译林牛津 高一 必修2 模块二第三单元语言点详析

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译林牛津 高一 必修2 模块二第三单元语言点详析(精选9篇)由网友“kingbb”投稿提供,以下是小编收集整理的译林牛津 高一 必修2 模块二第三单元语言点详析,希望对大家有所帮助。

译林牛津 高一 必修2 模块二第三单元语言点详析

篇1:译林牛津 高一 必修1 模块一第三单元语言点详析

Unit 3 Looking good,Feeling good

Part 1 Words

1.stay link-v= continue in a certain state 保持,维持(后面跟形容词或名词作表语)

You must get enough sleep to stay healthy.

The shop stays open until ten at night.

They stayed friends for years.

2.ashamed adj. 羞愧的,感到难为情的(后跟+of 。。。/to do 。。/ that。。。)

She was ashamed of having failed in the examination.

He felt ashamed of having done so little work .

I’m quite ashamed to have troubled you so many times.

I feel ashamed that I haven’t written for so long.

3.since conj. 1) = because 2)=now that

Great changes have taken place in China since the open-policy system was carried out

Since you have finished your work ,you may go now.

4.work vi

Everyone has to work to live.(工作)

My watch doesn’t work.(运转)

The medicine worked .After I took it ,I felt better.(起作用,有效果,奏效)

5.recover vt =get /find something again

With the help of the police ,she recovered her lost watch.

He was determined to recover his honor.

After the operation ,it took the patient a long time to recover his health.

Vi = become well again

Now he is recovering from a bad cold .

Trade soon recovered from the effects of the war.

6.contain vt 包含,容纳,含有

This theatre can contain 4000 people.

We can’t eat much food that contains too much fat.

注意:contain /include 都有包含的意思。Contain可表示包含所含之物的全部或部分,而include则只是包含一部分。Include 着重被包含者只是整体中的一部分;contain 着重“内有”。

I have a story-book which contains a lot of interesting stories .The wolf is coming is included .

7.match v 和。。相配/相称 ;敌得过,比得上

The color of the shirt doesn’t match that of the tie.

No one can match him in singing.

n. 相配的人或物。配对物

The blue shirt and gray tie are a good match

Bill is no match for his brother on it .

注意: go with 与…相配/配套

You’d better buy some tapes to go with your English book.

8.damage vt 损害,毁坏

The car was damaged in the serious accident.

It’s wrong of you to damage your health by smoking .

n 损害,损失

Human activities are doing great damage to the earth .

Smoking causes much damage to one’s health.

注意:类似的词 如destroy /harm /spoil

9.embarrass vt 使…窘迫/使..不好意思/局促不安

He has been embarrassed by his debts for years.

be/feel/get embarrassed about

He was embarrassed about that stupid mistake.

Don’t feel embarrassed about being different from others in public.

When he was asked to answer that embarrassing question , he became very embarrassed.

embarrassment n 尴尬

10. diet vi 节食;控制饮食

The doctor has dieted the patient strictly.

“No sugar in my coffee, please; I'm dieting.”

n 节食;日常饮食

The Chinese diet contains lots of fruit and green vegetables ,while the western diet contains too much sugar and fat.

The doctor put his patient on a diet of low fat and sugar.

I mustn’t have too much potato because I’m now on a diet.

注意 : diet 指习惯上吃的食物,又指规定的食物,特指维持健康的定质或定量的食物

food 是一般用语,指任何能吃且有营养的东西.

10.consider vt 1)考虑 ~ +sth /doing sth / 从句

Have you considered this problem?

I have considered changing my job.

He considered whether he should do it .

2) 认为;把…视为~ + to be …/ as …/that 从句

He is considered ( to be) / as an expert in computer science .

She considered herself( to be) lucky.

I consider that driving at such a speed is dangerous.

consideration n. 考虑

take sth into consideration 考虑…

11.affect vt


Smoking affects a person’s health.


He was deeply affected by the moving story.

n. effect have an effect on sb/sth

have much /no / little effect on

12.risk vt ~ one’s life /fortune/health

~ doing sth.

He risked his life in saving the child.

I risked losing my job by arguing with the boss.


He saved the child at the risk of losing his life.

During my life ,I have to take/run risks.

13.recognize vt 认出,识别;认可,公认

I recognized Peter although I hadn't seen him for 10 years.

lrealize vt 实现,认识到,了解

I hope we can realize our dreams.

I realized that I was wrong.

14.control vt (controlled ,controlled)控制

We should learn to control our feelings and don’t get angry easily.

Nobody can control him ;he is free to do what he wants to .

n in control of 对。。。控制 out of control (某物)失控

15.count vt

1) 数,记数Can you count from 1 to 20 ?

2) 有价值/有重要性 Her opinion counts because of her experience.

3) 认可,有效 You didn’t shut your eyes before you made the wish ,so it doesn’t count!

4)认为 (~ sb as ~ )We count her as one of our oldest friends.

16 concentrate vt /vi 集中(注意力,思想等);全神贯注

You should concentrate on/upon your study.

concentration n

focus on 集中。。于。。

17 amount n 量 ,数量

a large amount of money

in amount=in all


a good /great many books a large number of books

quite a few books many a/an +单数可数名词


a great deal of money a large sum of money

3) 两者都可修饰

a lot of =lots of plenty of a large quantity of /large quantities of

Part Ⅱ Phrases and expressions

1.be healthy attractive

2.dying to be thin

3.hear from sb

4.used to do

5.work out

6.stay slim

7.lose some weight/put on

8.be ashamed of sth

9.be popular among/with sb

10.keep doing sth

11.recover from liver failure

12.regret to do /doing

13.contain a harmful chemical

14.cause my liver to fail

15.donate sth to sb

16.follow the doctor’s advice

17.damage your health

18.a touching story

19.be embarrassed about your weight

20.go on diets

21.learn from

22.come across

23.in secret

24.get hurt

25.build up your strength

26.on your own

27.consider doing sth

28.fall out

29.side effects

30.take the risk

31.recommend sth to sb

32.get sth for free

33.along with

34.in the long /short term

35.give up on sport

36.prepare you for the day to come

37.as a matter of fact

38.take in

39.make some suggestions

40.give adivice

41.in no time

42.in time / on time /at any time/ at times/from time to time/at a time/at one time/

Part Ⅲ Patterns and structures

1.be dying to do sth /for sth 渴望做某事

She is dying to go home.

He is dying for success.

2.Is everything okay with you ? 一切都好吗?

Is everything going well with you ?

3.I’ve lost 7 kg in the last two months.在过去的两个月里我减了7公斤。

与in the last / past/ recent +一段时间在一起使用,句子的谓语部分用现在完成时。

4.I think you look great as you are .我觉得你现在的样子很棒。

5. It’s the same in China – many people are always going on diets .

always 与现在进行时连用,表示不满或者责备等情绪。

He’s always telling lies .

He is always listening carefully in class.

6.Healthy eating along with regular exercise is the only way to become fit.

做某事的方法 the way to do sth /of sth 也可用定语从句

Can you tell me the way to work out the problem /of working out the problem?

Can you tell me the way in which/that (省掉) I can work out the problem.

7. Walking and riding your bike count ,and so do school sports.


I like music ,and so does he.

I don’t like music . Neither/ Nor does he .

I like music and I can sing well. So it is with him / It is the same with him.

--Does he like music ?

-- So he does .

8. My mother is too old for such a long operation.我妈妈年纪太大,不能承受如此长时间的手术。

too… for

The coat is too big for me .

The work is too much for me.

9.It isn’t worth it.不值得那样做。

The book is worth five yuan.

The book is not worth that price.

The place is worth visiting.

The place is worth a visit.

The book is well worth reading.

10.You look great as you are.你这样很好。As作连词,引导方式状语从句,表示像。。。。 一样,按照

You must do everything as I do .

Keep the book as it is.

Part Ⅳ Grammar and usage

一 、Non-restrictive attributive clauses



二、Question tags(见反意疑问句的讲义)




Part Ⅴ Writing

Page 109 (课本)

Liangliang is no longer the boy he used to be –he has changed considerably. Only a year ago, he was overweight and a little lazy. He got tired easily and did not like sport. His favorite meal was fried chicken and chips .One day, he realized that he couldn’t continue like this .So, he decided to change. He started to exercise. He ran on the school playground every day .He also began eating a healthier diet of more fruits and vegetables ,and less meat .These changes helped him lose a lot of weight .He is now a very happy boy in very good shape ,and he is always so energetic.

P 78 (课时训练)

How Max Keeps Fit

It’s important for us to stay healthy. Max give us a good example .He always takes exercise in the open air .He likes sports such as swimming ,running and playing basketball .He goes to bed at 10 at night and gets up at six in the morning. He takes god care of himself .He takes a shower every day and washes his hands before meals .When he has meals ,he eats all skins of food like fish, eggs, vegetables and meat .He also eats a lot of fruit .So he looks strong and healthy .He often says doing sport makes him become a top student.

P 88 (课时训练)

Dear nice to hear from you again .You want to know what is going on in schools in China ? In short ,things have begun to improve since schools were called on to reduce learning load .I don’t know about others ,but I used to work even at weekend doing endless homework and attending classes as well. Now I have more free time .I can follow my own interests such as reading books, visiting museums and taking computer lessons .In the evenings I can watch news on TV or read newspapers. What’ s more ,I can go to bed earlier .As far as I know ,everyone is happy about this new arrangement of things.

Li Hua

P 60(A B卷)

Dear editor ,

Nowadays in our city ,more and more people own cars .I think there are god reasons for owning a car .First ,with a car a person can get around freely and conveniently ,without spending a lot of time .Second ,a car is comfortable to travel in .Finally ,it is safer to drive a car than ride a bike .

However ,I am afraid more amore cars will cause heavier air pollution .What’s more ,more traffic jams and accidents are happening every day .

Personally ,I hope the government should control the number of the cars so that we can have a clean, quiet living environment.

P80 (AB卷)

Studying abroad

In recent years ,studying abroad has been popular .Tens of thousands of Chinese students have gone to foreign countries to study. many people are trying their best to apply their children to go abroad .

There are many advantages in attending schools abroad .First ,students who have studied abroad can act as mediators between people of different cultures .Second ,we can learn much more advanced knowledge of science and technology from foreign countries .Third ,we can learn foreign languages more quickly .

However ,the there are some disadvantages .Most of the students are too young to live alone without any living experience .Besides ,being far way from their home country ,they may feel lonely and homesick .Also ,the costs are much higher there than at home. In spit of these ,advantages are more than disadvantages .In my opinion ,it is advisable to attend schools abroad.

Exercises :

1.--–Can I help you ,sir ? --- Yes ,I bought this raio here yesterday ,but it ______.

A didn’t work B won’t work C can’t work D doesn’t work

2.-–You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.

--Well .Now I regret ____ that .

A to do B to be doing C to have done D having done

3.Most of us went to the exhibition, ____ some girls .

A include B including C contain D to contain

4.Don’t all speak at once ! _____,please.

A Each at one time B One by one time

C One for each time D One at a time

5.If you want help –money for anything ,let me know,____ you ?

A don’t B will C shall D do

6.I don’t think you are serious ,____ ?

A do I B don’t I C are you D aren’t you

7.Mrs. Black doesn’t believe her son is able to design a digital camera ,_____?

A is she B isn’t she C doesn’t she D does she

8.Now that she is out of a job ,Lucy ____ going back to school ,but she hasn’t decided yet.

A had considered B has been considering

C considered D is going to consider

9.--Oh it’s you .I ______ you .

--I’ve just had my hair cut and I’m wearing new glasses .

A didn’t recognize B hadn’t recognized

C haven’t recognize D don’t recognize

10.Sailing on a stormy day means ___ in the sea.

A to risk sinking B risking sinking

C to risk to sink D risking to sink

11.I hope that all the things will _____ well.

A turn in B work out C carry out D change

12.Jack advised that we ____ there in his car but the smile on his face suggested that it ____ a trick .

A go /was B should go /should be C go /be D went /should be

13. Mother bought me a dictionary on my birthday,_____ made me very happy.

A what B that C who D which

14._____ most of us can understand, it is hard to bring the situation under control.

A It B As C That D Which

15.Daniel is good at physics and runs very fast in sports meeting .____.

A So is his brother B Nor does his brother

C So it is with his brother D It is the same as his brother.

16.The flu is believed ___ by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat.

A causing B being caused C to be caused D be have caused

17.What a lovely day ,isn’t it ?--- Yes ,a bit cold ,________.

A although B but C though D yet

18.Great attention should be paid to _______ our environment from _____.

A protect /polluting B protecting /being polluted

C protect /being polluted D protecting /polluting

19.He has no ______ in his class .

A loser B match C enemy D winner

20.In order to keep ___,you must drink that water ,for it ______.

A fit /fits to drink B fit /is fit to drink

C suitable /fits to drink D sit /is suitable to drink

篇2:译林牛津 高一 必修2 模块二第三单元语言点详析

Unit 3 Aamazing people

Part Ⅰ Words:

1.curious adj. 好奇的;奇怪的,不寻常

It is good to be curious about the world around you.

I am curious about what he said just now.

curiosity 好奇心

2.preserve vt 保存,保护,保持,维持

The government has spend a lot of money to preserve places of historical places.

You’d better preserve meat or fish in salt.

It’s the duty of the police to preserve public order.

还可以表示 禁猎

Fishing is strictly preserved.

3.present adj. 在场的,出席的,现在的

Many people are present at the meeting.

At the present time =(At present) more and more people buy cars.

n. 礼物

People would like to send presents on Christmas day.

Vt. 提出,呈现,介绍

When you finish your painting ,you should present it to others.

4.coincidence n 巧合,碰巧

What a coincidence ! I was there at the same time as you .

By coincidence, we studied and lived in the same city.

5.disturb vt 打扰,扰乱

Don’t disturb.

Now he is asleep; don’t disturb him.

Wind disturbed the water.

I have heard some bad news, which has disturbed me very much.

注意 :interrupt 打断,中断

When others are talking ,it is impolite of your to interrupt them.

6.result n. 结果 vi。导致 ;结果

If you obtain good results ,you have to work hard.

He was ill. As a result ,he was absent from school.

He was absent from school as a result of his illness.

Hard work results in success. =(lead to)

Success results from hard work.

7.certain adj. 确定的,肯定的

I’m certain that he will come .

We are certain of our victory.

He is certain to come.

It is certain that he will come.


be sure of/about/to do /that+clause

但是在It is certain that …中certain不能换成sure

8.compare vt 比较

~ A with B 把A和B进行比较

~A to B 把A比作B(打比方)

If you compare your work with his ,you will find out whose work is better.

People would like to compare teachers to guarders.

Compare vi

~ with 与。。。匹敌;相比

He is not better than his partner in the work.He can’t compare with his partner.

Nobody can compare with him in paintings.

9.express vt 表达,表示

No words can express my thanks.

He can express himself in good clear English now after four years' hard learning.

express adj. 快速;快递 an express train

expression n 表达,表情,词句

10.base n 基地,大本营,基础

She used her family’s story as a base of her novel.

His arguments had a good economic base.

The air base was set up in 1980.

base vt

Judgment should be based on facts, not on hearsay.

One should always base one's opinions on facts.

I base my hopes on the good news we had yesterday.

11.contact vt

She contacted me as soon as she arrived there.

be in [out of] contact with 和...接触, 有联系[脱离接触, 失去联系]

have contact with 接触到, 和...有联系

lose contact with 和...失去联系, 离开

make contact with 和...接触[联系]

12.survive vi 幸存,残存,生还

Few survived after the flood。

The custom still survives.

Vt 幸免于,经受得住,比。。。活得长

He survived his wife for many years.他比妻子多活好多年。

The house survived the storm.

13.once conj. 一旦

Once you begin you have to continue.

Once you get down to doing something ,you should try your best.

14.prove vt 证明

He has proved his courage in battle.

Facts have proved that the creative power of the people knows no limits. 事实证明人民的创造力是无穷的。

Prove vi 证实(是)

The method / drug proved (to be) highly effective.

My advice proved to be wrong.

15.qualified adj 有资格的;合格的

He is a qualified doctor.

He is qualified for his job.

qualify v 具有资格 qualification n 资格



Can you find our position on this map?

The position is very critical. 情势很危急。

He's got a good position as a sales manager.

What is your position on the new taxes? 关于新税法你有何见解?

17.manage vt/vi

He is old enough to manage his own business.

May I help you with your case ?-Thanks a lot ! I can manage myself.

The pilot managed to circle the city for a long time.

He managed to pass the exam with his classmates’ help.

succeed in doing sth 成功地做某事

try to do sth 努力做某事(不知道结果如何)

18.live vt

He is our model .He can live his own dream by himself.

adj. There is a live concert on TV tonight.(现场直播的)

Part Ⅱ Phrases and expressions

1.set sail for some place

2.pay off 成功,带来好的结果

Before exams he worked very hard.And his effort paid off ;He passed the exam.

Our plan certainly paid off; it was a great idea.

pay 其他的词组

pay sb money for sth. pay back偿还 pay off one’s debts 还清债务

3.a great deal of 许多,大量 后跟不可数名词


a good /great many books a large number of books

quite a few books many a/an +单数可数名词


a great deal of money a large sum of money

3) 两者都可修饰

a lot of =lots of plenty of a large quantity of /large quantities of

4.as well as 也,同时

He as well as his families likes music.

5.have effect on 对。。。。有影响

His words had great effect on me .

6.lead sb to a place

lead sb to do sth lead to sth

7.have something to do with

He said he had nothing to do with the matter.

Have something/nothing/little/much to do with

8.be known as/for make oneself known to others

9.die of 死于

die of a disease/hunger/old age/ sorrow

die from a fall from the bike/an accident/wound/cut/drinking too much

10.fall ill

11.go out

12.the curse of the mummy

13.at the moment of his death

14.punish sb

15.change the world for the better

16.through thoughts and actions

17.win a Nobel Peace Prize

18.in history

19.resting place of the dead

20.wear special clothing

21.empty sth

22.be curious about the world

23.protect sb

24.in advance

25.make a discovery

26.during his lifetime

27.by the 1920’s in the early 1920’s

28.search for sth

29.live on

30.make a great contribution to the world 对世界作出贡献

31.later on

32.would rather do sth

33.spend a great deal of money

34.set foot on a place

35.sail at full speed

36.cause sb to do sth

37.fail to do

38. a scientific explanation

39.show sb how to do sth

40.in his thirties

41.apply for a job

42.go into space

43.make the dream a reality

44.in orbit

45.talk of

46.love science and technology

47.learn survival skills

48.be qualified for the task

49.describe sb as

50.look up to so as

51.choose sb as

52.be proud of

53.go down in history

54.manage to live his dream

55.in control of himself

56.encourage sb to do sth

57.join the army

58.three out of ten candidates

59.go to university

60.rather than 而不是

61.dream of doing sth

Part Ⅲ Sentences and structures

1.He is one of the most famous explores the world has ever known.他是世界闻名的大探险家之一。

2.The preserved bodies are known as mummies.这些经过处理保存的遗体就是世人皆知的木乃伊。

3.It was the most important tomb that had ever been found.


4.We emptied the tomb of everything it contained.


5.The tomb contained more riches ,gold jewels than any of us had ever seen before.


6.Upon entering the tomb, the bird was eaten by a snake.


upon/on sth/doing sth 一。。。。。就。。。。。。

相当于as soon as /the moment /the minute 引导的从句

7.He fell ill with a fever.他发烧生病了。

With 表示原因

He shook with cold.

His face became red with anger.

We jumped with joy.

8.It was his high scores on the psychological tests that finally won him his position as China’s first astronaut.


强调句型:It is/was+所强调的部分+that +剩下的部分


He and his team found the tom by chance.

It was he and his team that/who found the tomb by chance.

It was the tomb that he and his team found by chance.

It was by chance that he and his team found the tomb.

9.What is certain ,though, is that the mystery of the tomb has never been fully explained.


10.The people of China can be proud of Yang Liwei and young people all over the word can look up to him as an example of a man who managed to live his dream.


Part Ⅳ Grammar

Past perfect tense

When I got to the theatre ,they had sold out all tickets.

He said that he had met her before.

It was the first time that she had been here.

He had studied English for five years before he worked.

By the time I got up,he had prepared for the dinner.

By the end of last year,we had doubled our products.

I had intended to go with you ,but I had something unexpected to do .

一 形式 had done

二 含义 在过去的某一个时间之前就发生的动作(过去的过去)

三、状语 when/before/after/as soon as /until /since /by/ for /already

Part Ⅴ Writing

Page 76 (课本)

Jiang Tianyi ,fist prize winner

Jiang Tianyi , a sisteen-year-old boy from Class 5 Senior High 1 ,has won first prize in the Jianghai Web Design Competition held last week.

A total of 356 contestants from all walks of life took part in the competition ,which required them to use Flash to make a web page.

Jiang Tianyi has been interested in computers for quite some time. He’s slow interested in English .His favorite subjects in school are Maths and Science .In his spare time ,he likes to play football and Chinese chess.

Jiang Tianyi attended the No 1 primary School and No 1 Secondary School in Jianghai City. He dreams of going to the best university when he graduates from high school .His goal is to have a successful career in the IT industry.

课时训练 (P 72)

More and more middle students are going to all kinds of training classes or having family teachers at the weekend .There are two different viewpoints about it.

Some thinks it necessary .First of all ,it’s more effective to study with a teacher than by themselves .Secondly ,it can strengthen what is learnt in class. Besides ,they can learn a lot more. Others think it unnecessary .For one thing ,students can easily form the habit of dependence .For another ,students need time to time. What’s more ,the purpose of many training classes and teachers is to make money.

In my opinion ,whether a training class or family teacher is needed just depends .If you are really very weak at or interested in a certain subject ,maybe it’s OK for you .but be sure to choose a good sand suitable class or teacher .otherwise it would be a waste of time and money.


Dear Tom ,

I know you are interested in Chinese culture and want to find a job in Nanjing .I read an advertisement in today’s Yangtze Evening Paper “, a local paper here .A Nanjing Ladder Information Company is running a school .They need English teachers ,aged from 35-45,who should be native speakers .What they prefer is a university degree in education or other related fields ,which I’m sure you have .Besides ,a foreign expert certification is also required .I think you are the right person they want .

If you are interested ,please directly call or write to the company.The telephone number is 86-025-8644321,and their E-mail address is :D23@hotmail.com

AB卷 page 59

I think most of what we learn at school is useful. The problem is that we do not always know this from the start.

Take science ,for example. I hated chemistry lessons when I was younger .I I couldn’t see the point in doing boring experiments and learning tables. Now that I want to be a doctor ,I appreciate how important chemistry is .I realize that we have to learn the basics first .I used to think learning English was pointless too ,but now it really helps me a lot in communicating with foreign friends and gaining knowledge.

In conclusion ,I would say that most of what we learn at school is quite useful .I just wish all teachers would make it clear how the subjects we study can really help us later on in life.

AB卷page 68

Dear Editor,

Video games are very popular among the school students .Some students are so interested in the games that they spend all day playing .Sometimes they forget to do their homework and even play truant .Each time they have to pay much money .In order to pay the prices ,they ask their parents for more pocket money. Some even steal money .Too much video game playing requires time ,money and energy ,and it’s not good for the student’s study and health.

I hope the government will do something to stop it.

Yours ,

Li Ming


Dear Mr.James ,

I learn that a lawyer is wanted in your company .I’m very glad to introduce myself to you.

I was born on May 2nd,1968.I’m 1.76 metres tall with black hair ,big eyes and a round face. I never take anything for granted .And I’m careful in my work.

In my spare time ,I enjoy reading .I’m good at English .I often encourage myself with these words ,”Don’t be afraid of the evils .I should work for the interests of the people .

I’m sure I’ll be fit for the position and hope you’ll give me an early reply .Please call me at 6600378.

Yours ,

Wang Hai

1. They even _______ their rooms without any reason.

A. searched for B. searched C. searched out D. searched after

2. I, as well as you, ___________ a lawyer.

A. am B. is C. were D. will

3. The accident _________ his death.

A. lead to B. resulted in C. resulted from D. resulted

4. America is ________ home of baseball.

A. known for B. known as C. famous for D. known to

5. No hotel can ___________ ours in service and price.

A. compare with B. compare to C. be compared to D. be compared with

6 When we reached the airport, we were surprised to find that my uncle’s plane ______ already.

A. landed B. has landed C. landing D. had landed

7. By the time the police________, the robber __________, leaving two knives on the ground

A. had arrived, left B. arrived, had left C. arrived , left D. had arrived, had left

8. We_______ the problem for quite some time, but we _____ any conclusion yet.

A. have been discussing, haven’t reached B. have discussed, haven’t been reaching

C. discussed, haven’t reached D. had discussed, haven’t reached

9. ____________ the school when the bell rang.

A. Hardly did I reach B. I hardly reached C. Hardly had I reached D. I hardly had reached

10. _________ your help, I was able to be admitted into college.

A. Thanks for B. Thanks to C. Thanks D. Under

11. She _______ her aunt, because she is a great policewoman.

A. looks up to B. looks up C. looks into D. looks out

12. His theory (理论)________ correct.

A. proved B. was proved C. was proved to be D. has been proved

13. With his help, we ______ our task in time.

A. succeeded to finish B. tried to finish C. managed to finish D. successful in finishing

14. We made choices ________ how the products are made.

A. based on B. basing on C. is based on D. according

15. I was so lucky that I ______ the car crash.

A. survived from B. survived C. was survived from D. was survived

16. The report should _______ in greater detail and in clearer language.

A. present B. be presented C. organize D. show

17. ____________ come into the bank _____ the police arrived.

A. No sooner had the thieves , than B. Sooner the thieves , when

C. Soon after the thieves had, but D. No sooner did the thieves, than

18 “ Do you have any clothes ______?” Mother asked. “ Give them to me.”

A. to wash B. to be washed C. washed D. washing

19. The clothes seems green ______ blue.

A. instead of B. more than C. better than D. rather than

篇3:译林牛津 高一 必修2 模块二第二单元语言点详析

Unit 2 Wish you were here

Part 1 Words


1)作可数名词,意思是 冒险经历

She told me about her adventures in Africa.


Our life is full of adventure.

The boy has a love /spirit/sense of adventure


adventure stories /films/

4)还作动词 意思是拿。。。冒险,使。。。冒风险

Don’t adventure your life.

The boy adventure his opinion.

She likes adventuring in a remote place.

adventurous adj 喜欢冒险的 充满冒险

adventurer 冒险家

2.astonish vt

The news astonished everyone.

I was astonished when I heard that he died of the accident.

The news was astonishing.


不可数名词 。一件衣服an article of clothing

In those days people wore woolen clothing.

Food here is cheaper than in Britain .Clothing ,on the other hand ,is more expensive.

The clothing industry in this area has been going from strength to strength

cloth 可作可数名词也可作不可数名词

How much cloth does it take to make a blouse for the girl?

He gave me a hot wet cloth to wipe our hands.

clothes 可数名词 但是不能跟基数词连用。可以说many clothes 谓语动词用复数。

Put on your clothes before you go out.

4.supply vt

~ sth to sb ~ sb with sth

The government supplies free books to schools.

The town is supplied with water from a reservoir (水库)in the hills


The medical supplies were running out.

We shall me receiving new water supplies next week.

Have you got a good supply of books to read for the train journey?

We need a good supply of water for the hike.

in supply 短缺

5.provide vt 提供 给予

Sheep provide us with wool.

Sheep provide wool for us.

It's wise to save some money and provide for the future.


6.scare vt 惊吓 ,使害怕 ,使恐惧

His idea scared me .

She was scared at the strange noise.

People keep a dog to scare away thieves.

She is scared of the dogs.

He is scared to go out alone at night.

It was a scary story and children were scared after they heard it.

scared 惊恐的 adj scary 令人惊恐的

7.tire vt 使。。劳累/使。。厌倦

Too much work tired me (out).

tired 困倦的,厌烦的 tiring adj 累人的,令人厌烦的

I was tired from/with too much work.(由于。。。累)

He was very talkative and I was tired of talking with him.(厌烦做某事)

The speech was tiring .I couldn’t put up with it.(令人厌倦的)

8.envy vt 妒忌,羡慕

~ sb for sth /envy sb for sth

All her friends envied her for her good luck.

I envy you your good health.

Better be envied then pitied.(宁遭人嫉,莫受人怜)

n 作不可数名词,羡慕,忌妒

They looked at her with envy.

She always has envy of others.

也可作可数名词 意思是令人羡慕的东西或人。

His new car is the envy of everyone.

He has become an envy of all his friends, since he was assigned to a new promising post.


n 视野,风景,景色,观点

The house has a view over the sea.

You can get a good view of the city from the tower.

What’s your view on school punishments?


1) 及物动词 意思是达到 ,够及 ,得到,达成

When did you reach London ?

Can you reach the book for me ?

Your letter reached me yesterday .

After the heated discussion, they reached an agreement

2)不及物动词,意思是伸手取, 延伸

The woods reached as far as the river.

He reached out for the knife ,but he couldn’t reach it.

3) 名词

The medicine should be put out of the children’s reach /out of reach of the children

The book is in my reach;I can get it .


作及物动词 声称,宣称 要求=declare ;要求=request

He clamed that he wouldn’t do that.

After the war ,they claimed victory.

We claimed the protection of the law.(要求)

还可用作名词 表示断言 陈述

None of us believe his claim that he is honest.

12.tower vi 高耸 屹立 高高升起

He is the tallest in class; that’s to say ,he towers over/above any other boy.

He did best in that exam. He towered over /above his classmates.

13.surround vt 包围 环绕

The house is surrounded by a long fence

He was in danger and was surrounded by the enemines.

Surroundings 名词(复数) 环境


作不可数名词 和谐,协调,融洽

His tastes are in harmony with mine .

Can you see the harmony of color in nature?

They are out of harmony with each other. They often quarrel.

15.common adj 普通的 共有的

Mary is a common English name.

Snow is common in cold countries.

We should have common knowledge of medical care.

We are common people.

The swimming pool is in common and you are welcome here.(共有)

They are close friends and they have a lot in common with each other.(有共同之处)

16.total adj 完全的,全然的,全部的,总计的

It’s a total failure.

Can you tell me the total number ?

名词 总数 总计

There are 55 students in total=in all?

What does the total come to ?

18 expect v 预料,预期;期盼

I expect that he will pass the exam.

As we had expected ,he came home early.

He came back one hour earlier than expected.

Our parents expect us to go to college.

We expect to go home every day.

n expectation

Part Ⅱ Phrases and expressions

1.in case 以防,万一

It’s better to keep a little water in case you need it during the night.

You’d better take the umbrella in case of the rain.

有关case的词组见unit 1讲义

2.upside down 颠倒,上下翻转过来

The picture is upside down.

The child pretended to be reading ,holding the book upside down.

The house was turned upside down by burglars.

He has an upside-down way of doing things.

3.see animals up close

4.get close to sb

5.feed on grass 吃草,以草为主食

6.be busy doing sth

be busy with /over sth

7.look forward to sth/doing sth

8.tourist spot

9.at dawn at noon at sunset at sunrise

10.challenge yourself

11.go trekking /swimming/climbing/fishing/shopping

12.explore the amazing rainforest

13. be ready to go

14.travel on camels/by camel

15.on clear nights /on a cold morning

16.get rough

17.go white -water rafting

18. get turned upside down

19.go on a trip /visit

20.scare the animals away

21.feel sick

22.begin with

23.refer to

24.make discoveries

25.have enough energy to do sth

26.sound fun

27.be worth risking your life

28.think to oneself

29.take extra clothes

30.remind sb of sth

31.make his trip more enjoyable

32.as well

33.make a fire

34.take are

35.a piece of equipment

36.than usual

37.be disappointed at the news

38.in total silence

39.gather information

40.pay attention to sth

41.look out for sth

42.take a train to some place

43.at the foot of the mountain

44.be tired of doing sth

45.discover a place of mystery=discover a mysterious place

46.regular flights

47. be covered with snow

48.make viewers speechless

49.live in perfect harmony with nature

50.provide it with endless natural treasures

51.make the land a happy home for the local people

52.experience four seasons

53.at its mildest

54.places of interest

55.make full use of sth make good use of sth

make the best use of sth make the best/most of sth

Part Ⅲ Patterns and structures

1.I wish you were here.我希望你在这儿。


I wish I were as clever as you.(现在)

How he wish that he had passed the exam.(过去)

How I wish I could have a good holiday.( 将来)

2.It’s the biggest desert in the world –about the size of the US!


Our classroom is twice bigger than theirs.

Our classroom is three times as big as theirs.

Our classroom is three times the size of theirs.

4.We eat and drink whatever they do .

whatever adv./conj.可引导名词性从句和状语从句

You can get whatever you need here.

Whatever you do ,you should try your best.

=No matter what you do ,you should try your best.

类似的词如:wherever ,whoever, whomever, whichever, however

However (No matter how)great the difficulty is ,you should try to overcome it.

Wherever (No matter where)you go ,you can take it with you.

5.Since (既然,因为)we’ll be walking every day for almost two weeks ,I’ll need to buy a large strong ,light backpack 我们每天都需要徒步行走,长达近两周时间因此我得买一个改良大、质地牢、轻便的旅行背包。

6.We will walk across the land ,following the footprints of big animals .


7.We will try to get close as possible to the animals even though they are dangerous, so that I can take some good photos.


注意 even though =even if 即使 纵然

so that 因此

I got up very early so that I could catch the early bus.

I got up very early in order to=( so as to ) catch the early bus.

He is such a good student that every teacher likes him.

8.I will make sure that we will get enough rest after sunset.


9.The whole trip will take six days.


10.You don’t want to run out.

run out vi用完,花光 use up vt

I ran out of my money.

My money ran out.

I used up my money=My money was used up.

11.The sun rose ,as it always does, in a clear sky.

12.He was about to get off the camel when a child ran towards him.

be about to do sth 即将/正要做某事 与when引导的从句连用

I was about to go out when it began to rain.

Part Ⅳ Grammar and usage

Future continuous tense and Future in the past

Future continuous tense

1.He will be climbing in the Himalayas all next week.

2.I will be meeting him sometime in the future.

3.What will you be doing at six tomorrow morning?

4.We’ll be have a meeting from 3 to 4 this afternoon.

5.We will be watching a match this time tomorrow morning.

6.The report says that it will be raining tomorrow morning.

1)形式:will be doing

2)概念 表示在将来某一时刻或某一时间内,正在进行的、持续的动作;自然发生的事情,不是人为安排的。

3)时间状语 soon /this morning /this time /all the week etc

Future in the past

1.They were sure that they would win .

2.I was going to leave but then it rained.

3.He said that he was to leave .

4.I was about to go to bed when the door bell rang.

1)形式 would +do

was/were going +do

was/were (about)to do

2)概念 在过去的某个时刻将要发生的动作(计划、安排、打算)

Part Ⅴ Writing

Page 101 (课本)

8 May ,Monday

We are finally back from Beijing .It was a really wonderful visit!

On the first day in Beijing ,we got up early and went to see the flag-raising ceremony in Tian’anmen Square. Then, we visited the Palace Museum. The emperors used to live and work there .On the second day ,we visited the Summer Palace. The palace scenery was beautiful .The next day ,we went to the Great Wall is a symbol of Chinese culture .An old saying goes ,”He that does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man ”I think this is true. I was so proud to climb to the top of this ancient wall .On the last day ,we visited the Temple of Heaven .This is where the emperors used to go to worship Heaven.

I was very tired after the visit ,but it was well worth it .

Page 54 (课时训练)

Good morning ,everyone ! Today we are very happy to have our friends from Washington Longfellow High School .Welcome ! Now I would like to give a brief introduction of our students outside class activities .Every afternoon from 4:20 to 5:20 ,students of all grades will have different activities .They can read books in the library or in their own classroom. They can do sports ,sing songs ,learn the computer or surf the Internet .They can also do different researches in their own subject groups .Sports and the computer are the most popular activities .But you know ,because they have exams ,students still have much homework every day .So they really hope that they can have less homework and have more free time .They slow prefer to have more visits and travel ,They think it it s good for them .

That’s all Thank you for listening.

Page 40 (AB卷)

Dear Mike ,

I ‘m so excited at the news that you are coming to China this summer .I’ve found something that we can do together .Have you heard the Yangtze River Cruise ? It is a 5-day trip down the great river .Let me tell you more .We will get on board the ship in Chongqing on the first day .The next day the ship will arrive at Fengdu ,known as the Ghost City. During the next two days ,we’ll be able to enjoy the beauty of the famous Three Gorges and visit the Three Gorges Dam. I’m sure we will learn a lot about this amazing project .Finally we’ll be reaching Wuhan, where we are to visit the Yellow Crane Tower.

Do you like it ? Please tell me if this plan will work for you .

Talk to you soon.


Li Ming


1.Lakes ________ by vast grasslands, look like jewels.

A surrounding B surrounded C to surround D surround

2.Three mountains ,Meili ,Baimang and Haba ,which are covered with snow ,tower ______ the land.

A over B on C than D at

3.I’ve been quite busy _____ my holiday with my friends.

A plan B to plan C planning D planned

4.______ I forget ,please remind me of it .

A Whether B In case of C In case D In that case

5.He insisted ____ a rise because of his wonderful work .

A that he give B on having given C that he should give D on being given

6.This is the shop ____ I often speak to you.

A of which B what C in which D where

7.He _____ to bed when he heard someone shouting for help.

A was going B would go C was about to go D went

8.It ____ long before we ____ the result of the experiment.

A will not be / will know B is /will know C will not be /know D is /know

9.It was ___ that a hundred people looked lost in it.

A so large a room B so a large room C such large a room D a such large room

10.Tom ____ New York ____ Boston next week.

A is leaving /to B is leaving ,for C leave/for D leaves /to

11.He has just arrived ,but I didn’t know she _____ until yesterday.

A will come B is coming C was coming D had come

12.--What’s the terrible noise? The neighbours _____ for a party.

A have prepared B are preparing C prepare D will prepare

13. His pale face suggested that he _________ ill, and his teacher suggested that he ______ to the hospital.

A. be, go B. was, should go C. should be, went D. was, went

14 .___________,Mother will wait for him to have dinner together.

A.However late is he B. No matter how he is late

C. However is he late D. However late he is

15 .They arrived home late and were astonished to find the house______ but nothing______.

A. turned upside down; stolen B. turning upside down; stealing

C. to be turned upside down; had been stolen D. to have been turned upside down; to be stolen

16. ---Where is Helen? ---She America for a week.

A. has gone off to B. has left for C. has been off to D. has set off to

篇4:译林牛津 高一 必修1 模块一第二单元语言点详析

Unit Two Growing Pains

Part One knowledge

I Word study

1.act n (戏剧的)一幕 vi 表现 行动

The time for talking is past ;we must ~ at once .

You acted =behaved wisely by ignoring such bad advice.

Who is ~ing Hamlet? He ~ed very well in the play.

act as

I don’t understand their language; you’ll have to act as interpreter.

2.surpsrise vt&n

sth ~ sb sb be ~ed (at) sth be ~ ing

to one’s great surprise

His not passing the exam, surprised us very much.

We were surprised at his not passing the exam.

To our great surprise ,he didn’t pass the exam.

3.explain ~ sth to sb/ ~ to sb that

He ~ed his plan in some details.

Could you ~ why you left without saying anything?

Please ~ this problem to us .

She ~ed the children that the school had been closed .

Explanation n

He left the room without explanation.

4.charge vt 要价

n 1) 负责,掌管 2)费用

~ (sb/sth) for sth

How much do you ~for mending shoes ?

I’m not going there again ----- they ~ed me five dollars for a cup of coffee!

in charge take charge of in charge of

under /in one’s charge

Leave a child in charge of the shop while the manager was away.

Who’s in charge here?

These patients are under the charge of Dr Wilson .

The department was badly organized until she took charge(of it)

All goods are delivered free of charge.

5.reason n 理由 , 原因

for this /that ~

for some ~

the ~ for (doing ) sth

the ~ why +从句

Can you tell us the reason why you didn’t attend the meeting yesterday?

For some reason ,he won’t believe you .

reasonable adj.

NOTE : cause n 起因 vt 引起

the cause of sth

What ~ed the fire (to happen)?

What is the ~ of the fire ?

~ sb / sth to do sth

What ~ed us to think of your childhood?

6.punish vt

~ sb for (doing )

Xiao Li was punished by his parents for not passing the exam .

Scold/criticize/blame etc

punishment n unpunished adj.

7. trust n & vt

A good marriage is based on ~.

I put my ~ in you.

They are not to be ~ed.

You can’t ~ what the papers say.

Can I ~ trust you to post this letter ?

8.upset vt 1) 打翻 弄翻 打乱 2) 使。。。。 苦恼或心烦

~ one’s cup /the milk etc

A large wave ~the boat .

Our arrangements for the weekend were upset by her visit.

Sth upset sb sb be upset

The problem ~s him so much.

Don’t ~ yourself -----no harm has been done.

He was ~ at not being invited.

be emotionally upset 心烦意乱

9.rude adj. be ~ to do

He is a very ~ man.

Don’t be ~ to people

be rude /cruel /impolite to sb

be kind/polite/friendly to do

rudely adv rudeness n

10. score n &vt 1)得分 2)+twenty

a high /low ~

make a good ~ of 90 points

What’s my ~?

The final ~ was 4-3.

She ~ed 120 in the maths test.

a ~ of people =twenty people

three score an ten

scores of 几十(个)

There are three score students /scores of students in the classroom.

11. insist vt&vi 1)坚持(应该做)2)坚持认为

I insist that you should take an immediate action to put this right.

He ~s that I (should ) be present.

She ~ed that she had done right.

Insist on (doing) sth

She will ~ on getting up early and playing her radio loud.

He ~ed on going with me .

The university ~s on an interview before accept a new student.

12.arugement n. 争论 辩论

have /get into an ~ with sb about sth

We agreed without much further ~.

argument/discussion /quarrel /debate

argue vt

~ with sb abut sth

~ for /against sth

~ that-clause

We ~ed with the waiter about the price of the meal .

I ~ed that we needed a larger office.

13. suggest vt 1)建议 2) 表明 暗示

~ sth to sb

~ (to sb ) that …. (should) do

~(one’s) doing sth

What did you ~ to the manager ?

I ~ed to him that the problem (should ) be dealt with another way.

He ~ed that the wounded (should) be sent to the hospital without hesitation.

He ~ed taking the children the children to the zoo.

His cool response ~ed that he didn’t like the idea.

Are you ~ing that I’m not telling the truth?

suggestion (cn ) 建议-----同位语从句、表语从句同样要用(should)+动词原形

14 spare adj 空闲的,多余的

vt 抽出、分出时间或金钱

Do you carry a ~ wheel in your car?

I have no ~money this month.

in one’s ~time

I can’t ~ the time for a holiday at the moment.

Can you ~ me a few minutes for a talk?

Can you ~a cigarette for me?

15.forbit vt

~ sb (from) doing sth

~ sb to do sth

(doing) sth is forbidden.

I can’t ~ you (from) seeing that man again.

He was forbidden to talk to her.

Smoking/parking is forbidden here.

16 mark n 分数,标记,记号,标志

vt 作记号

She got 80 marks for geography.

White marks painted on the trees show the route.

Who made these dirty marks on my new book?

mark one’s name on one’s clothes --- --mark one’s clothes with one’s name

The route has been marked so that it is easy to follow.

Prices are marked on the goods.

be marked with

Each book is marked with an English letter.

17 test n&vt 测验

a driving test a blood test a maths test

test sth for …

test the water for pollution

test sb on sth

She tested the whole class on irregular verbs.

have one’s eyesight/hearing tested


18 leave vt 1)离开 2)使…处于某种状态

leave (a place) for (another place)

She is leaving for Nanjing tomorrow.

leave sb/sth + adj/prep/doing/done

Who is left in charge?

You should not leave the old man alone at home.

The work is left undone there.

篇5:译林牛津 高一 必修1 模块一第一单元语言点详析

Unit One School life

Part One Knowledge

I Word study:

1. experience (c) an event that affects people in some way 经历

I shall never forget my first ~ in the summer camp.


(u)the process of gaining knowledge or skill by doing and seeing things 经验

You need more time to gain practical ~.


vt . feel or have ~ of

The small village has ~ed great changes in the last thirty years.


Adj. experienced

2. attend vt go to or be present at

~ school/assembly /a meeting/a wedding etc

Over two hundred people ~ed the charity show.


attend to 专心于/照顾

Attend to your work and stop talking.

Are you being attended to ?

Could you attend to this matter immediately?

3. earn vt get something because of one’s qualities or actions 赢得

get money by working 挣得,赚得

He ~ed a lot of praise from the newspapers for his new book.

He ~ed a hard living by carrying bricks up a ladder ten hours a day.


4. average adj. Usual ,typical or normal平均的

n a usual level平均

The working hours for most people are 40 hours a week.

Wages for industrial workers have increased by an ~ of 7.5%.

average v.

The cost of our lunches ~ed 50 yuan a week.

on average

We fail one student per year on average.

5. miss vt feel sorry or unhappy at the absence or loss of 怀念

I miss living in the countryside.


vt not hit/catch; fail to see 错过,未击中(赶上)

The falling rock just ~ed my head.


6. prepare vi&vi get or make ready 使。。。 准备好,预备

~ sth for sth ~ sb for sth ~ for sth

The students are preparing for the coming exams.

~ a meal ~ for trouble ~ to do sth ~ children for an examination.

be/get prepared for ------be ready for

be/get prepared to do sth------ be able and willing to do sth

She was prepared for anything to happen.

I am prepared to lend you the money if you promise to pay it back.

Ppeparation n make ~s for

7. achieve vt gain or reach (sth) by effort ,skill etc 获得,取得,达到

~ success /high grades/one’s goals

I’ve ~ed only half of what I’d hoped to do .

achievement n

make great ~s

8. introduce vt make sb know formally to do else 介绍

~~ sb to sb ~ oneself (to sb )

Allow me to ~ my wife .

I was introduced to the president at the party.

首先,我愿意作一下自我 介绍。_________________________________________

9. mention vt write or speak /talk about sb /sth briefly 提到

Did you ~ it to the police ?

He ~ed to John that he had seen you somewhere before .

When I ~ playing football ,he says he’s too busy.

Don’t ~ it .不用谢。

10. available adj (of things ) that can be used or obtained 可用的,可得到的

Tickets are ~ at the box office.

This was the only ~ room.


11. develop vt&vi grow gradually, 使。。。发展,发育 成长

~sth (from sth )into sth

This child is ~ing well.

The argument (争论) has ~ed into a bitter quarrel(争吵)

The pane has ~ed from a fishing port into a tourist center.

The education of our country is ~ed very fast.

~ the industry/agriculture/economy /education etc

developing adj

developed adj

development n with the ~ of ….

12. denoate vt give (money/goods etc) to ….捐献

~ the paintings( etc) to the museum

donation n.

13. display vt put sth on show 展示,陈列

It’s the first time the painting has been ~ed to the public .

(be) on display

A collection of photographs was on display in the hall.

14.please vt make sb happy 使。。。愉快,高兴

It’s difficult to ~ everybody.

Our main aim is to ~ the customers.

please oneself do as you like

--I don’t want to come wit you today.

--- Oh,please yourself ,then!

pleased adj be ~ed to do sth

(sb) be ~ed with


pleasant adj pleasure n.

15. regret vt feel sorry about sth

If you go now ,you’ll ~ it .

I ~ what I said.

I ~ to say that …..

I ~ to inform you that …

regret having done

regret to have done 对做过的事情感到后悔

She regretted having wasted so much time on the internet.

16. inform vt give sb knowledge of sth /tell sb 通知

He ~ed the police that some money was missing.

~ sb of /about sth

Please keep me informed of /about what happens.


17.run vt 1) 跑步 跑 2)be in charge of /manage 经营 管理 3) organize 举办 开办

~ a hotel /a shop /a language school

He ahs no idea of how to ~ a successful business.

Stop trying to ~ my life for me .

The college ~s summer course for foreign learner of Enlgish.

18.close adj /adv 1) 亲密的 20靠近的

my ~ friend be/get ~ to sit/stand ~ to

close vt 关闭 ~ the door

The door is not open ;it is closed.

19. approve vt&vi 赞成,同意 批准

~ of sb /sth

I approve of your trying to make/earn some money,but polease don’t neglect(耽误) your studies.


approval n give one’s ~

20.continue vt&vi (cause sth to ) go on existing or happening not stop

~ to do /doing ~with sth

Wet weather may ~ for a few more days.

In spite of my efforts ,the baby ~ ed to cry/crying.

How can you ~ to work/working with all that noise going on ?

We will ~(with) the payments for another year.

Please ~ .I didn’t mean to interrupt.

to be continued 待续 continuous adj

Who has been ~ed to take part in the project?

21.select vt choose sb/sth esp. as being the best 挑选(最好的)

~ a gift / candidate (候选人)

Who has been ~ed to take part in the project?

Who has been ~ed as the team leader?

Selection n.

22. require vt 1) depend on /need 需要

We ~ extra help.

The situation ~s that I should be there.

All cars ~ = need servicing regularly

(sb) be ~ ed to do sth 要求某人做某事

We were ~ed to write an article about our school life.

It is ~ ed of me that I give evidence .(证据)

He only did what was required of him.他只是照章办事。

Requirement n meet one’s ~s

Ⅱ Vocabulary

1. The other words for Unit One in Wb P68-69

2. the names of school facilities on page 6

3. the names of pieces of equipment in the gym on page 7

Ⅲ Phrases and expressions

1.(be) at ease (with sb) 2. an enjoyable experience

3.expereience a different way of life

4. an hour later than usual

5. attend assembly

6. at assembly

7. achieve high grades/achieve one’s goals

8. do sth for free

9. at the end of term

10. eat lots of desserts

11. at the weekend

12. introduce oneself to

13. surf the internet

14. think of sb/sth immediately

15. be available for sb

16. sound like

17. develop an interest in (doing) sth

18. make a speech about/on sth

19. graduate from university

20. miss the chance to do sth

21. during break time

22. run a radio club

23. be responsible for

24. inform sb of sth

25. consist of

26. read sth out loud

27. (much) more than

28. make a decision /make decisions

29. sit next to a girl

30. earn respect from

31. drop some subjects

32. a bit not a bit

33. a little not a little

34. have a chance to do sth.

35. at the school entrance

36. make the notice clear and attractive

37. be late for my appointment with the headmaster

38. instead of doing sth

39. refer to

40. take place

41. make a choice

42. in a public place

43. encourage sb to do sth

44. with his help

45. look forward to doing sth

46. pay attention to (doing) sth

47. in the early 1920s

48. live a quiet life

49. allow sb to do sth be allowed to do sth

50. spend time (in ) doing /on sth

Ⅳ Patterns and structures

1. used to do sth be/get used to (doing sth) (sth) be used for sth /to do sth

I used to have a walk along the road after supper

He is no longer what he used to be.

Now he is used to getting up earlier.

The knife can be used to be cut apples.

2. 比较级+than (not) as/so +原级+as

He is taller than any other boy in his class.

He is not as tall as any other boy in his class.

3. as conj --- time --- reason

As he walked in , I was watching TV.

My English improved a lot as I spent much time on it.

such as

Yesterday I bought many things ,such as books, shoes ,clothes and so on

4.upon on doing sth

He called me upon arriving there.

5.I regret to say /to inform that

I regret to say that we have to put off the meeting because of the heavy rain.

I regret to inform that you haven’t passed the exams.

6.find sb/sth + infinitive (不定式)

I find English hard to learn.

I find him easy to please.

7.the +比较级+(主+谓),the +比较级+(主+谓)

The more you read ,the better your English will be.

The more careful you are ,the fewer mistakes you will make .

The sooner ,the better .

Ⅴ Grammar

1. What is an attribute?

Adjective the green team

Prepositional the team in green

Attributive Clause the team who were wearing green

2. What is an attributive clause?

The man who is standing there is our maths teacher.

Who 引导的定语从句修饰名词the man 。被修饰名词the man叫做先行词。Who 叫做关系代词,代表先行词在定语从句中担当主语的句子成分。

3. The usage of the relative pronouns

关系代词 which/that ----- 物

that/who/whom------人 (whom 只能用作宾语)


which/that/who(whom) 代表先行词 在定语从句中担任宾语时可以省略。

The girl (that/who/whom) you saw just now in the street has just come from America.

I don’t like the film (that/which )we saw last night.

Part One Skills


1) Listening practice (I)

Understanding a programme


2) Listening practice(Ⅱ)

Workbok P 92

3) Listen up

Chapter One~ Chapter Six P2-13


1) Talk about school life ,tell the differences between the lives of Chinese and British high school students

2) Learn how to ask the way

Part A Asking the way

Excuse me ,can you tell me the way to ….?

……..How can I get to ….?

…….. do you know where I can …..?

Sure .You can’t miss it.

Sorry ,you will find it on your right.

I am not from around here.

I’m a stranger here.

Part B Describe positions and directions

1. Here I am at …..

2. Walk towards/go between /go straight/on /turn left(right)walk past /go through

3. Then you could see/find….

3) Comparing information

Try to report to your class teacher.

Answer the following questions:

What is the first talk for our class?

What is the topic?

Who is the speaker?

Where is the talk to be held?

Ⅲ Reading

Reading strategies skimming and scanning

1) Text School life in the UK

2) Reading materials

Workbook (90-91

3) Reading Time

4) Passage 1-9 (P2-18)

Ⅳ Writing

1) Write a letter (an e-mail),talking about (telling your parents about)your school life

2) Write a notice ,informing your classmates of fine talks in October they can attend

3) Design a poster ,starting a new school club and try your best to win the competition

Three Possible Versions (A letter/an e-mail) ;A notice ;A poster ;

Dear Sir,

I read your advertisement in today’s newspaper. I’m writing to say that I’d like to work as a volunteer for the Beijing Olympic Games.

My name is Li Hua. I am 16 .I have been studying in a key middle school since September of .I can speak English very well. I am proud to say that I’ve just won the first prize in an English speech contest for middle school students in the city .I am healthy and love sports .Table tennis is my favourite .

If I am lucky enough to be a volunteer for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games ,I will try my best to do the job well. Please call me as soon as possible at 010-55854681.

Best wishes !

Yours truly,

Li Hua


Summer English class

In order to improve the students’ ability to listen to and speak English ,a class for improving the students’ oral English will e held during the summer holidays .

Time: July 15 to August 4 ,twice a week

Place : Room 110 ,Teaching Building

Topic: British life and Culture

Teacher : Miss Anna from the UK

It’s a good chance to practise listening and speaking .Everyone is welcome to the class. Those who would like to attend it ,please go to the teachers’ office and sign your names there from now on .You’d better come before July 12,as we have to prepare some books for you.

Thank you for your kind attention .

English Department

A poster

Film News

Name: Harry Potter

Time :7:30 p.m. December 28, Saturday

Place Friendship Cinema

Price 12 yuan

Welcome to enjoy the movie!


来源:高中英语园地 作者:佚名 日期:-01-12 21:27:57

Unit Two Growing Pains

Part One knowledge

I Word study

1.act n (戏剧的)一幕 vi 表现 行动

The time for talking is past ;we must ~ at once .

You acted =behaved wisely by ignoring such bad advice.

Who is ~ing Hamlet? He ~ed very well in the play.

act as

I don’t understand their language; you’ll have to act as interpreter.

2.surpsrise vt&n

sth ~ sb sb be ~ed (at) sth be ~ ing

to one’s great surprise

His not passing the exam, surprised us very much.

We were surprised at his not passing the exam.

To our great surprise ,he didn’t pass the exam.

3.explain ~ sth to sb/ ~ to sb that

He ~ed his plan in some details.

Could you ~ why you left without saying anything?

Please ~ this problem to us .

She ~ed the children that the school had been closed .

Explanation n

He left the room without explanation.

4.charge vt 要价

n 1) 负责,掌管 2)费用

~ (sb/sth) for sth

How much do you ~for mending shoes ?

I’m not going there again ----- they ~ed me five dollars for a cup of coffee!

in charge take charge of in charge of

under /in one’s charge

Leave a child in charge of the shop while the manager was away.

Who’s in charge here?

These patients are under the charge of Dr Wilson .

The department was badly organized until she took charge(of it)

All goods are delivered free of charge.

5.reason n 理由 , 原因

for this /that ~

for some ~

the ~ for (doing ) sth

the ~ why +从句

Can you tell us the reason why you didn’t attend the meeting yesterday?

For some reason ,he won’t believe you .

reasonable adj.

NOTE : cause n 起因 vt 引起

the cause of sth

What ~ed the fire (to happen)?

What is the ~ of the fire ?

~ sb / sth to do sth

What ~ed us to think of your childhood?

6.punish vt

~ sb for (doing )

Xiao Li was punished by his parents for not passing the exam .

Scold/criticize/blame etc

punishment n unpunished adj.

7. trust n & vt

A good marriage is based on ~.

I put my ~ in you.

They are not to be ~ed.

You can’t ~ what the papers say.

Can I ~ trust you to post this letter ?

8.upset vt 1) 打翻 弄翻 打乱 2) 使。。。。 苦恼或心烦

~ one’s cup /the milk etc

A large wave ~the boat .

Our arrangements for the weekend were upset by her visit.

Sth upset sb sb be upset

The problem ~s him so much.

Don’t ~ yourself -----no harm has been done.

He was ~ at not being invited.

be emotionally upset 心烦意乱

9.rude adj. be ~ to do

He is a very ~ man.

Don’t be ~ to people

be rude /cruel /impolite to sb

be kind/polite/friendly to do

rudely adv rudeness n

10. score n &vt 1)得分 2)+twenty

a high /low ~

make a good ~ of 90 points

What’s my ~?

The final ~ was 4-3.

She ~ed 120 in the maths test.

a ~ of people =twenty people

three score an ten

scores of 几十(个)

There are three score students /scores of students in the classroom.

11. insist vt&vi 1)坚持(应该做)2)坚持认为

I insist that you should take an immediate action to put this right.

He ~s that I (should ) be present.

She ~ed that she had done right.

Insist on (doing) sth

She will ~ on getting up early and playing her radio loud.

He ~ed on going with me .

The university ~s on an interview before accept a new student.

12.arugement n. 争论 辩论

have /get into an ~ with sb about sth

We agreed without much further ~.

argument/discussion /quarrel /debate

argue vt

~ with sb abut sth

~ for /against sth

~ that-clause

We ~ed with the waiter about the price of the meal .

I ~ed that we needed a larger office.

13. suggest vt 1)建议 2) 表明 暗示

~ sth to sb

~ (to sb ) that …. (should) do

~(one’s) doing sth

What did you ~ to the manager ?

I ~ed to him that the problem (should ) be dealt with another way.

He ~ed that the wounded (should) be sent to the hospital without hesitation.

He ~ed taking the children the children to the zoo.

His cool response ~ed that he didn’t like the idea.

Are you ~ing that I’m not telling the truth?

suggestion (cn ) 建议-----同位语从句、表语从句同样要用(should)+动词原形

14 spare adj 空闲的,多余的

vt 抽出、分出时间或金钱

Do you carry a ~ wheel in your car?

I have no ~money this month.

in one’s ~time

I can’t ~ the time for a holiday at the moment.

Can you ~ me a few minutes for a talk?

Can you ~a cigarette for me?

15.forbit vt

~ sb (from) doing sth

~ sb to do sth

(doing) sth is forbidden.

I can’t ~ you (from) seeing that man again.

He was forbidden to talk to her.

Smoking/parking is forbidden here.

16 mark n 分数,标记,记号,标志

vt 作记号

She got 80 marks for geography.

White marks painted on the trees show the route.

Who made these dirty marks on my new book?

mark one’s name on one’s clothes --- --mark one’s clothes with one’s name

The route has been marked so that it is easy to follow.

Prices are marked on the goods.

be marked with

Each book is marked with an English letter.

17 test n&vt 测验

a driving test a blood test a maths test

test sth for …

test the water for pollution

test sb on sth

She tested the whole class on irregular verbs.

have one’s eyesight/hearing tested


18 leave vt 1)离开 2)使…处于某种状态

leave (a place) for (another place)

She is leaving for Nanjing tomorrow.

leave sb/sth + adj/prep/doing/done

Who is left in charge?

You should not leave the old man alone at home.

The work is left undone there.

篇7:译林牛津 高一 模块二第一单元语言点详析

Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained

Part 1 Words

1.puzzle vt 使迷惑, 使为难

What puzzled me most was that he hadn’t shown up all the day.

No maths problem can puzzle him


I was very puzzled at the puzzling news.

n . 难题 谜 ;困惑;迷惑

The students are doing a word puzzle.

The police are in a puzzle about the case.

2.search v 搜索,搜寻

The police searched the forest for the lost child.

I’v searched my memory ,but I can’t remember that man’s name.

He who would search for pearls must dive below.

They searched him but found nothing.


I’m at present in search of a new house.

So far ,they have been unluckily in their search for gold and have no money at all.

3.witness vt


He witnessed the accident.

We witnessed great changes in the city.

n 目击者 证人 证据

These facts are a witness to his carelessness.

He was one of the witnesses of the accident.



Nowadays the scientists are busy researching into/on our surroundings.

The doctors researched into/on the cause of his death ,but no luck.


do /make carry out research into /on sth

5.case n 案子 ,案件;事情;箱子

in this case 如果这样

in that case 如果那样

in case 以防 万一

in no case 决不

in any case 无论如何

6. charge

1)n 负责 责任

After his father died ,he took charge of the firm ,and now he is in charge of the firm ;that’s to say ,the firm is in the charge of him.

2) n /vt 收费,要价

You can visit the exhibition free of charge.

How much do you charge me for the use of telephone?

3) 控告 使担责任

The court charged him with murder.

7 murder vt /n 谋杀 凶杀

He was charged with an attempted murder.

He was murdered on a cold evening.

He murdered the whole work .

n murderer 杀人者 凶手

8 convince vt


He convinced me that I should study law.

He convinced me of his honesty.

convinced /convincing

People became convinced that they should prevent rivers from being polluted.

You should give convincing evidence to make yourself convinced.

9 disappoint vt

We shouldn’t do anything that will disappoint our parents.

What disappointed me most was that I couldn’t go home .


He was disappointed at the news that our team was defeated.

The weather is disappointing.

He is a disappointing man; nobody would like to stay with him.

10. lately =recently

多用于否定和疑问句]近来, 最近

I haven't seen him lately.

Have you been there lately ?

注意:be late for school (adj)

get up late (adv)

11.mystery n 神秘

Yesterday I read a story of mystery.

Many problems that used to be mysteries to people are now solved.

mysterious adj. 神秘的

12.support vt 支撑,支持;搀扶;赡养

She supports her husband on the money she earns from teaching.

He has a large family to support.

Don’t worry ! I support you .

Which football team do you support?


During that election ,he won much support.

13. exist vi

One cannot exist without air.


No living things can exist on the moon.

n existence

Part Ⅱ Phrases and expressions

1.step up

走近逐步提高 加速 增加

When John realized it was going to be late, he stepped up his pace.

We decide to step up production to try to meet the increased demand.

2.due to =because of

Due to his carelessness ,he failed in the exam.

The flight was cancelled to the fog.

3.show up =appear=turn up

He showed up only after everyone else had finished eating.

Why didn’t you show up at the meeting yesterday?

注意:show up 还有揭穿,揭露的意思

Someone showed him up as a thief.

4.according to 根据 按照

According to him ,he has finished his job by himself.

According to the weather report, it is going to rain tomorrow.

5.rule out 排除

The police couldn’t rule out the possibility of murder.

The scientist ruled out the possibility that there were living things on the moon.

6.look into 向里看 调查 观察

He looked into the room , but found nobody.

He promised that he would look into the matter.

Before you make a decision ,you’d better look into all the problem.

注意:look 其他词组 look for look down (upon) look up look out look forward to doing sth look after ….

7.make up

Two doctors and four nurses made up that medical team.(构成 组成)

He made up an excuse for his absence.(编造)

Because of his illness ,he has to make up the missed lessons.(弥补 补偿)

You can’t make up for what you have lost.

Why don’t you make up with him ?(和解)

Before she went out,she made herself up.(化装 打扮)

8.take charge of

9.make progress

China has made great progress in space exploration so far.

10.run after

11.on average

12.tales of the unexplained

13.advanced science and technology

14.a sunken ship

15.run into =come across/meet with/knock into

Yesterday on my way home ,I ran into a friend.

Suddenly the car ran into the truck.

16.the reason for coming late

17.believe in /believe

He is an honest boy . He is a a person to believe in .I believe his words.

18.go missing

My watch is missing/lost/gone.

19.show great interest (n) in his disappearance

have /develop/take/lose

20.stay out

21.get ready for bed

22.go straight to his room

23.put on his favourite CD

24.an impression of sth

25.do research on/into

26.have nightmares about sth

27.get frightened

28.give up (doing sth)

29.with the launch of the first artificial satellite

30.unmanned spaceships

31.orbit the earth

32.so far 与现在完成时连用 另外还有 up till/to now in the past/last/recent few years

33.dream of doing sth

34.come true

35.separate 。。。from 。。。。/divide …into…

36.pick up sb 接某人

37.take off their suits

38.observe sb doing /do

39.take photos of

40.be tired from with sth (由于。。。劳累)

41.take the underground

42.get sth done

43.avoid doing sth

44.at a time

45.ignore his mistakes

46.conduct a survey

47.greet sb

48.in an appropriate manner

49.in return

50.take turns to do sth

51.intend to do sth=mean to do

52.analyse statistics

53.draw a conclusion

54.be willing to do sth

55. in remote areas

56.report seeing a wild man-like creature

57.produce similar descriptions of the animal

58.be similar to sth /be different from /be the same as

59.attach villagers

60.with amazing speed

61.live on

62.become convinced

63.make one’s way to

64.have a chance to do sth

65.see sth with one’s own eyes.

Part Ⅲ Important sentences or structures (Try to recite):

1. Police have stepped up their search for a fifteen-year-old boy who went missing .

2.Police found that Justin did in fact return home .

其中did 起强调作用,对谓语内容加以强调。

He does like sports.

Yesterday I did do my homework.

3.People have shown great interest in his disappearance due to sightings of puzzling lights in the sky.

4.Standing inside were lots of while-skinned, strange-looking creatures with large black eyes. (到装句)

5.I haven’t been sleeping well since I returned home.

6.Police have not ruled out the possibility that he was taken by aliens.

7. We will not give up until we find convincing evidence.

8.I’m worried that something bad has happened to him.

9.No evidence of life has been discovered on any of the planets so far.

10. People have reported seeing a wild man-like creature .

11.The footprints are much larger than those of a human

12.The footprints could have been made by people playing a joke.(_那些脚印可能是人们开玩笑踩出来的)

13. If it really exist ,we might have the chance to see one with our own eyes.

Part Ⅳ Grammar and usage

Present perfect tense

1.His failure has made him unhappy.

2.I have know him for a long time.

3.I haven’t heard from you for a long time.

4.This is the first time that I have seen such a good film.

5.They have finished their work by now.


构成: have /has +done

时间状语: already just yet ever never up to/till now so far by now recently/lately for +一段时间

present perfect continuous tense

1.He has been touring Egypt for two months.

2.I have been studying English for five years.

3.He has been working all the morning.


构成: have/has been doing

时间状语:不可与never /ever /already/yet连用

两者的区别:现在完成时可表示动作刚结束 /现在完成进行时表示动作仍在继续


I have been reading this book for two hours. (内在含义:我已经看书两小时并且还在看)

He has finished reading this book. (内在含义:他已经看完书了,动作已经结束)

Part Ⅴ Writing

Page 93(课本)

Dear Jim ,

I had a strange experience last night .It was unusually dark .I noticed a light in my back garden and walked to the door to take a look .A UFO had landed in my garden and opened it’s door ! I couldn’t believe my eyes .An alien was walking down the stairs of the UFO .He walked up to me and said ,”Now ,I’m taking you to a new place ” With that ,he led me into the UFO and we flew to the Moon and then to Mars .Just as I began to enjoy the ride ,the alien brought out a torch .All of a sudden ,a strong beam shone in my eyes .I had to keep my eyes shut to avoid the light. Guess what ? It was sunlight shining on my bed .What a dream !

Yours truly


Page 20(AB卷)

A few days ago ,Miss Zhang was going home by bike .While she was riding in the street ,she saw a man with a knife in his hand and his face covered with a piece of cloth running towards her .The man had taken her handbag out of the basket of her bike and run away before she could do anything .There was no one she could turn to for help at that time .For it was very late at night .Luckily ,she had her mobile phone at hand .Immediately she took it out and phoned the police .She told them what the man was like and in which direction he had run .The policeman came very quickly and caught the robber. Miss Zhang got her handbag back and thanked the police for what they had one for her .

Page 28 (课时训练)

I have recently made a survey among 30 boys and 30 girls in my class about their purpose(s) of surfing the Internet .The girls’ favorite is chatting ,but few boys like it .What the boys like to do most is playing games ,and the girls also like it .Both boys and girls like to read news or send e-mails on the Internet .Maybe they think it’s the most convenient way to get information or keep in touch with friends .As for studying ,the numbers of boys and girls are equal ,but altogether only several of them will use Internet as a tool to study.

Yours sincerely,

Jim Lee

Exercises :

1.________ the workers insisted on was that they ______ more pay.

A What ;must be given B That ,should give

C What ,be given D that, could be given

2.With the demand for cars increasing rapidly ,the car factory is making efforts to ______ production.

A step up B step out C step down D step forward

3.The reporter said that the UFO ____ for east to west when he saw it .

A was traveling B traveled C has been traveling D had traveled

4Peter promised to attend our party ,but he has not ____.

A showed off B turned out C showed up D come up

5.The injured mountain climber gathered all his _____ to climb up the high rock ,where he might be seen by someone passing by.

A strength B power C energy D force

6.Cheese ____ in hot weather .You’d better put it in a fridge .

A tastes nice B goes bad easily C sells well D is kept longer .

7.You don’t need to describe her .I ____ her several times .

A had met B have met C met D meet

8.Alice is said ___ a new computer programme recently ,but I wonder whether she will get through her task this week .

A to design B to have been designed

C to have been designing D to have designed

9.I’ll never forget those days _____ I lived in the army with the soliders ,which ______ my life greatly .

A when ,has influenced B which ,influenced

C when ,had influenced D that ,is influencing

10.The _______ expression on her face suggested that the question was too hard _________.

A puzzled, to answer B puzzling ,to answered

C puzzled, to be answered D puzzling, to be answered

11.The _____ necklace made the police and its owner ________.

A gone, puzzled B missing ,puzzled

C missing ,puzzling D lost ,puzzling

12.By the time I see you again ,I ______ from that school.

A have graduated B graduated

C will have graduated D graduate

13.Tom was disappointed that most of the guests _____ when he ____ at he party.

A left ,had arrived B left ,arrived C had left ,had arrived D had left, arrived

14._________ ,there was a doubt whether the construction was worth supporting.

A At a time B At one time C At times D At other times

15.Let’s start off as soon as it _____ raining.

A stop B stopped C has stopped D will stop

16.--Mary ,I have cleaned the room for you .

---Thanks .You _____ it .I could manage it myself .

A needn’t do B needn’t have done C mustn’t do D shouldn’t have done

篇8:译林牛津 高一 必修3 英语期末复习教学案(模块三第三单元)


Unit Three (Module III)

I. 重点单词

1. 文明 2. 讲座 3. 爆发 4.不幸地

5. 埋葬 6. 主管,负责人 7. 毁坏,摧毁 8. 富有的

9. 商业的 10. 渐渐地 11. 文化的 12. 机构,研究所

13.材料,物质 14. 文献,文件 15. 木制的 16.解决办法

17.担心的,关心的 18. 市民的 19.爆炸

20. 总统 21.共和国 22. 混乱 23.影响

24.推翻 25.形成 26. 重新统一 27.下沉


II. 重点词组

1. 赢得这次旅行的一个名额感到很幸运

2. 作为……很出名 3. 被活埋

4 被任命为总指挥 5. 每逢雨天

6. 想像做某事 7. 埋在沙子下面的建筑物遗址

8. 阻止某人做某事 9. 被选为加拿大代表

10. 第一个做某事的人 11. 参与做某事

12. 经过保护的一个妇女尸体

13. 使某事取得极大的成功 14. 使某人发狂

15. 本(不)该做某事 16. 影响…….发展

17. 成立时以长安作为其首都

18. 在使用中 19. 设法做成某事

20. 作为……的回报 21. 在接下来的一年中

22. 经过困难的时期/光 23. 接管

24. 处于良好的状况 25. 在(上)船上(机、车上)

26. 纪念 27. 对……关心/担心


III. 重点原句(注意划线部分)

1. I feel lucky to have won a place on this trip.

2. Next week we are flying to China, and going to Loulan, which is known as China’s Pompeii.

3. Unfortunately, all the people were buried alive, and so was the city.

4. The city was forgotten for many years until the 18th century.

5. Fiorelli was made director of the Pompeii dig.

6. So you didn’t have to step in the mud in the streets on rainy days!

7. It is believed by many people to have been gradually covered over by sandstorms from AD200…

8. Sven found the remains of buildings buried under the sand.

9. Even that didn’t prevent the city from being buried by sand---What a pity!

10. I was so excited to be picked to represent Canada.

11. In 1980 I was involved in discovering the preserved body of a woman.

12. His work has made the discovery of Loulan a huge success.

13. Not only was Rome a city and a republic, but it was also to become the capital of one of the largest empires in history.

14. The Han Dynasty was founded with Chang’an as its capital city.

15. What is interesting is that the other largest city was Rome.

16. Chinese people managed to travel further, introducing silk, china, etc.

17. In return for silk, China received wine, spices, wool and other goods.

18. In the following hundred years both Rome and China had a difficult time.



1. We didn’t expect that Sara was made _____ of the Students’ Union.

A. chairman B. a chairman C. the chairman D. chairmen

2. The noise of the planes taking off and landing time and time again nearly_____ the people around the airport mad.

A. left B. kept C. drove D. caused

3. The visiting guests sent us some of the pictures drawn by the students of theirs schools, and we sent them some of our calligraphy_____.

A. in return B. in turn C. by turn D. for return

4. The general manager has to retire due to his illness. Who do you think will_____ the business?

A. take in B. take up C. take on D. take over

5. Mike woke up to find himself _____ by flowers, which he later found out came from the ______ villages.

A. surrounding; surrounded B. surrounded; surrounding

C. surrounded; surrounded D. surrounding; surrounding

6. We should never forget the days_____ China was invaded and many people were buried_____.

A. when; live B. which; alive

C. when; alive D. which; living

7. The government has taken some measures to prevent more trees from_____.

A. cutting down B. cut down.

C. being cut down D. been cut down

8.Yesterday evening I tried to call you, but I couldn’t get through as the telephone was always in _____.

A. need B. use C. case D. addition

9. Now ______ as a hero for the journey into outer space, Yang Liwei has earned much respect from people all over the world.

A. knowing B. being known

C. known D. having known

10.The government is considering the environment-friendly plan which some scientists would like to see______ soon.

A. to be carried out B. be carried out

C. carrying out D. carried out

11.A cook will be immediately fired if he is found _____ in the kitchen.

A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. smoked

12.The murder was brought in, with his hands _____ behind his back.

A. being tied B. having tied C. to be tied D. tied

13.Either you or the headmaster_____ the prize to these gifted students at the meeting.

A. is handing out B. are to hand out

C. are handing out D. is to hand out

14.One-third of the area _____ covered with green trees. About seventy percent of the trees ______ been planted.

A. are; have B. is; has C. is; have D. are; has

15.Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains_____ whether they will enjoy it.

A. to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. seen

II. 单词拼写

1. Many famous buildings such as the Great Wall and the Summer Place can represent the ancient c___________ of China.

2. The garden that was once so beautiful was d___________ in the flood.

3. Since the law of wildlife protection came into effect, the number of the milu deer has grown g_____________ year by year.

4. Manhattan is well known as the c____________ centre of America.

5. He grew up in a w___________ family, so he knows nothing about the life of the poor.

6. Many American p____________ served in Congress before they have the highest political position.

7. The __________(残留物) of lunch were still on the table.

8. He committed the crime under the __________(影响) of a strong passion.

9. The party is in complete ____________(混乱) after its election defeat.

10. There are some _____________(相似处) between the two poets.

11. America ___________( 宣布) war on Japan in 1941.

12._______________(不幸地), Karen got seriously injured in a car accident on her way home.

III. 翻译句子

1.I consider myself______________________________________(很幸运有机会参观印度)

2. __________________________________________(他烟酒不沾), but is still in bad health.

3. 我从公共汽车上下来时,发现钱包被偷了。

When I got off the bus I _________________________.


What can we do _______________________?


The library was built _____________________ the scientist

6. Peter 很友好, 作为回报我们给他送了一份漂亮的礼物。

We gave Peter a nice present__________________ his kindness.

Key: I. 1~5 ACADB 6~10 CCBCD 11~15 BDDCB

II. 1 civilization 2 destroyed 3gradually 4 commercial 5 wealthy

6 presidents 7 remains 8 influence 9 confusion 10 similarities

11 declared 12 Unfortunately/Unluckily

III. 1.lucky to have the chance to visit India 2. He neither smokes nor drinks 3. I found my wallet stolen 4. to prevent the disease from spreading?/the spread of the disease 5. in memory/ honour of the scientist 6. in return for his kindness

篇9:牛津英语模块2 Unit 2 课文语言点学案(译林牛津版高一英语必修二学案设计)

1. We’ll be travelling by camel, with local guides, camping in tents and sleeping on the ground in our big, thick sleeping bags. 我们要和当地的导游一直坐骆驼旅行,在帐篷中野营,睡在我们又大又厚的睡袋里.

(1) by camel

by 此处表方法,手段, 原因, “以……” “借助于………”

by + 不带冠词的工具名词

by train/ air/ plane/ bus

I go to school by bus and by train, but my father goes to the office by car.


by doing

You can make the cake by mixing eggs and flour.

把鸡蛋和面粉混合, 你就可以做出那种蛋糕.

He caught a cold by playing football in the train.


(2) camping in tents and sleeping on the ground 是动词的现在分词在句中作伴随状语,说明travel 过程中的一些伴随动作.

The boy sat in front of the farm-house, cutting the branch.


They went to the cinema, jumping and singing.


2. I will bring a torch with me so that I will be able to see in the dark.


(1)bring sth. with sb. 随身携带某物

(2)so that 引导目的状语从句

The teacher raised his voice so that all the students could hear him clearly.



so……..that………引导结果状语从句, “如此……以至于………” so 之后常接形容词, 副词, 表示结果.

He got up so late in the morning that he missed the meeting.


such……that…..也用语引导结果状语从句, 但such 之后的中心词是名词, 其结构如下

He got such a (great)surprise that she dropped the cup.

他大吃一惊, 失手把杯子掉在地上.

3. your raft gets turned upside down or sinks.橡皮筏倾翻或者沉入水中。

Don’t hold the box upside down..


You have hung that picture upside down.



1) turn…upside down 把…弄得乱七八遭;给(某人生活)造成大的变化(混乱)

His sudden death turned her world upside down.


The policemen turned the whole house upside down.


2) inside out 翻过来地,反了地

you are wearing your coat inside out.


4.we will live with the local people in their villages, and eat and drink whatever they do, including cow’s blood.我们会与当地居民一起生活,住在他们的村庄,和他们吃一样的饮食,包括饮牛血。

whatever 表示“任何的事物 无论什么,无论什么样的”

1) 引导主语从句和宾语从句时,相当于 anything that

You can take whatever you like.


I can’t believe whatever you say.


whatever he said wasn’t true.


2) 引导状语从句,whatever相当于 no matter what.

Whatever problem you have, you can always come to me for help.


Whatever reason you have, you should keep your promise.


Don’t change your plans, whatever happens.


Whatever weather it is , we will go.


[联想]whenever, whichever, whoever 都有类似的用法。

[注意] no matter +疑问词只能引导让步状语从句, 意为“不管 无论……..”而疑问词+ever 既可以引导让步状语从句,也可用来引导主语从句或宾语从句。

5.I really want to see an elephant up close.我真的想近距离的看看大象。

close 和closely 的区别

close 即可以作形容词,又可作副词,作副词用时常与to 连用,表示实际距离近。

I live close to the shops.


He came close to the house to see it clearly.


closely 用作副词表示抽象意义的“严密地 仔细地 密切地 紧密地”

He watched the birds closely.


The two things are closely connected.


6.clothing/ clothes /cloth /dress

1)clothing 是衣服,服装的总称,是集合名词,只有单数形式。作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。

food and clothing 衣食

a piece of clothing 一件衣服

2)clothes 统指各种衣服,包括外套,西装,衬衣,裤子,裙,鞋,帽等,不指单件衣服。它既不能用作单数,也不能和表示具体数目的数词连用。做主语时,谓语用复数形式。

He had to buy many clothes.他只好买很多衣服。

These clothes are new.这些衣服都是新的。

3)cloth 指做衣服用的材料(布料,毛料,丝绸等)是物质名词,不可数,没有复数形式。

a piece of cloth 一块布料(不能说a cloth)

How much cloth does it take to make a coat for the child?


3) dress 指外面穿着的衣服,有修饰的意味。尤指妇女的连衣裙及某种特殊场合穿着的服装(礼服),这时dress是可数名词。

He looks pretty in her pink summer dress.她穿着那件粉红色的夏季连衣裙显得很漂亮。

He doesn’t care much about dress.他不大讲究衣着。


cloth 指“具体用途的布”时,是可数名词。

a table cloth 一块桌布


B 1. Don’t leave matches or cigarettes on the table within the ___________ of little children.

A. hand B. reach C. space D. distance

C 2. -----How did you learn to speak English so well?

------- By practicing speaking _______ I had a chance.

A. whatever B. however C. whenever D. whoever

A 3. How I ______ him the pleasures he had during the vacation!

A. envy B. admire C. appreciate D. enjoy

A 4. It is said that more food _____ to the poor countries by the developed countries soon.

A. will be supplied B. will supply

C. will give D. has given

C 5. ______ of apples______ rotted away because of the bad weather.

A. large quantities; has B. large amounts; have

C. A large quantity; has D. A large amount; has

A 6. I didn’t notice the ______ look _______her face.

A. astonished; on B. astonishing; on

C. astonished; in D. astonishing; in

B 7.Roses need special care _______ they can live through winter.

A. because B. so that C. even if D. as

B 8. So difficult ______ it to work out the problem that I decided to ask Tom for advice.

A. I did find B. did I find C. I have found D. have I found

C 9.Food here is cheaper than in Britain;_______ , on the other hand, is dearer.

A. cloth B. clothes C. clothing D. dress

D 10. ___________ team wins on Saturday will go through to the national championships.

A. No matter what B. No matter which C. Whatever D. Whichever

A 11. Betty stood _______ on her teacher and watched ________ what he was doing.

A. close closely B. close close C. closely close D. closely closely

A 12.It was after he got what he had desired _____ he realized it was not so important.

A. that B. when C. since D. as

B 13. It was suggested that the sports meeting ______ put off because of the fine weather.

A. will not be B. not be C. would not be D. mustn’t be

A 14. The smile on his face suggested that he _____ satisfied with the work.

A. was B. had been C. should be D. would be

B 15. ___________ she did was right.

A. No matter what B. Whatever C. No matter D. What ever

A 16. These wild flowers are so special I would do ______ I can to save them.

A. whatever B. that C. which D. whichever

C 17. The old man ___________ World War Ⅱ,so he has a lot of __________ to tell us.

A. got through ; experience B. went through; experience

C. experienced; experiences D. passed; experiences

A 18. ------ Now that you like the car so much, why not drive it back?

----- Well, how could I afford ______ car?

A. that expensive a B. that an expensive

C. such expensive a D. a such expensive

C 19. How long is it ___________ he went for further study in the US?

A. that B. when C. since D. before

A 20. ------- What made Suan so angry?

-----___________ in the rain for a long time.

A. being kept waiting B. Being kept to wait

C. Because of waiting D. She was kept waiting

译林牛津 高一 必修2 模块二第二单元语言点详析

一模块二单元period 7 task 3教案(译林牛津版高一英语必修一教案教学设计)


译林牛津模块5 重点词组教师版(译林牛津版高一英语必修五教案教学设计)




模块5 unit1-2 重点短语(译林牛津版高二英语必修五教案教学设计)



译林牛津 高一 必修2 模块二第三单元语言点详析
《译林牛津 高一 必修2 模块二第三单元语言点详析.doc》

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