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教案(一)实例展示  我家在浦东  导入新课 朗读生词(方位词)提问:老师的书在哪儿? 你的包里是什么? 你的房间里有些什么东西?   听课文 提问课文内容 填写示意图(方位有关)跟读、分读、看示意图来介绍课文内容 介绍自己家周围情况  (用下面的词语 课文中出现的方位词语 以及 “在 有 是”) 听课文二 提问  跟读  分读 复述课文  作业:写短文    教案(二)实例展示 去商店买东西 教学目标:通过本课的教学,要求学生能掌握全部生词77个(课文27个;会话27个;练习23个)以及教师讲课中的大部分补充词语。能熟练地使用8个句型来提问,回答,并进行对话。能流利地朗读或背诵课文。能较为准确地独立完成练习。能就买东西为题,编写出简短的对话并用于实践 教学重点: 1、副词“非常”的用法 2、表示转折意义的.几种说法 3、形容颜色的词 4、新出现的量词 教学难点:1、还是 或者 or 教学时数 6课时 教学过程:  1、2课时 1、生词、课文及部分练习先由教师范读课文两遍,第一遍采用慢速,让学生们边看边听,给学生一个初步印象。第二遍则采用普通速度,告诉学生这是在实际生活中的正常语速。 生词朗读部分:生词 领读两遍拼音 特别强调三点:(1)3、3连读情况(2)3、1连读时,应读成半3声 3、专有名词开头字母要大写 用颜色鲜艳的笔表示 方法:让学生用手或其他物品遮住拼音部分,领读两遍生词纵向、横向、隔列、隔行来进行 切忌单一  一、生词讲解部分:27个单词分了三部分进行讲解 1、对面  引入前面学到过的方位词 2、好吃  引申 好喝、好看、好闻、好听 3、*但是 但 可是 可 4、非常 用于修饰形容词和表示心理活动的动词(喜欢、讨厌、希望、关心)表示程度高的场合 “很”、“非常”、“十分”用在被修饰词语的前面,“得很”、“得不得了”、“极了”等用在被修饰词语的后面。犯错误“很喜欢极了” 5、水果  将“苹果、梨、橙子、西瓜……”交代清楚 (最好是用图片展示) 6、一般的形容词都有其相对应的反义词  简单――复杂  便宜――贵 干净――脏  有的形容词能够重叠  AABB 7、斤 8、名词 略讲为宜 讲解时间为30分钟,练习、提问时间哎30分以上 二、课文 按照两个自然段 以慢速和普通速度领读 并分别让学生朗读 纠正错误发音 针对课文设问 并且提问 时间在20分钟 朗读课文10分钟 问答时间在10分钟以上 三、练习3、4课时 复习生词 领读两遍 同上 一、讲解生词(同样27个生词 分成三部分) 1、颜色词 强调“火红、雪白、金黄、天蓝、碧绿”不能再加上表示程度的成分 *“很雪白” 2、还是 或者 讲清楚区别 “还是”用在疑问句中 “或者”用在陈述句中 用例句表示 做本课的练习三 3、号 补充特大号 均码号  鞋子用“码” 4、换 采用组此法来训练。 换鞋 换钱 生词部分50分钟 讲解20分钟  练习、提问30分钟 二、会话 两个人买东西 以此分界 然后慢速和普通速度朗读 教师充当营业员 或者学生吃哦昂当营业员 进行买卖双方的问答。 课后练习在安排学生们两人一组进行会话练习会话部分时间20分钟练习5、6课时 复习、练习、小姐 讲解课后练习题 留出10分钟供大家自由讨论



实力展示(三)你睡午觉吗?  教学步骤 第一课: 一、通过提问引入新课 提问:你什么时候来中国的 二、学习本课生词 学生读生词  老师范读生词  老师带读生词 三、语音辨析 四、分析多音字 五、辨析形近偏旁、形近字 六、理解课文 1、通过学生朗读、老师范读课文,让学生熟悉课文 2、老师第二遍范读课文之前,提出理解课文口头练习人物 3、理解课文口头练习(根据课文回答问题) 七、扩充词汇练习 根据课文中的常用短语做扩充词语口头练习 睡午觉的习惯 ~~~~~的习惯  休息时间 ~~~~~的时间  八、课后练习 第二课时  一、熟悉课文  让3~4位留学生朗读课文,注意纠正发音  二、讲解语法点  (一)动词重叠  1、提出课文例句:他们吃了午饭以后都休息休息,睡睡觉  2、补充一个例句 晚上睡觉以前我喜欢看看杂志  3、将同一个动词的重叠形式与非重叠形式作对比  4、板书 重叠 与 非重叠形式  5、提问:两者相同吗  6、归纳学生意见,指出“动词重叠”的语法意义(引导学生看“注释”) 7、板书   动作的时间缩短,程度减轻 单音词 AA  例如 双音节ABAB 例如  8、练习用下列动词的重叠形式造句子  看 听 打 唱  练习  锻炼  9、注意(1)有的动词不可以重叠 有 是  喜欢 结婚 (2)离合词的重叠形式是:AAB  (二)时段次  1、提出课文中的时段词  三个月  一个小时  2、将同一个时间词的时段词与时点词语对比(板书)  3、提问:两者是否一样  4、归纳学生意见 并指出“时段词”的语法意义(注释2)  5、板书  6、口头练习(三)时量补语 1、提出“时量补语”的定义(引导学生看注释3) 2、板书:动词+时量补语(时段词) 例句 3、提出课文例句:我有时候睡四个小时的'午觉 板书:动词+时量补语+(的)+宾语  例句 动词+地点词语+时量补语 5、口头造句子(动宾短语带时量补语)  看书  打篮球  打电话  上课 (四)时量补语 有无语气助词“了”表示的意思不一样 1、板书 句尾没有“了” 他学了半年汉语 (3个例句)  动作不再继续   句尾有“了” 他学了半年汉语了。  动作继续 2、用以上例句指出  规律 3、练习听句子  说明句子意思 三、作业 第三课时 一、熟读课文 让学生朗读课文 纠正发音 二、检查上次讲课讲的语法是否已经掌握   学生口头造句 动词重叠  时量补语 三、讲解语法点 (一)副词“一般” 1、找出例句 2、板书 例句1 例句2 3、提问:语法意义是什么 4、引导学生看注释4 5、板书 一般+动词 6、口头练习(二)有/没有时间+动词 1、提出课文例句 补充例句 2、板书 3、引导学生看注释5 4、口头练习四、课堂练习第四课时 一、检查学生的课文朗读 二、检查上次讲解的语法点是否已经掌握 学生口头造句 一般 有没有+动词 三、阅读理解练习四、听写 1、听写词语 2、听写句子 3、课后作业 1、作文 2、预习生词     实例展示(4)  约会 教学环节 一、复习1、回答问题 2、听写句子 二、生词 1、听写生词 2、词汇扩展  约会:去约会 有一个约会  跟朋友有一个约会 三、语法 1、“就” 用例句引入 “就”所表示的含义  早、快、顺利 2、“才” 用例句引入 “就”所表示的含义  晚、慢、不顺利 练习用“就”和“才”填空 3、“一……就” 提问引入  下课以后你做什么? 练习下课  去食堂吃饭 到北京  买飞机票 4、“一点”和“有点” 一点 (1)“动词+一点+宾语”  表示宾语的数量情况 (摆出例句)   “形容词+一点”表示比较的程度  (摆出例句)  (2)“有点+形容词”  表示程度不太高,形容词常常有消极的意思 (摆出例句) 四、课文 1、板书提示词 老师说两遍 对话部分说成陈述体 2、提出问题 提问学生 3、学生 复述课文 五、作业 1、书面作业 课后练习2、预习生词



除了早起以外,中国人晚上洗澡的习惯也是我到了北京以后才发现的。一般来说,美国人经常早上洗澡,中国人却喜欢晚上洗澡。我本来总是早上洗澡,来了中国以后,不得不改成晚上洗澡了。 讲解:除了……以外,本来,不得不, (T为老师,S为学生) 除了……以外 T:S1,你是哪国人? S1:我是美国人。 T:还有谁是美国人,请举手。(老师做出举手的'姿势) (S2举手了) T:噢,S1和S2是美国人。所以除了S1和S2以外,我们都不是美国人。(老师要加重这句话的语调,并且带领学生重复这句话) T:S1,你和S2是美国人,所以你要说,除了…… S1:除了我和S2以外,他们都不是美国人。 (老师再示意S2让其造这句话) S2:除了我和S1以外,他们都不是美国人。 T:很好!(再带领大家读“除了S1和S2,大家都不是美国人”)S3,你在北京喜欢吃什么菜呀? S3:我喜欢宫保鸡丁和地三鲜。 T:所以你说,除了…… S3:除了宫保鸡丁之外,我喜欢地三鲜。 T:好,不过呢,这里要说“除了宫保鸡丁之外,我还喜欢或者我也喜欢地三鲜”。(老师要在黑板上写下这个句型,除了……以外,我还/也喜欢……,指着这个句型说) T:那么S4你呢,你喜欢吃什么? S4:我喜欢水饺和北京烤鸭。 T:所以除了…… S4:除了水饺以外,我还喜欢北京烤鸭。 T:非常好!(老师带领大家读 “除了水饺以外,我还喜欢北京烤鸭”“除了水饺以外,我也喜欢北京烤鸭)S5,你去过北京的哪些地方? S5:我去过故宫,长城和颐和园。 T:所以,除了长城以外…… S5:我还去过故宫和颐和园。(老师示意他连起来读)除了长城以外,我还去过故宫和颐和园。 T:非常好!(在带领大家读“除了长城以外,我还去过故宫和颐和园) 本来,不得不 (老师先写好“本来……,+原因,不得不……”) T:今天早上我觉得冷,本来想待在家的,但是不得不来上课了。(在说到“本来”,“不得不”的时候加重语气)本来……是说原来是这样,可是因为一些原因,必须要那样。S3,如果你今天下午想回去睡觉,但是我布置了很多作业要明天交,你该怎么办呢?(老师手指句型,示意学生造句) S3:我本来想下午睡觉,但是老师布置了很多作业,我不得不做作业。 T:非常好!再比如S2想去公园,但是今天下了很大的雨,所以……(指向S1,让他造句) S1:S2本来想去公园,但是今天下了很大的雨,他不得不待在家。 T:很好,完全正确。所以“不得不”就是不想做但是一定要做。S4有什么事是你不想做什么但是一定要做的呢? S4:早上我不得不起床去上学。 T:呵呵,是呀,学习很重要。S5你晚上几点睡觉? S5:我1点睡觉。 T:呀,太迟了,应该早一点睡,这样身体才好。所以你说(指着句型,示意学生说出来) S5:我本来睡得迟,但是早一点睡身体才好,我不得不早睡。 T:非常好,下面请大家跟我把这些句子读一遍。 (带读“我本来想下午睡觉,但是老师布置了很多作业,我不得不做作业。”   “S2本来想去公园,但是今天下了很大的雨,他不得不待在家。”   “我本来睡得迟,但是早一点睡身体才好,我不得不早睡。”)



我们这里讲的词类是指词在语法上的分类。汉语里词的分类是一个十分复杂、争论最多的问题。究竟以什么标准来划分词类,语法学界还没有一个统一的意见。语法教学中曾经通行、 影响最大的《暂拟汉语教学语法系统》以及后来的《中学教学语法系统提要(试用)》是根据词的意义和语法特点相结合的标准来划分词类的。词的语法特点,即指词在语法功能上表现 出来的特点。它主要包括:词的组合能力、词的造句功能(即能不能充当句子成分, 能充当什么样的句子成分)、词的形态变化(如能不能重叠,能按什么方式重叠,重叠以后表示什么附加意义等)。因此,具体地说,划分词类主要根据以下三个标准:(对外汉语教案) 1概念标准(又叫“意义标准”)(对外汉语教案) 即以词的意义或概念的类别来划 分词类的标准。例如,表示人或事物的概念的词,都归属于名词,因此我们凭意义就可以把“鲁迅”“粉笔”“太 阳”直接划为名词。这里所说的词的意义,不是指个别词的具体意义,而是指一类词的共同 的概括的意义(即“词汇意义”)。例如“学生”“工人”“红旗”“黑板”这几个词,它们各自的具体意义不同,但它们的词汇意义是相同的,都是表示人或事物的名称。 2形态标准(对外汉语教案) 即以词的形态变化来划分词类的标准。词的形态变化包括构形 形态和构词形 态两个方面。构形形态主要指词的重叠形式。如有些词有重叠形式(“学习学习”是“学习 ”的重叠形式;“漂漂亮亮”是“漂亮”的重叠形式),根据这种重叠形式和重叠以后所表 示的附加意义的不同,可以把一部分动词和形容词区别开来。构词形态主要指虚语素(前缀、后缀),它们可以作为某类词的语法标志。如有些词前面可以加“阿”“老”等前 缀或后 面可加“子”“头”“儿”等后缀,如“虎―老虎”“画―画儿”“夹―夹子”,这里的“ 老”“儿”“子”是一部分名词的标志,凭着这种标志,就可以区别出一部分名词来。 3句法标准 即以词的组合能力和词的功能来划分词类的标准。所谓词的组合能力,就是 指这类词能同哪类词组合,不能同哪类词组合,怎样组合,组合起来表示什么关系等;而词 的功能是指词在句子中经常充当什么成分。例如,“书”可以直接同数量词 “一本”“两套”实际上是数量短语,为了称说方便,我们简称为“数量词”。后面为了表 述的需要,也有用“数量短语”的。“一本”、“两套”等组合,但不能同副词“ 不”“ 很”等组合;“读”和“好”可以直接同“不”组合,而“读”不能直接同“很”组合,“ 好”却可以同“很”组合。另外,“书”经常作主语、宾语,“读”经常作谓语,“好”经 常作定语、谓语。由此可见,“书”同“读”“好”是属于不同类别的词,“读”和“好” 也属于不同类别的词。 这三个标准在实际运用中并不是平等的、并列的,其中句法标准是主要的,特别 是“词的'组 合功能”可以较广泛地用来鉴别词类,是划分词类的重要标准之一。形态标准对形态 变化发 达的语言来说,是一个可靠的标准,但是汉语没有丰富的形态变化,上面列举的重叠和加前 缀、后缀的形态变化,在汉语里都不是普遍的语法形式,因此形态标准对划分汉语词类没有 普遍的意义。意义标准只能作参考。因为纯粹按意义分类,有很多缺点。从实用上说,它不 能 解决汉语词类的划分问题。例如“战争”,单从意义上看应是动词,可是按句法标准来看又 不是动词(它不能同副词组合)。再说,按意义分成多少类没有定规,即使这样分的类很清楚 ,也只是意义上而不是语法上的分类。所以我们不能脱离语法功能而以意义标准来划分词类 。可是词的意义往往可以帮助我们辨认词类,所以我们也把它作为划分词类的参考标准。另外,这三个标准不是互相抵触的,而是相互补充、有机联系着的。它们能多方面地反映词 类的特点,所以我们应把它们统一起来作为划分词类的标(对外汉语教案)



一、现代汉语的定义: 语音方面以北京语音为标准 词汇方面以北方方言为基础 语法方面以典范的现代白话文著作为规范 二、现代汉语的特点: 1、现代汉语是以单音节为基本单位的语言 2 、现代汉语是一种很少形态的.语言 (1)少形态而有助词。 (2)语序和虚词是主要的语法手段。 (3)词类和句子成分不一一对应。 (4)意合为主。 3 、现代汉语的构词法和造句法是一致的 (1)语素、短语、句群三级单位结构稳定。 (2)语言单位界限模糊。 (3)词结构和短语结构一般都用复合方式构成。 4、现代汉语词和句子的长度短 (1)单音节、双音节并重。 (2)语言的节奏性强。 (3)修饰语前置。



针对初级汉语水平留学生,我们可以设计一下这份教案。(对外汉语教案)   一、 教学目标(对外汉语教案) 1、通过学习使学生理解课文对话的意思,领会并能正确使用本课生词,并能从中复习就词。 2、通过重点、难点词语的讲解,指导学生正确运用词语和语法,并能在交际中使用。   二 、教学要求(对外汉语教案) 生词 1、要求能正确的掌握每个生词的读音,词性和词义; 2、要求能正确地听写出本课的生词 3、要求能熟练地运用本课生词并进行扩展,由词到短语再到句子。 语法 1、要求能熟练掌握本课的重点词语与句式,掌握本课语法点的结构; 2、根据本课所掌握的语法知识,能够多造简单的句子,继而能够举一反三、灵活运用。 课文 1、要求学生能够准确掌握并流利的朗读课文,语音、语调和语气基本正确; 2、要求能理解、熟记课文的意思; 3、要求学生能根据本课所学的知识要点,复述课文大致的内容。   三 、教学重点和难点(对外汉语教案) (一)生词   电视台 留学生 愿意 不错 哪里(区分两种语义) 流利 非常   (二)语法 1、能源动词(以“想”为例)的用法及表达; 2、“……,也……”; 3、V+得+补语; 4、“……怎么……”表示原因的问句; 5、“……还……”; 6、兼语句和连动句的套用。   四 、教学过程(对外汉语教案) (一)导入新课: “同学们,今年的`篮球赛,你们看了吗?” “看了。” “科比是不是得了很多分?” “是。” (二)讲解生词(30分钟) 1、发音 (1)教师领读,学生跟读。 (2)两遍教读完毕后,示意学生按座位顺序一个接着一个读。(每个学生读的内容是不一样的生词,学生读错时,自己先读一遍做示范,使学生有针对性纠正。) 2、词义、词性 (1)结合卡片、图片、实物以及教室内外环境情况,或者营造语境造句解释生词,并有针对性的扩展(如反义词等)。 (2)每讲完一个生词,让学生造句,并及时给予正确的示范引导。   3、对难发难懂(由发音部分可看出)的生词教以正确的发音位置和发音方法,并反复示范。 4、拼音教学 5、汉字写法   五 、语法解释(40分钟)(对外汉语教案) 重点讲解: “你愿意去吗?”“老师,我不想去。” 这里的“愿意”和“想”(“不想”)就是能愿动词,表示一种意愿和希望。 老师造句。 再让学生造句。(及时评价其对错,部分可让学生评价。) 主语+还+宾语(短语)…… 她还会唱京剧。 在这里“还”表示除了提到的情况外,另有增补。 常常前面有“不但……”“除了……”与之相呼应。 老师造句:(有老师应在语境,引导学生明白其句义。这里要循序渐进。) 她会唱歌,还会弹吉他。 学生造句。 老师造句:她不但会唱歌,还会弹吉他。 学生造句。 兼语句 第一,兼语句的谓语是由动宾短语套接主谓短语构成的,动宾短语的宾语兼做主谓短语的主语。  第二,兼语句多有使令的意思,所以句中前一个谓语多由使令动词充当。常见的使令动词有;“使”、“让”、“叫”、“派”、“命令”、“吩咐”、“禁止”、“请求”、“选举”、“教”等。此外,前一个谓语也可以是“有”字。  第三,兼语句中兼语的谓语是前边动作所要达到的目的或产生的结果,即兼语前后两个动词在语意上有一定联系。    更多对外汉语教学信息可点击:www.mandaringarden.org/chinese/



一、教学目的 1. 使学生掌握几个重要的语言点能夸奖他人、表达意愿并进行日常交际; 2. 使学生掌握拒绝、建议、夸奖等功能项目。 3、使学生对中国的礼貌习惯有一个初步的了解。 二、教学内容 1、使学生掌握以下语言点: (1)程度副词“很”“非常” (2)动词+得+形容词,形成述补短语,注意与偏正短语的区别。 (3)“哪里”的特殊用法 2、学习课文中的新词,并能够正确运用   流利 愿意 表演 进步 提高 京剧 非常 努力 认真 三、具体教学过程 课时一 1、回顾上节课的知识,做巩固和衔接。考察学生的接受情况。(5分钟) 2、老师先读一遍课文,学生不看书,听完以后请学生说一说讲了怎样一件事。 请2位同学分角色朗读,适当纠正。(5分钟) 3、学生跟读新词,两遍。(3分钟) 老师逐一请学生来读,发现错误及时纠正。(8分钟) (1、2两个环节,顺便检查上节课布置的预习作业) 4、对重要的新词的意思和用法做详细解释,并作适当的词汇拓展。(25分钟) ①流利:通过造句让学生明白;流利用来形容一种语言运用得好 例如:莉莉的法语说得很流利。   亚历山大西班牙语很流利。   玛丽英语说得很流利。 (用学生的母语来搭配“流利”,很容易让学生领悟。 ②水平:(道具一杯水) 告诉学生“水平”一词的由来,即“水的平面”,用来比喻某种技能的熟练程度。用水面的具体形象很容易让学生理解,形容水平为什么要用“高、低”,形象生动,不容易忘记。 造句:山姆画画的水平很高,唱歌的水平很低。 ③提高:可以和“水平”一起讲,说道用“高”来形容“水平”,动词“提高”搭配“水平”,也可以用作名词。   例如:她的汉语水平提高很快。   她的汉语有了很大的提高。 ④进步:注意和“提高”的区别,两者都有改善的意思,但用法和使用范围不同。   要向学生说明:“进步”多用在学习工作上,“提高”则范围较广。   例如:我们说“学习进步”“能力提高”通过反复的举例让学生领会其中的区别。 ⑤京剧:作为中国的国粹介绍给学生。播放一段京剧经典唱段――《唱脸谱》 ⑥非常、很:简单提一下,程度副词,放在形容词前面。   课间休息,听京剧。课间把座位围成一个圈。 5、语言点 ①学得很好,注意:“动词+得+形容词”结构,及提问方式。(20分钟) ・放完京剧,问问学生听后的感受 ・老师可以唱上一段,问学生老师唱得怎么样? ・引出如何夸奖别人用:动词+得+(程度副词+)形容词 ・说明人们尤其是中国人都喜欢听好话,学会夸奖别人很重要。 ・下面做一个小游戏,围成一个圈,选一个学生到中间,大家开始用新学的结果说说他的优点,轮流着来。发现错误及时纠正,从老师开始,引导学生运用各种句型。 (进行5―7轮) A老师说:“山姆跳得很高。”这个比较简单 ・学生应该不会有太大问题 B老师说:“玛丽歌唱得很好听。” ・学生:……注意学生发生:“玛丽跳舞得很好。”的错误。 C老师说:“莉莉的衣服洗得非常干净。” ・学生:……学生可能会混淆“得”与“的'”说成“莉莉弹的钢琴很好。” ・后面几轮由学生自由发挥,老师从旁指点。 ②“哪里”的特殊用法,讲一讲中国的文化背景及语用习惯。(20分钟) ・夸奖完以后,引入如何回应他人的夸奖。指出中外不同,中国人讲究谦虚客套。 ・常用“哪里”来表达,谢意与谦虚。 ・游戏继续,由刚才被夸奖的同学回应,用“哪里”一词,并对对方礼貌地夸奖一番,以作为“动词+得+形容词”的巩固。 ・老师做示范   安妮:老师的京剧唱得很好听。   老师:哪里,哪里。安妮你的画才画得好呢! ・学生模仿练习…… 6、布置课后作业,巩固今天所学的新内容。 ①抄写课文和生词,下次课听写 ②用“流利 、提高、进步、动词+得+形容词”造5个句子,坐在练习本上要上交。 ③完成选词填空 流利  水平  提高  进步  很  非常 1)  学习( ) 2)  收入( ) 3)  说话( ) 4)  话说得(  )(  ) 5)  ( )非常低 6)  ( )很明显

篇8:展示台(网友来稿) 教案教学设计










5、教师再选择两个词语让学生用“开火车”的 形式做词语接龙游戏。








































[展示台(网友来稿) 教案教学设计]



第3、4课时 一检查生词及扩展搭配情况(听写测验) 二就课文内容提问,了解学生对课文的掌握情况。 三讲回话部分 1、学习生词(解释词语本义和常用的转义用法,举例说明)  学生朗读生词,纠正读音  太太:(名)wife;Mrs  女儿:(名)daughter  儿子:(名)son  爱人:(名)husband or wife  公司:(名)company  职员:(名)office worker  多大: how old  位:(量)a measure word  先生:(名)husband;Mr  男:(形)male  朋友:(名)friend  工作:(名、动)job;to work  女:(形)female  年纪:(名)age  小姐:(名)Miss  我的女儿他的太太你的哥哥她的男朋友先生和小姐弟弟和妹妹儿子和女儿老师和学生   2、阅读回话1、2、3(见附录)  学生通读全文  所有学生以两人一组,分角色模仿回话进行对话练习,内容自定 3、句型结构替换练习(1)你(的)爸爸是医生吗?/你(的)爸爸是不是医生?  是的,他是医生。  不,他不是医生。 (2)她是谁?  她是我(的)姐姐。  你(的)姐姐做什么工作?  我的姐姐是小学老师。 (3)你有姐姐吗?/你有没有姐姐?  我有姐姐。  我没有姐姐。 (4)你(的)妹妹和弟弟都是中学生吗?  是的,他们都是中学生。  不,他们都不是中学生。 (5)你(的)姐姐也是医生,是吗?/是不是?  不,她不是医生。她是小学老师。 (6)你(的)弟弟几岁了?  我(的`)弟弟五岁了。 (7)你和你(的)弟弟都是大学生吗?  不,我们不都是大学生。  我是大学生,我(的)弟弟是中学生。 (8)你是哪个(所)大学的留学生?  我是华东师范大学的留学生。 (9)你家一共有几个(口)人?(你家、我家一般不加“的”)  我家一共有六个(口)人。 (10)你(的)爸爸多大年纪(了)?(简介“了”的用法)(见附录1) 我(的)爸爸六十三岁(了)。 (11)你(的)姐姐多大(了)?(介绍询问年龄时,长辈、晚辈和同龄人在问法上的差别) 我(的)姐姐二十七岁(了)。/我(的)姐姐二十七(了)。 (12)你(的)妈妈也是医生吗? 是的,她也是医生。     四课堂练习  1、选择“都”或者“也”填空 Fill in the blanks with 都 or 也 (1)王老师有一个儿子,李老师____有一个儿子。 (2)弟弟、妹妹和我____是留学生。 (3)她是大学老师,她的爱人_____是大学老师。他们____是大学老师。 (4)杰克是英国人,玛丽是美国人,他们不____是英国人。 (5)王方没有姐姐,玛丽____没有姐姐,他们____没有姐姐。 (6)他是美国留学生,我____是美国留学生,我们____不是日本留学生。   2、模仿例子回答问题  例:A:这是你的书吗?  B:不,这不是我的书,这是我弟弟的书。 学生只需模仿句型,内容可根据课文,也可以自编  (1)杰克是美国人吗?  (2)他是李老师的女儿吗?  (3)这是不是玛丽的本子?  (4)杰克有没有哥哥?  (5)他们都是中国学生吗?  (6)王方是不是留学生? 五布置作业 完成课后练习(见附录),背诵课文



第1、2课时 一学习生词(解释词语本义和常用的转义用法,举例说明) 学生朗读生词,纠正读音 重点生词讲解与扩展 1.家庭:(名) jiātíngfamily 2.家:(名)jiāhome;family  3.一共:(副)yígòng altogether 4.有(动) yǒu to have;there is 5.和(连、介) hé and;with 6.医生(名)yīshēng doctor 7.也(副)yěall 8.岁(量)suìyear(of age) 9.小学(名)xiǎoxuéelementary school 10.都(副)dōu all 11.中学生(名) zhōngxuéshēng middle or high school student 12.大学生(名) dàxuéshēng undergraduate 13.大学(名)dàxué university 14.留学生(名) liúxuéshēng overseas student 15.没有(副)méiyǒunot have; be without  家――家庭、家族、家长、家务……  学――学生、小学生、中学生、大学生、留学生、小学、中学、大学 二学习课文 几位学生通读课文(见附录) 讲解句型与语法点 1、我叫……(名字);我是……(国籍;职业……) 2、……的……:我家、我的家 物主代词:我的;你的;他(她)的;我们的;你们的;他们的 “人称+们”表示复数,群体中全是女人用“她们”表示,群体中全是男人或者有男有女用“他们”表示 3、……和……:表示并列关系 4、……也是……;……和……都是:表示相同的性质 5、时间一般放在句首: 现在我是中国大学的留学生 精讲课文: 1、介绍各种家庭人称的说法及相互间的关系(见附录): 爸爸、妈妈、哥哥、姐姐、妹妹、弟弟、爷爷、奶奶、外公、外婆 2、课文中出现的量词的使用: 个:(1)量词  a.用于没有专用量词的名词(有些名词除了用专用量词之外也能用‘个’)  如三个苹果、一个理想、两个星期  b.用于约数的前面:  我们也不过相差个两三岁  c.用于带宾语的动词后面,有表示动量的'作用(原来不能用‘个’的地方也用‘个’)  如见个面儿、说个话儿  d.用于动词和补语的中间,是补语略带宾语的性质(有时跟‘得’连用)  如吃个饱、玩儿个痛快、笑个不停、雨下个不停、学了个八九不离十 (2)单独的:个人、个体 3、中国学生一般的入学时间和各年龄段不同的就学阶段 三布置作业: 1、记生词,下次可听写。 2、熟读课文,通晓全部课文意义,加深理解,下次课堂就课文内容提问。














1. 掌握下列加点字的读音和字形。

贝聿【ù】铭 跻【ī】身 牛犊【dú】卓【zhuō】越 轩【xuān】榭

勘【ān】探 剔【tī】透 籍【í】贯 聘【pìn】请 颖【ǐng】

幻【hun】想 遴【lín】选 抉【ué】择 化妆【zhuāng】

2. 掌握下列词语的词义。


































(二) 贝聿铭从事建筑设计50余年,设计的建筑物很多很多,可写的东西太多太多了,作者很好地处理了详写和略写的关系。详写和略写相结合,是本文的一大特点,文中哪些地方详写,哪些地方略写?







明确:1、详写了约翰肯尼迪图书馆、华盛顿国家艺术馆东楼、巴黎罗浮宫玻璃金字塔的设计和建造。 略写了他设计的建筑物类型之多、范围之广。2、约翰肯尼迪图书馆的特点是:设计新颖、造型大胆、技术高超。 华盛顿国家艺术馆东楼的特点是:向周围环境构成高度协调的景色。巴黎罗浮宫玻璃金字塔的特点是:罗浮宫院内飞来了一颗巨大的宝石。3、描写、记叙、说明、议论相结合





















篇12:展示华夏文化魅力(七年级必修) 教案教学设计

展示华夏文化魅力(苏教版七年级必修) 教案教学设计

楚水实验学校初中部  七语     备课组集体备课教案

课题 展示华夏

文化魅力 课型 讲授 课时 1 授课时间

撰写人 潘日堂 交流时间 整合时间 组长签字


目标 知识与能力 1、了解贝聿铭在建筑方面取得的巨大成就。



过程与方法 通过诵读体验把握本文选材的详略,感知贝聿铭高尚的品质。

情感态度价值观 感受贝聿铭的人格魅力,培养学生的爱国主义情感。

重点 1、精心安排,选择材料描写人物的方法。


难点 详略,正面侧面描写人物,多种表达方式的结合。


策略 学生自主合作讨论探究;教者适当点拨、指导。


准备 课件

教学设计详案 集体交流意见



















































《 展示华夏文化魅力》



初露头角 -- 创建筑奇迹 -- 不变的中国心

(记叙描写  说明  议论)



篇13:English Teaching Plan新课展示教学教案

English Teaching Plan新课展示教学教案

English Teaching Plan


3.he 并让学生用事先准备好的实物模仿句子

1.3. 当学生复习巩固得比较扎实的时候可以让他们根据P4对话自编对话进行pair 对表达有困难的学生,教师可用提问的方式加以引导:What clur is the fan/cputer/teachers' des?

1.教师做出擦讲台桌的动作并说:L! The teacher’s des is s dirt. Let e clean the teacher’s des. 板书并请学生跟读。

2.教师指向教室中的窗户、课桌、椅子、黑板等处,或以图片呈现这些物品,引导学生说出短语:clean the windws,clean the dess, clean the chairs等。最后教师指向整个教室,引导学生说出clean the classr,并板书。

3.TPR gae I sa u d/ I d u sa.

Clean the blacbard.

Clean the windws....

4.让学生读一读P7 、P8 最上面的标题:Let’s tal Let’s learn, 引导学生说出 Let’s clean the classr. 同时教学Let e clean the teacher’s des. (在此处要告诉学生Let’s 指的是大家共同做一件事,而Let e指的是自己做一件事)

5. 指导学生观察P7 情景图,并回答

What happen t Mie? (可用中文回答)

What did Zhangpeng sa t Mie?

Let e help u. 在此教学help,同时告诉学生如果要为别人提供帮助就可以这么说。

6.watch the CDr and repeat fr 2 ties.

游戏1:Clur ur classr.


2)本游戏可以进行Listen and clur的练习。学生要通过听懂教师的.指令之后,按照要求给图片图上相应的颜色,然后再看图说话。


Dice gae P7 两个人一组玩色子游戏,拿事先做好的色子,同桌两个人玩,运用句型:Let’s clean the classr. Let e clean the ...

A.listen and repeat fr 3ties P7-P8

B.Read t ur parent P7-P8通过游戏来复习知识和引出新的学习内容,同时也能激发学生学习的兴趣。

篇14:自主展示交流课 教案教学设计(人教版三年级上册)

课题 自主展示交流课 课型 新授课 主备人 刘玉军 修改人


知识与能力 :正确认识课文中的生字词,积累文中重点语句。

过程与方法: 有感情朗读课文,读懂课文内容,加深对祖国的了解。

情感与态度: 增强学生保护环境的意识,为保护环境做出自己的努力。

教学重点: 掌握生字词,初步对课文进行理解。















翠鸟  苇杆  腹部   衬衫   透亮   清脆   疾飞   一眨眼  逃脱   饲养  渔翁    陡峭  石壁    瑞士   舒适   空调   启程   骤降    长途跋涉   疲劳饥寒交迫    温暖    政府   救护   致谢    森林   郁郁葱葱   湛蓝   甜润裸露   一栋栋      应有尽有       锋利    黎明   咆哮


(白板出示)翠  脆  翁  壁   骤   降   跋  涉   郁  葱  湛  栋  锋 黎  咆哮




















(一) 分享词句(二)品析句段(三)积累背诵

[自主展示交流课 教案教学设计(人教版三年级上册)]



Unit 1 That must be a record


Talk about records, adventures and hobbies Practise measuring and comparing

Review the Subject Fill in a form

The First Period Listening & Speaking

Teaching goals:

1. Target Language

a. key words: beard, voyager, tight, tightrope, edition, moustache

b. daily English

Practise expressing measuring and comparing.

2. Ability goals

Enable students to talk about records, adventures and hobbies.

Help them learn to express measuring and comparing.

Teaching important points:

Talk about records, adventures and hobbies.

Practise expressing measuring and comparing.

Learn to use some typical measurements.

Teaching difficult points:

How to use measurements correctly.

Teaching methods:

discussing (cooperative learning), listening, speaking

Teaching aids: a tape recorder, a projector and a computer

Teaching procedures:

Step I Lead-in

As most of the Senior Grade III students start school in August, the weather must be very hot. The teacher may start the class with the following question. “What is the highest temperature recorded this summer?” Then lead students to do the quiz about the amazing facts on Page1.

T: Good morning/ afternoon, everyone!

Ss: Good morning/ afternoon, Mr. / Ms…

T: It is very hot, what is the temperature?

S1: It is reported the highest temperature is 35°C.

T: Is it the hottest day recoded this summer?

S2: I don’t think so. It was much hotter on July 26. The temperature was 37°C on that day.

T: Good. I’m very glad you are careful about this. But do you know the lowest temperature recorded on earth? (Show the questions on Page 1on the PowerPoint.) Please work in groups and try to find the amazing facts.

Step II Warming up

Students will work in groups to decide the answers. Whether they can guess the answers or not is not important. The aim of this quiz is to stimulate their interest. Two minutes later show the answers on the PowerPoint. ( Suggested answers: BBAABB )

T: Ok. It doesn’t matter whether you guessed the answers or not. How do you find the questions?

Ss: Very interesting.

T: Do you know where to find the answers to such interesting questions?

Ss: The Guinness Book of World Records.

T: Yes, it is a book contains records of all kinds. After class please find more information in the book in the library. In this class we are going to practise measuring and comparing. First look at some typical measurements. Ok, please read after me.

Show the following on the PowerPoint. (m = meters cm = centimeters h = hours)

Height of people (When referring to people, “tall” is used, not” high”, and measurements are given in feet and inches (but not yards) or meters and centimeters.

She is about 5 foot 6 tall. The world’s tallest man is 2.55 m.

Speed A speed limit of 30 mph

Sound travels 186,300 miles in a second

Measurement of Temperature

The normal temperature of the human body is 37°C

The lowest temperature ever recorded on earth is -89.2°C

Step III Listening

In this procedure, students will hear someone talk about the size and the speed of humans and animals. The purpose of the exercise is to practise measuring and comparing. Before listening, students will discuss the three questions in groups.

T: Are you familiar with the measurements?

Ss: Yes.

T: Ok. How tall are you. Wang Fei?

S1: I’m 175cms.

T: Then who is the tallest in your class?

Ss: Li Lei and he is 184cms tall.

T: Then we can say Li Lei is taller than Wang Fei. Do you know how tall Yao Ming is?

S2: He is 2.26 cm.

T: Then among the people we know Yao Ming is the tallest. OK, let’s come to the listening part. You are going to hear someone talk about the size and the speed of humans and animals. Before we listen to the tape, let’s look at the questions on Page 2.

Now work in groups and discuss the three questions. You are given five minutes.

Five minutes later, check the answers with the whole class. Various answers may be given.

T: Well done. That’s your opinion. Now let’s listen to the tape and hear what others say.

Play the tape for students to finish the Listening Exercises 2-3 on Page 2. Play the tape again when necessary. Then check the answers with the whole class.

Step IV Language Points

1. graduate n. v. graduate –graduation graduate from after graduation

Graduates with complex knowledge are in great need now.

2. advantage n.优势,好处,有利条件

take advantage of sb. 利用某人,欺骗某人 take advantage of sth. (巧妙地利用某物)

have the advantage of / over胜过,占优势

3. weigh vt. 称……的重量;掂量;考虑;重若干 weight n. weighty adj. (沉重的) 按重量计算 by weight 发福put on weight lose weight

4. beat / defeat / win

5. on earth究竟,到底

This is my dog , his name is Wisdom. That is interesting , why ____ did you give him such a name?

6. speed 迅速地with great speed 以全速at full / top speed 以……的速度at a speed of 加速speed up

7. contain /include

1) The price includes postage charges. 2) My suitcase contains only a few warm-weather clothes.

3) The money I gave you included Tom’s. 4) There are ten of us here, including three girls.

5) Everybody has something to say, me included.

Step V Speaking

An interview of the record-breaking tight ropewalker Adili. While students present the interview, the teacher may show the photos to help the others to understand the interview better.

T: Besides Yao Ming, we have another celebrity (名人). Who is it? (Show the picture of Adili on the PowerPoint)

S1: Adili, a tight ropewalker.

T: Who would like to say something about him?

S2: He was born in Xinjiang in 1971.

S3: He has a lovely daughter.

S4: He is famous as the record -breaking tight ropewalker.

S5: His name is in the Guinness Book.

T: Now Adili is visiting our city and you are going to interview him for the school newspaper. Please don’t forget to refer to the information on Page 3. Work in pairs and 5 minutes later I will ask some of you to act it out.

A Sample of the interview.

A: Adili B: A Journalist

B: Adili, glad to meet you and welcome to our city! I’m a school journalist from No 1 Middle School.

A: Thank you!

B: The students in our school admire you very much. They are eager to learn something about you. May I ask you some questions?

A: OK. Thank you and I am willing to be of some help.

B: How many years has your family walking on the rope?

A: My family has been walking on tightropes for 430 years!

B: Wow, so many years! Could you say something about the 2002-year record? How many days did you stay on the high wire?

A: In May 2002, I broke a world record by staying on a wire rope for 22 days and beat the 21-day Guinness world record. I walked on the rope up to five hours a day. I spent the rest of the time in a hut at the end of the rope.

B: You are very great. I was told you broke some other Guinness world records. Could you say something about your ropewalk across the Three Gorges? How long was the wire? How high was the wire above the ground and how long did the walk take you?

A: On June 22, 1997 I crossed the Three Gorges on a high wire, which was 646 meters long, 402 meters high and the walk took me 13 minutes 48 seconds. I broke the Guinness world record set by a Canadian.

B. We are very proud of you. In October 2000 you broke another Guinness world record when you walked across Mt. Heng. How long was the wire? How high was the wire above the ground and how long did the walk take you?

A: When I walked across Mt. Heng, I crossed a wire 1,399 meters long, 436 meters high and I spent 52 minutes 13 seconds on it.

B. How great! In August 2003 you broke another Guinness world record at Tiankeng. How high was the wire above the ground?

A: At Tiankeng, I walked 687 meters, about 662 meters above the ground and beat the 402 meters above the ground record.

B. Thank you very much. You have been breaking records. You have been challenging yourself. We should learn from you. Good luck to your future performance.

A: Thank you.

Step VI Homework

Surf on the Internet or use the library to find some information of The Guinness Book of World Records.

The Second & Third Periods Reading

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the useful words and phrases in this period.

2. Train the students’ reading ability.

3. Help the students to know more about world records.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Master the following phrases and sentence pattern.

Set down, keep track of, stand out, in the first place, make for

Impressive as the record is, it fades next to the story of Armstrong’s struggle against disease.

2. Improve the students’ reading ability.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1. How to help the students understand the passage better.

2. How to help the students understand the sentence pattern better and use it freely.

Adj. / adv. / n. + as + Sub. + v. , + main clause

Teaching Methods:

1. Scanning the text to learn something about world records.

2. Fast and careful reading to get the detailed information in the text.

3. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids: 1. the multimedia 2. the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Lead-in

It is very hot today ,isn’t it ? What is the temperature?

Is it the hottest day recorded this summer?

Do you know the lowest temperature recorded on earth?

Do you know where to find the answers to such interesting questions?

The Guinness Book of World Records. It is a book containing records of all kind.

Step Ⅱ Fast Reading

Read the text quickly and grasp the general idea of each paragraph.

The text can be divided into four parts:

Part 1: (Paragraph 1) : How and when the first edition was put out.

Part 2: (Paragraph 2-4) : The records that can be printed in the book are put into different categories.

Part 3: (Paragraph 5) : Why people are so interested in world records.

Part 4: (Paragraph 6) : How the Guinness Book of World Record accepts a world record.

Pre-reading: Suggested answers on Page 3

1. He was the then director of the Guinness Brewery, who came up with the idea of writing a book later called the Guinness Book of the World Records.

2. In 1955. 3. 1.6 meters.

4. Urumqi is the most remote city from the sea--- it is 2,500 kilometers from the nearest coast. A special and delicious record was set in 1997 to celebrate Hong Kong’s return to China.

5. Lance Armstrong.

Step Ⅲ Listening

Listen to the tape and decide which of the following statements are “true” or “false”.

1. The Guinness company began to write the Guinness Book of World Records in the 1950s. (F)

2. More than 60,000 new records are printed in the book each year. (F)

3. An Englishman balanced a small car weighing 159.6 kilograms on his head for 33 seconds. (T)

4. Lance Armstrong’s speed record is more impressive than his struggle against his disease. (F)

5. The records dangerous to the person attempting it or to others are not allowed in the book. (T)

6. The records in the Guinness Book of World Records are including different areas of people’s life. (T)

Step Ⅳ Reading Comprehension


1. The idea which led to The Guinness Book of Records came up by _________. (C)

A. Ross McWhirter B. Norris C. Sir Hugh Beaver D. Brewery

2. The Guinness Book of World Records has chapters except _________. (A)

A. education B. science and technology C. travel and transport D. the natural world

3. Among the Chinese records in The Guinness Book of Records, some examples are given except _________. (D)

A. Tiananmen Square B. Hong Kong’s return to China C. Jiaozi D. the Yellow River

4. The reason why Lance Armstrong’s records are special is that_________. (D)

A. he is a wonderful winner B. he won the first place in the race

C. he has achieved brilliant achievements D .he fought against cancer bravely and won his goal

5. Which type of record attempts is NOT allowed in the following? It is ________. (C)

A. the one that a man can live to be very old

B. the one that a man can balance a small car on his head

C. the one which is dangerous to the person who is attempting it or to others

D. the one that a man can wear the longest beard in the world


6. The text is mainly about _____. (C)

A. a famous book B. Sir Hugh Beaver came up with an idea

C. The Guinness Book of Records D. many records in the world


7. From the sentence “..., it fades next to the story of Armstrong’s struggle against disease”, we know that________ . (D)

A. his fastest speed is as impressive as his story of struggle against cancer

B. his fastest speed is more impressive than his story of struggle against cancer

C. his story of struggle against cancer is less impressive than his fastest speed

D. his story of struggle against cancer is more impressive than his fastest speed

8. From the text, the main reason that led to Sir Hugh’s idea is that _________. (C)

A. his hard work B. his talent C. his curiosity D. his careful research

9. From the last paragraph, we can infer that _________. (D)

A. if a person wants to make a record, he can do it without permission

B. if a person can do bad to others, he can make a record

C. if your idea isn’t suitable, you can also get the permission of the Guinness Book of World Records.

D. The Guinness Book of World Records is very careful about making a record

10. According to the text, which statement is true? (B)

A. No people in the world are not interested in strange and unusual things.

B. There are many athletic records in the Guinness Book of World Records.

C. There are no Chinese records in the Guinness Book of World Records.

D. All of the 60 000 new records will be printed each year.

Step Ⅴ Language points

Paragraph One:

1. In 1951, the then director of the Guinness Brewery, --在1951年,当时吉尼斯啤酒厂的总裁

then (作定语)当时的,the then ruler 当时的统治者

then (adv.) = at that time (用于过去或将来) He will come back by then.

当时的(修饰名词) the then government = the government at that time.

那么,因此 (位于句首或句末) Then what do you want?

固定短语: (every) now and then; from then on; until then; since then

2. conclude -----come to an end Vt /Vi (推断出,断定;完成结束)conclusion n.结论,结尾

to conclude Compare: come to / draw / reach / arrive at a conclusion得出结论

e.g.1) The inquiry concluded that the accident had been caused by human error. 推断,断定

2) The headmaster concluded the meeting at six o’clock in the afternoon. 结束

3) To conclude,I wish you a happy New Year. 最后

最后,总之 in conclusion = lastly In conclusion I’d like to say that you did it very well.

Paragraph Two:

1. Set down / put down / write down

e.g. Set down your heavy bags and have a rest.

I will set down the story as it was told to me.

The price limits were set down by the government.

Other phrases:

set aside把……放在一边;留出,拨出 set off 出发;引起;使爆炸

set out 出发;开始(to do ) set about 开始,着手(doing)

set up搭起;树立(榜样);开办 be set in 以…为背景

2. keep track of 1) record sth. ; write down 2) keep informed of sb. / sth.

e.g. Don’t feel bad if you make a mistake. Keep track of (write down) your mistakes and learn from them.

Her mother used to keep track of (write down) every penny she spent.

Mr. Stevens kept track of (keep informed of) his business by telephone when he was in hospital.

It’s hard to keep track of (maintain contact with) all one’s old school friends.

Other phrases:

远离,不接近,避开keep off 远离某地keep away from

一直做某事keep doing sth / keep on doing sth. 阻止;扣留;忍住keep back

记住;想着keep … in mind 保持keep up 跟上keep up with

赶上catch up with 守望keep watch 守信keep one’s promise

记日记keep a diary 管家keep house 阻止某人做某事keep sb from doing sth.

3. reach vt. When will we reach Beijing? (到达)

Can you reach me that box? (伸手拿下来) Will you reach me the sugar? (递)

reach one’s conscience(打动,影响) 打动良心

How can I reach you? (与――取得联系;接触)我怎么和你联系?

vi. The woods reach as far as the river. (延伸,达到) 树林一直延伸到河边

I can’t reach so high. (伸出手(或脚))我够不到这么高。

4. balance vt. 1>称,平衡 2>权衡,对比 balance the tow plans 把这两个计划对比一下3>使平衡使(力量等)均等 vi.平衡;相抵 My accounts balance. 我的帐收支相抵

n. (c) 天平;秤a pair of balances一副天平

(u)平衡;均衡 be out of balance不平衡 keep one’s balance保持平衡

5. weigh vt. 1>称(――的重量) weigh oneself称体重

2>权衡;考虑weigh one’s words 斟词酌句 weigh sth. in one’s mind考虑某事

vi.1>(+表语)重若干;称分量 weigh heavy (light) (称起来)重(轻)

2>有意义,有分量,有影 响You advice weighs heavily with her.你的建议对她很有影响。

Paragraph Four:

1. Many of 许多,后接代词时,后不加 “the”, many of them 后接名词时,后加 “the”, many of the people。

关于many的几个词组: a good many很多 a great many许许多多

many a(后接单数名词)许多 many a student 许多学生

2. stand out 突出;出色

e.g. A tall man stands out in a crowd. John stood out as a track star.

Other Phrases:

stand by (和…站在一起;袖手旁观)stand for (代表;象征;意味着)stand up 站起;站得住脚

3. as conj.-----though, although (as 引导让步状语从句)

despite / in spite of + n./ what从句(尽管,不管)

though/ although+从句 (不与but连用,但可以和 yet, still搭配)

as + 让步状语从句(表语名词或形容词,副词状语和动词原形必须倒装)

e.g. Although/Though he is young, he can do it well.(句首)

Angry as he was, he listened to me patiently. The air was cold, bright as the sun was.

Try as / though he may , he won’t succeed. Child as/ though he is, he knows a little.

He never borrows money from anyone though he is poor.(句末)

Tired as he was, he sat up late. = Though he was tired, he sat up late.

4. fade vi 凋谢;褪色;(声音)变弱 Vt. 使褪色 fade away 逐渐消失(声音等) 变微弱;(光等) 变暗淡; 逐渐消失 (+away)

The sound of the footsteps faded away.

fade in / up (使影片中的画面、声音、广播中的声音)渐强

fade out (使影片中的画面、声音、广播中的声音)渐弱

e.g. The strong sunlight had faded the curtains.

All memory of his childhood faded from his mind.

Hopes of a peace settlement are now fading.

The shapes faded away into the night.

Paragraph Five:

1. Account

e.g. We could not go on account of rain. 因为;由于

On no account are visitors allowed to feed the animals. 绝无理由(or not on any account)

We must take local conditions into account. 考虑到(估计)某事(=take account of sth. )

I bought the car on account.先付, 暂付, 用赊购的办法用分期付款的办法

We must take account of the interests of the States. 考虑

No one could account for the disappearance of the money. Vi (for ) 说明……的原因,说明, 占, 解决, 得分

account n.(U) 叙述;报告;账目;帐户

开立/结束帐户 open /close an account

把钱存入银行帐户 put … into one’s bank account

2. whether ... or ...意为”不管是……还是……”,常引导让步状语从句。如:

Whether we help him or not, he will fail.

Someone’s got to tell her, whether it’s you or me.

3. make for意为”向……走(冲)去;有助于造成(某种关系、情况),可成为”。如:

The children took their ice skates and made for the frozen pond.

The climate makes for good health. Does early rising make for good health?

They are made for each other.

Paragraph Six:

1. attempt vt.

An astronaut will attempt to leave the stationary spaceship and then return to it.

The boys attempted to leave for camping but were stopped by their parents.

The boys made an attempt to leave for camping but were stopped by their parents.

2. apply for…vt.1>应用,使用2>敷用,涂―― apply a paste to a wound给伤口涂上膏药 3>专心,注意 vi.1>适用2>申请 apply for a fob求职


apply for a job, apply for hosting a foreign teacher

apply …to …应用于…

We need a rule that applies to everyone. 我们需要一个是用于每一个人的规则。

apply oneself to…专心致志… apply one’s mind to专心于

Students should apply themselves to their studies.

3. inspect / inspection /inspector

e.g. After they had finished building the wall the foreman inspected it to make sure they’d done it properly

Nobody inspected my ticket before I got on the train.

All food shops should be inspected regularly.

4. confirm vt. 证实;确认;批准 confirmation n 证实;证明;确实

e.g. What you say confirms my opinion.

The King confirmed me in my possession of the land.

5. Certificate n.证书

Certify v. (指通过某种检验)证明…无误(真实)给(某人)颁发(完成专业培训的)合格证书

a birth / marriage / death certificate出生(结婚、死亡)证明书

a certificate of health 健康证明书

6. State n.1>(c) 状态,状况 the three states of matter物质三态

2>(c; u) 国家;政府 a welfare state 福利国家

3>(c)(美国等的)州the 50 states of the United States

vt.陈述,说明,声明The Prime Minister stated his view on the subject. 首相陈述了他对该问题的见解。

Step Ⅵ Homework

1. Retell the text.

2. Surf on the Internet and find something about extreme sports.

The Fourth Period Integrating Skills

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the new words and phrases in this period.

2. Improve the students’ reading ability.

3. Review the use of Subject.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Learn the following useful expressions: be familiar to , centre on , concentrate on

2. Improve the students’ reading and writing abilities.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1. How to help the students understand the passage better.

2. How to help the students finish the writing task.

Teaching Methods:

1. Practise to revise the Subject.

2. Reading and understanding to improve the students’ reading ability.

Teaching Aids: 1. the multimedia 2. the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

StepⅠ Fast reading

Read the passage as quickly as possible and answer the following questions.

1. On weekends what do Lin Yong and his friends usually do after finishing their homework?

They will go to the park to do skateboarding.

2. When and how did they come up with the idea to build the ramp?

Three years ago after watching a skateboarding competition on TV.

3. What is their skateboarding club called?

Fun On Wheels.

4. What is the goal of a skateboarding “competition”?

The goal is to have fun and enjoy the excitement of trying something new.

5. Is the sport too dangerous in their opinion?

No, they don’t think so. Because they all wear helmets and other equipment to protect themselves. They don’t let anyone try a dangerous trick unless they are sure that they are skilled enough to perform it safely.

Step Ⅱ Careful reading

Read the passage carefully and finish Ex 1 on Page 8.

Suggested answers :

1. 360 means making a circle in the air. “Hang ten” means “ to fly in the air with one’s feet on the board”.

2. Many extreme sports are about beauty, harmony and thrills. They don’t have rules about winning and losing.

The goal is to have fun and enjoy the excitement of trying something new.

3. “X-factor” means the pure joy of doing something that you did not think you could do and overcoming your fears.

4. Helmets, wristlets, kneecaps, and so on.

5. They like the feeling, the excitement and the thrill that extreme sports bring.

Step Ⅲ Explanation

1. Then my mind becomes clear and I concentrate on the way my body moves in the air.

1)concentrate on/upon意为”把……集中在……上,全神贯注于”。

~ (thought/attention...) on/upon集中(思想/注意力…) 于

e.g. We must ~ our attention on efficiency/studies.

concentrate on/upon全神贯注;专心致志于;全力以赴;专心

You must concentrate on what you are doing.

She couldn’t concentrate on a book very long.

n. concentration camp集中营

There is too much noise outside, I can not ___my attention on my work.

A. fill B. connect C. flat D. concentrate

2)the way 作先行词,后面的定语从句可以由in which或that(也可省略)引导。e.g.

I don’t like the way (that/in which) you laugh at her.

The way (that/in which) he answered the questions was surprising.

2. Watching Lin Yong and his friends fly through the air makes you wonder whether the sport is not too dangerous.


e.g. Using the right hand to shake hands is a custom in many countries.

To learn a foreign language well is not easy.

2)动词-ing作主语,常用于It’s no use/good doing... 和There is no doing...句型中。

e.g. It is no good learning without practice. There is no littering about.

3. Delight n. 1. 欣喜,愉快[U]

令…高兴的是 to one’s delight 兴高采烈/高兴地 with delight 以…为乐 take/find delight in

To our delight, our football team won. She ran back home with delight.

2) 乐事,乐趣[C]

He enjoyed the delights of New York’s night life.

vt. 使高兴;使愉快

The clown ~ed the audience. I’m delighted that you are back.

We were delighted to read your novel.

Step Ⅳ Homework

Write some sentences to describe people using the adjectives in the exercise books.

The Fifth Period Grammar

Teaching Aims:

1. Review what can be used as subject.

2. Review some important rules about the Subject.

3. Do some exercises about the Grammar item---the Subject.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Master the differences between the infinitive and the v.-ing form used as the Subject.

2. Master the following sentence pattern: It’s no use/good + v.-ing.

3. Pay attention to the Agreement.

Teaching Aids: 1. the multimedia 2. the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step I Grammar Learning

1. What is Subject?

The subject of a sentence is the person, place, thing, or idea that is doing or being something. You can find the subject of a sentence if you can find the verb. Ask the question, “Who or what ‘verb-s’ or ‘verb-ed’?” and the answer to that question is the subject.

e.g. The computers in the Learning Center must be replaced.

The really important issue of the conference, stripped of all other considerations, is the morality of the nation.

2. What can be used as Subject?

Noun, adjective, nonfinite verb, it, nominative personal pronoun and the subject clause and so on.

e.g. The azaleas were in full flower.杜鹃花正怒放

The unemployed usually lead a hard life.

# the differences between the infinitive and the v.-ing form used as the Subject

(1) 动名词作主语通常表示抽象动作;而不定式作主语表示具体动作。

Smoking is prohibited (禁止) here. 这里禁止抽烟。(抽象)

It is not very good for you to smoke so much. 你抽这么多烟对你身体很不好。(具体)

(2) 动名词作主语时,通常用以表示一件已知的事或经验。


Climbing mountains is interesting. 爬山很有趣。(经验)

Driving a car during the rush hour is tiring. 在高峰时刻开车令人厌烦。(经验)


It took me only five minutes to finish the job.

It’s no use waiting here.

Every person has rights under the law, but they don’t always know them. 每个人都有权遵守法律,但他们常常不知道

What we need is more time. When to start is not decided yet.

3. A simple subject can be more than one word, even an entire clause.

e.g. What he had already forgotten about computer repair could fill whole volumes.

4. In English, the subject of a command, order, or suggestion - you, the person being directed is usually left out of the sentence and is said to be the understood subject.

e.g. 1. You step lively there, or I’ll leave you behind!

2. Before assembling the swing set, you read these instructions carefully.

5. For purposes of sentence analysis, the doer or the initiator of action in a sentence is referred to as the agent of the sentence. In an active sentence, the subject is the agent.

e.g. 1. The Johnsons added a double garage to their house.

2. The jury returned a verdict of manslaughter.

6. In a passive sentence, the agent is not the subject. In fact, sometimes a passive sentence will not contain an agent.

e.g. 1. The dean’s report was reviewed by the faculty senate.

2. Three cities in the country’s interior were bombed.

Step II Consolidation

Fill in the blanks using the right forms.

1. - What’s made you so upset?

- ______ ( lose ) the tickets for the concert. ( Losing )

2. It’s no use ______ ( regret ) the past mistakes. ( regretting )

3. The farmer’s _______ ( take ) pity on the snake led to his own death. ( taking )

4. It takes time _______ ( know ) a man. ( to know )

5. When and where _______ ( build ) the factory is not decided yet. ( to build )

6. The old man as well as their children ______ ( like ) swimming. ( likes )

Step Ⅲ Homework

Finish all of the Vocabulary and Grammar exercises and write Exercise 3 in their exercise books.

Unit 2 Crossing Limits


Talk about exploring the world

Practise judging situations and making decisions

Review the predicate

Write a persuasive essay

The first period Listening

Teaching goals:

1. Words and expressions: explore, exploration, discover, discovery, face risks, face challenges, modern means, equipment.

2. Enable the students to learn that exploring in the past and present are quite different.

3. Enable the students to learn how to compare the past and present exploring.

Teaching important points:

Enable the students to fully understand the “problem-solution” part in Warming up and Listening materials.

Teaching difficult points:

By training listening strategies of prediction and doing shorthand, enable students to form a good habit of listening.

Teaching methods:

Team work learning and task-based learning.

Teaching aids: A projector and some slides.

Teaching procedures:

StepⅠ Revision

Quiz: Who was the first person that mapped the Indian coast?

Who was the first person that discovered the “New World”?

Why did Abel Tasman sail along the coast of Australia and many islands in the Pacific Ocean?

What was James Cook’s purpose of his voyage?

(Keys: Zheng He; Columbus; Tasman was to answer questions about the nature of the geography of Pacific Ocean regions during the exploration; Cook was chosen by the Royal Society of London to undertake a scientific journey to Tahiti to observe and document the event as the planet Venus passed between the earth and the sun. His secret task was to find new landmasses in the south.)

Step Ⅱ Warming up

Task one: World map exploration

How many continents are there in the world? What are they?

( Asia, Africa, Europe, Oceania, North America, South America and Antarctic.)

Task two: Discussion

What were the dangers and challenges that explorers had to face in the past while exploring the world?

(First they had to struggle against big storms, icebergs and great rocks that lie unnoticed in the sea. Second, they may easily get ill without fresh vegetables on board. Third, they had to fight against pirates and unfriendly natives.)

Task three: List words and expressions

Item Words and expressions

Words with the meaning of exploration and discovery Make a discovery, expedition, explore the unknown, exploration

Purposes and experiences in the course of an expedition Do scientific research, map the coast, find a new landmass, discover an island, hit a rock, meet with storms, fight against the natives, land, hide in a harbor.

Transport and communication Set out for, set sail for, on board, by sea, on deck, by flag language, by telephone

Step Ⅲ Pre-listening

Task one: Prediction

Now we are going to hear in interview between a reporter and a professor about exploring in the past and at present. Before listening, please think what kind of questions the reporter will ask and list at least three questions.

(What communicating tools did they use in the past? How did they store enough fresh water? How did they deal with sickness in the course of exploration in the past?)

Task two: Question and answer

What modern means can explorers make use of today?

(send messages by radio; take pictures with advanced cameras in space travel; use robots and other advanced equipment to accomplish some dangerous tasks.)

Step Ⅳ While-listening

Task one: Listen for the first time and fill in the chart.

In the tape you are going to hear the differences of communication and transport used in the past and at present. Listen to the tape and fill in the chart of Exercise 2 on Page 11.

Task two: Do shorthand

Listen to the tape for the second time and fill in the chart below.

Risks in the past

Solutions for modern explorers having no map

Similarities between the past expeditions and trips to Mars

Step Ⅴ Post-listening

Discussion: Exploration means advancement. Meanwhile, explorations are not without dangers and challenges. Work in groups and find out possible solutions to the problems.

situations Exploring an uninhabited island

Going through a cave

Discover a special plant

Possible answers:

Dangers and difficulties Solutions

We may meet big waves on the voyage Prepare a boat strong enough and listen to the weather forecast beforehand.

We may get lost in the island Take a compass and make marks along the way. We may get lost in the island

We may find it difficult to make meals Prepare enough food and fresh water and take some matches.

We may be attacked by the snakes Prepare a safe sleeping bag and some medicines.

Step Ⅵ Listening practice

1. Listen to the tape for the first time and do Exercise 2 on Page 153.

2. Listen to the tape for the second time and do Exercise 3 on Page 153.

Step Ⅶ Homework.

1. Use the following words to make sentences or phrases.

Evaluate , various, make a decision, in the name of, solve the energy problem, be rich in, take possession of, damage, disturb, available.

2. Prepare Speaking.

The second period Speaking

Teaching goals:

1. Key words and phrases: evaluate, various, make a decision, in the name of, solve the energy problem, be rich in, take possession of, damage, disturb, available.

2. Expressions used to express opinions:

From my understanding, I find it possible that… In my opinion, nobody has the right to …

For the sake of …, I believe … In respect for…, we should….

Everything has two sides, but I … By no means should we …

From my point of view …

3. Enable the students to properly express ideas and opinions. Enable the students to collect facts or examples to support their opinions.

4. Teach students to learn how to express their opinions and ideas in daily life.

Teaching important points:

Learn to collect enough information for speaking by brainstorming.

Teaching difficult points:

How to prepare for a debate.

Teaching methods:

Task-based learning; Debating strategy; Co-operative learning.

Teaching aids: A projector and some slides.

Teaching procedures:

StepⅠ Revision

Read and review the words and expressions:

evaluate the situation, various solutions, make a decision, in the name of the Chinese emperor, solve the energy problem, be rich in all kinds of resources, take possession of the land, damage the relic, disturb the sleeping child, everything is available.

Step Ⅱ Lead-in

Task: Get familiar with the topic.

Read the third topic of Speaking on page 11 and find out what is talked about in this situation.

(Can we use Robots to Take the Place of Human Beings?)

Step Ⅲ Language preparation

Task one: Collect information (brainstorming)


1. Can robots do all the jobs that human beings can do?

2. Can human beings live like robots on the planet Mars?

3. Why didn’t the scientists of the USA send robots instead of Armstrong and his two co-workers to the moon?

4. What possible dangers will human beings meet on the mars?

5. Is the sacrifice worth doing for the sake of scientific advancement?

6. Are there any space disasters that you have known?

Task two: Present opinions

Work in groups. Each student presents your opinions to the other three. You are required to use the following phrases in the box below.

1. From my understanding, I find it possible that….

2. In my opinion, nobody has the right to….

3. For the sake of …, I believe…

4. In respect for …, we should…

5. Everything has two sides, but I ….

6. By no means should we sacrifice people’s life in the name of science….

Sample: In my opinion, robots should not replace human’s work because of the following reasons. First,…Second,…Third,…

Step Ⅳ Discussion

Task one: Discussion

Work in groups again. The group leader counts the positive and negative opinions in your group. Then the whole group vote to take only one opinion as your group’s opinion.

Task two: Collect information

Work in groups and try to collect enough information for a debate. You had better list as many examples as possible. Students work together as a team to collect enough information for a debate.

Step Ⅴ Debate

Task one: Presentation

Now the whole class will be divided into two large groups. One is to take the positive stand and the other is to take the negative stand. Those who take the positive stand will be in group A. And those who take the negative stand will be in Group B. Each group chooses a representative and a secretary to do shorthand.

Task two: Debate

Two groups debate with each other by using the examples and facts you have collected just now. but each debater has to be brief and come to the point.

Task three: Conclusion

Each group chooses a person to make a conclusion speech.

Step Ⅵ Homework

1. Preview the following words:

curious, wealthy, in exchange for, central position, ambassador, existence, accurate, exist, ripe, command, renew, expedition

2. Read the handout and remember as much background information of Reading as possible.

The Third & Fourth Periods Reading

Teaching goals:

1. Words and expressions:

Curious, wealthy, in exchange for, central position, ambassador, existence, accurate, exist, ripe, command, renew, expedition.

2. Enable the students to know Chinese contribution to world exploration in the 15th century.

3. Develop the students’ ability of basic reading strategies of bottom-up and top-down.

Students will understand the great contribution Zheng He had made to the world, thus they may take these national heroes as example and follow them.

Teaching important points:

the explorers’ great contribution to world trade and economy.

Teaching difficult points:

Guide the students to pick out the main clue of the passage and the development method of the text.

Teaching methods:

team-work learning; task-based learning.

Teaching aids: a projector and some slides.

Teaching procedures:

Step Ⅰ Revision

Check the homework exercises.

Step Ⅱ Lead-in

Task: Know about great explorers

Please look at the quiz and tick true or false after your reading.

1. Zheng He was a great explorer of the Ming Dynasty. His expedition to the Indian Ocean was 87 years later than Columbus’s exploration to the Atlantic Ocean. (F)

2. Zheng He’s purpose of expedition was to make trade and show friendship to other lands while Columbus was to seek treasure. (T)

3. Marco Polo traveled from Italy to China and they stayed in the Ming court for a long time. After that, they wrote stories about their travels in the Far East. Europeans were so inspired by Marco Polo’s accounts that they began searching for sea routes to China, Japan, and the East India. (F)

Step Ⅲ Pre-Reading

Task: Background information input.

Discuss the questions on page 12 and make presentations.

Sa: In the Ming Dynasty, the passage to the west, where now the central Asia stands, was controlled by Mongols. When the Mongols’ court was overrun by the Ming government, the two powers were unfriendly to each other. As a result, it was almost impossible for the merchants or ambassadors to cross the passage to the west.

Sb: Gan Ying, a great explorer and ambassador of the Han Dynasty, took the route of the Silk Road over land to accomplish a mission given by the Han emperor. He reached many countries along the Silk Road, though he was not able to arrive at his estimated destination-Da Qin.

Sc: Zheng He, a national hero, was famous for his seven voyages across the Indian Ocean, which established China’s rule of the sea in 15th century.

Step Ⅳ While-Reading

Task one: Predicting according to the title.

Please look at the title of the reading material and guess who reached out across the ocean. Why did they reach out across the ocean?

Task two: Read the first paragraph and answer the following questions:

1. What formed the foundation of mankind’s interest in exploration?

2. What was Columbus’ purpose of searching for the wealthy Asian lands?

3. Which ocean does “Western Ocean” refer to?

4. Guess who explored the Western Ocean before Columbus?

Task three: Predict the main idea of the whole passage.

( The passage is mainly about the explorers from China and other lands who explored the Indian Ocean before Columbus.)

Task four: Survey

Read paragraph 2 to paragraph 5 and answer the following questions:

1. In the Han Dynasty, who traveled over land to the East Roman Empire?

2. Between the Han and early Tang Dynasty, which part of Africa developed into the world trade center?

3. During the Tang Dynasty which traveler wrote Record of My Travels?

4. Before the Song Dynasty which means of transport did Chinese travelers mainly use?

5. In the eleventh century, who made several voyages to the court of the Song Dynasty?

Task five: Generalize the main idea of each paragraph.

Thesis sentence: Many great explorers made expeditions across the Indian Ocean long before Columbus, among whom Zheng He was the most prominent.

Main idea (before Zheng He) P2

China had contacts with countries along the Indian Ocean from the early time, and during ancient time explorers had begun to contact with each other.

Main idea: (before Zheng He) P3

Between the Han and the early Tang Dynasty, Swahili kingdoms and the islands off the African coast developed into the world trade centre and attracted merchants from the world.

Main idea (before Zheng He) P4

During the Tang Dynasty, Du Huan, who traveled to many lands, wrote the book Record of My Travels.

Main idea (before Zheng He) P5

In the eleventh century, the Africans made several voyages to the court of the Song Dynasty.

Main idea (after Zheng He) P6

By the beginning of the fifteenth century the time was ripe for a grand meeting.

Main idea (after Zheng He) P7

In the years between 1405 and 1433, under the command of Zheng He, seven large treasure fleets sailed westwards on voyages of trade and exploration.

Main idea (after Zheng He) P8

Zheng He renewed relations with the kingdoms of the East African coast.

Main idea (after Zheng He) P9

The fleet made several expeditions before the exploration was stopped.

Step Ⅴ Language points:

The Title:

reach归纳拓展 reach (out) for伸出手/脚去够…

as far as the eyes can reach就眼力所能及; 极目

within one’s reach = within the reach of sb够得着

reach out拓展,伸出

Please reach me that book.

Not a single word reached my ears.

He reached out his hand for the knife, but it was too far away.

We must reach out to those in need.

Jim reached for a gun but he was stopped.

Paragraph One:

1. endeavour--an attempt to do something

In spite of our best endeavours, it has proven impossible to contact her.

Crossing the North Pole on foot was an amazing feat of human endeavour.

endeavor--formal to try very hard. They endeavored to change society.

He endeavored to climb the mountain. You must endeavor to do it better.

Please make every endeavor to be early.

2. puzzle vt. sb + be puzzled感到疑惑 sth + be puzzling 令人疑惑

sth + puzzle + sb使…疑惑

What puzzles me is why they didn’t show up.

He looked a little puzzled. His recent behavior puzzles me.


I could not puzzle out her intentions. We finally puzzled out the meaning of the poem.


I have been puzzling about this question for weeks now.我对这个问题已冥思苦想了好几个星期。

苦思,冥思苦想[(+about/over/as to)]

n. (游戏的)猜谜,智力竞赛[C] 难题,谜,难以理解之事[S1] 困惑,迷惑[S]

Her decision was a puzzle to him.

I’m in a puzzle as to how to cope with the new situation.

3. search search spl / sb for sth在…寻找… search for sth寻找某物

in search of 寻找;寻求 in (one’s / the) search for…寻找… search sb搜查某人的身体

The police searched the prisoner to see if he had a gun.

I searched shop after shop for my sister’s birthday present.

The parents searched for their lost boy here and there, but they didn’t find him.

I will make a search for your book.

I looked everywhere in search of my glasses.

4. long before, before long (= soon ) long before和状语,与完成时态连用

long before + n. /从句 早在…之前 It be (not) long before 很久之后才/不久就….

before long不久以后,与将来时或过去时连用

There was a lively market long before.

Before long you will understand what I said is good for you.

I had waited him long before he came.

It won’t be long before you see him again.

It was long before they escaped from the cruel prison.

Paragraph Two:

1. find one’s way 设法到达

feel one’s way摸索着走; 谨慎行事 make one’s way fight one’s way打出道路

push one’s way 挤出一条路 lose one’s way迷路 all the way

by the way by way of in a way in no way in the way

I hope you can find the way home. She couldn’t find the way out of the building.

The soldiers fought their way through the fierce enemies.

2. exchange …for … in exchange for exchange … with …

I’d like to exchange five apples for five eggs.

Mary exchanged her seat with Ann.

He is giving her French lessons in exchange for his English lessons

She is giving him English lessons in exchange for his teaching her Chinese.

I gave him a book in exchange for his MP3 player.

I’ve offered to paint the kitchen in exchange for a week’s accommodation.(膳宿)

Paragraph Three:

off Keep off the grassland !

cut a piece off the loaf The ship was brown off its course.

Paragraph Four:

1. be taken prisoner被抓:

Someone who is kept in a prison as a legal punishment for a crime or while they are waiting for their trial. Our pilot was taken prisoner .

2. wander ( 常与about /in/ through连用) The children wandered in the woods.

The river wanders through beautiful country.

They wandered up and down the road aimlessly. His mind wandered back to his college life.

Paragraph Six:

1. awareness: 察觉;意识

be aware of …意识到……I was not aware of the fire.

We were quite aware (of) how you would respond to our terms.

He doesn’t seem to be aware of the coldness of their attitude towards his appeal.

2. accurate, correct, exact辨析(inaccurate adj. 不准确的)均含”正确的”意思。

accurate 表示”准确的”,精确的,指”通过努力, 使事情达到正确”, 如:

She gave an accurate account of the accident. 她对事故做了准确的描述。

correct 为一般用语, 指”正确的”, 如:

He gave correct answers to the questions. 他对这些问题提出了正确的答案。

exact 表示”确切的”,”精确无误的”,指”与事实完全相符”, 如:

His answer is quite exact. 他的回答完全正确。

Paragraph Seven:

command vt., vi.(常与to, that连用)命令;指挥;统率

The officer commanded his men to fire.

He commanded silence. 他命令大家肃静。

He commanded that everyone make the best of the chance of senior three.

博得;赢得Einstein was really a great man who is able to command everyone’s respect.

掌握;控制;对…有支配权to command oneself控制自己

This island country commands immense natural resources.

俯视;俯临 That fort commands the whole valley.

n. 命令 command internal(计算机的)内部命令

控制;统率The army is under the king’s command. 军队由国王直接统率。

under the command of …在……的领导之下

The army is under the command of General Washington.

Bill is in command of the fleet.

司令部;指挥部;司令官 a high command高级司令官(空军)大队

运用能力;掌握 She has a good command of the French language. 她精通法语。

Paragraph Eight:

He sent a message to…, inviting them to send….他发信给…, 邀请他们派…。当表示打电话、写信、发电报告诉某人做某事时,常用-ing形式表示伴随。

send a message to sb. 送信

Step Ⅵ Homework

Remember the phrases and expressions in this period by heart.

The fifth Period Integrating Skills

Teaching difficult points:

Generalize the whole passage by picking out key information.

Teaching methods:

Team work learning; Task-based learning.

Teaching aids:

A projector and some slides.

Teaching procedures:

Step Ⅰ Revision

Check homework exercises.

Step Ⅱ Lead-in

What difficulties and dangers will a person face when he climbs Mount Qomolangma?

Step Ⅲ While-Reading

Task one: Predict the content

1. What are needed to conquer Mount Qomolangma?

(necessary equipment and preparations, climber’s skill, courage, strong will and wisdom)

1. What does “going high” mean?

2. What is the passage going to talk about? The pioneers or the third pole?

Task two: Read and check information.

Read the first two paragraphs and answer the 3 questions of Exercise 1 on Page 17.

Task three: Questions and Answers

Read para.3 to para.5 and answer the following questions:

1. Why can the Tibetans live at ease in such extreme conditions?

2. What makes Sherpas the most reliable guides in every attempt to climb Mount Qomolangma?

3. What might have been the possible reasons that made British expeditions fail in 1922 and in 1924?

4. Why could Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay make it to the summit of Mount Qomolangma?

5. How do you understand the sentence “Like winning in the Olympic Games, climbing a mountain such as Mount Qomolangma is a great achievement”?

After the first successful climbing, why did so many people still want to climb Mount Qomolangma?

Step Ⅳ Language Points

Paragraph One:

1.the origins of the world’s major rivers世界上主要河流的源头

“We cannot escape our origins, however hard we try” (James Baldwin)”无论如何努力,我们也改变不了我们的出身”(詹姆斯鲍德温)

Many Americans are African by origin.许多美国人是非洲血统。

2. accomplish / complete / finish / achieve

accomplish通常接task, aim, journey, voyage等名词,指成功完成预期目标;




Paragraph Two:

apart from除……之外(aside from)

All the children like music apart from Bobby.

The writer lives apart from his family.

Apart from being too large, the trousers don’t suit me.

Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all.

apart adv. 相隔;相距;除去;分开地

Alice and her husband now live apart.

New York and Tokyo are thousands of miles apart.

They planted the trees three meters apart.

She lives apart from her family.

A few little things apart, the party was a great success.

Paragraph Three:

1. sacred adj.神圣的;与神有关的

Temples, mosques, churches and synagogues are all sacred buildings.宗教的,与宗教有关的sacred writings宗教经典

The Koran is the sacred book of the Muslims.

(常与to连用)神圣不可侵犯的He considered it a sacred duty to fulfill his dead father’s wishes.

严肃的;郑重的;庄严的: a sacred promise郑重的诺言

习惯用法be sacred from免除, 不受 hold sacred尊重, 保护

2. act as guides充当向导 act as 扮演;担当;充当。后面所接的名词常可不加冠词。

A trained dog can act as a guide to a blind man. He acts as manager.

One of his friends acted as go-between.

3. ideal adj.理想的;完美的

This dictionary is ideal - it’s exactly what I needed这本词典很理想,正是我所需要的。

空想的;想象中的: ideal plans for making money赚钱的空想计划

n.理想;理想的东西;最终目的: to realize one’s ideal实现最终目的

Paragraph Four:

1. be up against面对,对抗 up against difficulties面临困难

up against it面临极大的困难(多指经济困难)

2. refer to sth /sb as认为某人某物… refer vt., vi. (-rr-)(常与to 连用)查资料;参考

涉及;提到Keats is referring to epic poetry when he mentions Homer’s ‘proud demesne’.

针对;有关: The new law does not refer to farm land. 新法律与耕地无关。

提交;交付: The shop referred the complaint to the manufacturers.商店把投诉转交给制造商。

refer oneself to依赖, 求助于

refer to提到, 谈到, 涉及,参考, 查阅,向...打听[查询],认为与...有关, 认为...起源于...

3.run out用尽,用完(= become used up)其主语通常为时间、食物以及金钱等名词。

His money soon ran out.

run out of用完了,表示主动含义,主语一般是人。

He is always running out of money before pay day.

[注意]run out of还有”从…中流出”之义;run out也表示”流出”,但其后不接宾语。

4. make it做成功,达成; make it to +地点 到达某地

Paragraph Five:

1. arise vi. (arose, arisen) 出现,呈现;发生 arise from / out of由…引起(产生)

Some unexpected difficulties / opportunities have arisen.出现了一些意外的困难(机会)。

2. in one’s attempt to do 尝试做某事 attempt n. vt. 尝试,企图;企图杀害

The prisoner attempted an escape but failed. They attempted a surprise attack.

They attempted to climb Mt Everest. He attempted breaking the world record.

He failed in his attempt to win first prize. They made an attempt on the life of the President.

attempted adj. 未遂的,意图的

Step Ⅴ Post-Reading

Turn to page 17 and look at Exercise 2. Explain the following phrases and sentences from the text in English.

Step Ⅵ Homework

1. Recite the important sentences.

2. Wb. Exx.

The Sixth Period Grammar

Teaching important points:

Different types of Predicate.

Teaching difficult points:

By reviewing the Predicate, get the students to establish a sense of exactness in using the voices and tenses.

Teaching methods:

Team work learning; Task-based learning; Repetition and practice.

Teaching aids: A projector and some slides.

Teaching procedures:

Step Ⅰ Revision

Check homework exercises.

Step Ⅱ Word study

1. Turn to page 14 and do Exercise one.

2. Turn to page 156 and look at Exercise 4 of Word Study.

Step Ⅲ Grammar Study


What can be used as Predicate? Verbs: 实义动词、情态动词和连系动词



We parted in 1984 and met again in 1999.(实义动词)He is a good student.(连系动词)

These apples look nice.(连系动词)We can help him with his English. (情态动词)不能单独作谓语

2.比较 中 文 英 文

他现在不会在家的。 He can’t be home now .

你是位老师吗? Are you a teacher ?

她喜欢看小说。 She likes reading novels.

我要动身去美国。 I am leaving for the USA.



2)谓语动词表达时间的变化形式与表达动作状态的变化形式 往往是一致的。

一. 时态和语态

1. They raise ducks as a sideline (副业) .一般现在时

2. He got his driving license last month. 一般过去时

3. If you go to New Zealand, you are going to like the place. 一般将来时

4. She told me that she would go on trip to Europe the next day. 过去将来时

5. They are having a football match . 现在进行时

6. When I came to see her last time, she was writing an article. 过去进行时

7. By now, I have collected all the data that I need . 完成现在时

8. The telephone rang no sooner than he had come into the house. 过去完成时

9. I’ve been waiting for you for the whole morning. 现在完成进行时

二. 要注意的几个问题

1. 每学一种时态,要反复地、认真地去琢磨这种时态的作用及其使用的语言环境。

e.g. He speaks English .(一般现在时,说明动作发生的经常性。)

He spoke English when he was in New Zealand .(一般过去时,说明动作发生的时间。)

He is speaking English.(现在进行时,说明动作正在进行。)

He has learned English for three years since he came to the USA. (现在完成时,这里说明动作的总和。)

He has been speaking English since he came to the USA. (现在完成进行时,强调动作的连性。)

2. 在时间状语从句或条件状语从句的中,如果主句的谓语动词是一般将来时,那么从句的谓语动词就只能用一般现在时来表示将来时;如果主句的谓语动词是过去将来时,那么从句的谓语动词就只能用一般过去时来表示过去将来时。

e.g. I will not play tennis if it rains tomorrow.

I would not play tennis if it rained the next day.

3. 在使用现在完成时的句子里,不可以带有表示具体过去时间的状语,如:yesterday , last week ( month , year , etc. ) , two weeks ago , in 1999等;但常和有些副词连用,如: just , before , already , often , never , ever , not…yet , always等等。

4. 在以when提问的特殊疑问中不能用现在完成时。另外,ago不能用于现在完成时的句子里,但是可以用before 来表示”以前”的意义.

1)---When did the train leave? ---It left ten minutes ago. 2)I have read this before.

5. 如果是不表示连续性的动词用于现在完成时的句子,不可以和表示”一段时间”的状语连用。在这种情况下,应该用”It is… since…”的句式来表达。

He has joined the army for five years. (wrong)

It is five years since he joined the army. (right)


1. 要想正确地使用被动语态,就须注意哪些动词是及物的,哪些是不及物的。特别是一词多义的动词往往有两种用法。解决这一问题唯有在学习过程中多留意积累。

The accident was happened last week. (wrong)

The accident happened last week. (right)

2. 主动形式表示被动意义

1)表事物特性 v +adv. (wash, cut, sell, read, wear, write, sell, tear)

The book sells well. This knife cuts easily. Paper tears easily.

2)I was to blame for the accident.

3) 在need, require, want, be worth 后的动名词必须用主动形式。

The door needs repairing.= The door needs to be repaired.

This room needs cleaning. This book is worth reading.


1. 由or 连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词应与靠近它的主语一致。还有either … or … , neither … nor …, not only … but also … 即是就近原则。e. g.

Are you or he to drive ? Was she or you there ?

2. 由两个名词由with (together with,along with,as well as, rather than,no less than,but, besides,except )连接时,谓语动词应与前面的主语一致。e. g.

Nobody but John and Helen was absent. I rather than you, am responsible for the accident.

3. 英语中,一些表示总称意义的名词,如:police,people,cattle, 等作主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式。e. g.

Some people spend a lot of money on clothes. Cattle are raised everywhere by the farmers.

4. 集体名词作主语时: 指一个整体,谓语用单数;表一个一个的人或整体中的部分成员时,谓语用复数。(class ,club, committee, company, crew, crowd, enemy, army, government, group, party, public, team, family, 等。)


5. 当主语表示时间,重量,距离,价格时,谓语动词用单数。

Five hundred dollars is quite enough for the return voyage (返航).

Seven kilometers was covered in two hours .

6. 当主语是一个从句,不定式或动名词时,谓语一般用单数。

Whether he succeeds or fails doesn’t concern me . (他成功或失败与我无关)

Swimming in the Yangtze River needs great courage.

7. 定语从句的关系代词在从句中充当主语时,从句的谓语应与先行词保持一致。

She is the only one of the students who has passed the examination.

They told us something about the houses which were built in the 1540’s / 1540s.

8. 在强调句中,强调主语时,后面的动词还是由被强调的主语来确定。

I am in the search for my missing gold ring .

其强调句为:It is I who am in the search for my missing gold ring.

Step Ⅳ Exercise:

1. You ___ your father everything, which only upset him.

A. should have told B. should tell C. shouldn’t tell D. shouldn’t have told

2. I ___ to send you the book on writing but there weren’t any copies left in the book store.

A. mean B. was meaning C. had meant D. would mean

3. It is the third time that the student ____ late for school this week.

A. is B. was C. has been D. will be

4. I ___ with a friend in New York just now. I’ll be back next week.

A. stayed B. have stayed C. stay D. am staying

5. By the end of last term, the students ____Oxford English Book III.

A. finished B. had finished C. had been finished D. would finish

6. The plan ____ before it ____.

A. had been talked over; was carried out B. had been talked; was carried

C. was talked over; had been carried out D. talked over; carried out

7. The water___ too hot. Pour in some cold water, please.

A. is felt B. is feeling C. has felt D. feels

8. If the teacher ___kind to the students, they ___ her now.

A. were; wouldn’t hate B. had been; wouldn’t hate

C. were to be ; wouldn’t have hated D. were; wouldn’t have hated

9. My teacher strongly suggested that I ____ to a spare-time school at weekend.

A. ought to go B. had to go C. go D. had better go

10. I would rather you ___ yesterday.

A. had come B. came C. would come D. come

Suggested answers: 1-5 DCCDB 6-10 ADBCB

The Seventh Period Writing

Teaching goals:

1. Words and expressions:

Possibility, achievement, characteristic, argue, struggle, against, have nothing to do with, rely on, natural process, compare, spoil, the use of technology, lower the value of, instead of

It’s hard to decide…however… Take everything into consideration, I ….

In spite of …, I still believe… I am likely to think…because…

My choice will be…

2. Enable the students to master two kinds of useful strategies used in writing: Opinion---examples; opinion--- facts.

3. Get students to write a persuasive essay by following the process: language preparation (presenti















6 语言的演变2023-10-17






