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1. You are an university student who are living in the accommodation at the campus. One day you find something wrong with your accommodation. So you write a letter to the House Officer to tell them what happened, the reason you think, what you decide to do, and whether if it is right.

2. It is wrong that our government pay more money to the artist projects, for instance, there are more and more paintings and sculptures appearing at the public places, because there are more important thing to do. What's you opinion? Do you agree or disagree with it?

3. writing to an English speaking college about qualification, accommodation, fee, what courses do you want to choose and why.

4. Participating in a sport is as important for psychological health as it is for physical condition and social development.

5. You have left college. But you didn't say goodbye to your friend who live in the room with you because he had a course at that time. Write a letter to him to appology and tell hem how you spend that days before you leave and how you get home. Then invite him to visit you.

6. Some people say the parents should except school to conduct their children's behavior and tell them what is 'right' or 'wrong'. Others say schools should take this responsibility. Please give your point about it.

7. Write to the agency officer and complain about the rent car which has sth wrong. Tell them the problems of the car you rent from the agency and your requiring.

8. As the developing countries and the third world countries, there are a funds, how to use it? Invest in the basic education or in the high-technology, for instance, computer? What‘s your opinion?

9. You are a foreign student. Write to the Student Union, introduce your hobbies and interests and a



1月11日 (北京,大连,武汉,西安,深圳,上海,杭州,南京,昆明 ) V104

1月18日 (北京,长沙,济南,沈阳,广州,海口,福州,成都 )V115

1月25日 (北京,哈尔滨,青岛,天津,郑州,广州,厦门,南宁,上海,杭州,南京,重庆 )V105

2月8号 (大连,济南,深圳,)V115

2月15日 (北京,长沙,青岛,沈阳,西安,广州,福州,上海,杭州,南京,合肥,成都 )V121

2月22日 (北京,哈尔滨,天津,武汉,广州,厦门,深圳,上海,杭州,南京,重庆,宁波 )V118

3月8日 (北京,大连,济南,青岛,广州,深圳,上海,杭州,南京,昆明 )V107

3月15日 (北京,沈阳,天津,武汉,郑州,广州,海口,福州,成都 )V107

3月22日 (北京,长沙,哈尔滨,西安,广州,厦门,南宁,上海,杭州,南京,重庆 )V114

4月12日 (北京,大连,济南,青岛,广州,深圳,上海,杭州,南京 ) V120

4月19日 (北京,哈尔滨,天津,武汉,广州,福州,上海,杭州,南京,合肥,成都) V113

非典原因,GZ取消以下考试:4月26日 5月10日 5月17日 5月24日 6月14日 6月21日的考试

6月28日 (北京,天津,武汉,广州,厦门,深圳 )V106


7月12日 (北京,大连,青岛,沈阳,广州,深圳,南宁,上海,杭州,南京,昆明)V112

7月19日 (北京,长沙,济南,西安,郑州,广州,海口,福州,成都) V104

7月26日 (北京,哈尔滨,天津,武汉,广州,厦门,深圳,上海,杭州,南京,重庆) V119

8月9日 (北京,大连,青岛,西安,广州,深圳,南宁,上海,杭州,南京,合肥,昆明) V112

8月16日 (北京,长沙,哈尔滨,济南,沈阳,郑州,广州,福州,上海,杭州,南京,成都) V109

8月23日 (北京,天津,武汉,广州,厦门,深圳,重庆) V110


9月6日 (北京,哈尔滨,青岛,西安,广州,深圳,南宁,上海,杭州,南京,昆明)


9月13日 (北京,长沙,大连,济南,沈阳,广州,海口,福州,成都)


9月20日 (北京,天津,武汉,郑州,广州 ,厦门,深圳,上海,杭州,南京,重庆)


10月11日 (北京,哈尔滨,济南,青岛,沈阳,西安,广州,福州,南宁,上海,杭州,南京,合肥,成都)


10月18日 (北京,长沙,大连,天津,武汉,郑州,广州,厦门,深圳,重庆)


11月1日 (北京,济南,沈阳,西安,广州,深圳,南宁,上海,杭州,南京,昆明)


11月15日 (北京,哈尔滨,青岛,天津,武汉,广州,海口,福州,上海,杭州,南京,成都)


11月22日 (北京,长沙,大连,郑州,广州,厦门,深圳,重庆)


12月6日 (北京,济南,沈阳,西安,广州,深圳,南宁,上海,杭州,南京,合肥,成都)


12月13日 (北京,哈尔滨,青岛,天津,武汉,广州,福州,重庆)


12月20日 星期六






























































1. Some people think that the negative effects of advertisements far outweigh their positive ones. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2. To what extent do you think international tourisms advantages far outweigh its disadvantages?

3. Some people think that old buildings should make way for new buildings. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

4.Some people think the frequent cultural and commercial communications are positive, while others hold a different view. Whats your opinion?

5. Some people are optimistic to the 21st century. To what extent do you agree or disagree with their optimism and what changes would you like to be made in the 21st century?

6.The environmental pollution is a serious problem confronting us in modern society. What are its causes and what solutions can be taken to solve it?

7.Some people think that teachers will be replaced by computers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

8. Some people think that happiness is closely related to economic success, while others think happiness result from other factors. Discuss both views and give your opinion?




1. You are an university student who are living in the accommodation at the campus. One day you find something wrong with your accommodation. So you write a letter to the House Officer to tell them what happened, the reason you think, what you decide to do, and whether if it is right.

2. It is wrong that our government pay more money to the artist projects, for instance, there are more and more paintings and sculptures appearing at the public places, because there are more important thing to do. What's you opinion? Do you agree or disagree with it?

3. writing to an English speaking college about qualification, accommodation, fee, what courses do you want to choose and why.

4. Participating in a sport is as important for psychological health as it is for physical condition and social development.

5. You have left college. But you didn't say goodbye to your friend who live in the room with you because he had a course at that time. Write a letter to him to appology and tell hem how you spend that days before you leave and how you get home. Then invite him to visit you.

6. Some people say the parents should except school to conduct their children's behavior and tell them what is 'right' or 'wrong'. Others say schools should take this responsibility. Please give your point about it.

7. Write to the agency officer and complain about the rent car which has sth wrong. Tell them the problems of the car you rent from the agency and your requiring.

8. As the developing countries and the third world countries, there are a funds, how to use it? Invest in the basic education or in the high-technology, for instance, computer? What's your opinion?

9. You are a foreign student. Write to the Student Union, introduce your hobbies and interests and ask information of clubs and societies. You want to join a club or society enjoy your time when you study there.

10. Fast food is developing more and more popular. It replaces other traditional food. Some people think it is good, some people disagree with it. What's your opinion about it. Give some reason of your opinion.

11. A friend will visit Beijing. You will meet him at airport. But for some reason, you have to be late. Explain the reason. Since you haven't meet each other, tell the friend where you will meet and how to recognize each other.

12. More and more children's writing & math ability are affected by computers and calculators. We should limit the use of those tools. Disagree or agree.

13. you have broke your leg and have to stayed in hospital. you received many cards and letters from your classmates. write a letter to tell them your detail of your position and thank them at the same time.

14. some people say that it is impossible for women to be an effective women and to be a good mother in home at the same time. they also suggest that the government should give the salary to mothers who stay at home to take care of their children.

15. Your friend write to you and tell you that he is hesitating to chose computer or history as his major in university. Write to him and tell him your opinion.

16. Participating in a sport is as important for psychological health as it is for physical conditions and social development.

17. You live in a room in college which you share with another student. You find it very difficult to work there because he or she always has friends visiting. They have parties in the room and sometimes borrow your things without asking you. Write a letter to the Accommodation officer at the college and ask for a new room nest term. You would prefer a single room. Explain your reason.

18. Who has responsible for our old people?

19. Write to the agency officer to complain about a rent house by them. Tell them the problems of the house and your requiring.

20. You read an ad about a sale of a shop in the local newspaper, when you came to buy the goods you wanted, you find the sale had ended. Write to the shop manager and complain about this. Require for the compensation.

21. Write to an English speaking college about qualification, accommodation, fee, what courses do you want to choose and why.

22. You are accepted as an oversea student by an university. Before you go to the university, write to the student officer and ask them sth about the accommodation, the transportation,and the class schedule.

23. You are a history teacher at a high school. You see an ad at the local newspaper to introduce the local museum which coincidens with what you teach now. Write to the museum officer and tell them that you want to bring your students to visit it.

24. Write a letter to your friend and express thanks for his present which was brought to you during you were ill at the hospital.

25. The first car appeared on British roads in 1888. By the year there may be as many as 29 million vehicles on British roads. Alternative forms of transport should be encouraged and international laws introduced to control car ownership and use. What do you think? Give reasons for your answer.

26. The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace. Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. The benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages. Give reasons for your answer.

27. People can do longer expect a job for life. What should individuals and governments do to prepare the current and future environments for different working conditions?

28. As technological innovation brings about rapid changes and retraining becomes a lifelong necessity, industry should take over more and more of the responsibility for education.

29. It is more important for governments to ensure adequate standards of housing, education and health care for their citizens by developing the industrial base than to use their resources to develop the rural areas.

30. Business education and training today must promoter environmental awareness.

31. Whilst studying abroad provides an opportunity to broaden one's experience, it also presents the danger of negative influences from the host culture.

32. Technological advances continue to improve manufacturing efficiency; the weight of a drinks can has come down from thirty-five grams to about fifteen grams, for example, and modern cars and production techniques are much more energy efficient. Governments need to control the environment rather than controlling industry, as companies already control their resources very efficiently.

33. Training for work is far more important than proving a broad-based education.

34. What steps should a student take in preparing for tertiary education and what would be the benefit of taking such steps?

35. The developed world should lead by example and not insist that aid to the Third World is used to develop rural areas.































1. You are an university student who are living in the accommodation at the campus. One day you find something wrong with your accommodation. So you write a letter to the House Officer to tell them what happened, the reason you think, what you decide to do, and whether if it is right.

2. It is wrong that our government pay more money to the artist projects, for instance, there are more and more paintings and sculptures appearing at the public places, because there are more important thing to do. What's you opinion? Do you agree or disagree with it?

3. writing to an English speaking college about qualification, accommodation, fee, what courses do you want to choose and why.

4. Participating in a sport is as important for psychological health as it is for physical condition and social development.

5. You have left college. But you didn't say goodbye to your friend who live in the room with you because he had a course at that time. Write a letter to him to appology and tell hem how you spend that days before you leave and how you get home. Then invite him to visit you.

6. Some people say the parents should except school to conduct their children's behavior and tell them what is 'right' or 'wrong'. Others say schools should take this responsibility. Please give your point about it.

7. Write to the agency officer and complain about the rent car which has sth wrong. Tell them the problems of the car you rent from the agency and your requiring.

8. As the developing countries and the third world countries, there are a funds, how to use it? Invest in the basic education or in the high-technology, for instance, computer? What's your opinion?

9. You are a foreign student. Write to the Student Union, introduce your hobbies and interests and ask information of clubs and societies. You want to join a club or society enjoy your time when you study there.

10. Fast food is developing more and more popular. It replaces other traditional food. Some people think it is good, some people disagree with it. What's your opinion about it. Give some reason of your opinion.

11. A friend will visit Beijing. You will meet him at airport. But for some reason, you have to be late. Explain the reason. Since you haven't meet each other, tell the friend where you will meet and how to recognize each other.

12. More and more children's writing & math ability are affected by computers and calculators. We should limit the use of those tools. Disagree or agree.

13. you have broke your leg and have to stayed in hospital. you received many cards and letters from your classmates. write a letter to tell them your detail of your position and thank them at the same time.

14. some people say that it is impossible for women to be an effective women and to be a good mother in home at the same time. they also suggest that the government should give the salary to mothers who stay at home to take care of their children.

15. Your friend write to you and tell you that he is hesitating to chose computer or history as his major in university. Write to him and tell him your opinion.

16. Participating in a sport is as important for psychological health as it is for physical conditions and social development.

17. You live in a room in college which you share with another student. You find it very difficult to work there because he or she always has friends visiting. They have parties in the room and sometimes borrow your things without asking you. Write a letter to the Accommodation officer at the college and ask for a new room nest term. You would prefer a single room. Explain your reason.

18. Who has responsible for our old people?

19. Write to the agency officer to complain about a rent house by them. Tell them the problems of the house and your requiring.

20. You read an ad about a sale of a shop in the local newspaper, when you came to buy the goods you wanted, you find the sale had ended. Write to the shop manager and complain about this. Require for the compensation.

21. Write to an English speaking college about qualification, accommodation, fee, what courses do you want to choose and why.

22. You are accepted as an oversea student by an university. Before you go to the university, write to the student officer and ask them sth about the accommodation, the transportation,and the class schedule.

23. You are a history teacher at a high school. You see an ad at the local newspaper to introduce the local museum which coincidens with what you teach now. Write to the museum officer and tell them that you want to bring your students to visit it.

24. Write a letter to your friend and express thanks for his present which was brought to you during you were ill at the hospital.

25. The first car appeared on British roads in 1888. By the year 2000 there may be as many as 29 million vehicles on British roads. Alternative forms of transport should be encouraged and international laws introduced to control car ownership and use. What do you think? Give reasons for your answer.

26. The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace. Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. The benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages. Give reasons for your answer.

27. People can do longer expect a job for life. What should individuals and governments do to prepare the current and future environments for different working conditions?

28. As technological innovation brings about rapid changes and retraining becomes a lifelong necessity, industry should take over more and more of the responsibility for education.

29. It is more important for governments to ensure adequate standards of housing, education and health care for their citizens by developing the industrial base than to use their resources to develop the rural areas.

30. Business education and training today must promoter environmental awareness.

31. Whilst studying abroad provides an opportunity to broaden one's experience, it also presents the danger of negative influences from the host culture.

32. Technological advances continue to improve manufacturing efficiency; the weight of a drinks can has come down from thirty-five grams to about fifteen grams, for example, and modern cars and production techniques are much more energy efficient. Governments need to control the environment rather than controlling industry, as companies already control their resources very efficiently.

33. Training for work is far more important than proving a broad-based education.

34. What steps should a student take in preparing for tertiary education and what would be the benefit of taking such steps?

35. The developed world should lead by example and not insist that aid to the Third World is used to develop rural areas.



It is expected that there will be a higher proportion of older people than young people in many countries in the future. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?



older people

“老年人”有很多说法,这个词在文章中肯定会多次出现,因此一定要做好同义替换准备。elderly people, the elderly, pensioners, senior citizens都可以,但要少用old people. ageing society (Br.E.) / aging society (Am.E.)


关于ageing society的相关知识,请阅读维基百科。




1. Surveys show that in many countries, people are living longer but increased life expectancy has many implications for the aging individuals and for society as a whole. What are the possible effects of longer living for individuals and society?

2. Some people believe that in order to give opportunities to the new generation, companies should encourage high level employees who are older than 55 to retire. Do you agree or disagree?

5. Some countries have an ever-increasing proportion of population who are aged 15 and younger. What is your opinion of the current and future effects it may have in those countries?


1. You are an university student who are living in the accommodation at the campus. One day you find something wrong with your accommodation. So you write a letter to the House Officer to tell them what happened, the reason you think, what you decide to do, and whether if it is right.

2. It is wrong that our government pay more money to the artist projects, for instance, there are more and more paintings and sculptures appearing at the public places, because there are more important thing to do. What's you opinion? Do you agree or disagree with it?

3. writing to an English speaking college about qualification, accommodation, fee, what courses do you want to choose and why.

4. Participating in a sport is as important for psychological health as it is for physical condition and social development.

5. You have left college. But you didn't say goodbye to your friend who live in the room with you because he had a course at that time. Write a letter to him to appology and tell hem how you spend that days before you leave and how you get home. Then invite him to visit you.


6. Some people say the parents should except school to conduct their children's behavior and tell them what is 'right' or 'wrong'. Others say schools should take this responsibility. Please give your point about it.

7. Write to the agency officer and complain about the rent car which has sth wrong. Tell them the problems of the car you rent from the agency and your requiring.

8. As the developing countries and the third world countries, there are a funds, how to use it? Invest in the basic education or in the high-technology, for instance, computer? What's your opinion?

9. You are a foreign student. Write to the Student Union, introduce your hobbies and interests and ask information of clubs and societies. You want to join a club or society enjoy your time when you study there.

10. Fast food is developing more and more popular. It replaces other traditional food. Some people think it is good, some people disagree with it. What's your opinion about it. Give some reason of your opinion.


11. A friend will visit Beijing. You will meet him at airport. But for some reason, you have to be late. Explain the reason. Since you haven't meet each other, tell the friend where you will meet and how to recognize each other.

12. More and more children's writing & math ability are affected by computers and calculators. We should limit the use of those tools. Disagree or agree.

13. you have broke your leg and have to stayed in hospital. you received many cards and letters from your classmates. write a letter to tell them your detail of your position and thank them at the same time.

14. some people say that it is impossible for women to be an effective women and to be a good mother in home at the same time. they also suggest that the government should give the salary to mothers who stay at home to take care of their children.


Nowadays, more and more people, particularly feminism supporters, help to improve women’s place in society. They indeed play a vital role in helping improve women’s status. However, Some of them are too dogmatic to the equal right of two genders. They argue that universities should accept equal numbers of male and female study in every subject. Although being a girl, I feel this opinion is unreasonable.

It is natural that different genders have different talents. Everyone, male and female, has equal right to study in universities, nevertheless, due to difference of in thought and views. The male has more powerful ability in logical analysis while the female naturally good at designing and making handicrafts. Hence, universities should establish an educational atmosphere for different genders in which students are more likely to be stimulated to study what they’re good at.

Pursuing absolute equal numbers of male and female study in every subject is unscientific. For example, few girls like to study subjects like mechanics and mathematics, which are favored by a lot of boys. It is also hard to find male students in nursing school. If we make a rule that seems to be “equal”, it would lead to the results that student can’t fulfill their wishes .In the long run, the development of those subjects will be confined.

All in all, I believe it is unreasonable that universities should accept equal numbers of male and female study in every subject. Giving each gender equal chance to choose majors is a much better way.



Gender equality is, first and foremost, a human right . Women are entitled to live in dignity and in freedom from want and from fear. Empowering women is also an indispensable tool for advancing development and reducing poverty.

Empowered women contribute to the health and productivity of whole families and communities and to improved prospects for the next generation. The importance of gender equality is underscored by its inclusion as one of the eight Millennium Development Goals. Gender equality is acknowledged as being a key to achieving the other seven goals.

Unconscious bias is particularly important as it arises from the implicit assumptions and unspoken attitudes, beliefs and expectations that we all have about others. Study after study has highlighted that both men and women have unconscious gender biases. For example, people view men as more capable leaders, men are rewarded more highly than women - just having a male name is more likely to get you the job. If you are a mother, your chances of getting the job are reduced by 70%. Overcoming stereotypes and unconscious bias can only be achieved if we are all willing to address our own immediate judgments and can put in place practices and procedures to mitigate their potential effects.

Yet discrimination against women and girls - including gender-based violence ,economic discrimination ,reproductive health inequities ,and harmful traditional practices - remains the most pervasive and persistent form of inequality. Women and girls bear enormous hardship during and after humanitarian emergencies , especially armed conflicts. For more than 30 years, the Fund has been in the forefront of advocating for women, promoting legal and policy reforms and gender-sensitive data collection, and supporting projects that improve women's health and expand their choices in life.



Despite decades of advances, the gender gap remains wide. Women are still under-represented in senior positions and among entrepreneurs. That helps to explain why the median female wage is 80% of that of men, lower than the OECD average.


词汇:be under-represented 在高层职位女性占少数/人数不足;

衔接:despite+n. ;that 指代;why 宾语从句;

Ms Boushey argues that America’s labour-market troubles are largely the result of its failure to grapple with changes in family structures. Women once stayed at home,cooking meals, ironing clothes and looking after children while their husbands went out to work.


词汇:grapple with sth=solve 努力解决某事;

At the start of the 1950s only about one-third of American women worked, compared with almost 90% of men. Today 57% of women are in work, while the share of men is just under 70%.


衔接:转折对比compared with…/while;

词汇:sb work=sb be in work;


This shift has added trillions to economic output, and allowed women who might otherwise have been stuck at home to start companies, invent new products, advance the course of science or simply to earn a living of their own. It also transformed life within the home.


衔接:this shift 指代相比从前更对女性出来就业;who 定语从句;also 并列;

词汇:be stuck at home=stay at home 指代在家忙于家务;advance sth 推动发展;


As women joined the paid labour force in increasing numbers, more household responsibilities were shoehorned into the hours outside work. (Although men do more in the home than they used to, women still carry out the bulk of domestic duties.) That may in turn push them to give up formal work.


词汇:join the paid labour force=work;shoehorn(n.鞋拔,此处为v.硬塞:家务只能挤在空余的时间进行)


On the face of things, new government rules and regulations are unnecessary.

可作为主题句sth is necessary;

Boushey therefore wants America’s government to grant workers more paid time to care for new babies or ailing relatives; to allow greater flexibility in working time;and to provide greater support for the education of pre-school children.


词汇:grant sth 保证;ailing 生病的;flexibility 灵活(工作时间)

Better family leave policies should not only improve the lives of struggling families but also boost workers’ productivity and cut firms’ costs.


The cost to employers of replacing workers who leave (for any reason, from a new job to parenthood) could amount to between15% and 20% of annual pay, even in occupations paying less than $30,000 per year. Doing good for workers should,therefore, be good for businesses and for the economy.

The cost of hiring replacements ought to give hard-pressed employees—those who are pregnant, say, or who have to care for elderly parents—room to bargain for better treatment.


Other research suggests that more flexible work rules reduce absenteeism and increase productivity.

词汇:struggling families 不富裕的家庭;提高boost productivity=increase;cut costs=reduce costs ; replacing workers 用定语从句描述代替休假的员工=replacements;reduce absenteeism 灵活的工作制度减少缺勤

Broad social insurance could help smaller companies to share the financial load: they would pay into a fund, from which they could draw when employees go on parentalleave.



Male/Female Work Roles: What Kind of Future?

What will determine male/female roles in the workplace of the future?

In the past two decades, we have witnessed a major transformation in the nature of male/female roles in the workplace. As more women have entered the labor force, the working lives of women and men at work have been profoundly altered. In fact, many people believe that all the changes that are going to take place in this area have already occurred and that a person's sex no longer has much influence on what happens to him or her at work.

Sex-related issues have not entirely disappeared from the workplace, however, and there is still room for change. The purpose of this article is to speculate about future changes in the working lives of women and men so that HR managers can be prepared for what's to come. Let's begin by assessing the current state of affairs.

The Present: Stability and Change There is evidence of both stability and change in the current state of male/female work roles. The majority of women have rejected the traditional role of woman as “a homemaker”; however, the vast majority of men still subscribe to the traditional image of the man as “a breadwinner.” As a result, men and women are still experiencing considerable conflict and confusion over what roles they should play in their work and home lives.

New conceptions have developed about what it means to be male or female; androgyny--a blend of masculine and feminine characteristics--has been touted as the new ideal for both sexes. However, much of society still endorses sex-role stereotypes depicting men as essentially masculine and women as essentially feminine. Further, the socialization experiences of young females and males continue to differ in ways that reinforce these stereotypes.

Barriers to the entry of women into the higher-paid, male-dominated occupations have been breaking down; a larger number of women have been preparing for and entering these occupations than ever before. However, men have not demonstrated a corresponding interest in the lower-paid, female-dominated occupations such as nursing, teaching, and secretarial/clerical work. Further, women's average full-time earnings remain substantially below those of men.

As the number of women in male-dominated occupations has increased, the sex ratios of work groups within those occupations have shifted from uniform (all male) to skewed (greater than 85% male) or tilted (65% to 85% male). Balanced sex ratios (approximately equal proportions of males and females) have seldom been achieved, however, and majority/minority dynamics remain between men and women in most work groups.

Many organizations have implemented and successfully enforced federal guidelines banning sexual harassment in the workplace; however, the …





You are an university student who are living in the accommodation at the campus。

One day you find something wrong with your accommodation。

So you write a letter to the House Officer to tell them what happened, the reason you think, what you decide to do, and whether if it is right。


It is wrong that our government pay more money to the artist projects, for instance, there are more and more paintings and sculptures appearing at the public places, because there are more important thing to do。

Whats you opinion? Do you agree or disagree with it?


writing to an English speaking college about qualification, accommodation, fee, what courses do you want to choose and why。


Participating in a sport is as important for psychological health as it is for physical condition and social development。


You have left college。

But you didnt say goodbye to your friend who live in the room with you because he had a course at that time。

Write a letter to him to appology and tell hem how you spend that days before you leave and how you get home。

Then invite him to visit you。


Some people say the parents should except school to conduct their childrens behavior and tell them what is right or wrong。

Others say schools should take this responsibility。

Please give your point about it。


Write to the agency officer and complain about the rent car which has sth wrong。

Tell them the problems of the car you rent from the agency and your requiring。


As the developing countries and the third world countries, there are a funds, how to use it? Invest in the basic education or in the high-technology, for instance, computer? Whats your opinion?


You are a foreign student。

Write to the Student Union, introduce your hobbies and interests and ask information of clubs and societies。

You want to join a club or society enjoy your time when you study there。


Fast food is developing more and more popular。

It replaces other traditional food。

Some people think it is good, some people disagree with it。

Whats your opinion about it。

Give some reason of your opinion。


A friend will visit Beijing。

You will meet him at airport。

But for some reason, you have to be late。

Explain the reason。

Since you havent meet each other, tell the friend where you will meet and how to recognize each other。


More and more childrens writing math ability are affected by computers and calculators。

We should limit the use of those tools。

Disagree or agree。


you have broke your leg and have to stayed in hospital。

you received many cards and letters from your classmates。

write a letter to tell them your detail of your position and thank them at the same time。


some people say that it is impossible for women to be an effective women and to be a good mother in home at the same time。

they also suggest that the government should give the salary to mothers who stay at home to take care of their children。


Your friend write to you and tell you that he is hesitating to chose computer or history as his major in university。

Write to him and tell him your opinion。


Participating in a sport is as important for psychological health as it is for physical conditions and social development。


You live in a room in college which you share with another student。

You find it very difficult to work there because he or she always has friends visiting。

They have parties in the room and sometimes borrow your things without asking you。

Write a letter to the Accommodation officer at the college and ask for a new room nest term。

You would prefer a single room。

Explain your reason。


Who has responsible for our old people?


Write to the agency officer to complain about a rent house by them。

Tell them the problems of the house and your requiring。


You read an ad about a sale of a shop in the local newspaper, when you came to buy the goods you wanted, you find the sale had ended。

Write to the shop manager and complain about this。

Require for the compensation。


The position of women in society has changed markedly in the last twenty years. Many of the problems young people now experience, such as juvenile delinquency, arise from the fact that many married women now work and are not at home to care for their children.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Model Answer:

It is certainly true that the position of women in society has undergone a dramatic change in the past twenty years but I do not feel that this is a direct cause of the indisputable increase in juvenile-related problems during this period.

It is now accepted that young women should find work on leaving school; indeed to rely totally on their parents' financial support is no longer an option in many families. Likewise, once they get married, the majority of women continue working since the financial pressures of setting up a house and establishing a reasonable standard of living often require two incomes.

Twenty years ago it was common for women to give up work once they had children and devote their time to caring for their children. This is no longer the general rule and the provision of professionally-run child care facilities and day nurseries have removed much of the responsibility for child rearing that used to fall to mothers. However, these facilities come at a cost and often require two salaries coming into a family to be afforded.

I do not believe that the increase in the number of working mothers has resulted in children being brought up less well than previously. Indeed it could be argued that by giving mothers the opportunity to work and earn extra money children can be better provided for than previously. There is more money for luxuries and holidays and a more secure family life is possible. Of course there are limits as to the amount of time that ideally should be spent away from home and the ideal scenario would be for one of the parents (often the wife) to have a part-time job and thus be available for their children before and after school. It is important to establish the correct balance between family life and working life.


Popular events like the football World Cup and other international sporting occasions are essential in easing international tensions and releasing patriotic emotions in a safe way.

Model Answer:

Every four years, the whole world stops to watch international sporting events such as the Olympics and the Football World Cup in which athletes show their best performance to make their country proud of them. These sporting occasions have proved to be helpful in easing international tensions in difficult times when powerful leaders were trying to control the world's economy and other governments were fighting over land.

The Olympic Games are one of the best examples which prove how sporting events can bring nations together, at least temporarily. From ancient History, when Greeks and Romans would interrupt battles to participate in the games, to the more recent international disputes, when athletes from Palestine and Israel would forget their differences, compete pacifically and even embrace each other after an event. Moreover, these popular events have called the world's attention to the terrible consequences of wars; thus some leaders have tried to accept agreements to end their dispute and live peacefully.

Similarly, international sporting events show benefits in some developing countries which live in a daily internal civil war. For example, Brazil has a high rate of unemployment, lack of education, hunger, crime, poverty and corruption which leads to an immense embarrassment of being Brazilian and a low self-esteem. However, when the Football World Cup starts, the Brazilian squad, which is considered the best team in the world, provokes an amazing feeling of pride in their country. Most people seem to forget all their problems and even the criminal activity decreases. They paint roads with the national colors, use wear the Brazilian team shirt and buy national flags. Moreover, the competition brings families and neighbors together and even rival gangs watch the games and celebrate peacefully.

In conclusion, popular sporting events play an important role in decreasing international tensions and liberating patriotic feelings as History has shown.










The last decade has witnessed the tremendous growth of e-commerce, which is clearly manifested by an increasing number of people shopping online. Gradually, online stores boasting unparalleled advantages have changed people’s purchasing behaviors and tend to replace physical stores. In my mind, this is a positive change in general.

Admittedly, online stores’ strong momentum of development will erode the business of traditional stores and even pose threat to their survival. Compared to online stores, physical stores have much higher operation costs, mainly including rents and employee salaries. With too many consumers attracted to online stores, physical ones have to face the decline of business volume. Consequently, due to the shrinkage of business, they have to lay off redundant employees, reduce orders with suppliers and even fail to make payments with business partners. In fact, there are many physical stores that have to struggle on the edge of bankruptcy.

However, as online stores can not only play the role of physical stores in both people’s daily life and economic development, but also bring more benefits to social progress, to replace some physical stores is a positive trend. Without leaving home, people are able to make a perfect order by choosing from various kinds of commodities and comparing their prices and performance. Breaking the restriction of time and space, online shopping in fact encourages people to buy more by making it much more convenient and flexible. The increase of people’s purchase will in turn promote economic development by generating job opportunities and tax revenues.

To sum up, although the negative impact on physical stores generated by the thriving of online shopping may cause problems in short term, the replacement of physical stores is a positive tendency in general.


Online shopping is replacing shopping in stores. Is it a positive or negative development?





Apart from compulsory courses, university students are also encouraged to take many selective courses which are supposed to help them build academic strength and cultivate interests. Given the various options available, it is impossible for students to sign up for all subjects that they are interested in. Or rather, students ought to focus on one area.

Admittedly, by taking more subjects, students are able to greatly expand outlook and have the opportunities to explore more fields. Thanks to professors’ efforts, the courses equip students with valuable knowledge and help them tap the full potential. It is the experience of attending classes of different areas that enables students to have better understanding of their specialty and strength. For example, a student majoring in computer science can also benefit from the study of physics and artificial intelligence that allow them to finally decide whether they pursue further education or career in hardware or software.

However, spreading oneself too thinly is actually not a wise choice. In fact, a student ought to determine what they will concentrate on in an early stage, and hence invest most of their time and energy in that field. Undoubtedly, what one can do within certain time is quite limited, but to standout or even have breakthrough requires a student to have enough practice, to correct mistakes and to accumulate experience. Therefore, only the perseverance of dedicating to one area can help students succeed in academic study. For instance, an art student should make sure he desires to develop his specialty in oil painting or sculpture as early as possible and then devote himself into that area.

In summary, in consideration to the time and energy one has within certain time period, university students ought to focus on study in one field instead of taking many different subjects.

Students in university education should develop specialist in one subject area rather than develop a wider range of different subjects. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?











As complaints about unemployment from university graduates begin to accumulate, concerns on the negative impact of university expansion have aroused much attention. In my mind, although tertiary education is the essential ingredient for a country to develop and thrive in the long term, it is irresponsible to blindly encourage too many youngsters to pursue a bachelor degree.

Obviously, we can never over emphasize the significance of university education which helps the country prepare talents serving in various domains. It is professors that equip young people with necessary knowledge and skills that enable them to compete and survive in job market. While applying what they have learnt from classes, they make due contribution to the society. Moreover, universities are also the places that train creative and critical minds that can not only bravely challenge authority and break routine, but also initiate new assumption and generate new ideas. Therefore, universities undoubtedly undertake huge responsibilities.

However, progressing to university is not the right option for all youngsters who are neither interested in nor suitable for further education. It is unbearable for them to sit in the classroom and listen to professors’ instruction which they believe is useless. As a result, the four years they spend on campus exert little impact but erode their passion on study. Graduating as mediocre students, they fail to acquire competitive academic performance or practical skills that guarantee them a decent job. Even worse, the strong self-esteem prevents them from accepting a less paid job and makes them unemployed. Therefore, rather than meaninglessly wasting time on campus, those young people can have a better future by studying some practical skills in vocational schools.

To sum up, the function of university education is undoubtedly important and irreplaceable, but not all youngsters can benefit from it. It is better for those who have no interest or intention to university education to find their niche by acquiring practical skills.

Some people believe a country can benefit a lot from university education. Others believe sending a large number of young people to university leads to unemployment. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.












3.to what extent do you agree or disagree






这里就简单举cause&effect这类的essay来当例子,说说这样的essay,具体某一个body paragraph怎么写.

首先,你要有个topic sentence,接下来,在cause&effect这样的一对逻辑关系中,你要做的就是把一个一个cause和effect用逻辑关系链接起来.注意每个cause&effect的组合中的effect都可以变成下一对组合中的cause.)

例如: no investment in rural areas->poverty->go to city to find job opportunities->the increase of population in cities->demand for transportation->more vehicles->more exhausts->more air pollution->more diseases related to air pollution->death rate increase->lift expectancy decrease.



cause, create, affect, impact, influence, result in, lead to. contribute to. be attributed to. because, because of, due to, therefore, consequently. hence.等等.



1) In view of the above-mentioned negative factors/disadvantage(s)/defects in A, peoples second thought is to...

e.g. In view of the above-mentioned negative factors in raising the output, our second thought is to improve the quality of products.

2) To counter/offset/counteract/cancel undesirable/side/ill effects/influence/results of A, B is put forward/proposed/advanced as another better course/ solution to...

e.g. To counter the undesirable effects of rigid administration, emotional investment is advanced as another better course to success in business.

3) In their efforts to battle against dark side/incongruous elements A h as brought along with it, however, people come up with another approach/solution /course to...namely...

e.g. In their efforts to battle against the dark side the examination-oriented education has brought along with it, educators come up with another approach to the problem, namely the quality-oriented education.

4) In contrast with the drawbacks/demerits/flaws of A, B can serve as a better step/move/advance in the right direction/to ward the solution for the problem of...

e.g. In contrast with the drawbacks caused by nuclear power, the solar power can serve as a better move toward the solution for the problem of energy crisis.

5) So when it comes to an effective remedy for/a good counter-balance to the problems/limits/faults/weaknesses in A, people naturally think of B.

e.g. So when it comes to an effective remedy for the weaknesses in competition, people naturally think of cooperation.

6) But it has also brought along with it the negative effect/disadvantage /weakness that...

7) However, it is not without limits/problems/faults/defects, for example, ...

8) Like anything else, it also has its own dark side, as evidenced in...

9) For/Despite/In spite of the advantages/benefits/positive effects A has, it has suffered from/posed some disadvantages/harm/negative effects.

10) To attain this goal, however, we still have much work to do/many obstacles to remove.


















1. 总分总结构,有开头段,概括图标;主体段落,有详有略地描述数据;结尾段,重申数据主要特征。

2. 开头段的改写。小作文的问题不仅有图表,而图表之上还有对表格信息的解释说明文字,

3. 主体段落:两段式,根据图标信息适度分割每自然段内内容。

4. 不明显的数据可以在第三段内简略带过,使用go through up and down / fluctuation等,附简单得数据描述. 以下图表中间两条虚线相较极值内容上不具备详细表述的必要,而只需简言带过,防治信息不全而对分。但值得提醒的是水路和铁路运输量焦点为描述重点,不可省略:

5. 结尾段落:总结最为明显的数据特征,例如极值、数据变化、或者明显的对比。

结尾段引导词:In conclusion, To conclude, To summarize, In summary, To draw a conclusion等等。




Undoubtedly, children benefit a lot from reading and storytelling, such as accumulating vocabulary, expanding outlook, and even acquiring desirable traits from the figures in book. But, the problem is whether it is better for children to read independently from various sources or to read with parents’ company.

Admittedly, it is essential for children to nurture the ability to study and acquire information independently through reading. With freedom and full control of what they are exposed to, children will be more confident and self reliant. When coming across new vocabulary or paragraph that is challenging to comprehend, they need to be more intellectually involved and even do some research by themselves, such as looking up in the dictionary or asking Google. This process is contributive to children’s development of problem solving ability and cognitive competence. In a word, the independent reading rewards children with more confidence and capability.

However, parents’ role in children’s reading is also indispensable. At least, it is of great significance for parents to be selective and supervise what their children are reading. Also, children will unavoidably encounter something they can hardly understand by themselves. At this time, parents can assist them by giving detailed explanation and background introduction. Moreover, while reading together, parents are supposed to encourage children to think more creatively and critically through discussion on the story, such as the plot and figures’ personalities. With parents’ support, children surely benefit more from one book or simply one piece of story.

To sum up, children should be encouraged to read independently, while parents play the role of supervisor and instructor.

Some people think it is important for parents to spend time reading or telling stories to children, while others think children can read through a variety of sources, such as books, TV and the Internet by themselves. Discuss these views and give your own opinion.













As complaints about unemployment from university graduates begin to accumulate, concerns on the negative impact of university expansion have aroused much attention. In my mind, although tertiary education is the essential ingredient for a country to develop and thrive in the long term, it is irresponsible to blindly encourage too many youngsters to pursue a bachelor degree.

Obviously, we can never over emphasize the significance of university education which helps the country prepare talents serving in various domains. It is professors that equip young people with necessary knowledge and skills that enable them to compete and survive in job market. While applying what they have learnt from classes, they make due contribution to the society. Moreover, universities are also the places that train creative and critical minds that can not only bravely challenge authority and break routine, but also initiate new assumption and generate new ideas. Therefore, universities undoubtedly undertake huge responsibilities.

However, progressing to university is not the right option for all youngsters who are neither interested in nor suitable for further education. It is unbearable for them to sit in the classroom and listen to professors’ instruction which they believe is useless. As a result, the four years they spend on campus exert little impact but erode their passion on study. Graduating as mediocre students, they fail to acquire competitive academic performance or practical skills that guarantee them a decent job. Even worse, the strong self-esteem prevents them from accepting a less paid job and makes them unemployed. Therefore, rather than meaninglessly wasting time on campus, those young people can have a better future by studying some practical skills in vocational schools.

To sum up, the function of university education is undoubtedly important and irreplaceable, but not all youngsters can benefit from it. It is better for those who have no interest or intention to university education to find their niche by acquiring practical skills.

Some people believe a country can benefit a lot from university education. Others believe sending a large number of young people to university leads to unemployment. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.












相信考生对绝对词有一定的了解了,那么,绝对词在英文中有哪些体现呢?其实,绝对词分为不同种类,不同种类的绝对词自然会有所不同。如表示频率:always、never、merely、hardly;表示范围:all、any、only、no/none;表示程度:completely;表示序数:the first/last the most/best/worst;表示发展:must、have to。



回顾雅思大作文真题,我们会发现有很多题目中都含有绝对词。如.10.2:Government funding for universities should only be provided to the best students as scholarship and all other fundings for universities should come from tuition fees and private organizations? .2.12:Some people think the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars and motorcycles. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2015.11.14:The best way to teach children to cooperate is through team sports at school. To what extent do you agree or disagree?






Cooperation has strongly been advocated by many schools, possibly because good teamwork spirit is regarded as a shared trait among successful groups. It is believed that organizing children to do team sports is the best way to teach cooperation. My view is that team sports are of great significance to the cultivation of teamwork spirit, despite the fact that children can learn to cooperate through many other methods. (首段指出团队活动虽然能够培养孩子的合作精神,但是仍有许多其他活动可以达到此目的。)

Team sports are known for the ability that it can improve children’s teamwork spirit. In the team environment, members need to know how to communicate with each other and discuss strategies to beat rivals, which can prepare students for both academic performance and career development. If there are no team activities provided for children, they may feel lonely and isolated from the outside world. Undoubtedly, introducing more team sports to children contributes to cultivate their cooperation spirit. (该段指出团队活动为孩子创造了合作的机会和环境。)

Another advantage of team sports is that it can encourage children to obey team rules. When they are playing together, they have to follow some certain instructions; otherwise activities or games may not be went smoothly. In addition, children are more likely to help each other and realise the merits of others if they are occupied with team sports. (该段指出团队活动能鼓励孩子遵守团队纪律,互相欣赏。)

Meanwhile, it should be admitted that team sports are not the only way to cooperation. If the team fails, children may blame their teammates, which is harmful to both teamwork spirit and their friendship. Clearly, there are many other social activities that can improve children’s cooperation, including singing in a chorus and participating in unpaid community service. (该段指出团队运动可能会削弱合作,而且很多其他活动也能提高合作精神。)

To sum up, team sports provide a good environment for children to cooperate and encourage them to follow instructions, although we have to acknowledge that some other activities are also the methods leading to teamwork spirit. (结尾段总结上文,重申立场)



1.vivisection 活体解剖

2.perform. experiments on animals 在动物身上做试验

3.test animals 用于实验的动物

4.be subjected to experiments 被迫接受试验

5.animal rights 动物权利

6.clinical research 临床研究

7.cruel 残忍的

8.extremist 极端主义者

9.medical research 医学研究

10.origin of species 物种起源

11.alternative method 替代的方法

12.biological diversity 生物多样性

13.natural balance 自然平衡

14.equilibrium of ecosystem 生态平衡

15.coexistence 共存

16.endangered animals 濒危动物

17.diversity of species 物种多样性

18.shameless 令人羞愧的

19.barbaric 野蛮的

20.live and let live 活着就是与万物共存

21.meaningless 没有意义的

22.dominant species 优势物种

23.laboratory 实验室

24.vaccine 疫苗

25.infringement 践踏

26.right to live 生存权

27.torture 折磨

28.anti-science 反科学的

29.life-threatening diseases 危及生命的疾病

30.scientific gains 科学成果

31.an ever-lasting theme 一个永恒的主题

32.evolution 进化

33.computer simulation 电脑模拟

34.groundless 没有理由的

35.humane 人道的

36.medical technology 医疗技术

37.anatomy 解剖

38.equal 公平的

39.unreliable 不可信赖的

40.valid 有效的、正当的









Some people think government money spent on supporting artists would be better than supporting other important things.


One of the most important services of modern government is to aggregate funds for common needs. Given the large population of different interest groups, it is almost impossible for a government to satisfy every single individual. Therefore, the government ought to be prudent while making budget plan. In my mind, to support artists is a waste of money which should be allocated to other more important fields.

Admittedly, artists need financial supports to develop career and explore artistic talents, especially at the very beginning. To be an artist, one has to invest a lot in tools and materials, like musicians’ instrument, painters’ pigments, photographers’ camera. Aside from large expenditures, another challenge is to become known by the public and hence attract potential buyers. Thus, without government support, artists failing to cope with these two obstacles may end up in misery or give up at early stage. On the contrary, government’s investments in arts, such as holding exhibitions and building galleries, help people with talents to give full play to their strength and contribute to culture development.

However, we cannot overlook the fact that the money collected from taxpayers is limited and therefore should be spent discreetly in the way that benefits as more people as possible. Actually, only a small group of people who are interested in arts visit exhibition and art gallery on a frequent basis. Most people would opt for other more secular entertainments. On the other hand, there are many aspects that are related to almost all people’s life and hence deserve more attention from the government. For instance, numerous children born in poverty stricken areas desire for better education; the spreading environmental pollution threatening people’s health and safety should be addressed timely; people are waiting for the improvement of the currently ineffective health care system.

To sum up, in consideration to the limitation of tax that a government is able to levy from society, the money should not be wasted on supporting artists but be spent on other more essential programs.

本文作者: Cindy Pan(公众号:英文写作素材)






3.to what extent do you agree or disagree






这里就简单举cause&effect这类的essay来当例子,说说这样的essay,具体某一个body paragraph怎么写.

首先,你要有个topic sentence,接下来,在cause&effect这样的一对逻辑关系中,你要做的就是把一个一个cause和effect用逻辑关系链接起来.注意每个cause&effect的组合中的effect都可以变成下一对组合中的cause.)

例如: no investment in rural areas->poverty->go to city to find job opportunities->the increase of population in cities->demand for transportation->more vehicles->more exhausts->more air pollution->more diseases related to air pollution->death rate increase->lift expectancy decrease.



cause, create, affect, impact, influence, result in, lead to. contribute to. be attributed to. because, because of, due to, therefore, consequently. hence.等等.



As mass production is the core principle of industrial economy, mass destruction becomes the core principle of this age. Warfare, as the result of violence pushed to its utmost abounds, has been posing a great threat to all the nations for a long history.

First, although most of tax money goes into the national defense budget, an ounce of prevention is worth of a pound of cure. After the first-ever atom bomb dropped on the Japanese city on August 6,1945, more than 140,000 people were killed in the atomic blast and tens of thousands of others died from the after effects of radiation. Since then, the technique of battle systems has already gone through several generations.

On the other hand, despite the generally peaceful world, local wars and racial segregations never been disconnected. At the same time, business and governments constantly jockey for advantage over each other, sometimes relying on less-than-legal measures including warfare.

Furthermore, the computer terrorist can inflict damage on millions of people with a single keystroke, sowing fear, suspicion, and doubt. If the terrorisms in “9.11”used the atom bomb instead of aircraft, New York would had been destroyed to empty land. That is the reason why American never gave up his research in military might.

Of course, arguments will be raised against my standpoint. Some people criticize it on the grounds that these problems can be resolved through diplomacy and dialogue. However, in my opinion, the unavoidable Information Warfare will be waged because it can be. History clearly shows that any new technology, regardless of its original intentions, soon finds its way into the warriors. In conclusion, we, no matter individuals or governments, must prepare for the future we are creating.

In a world today of immense technology, increasing population and flourishing economic , investigations have shown that the global economy was outgrowing the earth’s ecosystems. The whole industrial process which makes many of the goods and machines we need and use in daily lives, is bound to create a number of waste products which upset the environmental balance.

As mass production is the core principle of industrial economy, mass consumption and mass abandonment become the core principle in industrial age. Many of these waste products can be prevented or disposed of sensibly, but clearly while more and more new goods are produced and made more complex, there will be new wastes to be disposed of. The rise of wastes has led to an unparalleled debate between environmental protection and economic development.

However, they often ignore that the real victim of pollutions is not the citizen, because the rubbishes usually be gathered together and moved to an area far from the cities. As a result, in these areas the usable fields will be destructed, the air will be polluted, wild life, including both plants and animals will be put at risk, moreover, many inhabitants will be weaken on account of the waste despoil with poisonous materials from industrial companies.

Whatever its underlying effects, there is no doubt that much of the pollution could be controlled if only companies, individuals and governments would make more effort.

Globally, we can replace the automobile-based, fossil-fuel-centered, throwaway structure with a renewable-energy-based economy that reuses and recycles materials and has a stable population. Individuals, on the other hand, can help to solve by cutting out unnecessary buying,excess consumption and careless disposal of the products are use in our daily lives.


Telling lie is usually looked upon as an evil, because some people try to get benefit from dishonest means or try to conceal their faults. On the other hand,honesty is widely recognized as the best policy.

Parents always try to prove the benefits of being honest when you are a little child. A good story in this regard is .One day the child Washington chop down his farther’ s favorite cherry tree; although knowing he would deserve to be punished, he told his father the truth. Unexpected, his farther apprised him rather than executing a punishment; moreover, he was encouraged to maintain the good manner all the time. As known to all, the honest boy eventually became one of the greatest presidents in American history.

However, telling lie,despite its negative effects, sometimes is essential in our daily life. First, the liar itself will benefit from the lie by escaping from the pressure of unnecessary embarrassment. On the other hand, the listener will feel more comfortable by reasonable excuses. For example, if a little girl’s farther died in an accident, her mother would comfort her by saying“ farther has gone to another beautiful land”. In such cases, a lie with original goodwill is like a naught angel who might make the cruel nice. Furthermore, To some extent, the skills of telling lie can be regard as a capacity of creation and imagination.

Taking all those factors into consideration, we can definitely come to the conclusion that whether telling lie is harmful depends on its original intention and the ultimate result it will bring. If one is honest with oneself, one always learns from mistakes, can correct a concept or a hypothesis and work further, and reach the goal finally.


Without any discussing, the key to happiness, in my opinion, is a harmonious relationship with the people in our lives.

It is the people in our lives who bring us the most happiness. Family, friends and co-workers, who are part of our inner circle, share our experiences, hopes and dreams, successes and frustrations, joys and pains. Too often, many of us get on the fast track of life and take each other for granted. As a new millennium approach, more people disregard their passion and interests and choose careers based on job security, pay and professional promotion. As a result, they find themselves isolated and without friends. Loneliness is a common tragedy that destroys lives.

Actually we were old enough to remember the old saying “Money doesn’t buy happiness”, yet we strive for the material objects and pay a high price. The essence of happiness is the unconditionally love we have for the people in our lives and their unconditionally love for us. To live life only for ourselves will bring us nothing but sadness and misery.

A self-centered life is an unhappy life. Selfishness is a major block to happiness. Our feelings of insecurity and low self-esteem cause us to be takers rather than givers. Our selfishness is often a mask for fear. If we don’t think too much about ourselves, we have a lot of work to do in order to enhance our self-worth. We must live for something greater than ourselves. To be happy, we must get out of ourselves. An unhappy person must turn outward, not inward, to find happiness.

I truly believe that the happiest people are those who love many things. They love children, family and friends. They love sunrises and sunsets. They love life. They have even learned to love pain and despair rather than viewing them the opposite of happiness.









An increasing number of people change their career and place of residence several times during their lives. Is it a positive or negative development?


London Heathrow International Airport, the busiest one in Europe, witnesses large numbers of people coming or leaving everyday. The reason why people change careers and places to live so frequently today varies from person to person. Generally speaking, the huge and rapid movement of population, a symbol of modern society, is a sign of progress.

To begin with, the remove of geographic boundaries in job market globally guarantees that the right person can be chosen for the right position at the right price, which leads to a more prosperous and progressive world for everyone. Obviously, thanks to the discrepancy of economic development and industry division, there are divergent needs for talents in different parts of the world and at different time. Individuals, who hunt for jobs in global market, are able to make a change and find a position that can better satisfy their needs for money, promotion or self-improvement. For companies, when they fail to recruit in local talent pool, either for candidates’ incompetence or unreasonable demands for salaries, it is more efficient to search globally.

Secondly, the large and frequent movement of population means the thriving of real estate market, the pillar industry in almost every country. Moving to a new place, people either rent a house for a short stay or buy one for a long stay or for investment. With more people changing jobs and locations of residence, there will be more housing transactions, which generate more taxes to the government and job opportunities. For example, near almost every neighborhood in Beijing, there are a couple of letting agencies whose salesman are always busy with showing clients houses in surrounding area.

To sum up, modern people’s frequent change of career and houses is generally a positive social change.

本文作者:Cindy Pan(公众号:英文写作素材)









Some people think that governments should do more to make their citizens eat a healthy diet. Others, however, believe that individuals must take responsibility for their own diet and health. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


It is a widely accepted notion that to maintain a healthy diet is essential for one’s health. Thanks to the improvement of living standards and increase of food variety, an increasing number of people today eat unhealthily. It is necessary that governments take a more active role in advocating healthy diets. However, it is individuals that should be responsible for their own eating habits.

Admittedly, there are many measures that a government can take to improve people’s diets. The most frequently adopted one is public service advertising which can effectively help people increase awareness on healthy diets. For instance, a government can warn people the harmful impact of having fast food containing too much fat, salt and sugar in the long run by advertising on billboard and TV. Another equally powerful method is education at school. It is comparatively easier for students to develop healthy eating habits before they form bad ones. In classrooms, teachers can convey knowledge of nutrients and diseases caused by the lack of certain elements.

However, as how to eat and what to eat is a personal issue, individuals’ willingness to adopt healthy diets is in fact more important. There are various dietary problems, including but not restricted to overeating, disordered eating, and picky eating. Knowledge and awareness is simply not enough to overcome all these problems. It is highly likely that a person possessing enough knowledge of nutrition and associated diseases fails to resist temptation of fast food in part because of the taste and in part because of the save of time for cooking. Therefore, only when people become self-driven and internally charged can they successfully maintain a healthy diet in the long term.

To sum up, governments undoubtedly ought to take measures to help people correct unhealthy eating habits, but people should actually take the initiative and be actively responsible for their own diets and health.

本文作者:Cindy Pan(公众号: 英文写作素材)






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