模块10 Unit 4 全单元教案(英语周报)(译林牛津版高三英语选修十教案教学设计)

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模块10 Unit 4 全单元教案(英语周报)(译林牛津版高三英语选修十教案教学设计)(共18篇)由网友“老婆有翘屁”投稿提供,下面是小编给大家带来关于模块10 Unit 4 全单元教案(英语周报)(译林牛津版高三英语选修十教案教学设计),一起来看看吧,希望对您有所帮助。

模块10 Unit 4 全单元教案(英语周报)(译林牛津版高三英语选修十教案教学设计)

篇1:模块10 Unit 4 全单元教案(英语周报)(译林牛津版高三英语选修十教案教学设计)

Unit 4 Law and order

1st period Welcome to the Unit

Teaching aims:

(1). Students are expected to fully participate in a discussion about why people break the law and discuss their opinions about young people who become hackers.

(2) Encourage students to think of ways to make the society safer.

(3).By talking about the pictures and discussing, students’ spoken English can be practised.

Important points & difficult points:

(1).Students are expected to express their own opinions by talking about why people break the law, discuss their opinions about young people who become hackers

(2). Students are encouraged to speak freely.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Lead-in

(1) Show students some pictures with peaceful scenes.

(2). Ask them: Seeing these pictures, do you like to live in a peaceful world. Why?

(Possible answers: Yes, we do. Because we can study, live, play and work without any worries. …)

(3)Tell them: But there’re always things against people’s wishes. Some people are always committing crimes. Why do you think people commit crimes? (possible answers: expressing hatred; in the hope of getting more money; lacking sense of law ……)

(4) Ask: What kind of crimes do you know?

(possible answers: terrorism; kidnapping; murder; violence; theft; burglary)

Step 2. Discussion:

Get the students to discuss: a) What is your opinion about people committing cybercrime?

b) What can we do to make our society safer?

Step 3. Story-making: Get the students to make up a story about each picture at page 49. Take the first one as an example: A man was sleeping with his bag of money lying beside him. Unfortunately, his was found rich, and a thief was trying to get the money. He was stealing the bag using a hook. He might be successful this time, but I think he will definitely be caught one day.

Step 4. Extensive reading:

Get the students to read the passage at page 126 and allow them time to answer the questions below the article.

Step 5. Homework:

(1). Finish the passage at P. 127

(2). Preview Reading.

2nd period Reading

Teaching aims:

(1) Encourage the Ss to gain some knowledge about the problem of cybercrime, understand the importance of fighting against it and learn about the necessity of international cooperation.

(2) Get the students to practise and reinforce their reading comprehension as well as

improve their overall ability by participating in the activities.

(2) Students are expected to put into practice the skill of understanding the definitions

of important vocabulary.

Important points & difficult points:

(1). Train their skill of understanding the definitions of important vocabulary.

(2). Understanding the importance of fighting against it and learn about the necessity of international cooperation.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Revision

1. Get some students to answer the questions on P 127.

Step 2 Lead-in

1. Warming up:

Tell the students something about the Internet: The Internet has given people

many new opportunities to find information. However, at the same time, it has caused a number of problems, and cybercrime is one of the most serious. Internet-related crime (also referred to as cyber-crime, e-crime and hi-tech crime) is a term used to describe a range of different crime types that are committed or facilitated online, including hacking, viruses, copyright piracy, trade secret theft, trademark counterfeit, currency counterfeit, Internet fraud, junk email or spam, Internet harassment, and much more.

2. General questions:

(1). According to the Council of Europe, how many types of cybercrime are there?

There are four types of cybercrime.

(2). How many companies and government departments were surveyed by the Computer Security Institute?

503 were surveyed.

(3). What is the solution to cybercrime?

The only solution is international cooperation.

Step 3 Reading comprehension

1. Get the students to read the passage carefully, trying to find the answers to the following questions.

(1). What is the definition of cybercrime?

(It is a relatively new term that refers to any computer-related criminal offence.)

(2). Can you name two examples of cybercrime

(Hacking, spreading computer viruses, fraud, websites with offensive content or websites that encourage hatred and violence, and breaking intellectual property and copyright laws.)

(3). What is fraud?

(Fraud is a crime where money is stolen by cheating others.)

(4). According to the Council of Europe, who is affected by cybercrime?

(All Internet users are affected by cybercrime either directly or indirectly.)

(5). Why is most cybercrime against companies not reported?

(Because most companies want to avoid the loss of customers, who may think that the company cannot protect their money.)

(6). Why are cybercriminals almost impossible to catch?

(Laws against cybercrime have not been passed in many countries, and there are many holes in their legal systems. Most countries don’t have arrangements for dealing with citizens of other countries who commit cybercrimes. Also, these criminals can be anywhere and can move quickly, so it is often almost impossible to catch them.)

(7). What do governments need to do to fight criminals with computer skills?

(Governments need to combine their technological resources to keep up with the criminals who have the best technical skills. It is also important to upgrade laws and create international standards for these laws. This will allow states to follow criminals across borders.)

2. Further comprehension: Choose the best answer.

(1). Which of the following is right?

A. Cybercriminals are more interested in getting money from large companies.

B. Fraud against individuals is more serious.

C. Receiving e-mails promising money or cheques shows that you’re lucky.

D. With international cooperation, we can avoid any loss.

(2). Which one of the measures will NOT be taken to prevent online crimes?

A. Educating people who use computers.

B. Seeking international cooperation.

C. Passing laws.

D. Preventing people from using the Internet.

(Keys: A, D)

Step 4. Further reading

1. Students read the passage again and give the general idea of each part:

Part I(1-2): The definition and different types of cybercrime

Part II(3-5): The extent of the problem

Part III(6): The legal situation regarding cybercrime

Part IV(7-8): The solution to the problem

2. Get the students to fill in the blanks with proper words:

Part I: The Internet has expanded lately, ___ ____ the opportunities for crimes. Committing ______ is realized online with little _____ of being ______. To fight this, we need to work together. The Council of Europe has ______ online crimes into four categories. (Keys: so have; crime; risk; caught; classified)

Part II: Cybercrime has become _______ today, and all Internet users are ________ by it. Large companies are ____ targets for cybercriminals, who are often IT ______. A survey ________ in showed that almost all companies had their security system ______ into. Hundreds of billions of dollars has been lost to cybercriminals _______. (keys: severe; affected; ripe; experts; educated; broken; anuually)

Part III: Cybercrime is so new that some governments have no laws against it, and many holes ______ in their ______ system. Most countries have no __________ for dealing with _______ of other countries who commit cybercrime, and they are difficult to be ______. (keys: exist; legal; arrangements; citizens; caught)

Part IV: Only by international cooperation can we s______ this problem. These criminals p______ the best technical skills in the world, m_______ that governments must combine their technological r_________ to keep up. The UN is also required to form a special a_____ to act as an international r_____ or steward. (keys: solve; possess; meaning; resources; agency; referee)

Step 5 Developing reading ability through usage

1. E(p5) Complete the passage.

1. cybercrime 2. tight 3. computer 4. security

5. viruses 6. hacked 7. content 8. violence

9. offence 10. private

Step 6 Consolidations and Expansion

F(p5) Discuss the questions:

1. Do you think Internet shopping and banking could encourage cybercrime? If so, in what way?

2. What do you think is more important, the convenience of using the Internet to buy things or financial safety? Why?

3. How would you suggest we solve the problem of cybercrime?.

Step 7 Homework

1. Write a composition about cybercrime: how it come into being; why there is cybercrime; how to solve the problem.

3rd period Reading

Teaching aims:

(1) Encourage the Ss to raise reading ability by focusing on language points.

(2) Get the Ss to grasp the new language usage in the text by learning them.

Important points & difficult points:

Language usage: expand; term; offence;

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Revision

Retell the article.

Step 2 Language points (Learn and use)

1. …as the Internet has expanded in recent years, (p.50 line 1)

expand----to become larger in size, number, or amount, or to make something become larger.


The population of the town expanded rapidly in the 1960.


Water expands as it freezes.

extend 延伸,伸展 extent 程度

2. Cybercrime is a relatively new term that refers to any computer-related criminal offence. (p.50 line7)

term ①看待某事的一种方式②字词/语言③时段④条件/协议⑤关系⑥其他含义


In artistic terms, the film is worth seeing.

in terms of 在…方面; 根据…来解释

in sb’s terms 在某人看来; 根据某人的观点

in the long / short / medium term 就长期/短期/中期而言

be on good / bad terms 关系好/不好


We’re on good terms with all our neighbours.

come to terms with sth 与…妥协 ;接受

be thinking / talking in terms of 正考虑做….; 正打算做…..

3. offence--- an illegal action or a crime; behavior which offends someone.


Driving while drunk is a serious offence.


The problem was how to get rid of her without causing offence.

Step3. Homework

1. Read through the magazine article.

2. Preview word powder.

4th period Word power

Teaching aims:

(1). Learn and master different expressions related to the law.

(2). Enlarge the knowledge about expressions of the law.

Important points & difficult points:

(1). Talk about crime to learn new words.

(2). Remember the new expressions of the law.


Step 1 Revision:

Get the students to retell the passage in Reading.

Step 2 Words used in the law:

Give the students some explanations and get them to give proper words.

1. a dishonest, violent, or immoral action that can be punished by law

Last night a woman was murdered, and the ______ was committed by a male.


2. someone who has been attacked, robbed, or murdered

In most sexual offences the attacker is known to the ________. (victim)

3. an official organization whose job is to make sure that people obey the law, to catch criminals, and to protect people and property.

Someone was heard fighting in the restaurant and I dialed 110; several ________________ arrived 5 minutes later. (police officers)

4. a police officer whose job is to discover information that will result in criminals being caught.

She hired a ________ to find out where her husband was going after work. (detective)

5. an official attempt to find out the reasons for something such as a crime, accident, or scientific problem.

The government is to launch a full-scale __________ into the crash which claimed over 150 lives. (investigation)

6.facts, objects, or signs that make you believe that something exists or is true.

The _______ was enough to prove him to be guilty. (evidence)

7. an illegal action or a crime

Driving while drunk is a serious __________. (offence)

8. to ask someone questions to find out something

The police ________ some local people and find some evidence. (interview)

9. thinking that someone might be guilty of doing something wrong or dishonest, without being sure.

His behavior that day made the police _________. (suspicious)

10. someone who sees a crime or an accident and can describe what happened

Police have appealed for _______ to come forward and help them find the murderer. (witnesses)

11. if the police arrest you, they take you away because they think you have done something illegal.

The man was _______ for breaking the law. (arrested)

12. someone who is involved in illegal activities or has been proved guilty of a crime

The man giving a lecture at the hall was a _______, who was being purchased by the police. (criminal)

13. someone who is thought to be guilty of a crime.

Two _______ were arrested today in connection with the robbery. (suspect)

14. to do something wrong or illegal

Women ______ fewer crimes than men. (commit)

15. having done something that is a crime

He was found _______ of murder in the court. (guilty)

16. to state officially that someone is guilty of a crime

The man they arrested last night has been _______ with murder. (charged)

17. a building or room where all the information concerning a crime is given so that it can be judged.

The witness was required to appear in _____. (court)

18. a legal process in which a court of law examines a case to decide whether someone is guilty of a crime.

Brady was on _______ for robbing an old man of his money. (trial)

Step 3 Read and understand

Ask the students to read the flow chart about the stages of the legal process in Part B. Discuss it among themselves.

Step 4 Further study

1. Complete the exercise of Part C.

(1) police station (2) crime (3) trials (4) arrested (5) charged (6) investigation (7) lawyers (8) witnesses (9) guilty (10) sentences (11) prison (12) victims

2. Ask students to do Part D in pairs. Encourage them to consult dictionaries when meeting an unknown word.


1. Keep in mind all the useful expressions related to the law.

2. Preview grammar and usage

5th period Grammar and Usage

Language Styles

Ability goals

Enable the students to learn to use proper language styles in proper situations.

Learning ability goals

Help the students to learn how to use proper language styles in proper situations.

Teaching important points

Teach differences between spoken and written English; differences between formal and informal styles.

Teaching difficult points

Help students learn how to choose proper languages styles according to the situations.

Teaching methods

Question-and-answer activity and practice

Teaching aids

A computer and a blackboard

Teaching procedure

I. Greetings and Revision

1.Talk about the types of cybercrime.

2.How to fight against cybercrime.

II. Language Styles

1.The most important difference in the English language style is between spoken and written forms of English. Within spoken and written forms of English, there are also differences between formal and informal styles.

2.Read the texts and decide which is formal and which is informal

TEXT 1 Informal

A. Hi Mike. It’s Alice’s birthday tomorrow. Shall we buy her a present?

B. Yes, of course, what about some flowers?

A. Flowers are lovely. But I’d prefer to get her a CD. You know she loves music.

B. Good idea.


It uses simple sentence structures, the active voice, less formal language and contractions.

TEXT 2 Formal

A. Good morning, Mr. Smith. The report is finished. Shall I present it to you?

B. Please give it to me in an hour. I have a meeting with some customers about our new product.

A. I am sorry to interrupt you. Please inform me when you are finished and have time to look at the report.

B. Yes, I will.


It uses the passive voice and is obviously a formal setting between two professionals.

General Guide

Formal Informal

Written text essays


letters of application letters to friends or family


text messages

Spoken language

formal speeches

Addressing strangers Talking to people we know well (family members and friends)

Formal Style


1)We often find complex sentence structures, including the passive voice and subordinate clauses.

Subordinate clause

Ordinary citizens are aware of the frequent computer-related crimes that happen since many computer users are affected by computer viruses.

Passive voice

2)We also find more abstract nouns.

There has been an increase in the incidence of crime.

Informal Style


1)We often use simple sentence structures.

People are worried about computer viruses.

2)We often use active voice.

You should go to the university and talk to the detective in charge of campus police about the theft.

3)We also find a lot of colloquial language, and there are contractions.

We’ve heard lots of reports of financial fraud

III. Practice

1. Which text is formal and which is informal

Text 1

Good morning, viewers, and welcome to ‘Sunday topics’. Many crimes that take place in our city are caused by a lack of money. My guest, Dr. Johnson, believes so. We will be covering this and many other topics, as well as talking to you, the public, about your thoughts on the issues of today. I hope that you are going to stay with us for the next forty minutes.

Text 2

Hi, everyone, and glad to see you again in ‘Sunday Topics’. Dr. Johnson is my guest, and he says that many crimes that take place in our city are caused by a lack of money. We’ll look at this and other interesting topics as well as chatting to you about today’s issues. I think you’ll like it, so stay with us.


Text 1 : Formal Style

It features sentences with passive voice, subordinate clauses and abstract nouns.

Text 2 : Informal Style

It uses colloquial language and contractions, as well as simple sentences and the active.

2. Part A P.57

Formal Informal

Spoken b d e a j

Written f h c I g

3. Part B P. 57


Hey, you------ shut the door!

Would you be so kind as to shut the door, please?

Visitors are requested to shut the door quietly when leaving the building.

By order of the headmaster, these doors must be kept shut at all times.

Please shut the door.

Would you mind shutting the door?

6 3 1 2 5 4


Be quiet.

Could I trouble you to turn the volume on the radio down a little, please?

Visitors are politely requested to keep their voices down at all times.

Shut up!

Silence is requested in this area while the examinations are being given.

Please stop talking!

5 3 1 6 2 4


Work in pairs and make a dialogue in a informal or formal style.

IV. Homework

Revise the grammatical points

Do part C1 and C2 on page 124.

Preview the task

6th period and 7th period Task

Investigating and reporting facts

I. Ability goals

1. Enable students to listen for emotions expressed by tones.

2. Enable the students to ask and answer questions politely and write a report on an investigation.

II. Learning ability goals

1. Help the students learn how to listen for emotions expressed by tones.

2. Help the students practice how to ask and answer questions in a polite way and how to organize information properly for a report.

III. Teaching important and difficult points

1. Listening for the speakers’ feelings and taking notes.

2. Improve students’ speaking skills and make the students master the writing skills on writing a report.

IV. Teaching methods

1. Listening and speaking

2. Discussion and task-based activities.

V. Teaching aids

A recorder;A computer and a projector

Teaching Procedure

I. Revision

1. Make a dialogue in a formal or informal language style.

2. Check the homework assigned last period.

II. Skills Building 1

1. Lead-in

1) Recognize some emotions

2) Listening for emotions expressed by tones

When people are speaking, they are not only expressing facts and ideas, but also revealing something about how they feel. As we know, the tone of voice is the most obvious way. Many different emotions can be expressed through different tones.


Dialogue 1 Excitement

A: Hello, Jane. How was your day at the theme park?

B: It was great. We went on all the rides. The best one was the roller coaster. It stats really slowly. Then when you get to the lightest point, it suddenly drops really quickly. Everyone screamed and waved their hands in the air.

Dialogue 2 fear

A: Oh, no! Help, somebody, help!

B: What’s wrong?

A: In the bath, there’s a big spider. It’s huge!

B: Don’t worry. It can’t hurt you. I’ll put it outside.

Dialogue 3 shame

A: Did you have a good time at your friend’s birthday party?

B: I did, until it came to the birthday cake. I’m afraid I was very greedy and ran towards the cake. I tripped, and fell into the cake. It was so embarrassing.

A: The important thing is you’re not hurt.

Dialogue 4 anger

A: What’s wrong? Your face is like thunder.

B: I was on the bus home, and I think someone stole some money out of my pocket. It wasn’t much, but it made me so mad.

A: Oh, no! At least the thief didn’t get very much money though.

Dialogue 5 happiness

A: Congratulations on your exam results. You must be so pleased.

B: I am. I worked really hard studying, and it all paid off.

A: Let’s go out to dinner to celebrate.


With anger or annoyance, a person’s tone of voice will be louder and stronger than normal.

If someone is afraid, his or her tone of voice will probably be soft and shaky.

A person who is ashamed will be likely to speak very quietly and hesitantly in a flat tone of voice.

2. Finding out about a boy’s feelings

Part A Listen to the investigation and take notes for your report to the headmaster.

Part B Listen to the investigation again and decide whether he is angry, afraid or ashamed.

1. How does he know it was me? It could have been anyone.

2. I’m sorry, Mr Li. I didn’t mean

that. Really, I was going to

return the money later.

3. I... do my ... homework.

Part C A Letter of apology

Read the letter on page 59 and answer the questions

1.Who did he go to the Internet café with?

2.When did he go?

3.Where did his parents think he was doing while he was at the Internet café?

4. Why did he not ask for money from his parents?

5. Will he pay back the money?

III. Skills building 2 asking and answering questions politely

1. Lead in

Read the two dialogues and judge which one is more polite.

Dialogue 1

A: Are you coming with me to the concert tonight?

B: No. I’ve got my hands full with this report.

Dialogue 2

A: Excuse me, I would like to invite you to the concert.

Could you please spare me some time tonight?

B: I am terribly sorry. I am busy with this report and do not have any time to spare.

The first one is more informal using colloquial language while the second one is formal using very polite language.


In many situations, it is not very polite to be too direct or blunt in the way you ask or answer a question. It is usually more polite to use the expressions like:

Could you please tell me...?

Could you explain...?

Would you mind telling me...?

I wonder what you think about...?

Have you thought about...?

Well, you see....

Let me explain...

It’s like this....

I’m afraid I don’t know....

2. Interviewing a parent

Organize the students into groups of and discuss the ways to solve the problem of the boy stealing the money.

Discuss the situation with the boy’s parent.

Role-play the dialogue.

IV. Skills building 3 Writing a report

A report will include all or some of the following points, in the order shown:

1.Statement of the present situation

2.Background to the situation---- what happened before

3.Cause of/ reasons for the situation

4.Details of the situation

5.Likely results of the situation----what may happen in the future

6.Recommendations for the action to be taken

7.Reasons for the recommendations

Step 3 Writing a teacher’s report

1.Statement of the present situation

2.Background to the

3.Reasons for the situation

4.Details of the situation (Xu Jin’s reactions)

5.Likely results of the situation

6.Recommendations for action to be taken

7.Reasons for the recommendations


Report on Xu Jin stealing money from school

Statement of the situation Xu Jin stole some money from his classmates yesterday

Background to the situation He got involved with some friends playing computer games in an Internet café.

Reasons for the situation He was addicted to computer games and needed more money because of this.

Details of the situation (Xu Jin’s reactions) He told the truth and wrote a letter of apology.

Likely results of the situation We should give him a second chance.

Recommendations for actions to be taken –reasons for the recommendation Give his parents some suggestions: Ask them to talk to Xu Jin more often and get to know his friends.

Encourage Xu Jin to concentrate on study and stop him from going to the Internet cafes. His bad habits caused him to steal, and he needs to stop.

V. Homework

Preview the article on page 127

Finish Part A and part B on page 128

Finish part A and part B on page 129

8th period Module 10 Unit 4 Project

Making a proposal about protecting intellectual property

You and intellectual property

Ability goals

1. Enable the students to make a proposal about protecting intellectual property.

2. Help the students use what they have learnt to finish a proposal about protecting intellectual property.

Teaching important points

Talk about intellectual property. Learn how to make a proposal about protecting intellectual property.

Teaching methods

1. Skimming and scanning

2. Ask-answer activity

3. Group work

Teaching aids

A recorder, a projector and some slides

Teaching procedure

I. Greetings and revision

Have you finished your writing assigned last period? Let’s have a check together. Who would like to read your passage out?

II. New lessons

1. Lead in

1) Have you ever download a song or a film from the Internet?

2) Do you pay for the song or the film?

3) Do you think it legal to download the song and the film from the Internet without permission? Why?

4) Do you learn about the intellectual property?

2. Reading

1) Read the passage quickly and then tell me the general idea of each part.

Part 1 the definition of intellectual property

Part 2 the reasons for protecting intellectual property

Part 3 The current problem of piracy that we are facing

Part 4 the possible solutions to the problem

2) Read the passage again and try to answer the following questions.

(1) What does intellectual property refer to?

(2) How many kinds of intellectual property are there?

(3) Why is it considered necessary to protect intellectual property rights?

(4) If a company spends a lot of money on research and development of new products, but their new products are copied, what will happen to the company?

(5) What are the common ways in which people affect intellectual property rights?

(6) Who are the people most likely to be breaking intellectual property laws?

3. Finish the exercises Parts B1 and B2 on page 123, Workbook

1) Part B1

1.abroad 2. raw 3. draft 4. straits 5. sucked

6. underwear 7. apology 8. technological

2) Part B2

1.further 2. was faced with 3. certificate 4. apology

5. have posed 6. signature 7. motor 8. deserve

4. Activity I Making a proposal

Divide the students into groups of six, and each group is going to research the proposals on how to protect intellectual property. Each group will then write a short article. The following questions may help you to write your proposal.

1) What kind of advice will you write in your proposal?

2) How will you organize your proposal-in paragraphs or in bullet points?

5. Activity 2 Producing

1) Work in groups of six to prepare your proposal

2) Present the sample articles

III. Summary and homework

1. Continue to finish your proposal about intellectual property.

2. Summarize what we have learnt in this unit.

3. Finish Exercises D1 and D2 on page 125, Workbook.

篇2:模块10 Unit 2 全单元教案(英语周报)(译林牛津版高三英语选修十教案教学设计)

Unit 2 People on the move

Welcome to the unit

Teaching aims and demands:

1. To describe ways of life in English

2. To make students know about the reasons that people move

3. To discuss how should we live

Key points: To improve students’ spoken English

Teaching steps:

一、 Arouse students’ interest in this unit and this section by looking at the pictures and asking the questions:

What are the wild geese doing?

Do you like to move to a new place? Why or why not?

Why do people move to other places?

二、 Ask students to look at the five pictures on page 17 and list where the people in these pictures move and why they move.

Ask students to compare the reasons they have worked out with the reasons given in these pictures, so they can understand more clear about why people move. Tell students that more and more people are on the move nowadays , and this has become a social trend. In china , there are a lot of young people from the countryside moving to work in the cities, especially in big cities in the eastern and southern parts of china. This has already caused some social problems. Ask more able students to make some comments on this social trend. Let them talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the advantages and disadvantages of people moving within China.

三、 Group work

(1)Ask students to work in groups :

Are there any other reasons for moving to new flats, cities, regions and even countries?

(2)show students some pictures to help less able students.

四、 Ask students to read the three questions below the pictures .

1.Have you ever moved to a new flat or a new city? What was the experience like ?

2.Do you think moving house can change people’s lives in a positive way? Why or why


3. Where would you like to move if you could choose a place to move to ?Why ?

Then get students to discuss these questions in groups of four.Encourage all of them to fully participate in the discussion .

Sample answers.

1. Recently, my family has moved to a new flat. This is the first time my family has moved house since I was born. Everyone in my family has been very excited. Our new home is much larger than the old one . It is on the first floor and has a courtyard that is about twenty square metres in size. My grandma, who is in her seventies, is very happy because she does not need to climb five floors like she used to in our old house and can plant some flowers in the courtyard. I also feel very happy because I have my own room now and do not share the room with my grandma as i used to do .My parents allowed me to decorate my room as I wanted.I had the walls in my room painted light blue and stuck some plastic stars on the ceiling . When the light is turned off, these stars seem to be shining. There is a park near my new home , so after supper, we sometimes go for a walk there.

2. I think that moving house can change people’s lives in both a positive and a negative way. You will meet new people and make friends with them. However, you may also miss your old friends.

3. I would like to move if I have been living in the some place for a long time because I want to see, learn and experience new things . The place I want to go to is Shenzhen. Shenzhen is a young city, which has grown from a small fishing village, and is still developing quickly. With its fast development. Shenzhen needs young people, especially those who have a good education, to work in the many new companies and businesses there .Therefore, I think it is a suitable place for young people like me to find a job there , and I will have more choices to do what I want to do

Get several groups to report their discussion to the whole class ,use the followings to help them: 1.I have ever moved to a new flat /city. It was exciting|boring…….

2.I think moving house can change people’s lives in a positive way,because ……

3. I would like to move to ……if I could choose a place to move to, because it is …….

五、 A debate

Divide the class into two groups and have a debate:

Is moving house can change people’s lives in a positive way or negative way?

Summary and home work:

Search the Internet to know more about population mobility in the USA


Teaching aims and demands:

To improve their reading skills by fully participating in all the activities

To master the vocabulary in the text.

To know the American culture: population trends in the USA

To teach students how to match pictures with quotations when reading an article in a magazine or a newspaper.

Key points

To improve their reading ability

The usages of some key words and structures

Teaching steps:

一、 Lead –in

. Look at the pictures and ,and ask “Which country is this in the map?”

“Do you want to know more about the USA?”

二、 Reading comprehension

1. Ask one student to read the three questions in Part A

1. What is the topic of the article?

2. .What is the name of the magazine in which the article appears?

3. .What two groups are discussed in the article?

Ask students to go through the article as quickly as possible and try to find answers to the questions without reading through it thoroughly. Remind students to only focus on and identify the information needed to answer these questions.


1The movement of people in the USA.

2.American living

3. People over 60 years old and young adults.

2. Ask students first to go over the eight questions in Part C1 and then read the article again and complete Part C1 individually.

1. Where in the USA are the older people who are moving south from?

2.What state in the USA is most popular with older people ?

3.Why is Charlotte County in central Florida called the oldest place in the USA?

4.What has been done in Florida for older people?

5.What is the percentage of people in the USA who move house every year?

6.Why are young people moving to cities?

7.Why does Daniel want to move to a big city?

8.How many people are quoted in the article?

Check their answers.

2. Ask students to read the article again and fill in the table in Part C2. After they have finished filling in the table . Check the answers as a class

3. Go over Reading strategy: matching pictures and quotations

4. Ask students to read the article and complete Parts D and E.

5. Pair work:

Work in pairs What do you think you want to live in a big city in the future? Talk about it with your partner.

6. Language points:

1. on the move 在迁移中、在行进中

e.g. The wild geese are on the move .


2.permanent 永恒的 、永远的

e.g. Love is a permanent theme for people


3.account for 解释 、占据

e.g. The students who don’t like to study account

for 16% of all the student who were asked.

4.reduce the risk of 减少……的危险

e.g. Stopping people from swimming in this river

reduces the risk of drowning .

7. Further discussion:

1.Do you think it is better to live around people who are all the same age that you are? Why or why not?

2.What do you think will happen to cities if people continue to move there?

3.What do you think will happen to small towns if all the young people move away

8. Consolidation


1.Try to retell the text on page 18 and 19.

2.Review the words and phrases in the text we have learnt.

Word power

Teaching aims and demands

To expand students’ vocabulary about the life in the city and the country as well as learning about sociology.

To practice and reinforce the new vocabulary .

To make the students’ familiar with the expressions related to the topics

Key points:

To expand students’ vocabulary about the life in the city and the country as well as learning about sociology.

To practice and reinforce the new vocabulary .

Teaching steps:

一、 Lead in

Ask students :

When we talk about the city, what words or expressions do we often use?(showing pictures)

When we talk about the agriculture, what words or expressions do we often use?(showing pictures)

二、 Vocabulary learning

1. Part A

(1)Read and answer:

1.Why do the people who live on farms and in the countryside begin to move to cities?

2.What is modernization?

(2)Language points

1.agriculture 2.cost of living 3.industrialization 4. industrialized 5.rural6. urban7.urbanization8.migration pattern9.modernization 10. living standards

2.Part B

complete the diagram with words from part A

三、 Vocabulary extension

1.Read the passage in Part A(page 23) and answer the following questions:

1.What is sociology?2.Why do we study sociology?

Word and phrases in this part :Sociology society socializationprimary socialization Secondary socialization norms values behaviours sociological theories

2. Part B

Ask students to complete the notes in Part B. With the help of what has been written on the blackboard,.

3. Considation:







1. Revise the words learnt in this period.

2.Finish the exercises in workbook

Grammar and usage

Teaching aims and demands Teaching aims and demands

To teach the element of a paragraph

To put what they learnt into practice

Key points:

To teach the element of a paragraph

To put what they learnt into practice

Teaching steps:

一、 Revision

1.agriculture农业 2.cost of living生活成本(费用)

3. industrialization工业化 4. industrialized工业化的

5.rural农村的 6. urban城市的

7.urbanization城市化的 8.migration pattern迁移模式

9.modernization现代化 10. living standards生活水平

二、The elements of a paragraph

1. Ask students to read the second paragraph of the magazine article in the Reading section and try to find which sentence in the paragraph .Tell students that the sentence which gives the main point of a paragraph or an article is the topic sentence.

2. Ask students to read the second paragraph under the subtitle of ‘Bright lights , big city’ and identify the topic sentence and supporting sentences in it.

3.Ask students to read both the instructions and Part1 in this section. And choose the right answer.

4.Ask students to read Part 3 to understand what a concluding sentence is ,then get students to read the paragraph in Part B.First add transitions to complete the paragraph, and then point out the topic and concluding sentences.

5.Language points:

1. numb adj 麻木的2.physicist n. 物理学家

3. biologist n. 生物学家 4..botany n. 植物学

5.biochemistry n. 生物化学 6.analytical adj分析的.

7 lawyer n. 律师 8.firm n. 公司

9.law firm律师事务所 10.adjustment. n. 调整

11.bungalow n.平房, 小屋 12.go bowling打保龄球

13.skateboard n. 滑板 14.astronomer n. 天文学家

15.telescope n. 望远镜 16.bakery n. 面包店


.Read the following article. Then write the letter of the topic sentence for each paragraph in each blank.

_______While many people have purposely sought to darken their skin by tanning in the sun, most are now avoiding such sun exposure . This is because we know the dangers of UV exposure and the serious results it may bring along.

_______ Short-term results are a tan and sunburn , both of which affect fair-skinned people more than those with darker skin. Long-term results, which are risks for both fair-skinned and darker-skinned people, include early ageing of the skin, developing permanent dark spots on the skin, gradual loss of eye , sight, problems with the immune system and skin cancer,

________The most obvious way is to limit our exposure to the sun. When we go outside, we should be careful to wear protective clothing , such as hats and tightly-woven clothing, wear sunglasses and use sunblock on our skin

a Although there are many risks associated with UV exposure, we can protect ourselves in many ways.

b For many years , people around the world thought of the sun as something that darkens our skin and keeps us looking healthy, but all of this is now changing.


Finish the exercises in workbook


Teaching aims and demands

To teach students how to listen for the sequence of events

To teach how to answer questions with more than one response and how to use convincing language when writing a letter to friend

To write a letter to a friend to convince her that moving back to China is the best thing to do

Key points:

To teach students how to listen for the sequence of events

To teach how to answer questions with more than one response and how to use convincing language when writing a letter to friend

Teaching steps:

一、 Revision

Translate the following sentences into English using participle clauses


2.几十年来,Florida 一直吸引着老年居民.




二、Skills building 1: listening for the sequence of events

.Ask students to read the instructions. .Then ask them to go over all the useful words and phrases given below.

三、 Step 1: find information about a returnee

1. Ask students to read the instructions in Part A ,then go over the notes .Play the recording for Part A page 26 and ask students to fill in the notes .Then check the answers as a class..

Ask students to work out the sequence of events.

2. Ask students to read the instructions in Part B. Let students listen to fill in the blanks .Check the answers as a class

3. Part C

Read Part C Read and find out: Reasons for reversal of brain drain

4. Language points in Part C

1. skilled workers

2. offer better opportunities

3.educated people

4.benefit from

5.be hooked

6.make use of

5. Translate the following sentences into English

using participle clauses

1. 他是一个技术不错的工人.





四、Skill building 2

1.Ask students to go over the instructions and the two points in this part.

2.Get students to read the newspaper article in Part C on page 27 again. Ask them to underline connecting words in it and show them where one sentence supports another as well as pointing out where two parts are contradictory or do not agree with each other.

五、Step 2: talking to a careers officer

1. Ask students to read the instructions .Then ask them to go over all the questions in the left column and in formation in the right column.

2.Ask students to work in pairs .One asks questions and the other, as a careers officer, gives the answers.

六、Skill building 3

1.Ask students to read the instructions of this part. And then go over the four points so that they know what convincing language is

2.Ask students to go over ‘ Population mobility in the USA” the magazine article in the Reading section, ask them to find the sentences that correspond to the four points.

3 A debate

Divide the class into two groups and have a debate:Is working abroad or working in China better?

七、Step 3 writing a letter to convince your friend

Ask the students read the instructions of this part .Then work individually to write a letter

Summary and homework:

1. Revise the contents in this unit.

2. Complete the notes on page 116 in Workbook.


Teaching aims and demands

To practice students’ by completing a project.

To teach the history and the lifestyle of the Roma people

Key points:

To practice students’ by completing a project.

To teach the history and the lifestyle of the Roma people

Teaching steps:

一、 Part A

1. Lead in

Show students some pictures about the Roma. And say something in common.

2. Read the part and answer the questions:

1.What is this article aimed to do?

2.Where did the Roma originally live?

3.What problems did the Roma experienced throughout their travels.

4.Why did the Roma live in terror ?

5.When were the International Romani Union founded?

3.Language points in this part

1.nomadic adj.

2.submit vi.

3.vote vi

4. vain adj.

5.roundabout adj.

6. chain n.

7.rag n.

8.collision n.

9.hearing n.

10passport n.



1.The traffic accident led to a c______________ of events.

2.A person who travels abroad must carry a p______________.

3.He was born in Sweden, but he doesn’t have Swedish c__________

4.The criminals were p__________ to rob the bank

5. Children in this n______________ are taken good care of.

6. My eyes were blinded by the direct r_____________ of light

7.We c_________ workers for injuries suffered at their work.

8.As usual, he reached her house in a r___________ way.

5.Pair work

Work in pairs and discuss what do you think of when the Roma are mentioned?

Then ask some pairs to report in the front

6.Group work

Discuss: What do you think we can learn after reading the article?

7. Pair work

Your are a reporter from CCTV, try to interview an expert who knows much about the Roma.

二、Part B

Ask students to work in groups to make a display using the following questions to help them

1. What differences are identified in the article that show the Roma are a distinct cultural group?

2. What examples are given that show Europeans’ prejudice against the Roma throughout history?

3. What sources will you use in your research?

4. If you find conflicting information, who will decide what to use?

5. Will you each research a different topic or will you discuss each part in your group and agree on one viewpoint?

6. How will you divide the work on the display? Will you all work on it or will one person be in charge of the design?

7. How will you arrange the written parts of your display?

8. How will you arrange the illustrations on the display?


1.Find out more information aboutJewish people on the Internet.

2.Do exercises in workbook


一、 Translations




4. 戴上头盔可减少头部受伤的危险。






10。几十年来,Florida 一直吸引着老年居民.






ride feel suggest numb adjustment bowling

1. My fingers were _______with cold.

2.The company made an ________ in my salary .

3. Many people go ________in their spare time, taking advantage of the health and relaxation benefits.

4. After he spent a whole month on the case, I ______ he take a week off to the sea.

5.When we were at the Smith’s ,they were very friendly, which led us to

三、Reading comprehension摘自《高考大练兵》

The moment Marie stepped inside the door, she knew that something had happened. Curie’s father stood in the hall, with whom were two old friends, Dr Paul and professor Jean. The look on their faces frightened Marie. Dr Paul came up to her and said, “Marie , there was an accident . When Pierre was crossing the street, a carriage drawn by two horses came and he slipped on the wet road and …Pierre is dead.” Marie’s face went grey. She stood silently for so long that Dr Paul feared if he would have to repeat his words. Finally, she whispered, “Is Pierre dead? It could not be true! Why didn’t anybody say it was not true? And , please, Professor Jean, send a telegram to my brother in Warsaw.” A few days after Pierre’s funeral at the family tomb an official of the French government called. He told Pierre’s brother that the government wished to give Madame Curie and her children money to live on. When Marie was told , she said ,”I don’t want the welfare. I am young enough to earn my living and that of my children.” And finally all the friends suggested that Marie should take her husband’s place as professor of physics

Such words often came into her mind, “Whatever happened ,we must work the same.

1.Marie learned her husband’s death_______ ____

A. at the moment she stepped inside the door.

B.when she saw Curie’s father

C. before she came back

D. after Dr Paul told her

2. When she learned the news, Marie_______ ___

A. was only worried B. could hardly believe it

C.was very calm D.was very frightened

3. From the passage , we know ____ _____

A.Marie’s husband was always careless.

B. her husband’s friends didn’t help him when he slipped

C.the French government cared for Marie and her children very much.

4.Which statement is TRUE according to this passage?____ __

A.Marie insisted that she could support the whole family.

B. Pierre’s brother was then living in Paris.

C.Madame Curie was persuaded to accept the welfare.

D.When he died , Pierre was in a carriage.

5.At the end of the passage , we can see that Marie_____ ____

A. was too sad to continue her work

B. took her husband’s place as professor of physics

C.would go on with her work in spite of her husband’s death

D.was able to earn living and that of her children


一、1.It is autumn now , and all wild geese are on the move to south.

2. I will remember what you said to me permanently.

3. Yesterday ,the students who were late accounted for five percent of all the students.

4. Wearing a helmet can reduce the risk of one’s head being hurt.

5. Why do we need to study sociology, which I hate very much

6. What they visited last year was a modern city.

7. India is an agricultural country ,while Japan is an industrial one

8. The cost of living in a rural area is much less than that in an urban one

9.Old Americans are on the move.

10.For decades, Florida has been attracting older residents

11.These bricks reduce the risk of falls

12 MY own flesh and blood left me too.

13.There are more career opportunitie

二、 1 numb 2adjustment 3bowling 4 suggest 5feel

三、1.D 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.A

篇3:模块10 Unit 3 全单元教案(英语周报)Task (译林牛津版高三英语选修十教案教学设计)

Teaching Aims:

To train the students’ ability of writing.

To practise writing a a speech about writing an article with advice and warning .

Teaching procedure:

Step 1:Lead in

When we want to give advice, what sentence patterns can we use?

You had better…

You don’t have to

You should / ought to …

You had better not…

You have to…

You must / must not…

Read the following and tell the meaning of each sentence

You do not have to go to school tomorrow if you are feeling ill.

My suggestion is that you should stay at home if you were feeling ill.

You should send her a note.

It is your duty to send her a note.

Citizens must register in order to vote.

It is required by law that citizen must register in order to vote.

Step 2 Skills building 1:

identifying degrees of obligation

Read the following and tell

which expresses the strongest obligation,

which expresses less strong obligation,

which expresses the least strong obligation,

and give you reasons.

You don’t have to go to school tomorrow if you are feeling ill

You ought to eat some fruit every day.

You ought not to eat so much ice cream.

You should get enough rest every night.

You should not play computer games all evening.

You had better wake up earlier tomorrow.

You had better not walk home in the rain.

You have to take medicine if you want to get better.

We must finish our project today because it is due tomorrow.

You must not forget to do your homework.

Read the guidelines and the sentences in part A. If you meet any new words in these sentences, guess the meanings of these words.

What does the word ’chemist’s mean from the context of the whole sentence?

From ‘… medicines sold at the chemist’s…,’ we can known ‘ the chemist’s is a place where medicine is sold.

What does the word ‘painkiller’ mean?

We can see the word is a compound one. The first part of the word is ‘pain’. And the second part is ‘killer’, so we can know that ‘painkiller’ refers to a kind of medicine that can be used to stop one feeling pain.

Can you guess the meaning of the word ‘ prescription’?

From ‘…talk to your doctor…’ we can learn that ‘prescription drugs’ are ones that we should be careful taking because they could be dangerous if used incorrectly.

Step 1 A

Listen to a lecture by Dr Gray and write the modal forms the doctor uses.

1 Realize our bodies are not machines that can be fixed quickly when they are broken.

2 Do not take any medicine for a common cold.

3 Use drugs from the chemist’s carefully

4 Do not take too many painkillers as they can damage the stomach and the liver.

5 Talk to your doctor before you take a combination of prescription drugs.

6 Make sure you know if you might react badly to certain medicines.

7 Do not leave any medicine lying around in the house in case children get them.

Step 1 B

Read the guidelines of part B and answer the question

What are antibiotics ?

What are they used for ?

Antibiotics are medicines that can be used to damage or stop bacteria that can cause infections.

Listen to the second half of the lecture and write down the modal forms for the rest of the sentences in part A.

8 Remember that antibiotics do not cure colds and the flu.

9 Do not go to hospital unnecessarily if you have a cold or flu that is not very serious.

10 Exercise often and eat well to keep your body healthy without taking medicine.

Categorize all the sentences according to the table below.

Obligation level: * ㏒琰茞

Obligation level: ** ㏒琰茞

Obligation level: *** ㏒琰茞

Step 1 C

Read part C, and take notes on the things that Mr. and Mrs. Tang did wrong

things Mr. and Mrs. Tang did wrong

Mrs. Tang took a lot of painkillers.

Mr. Tang gave Mrs. Tang some unknown medicine.

Mr. Tang gave Mrs. Tang some antibiotics he had left from a previous illness.

Mrs. Tang took some antibiotics without knowing what they were.

Step 3 Skills building 2: asking for and offering alternatives

When you are receiving advice, but you don’t want to make a current solution or plan, What will you do?

Asking for alternatives:

What will you say?

What can I…instead of…?

Besides…, is there…?

Rather than…, is there….

What is a good replacement / substitute for…?

Is there a better / another way to…?

When you are offering advice, but you don’t want to make a current solution or plan, What will you do?

offering alternatives:

What will you say?

Instead of…, you could…

Rather than…

Replace… with…

Substitute… with…

A better way to … is to…

Another way to… is to…

Step 2 asking a doctor for alternative

Suppose you were Mrs. Tang, and you wanted to know what should be done to cure you cold. You went to ask a doctor for some advice. Make some sentences using the patterns asking for alternatives given in this part.

What can I do instead of taking large amounts of vitamins and painkillers when I have got a headache or a running nose?

Suppose you were the doctor, What advice would you like to give to Mrs. Tang? use the patterns asking for alternatives given in this part.

Instead of taking medicine, you should do exercise often and eat well to keep your body healthy.

Read the guidelines and work in pairs.

Go over the prompts in the two columns and practice your dialogue.

Step 4 Skills building 3: writing warnings

When you are writing an article containing advice, What language is often used to express warnings?

The imperative is often used to express warnings.

Now read the instructions to learn how to write an article to give advice and warnings.

It’s time to write write the article individually

Then I’ll ask some of you to read your articles to the whole class.

Step5 : Homework

根据下列提示,以好习惯使人健康-Good Habits Keep Us Fit为题写一篇100词左右的短文




Good Habits Keep Us Fit

We should do sports every morning or every evening and often open windows to keep the air fresh. Wash our hands often,especially before meals and have healthy food and drink enough water every day. We shouldn't spit everywhere. If everyone has a good habit, we would keep fit.

Do you want to be healthy? Do morningexercises for half an hour or forty minutes every day. Wash your hands before each meal and open windows very often even though in winter. Fresh air is good for you. Don't spit everywhere.

I have another idea. Don't overwork. Too much work will be bad for you.

篇4:模块10 Unit 3 全单元教案(英语周报)Reading (译林牛津版高三英语选修十教案教学设计)

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the words and expressions in the text:

2. Train the students’ reading ability.

3. Get the students to learn about how to protect themselves from Aids.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Learn to use the words and expressions in the tex t:

2. Train the students’ reading ability.

Teaching Difficult Points:

How to help the students understand the text exactly, especially the following sentences:

Teaching Methods:

1. Fast reading to get a general idea of the text.

2. Careful reading to get the detailed information.

3. Asking-and-answering to help the students understand the text exactly.

4. Pair or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1. the multimedia

2. a tape recorder

3. the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step II lead in

Have a quiz.

How much do you know about Aids ?

Are you familiar with this red ribbon?

What’s it related to?

What does it mean?

Red ribbon is related to AIDS. It means that we should give AIDS patients love and care , understanding and support .

How does HIV destroy cells?

What do the letters AIDS stand for?

AIDS= Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

How serious is the situation about Aids?

It is reported by the UN that in the world 40,000,000 people are living with HIV/AIDS , of whom 3,100,000 have died this year.

The first recorded cases of aids

True or false questions

1. Only bad people get AIDS.

2. I can become infected with HIV by swimming in a pool, holding hands or kissing someone with HIV.

3. In , there were 42 million people living with HIV/ AIDS in the world.

4. People who have not injected drugs do not need to get tested for HIV.

5.If I had HIV, I would know because I would feel sick.

6.HIV/AIDS is difficult to cure.

7.People who have HIV look different from everyone else.

8.It is safe to be friends with people who are living with HIV/AIDS.

Can Aids be transmitted via the following routes?

How do people become infected with HIV/AIDS?

1. Unprotected sex.

2. Injection drug use.

( share injection needles, cottons, etc. )

3. From an infected mother to her infant.

( before and during birth,

or through breast-feeding)

5. Blood transfusions. (rarely)

6. The health care setting. (rarely)

Step III Skimming

T:OK.Now please listen to the tape first and find the answers to the questions on the screen.

(Teacher shows the questions on the screen, and the students begin to read the text.)

Read the following TV news special transcript quickly and answer these questions

1.What is this TV news special about?

It gives some detailed information about Aids and how to fight the spread of Aids.

2.How many people around the world are infected with HIV every day?

About 14,000 people

3. What places have been affected by Aids?

Almost every country in the world has been affected by Aids.

.Step V Reading

Read the text and then finish the following tasks:

Careful reading

C1.How well did you understand the details in the TV news special transcript? Read it again and answer the following questions.

1.What does Aids stand for ?

Aids stands for acquired immune deficiency symdrome

2. how many children have been affected by Aids so far ?

About 18 million children have been affected by Aids , among whom 4 million have been killed by Aids and more than 14 million have lost their parents to Aids and become orphans.

3.How does HIV affect the body?

HIV is a virus that enters a person’s blood and attacks the body’s immune system, so the immune system is weakened, and then it gradually loses the ability to fight illnesses. Eventually the body’s immune system becomes so weak that the person becomes sick very easily.

4. What are the three ways Aids is transmitted?

The three ways are unprotected sex, blood-to-blood transmission.

5.What is being done in China to help control the Aids epidemic?

China is working hard to control the epidemic, and has opened HIV/Aids labs to test and monitor the disease across the country. In , the government started providing free Aids drugs for Aids patients in need.

6. What is the aim of UNAIDS?

The aim of UNAIDS is to help prevent the spread of aids.

7.What does UNAIDS do for people who think they might have the virus?

It provides infected people with help from doctors and testing for people who think they might have HIV or Aids.

8. Why did Ajani not catch the virus from his mother?

Because his mother has access to prescription Aids medications during pregnancy.

C2: write the correct letters in brackets.

1.the number of children who have lost their parents to Aids.

2.the number of HIV carriers in China

3.the number of people infected with Aids since the 1980’s

4.the number of people who will die of Aids between and

5.the number of Aids patients in China

6.the number of people being infected with Aids per day

7.the number of children killed by Aids

D Match them with correct meaning

1.far-off a. cry, especially in a noisy way

2.scream b. remote, a long distance away

3.battles c. spread illness or disease to people

4.sob d. judgments that are not based on exact numbers or figures

5.cure e. a loud cry

6.infected f. a medical treatment that can get rid of illness

7.subscribe to g. agree with , support

8.estimates h. washes someone’s body with water

Answer to E


2.immune system









.Step V discussion:

What can be done to improve the situation?

by the government:

by specialists and doctors:

by other people:

by the patients themselves:

.Step VI Language points:

There is no cure for HIV or Aids

cure n. 药方; 治愈; 解决办法

There's no known cure for a cold.


She tried every means to cure her child of the bad habit.


There is no cure for rising prices


There is no cure for HIV or Aids

cure v 治愈[(+of)]

Penicillin cured him of pneumonia.


Antibiotics help to cure many diseases that were formerly fatal.


That nasty shock cured him of his inquisitiveness for ever.


HIV and Aids are spreading across the world at a frightening rate

rate n. 比率, 等级, 程度

Our investment accounts return a high rate of interest


That's one part of the job done at any rate.


They drove at a steady rate.


At this rate, we shall soon be bankrupt.

这样下去的话, 我们很快就要破产了.

Unexpected sex is the most common way that the virus is spread, accounting for 75 per cent of adult infections worldwide.

A).common; ordinary; general;

common强调“常见的”、“ 不足为奇的”如:

Colds are common in winter.



His ordinary supper consists of only bread and milk.


general意为“普遍的”、“一般的”, 如:

This book is intended for the general reader, not for the specialist.

这本书是为一般读者写的, 不是为专家写的

B). account v. 解释; 报帐;把...视为

I have an account with Midland Bank.


Too much rain accounted for the poor crop.


He could not account for his absence from school.


He was accounted a first-rate actor.


Although many people are familiar with Aids and how it is transmitted, more than a few people subscribe to the view that HIV and Aids are an African problems…

A). familiar. 熟悉的

She wrote in a familiar style.


I am of course familiar with your work.


This nursery rhyme is very familiar to me.


B). transmit v. 传输,传播;转送,;发报

They are trying to find a better way of transmitting energy.


I will transmit the money by special messenger.


Rats transmit disease.


The message was transmitted by radio.


Parents transmit some of their characteristics to their children.


estimate vi. 估计,估价,评价

I asked a contractor to estimate for the repair of the house.


The medicare cost is estimated to be one billion dollars.


It is estimated that his income at/to be about 8000 a year.


Step VII Homework

Preview the text.

Finish Exercise in the work book..

篇5:模块10 Unit 3 全单元教案(英语周报)Welcome to the unit (译林牛津版高三英语选修十教案教学设计)

Teaching aims:

1. Train the students’ ability of speaking.

2. Get the students to talk about how to protect ourselves from dangers.

Teaching Important Points:

Finish the task of talking about how to protect ourselves from dangers to train the students’ speaking ability.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to help the students finish the task of speaking.

Teaching Methods:

1. Free talk, quiz, discussion and speaking to train the students’ ability to use English.

2. Individual, pair or group work to make every student take an active part in class.

Teaching Aids:

1. the multimedia

2. the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings and Lead-in

1.Why do we need to protect ourselves?

Because there are many dangers which we have to face and many people die of different kinds of causes every year.

2.What are the dangers that we should protect ourselves from?

Natural disasters and problems

3.What should we do to protect ourselves from these dangers ?

Protect our environment.

Form good habits.

Keep away from bad habits

4.What has the United nations done to remind people to protect themselves ?

Special UN Days

What are they ?

Now let’s have a quiz.

Step II have a competition between students

Quiz World Day for Water

22 March

World Water Day (WWD) was guided by the theme 'Coping with Water Scarcity' under the leadership of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

World Health Day

7 April

World Health Day marks the founding of the World Health Organization (WHO). It is an occasion to raise awareness of key global health issues. This year's theme is international health security. “Invest in health, build a safer future”.

International Day of Families

15 May

The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed that 15 May of every year shall be observed as the International Day of Families. For 2007, the theme of the observance is “Families and Persons with Disabilities”.

World No Tobacco Day

May 31.

This yearly celebration informs the public on the dangers of using tobacco, the business practices of tobacco companies, what WHO is doing to fight the tobacco epidemic, and what people around the world can do to claim their right to health and healthy living and to protect future generations.

World Environment Day

5 June,

World Environment Day is one of the principal vehicles through which the United Nations stimulates worldwide awareness of the environment and enhances political attention and action.The World Environment Day slogan selected for 2007 is Melting Ice – a Hot Topic?

International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

26 June

By resolution 42/112 of 7 December 1987, the General Assembly decided to observe 26 June as the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking as an expression of its determination to strengthen action and cooperation to achieve the goal of an international society free of drug abuse.

International Day of Older Persons

1 October

The General Assembly designated 1 October the International Day of Older Persons by resolution 45/106 of 14 December 1990, following up on initiatives such as the Vienna International Plan of Action on Ageing, adopted by the 1982 World Assembly on Ageing and endorsed later that year by the General Assembly.

World Habitat Day

the first Monday in October

The United Nations has designated the first Monday in October every year as World Habitat Day to reflect on the state of human settlements and the basic right to adequate shelter for all.

World AIDS Day

December 1

The theme for world AIDS day 2003 is Stigma and Discrimination.

the theme of World Aids Day of ( the 18th World Aids Day.); stop Aids. Keep the promise.

Step III talk about welcome to the unit:

Picture 1:

What is the poster about?

What is the purpose of the picture being shown to people?

What should we do or not do to stay safe from the dangers shown in the poster?

This poster is about Aids. It shows a poster of people holding a big picture that is covered in handprints. I think that they choose this picture because the hand prints are different colours ,and this shows that Aids can affect everyone, no matter what their skin colour is or what country they are from. This tells us that aids is an international problem that we have to work together to try and fight.

The words ‘stop the chain of aids’ can be seen on the poster. The poster encourages us to stop spreading this disease. .

We need to make sure that we do not become infected by Aids.

Picture 2:

What is the poster about?

What is the purpose of the picture being shown to people?

What should we do or not do to stay safe from the dangers shown in the poster?

Everyone knows smoking causes great harm to one’s health, but many smokers just keep on smoking. This poster wants to persuade them to give up cigarettes. The human skull with a cigarette between its lips shows that the result of smoking is death.

Smoking can cause various deadly diseases, such as lung cancer, heart trouble and high blood pressure. Smoking is one of the biggest killers In the world. Although most people know the dangers of smoking. Many find it very hard to stop smoking because cigarettes are so addictive.

Picture 3:

What is the poster about?

What is the purpose of the picture being shown to people?

What should we do or not do to stay safe from the dangers shown in the poster?

The warning ‘say no to drugs!’ tell us that we must not take drugs. There are some drugs in the poster . Drug-taking is a global problem, so the whole world is paying special attention to this problem. 26 June is international Day against Drug Abuse And Illicit Trafficking. The theme of this day in is ‘ Drugs are not child’s play’. It aims to tell people that drugs are not fun and are not safe. Let’s just say no to drugs

Picture 4:

What is the poster about?

What is the purpose of the picture being shown to people?

What should we do or not do to stay safe from the dangers shown in the poster?

This poster shows a damaged car that has obviously been in an accident. The driver may be dead. From the world ‘Don’t drink and drive!’ we can know what caused the accident. Next to the car lies a bottle of what looks like alcohol. The driver was probably drinking alcohol before driving . In many countries ,driving after drinking is the main cause of traffic accidents every year.

Especially in recent years , with the rapid increase in the number of cars on the road, more traffic accidents have taken place because of driving after drinking . Looking at the poster every one of us must remember that no one should drive after drinking. We should consider both our own lives and the lives of others, and drive safely.

Step IV: discussion:

1.Why do you think people do things that are wrong and dangerous to their health and lives?

I think there are a number of reasons why people do these things. The first reason is that they do not know how serious the results of their actions are. People may be curious about taking drugs and want to try something new. They may think, ‘I will just try this once, and I will not become addicted to it.’ people may also be influenced by their idols smoking, and think it is cool, so they copy their idols and smoke too. Some people just do not obey the law. For instance, no one should drive after drinking.

However, some people think that they will be lucky and nothing will happen to them. Finally, some people do not have enough knowledge about how to protect themselves. Maybe they do not know that one can be infected with Aids through a blood transfusion, when the hospital has not checked for Aids, or unprotected sex.

2. What do you know about Aids?

Aids is a deadly disease, and that there is no cure. The medicines used to treat aids are very expensive, so many people cannot afford to pay for them. For many Aids victims, there is nothing they can do. The situation is very serious around the world, especially in African and Asia.African has the highest number of HIV-positive people in the world. Some children are now being born with HIV because their mothers were infected with HIV when they were pregnant.

3.Can you think of some other bad habits that harm people’s health and lives?

Some young people, includingsome university and high school students, are addicted to computer or video games. They often play these games deep into the night. Some high school students even miss school and do not do their homework in order to play these games . Some may even lie to their parents or steal money so that they can afford to play games on line.Being addicted to video games not only does harm to their health but can also ruin their future.

Other bad habits include students going to school without breakfast in the morning. Some like juice or fizzy drinks, and do not want to drink fresh water. some eat too much meat and almost no vegetables every day .

Step V: Homework


注意:1.报告必须包括图表中所有内容; 2.词数100左右; 3.第一句已给出,不计入总词数。


A recent survey shows that the health of the students in our school has been going from bad to worse in the past three years. The number of short-sighted students has increased from 78.2% in 2002 to 92.5% this year,while that of overweight students from 36% to 52.4%. Nearly 10% more students don't have enough sleep because of more homework. Besides, over 15% more students become mentally unhealthy.

To improve students'health, we call for less homework. Only in this way can students get plenty of sleep and be more healthy. Proper diets and exercise should also be paid attention to so that they won't easily put on weight. With their heavy burdens removed, students can then keep in normal mental health.

篇6:模块10 Unit 3 全单元教案(英语周报)Project (译林牛津版高三英语选修十教案教学设计)

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the words and expressions in the text:

2. Train the students’ reading ability.

Teaching Important Points:

1. How to help the students to master the words and expressions:

2. How to get the students to train the students’ reading ability.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1. How to help the students understand the text exactly.

2. How to get the students to make a poster.

Teaching Methods:

1. Fast reading to get a general idea of the text.

2. Careful reading to get the detailed information.

3. Asking-and-answering to help the students understand the text exactly.

4. Pair or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.a tape recorder

3.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step I Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step II Lead in

Review the text

What is the poster about?

What is the purpose of the picture being shown to people?

What should we do or not do to stay safe from the dangers shown in the poster?

The warning ‘say no to drugs!’ tell us that we must not take drugs. There are some drugs in the poster . Drug-taking is a global problem, so the whole world is paying special attention to this problem. 26 June is international Day against Drug Abuse And Illicit Trafficking. The theme of this day in 2006 is ‘ Drugs are not child’s play’. It aims to tell people that drugs are not fun and are not safe. Let’s just say no to drugs

International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

26 June

By resolution 42/112 of 7 December 1987, the General Assembly decided to observe 26 June as the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking as an expression of its determination to strengthen action and cooperation to achieve the goal of an international society free of drug abuse.

Have a quiz:

How much do you know about drugs?

What is Opium

Opium is the crudest form and also the least potent of the Opiates. Opium is the milky latex fluid contained in the un-ripened seed pod of the opium poppy. As the fluid is exposed to air, it hardens and turns black in color. This dried form is typically smoked, but can also be eaten. Opium is grown mainly in Myanmar (formerly Burma) and Afghanistan.

What Is Cocaine?

Cocaine most often appears as a white crystalline powder or an off-white chunky material. Powder cocaine is usually snorted or dissolved in water and injected.

What does heroin look like?

Pure heroin is a white powder with a bitter taste.

Most illicit heroin varies in color from white to dark brown.

“Black tar” heroin is sticky like roofing tar or hard like coal, and its color may vary from dark brown to black

What is LSD ?

LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is one of the major drugs making up the hallucinogen class. LSD was discovered in 1938 and is one of the most potent mood-changing chemicals.

What is Morphine?

Morphine sulfate occurs as white, feathery, silky crystals, cubical masses of crystals, or white crystalline powder; it is soluble in water and slightly soluble in alcohol

Step III Presentation for Reading

Go over the title of the booklet and predict what the booklet is about from the title. Then answer the questions;

What can we learn from the title ‘ just say NO! “ ?

Saying NO to drugs is an important part of protecting one’s health and well-being for the future.

Go over the subtitles of the booklet. Then answer the questions;

What answers will be given under the subtitle ‘Why do people take drugs?’

The reasons / causes for taking drugs.

From the subtitle ‘What happens when people take drugs?’, what do you think this part is about?

The effects or results of taking drugs.

What information can we learn in this part from the subtitle ‘What does the law say about taking drugs ?’.

The punishments for carrying drugs

What do you think the last part is about from the last subtitle ‘How can drug user5s seek help’?

The assistances drug users need.

Step IV Reading

1. detailed reading

Read the first part and find details of the reasons / causes for taking drugs.

Because they are curious ;

To rebel against their families or society;

To be accepted by friends who are drug users.

Read the second part and find details of the effects or results of taking drugs drugs

The effect of uppers:

increase the heart rate and make users feel very energetic and happy;

Make users suffer from having a sore jaw, toothaches, difficulty sleeping, heart attacks, and, in some cases, death;

Make users not feel hungry or thirsty .

The effect of downers:

Decrease the heart rate and make users feel relaxed, sleepy, and forgetful, and cause headaches, depression, shallow breathing and weak pulse;

Can lead to death.

The effect of drugs like LSD:

Cause people to see and /or hear things that are not real;

Increase blood sugar, heart rate and acute anxiety and cause extreme mood changes;

users may commit suicide.

Read the second part and find out the common effects that the three classes of drugs have.

All addictive physically and/ or psychologically.

Read the third part and find details of the punishments for possession of drugs.

From a small fine and a few days in prison to a large fine and the death penalty according to the type and quantity of illegal drugs a person is carrying when caught by police.

Read the fourth part and find details of the assistance drug users need

Admit their problem with drugs and seek help from a hospital or drug clinic;

Stay in hospital and take special medicines to help break addiction or ease withdrawal symptoms;

Have individual or group sessions with a psychologist.

Step IV discussion

Now let’s discuss what our poster will focus on and what we will need to do in preparation.

1. what are the different types of drugs?

2. What are the effects of drugs on the body or mind?

3. How do you think drugs affects the users’ family?

4. What are the legal punishments for carrying drugs?

Now let’s discuss what our poster will focus on and what we will need to do in preparation.

5. Will your poster focus on the effects on the users, the users’ families or tha legal punishments for carrying drugs?

6. Will you focus on drugs in general or a specific type of drug?

7. What title will you use for you poster?

8. Who will do each task in you group?

Step V practice

It’s time for us to make our own posters for our school Health Week.

Step VI Homework

Review the key points in this unit.

Do exercises in the workbook.

篇7:模块10 Unit 3 全单元教案(英语周报)Word power(译林牛津版高三英语选修十教案教学设计)

Teaching Aims:

Review the words related to habits.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Help the students master the words related to habits.

2. Help the students finish each exercise correctly.

Teaching Difficult Point:

Master the uses of words related to habits.

Teaching Methods:

1. Review method to consolidate the words learned in the last two periods.

2. Practising to make the students master the words related to habits correctly.

3. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1. the multimedia

2. the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Revision and Word Study

Have quiz:

What do you think are good habits or bad habits in one’s daily life?


What do you think good bad habits can lead to respectively?

Can you provide some examples?

Do you think it is very important for one to have good habits? Why or why not?

What do you think we can do to form some good habits?

Step III Word power

Read the reply from Lucy’s grandfather and answer the question

What are the bad habits that Daniel has?

eating food containing too much sugar

eating snacks late at night

sleeping until noon at the weekend

going to fast food restaurants and eating too much junk food

drinking too many soft drinks

What should Daniel do to stop these bad habits?

stay away from food containing a lot of sugar

get out of the habit of having snacks

keep away from soft drinks

break the habit of sleeping until noon

stop eating fast food

If we do not use the verb ‘stop’ before bad habits, what other verbs or verb phrases can we use instead of it?

stay away from,

get out of the habit,

keep away from,

break the habit,


give up

answers to B

1. Get out of the habit break the habit

2.Stay away from/ keep away from/ Give up

3. stop/ quit

4.Get out of the habit/ Break the habit

C. abbreviations

Read the following article and then answer the question:

How many types of abbreviations are mentioned in it ? What are they


a pronounceable abbreviation


an abbreviation pronounced letter by letter

General abbreviation:

a shortened from of a very familiar word

Answers to B

General abbreviations:

info eve memo





Step IV Homework

根据下列提示,以On Habits(论习惯)为题写一篇100词左右的短文





possible answer

Habits, whether good or bad, are generally acquired. When a person does a certain thing once and again, he is impelled by some unseen force to do the same thing repeatedly; thus a habit is formed. Once a habit is formed, it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to shake it off. It is therefore very important that we should take great care in the formation of habits. Some bad habits formed in childhood may remain lifetime. Older persons also form bad habits, and in some cases they are ruined by these bad habits.

There are good habits which, when formed in early life, are great blessings. Many successful people declare that they owe much of their success and prosperity to the formation of such good habits as punctuality, honesty, and perseverance in early life.

Such habits as rudeness, laziness, stealing and slandering are bad habits. If we want to be useful to society, we ought to keep away from ail these vices, and strive to acquire those habits that are proven to be good for ourselves and others.

篇8:模块10 Unit 3 全单元教案(英语周报)Grammar and usage (译林牛津版高三英语选修十教案教学设计)

Teaching Aims:

1. Review the words appearing in the last period.

2. Learn the grammar and usage: the development of a text.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Help the students master the grammar and usage: the development of a text.

2. Help the students finish each exercise correctly.

Teaching Difficult Point:

the grammar and usage: the development of a text

Teaching Methods:

1. Practicing to make the students master the grammar and usage: the development of a text correctly

2. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1. the multimedia

2. the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ lead in

Let’s review the text of reading and answer the questions

How many paragraphs are there in the text?

There are ten paragraphs

What is the tittle of the text?

The title is Aids today

Can we learn what the text is about from the title?

Yes. We learn that the text is about the deadly disease of Aids of at the present time

If you are asked to divide the whole text into several parts, how will you divide it?

We can divide it into three parts. The first part is the introduction in the first paragraphs. The second part is tha main body and includes the next eight paragraphs. The conclusion is the last paragraph, and is the last paragraph, and is the last part.

What is the main idea of the first part?

It gives us an example to show us how serious the situation of Aids is in Africa

What is the second part about?

It tell us some detailed information about Aids. For example, what causes Aids, the ways people get infected with Aids, how serious the situation is around the world and what the UN and the Chinese government have been doing to deal with this situation.

Step III Grammar

the development of a text

How is a text developed ?

A text should be written in the way that allows readers to move from one idea to the next easily. For a text to develop logically, we should include the following:

The title

The beginning paragraph

The body paragraphs

The concluding paragraph.

What should a title be like ?

It should not be too long and should be clear and simple, for example ‘Aids today’ ‘The search of happiness’ ‘The UN-bringing everyone closer together.

How do you understand these titles?

‘Aids today’ is about the deadly disease of Aids at the present time.

‘The search of happiness’ is about hoe to find hapiness

‘the UN-bringing everyone together is about the functions of UN.

What should be included in the beginning paragraph?

It should contain a topic statement

It should have supporting sentences

It should capture reader’s attention and keep them interested in reading the text.

Each body paragraph usually contains a topic sentence, some supporting sentences and a concluding sentence to the paragraph.

What should the topic sentence be like?

The topic sentence contains the main idea of the paragraph and should be simple and clear for readers to catch its meaning..

Where can it be found?

It is usually the first sentence of the paragraph

What are supporting sentences?

Supporting sentences follow the topic sentence and provide details or proof to support it. They expand on the idea presented in the topic sentence.

What the function of a concluding sentence is in a paragraph?

The last sentence of a paragraph sometimes introduces the main idea of the next paragraph.

How does the concluding paragraph function in a text?

It should contain a final topic statement (or maybe a prediction) , or it could refer to the example mentioned in the beginning paragraph.

Step IV Consolidation

A Read the sentences and then decide which paragraph they belong to and what type of sentence each one is.

Step V homework

根据下列提示,以How to Stay Healthy(如何保持健康)为题写一篇100词左右的短文



第一段写虽然人们越来越重视健康,认为健康是最重要的财富,但对如何保持健康却不一定清楚,引出“我”的建议。第二段写“我”有三条建议,一是吃 富含蛋白质的食品、蔬菜和水果,不要吃得过甜、过油腻以及过量;二是保证充足睡眠,至少每天睡8小时,如有可能,也应午休;三是适度锻炼,因为“生命在于 运动”。第三段总结全文。

How to Stay Healthy

People are beginning to attach much more importance to their health these days than ever before. They begin to realize that good healthis the most valuable possession a person can have. However, many people don't know how to stay healthy although great efforts have been made in this regard. In my opinion, there are three things we can do if we want to be in good.

First, we should have the right food, because proper nutrition is the most important for good health. Avoid foods with lots of sugar and fat. Eat plenty of high protein foods, vegetables and fruits. Do not overeat. Secondly, we should get proper amount of sleep, because without enough sleep, we will often feel tired and irritable. Allow ourselves at least eight hours of sleep each day. Have a nap at noon if time permits. Finally, we should exercise regularly, because‘ life depends on exercise'. Regular exercise strengthens our hearts and lungs. In addition, it prevents us from putting on weight.

If everyone is to do so, there will be much less complaining about poor health and there will be much more happiness in our life.

篇9:模块10 Unit 1 全单元教案(英语周报)Unit 1 Word power (译林牛津版高三英语选修十教案教学设计)

Teaching Objectives:

1. To enlarge students’ vocabulary。

2. To get students to learn some words and expressions related to different industry.

3. To improve students’ speaking ability.

Teaching Important and Difficult Point:

Ss are expected to familiarize themselves with the new words and expressions.

Teaching Approaches:

Task-based approaches

Form of Activities:

Individual, pair or group work.

Teaching Aids:

The multimedia and the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Lead-in

1. What does your father do? And your mother? What about your uncle?

How many occupations do you know? What kind of jobs are you interested in?

Step 2 Industry

How many industries do you know? What are they?

Construction industry Catering industry publishing industry

Information technology Tourism industry

2. Read the study guide about different industries in Part A on Page6 then fill in the table.

Industry Description Occupation

Including people working on building sites and producing building materials

Referring to businesses involving food and drink

Involving businesses providing printed and online materials

Including people working with clothes, from designing to making and even modeling them

One of the fastest growing of all industries

Related to travel agencies and places of historical interest

3. Complete the following sentences:

1) It’s my job to make sure all the tables are set properly for each meal. I work in the __________ industry.

2). I’m an editor for a national newspaper. I work in the ____________ industry.

3). I love surfing the Internet and really enjoy my job designing websites. I work in the ______ industry.

4). I help people plan each stage of their holiday. I work in the _______ industry.

5). I work for a world-famous brand. I design handbags for them. I work in the _________ industry.

6). I often work on a building site and have to wear a helmet. I work in the _____________ industry.

4. Description your ideal future jobs and tell the reasons.

Step 3 synonyms

1. Look at the following groups of words. What does each group have in common? Add more words to each group.

large; huge; enormous

bad; terrible

content; happy

aged; senior; elderly

They are synonyms.

2. Read the instructions for Part A on page 7, understanding what a synonym is and the synonyms for the word ‘develop’, then fill in the blanks with the correct words from Part A.

1). My uncle has just opened a new seafood restaurant and he wants me to help him __________ it. He hopes it will become the most famous seafood restaurant in the city.

2). The plan _____ from a very simple idea.

3). I want you to ________ a layout for me. I want to be able to see exactly how the finished product might look.

4). She is very talented. If she works hard and practices often, she will ________ into a fine young pianist.

5). If they follow the plan, the town will _______ into one of the biggest tourist destinations in the country.

6). Their quality of life will _________ greatly with the addition of running water to their town.


1. Review new words and expressions in this part.

2. Preview grammar.

篇10:模块10 Unit 1 全单元教案(英语周报)Unit 1 Writing about development(译林牛津版高三英语选修十教案教学设计)

Teaching Aims:

1. Students are expected to learn how to identify emotive language, how to discuss probability of the future, and how to write an essay.

2. Enable students to understand and use.

Teaching Important and difficult Points:

Develop the students’ ability by writing an essay on the development of their town for the writing competition.

Teaching Methods:

Listening, speaking reading and writing.

Teaching Procedures:

1. Lead-in

Show pictures to the students and ask: How do you feel when you see the pictures?

2. Skills building 1: identifying emotive language

People use emotive language to express how they feel about something.

Emotive adjective hyperbole Tone of voice

positive negative

Step 1: asking about life in the past

During the past twenty years, great changes have taken place in our country, especially in education, transport, buildings, jobs and environment.

1. Listen to an interview and take notes in the table.

In the past today

transport ______________

______ to school Takes_____ or______

buildings ___________ and a few shops; biggest building was the _______ The _________

____ is far bigger

Jobs a lot of people were involved in the______ industry Big industries include the ________ industry and the ______ industry

environment Air was _______ Sea is full of ________; air is __________

2. Listen to the conversation again and fill in the missing words.


as cold as _____ sleep for ___________________

as _____ as a mountain as _____ as a whale

3. Listen to your grandfather’s talk and take notes, then fill in the blanks in the old newspaper article on Page 11 using the information from your notes.

catering industry

type of restaurant: ________ location: _________ jobs: _______

fashion industry

clothes being sold: made by _________

fashion show: to raise money for a ____________

publishing industry

author visiting bookshops to sign book: local _________

tourism industry

types of business: _______________and _________________________

answers to the article:

(1) shopping centre (2) catering (3) seafood (4) chef (5) waiters (6) fashion (7) charity (8) authors (9) publishing (10) tourist (11) tourist

Skills building 2: discussing probability of the future

What will happen in the future?

●If you are certain that something is or is not going to happen in the future, you can use the following phrases:

It will (not) … It will certainly (not) …

It is (not) going to … It will surely (not) …

It will definitely (not) …

●If you expect something to happy or not to happen in the future but are not very certain, you can use the following phrases:

It will probably (not) …

It is (not) likely to …

It should (not) …

●W hen something in the future is not a certainly but only a possibility, you can use the following phrases:

It may (not) … It could (not) … It might (not) …

● If you think that something has no chance at all of happening in the future and want to express this in strong term, you can use the following expressions. However, you should be careful in doing so as this is usually considered very rude:

no way out of question not in a million years

Step 2: interviewing the City Development Council

Practice how to interview with your partner using predictions.

e.g. (not) (very) certain possible no chance at all

Skills building 3: writing an essay

When writing an essay, it is very important that you structure it in an ordered way. Otherwise, it will not make sense to readers. To do this, you should divide the information into sections---the introduction, the main body and the conclusion. Besides following the structure, you should also:

Use objective language Provide facts and figures Give examples Discuss future probability


1. Write an essay on the development of your town for the writing competition.

2. Preview the Project part.

篇11:模块10 Unit 1 全单元教案(英语周报)Unit 1 Project A gift for the future(译林牛津版高三英语选修十教案教学设计)

Teaching aims:

1. Read a feature story about the importance of sustainable development and some particular forms of renewable energy.

2. Help students use what they have leant to finish a project by working together.

Important points & difficult points:

Teach them how to write a passage using what they learnt.

Teaching Methods:

Analyze and use.

Teaching Aids:

1. The multimedia

2. The blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

Show pictures to lead in.

1. In order to improve people’s lives and to reduce poverty, it is important for countries to develop. However, sometimes development can be bad for a country and can do more harm than good. In order to avoid this, the idea of sustainable development has been introduced.

Do you know some particular forms of renewable energy?

2. 北京排水集团污水处理厂将实现城市污水处理率90%、再生水回用率50%.

Water is invaluable and important resource for human being, people can not live without water, but it is said that only 1.5/millionth of the water existing on earth has been utilized for mankind.

Step 2 Part A

1. Read a feature story on Page 14, focus on the title first and discuss the questions.

●What is the gift for the future?

● What do you think we can give for the future?

2. Skimming

Skim the article and find the main idea of this article and how it is organized.

title (A gift for the future)

(paras1~3) importance of sustainable development

(paras4~10) sources of energy including fossil fuels and renewable energy

3. Read the article carefully and complete the exercises below.

(1)Answer the following questions.

1) What do you think of development in the past?

---It polluted the environment and wasted natural resources.

2) Compared to development in the past, what are the advantages of sustainable development?

---It is long-term planning which focus on the environment and preserving natural resources. It is all about creating better health care, education, housing and improved standards of living for everyone.

3) What might happen in the future to the current sources of energy?

--- Our future and the lives of our children and grandchildren will be in danger. There will be an increase in pollution, global warning and acid rain.

(2). Fill in the chart, please.

Forms of energy What we can do with the energy Advantages

Step 3 Part B Reporting on sustainable development

Discuss the following questions in groups of four the write a report.

1. What is sustainable development?

2. Why is it important to look after the environment?

3. Why should we use renewable energy?

4. What areas of sustainable development will you research ( recycling, reforestation, pollution control, etc.)?

5. Where can you get information on the areas sustainable development you will research?

6. Who will you interview? Who will conduct the interviews?

7. Who will write the report?

8. Who will present the report to the class?


1. Review new words and expressions in this unit.

2. Finish the exercises in Wb.

篇12:模块10 Unit 1 全单元教案(英语周报)Unit 2 Grammar and usage (译林牛津版高三英语选修十教案教学设计)

Teaching Aims:

1. Students are expected to learn that links are needed between sentences to connect the ideas of the sentences to each other.

2. Enable students to understand and use.

Teaching Important and difficult Points:

Develop the students’ ability of using linking words.

Teaching Methods:

Explanation and exercise

Teaching Procedures:

Step1 lead-in

1. The World Food Program, set up in 1963, has three polices: firstly , to save lives in times of crisis by sending grains such as rice; secondly, to improve nutritional standards and the quality of life in poor countries; and thirdly, to help develop the resources of these countries and to help unemployed people because independent.

Time sequence words(时间顺序关联词语)

2. Firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally, now, in the end, etc are time sequence words, which show the order of ideas or actions. They are linking words.

Links are needed between sentences to connect the ideas of the sentences to each other. Without these links, it is easy for readers to get confused. These links help readers work out what is going to happy next in a text.

3. Do you know how to plant a tree? Discuss the question in pair.

Firstly, we need to dig a hole and stand a stick in it. Secondly, we need to put the young plant into the hole and tie the plant to the sick. Finally, we need to put the earth back in the hole and water the area.

Cause and effect words (因果关系词语)

They show reasons and results of doing something. Common expressions that show cause and effect include for one thing, therefore, so, as a result, etc.

●Reporter: Why did you organize the concert? Bob: Well, for one thing, I wanted to raise money for the hungry people.

● It rained; therefore the football match was postponed.

Contrasting words (对照关联词语)

They are also important links between sentences and introduce an idea that is in contrast to the idea mentioned before. Common examples include however, in contrast, instead, nevertheless, on the contrary, on the other hand, etc.


● He is tired, let me go instead.

● The news may be unexpected; nevertheless, it is true.

Addition words(附加关联词语)

They introduce additional information. Common expressions that show addition include also, on top of something, above all, besides, furthermore, in addition, moreover, etc.


● He has made up his mind to go to the countryside, and I also. ● Also present at the meeting are the president himself and his wife. ● The task is difficult; besides, time presses.

Here are some more linking words.

1. Linking words that draw a conclusion, such as to conclude, on the whole, in conclusion, to sum up, in short, etc.


● To conclude, you should eat healthily and exercise if you want to be fit.

● My son has a good job. My daughter has a good job. In brief, my wife and I do not have to support them financially any longer.

2. Linking words that give an example, such as for example, for instance, in this/that case, etc.


● I have always been interested in sport, for instance, when I was at school I was in the swimming, running, and tennis teams.

● A: There’s no milk in the fridge.

B: In that case, I’ll drink water instead.

3. Linking words that show differences or similarities, such as likewise, yet, despite, in spite of, etc.


● Tom comes home for lunch twice a week, and his sister Jane does likewise.

● I have given her a lot of useful advice, yet she has never taken any.

● Despite the heavy rain, they left to search for the missing boy.

Have a try:

1. Read the article on Page 9 (Part A), then fill in a chart.

Time sequence Cause and effect Contrast-ing Addition Other

2. Read the article on Page 9 (Part B), then fill in the blanks.


(1) so (2) firstly (3) secondly (4) thirdly (5) However (6) For one thing

3. Rewrite the following sentences with the linking words.

1) You should fully prepare before going on a hike. Bring enough drinking water with you.

---You should fully prepare before going on a hike. Above all, bring enough drinking water with you.

2) People there never plant trees in spring. They have destroyed a big part of the forest by cutting down trees for commercial use.

--- People there never plant trees in spring. Moreover, they have destroyed a big part of the forest by cutting down trees for commercial use.

3) Leonard applied to the local college because the tuition is cheaper. He would prefer to go to school somewhere closer to home.

---Leonard applied to the local college because the tuition is cheaper. Besides, he would prefer to go to school somewhere closer to home.

4. Write a passage ‘Living In The City’ using proper linking words according to the chart below.

Advantages Disadvantages

找工作容易 生活消费高

交通便利 人口多,拥挤

有公园、饭店等休闲场所 空气污染、居住环境差


Living in a city has advantages and disadvantages. First of all, it is easier to find work in a city. Secondly, there are always many choices of public transport. Besides, there are a lot of interesting things to do and places to see. You can eat in good restaurants, visit museums, go to cinemas and go to parts whenever you want to relax.

However, living in a city is often very expensive. You must find a well-paid job, otherwise, you will not be able to afford the things you will do. What’s more, the city is always crowded, noisy and dirty. It is very difficult to find a good place where people can enjoy peace and fresh air as in the countryside.


1. Write down the composition after class.

2. Read the points on Page 8 and finish C1 on Page 100 in Wb.

3. Preview the Task part.

篇13:模块10 Unit 1 全单元教案(英语周报)Unit 1 Building the future Welcome to the unit (译林牛津版高三英语选修十教案教学设计)

Teaching Aims:

1. Arrange a discussion for Ss to talk about what their city will look like in the future, whether food aid and money will solve the problem of poverty, and why development may be bad for a country in some ways.

2. Encourage Ss to express their own opinions in the discussion.

Try to develop their speaking ability

Teaching Important Point:

Develop students’ speaking ability.

Teaching Methods:

Discussion and free talk to involve each student in class activities.

Teaching Aids:

1. The multimedia

2. The blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in by comparing two pictures.

Development and the issue of poverty are the most important problem we are facing when we try to develop society.

Do you the causes of poverty?

Many countries are developing at a very fast rate. Is it always good for the future of a country?

● hunger ● diseases ● natural disasters ●unemployment

● local environment ● wars ● growing population

● wrong policies and strategies

Can you find possible solutions to the problem?

possible solutions:

● donate food and money ● give medical care and training

● improve local environment ● provide educational training

● develop renewable energy ● stop wars

Step 2 discussion

Look at the pictures on Page 1 and discuss them in groups of four.

Picture 1

Do you think food aid is a short-term or a long-term solution to the problem of poverty? Why or why not?

---Food aid is a short-term solution as it gives food immediately to people who are very hungry, but it does not allow them to grow their own food in the future.

Picture 2

1. What is the man doing in the picture?

---He is working hard to building something because he might be poor and need the money.

2. Do you think training people to make a living is a short-term or a long-term solution to the problem of poverty? Why or why not?

---Training people is a long-term solution to the problem of poverty. It allows people to make a living by themselves.

Picture 3

1. What has happened to the village?

--- It has become a city. With the development of society, many villages have changed a lot over the years. Tall building have been built and motorways and bridges have been constructed. The living conditions of local people have been greatly improved. Small villages have been developed into towns or cities.

2. What problems may developing too fast cause?

---Developing too fast might harm the natural environment. For example, many trees have been cut down in order to build factories, roads and bridges. Also, almost everything we do in our modern lives, be it cooking or traveling, requires the use of Earth’s natural resources, which we may run out of one day.

Picture 4

1. What do you think the things are used for?

---I think the machines are used to generate electricity by using wind power.

2. What might happen to the coal, oil and other natural resources in a thousand years?

---The supplies of coal, oil and other natural resources might run out in a thousands years.

3. What is renewable energy? Can you suggest some good examples of energy for the future?

---Renewable energy is energy that comes from a source that will not run out. Solar, wind and hydroelectric or water energy are all sources of renewable energy that could be used in the future.

Discuss the following questions in groups.

1. Is your city developing at a fast rate? What will it look like in twenty years’ time?

2. Do you think that giving food and money to poor people will solve all their problems? Why or why not?

3. Do you think that development may be bad for a country in some ways? Why or why not?


1. Read the article in Part A on Page 102 in Workbook.

2. Preview the reading part.

篇14:模块11 Unit 4 全单元教案(英语周报)Unit 4 Welcome to the Unit(译林牛津版高三英语教案教学设计)

一 Teaching aims

1 Target language: new words and sentence structure

2.Ability goals enable students to talk about courses at university

二、Teaching important and difficult points

Express their opinions about the issues, share ideas with their parents

to improve their spoken English and give serious consideration to

their own future

三、Teaching aids

A multimedia.

四、Teaching procedures and ways

Step I Lead-in

Ask some questions and show some pictures to the students to lead in the topic.

Step II Sharing information

Look at the pictures on Page 49 and discuss the question

1 which of the courses above would like to study, and Why?

2 Are there any other courses you would rather study at university?

What sort of things do you think you will have to do when studying

this course?

3 what do you think university life is like?

Step III Oral practice

Talk about the topic “The future university life I expect” for several

minutes. After that, please report your opinions.

Step IV Homework

Find more information about different courses and the life at university

Read the articles in PartA and PartB on

Page122 and Page123.

Preview the text “my university life” on Page50

篇15:模块10 Unit 1 Reading 教案(译林牛津版高三英语选修十教案教学设计)

Step One: Brainstorming

With the development of science and technology, we now lead a much better life. But in the developing world, there still exists some problems.

1. What do you think are the most serious problems?

-----Hunger, disease, poverty, wars, natural disasters such as famines and floods.

2. Can you find some good ways to solve these problems?

----Providing food aid to people, teach them how to grow food, training doctors and providing cheap medicines to hospitals, training people to make a living, giving development aid if a natural disaster hits a country in the developing world.

What can we do to help them? Let’s see what this student thinks of helping developing countries.

Step Two: Reading


Read the text quickly and finish the following multiple choices.

1. Where was the charity concert Live Aid held? B

A. In Ethiopia. B. In London and Philadelphia. C. In Ireland. D. In South America.

2. Which of the following statements is true according to the text? B

A. WFP is aimed to fight worldwide Aids.

B. The Food-for-Life programme provides food aid for countries in emergency.

C. The Food-for-Growth programme targets people of all age.

D. The Food-for-Work programme helps train people for free.

3. What does the author mean by saying “Some developing countries in Africa, Asia and South America stand at a crossroads.”? C

A. These countries are developing so fast and they will surely catch up with developed countries.

B. These countries are developing so slowly that they will never catch up with developed countries.

C. These countries are currently developing but they could fall further behind developed countries at the same time.

D. These countries have fallen further behind developed countries and they would have no more chance to develop fast.

4. What might be the cause of poverty in developing countries? D

A. Poor infrastructure. B. Little education and training.

C. Natural disasters and diseases. D. All the Above.

5. What is the present situation about poverty like? D

A. The fight against poverty is over.

B. Developing countries have successfully fought against poverty.

C. Little has been done to fight poverty in the world.

D. The problem of poverty still exists and it’ s a long way to go.

二Detailed reading

(一) Read the text carefully and divide the text into several parts.

Part I (paras 1-3) Introduction to the theme

Part II (para 4) A saying which can help understand the title

Part III (paras 5~6) Effective ways to stop poverty

Part IV (para 7) Conclusion: teach a man to fish

(二) Read each part separately.

Part One

1. Answer the following questions.

1) Why was the Live Aid concert so important?

----Because it raised $100million for famine victims in Ethiopia and also raised public attention. It also put pressure on politicians to do something about the famine.

2) What has the United Nations done to fight the problem of world hunger?

----In 1963, the United Nations set up the World Food Programme aiming to reduce the problem of world hunger. A number of programmes have been organized and the WFP has helped more than one billion people around the world.

2. Summarizing

Live Aid concert---Food aid & famine relief funding ---- Individual aid

Food-for-Life food aid

WFP Food-for-Growth ----- International aid


Part Two

1. What’s the function of Paragraph 4?

A. concluding B. Linking C. supporting

2. Why is food aid alone not enough to help poor countries?

----Because the poverty still exists after the food has been eaten up.

Part Three

1. Answer the following questions.

1) What things are included in the infrastructure of a country?

----Things like transport, irrigation, electricity, postal service, telephones and schools are included.

2) What is the long-term solution to the problem of poverty?

----Development aid together with food aid.

3) Why is education and training for young people in developing countries so important?

----Because the future of developing countries lies in the hands of young people.

2. Summarizing: ___Ways to fight poverty__ used in developing countries.

Improve a country’s infrastructure. Education and training for the young people.

Part Four It is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish.

Step Three: Consolidation

Solutions Examples Present situations

Food aid (2)_________ a charity concert to (3)_____ money; (4) ____ up WFP to (5)_____ world hunger a lot has been done to fight poverty and great (13)___________ have been made; the fight is not (14)_____ and the two solutions need to be (15) _________



aid stop poverty by fighting the (6)_______ of it; (7)________ a country’s infrastructure, which may help (8)______ job opportunities for people and allow them to become (9)____________; (10)________ and (11)_____ young people because the future of developing countries (12)____ in the hands of children.

1. Developed 2. organized 3. raise 4. set 5. fight 6. causes 7. improve 8. create 9. independent 10. educate 11. train 12. lies 13. achievements 14. over 15. combined

Step Four Finish Parts and E on page 4 and 5.

篇16:模块10 Unit 1 全单元教案(英语周报)Unit 1 Reading Give a man a fish (译林牛津版高三英语选修十教案教学设计)

Teaching Aims:

1. Enhance students’ reading abilities.

2. Enable Ss to adopt the strategy reading a speech and catch the main idea of the text (about food aid and development aid).

Teaching important points:

1. Help Ss gain some knowledge about food aid and development, improving their reading skills.

2. Help them learn some language points.

Teaching methods:

1. Improve the students’ reading comprehension.

1. Practice to get the students to master what they’ve learnt.

2. Discussion to make every student work in class.

Teaching aids:

1. the multi-media

2. the blackboard.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Lead- in

1. Show pictures and lead in: World Hunger and Poverty

“现场八方Live 8”慈善演唱会,仍旧是由前发起Live Aid的爱尔兰籍歌星鲍勃格尔多夫(Bob Geldof)发起

The World Food Program, set up in 1963, aims at ending world hunger, which is the number one risk to global health today.

Over the past 40 years, the WFP has worked hard to provide food aid for the weak and the poor, and to improve the nutrition and quality of life.

“李连杰壹基金计划” 是由中国红十字会博爱大使李连杰先生发起和倡导的一项为公益事业的筹款计划,他倡导每人每月最低捐出1元钱,帮助那些确实需要帮助的人们。该计划期待人人参与,捐一元钱,出一点力,献一份爱。赠人玫瑰手有余香,在帮助他人的时候,您一定会感受到更多的幸福和快乐。

Is it enough?

Step 2 Fast reading

Scan the passage quickly and find the answers to the following questions. Only focus on the information needed to answer the questions, please.

1. When was Live Aid held?

2. How many people has the WFP helped since it was established?

3. What is the saying mentioned in the passage?

Step 3 Careful reading

Read the passage carefully and deal with the following exercises .

1. Find special information to answer the following questions.

1) Why was the Live Aid concert so important?

2) What things are included in the infrastructure of a country?

3) What is the long-term solution to the problem of poverty?

4) Why is education and training for young people in developing countries so important?

2. Choose the right answer according to the text.

1) In countries where there are too many unemployed people, which help would they receive from WFP? (推断题)

A. Food-for-Life B. Food-for-Growth

C. Food-for-Work

2. Among the following sentences, which one is not right according to the text? (细节判断题) A. The Ethiopian famine led to destroyed harvests and killed cattle. B. Disease is the number one global health risk, killing more people than any disease. C. Development aid together with food aid is the long-term solution to the problem . D. Young people in eastern Nigeria are being trained to use computer technology to develop their problem solving and communication skills.

3) From the passage we know the author thinks the most important thing to help developing countries fight hunger and poverty is_______. (写作意图推测)

A. to appeal to people to donate B. to speak highly of Bob Geldof C. to develop the work of WFP D. to help them help themselves

Step 4 Consolidation

Fill in the blanks according to the text. The Ethiopia __________ was in 1985, which shocked Bob. He organized a charity __________ called ___________ and ___________ it to raise money for and public _________of the famine. The World Food Programmer also gave the help. They need help, but the sad truth is that ______ aid alone is not enough. What developing countries really need to do is to stop poverty by fighting the _______ of it. One way to do this is to _________ a country’s ______________. Clearly, ____________ aid together with food aid is the ___________ solution to the problem of poverty. Another important thing to remember is that the _______ of developing countries lies in the hands of children. This is why __________ and ________ for young people is so important.

Step 5 Reading strategy

Fill in the chart according to the passage.

problems solutions

a short-term solution

development aid as well as food aid

give a man a fish

feed him for a lifetime

Step 6 Structure

Step 7 Discussion

Choose one of the following questions to discuss in groups.

1. In your opinion, what can we do to help solve the food problem in Africa?

2. What can we do to help improve the education and training of the young people in Africa?

Step 8 Language points:

1. (L2-4) The severity of this catastrophe shocked Bob Geldof, an Irish musician who organized a charity concert called Live Aid to raise money for famine victims in Ethiopia.

●Here the verb shock means “ to surprise and upset somebody”

e.g. I was shocked at the news that bird flu had been found in our city.

●The word shock can also be used as a noun, meaning ‘a bad feeling as a result of something unpleasant happening unexpectedly’

e.g. He got a shock when he touched the water.

She said the scary movie gave her the shock of her life.

2. (L6) Geldof intended the concert called Live Aid to raise money for and public awareness of the famine.

● This is an elliptical sentence.(省略句)

The completed sentence is that Geldof intended the concert called Live Aid to raise money for the famine and to raise public awareness of the famine.

3. (L14) On top of this, according to the United Nations, hunger and malnutrition claim ten million lives every year.

●Here the phrase on top of means ‘in addition to or besides’. ● Here the phrase according to means ‘as said or reported by someone or something’.


● He gets commission on top of his salary. ● The book was excellent, according to James.

4. (L25) It is without doubt an amazing achievement, but is it enough?

●The verb doubt here is a noun meaning ‘a feeling of not being sure’. The phrase without doubt means ‘certainly’.


If you have doubts about the trip, you can ask your tour guide.

Without doubt, we need to start our project as soon as possible.

● without doubt ● beyond doubt ● no doubt ● in doubt

● There is no doubt that…… ● There is some doubt whether/what/when/how ……

●The word doubt can also be used as a verb meaning ‘ to think that something uncertain or not true’.

e.g. Do you doubt what he said at the meeting?

I do not doubt that he is capable of doing the job.

I doubt very much whether he will come to my party tonight.

Have a try:

I don’t doubt ____ he took the first place in his class, but I do doubt_____ he will succeed in the end.

A. if, that B. but that, which C. whether, whether D. that, whether


1. Read the passage again after class and underline the difficult and important points.

2. Write down the results of the discussion.

篇17:译林牛津英语模块10 Unit 4 Project 教学案(译林牛津版高三英语选修十教案教学设计)

课题:模块十第四单元Project --You and intellectual property

总课时:第________课时 备课时间:____年____月____日

主备人: 上课时间:____年____月____日






Read the passage and answer the questions

1. What does intellectual property refer to?

2. How many kinds of intellectual property are there?

3. Why is it considered necessary to protect intellectual property rights?

4. If a company spends a lot of money on research and development of new products, but their new products are copied, what will happen to the company?

5. What are the common ways in which people affect intellectual property rights?

6. Who are the people most likely to be breaking intellectual property laws?


1.apply to 适用于

apply to / apply…to… / apply to…for…

The rules of safe driving apply to everyone.


The laws apply to everyone regardless of race, creed or colour.

If you apply to this university, you'll have to pay a registration fee of at least$20.


I advise that they apply to the council for a home improvement grant.


Apply a theory to practice.将理论运用与实践。

2.in (straits)legal 处于(法律)困境

I hear you are in poor financial straits.


Now that father's lost his job, we're in serious straits.


3.be faced with

Faced with a bill for $ 10,000, John has taken an extra job.

4.cost sb sth

Her irresponsible behaviour cost her father many sleepless nights.


Dangerous driving could cost you your life.


5.pose 构成,造成(困难,危险,挑战)

pose a challenge / threat / problem to

Pollution poses a threat to the continued existence of this species.


6.suck the life out of

Many people are moving away from the city center, which is suck the life out of my shop.


7.take sb to court

Australia will take Japan to cout for killing whales in large numbers.


1.If someone spends his or her time, effort and money writing a book, for example , he or she deserves to be paid for it, even if it is just a draft.

2.Many countries are in legal straits now, as they had not passed laws to protect intellectual property until recently.

3.We are faced with decisions about how to respect intellectual property rights.

4.In , it was estimated that 35 per cent of software on computers worldwide was pirated, which equaled a loss of $29 billion for orginal producers.

5.People whodo these things cost worldwide industries billions of dollars annually.

6.Currently, pirated music and software pose a serious challenge to the music and software industries, and if they are not careful, such piracy could suck the life out of both industries.

7.Some companies are now taking people to court for piracy and many people have been fined.



apply to pirated be faced with classify into illegal instead of creator welcome aboard

take …to court architectual

Since China was _____1______ the World Trade Organization in , China has already passed several laws that make it _____2_____ to copy intellectual property without paying the inventor or ___3___. Intellectual property can be ___4___ two cateries –industrial property and copyright, which ___5___ novels, films, music, artwork and ___6 ___ design. Some people may think that intlellectual peoperty does not affect them if they are not running a business or stealing business ideas. However, now almost everyone ___7___ about how to respect intellectual property. As consumers, we should buy CDs and DVDs in trustworthy shops ___8___ downloading them illegally or buying ___9___ versions. Currently, many companies have made money by producing fake or pirated goods. They should be fined and ___10___ for piracy.


1. The World Intellectual Property Organization defines intellectual property as ideas, which include inventions, writings, artwork, symbols and designs used in business.

Intellectual property ________ __________ _________ ideas _________ inventions, writing, artwork, symbols and designs used in business.

2. Because of this, our government has added its signature to several laws protecting intellectual property.

_________ ____________ _____________ ______________ this, our government has ________ several laws _________ __________ intellectual property.

3. In 2003, it was estimated that 35 per cent of software on computers worldwide was pirated.

In 2003, 35 per cent of software on computers worldwide _______ _________ ________ be pirated.

4. Therefore, many of these companies are taking steps to protect themselves against piracy.

Therefore, many of these companies _______ _________ to protect themselves against piracy.

5. To help further the fight against piracy, people should not download CDs and DVDs illegally or buy pirated versions. They should buy them in trustworthy shops.

To help further the fight against piracy,people should buy CDs and DVDs in trustworthy shops _________ _________ ___________ illegally or buy pirated versions.

6. In 2001, China joined the World Trade Orgainization, which was formed to help control the problems related to international trade.

In 2001, China _________ ___________ the World Trade Orgainization, which was formed to help control the problems ________ __________ international trade.



1.The World Intellectual Property Organization defines intellectual property as ideas, which include inventions, writing, artwork, symbols and designs used in business.

2.Intellectual property falls into two categories-industrial property, such as inventions, trademarks and industrial designs, and copyright, which includes novels, films, music, artwork and architectural designs.

3.If someone creates something, he or she deserves to be paid for this.

4.This may lead to a big loss of money for the company, and the company will probably have to stop their research and development of new products.

5.Most people have copied music or video material, or downloaded it from the Internet for private use. Some people copy materials such as films to sell for commercial reasons.

6. People with advanced technical skills are most likely to break these laws. However, ordinary people can also break them by copying material or buying pirated goods.


一.1.welcomed aboard 2.illegal 3.creator 4.classified into 5.applies to 6.architectural 7.is faced with 8.instead of 9.pirated 10.taken to court

二.1.is defined as, including 2.As a result of, singned, which protect

3.was estimated to 4.taking action/measures

5.instead of downloading 6.welcome aboard, linked to

篇18:模块11 Unit 4 全单元教案(英语周报)Unit 4 Grammar and usage (译林牛津版高三英语教案教学设计)

一、Teaching goals

1. Target language: new words and expressions

2. Ability goals: Enable students to learn what an allusion is, how an allusion is used, and how to understand an allusion.

3. Learning ability goals: Students are expected to apply what they have learned correctly.

二、Teaching important and difficult points

Students can master the knowledge about allusions and apply what they have learnt correctly.

三、Teaching aids

A multi-computer

四、Teaching procedures and ways

StepⅠ Revision and lead-in

Get the students enjoy the following pictures and answer some questions.

1. Have you heard the story “Mengmu San Qian”?

2. Do you know what the expression self-contradiction means?

3. When you see the picture, what story or expression can you think of?

4. Do you think snakes have feet? What does the expression mean?

Step II More questions

1 What are the expressions above called in Chinese?

典故 Allusions

2 Then do you know some allusions in English? Match the two parts.

borrowed plumes 最大最好的部分

cat’s paw 受人愚弄的人

sour grape 靠别人得来的声望

the lion’s share 把得不到的说成不 好

kill the goose that lays 绞尽脑汁

the golden eggs

rack one’s brains 打破沉默

break the ice 害群之马

black sheep 杀鹅取卵

1) When Qin Xiaoyong says that he felt a bit like the prodigal son returning, what do you think he means?

2) Who is scrooge? When Qin Xiaoyong says that he is a bit of a Scrooge, what does he means?

3) Have you heard the person, Mother Teresa? What do know about her?

When we say someone is a Mother Teresa, what kind of person are we describing?

Step III Points1-5

When we refer to words or phrases like these to talk about another person or thing, we are using allusion. Now read the guidelines of this section on Page56 to know what an allusion is.

Read Points1-5 to learn the meaning of each allusion and find the ways of

making an allusion.

According to the Points1-5, fill in the form.

Allusions Come from The meanings

Lei Feng Real life To describe a person who is kind and ready to help others

Mona Lisa A work of art To describe a person with charming smile.

Lin Daiyu The novel Red

Mansion To describe the young lady who is

Sentimental and sickish


The Bible To describe someone

Who betray their friends or beliefs

The battle of Waterloo

History To describe a final

defeat or failure

Step IV Exercises

Read the instruction and the table to understand the meaning of each allusion

and think over to decide which of them are from literature, religion, history, real life or other sources. After that, put them in the right places in Zhang Hong’s diary.

Step V Discussion

Discuss in groups and decide which situations the following allusions are used in.

the prodigal son be over the moon

Pandora’s box dark horse

A’Q spirit sour grapes

Step VI Homework

1. Try to understand the meanings of allusions learnt this class and use

them correctly.

2 Do PartC1and PartC2 on Page120

in workbook.

3 Preview the text in the Project

模块10 Unit 2 全单元教案(英语周报)(译林牛津版高三英语选修十教案教学设计)










模块10 Unit 4 全单元教案(英语周报)(译林牛津版高三英语选修十教案教学设计)
《模块10 Unit 4 全单元教案(英语周报)(译林牛津版高三英语选修十教案教学设计).doc》

【模块10 Unit 4 全单元教案(英语周报)(译林牛津版高三英语选修十教案教学设计)(共18篇)】相关文章:





高二模块7 Unit 1 Project 教案(译林牛津版高二英语选修七教案教学设计)2023-02-01





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