模块八第四单元单词导学案 (译林牛津版高二英语选修八教案教学设计)

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模块八第四单元单词导学案 (译林牛津版高二英语选修八教案教学设计)(锦集13篇)由网友“别跟我舞舞扎扎”投稿提供,以下是小编整理过的模块八第四单元单词导学案 (译林牛津版高二英语选修八教案教学设计),欢迎阅读分享,希望对您有所帮助。

模块八第四单元单词导学案 (译林牛津版高二英语选修八教案教学设计)


1.representative 1) adj: 有代表性的, 典型的 a representative Chinese city

2) n. 典型;代表, 有代表性的人或事物

I have sent my representative to the meeting.

Represent vt.

1) 代表, 维护……的利益;

工会代表着20余万教师的利益. The union __________over 200,000 teachers.

2) 代表,体现; 象征

这些言论不足以体现我们所有人的看法.Those comments do not represent the views of us all.

2. view n. 景色, 风景 [C] 观点, 见解 [C] 视力, 视野[U]

come into view 映入眼帘, 看见 in one's view 依照个人的见解

in view of 鉴于;考虑到

view vt. 观看;认为, 把…看作是view… as…

Several possible buyers have come to view the house.(查看)

The plan was viewed favorably. 这一计划是受到称赞的.

(1)他对这个问题的看法众所周知。His _____ _____ the subject were well known.

(2)由于天气的缘故, 比赛将在室内进行.

__ ___ ___ ___ _______, the match will be held indoors.

(3)你对学校的处罚有什么看法? What is ____ ____ ___the punishments of our school?


There’s a fine ____ ___ the mountain from our hotel window .

3.interrupt v. 打断 打扰 I’m sorry to have interrupted you.

It is rude to interrupt. 打断别人的话,是不礼貌的。

Traffic in the city was interrupted by a snowstorm. 市内交通被暴风雪所阻断。

Be quiet! It’s rude to __________ people when they are talking.

A. stop B. introduce C. prevent D. interrupt

Production at the factory was __________ for two hours because there was no electricity.

A. interrupted B. disturbed C. missed D. lost

4. in defence of 为……辩护;保卫 defend vt. 保卫;辩护

defend one’s country 保卫国家 defend his reputation. 保护他的声誉

The accused man had a lawyer to defend him. 被告有律师为他辩护。

defend … against / from … 保卫; 抵抗 defend oneself against enemy防御敌人。

5.distinguish v 区别 区分 辨别A与B

1) tell/distinguish A from B 2) tell the differences between A and B

3) distinguish between A and B 4) tell A and B apart


It’s hard ___ _________ one twin _____ the other.


What is it that ____________ _____ _____ her classmates?

distinguished adj. 著名的;显著的 be distinguished for 以...而著名

distinction n. 区别; 殊荣

6. reject vt. 拒绝接受(接纳), 谢绝; 驳回; 舍弃, 排斥

reject doing sth refuse to do sth 拒绝做--

他直截了当地拒绝了他们的邀请.He ______ _____ _________ point-blank.

reject an appeal 驳回上诉 reject an offer of help 拒绝提供的帮助

n. 不合格品,次品

a tire that is a reject 不合格的轮胎

7. favour n. 帮助, 恩惠, 赞同, 支持

do sb. a favour 帮某人一个忙 in favour of 赞同或支持某人/某物

in one’s favour 有利于某人 owe sb. a favor 欠某人一个情

v. 优惠, 偏爱, 偏袒, 有助于, 有利于;

favour sb./sth. 偏袒某人/某物 favour sb with sth. 乐意给予某人某物


We are all ____ ____ _____ equal pay for equal work.


The present situation is ___ ____ ______.


Could you __ ___ __ ______ to carry the box onto the car?


1. 作名词时: award意为“奖品;奖金”,其义与prize近似,常指因做出某项成就而奖。如:The Olympic winner received a gold medal as an award.


He won the second award of $ 2,000. 他获得二等奖,奖金二千元。

The novel earned him a literary award. 这部长篇小说为他赢得文学奖。

reward意为“酬金,报酬 (可以是金钱或非金钱的) ”等。

如:We will offer a reward of ten thousand dollars for information about the case.


We don’t expect substantial rewards. 我们并不期望得到优厚的报酬。

2. 作动词时,award意为“发给,给予(奖品);(法院)判给”等;


He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. 他被授予诺贝尔和平奖。

The judge awarded him twenty thousand dollars as damages.


Success has rewarded my efforts. 成功是我努力的结果。

Is that how you reward me for my help? 你就是这样来报答我给你的帮助吗?

[拓展] in reward 作为报酬

[练习] 用award或reward的适当形式填空。

1. The best students are ______ special scholarships.

2. The people who find it will be ______.

3. A large ______ is offered for the return of the ring.

4. He received honours and ______ from the government for his contribution to agricultural production.

Keys:1. awarded 2. rewarded 3. reward 4. awards

9. admission n准许进入;准许加入

admission by ticket only.凭票入场。 admission free 免费入场

gain /obtain admission to /into 获准进入

be admitted to/into… admit doing sth

9.appoint v. 任命, 委派 appoint sb to do sth 委派某人做某事

appoint sb as sth 任命某人为-- appoint sb to 委派某人去--

make an appointment 预约 keep an appointment守约

have an appointment to do sth 约好做某事 by appointment 按约定

10. make / reach an agreement

His opinion is in agreement with mine. 他的意见和我的一致

agree with sb / what sb says.

agree to the plan / arrangement.

agree on the date / price…

11.to one’s satisfaction使某人满意的是 far from satisfaction远不能令人满意

nod with satisfaction 满意地点头

vt. satisfy be satisfied with with a satisfied look / smile

a satisfying performance

12. sensitive adj. (常与to连用)敏感的; 易感受的

She is sensitive to what people think of her. 她很敏感人们对她是怎么想的。

sense n. 意义 感觉;辨识力 in a broad sense 广义地

a good sense of business / direction/ humor 有生意脑/ 方向感强/幽默感强

make sense 有意义;讲得通

There is no sense in doing sth =There is no point in doing sth 做某事没有意义

13.suspect v 怀疑,怀疑(某人)有罪

suspect sth/ that 从句 suspect sb of sth suspect sb of doing sth


she strongly suspected that her husband had been lying.

He’s suspected of murder/ being spy .

14. contrary adj. 相反的;相对的 (常与to连用)

contrary opinions 相反的意见 be contrary to 与...相反

on the contrary (与此)相反,

adv(常与to连用) 相反地;相对地

He passed the examination, contrary to what I expected.


15.possess 1. vt.拥有,持有;具有;占有 He possesses three cars.

2. 支配,控制One main idea possessed her; she must get away from home.

3. be possessed of 具有(某种品质 能力等)

Though she is plain-looking, Mary is possessed of great intelligence.

possession cn财产,所有物 un拥有,持有,占有

He lost all his possessions in the fire.

The possession of a passport is essential for foreign travel.

take possession of / be in possession of 拥有某物

in one’s possession / in the possession of 被..拥有


1. 抱怨;抗议;怨言;抱怨的缘由[Cn][Un](+about)

I have a lot of complaints about the hotel room you have given me.

2 complain vi complain about sth to sb

She complained to me about his rudeness.

She often complains about not feeling appreciated at work.

17.tendency n.[C] 1. 倾向;癖性;天分[(+to/toward sth)]

1)有…的趋向 He ______________________ alcoholism.

2)往往会做某事 have a tendency to do sth

He is nice but he has a tendency to talk too much.

2. 趋势,潮流[(+to/toward)][+to-v]

We have noticed a growing tendency for people to work at home instead of in offices.

trend 总的趋向或倾向 a recent trend in literature


( ) 1. ____ the heavy rain, they continued working in the field.

A. Although B. Regardless of C. Despite of D. In case of

( ) 2. The more I think about him, the more reasons I find for loving him ____ I did.

A. as much as B. as long as C. as soon as D. as far as

( ) 3. It is certain that he will _____ his business to his son when he gets old.

A. take over B. think over C. hand over D. go over

( ) 4. The book has been well received, but __ actual sales, it hasn’t been very successful.

A thanks to B. in terms of C. according to D. regardless of

( ) 5. Now that she is out of a job, Lucy ___going back to school , but she hasn’t decided yet.

A. had considered B. has been considering

C. considered D. is going to consider

( ) 6. Why don’t you just ____ your own business and leave me alone?

A. make B. open C. consider D. mind

( ) 7. _____ everything, this is a pleasant journey.

A. Considered B. Considerate C. Considering D. Considerable

( ) 8. ____everything into consideration, she decided to work in the company.

A. Giving B. Taking C. Taken D. Given

( ) 9. I don’t like to ask people for help as a rule but I wonder if you could ____ me a favor.

A. make B. do C. find D. get

( ) 10. Generally speaking, chances tend to ______ those who are hard-working and well prepared.

A. favor B. honor C. focus D. intend

( ) 11. Look at your shirt! It requires ______.

A.washing B. washed C. to wash D. being washed

( ) 12. He will agree to do what you require ______ him.

A. of B. from C. to D. for

( ) 13. When ____ different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities.

A. compared B. being compared C. comparing D. having compared

( ) 14. ____ he referred to in his article was unknown to the general reader.

A. That B. What C. Whether D. Where

( ) 15. Though he had been ill in bed for several months, he was _____ of the new development in his field.

A. aware B. conscious C. ignorant D. ignorance

篇2:译林牛津英语模块7 第四单元单词导学(译林牛津版高二英语选修七导学案)

主备人:周萍 审核人:曹刚

1、historic adj 有历史意义的,历史上著名的

historical 历史上的,(有关)历史的

__ historical ___ evidence a__ historical ____ play

a _ historic____ meeting a___ historic____ strike

The whole world saw the_ historic___ moment,when Nelson Mandela was released from prison.

2、choke off阻塞,使窒息,粗鲁地或突然阻止某人

choke sth down choke sth back choke (up)with

The heavy snow _choked off___ traffic

when I was telling them about the accident

he__choked ___ me__ off ______.

The garden is _choked with________ weeks. 花园里杂草,丛生

please__choke back________your tears / anger 请忍住你的眼泪

3、beneath prep & adv.在……之下,在底下,低于 / 地位低于

山谷就在底下 _the valley lies beneath.____ __

plastic is used _beneath__ the rocks to prevent weeds growing through

轮船沉没于波涛下面_the ship sank beneath the waves.___

she would not speak to people she considered beneath her._地位低于她的人

4、link ①link up vt 把……连接 / vi 汇合,集合

②link sth with sth

两条公路在这里衔接起来__the two hiahways link up here._________

where shall we link up?__我们在哪集合?_____

_link______ theory__with____ practice.把理论和实践结合起来。

_Link up____ the islands.把岛屿连起来。

5、accelerate vt.加速,促进 n. acceleration 加速,促进

accelerator 加速器 v. decelerate 减速

This is a car with good__ acceleration _____.

This will _ accelerate _________ the rate of growth.

Exposure to the sun can__ accelerate _____(加快)aging process.

6、permit n. 许可证,通行证。

v 许可、允许 permit sb to do / doing (allow , forbid)

n. permission 准许,许可

you can’t enter a military base without a permit._没有许可证,不可以进入军事基地

whthout my_ permission _______ you can’t go out.

要是天气许可,我明天一定来.__i’m sure to come if weather permits___.

We don’t permit you _to smoke__________(smoke)here.

7、dozen n.一打,十二个 a dozen / dozens of in dozens / by the dozen.按打

①my mother bought a _ dozen _______ eggs.

②pack them in dozens__按打装袋吧______________.

③Eggs are sold___ by the dozen _____________.

④she’s got ___ dozens of _______ boy friends.

8、arise vi发生,产生,形成,起立,起身/床,呈现

arise from 由……引起,由……产生

①机会来了。_an opportunity gas arisen.

②出现了新困难_a new difficulty has arisen.

③事故往往起因于粗心_accidents often arise from carelessness.

④As students we must arise at dawn.作为学生,我们必须天亮起床。

9、postpone vt 推迟,延迟 put off / delay.

①our visit _to the museum_____ is ___postponed

②晚会推迟到8点举行_the party was postponed until 8 o’clock.

③Let’s post phone making a decision until we have more information.


10、impatient.adj 不耐烦的,急躁,迫切的be impatient with sb / of sth 对……不耐烦

be impatient to do / for sth 迫切的 / 渴望的

①我们渴望他们到来。__we are impatient for his arrival.__

②Be patient_with_____your child!

③All the students are impatient __to______ _know_______the results.

④He was impatient__of______________any interruption.(打扰).

11、fine n.罚金 adj 美好的,晴朗的,健康的,v. 罚款

①他被罚款200美元. __he was fines 200dollars__________

②Have you handed in your fine?

③It Poured all morning, but turned fine late.

12、consume v.消耗,消费,饮食,毁灭 consumer n.消费者

be consumed with sth 被……所吞噬 comsumption n.消费,消耗

①The fire quickly _ consumed_____ the wooden house.

②The _ comsumers ______complained about the poor quality of the electronic products.

③The petrol_ comsumption __________ of the car is very high.

④Each year Americans_ comsume_____ a high percen tage of the world’s energy.

13、dismiss v. 解散,开除,从心中消除,放弃,不理

1、如果你再迟到,你将被解雇。_if you are late again, you’ll be dismissed.___

2、He was dismissed from school. _他被学校开除了。_______

3、The teacher dismissed theclass.下课了

4、she was dismissed as a dreamer.__她作为一个空想家,而不被理睬。.

14、departure n.离开,启程,出发 v. depart 离开,走开

adj departed 死去的 the daparted 死去的人.

departure from / depart from 背离,违反a point of departure 起点,a new departure 新起点,新方案

①我们上午10点,动身去伦敦. _we departed __for London at 10 a.m._

②His__ departure __ (离开)was quite unexpected.

③working on a farm is a new__ departure ____ for him.(起点)

15、function n.功能,作用,职责 vi起作用,运转

adj functional 功能的,机能的

function as 用作…起…作用 serve as / be used as 用作

The __ function _______ of the heart is to pump blood though the body.

It is not the function of this committee to dealwith dismissals. _______

The sofa can also _ function as _______a bed.

His brain seems to be _ functioning _____nor mally.

16、effectively adv. 有效的,有力的,事实上,实际的adj effective 有效的 n. effect v.affect put…in effect 使……开始使用. have an effect on

in effect 实际上,事实上 = effectively. come into effect 生效,实施

-Did the medicine have any_effect____ on you?

-Yes, it is _effctive___to my cold.

17、board. n. 布告牌,公告牌,理事会,董事会v. 登上(汽车,飞机,火车)on the board 布告牌上/ on board 在船上在飞机上.

①I wrote the exam results up on the board.

②There is only one woman on the board of directors. ___董事会

③passengers are asked to _ board _____ half an hour before departure time.

④I__ board ___with the Blacks during the week.



1、arise from 2、under repair

3、a couple of 4、link up

5、choke off 6、in henour of

7、in use 8、at a discount

9、go through 10、be aware of

11、watch out for 12、apply to

13、in need of 14、in good condition

15、in the hope that 16、drop off

17、wash away 18、take notice of

19、make use of 20、make up for

21、speed up 22、in addition to


1、这些货物将减价出售(at a discount)

__these goods will be sold at a discount.____________

2、下雨不但会冲走土壤,而且也会引起严重的水灾。(wash away)

_heavy rain will not wash away the soil but will caouse serious flood.___

3、别理会他的话!(take notice of)

_don’t take notive of what he says._______

4、你给我一些建议怎样才能弥补损失吗?(make up for)

__can you give ne some advice on how to make up for the loss.____

5、销售量在第四个季度减少了。(drop off )

_sales dropped off in the fourth quarter.______ _____

6、她除节食之外,还每天做运动以减肥。(In addition to )

___in addition to a diet, she doed exercise to lose weight every day.____

7、他又问了她一次,指望着能说服他来。(in the hope that )

_he asked her again in the hope that he would persuade her to come.____

篇3:译林牛津模块8 Unit 1 学案(译林牛津版高二英语选修八学案设计)

Reading Appreciating Literature

编写:尤丽莉 柏玉 审阅:陈兰


1.To help the students to understand the text

2.To learn the reading strategy

3.To learn the vocabulary about the text



1.经典的 adj. 2 古董n.

3 文学的 adj. 4 被承认的 adj.

5 智慧 n. 6 灰尘 n.

7 改编 n. 8 作品 n.

9 章 n. 10 单纯的 adj.

11 不确定 n. 12 紧张 n.

13 转弯 n&v 14 情节 n.

15 慷慨的 adj. 16 财富 n.

17 金融的 adj. 18 突然的 adj.

19 持续的 adj. 20 破旧的 adj.

21.缺点 n. 22. 浅薄的 adj.

23. 偏见 n. 24. 严格的 adj.

25. 有教养的 adj. 26. 主题 n.

27 .财富 n. 28.花哨的 n.


1. What is classic literature?

2. Who is Charles Dickens?


3.How old is Rip when the story begins?


1. They are novels, plays and poems that were written a long time ago and were so well written and well received that people still read them today. (P2) 它们是很久以前创作的小说,戏剧和诗歌,写得很好,很受欢迎, 直至今日人们仍然在阅读这些作品。


so...that结构中的so为副词,后面跟形容词或副词;such...that中的such为形容词,后面接名词 (名词前可以有形容词或副词修饰)。例如:

He became so angry that he couldn't speak. 他变得很生气,以致说不出话来。

It was such a fine day that we went out for a walk. 那是一个很晴朗的日子,我们出去散步。


v. [T] 1) to get or be given sth.: 收到

Did you receive my letter?

I received a phone call from your mother.

They received a visit from the police.

2) to be able to hear someone's voice when they are communicating with you by radio: (无线电)接收

I'm receiving you loud and clear.

3) to react to sth. or someone in a particular way that shows how you feel about it or them: 被承认的,受欢迎的

The prime minister's speech was well/warmly/coldly, etc. received by the conference delegates.

3. Many people do not read them because they think they are old fashioned and boring, and have nothing to do with life today… (P2) 许多人不读经典文学作品是因为觉得它们过时了,枯燥乏味,与今天的生活没有任何关系。

have nothing to do with


be/have something to do with

to be related to sth. or a cause of sth. but not in a way that you know about or understand exactly: 与…有关

I'm not sure what he does exactly - it's something to do with finance.

It might have something to do with the way it's made.

4. He first published many novels one chapter at a time in newspapers, and some were later performed on stage. (P2) 他的许多小说起初是在报纸上连载, 每次一章, 有些作品后来被搬上了舞台.

at a time

dealing with things separately: 每次,一次

If you raise your hands, I’ll answer your questions one at a time.

Frank took the stairs two at a time.

Because of his work, he is often away for weeks at a time.


once upon a time

used at the beginning of children's stories to mean 'a long time ago': 很久很久以前

Once upon a time there was a beautiful young princess with long golden hair.

at the same time

despite this: 与此同时,尽管如此

No-one likes conflict, but at the same time we have to deal with this problem.

all the time

continuously: 一直,总是

I wish you'd stop criticizing me all the time.

for the time being

for a limited period: 暂时

Leave the ironing for the time being - I'll do it later.

in no time (ALSO in next to no time)

very quickly or very soon: 很快,不久

The children ate their dinner in no time.

ahead of time

in advance: 提前

Let's meet for lunch. I'll call you ahead of time to fix up exactly when and where.

at any time

ever: 任何时候

Parking is not allowed here at any time.

at (any) one time (ALSO at a time or at any given time)

at or during any particular point or moment in the day:

Only a certain number of people are allowed in the building at any one time.

I'm sorry, but I'm too busy to help you now - I can only do one thing at a time.

at the time

at the particular point when sth. was thought of or done: 当时,此时

It seemed like a good idea at the time.

in time

early enough:及时

I got home just in time - it's starting to rain.

If we don't hurry up, we won't be in time to catch the train.

We arrived in good time (= We arrived early) for the start of the match.

from time to time

sometimes but not often: 时不时的

From time to time I still think of her

at one time

in the past: 曾经,一度

At one time, George Eliot lived here.

5. Pip’s sister seldom has a kind word to say, but Joe is a kind and simple man, who would rather die than see any harm come to Pip.(P3)皮普的姐姐几乎没有什么善言好语,但乔却是一个淳朴善良的人,他宁愿死也不愿意看到皮普受到任何伤害。

would rather

The phrase would rather means ‘prefer to do sth.’. It is usually shortened to ’d rather in informal English.

I’d rather have a quiet night in front of the TV.

We could go to the park for a picnic next Sunday if you would rather do that.

She’d rather go shopping in the afternoon.

The phrase would rather --- than --- means ‘to prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. else’.

I’d rather stay at home than go shopping in the crowded department store.

I’d rather go to the cinema to watch a new film than watch an old one at home.

She’d rather read storybooks than watch cartoon films.

6. Excited by his move to London, Pip can hardly wait to begin his new life. (P3) 搬到伦敦让皮普兴奋不已,他迫不及待地开始了他的新生活。


adv. only just; almost not: 几乎不

I could hardly hear her at the back.

11. Pip is bent on becoming a gentleman and winning Estella’s love. (P3) 皮普一心要成为一名绅士,赢得爱斯特拉的芳心。


v. [I or T] (bent, bent) 1) to (cause to) curve: (使)弯曲

I bent down and picked up the coins lying on the road.

After her fall she complained that she couldn't bend her leg properly.

2) to unwillingly accept the opinions or decisions of other people: 向……屈服

The local council was forced to bend to public pressure.

n. [C] a curved part of sth.: 弯头

There's a bend in the pipe so you can't see from one end to the other.

be bent on

The crowd of young people was bent on violence.

7. make the acquaintance of (P5)


n. [C] a person that you have met but do not know well: 见过的人

a business acquaintance

[U] FORMAL used in some expressions about knowing or meeting people:

It was at the Taylors' party that I first made his acquaintance (= first met him).

have a nodding acquaintance with sb./sth.

to know someone slightly or have a slight knowledge of a subject:

She has only a nodding acquaintance with the issues involved.


班级_____ 姓名______学号________

I 填词与 翻译

1. Classics are the __________ of the literary world.

2. In a modern __________________ of Charles Dicken’s novel appeared in cinemas.

3. There is a ____________ in the plot when a very _____________ stranger gives Pip a lot of money. Pip is about 18 when this happens, and the ___________ stes him free from _________ worries. Pip makes the _________ decision to move from Kent, which is a __________ __________ of his ____________ beginnings to the bright lights of London

4 我想这些经典小说如果与现代生活没有关系的话,是不会被编成影片的


5 不久他养成了浅薄 偏见的缺点,真挚歧视以前的同伴.



1 His headache has nothing to do _____ the operation.

A for B on C with D /

2 He may go home, he will have nothong to do _____ next week.

A for B on C with D /

3 If I _____ to do this test, I should do it in another way.

A were B was C am D are

4 Not only _______ problem very important, but it is a difficult problem to be solved at once.

A this is B is this C this are D are this

5 My aunt invited me to the movies, but I said I would rather ______ on a picnic with the girls.

A going B gone C went D go

6 He is full of racial prejudice ______ career habits.

A for B against C with D from

7 He was bent _______ them happpy.

A on making B making C in making D to make

8 The novel Oliver Twist ____ England _____ was about a poor boy who had only misfortune, not a real family and the love he deserved.

A. was set in; in 1830 B. was set in; in the 1839’s

C. set in; in the 1830s D. set in; in 1830s

9 After his mother died, Oliver was ____ in a placde with other children who also had no parents.

A. brought up B. kept C. risen D. raise

10 His great height ____ him to play baskeball.

A. fitted for B. fitted C. suited D. suited for

11 Poor health comes ____ shabby eating habit.

A. after B. as a result C. as a result of D. resulting in

12 I like ____ when you told that joke.

A. it B. him C. that D. what

13 The sheer size of the cathedral is a constant reminder ____ the trourists ____ the power of teligion.

A. for; to B. for; of C. to; as D. to; of

14 I spent much time talking to him, but he wasn’t ____ happier.

A. much B. far C. any D. rather

15 The film company plans ____ the film before Chistmas.

A. realsing B. coming out

C. to be published D. to release


篇4:● Grammar and Usage (译林牛津版高二英语选修八教案教学设计)

● Grammar and Usage

Step 1: General introduction

The grammar items in this unit focus on negative statements. You are expected to understand the meanings of negative statements. You will also learn the ways to make a negative statement. Then you may apply what you have learnt to practical use by finishing two exercises.

Step 2: Exercises

Turn the following into negative statements:

1. They’re listening to pop music now.


2. Many people can speak English nowadays.


3. You must make your bed after you get up every day.


4. His mother has a beautiful car.


5. We need a pen and piece of paper.


6. I need wear a warm coat.


7. The old man always goes for a walk in the park after supper.


8. The doctors volunteer in the countryside every year.


9. Mike does sports in the afternoon.


10. You’d better talk with your parents right now.



1. They aren’t listening to pop music now.

2. Many people can’t speak English nowadays.

3. You don’t have to make your bed after you get up every day.

4. His mother doesn’t have a beautiful car.

5. We don’t need a pen and piece of paper.

6. I needn’t wear a warm coat.

7. The old man seldom goes for a walk in the park after supper.

8. The doctors don’t volunteer in the countryside every year.

9. Mike doesn’t do sports in the afternoon.

10. You’d better not talk with your parents right now.

Step 3: Explanation and practice

1. Make a list of the most commonly used negative words:

no, not, never, neither, hardly, seldom, few, little, barely…

2. Please decide whether it is a true statement: John Keats was a famous short story writer.

This statement is untrue. We can correct an untrue statement in the following way:

John Keats was not a famous short story writer.

3. As we learned, negative statements are often used to correct a mistaken idea. Let’s recall the ways to make negative statements.

4. Read Part 1 and Part 2. When not is used with a negative prefix, the meaning of the sentence is positive. However, the positive meaning is not as strong as that of a direct positive statement. For example:

Students are not discouraged to discuss things with their classmates. (Students are encouraged to discuss things with their classmates.)

Your actions were not inexcusable, but they were certainly not appropriate. (Your actions were excusable, but certainly not appropriate.)

It is not uncommon for him to be late. (It is very common for him to be late.)

not can be used before a phrase of time, distance or a noun phrase to emphasize the negative meaning of the phrase. For example:

It is not a long distance from the city center to the new railway station. (=It is very near from the city center to the new railway station.)

It will not be long before most people around the world know how to use a computer. (=Soon, people around the world will know how to use a computer.)

There were not many people present for the lecture. (=There were very few people present for the lecture.)

5. Read Part 3. In informal English, the negative expressions can be used with whether and if to show doubt or uncertainty. For example:

I wouldn't be surprised if they didn’t buy a house soon. (=I wouldn’t be surprised if they bought a house soon.)

I wonder whether/if I shouldn't get a haircut. (=I wonder whether/if I should get a haircut.)

I wonder whether/if I shouldn't buy a new suit. (=I wonder whether/if I should buy a new suit.)

6. Read Part 4. Pay attention to some negative expressions.

on no account, in no circumstances, never before, nowhere, at no time, by no means,

7. Read a book report written by Sharon. Try to cycle the negative statements.


A 1 … he experiences an abnormal childhood without any parents.

2 He is raised in a place with other children who also have no parents.

3 He is then sent to a workhouse, where he has to work very hard and hardly has time to relax.

4 Oliver does not like anything about the workhouse.

5 He is treated very badly and seldom has enough food or water.

6 Fagin is not a good character and cares only about himself.

7 Oliver does not know anything at first and stays with Fagin.

8 He does not want to steal from anyone, but in order to survive, Oliver is forced to become a criminal.

9 Mr Barnlow is a man without any of Fagin’s vices.

10 Unless Oliver can escape, he will never be reunited with Mr Barnlow.

11 He will have only misfortune, not a real family and the love he deserves, which is the major theme of the book.

8. Finish Part B individually.


B 1 surprised if, didn’t

2 not uncommon

3 Not many

4 wonder whether/if, shouldn’t

For reference

There are some other patterns which can be used to express negation.

1 too + adjective +to-infinitive

In this pattern too, with the meaning ‘very’, is used before an adjective. After the adjective, an infinitive is used to mean ‘(somebody) cannot do’ or ‘something cannot be done’. Sometimes for somebody can be used before the infinitive. For example:

My father is too old to have such a long journey. (=My father is very old and cannot travel so long.)

She is too happy to say a word at the party. (=She is so happy that she cannot say anything at the party.)

The box is too heavy to carry. (=The box is so heavy that no one can carry it.)

The house is too expensive for us to buy. (=The house is so expensive that we cannot buy it.)

2 few + a countable noun; little +an uncountable noun

When we use few to modify a countable noun, we mean ‘not many’, and the noun should be in its plural form. When we use little to modify an uncountable noun, we mean ‘not much’. And few or little here has the negative meaning. For example:

Few students in our class have ever read Katherine Mansfield’s short stories. (=Not many/Only one or two students in our class have ever read Katherine Mansfield’s short stories.)

We have little rain all this summer. (=It almost does not rain during this summer.)

Because few or little has the negative meaning, we do not use the negative form in question tags. For example:

Few people liked his painting at that time, did they?

There is little ink in the bottle, is there?

For reference



I don’t know this. No news is good news.

There is no person /not a person/not any person in the house.


He went to his office, not to see him.

I am sorry for not coming on time.

I don’t think/believe/suppose/feel/imagine you are right.


I don’t know all of them.

I can’t see everybody/everything.

All the answers are not right.(并非所有答案都对。)

All is not gold that glitters. (闪光的不一定都是金子。)

Both of them are not right.(并非两人都对。)


None of my friends smoke.

I can see nothing/nobody.

Nothing can be so simple as this.

Neither of them is right.

5) 延续否定

You didn't see him, neither/nor did I.

You don't know, I don't know either.

He doesn't know English, let alone/to say nothing of/not to speak of French.

6) 半否定句

We seldom/hardly/scarcely/barely hear such fine singing.

I know little English.

I saw few people.

7) 双重否定

You can't make something out of nothing.

What's done cannot be undone.

There is no sweet without sweat.

No gain without pains.

I can't help /keep/ laughing whenever I hear it.

No man is so old but (that) he can learn.


Everyone is ready except you.

He did nothing but play.

But for your help, I couldn't do it.


I won't do it at all.

I can't see it any more.

He is no longer a boy.

Step 4: Consolidation

I. Multiple choice

1. His mother had talked to him for many minutes while he was watching TV, but ____.

A. a little did he hear B. little did he hear

C. little heard he D. a little heard he

2. During the war, ____but also he lost his wife and his child.

A. not was his job in the lab taken away

B. not only was his job in the lab taken away

C. not merely his job in the lab was taken away

D. not just was taken away his job in the lab

3. I think this is the first time that we have met.___anywhere.

A. Before have we never seen each other B. Never before we have seen each other

C. Each other have we seen never before D. Never before have we seen each other

4. -- The old man wouldn’t stay at home for a rest even if it rained.

-- ____. He would feel sick if he stayed home for one day.

A. So would my grandpa B. So wouldn’t my grandpa

C. Neither would my grandpa D. Nor wouldn’t my grandpa

5. By no means ___ to our plan for the trip.

A. will she agree B. she will agree C. agrees she D. will agree she

6. They went into a small house but ___.

A. no persons did they find B. not a person found they

C. not a person did they find D. not a person they found

7. Henry often helps look after Granny Wang, but___.

A. seldom is George B. seldom George does

C. seldom does George D. seldom looks George after Granny Wang

8. Nothing but two ancient Chinese coins ____ after they took out the jar.

A. did they find in it B. they found in it

C. in it did they find D. in it found they

II. Translation

1. 这两本书都不是英国出版的。

2. 你们当中我一个也不认识。

3. 我不同意所有这些方案。


5. 这些规章制度多不完善!

6. 未经允许,任何人不得入内。

7. 听到这个消息后,没有一个人不感到惊奇。

8. 人们直到失去了健康才知道健康的可贵。

9. 直到五月的一个星期六下午,玛格丽特才安排我与她姐姐见面。

10. 不久他就告诉了我们这件事。

11. 对他的成绩我们怎么赞扬也不过分。

12. 他刚进办公室,电话铃就响了。

13. 只有傻瓜才会做这种事情。

14. 她是班里最自私的了。

15. 他的失败完全是由于他自己的粗心大意。

Keys :

I. 1-5 BBDCA 6-8 CCB


1. Neither of the books is published in England.

2. I know none of you.

3. I agree to none of these plans.

4. We had finished all the work before he came.

5. How imperfect the rules and regulations are!

6. Nobody can come in without permission.

7. Having heard the news, everybody felt surprised.

There was nobody who did not feel surprised.

There was nobody but felt surprised.

8. People do not know the blessing of health until they lose it.

9. It was not until a Saturday afternoon in May that Margaret could arrange for me to meet her elder sister.

10. It wasn't long before he told us about this affair.

11. We can hardly praise his achievement too much.

12. No sooner had he entered the office than the telephone rang.

13. None but a fool would do such a thing.

14. Nobody is more selfish than her in the class.

15. His failure was due to nothing else than his own carelessness.

篇5:江苏省高二英语模块七第二单元单词导学案 (译林牛津版高二英语选修七教案教学设计)


1. probability n. 可能性 ;概率

There is little probability of his succeeding.

There is little probability that he will succeed. 他不大可能成功.

What is the probability of his success? 他成功的可能性如何?

词组: in all probability =very probably 极有可能:

In all probability he's already left. 他很可能已经离开了.

【归纳拓展】 the probability is that…= there’s a probability that…= it is probable that… 有可能

probable 是该单词的形容词形式,注意比较probable likely possible 这三个形容词的区别:

【即学即用】 He is _____ to come here, so get ready for everything as soon as possible.

A .possible B. probable C. likely D. probably

(江苏卷26). The experiment has_________ the possibility of the existence of any life on that planet, but it does not mean there is no life on other planets.

A. found out B. pointed out C. ruled out D. carried out

2.bark n. 树皮, 吠声 vi. 吠, 咆哮, 剥树皮

Barking dogs seldom bite. 吠犬不咬人。(真人不露相)

His bark is worse than his bite. 刀子嘴豆腐心。

Dogs always bark at strangers. 狗总是对着陌生人吠。

The officer barked out an order. 那军官大声发出命令。(咆哮地说出、吼出)

3.trial n. 试验, 考验, 审讯, 审判

a trial match / flight 预赛;试飞

She succeeded in the examination on her third trial. 在她第三次尝试时

The man was on trial for killing a person. 此人因杀人而受审。

They let me have / take the computer on trial for thirty days. 把......拿去试用

by / through trial and error 通过反复试验, 不断摸索

Only by trial and error will you find out what flowers grow best.

4.standardize vt. 使符合标准, 使标准化

standard n. 标准, 规格 adj. 标准的, 权威的, 第一流的

the standard of living / living standards 生活水平

Mr. Li sets high standards of behavior for his students. 对学生的行为提出高标准的要求

standard English pronunciation 标准的英语发音

5.length n. 长度,时间的长短

a length of rope/ cloth 一根绳/一段布


It’s 200 kilometers long. It’s 200 kilometers in length.

⑵这把尺子是那把的两倍长。This ruler is twice the length of that one.

at length 终于;详细地 in length 长度上

6.note vt. 注意,;记录;指出,特别提到

Please note that this bill must be paid within 10 days.请注意这张账单必须在10天之内付清。

The pupil noted (down) what the teacher said. 学生记下了老师的话。

n. 笔记;短信;注解,注释;票据,纸币;音符

make / take a note(notes) of ... 记下… make / take notes 记笔记

compare notes 交换意见;对笔记 take note of 注意到

change one's note 改变态度,口气 a 10-pound note

【即学即用】Just now, I took _____ of a thief’s entering the neighbour’s house.

A. notices B. notes C. note D. a note

7.quantity n. 量 数量

buy sth. in (large / small) quantities

large/small quantities of + n. 谓语动词用复数

a large/small quantity of + n. 谓语动词单复数由名词决定

Large quantities of goods / food have been stored for the winter.

A large quantity of beer has been sold.

A large quantity of books have been sold.

【即学即用】As a result of destroying the forest, a large ____ of the desert _____ covered the land.

A. number ; has B. quantity; has C.numbers; have D.quantity; have

8.mass n. 块;大多数,;质量;群众,;大量

the masses 群众,,民众,个人阶级

a mass of / masses of + n. [u] / [c] 许多,大量

a huge mass of data 大量数据 a mass of people 许多人

Before the rain, there were masses of dark clouds in the sky.


adj. 群众的;大规模的;集中的

mass production 大规模生产 mass education / media 大众教育;大众传媒

9.wonder adj. 极好的,灵验的 a new wonder drug 新的灵丹妙药

n. 奇迹,惊奇,惊愕 the Seven Wonders of the World 世界七大奇观

It's a wonder (that) no one got hurt. 难得

It’s no wonder (that) you've got a headache, the amount you drank last night.

昨晚你喝得太多,头痛不足为奇。 难怪;不足为奇

vt. 觉得奇怪;惊奇;想知道,不知道

I was wondering if / whether you'd like to come to dinner.


I wonder if I'll recognize Philip after all these years.

vi. 惊讶,怀疑

-- Is she serious? -- I wonder. 我看不一定吧。

【即学即用】He hasn’t slept at all for three days. ______ that he is tired out

A.There is no point B.There is no need C. It is no wonder D.It is no way

10.relief n. 解脱的感觉,安慰;(痛苦等的)减轻;(债务等的)免除;救助,救济

give a patient relief from pain / pain relief 使病人减轻痛苦

provide relief for refugees 救济难民

To our great relief, the children all arrived home safely. 使某人欣慰的是…

The doctor said it was just the flu. What a relief! 谢天谢地

relieve vt.

Drugs helped to relieve the pain.

relieve oneself relieve sb. of sth. 解除某人的负担

He rose and relieved her of her bags.

relieve sb. of their post / duties / command etc. 免除职务/职责/指挥权

【即学即用】people in the world try their best to _____ the people in the earthquake in India.

A. relief B. relieve C. release D. reliance

(2010山东卷33). Those who suffer from headache will find they get ______ from this medicine.

A. relief B. safety C. defense D. shelter

11.split (split split) 切开,分裂,分离,分享,分担

Let’s split the cost of the dinner party. The lightening split a big tree.

split up 分成小部分,划分 分离 分手

The couple split up. The party split up into two groups.

split n.裂口,裂缝 a split in the door/ rock/ coat

12.Pleasure n. 快乐;娱乐,消遣


(It’s ) My pleasure. 别客气。(回答感谢) With pleasure 非常乐意。( 请求)

take pleasure / delight in doing 喜欢做…

have the pleasure of =have the honor of 有幸做

for pleasure 为了消遣 at one’s pleasure随便,听便

please vt. 使高兴 快乐 pleased adj.高兴的;满意的 pleasant adj.令人高兴的、满意的

【即学即用】-- Would you please help me with the box?--______.

A.Yes,please B.No,please don’t C.With pleasure D.My pleasure.

13.sharp adj. 锋利的; 尖刻的;灵敏的; 突然的

I cut my foot on a sharp stone.

She has a sharp mind. 她头脑机敏。

The boss was very sharp with me when I was late this morning.

Sharp adv.准时地;突然地 Please be here at seven sharp.

Sharpen v. 使…锋利 sharpener n.卷笔刀

The knife needs sharpening/ to be sharpened. 这把刀要磨了。

14.let out 释放,放走,放气/水,放大衣服,泄露秘密、出租

Let the air out of the tyres.

They were let out of prison last week.

His trousers need to be let out round the waist.

Don’t let it out to the press.

let out a cry of joy/surprise/ excitement let out cars by the day

【归纳拓展】let sb alone 不管,不干涉 let sb/sth be 听任,不打扰

let off 放过,放枪,放炮,放烟火

【即学即用】He accidentally ____ he had quarrelled with his wife and that he hadn’t been home for a couple of weeks.(湖南卷)

A let out B. took care C. made sure D. made out

15.point n. 尖端;分数;细节 程度 意义 v. 指;瞄准

【归纳拓展】 on the point of 正要…的时候 to / off the point 中肯/离题

point out/ at /to 指出/着/向 There’s no point in doing sth. 做…没意义


(1) My teacher pointed ____ my mistakes.

(2) They pointed ____ her head with guns.

(3) I was ____ the point of leaving when the telephone rang.

(4) Your criticism is ____ the point, I quite agree with you.

(5) There is no point ___ discussing the problem.

(6) ____ that point I thought she would agree, but in the end she refused.

(keys: out at on to in at)

We’re just trying to reach a point _____ both sides will sit down together and talk.(山东)

A. where B. that C. when D. which

I listened to Dr. Johnson’s lecture on biology yesterday, but I failed to get the key ____

A. points B. words C. information D. message

(析:key points要点 key words重要的词 key information重要信息)


(1) –We must thank you for taking trouble to cook us a meal.---________.

A. It’s a pleasure B.With pleasure C.It doesn’t matter. D.Never mind

(2) It’s often less expensive to buy goods in ___ quantity, but you’d better examine ___ quality

before buying them.

A.\ the B. the \ C.a the D. the the

(3) We’ve already discussed the subject ____ great length.

A. at B. in C. on D. to

(4) He has _____ letters to answer. He has to work from morning to night.

A. much B. a great deal of C. masses of D. the number of

(5) While traveling, whether on business or for ____ , you often need to stay in a hotel.

A. pressure B. pleasure C. patience D. purpose

(6) The processing secret of the new product was _____ by the reporter, who has little sense of keeping the secret.

A. let into B. let out C. let down D. let be

(7) Masses of people _____ come here, so quantities of drinking water ____ been used up.

A. have;has B. have; have C. has;have D. has; has

(8) ______ on point ____ to explain.

A. It is; in trying B.There is ;in trying C. It is ;to try D. There is ; to try

(9) I learned most of what I know about gardening through _____.

A. a lot tries B. to do experiments C. trial and error D. great try

(10) Can you put me ____ to this number.

A. across B. through C. up D. over

(11) The sofa can also ____ as a bed.

A. use B. make C. operate D. function

(12) The newly- discovered star was named ______ a Chinese astronomer _____ honour of his contributions to astronomy.

A. for ; in B. after; for C. as ;in D. after; in

(13) --- I often see him working hard in his spare time.

--- _______ he has won the scholarship from time to time.

A. No wonder B. No way C. No doubt D. No wander

(14) _____ is worth doing at all is worth doing well.

A Whatever B Whoever C However it D Whatever it


篇6:第六模块第三单元单词导学案 (译林牛津版高二英语选修六教案教学设计)


1. difference n.差别,差异,

the difference between A and B in sth 这两部机器的构造没有什么区别。

There isn’t any difference in structure between the two machines.

make a / some/no difference (没)有影响,(不)起重要作用

It makes no difference to me whether he goes or not.不管它去还是不去,对我都没有影响。

different adj. A be different from B in sth differ vi. A differ from B

It won’t make much _______ whether you agree or not.

A. trouble B. difference C. troubles D. differences

2.in celebration of …: to celebrate 为了庆祝…

They held a party in celebration of his birthday.

People spend Christmas in celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.


in favor of 支持,赞同 in need of 需要 =in want (n,需要)of

in praise of 为颂扬,赞美 in honor of 为了纪念,庆祝,欢迎

in memory of 为了纪念, in terms of 在---方面,从---方面来说

congratulate v.祝贺 congratulate sb on sth/doing…

congratulation n. congratulations to sb. on sth./doing…

Fred has passed the examination. Let’s have a little party to ___ him ___ his success.

A.congratulate; on B. celebrate; for

C. celebrate; on D. congratulate; for

The three sisters decided to hold a family party to ________ their parents’ silver wedding.

A. welcome B. congratulate C. memorize D. celebrate

3.embarrass v. (使)窘迫,(使)为难 embarrassing adj.令人尴尬的

embarrassed adj. 感到尴尬的 embarrassment n. 尴尬

He stood there with an_________ expression when he heard the __________ news

4.participate v,参加 participant n.参加者,参与者

participate in 参加。。。

He couldn't participate in the games because of his sudden illness.

Professionals cannot participate in the tournament.

5.adjust v.适应 ,调节,调整 adjust to (主语)适 合…,适应

adjust oneself to sth 使自己适应…… adjust sth 调整。。。

It was a few minutes before his eyes adjusted to the dark.

The body quickly adjusts to changes in temperature.

You can adjust this desk to the height of any child.

The button is for adjusting the volume.

adopt v. 收养,采纳 adapt v.适应,改编

adapt to 适应 adapt oneself to 使-适应

My camera can be _____ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.

A. treated B. adopted C. adjusted D. remedied

6.analyse vt. 分析…..,研讨;分解 analysis n. (pl. analyses) 分析,分解;分析结果

We analysed the cause of our failure. a chemical analysis 化学分析

We made a careful analysis of the problem.


You must finish the task within one week anyway.

somewhat 有点儿,有几分

The price is somewhat higher than I expected.

somehow 不知怎么的,用某种方法

Don’t worry, we’ll get the money back somehow.

I'm certain David's told you his business troubles. ______, it's no secret that he owes a lot of money to the bank.

A. However B. Anyway C. Therefore D. Though

8.approve vt. 批准;认可

The mayoress approved the new building plans.

vi. 赞成; 赞许 [(+of)]

I’m afraid your parents won’t approve of your going there.

My parents don't approve of my choice.

approval n. 赞成;赞许;批准

9.take up 占据(时间,空间),开始从事,开始做(某事)

Sorry, I've taken up so much of your time.

The large desk takes up most of the office.

He has taken up photography for so many years

take over 接管,接手,接任 take back 收回(说错的话)

take up 开始从事;占据(空间或时间);

take off脱下;起飞;突然成功,开始走红 take out 拿出, 带出去

take away 拿走,带走 take in 理解,领会,吸收,欺骗

take on 接受,雇佣,呈现 take after 长得像

take to 开始喜欢 take to dong sth 开始养成。。。的习惯

I took to John immediately. Recently he’s taken to wearing a cap.

10.give out散发,分发;释放;被用完,耗尽

The teacher asked the monitor to give out our exam papers.

The sun gives out heat and light, which brings us endless energy.

Our supply of sugar has given out.

give away泄露;赠送 give back 归还

give in 屈服 give up 放弃 doing sth

give off 散发出(气味)

Papers are ______ to all the new students five minutes earlier before each examination.

A. given off B. given up C. given in D. given out

After a week’s work, my strength _________.So I failed to see you in hospital.

A.gave way B. gave out C. gave off D. gave in

11.request n.请求,要求

I am sorry I cannot consent to your request.

at one‘s request / at the request of …根据……的请求

in (great) request有(很大)需求

①We came to the party at the request of Miss Li.

②He is such a good singer that he is in great request.

request v.请求,要求 request sth

request sb to do sth request that sb (should )do

①Many people have requested new book.

②Visitors are requested not to touch the paintings.

③I requested that he (should) leave.

It was requested that the play ____again

A. should put on B. would put on C. be put on D. put on

12.hold up意为“延迟,阻碍、搀扶,支撑;举起,抬起”。

The broken cars held up the traffic.

The plastic bag can't hold up your big dictionary.

The teacher told us to hold up our right hands.

hold back 拦阻;阻挡;隐瞒 hold down 控制,抑制

hold in 克制,忍住 hold on 挺住,抓紧, 不挂断

hold out 维持,坚持; 伸出 hold off (doing sth) 推迟

hold up 延迟,阻碍、搀扶,支撑;举起,抬起

The thieves _____ him _____ in the park, took his wallet and escaped.

A. held .. back B. held .. up C. held .. on D. held .. out

The young man is such a person who __________ and never speaks to the people around him politely.

A.holds up his head high B. holds back his own

C.keeps his head D. keeps his head above water

13.remark说;谈论;评述 remark that从句 remark on / upon sth

① The readers remarked that the article was well written.

② It would be rude to remark on her appearance.

remark n.所说的话,评论,意见 make remarks on / about评论,评述;谈论

remarkable adj 杰出的 remarkably adv. 杰出地

comment on sth make a comment on/about

make comments on /about sth 对…作出评论

14.contact n. (u)交往, 接触,关系,联络

be in touch/contact with与…有联系 get in touch/contact with与…联络

keep in touch/contact with与…保持联系 lose contact/touch with与…失去联系

be out of contact/touch失去联系,中断联络

15.account n.

⑴报道,描述,描写a vivid account of the event ⑵帐户 open a current account

on account of 因为 由于 by/from all accounts 根据各方面所说

take sth into account/ take account of sth 考虑到

account for

A number o factors account for the differences between the two scores.


Repeat purchases account for 73% of our sales.(占据,占)

You should account for your behaviour.(对…作出解释)

16.belong vi.属于 belong to 属于

From now on, this house belongs to your brothers and sisters.

belongings n.财产;所有物;携带物

He packed his few belongings in a bag and left.

belong 不用于进行时,无被动形式

China is belonged to developing countries.(╳)

China belongs to developing countries.( √)

17.have power over控制,支配

It's impossible for you to have power over all things including your life.

come to power / be in power执政;当权;上台

beyond one’s power 超出…的权力

Multiple choices:

1.The village is a very different place it was when I was a boy and there are many _____ the villagers’ points of view.

A. from what; differences from B. from what; differences in

C. from that; differences from D. from that; differences in

2. Her singing career _______ after her TV appearance.

A. took up B. took away C. took off D. took on

3. The judges remarked ______ the high standard of entries for the competition.

A. about B. on C. with D. to

4. Madame Michel found herself in an position, and therefore she felt rather .

A. embarrassing; embarrassed B. embarrassed; embarrassed

C. embarrassing; embarrassing D. embarrassed; embarrassing

5. During our staying in London, we paid a visit to the hospital founded the nurse Florence Nightingale.

A. in celebration of B. in honor of C. in favor of D. in place of

6. - Why are you so late?

-The bus was for an hour because a tree had fallen across the road.

A. held out B. held on C. held back D. held up

7. The desks and seats can be to the height of any child.

A. adopted B. adapted C. adjusted D. admired

8. We a sentence when we explain the form and use of every word in it.

A. separate B. analyze C. explain D. summary

9. Can you move the desk a little further, for it most of the office?

A. takes up B. takes off C. takes in D. take on

10. A warm thought suddenly came to me _______I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mother’s birthday.

A. if B. when C. that D. which

11. There was so much smoke in the factory _____ the workers were working _____ the firefighters couldn't see clearly.

A. that; that B. that; where C. where; that D. where; where

12. I just wonder that makes him so excited.

A. why it does B. what he does C. how it is D. what it is



Teaching aims and requirements

1. Help students to learn the definition of inversion and when to use the inversion.

2. Students are expected to apply what they have learnt to practical use by finishing relevant exercises.

Teaching procedure

Step 1 General introduction

1. Give some examples of inversion to show what inversion is.

Did you go to visit the Louvre?

Seldom does he paint now.

He did not like the painting. Neither did I.

Note: Inversion is the changing of the order of the words in the sentence. We put the predicate or part of it before the subject, when we use inversion.

Step2 Explanation





1. Local negation

1) In a question

Did you go to visit the Louvre Museum?

What do you know about Van Gogh?

2) When the sentence begins with a negative word or phrase such as never, seldom, rarely, little, hardly, not, nowhere, scarcely, not until, by no means, in no time, under no circumstance, no sooner…than…, hardly… when…, not only…, neither

I can’t swim; neither can he.

Little does he care about others.

Never shall I forget the day when I met Mr. Wang in the countryside.

At no time is smoking permitted in the meeting room.

Hardly had he got into the room when the telephone rang.

Not a mistake did he make.

No sooner had I got home than it began to rain.

Not until then did he realize his own fault.

3) When only is used to modify an adverbial (clause) and put at the beginning of a sentence.

Only in this way can you solve the problem.

Only when he told me did I realize what trouble he was in.

Note: Inversion should not be used when only modifies the subject.

Only he can solve the problem.

4) When the sentence begins with so/such.( which introduces an adverbial clause of result)

So angry was he that he couldn’t speak.

Such a lovely girl is she that we all like her.

5) When the sentence begins with so, neither, nor.

He has been to Beijing. So have I.

If you don’t go there tomorrow, neither / nor will/shall I.

---He works hard.

---So he does and so do you.

Note: If a sentence has 2 or more predicates, we should use ‘It is/was the same with…’, or ‘So it is/was with…’

She is clever and always works hard. So it is with/It is the same with her brother.

6. When a sentence begins with ‘often, always, now and then, many a time’

Many a time has she helped me with my experiments.

Always does he ask me for money.

2. Complete inversion

1) When the sentence begins with a direct speech or part of it.

“I’ll come back in three days,” said Tom..

“What are you doing?” he asked (asked he).

“Why didn’t you join us?” Tom asked me.

2) When the subject is too long.

Present at the meeting were many important persons.

Gone are the days when women were looked down upon.

3) There be/ appear to be/ come/ happen to be/ lie/ live/ occur/ remain/ seem/ seem to be/ stand/ used to be…结构中

There appears to be no doubt about it.

There lies a lake near our city.

There seems little difference between the two words.

4) When the sentence begins with here, there, now, then, in, out, up, down,

away, off, thus, etc.

Here comes the bus.

There goes the bell.


1) If the subject is a pronoun, we can not use inversion.

Here he comes.

2) Simple present tense should be used with here, there, now

5) A sentence beginning with prepositional phrases.

On the top of the hill stands a temple.

At the end of the valley lies a small lake.

6) When such is used as predicative.

Such were the facts.

Such will be our future.

3 Inversion can also be used in formal language to talk about unreal conditionals.

Had it not been for the heavy rain, we would have finished the task.

Were I you (= If I were you), I would go abroad.

Should he come (=If he should come), please tell him to ring me up.

Were it to rain tomorrow, I would stay at home.

4. In the sentences containing the conjunctions like though, as, however.

Clever as he is, he doesn’t study well.

Child as he is, he knows a lot.

Try as she might, she failed.

However late he comes back home, his mother will wait for him.

5. When a sentence expresses good wishes.

May you succeed.

Long live the friendship.

Step 3 Translate the following sentences.

1. 虽然他是个孩子,但他懂得很多。

Child as he is, he knows a lot.

2. 只有用这种方式我们才能提高我们的英语水平。

Only in this way can we improve our English.

3. 如果明天下雨的话,我们将不开会了。

Were it to rain tomorrow, we wouldn’t have the meeting.

4. 我一回来就开始烧饭了。

Hardly had I got back when I started cooking.

5. 直到他失去健康,他才意识到好的身体意味着什么。

Not until he lost his health did he realize what good health meant.

Step4 Language points

1.twist one’s ankle 扭伤脚

2.make a reservation 预定

reservation n [C] 预定,预约;保留意见

We have reservations in the name of Smith.

They support the measures without reservation.

reserve v ~ sth (for sb/ sth) 预定;保留

I’d like to reserve a table for three.

These seats are reserved for special guests.这些座位是留给贵宾的。

book v 约定座位、房间、票等。 美国用reserve.

The performance is booked up.

The secretary has booked the manager in the Hilton Hotel.

Order 主要指订货或餐馆点菜、饮料等。

I ordered a beer and a sandwich.

I have ordered some new furniture from the shop.

3.fantastic adj.

1) excellent 极好的

She is a fantastic swimmer.

2) Very large巨大的;异乎寻常的

Their wedding cost a fantastic amount of money.

3)wild and strange荒诞的

They made up a fantastic story.

Step 5 Practice

1. Read part A on page41 and underline the inversions included in the text.


1) Aunt really enjoyed France and so did I.

2) Hardly had we left the dormitory the next morning when we realized we had forgotten our map in the room.

3) Had you come with us, I think you would have enjoyed Europe too.

4) Is there anything special that I can bring you?

2. Read part B and invert the sentences using the structures with the negative words..


1) Never have I seen such beautiful flowers in the city.

2) Neither do I have time to go to the museum today and nor do I want to.

3) Hardly had I started to look at the paintings when the teacher said it was time to leave the museum.

4) The artist is always drawing; seldom is he seen without a notebook in his hand.

Step 6 Consolidation

1. Finish workbook exercises,

2. Some extra exercises on reference books.


1. Finish relevant exercises

2. Finish C1 and C2 on page 118.

篇8:牛津英语 m8 Unit 2 教案(译林牛津版高二英语选修八教案教学设计)

Unit Two (The Universal language)

Period 1

Welcome to the Unit

Teaching aims:

(1).Make students talk about the opera Turandot and read about the history of music from jazz to pop

(2).By talking and discussing, students’ spoken English can be practised.

Important points & difficult points:

(1). Students are expected to express their own opinions by talking and discussing.

(2). Encourage students to speak freely.

Teaching aids:


Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Lead-in

Music plays an important role in our daily life. Have you ever had the experience of listening to a piece of music and feeling that it is written just for you? Music can be used to express many feelings, such as love, sorrow, friendship and peace. Although people from different areas of the world have different styles of music, we can still understand each other’s music. Without music, what would our lives be like?

How much do you know about music? Now let’s try to say some words about music:

● Music: classical music, pop music, folk music, swing music, blues, jazz, rock and roll, rap, opera…

● People related to music: musician, singer, composer, pianist, violinist…

● Musical instruments: guitar, piano, violin, drum…

Step 2: Sharing information

1. Work in groups of four and discuss the four pictures on page 17.

Picture of a jazz band

What are the people doing in this picture? What do you know about jazz?

(Jazz is a musical art form. At the end of the 19th century, jazz music was the most popular type of music. Jazz was started in New Orleans in the USA and most jazz musicians at that time were black. It has been called the first original art form to develop in the USA. Early jazz musicians made money by playing in small bands. Often, jazz musicians made up the music as they were playing. Early jazz came from folk music and later developed into something else of its own.)

Do you know any famous jazz musicians?

(Louis Armstrong, one of the most famous jazz musicians, was born in New Orleans. He created wonderful jazz music with his trumpet. In addition to playing trumpet, he also sang and danced. He performed on Broadway, in films and recorded music.)

What does jazz music sound like to you?

Picture of Chinese opera

What are the people doing in this picture? What is Chinese opera?

(Chinese opera is a traditional form of drama in China. It started in the Tang Dynasty when Emperor Xuanzong founded the ‘Pear Garden’. A Chinese opera performance includes elements such as dance, song, dialogue, swordplay and acrobatics. The features of Chinese opera which can distinguish a character’s age, gender and personality are the makeup, movements, props and the colour of costumes.)

What does Chinese opera sound like?

(To some young people nowadays, the music accompanied by gongs, cymbals, drums and stringed instruments sounds a bit ‘shrill’ and ‘noisy’. However, the stories and the melodies are unique.)

Do you know any famous Chinese opera performers?

Picture of a girl playing the violin

What is the girl doing in this picture? What do you know about the violin?

(The violin belongs to the string family of instruments. It is made of wood and uses steel strings. A violinist uses a bow pulled across the strings to create beautiful music.)

Do you know any famous violinists?

(In the past, the great violinists played the violin as well as writing music for the instrument. After the 19th century, composers and violinists started to be two different roles. The most famous violin composers and players are Corelli, Vivaldi, Locatelli and later Paganini, Sarasate, Wieniawski, Vieuxtemps, Ysave, Kreisler and Enesco.

Picture of a girl playing the piano

What is the girl doing in this picture? What do you know about the piano?

(The piano belongs to the percussion family of instruments. It consists of a keyboard attached to a wooden box, inside of which are metal strings. A piano is played by pressing the keys. Each of the keys is attached to a hammer that strikes one of the strings inside the box.)

Do you know any famous pianists?

(Among the most famous pianists are Beethoven from Germany, Franz Liszt from Hungary and Frederick Chopin from Poland. Beethoven is known for his sonatas, Liszt for the Hungarian Rhapsody and Chopin for Revolution Etude.)

2. Work in pairs and have a discussion about the three questions below the pictures.

Sample answers

1 My favourite kind of music is classical music. Classical music uses orchestras and many instruments cooperating to create music together. I like listening to music played by orchestras. You can hear things played on instruments from all of the different families--woodwind, string, percussion and brass. Also, classical music tends to be slower, so it makes me feel calm when I listen to it.

2 The musician I like very much is Jay Chou. Many people may think that he is just a pop singer, but I consider him to be a pop musician. He sings about broken heart, urban stress and young dreams. He expresses his experiences, feeling and personality into his music, which attracts young people who have similar thoughts. That is why many teenagers in China like him so much.

3 Yes. I watched Chinese operas with my grandfather when I was young. A Chinese opera performance includes elements like dance, dialogue, swordplay and acrobatics. The music instruments used for Chinese opera include gongs, cymbals, drums and stringed instruments. A character’s age, gender and personality are shown through the makeup, movements, props and colour costumes. In comparison, Western opera puts greater emphasis on music and design, conveying a story through singing and dancing. Dialogue is expressed through songs. Both Chinese and Western opera use music to express themes like love, betrayal and hope.

Step 3: Discussion

Many of us believe that music can have a very great effect on us. This is especially true of classical music, which some people believe can make us calmer or even smarter. There is a theory, called the ‘Mozart Effect’, that playing classical music for a child can help his or her brain develop. As a result, a lot of parents play classical music for their children, some even beginning before the child is born, in the hope that their children will be smarter. What do you think of the ‘Mozart Effect’ theory? Do you think it is true? Why or why not?

Do you think adults can become smarter or calmer by listening to classical music? Why or why not?

Step 4: Homework

1. Collect more information about music.

2. Prepare the Reading part.

Period 2


Teaching aims:

1. To help the students know some background knowledge about opera Turandot and the history of music

2. To master the skills of reading a review of an opera

Teaching aids:

Recorder, blackboard

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Lead-in

Boys and girls, I’m glad to tell you that today we’ll have a chance to enjoy a section of performance of Giacomo Puccini’s world-famous opera, Turandot.

OK. It is performed in the Forbidden City in Beijing. Can you guess who directed it? (Zhang Yimou.)

Have you seen any of Zhang Yimou’s films?

Do you like them? Why or why not?

What else has Zhang Yimou directed besides films? ( They are the ‘Bid for the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing’, which was shown in Moscow, a performance at the closing ceremony at Athens Olympic Games, an outdoor performance of Third Sister Liu in Guilin and Turandot in Beijing).

Have you seen or have you ever heard of the opera Turandot?

If you have seen or heard of it, Can you tell us what it is about?

Step 2: Fast reading for general ideas

A review is a report or an essay giving some information as well as some opinions or ideas about a book, a performance, a painting or something similar.

In our lesson today, we will read a review of an opera. What do you think the review will tell us? (It will give us some background information about Turandot, tell us about the plot of the opera and give other information, such as the actors’ names, as well as an evaluation of the performance as a whole.)

Go through the passage as quickly as possible and try to find answers to the three questions. Just focus on and identify the information needed to answer these questions.

1. What is Turandot?

2. Who wrote Turandot?

3. Was the performance indoors or outdoors?


1 Turandot is an opera that tells the story of a cold-hearted Chinese princess, named Turandot, who lives in the Forbidden City. To avoid marriage, she says that any potential husband must answer three riddles correctly or die.

2 Giacomo Puccini wrote the opera. The final scene was completed by Franco Alfano, one of his students, based on Puccini’s notes after he died.

3 It was performed outdoors.

Step 3: Detailed reading for important information

1. Let’s read the passage a second time and find out the background information of the opera. Then complete the table:

Main characters of the story Turandot-a Chinese princess;Calaf-a prince;Liu-Calaf’s father’s young slave

Setting Beijing’s Forbidden City


The story takes on the classic love triangle of the three main characters Turandot, Calaf and Liu. Liu loves Calaf, but Calaf has fallen in love with Turandot. Because Turandot does not want to get married, she declares that anyone who wants to marry her must answer her three questions. If the one cannot answer these questions, he will be killed.

Director Zhang Yimou

Conductor Zubin Mehta, an internationally famous conductor born inIndia

Actors and actresses Sharon Sweet-Turandot; Barbara Hendricks-Liu; Kristjan Johannsson-Calaf; other singers and musicians from abroad and China

2. Retell the story of Turandot, using what has been written in the table.

Step4: Read the text again and choose the best answers according to the text.

A⑴ How many performances of Turandot were performed in the Forbidden City in Beijing?

A. eight B. seven

C. one D. the text doesn’t mention it

A⑵ Who wrote Turandot and when was it written?

A. Giacomo Puccini, in 1924

B. Giacomo Puccini’s former student, in 1924

C. Zubin Mehta, in the 1990s

D. Sharon Sweet, in the 1990s

C⑶ When was Turandot staged in Beijing?

A. in 1924

B. in the twenty first century

C. in the 1990s

D. in

D⑷ How does the writer think of the opera?

A. terrible B. moving C. boring D. amazing

Step5: words and expressions

Vocabulary Words witness, star, cast, avoid, dare, disturbing, recite, threaten, aloud, marry, breathless, guard, key, combine, heartbreaking, fluent, condemn

Useful expressions the end of, be set in, instead of, for the first time, fall in love, take on, be drunk with, exercise, control over, break one’s promise, be upset by, by surprise, be condemned to death, be shocked by, win one’s affection, at the end of, bring together

Sentence patterns 1. In order to avoid marriage, she says that any potential husband must answer three riddles correctly or die.

2. There could not be a better setting.

3. Although he would like to, he cannot break his promise.

4. Calaf says his own name aloud, leaving his future in Turandot’s hands.

5. The opera finishes with a beautifully-sung final duet, which was so moving that the audience fell silent.

Step6: Pair work

Talk about a Western or a Chinese opera that you are all familiar with. Introduce the main characters, the setting and the plot.

Chinese Opera

The Chinese opera is a traditional form of stage entertainment, weaving together elements of mime, dance, song, dialogue, swordplay, and acrobatics into one fluid continuous flow. Gestures, movements and expressions incorporated within each performer's script come together to bring forth an impressive performance. In contrast to Western stage entertainment, which is subdivided into different categories such as opera, drama and sketches, Chinese opera has remained faithful to its original format over the centuries.

By doing away with three-dimensional stage props and complicated backdrops found in Western opera, Chinese opera conveys the idea of time and space to the audience through the acting of performers. This simple and flexible technique is called “imagined time and space” in Chinese operatic terminology. The acting, however, is not mere imitation of movements in daily life. Instead, it has been perfected to bring out just their essentials, making them highly-stylize and rhythmic dancing movements. Such acting is described in Chinese stage language as “stylized formula”. In addition, Chinese opera has specific costumes, facial make-ups, musical motifs and recitations to represent each character in the series of characters known as Xingtous. All this, plus imagined time and space and stylized acting, has enabled the story to rise above real life and create a strong dramatic atmosphere with distinct operatic effects.

Western ears do not readily appreciate this art, for Chinese opera often seems shrilly and 'noisy'. Shrill voices pierce the air, accompanied by loud gongs, crashing cymbals, pounding drums and droning stringed instruments. The music is not intended to be melodic, as in the West, but rather used as punctuation to the performance. Chinese opera is an art of the people-enjoyed and appreciated by all across the social spectrum. In a real sense it is a folk art, comparable in many ways with the Chinese Circus. Although the music of Chinese opera may seem very alien, the stories told are very familiar to those accustomed to Western opera: heroes battle overwhelmingly powerful foes, good versus evil, and lovers seek escape from domineering and disapproving parents.

A distinct feature of Chinese opera is the makeup, movements, props, and colorful costumes. These features identify a character's age, sex, and personality the moment he or she enters the story. Face painting leans heavily on earlier forms of mask and make up. Facial patterns rely on exaggeration and the symbolism of color to suggest a character's attributes and personality. The painted faces become what the Chinese call ‘a mirror of the soul’. Well-versed members of the audience will be able to tell instantly the personality of characters on the stage by their painted faces. Although colors sometime represent a physical attribute of a character, they are predominantly used as indicators of a character’s personality. Apart from the exquisitely embroidered traditional costumes, head-dresses are a requisite in Chinese opera. The more elaborate the head-dress, the more significant the character. Costumes are extravagant in style in order to achieve as great a theatrical effect as possible. Like the face makeup, the color codes of these costumes identify the various ranks, status, and personality of the characters.

Although sharing a common ancestry, Chinese opera boasts over 300 various distinct forms-taking their names from their places of origin. These forms are generally discernible by their use of local dialects and distinct ‘melodies’. Beijing opera is considered by most to be the most refined. Also widespread are Pingju Opera, Kunqu Opera, Shaoxing Opera, Henan Opera, Sichuan Opera, Shanxi Opera, Huangmei Opera, Huagu Opera and Yangko Opera. Some Chinese ethnic minority groups have some local form of operas. Many modern instrumental music pieces incorporate traditional instruments while adapting a more modern style. However, instrumental music is still very traditional. Many works of traditional music are still played by small quartets and large orchestras. Chinese melodies are quite unique and incorporate into many modern compositions. Chinese instrumental music has changed because it is no longer restricted to the traditional format. Even non-traditional instruments such as the piano are used in creating modern works.

Western Opera

Opera is a form of theatre in which the drama is conveyed wholly or predominantly through music and singing. Opera emerged in Italy around the year 1600 and is generally associated with the Western classical music tradition. Opera uses many of the elements of spoken theatre such as scenery, costumes, and acting. Generally, however, opera is distinguished from other dramatic forms by the importance of song and conventions of vocal technique. The singers are accompanied by a musical ensemble ranging from a small instrumental ensemble to a full symphonic orchestra. Opera may also incorporate dance; this was especially true of French opera for much of its history.

Comparable art forms from various other parts of the world, many of them ancient in origin, exist and are also sometimes called “opera” by analogy, usually prefaced with an adjective indicating the region (for example, Chinese opera). These independent traditions are not derivative of Western opera, but are rather distinct forms of musical theatre. Opera is also not the only type of Western musical theatre: in the ancient world, Greek drama featured singing and instrumental accompaniment; and in modern times, other forms such as the musical have appeared.

The word opera means “works” in Italian (from the plural of Latin opus meaning “work” or “labour”) suggesting that it combines the arts of solo and choral singing, declamation, acting and dancing in a staged spectacle. Dafne by Jacopo Peri was the earliest composition considered opera, as understood today. It was written around 1597, largely under the inspiration of an elite circle of literate Florentine humanists who gathered as the “Camerata”. Significantly, Dafne was an attempt to revive the classical Greek drama, part of the wider revival of antiquity characteristic of the Renaissance. The members of the Camerata considered that the “chorus” parts of Greek dramas were originally sung, and possibly even the entire text of all roles; opera was thus conceived as a way of “restoring” this situation. Dafne is unfortunately lost. A later work by Peri, Euridice, dating from 1600, is the first opera score to have survived to the present day. The honour of being the first opera still to be regularly performed, however, goes to Claudio Monteverdi’s Orfeo, composed for the court of Mantua in 1607.

Step 7: Homework

1. Read the text again and again. Try to memorize the language points.

2. Parts A1 and A2 on page108 of the Workbook.

Period 3

Word Power

Teaching aims:

1. Learn and master the new words related to computers.

2. Enlarge the knowledge about the internet.

Important points & difficult points:

Master the expressions about the internet.

Teaching aids:

Recorder, blackboard

Teaching procedures:

Step1. Lead-in

At the beginning of today’s class, let’s play a guessing game. Here are several cards, in each of which is written an instrument. I’d like one of you to give a brief description of them and other students to guess what they are.

For reference

1. piano: a large musical instrument with a row of black and white keys which are pressed to play notes.

2. violin: a wooden musical instrument with four strings which is held against the neck and played by moving a bow across the strings.

3. guitar: a musical instrument with six strings and a long neck which is usually made of wood, and which is played by pulling or hitting the strings with the fingers.

4. cello: a wooden musical instrument with four strings, that is held vertically between the legs and is played by moving a bow across the strings.

5. trumpet: a brass musical instrument consisting of a metal tube with one narrow end, into which the player blows, and one wide end. Three buttons are pressed in order to change notes.

6. horn: a curved musical instrument made of metal, which is narrow at the end you blow down to make a sound, and wider towards the other end.

7. flute: a tube-shaped musical instrument with a hole that you blow across at one end while holding the tube out horizontally to one side of you.

8. clarinet: a tube-shaped musical instrument which is played by blowing through a single reed and pressing the metal keys to produce different notes.

9. cymbal: a flat round musical instrument made of brass, which makes a loud noise when hit with a stick or against another cymbal.

10. bass drum: a large drum that produces a low sound

Step2: Questions

1. Do you know how to play the piano/violin/guitar?

2. Have you ever seen a live orchestra performance or seen any orchestras playing on TV? What was it like?

3. What is an orchestra like?

4. What kind of music is performed by an orchestra?

5. Do you know any famous orchestras in China or in other places around the world?

For reference

Usually there are two types of orchestra. A chamber orchestra is a small group, and a symphony or philharmonic orchestra is a larger group which includes all of the instrument families.

The music that an orchestra plays is usually classical.

The members of an orchestra are musicians, including the conductor, the pianist, the violinist, the flutist and so on.

There are different types of musical instruments in an orchestra. The percussion family includes the piano, the timpani, the xylophone, the triangle, the snare drum, the bass drum, the woodblocks and the gongs. The brass family are the trumpet, the horn, the trombone and the tuba. The woodwind family members are the flute, the clarinet, the oboe and the bassoon. Sometimes the saxophone also joins the orchestra. The string section has four kinds of stringed instruments in the orchestra-the violins, the violas, the cellos and the double basses.

Step 3: Vocabulary learning

Small: a ________orchestra (chamber)

An orchestra large: a ________ orchestra (symphony/philharmonic)

________ (strings)

________ (woodwind)

Four groups of musical instruments ________ (brass)

________ (percussion)

________ classical music (Western)

________ (opera)

Music of an orchestra popular music

Music from different ________(countries)

Step 3: Homework

Finish the exercise P22-23

Period 4

Grammar and usage (Ellipsis)

Teaching aims:

1. To sum the usage of ellipsis and learn the usages of them.

2. To focus on the special styles .

Teaching important and difficult points :

1. To conclude the usages of them and do some practice .

2. How to use ellipsis correctly in a concrete sentence .

Teaching procedures :

Step 1: General introduction

The grammar item in this unit focuses on ellipsis. You will learn when to use ellipsis and how to use it correctly. You are expected to apply what you have learnt to practical use by finishing the two exercises in this section.

Step 2: Explanation and practice

Read the instructions on page 24. We use ellipsis when we do not want to repeat words or phrases that are obvious.


省略句是英语的一种习惯用法。按照语法的分析,句子应该具备的成分,有时出于修辞上的需要,在句中并不出现,这种句子叫做省略句(elliptical sentences),这种语法现象称为“省略”(ellipsis or leaving words out)。其特点是:虽然省去句子语法构造所需要的组成部分,但仍能表达其完整的意义。




1. 名词所有格后修饰的名词在以下情况可以省略


These are John's books and those are Mary's (books). 这些是约翰的书,那些是玛丽的书。


at the doctor's 在诊所

at Mr Green's 在格林先生家

to my uncle's 到我叔叔家

at the barber's 在理发店

2. 冠词的省略


The lightning flashed and thunder crashed. 电闪雷鸣。(thunder前省略了定冠词the)2)在the next day (morning, week, year...)等短语中,有时为了使语气紧凑定冠词the 常可以省略。如:We went to the farm to help the farmers with the harvest (the) next day. 第二天,我们去农场帮助农民收庄稼。


She sings best in the class. 她在班上唱歌唱得最好。


Our teacher came in, book in hand. (=Our teacher came in, with a book in his hand.) 我们的老师手里拿着一本书进来了。


Child as he is, he knows a lot. 虽然他还是一个孩子,却懂得很多。

3. 介词的省略

1)both 后常跟of短语,其后可以接名词复数形式,也可以接代词宾格复数形式。接复数名词时,介词of可以省略,但接代词宾格时,of不能省略。如:

Both (of) the films were interesting. 这两部电影都很有趣。

She invited both of us to her birthday party. 她邀请我们俩去参加她的生日派对。


These shoes are worn out. They have lasted (for) a long time.



The letter was posted (by me) yesterday. 这封信是昨天寄出去的。

4)和一些动词搭配构成的短语中的介词,如:consider... (as)..., prevent / stop... (from) doing..., have trouble / difficulty... (in) doing..., spend... (in / on) doing... 等中的介词可以省略。如:

Trees can prevent the earth (from) being washed away. 树能阻止泥土被冲走。

Can you stop him (from) going swimming in the river? 你能阻止他下河洗澡吗?

I have some difficulty (in) answering the question. 回答这个问题我有点困难。

4. 动词不定式中的省略

1)有些动词,如:believe, find, think, feel, consider, imagine, prove等后作宾补的结构to be + n. / adj. 中的to be可以省略。如:

I consider him (to be) lazy. 我认为他懒。

His mother found him (to be) a clever boy.


2) 感官动词see, hear, feel, watch, notice 等以及使役动词let, make, have后作宾补的动词不定式中的不定式符号to要省略,但变为被动结构时,to必须保留。如:

They made the boy go to bed early. 他们强迫这个男孩早睡。

The boy was made to go to bed early. 这个男孩被迫早睡。


3)在can not but, can not choose but, can not help but之后的动词不定式一般不带to; but之前有实义动词do的某个形式do, does, did, done 时,也不带to, 否则要带to。如:

We have nothing to do now but wait. 我们现在除了等没有别的事可做。

I can not but admire his courage. 我不能不钦佩他的勇敢。

He has no choice but to accept the fact. 除了接受这个事实他别无选择。


I'm really puzzled what to think or say. 我真不知道该怎么想,怎么说才好。


I came not to scold but to praise you. 我来不是责备你,而是赞美你。

5)在why, why not 引导的特殊问句中后跟省略to的动词不定式。如:

Why talk so much about it? 为什么大谈这个事呢?

Why not try it again? 为什么不再试一试呢?

6) 主语部分有实意动词do 的任何形式,is /was后是不定式做的表语解释do 的内容,通常省略to.

The only thing you have to do is (to) press the button.

7) 动词不定式中动词原形部分是否省略,主要看句子前面是否已出现过同


They may go if they wish to (go). 如果他们想去,他们就可以去。

Don't go till I tell you to.直到我告诉你去,你才可以去。

在一些动词afford, agree, expect, forget, mean, pretend, remember, want, refuse, hope, wish, would like (love), try等后跟动词不定式作宾语,不定式中的to可以承前(后)省略。如:

-Will you go to the cinema with me? 你愿和我一起去看电影吗?

-Well, I'd like to (go with you). 我愿意。

I would do it for you, but I don't know how to (do it for you).


在某些形容词,如:afraid, glad, willing, happy, eager等后承前省略动词原形,只保留不定式符号to。如:

-Will you join us in the game? 你愿和我们一起做这个游戏吗?

-Sure, I'll be glad to (join you in the game). 当然,我愿意。

有些动词,如:tell, ask, allow, expect, force, invite, permit, persuade, order, warn, wish, would like, forbid等后跟动词不定式作宾语补足语、主语补足语时,不定式承前省略动词原形, 保留动词不定式符号to。如: He didn't come, though we had invited him to (come). 尽管我们邀请他来,他却没来。


-Are you a teacher? 你是老师吗?

-No, but I used to be (a teacher). 不,我以前是。




1) 感叹句中常省略主语和谓语。如:

What a hot day (it is)! 多热的天啊! How wonderful! 多妙啊!

2) 在一些口语中可以省略某些句子成分。如:

-(Will you) Have a smoke? 你抽烟吗? -No. Thanks. 不,谢谢了。

(Is there) Anything else to say? 还有别的要说吗?


1) 如果主语不同,而谓语动词中的一部分相同,则省略谓语动词中相同的那部分。如:

John must have been playing football and Mary (must have been) doing her homework. 约翰一定在踢球,而玛丽一定在做作业。

2) 主语相同,谓语动词也相同,则二者都可以省略。如:

His suggestions made John happy, but (his suggestions made) Mary angry.


3) 主语相同,而谓语不同,则可以省略主语。如:

Old McDonald gave up smoking for a while, but (he) soon returned to his old ways. 老麦克唐纳戒了一阵子烟,可很快又抽上了。

4) 在并列复合句中,如果that从句从属于第二个并列句且它的谓语动词和宾语等其它一些成分与第一个并列句相同时,这个that从句通常可以省略这些相同的部分。如:

Jack will sing at the party, but I know John won't (sing at the party).


3. 复合句中的省略

1) 名词性从句中的省略

(1) 作宾语的what从句中的谓语动词与主句的相同,则what从句可以省略谓语,甚至主语。如:Someone has used my bike, but I don't know who (has used it).


He has gone, but no one knows where (he has gone).


(2) 有时候也可以根据说话的情景来省略主句中的一些成分。如:

(I'm) Sorry I've kept you waiting so long. 对不起,让你久等了。

(3) 在某些表虚拟语气的主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句中,从句谓语动词中的助动词should可以省略。如:It's important that we (should) speak to the old politely. 我们对老人说话要有礼貌,这很重要。

2) 定语从句中的省略

(1) 在限制性定语从句中,作宾语的关系代词that, which, who (whom)常可以省略。如:

The man (who / whom) I saw is called Smith. 我见到的那个人名叫史密斯。

Where is the book (which) I bought this morning?


(2) 关系副词when, where, why以及that在the time (day, morning, afternoon, evening, night, week, month, year等) when, the place (desk, table, room, spot, house, town, country, school等)where, the reason why, the way that结构中引导限制性定语从句时,在非正式场合下,可以省略关系副词when, where, why, that。如:

I shall never forget the day (when) we first met.


The reason (why) he came so early is his own affair.


The way (that) you answered the questions was admirable.




(1) 在as, before, till, once, when, while等引导的时间状语从句中。如:

While (I was) waiting, I was reading some magazines. 我一边看杂志,一边等。

(2) 在though, although,等引导的让步状语从句中。如:

Though (they were) tired, they went on working.


(3) 在if, unless(=if... not)等引导的条件状语从句中。如:

You shouldn't come to his party unless (you were) invited.


(4) 在as, as if, as though引导的让步状语从句中。如:

He did as (he had been) told. 他按照被告知的那样去做了。

He paused as if (he was) expecting her to speak.


(5) 在as (so)... as..., than引导的比较状语从句中。如:

I know you can do better than he (can do). 我知道你能比他做得更好。

This car doesn't run as fast as that one (does). 这辆小车不及那辆跑得快。


在一些交际用语中的某些动词,如:think, suppose, expect, believe,guess等后常常和so, not等连用,以替代上文出现的内容。如:

-Do you suppose he is going to attend the meeting?


-I suppose not. 我认为不会。

Step3: Practise

1. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him_________.

A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not to

2. It’s a fine day. Let’s go fishing, ________?

A. won’t we B. will we C. don’t we D. shall we

3. Be sure to write to us, _______?

A. will you B. aren’t you C. can you D. mustn’t you

4. How about the two of us ________a walk down the garden?

A. to take B. take C. taking D. to be taking

5.-I usually go there by train.

-Why not _______by boat for a change?

A. to try going B. trying to go C. to try and go D. try going

6.-Alice, why didn’t you come yesterday?

-I ______, but I had an unexpected visitor.

A. had B. would C. was going to D. did

7. -Could I borrow your dictionary?

-Yes, of course you ________. (1992MET)

A. might B. will C. can D. should

8. -Don’t forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.

-__________. (1994 NMET)

A. I don’t B. I won’t C. I can’t D. I haven’t

Keys: 1-5 ADACD 6-8 CCB

Step 4: Consolidation

I. Multiple choice

1. _____ for your brother, I would not have gone to see Mr. Wang.

A. If it is not B. Were it not C. Had it not been D. If they were not

2. - I’d like to have a piece of bread and two eggs.

- Anything _____?

A. following B. follows C. to follow D. to be followed

3. He suggested that the work _____ at once.

A. be done B. should do C. could do D. does

4. It’s a fine day. Let’s go swimming, _____?

A. won’t we B. will you C. don’t we D. shall we

5. Be sure to be here early tomorrow, _____?

A. will you B. aren’t you C. can you D. could you

6. Father advised me not to say anything until_____ at the meeting.

A. asking B. to ask C. asked D. ask

7. We will have a meeting next week, but we don’t know _____.

A. who B. where C. as D. which

8. Though the little boy is often made ___by his brother, he made his brother ___yesterday.

A. cry; to cry B. crying; crying C. cry; cry D. to cry; cry

9. - I’ll go to Korea to watch the 14th Asian Games. Would you mind looking after my dog?

- Not all. _____.

A. I can’t B. Please don’t C. I’d like it D. I’d be happy to

10. - Do you think Jack is going to watch a football match this weekend?

- _____.

A. I believe not B. I believe not so C. I don’t believe it D. I don’t believe

11. - What do you think made the girl so glad?

- _____ a beautiful necklace.

A. As she received B. Receiving C. Received D. Because of receiving

12. - Aren’t you be chairman?

- No, and I _____.

A. don’t want to B. don’t want C. don’t want to be D. don’t want be

13. You’re_____your time trying to persuade him. He’ll never join us.

A. spending B. wasting C. losing D. missing

14. - He promised to come to see you.

- But he _____. I’ve been all alone.

A. didn’t B. wouldn’t C. hasn’t D. won’t

15. -- How about the number of students playing on the playground?

-- _____.

A. Small B. Many C. Little D. Most

16. All substances, _____ solids, liquids, or gases, are made up of entirely atoms.

A. whether they B. whether C. whether are they D. whether are

17. - Have you watered the flowers?

- No, but _____.

A. I am B. I’m going C. I’m just going to D. I will go

18. If you go to Xi’an, you will find the palaces there more magnificent than commonly___.

A. supposing B. supposed C. to suppose D. suppose

19. If _____ the same treatment again, he is sure to get well. A. giving B. give C. given D. being given

20. He broke his legs while _____.

A. riding B. ride C. was riding D. rode

II. Translation

1. 我伯父的身体比我上次给你去信时好些了。

2. 这种物质称为水,其重要性仅次于氧。

3. 上海即使不是世界上最大的城市也堪称世界最大的城市之一。

4. 我的兄弟有时抽烟,而我不抽烟。

5. 一旦出版, 这部小说将成为今年的畅销书之一。

Keys :

I. 1-5 CCADA 6-10 CBDDA 11-15 BCBCA 16-20 BCBCA


1. My uncle is better than when I wrote to.

2. This substance we call water, and come next only to oxygen.

3. Shanghai is one of the largest cities in the world, if not the largest (city).

4. My brother smokes, but I don’t (smoke).

5. When published, the novel will become one of the best sellers of the year.

Period 5

Task ( Making an exhibition board about a composer)

Teaching aims:

1. to improve the students’ listening ,speaking and writing skills.

2. to collect facts and figure out opinions.

Teaching procedures:

Skills building 1: listening for facts about people

Every one of you must have a good friend in your class. Would you like to give your best friend a brief introduction? Or would you like to talk about a famous person that you admire most?

What information do you want to know when we talk about people?

● dates (born/died)

● places (born/died)

● specific things done in their life

● detailed information (why they did so; who or what influenced them)

Step 1: taking notes on famous composers P26

Skills building 2: finding about people’s lives

1. To obtain more detailed information, what are we supposed to do when we already know a little about a topic? (Asking questions.)

2. If you already know some general information about a famous composer, but you want to get more detailed information about him or her, what should you do? What information would you like to know about the famous composer’s life? One of the good ways to learn about people’s lives is to ask some questions.

3. Read the guidelines and the eleven questions on page 28 and compare them with your own questions. Then decide which questions can help you get more detailed information.

Step 2: asking for further information

Now, let’s use the skills we just learned to get further information. Suppose you interview a member of the school music club.

1. Work individually to think up and write down as many questions as you can to find more detailed information. You can consult your notes on page 26.

2. Work in pairs, one asks questions and the other answers these questions using the prompts. After that, I’d like you to present the questions and answers in front of the classroom.

Skills building 3: writing someone’s life story

1. Discussion:

When you write a person’s life story on an exhibition board, what should be included in it?

Should the date and place of his or her birth and death, timeline of the things he or she did and people’s opinions on him or her be included? How will this information be organized?

How can you find the facts or get the timeline?

Do you think it necessary to add a picture of the person you choose to write about?

2. Read the guidelines in this part to find out the main things you should pay attention to when writing a life story.

Step 3: writing the life story of a composer

Now, let’s try to write a life story about a famous composer based on the information you have collected in Step 1 and 2.

1. Work in pairs: review the information you have listened to, the article you read about Mozart on page 27 and the other information you read on page 28. Discuss the following questions:

When and where was Mozart born?

What style of music did he compose?

When did he write his first piece of music?

What famous works did he write?

When and where did he die?

2. Let’s use the information that you gathered in Steps 1 and 2 to write the life story of a composer, referring to the questions in Skills building 3. Read the instructions in this part. Before writing, you should think about what you should write in your articles.

Possible example

The life of a famous composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart


Early years

Born on 27 January 1756, in Salzburg, Austria, Mozart showed remarkable talent in music. His father was a successful composer and served as his first musical tutor. At the age of five, Mozart started writing classical music. He composed classical music and had his first piece of music published in 1764. He composed his first opera at the age of twelve in 1768.


Some of the famous music that he wrote included:

The Marriage of Figaro, which he wrote for the Vienna Opera, one of the world’s best-known opera houses.

Don Giovanni, another successful opera he wrote in 1787.

The Magic Flute, written in 1791, just before he died later the same year.


In 1782, Mozart married Constanze Weber, a young woman from Germany.

Period 6

Project (Making a web page)

Teaching aims:

Improve the students’ ability of practice.

Important points & difficult points:

Read the passage about the history of music from jazz to pop

Language points in the text

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: lead-in

The project in this unit is designed to help you practise and use English by completing a project. You are first asked to read a magazine article about the development of pop music over the last one hundred years. You are expected to take this article as your sample and do some research on a singer or a band to make a web page. The purpose of this section is to help you use what you have learnt to finish a project by working together. During the course of the project, you will discuss which singer or band you will focus on, what you will include in the project and how you can organize your web page. In order to finish the project, you are expected to know how to cooperate and work together to complete each part.

Step2: Fsat Reading

Have you heard of the Eagles? It’s a world-famous rock & roll band. Let’s first enjoy their classic “hotel California”.

Like most Americans, and most bands formed in California, the Eagles came from eslewhere. Their brand of rock'n'roll was nurtured in the heartland, not on the fringes. Early songs from “Take it easy” to “Desperado” were dubbed “country rock”. But, as the Seventies rolled on, the Eagles soared higher and wider. “Best of my love” and “Lyin'eyes” were rock and pop and country and the fans took them as their own.. The distance between the country and the city, the redneck and the hippie, narrowed. In the Nineties, that gap would be forever closed by another generation of country rockers.

Well, are you interested in pop music? Would you like to know more about rock music? Let’s read the passage and you’ll get more information.

Step3: Detailed reading

Read the article and find out as much information as possible about Western Pop music. Organize the outline of the article as follows:

Early jazz

● Jazz began in the USA.

● After World War I, jazz was the most popular type of music.

● It came from the folk songs of American black slaves.

● The trumpet was and still is one of the most important instruments used in jazz.

● Louis Armstrong is seen as one of the founding fathers of jazz.

● Solo performance became an essential part of every jazz song.

From swing music to rock and roll

● Swing music is a kind of jazz for dancing.

● It is faster than traditional jazz music.

● Swing music was usually played in dance halls by ‘big bands’, including a pianist, a violinist and a bassist, as well as others.

● R﹠B is a kind of mixture of jazz and swing.

● R﹠B included both guitar and saxophone solos.

● R﹠B developed into what we know as rock and roll.

● Big Jon Turner, a black American singer, is thought to be one of the pioneers of rock and roll.

● Sam Philips, a music promoter from Memphis, Tennessee, found that a white man named Elvis Presley could sing like a black man.

1960s pop music

● The Beatles were the most popular rock and roll band of the 1960s.

● The Beatles helped make Western pop music popular around the world.

● Wherever the Beatles went, large numbers of fans would welcome them.

Step4: Task

Read the article again. Underline the key words, phrases or sentences about the development of pop music.

Step5: Discussion

1. Work in groups to discuss how to research and what to research about a singer or a band.

2. Work in pairs to discuss the questions in Part B.

Step6: Homework

Read Part A on page 115 of the Workbook.

篇9:Reading Appreciating literature (译林牛津版高二英语选修八教案教学设计)

Reading Appreciating literature

Step1: Lead-in

Let抯 enjoy a section of film. Is it wonderful? Do you know something about the film?

It抯 based on Dickens抯 famous novel 揙liver Twist? It抯 an example of classics. Classics are the antiques of the literary world. In this unit, we抣l have the chance to get more information about classic literature.


Charles Dickens was born on 7 February 1812 in Portsmouth, England. He had a happy childhood after his family moved to Chatham. At the age of 12, Dickens had to leave school because his father was imprisoned for debt. The poverty and adversity Dickens experienced as a child greatly influenced his later views on social reform. Before his death on 9 June 1870, he wrote about 15 major novels and many short stories, most of which are famous for their surprising endings. If you want to learn more about this great novelist, you may visit the following website:


Step 2: Fast reading for general ideas

Go through the passage as quickly as possible and try to find answers to the three questions in part A on Page 2. Just focus on and identify the information needed to answer these questions.


A 1 Classics are the antiques of the literary world including novels, plays and poems that were written a long time ago and were well written and received.

2 England抯 greatest writer.

3 Seven years old.

Step 3: Detailed reading for important information

1. Let抯 read the passage a second time and complete Parts C1 and C2 on page 4.


C1 1 Because they think they are old-fashioned and boring, and have nothing to do with life today.

2 She doesn抰 think that they are old-fashioned or boring.

3 Joe is a kind and simple man.

4 On his gravestone it reads, 態y his death, one of England抯 greatest writers is lost to the world.?br>5 A stranger.

6 Because he thinks Joe is not clever enough and far from being a well educated gentleman.

7 He learns that wealth does not buy happiness and that friends are more important than a fancy education.

8 An example of character development is the change in Pip from being concerned only with money to seeing that money is not the most important thing in life.

C2 1 d 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 e

2. Listen to the tape and try to complete Part D and Part E.


D 1 c 2 d 3 e 4 a 5 g 6 f 7 h 8 b

E (1) authors (2) Pip

(3) husband (4) England

(5) symbol (6) novel

(7) fortune (8) gentleman

(9) shallow (10) theme

3. Read the text again and choose the best answers according to the text.

1. Some people think that classics are old-fashioned because of the following statements except __________.

A. they were written a long time ago.

B. the language used in them is quite different from the language used today.

C. they are difficult for people to understand.

D. They can only be found in bookshops and libraries.

2. Which of the following statements is wrong?

A. Clueless, the award-wining film is based on Charles Dickens抯 novel.

B. The film based on Great Expectations was released in 1998.

C. At first, Charles Dickens published many novels in newspaper.

D. Good classics are examples of great writing and wisdom.

3. When and where is Great Expectations set in?

A. In the USA in the 1800s. B. In England in the early 1800s.

C. In England in 1812.. D. In the USA in 1870.

Keys: D A B

Step 4: Post-reading activities

1. Pair work:

Pay attention to the Reading strategy of the article, focusing on the way the author tries to convince the reader to adopt a certain point of view. Point out these places in the essay:

1. However, if this is true, why do we still find classics in bookshops and libraries?

2. Why else would many films based on them be successful?

3. I do not think that these classic novels would be made into films if they had nothing to do with life today.

2. Let抯 come to Part F. Work in pairs and share your opinions with each other.

3. Discussion: What makes a good persuasive essay?

In persuasive or argumentative writing, we try to convince others to agree with our facts, share our values, accept our argument and conclusions, and adopt our way of thinking.

Elements toward building a good persuasive essay include

?establishing facts to support an argument

?clarifying relevant values for your audience (perspective)

?prioritizing, editing, and/or sequencing the facts and values in importance to build the argument

?forming and stating conclusions

?損ersuading?your audience that your conclusions are based upon the agreed-upon facts and shared values

?having the confidence to communicate your 損ersuasion?in writing

Step 5: Language points

Vocabulary Words classics, literary, received, wisdom, dust, work, chapter, harm, simple, tension, twist, plot, generous, fortune, abrupt, constant, reminder, shabby, shortcoming, shallow, prejudice, civil, bent, theme, wealth, fancy, settle, educated, acquaintance

Useful expressions have something to do with, have a place, in the world, be based on, be made into, at a time, on stage, be set in, have a kind word to sb., a symbol of, set sb. free, before long, be kind to, in the early 1800s, be bent on

Sentence patterns 1. They are novels, plays and poems that were written a long time ago and were so well written and well received that people still read them today.

2. But Joe is a kind and simple man, who would rather die than see any harm come to Pip.

3. Excited by his move to London, Pip can hardly wait to begin his new life.

Step 6: Homework

1. Read the text again and again. Try to memorize the language points.

2. Read the review of the famous novel Les Miserables in part B on page 105 of the Workbook.

篇10:Unit 3 Back to the past 生词导学(译林牛津版高二英语选修八导学案)

王修潭 单小玲

1 civilization (un) 文明, 开化 (cn)特定时期或地区的文明

The civilization of mankind has taken thousands of years.

古巴比伦和埃及文明 ______________________________________________

civilize vt 使…..开化,文明

civilize a jungle tribe ___________________________

civilized adj 有礼貌的,文明的, 有道德的

有礼貌的社会,行为 _________________________

2 take over 夺取, 接管, 接任, 接替

她生病期间她的女儿接管生意. ______________________________________

I’m feeling too tired to drive any more, would you please take over for a while.



take sth apart ___________ take sb away _____________

take sth away ___________ take sth back _____________

take sb back to ____________ take in _____________

take up ______________

3 erupt vi&vt (火山)爆发, 突然发生

比赛后发生了暴力事件. __________________________________ ____

Mount Vesuvius hasn’t erupted for many years. ____________________________

eruption n 火山爆发, (比喻) 疾病,战争爆发


4 bury vt (1)埋葬 (2) 埋藏, 掩盖, 覆盖

He was buried with his wife. __________________

莎士比亚葬于何处? ______________________________

Our dog buries its bone in the garden. ______________________________

你的信压在一堆文件下面了. ______________________________

短语、bury oneself in sth 专心致志于 隐居


他隐居到乡下写书. __________________________________

5 house vt 储藏, 收藏, 给…. 提供住房

他将旧书收藏在阁楼上. __________________________________

政府给难民提供住处. ___________________________________

6 ruin vt 毁坏, 毁灭

暴风雨毁坏了庄稼. ___________________________

You’re ruining that child. _________________________

(un) 毁灭, 灭亡 (cn) 废墟, 残垣断壁

那个消息意味着我们所以的希望都破灭了. ______________________________

the ruins of Pompeii ____________________________

短语 in ruins 严重受损, 破败不堪

他的生活很糟糕. ___________________________________

地震过后, 全城到处是残垣断壁. _____________________________________

7 condition (un)状况,状态 (cn)环境,境况, 条件(表工作, 生活, 气候条件常用复数)

be in bad/ good/ excellent condition _______________________________

living/ housing/ working conditions _______________________________

He is out of condition. ____________________________

短语 on condition that 在… 条件下 倘若 连词用于引导条件状语从句

他们给我们提供资金, 条件是我们在六个月内偿还.


你要穿上外衣才能出去. ______________________________________________

8 drive vt 迫使(某人生气, 发疯等)

drive + object+ adv/ prep

那噪音使我丧失理智 ______________________________

求生的欲望驱使他们继续努力. _____________________________

drive + object +adj

痛苦使她几乎发疯 __________________________________

drive + object+ to do

贫困和饥饿逼得他们去偷. ______________________________

9 destroy vt 毁坏;摧毁,指通过某种用力的或粗暴的手段使之毁灭或无用 ,一般不能或很难修复。

他破坏了我的希望。 ------------------------------------

ruin 强调毁灭的彻底性, 并且是一次性的行为。强调破坏的长期结果。

fall into ruin come / go to ruin lie in ruins the ruins of Yuanmingyuan

bring sb to ruin ruin one’s hopes



damage 指对价值和功能的破坏, 多用于无生命的东西,一般可以修复


An earthquake struck this area , ------------------ a lot of damage .

A making B causing C done D caused

10 remain VI 剩余;遗留;逗留( 没有进行时态和被动语态)

If you take away 3 from 8 , -------------------( 还剩5 )

我没有在那个小镇停留太久。I didn’t ------------------ in the town .

她一直站了一个小时。She -------------------- for an hour .




11 concern

(1)关心,后常用反身代词。concern oneself about / in / with





有关词组:as / so far as … be concerned ---------------------------

be concerned about -----------------

12 board

be on board +boat / ship / plane ----------------------------

get / come / go on board ----------------------------

be on the board -------------------------------

13 influence n. & v. 影响

固定搭配influence on / over sb / sth

influence on sb / sth



The fact ------------------------had --------------------------------------------------.


affect 一般指生理或物质上的改变

influence 一般指感觉和态度上的改变

Honestly speaking , it is my teacher’s ---------- that made me finally take up my present career as a biology researcher .

A advantage B influence C taste D guard

14 return vi &vt 常用词组:

return sth to sb ----------------------------- return to a place -----------------------

without return ------------------------ in return for ------------------------------

When his work was over , he -------------------------- his home .

A turned to B returned to C get back D returned

15 goods n. 商品;货物。


There are lots of good goods in the supermarket . -------------------------

Chinese goods available for export are varied . --------------------------

16 declare vt 宣布,宣称( 后接名词,从句或复合结构 )

vi declare for / against 赞成 / 反对

They declared their independence from England .------------------------



篇11:牛津英语高中模块八 unit2 project 学案设计(译林牛津版英语高二)

M8 U2 The universal language


From the blues to pop

Learning aims(学习目标):

1.Read the magazine article about the development of pop music over

the last one hundred years.

2 Enable the students to write about stars and popular musicians and

make a web page about a pop singer or band.

3.Students use what they have learnt to finish a project by working


Important points (学习重点):

Learn how to improve the ability of reading by using the two reading techniques:1.浏览式2.扫描式阅读

Difficult points (学习难点):

.Let students know how to finish the project well

Learning guide(方法引导):

Listening reading and thinking to get students to understand the text.

Teaching aids(教具):

Multi-medium and blackboard

Learning procedures(学习过程):

Step 1 lead in

Enjoy music

Focus on the title and predict: What is this text mainly about?


Step 2 Skimming:

Find the answers to the question.

Q: How many kinds of music are mentioned in the passage?


Deal with the following part.

Time types Origin Representative

Early Jazz

(early1930s-1950s) R & B Bill Haley and the Comets

the early 1950s RRock & roll develop from R&B

11960s PPop music

Step3 Scanning:

Complete the outline of this passage.

Part One : Early jazz:

Louis Armstrong was one of ___________of jazz. His strength lies in that he would _________________ as he was playing it to at the time.

Part TWO:. From R﹠B to rock and roll

R & B

Bill Haley and the Comets, a white _____, and became a hit on the pop charts. They then recorded“___________________”, which became the number one hit of 1955. “Rock Around the Clock” caused rock music to _____________________, separate style, and made it popular around the world.

Rock & roll

△ Big Joe Turner was a ______ American singer. He recorded his 1st R & R song called ________________ in 1954.

△ In order to bring rock to________ audiences, a music promoter from Memphis, Tennessee found that a white man named could sing like a black man. He turned out to become

Part Three :. 1960s pop music

The Beatles helped make ________________popular around the world. Wherever the Beatles went, large numbers of fans would welcome them.

Step Four: Discussion

How to make a webpage?

Step Five : Work in groups

Make a web page about a pop singer or band.

Step Six: Home work

1. Please review what has been learned in today’s class.

2. Please finish the exercise on Page 109.




1. probability n. 可能性 ;概率

There is little probability of his succeeding.

There is little probability that he will succeed. 他不大可能成功.

What is the probability of his success? 他成功的可能性如何?

词组: in all probability =very probably 极有可能:

In all probability he's already left. 他很可能已经离开了.

【归纳拓展】 the probability is that…= there’s a probability that…= it is probable that… 有可能

probable 是该单词的形容词形式,注意比较probable likely possible 这三个形容词的区别:

【即学即用】 He is _____ to come here, so get ready for everything as soon as possible.

A .possible B. probable C. likely D. probably

(江苏卷26). The experiment has_________ the possibility of the existence of any life on that planet, but it does not mean there is no life on other planets.

A. found out B. pointed out C. ruled out D. carried out

2.bark n. 树皮, 吠声 vi. 吠, 咆哮, 剥树皮

Barking dogs seldom bite. 吠犬不咬人。(真人不露相)

His bark is worse than his bite. 刀子嘴豆腐心。

Dogs always bark at strangers. 狗总是对着陌生人吠。

The officer barked out an order. 那军官大声发出命令。(咆哮地说出、吼出)

3.trial n. 试验, 考验, 审讯, 审判

a trial match / flight 预赛;试飞

She succeeded in the examination on her third trial. 在她第三次尝试时

The man was on trial for killing a person. 此人因杀人而受审。

They let me have / take the computer on trial for thirty days. 把......拿去试用

by / through trial and error 通过反复试验, 不断摸索

Only by trial and error will you find out what flowers grow best.

4.standardize vt. 使符合标准, 使标准化

standard n. 标准, 规格 adj. 标准的, 权威的, 第一流的

the standard of living / living standards 生活水平

Mr. Li sets high standards of behavior for his students. 对学生的行为提出高标准的要求

standard English pronunciation 标准的英语发音

5.length n. 长度,时间的长短

a length of rope/ cloth 一根绳/一段布


It’s 200 kilometers long. It’s 200 kilometers in length.

⑵这把尺子是那把的两倍长。This ruler is twice the length of that one.

at length 终于;详细地 in length 长度上

6.note vt. 注意,;记录;指出,特别提到

Please note that this bill must be paid within 10 days.请注意这张账单必须在10天之内付清。

The pupil noted (down) what the teacher said. 学生记下了老师的话。

n. 笔记;短信;注解,注释;票据,纸币;音符

make / take a note(notes) of ... 记下… make / take notes 记笔记

compare notes 交换意见;对笔记 take note of 注意到

change one's note 改变态度,口气 a 10-pound note

【即学即用】Just now, I took _____ of a thief’s entering the neighbour’s house.

A. notices B. notes C. note D. a note

7.quantity n. 量 数量

buy sth. in (large / small) quantities

large/small quantities of + n. 谓语动词用复数

a large/small quantity of + n. 谓语动词单复数由名词决定

Large quantities of goods / food have been stored for the winter.

A large quantity of beer has been sold.

A large quantity of books have been sold.

【即学即用】As a result of destroying the forest, a large ____ of the desert _____ covered the land.

A. number ; has B. quantity; has C.numbers; have D.quantity; have

8.mass n. 块;大多数,;质量;群众,;大量

the masses 群众,,民众,个人阶级

a mass of / masses of + n. [u] / [c] 许多,大量

a huge mass of data 大量数据 a mass of people 许多人

Before the rain, there were masses of dark clouds in the sky.


adj. 群众的;大规模的;集中的

mass production 大规模生产 mass education / media 大众教育;大众传媒

9.wonder adj. 极好的,灵验的 a new wonder drug 新的灵丹妙药

n. 奇迹,惊奇,惊愕 the Seven Wonders of the World 世界七大奇观

It's a wonder (that) no one got hurt. 难得

It’s no wonder (that) you've got a headache, the amount you drank last night.

昨晚你喝得太多,头痛不足为奇。 难怪;不足为奇

vt. 觉得奇怪;惊奇;想知道,不知道

I was wondering if / whether you'd like to come to dinner.


I wonder if I'll recognize Philip after all these years.

vi. 惊讶,怀疑

-- Is she serious? -- I wonder. 我看不一定吧。

【即学即用】He hasn’t slept at all for three days. ______ that he is tired out

A.There is no point B.There is no need C. It is no wonder D.It is no way

10.relief n. 解脱的感觉,安慰;(痛苦等的)减轻;(债务等的)免除;救助,救济

give a patient relief from pain / pain relief 使病人减轻痛苦

provide relief for refugees 救济难民

To our great relief, the children all arrived home safely. 使某人欣慰的是…

The doctor said it was just the flu. What a relief! 谢天谢地

relieve vt.

Drugs helped to relieve the pain.

relieve oneself relieve sb. of sth. 解除某人的负担

He rose and relieved her of her bags.

relieve sb. of their post / duties / command etc. 免除职务/职责/指挥权

【即学即用】people in the world try their best to _____ the people in the earthquake in India.

A. relief B. relieve C. release D. reliance

(2010山东卷33). Those who suffer from headache will find they get ______ from this medicine.

A. relief B. safety C. defense D. shelter

11.split (split split) 切开,分裂,分离,分享,分担

Let’s split the cost of the dinner party. The lightening split a big tree.

split up 分成小部分,划分 分离 分手

The couple split up. The party split up into two groups.

split n.裂口,裂缝 a split in the door/ rock/ coat

12.Pleasure n. 快乐;娱乐,消遣


(It’s ) My pleasure. 别客气。(回答感谢) With pleasure 非常乐意。( 请求)

take pleasure / delight in doing 喜欢做…

have the pleasure of =have the honor of 有幸做

for pleasure 为了消遣 at one’s pleasure随便,听便

please vt. 使高兴 快乐 pleased adj.高兴的;满意的 pleasant adj.令人高兴的、满意的

【即学即用】-- Would you please help me with the box?--______.

A.Yes,please B.No,please don’t C.With pleasure D.My pleasure.

13.sharp adj. 锋利的; 尖刻的;灵敏的; 突然的

I cut my foot on a sharp stone.

She has a sharp mind. 她头脑机敏。

The boss was very sharp with me when I was late this morning.

Sharp adv.准时地;突然地 Please be here at seven sharp.

Sharpen v. 使…锋利 sharpener n.卷笔刀

The knife needs sharpening/ to be sharpened. 这把刀要磨了。

14.let out 释放,放走,放气/水,放大衣服,泄露秘密、出租

Let the air out of the tyres.

They were let out of prison last week.

His trousers need to be let out round the waist.

Don’t let it out to the press.

let out a cry of joy/surprise/ excitement let out cars by the day

【归纳拓展】let sb alone 不管,不干涉 let sb/sth be 听任,不打扰

let off 放过,放枪,放炮,放烟火

【即学即用】He accidentally ____ he had quarrelled with his wife and that he hadn’t been home for a couple of weeks.(湖南卷)

A let out B. took care C. made sure D. made out

15.point n. 尖端;分数;细节 程度 意义 v. 指;瞄准

【归纳拓展】 on the point of 正要…的时候 to / off the point 中肯/离题

point out/ at /to 指出/着/向 There’s no point in doing sth. 做…没意义


(1) My teacher pointed ____ my mistakes.

(2) They pointed ____ her head with guns.

(3) I was ____ the point of leaving when the telephone rang.

(4) Your criticism is ____ the point, I quite agree with you.

(5) There is no point ___ discussing the problem.

(6) ____ that point I thought she would agree, but in the end she refused.

(keys: out at on to in at)

We’re just trying to reach a point _____ both sides will sit down together and talk.(山东)

A. where B. that C. when D. which

I listened to Dr. Johnson’s lecture on biology yesterday, but I failed to get the key ____

A. points B. words C. information D. message

(析:key points要点 key words重要的词 key information重要信息)


(1) –We must thank you for taking trouble to cook us a meal.---________.

A. It’s a pleasure B.With pleasure C.It doesn’t matter. D.Never mind

(2) It’s often less expensive to buy goods in ___ quantity, but you’d better examine ___ quality

before buying them.

A.\ the B. the \ C.a the D. the the

(3) We’ve already discussed the subject ____ great length.

A. at B. in C. on D. to

(4) He has _____ letters to answer. He has to work from morning to night.

A. much B. a great deal of C. masses of D. the number of

(5) While traveling, whether on business or for ____ , you often need to stay in a hotel.

A. pressure B. pleasure C. patience D. purpose

(6) The processing secret of the new product was _____ by the reporter, who has little sense of keeping the secret.

A. let into B. let out C. let down D. let be

(7) Masses of people _____ come here, so quantities of drinking water ____ been used up.

A. have;has B. have; have C. has;have D. has; has

(8) ______ on point ____ to explain.

A. It is; in trying B.There is ;in trying C. It is ;to try D. There is ; to try

(9) I learned most of what I know about gardening through _____.

A. a lot tries B. to do experiments C. trial and error D. great try

(10) Can you put me ____ to this number.

A. across B. through C. up D. over

(11) The sofa can also ____ as a bed.

A. use B. make C. operate D. function

(12) The newly- discovered star was named ______ a Chinese astronomer _____ honour of his contributions to astronomy.

A. for ; in B. after; for C. as ;in D. after; in

(13) --- I often see him working hard in his spare time.

--- _______ he has won the scholarship from time to time.

A. No wonder B. No way C. No doubt D. No wander

(14) _____ is worth doing at all is worth doing well.

A Whatever B Whoever C However it D Whatever it


篇13:译林牛津模块8 unit 4 学案及详细答案(译林牛津版高二英语选修八教案教学设计)

牛津M8 unit 4 Reading 学案及详细答案

1.Joining us in the studio are----。倒装句


Nearby was the house in which they had lived for more than 20 years.


On the stage are the girls competing in the beauty contest.


Gone are the days when people waited in a queue to make a long-distance call.



We view the holiday as a time for recreation,but she has a different idea.


3. finance Vt 给―――提供资助,负担―――的经费

n. 财政,金融

financial adj. 财政的,金融的

Our filrm`s finances are not sound. 我们公司的财政状况不是很好。

It`s necessary for the government to finance the students who have no

money to go to school.政府有必要向没钱上学的学生提供资助

1) To our surprise the Minister of _________ is not an expert in _______.

A.Finance;financial B.finance;finance

C.Finance;finance D.Financier;finance

2) I have some _______ troubles.

A.financial B.finance C.financed D.financing

4.amateur adj. 业余的,非职业的

n. 业余从事者,爱好者

be an amateur of是―――的爱好者

an amateur astronomer 业余天文学家

1).Generally speaking,both amateur actors and actress are amateur _____ film.

A.of B.at C.in D.for

5.defence n. 保卫,辩护,防卫

in defence of sb==in sb`s defence为―――辩护,保卫

I must say in her defense that she works very hard.


1).He wrote a letter to the manager _____ her.

A.in defence for B.for the defence of

C.in defence of D.as a defence for

6.distinguish Vt/Vi 区别,区分,使与众不同



1).You should be able to distinguish between right and wrong.




7.boycott Vt抵制,排斥 n.联合抵制,联合拒绝购买

They launched a boycott on imports.他们发起了联合抵制进口货的行动。

1).It`s impossible for the students in our school to boycott class.




8.hatch Vt 策划,筹划。孵,孵出

How many chickens have hatched out?

They have hatched a plan to celebrate their mother`s 70th birthday.


1).Don`t count your chickens before they are hatched.




9.resemble Vt 相似,类似。常接介词in表示在某方面相似


n. resemblance 相似

The plant resembles grass in appearance。这种植物的外形像草

So many hotels resemble each other.


2).you have a strong resemblance ____ your father,but you resemble

your mother neither ____ character nor ____ appearance.

A.to in in B.in to to C.in in in D.between in in

10.favour Vt 偏爱,偏袒 n. 恩惠,好意,帮助

Adj. favourable 赞成的

n. favourite

A mother mustn`t favour one of her children more than the others.


In favour of 支持,赞成

Do sb a favour==do a favour for sb帮助某人

Be in favour with sb 得到―――厚爱

Lose favour with sb 失宠于某人

11. in the minority 占少数 In the majority占多数

1).While the army takes both men and women,women are in the minority.


12.a spokesman for--- ―――的发言人

13. reward Vt/n 奖,奖励,回报,报酬

reward sb with sth for sth

in reward for 作为―――的报酬

He was rewarded with a prize for his excellent work.


1).His labours were rewarded ____ good fruit.

A.for B.by C.with D.to

2).He gave me a medal ___ for my service.

A.in reward B.to reward C.on reward D.with reward

14.restriction n. 限制,约束 restrict V

restriction on――― restrict to doing sth

1). He restricts himself _____ 2 cigars a day.

A.to smoke B.smoke C.to smoking D.smoking

2). There`s no restriction _____ foreign films in America.

A.on B.against C.of D.Both A and B

15.rarely adv.很少,罕见地

rare adj 稀有的,罕见的,稀疏的 (否定词)

1).Rarely ____ I dream these days.

A.do B./ C.did D.does

2).She rarely stays up late,______?

16.admission n. 准许进入,准许加入,承认

admit admitting admitted

承认,供认 admit doing/ sb to do



1).Admission is limited to the invited guests.






1. 增加单词来强调


I have never seen such a lazy person in my whole life.(这么)

So angry was he that he couldn’t speak.

Fortunately,he was just in time for the first train in the morning.(刚好)

It’s unbelievable that the woman herself could lift so heavy a box.(自己一个人)

This is the very English dictionary that I have been looking for.(就是,正是)

The manager was right in the office when I arrived at the company by metro (地铁)。(正好)

2. 增加短语来强调

常用的短语有:on earth,in the world,by no means(位于句首需用倒装),not…at all等。如:

“What on earth are you doing now?” asked the policeman.(究竟,到底)

Though we are good friends,I don’t agree with you at all this time.(根本不)

I have to point out that this job can by no means be accomplished overnight.(决不)

3. 用助动词do,does,did来强调


Do come early tomorrow morning,or you will be fined.(务必,一定)

The new exchange student does hope to go to the evening party with us.(确实)

My mother did sing well in the past because she used to be a teacher.(的确,确实)

4. 将“地点”提前加以强调

On the table were some flowers. 桌上摆了一些花。


强调句的基本结构是It + be +被强调部分+that (who/whom)+原句剩余部分。被强调部分可以是简单句中除谓语以外的其它成分,也可以是主从复合句中的从句。如:

It was our we that/who saved my little younger sister.(强调主语)

It was him that/whom they saw stealing yesterday in the supermarket.(强调宾语)

It is by sending e-mail that they keep in touch with each other.(强调状语)

It was only when I reread this poem recently that I began to appreciate its beauty.(强调从句)


(1) 强调句形中的it没有实际意义,由于it处在主语位置,即使被强调的主语是复数,动词只用单数。强调主语时用主格。如:

It was Tom and Mike that /who helped us out.

It is we who/that have passed the driving test.

(2) 强调句的一般疑问句就是直接把动词置于句首;特殊疑问句就是把被强调的特殊疑问词置于句首。如:

Is it next week that we will hold another football match ?

Who was it that taught you English ten years ago ?

How was it that you managed to deal with such difficult problems ?

(3) 强调not …until…结构时,not要放在until之前。即:It is/was not until…that….如:It was not until all fish died that people realized how serious pollution was.

It was not until midnight that they came back.


Not until all fish died did people realize how serious pollution was.

Not until midnight did they come back.

(4) 在强调时间、地点、原因或方式状语时,一律用that,而不用when,where,why或how等;特别要注意不能同定语从句等相混淆。如:

Was it during World War II that he lost his devoted son. ?

It was for this reason that the naughty boy got severely punished.


It was on October 5,1999 that the new city was founded.(强调句)


It was October 5,1999 when their first son was born.(定语从句)


(5) 强调句与其它的交融使用

It was the village where I was brought up that I visited yesterday.


I can’t remember how many years ago it was that I entered the factory.


When I asked him when it was that he took my dictionary,he made no answer.




1.It was only when I recovered from being ill _____I began to realize how important health is to a person.

A.until B.that C.then D.so

2.It was ____ 1920 _____regular radio broadcast began.

A.until;that B.not until;when C.until;when D.not until;that

3.Was _____that I saw at the concert last night ?

A.it you B.not you C.you D.yourself

4.It was evening ____ we reached the little town of Winchester.

A.that B.until C.since D.before

5.It was with great joy _____ he received the news _____his lost daughter had been found.

A.because;that B.that ;why C.which;which D.that;that

6.My teacher asked me _____ Daniel got injured in the leg.

A.how was it that B.how it was that

C.how it was which D.how was it which

7.It was not until she had arrived home _____ her appointment with the doctor.

A.did she remember B.that she remembered

C.when she remembered D.had she remembered

8.It was on the farm _____ my father used to work _____ I was born.

A.that;that B.where;where C.where;that D.that;where

9._____ that she was still weak in English ?

A.Why it was B.Why was it C.It was why D.Was it why

10._____ that electricity plays such an important part in our daily life?

A.What is it B.What does it C.Why does it D.Why is it

11._____she is not so healthy _____she used to be ?

A.Why it is that;as C.Is it why that;that

C.Why is it that;as D.Why is it that;that

12.---Mary !______and visit us some day.

--All right .

A.Do come B.Do comes C.Does come D.Did come

13.It was _____computer games that the boy took a lot of time that he ought to have spent on his lessons.

A.to have played B.playing C.played D.having played

14.---Is it my age _______the boss minds.

--I’m afraid not.He will consider _____necessary to have an experienced assistant.

A.which;it B.that;it C.which;that D.that;that

15.Such a naughty boy _____ that nobody likes him.

A.he is B.he was C.is he D.was he


1. It was in this small village where she was born.

2. It were Madame Curie and her husband who discovered radium.

3. It was September 9,1990 that the little girl was born.

4. It was for this reason why Edward quitted his job in the famous company.

5. He do work very tired after finishing the complex task by himself.

6. By no means I will give up learning English.

7. You did helped me in time of difficulty.

8. Do more careful next time if you want to get a better mark in the exam.

9. It is Mr Green who often help others when they are in trouble.

10. It is him that is to blame for the mistake.


1. It is _________________(很有趣的一部电影)that I want to see it again.

2. It ____________________(直到他告诉我)that I knew the truth.

3. He________________(确实出席) the meeting the day before yesterday.

4. __________________(到底多少次)that you go to see your parents every month?

5. __________________(是在二战期间)that he died.

6. It was ___________________(就是昨晚九点)he went to the park.

7. It was twelve o’clock at midnight _____________________________(他们到达


8. It was ___________________(他最好的衣服)that John wore to the dance last night.

9. He _____________________(真的很喜欢)the new bicycle his father gave him

as a present.

10. _________________________________________(正是从20世纪90年代初)scientists started to develop new techniques to increase agriculture production

without harming the environment.


1. Bill made a kite at school yesterday.


2. He did’t go to work because his mother was ill.


3. Did the Second World War break out in 1939 ?


4. I painted the door white.


5. I didn’t recognize she was a famous film star until she took off her dark glasses.


6. I remembered your birthday yesterday,though I wasn’t able to buy a present for you.


7. Mr Wang likes reading newspapers while having breakfast.


8. How did the accident happen ?


9. What do you want me to say ?


10. Where did he buy that bike ?


11. In the Bronze Age people could make tools of copper and bronze.


12. Thousands of people were killed in an earthquake in this city.


13. we didn’t finish the homework until evening came near.


14. Mr Tang teaches us maths very well.


15. A boy lay on the ground,looking at the stars in the sky.(提至句首)



1. have an appointment to do sth.有做……的约定

I have an appointment to see the doctor.

have/make an appointment with sb.与某人有约

by appointment依约,经预先约定的

appoint vt.决定;任命

appoint sb.to do sth.指定某人做某事

appoint sb. (to be/as)任命某人为……

appointed adj. 指定的


①The teacher me to call the police.

A. appointed B.approach C.appreciated D.approved

②We appointed him .

A. as chairman B.to be chairman C.chairman D.all the above

③the doctor sees patients only .

A. on appointment B.by appointment C.in appointment

D.at appointment

2.in time 及时,终有一天,迟早

I wish you would come in time.

on time 准时

The train arrived on time.


If you work hard and are brave enough to face challenges,you will succeed .

A. on time B.in time C.at the same time D.at one time

3.make an agreement达成共识,签订协议

We have made an agreement on fishery with America.

We made an agreement to help the poor.

under the/an agreement 根据协议

break an agreement 打破协议

reach/come to/arrive at an agreement 达成协议

be in agreement with 同意某人所说的

be in agreement on/upon/about sth.对某事意见一致


At last we an agreement we should start at once.

A. made,that B.come to,that C reach,which D.arrived at,on which

4.satisfaction [u.] 满意,满足,(愿望、需求等)实现

[c.] 令人满意的事

She got great satisfaction from helping people.

What we should do is to meet the satisfaction of public demand.

It is a great satisfaction to know she is well again.

satisfy vt.令人满意

satisfied adj.满意的

satisfying adj. 令人满意的

satisfactory adj.令人满意的

to one’s satisfaction=to the satisfaction of sb.使某人满意的是……

be satisfied with …对……满意

be satisfied of… 确信……


①I’m not with your work.You must improve it.

A. satisfactory B.satisfying C.satisfied D.a satisfaction

② Your success gave me .

A.a great satisfaction B.satisfy C.satisfactory D.great satisfaction

5.sensitive 敏感的

The eyes are sensitive to light.

be sensitive to 对…敏感




① vt.猜疑,怀疑|s`spekt|

I suspect that he gave us the false information.

suspect sb. of (doing) sth.怀疑某人做过某事

suspect sb. to be…怀疑某人是……

suspect that…怀疑/猜……

②n.嫌疑犯 |`sΛspekt|

Two suspects were arrested today in connection with the roberry.

③adj.可疑的 |`sΛspekt|

His statements are suspect.




7.contrary to prep.和……相反

He is very nice,contrary to what people say about him.

on the contrary 正相反


-I am sure you like your new job.

- ,it’s dull.

A.On the contrary B.Sure C.Indeed D.Sorry

8.possess vt.拥有,持有

He possesses three cars.

possessor n.所有人

possession n.拥有

be in possession of…(某人)拥有……

be in the possession of… (某物)为(某人)所有


The books are in my possession.This sentence has the same meaning as .

A.I am in possession of the books.

B.I am in the possession of the books.

C.The books are in the possession of me.

D.Both A and C.

9.tendency n.倾向,趋向

a tendency to alcoholism 酗酒的倾向

tendency to 趋向……

tendency to do sth.做……的趋向

tend vi倾向于

tend to do sth.倾向于做某事


The sort of music he listens to ,but tends pop music.

A. vary,to B.varies,to C.various,toward D.various,to

10.give thought to 考虑,思考

I have given enough thought to the matter.

be lost in thought 陷入沉思

without thought 不假思索

have thought of…有……的打算

thought for…对……的体谅/关怀

thoughtful adj.细心的,体贴的

①I’ll give to your suggestion that we a party in honor of the experienced professor.

A. much thought,hold B.many thoughts,should hold

C.much thought,will hold D.some thought,can

② in thought,he didn’t notice the teacher come in,standing by him.

A. Losing B.Lose C.Loses D.Lost

③I have no thought annoying you.

A. for B.on C.of D.in

11.boredom n.厌倦,乏味,无聊

They yawned with boredom during the long speech.

bore vt.使……厌烦

bored adj.厌烦的

boring adj.令人厌烦的

be bored with…对……厌烦

bore sb.with sth./by doing sth.以……令人厌烦


①He always bores her the same story.

A. with B.by telling C.at D.both A and B

②We are with the film.

A. bored,bored B.boring,boring C.bored,boring D.boring,bored


1. Some people still believe in _________ (魔法).

2. He is a ________ (代表) of a country.

3. What is your v___________ on school punishment.

4. People who work in banks know about _________ (金融).

5. Traffic in the city was ________ (阻断) by a snowstorm.

6. It is the p_________ of the government to improve education.

7. Can you ________ ( 区分) the different musical instruments playing now?

8. They are _________ (联合抵制) the shop.

9. Those who can ________ (预见) difficulties on their way to success may keep calm when they really appear.

10. When will the eggs h______ ?

11. There must be _______ (公平的) play whatever the competition is .

12. Your actions _________ (同…矛盾)your principles.

13. He looked ________ (向后) to see who was following him.

14. The workers got a Christmas ________ (额外津贴).

15. The music film is Mrs Wilson’s _______ (作品) in the competition..

16. He _________ (很少)comes here anymore.

17. Why did you leave these ________ (衣服) on the floor.

18. The earth’s _________ (影子)sometimes falls on the moon.

19. ___________准许进入) by ticket only.

20. How can I _________ (报答) your kindness.

21. I like Shakespeare’s _____________ (喜剧)

22. I find all the c________ in his new play very real.

23. We go for a walks in the fields o_______.

24. The old man told of an e________ story.

25. We’ve got three cats --------two f_______ and a male.

26. Stop living in a f________ world

27. He’s very s______ about his weight

28. C______ to popular belief,many cats dislike milk.

29. A police car polluted up a_____ us.

30. Your name had been d_____ from this list.


1. 看待… 16. 达成共识

2. 业余导演 17. 考虑,思考

3. 为…辩护 18. 正相反

4. 不管,不顾 19. 怀疑某人做…

5. 区分…和… 20. 担任,管理

6. 只要,如果 21. 使某人满意的是

7. 达到我们的标准 22. 弘扬高质量的电影

8. 接管 23. 与其说…倒不如说

9. 幻想,梦想 24. 国际电影节

10. 对…敏感 25. 每周一次的节目

11. 和…相反 26. 参加做…事情

12. 让你觉得眩晕 27. 听说,听到

13. 获胜 28. 退步

14. 占少数 29. 享有好的声誉

15. 入场券 30. …的亮点


1. 别人反对他的意见时,他很容易生气。

He ___ ___ get angry easily when people ___ his ideas.


I had never ___ ____ ____ such a large house when I was a child.


I will ___ my book ___ you ___ ___ ____ you promise to take good care of it.


They ____ _____ ____ that no one should tell the secret to others.


The twin brothers look so similar that I really can’t ____ ____ them.

6. 我们学校的学生罢课是不可能。

It is ____ for the students in our school ___ ____.


The idea for our film festival was ___ ____ in 1978.


He _____ _____ to the club.


She went out ____ ___ her _____.


My demand is ____ _____ that of the other members.



3. CA 4.A 5C 6.你应该会区分好坏

People who are color-blind often can`t distinguish red from green.


We shouldn`t boycott such a meeting.


The idea for our film festival was hatched back in 1978.

9.He strongly resembles his father. A


13,C A 14.C D !5.C does she


He gained admission to the club.



1-----5BDADD 6-----10BBCBD 11----15CABBC


1.where---that 2.were---was 3.that---when /was后加on 4。why---that

5. do---did 6.I will----will I 7.helped---help 8.Do后加be

9. help---helps 10.him---he


1.such an interestingfilm 2.was not until he told me

3.did attend 4.How many times is it

5.Was it during the Second World War 6.at nine o’clock yesterday that

7.when they arrived at a small village 8.his best suit

9.does like

10. It was from the early 1990s that


1.It was Bill who/that made a kite at school yesterday.

2.It was because his mother was ill that he didn’t go to work.

3.Was it in 1939 that the Second World War broke out ?

4.It was white that I painted the door.

5.It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I recognized she was a famous film star.

6.I did remember your birthday yesterday,though I wasn’t able to buy a present for you.

7.Mr Wang does like reading newspapers while having breakfast.

8.How was it that the accident happened ?

9.What is it that you want me to say ?

10.Where was it that he bought that bike ?

11.It was in the Bronze Age that people could make tools of copper and bronze.

12.It was in the city that thousands of people were killed in an earthquake.

13.It was not until the evening came near that we finished the housework.

Not until the evening came near did we finished the homework.

14.Mr Tang does teach us maths very well.

15.On the ground lay a boy,looking at the stars in the sky .

1. Grammar--- project A,D,B 2.B 3.A 4.C,D 5.He is very sensitive to the cold.

6.①Tom suspected Mary of taking his money./Tom suspected that Mary had taken his money. ②I suspect that he is a thief./I suspect him to be a thief. 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.A,D,C 11.D,C


1. magic 2. representative 3. view 4.finance 5.interrupted 6. policy 7.distinguish

8. boycotting 9. foresee 10. hatch 11.fair 12.contradict 13. backwards 14. bonus

15.entry 16. rarely 17. garments 18. shadow 19. Admission 20. reward 21.comedy

22. characters 23.occasionally 24.entertaining 25. females26. fantasy 27.sensitive 28.Contrary

29.alongside 30.deleted


1.View as 2.amateur director 3.in defence of 4. regardless of

5.distinguish between… and… 6.as long as 7.meet our standards

8.take over 9.dream of 10.be sensitive to 11. contrary to

12. make you feel dizzy 13.win a victory 14.in the minority

15.admission ticket 16.make an agreement 17. give though to

18.on the contrary 19.suspect sb. of sth.

20.in charge of 21.to one’s satisfaction 22.salute the high-quality films

23.more…than… 24.international film events 25.weekly programme

26.join…in doing 27.hear about 28.take a step backwards

29.have a good reputation 30.the highlight of


1.tends,to, oppose 2.dreamt of possessing 3.lend,to,as,long,as

4.made,an,agreement 5.distinguish,between 6.impossible,boycott class

7.hatched,back 8.gained admission 9.regardless,of,objection





高二模块7 Unit 1 Project 教案(译林牛津版高二英语选修七教案教学设计)


Module 6 Unit 1 Project学案(译林牛津版高二英语选修六学案设计)




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《模块八第四单元单词导学案 (译林牛津版高二英语选修八教案教学设计).doc》

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