人教版 高一Unit 5 词组

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人教版 高一Unit 5 词组(精选9篇)由网友“colaaa”投稿提供,以下是小编整理过的人教版 高一Unit 5 词组,希望能够帮助到大家。

人教版 高一Unit 5 词组

篇1:人教版高一Unit5 The Silver Screen


2. Start one’s career

3. Drama, biography

4. Play a role in sth, play/act a role of sb

Play an important part in sth

What an important part that he had ____ in the society!

A. make B. take C. play D. use

5. in the 1980s

6. Graduate from

7. Win the award, be awarded the first prize

8. He won many more prizes while acting in famous films.

9. When asked about the secret of his success, he said that he owes much of his success and happiness to his wife.

When _____ (wait ) in the queue, he suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home.

When _____(complete) , the tunnel will be the longest in the world.

10. Be married to, get married to sb

He has got married for 2 years.( )

11. He left school without a degree.

12. _____ the beginning

13. Make money= _____ money

14. Later _______

15. work on/ work as

16. Get to know, know

17. Academy, academic

18. Work on, work at

19. This was the moment when his career really took off.

20. Be afraid to do, be afraid of sth

21. Living creature

22. Cut him into pieces, cut in piece

23. When the park is hit by a storm, things start going wrong.

24. Be struck by

25. Meat-eating dinosaurs

26. Follow-ups

27. The cruelty of war, be cruel to

28. After that it still took seven years before they finally got married.

29. In all/in total /altogedther

30. They remember the scenes ____ _____ people were eaten by sharks.

31. owe sth to sb

______ her teachers and parents , she thought, she should owe all her achievements.

A. To, B. for C. With D. By

32. The reason _____he failed to enter the university was _____ his grades were too low.

33. The woman ___ ____ he is married is an actress.

34. The film _____ _____ I fell asleep was very boring.

35. The gun _______ he was shot was never found.

36. The film tells a simple _____ moving story.

37. Stay away

38. Take one’s place, take the place of

39. There is nobody else.

40. Keep them quiet

41. She tries to keep the students in the classroom by locking them up in the classroom and running after those who escape.

42. _________ to train his daughter in computer, he put an ad like this in the paper, “ _______, a computer teacher for a ten year old girl”

A. Determined; Wanted B. Determined; Wanting C. Determined; Wanted D: Determined; Wanting

43. Afford sth, afford to do sht

44. She wants them to let her appear live on the air, hoping that he will see her.

45. Live, living, alive, lively

46. What do you think about sth?

47. How do you feel about sth?

48. Make comments on

49. Think highly of sth, sing high praise for sb

篇2:人教版 高一Unit 2词组

1. know about知道..., 了解..., 听说过...

2. for the first time第一次

3. get it了解, 懂得

4. Got it! 明白了

5. walk the dog溜狗

6. there you are行了,好了

7. if you`ll excuse me now失陪了

8. all around the world全世界around the world; throughout the world

9. have a good flight有个愉快的旅程

10. flew direct直飞

11. fly all the way direct from A to B

12. make oneself at home不要拘束

13. a good [long, great] while长[许]久

14. a little while不久, 一会儿

15. a while ago方才, 刚才

16. after a while不久, 过一会儿

17. all the while始终, 一直

18. at whiles有时, 时常

19. between whiles间或, 时或

20. every little while (=at whiles)有时, 时常

21. for a [one] while暂时

22. in a little while不久, 没一会儿

23. look for 1.寻找 2.期望

24. make up 1.弥补, 虚构, 缝制, 整理, 包装, 和解, 编辑, 化妆 2.补足,拼凑

25. act out将...付诸行动

26. think of考虑,关心,想起,想象,有...的看法, 记起

27. Do you mean to say ...?你的意思是说...吗? 难道...吗?

28. What do you mean by ...? 1.你这是什么意思? 2.(=What on earth do you mean by ...?) 你怎么胆敢...? 你怎么竟然...?

29. What do you mean by saying that?你那样说是什么意思?

30. What does that word mean? (=What is meant by that word?)那个词作什么解释?

31. the majority of大多数

32. The majority of children in our class我们班大多数孩子(常与of连用)多数;半数以上

33. in the majority占多数, 拥有多数

34. total v. 1.合计;总计 2.(常与to, up to连用)计算…的总数;把…加起来

35. in total整个地(=as a whole)

36. a number of若干; [口]好多

37. numbers of一些, 若干, 许多

38. the number of girls in this class 这个班级的女孩人数

39. an equal number of people同等数量的人

40. except for除...以外

41. speak English as a first or a second language

42. develop vi. (剧情等)展开; (局面) 进展; (象)显现出来; [美](新事实等)发现, 出现

43. develop into

44. He is developing into a good soldier.他在成长为一名好战士。

45. communicate with sb.联络;通信;交换(看法等);与…沟通

46. communicate with sth.(房间、道路、花园等)相通,通话

47. have a good knowledge of English精通英语

48. have a good knowledge of London. 对伦敦的情形很熟悉。

49. have no knowledge of London对伦敦一无所知

50. to sb.'s certain knowledge据某人所知

51. to the best of my knowledge就我所知

52. help sb. with sth.

53. with the help of sb./sth.在……帮助下

54. take off拿掉, 取消, 脱衣, 起飞, 减弱, 离开, 岔开, 复制

55. buy sth. for sb.

56. too much

57. be too much for sb.不是某人所能应付的; 对某人过于困难

58. stay still静止不动

59. stay open一直开着;

60. stay up不睡, 熬夜stop up

61. stay up vi. remain out of bed (not go to bed)熬夜,坐正,坐起来,挺住not fall down

62. stay up doing sth.(伴随动作)

63. sit up doing sth.(伴随动作)

64. stop up to do sth.

65. stay at home;

66. stay the night 过夜;

67. stay with sb. 与某人呆在一起;

68. stay in在家里, 不外出; 课后留在学校里

69. stay on继续呆下去 ;继续点燃下去 ;继续处于某种状态

70. stay out呆在外, 不在家 ;呆到...的结束

71. stay out of不参与...; 不插手; 置身于...之外

72. turn down减弱,降低,压低(力量、声音等, 拒绝

73. learn about the differences between A and B

74. talk about some of the differences between A and B

75. come about1.发生, 产生, 改变方向 How did it come about?那事是怎么发生的?

76. come about发生happen; occur; take place; break out

77. stay the same

78. be the same with ...也一样

79. in the same way

80. on the same side of the road

81. Your pen is the same as mine. 你的钢笔和我的一样。

82. the same as同(某某)一样的...

83. at the same time1.同时 2.尽管如此

84. just as 1.正像, 就...样子 2.正当

85. end up with以告终

86. take from减去; 减损; 降低

87. more or less adv.或多或少

88. have difficulty in (doing) sth.对...有困难

89. have any difficulty with English学英语上有困难

90. be in difficulty有困难

91. have trouble with有...麻烦/病痛

92. have trouble (in) doing sth.

93. stop doing sth.

94. stop to do sth.

95. be different from/to/than与...不同

96. make American English different from British English

97. in future今后, 往后

98. in the future将来, 未来

99. a bigger city

100. over the centuries几个世纪

101. travel to America from all the European countries

102. bring in生产, 挣得, 介绍,引进

103. replace A 替代,取代

104. replace A with B 用B更换A

105. a great many.很多

106. a great number of多数的

107. give a description of描述

108. one or two more times

109. say hello to sb.

110. have a problem with sth.

111. close to1.与...接近; 与...靠近2.将近3.在...附近

112. be/feel at home1.觉得安适, 无拘束 2.在家; 在家接待客人 3.精通

113. be/feel at home with sb.在某处觉得安适自 在; 和某人合得来; 和某人混得很熟

114. make oneself at home随便, 无拘无束

115. be equal to1.等于; 与....相等 2.有...的能力[勇气, 力量等] 3.胜任, 能干 4.;忍耐得住


116. be part of

117. be a friend with与...友好, 跟...做朋友

118. be friendly to sb.

119. cars run on petrol

120. invite sb. to my house邀请某人到我家

121. invite sb. to sing请求某人唱歌

122. empty (itself) into流入, 注入;倒入

123. It is reported that +从句 据报道……

124. translate into翻译成, 转化为

125. shut up关闭, 关上...的全部门窗, 监禁, 住口, 保藏

126. put away放好, 储存...备用, 处理掉, 放弃, 抛弃

127. a Beijing native地道的北京人

128. a bit (of)有点;稍微

129. a little bit +adj. 有点

130. a bit of+ n.一点

131. follow one’s heart

132. pass away停止,去世,消磨(时间)

133. make a decision决定下来, 作出决定; 下决心

134. chat on line

135. at one’s junior high school

136. stay/keep in touch保持联系

137. get in/into touch with和...取得联系

138. lose touch with和...失去联系, 对...变得生疏

139. only three or four times a year

140. in the name of 1.以...的名义 2.借...为名; 以...为借口 3.凭...的权威

141. write a letter in the name of sb. to sb. else

142. work for为...工作, 为...做事,为...尽力,被...雇用者

143. pay attention to注意, 重视, 倾听

144. pay one's attentions to殷勤款待某人,

145. of one`s own自己的

篇3:人教版 高一 Unit 4词组

1. The conference was hosted by that committee.该委员会充当这个会议的东道主。

2. host the Olympic Games主办奥运会

3. the host country 主办国

4. a host of friends一大群朋友/hosts of troubles许多麻烦

5. take place发生, 举行

6. be scared of sb./sth.害怕某人某事

7. be scared of doing sth.害怕做某事

8. be scared to do sth.害怕做某事

9. Scarely had I sad down, when the phone rang.我一坐下电话就响了。

10. be/get caught in (the rain, a trap)遇(雨), 陷入(圈套)

11. be caught by 被…抓住

12. sb. be caught doing sth.某人被抓住/撞上作某事=catch sb. doing sth.

13. be stuck by 被……困住

14. be stuck in困住,陷于

15. for/in fun开玩笑, 不是认真的

16. save sb. from从...救出某人, 使免于[不致, 不受]...save sb. from danger抢救某人脱离危险

17. rescue a man from the fire从大火中救出一个人

18. rescue a child from drowning营救一个要淹死的孩子

19. go [come] to sb.'s rescue进行援救, 营救某人

20. We came to his rescue and pulled him out of the river. 我们来救他,把他从河里拉了出来。 (= go to sb.'s rescue)

21. on逼近; 接触;紧接着 Almost at once, the winter was upon us.眨眼间,冬天逼近了。

22. The Christmas holiday will soon be upon us.圣诞节马上就要来到了。

23. grow/increase/rise to增长到

24. grow/increase/rise by增长了

25. fall/drop/decrease to或by 下降到/下降了

26. The price has risen by 20%.价格下降了20%。

27. pull up1.拔起 2.(使) 停下 3.阻止 4.(在赛马中)追上(to, with) 5.责备, 斥责 6.移近, 拉过来

28. get on/upon one's feet1.站起来;站起来发言 2.(=stand on one's feet)自立, 经济上独立 3.(人)病好了, 可以起床了; (使)恢复, 复苏(指企业)

29. stand on one’s feet自己,依靠自己,自力更生

30. struggle to one’s feet挣扎着站起来,在困境中奋起

31. rise to one’s feet站起

32. take to one’s feet走开

33. jump to one’s feet跳起

34. bring someone to one’s feet扶起

35. fight for为...而战

36. look into one’s face with a look of fright惊恐地望着某人

37. look into a room望房间里看

38. look into the matter调查这件事

39. look into one’s face=look sb. in the eye=look sb. in the face正视某人, 坦然无畏地正视某人

40. look sth. in the face勇敢地面对某事物

41. have a happy look on one’s face脸上挂着喜悦的神情

42. have the look of a winner摆着一幅胜利者的姿态

43. lose one’s good looks失去了美貌

44. take fright (at sth.)(被某事)惊吓,受惊

45. give sb. a fright吓某人一跳

46. with fright吓得

47. be in great fright非常惊恐

48. put sb. in a fright使某人吃惊

49. fall down1.跌倒; 倒塌下来 2.[口]计划不切实际 3.失信; 没有完成或履行诺言

50. fall down on(在...方面)失败; 做得不满意

51. go down1.下去, 降下 2.(船)沉没, (飞机)坠落, (日、月)落下, (价格)下跌 3.(风、海浪)平息 4.吞下, 接受 5.受欢迎[赞许](with) 6.被记下[载入](in) 7.延续到(to) 8.倒下, 垮台, 破产

52. cut down1.削减, 压缩 2.砍倒 3.使丧命 4.比...强; 使...逊色

53. go through经历, 经受, 仔细检查, 用完, 被通过, 参加, 搜查, 履行

54. refer to查阅, 提到, 谈到, 打听

55. advance sth.推进,促进,进展=move forward or develop

56. make an important advancement in 在…取得重大进展

57. make great advances in在……发面取得进展

58. advance towards朝...前进, 向...推进; 进击

59. advance to a higher position提升到较高的职位

60. in advance1.在前头 2.预先, 事先

61. in advance of在...前面; 比...进步; 超过

62. further advance the friendly relations between the two countries进一步增进两国的友好关系

63. advance the growth of rice促进水稻生长

64. You can not stop the advance of old age.你不能阻止年令老化的步伐。

65. There have been great advances in space travel in the last 20 years.在过去得里,太空旅行发展很快。

66. advance money to sb.预先付钱(或贷款)给某人

67. be advanced in year 年纪大

68. the advanced worker先进工作者

69. an advanced course in English英语高级班

70. turn around(=turn round)1.转过去, 转身 2.改换意见; 改变宗旨; 采取新政策

71. day by day逐日,一天天地[表示事情渐进变化的过程]

72. day after day日复一日[表示重复的动作]

73. in a few words简单说来, 总之

74. in a word一句话, 总而言之

75. in one word一句话, 总而言之

76. in other words换句话说, 也就是说

77. in one’s own word

78. in plain words坦率地(说); 明白地(说)

79. in so many words一字不差地(说); 清楚地(说); 直截了当地(说)

80. in word口头上

81. in word and in deed在言语上和行动上

82. go on a two-day trip to a place

83. What kind of person are you?

84. The chances are that....---可能会---=it is likely that -----

85. there is a chance that ----可能会---

86. have a chance of doing sth.

87. have a chance to do sth.

88. meet sb. by chance/accident偶然遇到某人

89. take the chances冒险

90. take a chance冒险,碰碰运气

91. it chanced that---碰巧---

92. sb. chance to do sth.碰巧

93. During the first week of May

94. put into使进入, 把...翻译成, 在...上种植

95. get up1.(使)起床[立] 2.举办; 安排; 组织; 起草出版 3.登上 4.打扮; 理发 5.(风)变强; (火车)增加速度 6.念到, 读到 7.追上; 胜过 8.鼓励 9.钻研 10.整理; 修理 11.增进; 演出 12.玩弄(诡计)

96. Not at all一点也不 根本不

97. in a second立刻,一会儿

98. second to none不比任何人差; 最好的

99. hand in上交,交付

100. take a photo(自己来)拍照

101. have[get] one's photo taken请人给自己拍照

102. have a photo taken with sb.和某人合影

103. make a photo of摄下...的图象

104. take out拿出, 取出, 去掉, 出发, 取得, 扣除,

105. it is fun to do sth.做某是很开心

106. Have fun at the party tonight. 今晚的晚会上玩得很开心。

107. in one’s diary/notebook/the newspaper

108. catch/seize/take an opportunity to do sth.[ of doing sth. /for sth.]抓住机会做某事

109. around the corner在拐角处

110. in the corner of a room在房间的角落

111. at/on the a street corner在街道拐角处

112. up and down来回地,上下(颠簸),时好时坏

113. a two-day trip=a two days’ trip两天的旅行

114. go to a two-day trip to a place

115. a five minutes’ discussion五分钟的讨论

116. a ten hours’ walk步行十个小时的路程

117. be seized with被...侵扰; 患, 得(病)

118. seize on [upon]猛扑, 袭击, 抓住; 利用

119. He was seized with pain. 他为痛苦所困。

120. seize political power夺取政权

121. seize the city攻占城市

122. The policeman seized the thief.警察捉住了那个小偷。


123. be buried in thought沉思

124. bury (oneself) in1.埋头于; 专心于 2.退居于(乡间等)

125. be buried alive被活埋 ;隐居

126. be lost in全神贯注于; 沉湎于; 不胜...之至

127. lose oneself in迷路于; 全神贯注于...之中; 消失于

128. This sounds like a fiction.这简直象编成的故事一样。

129. be in danger of有...的危险

130. in danger在危险中

131. out of danger脱离危险

132. easygoing adj.逍遥自在的, 悠闲的, 懒散的, (马)行动时平稳自在的, (品德)放荡的, 不严肃的

133. burn down全部焚毁; 火势减弱

134. America’s second strongest earthquake

135. cut off1.切断, 停掉 2.隔绝, 挡住 3.死掉 4.使电话中断 5.切[剪]下来 6.剥夺(继承权)

136. as a result因此; 结果

137. as a result of作为...的结果; 由于...

138. up to1.(数目)到…之多2. 直到(某个高级职务)3. 一直到 (= up till)4. 胜任5. be up to做(坏事)

139. I haven't the strength to lift this table. 我没有力气抬这张桌子。

140. The earth has a strength of 6.8 on the Richter Scale.

篇4:人教版 高一Unit 5 词组

高一词组Unit 5

1. after graduating毕业以后

2. after high school

3. after these highly successful films

4. graduate in law at/from Oxford毕业于牛津大学法律系

5. He was graduated from the Teachers’ college in the class of 1982. 他是师范学院1982届毕业的。

6. a graduate in medicine医科毕业生 female graduates女大学生

7. a graduate student研究生

8. play an important role in在...中起重要作用;play a part in……在……中发挥作用

9. play the leading role in在……中演主角

10. act a role in a film在一部电影中扮演某角色

11. play roles in many plays在许多戏剧中扮演角

12. play the leading role起主要作用, 起带头作用

13. play the role of(sb.)(在剧中)扮演(某人)角色

14. in one’s fifties在某人五十几岁时

15. in one’s early(late) fifties 50刚出头/快六十了

16. in one’s teens在某人十几岁时

17. in the fifties在50年代

18. in the nineteen fiftieth or in the fifties of the twentieth 20世纪50年代

19. at the age of fifty在他50岁时

20. in the 1980s在二十世纪八十年代

21. in 1980 在1980年

22. I won a prize for running. 我跑步得了奖。

23. be awarded a prize for为...而获奖

24. win a prize [scholarship]获得奖品[奖学金]

25. win a wide support得到广泛支持

26. win a reputation获得名声

27. win a victory赢得胜利

28. win a battle [match]赢得战争[比赛]

29. win honour for为...争光

30. win one's way排除困难 [障碍] 前进

31. win the summit攀上高峰

32. win sb. over把……争取过来,说服,战胜

33. grow up长大; 成人[熟] ;兴起; 发展

34. later on其后, 以后

35. no later than不迟于

36. sooner or later迟早

37. leave school退学, 离校, 放学回家

38. in the beginning当初, 开始时

39. at the beginning从一开始; 开始; 起初; 首先

40. at the beginning of在...初

41. take off拿掉, 取消, 脱衣, 起飞, 减弱, 离开, 岔开, 复制

42. be about从事于,忙于,讲述的是

43. be about to do sth.=be on the point of doing sth.即将, 正要, 正打算

44. dream of (doing) sth. 梦想做某事

45. dream away虚度(时间等)

46. cut into插进来, 参加(谈话), 打断(别人的话); 减少, 缩减; 切开; 侵犯(利益)

47. cut sth. into pieces把……切碎

48. cut an apple into halves把苹果切成两半

49. cut sth. in two=cut sth. in half把…切成两半

50. do research in/on/into对……进行调查研究

51. make scientific researches on进行...科学研究

52. do research on blood diseases 进行血液病研究

53. research into the causes of an illness 研究发病原因

54. attack the enemy攻打敌人

55. attack the problem.解决这个问题。

56. be under attack遭到攻击

57. be attacked with (a disease)患[害]病

58. have an attack of发作(指病)

59. make an attack on/upon攻击, 向...进攻

60. open an attack开始进攻

61. a surprise attack突然袭击

62. a heart attack心脏病突发

63. go bad=be rotten腐烂

64. go wrong走错路, 误入岐途, (机器等)发生故障

65. do wrong做错事; 犯罪, 作恶; 判断错误

66. do sb. wrong= do wrong to sb.=be unfair to sb.对待某人不公平; 冤枉某人, 委屈某人

67. do something wrong做错事

68. get sb. wrong[口]误解某人=misunderstand sb.

69. put sb. in the wrong冤枉某人, 委屈某人, 诬陷某人

70. something is wrong with sb./sth某人[某事] 出毛病, 出差错

71. do wrong/right/good/harm to sb.做错(坏)事/做得对/做好事,有好处/有害处

72. follow up紧追不舍; 穷追 ;继续下去 ;随访(在诊断或治疗后与病人保持联系)

73. follow-up n.(对已经开始或已完成的事物所作的)后续工作

74. owe sb. sth.=owe sth. to sb.欠某人某物

75. owe sb. money=owe money to sb.欠谋人钱 I owe him ten dollars.我欠他10美元。

76. owe sb. sth.应给于某人某事

77. owe thanks to sb. for sth.因某事而感谢某人

78. I owe you many thanks.我非常感谢你。

79. You owe me an apology.你得向我道歉

80. owe sb. an explanation向某人解释

81. owe sth. to把...归功于; 为...而应感谢[用于好事]

82. We owe our parents a lot. 我们十分感激父母。

83. He owes his success to his hard work.他认为自己取得成功是辛勤劳动的结果。

84. I owe you for your help.我感谢你的帮助。

85. He owes his success to good luck more than ability.他成功多半靠运气,而不是靠能力。

86. owe sb. a favor让某人帮忙

87. owing to=due to=because of=on account of She owes me a grudge.她对我怀有怨恨。

88. attribute sth. to认为某事物是...的属性; 把某事物归功于; 认为某事物是(某人)创造的[用于好事或坏事;可用被动]

89. attribute his son’s failure to the lack of persistence把儿子的失败归因于缺乏恒心

90. attribute his good health to careful living认为身体健康是保养得法的结果

91. delays attributed to snow 因下雪而耽搁

92. bring back拿回来, 使回忆起来, 使恢复

93. bring sb. back to earth使某人回到现实

94. bring sb. back safely把某人平安带回

95. work on v.继续工作, 设法说服, 影响

96. work at 致力于,在....方面下功夫[倾向于:克服困难,解决问题]

97. work on (doing) sth.从事,进行

98. work for为...工作

99. work as做…工作

100. work as an actress当女演员

101. in all总共

102. save sb. from从...救出某人, 使免于[不致, 不受]...

103. save the life of sb.

104. cannot help (doing)不禁, 忍不住, 情不自禁

105. cannot help but do sth.不能不, 不得不

I cannot help but be sorry. 我不能不感到遗憾

106. cannot help oneself情不自禁; 不能自制

107. take one's place就座, 入座=take one’s seat(s); 各就各位;取代某人

108. take sb.'s place代替某人; 接替某人的位置

109. take the place of代替=take sb.’s place

110. take place发生, 举行

111. lock sb. up 将某人锁于某处不得进出;将某人监禁起来

112. copy (sth.) down (from the blackboard)将(...)(从黑板上)抄下来

113. I copied the letters into my book. 我把信抄到我的书上。

114. Jean always copies the way I dress. 琼总是模仿我穿衣服的样子。

115. look up向上看, 尊敬, 仰望, 查寻, 拜访, 好转

116. run after追捕, 追求, 跟踪

117. cause trouble for sb.

118. run away 1.(常与from连用)逃走,逃脱 2.逃避,躲开

119. leave school退学, 离校, 放学回家

120. go to town1.到城里去 2.[口]乱花钱, 挥霍浪费; 3.[口](言论等)无所顾虑, 毫无节制

121. at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour 以每小时60公里的速度

122. with (great) speed=at speed快速地at high speed

123. at full/top speed全速地

124. speed up(使)加快速度

125. be determined to do sth./ make up one’s mind to do sth. / decide to do sth. / determine to do sth. 决定做某事make decisions about sth

126. determine on/upon (doing) sth.决定

127. determine sb. against sth.使 某人决定不做某事

128. determine sb. to do sth.使某人决定做某事

129. determine that –clause

130. be determined on(doing) sth.

131. be determined that-clause

132. make a decision/determination to do sth.

133. keep the peace维护治安

134. hold one’s peace/tongue保持沉默,不作声

135. make one’s peace with与(某人)和解/言归于好

136. (be) at peace处于和睦状况

137. in peace安静地

138. can't afford to buy sth.买不起...

139. can't afford to waste sth浪费不起

140. It affords pleasure to me.这使我很高兴。

141. do one's best to do sth.尽全力

142. stay away不在家,外出

143. stay away from缺席; stay away from school没上学

144. on the air1.正在广播; 开始播送 2.(电子计算机)在运转中

145. in the air1.在空中 2.(消息等)在传播, 在到处流行 3.(计划等)悬而未决 4.(事情)可能发生的

146. go back回去

147. go back to a place回去

148. go back from违背(诺言), 背弃; 食言

149. like sth. not just because -----,but because----喜欢某事不止是因为……,而是因为……

150. feel bad about sth.对某事感到难过

151. feel about(用手、足、杖等)寻找、摸索

152. How do you feel about sth.?

153. think highly of看重;器重; 尊重

154. think well of重视

155. think little of看轻;看不起

156. think poorly of不放在眼里;轻视

157. think nothing of轻视;认为无所谓;认为没什么了不起

158. not think much of看轻

159. think better of sb.对某人印象好;看重某人

160. think better of sth.改变…念头;打消主意

161. make comments on/upon/about sth.评论某事

162. comment on/upon/about sb./sth. 评论, 谈论, 对...提意见

163. comment that-clause评论……

164. ask for comment征求意见

165. offer comments提意见

166. No comment .无可奉告。

167. without comment不必多说

168. have a high opinion of sth.(对某人[事])有很高的评价, 尊重(某人[事])

169. have a low opinion of sb.(对某人[事])评价甚低; 轻视; 瞧不起

170. in one's opinion按某人的意见, 据某人看来

171. in the opinion of照...的意见

172. give one’s opinion about

173. encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人(做某事)

174. be encouraged by受...鼓励[鼓舞]


175. have a career as a singer

176. earn [gain, get, make] one's living谋生

177. to make a living as a driver 以开汽车谋生

178. have no time for没时间做(某事)

179. have no time to watch television 没有闲功夫看电视

180. make a note of/make notes of[指及时记下事情以备忘

181. take a note of/ take notes of[指上课时作笔记]

182. take notice of注意到,take no notice of不予理睬/不予注意 take note of注意/留心

183. break down毁掉, 制服, 压倒, 停顿, 倒塌, 中止, 垮掉, 分解

184. sth./sb. be well received 某人某事受欢迎

185. give a second look

186. have a good income

187. make one’s career

188. be successful in

篇5:人教版高一unit5 not one less reading


Brief Statements Based on the Unit

The topic of this unit is silver screen, including film stars, famous directors, introductions to popular films, simple comments of films and so on. The whole language and exercises are designed for this topic.

Listening is about a radio interview between a programme maker and an actor. Questions in the material help the students get information about Mr. Langland’s life and career.

Speaking gives the students two short biographies. The students are asked to act the roles of an interviewer and a famous film star and make dialogues so as to improve their abilities to listen, speak and write.

Pre-reading serves as a warm-up to the next reading part, and it is helpful for the students to develop their imaginations. The reading passage offers some biographical information about a famous director-Spielberg and talks about some of his major motion pictures. Post-reading checks the students’ understanding of the passage and train the students’ ability to write brief introductions to films.

Language study helps the students further learn some new words in certain situations and master the Attributive Clause introduced by when, where, why and prep. +which/whom.

Integrating skills ask the students to write a film comment after reading a passage, about a film by one of China’s most successful film directors, Zhang Yimou.

Teaching aims:

1. Do some reading.

2. Practise making comments and giving opinions.

3. Do some writing.

Teaching Important Point:

1. How to make comments and give opinions.

2. How to train the students’ writing ability.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to improve the students’ integrating skills.

Teaching Methods:

1. Asking-and-answering activity to go through the reading material.

2. Individual or group work to train the students’ writing ability.

Learn Methods:

Exploration study.

Teaching Aids:

1. a computer

2. the blackboard

teaching Procedures:

Step 1 greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step 2 Lead-in

T lead in the reading by asking a questionnaire.

1. Will you have a discussion with your friends when you have seen a film?

2. If yes, what will you talk about?

3. it you think highly of the film, will you encourage other friends to go and see it?

4. If you really like the film, will you collect the relative information about it?

5. Will you see other films directed by this director or played by this actor or actress?

6. Do you often read some film reviews?

7. Have you ever written film reviews?

Step 3 Reading

(Teacher shows a picture on the screen and say the following.)

T: Look at the picture on the screen. It’s taken from a film directed by the famous director Zhang Yimou. Do you know the name of the film? Have you seen it?

Yes. The film is called “Not one less”. I saw it several years ago.

Today we’ll read a passage about this film. Please look at the text on page 34. While you are reading, please find out the words, expressions and sentence patterns that you don’t understand. And the ones you think important.

(After a while, teacher asks students to say the language points and writes them on the blackboard.)

(Bb: stay away, take sb’s place, keep sb./sth. +adj./prep.-phrase, lock sb. up, run after, (can/could/be able to) afford to do sth., live, on the air, not just … but also …)

(Then teacher asks students to say the meanings of the useful expressions and explains the difficult points to the students with the help of the screen.)

1. take sb’s place=take the place of sb./sth.

e.g. She couldn’t attend the meeting so her assistant took her place.

Nothing could take the place of the family he had lost.

2. keep sb./sth.+adj./prep.-phrase.

e.g. Please keep the classroom clean.

She likes to keep everything in good order.

3. afford

e.g. I can’t afford(to buy) such an expensive car.

4. live

e.g. The football game was broadcast live.

5. on the air

e.g. We will be on the air in five minutes.

This programme comes on the air at the same time every day.

6. not just … but also …=not only … but also …

7. determine to do =decide to do =make up one’s mind to do

Step 4 Post-reading

T: Now read the passage once again and complete the table on Page 35 with the information from the text.

(Teacher gives students some minutes to prepare, then asks some of them to give the answers.)

Title: Not One Less Director: Zhang Yimou

What is the film about?

Tell the story in your own words. The film is about a 13-year-old girl, called Wei Minzhi, who takes care of the village school when the teacher, Mr. Gao, is away for a month. She has to make sure that all the students stay in the school. When one of them runs away to the big city, she follows him and brings him back.

Does the film have a happy ending? How? Yes. The film has a happy ending. Minzhi finds Huike and brings him back to the school, together with the people from the TV station.

What do you think about the story of the film? Why? I think the story gives us hope. The film shows us that people care for each other. Even people in the city will take care of people in the village when they know about their problems.

How do you feel about the ending of the film? Why? I like this film because it is so moving. I think the ending of the film is happy, but you almost have to cry.

Step 5 Summary and Homework

T: In this class, we’ve done some reading and writing. We’ve learnt how to make comments and give opinions. We’ve also reviewed the useful expressions and the grammar in this unit. After class, go over all the important points we’ve learnt in this unit and do the exercises for Integrating skills on Page 112 and Page 113. That’s all for today.


The First Period Listening Teaching time : 10.18

Teaching goals教学目标

1. Target language目标语言

重点词汇和短语 consist, powerful, state, confusing, mistaken

2. Ability goal能力目标

Listen to a dialogue and from the dialogue the students should have an opinion that people will have different reports about the same event.

3. Learning ability goal学能目标

Listen to a dialogue and be able to express one’s opinion in a positive or negative way.

Teaching important points教学重点

Talk about news and media

Teaching difficult points 教学难点

How to improve students’ listening ability and teach them

to express opinions.

Teaching methods 教学方法

1. Listening to the tape (individuals).

2. Discussion after listening to the materials.

Teaching aids 教具准备

1. A recorder

2. A projector

3. A computer

Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式

Step I Leading in

T: Good morning, boys and girls! Look, what is in my hand?

Ss: A newspaper.

T: What can we get from a newspaper?

Ss: We can learn what has happened or is happening home and abroad.

T: Good. Do you read newspapers every day?

S1: No, I surf on the internet. In my opinion, the most popular and convenient way is to surf on the internet.

S2: I would like to listen to radio.

S3: I watch TV every day.

S4: I prefer to read magazines. There are photos in magazines. They are pleasing to the eyes. And photos help us to understand the articles.

T: Quite good. I’m very glad you know many kinds of news media. Now let’s talk more about these news media.

Step Ⅱ Warming up

First the teacher will show students different news media. Then talk about them and compare these news media.

T: Boys and girls, please look at the questions on the PowerPoint. I’d like you to discuss them with your partner for 3 minutes. Then I will ask you to speak out your


After students express their opinions, show the possible answers on the PowerPoint.

Possible answers:

1. I think TV is the most reliable news media. Because we can see who is responsible for the news.

2. Websites keep on updating the news. So on websites you can always learn the latest news, sometimes even with audio and video.

From TV you can see both the broadcaster and videos. From radio you can only hear the voice without seeing the scenes. You can read newspaper everywhere. It is easy to get magazines and we can take longer time to read them.

3. I trust TV, leading papers and important radio stations.

4. No.

5. magazine, newspaper, radio, TV, website, broadcast, editor, edit, editorials, facts, headline, interview, journalist, opinions, reliable, reporter, true and so on.

Step Ⅲ Pre-listening

Ask students to look at the two pictures on Page 10. Talk about the two pictures first. Ask students to use their imagination and describe the scenes. Try to think of as many words as possible to describe people.

Step Ⅳ Listening

Play the tape for the students. After listening for the first time, the students should tick the information they can hear in each part. Then play the tape again. This time students will answer the second question on Page 10. After checking the answers, do the rest of the exercises.

Step Ⅴ Describing people

Show the following passages to the students. Ask them to read the passages and speak out what impression the people give them. Are they described in a positive way or a negative way?

T: Ok. Boys and girls. Look at the two short passages. Try to judge whether they are described in a positive way or not.

John Trussell

My little brother. (I don’t care that he’s four years older than me.) I never had a brother before, but he’s the best one I think I may ever have who brings me the pleasure of adopting (收养). In spite of all the pain that he occasionally goes through, I have seen him bear it with patience and calm, and do his best to make certain that no one else was hurt before coping with his own pain. It is my only hope that I will never lose this little brother.

Chuck Tetzlaff

He is very funny, overworked, and is the third man I’ve ever met who can consistently make me unable to stop laughing. At the same point, I will get to see him more often, but that will probably be after he finishes working for his Chemistry Professor.

Ss: They are described in a positive way.

T: Read the following passage. Try to judge the man’s attitude towards life.

I was on my way down an elevator at the Hilton in Arlington, Texas, ready to begin a seminar on how to develop more positive team relationships. I shared that ride with a man whose face bore the frown lines that evidenced a less-than-positive attitude.

He commented, “I’m not so sure about this elevator.”

“Oh? Why not?” I asked.

“It was slow getting to us, and it sounds funny.”

“I’m sure we’ll make it,” I encouraged him.

“I don’t know. You never can tell about these things.”

When we arrived at the first floor, I said, “Well, we made it!”

Unimpressed, he answered, “Yeah, but the door’s not open yet.”

Ss: The man’s attitude is negative.

T: Yes, you are quite right. Being positive makes life enjoyable.

Read the following. It will help you to become positive.

Changing negative thoughts

Situation Negative

thoughts Other explanations

Getting critical

feedback for

an essay I am stupid. I didn’t have much time to do this essay the workload has been very heavy recently. I chose to do other things as well. The work is supposed to be challenging. Constructive criticism helps me to improve. I’ve done well in the past, which shows I can do well.

My friend does

not want to see

me tonight. They don’t

care about

me any more. They said they had to work tonight - this is most likely true. We saw each other at the weekend and had a good time. They said some nice things to me lately and seemed to care the last time we met.

T: After we learn so much about negative and positive description. I’m sure you can describe people in both ways. Today’s homework is to describe someone that you

are familiar with in a negative way and then in a positive way.

Step Ⅵ Homework

1. Finish the listening exercises on Page88.

2. Try to describe someone that you are familiar with in a negative way first and then in a positive way.

Record after teaching:

For listening part, it’s difficult for the Ss to write the words in the last step.

The Second Period Speaking Teaching time : Oct. 19

Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target Language目标语言

Talk about news and the media

Practice expressing opinions

What do you think of ...?

What’s your opinion?

Why do you choose ...?

Perhaps ... is more important.

I would rather choose ...

I don’t think we should choose ...

Maybe it would be better to choose ...

Our readers want to know about ...

2. Ability goals能力目标

Students will act the role of editors. As editors, the students will decide which events to put in the newspaper.

3. Learning ability goals学能目标

By comparing different news media, students will learn to be editors. By speaking out their own opinions, students will learn to express their opinions.

Teaching important points教学重点

Practice expressing opinions.

Teaching difficult points教学难点

How to express one’s opinion clearly and make oneself understood.

Teaching methods教学方法

Discussing and speaking

Teaching aids 教具准备

A tape recorder, a projector and a computer

Teaching procedures && ways 教学过程与方式

Step I Revision

Check homework. Pick out some students’ homework to show to the whole class.

T: So much for your homework. As we know,things described in different ways have quite different effect. Being a reporter, one should observe the professional moral. Now let’s look at what some reporters have written.

Step Ⅱ Leading in

After checking homework, divide the students into different groups and hand out some newspapers to them. Ask them to find out the different events on different pages. Then discuss why these events are put in the newspaper. Students are given five minutes. Five minutes later, students are asked to speak out their opinions. During this activity, make sure each member is involved. When expressing their opinions, they should remember to use the following expressions.

I think ..., In my opinion ..., I think the reason why ... is that ...

T: Look at the newspapers in your hand. Please discuss why these events are put in the newspaper. Please speak out your opinions using the following expressions.

Show the expressions on the PowerPoint.

Five minutes later, students are asked to perform their discussion. They are encouraged to have different opinions.

T: OK. Boys and girls. Stop discussing please. I’d like each group to speak out your opinion. Don’t forget to use the expressions.

Eight minutes later, go on with the speaking part on Page10.

Step Ⅲ Speaking

T: Would you like to be an editor?

Ss: Yes.

T: If you are an editor, what events will you put in your newspaper?

Students may give various answers.

T: Good. Now suppose you are editors of a newspaper. Here are ten things that happened today. You may only report five of them (ON PAGE 10). Decide which events you are going to put in your newspaper and give reasons for your choices. Discuss with your group members. When you express your opinion, please use the following expressions. Show the expressions on the PowerPoint.

What do you think of ...?

What’s your opinion?

Why do you choose ...?

Perhaps ... is more important.

I would rather choose ...

I don’t think we should choose ...

Maybe it would be better to choose ...

Our readers want to know about ...

Students are given 8 minutes to discuss. 8 minutes later, they will be asked to act out

their discussion in front of the class.

Step Ⅳ Role play

Pair works on Page 88.

T: Boys and girls! Great news for you. A film star, a sports star and a fireman/firewoman are here. You have the golden opportunity to choose what you would like to be. And you will be interviewed by a very famous reporter. Complete the role cards on Page 88 and prepare your interview. You are given 8 minutes to do the interview. Then I will ask some pairs to perform.

Eight minutes later, ask some groups to present the interview.

Step Ⅴ Report

There are several different newspapers edited by students in our school. Teacher may

ask the student editors to introduce what work an editor does.

T: Student1, I was told you are an editor of the Students Union Paper. Would you please tell us what work an editor does?

S1: First I discuss the events with other editors and decide what to report. I also help writers to correct their writing.

T:How is your paper made?

S1: After having decided what to report, we will ask reporters to cover the events and write articles.

S2: After the stories being written, they will be handed to editors.

S1: Then we choose some good ones to put on different pages. Editors also write headlines for stories and make some necessary changes. Then the time for printing the newspaper comes.

T: Thank you very much. Now we are clear about an editor’s job and how the newspaper is made. If you want to learn more, please surf on the Internet and find how the newspaper is made. You can also find some information from the text on Page 11.

Step Ⅵ Homework

Surf on the Internet to find some information about news and news stories.

Read the text to find some information about how the news paper is made.

Record after teaching: Most of the students can only speak a little. Try to lead the students to speak more .

The Third Period Reading Teaching time : Oct. 20

Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target Language目标语言

a. 重点词汇和短语

headline, inform, informed, relate, talented, switch, present, reflect, effort, spiritual, AIDS, seldom, addict, social, ignore, attention, view, tolerate, affair, for once, be addicted to, suffer from, even if, draw attention to,

on all sides, change one’s mind, current affairs

b. 重点句型

The editor’s job is to keep the newspaper balanced and interesting to the readers.

2. Ability goal 能力目标

Enable students to talk about news and the media and learn how the news is made.

3. Learning ability goal 学能目标

Students are divided into different groups. Each groupmember will play a different role to talk about news and media. Each group member should be involved and knows his role very well. Through these activities students should learn to be involved, co-operate and solve problems.

Teaching important points教学重点

Talk about news and media.

Teaching difficult points教学难点

How to express oneself clearly and correctly.

Teaching methods教学方法

Listening, reading and discussing

Teaching aids 教具准备

A tape recorder, a projector and a computer

Teaching procedures && ways 教学过程与方式

Step Ⅰ Revision

Check the homework. Ask students to say something about newspaper.

T:Good morning/ afternoon, boys and girls!

Ss: Good morning Mr. /Ms …!

T: Yesterday I asked you to surf on the Internet to find some information about news and media. Have you found any?

S1: I’ve found the style of the news story. Most news stories have a very clear style. They give the main points at the top in the headline and the leading paragraph(s).

The body of the story then adds details, statements and comments from people involved in the story, and plus any background which the writer feels necessary.

S2: News stories are easy to understand. Most news stories have three distinct sections: the headline, lead and body. Since each of these sections repeat or expand upon the story’s main points, you get at least three chances to understand them. The opening paragraph of the news story is known as the lead. Usually, the

lead will tell you what the “something happened” is. That information is generally found in the subject and in main verb of the leading sentence, so a little knowledge of the grammar of the lead will be useful.

Something happened

● Something happened.

● Something is happening.

● Something is going to/is expected to/might happen.

● Someone said something happened.

● Someone said something was happening.

● Someone said something was going to happen.

● Someone said something should happen.

● Someone said something should not have happened.

S3: I have found something about headlines. From the internet I learned there are two types of headlines. Most news stories use sentence headlines although they may be shortened by omitting certain words as you will see later. Many feature stories and some very short news stories use phrase headlines or titles which leave out the verb. Here are some examples of them:


headlines Green Party Refuses to Back Nader for President

Scientists Listen to Whale hearing Via’Third Ear’

Bush’s Strength Is Also His Weakness

Man Complains Bad Rope Spoiled His Suicide


headlines Politician Killed in Pakistani City

Bush in T-shirt not for broadcast

Family Friendly Television Group Growing Face Transplant No Longer Science Fiction

Step Ⅱ Pre-reading

T: I’m very glad you have learned a lot about news and news stories. Les’s continue the headlines. In this class we are going to learn “Behind The Headlines”. First open your books and look at Page11. Look through the pre-reading. Look at the title and pictures. Try to guess which of the following questions the text will answer.

It doesn’t matter whether students answer the questions right or not. The text is easy to understand, so it is not necessary to spend much time on the text. After dealing with pre-reading, turn to the text.

Step Ⅲ Reading

First play the tape for students, and then students are asked to answer the following


1. Are the two reporters interviewing others or being interviewed?

2. How do reporters decide what they are going to write?

3. What is the editor’s job?

Show the questions on the PowerPoint.

T: OK, so much for the pre-reading. Let’s come to the text. First look at the questions on the screens. (Students read the questions together).I will play the tape of the text for you. When you listen to the tape, please try to find the answers to the three questions.

After listening to the tape, ask students to answer the questions. Then show the

suggested answers on the PowerPoint.

Suggested answers:

1. The two reporters are being interviewed. They are interviewees.

2. Editors and reporters will discuss what events to report, how to report them and why. Editors will listen to reporters’ ideas and give suggestions.

3. The editor’s job is to keep the newspaper balanced and interesting to readers.

T: Well done! Now read the text and discuss the questions with your partner. Why is media so important?

This time students are asked to read the text loudly. After reading the text, the students

should discuss the above questions with their partners. Several minutes later, ask

some students to give their answers. The teacher will sum up the answer.

Suggested answer:

The media can often help people to solve problems and draw their attention to situations where help is needed. Carefully written articles can help people become interested in important questions around the world. TV programmes and printed articles help people to learn about the other part of the world. They lead us to a better understanding of the world on all sides and to a future world where people from all countries are respected and different views and opinions are tolerated.

T: After you’ve learned a lot about the newspaper. I’d like you to complete the following diagram. Then try to explain how a newspaper is made according to the diagram.

Suggested answers:

After checking the answers, ask some students to explain how a newspaper is made.

Step Ⅳ Explanation

Deal with some difficult sentences.

T: Let’s come to some details of the text. Do you find any difficult sentences to understand?

S1: I cannot understand the title “Behind the Headlines”?

T: S2, how do you understand it?

S2: I think the text talks about news stories behind the headlines.

T: S3, what’s your opinion?

S3: I think the text tells how news stories are written.

S4: I think the text is about what an editor does, reporters’ work, how the news is made and written.

T: Quite right. The title tells us that the text is about editors and reporters’ work and how the news is made and written.

S1:Thanks. Could you explain this sentence to me? A reporter begins by contacting the people to be interviewed and then prepares questions.

T: Contacting the people that reporters are going to interview is reporters’ first step of work. That is to say, first they make an appointment with the people that they are going to interview, and then prepare the questions they are going to ask. After that they will write the news reports. Do you have any difficulty?

Ss: No more.

T: OK. Now let’s come to the post reading questions.

Step Ⅴ Post-reading

Look through the text again. Deal with the post-reading questions. Students are divided into groups and discuss the questions together. After several minutes, check the answers with the whole class.

T: Boys and girls! Now I’d like to have your answers. Group1, what is your answer to the first question?

Group1: How a reporter decides what to write, why people read newspapers, how newspapers report what happens and how newspapers help us understand the world are answered. The other two are not answered.

2-4 questions are open ending questions. Students are en couraged to give various


Step Ⅵ Homework

1. Here are the beginnings of two stories. Compare them and try to find out their differences.

Show the following pictures on the PowerPoint 4 on Page 90 in their exercise-books.

Record after teaching:

The Ss got familiar with the process of making a newspaper .

The Forth Period : language points Teaching time : Oct. 21

Teaching goals教学目标

1.Target language目标语言

rather than , switch, keep + O. + O.C , adapt to, even though ect.

2.Learning ability goals学能目标

Let Ss learn how to use the expressions

Teaching important points教学重点

The use of the expressions.

Teaching difficult points教学难点

How to teach Ss to master the usage of the expressions

Teaching methods教学方法

Explanation, Practice

Teaching aids教具准备 A computer A blackboard

Teaching procedures && ways教学过程与方式

Step Ⅰ Revision

T: Good morning, Students!

S: Good morning, sir/madam!

T: First let’s review what you learnt in the last class. Who can tell me the words that you learnt in relation to news media ?

Step Ⅱ Language points 课文注释与疑难解析

1. The two reporters agreed to switch roles for once and be the interviewees rather than the interviewers in order to let us know about their work and how the news we read is made.



a. switch改变,变化;交换

He switched the conversation from one subject to another.


I used to cook on electricity, but I’ve switched to gas.


Let’s switch the discussion to another topic.


(与on, off连用)开关(电器等设备)

Shall I switch the TV on? 我可以打开电视吗?

Please switch the radio off.请关掉收音机。

b. rather than 胜于, 是…而不是…;与其说是…不如说是…

These shoes are comfortable rather than pretty.


I would like soda rather than cola.


American young people would rather get advice from strangers.


We would rather receive money than the usual gifts.


2. The editor’s job is to keep the newspaper balanced and interesting to the readers.


keep the newspaper balanced and interesting为keep + 宾语+宾补结构式 使人或物保持…状态


I always keep the key in my pocket.


I’m sorry to keep you waiting for so long.


Please keep the room clean.


Keep him out.别让他进来。

3. Even though I have interviewed famous people, the story I like best is about an ordinary young woman who tries to adapt to her new life after having studied abroad.


此句中含有两个定语从句。I like best 是the story 的定语从句, who tries to adapt to her new life after having studied abroad是the young woman 的定语从句

a. even though/if即使, 尽管用作连词,引导让步状语从句。

Even if I have to walk all the way, I will get there.


I like her even though she can be annoying.


b. adapt to适合

When he moved to Canada, the children adapted to the change very well.


Record after teaching :

Some Ss felt confused about the differences among “ more than , no more than , not more than , other than”

The Fifth Period Grammar Teaching time : Oct. 22

Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target language目标语言

Enable students to identify words with positive, negative or neutral meaning.

Learn about the Past Participle (1): used as Attribute and Predicative

2. Ability goals 能力目标

Learn about the Past Participle (1): used as Attribute and Predicative

3. Learning ability goals学能目标

By doing exercises of past participle students will have a good command of the grammar.

Teaching important points教学重点

The Past Participle (1): used as Attribute and Predicative

Teaching difficult points 教学难点

Use the correct form of verbs to fill in blanks.

Teaching methods教学方法

Explaining and practicing

Teaching aids教具准备

1. A projector 2. A computer

Teaching procedures && ways教学过程与方式

Step Ⅰ Revision

Ask some students to make a brief introduction of Yang Lan.

Go over the text and ask students to pick out the sentences containing past participles.

Step Ⅱ Grammar

There are eight sentences in the text. Then do Exercise 1. Students are asked to do the exercises individually. Then check the answers with the whole class. After checking the answers, ask students to sum up the usage.

T: Please read the 8 sentences and find out which past participles are used as attribute and which are predicative. Later we will check the answers together.

Suggested answers:

Attribute: experienced, informed, talented, organised, stolen, addicted and printed

Predicative:needed, respected and tolerated

Do Exercise 2. Ask students to write the sentences on a piece of paper, and then show

some on the projector. Through this activity, enable students to be careful about their


Suggested answers:

informed decisions= decisions that are informed

talented journalists= journalists who are talented

an organized way= a way that is organized

stolen culture relics= culture relics that had been stolen

people addicted to drugs= people who are addicted to drugs

printed articles= articles that are printed

Then deal with Exercise 3-5 in a similar way.

Step Ⅲ Explanation

To make sure students fully understand the grammar, explain and sum up in Chinese.

Step Ⅳ Consolidation

Choose some NMET exercises for students to practice. Show these exercises on the PowerPoint.

1. Prices of daily goods ____ through a computer can be lower than store prices.

A. are bought B. bought

C. been bought D. buying

2. With a lot of different problems ____, the newly-elected president is having a

hard time.

A. settled B. settling

C. to settle D. being settled

3. Don’t use words, expressions or phrases ____ only to people with specific knowledge.

A. being known B. having been known

C. to be known D. known

4. When I got back, I saw a message ____ to the door____ “Sorry to miss you; will call later.”

A. pin, read B. pinning, reading

C. pinned, reading D. pinned, read

Keys: B C D C

Word study exercises are assigned as homework. Students are asked to finish them

after class.

Step Ⅴ Homework

1. Finish the grammar exercises on Page91.

2. Finish Vocabulary Exercises 1-3 on Page89-90.:

Record after teaching :

Some Ss confused “v-ing” with “v-ed”/ “to do” used as attributive

Eg. an excited look

The Sixth Period Integrating Skills Teaching time :Oct. 23

Teaching goals教学目标

1. Target language目标语言

Talk about news. For a reporter, the basic task is to report an event truthfully.

2. Ability goals能力目标

Enable students to learn what facts are and what opinions are.

3. Learning ability goals学能目标

By comparing two passages about the same event, students will realizereporters should report events truthfully.

Teaching important points教学重点

Enable students to learn what facts are and what opinions are.

Teaching difficult points 教学难点

How to write news stories.

Teaching methods教学方法

Task- based teaching, comparing, and speaking

Teaching aids教具准备

1. A recorder 2. A projector 3. A computer

Teaching procedures && ways教学过程与方式

Step I Revision

Check the homework.

T: Boys and girls! Let’s look at the two stories.

Show the two pictures on the PowerPoint.

Who will say something about Picture1?

1: It is a fairy tale.The story will be described in the order in which they happened.

T: Quite good. What about Picture 2?

S2: Picture 2 is a news story. I don’t think it is described in the order of time.

T: Right. That’s the difference. News stories seldom describe events in the order in which they happened (chronological order). News writers know their readers have

limited time and they want the latest or most significant developments (the news) first. Thus, news stories are opposite to fairy tales.

Show these sentences on the PowerPoint.

Step Ⅱ Listening

T: So much for the homework. Open your books and look at Page 15.Look at the two pictures first. Please describe the first picture.

S1: There are a group of angry men armed with sticks outside a factory.

T: Right! What about Picture 2?

S2: Waste gasses from the factory are being sent into the air. Many people with slogans in hand are demonstrating against pollution.

T: Yes, you are quite right. But can you imagine the two pictures are about the same event? Now I will play the tape for you to listen. After listening to the two reports,

you will discuss the questions on Page15.

Step Ⅲ Discussion

After listening to the tape, students are given several minutes to discuss the questions

in groups. After several minutes, students are asked to give their answers.

Suggested answers:

1. The first report is in favor of the company, while the second supports the


I think the first report was written by a worker. The second was written by one of

the activists.

Less than a hundred people or more than ninety citizens outside a factory is fact.

That the police came is a fact.

Fighting with each other is also a fact. “Cause trouble, most successful company,

rude and noisy, difficult to get into the factory, trouble-makers” are opinions in the

first report. In the second the following are opinions.

“Responsible and caring, the city’s worst polluter, brave and strong, sent out a

group of angry men armed with sticks to fight with the citizens.”

2. For the first report, I would like to use “Trouble-makers were taken to the police station” as the headline. I would choose the picture with a group of men with sticks. For the second report, I would like to use “Demonstration outside the city’s worst polluter”. I would like to use the picture with many people holding slogans.

Step Ⅳ Speaking

After students finishing the group work, go back to the speaking activity and decide

how to report the events they have chosen. Discuss what picture to use and tell the

reasons. Decide what headlines to use and tell the reasons. For this activity students

are given 10 minutes. Ten minutes later, students report their discussion to the whole

class. In this activity each group member should be involved.

Step Ⅴ Writing

After the discussion and demonstration of the speaking activity, students are asked to write a short newspaper article about it. They will write the article individually. Ten minutes later, check some of the articles on the projector with the whole class. Compare their articles about the same event.

Step Ⅵ Homework

1. Learn Integrating Skills on Page 92 IN THE PUBLIC EYE by themselves.

2. Students are asked to write a paragraph in which they compare two kinds of media: TV and newspaper or TV and websites referring to Page 16.


. The Seventh Period Writing Teaching time : Oct.24

Teaching Goals教学目标

Enable Ss to write a review of compare two kinds of media & to write an article about a famous TV personality.

Teaching important points and difficult points教学重点和难点

How to write a better comparison paragraph

Teaching methods教学方法 Task-based method

Teaching aids教具准备 projector, A computer

Teaching procedures && ways教学过程与方式

Step Ⅰ Pre-writing

T: Now look at the tips which may be helpful for you on Page 16.

Tell Ss how to find the differences & similarities

Step Ⅱ Samples of the Writings

Writing on Page 16

Writing a paragraph in which you compare two kinds of media, for example websites

and newspapers.

The similarities and differences between

websites and newspapers

Newspapers and websites are both important news media. Newspapers are traditional and have a long history, while websites are new. But they are similar to each other. Both provide news stories and information for people. Both make money by selling ads. Both have different pages. Both have headlines and pictures. But there are great differences between newspapers and websites. The first major difference between newspapers and websites is that websites need a computer and the Internet, while you can read a newspaper everywhere. Another difference is their writers. Newspapers are written by reporters, but websites can be written by anyone. What’s more, many websites are free, while most newspapers cost money. And websites have not only pictures but also audios and videos, which makes stories more interesting. The final difference is that websites change all the time. Many websites are updated many times every day. The latest news is always available on websites. That’s why more people prefer websites to newspapers.

Writing on Page 93

Imagine that you are a reporter for your local newspaper. Your editor has asked you to write an article about a famous TV personality. The editor has given you a list of questions that the readers interested in. Think of more questions and use the answers to write your article.

Li Zhuang, a very young promising host!

Li Zhuang, though only 25, is one of the most popular TV personalities. He is famous for the programme “Music online”.

Li Zhuang has a gift for music. His mother is a music teacher. When he was a small kid, he could sing many songs. At the age of 5, his mother sent him to a music school and this provided him a lot of opportunities to perform on the stage. Perhaps that’s one of the reasons why he is so good at performance. He was very active on the stage. Two years ago, he graduated from a normal university and began his career as a host. Before he came, there wasn’t a music programme. This is a great challenge to him. He worked very hard and watched a lot of video tapes of world famous music hosts. He is full of energy. With his mellow voice he can sing songs very well. He often invites pop stars to his programme. He can build a bridge of understanding easily between the stars and the audience. His enthusiasm always inspires the viewers. When you watch his programme, you cannot help singing. He is very popular, especially among the young people.

Despite the success, Li Zhuang remains modest. He said,“I have a long way to go and should improve myself.” Perhaps he will leave the show for further study.

Such is Li Zhuang, a very young promising host!

Step Ⅲ Writing

Step Ⅳ Comments on the writing

The teacher shows a few copies of the students’ homework on the projector. The whole class will check the answers together and correct the mistakes if there are any.

How to describe a landscape

By: Bill Nelson

Thanks to the Scouters on Scouts-L who contributed to this page.

As you know, it is wonderful to watch our youth as they grow through the Scouting

program in character, citizenship and moral and physical fitness! Everyone in our community should know what we are doing and the great education our youth are obtaining through Scouting. Consider having a publicity person in your unit.

The local newspapers and TV stations are looking for community stories so we

have a great opportunity to tell our story.

News releases are easy to write up and many newspapers and TV stations now have

email addresses that you can send them to. Don’t forget to send releases to your local church, educational, community or corporate newsletters!

Every news release should be written to answer the essential questions of any news

item, commonly called the five Ws plus one:

Who will do it? What will they do?

When will they do it? Where will they do it?

Why will they do it? How will they do it?

The structure of the news release is important. It must be written so that the reader

has the essential information at the outset. The lead, usually the first paragraph or two, should summarize the “five Ws” to give the reader an overview. The rest of the paragraphs will answer the six questions. The longer the news release, the better the reader will understand the news. The news release should be typed double-spaced. The top of the page should include a title, contact name, and telephone number. ALWAYS include the Council Web site address, from there people can find out more about what we do and how to join. Note that if a paper prints your news release and needs to trim off for space, they will trim from the bottom.

News releases should be sent out for all sorts of activities, including, but not limited


Special trips Parent’s Nights

Special events Social Activities

Service Projects Election of Offices

Pinewood Derbies Spring and Fall Recruiting

Photos catch the eye of the reader and make a story more interesting. News reporters know this and want a photo in the story as much as you do. If you have a photo, send it to them, but many newspapers would prefer to shoot their own. That means giving them plenty of notice of when your event will take place.

Some Tips:

1. Local weekly and semi-weekly newspapers are much more likely to publish your story. Look on the Editorial pages of those newspapers for a list of phone numbers

and email addresses.

2. Watch, listen, read your local media and start a list of media outlets that reports on these types of local events.

3. Read the paper and get a feel for the writing style. Write a news story not an advertisement. Your article may be cut so put the most important items up front.

4. Write to each company and ask for their Guidelines for Submissions. This should outline exactly how they wish to be notified about your event. Some request snail mail (not too many now) some will provide a special fax number, others may have a hotline, and still others may offer email. They may also request a certain format.

Ask about any special issues. They may have a neighborhood section that comes out a specific day of the week, there may be an annual issue with community

groups. Ask about deadlines they may have for those issues.

5. Keep holidays in mind. It’s a cliché, but helping the needy at Christmas, helping with a 4th of July event, etc. is classic Scouting and a standard for many papers.

6. Submit, submit, and submit. They will not yell at you for overloading their mailbox. They receive dozens to hundreds of them each day/week. The best ones or ones

that catch the editor’s attention get published.

7. It may help if you can make friends with the editor.

8. For pictures, action shots are generally better than lineups but in any case be sure the people in the picture are identifiable. Think about a sports picture and how it

usually focuses on one or two people--the other six or twenty people who were around the action got cut out by the photo editor. The focus is now on the action and the attention grabber isn’t lost in a crowd of people. It helps to provide larger pictures, i.e., 8x10, when available. Providing negatives helps with some papers.

9. Sometimes all that will be published is the picture with a caption. Clearly identify everyone in the picture and you may wish to secure releases from the parents of the

kids. Some parent may not want a child’s picture in the paper.

10. Think of how your event is unusual, i.e., the man bites dog story rather than the dog bites man. Special awards, big numbers, etc. should start your story. Avoid beginning “At Troop 0s monthly court of honor ...” What is different about your court of honor or event. One unit got some great coverage for their Court of Honor (COH) when the bat lady was the program - “Bat Lady Gives Life to Two Scouts”. A professor who studies bats showed some slides at the COH in anticipation on an upcoming outing to a bat cave. They had her present the Life Scout badges to two boys. Meanwhile, the story included all the other recognitions

that evening. Another local troop sent in their list of awards from a COH the same night and got no story.

11. News comes from NEW, not old. Get your stories in right away. If you take a week getting the info to the media, it is less likely to be used--history doesn’t

sell many newspapers.

12. If your story doesn’t get into the paper, don’t give up. Keep at it, you may have just hit a big news day and there wasn’t room. If several stories don’t make it,

give the editor a call and find out what you could do to improve your chances of getting published.

Finally, don’t forget to thank the reporter after the article is published for doing a good job in reporting the event!

What Does An Editor Do?


by Holmberg, Janis

An editor corrects and prepares writing for publication. Three kinds of editing many editorial services offer are proofreading, content editing, and consulting and creative editing, or rewriting.

Proofreading marks the document for types, spelling, capitalization, punctuation, subject-verb agreement, and errors in word usage.

Content editing includes proofreading notations, and also analyzes reports and makes suggestions for word choice, figures of speech, sentence and paragraph structure and style, and overall readability.

Consulting and creative editing includes proofreading and content editing, and also works with the writer to determine the target audience, define and project an identity, and design or redesign the document to connect with and convince the target audience.

Here are some examples of proofreading, content editing and consulting and creative editing:

The original paragraph:

It is my painful duty to inform you that circumstances forced me to request the Finance Manager to relinquish his position. This action was not taken lightly and without incontrovertible evidence. Information received last Friday confirmed suspicions rose after taking the position concerning the misrepresentation of facts both before and after his appointment as to the holding of a doctorate. He has submitted his resignation effective January 22 .

The proofread paragraph:

It is my painful duty to inform you that circumstances forced me to request the finance manager to relinquish his position. This action was not taken lightly or without incontrovertible evidence. Information received last Friday confirmed suspicions rose after taking the position concerning the misrepresentation of facts both before and after his appointment as to the holding of a doctorate. He has submitted his resignation effective January 22, 1999.

The edited paragraph:

I am sorry to inform you that I have asked the finance manager to resign his position. I took this action because the company has evidence that this employee misrepresented his educational qualifications. The resignation is effective January 22, 1999.

The recreated paragraph:

Effective January 22, 1999, the finance manager has resigned his position with XXX Company.

Each revision reflects a decision about what and how much to change. A good editor works with the client to communicate clearly and concisely.

Some practical things

1. Brainstorming meetings.

Have them, but you’ll need a few rules to make them work. Sometimes I schedule them and make attendance mandatory. These meetings always have a topic, announced in advance. It might be something as simple as, “How can we come up with a great story for Mother’s Day” or it might be to explore some broader topic in the news, such as, “What can we do that no one else is doing on how DNA evidence is affecting the criminal justice system.”

Keep the meeting on the subject and never have one without a topic or it will turn into a useless bull session or maybe even a gripe session.

More often, the brainstorming sessions are held standing up, in the middle of our newsroom, over some story that is in the news or some issue that is suddenly on our


It is vital to foster an environment in which these discussions happen spontaneously, and anyone in the room feels free to start them.

Whether the meetings happen spontaneously or are scheduled, there is one golden rule. No one is allowed to say something is a bad idea. It kills discussion. And a lot of the best ideas are the ones that may sound stupid at first because they are different. The obligation of everyone in the brainstorming session should be to run with the idea and see where it leads. The prevailing ethic of these meetings should be this thought: If we were to proceed with this idea, what would we do?

2. Go for walks outside.

Get out of the office as much as you can, especially if you are a manager and actually have an office. In the office, it is hard for an editor to shed the illusion that

he has power, and this can make it difficult for folks to talk freely in front of you. The worst place you can be if you want your staff’s best thinking is on your throne

behind your desk. It’s not that getting out of the office fools anybody. They still understand the power relationships. But when you are outside, walking together, the symbols of editor power are absent and both you and your staffer can be more relaxed. The conversation changes from underling-boss to two folks who care about journalism having a chat. This more than a good way to talk to staff about story ideas or about their work. I think it is THE way to conduct job interviews. I always

take job candidates out of the office for a stroll to Central Park. On these jaunts, the candidate’s personality true personality is likely to come out, and since you will be

spending more time with your staff than with your spouse, you don’t want to hire any assholes. Added benefit: I get to smoke a good cigar when I walk.

3. Mentoring as part of the job.

Almost every newspaper has a few privileged writers. They have the best jobs, cover the biggest stories, and do the least amount of routine. (Here at AP, the writers in my department are particularly privileged. Their job is to do the great stories. They can go anywhere, write about anything, and take all the time that they need, as long as they produce first-class work.) With such privilege there should also be responsibility. So, I have made mentoring a category-along with such things as writing quality, productivity, creativity, etc. - in the annual appraisal form for my writers. There is no formal mentoring program. Rather, I make it clear to my writers that they have a responsibility to share what they know and that they had better find a way to do it. Some of them have taken several inexperienced bureau reporters under their wings. Others make it a point of stopping in at local AP bureaus on their travels and conducting writing or reporting workshops. And, oh yeah. No mentoring, no merit raise.

4. Where do ideas come from?

Make sure that everyone in the newsroom understands that at least 90 percent of the story ideas come from writers. Writers who sit around waiting for assignments

are not doing their jobs and need to be told as much. Editors who dream up most of the ideas for their staffs and then assign them are an even bigger problem and should be reeducated or fired. It’s not that editors can’t have ideas. Of course they can. But there is no way they can have anywhere enough good ones to keep a staff busy. I work in an office overlooking Rockefeller Plaza. If I lean out my window, I can see the famous skating rink, but that’s all I can see of the world from the place I spend most of my time. If, from here, I already know something is a story, how likely it is to be news. The writers must be the eyes and ears of the newspaper. The best ideas are the ones they come back to the office with and astonish us. Make idea generation the most heavily weighted category in annual evaluations of reporters.

5. First person stories.

Encourage them - especially in writers who write in journalese or with stiff, institutional voices. There is something about writing in first-person, about personal

experiences, that loosens writers up. It helps them overcome wrong-headed ideas about what journalism writing is supposed to be like and find their own natural

voices as writers.

6. Big ideas Movie reviews.

Encourage staffers all over the newspaper to write them -once again, especially those writers mired in journalese or institutional writing voices. Reviews, too, can loosen these writers up and help them discover their own voices. One AP writer, for example, has become a much different and much better writer since taking a regular turn reviewing children’s movies. (He always takes his kids along for their expert opinions.)

Big ideas

Beware of the boxes.

Newsroom structures put our staffs, and often our thinking, inside boxes. Usually they have labels such as “sports,” “business,” “arts && entertainment,” etc. The world, however, is not organized that way. We must not let the boxes we are in define how we see the world or how we write our stories. But often we do. Suppose, for example, we learn that a new restaurant near the State House is the new hot place for legislators to have their power lunches. If the business department does the story, it will be a business story. If the politics desk does it, it will be a political story. If the city desk does it, it may be a city life story. It could also be a restaurant review. But what is the BEST story? Meanwhile, some of the very best stories may not get done at all because they don’t fall into any of the boxes we have created. We must let the world as it is -- not our organizational structures -- define our work. And if you’ve moved to a team structure, don’t make the mistake of thinking you have solved this problem. What you have done is create a different set of boxes.



1.球类名词小结soccer ball英式足球 ping-pong ball乒乓球tennis网球volleyball排球basketball篮球

2.“球拍”的表达 tennis racket网球拍 ping-pong bat乒乓球拍

3.play + 名词 结构的短语play sports参加体育运动play computer games玩电脑游戏

4.“play + 球类名词”结构的短语 play ping-pong ball打乒乓球play tennis 打网球 play soccer踢足球 play volleyball打排球

5.sports club运动俱乐部 6.first name名 last name=family name姓

7.watch TV看电视 on TV在电视上,通过电视

8.常用的描述某物或某事的形容词:interesting有趣的fun有趣的 relaxing轻松的 boring无聊的difficult困难的9.have a great sports collection有大量的体育收藏品 10.every day每天

句型: Do you have a TV? Yes, I do/No, I don’t.

Do they have a computer? Yes, they do./No, they don’t.

Does he have a tennis racket? Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t.

Does she have a soccer ball? Yes, she does./No, she doesn’t.

Does he have a ping-pang ball? Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t.

Let’s play soccer. Let me help you.

I don’t have a soccer ball. That sounds good.

语法:1,句中不含be(am,is,are)动词的 一般疑问句的变法。 也就是说句中谓语动词是实义动词时,要变为一般疑问句,在句首加do/does(当主语是第三人称单数的时候用does),第一人称变第二人称,动词变原形其他的语序不变。I have a computer. – Do you have a computer? She likes playing ping-pang.- Does she like playing ping-pang.肯定回答用yes, 主语+do/does.否定回答用No,主语+don’t/doesn’t.

2一般句子中当主语是第三人称单数的时候,谓语动词要起变化。具体的变化为:一般情况加s, know-knows, 以s,x,ch,sh,o结尾的加es, teach-teaches, go-goes, 以辅音字母加y结尾,把y改为i, 再加es study-studies

3, do/does 叫做助动词(语法需要加上去翻译部出来的动词)时,后面接动词原形,

Does he like reading? She doesn’t like reading. She doesn’t do her homework.


She does her homework.

4,have的第三人称单数为 has.

5, let sb do sth 让某人做某事 (sb代表人,如果是代词用宾格,do代表动词原形)

6,play+球类 表示“踢,打,玩......” play football

play+the+乐器 表示“弹奏……乐器” play the piano

句式:1.Do引导的一般疑问句 —Do you have a TV?—Yes,I do. / No,I don’t.—Does he have a tennis racket? —Yes,he does. / No,he doesn’t.

2.祈使句——Let’s do sth. Let’s play ping-pong.

3.主系表结构——主语 + 系动词 + 形容词 That sounds good.

1) _______his parents _______(have) a ping-pang ball?


2) _________our English teacher ______(have) a basketball?


3) My friend ____________(看电视) every day.

4) ______(他弟弟)______(有)many__________(sport)_________(club).

5)You ___________( not ,have) ______(sport) every day.

6)She ___________( not,watch TV) in the evening. She _________(study) English every day.

7)Let’s_________(play) volleyball with ______(she).

She ________(play) every day.

8)Let your sisiter _______(play) the computer game.

9)We _________(have) a __________(sport)_____________(collect).


10)My parent __________(not like)__________(play)________(sport).

Because it’s _____________(bore)

11._________(他们)___________(not play) sports every day.

_____(they) only _____(watch)_____(they)____(inonwithby)TV.

12.-------_______(let)______(he)_____(play)_______(theaan) baseball.

--------_________(sound) good.


在沙发上 on the sofa 我们学校的小汽车 a car of our school

在书桌上 on the desk 书桌的抽屉 a desk drawer=a drawer of the desk

在地板上 on the floor 三班的学生 the student of Class Three

在操场上 on the playground 我们教室的门 the door of our classroom

在他背上 on his back. 合上书 close your book

在梳妆台上 on the dresser 打开书 open your book

在小山上 on the hill 上床, 就寝 go to bed

在河面上 on the river 我的书包在哪里? Where’s my backpack?

在讲台上 on the teacher’s desk 中学生 a middle school student

在门后面 behind the door 看这些新书 look at these new books

在她椅子后面 behind her chair 看第54页的图画 Look at the picture on page 54

在卧室里 in the bedroom 台灯 a desk lamp

在抽屉里 in the drawer 录像带 video tape= video cassette

在书桌的抽屉里 in the desk drawer 这儿没有一只猫 There isn’t a cat here

在厨房 in the kitchen 自行车上的男孩 the boy on the bike

在这个房间里 in this room 树下的自行车 the bike under the tree

在背包里 in the backpack 树上的小鸟 the bird in the tree

在客厅 in the living room(美) 门后的那只猫 the cat behind the door

in the sitting room(英) 在绿色小汽车里的那个 the one in the green car

在中国 in China 骑黑色自行车的那个 the one on the black bike

在盒子里 in the box 照片上的人 the people in the picture

在树底下 under the tree 报纸上的一幅图画 a picture in the newspaper

在书橱里 in the bookcase 一个戴白色帽子的老人 an old man in a white hat

在天空中 in the sky 一个穿蓝色毛衣的女人 a woman in a blue sweater

在阳光下 in the sun 穿红色外套的那个 the one in the red coat

带着帽子 in the hat 戴着红帽子的女孩 the girl in a red hat

在桌子底下 under the table 穿红衣服的女孩 the girl in red

(物体)在床上 be on the bed 我的包在床上 My bag is on the bed

(人躺)在床上 be in bed 他躺在床上 He is in bed.

在……的前面 in front of 房子的前面有棵树 There’s a tree in front of the house

在(物体内部)的前面 in the front of 教室的前面有块黑板 There’s a blackboard in the front of the classroom

在……中间 in the middle of 房间的中央有张桌子 There’s a table in the middle of the room

在树上(本身长的) on the tree 树上有一些苹果 There are some apples on the tree.

在树上(外来的) in the tree 树上有一些鸟 There are some birds in the tree.

在墙上(表面) on the wall 墙上有幅画 There is a picture on the wall

在墙上(嵌进) in the wall 墙上有两个窗户 There are two windows in the wall.

吃饭时 at table 进餐时别说话 Don’t talk at table.

在桌子旁边 at the table 他坐在桌子旁 He is at the table.

在门口 at the door 需要做某事 need to do sth (主语是人)

靠近next to 需要做某事 need doing sth. (主语是物)

靠近窗户 next to the window 我们需要乘车 we need to catch a bus

在河边 beside the river 这些树需要浇水 The trees need watering

在河边 near the river 我需要些帮助 I need some help.

需要某物 need sth. 我需要我的数学书 I need my math book

在…和…之间 between…and… 球在床和书桌之间 The ball is between the bed and the desk.

把……带来…… bring …to … 请把你妹妹带到学校来 Please bring your sister to school .

把……带去…… take …to … 请把棒球拿到教室去 Please take the baseball to the classroom.

想要 would like=want 想做某事 want to do sth.=would like to do sth.



(一)主题任务(Core tasks)









1.布置任务:教师选定一个宣传目标(如:学校、书、文具、商业大楼、公司、衣服、日用品、电脑、汽车、手机等),最好是每个同学都很熟悉的主题,要求每个人为这个宣传目标设计英语广告语,具体要求是:1)It should be catchy;2)It should convey a positive message or idea of the target.









1.布置任务:要求每个学生收集2-3个国外产品的品牌名称以及中文翻译,如:Coca Cola(可口可乐)。






























(二)热身(Warming up)


Do you think the pictures are effective? Why?(Clear,impressive,beautiful…)

What are the people in the pictures doing?

What words are used to describe the products?






Ad 1 Ad 2 Ad 3

Product Name FX435 Star 5000 E-Brain

Target customer ordinary people Successful businessmen,

modern leaders teenagers

Price 4000 yuan (reasonable) affordable

Screen 14.1 inches

Colour as you wish


for basic work and play

for big meetings basic software for homework; brand new music system

Words used to describe it

incredible,new,reasonable, best deal,best choice perfect,right choice

new.an expression of who

you are;affordable,latest,

in style



在做第4题之前,可以先让学生进行两人小组活动, 一个扮演妈妈,一个扮演孩子。通过问答的形式,妈妈说出自己的购买意向,孩子一边听一边提建议。讨论之后,两人合作写一封短信,写完后再相互检查修改,这个练习可以安排在课后进行。





1.抱怨和投诉(Making complaints)

2.表达情感(Expressing emotions)

3.表达和评价不同观点(Expressing and evaluating different views)






1. 了解广告的发展现状和人们对广告的态度,如:Where can ads be found? How do people react to ads?

2.了解广告设计的基本原理,如:What is the basic principle of advertising? How do you make a good ad?

3分析广告的利与弊,如:How important are ads in today’s society? How do ads help companies and customers? What ale good ads? What are bad ads? Why should we keep an eye out for “hidden information” in ads?

4.培养对广告的批判性态度,如:How can we make use of good ads? How can we protect ourselves from false ads? How can we develop a critical attitude towards ads?



Paragraph I:Advertising is a highly developed industry.

Paragraph 2:People react to ads in different ways.

Paragraph 3:What is the basic principle of advertising?

Paragraph 4-6:Ads are helpful in many ways.

Paragraph 7:How can we spot bad ads?

Paragraph 8:We should take a critical attitude towards ads.



Paragraph 1:要学生评论本段关于广告的观点是否正确?广告是否在生活中无处不在?还有哪些地方可以发现广告的踪迹?

Paragraph 2:列出两种不同观点,要学生思考自


Paragraph 3:要学生用自己的语言总结出制作广告的基本要领,如:using a good brand name;appealing to customers’emotions等等,并举例说明。

Paragraph 4-6:要学生列出广告的积极作用,并指出文章是如何证明观点的。再讨论证据是否充分,是否经得起推敲。

Paragraph 7:要学生总结出虚伪广告的惯用伎俩,如:hidden information,bait-and-switch等,并分别举例说明。

Paragraph 8:要学生用自己的话总结出对待广告的辩证态度,并讨论文章的观点是否准确,学生有没有异议,能不能提出自己的观点。







(八)语言学习(Language study)

1.词汇学习部分第1题的词语均来自阅读课文,所给的8句情境也与课文主题有关,学生在理解了课文的基础上,完成该项练习应该没有太大的困难。第2题中有些可能是生词,教师可以先介绍生词的意思,再让学生回答对应的词,教师还可以提示学生想一想还有没有其它类似的对应词,如: son-daughter,spokesman-spokeswoman,steward-stew-ardess,schoolboy-schoolgirl,businessman-business woman;prince-princess等等。第3题也是帮助学生复习本单元所学词汇,学习在具体情景中正确使用生词和短语。


(九)综合技能(Integrating skills)











The things I can do Evaluation

T can talk about advertising and advertisements. 5 4 3 2 1

I understand how advertising works. 5 4 3 2 1

I can tell good ads from bad or false ones. 5 4 3 2 1

I can design an ad with the help of my classmates. 5 4 3 2 1

T can make complaints with some facts to support my idea. 5 4 3 2 1

I can express my emotions(anger,worries,surprise,satisfaction,etc) in English 5 4 3 2 1

I can express different views in a proper way 5 4 3 2 1

I can remember the new words and expressions and use them in new situations 5 5

4 3 2 1




Suppose you are a computer salesman.How would you (1) ______ if people didn't want to listen to you and even(2) ______ you of trying to mislead them? Don't get(3) ______ if this happens and don’t be too quick to (4) ______ yourself for not doing a good job.People often make their choices after seeing or hearing ads that ate(5) ______ on TV or over the radio.(6) ______ products are preferred, not because they are better.but because they are better known.If you want to influence the choices people make,first you have to (7) ______ your product with what they need The best chance to make them stop and listen to you is to (8) ______ to their emotions.Sometimes,people are more willing to buy the positive concepts,such as love,health,happiness and success,that have been(9) ______ to the product.If they accept the information you are trying to(10) ______ ,you have a better chance to get them as your customers.

3. 翻译下列句子:









1 advertiser 2 brand 3 appeal

4 salesman 5 spokesman 6 campaign

7 target 8 discount 9 bonus

10 profit


1 react 2 accused 3 annoyed

4 blame 5 broadcast 6 Advertised

7 associate 8 appeal 9 agaehed

10 convey


1 A cup of KELE a day helps you work,rest and play well.

2 Let PANT take care of your style and your hair.

3 Soap made me feel like I had a mask on.tight and pulling.When I started using DOFE,my face wasn’t dry anymore.I feel 20 years younger.

4 KONCA film takes color photography to new heights.

5 If people keep telling you to quit smoking, don’t listen…they are probably trying to trick you into living.


Unit 5 教案




九年级英语下 Unit 5 教案




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《人教版 高一Unit 5 词组.doc》

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