beware of “simulated” practice lsat books!
i am writing this opinion so that others can avoid a mistake i made. i bought an lsat test prep book at a bookstore which offered 6 sample lsat s. these were supposedly of the same style and length of the actual lsat, so i thought i was getting an accurate idea of how i would do on the real test based on my practice test scores. later, i purchased from the lsac a book containing 10 actual lsat tests used in the past. let me just say, my score was much lower on these than they had been on the sample tests! i have found, by talking to others, that this tends to be a common experience.
the sample test books do have a feature not found with the old tests bought from the lsac, and that is detailed explanations of answers to each individual question. this helps, when starting out, to identify and correct problems with certain types of questions. in addition, these books offer more in depth strategies to answering the questions than that which is offered by the lsac.
my advice? the sample test prep books are a good place to start familiarizing yourself with the test format and basic types of questions, but i would highly recommend taking at least a few of the actual older tests in order to get a more accurate idea of how you will fare come test day. good luck!
经验谈.txt心态决定状态,心胸决定格局,眼界决定境界,当你的眼泪忍不住要流出来的时候,睁大眼睛,千万别眨眼,你会看到世界由清晰到模糊的全过程。因为总是看到有人在问,就先对法学院的申请和LSAT做一简单的介绍。LSAT是申请美国法学院的JD和加拿大 LLB所必需的考试,并且很多情况下是唯一需要的考试。JD和LLB都是3年。美加的法学院都属于研究生教育,并没有本科的法学教育,所以各个专业的人都可以申请,国内学法律的也未必占多大的优势,但学法律的可以申请LLM,即法律硕士,只需要1年。
的题分三类,verbal reasoning,即GRE中的所谓逻辑单题,占50%,阅读25%,分析占25%。相对来讲,pem认为分析是比较容易拿分的,语言方面的东西涉及的不是很多,多练习一下,答满分不应该是梦想。LSAT的阅读是比较难的,四篇长文章,问题也很长,几乎没有什么白给的,
有一点几乎是肯定的,一定会有一篇与法律有关的文章,所以学习些常用的法律术语和基本的法律常识是会很有帮助的。其实,在阅读中,还有在verbal reasoning中,阅读的速度是十分重要的,而阅读速度的提高确实是个长期的过程,没有什么巧可取,好在如果从现在开始准备的话,时间还来得及。因此在做几套诊断性的题之后,就应该花大量的时间来进行阅读。LSAT的真题就那些,做完就没了(虽然pem直到考试的时候真题也没有做完),还是留到考试前再做。阅读些什么呢?pem认为象time,newsweek,等等严肃的杂志上的评论性的文章最好,文学,政治,经济,历史,哲学什么都行,重要的是严肃的评论性文章。当然,如果你的词汇连TOEFL的词汇,也没有的话,是一定要背的,GMAT的词汇也可以参考,不过其中的又长又生僻的可以剔除。只有大量阅读才能培养语感,提高速度。
考试有5部分,每部分35分钟,其中一部分不记分,另有30分钟的作文,也不记分。记得考试的时候是8点进考场,将进1点钟才出来,体力消耗很大,最好准备些吃的东西,可以在中间休息的时候吃。 Pem对此深有体会,答到后来已是饥肠辘辘,以至于连犯错误,否则的话,呵呵……
经常有人问我LSAT好不好考,有没有必要考等等问题。对于每个认真的想考LSAT的同志,我想都应该好好的考虑一下下面的事实。LSAT未必很难,但确实每年取得好成绩的人很少,即使在GRE2300-2400满天飞的现在,LSAT能过170分的人每年也是屈指可数,而cancel掉的则很多。即使 LSAT取得好成绩,是否就能进入好的法学院呢,也未必。因为美国法学院的奖学金很少,包括学费和生活费的奖学金更是凤毛麟角,没有奖学金,不仅有实际上的困难,签证时也会遇到麻烦。据pem所知,好多在美国法学院攻读JD的中国人,多半是后转读的。Pem如果不是因为年纪大了,也会考虑这条路的,因为这样,即使奖学金很少,也可以读,不必考虑签证,当然要辛苦一些了。当然,这样LSAT也是免不掉的。如果一定要考的话,还是在国内考。自己人嘛,总不会太严的。
写作部分时间为 30 分种,其内容是,就给定的题目中的两种观点选择一个,并加以阐述。
(]) 选择一种观点。在两种观点中选定一种,围绕这种观点展开论述。
(2) 阐述观点时,既要陈述支持所选择观点的理由,也要陈述反对另一种观点的理由。在两方
(3) 文章应包括五个段落。第一段说明两者之中选择其一,中间三段阐述选择的理由,最后一
(4) 写作应自然流畅,观点要明确,不要使用简写或缩写词。“
1. read the following descriptions of midtown high school and john jay high
school; two schools in which olivia, who moved during the summer and is
entering her junior year, is consid-ering enrolling. then, in the space
provided, write an argument for the choice you think olivia should make. the
following considerations should guide your thinking;
(1) olivia wants a curriculum that will prepare her for college.
(2) olivia wants to participate in extracurricular activity, particularly
(3) olivia is worried that she will not make friends quickly.
midtown high school has a student body of 10,000, and average class size is
35 to 37. be- cause it is a large school, midtown offers a wide variety of
courses, including vocational training and advanced courses in chemistry,
physics and math. each year students from midtown capture several of the
state’s top academic awards. midtown offers a wide range of extracurricular
activi- ties, and its gymnastics team placed third in state competition last
john jay high school has a student body of 2,000, and average class size is
15 to 17. the
school was established to offer academically challenging courses for talented
students. in the se- nior year, a student is allowed to register for courses
at the community coliege across the street from john jay. because the primary
focus of the school is on academics, its few clubs are orient- ed toward
areas of academic interest; for example, the school has a science club, a
math club, and a latin club. last year, one of the teachers, a former college
gymnast, started a gymnasticolivia should enroll ai jonn jay nigii c)liiuui
iui niicc i>..cio@iio: j.@@@, j@..., @@@ @--@.@
riculum that will prepare her for college; second, at john jay, olivia will
make friends e
and third, she will have the opportunity to participate in gymnastics.
john jay will prepare olivia for the challenges of college in two respects.
the coui
john jay are designed for talented students, so they must be difficult.
additionally, in her year, olivia can learn firsthand what college is like.
olivia will have the opportunity to make friends at john jay because the size
of the s’
body is not overwhelmingly large. moreover, the fact that the average class
size is only fift seventeen students suggests that classes will not be very
finally, john jay has a relatively new gymnastics team, so olivia should be
able to f
pate in many events. further, she will be able to learn by watching college
gymnasts pra(
although midt’own does offer some advantages, olivia would be better able to
goals at john jay.
2. read the following proposals of johnson and edwards, two members of the
vill coventry town council, who have to decide how to spend the $ 100, 000
that mrs. wh left the village in her will. then in the space provided, write
an argument in favor of the pi you think the town council should choose. the
following considerations must be taken ii count:
( i ) the will stipulates that the money must be used for the benefit of the
children of l
(2) the town council wants to spend the money on a project that will benefit
busi coventry.
johnson has proposed that the money be used for a park. part of the park will
b schoolyard in the and an athletic field but not any playground. the park also include picnic shelters that ci used by families. the land for the park is now owned by a large real estate firm located state capital and would be purchased at a cost of $ 38,000. the playground equipment have to be purchased from a playground equipment supply company in another state at a $ 12,000. the grading and other site preparation could be done by a construction firm 1: coventry at a cost of $23,000. the remain money would be used to hire local carpel build the picnic shelters and to hire a local nursery to plant flower sand shrubs in the par edwards has proposed that the money be used to build a special children’s wing on th library. at present, there is a children’s room in the library, but it is small. the nui books that can be housed in the room is limited, and the room is suitable for special readi grams. lsat考试分为四个部分,包括阅读理解、逻辑推理及分析推理三个方面的内容,每部分时间为35分钟,另加30分钟写作,不计总分,但此范例写作将随成绩单寄到你申请的学校。 阅读理解 4篇文章,每篇文章为400~600个单词,有6-8个问题,4篇文章共有28个问题。 逻辑推理 两个部分,每部分有24-26道试题。一般每道题都有一篇小的短文或对话,然后针对此短文或对话提出问题。短文或对话,然后针对此短文或对话提出问题。短文或对话涉及的范围很广,包括哲学、文学、政治、科技、艺术、历史、体育等等。 逻辑推理试题主要测试考生的以下能力: ·确定中心思想 ·找出推理中的假设 ·从已知事实或前提得出合理结论 ·确定推理的准则并将之应用于新的论证 ·确定推理的方法或结构 ·找出推理的错误及误解 ·确定新的事实或论证对现有论证或结论的加强或削弱 ·对论证进行分析 分析推理 一般分四组,共24个问题。每组里面的每一个问题都基于一系列的条件,这些条件共同描述一种情况,例如,把人分成几组,把物品按顺序排列等。这部分试题主要测试考生理解有关关系结构并推出结论的能力。 写作 就给定的题目中的两种观点选择一个,并加以阐述。 写作时应注意以下问题: ·选择一种观点。在两种观点中选定一种,围绕这种观点展开论述 ·阐述观点时,既要陈述支持所选择观点的理由,也要陈述反对另一种观点的理由。在两方面的对比中说明该选择的观点正确 ·文章应包括五个段落。第一段说明两者之中选择其一,中间三段阐述选择的理由,最后一段作出结论 ·写作应自然流畅,观点要明确,不要使用简写或缩写词 LSAT写作实例 从来没有过的容易 对参加最后测试的人公开350道题目并在将来的考试中循环使用。这种作法是对的。对于将参加考试的人来说这是一个好机会。我们并不是让你作50篇论文,但在考试前你应该好好的看看它们。 八大基本原则 1、用残缺不全的`材料来组织你的论文 代诉人会给你一些残缺不全的材料,用它们大概构出一个轮廓,列出你在每一段中要证实的论点。在理论上你必须知道你想证实什么,你又该如果证实它们。 2、不要为你的选择烦恼 没有人想知道你做出了什么样的选择,重要的是你如何来论证你所做出的选择。 3、得出论点 文章中的第一句话必须明确指出你的选择胜过其它的。假设读者已非常熟悉这些情景,没有必要再浪费时间去描叙这些场景和你所选择的事物。 4、用最明了简单的格式 论文的推理必须是清楚一致的,你的论文越有组织性就越能说服别人。 5、略微提及败者的长处和胜者的弱点 意识到可能出现的相反观点,并反击一下,会使你的观点更为有力。 6、不要简单的重复已准备好的事实 试着提供一些事实的说明解释以明确指定的标准。 7、将文章写好 听起来很简单但尽力使你的文章清楚,有条理而且要简单易懂,没有什么比难懂更让读者烦感的。 8、计划好你的时间 你最好用5-10分钟读题目,明确目的并写出提问,然后用20分钟来写文章,一定要留出足够的时间,记住阅卷的人只看2-3段,最后留出3-5分钟检查你的拼写和语法正确与否。 this is only a test by jtboofle | may 0900 the most important thing you can know about the lsat is that it s just a standardized test. your score (good or bad) is no reflection on you as a human being. it doesn t determine how smart you are, or even how good a lawyer you d be. it s just a test. with that said, you have to figure out how to do as well as you can. here are a couple suggestions that worked for me -- give em a shot. get the book of lsats put out by the testing company and work through them. one of the big keys on the test is speed and, particularly for the ”games“ section, practice will really help. save one practice test and do a couple sections the day before the test. don t grade them -- this is just sort of ”limbering up“ before the big event. the point is to work through them and say to yourself ”yeah, i can do this." pull out one page of each type of problem (reading, arguments, games) to do the morning of the test. same thing -- don t grade them, just use them to wake yourself up. know how you re getting to the exam center and where you re going to park. have a backup plan in mind. decide before you head over whether you re willing to pay a parking ticket if you get one (making that decision takes a lot of the stress off finding a parking spot -- budgeting the $30 (or whatever) means you don t have to worry if the only space you can find is metered). try to get to the exam center early so you can work through your last set of exam problems and then relax. about 10 minutes before the exam, go outside and take a quick jog around the building. seriously. it gets your heart rate up, gets the endorphins moving, takes your mind off the test for a couple minutes. take another jog at the break. i like to start at the back of each section and work towards the front. that way, i know exactly how many questions i have left to do. there s just something about it that feels relaxing -- knowing that i m not going to get stuck on question #1. above all, keep in mind that this isn t really your future, it s only a standardized test. lsat考试中的作文是不记入总分的,法学院在录取时,对于作文的分数只是作为参考。有的学校对于作文成绩非常看中,但有的学校则看都不看。为了保险期间,大家还是认真写吧。 写作时应注意的问题: 写作部分时间为 30 分种,其内容是,就给定的题目中的两种观点选择一个,并加以阐述。 写作部分不计人总分, 只作为参考。 写作时应注意以下问题: (]) 选择一种观点 。 在两种观点 中选定一种, 围绕这种观点展开论述。 (2) 阐述观点时,既要陈述支持所选择观点的理由 ,也要陈述反对另一种观点的理由 。 在 两方面的对比申说明该选择的观点正确。 (3) 文章应包括五个段落。第一段说明两者之中选择其一, 中间三段阐述选择的理由 ,最 后一段作出结论。 (4) 写作应 自 然流畅 ,观点要明确 ,不要使用简写或缩写词。 二、写作练习 valerie, a first-year graduate student in mathematics, needs a part-time job, and competition for jobs in the small town where her university is located is keen. with the following considerations in mind, write an argument supporting one of valerie's two job offers over the other: valerie wants the income from her job to minimize the money she must borrow for living expenses. valerie wants the job to interfere with her graduate program as little as possible. 【LSAT模拟题的误区(通用7篇)】相关文章: 出国留学前需要通过那些考试及要求2022-12-04 2022读本科美国留学申请书格式2022-05-04 美国留学文理学院的入学条件2023-09-24 美国卡内基梅隆大学留学研究生申请条件有哪些2022-05-06 托福学习计划2022-08-21 全国外语培训机构?浙江英语培训学校2023-04-16 美国留学研究生申请条件有哪些2023-02-26 美国研究生申请早已拉开序幕2023-08-22 小升初英语如何提高阅读能力2022-11-05 美国留学常青藤院校申请的技巧2023-12-22篇4:LSAT内容结构