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When talking about success, people will think about the successful career and a lot of fortune. It seems that owing the fame and the money can make a person perfect. We are easy to envy others for the things they have, as the saying that the food is delicious next door. But we must realize that sometimes we are envied by others. There is a story about two girls who live in the same room, one is believed to be the perfect student because she studies so well and the other have a lot of friends though she gets the ordinary score. When they communicate with each other, they find that they envy about each other. We should be proud of the things we have, such as our parents’ caring, it is incomparable. Cherishing what we have and we will be happy all the time.




Module1 How to learn English

1.Let’s try to speak English as much as possible.尽可能多的

1.We are going to talk about good ways to learn English. 我们将谈论一些学英语的好方法

talk to sb.对某人谈话 talk with 和。。。。交谈

3.Why not write down our mistakes in our notebook?

Why not do sth= why don’t you do sth.为什么不做.........呢?只可跟动词原形

4.It’s a good idea to spell and pronounce new words aloud every day.

It’s a good idea to do sth. 做。。。。。是个好主意

5.How about listening to the radio?

How about doing sth=what about doing sth 做........怎么样?

6.Watching films and listening to songs are great ways to learn English.


7.I also advise you to talk about the films or songs with your friends.


advise sb to do sth.建议某人做某事

advise doing sth建议做某事

8.I am shy and I am afraid to speak to her.

be afraid to do sth害怕做某事或不敢做某事

be afraid of doing sth.担心会发生某事或某情况

9.start a conversation开始谈话

10.It’s natural to forget new words!


It’s +adj + for sb. to do sth.对


11.当million, billion, thousand等前有具体数词修饰时,他们不用加s,不加of。若表示不具体数目时则加s,加of


Several millions of years ago=several million years ago

Millions of people around the world visit them daily to improve their English.

Module2 My home town and my country

1.----How was your weekend?

-----Pretty good!相当好

用于对How’s........?或what do you think of.....?作答

2. In fact, it only became important in the 1980s. It’s getting bigger and busier.

1) in fact 表示“事实上”。

2) in the 1980s 表示“在20世纪80年代”。结构为“in the + 年 + s”。

e.g. in the 1930s 在20世纪30年

3) become important 表示“变得重要”。

getting bigger and cleaner 表示“变得更大和更干净”。

become 和 get 表示“变得”,用法等于 be。

3.It’s on the coast near Hong Kong.


4.Some day it will become as busy as Hong Kong.有一天它会变得跟香港一样繁忙

1)as + 形容词/副词 + as 和……一样

e.g. He is as tall as his brother.他和他的哥哥一样高。

2)not as + 形容词/副词 + as 不像……

e.g. This dictionary is not as useful as you think. 这本字典不如你想象的那样有用。

5.It’s taller than many other buildings in Shenzhen.他比深圳一些其他的建筑物要高得多

many other+名词复数 一些其他的。。。。

many others 一些别人

6.What’s the population of Shenzhen?深圳的人口是多少

The population of Shenzhen is larger than that of many other cities in China.


Population 是一个集合名词,常与定冠词the连用,作主语时谓语动词用第三人称单数。例如:The world’s population is increasing faster and faster.


About seventy percent of the population in China are farmers.


Shenzhen is larger in population than Beijing.

No, it isn’t. It’s smaller.

It is on the river Cam and has a population of about 120,000.have a population of …表示“有……人口”。指人口的多少用large或small。

7.My home town is especially(尤其) famous for it’s university.

be famous for因为。。。。而出名 be famous as 作为。。。。而出名

8.It is best known for the White House.

be known for 因为。。。。而出名

be known as 作为。。。。。而出名

9.Millions of tourists visit it every year to show respect to President Lincoln.

Show respect to对。。。。表示尊敬

10. There are lots of old buildings and churches to visit.

lots of 表示“许多,大量的”,后面加可数名词或不可数名词。例如:lots of buildings

11. England itself is part of an island,…

be part of 表示“是……的一部分”。

e.g. Taiwan is part of China.台湾是中国的一部分。

Module3 Nothing is more enjoyable than playing tennis.

1.be popular with 受。。。的欢迎

2.What’s the score? Score n.得分 v.得分、获胜、成功

3.What’s the matter with you?你怎么了

What’s the trouble with 。。。。。?=what’s wrong with 。。。。。?


4.Watching is not dangerous and it’s more relaxing too!

5.Nothing is more enjoyable than playing tennis.没有什么比打网球更令人高兴的了

6.Never mind. There’s still plenty of time for them to score.

Never mind 没有关系、不要紧、不要记在心上

Plenty of后跟可数名词和不可数名词都行

7、that means we have a better chance of winning.那意味着我们有更好的获胜的机会

have a chance of doing sth

have a chance to do sth

8、in the mornings and evenings, you can see people jogging in parks or along city streets.

See sb. doing sth看到某人正在做某事

See sb. do sth看到某人干了或经常干某事

Module4 planes, ships and trains

1. Maybe I should go to school by taxi.

交通工具英语搭配:By bus = take the bus

2、what about going by bike?

What about doing= how about doing ......;怎么样

3、the more information, the better.信息越多越好

The+比较级;the +比较级 越。。。。。越。。。。

Module 5 Lao She Teahouse

1、I wanted to see Beijing Opera, so Lingling offered to take me there.我想去看北京京剧,所以玲玲主动提出带我到那。want to do sth想做某事

2、it was difficult to understand the words. But the actors and actresses were excellent.


3、We only planned to watch for an hour, but in the end, we stayed for three hours.

4、LaoShe Teahouse gives a warm welcome to everyone from all over the world.

give sb. a..... Welcom对某人表示。。。欢迎

Module 6 Animals in danger

1、I am more interested to see the pandas in the Wolong Panda Reserve


interested adj.感兴趣的 interesting adj.有趣的

Sb. be interested in.... 某人对某事感兴趣(主语必须是人)

Sth. be interesting.....某物令某人感兴趣(主语必须是物)


excited---exciting bored----boring moved---moving surprised---surprising

2、It allows people to get closer to them.它允许人们接近他们

allow sb. to do sth 允许某人做。。。 allow doing sth.允许做。。。。 allow that...承认。。。

They don’t allow smoking here.他们不允许在这吸烟

We had to allow that he was a good teacher.我们不得不承认他是一名好老师。

3、It’s sad to think of pandas and other animals in danger.


in danger 处于危险中,有危险 out of danger脱离危险 dangerous adj有危险的


look after照顾照料= take care of look at 看 look into 调查

look up查阅、检查 look out小心、当心

look forward to doing sth. 期待做某事

4、we need to protect them better.我们需要更好地保护他们

1)need的用法:作实义动词,意为“需要” 当主语是人时,用need to do;当主语是物时,用need doing或need to be done

例如:we need to learn English.我们需要学英语

The trees need watering/ to be watered. 这些树需要浇水了


5、there is not enough land or forests, so the animals do not have a safe place to live.

enough+名词 形容词或副词+enough 如:old enough

6、let’s find out what else we can do to save as many animals as possible.


乡村的夜晚 Night at the Countryside

Before I went to high school, I lived in my hometown. My hometown is far away from the city, so the trees there are very green and the water there is so clear, I even can see the fish swimming. When the night comes, the air is cooler than the daytime, people like to walk out their homes and go to a place to have a chat. I like to play games with my friends, we run along the village happily. When the moon comes out, the village is lighted. Unlike the city, as the air is polluted and the buildings are high, so people can’t see the moon clearly. The stars are hanged in the sky. When I look at the sky, I could see the moon and the stars, they are so close to me, it seems that I could touch them. Night at the countryside is so wonderful.



Today is my happiest day. It is happier than birthday.

I can have a good time because the class I have to go to every day is finally gone. But in the morning it was a bad day, and my father and mother were so angry that I could only hide from them and try not to meet them. I know that if I meet them, I will fail. Breakfast was not eaten at all, and had to be hungry.

The rain stopped, and the sun smiled slowly. Mom and dad started to relax and I took the opportunity to complain:

“Dad, haven't you eaten your breakfast yet?

”What's the weather today, mom? Why are you so cold?

“Today is Dragon Boat Festival, we but want to go” to accompany old “-- when? ”

When I changed my clothes, my mom and dad were in harmony again. Dad took me to my favorite “sandy county snack” to get a big meal and went home satisfied.

My dad and I walked past the royal hotel on the way, and I took a look at the swimming pool there. Oh, the water is so dirty. I asked dad, “if it's open, will it be like this?”

Dad said, “you can rest assured that the pool will change in the summer vacation.”

I take a breath, good risk, if do not change water, who dare to swim? Not to mention diving.

Looked at the swimming pool, I think of the last summer, I go swimming every day, but stayed cool, then you can swim what I want to swim, that really happy ah. I love practical jokes, see is the same with me, first of all to their water, after his escape, I'll dive underwater, he tripped, then spray water to them. It was really fun.

Sometimes we dive deep into the deep water and become little fish, swimming around. Sometimes we dive together, choose a variety of diving, have dropped like a stone, sometimes like a bird flew into the water, but occasionally also makes some water, we will back to the bank to have a rest.

When I got home, I played the game for ten minutes, and I was so happy.

However, I was already thirsty, so I drank a bottle of mineral water and lay on the sofa to listen to “the Ming dynasty”.


MODULE7 A famous story

1、Alice had nothing to do. 爱丽丝没什么事做。

have/has sth. to do有事可干

have/ has nothing to do没事可干

2、A white rabbit with pink eyes ran by her.有粉色眼睛的白色兔子从她身边跑过

3、There was nothing strange about that没什么奇怪的。

Strange奇怪的 be strange to sb.对某人来说是陌生的 stranger陌生人

The city is strange to me.这座城市对我来说很陌生

4、She did not think it was strange.她认为这并不奇怪

5、It was too dark for her to see anything.太黑了以至于她什么都看不见。

6、A girl called....一个叫。。。。的女孩



8、fall(fell、fallen) fall off = fall down from从......落下

9、Stop停止、停下stop doing sth. 停止做某事

Stop to do sth.停下来去做某事

10、think of doing sth.考虑做某事= think about doing sth.

语法:过去进行时构成:由 was/were+v.-ing 构成

过去进行时: 表示过去某一时刻正在进行或发生的动作。

时间状语:this time yesterday, at 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon, then, a moment ago

Module8 Accidents

1、you look pale.看起来苍白 pale adj.苍白的

2、The car stopped just in time, but the boy fell off his bike and hurt his knee.


in time及时 in time to do及时做某事

Fall off从。。。处跌落 fall down摔倒

3、pay attention注意、留心 pay attention to+n./v.ing

4、Don’t ride side by side with your friends.并排的、肩并肩的

5、It climbed out and hid somewhere. Climb out爬出来climb out of从....爬出来

6、I was trying to pick it up when it bit me again


be doing.....when表示一个动作正在进行的时候另一个动作突然发生了

Pick sth. up捡起某物 pick sb. up接某人


7、As the doctor were checking him, the pain get worse.

as当。。。。时 get worse 变得更糟

8、As he was lying there in great pain,....

In pain表示“疼痛” in great pain极其疼痛

9、as soon as they learnt what kind of snake bit him, they gave Henry the right medicine, and.....他们一知道是什么种类的蛇咬了他,他们就给亨利适当地药,并且。。。。。

Module 9 population

1、The population of China is about 1.37billion.中国的人口大约有13.7亿

2、I’m preparing some notes for a report called “Our growing population”

Prepare to do sth.准备做某事 prepare for sth.为。。。做准备

a report called一个叫.......的报告


1,000 one thousand

1,000,000 one million

1,000,000,000 one billion

billion十亿 million百万 thousand千

1,300,000,000 one billion three hundred million

4、that causes a lot of problems, such as too much traffic and noise.那引起了很多问 题,诸如交通拥挤和噪音

too many + 可数名词 太多

too much + 不可数名词 太多

much too + adj/ adv. 非常=very

The story is______difficult to understand.

A. too much B.too many C.much too

5、that’s almost one fifth of the world’s population那大约是世界人口的五分之一


6、hang on a minute! I’ll write that down too!等等,我要把这点也记下来!

7、But in the future, China’s population won’t grow so fast, because families are getting smaller.


Module 10 the weather

1、Are you joking?你在开玩笑吗?

2、What’s the weather like in America in winter, Betty? 美国冬天的天气怎么样

3、I like snow as well. as well 固定搭配“也”

4、It’s probably sunny and hot there.那里可能阳光明媚,而且很热

5、Come on, better get going!最好现在去

6、The best time to visit New England is in September. 参观新英格兰最好的时候是九月、

the best time to do sth.干某事的最好时候

7、bring your camera so you can take photos of the autumn trees.带着你的相机,你可以给秋天的树拍照。take photos of给。。。。拍照

8、If you want to visit Alaska, you had better go in summer.如果你想参观阿拉斯加州,你最好夏天去 had better do sth.=may/ might as well do sth. 最好做某事

9、In Texas and the southeast, it is usually very hot and sunny compared to other places.


Compared to/ with和。。。。比较

10、there are storms from time to time in summer and autumn.在夏天和秋天有时会有暴风雨。

Module11 way of life


1.多么惊喜呀!What s surprise! 2.打开我的礼物open my present/gift

3.接受我的礼物accept a gift 4.打扫卫生do some cleaning

5.太过于注意Pay much attention to 6.例如for example

7.在春节的第一天on the first day of the Spring Festival 8.理发have hair cut

9、有兴趣做某事be interested to do sth 10、你最好做某事you’d better do sth

11、accept与receive的区别:receive 只是客观上收到,但不一定接受。accept 表示主观上接受了


1、Oh, you remembered! What a surprise! 噢,你还记得,好惊讶!

英语的感叹句通常以how和what开头,其中what修饰名词,how 修饰形容词、副词


e.g. What a clever boy he is! (他是个)多么聪明的男孩啊!

How kind you are! 你心肠真好!

2、we usually don’t pay much attention to that.我们通常不太重视那个

3、you’d better not have your hair cut during the Spring Festival month.


you’d better do sth. 最好做某事

you’d better not do sth 最好不要做某事

4、You can't be serious! 你不是认真的吧!serious在此处的意思是“认真的,不开玩的”。


must 必须 must’t不准、不允许 can能 can’t不能 need需要 needn’t不必,不需要

(1)情态动词后面+动词原形 I can play basketball.

(2)情态动词没有人称和数的变化 Amy need buy a book.

(3)否定式构成是在情态动词后面加 “not” ,I can not play basketball.

Module 12 Help

1、First of all, find out what’s wrong with him.首先查查他怎么了。

first of all首先

2、but he could have trouble hearing you or speaking to you.他可能在听你说和跟你说方面有麻烦

have trouble doing sth.做某事有麻烦

3、Make him comfortable.使他舒服 make使役动词,后接形容词或动词原形作宾语补足语

4、List him up.把他抬起来

5、Make sure he is warm. Cover him with a coat. make sure确保 cover.....with用。。。覆盖。。。

6、Stay away from windows and heavy furniture.远离窗户和重的家具。

7、It’s difficult to warn people about them.提醒人们注意它们是很困难的。

It’s +形容词+to do sth. 意为“做某事怎么样”。

8、Usually people have little or no idea about what to do during an earthquake.通常人们在地震时不知道该做什么。

9、If you are in a bus or car, stay in it.如果你在公共汽车上或者车上,就待在里面

10、jump out of 跳出 keep clear of fires不接触火 keep clam保持冷静

Be careful of小心 think about考虑 stop doing sth.停止做某事


Now it has come to the 21century, the world’s main rhythm is peace, but the fact is that not all the places are in peace, terrorism happens now and then. The America has been attacked by the terrorism in September 11, , many people died, it is a great disaster for the American people. In our country, terrorism happened in Kunming railway station, the terrorists cut people and wanted to revenge the society. The disaster of terrorism is terrible, people feel not security when they go down the street, they worry about the world is not peaceful. Terrorism is condemned by the public, the war should be stopped, peace is what people chase for.



Chinese people like to eat dinner at about 6 o’clock, for the old people, they sleep at 9 o’clock, but as the more and more people like to do some activities at night, like to do the square dance, so they will get hungry and find something to eat at night. For the young people, they like to hang out at night, they call their friends out and get together to have fun, so they always choose to eat snack and have a talk. It is obvious that people have activities at night, so they like to eat food. But such life style is not healthy, eating food at night will make people gain weight and do harm to the body. It is better not to eat food late at night.




According to the report that most children in the family don’t have to the housework, because their parents have done all the work for them. When students go to middle school, it means they are not the little girls and little boys anymore, they have grown up and it is time for them to learn to be independent. Doing the housework and reducing the parents’ burden help the children to be mature, what’s more, the parents should not overprotect their kids all the time, they can give some jobs to the children and lead them to be independent. Doing the housework is not a big deal, but it is the attitude to life.




Is children's day it was during the second world war, in June 1942, German fascists shot jie Cleveland di ce village more than 140 male citizens over the age of 16 and all babies, and women and 90 children to concentration camps. The village houses, buildings were burned, good carry of the village was ruined by the German fascists.

To mourn lidice village and all around the world in the fascist aggression war dead children, anti-imperialist warmongers bloodshed and poison children, protect children's rights, the international democratic women's federation in November 1949 in Moscow committee, held a formal decision on June 1 each year for the world children's festival, the international children's day.

After the founding of new China, the special authorization of the central people's government on December 23, 1949 decision, on June 1, rules for the new China's children's day, also announced the abolition of the old China of the kuomintang government into effect in 1931 for children's day on April 4th.

Currently, governments of widespread concern the future of children, protect children's rights and interests. “In 1990 by the UN convention on the rights of children, our country is in the development countries and one of the signatories. In the approval of the convention on the rights of children in the same year, our country has issued a ”minor protection law of the People's Republic of China“, to safeguard the rights and interests of children and adolescents has played a positive role.

To ensure the healthy growth of children, the Chinese legislative, judicial, government departments and social organizations have established the corresponding institutions. In the National People's Congress and the Chinese people's political consultative conference representative is responsible for the protection of women and children in legislation and supervision institution. Consists of women and children under the state council working committee, responsible for coordinating and promoting government departments to do a good job of the protection of the rights and interests of children, for children to get things done.

The children, I benefited from.


At this precise moment in time and with the impending entrance examination, the problem of educational injustice has loomed more conspicuous and has been brought to the center of public attention. It is almost absolutely correct that schools' misbehavior gave rise to seditions and agony.


Dated back to last month, one official representative at the meeting of People's Representatives put forward the issue of educational partiality, maintaining that the possibility of certain metropolises' students admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University is approximately 40 times more than that in Henan province. Recently, when it comes to the enrollment of middle school students, another heated news has been propagated that certain schools enjoying better location, faculty and favorable policies are illegally stretching their legs towards elite students over the whole province, exerting definitely pernicious influences on the regulation of tests and examinations.


As a student, I'm sincerely concerned with this. From my own perspective, the leading action we should be encouraged to take is to distribute resources more sensibly. It's imperative to give more rights for admission to prestigious universities to students in need, which may propitiously precipitate the process of social justice. Also, governmental regulation and punishments are in desperate demand. Banning on such misconducts as searching for students over the boundary in certain schools serves as a solution.


What is more, personally, it's advisable for the school administrators to secure a clear mind that faculty and regulations rather than students are more significant linchpins in maintaining competence and attractiveness.


There is still a long way to go for sake of overcoming the perplexity of educational injustice. Notwithstanding, we are bound to accomplish it with fortitude.



Mother's day arrived, I put the bottles and vows that shu-fa zhang works together to mother, mother looked at the face a hearty laugh, said: ”baby, this is the best gift you give mom.“


Mother's day is coming. I want to give mom a gift. What can I do for you? My mother needs both work and housework. And take care of me, with wrinkles on my face and hands, and buy my mother a bottle of lotion or a hand cream to keep my mother young. But the shops and the hand cream are expensive. I don't have enough money. If you want to think about it, don't buy your mother a wish bottle. I went to the store to buy a purple wish .com bottle for my mother, and I spent a dozen dollars on it. But I think is not enough, so he thought for a long time thinking of home can give mom a card, but I think of my mother every time card mother seems to be not very fond of. Suddenly I had an idea to write a calligraphy work for my mother, so I wrote a calligraphy piece.

Mother's day arrived, I put the bottles and vows that shu-fa zhang works together to mother, mother looked at the face a hearty laugh, said: ”baby, this is the best gift you give mom."



This advertisement is to sell a laptop I used . The detailed information is listed as the following.

At the top of the list, the brand of the computer is HP, in black color. In addition, the laptop is at good condition, with its CPU and inner memory satisfying, so you can write papers, watch videos or listen to music and so on with it as morally as you do with a brand-new one. Therefore, its function, generally speaking could meet your needs, and I promise that you would love it. Last but not least, I would like to sell the laptop at 1500 yuan, personally an attractive price.

If you have any questions concerning the laptop, please do not hesitate to contact me. And I can be reached at 86543217 or . Or to know more details about the laptop, you could also visit me at my dorm: 101 Room at Dorm 1. Please contact me by telephone before visit. Thank you very much.



l Boys and girls aged 12-15.

l Are you good with children?

l Happy kids winter camp Needs help with:

l sports music computers

l Come and join us! Send your personal(个人)information to hkwc@163.com.







Li Ping


No.3 Middle School

Reading,computers,Playing basketball

Dear sir,

I want to join your Winter Camp to help the children with sports and music.

My I think I can be good with the children and I hope to get your letter soon.

Yours, Li Ping

Dear sir,

I want to join your Winter Camp to help the children with sports and music.

My name is Li Ping I am thirteen (years old). I study / am a student in No. 1 Middle School. I like reading and playing basketball. I like computers, too. I can play football well. I can sing many English songs, And I can dance and swim. I can surf the Internet and send e-mails.

I think I can be good with the children and I hope to get your letter soon.


Li Ping



请以“If I have a lot of money”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。


If I have a lot of money

If I have a lot of money, I will have the chance to do what I want to do.

First I’ll travel around the world, because I love traveling, and then I’ll give some money to schools and charities. I’ll try my best to help the people who are in trouble. Next, I will buy a big house with a garden and a swimming pool for my parents, so they will live a happy life. I’m sure we will enjoy a better life.




Ingredients(材料):2 pieces of bread; 1 spoon of cheese; 1 green pepper; 1 onion; some mushrooms(蘑菇);2 pieces of beef;2 spoons of relish(开胃小菜/调味品)



Do you know to make the beef sandwich? Now, let me tell you.

First, put a spoon of cheese on a piece of bread. Then cut up a green pepper and an onion. Add these to the bread. Next, put some mushrooms and 2 pieces of beef on the bread. Put two spoons of relish on the beef. Finally, the other piece of bread on the top.

Now you can enjoy it. It’s very delicious.


My favorite movies Hello,boys and girls!My name is Jenny.I‘m 14-year-old.My birthday is on October 31st.I‘m a movie fan.I like action movie and science movie. My favorite actor is Jackie Chan.He is a great action actor. He has many movies .

For example.The Around the World is 80 Days,Rob-B-hood andRush Hour.These movies are very exciting. I really like Rob-B-hood very much,because they are exciting.

I like action movie movies very much.

7年级上册英语作文题目my teacher









八年级上册英语Unit 12教学反思




人教版五年级上册习作 范文2022-12-17







