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精读意味着仔细读,认真读,读到骨头里,不要只查查词,看看句子意思。如果是这样, 这还没达到精读的深度。

举个例子 513

For many environmentalists, the world seems to be getting worse. They have developed a hit-list of our main fears: that natural resources are running out; that the population is ever growing, leaving less and less to eat; that species are becoming extinct in vast numbers, and that the planet's air and water are becoming ever more polluted.


第一步 从词汇(单词, 短语)入手:把句子里的单词(主要是动词,形容词,副词)这三类词达到认知程度, 拓展同义词,派生词等,因为根据雅思阅读考点的出现频率看,这三类词最容易被替换。如果时间允许,再看看名词里的抽象名词,物质名词采取猜词技巧可以解决。 例如以上的句子:


run out(拓展 exhaust/use up, 例如832 );


leave(拓展不仅表示“留下来,离开的意思,还可以表示使处于某种状态, 例如721);

eat(拓展 feed, 例如412);

extinct(拓展extinction/die out 例如513);

pollute(拓展 pollution/pollutant 例如532);

形容词和副词:worse; main; natural; less; vast;

名词:environmentalist; fear; resource; population; species; planet;

第二步 从语法结构入手:分清句子的主谓宾或主系表;如果是复合句或长难句,拆分成简单句;例如: They have developed a hit-list of our main fears: that …..; that ……..; that…….., and that ……….. 此句后面的冒号是解释说明,后面有四个小分句;

第三步 从段落结构入手: 分析段落内的连贯和衔接关系,并分析段落中的句子是如何衔接的. 例如: 以上的段落是总分结构 总: For many environmentalists, the world seems to be getting worse. 分: They have developed a hit-list of our main fears: that …; that …..; that .,…., and that …..

第四步 试着用不同的单词,不同的语法结构进行改写(paraphrase),这个步骤称为“二度创作” 。刚开始训练时比较痛苦,因为在脑海中要搜寻学过的东西加以整理,这本身就是一个需要思考的过程。等训练多了形成自己的思维体系及语言表达能力后,输出改写就会得心应手了。例如上一段的改写

A number of environmentalists hold a pessimistic view of the earth. They have developed a hit-list of our main fears: that natural resources are exhausted; that the number of people is ever growing, leaving less and less to eat; that a vast number of species are dying out, and that air and water are polluted more seriously.


re是前缀, 意思是重复. RE精读策略意味着反复精读. 根据人类大脑记忆规律, 刚刚记完的知识记住了100%, 过了20分之后剩下58.2%................我们要进行二次精读, 三次精读…….. 直到读透为止. 古人云: “温故而知新”, 读第一遍和读第二遍对文章的理解是不同的, 读第一遍时,有的学生可能只记得个别单词,短语等; 读第二遍可能对句子之间的关系, 段落结构, 篇章结构就有了更深层次的理解.


我们尽量利用”瞻前顾后”的方法把当前学到的单词,短语等与之前精读文章里的单词短语等联系起来, 达到融会贯通, 触类旁通. 学习是输入和输出并行的过程, 输入就是学习者由外到内获取语言知识,精读就是很好的输入方式;输出就是学习者将所学的知识由内而外的再现过程。精读这个过程是输入, 输入后要消化, 吸收, 然后输出,这样才是个完整的学习过程. 如果只有输入, 没有输出, 会影响学习效果.


1. A European spacecraft took off today to spearhead the search for another “Earth” among the stars.

2. The Corot space telescope blasted off aboard a Russian Soyuz rocket from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan shortly after 2.20pm.

3. Corot, short for convection rotation and planetary transits, is the first instrument capable of finding small rocky planets beyond the solar system. Any such planet situated in the right orbit stands a good chance of having liquid water on its surface, and quite possibly life, although a leading scientist involved in the project said it was unlikely to find “any little green men”.

4. Developed by the French space agency, CNES, and partnered by the European Space Agency (ESA), Austria, Belgium, Germany, Brazil and Spain, Corot will monitor around 120,000 stars with its 27cm telescope from a polar orbit 514 miles above the Earth. Over two and a half years, it will focus on five to six different areas of the sky, measuring the brightness of about 10,000 stars every 512 seconds.

5. “At the present moment we are hoping to find out more about the nature of planets around stars which are potential habitats. We are looking at habitable planets, not inhabited planets. We are not going to find any little green men,” Professor Ian Roxburgh, an ESA scientist who has been involved with Corot since its inception, told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme.

6. Prof Roxburgh said it was hoped Corot would find “rocky planets that could develop an atmosphere and, if they are the right distance from their parent star, they could have water”.

7. To search for planets, the telescope will look for the dimming of starlight caused when an object passes in front of a star, known as a “transit”. Although it will take more sophisticated space telescopes planned in the next 10 years to confirm the presence of an Earth-like planet with oxygen and liquid water, Corot will let scientists know where to point their lenses.

8. Measurements of minute changes in brightness will enable scientists to detect giant Jupiter-like gas planets as well as small rocky ones. It is the rocky planets - that could be no bigger than about twice the size of the Earth - which will cause the most excitement. Scientists expect to find between 10 and 40 of these smaller planets.

9. Corot will also probe into stellar interiors by studying the acoustic waves that ripple across the surface of stars, a technique called “asteroseismology”.

10. The nature of the ripples allows astronomers to calculate a star’s precise mass, age and chemical composition.

11. “A planet passing in front of a star can be detected by the fall in light from that star. Small oscillations of the star also produce changes in the light emitted, which reveal what the star is made of and how they are structured internally. This data will provide a major boost to our understanding of how stars form and evolve,” Prof Roxburgh said.

12. Since the discovery in 1995 of the first “exoplanet” - a planet orbiting a star other than the Sun - more than 200 others have been found by ground-based observatories.

13. Until now the usual method of finding exoplanets has been to detect the “wobble” their gravity imparts on parent stars. But only giant gaseous planets bigger than Jupiter can be found this way, and they are unlikely to harbour life.

14. In the s, ESA plans to launch Darwin, a fleet of four or five interlinked space telescopes that will not only spot small rocky planets, but analyse their atmospheres for signs of biological activity.

15. At around the same time, the US space agency, Nasa, will launch Terrestrial Planet Finder, another space telescope designed to locate Earth-like planets. Choose the appropriate letter from A-D for question 1.

1. Corot is an instrument which

(A) can help to search for certain planets

(B) is used to find planets in the orbit

(C) can locate planets with human beings

(D) can spot any planets with water.

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage? For questions 2-5 write

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contraicts the information

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this in the passage

2. Scientists are trying to find out about the planets that can be inhabited.

3. BBC Radio 4 recently focuses on the broadcasting of Corot.

4. Passing objects might cause a fall in light.

5. Corot can tell whether there is another Earth-like planet.


1. British scientists are preparing to launch trials of a radical new way to fight cancer, which kills tumours by infecting them with viruses like the common cold.

2. If successful, virus therapy could eventually form a third pillar alongside radiotherapy and chemotherapy in the standard arsenal against cancer, while avoiding some of the debilitating side-effects.

3. Leonard Seymour, a professor of gene therapy at Oxford University, who has been working on the virus therapy with colleagues in London and the US, will lead the trials later this year. Cancer Research UK said yesterday that it was excited by the potential of Prof Seymour's pioneering techniques.

4. One of the country's leading geneticists, Prof Seymour has been working with viruses that kill cancer cells directly, while avoiding harm to healthy tissue. “In principle, you've got something which could be many times more effective than regular chemotherapy,” he said.

5. Cancer-killing viruses exploit the fact that cancer cells suppress the body's local immune system. “If a cancer doesn't do that, the immune system wipes it out. If you can get a virus into a tumour, viruses find them a very good place to be because there's no immune system to stop them replicating. You can regard it as the cancer's Achilles' heel.”

6. Only a small amount of the virus needs to get to the cancer. “They replicate, you get a million copies in each cell and the cell bursts and they infect the tumour cells adjacent and repeat the process,” said Prof Seymour.

7. Preliminary research on mice shows that the viruses work well on tumours resistant to standard cancer drugs. “It's an interesting possibility that they may have an advantage in killing drug-resistant tumours, which could be quite different to anything we've had before.”

8. Researchers have known for some time that viruses can kill tumour cells and some aspects of the work have already been published in scientific journals. American scientists have previously injected viruses directly into tumours but this technique will not work if the cancer is inaccessible or has spread throughout the body.

9. Prof Seymour's innovative solution is to mask the virus from the body's immune system, effectively allowing the viruses to do what chemotherapy drugs do - spread through the blood and reach tumours wherever they are. The big hurdle has always been to find a way to deliver viruses to tumours via the bloodstream without the body's immune system destroying them on the way.

10. “What we've done is make chemical modifications to the virus to put a polymer coat around it - it's a stealth virus when you inject it,” he said.

11. After the stealth virus infects the tumour, it replicates, but the copies do not have the chemical modifications. If they escape from the tumour, the copies will be quickly recognised and mopped up by the body's immune system.

12. The therapy would be especially useful for secondary cancers, called metastases, which sometimes spread around the body after the first tumour appears. “There's an awful statistic of patients in the west ... with malignant cancers; 75% of them go on to die from metastases,” said Prof Seymour.

13. Two viruses are likely to be examined in the first clinical trials: adenovirus, which normally causes a cold-like illness, and vaccinia, which causes cowpox and is also used in the vaccine against smallpox. For safety reasons, both will be disabled to make them less pathogenic in the trial, but Prof Seymour said he eventually hopes to use natural viruses.

14. The first trials will use uncoated adenovirus and vaccinia and will be delivered locally to liver tumours, in order to establish whether the treatment is safe in humans and what dose of virus will be needed. Several more years of trials will be needed, eventually also on the polymer-coated viruses, before the therapy can be considered for use in the NHS. Though the approach will be examined at first for cancers that do not respond to conventional treatments, Prof Seymour hopes that one day it might be applied to all cancers.

Questions 1-6 Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage? For questions 1-6 write

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this in the passage

1.Virus therapy, if successful, has an advantage in eliminating side-effects.

2.Cancer Research UK is quite hopeful about Professor Seymour’s work on the virus therapy.

3.Virus can kill cancer cells and stop them from growing again.

4.Cancer’s Achilles’ heel refers to the fact that virus may stay safely in a tumor and replicate.

5.To infect the cancer cells, a good deal of viruses should be injected into the tumor.

6.Researches on animals indicate that virus could be used as a new way to treat drug-resistant tumors.

Question 7-9 Based on the reading passage, choose the appropriate letter from A-D for each answer.

7.Information about researches on viruses killing tumor cells can be found

(A) on TV

(B) in magazines

(C) on internet

(D) in newspapers

8.To treat tumors spreading out in body, researchers try to

(A) change the body’ immune system

(B) inject chemotherapy drugs into bloodstream.

(C) increase the amount of injection

(D) disguise the viruses on the way to tumors.

9.When the chemical modified virus in tumor replicates, the copies

(A) will soon escape from the tumor and spread out.

(B) will be wiped out by the body’s immune system.

(C) will be immediately recognized by the researchers.

(D) will eventually stop the tumor from spreading out.

Questions 10-13 Complete the sentences below. Choose your answers from the list of words. You can only use each word once.

NB There are more words in the list than spaces so you will not use them all.

In the first clinical trials, scientists will try to ……10…… adenovirus and vaccinia, so both the viruses will be less pathogenic than the ……11…….These uncoated viruses will be applied directly to certain areas to confirm safety on human beings and the right ……12…… needed. The experiments will firstly be ……13……to the treatment of certain cancers

Questions 10-13 Complete the sentences below. Choose your answers from the list of words. You can only use each word once.

NB There are more words in the list than spaces so you will not use them all.

In the first clinical trials, scientists will try to ……10…… adenovirus and vaccinia, so both the viruses will be less pathogenic than the ……11…….These uncoated viruses will be applied directly to certain areas to confirm safety on human beings and the right ……12…… needed. The experiments will firstly be ……13……to the treatment of certain cancers

List of Words

dosage responding smallpox virus

disable natural ones inject

directed treatment cold-like illness

kill patients examined

Answers Keys:

1.答案:FALSE (见第2段:If successful, virus therapy could eventually form a third pillar alongside radiotherapy and chemotherapy in the standard arsenal against cancer, while avoiding some of the debilitating side-effects. Virus therapy 只能避免一些副作用,而不是根除。)

2.答案:TRUE (见第3段,特别是最后一句: Cancer Research UK said yesterday that it was excited by the potential of Prof Seymour's pioneering techniques. )

3. 答案:NOT GIVEN (文中没有提到virus可以抑制肿瘤细胞再生长)

4. 答案:TRUE (见第5段第3、4句: 这里“cancer’s Achilles' heel”指 “If you can get a virus into a tumour, viruses find them a very good place to be because there's no immune system to stop them replicating.” Achilles' heel的意思是“唯一致命弱点”)

5. 答案:FALSE (见第6段第第1句:Only a small amount of the virus needs to get to the cancer.)

6. 答案:TRUE (见第7段:Preliminary research on mice shows that the viruses work well on tumours resistant to standard cancer drug. ……, which could be quite different to anything we've had before.“ )

7. 答案:B (见第8段第1、2句:Researchers have known for some time that viruses can kill tumour cells and some aspects of the work have already been published in scientific journals. Journal意思是“日报、期刊、杂志”)

8. 答案:D (见第9段第1句:Prof Seymour's innovative solution is to mask the virus from the body's immune system, …… “mask”的意思是“掩盖、隐蔽、伪装”, 在这里和 “disguise”同义。)

9. 答案:B (见第11段第2句: If they escape from the tumour, the copies will be quickly recognised and mopped up by the body's immune system.. “mop up”这里与 “wipe out” 同义,意思是“消灭、歼灭”。)

10.答案:disable (见第13段最后1句:For safety reasons, both will be disabled to make them less pathogenic in the trial, but Prof Seymour said he eventually hopes to use natural viruses. )

11. 答案:natural ones (见第13段最后1句:For safety reasons, both will be disabled to make them less pathogenic in the trial, but Prof Seymour said he eventually hopes to use natural viruses. )

12. 答案:dosage (见第14段第1句:The first trials will use uncoated adenovirus and vaccinia and will be delivered locally to liver tumours, in order to establish whether the treatment is safe in humans and what dose of virus will be needed.)

13. 答案:directed (见第14段最后1句:Though the approach will be examined at first for cancers that do not respond to conventional treatments, …)



精读(intensive reading)是相对于泛读(extensive reading)来说的。如果泛读可以理解为“广泛的读”,那我们可以把精读称之为“精细的读”。何为精细的读呢?我认为精读是逐字逐句地读,全面理解文中单词的词义,理清句子结构,读懂句子进而理解段落和文章结构。

精读是一种非常有效的提高阅读能力的阅读方式。一个英语水平中等的考生如果能认真完成十几篇雅思真题的精读,再加上一些针对性的训练,阅读单项取得 7.5 分以上的成绩不成问题。精读除了能帮我们提高雅思考试需要的阅读能力,还有助于积累词汇和好的表达方式,对写作也大有帮助。

那么雅思阅读该如何精读呢?现在我们就来看看精读这味药:雅思精读成分:剑桥真题 4-10。

对于准备参加雅思考试的同学来说,真题是最好的练习资料。而雅思真题非常有限,剑 4 到 剑 10 共 28 套题 84 篇文章,所以要充分利用真题,认真做每一篇精读。

疗程 & 剂量:半个月,每天坚持精读一套真题(三篇),或做等量的针对性练习。根据个人情况,酌情增减。


雅思阅读适用症 1:单词不认识,句子读不懂。





做过雅思真题的朋友可能已经发现了,雅思阅读中处处都是同义词替换。所以在精读过程中不光要积累不认识的生词和高频考点词,还要注意找出同近义词和上下义替换的词组,这些地方往往都是出题点。同样的,要把这些同近义词 / 表达总结整理出来并经常翻看,加深印象。

雅思阅读适用症 2:单词都认识,句子依然读不懂。



举个例子:The advantages claimed for such foods over conventionally grown and marketed food products are now being debated.这是一个简单句。

先找句子主干:The advantages [主语] are now being debated [谓语].

再看其他部分做什么成分:claimed for such foods over conventionally grown and marketed food products 作定语,是修饰主语 the advantages 的。这句话可翻译为:有人认为绿色食品比用常规方法生产和销售的食品更好,但这种说法现在受到了质疑。

这样做下来虽然比较费时费力,但效果非常好。通常情况下,当完成 300 个句子分析后就能明显感到自己的阅读能力有很大提高。

雅思阅读适用症 3:句子能读懂,文章不理解。


注意事项:123 需要一起使用,也就是在精读一篇文章时按照这个顺序,先解决单词的问题,然后是句子,接着是段落文章。如果有某个部分特别薄弱,比如不认识的单词太多、完全理不清句子结构等,就要加大相对应的能力训练。


文章题目 We have star performers

重复年份 0114 1124

题材 商业管理

题型 段落细节配对 4+判断 4+填空 5

文章大意 人才与天赋,讨论人才和选人标准之间的论证。讲公司考核员工主要的依据,talents, 文章批判了传统的观点(才能是与生俱来的,是不变的,是需要公司去发现的。文章先用一段肯定了有才能的人的存在,然后分段讲到,才能是随时间变化的,是不能被精确度量的,是可以凭努力换来的。

文章题目 Newly Hatched birds

重复年份 0430 0718 20100821 0922

题材 动物

题型 暂无

文章大意 有一种通过敲击蛋壳加速蛋的孵化,并解释了同时孵化的原因。后面又比较


参考阅读: The changes in body weight and composition were examined in broilers that either had immediate access to feed and water or had not been fed for 48 h posthatch. Chicks without access to feed decreased in BW by 7.8% in the 48 h posthatch, which was equivalent to 5.3 kcal/45 g chick/d. However, during this period the small intestines increased in weight and protein content by 80% or more. The decrease in yolk fat and protein could account for most of the changes in body composition in the feed-deprived chick. In contrast, fed chicks grew by 5 g and used 4.5 kcal/d for maintenance; during this period small intestines increased in weight by 110%. Intestinal absorption of exogenous nutrients was determined from hatch through 4 d posthatch by administration of a bolus of labeled glucose, methionine, or oleic acid, together with a nonabsorbed reference substance. Absorption of fatty acids was more than 80% at hatch and was higher than that of glucose and methionine, which was low especially when the bolus was administered as a solution. Absorption of all components tested increased with age and was more than 80% on Day 4. Duodenal in situ uptake determinations in hatching chicks indicated that uptake of oleic acid was high from yolk and saline solutions compared with glucose and methionine, which exhibited low uptake from yolk but higher uptake from saline solutions. These studies indicate that, although the small intestine has the capacity to absorb carbohydrates and amino acids at hatch, uptake may be dependant on the development of suitable conditions, including sufficient pancreatic and brush border enzymes for digestion and adequate sodium for function of the glucose-sodium cotransporters.


文章题目 Egypt‘s Sunken Treasures

重复年份 20150509 20120331

题材 考古

题型 配对 4+判断+填空

文章大意 埃及一个古建筑在海底被发现了,考古学家拯救海底建筑。

参考阅读: The exhibition of Egyptian antiquities currently at the Grand Palais in Paris possesses an international importance comparable in the past 40 years only with the exhibition of Chinese art organised by Beijing at the Petit Palais in 1973. Instead of famous works of art from museums or private collections, it displays a great number of new archaeological discoveries, including some unexpected chef d'oeuvres, all but one unpublished before now. Shown first in Berlin, it has been organised by a French underwater archaeologist, Franck Goddio (Fig. 5), to present the results of well over 10 years of his research along the shores of the Nile delta. [FIGURE 5 OMITTED] During the first millennium AD, several earthquakes and floods between Alexandria and the western mouth of the Nile caused the coastline to sink into the sea along a stretch of some 30 kilometres. ThonisHeraklion, at the end of the Canopic branch of the Nile, and the neighbouring city of Kanopos-East disappeared during the 7th-8th century. The inundation of Alexandria's eastern harbour, called by the Romans Portus Magnus, occurred between the mid 4th and the early 14th centuries AD. Goddio has been assisted by a skilful team drawn from Egypt, France, Germany and elsewhere. But the vision, the will and the tenacity that have kept together the complex machinery of the enterprise are his. Now over 50, Goddio has wide experience of diving in the Pacific and the Atlantic. The results of his long underwater search presented in the Grand Palais are in many ways comparable to the rediscovery of Troy by Schliemann in the 19th century and of Tutankhamun's tomb by Lord Carnarvon and Howard Carter in the 1920s. It is true that among the underwater ruins that he has explored, Goddio has not recovered any gold and silver treasure comparable with the findings of Schliemann and Carter. As far as gold is concerned, the show includes only some coins, earrings, rings, amulets and crosses. However, the discovery under the sea after so many centuries of three ancient ports enables Goddio to take his place not only beside Schliemann and Carter but also

雅思阅读模拟题:Suns fickle heart may leave us cold

Sun's fickle heart may leave us cold

□ 25 January 2007

□ From New Scientist Print Edition.

□ Stuart Clark

1 There's a dimmer switch inside the sun that causes its brightness to rise

and fall on timescales of around 100,000 years - exactly the same period as

between ice ages on Earth. So says a physicist who has created a computer model

of our star's core.

2 Robert Ehrlich of George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, modelled

the effect of temperature fluctuations in the sun's interior. According to the

standard view, the temperature of the sun's core is held constant by the

opposing pressures of gravity and nuclear fusion. However, Ehrlich believed that

slight variations should be possible.

3 He took as his starting point the work of Attila Grandpierre of the

Konkoly Observatory of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. In , Grandpierre

and a collaborator, Gábor ágoston, calculated that magnetic fields in the sun's

core could produce small instabilities in the solar plasma. These instabilities

would induce localised oscillations in temperature.

4 Ehrlich's model shows that whilst most of these oscillations cancel each

other out, some reinforce one another and become long-lived temperature

variations. The favoured frequencies allow the sun's core temperature to

oscillate around its average temperature of 13.6 million kelvin in cycles

lasting either 100,000 or 41,000 years. Ehrlich says that random interactions

within the sun's magnetic field could flip the fluctuations from one cycle

length to the other.

5 These two timescales are instantly recognisable to anyone familiar with

Earth's ice ages: for the past million years, ice ages have occurred roughly

every 100,000 years. Before that, they occurred roughly every 41,000 years.

6 Most scientists believe that the ice ages are the result of subtle

changes in Earth's orbit, known as the Milankovitch cycles. One such cycle

describes the way Earth's orbit gradually changes shape from a circle to a

slight ellipse and back again roughly every 100,000 years. The theory says this

alters the amount of solar radiation that Earth receives, triggering the ice

ages. However, a persistent problem with this theory has been its inability to

explain why the ice ages changed frequency a million years ago.

7 ”In Milankovitch, there is certainly no good idea why the frequency

should change from one to another,“ says Neil Edwards, a climatologist at the

Open University in Milton Keynes, UK. Nor is the transition problem the only one

the Milankovitch theory faces. Ehrlich and other critics claim that the

temperature variations caused by Milankovitch cycles are simply not big enough

to drive ice ages.

8 However, Edwards believes the small changes in solar heating produced by

Milankovitch cycles are then amplified by feedback mechanisms on Earth. For

example, if sea ice begins to form because of a slight cooling, carbon dioxide

that would otherwise have found its way into the atmosphere as part of the

carbon cycle is locked into the ice. That weakens the greenhouse effect and

Earth grows even colder.

9 According to Edwards, there is no lack of such mechanisms. ”If you add

their effects together, there is more than enough feedback to make Milankovitch

work,“ he says. ”The problem now is identifying which mechanisms are at work.“

This is why scientists like Edwards are not yet ready to give up on the current

theory. ”Milankovitch cycles give us ice ages roughly when we observe them to

happen. We can calculate where we are in the cycle and compare it with

observation,“ he says. ”I can't see any way of testing [Ehrlich's] idea to see

where we are in the temperature oscillation.“

10 Ehrlich concedes this. ”If there is a way to test this theory on the

sun, I can't think of one that is practical,“ he says. That's because variation

over 41,000 to 100,000 years is too gradual to be observed. However, there may

be a way to test it in other stars: red dwarfs. Their cores are much smaller

than that of the sun, and so Ehrlich believes that the oscillation periods could

be short enough to be observed. He has yet to calculate the precise period or

the extent of variation in brightness to be expected.

11 Nigel Weiss, a solar physicist at the University of Cambridge, is far

from convinced. He describes Ehrlich's claims as ”utterly implausible“. Ehrlich

counters that Weiss's opinion is based on the standard solar model, which fails

to take into account the magnetic instabilities that cause the temperature



雅思阅读精读别样解读 多精才算精?




精读的方向主要有两个,第一个是reading for learning,也就是说通过精读而让你的英语变得更好,这也是大多数宝宝在学英语中经历的环节。第二个方向是learning for reading, 也就是学习如何进行阅读,更多的是学习一些阅读方式以及技巧。这两种最常见的阅读方向分别如何进行精读呢?

雅思阅读精读方法之reading for learning






以上就是reading for learning精读方式的5大步骤,总结起来就是做题目对答案——对照译文逐句精读——分析题目与答案——选段落笔翻译——选段背诵。

雅思阅读精读方法之learning for reading

learning for reading方向的精读方法,更加针对于阅读能力的集中提升,而非整个的语言能力。方法很简单。首先拿到一篇文章,先看它的题目,然后来个prediction,自己分析行文中可能会包括哪些内容。

举个栗子,一篇名为Jonsson’s dictionary 的文章,你尽量全面的猜测文章中会涉及到哪些内容。比如对Jonsson这个人的介绍,背景、学历、身份等,对dictionary的介绍,比如什么时候出版的,有什么特点,作者是谁,等等。

罗列出你的预测内容点之后再阅读文章,同时判断你的预测哪些在文中提到了,哪些是not given。所有你预测成功的内容,试着做一下段落matching,也就是说这些预测内容分别出现在文中的哪几段。最后有余力的宝宝们可以试试自己做一个summary,进行一下句子的改写。怎么改写?直接看学姐发给大家的雅思同义替换词学学套路。

大家发现了吗,这一系列的流程结束后,雅思阅读中的高频题型能力你都得到了提升。这也就是所谓的learning for reading。


家带来的《雅思阅读精读别样解读 多精才算精?》的全部内容。想让自己的复习过程高效科学,让自己的考试从容优雅,答题速度快成闪电,正确率高过喜马拉雅,请持续关注小站雅思频道。祝与雅思一战即分道扬镳。

雅思阅读素材积累:Game lessons

It sounds like a cop-out, but the future of schooling may lie with video games

SINCE the beginning of mass education, schools have relied on what is known in educational circles as ”chalk and talk“. Chalk and blackboard may sometimes be replaced by felt-tip pens and a whiteboard, and electronics in the form of computers may sometimes be bolted on, but the idea of a pedagogue leading his pupils more or less willingly through a day based on periods of study of recognisable academic disciplines, such as mathematics, physics, history, geography and whatever the local language happens to be, has rarely been abandoned.

Abandoning it, though, is what Katie Salen hopes to do. Ms Salen is a games designer and a professor of design and technology at Parsons The New School for Design, in New York. She is also the moving spirit behind Quest to Learn, a new, taxpayer-funded school in that city which is about to open its doors to pupils who will never suffer the indignity of snoring through double French but will, rather, spend their entire days playing games.

Quest to Learn draws on many roots. One is the research of James Gee of the University of Wisconsin. In Dr Gee published a book called ”What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy“, in which he argued that playing such games helps people develop a sense of identity, grasp meaning, learn to follow commands and even pick role models. Another is the MacArthur Foundation's digital media and learning initiative, which began in and which has acted as a test-bed for some of Ms Salen's ideas about educational-games design. A third is the success of the Bank Street School for Children, an independent primary school in New York that practises what its parent, the nearby Bank Street College of Education, preaches in the way of interdisciplinary teaching methods and the encouragement of pupil collaboration.

Ms Salen is, in effect, seeking to mechanise Bank Street's methods by transferring much of the pedagogic effort from the teachers themselves (who will now act in an advisory role) to a set of video games that she and her colleagues have devised. Instead of chalk and talk, children learn by doing—and do so in a way that tears up the usual subject-based curriculum altogether.

Periods of maths, science, history and so on are no more. Quest to Learn's school day will, rather, be divided into four 90-minute blocks devoted to the study of ”domains“. Such domains include Codeworlds (a combination of mathematics and English), Being, Space and Place (English and social studies), The Way Things Work (maths and science) and Sports for the Mind (game design and digital literacy). Each domain concludes with a two-week examination called a ”Boss Level“—a common phrase in video-game parlance.

Freeing the helots

In one of the units of Being, Space and Place, for example, pupils take on the role of an ancient Spartan who has to assess Athenian strengths and recommend a course of action. In doing so, they learn bits of history, geography and public policy. In a unit of The Way Things Work, they try to inhabit the minds of scientists devising a pathway for a beam of light to reach a target. This lesson touches on maths, optics—and, the organisers hope, creative thinking and teamwork. Another Way-Things-Work unit asks pupils to imagine they are pyramid-builders in ancient Egypt. This means learning about maths and engineering, and something about the country's religion and geography.

Whether things will work the way Ms Salen hopes will, itself, take a few years to find out. The school plans to admit pupils at the age of 12 and keep them until they are 18, so the first batch will not leave until 2016. If it fails, traditionalists will no doubt scoff at the idea that teaching through playing games was ever seriously entertained. If it succeeds, though, it will provide a model that could make chalk and talk redundant. And it will have shown that in education, as in other fields of activity, it is not enough just to apply new technologies to existing processes—for maximum effect you have to apply them in new and imaginative ways.

雅思阅读素材积累:The screw tightens

ONE can almost hear the gates clanging: one after the other the sources of funding for Europe's banks are being shut. It is a result of the highly visible run on Europe's government bond markets, which today reached the heart of the euro zone: an auction of new German bonds failed to generate enough demand for the full amount, causing a drop in bond prices (and prompting the Bundesbank to buy 39% of the bonds offered, according to Reuters).

Now another run—more hidden, but potentially more dangerous—is taking place: on the continents' banks. People are not yet queuing up in front of bank branches (except in Latvia's capital Riga where savers today were trying to withdraw money from Krajbanka, a mid-sized bank, pictured). But billions of euros are flooding out of Europe's banking system through bond and money markets.

At best, the result may be a credit crunch that leaves businesses unable to get loans and invest. At worst, some banks may fail—and trigger real bank runs in countries whose shaky public finances have left them ill equipped to prop up their financial institutions.

To make loans, banks need funding. For this, they mainly tap into three sources: long-term bonds, deposits from consumers, and short-term loans from money markets as well as other banks. Bond issues and short-term funding have been seizing up as the panic over government bonds has spread to banks (which themselves are large holders of government bonds). This blockage has been made worse by tighter capital regulations that are encouraging banks to cut lending (instead of raising capital).

Markets for bank bonds were the first to freeze. In the third quarter bonds issues by European banks only reached 15% of the amount they raised over the same period in the past two years, reckon analysts at Citi Group. It is unlikely that European banks have sold many more bonds since.

Short-term funding markets were next to dry up. Hardest hit were European banks that need dollars to finance world trade (more than one third of which is funded by European banks, according to Barclays). American money market funds, in particular, have pulled back from Europe. Loans to French banks have plunged 69% since the end of May and nearly 20% over the past month alone, according to Fitch, a ratings agency. Over the past six months, it reckons, American money market funds have pulled 42% of their money out of European banks. European money market funds, too, continue to reduce their exposure to France, Italy and Spain, according to the latest numbers from Fitch.

Interbank markets, in which banks lend to one another, are now also showing signs of severe strain. Banks based in London are paying the highest rate on three month loans since (compared with a risk-free rate). Banks are also depositing cash with the ECB for a paltry, but risk-free rate instead of making loans.

That leaves retail and commercial deposits, and even these may have begun to slip away. ”We are starting to witness signs that corporates are withdrawing deposits from banks in Spain, Italy, France and Belgium,“ an anlayst at Citi Group wrote in a recent report. ”This is a worrying development.“

With funding ever harder to come by, banks are resorting to the financial industry's equivalent of a pawn broker: parking assets on repo markets or at the central bank to get cash. ”We have no alternative to deposits and the ECB,“ says a senior executive at one European bank.

So far the liquidity of the European Central Bank (ECB) has kept the system alive. Only one large European bank, Dexia, has collapsed because of a funding shortage. Yet what happens if banks run out of collateral to borrow against? Some already seem to scrape the barrel. The boss of UniCredit, an Italian bank, has reportedly asked the ECB to accept a broader range of collateral. And an increasing number of banks are said to conduct what is known as ”liquidity swaps“: banks borrow an asset that the ECB accepts as collateral from an insurer or a hedge fund in return for an ineligible asset—plus, of course, a hefty fee.

The risk of all this is two-fold. For one, banks could stop supplying credit. To some extent, this is already happening. Earlier this week Austria's central bank instructed the country's banks to limit cross-border lending. And some European banks are not just selling foreign assets to meet capital requirements, but have withdrawn entirely from some markets, such as trade finance and aircraft leasing.

Secondly and more dangerously, as banks are pushed ever closer to their funding limits, one or more may fail—sparking a wider panic. Most bankers think that the ECB would not allow a large bank to fail. But the collapse of Dexia in October after it ran out of cash suggests that the ECB may not provide unlimited liquidity. The falling domino could also be a ”shadow“ bank that cannot borrow from the ECB.

Europe's leaders are certainly aware of the dangers—and are working on solutions. But it would not be the first time that their efforts are overtaken by events.












1. 判断是否可以通过上下文的时态、逻辑关系或词根、词缀猜测出生词的意思;

2. 如果不认识这个词,是否会严重影响对整个句子意思的把握——如果会影响对整个句子意思的把握,那么这个词一定要认识;但如果不影响理解句意,那可根据自己的时间安排选择是否识别记忆该单词。



对于很多考生来说,雅思阅读的句子不仅生词多而且长度也很壮观,经常搞不清楚句子中谁是什么成分、谁在修饰谁,觉得句子很难读懂。其实一切都没有大家想得那么难,对于句子的把握主要是尽力读懂句子主干。雅思阅读对于语法的考查完全不同于高中英语,不是让你在whichin whichwho that中做出选择,所以请化繁为简,读懂句子先从抓句子最简主干开始,就是搞清:谁,做了什么,这就是最简单的主谓结构。在主谓两个成分中,最好寻找的是谓语,因为谓语是由动词组成的。请大家记住谓语的“三姨太”:时态、语态、情态。找到了这三位“姨太”,一个句子的主框架就基本清晰了起来。




我们用剑五第二篇Nature or Nurture 来举例。首段作者交代实验目的,研究人们是否对leader的指示会无条件遵循;第二段介绍了实验设置——用电击来惩罚犯错学生;下一段是全部实验进程;第四段,预测没人会实施到450伏的电击;第五段,揭示真实结果,超过60%的参与者都实施了450伏电击;后面三段对animal aggression instinct和social environment 这两个原因进行分析;最后一段,作者并未给出结论,只是提出This is the problem of modern sociobiology。

我们通过抓每段的段落主旨,不只是了解了文章的段落布局,更会为我们解决雅思两大超难题型---list of heading &段落信息匹配助一臂之力。











(1) 题目提醒(无提示考察哪些段落)

(2) 小标题(无小标题提示考察内容)

(3) 题型顺序(首个题型,数目多,按照首段顺序读)


(1) 选项词性/褒贬分组

选项词性既有名词,又有形容词,更有doing结构。而且,有两组反义词falling、 increasing,earlier、 later,可分别为同一空的备用选项。

(2) 预判

对于Q14的词性及色彩预判难点在于判断首个空前is的真正主语是谁。这里涉及到长难句分析,采用括号法将句子中的修饰成分去掉,我们抽出的句子主干如下:Research ( carried out by scientists in the United States ) has shown that the proportion ( of people over 65 suffering from the most common age-related medical problems ) is ______ 这里面我们总结出一个修饰结构sth./sb. + ( doing sth. / done by sth. / 介词+名词),括号内的部分都是修饰性结构,我们真正关注的是这些结构前面的名词。去掉括号内的结构后,我们发现我们要的答案其实在这样一个结构中 proportion is _________ 。能力比较强的同学其实还会发现14、15、16空含有并列结构 and和also,句子色彩是保持一致的。

(3) 定位

第一句话题干中有United States和65作为显性定位词,而且从首段读开始读符合常理。通过预判寻找proportion 或其替换词。原文第2段含有结构 smaller proportion满足了要求,其他部分也与刚刚划出的括号内的结构有对应。

(4) 解题

Q14中词库中falling 对 smaller 做了替换,即为答案,反映出老年人患病人口减少的情况。Q15与之用and并列,表示这种speed如何,根据并列结构‘结构相同,色彩一致’的原则,选increasing 问题不大。原文中rate 与speed 对应,rate (at which these diseases are declining )continues to accelerate. 注意括号法的使用,即使考鸭们不熟悉accelerate(加速),根据 continue 代表动作的持续加之与前面内容色彩一致,increasing依旧为答案。Q16通过than的出现判断此空为比较级,earlier, later, more都符合,题目中 be donging及in the past 的出现表明在进行今昔对比。根据色彩一致性,疾病应该对老年人影响越来越晚为好。文章中第3段最后一句通过数据比较给出了答案即later。

Q17、Q18中间用到了but衔接,难度并不大,答案依次为M 、J。需要指出的是Q19 Q20同样适用了并列结构,尤其是Q19答案词性并不是常见的to do 结构。根据我刚刚提到的并列的两部分‘结构相同’的原则,可知Q19为与changes并列的名词。Q19 Q20 答案依次为N 、K。而需要指出的是Q21不少考鸭容易误选independent, 是因为忽视了reduction 这种表示色彩正负的关键词的提示,原文与之对应的为第7段的drop。所以,会顺利选出G。最后,Q22所在句子本身定位不明显,但有明显的比较级less做定位,回到原文第7段尾句,我们找到了答案financial burden 替换为cost。



1. 并列

1)and, or, as well as, not only ... but (also)... , both ... and ... , either ... or ... , neither ... nor ...

2)also, as well, too

3)in addition to ... , apart from ...

4)one ... another... , some ... others ...



2. 比较

1)比较级 -er, more, less



A. increase, rise, grow, climb, go up, soar, surge, improve

B. decrease, fall, drop, dip, decline, plunge, lessen, reduce (reduction), cut

C. the same as, be similar to, as ... as

雅思阅读全真练习系列:Next Year Marks the EU's 50th Anniversary of the Treaty

Next Year Marks the EU's 50th Anniversary of the Treaty

A. After a period of introversion and stunned self-disbelief, continental European governments will recover their enthusiasm for pan-European institution-building in . Whether the European public will welcome a return to what voters in two countries had rejected so short a time before is another matter.

B. There are several reasons for Europe’s recovering self-confidence. For years European economies had been lagging dismally behind America (to say nothing of Asia), but in 2006 the large continental economies had one of their best years for a decade, briefly outstripping America in terms of growth. Since politics often reacts to economic change with a lag, 2006’s improvement in economic growth will have its impact in 2007, though the recovery may be ebbing by then.

C. The coming year also marks a particular point in a political cycle so regular that it almost seems to amount to a natural law. Every four or five years, European countries take a large stride towards further integration by signing a new treaty: the Maastricht treaty in 1992, the Treaty of Amsterdam in , the Treaty of Nice in . And in they were supposed to ratify a European constitution, laying the ground for yet more integration—until the calm rhythm was rudely shattered by French and Dutch voters. But the political impetus to sign something every four or five years has only been interrupted, not immobilised, by this setback.

D. In 2007 the European Union marks the 50th anniversary of another treaty—the Treaty of Rome, its founding charter. Government leaders have already agreed to celebrate it ceremoniously, restating their commitment to “ever closer union” and the basic ideals of European unity. By itself, and in normal circumstances, the EU’s 50th-birthday greeting to itself would be fairly meaningless, a routine expression of European good fellowship. But it does not take a Machiavelli to spot that once governments have signed the declaration (and it seems unlikely anyone would be so uncollegiate as to veto it) they will already be halfway towards committing themselves to a new treaty. All that will be necessary will be to incorporate the 50th-anniversary declaration into a new treaty containing a number of institutional and other reforms extracted from the failed attempt at constitution-building and—hey presto—a new quasi-constitution will be ready.

E. According to the German government—which holds the EU’s agenda-setting presidency during the first half of 2007—there will be a new draft of a slimmed-down constitution ready by the middle of the year, perhaps to put to voters, perhaps not. There would then be a couple of years in which it will be discussed, approved by parliaments and, perhaps, put to voters if that is deemed unavoidable. Then, according to bureaucratic planners in Brussels and Berlin, blithely ignoring the possibility of public rejection, the whole thing will be signed, sealed and a new constitution delivered in 2009-10. Europe will be nicely back on schedule. Its four-to-five-year cycle of integration will have missed only one beat.

F. The resurrection of the European constitution will be made more likely in 2007 because of what is happening in national capitals. The European Union is not really an autonomous organisation. If it functions, it is because the leaders of the big continental countries want it to, reckoning that an active European policy will help them get done what they want to do in their own countries.

G. That did not happen in 2005-06. Defensive, cynical and self-destructive, the leaders of the three largest euro-zone countries—France, Italy and Germany—were stumbling towards their unlamented ends. They saw no reason to pursue any sort of European policy and the EU, as a result, barely functioned. But by the middle of 2007 all three will have gone, and this fact alone will transform the European political landscape.

H. The upshot is that the politics of the three large continental countries, bureaucratic momentum and the economics of recovery will all be aligned to give a push towards integration in 2007. That does not mean the momentum will be irresistible or even popular. The British government, for one, will almost certainly not want to go with the flow, beginning yet another chapter in the long history of confrontation between Britain and the rest of Europe. More important, the voters will want a say. They rejected the constitution in 2005. It would be foolish to assume they will accept it after 2007 just as a result of an artful bit of tinkering.

Questions 1-6 Do the following statemets reflect the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 1?

Write your answer in Boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.

TRUE if the statemenht reflets the claims of the writer

FALSE if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer

NOT GIVEN if it is possbile to say what the writer thinks about this

1.After years’ introspection and mistrust, continental European governments will resurrect their enthusiasm for more integration in 2007.

2. The European consitution was officially approved in 2005 in spite of the oppositon of French and Dutch voters.

3. The Treaty of Rome , which is considered as the fundamental charter of the European Union, was signed in 1957.

4.It is very unlikely that European countries will sign the declaration at the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome.

5.French government will hold the EU’s presidency and lay down the agenda during the first half of .

6.For a long time in hisotry, there has been confrontation between Britain and the rest of European countries.

Questions 7-10 Complet the following sentencces.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from Reading Passage 1 for each answer.

Write your answer in Boxes 7-10 on your answer sheet.

7. Every four or five years, European countries tend to make a rapid progress towards ___________________by signing a new treaty.

8. The European constitution is supposed to ______________________for yet more integration of European Union member countries.

9. The bureaucratic planners in Brussels and Berlin rashly ignore the possibility of __________________and think the new consitution will be delivered in 2009-10.

10. The politics of the three large continental countries, __________________ and the economic recovery will join together to urge the integration in 2007.

Questions 11-14 Choose the appropriate letters A-D and write them in boxes 11-14 on your answer sheet.

11. Which of the following statemnts is true of Euopean economic development.

A. The economy of Europe developed much faster than that of Asia before 2006.

B. The growth of European economy was slightly slower than that of America in 2006.

C. The development of European economy are likely to slow down by 2007.

D. The recovery of European economy may be considerably accelerated by 2007.

12. The word “immobilised” in the last line of Section C means ___________.

A. stopped completely.

B. pushed strongly.

C. motivated wholely.

D. impeded totally.

13. Which of the following statements about the treaties in European countries is NOT TRUE.

A. The Maastricht Treaty was signed in 1992.

B. The Treaty of Amsterdan was signed in 1997.

C. The Treaty of Nice was signed in 2001.

D. The Treaty of Rome was signed in 2007.

14. The European constitution failed to be ratified in 2005--2006, because

A. The leaders of France, Italy and Germany were defensive, cynical and self-destructuve..

B. The voters in two countries of the Union --France and Holland rejected the constitution.

C. The leaders of the EU thought that it was unneccessary to pursue any European policy.

D. France, Italy and Germany are the three largest and most influential euro-zone countries.

Notes to the Reading Passage

1. pan-Enropean

pan-: 前缀:全,总,泛

pan-African 全/泛非洲的(运动)


2. outstrip


Material development outstripped human development”“物质的发展超过了人类的进步”

3. ebb


The tide is on the ebb.正在退潮。

4. Machiavelli



5. hey presto


6. upshot




今天克里老师专门挑选了和雅思阅读考试篇章非常贴合的一篇文章,并且也是雅思阅读选取文章重要来源之一的有名外刊--‘The Economist’,并且找到了其中一篇关于人工智能(artificial intelligence)的文章节选,来进行解析和学习。


The thing to remember about the next decade is that current AI can't even read; it also can't reason.


Four years ago, machine-learning pioneer Geoffrey Hinton said that radiologists would lose their jobs in five or ten years; radiologists got really scared, a lot of people stopped studying radiology.


So far? Not one radiologist has actually been replaced.


Radiology isn't just about looking at images


it's also about reading (patient histories) and reasoning (about how to put words and images together) and machines can't yet do that reliably.


What we have now are our new tools that can help radiologists, not radiologists-in-a-box.






考试中出现过的很多高频考点词,也在该段话中出现,比如说 replace,该词的意思为替代,在阅读的真题当中,曾经有考过多次关于这个词的替换,比如说,something can’t be replaced, 被替换成了something is not a substitute。所以在学习的过程中,克里老师推荐大家,一定要去累积、总结以及掌握一些高频的考点词,了解考点词在考试中的考法和规则,这样做题的过程中可以更加的高效,也让学习的过程更轻松。



§ 在分类题中,一般有三个类别(我们可以称之为甲、乙、丙)以及一些项目,要求是将这些项目分别归入这三个类别之中。在文章中,一般会讲述两种不同的事物,我们姑且称它们为A和B. 类别甲中归入与A类事物有关的项目,类别乙中归入与B类事物有关的项目,而类别丙中归入与A和B都有关的项目。

§ 在文章中,作者会对A和B 两类事物进行分别探讨和互相比较,因此我们在阅读时就必须注意作者在谈论和比较A和B 的时候是否提到这些项目,并把这些项目归入到适当的类别中去。一般来说,作者会在不同的段落中讲述A和B 两类事物,不过有时A和B 会在同一段落中被提到,因为作者要把它们作一个详细的比较。

T: Desktop publishing

3 The first stage in the old method of preparing INFO was the gathering together of all text, photographs and graphics which would make up the bulk of the magazine. The next step was marking the text for the printer---a rather laborious, and occasionally hit-and-miss affair! In essence, this meant judging the approximate length of the articles and choosing appropriate print sizes and styles (fonts). The appropriately marked pages were then sent to the printer for type-setting. The end-product of this type-setting phase is called a galley and takes the form of continuous columns on long sheets of paper.

4 At this stage the fun begins! All the columns of text have to be cut and manually pasted onto sheets of paper marked out in columns, to give the layout for each page of the magazine. If one had misjudged the length of text at the type-setting phase, then screams of agony would mingle the pervading smell of glue in the editorial offices as a very stressed editor wrangles bits of text and photographs. The flexibility of this old system was very limited, page layout was largely pre-determined and type-setting errors meant long and time-consuming proof-reading, both at the galley stage and at the final page proof stage. An additional problem with the old method is the length of time between the copy date (stage 1) and the publication of the magazine (about six weeks for INFO).

5 Desktop publishing made our life a lot easier. Now with our new system, we first type the text of the article on an ordinary word-processing package (MultiMate Advantage II is used but any other package is usable) or we ask our contributors to send us their article on a disk, typed with almost any word processor on an IBM or compatible PC computer. The second stage is to design the page frame, i.e. size, number of columns and margins. We then place the text in the page with an easy command called “Autoflow”.

6 The third stage is the design of the layout: placing illustrations and choosing the most suitable typeface. At the last stage, we print the articles on the laser printer and pass them on to colleagues to be proof-read. After making all corrections, the files containing our next INFO are copied on to a disk and sent to our printers for publication.

Q: Below are headings showing the sages involved in printing any document. According to the

information in the passage:

write T if the stage is necessary in traditional printing;

write D if the stage is necessary with desktop publishing;

write TD if the stage is necessary in both methods.

I1 gathering input

I2 designing page frame

I3 marking text

I4 type-setting

I5 page design

I6 cutting and pasting

I7 proof-reading

解题:这里选取的是文章的第三到第六段,其中三、四两段谈论traditional printing(T),而五、六两段探讨desktop publishing(D)。在traditional printing中,首先是the gathering together of all text, photographs and graphics,其次是marking the text for theprinter,再其次then sent to the printer for type-setting,然后是have to be cut and manually pasted onto sheets of paper marked out in columns, to give the layout for each page of the magazine,最后是long and time-consuming proof-reading;而在desktop publishing中,首先是ask our contributors to send us their article on a disk,其次是design the page frame,然后是the design of the layout,最后we print the articles on the laser printer and pass them on to colleagues to be proof-read. 根据这些列出的两种印刷方法的各个步骤,我们可以准确地将上述的项目进行归类:I1 gathering input --- TD;I2 designing page frame --- D;I3 marking text --- T;I4 type-setting --- T;I5 page design --- TD;I6 cutting and pasting --- T;I7 proof-reading --- TD.


回答问题(short-answer question tasks)

回答问题是根据所给文章或图表回答问题。在IELTS阅读测试中通常是用下列单词提问:. what、which、when、where、who、whose、whom、why、 how 等。除了利用上述单词进行提问外,有时会在答题指引中将所提问题列出。


1. 仔细查看答题指引,了解回答何种问题。

2. 查看例句,确定答题方式。

3. 要确定问句的种类,一般疑问句可按正常形式回答(例如:yes/no),如果是选择疑问句或者是以wh/how开头的问句就一定要具体回答

4. 仔细理解问句所提问题。

5. 特别要注意问句中所提问题的关键词语(例如:单数、复数),以及问句中表明数量、时间、地点的词语。

6. 将问句中的关键词语与文章中相关句子中的词语进行匹配。

7. 确定问句与文章中相关句子含义是否一致,得出答案。







下面,就以剑11Test4 Passage3 “This Marvellous Invention”为例,具体示范一下如何进行精读。

本文标题中的marvellous invention指的是语言这个神奇的发明,文章内容比较抽象,课堂练习中也有不少学生感到理解困难。涉及的题型有段落标题(List of headings)、选词填空(Summary)和是非无判断(YES/NO/NOT GIVEN)。学生应先用十八分钟左右完成这些题目,然后在接下来的精读中,学生需要整理的包括:







33、34题:The wheel is one invention that has a major impact on ______ aspects of life, but no impact has been as _____ as that of language.

答案为E. material和G. fundamental。

根据wheel定位回到原文可以找到A段开头部分:Of all mankind’s manifold creations, language must take pride of place. Other inventions -the wheel, agriculture, sliced bread - may have transformed our material existence, but the advent of language is what made us human. Compared to language, all other inventions pale in significance, since everything we have ever achieved depends on language and originates from it.

因此,33题这里life和existence形成同义替换,material原词重现;34题定位稍难,compared to和as...as...都表示比较关系,everything...depends on language and originates from it表示fundamental。




But language is foremost not just because it came first. In its own right it is a tool ofextraordinary sophistication, yet based on an idea of ingenious simplicity:“this marvellous invention of composing out of twenty-five or thirty sounds that infinite variety of expressions which, whilst having in themselves no likeness to what is in our mind, allow us to disclose to others its whole secret, and to make known to those who cannot penetrate it all that we imagine, and all the various stirrings of our soul”. This was how, in 1660, the renowned French grammarians of the Port-Royal abbey near Versailles distilledthe essence of language, and no one since has celebratedmore eloquently the magnitude of its achievement.


foremost 最重要的(联想其他表示重要的词,如vital, paramount, crucial…)

sophistication 精密,复杂(和simplicity是反义词)

celebrate 在这里表示赞美、赞颂(常用义为庆祝)

distill 提炼,提取精华

eloquently 雄辩地,传神地

magnitude 重大,重要性(同义词:significance, weight, gravity…)

再看句子。第二句话中in its own right表示凭借自身的资格或努力,冒号前面的部分就是句子的主干——揭示了语言看似不能兼容的两个特性:本身十分精密复杂,但从理念上看却十分简洁明了;引号里的部分其实都是在进一步解释说明,修饰部分极为繁复,this marvellous invention of其后的成分其实都是在层层修饰这是一个怎样神奇的发明,首先是composing out of twenty-five or thirty sounds that infinite variety of expressions, 即由twenty-five or thirty sounds能够compose出来that infinite variety of expressions; 接下来是which后面的部分,修饰前面的expressions, 说明这些expressions有什么用,句型是… allow us to…and to…, 这样本句就不难理解了。




文章题目 The power of music

重复年份 0109A 1212.

题材 艺术

题型 段落信息配对 5+填空 4+人名配对 4

文章大意 音乐对人的影响。讲到了音乐的作用,与大脑的联系,不同映月表达出来的



Entertainment isn't the whole story

Here in the West, we think of music as entertainment, or an accompaniment to entertainment. Most of us can't remember life without phonograph records, cassette tapes or Compact Discs and the artists we all have listened to on them. The great majority of radio stations exist to play music, and there is hardly a minute on TV - other than news shows - that doesn't have theme music, background music or commercial music.


文章题目 Children and robots

重复年份 20160305 1002

题材 科技

题型 小标题 5+配对 5+填空 3

文章大意 机器人对孩子学习的影响。主要讲到把机器人放在学校可以辅助老师还有陪



Robotics is making inroads into society, not only in factories and industry but also in homes and schools, where social robots are helping children cope better with conditions such as diabetes and autism.

A robot and child

Studies show that interaction with a robot can benefit children with certain medical conditions such as diabetes, as well as autism and other developmental disorders. (Image: ALIZ-E project.)


文章题目 British Woodlands

重复年份 20160430 0421

题材 自然环境

题型 段落细节配对 7+选词填空 7

文章大意 讲的是英国森林的演变利用和最后的管理,大致文章脉络是在人类的入侵之





27 a description of careless working practices that harm woodland F

28 details of landscape prior to human intervention B

29 arguments against cash rewards H

30 a botanical source of evidence for the appearance of primitive woodland B

31 reasons for reduced economic importance of woodland E

32 a reason for recent improvements of woodland management G

33 an implication for people of unhealthy tree A


文章题目 Fish communications

重复年份 1203 20130713

题材 动物

题型 判断 6+填空 7

文章大意 讲了鱼类的交流,德国科学家在红海发现红色的鱼,发现是激发荧光。鱼用这个荧光来识别种群、标识位置、吓退敌人、掩盖自己和捕捉猎物。


Fish Communication

Can fish ”talk?“ And if they do, can other fish hear what they are saying?

The answer to both questions is yes, but fish ”talk“ and ”hear“ somewhat differently than humans. Although not extremely common, there are several species of fish that are able to produce sound to communicate with members of their own and other species. Most of the fish that produce sound do it at such low frequencies that divers cannot hear the noises. But several species do produce sound in the range that humans can hear. For example, grunts are able to produce sound by grinding their flat teeth together (hence the name grant!) The large Jewfish, Nassau and Black groupers are known to make very loud ”booms“ when startled or cornered. Jewfish have also been observed to make these loud sounds during courtship.


Unique golden textile 工业

题型 小标题 6+人名配对 4+填空 3

文章大意 蜘蛛丝与纺织品。文章讲述了 golden spider 是如何在体内把 Liquid silk

转化为 solid silk 的过程,文章中提到了一些科学家针对蜘蛛做的实验,如何提高 capacity。在结尾两段讲述了关于 spider silk 的医学应用及市场的积极前景。


i experiment of an old idea

ii lifecycle of Madagascar spiders

iii advances in textile industry

iv resources to meet demands

v physical property of spider silk

vi scientific analysis spider silk

vii work of art

viii importance of silk textile

ix difficult to raise spider in capacity

14. Paragraph Aviii

15. Paragraph B v

16. Paragraph Cix

17. Paragraph Di

18. Paragraph E iv

19. Paragraph F vii

文章题目 Solving an Arctic Mystery

题材 人文社科

题型 判断 7+填空 6


北极沉船。两条执行任务的船消失了,很多人试图找到它们,但都失败了,最后在 sonar 技术的支持下找到了。船上所有船员全部通过遇难的原因探究中发现,他们遗骸中很多都 lead 超标,研究发现 tin of food 及 inheritance 等因素均不是汽运,造成中毒的原因是 water needed for engine。研究结果跟 inuit 人的口头记录温和,证实了其可靠性。



8. geology

9. solar

10. tin

11. water

12. engine

13. stories

文章题目 Tick Tock Body clock

重复年份 20161013 20121013

题材 生物

题型 选择 3+填空 6+判断 5

文章大意 文章主要讲解了生物钟对植物、动物和人的影响,并且通过大量的实验进行论证。



27. De Mario 的实验目的是:C 证明 new information about plants

28. Chronobiology 主要 研究人体的生物机能

29. work shift 和 jet lag 主要为了证明:人体在非正常情况下做出的反应。


30. Exposure to sunshine

31. reaction

32. phenomenon

33. Rhythms

34. devices

35. need


36. YES: rejected

37. NG: it is widely accepted that…

38. NO


文章题目 Solving an Arctic Mystery

重复年份 20160521 20141025

题材 人文社科

题型 判断 7+填空 6

文章大意 北极沉船。两条执行任务的船消失了,很多人试图找到它们,但都失败了,最后在 sonar 技术的支持下找到了。船上所有船员全部通过遇难的原因探究中发现,他们遗骸中很多都 lead 超标,研究发现 tin of food 及 inheritance 等因素均不是汽运,造成中毒的原因是 water needed for engine。研究结果跟 inuit 人的口头记录温和,证实了其可靠性。



1. 很多人尝试定位没有成功 T

2. 这是 Inuit 人第一次跟定位沉船的专家合作 NG


8. geology

9. solar

10. tin

11. water

12. engine

13. stories

文章题目 An ancient city- Titris Hoyuk

重复年份 20161022 20130829

题材 考古

题型 段落信息配对 5,填空 6,多选 2

文章大意 本文主要介绍了 Titris Hoyuk 的城市规划以及建筑特点


段落信息配对 5

14. An introduction of the equipment applied by the archaeologists to excavate

the site of itris. (D)

15. An explanation of the simple access to the research on the Titris city. (C)

16. An account of how agriculture communities turned into urban cities. (B)

17. An indication of the Titris people used the houses more than residential

purpose. (F)

18. A mention of where loyal people lived. (A)

填空 6

19. In the centre of the residential building is a courtyard.

20. A doorway gives access to the house where Titris lived.

21. The number of cooking areas indicates that extended families lived in the


22. Archaeologists thought oval basins which are part of the house are prepared

for treating raw materials.

23. The researchers believed that the people in Titris turned sheep's wool into fabric.

24. The Titris people have a tomb at home which is uncommon in present-day




















Many studies have shown that children harbor misconceptions about 'pure' curriculum science.These misconceptions do not remain isolated but become incorporated into a multifaceted,

but organized, conceptual framework,making it and the

component ideas,some of which are erroneous, more robust

but also accessible to modification.

如果你不认识这一段中的multifaceted一词,那么我们可以联系上下文猜测它的意思,我们看到前面提到这些误解不是isolated ,再通过but这个转折,可以判断multifaceted应该是与isolated (单独的)相反的意思,并且multi-是一个前缀,表示 “多”的意思,所以可以猜出multifaceted是“多层面”的意思。














Many studies have shown that children harbor misconceptions about'pure' curriculum science. These misconceptions do not remain isolated but become incorporated into a multifaceted, but organized, conceptual framework, making it and the component ideas,some of which are erroneous, more robust but also accessible to modification. These ideas may be developed by children absorbing ideas through the popular media. Sometimes this information may be erroneous. It seems schools may not be providing an opportunity for children to re-express their ideas and so have them tested and refined by teachers and their peers.






掌握这两个套路,我们就能抓住每段的主旨,了解文章的段落布局,那么在解决雅思两大超难题型---list of headings和段落信息匹配就能较快地定位到答案处。




如遇到判断题,考生要看清题目要求答案需要写的是true or false or not given还是yes or no or not given,如果该写TF却写成Yes或No,是会扣分的。








2.真正的雅思考试中需要你快速地处理问题,所以在平时阅读练习中要快慢结合,详略得当,略读和扫读(skimming & scanning)以及精读配合使用,快准狠地找到关键信息。




It is easy to say that people need to keep learning throughout their careers. The practicalities are daunting

WHEN education fails to keep pace with technology, the result is inequality. Without the skills to stay useful as innovations arrive, workers suffer—and if enough of them fall behind, society starts to fall apart. That fundamental insight seized reformers in the Industrial revolution, heralding state-funded universal schooling. Later, automation in factories and offices called forth a surge in college graduates. The combination of education and innovation, spread over decades, led to a remarkable flowering of prosperity.



keep pace with 跟上

innovations 创新

fall behind 落后

Industrial Revolution 工业革命

surge 飙升

prosperity 繁荣

Today robotics and artificial intelligence call for another education revolution. This time, however, working lives are so lengthy and so fast-changing that simply cramming more schooling in at the start is not enough. People must also be able to acquire new skills throughout their careers.

Unfortunately, as our special report in this issue sets out, the lifelong learning that exists today mainly benefits high achievers—and is therefore more likely to exacerbate inequality than diminish it. If 21st-century economies are not to create a massive underclass, policymakers urgently need to work out how to help all their citizens learn while they earn. So far, their ambition has fallen pitifully short.




artificial intelligence 人工智能

underclass 下层阶级

policymaker 政策制定者

Machines or learning 机器或学习

The classic model of education—a burst at the start and top-ups through company training—is breaking down. One reason is the need for new, and constantly updated, skills. Manufacturing increasingly calls for brain work rather than metal-bashing. The share of the American workforce employed in routine office jobs declined from 25.5% to 21% between and 2015. The single, stable career has gone the way of the Rolodex.

Pushing people into ever-higher levels of formal education at the start of their lives is not the way to cope. Just 16% of Americans think that a four-year college degree prepares students very well for a good job. Although a vocational education promises that vital first hire, those with specialised training tend to withdraw from the labor force earlier than those with general education—perhaps because they are less adaptable.





top-ups 充值

brain work 大脑的工作

withdraw 撤回

general education 通识教育

At the same time on-the-job training is shrinking. In America and Britain it has fallen by roughly half in the past two decades. Self-employment is spreading, leaving more people to take responsibility for their own skills. Taking time out later in life to pursue a formal qualification is an option, but it costs money and most colleges are geared towards youngsters.

The market is innovating to enable workers to learn and earn in new ways. Providers from General Assembly to Pluralsight are building businesses on the promise of boosting and rebooting careers. Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have veered away from lectures on Plato or black holes in favor of courses that make their students more employable. At Udacity and Coursera self-improvers pay for cheap, short programs that bestow “microcredentials” and “nanodegrees” in, say, self-driving cars or the Android operating system. By offering degrees online, universities are making it easier for professionals to burnish their skills. A single master’s program from Georgia Tech could expand the annual output of computer-science master’s degrees in America by close to 10%.

Such efforts demonstrate how to interleave careers and learning. But left to its own devices, this nascent market will mainly serve those who already have advantages. It is easier to learn later in life if you enjoyed the classroom first time around: about 80% of the learners on Coursera already have degrees. Online learning requires some IT literacy, yet one in four adults in the OECD has no or limited experience of computers. Skills atrophy unless they are used, but many low-end jobs give workers little chance to practise them.


市场正在创新以让工人能够有新的方法学习和赚钱。从General Assembly到Pluralsight,各类供应商纷纷以推动和重启职业生涯的承诺开创业务。大规模开放式在线课程(MOOC)不再讲授柏拉图或黑洞,而向帮助学生就业的课程倾斜。在优达学城(Udacity)和Coursera,进修者付费学习低价的短期课程,获得如自动驾驶汽车或安卓操作系统方面的“微证书”和“纳米学位”。



geare 齿轮

boosting 提高

bestow 给

burnish 光泽

demonstrate 演示

Shampoo technician wanted

If new ways of learning are to help those who need them most, policymakers should be aiming for something far more radical. Because education is a public good whose benefits spill over to all of society, governments have a vital role to play—not just by spending more, but also by spending wisely.

Lifelong learning starts at school. As a rule, education should not be narrowly vocational. The curriculum needs to teach children how to study and think. A focus on “metacognition” will make them better at picking up skills later in life.

But the biggest change is to make adult learning routinely accessible to all. One way is for citizens to receive vouchers that they can use to pay for training. Singapore has such “individual learning accounts”; it has given money to everyone over 25 to spend on any of 500 approved courses. So far each citizen has only a few hundred dollars, but it is early days.





Courses paid for by taxpayers risk being wasteful. But industry can help by steering people towards the skills it wants and by working with MOOCs and colleges to design courses that are relevant. Companies can also encourage their staff to learn. AT&T, a telecoms firm which wants to equip its workforce with digital skills, spends $30m a year on reimbursing employees’ tuition costs. Trade unions can play a useful role as organizers of lifelong learning, particularly for those—workers in small firms or the self-employed—for whom company-provided training is unlikely. A union-run training program in Britain has support from political parties on the right and left.


To make all this training worthwhile, governments need to slash the licensing requirements and other barriers that make it hard for newcomers to enter occupations. Rather than asking for 300 hours’ practice to qualify to wash hair, for instance, the state of Tennessee should let hairdressers decide for themselves who is the best person to hire.

Not everyone will successfully navigate the shifting jobs market. Those most at risk of technological disruption are men in blue-collar jobs, many of whom reject taking less “masculine” roles in fast-growing areas such as health care. But to keep the numbers of those left behind to a minimum, all adults must have access to flexible, affordable training. The 19th and 20th centuries saw stunning advances in education. That should be the scale of the ambition today.




雅思阅读文章题目:Living with uncertainty

重复年份:20160109A 20140515



雅思阅读文章大意:澳洲的气候变化无常,所以那里的生物需要很强的应变能力。有一种P鸟可以知道什么地方什么时候下雨,可以提前飞去找水喝。当地人为了狩猎把森林烧掉,另一种要吃salt bush的鸟就因此灭绝了。欧洲人来了之后大量种植wheat,Emu喜欢吃,所以繁殖很快。





1.Aboriginal做了什么来方便他们打猎 lit fire

2. G鸟灭绝的原因:salt bush

3. Emu吃wheat


重复年份:20160109B 20120728




Basically trade means exchange of goods, services, or both. Trade is also called commerce. The actual face of trade was barter, which was the direct exchange of goods and services. Today traders generally negotiate through a medium of exchange, like money, which then makes buying separate from selling, or earning. The invention of money has made trade simpler. Trade between two traders is called bilateral trade, while trade between more than two traders is called multilateral trade.

Trade exists for many reasons. It can be due to specialization and division of labor. Trade exists between regions because different regions have a comparative advantage in the production of some tradable commodity, or because different regions' size helps getting benefits of mass production.

History of Trade:

Trade originated in prehistoric times. It was the main facility of prehistoric people, who bartered goods and services from each other when modern money was never even thought of. Peter Watson dates the history of long-distance commerce from circa 150,000 years ago.

Trade is believed to have taken place throughout much of recorded human history. Materials used for the creation of jewelry were traded with Egypt since 3000 BC. Long-distance trade routes first appeared in the 3rd millennium BC, by the Sumerians in Mesopotamia when they traded with the Harappan civilization of the Indus Valley. Trading is greatly important to the global economy. From the very beginning of Greek civilization to the fall of the Roman Empire in the 5th century, a financially worthwhile trade brought valuable spice to Europe from the Far East, including China.

The fall of the Roman Empire, and the succeeding Dark Ages brought insecurity to Western Europe and a near end of the trade network. However some trade did occur, the Radhanites were a medieval group of Jewish merchants who traded between the Christians in Europe and the Muslims of the Near East.

The Sogdians ruled the East-West trade route known as the Silk Road from the end 4th century AD to the 8th century AD.

The Vikings and Varangians also traded from the 8th to the 11th century as they sailed from and to Scandinavia. Vikings sailed to Western Europe, while Varangians to Russia.

Vasco da Gama restarted the European Spice trade in 1498. Earlier to his sailing around Africa, the flow of spice into Europe was controlled by Islamic powers, especially Egypt. The spice trade was of major economic importance and helped encourage the Age of Exploration. Spices brought to Europe from distant lands were some of the most valuable commodities for their weight, sometimes rivaling gold.

In the 16th century, Holland was the centre of free trade, imposing no exchange controls, and advocating the free movement of goods.

In 1776, Adam Smith published the paper ”An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations“. This paper criticized Mercantilism, and argued that economic specialization could benefit nations just as much as firms. Since that time the division of labor was restricted by the size of the market, he said that countries having access to larger markets would be able to divide labor more efficiently and thereby become more productive.

The Great Depression was a major economic collapse that ran from 1929 to the late 1930s. There was a great setback in trade and other economic indicators during this period.

The lack of free trade was considered by many as a root cause of the depression. Only during the World War II the recession ended in United States.

雅思阅读文章题目:The history of Russian Ballet

重复年份:20160114 20150418 20121124





Until 1689, ballet in Russia was nonexistent. The Tsarist control and isolationism in Russia allowed for little influence from the West. It wasn't until the rise of Peter the Great that Russian society opened up to the West. St. Petersburg was erected to embrace the West and compete against Moscow’s isolationism. Peter the Great created a new Russia which rivaled the society of the West with magnificent courts and palaces. His vision was to challenge the west. Classical ballet entered the realm of Russia not as entertainment, but as a “standard of physical comportment to be emulated and internalized-an idealized way of behaving. The aim was not to entertain the masses of Russians, but to create a cultivated and new Russian people.

Empress Anna, (1730 – 1740) was devoted to ostentatious amusements (balls, fireworks, tableaux), and in the summer of 1734 ordered the appointment of Jean-Baptiste Landé as dancing-master in the military academy she had founded in 1731 for sons of the nobility. In 1738, he became ballet master and head of the new ballet school, launching the advanced study of ballet in Russia, and winning the patronage of elite families.

France provided many leaders such as Charles Didelot in St Petersburg (1801-1831), Jules Perrot(1848-1859) and Arthur Saint-Léon (1859-69).

In the early 19th century, the theaters were opened up to anyone who could afford a ticket. A seating section called a rayok, or 'paradise gallery', consisted of simple wooden benches. This allowed non-wealthy people access to the ballet, because tickets in this section were inexpensive.

One author describes the Imperial ballet as “unlike that of any other country in the world…the most prestigious of the ballet troupes were those attached to the state-supported theatres. The directors of these companies were personally appointed by the tsar, and all the dancers were, in a sense, Imperial servants. In the theatre, the men in the audience always remained standing until the tsar entered his box and, out of respect, after the performance they remained in their places until he had departed. Curtain calls were arranged according to a strict pattern: first, the ballerina bowed to the tsar’s box, then to that of the theater director, and finally to the general public.

雅思阅读文章题目:Aquaculture in New Zealand

重复年份:20160114 20151031 20121124 0212



雅思阅读文章大意:新西兰水产养殖,介绍了新西兰一种新型保护海底动物多样性兼顾商业运作的方式一aquaculture , 其发展遇到的问题及前景。



14. vi (一个受益的村庄)

15. vii (company’s profit)

16. 选含 limitation 的那项

17. 选含 concerns to environment 的那项

18. 选含 alternative explanation 的那项

19. 选含 research 的那项

20. 选含 science and business 的那项


24. polyculture/aquaculture

25. commercial partner

26. market value/high price

雅思阅读文章题目:Children and robots

重复年份:20160305 20141002





Robotics is making inroads into society, not only in factories and industry but also in homes and schools, where social robots are helping children cope better with conditions such as diabetes and autism.

A robot and child

Studies show that interaction with a robot can benefit children with certain medical conditions such as diabetes, as well as autism and other developmental disorders. (Image: ALIZ-E project.)

This week, thousands of people – young and old – are exploring the weirdness and wonders of robotics technology during the European Robotics Week, which is taking place in labs, museums, public squares and schools all over Europe.

But robotics offers more than just show and tell. It can make a real difference in the lives of children who, for example, struggle with diabetes or autism, or need extra help in the classroom.

‘Nao’ the friendly (but not perfect) robot

Recently, scientists showed that social robots can help diabetic children accept the nature of their condition and become more confident about their futures. In the four-and-a-half year ALIZ-E project, a research team led by Plymouth University studied the interactions between hundreds of European children aged 7-11 and a robot prototype called ‘Nao’.

Standing around 60 centimetres tall and featuring specially designed speech recognition software, ‘Nao’ helped the youngsters in keeping a diary of food intake, insulin injections and blood sugar levels. Through quizzes and games it also helped the kids to better understand diabetes and the huge amount of information they are given.

According to ALIZ-E leader Tony Belpaeme, the robot is not just a novelty factor to catch the children’s attention but a tool to engage and motivate them. “In many cases where a child has diabetes, you notice their confidence has been knocked and the robot can help restore that. By personalising its responses and recognising the children it has met before, the robots can support and educate, and we have seen many times the positive impact this is having on children and their families,” Belpaeme says in a Plymouth University news release.

The European Commission-funded study has not only shed light on how children relate to social robots, but also how robots need to be designed to maximise their impact when used for educational or therapeutic purposes.

“The robot needs to personalise what it does. If it treats children on an individual level, they immediately relate to it – it taps into our primitive need to interact and communicate,” Belpaeme says in the release. “One of the things that does appeal to children is that the robot makes mistakes – if it never did so, it could become intimidating. It does make the child realise they too don’t have to be perfect all of the time.”

Robots to assist autistic children

The researchers also showed the robots have potential to act as classroom assistants helping pupils who may be in danger of falling behind their peers. The team is now exploring additional uses for the robots, for instance to help children on the autistic spectrum.

“Our initial work shows it could have an incredibly positive impact on those children, and given that autism can impact heavily on someone’s ability to communicate and build relationships, we now need to establish why it seems they can relate to a tiny robot. From that, we can explore how widely we can use the robot as a therapeutic tool and can we, in fact, use it to teach about wider social interactions,” Belpaeme says.

As shown in a number of recent reports by the BBC, there is indeed growing evidence that robots can help autistic children not only to learn but also to improve their communication skills.












当然,也不是所有的文章段落首句都是核心观点,部分段落会使用连接词来表达关系,因果段落中较常出现的连接词包括:therefore, as a result, because, thus, hence,这类关键词后的内容,通常会考到的阅读题型包括:判断题、多选题及填空题,主要考察的是考生对于文章细节的把握和逻辑推理能力。













1. 判断是否可以通过上下文的时态、逻辑关系或词根、词缀猜测出生词的意思;

2. 如果不认识这个词,是否会严重影响对整个句子意思的把握——如果会影响对整个句子意思的把握,那么这个词一定要认识;但如果不影响理解句意,那可根据自己的时间安排选择是否识别记忆该单词。



对于很多考生来说,雅思阅读的句子不仅生词多而且长度也很壮观,经常搞不清楚句子中谁是什么成分、谁在修饰谁,觉得句子很难读懂。其实一切都没有大家想得那么难,对于句子的把握主要是尽力读懂句子主干。雅思阅读对于语法的考查完全不同于高中英语,不是让你在whichin whichwho that中做出选择,所以请化繁为简,读懂句子先从抓句子最简主干开始,就是搞清:谁,做了什么,这就是最简单的主谓结构。在主谓两个成分中,最好寻找的是谓语,因为谓语是由动词组成的。请大家记住谓语的“三姨太”:时态、语态、情态。找到了这三位“姨太”,一个句子的主框架就基本清晰了起来。


当词、句被我们逐一攻坚之后,最后的重点就落在了段落、 篇章上。当把每一句的意思读懂之后,可以划出段落的主题句,最后纵观文章的全部段落,体会文章的结构。日积月累之后,会渐渐发现并掌握雅思阅读文章结构和段落结构的规律。


我们用剑五第二篇Nature or Nurture 来举例。首段作者交代实验目的,研究人们是否对leader的指示会无条件遵循;第二段介绍了实验设置——用电击来惩罚犯错学生;下一段是全部实验进程;第四段,预测没人会实施到450伏的电击;第五段,揭示真实结果,超过60%的参与者都实施了450伏电击;后面三段对animal aggression instinct和social environment 这两个原因进行分析;最后一段,作者并未给出结论,只是提出This is the problem of modern sociobiology。

我们通过抓每段的段落主旨,不只是了解了文章的段落布局,更会为我们解决雅思两大超难题型---list of heading &段落信息匹配助一臂之力。






为什么要提这部电影呢?因为作为一个雅思阅读的老师,看到电影海报,职业病就犯了...脑海里立马想到的是雅思剑三test 4 passage 2真题文章。同样去年也发现一部电影《实验者》“experimenter” 也是讲剑五test 1 passage 2的心理学实验。





① 《永远的女性参政论者》suffragettes forever 如上所述雅思真题中出过女权运动,也有剑六中Do literate women make better mothers? 就算不是为了背单词,我也推荐大家看一下这个纪录片,我们以为理所当然的东西是多少先驱用血的代价换来了。女生要看,男生更应该去看。


Citizen four



①《皮克斯工作室:25个神奇时刻》Pixar :25 magic moments著名动画制作公司如何制作动画的。在《基础阅读》里面有一篇文章也是讲如何制作动画人物的。 ②《伦敦地铁史话》The Tube: an underground history雅思真题不少出交通方式类的文章,4-10里面我数了一下就有6篇。 ③《维基解密--背后的故事》Wikipedia ---the secret story

雅思真题中,我们见过有好多篇人物传记一类的文章, 所以要推荐几部人物传记类的,英国人为主。今天要说不仅仅看英国人,因为1.31真题考的就是莫扎特。


① 《真实的简. 奥斯汀 》The real Jane Austen

② 《阿加莎.克里斯蒂的谜样人生》The mystery of Agatha Christie

③ 《神奇的费曼先生》The fantasitic Mr. Feyman 他是20世纪著名的物理学家。看完你会觉得物理学家也太可爱了。当然也有霍金的纪录片,但是我总觉得人还活着的话就不会出题。

实验类文章在雅思阅读中也不少出现,甚至我们都摸索出来这类文章结构会如何写。很多人在第一次看到剑五 nature or nurture 那篇实验之前早都了解过那个实验,做题就会特别顺畅。那我来推荐几部实验类,也许你考试就碰到了呢。


① 《斯坦福监狱实验 》The Standford Prison Experiment

② 《我们的孩子足够坚强吗?中式学校》Are our kids tough enough? Chinese school 这类和教育结合在一起的实验在雅思真题中也是出现过,两个国家之间的教育对比也是出现过。而且本身这个很轻松,推荐给大家。教育类的文章在雅思阅读中也是常出现,有学龄前教育项目对比的,有日本和英国数学教育对比的文章。教育类也是爱出的一种话题。

①《数学的故事》the story of maths

动物类和环境的雅思文章,真题随便一本都能有。而相关话题的纪录片,你随便一搜discover,BBC出现非常多。这里我推荐几部我看过的。①《蝴蝶的神奇之旅 》the incredible journey of the butterflies

②《北极熊:一个夏天的奥德赛 》polar bears: a summer odyssey

③ 《珍古德的野生黑猩猩》Jane Goodall's wild Chimpanzees猩猩一类的既可以在动物类也会出现在一些实验类文章里面或者跟人与社会关系对比上面。所以这个纪录片大家要仔细看。

④《BBC:非洲 》BBC: Africa 地理环境的文章在雅思中也不少,所以要关注这种环境地理类的纪录片。

⑤《美丽中国》 wild China 一定找英文的!

⑥《日本:地球迷人之岛》Japan: Earth Enchanted islands是唐顿庄园大小姐Mary 配音的


其实背单词,在上下文中背是最有效率的。所以能在纪录片里看到这些词的应用,会记得特别牢的。最好是能把纪录片里所有生词摘取出来形成一个自己的生词小红书,时常翻出来看看,阅读单词量肯定有大的飞跃。 也推荐两个看纪录片的网站,在线看或者下APPS 离线缓存都可以。大名鼎鼎的A站和B站:AcFun和bilibili。


雅思阅读 怎样才算精读?



1、 不要求每个单词都背下来,但对重要位置上的生词应在查阅好以后记录,关键句和长难句要对照着翻译出来。打个比方,这不是让你把100多集的连续剧每集都背下来,而是让你复述情节发展的线索,而这离不开对生词节点的打通。

2、 读懂文章主旨、作者态度和写作结构,对写作背景有所准备。从雅思标准中可以看出,做对题目要求深刻的理解,所以基础不好或者词汇量低的同学更应该把握文章大意,而提高方法也在于用精读好好训练自己。









The screw tightens

ONE can almost hear the gates clanging: one after the other the sources of funding for Europe’s banks are being shut. It is a result of the highly visible run on Europe’s government bond markets, which today reached the heart of the euro zone: an auction of new German bonds failed to generate enough demand for the full amount, causing a drop in bond prices (and prompting the Bundesbank to buy 39% of the bonds offered, according to Reuters).

Now another run—more hidden, but potentially more dangerous—is taking place: on the continents’ banks. People are not yet queuing up in front of bank branches (except in Latvia’s capital Riga where savers today were trying to withdraw money from Krajbanka, a mid-sized bank, pictured). But billions of euros are flooding out of Europe’s banking system through bond and money markets.

At best, the result may be a credit crunch that leaves businesses unable to get loans and invest. At worst, some banks may fail—and trigger real bank runs in countries whose shaky public finances have left them ill equipped to prop up their financial institutions.

To make loans, banks need funding. For this, they mainly tap into three sources: long-term bonds, deposits from consumers, and short-term loans from money markets as well as other banks. Bond issues and short-term funding have been seizing up as the panic over government bonds has spread to banks (which themselves are large holders of government bonds). This blockage has been made worse by tighter capital regulations that are encouraging banks to cut lending (instead of raising capital).

Markets for bank bonds were the first to freeze. In the third quarter bonds issues by European banks only reached 15% of the amount they raised over the same period in the past two years, reckon analysts at Citi Group. It is unlikely that European banks have sold many more bonds since.

Short-term funding markets were next to dry up. Hardest hit were European banks that need dollars to finance world trade (more than one third of which is funded by European banks, according to Barclays). American money market funds, in particular, have pulled back from Europe. Loans to French banks have plunged 69% since the end of May and nearly 20% over the past month alone, according to Fitch, a ratings agency. Over the past six months, it reckons, American money market funds have pulled 42% of their money out of European banks. European money market funds, too, continue to reduce their exposure to France, Italy and Spain, according to the latest numbers from Fitch.


The euro zone's unexploded ordnance is no longer nuclear

THE euro-zone crisis is not solved and is not likely to be solved soon, but the greatest immediate danger has been avoided. Two points worth stressing.

1) The euro-zone economy has some “unexploded ordinance” in it that is likely to explode eventually, but no one really knows whether it is a grenade, a 1000kg bomb, or a nuclear device; what leaders did last week and are doing this week is making sure it is NOT a nuclear device.

Europe still faces a number of vortices that could pull down the euro zone if allowed to get going: the “Greek” austerity-budget deficit vortex, and the “Lehman vortex” that sucked Dexia below water, as per the diagram below.

However, euro-zone leaders seen to have finally rendered the worst vortex inoperable, namely the “Irish” vortex where by shocks pull down banks, banks pull down governments and then the vortex spreads to the next government in line. In this case it would have been Greek restructuring pulling down banks that forced nationalisation that forced downgrades that drove up yields which then made the governments insolvent. As this might rapidly have reached Italy and Spain, the “nuclear” outcome was truly scary—the sort of thing that had Charles Wyplosz talking about 1930s-like outcomes.

The first revelation is that they have now finally admitted that backstopping the banks is absolutely essential, mostly via recapitalisation. I’d guess that they’ll flub the job at the EU and G20 summits but that doesn’t really matter. They are now at “battle stations” when it comes to the banks, so we won’t have a Lehman-like moment that then brings down the world’s third largest debtor (Italy). Either national governments, or the EFSF will make sure the banks remain intact regardless.

The second revelation is that regardless of what they do to scale up the EFSF, it won’t be big enough to backstop sovereigns in a way that will prevent contagion. However, this doesn’t matter as the ECB will be forced to step in—just as it did in August and for exactly the same reason. Contagion spreading to Italy, Spain, Belgium, Malta, France etc would spell a very rapid and very ugly end to the euro zone. Besides, they have the ready excuse that they employed in August about orderly markets and monetary policy. But not all is for the best in this best of all possible worlds. The law of unintended consequences will be fully enforced.

2) Their half-hearted solution on the banks will almost surely lead to a recession. The most likely outcome is that the bank recapitalisation scheme gives Europe’s stronger banks a chance to create a credit crunch instead of taking government money. This is especially true since German banks are resisting both forcible recapitalisation and further write-down of Greek debts. The euro-zone governments are probably going to insist on the former but not on the latter. As the figure above shows, the recession is likely to start up all three of the vortices again, so we’ll be back at the drawing board in a few month’s time. But at least we’ll have avoided a truly historic crisis. Now let’s just hope the Greek street plays along with the role assigned to them this weekend. If euro-zone leaders don’t do enough to help the Greeks—to make sure they see a light at the end of the tunnel—we may see political chaos and a disorderly default that would severely test my hypotheses that the nuclear-threat has been removed.
























