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Here is my advice about how to keep healthy. On one hand, we should keep taking

exercise every day. We can walk to school instead of taking a bus. Also, we can

spend one hour playing ball games.

One the other hand, our health depends on our eating and living habits. We should

eat neither too much sugar nor junk food in restaurant like KFC. What’s more,

we should from good habits, such as having regular meals every day and drinking

enough water.

Last but not least, we must remember, early to bed, early to rise, the key to keeping healthy, wealthy and wise.


Health is a kind of physical, mental fulfillment condition, and good adaptability, but not merely the absence of disease and weak state. This is referred to people's physical and mental health, that is to say, a person in physical health, mental health, social adaptation and moral health four aspects are perfect, is completely healthy people.

How to be in health? Firstly,it is very important for us to keep a balanced diet and maintain regular eating habits. Avoid food with lots of sugar and fat. Eat plenty of foods high in protein. Taking more fruits and vegetables are necessary because they provide vitamins and they help in the process of digestion. Secondly,we'd better do morning exercise every day, do sports frequently to make our bodies strong. Thirdly, we have to avoid too much work pressure. Getting too tired all the time may definitely weaken our defense system, making us get sick easily. Finally, we have to get rid of those bad habits that damage our health such as drinking and smoking.

In short, health is our precious wealth of society, is the human survival and development of basic elements. if we stick to things according to the aspects mentioned above, we will lead a healthy life, become as fit as a fiddle and become a completely healthy people.


I think healthy habits are very important for us.

All of us want to be healthy. First, we should get enough sleep during the night. We can go to bed early and get up early. Staying up late is bad for our health. Second, we must have the right kinds of food. We should eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat. We should drink a lot of water. We should have healthy eating habits. Third, we should do more exercise to build up our bodies. Finally, we should wash hands before meals and brush our teeth twice a day. If we dont feel well, we should go to see the doctor at once.


A healthy lifestyle

It’s important to keep healthy. If you have a healthy habit. You will have a healthy life.

So what should we do to keep healthy? First, smiling is important to help us have a healthy life. So, you should smile every day. And you should eat more vegetables and fruits, go to bed early and get up early. You should do exercise every day. Such as playing basketball. As we know, junk food is bad for us, like KFC and Mcdnald. So, we should try not to eat junk food.

So, it’s important and useful to have a healthy life.


Many people dream to live a healthy life. But sometimes they do not have a full understanding of healthy life. In my mind, a healthy life includes physical and mental health. People need to have a healthy diet and regular exercise to make our physical more and more healthy. At the same time, people have to remember that mental health is also very important. People need to find ways to relax themselves and keep a good mood every day. At least do not be depressed for a long time. People can have a healthy life only when they keep a good health between physical and mental.



I think healthy habits are important for us.As we know, we must have enough health food. it’s necessary to have breakfast on time.When we have meals,we should eat all kinds of food like fish.eggs,and meat.Remember to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. Don’t forget to wash your hands before meals.Staying is bad for your health.so you’d better go to bed early and get up early.Of course.It's good for us to take more exercise such as swimming, running and playing basketball.It will keep us active and strong.



Today,I want to tell you how to keep healthy.It is very important for us.Because if you don't healthy ,you will ill.How to keep healthy ?

First,we must have a healthy diet.Most of the students like eating fried food such as fried chicken,French fries and so on.But this kind of food isn't good for us.It is unhealthy food.We should eat less fried food.

Second,we must have a good habit.I have a good habit.I get up early and go to bed early.I exercise regularly when it is six o'clock in the morning.So I have a strong body.But I go to bed very late,so I should go to bed earlier than before.

Next,We must do some housework at home.My parents are very tired which they do the housework,so we can help them.

By these suggestion,you will be healthy.


The desire for good health is universal. If a person feels ill all the time, he will in most cases old a pessimistic view toward things and lead a sad life. Whats more, no matter how ambitious he could be, he might just be too weak to carry out any of his grand plans. Hence, though many people are seeking after wealth or power, they always attach the greatest importance to health.

Since a sick person tends to be unhappy, people worldwide have spared no efforts to slay healthy. They pay special attention to what they eat so that they get neither malnourished nor overweighed. Besides, people, especially, those engaged in mental jobs, create numerous indoor or outdoor exercises to keep energetic, eg. working in the field as gardeners and farmers, going to work on foot, cycling to work, having a walk after supper, climbing mountains, traveling, attending all kinds exercises in health clubs, etc.

To be healthy also includes being mentally healthy. It is another important guaranty for people to live or work well. So, experts suggest that we keep a calm, peaceful and open mind and try to avoid extreme emotions like fierce anger, extreme sadness and excitement. Therefore, exercises like Taiji Exercise, traveling, etc. which can benefit people both physically and mentally are popular not only in China but also in other countries.

As far as I am concerned, in addition to a balanced diet and a peaceful mind, I lack pleasure the performing various types of exercises. And playthg basketball and badminton are my favourite games.


Food and water are important for us to keep healthy. We must have them every day. If you are hungry, you can eat some food, such as bread, sandwiches, hamburgers, cheese, cakes and so on. If you are thirsty, you can drink some water. After playing sports, you often feel thirsty. At that time, you should drink some water or some orange juice. But you mustnt drink anything cold; its not good for your stomach. If you have a cold drink, you may be ill. Your parents will worry about you, and you cant go to school. You cant see your friends, you cant play outside, and you cant do anything else except lying in bed. Its terrible for you because its too boring. Sometimes you must take some medicines or have injection which is very painful.

So having a healthy life-style and diet is very important for everyone. Theres an old saying; “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.” Its true. Now, lets remember the saying and pay more attention to our daily life. I think we will be healthier, at least I really hope so.


Do you know how to make our daily life as healthiest as possible? Now, I will discusome of the most vital knowledge to you. In our 好munity, their are Physical Needs, Safety Needs, and Love and Friendship Needs.

Physical Needs is that every human beings require to have air for breathing, water for drinking, shelter for living, medical attention for healing, rest for resting, and recreation for relaxing. If you miany one from this list, that means you life is not as health as other people. For example, there was an explorer in the ancient age and he was traveling in a gigantic forest. One day, he got lost in this forest and he could not find any foods in there. Two weeks after, the explorer lost his life in this dark, gloomy forest. This example tells us that, we can not lose any of those things from the Physical Needs, Safety Needs, and Love and Friendship Needs.

My suggestion for you is that every morning, you need to wake up early and have a great breakfast. You also need to have some snacks during the afternoon, that can encourage you energy. Daily sport in one thing that you can done during the afternoon or recreation time. Remember, the best way to keep you in a good mood is to sleep early. I suggest that you should go to bed at 9oclock.

Overall, have a good timetable for yourself and follow the Physical Needs, Safety Needs, and Love and Friendship Needs instructions, it will makes you in the healthiest mood everyday.



Everyone has different lifestyle, I think its very important for us to have a healthy lifestyle. let me tell you about the healthy lifestyle.

First, we should have good eating habits. I think we should try to eat a lot of vegetables, and we are supposed to continue eating fruit and drink wilk every day. Of course, we are not supposed to eat junk food.

Second, I think we should exercise every day . Try out best to do more sports.

Last, we should have a good sleep. So we are supposed to go to bed before 10:00 pm every day.

We should have a healthy lifestyle, it can help us get good grades. Good food and exercise can also help us to study better.


In the young generation, their lifestyle is different from the oldpeople's. They like to stay up and join many night activities, then they wake upvery late. The new expression of brunch fits them so much, which means thepeople to have a meal combining with breakfast and lunch. But their health isunder threat. Some young people's stomach hurts and can't digest food well. Inorder to keep healthy, we need to do some exercise and eat food regularly.What's more, the balanced diet is very important, as the saying that an apple aday, keeps the doctor away, so we need to eat properly.

The healthy lifestylemakes us live happily.


The desire for good health is universal. In our petitive society it is important to maintain good health.

On the one hand, people with good health can do work with full confidence and their progress in work in turn contributes to their health and happiness.

On the other hand, a sick person is usually not interested in everything around him and therefore he loses many opportunities to bee successful.

There are many ways to keep it. First, those who are always on the go from morning till night should find time to relax because too much stress will affect their health. Second, enough time should be left for sleep because that will help one bee rested and refreshed.

Finally, regular physical exercises benefit one‘s health a lot. So one should always keep in mind that a certain amount of exercise is not a waste of time.As for me, I like playing tennis in the morning. I also attach much.


Health is very important to eveyone. we should value health more than anything else including money. without health, we can do almost nothing.

Maintaining a healthy body is important and difficult. As more fast food being introuduced to the world, people seem to ignore that fast food makeusfatter and unhealthier.

You should be lucky that we are all born with a healthy life,but if you don't cherish it, it will be gone. so take care of yourself and stay healthy.


If you don't have good health,you will lose many chances of fulfilling your dream.If you are sick,you couldn't do the job.The boss will fire you.And also sickness will cost you in term of economy.You will pay high bills for your medical treatment.So I suggest that you should not forget the importance of doing excises and sports.Take my case,I play Pingpong two hours every morning,I feel energetic for the whole day.You needn't have to worry about going to hospital and seeing a doctor for 5 years.

Taking part in various kinds of sports not only keep your body fit,it also enhances your immune system and reduce the possibilities of getting heart attack and kidney disease.Since the comment is limited by the space here,I just want to leave more rooms for others to describe their own stories.


It is clear that health is the foundation of one’s future success. If you become sick, it is almost impossible to pursue your career effectively, much less make your dreams come true. On the other hand, if you are stout and strong, you can go all out to overcome the obstacles that lie ahead of you.

Now that we know that health is the source of our energy, what should we do to maintain and enhance our health? First, we should exercise every day to strengthen our muscles. Second, we should keep regular hours. If we get up early, we can breathe fresh air and see the sunrise. This habit can do wonders for our outlook on life. Third, there is a proverb that says, “Prevention is better than cure.”

In conclusion, health is more important than wealth. Those who are rich, but lose their health are no more fortunate than those who are poor. If you want your wish to come true, health is the most important ingredient of your success.


Do you think that keep healthy is very important? I think so because if we have a unhealthy body, you'll feel very unhappy and don't want to do anything.

So we must make our bodies healthier and healthier.I have some ideas for you. First, you have to do more sports.

And then,you should try to eat junk food least and so on.

I believe you will be very healthy.



Eat silently, sleep silently.


Garlic is a treasure. It is always good to eat.


Always afraid of typhoid fever and seldom of tuberculosis.


People are lazy when they are sick and lazy when they are sick.


People are afraid not to move, but they are afraid not to use their brains.


There is not much medicine.


Food is better than medicine.


A famous doctor can hardly cure mental illness.


Eat more celery, don't ask, lower your blood pressure.


Laugh, ten years old; sorrow, white head.


It's hard to buy old and thin for a thousand dollars; it's hard to buy young fat for a rich man.


A bowl of soup before dinner is not needed in the pharmacy.


A cigarette after a meal can do great harm.


Winter does not cover its head, spring does not show its back.


Wealth is the grass, and wealth is the treasure.


Walk after meals, not at the pharmacy.


Eat more salt and live less ten years.


A cold is not a disease, it kills you if you don't cure it.


Two apples a day make a detour.


Sleep in winter without covering your head, sleep in summer without revealing your belly.


Stop smoking and limit alcohol, keep healthy for a long time.


Sweat not against the wind, run not concave chest.


Drink more cold and white, and health will come naturally.


Sit and sit, sleep and sleep like a curved moon.


A strong man deceives a sick man, a weak man deceives a sick man.


Wash your hands before entering the kitchen.


Cry, relieve a thousand sorrows.


Spring onion dipped in sauce, the more fat you eat.


Frequent vegetarian diet, good stomach.


One night is not enough, ten nights are not enough.



Acupuncture and cupping, half of the disease.


A hundred steps after a meal is better than going to a pharmacy.


Laziness begets old age, but diligence prolongs life.


Wide-minded can support a boat, healthy and longevity over a hundred years.


Drink boiled water, eat cooked vegetables, less disease.


People are afraid not to move, but they are afraid not to use their brains.


Drinking fasting tea, the disease climbed.


If a child does not jump, he must be ill.


Keep your health alive, but if you move, you will lose it.


Drinking soup before meals is better than prescription.


Frequently open windows, penetrate sunshine; ventilate air, health care.


A minor illness is incurable, but a serious one is difficult to cure.


Last year's supplement, this year's fight against tigers.


Often dance, dementia will not come.


Laugh, ten years old; sorrow, white head.


Tea does not wash, the king of Yan urged.


Live well, don't be small; control anger well, and live countless lives.


It's better to invite someone to eat than to invite someone to sweat.


If you have a disease, don't hide it from your doctor. If you have a disease, don't hide it from yourself.


He often basks in the sun and is as strong as steel.


Eat well in the morning, eat well in the afternoon and eat well in the evening.


Happiness depends on self-satisfaction, while fun depends on self-seeking.



Acupuncture and cupping, half of the disease.


A hundred steps after a meal is better than going to a pharmacy.


Laziness begets old age, but diligence prolongs life.


Wide-minded can support a boat, healthy and longevity over a hundred years.


Drink boiled water, eat cooked vegetables, less disease.


People are afraid not to move, but they are afraid not to use their brains.


Drinking fasting tea, the disease climbed.


If a child does not jump, he must be ill.


Keep your health alive, but if you move, you will lose it.


Drinking soup before meals is better than prescription.


Frequently open windows, penetrate sunshine; ventilate air, health care.


A minor illness is incurable, but a serious one is difficult to cure.


Last year's supplement, this year's fight against tigers.


Often dance, dementia will not come.


Laugh, ten years old; sorrow, white head.


Tea does not wash, the king of Yan urged.


Live well, don't be small; control anger well, and live countless lives.


It's better to invite someone to eat than to invite someone to sweat.


If you have a disease, don't hide it from your doctor. If you have a disease, don't hide it from yourself.


He often basks in the sun and is as strong as steel.


Eat well in the morning, eat well in the afternoon and eat well in the evening.


Happiness depends on self-satisfaction, while fun depends on self-seeking.


Worry depends on self-control, anger on self-control.


Eating panicked, swallowing busy, hurting the appetite and injuring the intestine.


Winter does not cover its head, spring does not show its back.


Exercise while young, don't wait for old age.


Often insomnia, live less than ten years.


Three points of medicine, seven nutrients, very defensive.


Eat well and sleep well.


Big sores are small, just get out of the way.








I think healthy habits are very important for us。

All of us want to be healthy. First, we should get enough sleep during the night. We can go to bed early and get up early. Staying up late is bad for our health. Second, we must have the right kinds of food. We should eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat. We should drink a lot of water. We should have healthy eating habits. Third, we should do more exercise to build up our bodies. Finally, we should wash hands before meals and brush our teeth twice a day. If we don’t feel well, we should go to see the doctor at once。























































