初三高频考点解读(Unit 1)

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初三高频考点解读(Unit 1)(锦集8篇)由网友“诗在远方”投稿提供,下面是小编为大家整理后的初三高频考点解读(Unit 1),以供大家参考借鉴!

初三高频考点解读(Unit 1)

篇1:初三高频考点解读(Unit 7)


【考点一】 Some important inventions have changed the world ________ than others.

A. more B. much C. more much D. a lot


【知识拓展】 1)比较级句型中常用到than。如:

John is taller than any other boy in his class. 约翰比班上其他男孩都高。

2) “the+比较级+of”用于二者之间的比较。如:

Mary is the taller of the twins. 玛莉是这对双胞胎中个子较高的那个。

3)“比较级+and+比较级”表示“越来越......”,其动词经常用grow, get, become 等。如:

The days became longer and longer.白天变得越来越长了。


The higher we went up the mountain, the colder it became. 我们越往山上爬,就越寒冷。

【考点二】 What you said has nothing ________ me.

A. to do B. doing with C. to do with D. to do at

【思路解析】 have / has nothing to do with ...“与......无关”。答案C。如:

Staying or leaving has nothing to do with me. 去还是留与我无关。

What he is saying has nothing to do with the answer. 他现在所说的与这个答案无关。

【知识拓展】 have / has something to do with ... “与......有关”。如:

These questions have something to do with us. 这些问题与我们有关系。

Did the matter have anything to do with you? 这件事和你有关吗?

【考点三】 I left school at the ______ of 18.

A. old B. year old C. age D. years old

【思路解析】 表示“在......岁时”,用短语at the age of ...。答案为C。

【知识拓展】 就年龄提问,可以说“What age ...?”,“How old ...?”,“At what age ...?”等等。如:

-At what age did she retire? 她多大岁数退休的?

-At the age of 60. 六十岁的时候。

【考点四】 The children rushed________ of school.

A. in B. on C. out D. off

【思路解析】 短语rush out 可表示迅速来或去,out后可接of短语,故此处应选择C。

【知识拓展】 rush作名词时,表示“突进;仓促;抢购热潮”等意思。如:

I like the rush of modern life. 我喜欢快节奏的现代生活。

The traffic on the streets during the rush hours virtually(事实上) came to a standstill(停止). 高峰期间马路上的交通车辆实际上已经处于停止状态。

Christmas rush圣诞节抢购热潮

篇2:初三高频考点解读(Unit 15)


【考点一】 It is good manners______in public.

A. not shout B. don't to shout

C. not to shout D. to not shout

【思路解析】答案为C。本题说的是“在公共场合不大声叫喊是一种礼貌行为。”句中it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式短语,当它表示否定时,not应置于to do之前,因而正确形式是not to shout。

【知识拓展】 作主语的不定式短语可置于句尾,而用“it”作为形式主语置于句首,以代替动词不定式。

It is necessary to make a plan for this course of study.制定一个学习这门课程的计划是有必要的。

【考点二】 Lin Jie kicked two goals in the football match. He______a hero by his classmates.

A. regarded as B. regarded

C. was regarded D. was regarded as

【思路解析】 答案是D。林杰在比赛中进了两个球,所以他被大家当成英雄。被动句中,动词后的介词不能丢,如此句的as。

【知识拓展】 regard ... as意思是“将......视为”。如:

I regard him as my brother. 我将他当成我的兄弟。

He is regarded as the best doctor in town. 他被视为城里最好的医生。

【考点三】 She is______out on Sundays.

A. most B. many C. mostly D. much


【知识拓展】 mostly原形为most,即many和much的最高级,既可作形容词又可作副词。如:

She has visited most countries in Europe. 她访问了欧洲大多数国家。


Is this the most difficult of the three? 这是三者中最难的吗?

most还可作代词,构成“most of +可数名词复数 / 代词”短语,意思是“......中的大多数”。当它作主语时,谓语动词常用复数形式,并且most前面不用冠词。另外,most of后面还可跟可数名词单数或不可数名词,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。例如:

Most of the girls in our class are League Members. 我们班大部分女孩都是团员。

Most of his time is spent in listening to foreign music.他的大部分时间花费在听外国音乐上了。

篇3:初三高频考点解读(Unit 12)


【考点一】 根据汉语意思完成句子。


There________ ________something wrong with the TV.

【思路解析】答案是must be,表示推测,意思是“准是;一定是”。

【知识拓展】 注意must be在句子中的几种用法。

(1)用于被动语态中,即“must be + 过去分词”。如:

This must be done as soon as possible.这件事必须尽快做。

(2)must be表示肯定的推测,意为“一定是”,否定的推测用cannot。例如:

I guess your father must be a computer engineer. 我猜你父亲一定是个计算机工程师。

He cannot be at home at the moment. 他现在准不在家。


Until now no man has travelled farther than the moon.

No man has travelled farther than the moon so________.

【思路解析】 根据上下文意思,本题应填far。so far意为“到目前为止”。此外until now,by now也可表示此意。

【知识拓展】 so far常与现在完成时连用。如:

So far, he has been teaching himself French all the time. 直到现在,他一直在自学法语。

so far在句子中可以直接用until (by) now替换。如:

By now (So far) they haven't seen each other. 直到目前为止,他们彼此还没见过面。

【考点三】 Man-made satellites have been________into space by many countries.

A. set up B. sent up C. sent off D. sent for

【思路解析】选B。区别词组含义:set up“搭起;建立”;send up“发射;发出”;send off = see off“送行”;send for“派人去请”。

【知识拓展】 send的含义有“寄;传”或“派(人)去......”。如:

The children were sent to bed. 孩子们被打发去睡觉了。

I'll send my son to you with my message. 我会让我的儿子带口信给你。

send与不同的词搭配,有不同的含义。如send away from(遣送;打发......离开);send up(发射); send for(派人去请......);send off(为......送行)。如:

Tom is ill. We'd better send for a doctor. 汤姆病了,我们最好派人去请医生来。

Why did Edison's teacher send him away from school? 爱迪生的老师为什么把他赶出学校?

People have sent up several spaceships this year. 今年人们已经发射了几艘宇宙飞船。

Many of his friends went to the station to send him off. 他的许多朋友都去车站为他送行。

篇4:初三高频考点解读(Unit 11)


【考点一】 This road is about__________.

A. twenty metres tall B. twenty metres thick

C. twenty metres long D. twenty metres wide

【思路解析】 答案为D。描述一个物体的长、宽、高、深等或一个人的年龄大小等时的表达方式为:主语+be+数词+量词+形容词;询问“物体的长、宽、高等是多少、某人的年龄多大”时,常见句型为:How+形容词+be+主语?

【知识拓展】 英语中,常用形容词long表示长度,用wide表示宽度,用high表示高度,用thick表示厚度等等。如:

The Great Wall is over six thousand kilometres long. 长城有六千多公里长。

This window is six feet wide. 这个窗户有6尺宽。

How high is that mountain? 那山有多高?

The building is 50 metres high. 这个建筑物有50米高。

This book is about two inches thick. 这本书大约有两英寸厚。

注: high多用于指山、建筑物等的高度,指人或动物的身高要用形容词tall。如:

Since I'm six feet tall only, I can climb a 1000-metre-high mountain.虽然我只有6英尺高,但是我能登上1000米高的山峰。

【考点二】__________your help, I finished my homework on time.

A. Thanks B. Thank you C. Thanks to D. Thankful

【思路解析】 答案为C。thanks to意为“多亏;由于”。

【知识拓展】 thanks是名词,意为“感谢”,可以说Thanks a lot.或Thanks for ..., for后面跟感谢的原因。如:

Thanks for your help. 谢谢你的帮忙。

【考点三】 My school is about four kilometres__________from my home. So I have to go there by bus.

A. long B. wide C. thin D. away

【思路解析】 答案为D。表“距离的远近”。

【知识拓展】 英语中往往用away来表示。但要注意区别,away from 指距离远,可用具体的数目来修饰。far away from指距离很遥远,但没有具体的数目。试比较:

The shop is about five hundred metres away from here. 那个商店离这儿大约500米远。

The shop isn't far away from here. 那个商店离这儿不远。

篇5:初三高频考点解读(Unit 1)



There are several books on the shelf.

A. a lot of __B. many C. a few D. few

[思路解析]several意思是“more than two,but fewer than many”,“几个,若干”,修饰可数名词。a few也表示“一些,几个”,修饰可数名词。故答案是C。

[知识拓展]few和a few都可表示“少数,几个”的意思,修饰可数名词。a few含肯定的意思,few含否定的意思。如:

I'd like a few more red roses. 我想我再要几朵红玫瑰。

He is a man of few words. 他是个沉默寡言的人。


He has several pens. 他有几支钢笔。



Mr Brown________ ________ ________a bus driver.

[思路解析]本题考查的是表示过去的习惯或状态(现在已不复存在),用“used to+动词原形”结构。答案为used to be。

[知识拓展] 1)“used to+动词原形”只有一种形式,即过去式,用于所有人称。否定形式为used not (usedn't) to或didn't use to,疑问形式为Used you to...?Did you use to...?等。如:

This house used to be a shop here, didn't it? 这幢房子以前是一家商店,是不是?

I used to walk along the river after supper. 我过去常常晚饭后沿河散步。

He used not to like playing football, but now he's very fond of it. 他过去不喜欢踢足球,但现在很喜欢。

Did they use to go there?他们以往常去那儿吗?

2)be used to sth. (doing sth.) 是“习惯于做某事”的意思,与used to意思不同。如:

He is used to hard work (working hard ). 他习惯于辛勤劳动。

We are used to living here. 我们在这儿住惯了。


________you________(return) the book to the library?



I have already posted the photos.我已把照片寄走了。


-Have you finished the work? 你完成工作了吗?

-Yes,I have.是的,完成了。

-Has he seen the film? 他看过那部电影吗?

-Yes,he has.是的,看过。

【考点四】 I________20 yuan for the sweater.

A. spent B. cost C. took D. paid

[思路解析]pay for是固定短语,意思是“付钱,支付”。答案为D。

[知识拓展]1)pay for sth. 意思是“付款”。如:

You must pay for what you ate and drank. 你必须付你吃喝的费用。

He paid 300 yuan for the bike. 他花了300元钱买了这辆自行车。

2) pay sb. sth. 意思是“付给”。如:

You must pay me the money. 你必须把钱付给我。

3) pay...to意思是“给予,付出”(如注意力等)。

Please pay attention to your work. 请注意你的工作。

Pay attention to your handwriting.注意你的书法。

【考点五】Marry often________books________the library.

A. lend, to B. borrow, to C. borrows, from D. bring, to


[知识拓展]1)borrow sth. “借用某物”。如:

May I borrow your bike? 我可以借用你的自行车吗?

Some people are good at borrowing, but bad at giving back. 有些人只善于借,不善于还。


Don't lend the book to others. 不要把这本书借给别人。

篇6:初三人教版高频考点解读(Unit 18)


【考点一】 It was ______ cold ______ everything______.

A. so; that; freeze B. so; that; froze

C. such; that; freeze D. such; that; freezed


【知识拓展】(1) freeze做不及物动词时意为“be changed into ice”,即“结冰;冻结”之意。另外该词还有“酷寒;冻僵”之意。其过去式和过去分词分别为froze,frozen。如:

Salt water freezes at a temperature lower than fresh water.盐水冰点温度比清水冰点温度低。

It must be the wind that makes it so cold. I'm freezing.一定是这场风把天气刮得这么冷,我冻得要命。

He hardly froze while waiting for the bus during the snowstorm.他在暴风雪里等公共汽车时几乎冻死。


The north wind has frozen the water in the pool in the garden.北风使花园里的池水结冰了。

be frozen to death表示“冻死”。如:

He is nearly frozen to death, and he needs a hot drink.他几乎要冻死,他需要一杯热饮料。

【考点二】 He has made ______ in his work.

A. a good progress B. good progresses

C. good progress D. good a progress


【知识拓展】英语中常用make progress + 介词短语,表示“在......方面取得(......的)进步”。如:

John did not make much progress at school.约翰在学业上进步不大。

He has made great progress in learning how to write.他在学习写作上有了很大的进步。

【考点三】 在下列选项中选择一个与划线部分意思相同或相近的答案。

If we won this match, we would be the top.

A. we would be the last B. we would be the best

C. we would be the worst D. we would lose all games


【知识拓展】 (1)top是名词,意思是“the highest point or part”即“顶点;最高部分”,反义词为bottom(底部)。如:the top of a mountain (a tree,a house),山 (树,房)顶。另外top还有“上端;上部;最高点;最高地位”之意。如:the top of the page,“书页的上端”,at the top of one's voice,“以最高嗓门”,the top of a class,“班上名列前茅者”。如:

In 1924, Mallory and a team of British climbers tried to get to the top of Mount Qomolangma. 1924年,马洛里和一支英国登山队试图登上珠穆朗玛峰顶端。

Father Christmas lands on each top of the house, and climbs down into the chimney. 圣诞老人降临到每家的房顶上,爬到烟囱里。


The runner set off at top speed.赛跑者以最大速度出发。

篇7:人教版初三高频考点解读(Unit 17)


【考点一】 I ________ get away and rest up a little.

A. need B. needed C. will need D. need to

【思路解析】 答案为D。need用作动词时,在肯定句中只能作行为动词用,后面可以跟名词、代词、动词不定式等作宾语。在否定、疑问和条件句中既可用作行为动词,也可用作情态动词。如:

You don't need to / needn't hurry. 你不必匆忙。

【知识拓展】 need既可以作情态动词,也可以作实义动词,但是它们的用法不同。



You needn't do it again.你不需要再做了。

Need he do his homework first?他需要先做作业吗?


①人+need +to do; ②物+need +doing; ③物+need +to be done。如:

The garden doesn't need watering-it rained last night. 花园不用浇水了--昨夜刚下过雨。

A dog needs to be taken out for a walk every day. 狗得天天带出去遛。


Do you need any help? 你需要帮忙吗?

I need a watch.我需要一块手表。

【考点二】 The tallest boy in Wei Hua's class ______. The police were searching for him everywhere.

A.was missing B.was losing C.missed D.lost

【思路解析】 答案为A。missing作形容词,表示“失踪的;下落不明的;找不着的”。

【知识拓展】 lost, missing, be gone的区别。这三个词都可以表示“丢失;失去”之意。lost语气较强,一般指物品失去不易找回;missing有“发现;失去”的意思,指东西找不到,但有找到的希望;“be gone”有“消失;没了”之意,可能是丢了,也许是卖了,或者是送给别人了等等。如:

The art of good conversation seems lost. 高雅谈吐的艺术似已不复存在。

The hammer is missing from my tool-box. 我的工具箱里少了一把锤子。

Gone are the days when you could buy a three-course meal for under £1. 一顿饭吃三道菜不到1英镑,这样的日子一去不复返了。

【考点三】 Sam didn't make enough money________ his family.

A. feed B. fed C. to feed D. feeding

【思路解析】 enough +n.+to do为一常用句式,所以答案应为C。该句意为“Sam挣不到足够的钱来养家糊口”。

【知识拓展】 (1)feed,动词,意思是“喂养;饲养”,过去式和过去分词都是fed;句型feed sb.+on / with sth. 意为“喂某人吃......”。如:

They feed the babies on milk.他们给婴儿牛奶吃。

如要表示“把......给......吃”,可用feed sth. to sb. / an animal。如:

Feed the grain to the chickens. 把这些粮食喂鸡。


The baby can't feed itself yet.这婴儿还不会自己吃东西。

(2)feed做不及物动词时,常以feed on形式出现,意思是“以......为主食”。如:

Chinese people feed on rice chiefly.中国人以大米为主食。

篇8:初三 18 高频考点解读(Unit 16)


作者:杜倩 转贴自:本站原创 点击数:142 更新时间:2004-12-29 文章录入:admin

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【考点一】 Since Jim has such experience, he deserves________ the great activity.

A. to take part in B. taking part in C. joining D. to join

【思路解析】 答案选A。这句话的意思是:“既然吉姆有这样的经验,他应当参加这项重大活动。”注意,deserve 后面接动词时,要用to连接,即deserve to do something,表示“应当做某事;值得做某事”,故排除选项B和C,又因为参加重大活动一般用take part in词组,所以选A。

【知识拓展】 deserve是动词,表示“值得;理应”之意时,不能用于进行时态。如:

They deserved to be well treated. 他们理应受到优待。


This article deserves careful study. 这篇文章值得好好研究。

The teachers deserve a pay raise. 给老师们增薪合情合理。

I've done so little. I don't deserve such praise and honour. 我工作做得不多,不应当得到这样的表扬和荣誉。

【考点二】 Although the ring has gone, they still carry on________.

A. to talk B. talking C. talk D. with talking

【思路解析】 答案选B。这句话的意思是:“尽管上课铃已经响了,他们还在继续谈话。”carry on后面接动词时,要用动词的-ing形式,即carry on doing something,表示“继续做某事;坚持做某事”。

【知识拓展】 carry on 意思是“进行;坚持下去;继续下去”,on为介词。carry on后可以接名词、动词-ing形式,一般不接动词不定式。如:

He has learned enough English to carry on a conversation.他的英语已经学到了足可以进行会话的程度了。

We must carry on till success. 我们必须坚持下去,直到成功。

carry on with 意思是“把......继续进行下去;继续干”。例如:

Carry on with your work.把你的工作继续做下去。

【考点三】 Li Ming________ English for two and a half years by the end of last term.

A. have learned B. had learned C. learned D. was learning

【思路解析】 答案为B。本题中by作介词,表示“到某时间为止;不迟于......”,而last term是过去时间,因此by the end of last term所表示的动作发生时间是“过去的过去”,谓语动词应使用过去完成时。

【知识拓展】 at the end of last term指“在上学期末”,谓语应使用一般过去时。in the end表示“最后;终于”,其后不能跟of 短语。

【考点四】 She said, “I'll be more careful________.”

A. from now on B. just now

C. a moment ago D. from then on

【思路解析】 此题考查一般将来时的时间状语。from now on意为“从现在起”,常用于将来时。just now意为“刚刚;刚才”,常用于一般过去时。a moment ago“刚刚”。 from then on“从那时起”,这两个短语也常用于一般过去时。因此答案为A。

【知识拓展】 1) now除了在上述短语中作名词之外,最主要的是其副词性质。单独使用时,意为“现在;眼下”,相当于at this moment, at the present time。如:

Everything is ready now. 现在一切都准备好了。

2) now还可构成许多短语,如just now 刚才; now and then有时; now that既然。而now that后接原因状语从句。如:

Jack went away just now.杰克刚刚走开。

We go to the cinema now and then.我们不时地去看电影。

Now that you have finished your work, you may go. 既然你完成了工作,你可以走了。

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