks.

教师问:Do you know Huang Feihong?(学生答:Yes )

出示一张黄飞鸿舞狮的图片说:He is very good at lion dance.教生词midnignt

(=12.p.m) 教师问:What can people do from 9.a.m to midnight ?(学生答:Music

and dance)



Task II

教师问学生:Do you want to know more about Chinese New Year ?(学生答:Yes )教

师说:Let’s listen to more details on New York Radio ,教生词detail ,让学生



Task III

教师说:Wendy wants to tey Millie about the celebrations in New York

..教生词celebration ,教师说:She is writing a postcard , Please help her finish

the blanks 学生分成若干小组,根据海报及图表的内容完成空白,最后汇集信息,全班

一起核对,让学生自读一遍,找出生词happen , excited,教师教生词,然后让部分学生


Task IV

1.用投影片展示35页PartA的图片,问学生Which is your favourite festivoul?Why do

you like it ?然后让学生两人一组,用其他节日名称替换,进行对话练习。

2.教师说:Do you know which is Millie’s favourite day ? Listen and find out

the answer?播放录音学生找出答案并回答。播放第2遍录音,学生逐句朗读,然后学生





1.四人一组,设计一张节日海报,要求包含the date , the place , the clothes

people wear , the special food they eat , the special thing they do .

2. 鼓励有能力的学生以Millie 的口吻,回复一张明信片给Wendy ,告诉她北京庆祝新年















第 七 教 时

Main task


1. 能听、说、读、写单词west, way, usually, through,短语in the west, in many

ways,并了解其含义。能听懂、会说单词 neighbour, shine。

2. 让学生了解通过列一个写作计划来编排信息。

3. 通过制作写作计划和完成海报样本来培养学生写作的创新技能。

4. 设计并制作一张海报。

5. 要求学生能写出有关节日及庆祝方式的段落。


1. 要求学生掌握本课时有关生词和短语。

2. 培养学生笔头表达思想的能力。


1. 能通过阅读Millie节日海报内容的写作提纲,了解海报的写作方式。

2. 能模仿所学短文,运用新单词或短语进行局面书面表达。


1. 教具准备:实物投影仪幕布。

2. 教学准备:

(1) 查询一些全世界节日庆典活动,收集自已最喜欢的一个节日庆典的详细资料。


3. 板书准备:黑板上预先写好课题 Unit 3 Let’s celebrate!


Task 1

1. 教师问学生 Which is your favourite festival? (Halloween…)把学生的答案(节日

名称)写 在黑板上,师生对话开展Free talk。

(1)When is Halloween?(It’s on 31st October) Which people celebrate

it?(People in the west) 学习单词west,可用手势比划方位来表示。Is the USA in the

west of the world? (Yes).

(2)操练短语in the west.

How do people celebrate Halloween ? (People celebrate it by dressing up,

playing ‘trick or treat’, making pumpkin lanterns, having Halloween parties

and eating lots of special chocolates and sweets). Oh, they have many ways to

celebrate Halloween.

(3)学习单词way, 用手扳着指头数一数主要的庆祝方式,让学生领会way 的含义。告诉

学生:We also celebrate our Chinese New Year in many ways.操练短语in many


How do people play ‘trick or treat’? (They usually knock on their

neighbours’ doors and try to get a ‘treat’, or they play a trick on the

neighbour )

(4)学习单词usually, neighbour .

How do people make pumpkin lanterns? (They cut out eyes, the nose and sharp

teeth, then put candles in them). Do you know why they put candles in them?

(Because the light can shine through them)学习单词shine, through, 可用动作、表


3. 教师介绍说We will make a display about Festival around the world! What do

you have to do for it? (We have to make posters showing our favourite

festivals ). Do you know how to make a poster? First, you can learn to make a

writing plan.

Task 2

1. 示第49页,让学生浏览数遍。详细讲解背景和提示语,解释写作计划的结构。

Here is Millie’s writing plan. She wants to make a poster showing her

favourite festival -Halloween for school display. Read them silently and try

to understand them and find the way of showing your favourite festival.

让学生读49页的提纲,并把自己获取的有关信息写在第50页Part B 的空白格内,两人一


2. 49页Millie’s writing plan, 教师与学生一道展开讨论,帮助他们组织他们自己的


3. 让学生根据自己的提纲,模仿第50页Part B范文,尝试写出自己的poster。教师巡视


4. 游戏




5. 两人一组互相交流poster , 在教师的指导下检查所写语句,纠正错误并进行比较


1. 抄写本课生词。

2. 让学生在一张单独的纸上改写、补充内容,并画上相应的图片,制成poster。














第 八 教 时

Study skills+Project+Check out


1. 能尝试使用适当的学习方法,克服学习中的困难。

2. 能熟练运用 “wh- ”questions进行详细询问和应答以及时间介词。

3. 复习与节日相关的词汇。

4. 能就本单元的内容进行自我检测,评价,体验进步与成功。


1. 能正确理解简短的书面指令(Instructions)并根据要求进行学习活动。

2. 复习时间介词at/in/on “wh-”questions的含义及功能。


1. 自制flash cards 若干,学生带上制作卡片的相关工具,投影仪,幕布。

2. 设计好自我检测的练习。


Task 1

教师用投影展示第一35页Part A, 问学生:

Which is your favourite festival? (The Mid-Autumn Festival)

Why do you like it? (Because I like to eat mooncakes) 让学生两人一组用其他节


(相关资料:Halloween-dress up Easter-like to eat chocolate eggs

Chinese New Year-get a red packet with money in it.

Christmas-get presents Dragon Boat Festival-like to eat rice dumplings)

Task 2


Task 3

用投影出示第40页Part A的节日名称,两人一组,扩展对话,可先与学生作以下示范:

T: Which is your favourite day in the year? S: Children’s Day is my

favourite day.

T: When is Children’s Day? S: It’s on 1st June.

T: Why do you like so much? S: I can play with my friends.

T: Where do you play? S: In the park…/At home/…

鼓励学生尽量运用更多的 “wh-” questions互相询问。

Task 4



Task 5

完成第51页A, B两部分练习,解释学生不懂的词和句子。

Task 6


1) 拿出事先制作好的学习卡片,站在讲台上,让有图画的一面朝上,说:Let’s play

a game to remember things.先作示范:喊一个学生站到讲台边,任意抽出一张,把图对

着教师,教师立刻根据图示说出:I like to eat mooncakes. 再让学生看有英文句子的

一面,问他:Am I right? (Yes, you are right). 然后让学生两人一组,依次选出三,



求助: Could you help me, please?

2) 问学生:Do you think the cards can help you remember English words?(


告诉学生: This is a good way of learning English. If you have the cards and

study them for 10 minutes and day, you’ll learn English better.

3) 用投影出示第一线8页Part A。Do you want to make the flash cards? Now, look

at the pictures and read the instructions first. Try to understand them.让学生


4)问:If you want to make some flash cards, what do you need? 学生出示准备好

的物品。We need these. 教师说: OK, let’s make flash cards. Are you

ready?(Yes.) 学生先按照所能理解的信息,用一张白纸制作“模拟卡片”。再打开书本




Task 7


本单元学过的节日名称及 “Wh-”questions, 另外,学会制作学习卡片,写上需要记


五、布置作业 (见学案)














Unit 3 Let’s celebrate!



1、我们能听、说、读、写festival, as, why, ……等单词,并了解其含义;能听懂,会

说,celebrate, ghost, king ……等单词以及dress up, the Mid-Autumn Festival …

…等短语,能理解dragon, Halloween ……等单词和the Dragon Boat Festival ……等


2、能学会介词at, on, in表达时间的用法及其在不同交际情景中的运用。







2、运用介词at, on, in谈论时刻、月份、年份、季节并能相互进行信息交流。

3、理解掌握what, which, who, whose, when, where, why, how等疑问词的不同含义,



第 一 课 时

Comic strip+ Welcome to the unit+vocabulary







A. Women’s Day(妇女节) a.元月一日

B. Mid= Autumn (中秋节) b.十二月二十五日

C. Chinese New Year(元旦节) c.五月五日

D. Halloween(万圣节前夜) d.八月十五日

E. Christmas Day(圣诞节) e.十月三十一日夜晚

F. Dragon Boat Festival(端午节) f.正月初一

G. Children’s day(儿童节) g.六月一日

H. Spring Festival(春节) h.三月八日

I. National Day(国庆节) i.十月一日



3、课文(Welcome to the unit)中列出的节日你们了解了吗?







c、能听、说、读、写单词:holiday, why, mooncake, May, card, rice. 并了解其含义

。能听懂、会说单词:celebrate, ghost, king, festival, Christmas, Easter,

monkey. 短语:dress up as, the Mid-autumn Festival, National Day.

能理解单词:dragon, Halloween. 短语:the Dragon Boat Festival, rice



a. -What are you doing?

-I’m dressing up as a ghost.






It’s seven now. They’re having supper.


What are the children doing? They’re reading.

b. Let’s celebrate. 让我们去庆祝!

此句为祈使句形式。Let’s +动词原形+……,表示一种征求意见的祈使句。可译为:“



It’s late, Let’s go home. 天晚了,让我们回家吧!

It’s dirty here, Let’s clean the room, OK?


c. I’m dressing up as a ghost. 我正在装扮成一个鬼。

up as 的意思是“乔装打扮成” as是介词,


He can dress up as a monkey.

d. -why do you like the Mid-Autumn Festival?

-Because I like to eat moon cakes.

(1)这是一个以why引导的特殊疑问句,回答时一般用Because ……

如:-Why do you like summer? 你为什么喜欢夏天?

-Because I like swimming? 因为我喜欢游泳。

(2)Like to eat mooncakes 表示某人的兴趣,爱好。

可以说成like eating mooncakes 如(1)喜欢游泳。




1、In the west, Halloween is a special (节日).

2、In China, people like to (庆祝)the spring Festival every year.

3、-Which is your (最喜欢)food?

-Rice, I think.

4、Playing basketball is very (有趣). I like it very much.

5、do people like to eat dumplings, do you know?


1、Today is Hallow cen. Let’s (celebrate) it together.

2、-What are you doing? -I’m (dress) up as a ghost.

3、Thank you for (give)us so many presents.

4、At Holloween he often likes (play) a special game called “trick or


5、Please help me (clean) the house, it’s dirty(脏).


Christmas, New Year, Easter, at, presents, red, Mid-autumn, Drag on

Boat, mooncakes, eat, moon, dumplings, chocolate

1、At , we eat eggs.

2、Christmas, We put up trees and get .

3、At Festiual, we rice .(粽子)

4、At the Festival, we watch the and eat in China.

5、At Chinese , we give poekets, and set off fire rackers.


A. We get cards and preents.B. We eat chocolate eggs.C. We eat mooncakes.D. We

eat rice dumplings.E. We Chinese usually say “Happy New Year” to each

other.F. We give our teachers cards and best wishes.

1、At Mid- Autumn Festival,

2、At Dragon Boat Festival,

3、At Christmas,

4、On, Teachers’ Day

5、On New Year’s Day,

6、At Faster









第 二 课 时

Reading: A Getting ready for Halloween














(1) Thank you for telling me about the mid-autumn Festival.

Thank you for 后面可以接名词,这可接动名词。

例如:Thank you for your bike.

Thank you for helping me.

Thanks very much for (invite) me.

(2) We play a game called “trick or treat”.


named或with the name of

a. a boy called Simon.

b. Do you know the dog called Hobo. =Do you know the dog named/ with to name

of Hobo.

3. If they do not give us a treat we canplay a trick on their.

这里give a treat 意思为“招待……”

play a trick on sb 对某人做一个恶作剧。

(1)Mr Wang gives us a treat.

(2)The little boy often plays tricks on his classmates.

4.We wear special costumes with masks.




Halloween is on 1 . People in west 2 it. People celebrate Halloween in many

ways, Children wear special 3 and masks at Halloween. Many children play a

game called 4 . They knock on their neighbours’ doors and shout 5 . Their

neighbours usually give them a treat of sweets. If the children do not get any

sweets. They can play a 6 on the neighbours. Some people also make 7 out

of big orange 8 . They cut out shapes for the eyes, the nose and sharp teeth.

They put 9 in them. So the light shine through the eyes, the nose and the



Millie: Today is Halloween. Let’s celebrate it.

Simon: That’s great.

Millie: Shall we make a pumpkin lantern for Halloween?

Simon: What? Can you make a pumpkin lantern?

Millie: Yes, We make pumpkin lantern every year. We play a game called “Trick

or treat”.

Simon: Well, Let’s begin. What do we need?

Millie: We need a pumpkin, three candles, a knife and a sticker. They are on

the table. Can

you get them for me?

Simon: Of course. Here you are.

Millie: Thank you. Look! Now I’m going to cut out the shapes of eyes, a nose

and sharp teeth.

Simon: Oh, how lovely it looks! Let’s light the candles.

Millie: OK! Don’t forget to put on your special costumes and mask.

Simon: Now I’m ready. Let’s go.

( )1.There are no for pumpkin lanterns.

A. candles B. knives C. pumpkins D. candies

( )2.How many candles do they need?

A. Four B. Three C. Two D. One

( )3. Does Millie make pumpkin lanterns every year?

A. Yes, she does B. No, she doesn’t

C. Yes, she doesn’t D. No, she does

( )4.Can Simon make pumpkin lanterns?

A. Yes, he can B. No, he can’t

C. Yes, he can’t D. Not, he can

( )5. What are they going to do after they make the lantern?

A. Watch TV B. Listen to music

C. play games D. play football









第 三 课 时

Reading: B&C




2、How much do you know about Halloween.






你想知识更多关于万圣节的情况吗?Follow me, please!

1. 学习目标:




a birthday party a dinner party

2、you can make a lantern out of a pumpkin


make a car make a cake make out of 用……做成……

3、Do I look like a tiger?

Look like 意思是“看起来像”放于句中:Millie looks like her mother

4、Let’s buy some Halloween chocolates.


:some apples一些苹果,some money一些钱。


例如:Give me some cakes, please.请给我一些蛋糕(肯定句)

Would you like some molk?你想要些牛奶吗?(请求疑问句)




1、Thank you telling me about the Mid-autumn Festival.

2、We have a special party October 31st.

3、What do you do Halloween?

4、We knock people’s doors.

5、We can play a trick them.

6、My friends and I always dress up Halloween.

7、We weat special costumes masks.

8、We make out own special pumpkin lanterns Halloween.

9、My family always have a party the evening of October 31st.

10、People the USA wear special costumes with masks.


play eat celebrate wear have give

1、We Halloween on October 31st .

2、Children games after school.

3、People masks for the party.

4、We mooncakes on Mid-Autumn Day.

5、In winter we hot drinks and hot food.


1、Halloween is a very specid (节日)

2、People in China (庆祝)the Chinese New Year.

3、The teeth are very (锋利的)

4、In China (国庆节)is on (十月)the first.

5、Don’t eat too many (糖果).









第 四 课 时

Grammar: (A) Prepositions of time



1、一年四季:季节 、春天 、夏天 、秋天 、冬天 。

2、一周七天:星期日 、星期一 、星期二 、星期三 、

星期四 、星期五 、星期六 。

3、一年十个月:一月 、二月 、三月 、四月 、五月 、六

月 、七月 、八月 、九月 、十月 、

十一月 、十二月 。



同学们,让我们进一步探讨介词at, on, in的用法,好吗?


1、at, on, in



at 8 o’clock at noon at nigh


on Monday on Sunday morning on January 15th


in the morning 指的是上午的一段时间

in 在2004的一段时间里

in February in Spring

2、at night/ in the night

(1)at night 在夜间,在傍晚。一般可指整个夜间或午夜之前。

(2)in the night在夜间,在夜里(某个时候)当这两个词组用作“在夜间”时,可以换


(3)如果表示“在傍晚”时只能用at night或in the evening,而不能用in the night.



(一)请你选用on, in和at填空试试,好吗?相信你一定能行!

1、We met the evening of January 5th , .

2、They celebrate Halloween October 31.

3、He usually gets up 6:30.

4、They do their homework the evening.

5、he was born shanghai.

6、Paul and Lucy often swim summer.

7、People have a lot of special chocolates and candies Halloween.

8、My father often reads newspapers breakfast.


1、There are 4 in a year.

2、comes before Sunday.

3、Chinese New Year comes in or .

4、We often plant trees in .(三月)

5、is the third day of weep.


1、-How does your father go to work?

-He usually goes to work .

A、on bus B、by bus C、by a bus

2、-Merry Christmas!

- !

A、Thank you B、Me too C、The same to you

3、How many minutes are there hour?

A、in a B、in an C、of an

4、They are under the apple tree.

A、chat B、chatting C、chating



I often read the newspaper breakfast.


People get lots of .


I go to school six thirty .


My mother TV the evening.


We to school Saturday and Sunday.









第 五 课 时

Grammar (B) Asking ‘wh–’questions and some / any





( )1.How do you do home? A. They are drinking.

( )2.When is Christmas Day? B. It’s in my pencil-case.

( )3.What are they doing? C. We are happy.

( )4.Why are you dancing and singing? D. On 25th December.

( )5.Where is your rubber? E. They are theirs.

( )6.Whose comic books are these? F. He’s our principal.

( )7.Who is the man over there? G. Milk, please.

( )8.Which would you like? H. On foot.



(1).能听、说、读、写单词cook, fishing, by,短语by bus 并了解其含义,能听懂,

会说单skate board.

(2).运用 “Wh-”questions 互相交流有关人或事物的信息。

(3).不定代词some 和 any 与我们似曾相识,本课我们将进一步了解它们的用法和区别











我们一块来认识Wh-家族的成员,他们分别是what, who, whose, which, when, where,

why, how, 我们用“Wh-”问句来问一些人或事的信息。我们要与他们几兄弟交朋友的话












-How do you go to school? -I go to school by bike.




1、Jack doesn’t come to school because be is ill.

Jack come to school?

2、My pen is in the pencil case.

Your pen?

3、The jacket is the swimmer’s.

is it?

4、Tom is washing his face.

Tom washing?

5、we leave school at 5 o’clock in the afternoon.

Do you leace school.

6、The oranges are ¥12.50.

are the oranges.

7、His parents are teachers.

His parents do?

8、Judie and her brother go to school by bike on weekday5.

Judie and her brother go to school on weekdays.


1、There are apples on the table.

2、There aren’t oranges on the table.

3、Would you like bananas?

4、It there tea in the teapot?

5、Do you play special games at Chinese New Year?

6、I don’t have paper with me.

7、Are there eggs in the basket?

8、Can I have tickets?

9、I must send letters home every term.









第 六 课 时

Integrated skills





(1)What is Chinese New Year?

When is Chinese New Year?

Who celebrate it?

(2) How do people celebrate Chinese New Year?

What to wear?

What to eat?

What to do?

Where to play?





①Chinese new Year and the Mid-autumn Festival are Chinese Festivals.

②When he gets her present, he must be very .

③Jim always works very late. Sometimes he works until .

④Many, Chinese live in in foreign countries. And when Chinese New Year

comes,hey also let off firecrackers and to have a .

⑤A: What’s ?

B: Oh, a car hit a man. And he is dying.

⑥Have you ever seen the film king?



1、本课我们要掌握单词lion, midnight, happen, exuted, 能够使用traditional,

firework, celebration 能够理解china town.







事如意。Best wishes for the Happy new Year!

1、traditional Chinese food 传统的中国食物traditional 意思为“传统的”,


traditional dress 传统女服。

2、I’m going to watch the lion dance.我打算观看狮子舞。


We can watch TV on Sunday and Saturday.

3、It will be the first time I see it and I am very excited. 这将是我第一次看

到,我很兴奋,be excited意思是“兴奋”,如:I was very excited when I heard

the news. 当我听到这个消息,我非常兴奋。




(1) How do you usually go to school?

(2)What would you like for Children’s Day?

(3)which is your favo write subject?

(4)Why do you like English so much?

(5)When is your birthday?

(6)Where do you have the birthday party?


New Year’s Day

New Year’s Day is January 1st People in the west and

celebrate it Chinese people Celebrate New Year’s Day many ways.

Children are on . They often go to the park the it parents or

they do some shopping to some new clothes. Students don’t have any

homework on that day. They often have a at school. They sing and

. They are very happy.

3、用on, in和at填空

1、I get up six o’clock.

2、My father goes fishing Sunday.

3、My parents watch TV the evening.

4、I often chat with my classmates supper.

5、summer, we always swim in the lake.

6、His birthday is 3rd October.

4、用some, any 填空

1、There is orange juice in the bottle.

2、There are presents under the Christmas tree.

3、There aren’t mooncakes on he plate.

4、Is there money in the packet? No, there isn’t .

5、Do you have chocolate eggs? Yes, I have .


1、There is a present on the table.(改为复数句)

There on the table.

2、There is some money in the packet.(改为否定句)

There money in the packet.

3、I have some comic books.(改为一般疑问句)

you have comic books?









第 七 课 时

Main task







(一) 学习目标


1、会听、说、读、写单词west, way, usually, through, 短语is the west, is many

ways. 会听懂、会说单词neighbour, shine.





1、People celcbrate Halloween is many ways.

许多方式来庆祝万圣节,这里的意思是“用”,如Can you say in English?

2、They knock in their neighbours’ door

这里的knock on = knock at



如(1)March 8th is Women’s day. 3月8日是妇女节。

(2)All the boys’ names are on the blackboard.

3、Their neighbours usually give them a treat of sweets.


这里give sb a treat of sth 是“用……招待……”

相当于give sb sth as a treat

(1) Are you going to give your friend some chocolates as a treet?

(2)Are you going to give your friend a treat of chowlate.

4、They put candles is them so the light shines through the eyes, the noes and

the teeth.


这里的shine through 意思是光线爱过某物照耀。

如. The moonlight is shining is through the windows. 月光透过窗户照进来。





①In many w countries, people cdebrate Halloween.

②Peter wears a special (蜡烛) at Halloween.

③I want to make a p lantern.

④The sun shines brightly (通过)the windico.

⑤There are 10 c on the birthday cake.

⑥On the Qragon Boat Festival, We eat rice d .

⑦I u get up at six o’clock.

⑧I look l a ghot?

⑨Teachers’ day is 10th S .

⑩My f festival is spring feitival.


①Millie usually goes to school by bike(同义句)

Millie usually goes to school .

②There are some candles on the cake(改为否定句)

There candles on the cake.

③Are there any balls under the bed?(改为陈述句)

balls under the bed.

④I would like some drink (改为一般疑问句)



⑤Halloween is on 31st October .


⑥ He is Tom’s neighbour.

⑦That’s Millie’s chocalate.

⑧The girl in yellow is Millie.

⑨He can’t come. Because he is ill.

⑩They go to the suhermarkct every Friday.










第 八 课 时

Study skills+Project+Check out


1. 同学们, 丰富多彩的节日就要和我们说再见了,你是否感觉到了充实和满足呢?请你






2. 同学们在学习中经常遇到困惑,可用制作卡片解决这个问题。

1) How to make flash cards?






二. 知识导航。

1. 学习目标:

①通过本节课的学习进一步掌握Wh-questions and answers 以及时间介词in, on, at的




2. 重点概览。

1) 本单元学过的节日名称:Halloween, Christmas, the Dragon Boat Festival,

Easter, the Mid-autumn, New Year’s Day, May Day, Children’s Day, National


2) cut out pieces of card, about 10cm×5cm

cut out 剪出 a piece of 为一张,一片,一首等意思,后面修饰不可数名词。例如

,a piece of meat, three pieces of bread

3) Write a sentence on each flash card.

Each的意思为“每一个,各个”。例如each of us

The cakes are $ 5each.

4) Draw a picture on the other side of the flash card to give you a hint.在卡


On the other side of…意思是“在…… 另一边”。

No. 1 Middle School is on the other side of the street.

5) Look at the cards during 10-minute study time and try to remember the

sentences, questions or expressions on the card.


如:I will have a three –week holiday.

6) I want to buy Simon a present.

Buy sb. Sth 为某人买某物,也可以改成buy sth for sb

上面句子可改为:I want to buy a present for Simon.

7)Which one is your umbrella?

One 是指示代词,意为“一个”,复数为ones.

例如:I have two apples. One is big, the other is small.

Those shoes are too small. We must buy some new ones.




1. Christmas is in D________.

2. Let’s c________ Easter.

3. I like the Mid-A_______ Festival.

4. Peter wears a special c______ at Halloween.

5. On the Dragon Boat Festival, we eat rice d_______.


How to make flash cards?

1. _______, about 10cm×5cm,. These are your flash cards.

2. _______ on each flash cards.

3. _______ on the other side of the flash card to give you a hint.

4. _______ during your 10-minute study time, and ______ on the cards.




初中英语译林牛津版 7A 课文 01[00:00.00]人人听力网 Unit 1 This is me! [00:52.40]Oh,I love this e-dog. [00:59.66]I'm Eddie.What's your name?My name's Hobo. [01:05.62]Are you my master?Yes,I am. [01:11.37]Good,This is my instruction book.Read it now. [01:18.21]Reading A Welcome to Beijing Sunshine Secondary School [01:27.28]It is the first day at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. [01:32.92]Meet six of the new students. [01:37.59]They are Millie,Simon,Sandy,Kitty,Amy and Daniel. [01:44.67]Hi,I'm Wang Mei,My English name is Millie. [01:50.60]I'm 12 years old.I live in a flat in Beijing. [01:57.05]I have one cousin,Andy,He's 13 years old.He's in Grade 8. [02:05.00]He's very clever at Maths.He's in the school basketball team. [02:11.76]I'm in the Reading Club.I love reading.I have a dog. [02:18.21]His name's Eddie.I love him very much. [02:23.86]Hello,everyone!My name is Luo Sang.You can call me Simon. [02:30.52]My parents come from Shanghai. [02:34.57]I was born there but we live in Beijing now.I like Beijing very much. [02:42.01]I play football at school.I have one cousin.Her name's Annie. [02:49.27]Hi,I'm Sandy,My Chinese name is Li Shanshan.I'm quite tall and slim. [02:57.63]I have black hair in a ponytail.I like listening to music. [03:03.69]Loot at the three profiles of my classmates! [03:08.45]This is Kitty.Her Chinese name is Zhang Ke.She is 11 years old. [03:16.60]She is small.She loves dancing.She works hard. [03:23.26]This is Amy,Her Chinese name is Zhao Aijia.She is not very tall. [03:31.51]She has short hair.She loves swimming.She is funny. [03:38.28]This is Daniel.His Chinese name is Chen Dan.He wears glasses. [03:45.65]He enjoys playing computer games.He is polite and helpful. [03:51.89]Integrated skills [03:55.44]Simon's favourite football player [04:52.00]Speak up:making new friends [04:58.87]Work in pairs.You want to find out more about your partner. [05:05.32]Use Dan第一文库网iel and Sandy's conversation as a model. [05:10.88]Replace underlined words with your own information. [05:16.63]Hi,my name's Daniel.What's your name? [05:21.99]I'm Sandy.I live n Spring Road.Where do you live? [05:27.86]I live on Summer Road,I'm a member of the Computer Club, [05:33.82]I love playing computer games.Oh really? [05:38.86]I'm a member of the Music Club.I like listening to music. [05:44.74]Main task Writing about yourself [05:49.99]At the beginning of every school year. [05:57.83]each new students at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School

[06:03.76]has to write a profile of himself/herself for the class noticeboard. [06:10.60]Below are Millie's and Daniel's profiles. [06:15.95]My name is Millie.I am 12 years old. [06:21.41]My birthday is on 3rd October and I was born in Beijing. [06:28.47]I live on Garden Road.I have a cousin. [06:33.51]His name is Andy and he is in Grade 8. [06:38.97]I am 1.35 metres tall.My eyes are dark brown and my hair is black. [06:47.33]I love listening o music.I have lots of CDs. [06:53.78]I listen to them at the weekend.I like reading and writing. [07:00.83]I am a member of the Reading Club. [07:04.99]At home,I enjoy talking on the phone with my friends. [07:10.86]I have lots of friends here at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School! [07:16.61]Hello!I am Daniel.I am 11 years old.My birthday is on 7th October. [07:25.75]I was born in Nanjing.I live with my family in Beijing. [07:31.81]I am not very tall.I have black hair and I wear glasses. [07:38.48]I rellay enjoy school.I like all my lessons.I am not very good at sports. [07:46.42]I love playing computer games and looking for things on the Internet. [07:52.66]I want to be a computer programmer when I grow up.

篇9:牛津英语7A Unit 1 Grammar 教案

Unit One

Grammar-Simple Present Tense

Teaching content : Unit one, Grammar

Teaching Aims:

1.To be able to understand the tense: Simple Present Tense.

2. To be able to use the tense correctly in daily communication.

Teaching Aids: Multi-media

Teaching Procedure:

Step One:

Teacher’s self-introduction, using simple present tense

Hello, I’m your new teacher, let’s be good friends, OK? Do you know my name? Am I tall or short? What colour is my hair? Do you want to know more about me?

Picture1-Picture8 : I’m Chen Yan. My English name is Shirley. I have a happy family. I have a lovely son. I live in Haimen. I go to school by bike. I like watching TV. I watch TV every evening. I love football.

Ss read Teacher’s self-introduction together.

Step Two:

Teacher present “Do you….?Yes, I do./No, I don’t.” by asking Ss questions.

Ss ask and answer questions with each other, using “ Do you…? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.”

Complete Millie’s profile on Page 8.

Ss read Millie’s profile together.

Step Three:

Try to introduce Millie to others, using “she”. Adding “s” to the verbs after “he”, “she” or “it”.

Millie ____ in a flat in Beijing. She _____ breakfast

at 7 a.m. She ____ to school with her friend. She _____

her cousin Andy very much. She _____ to her classmates

at lunchtime. She her dog for a walk every day.

Present some verbs ,let Ss add “s”

Step Four

Ask Ss to say something about your new English teacher: I have a new English teacher. Her name is Chen Yanzi. She has a happy family. She has a son. She doesn’t have any daughter. …Step Five:

T ask questions about the teacher present “Does she…?Yes ,she does./No, she doesn’t.”

Step Six:

Show a picture of their English teacher’s son, ask Ss to ask questions about him freely, using “Does he…? Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t.

Game: Let’ s play a game-Are you the best?

Two tasks:

Task One: 用“Does he+动词原形?”设计问题向老师提问。


Task Two:搜集信息。根据各小组的问题和老师的回答,

以Our English teacher has a son. He is a lovely boy开头,说一段介绍老师儿子的话。每小组一次机会。Step Seven

Oral work: Say something about their English teacher, using “she”

Step Eight

Written work :Write an e-mail to their friends and tell them about their English teacher.

Step Nine:

Conclusion: Simple Present Tense.

Step Ten:

Homework assignment: Write an e-mail to their teacher, introducing one of their friends to her.

牛津英语译林版新教材7A Unit One Grammar 教后感

学生是课堂教学的主角,是课堂中活力最充分的体现。要使学生学得轻松愉快,教师就要想方设法组织好教学活动的全过程,激发起学生的学习兴趣。变“要我学”为“我要学”,调动学生积极探求、思考的欲望,从而达到教与学的最佳效果。以下是我对牛津英语译林版新教材7A Unit One Grammar 教后感:








篇10:Unit 2 Let's play sports 教学反思(牛津初中英语7A)

雅安中学 周德西



生处于积极主动的学习状态,避免了让学生紧张的窒息的提问复习法。二、合作学习。小组合作学习更能突出学生的主体地位,培养他们主动参与的意识。 在导入新课之后,无论是呈现还是操练,让学生进行小组讨论,利用小组合作。、更能突出学生的主体地位,培养主动参与的意识、激发学生的创造潜能;小组合作有利于培养学生的交际能力,有利于学生自我意识的形成和发展;小组活动和项目制作等有机地融入学生语言学习的过程之中,让学生通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作来完成任务。通过合作学习来完成任务型活动,进一步保证了每个学生参与学习的机会。学生之间互相学习,互相帮助,共同完成任务。由于活动的评价是针对整个团队的,所以任何一个学生都能够体验到荣誉感和成就感,而不会有挫折感,从而保证了学生参与学习的积极性。本节课的小组合作学习是成功的。






Period 4 Vocabulary Teaching aims and demands: 1. Learn about the school subjects. 2. Review and learn the adjective nouns about people’s opinion. 3. Grasp the opposites of the adjective nouns. Teaching difficulties and importance: 1. Grasp the new words such as art, geography, language, PE, science, useful, unimportant, useless, unpopular and so on. 2. Can give opinion on different school subjects. Teaching preparation: Computer and the timetable Teaching steps: Step I. Lead in   Ask some questions about the reading.   Ask 2-4 students to sum up John and Nancy’s school lives. Step II. Pre-task Task 1 T: We know John’s favorite subject is Home Economics. Because he likes cooking and sewing. What’s your favorite subject? S: Chinese, Math, English, PE…… Look at the pictures and teach the Ss the new words: Ask: What class is it? What can you learn from each subject?(Teacher can give a table.)   Art   You can draw and paint pictures.   Computer Studies       Geography       History       Home Economics       Languages       PE       Science       Task2  Finish Part A on Page 27. Step III. While-task Task 1 Some adjective words to show one’s opinion on different school subjects. T: I think Home Economics is very interesting, but History is very boring. What do you think of the subjects? Is the Art lesson very easy/difficult/important/unimportant/useful/useless? S: Yes, it’s……/I think…… Point out:  useful  careful  unimportant  unpopular useless careless Encourage the Ss to say more words like this. Task 2  Finish Part B on Page 27. Step IV. Post-task Fill in the blankets with the right forms. 1. The song is _________(popular) now, but I still like it. 2. I like Daniel because he can tell ___________(interest) stories. 3. The bus left 5 minutes ago. It’s _______(use) to run to the stop. 4. What a ______(bored) book. I can’t read it any more. 5. It is ___________(important). We don’t need to go there. Step V. Homework 1. Remember the new words. 2. Finish the exercises.     Period 5  Grammar A&B Teaching aims and demands: 1. Compare two things using ‘more…than’, ‘fewer…than’ and ‘less…than’. 2. Compare more than two things using ‘the most’ for the largest amount and ‘the fewest’/ ‘the least’ for the smallest amount. Teaching difficulties and importance: 1. How to use ‘more…than’, ‘fewer…than’ and ‘less…than’. 2. How to use ‘the most’ ‘the fewest’ and ‘the least’. Teaching preparation: pictures, objects and computer Teaching steps: Step I. Lead in   Revise the words of school subjects and the adjective nouns. Step II. Pre-task Look at the pictures and answer: (见课件) What are they in the pencil-boxes?(Teach paper clips) Step III. While-task Task 1 The use of “more… than” and “fewer…than”. T: Lucy has 4 pencils and Lily has 3 pencils. (见课件) It means: Lucy has more pencils than Lily.  (many―more) (Write on the Bb.)   Lily has fewer pencils than Lucy. (few―fewer) Lucy has fewer paper clips than Lily.  (few―fewer)    Lily has more paper clips than Lucy. (many―more) Point out: We use “more/fewer…than” to talk about countable nouns. Ask the Ss to make more sentences with the pictures. Task 2  The use of “more…than” and “less…than”. T: Look at the pictures of Daniel, Jam and Sandy. (见课件) T: Daniel has more juice than Jam. (much―more)   Jam has less juice than Daniel. (little―less) Point out: We use “more/less…than” to talk about uncountable nouns. Make more sentences with the pictures. Task 3  Finish Parts A,  A1、A2 and A3. (Solve their problems) 【Look at the pictures of Part A on Page 28 and answer: T: How many flowers does Millie have? How many flowers does Amy have? S: Millie has seven flowers and Amy has three flowers. T: Who has more flowers? S: Millie does. T: Yes, Millie has more flowers than Amy. Amy has fewer flowers than Millie. Ask Ss to talk about the second picture in the same way. Use the same way to present ‘less…than’. Work out the rule: We use ‘more…than’ and ‘fewer…than’ to talk about countable nouns. We use ‘more…than’ and ‘less…than’ to talk about uncountable nouns.】 Task 4 The use of the most/fewest/least.  T: Look at the pictures. (见课件)Peter has more beef than Leo.  Leo has more beef than Jack. That is to say: Who has the most beef? Ss: ( Peter has the most beef of all.) T: Who has the least beef? Ss: (Jack has the least beef of all.) T: Nancy has more pears than Millie.   Millie has more pears than Amy. That is to say: Nancy has the most pears of all. Amy has the fewest pears of all.    Ss try to work out the rules: We use the most/fewest to talk about countable nouns. We use the most/least to talk about uncountable nouns. Task 5 Practice the drills more with the things in the classroom.   e.g.: pens, rulers, erasers, water, milk, etc.   Finish Parts B1, B2 and B3. Task 6 Make a conclusion of today and then finish Part B4. Step IV. Post-task Fill in the blankets with the right words. Look at the pictures of Jack, Leo and Peter.(见课件) 1.Jack has ________ bread _______Leo. 2. Peter has ________ bread ________ Jack.  3. Peter has __________ bread of all. 4. Jack has ___________ bread of all. Look at the pictures of Nancy, Millie and Amy. (见课件) 5. Nancy has _______ apples _______ Millie. 6. Amy has _______ apples _______ Millie. 7. Nancy has _____________ apples of all. 8. Amy has _______________ apples of all. Step V. Homework (1) Revise the new drills of this lesson. (2) Preview the next lesson. (3) Finish the exercises.       Period 8 Speak up & Pronunciation Teaching aims and demands: 1. Can talk about different schools. 2. Can read the dialogue and the sentences in right intonations. 3. Know that we make our voice fall at the end of an affirmative sentence. 4. Know that we make our voice rise at the end of a sentence to show surprise. Teaching difficulties and importance: 1. Talk about different schools. 2. Showing surprise. Teaching preparation: recorder Teaching steps: Step I. Lead-in Review something about Beijing Sunshine Secondary School, Woodland School and Rocky Mountain High School. Step II. Pre-task T: How many Grade 8 classes are there at our school? S: (There are 8.) T: How many classmates do you have? S: (There are 48.) T: How many Computer Studies lessons do you have each week? S: (I have two.) T: … Step III. While-task Task 1 T: We have 8 Grade 8 classes, 48 classmates and two Computer Studies each week. But what about John and Daniel? Listen to the tape and answer:   How many Grade 8 classes are there at Daniel’s/John’s school?   Whose school has more Grade 8 classes?   How many classmates does Daniel/John have?   Who has fewer classmates?   How many Computer Studies lessons does Daniel/John have each week?   Who has the most Computer Studies lessons? Task 2  Listen again and read after it.   Practice the dialogue and act it.(4 pairs)   Make new dialogues and act them.(4 pairs) Task 3  A dialogue.   Laura is Amy and Sandy’s classmate. She is good at playing  basketball. But she hurt her leg on Monday. Let’s listen to the tape and answer: Where does she have to stay for a month? How long can’t she play basketball? Point out: can=be able to Tell the differences between them. Task 4  Listen again and read after it. (Pay attention to the pronunciation.) Practice the dialogue and act it. Explain how to show surprise while speaking. Task 5  Finish Part B on Page 34. According to the rule to finish Part B. Listen to the tape and check their an

篇12:Unit 2 Let's play sports 教案教学设计(牛津英语7A)

牛津英语7A Unit 2教案

雅安中学 周德西

总 课 题 7A Unit 2 Let’s play Sports 总课时 10 第 1 课时

Subject Comic strip and Welcome to this unit Type New

Teaching aims and demands 1.Make the students master the following new words and phrases: walk, really, bowl, time tennis volleyball, play tennis, play volleyball, go swimming, after school.

2. Make the students grasp the following new expressions: Do you often play football? I often play football after school. What about you?

3. Make the students understand the names of some sports.

4. Make the students use the simple present tense to describe their favourite sports.

5. Make the students love sports and take active part in sports..

Teaching keys 1. Make the students master the new words, phrases and expression.

2. Make the students understand some sports.

Difficult points Make the students use the simple present tense to describe their favourite sports..

Preview 1. Preview the new words.

2. Revise some useful phrases.

Teaching Equipments Tape recorder, PPT, Powerpoint, objects of a volleyball, a bowl and so


Teaching Procedures

steps Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities purpose

Step One Revision and lead-in

Review Unit 1 and lead-in the topic of sports.

T: What’s the weather like today?

Ss: It’s fine.

T: It’s good for sports. I like sports. Do you like sports? What are sports?

Show a video about sports to Ss to know what sports are.

T: Do you remember Mille, Sandy, Simon and Daniel?

S1: Yes, I do.

T: Who likes sports?

S2: Simon likes sports.

T: Do you like playing football after school?

S3: Yes, I do.

T: What sport do you like ?

S3:I like swimming.

Step Two Presentation

1、Learn the new word volleyball , tennis and some expressions by showing real objects or by PPT.

T: Do you like sports? Do you know what sport it is? ( show the pictures on the PPT and teach volley and tennis)

2、Learn some more words about sports on the PPT.

Learn these words: football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, table tennis, swimming, running, walking.

Learn these expressions: play football/tennis/volleyball/basketball, go swimming, go running, go walking

T: What sports do you know?

Which sport is it?

S1 : It’s football.

S2: It’s swimming.

S3: It’s tennis.

Step Three Practice

Practise the new patterns according to the pictures on PPT and A in P19.

T: Sports are very interesting. What sports do you like/love/enjoy?

S1: I like/love/enjoy playing football.

S2: I like swimming.

T: What sport are you good at?

S3: I’m good at playing tennis.

Step Four Presentation

Learn the new word and the dialogue.

T: It’s hot in summer. My favourite sport is swimming. I like swimming, What’s your favourite sport in summer?

S1: My favourite sport is swimming. I like swimming, too.

(After listening to the tape)

T: Does Amy like swimming?

Ss: Yes, she does.

T: Does Simon often play football?

Ss: Yes .he does.

Step Five Practice and act

Read the dialogue and act out the dialogue.

Step Six Presentation

T: We know sports are good for us. But sometimes we are very busy and have no time. So I think walking is also good. Do you like walking?.

Teach new words walking and bowl.

Play the comic strip to the students twice and ask them to answer the questions:

1、Does Eddie like sports?

2、What does Eddie like doing, walking or swimming?

Step Seven Practice and activities

T: Listen to the tape again. pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Girls read Eddie and boys read Hobo.

T: Practice in pairs and read the dialogue between Eddie and Hobo. You can add your own ideas.

Step Eight Exercises

Ask the Ss to do exercises on the PPT :

1.I like ______(walk).

2.I _______(walk) to school every day.

3.--Do you like _______(swim)?

--Yes. I am good at ________ (swim).

4.She ______(enjoy) sports.

5. We love ________(play) tennis very much.

6.I ______(go) ________(swim) every week.

Step Nine Homework

1. Try to find more sport vocabularies.

2. Interview your best friend about sport.

Ss Listen to the teacher, watch the video and answer the teacher’s questions.

Ss ask and answer in pairs with their own facts.

Ss look at the pictures on PPT, follow the teacher to learn the new words.

Ss talk about some sports and expressions with the teacher and tell more in pairs.

Ss practise in pairs by using the pictures and finish A in the P19

Ss listen to the dialogues and answer the questions.

Ss ask and answer in pairs with their own facts. Then ask some of them to act out in class.

Get the Ss to watch the comic strip and answer the questions.

Get the Ss to read the dialogues. Then make their own dialogues and act out

Ss discuss the answers in groups.












篇13:7A unit1 This is me! 教案(译林牛津版七年级英语上册教案教学设计)

Teaching Contents : Comic strip and Welcome to the unit

Teaching aims:

A: Knowledge

1. Learn the greetings of meeting people

Good morning / afternoon / evening

Hi, I’m ----------. What’s your name ?

My name is ---------- .

2. Learn the new words .

e-dog , master , instruction

B: Language skill

Use everyday expressions for greetings and introductions .

e.g. What’s your name ?

My name is -------.

C: Feeling

1. To develop students to like English .

2. Arouse students’ interest in learning English

3. Train cooperation study

Main points :


Difficult points : How to greet when meeting people .

Teaching method : Circumstance teaching

Teaching aids : Pictures, record and slide

Style of lesson : New lesson

Design for blackboard :

Unit 1 This is me !Hi, I’m--------- . e-dog What’s your name ? masterMy name is -------- . instruction

Teaching process: Teaching activities

Step 1 Warming –up activities

1. self –introduction

Good morning / afternoon /evening

I’m Mr /Mrs /Miss --------.I’m -----------years old . I’m your teacher .

2. Lead-in

Use everyday expressions for greetings and introductions .

The teacher asks one student some questions

“ Hi’, I’m -------- ? What’s your name?”

Then ask some students to do it again . (about 4 students )

Give the model sentences on the blackboard.

e.g. (1) “What’s your name ?” ---- My name is --------.”

(2)“Hi, I’m --------? “ ----“What’s your name ?”

-----“My name is --------“

3. Practice

(1) Let some of the students come to the front and ask the class .

In pairs .(about 4 groups )

Let them practising greetings above.

(2) Work in pairs practising

(3) Check (ask the students to the front and practise )

Step 2 Presentation

2. Introducing six new friends

T: Now you have many new friends .Do you want to make more new friends ?

Show pictures on the blackboard .Let the students look at them .

This is Simon. This is -------.

3. Make six masks of the children and go on introducing six children’s names .( Let the students wear the masks and introduce themselves )

Ask six students to come to the front and play six new friends .

The students point to themselves and say ,

“ I’m Simon” “I’m Amy” “I’m ------------“

3. Pair work.

Let students get to know these six new friends and remember them .Practise greetings in pairs .

Step 3. Greetings

1. Show a clock of different time .Let the students identify the time .

14:35 08:20

22:15 18:10

2. Let the students know when to say

Good morning /afternoon /evening / night

3. Let the students practice greetings at different time

Greet their partners and then introduce themselves

(Ask students to draw pictures of the sun ,the moon , the sun set , a sleeping baby , say greetings to each other according to these pictures.)

4. Do written exercises part B on page 3 and then check it .

(write greetings on the book .)

Step 4 Presentation

1. Use a multimedia to let the students watch the cartoon between Eddie and Hobo.

2. Introduce

This is Eddie . This is Hobo . Eddie is Hobo’s master . Hobo is an e-dog .

3. Ask the students

Who is Eddie? (He’s the master .) Who is Hobo ?

( He’s the e-dog) . Do you like Eddie ? Do you like

e-dogs ? You can ask your mother to go and buy it for you .

Does Eddie like the e-dog ? How do you know ?

(show a real e-dog ) This is an e-dog . It’s very lovely .

4 . Learn new words

Step 5 Presentation

1. Let the students watch the cartoon and listen to the talk

between Eddie and Hobo .

2 .Let students read after the talk of them .

3. Show the new words of this text . Let the students read them first ,then read after the teacher. .

Step 6 Practice

Let the students read by themselves .

Check Let students read the talk .

Step 7 Acting

Let the students play Eddie and Hobo and act out Pair work

Step 8 Homework

Let the students write their profiles .

Notes: 我是-------------。我---------------岁。我是一名学生。我在二班。


Unit One ( the second period )

Teaching Contents : Reading (A, B)

Teaching aims:

A: Knowledge

1. Learn the new words .

Year , flat . clever , maths , basketball , club ,come from , be born , slim ,ponytail ,music ,profile , hard . wear ,enjoy ,polite ,helpful, funny

2. Learn the introduction of oneself

B: Language skill

Let students use the words and the drills to introduce oneself .

C: Feeling

1. To develop students to speak up actively

2. Let students be full of self-confidence

3. Train cooperation study

Main points :

1. The new words

2. Drills

Hi, I’m _______.I’m_________years old . I’m________(tall/short).

I live in a flat in Huai’an.

I love ________(swimming / dancing / playing computer games)

Difficult points : Learn how to make an introduction of oneself

Teaching method : Task-based teaching

Teaching aids : Pictures, record and slide

Style of lesson : New lesson

Design for blackboard :

Unit 1 Reading ( A, B)Millie Simon Sandy Kitty Amy Daniel

Teaching process:

Teaching activities

Step 1 Revision

1. Review the lesson which we learned last time

Greetings (The teacher starts with simple greetings to the students)

2. Let students use everyday expressions to communicate when meeting

people .

Step 2 Presentation

1. Intrduction (show three pictures of Chinese teacher ,Maths teacher and English teacher with a few

self-introduction words below them )

Hi, I’m ---------. I’m ------------years old . I’m ---------tall/short.

I (don’t ) wear glasses. I live in a flat in Huai’an.

2. Ask students to read them and guess who they are .

3. Ask students to say after the teacher .

Step 3 Practise and act out

Ask students to practise themselves in groups and act out .

Step 4 Presentation

1. Show six masks of the new friends and ask students who they are and help students memorize

2. Write the names on the blackboard

3. T: Do you know what they like ? If you want to know ,please read their profiles on page 4.

4. Ask students to answer questions “What do they like ?” Use the sentences “ -----likes doing --------.”

5. Learn the new words

T: Now we know what they like ,but do you know more about them ?

I’ll ask you to read it again . Before that , let’s learn the new wordain task of this Unit?”

Let the students discuss and ask one of the students to tell the class .

Teacher writes it on the blackboard

Main task : Writing a profile about yourself.

2.T: But do you know how to write a profile ? First please read Millie’s and Daniel’s profiles to know how to write a profile .

3. Get the students to read the profiles .

4.Teacher gives the students some questions according to the two profiles, and asks them to answer.

1).How old are they ? 2).When were their birthdays?

3).Where were they born ? 4).Where do they live now ?

5).What do they look like ? 6).What are their hobbies?

7) Who is Andy ? 8). Who has a lot of CDs ?

9).Does Millie have a lot of friends ? 10).What does Daniel do on the line ?

5.Then ask the students to ask and answer in pairs .

Read some new words and phrases on the blackboard .

6).Now do you know how to write a profile ?

Sump up : 1). … 2). … 3). …(让学生总结。)

Step 2. Practice

1.T: Millie has a lot of CDs , I have a lot of CDs ,too.

I like listening to music , do you like listening to music ?

S: Yes , I do .

T: Do you like playing computer games ?

S: Yes ,I do .

T: I’m good at singing , are you good at singing ?

S: No , I’m good at playing football

T: I have a cousin ,Do you have a cousin ?

S: No, I don’t . But I have a sister .

2.Can you practise like this .(Let the students ask and answer freely.)


Step4. Writing

T: We will have a party in our class . And many our penfriends will come to the party .

Can you write your own profile for your class noticeboard to let our penfriends know us well .

Now please write .Let the students write .

Ask some students to come to the front to read theirs , that is to tell the class yourself .

Homework :

1. Ss write their profiles and stick their own photos on the page .

2. Ask the Ss to design their profiles and stick their profiles on the wall . Choose five best ones .

Procedures of teaching for Unit 1

(The Ninth Period)

Teaching content : Checkout To revise the grammar and the vocabulary in Unit 1.

Teaching aims: 1. To revise the grammar and to be able to use it correctly .

2.Enable the students to master the vocabulary in this Unit and to be able to find out more words .

3.Enable the Ss to use what they have learned to communicate with others freely .

Teaching Aids : Pictures Of six students .

A projectors .

Teaching procedures :

Step 1. Revision

1.T: Last lesson I ask you to write your own profile for your class noticeboard . Have you finished ?

S: Yes .

T: Now please hand in your profiles with their photos .

Show some profiles to the Ss and talk to the Ss like the following .

T: Do you know this girl ? S: Yes, I do . She is … .

T: Is she lovely / pretty / beautiful ? S: Yes, she is .

T: Look at this girl , is she tall/ slim / fat /thin ? S: Yes, she is .

T: Does she have long hair ? S: Yes , she does .

T: What is she like ? S: She is slim .

2.Then teachers and Ss talk about their profiles together .

3.T: This is Lily’s profile , look ,Lily is pretty .

Lily ,can you read your profile?

4.Ask some other Ss to come to the front to read their profiles .

Step 2. Presentation

1.Today let’s learn the last lesson --- Checkout .

We will revise grammar and vocabulary .

2.T: Do you like listening to music ? S: Yes, I do .

T: Do you like playing football?(板书)

S: No, I don’t like playing football .(板书)

But Simon likes playing football .(板书)

T: Excuse me , Simon . Do you like playing football ?

Simon: Yes, I do .

T: Oh. I see . You like having sports . Me , too.

But how many kinds of sports do you know .

S: Basketball , football , volleyball and so on .

Now open your book at page 17. We have three word families ---- People , Sports , Appearance .Please put the words on the right word families .

3.Ask three Ss to come to the blackboard and write their answer .

4.Check the answers on the blackboard . Let the students read the words on the blackboard together .

5. Can you say more words about people , sports , and appearance ?

Let the Ss discuss in pairs .

6. Ask some Ss to say their answers .


Step 3.Grammar

T: Now boys and girls ,please look at the blackboard


What kind of tense is used in these sentences .

S: The simple present tense .

T: yes, you are right . Now do you know how to use it ?

Let the Ss discuss in groups to sum up the usage of the simple present tense .


Step4. Exercises

1.T: Now do you know the grammar ?

Do you understand it ?

S: Yes , we do .

T: Please open your books at page 17. Do part A.

Let the Ss fill in the blanks , and then check the answers .

Ask some pairs to work in pairs .

Get them to write their score on the paw .

3.Ask the Ss to write a profile about their good friends, then get the Ss to read it in class .

Homework :

1.Preview the next lesson .

2.Recite the words and expressions of Unit 1.

3.Write a profile about their teacher .

Unit 1 (the Tenth Period)

Integrated skills B

Study Skills

Teaching Design

Teaching aims:

1. Enable the students to exchange information about oneself.

2. Enable the students to ask questions about personal information.

3. Enable the students to respond questions to oneself.

4.Enable the students to establish and

maintain relationships and routines in school.

5. Enable the students to use everyday expressions to give instructions, make requests, and give responses.

Teaching Aids:

1. Student’s Book 7A

2. Some pictures.

3. A computer and a slide projector

Teaching procedure :

Step 1 Revision

1. Greeting. and try to find something about me .

2. Check the homework.

Step 2 Presentation

B Speak up: making new friends

1. Let students ask the teacher some queations.(to the following table)

Name: (What’s your name?)

Address: (Where do you live?)

Hobby: (What’s your hobby?)

T: Could you please say something about me now?

( Show the paper)

Name: Wang Ling

Address: Renmin Road

Hobby: Reading

A member of the Reading Club

S: Your name is ….

T: Good. Where do I live?

S: You live on Renmin Road.

T: ( to another studrnt) Where do you live?

S: I live …. ( Let students practise them.)

T: What do I like?

S: You like reading and you are a member of the Reading Club.

T: Yes. What do you like?

Ss:I like dancing. I am a member of the Dancing Club.

I like listening to music. I am a member of the Music Club.

I like playing the piano. I am a member of the Piano Club.

I like swimming. I am a member of the Swimming Club.

I like playing football. I am a member of the Football Team.

I love watching films. I am a member of the Film Club

2.Present the dialogue.

T: (OK. Do you want to be my friend?) Hi, my name is Wang Ling. What’s your name?

S: I’m Rose.

T: I live on Renmin Road. Where do you live?

S: I live on ….

T: What do you like?

S: I like listening to music. I am a member of the Music Club.

T: Oh really? I’m reading. I’m a member of the Reading Club

Nice to meet you.

S: Nice to meet you, too.

3. Work in pairs (show the sentences).

4. Act out their dialogue.

Step 3 Listening

( Show the picture of Daniel and Sandy)

T: Look at the picture. Who are they? S: They are Daniel and Sandy.

T: What are they doing? S: They are talking.

T: What are they talking about? Please listen to the tape.

And then answer the questions.

Where do they live?

What do they like? (Written on the blackboard)

1. Play the tape for the students.

2. Check the answers.

3. Listen to the tape and read after the tape.

4. Read the dialogue in parts.

Step 4 Presentation

Working with others A

1. Present this.

T: Boys and girls, I want to copy this dialogue. But I don’t have a pen with me. Do you have a pen?

S: Yes, I do. Here you are.

T: Thank you very much. Oh, do you have a new exercise book with you?

S: No, I don’t.

( Written and read)

Do you have a …? Yes, I do.

No, I don’t.

Step 5 Practice

1.Students make dialogues using them.

2.Act them out.

Step 6 Presentation

1. Present this.

T: Do you have a ruler, Mike?

S: Yes, I do.

T: Can I borrow your ruler?

S: Yes, I can. Here you are.

T: Thank you very much. (to the all) I borrow Mike’s ruler or I borrow the ruler from Mike. And Mike lends me his ruler or Mike lends his ruler to me.

(Explain the words “borrow and lend”.)


牛津7A教案Unit 3 Let’s celebrate!



牛津小学二年级英语教案:Unit8 Dinner time


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《牛津初中英语》7A教案Unit 3 Let’s celebrate!
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