@家块G单じPeriod 2 Reading 1毙(译狶瑉┌@英语ゲ驻@毙妆学设计)

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@家块G单じPeriod 2 Reading 1毙(译狶瑉┌@英语ゲ驻@毙妆学设计)(共7篇)由网友“年华是无效信”投稿提供,这次小编在这里给大家整理过的@家块G单じPeriod 2 Reading 1毙(译狶瑉┌@英语ゲ驻@毙妆学设计),供大家阅读参考。

@家块G单じPeriod 2 Reading 1毙(译狶瑉┌@英语ゲ驻@毙妆学设计)

篇1:@家块G单じPeriod 2 Reading 1毙(译狶瑉┌@英语ゲ驻@毙妆学设计)

(Comprehension focus)

Teaching objectives:

冨 To develop studentsˇ ability of reading a play

冨 To know about American family life and problems that happen between American teenagers and their parents

冨 To form a positive attitude towards solving problems between teenagers and parents

Important and difficult points:

Learn to analyze the emotions of each character from the instructions of the play.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in:

Get students to think about the following questions:

Have you ever watched the famous American TV comedy ¨Growing Pains〃?

Could you list some of the members of the family? (Show them a photo and tell them the family members.)

What do you think of the play?

If you were left alone, can you imagine what might happen?

Step 2 reading

Please go through the Reading strategy and tell me how to read a play.

(make sure students know how to read a play.)

First reading:

Get students to read the play and finish Part A individually.


1.Eric,Daniel, Mom and Dad.

2. The room was a mess./ There was trash all over the place.

3. Spot was ill.

Second reading

1.Mom and Dad were back from their holiday a week earlier.

2.Eric was happy when seeing his mother.

3. Parents left Daniel in charge.

4.The boys spent the money seeing the vet for Spot.

5.The room was very clean and tidy when their parents came back.

6.Daniel didnˇt have a chance to explain what had happened.

7.Mom felt regretful for what they said to Daniel.

8.Boys didnˇt use up the money from their parents.

Word study

Choose the correct one:

1.I just finished my vacation to Yunnan.

A. work B. holiday

2. The man explained to the people that the factory had been close.

to give meaning of sth. B. to give a reason for sth.

3. When I went into the room, I found the room was in a mess.

a difficult state B. a dirty or untidy state

4. A teacher should trust his students.

look after B. believe that sb. is good

5. The woman was mad at the dog for eating her shoes.

A. worried B. angry

6. It is rude to run into otherˇs house without knocking at the door.

A. not polite B. anxious

Detailed reading

1.Please read Act One of the play carefully and fill in the form

Characters Things they do Feelings

Mom and Dad just coming back from vacation




Eric playing soccer at home

surprised and frightened

Daniel stay in another room



2. Please read Act Two carefully and fill in form:

Characters Doing sth. Feelings

Daniel expressing his anger


Eric comforting his brother


Mom talking about the things that happened today

feeling sorry and regretful

Dad strong-willed/ stubborn


Divide students into groups of five and one is the narrator and the others are the main characters. Role-play Act One and Act Two.


1.Suppose you were one of the children what would you do?

2.How do you think good parents should treat their children?

3.Do you think there is a generation gap between you and your family? How can you deal with it?


1 Write an end to the play.

2 Role-play the dialogue in groups of five.

篇2:家块1 Unit 1 School life ]Extensive reading^(译狶瑉┌G英语ゲ驻毙妆学设计)

Teaching Aims:

冨 To get the students to know what school life is like in a high school in the UK

冨 To develop studentsˇ reading strategies, especially in skimming and scanning

冨 To help the students learn how to talk about school life

Teaching Important & Difficult Points:

冨 How to make students understand skimming and scanning as well as apply them into practice

冘 Teaching Methods: Discussion in pairs or in groups, Careful reading to understand the passage better

Teaching Aids: a multimedia classroom; a tape-recorder

Teaching Procedures:

Step⒐Greetings and Lead-in.

冘 Say the following to the students:

Yesterday weˇve talked about the differences between the high school lives in the UK and in China. We know well about the high school lives in China, because we are Chinese. But we know a little about the high school lives in the UK. Yeah? Today we are going to read a magazine article which is written by an exchanging student. She has been studying in the UK for one year. Now she gives a clear brief introduction about her school life there. (Bb: School life in the UK)

Before we read the article, we are going to learn the reading strategy: skimming and scanning. Please look at page 3: Reading strategy.

(Bb: the following while learning the reading strategy.)

Skimming: to get a general idea of the article, without studying it in detail. Focus on the titles, headings, the first and last sentences or paragraphs, charts and pictures K

Scanning: to find certain information in an article quickly. Look for key words and phrases, dates and numbers, etc.

Step ⒑Reading

1. Reading strategy

Reading strategy is very important while we are reading a passage. Here, two reading strategies are introduced in this unit. Ask the students to read the ¨reading strategy〃 on P3 and finish the form on the screen.

Reading strategy Purposes Methods

Skimming To get a general idea of what the text is about By looking at the titles and headings, the first and last sentences of paragraphs and the first and last paragraphs as well as pictures and charts to guess what the text is about.

Scanning To find certain information in a text quickly By scanning the text for key words and phrases, dates, numbers, etc.

2. Skimming: To practice the strategy of skimming, the students will finish doing Part A on P2.

Sample answers:

1. WeiHua studied in Britain for one year.

2. The name of WeiHuaˇs class teacher is Mr. Heywood.

3. WeiHua made a table in her woodwork class.

3. Scanning: To practice the strategy of scanning, the students have to finish Part C1 and C2 on P4.

Sample answers to Part C1:

Q1: British schools usually begin at 9 a.m. and end at 3:30 p.m.

Q2: On average, there are 29 students in a class in the UK.

Q3: Because all the homework was in English.

Q4: WeiHua had an extra French class on Tuesday evening.

Q5: They eat lots of deserts after their main meal.

Q6: WeiHua went to Manchester.

Sample answers to Part C2: T T T F F T F

Correct answers: British students always have lesions in different classrooms so they always have different classmates.

British students can choose other languages such as Spanish and German.

WeiHua hopes she can be back to Manchester again.

4. Reading in detail

Let the students discuss in groups and decide the main idea of each paragraph.

Sample answers:

Para 1: Brief feeling and school hour in the UK.

Para 2: School assembly

Para 3: Teacher and class

Para 4: Subjects students learn in the UK

Para 5: School activities

Para 6: School subjects

Para 7: Food and lunchtime break

Para 8: Hope of the author

The next step is to ask the students to scan the text and find out how many parts the text can be divided into and get the main idea for each part.

Part 1(Para1): The authorˇs feeling about staying in a British high school for one year.

Part 2(Para2-7): Different aspects of school life in the UK.

Part 3(Para8): The authorˇs hope.

5. Further understanding of the text

It was really exciting and enjoyable for me to experience school life in the UK for one year. What I like best was that the time I spent at school and there was much homework to do after school. But there was something that is quite like the school in China, that is, if you want to earn respect from the school, you must work hard and achieve high grades.

My class there was quite small with only 29 students. This is the average size for British schools. It was interesting that we kept changing classrooms for different classes. The teachers there were all very helpful. My favorite teacher was Miss Burke, who taught us English Literature. At first it was a bit challenging for me to do all the homework in English. But as time went on, my English was greatly improved and I enjoyed all my subjects. Students there have to study Maths, English and Science, but can drop some subjects they donˇt like. On Tuesday evenings, I even had an extra French class. We also had some subjects that I donˇt have in China, such as Cooking and Woodwork.

I think I was lucky to have a chance to study in the UK. And I miss all my classmates and teachers there very much.

Step ⒒ Words

After reading the passage, Iˇm sure you had a general understanding of the whole article. Now listen to the tape and try to find the words in Part D on P4, and try to match them.

Sample answers: 1 d 2g 3 a 4 e 5 b 6 c 7 f

After the match work, Part E is used as a consolidation of the words in the passage.

Sample answers: experience, Literature, desserts, headmaster, different, life, preparing

Step ⒓ Discussion

Topic: Nowadays, more and more young students are going abroad to study. What effects will the new school life have on them?

One sample answer:

Advantages: 1. Widen their views. 2. Improve their English. 3. Learn to be independent and cooperate with others. 4. Learn about foreign customs and cultures. 5. Let the foreigners learn about China and attract them to invest in China. 6. Learn advanced technology.

Disadvantages: 1. Cost a lot of money and cause a heavy burden to their parents. 2. Feel homesick. 3. Form bad habits. 4. Stay in a foreign country and refuse to come back.

Step ⒔Homework.

冨 Read and remember the new words appears from page2 to page 5 (from attend to immediately) at page 68.

冨 Read the two articles in reading on pages 82 and 83 in WB and answers the questions below them.

篇3:家块1 Unit 1 School life ]Word power^(译狶瑉┌@英语ゲ驻@毙妆学设计)

Teaching Aims:

冨 To familiarize students with school facilities

冨 To expand their related vocabulary

冨 To help students revise to express how to get some where

冨 To help students develop a habit of accumulating words out of the wordlist

Teaching Important & Difficult Points:

冨 How to guarantee a high efficiency of processing and digesting words in class

Teaching Methods: Discussion in pairs or in groups; Students-involved class activities

Teaching Aids: a multimedia classroom

Teaching Procedures:

Step⒐Greetings and Lead-in.

1. Check the homework exercises.

2. Draw studentsˇ attention to school facilities by asking ¨Whatˇs the biggest difference between schools in cities and schools in the country?〃 Then encourage students to brainstorm as many school facilities as possible. Hopefully, the teacher can elicit library, classrooms, computer rooms, offices, playground, garden, store, labs, art rooms, music rooms.

Step ⒑ Presentation

1. Please read WeiHuaˇs article and answer my questions:

Where did she go when she was in the high school in Manchester?

What did she do in these places?

(different classroomsXto have different classes

the libraryXto read English books

the computer clubXto e-mail her family and friends back home for free)

2. Ask students:

Do you know in which place Wei Hua and her schoolmates had school assembly? (in the lecture hall.)

Where did Wei Hua and other students have their lunch at school there? (in the canteen.)

Where do you think they had their PE? (In the gym.)

What is the place for students to live in when they study in a high school? (The dormitories.)

(New words such as ¨library〃, ¨lecture hall〃, ¨the computer club〃, ¨dormitory〃, ¨canteen〃, ¨classrooms〃, ¨gym〃 will be presented with the aid of pictures)

Step ⒒ Vocabulary learning

1. Ask students to read the words on the screen, and try to memorize them in the given time. There follows a self check, which goes like a competition. Students are encouraged to shout out the words once they figure them out. The teacher will give students hints as follows:

1. a place where students borrow books (library)

2. a place which has flowers, trees and ponds (garden)

3. a place which sells food and stationery (store)

4. a place where students can have meals (canteen)

5. a place where students stay for night (dormitory)

6. a place where cars are parked (car park)

7. a place which provides medical service (medical center)

8. a place where people paint or draw (art room)

9. a place where students can exercise indoors (gym)

10. a place where students sometimes go for their biology, physics and chemistry class. (science laboratory)

2. Ask students to read the guidelines of Part B, and finish the writing description of the quickest way to get from the dormitories to Classroom 4. Then get each of them to read their passage to their partner. And then ask some of them to read their passage to the whole class.

Sample answer:

Now Iˇm at the door of the canteen. First I should turn right, walk to the first crossing and turn left. After that, I have to walk straight on to the end of the road, get the book I want in the dormitory. Then I can return from the same way to the canteen, walk on until the end of the road and classroom four is on my left.

3. Ask students to finish Part C individually, and then check the answers with the whole class.

Answers: 1. car park 2. classrooms 3. library 4. labs 5. gym

6. swimming pool 7. dormitories 8. medical centre 9. canteen

Step ⒓ Vocabulary extension

1. Ask students to read the guidelines of Part D. Then get them to look at the words under the picture and guess the meaning of each word. They can first write down the number of the words of which they know the meanings before these words. Then guide students to guess the meanings of the words they donˇt know.


(D) 4 beam 7 barbell 1 climbing bars 6 basketball court 2 rings 8 mat 3 dumb-bell 5 skipping rope

2. Ask students to read the words that appear in this part and try to learn them by heart.

Step ⒔Homework

冨 Let the students to remember all the useful words and expressions in Part A, B, and D.

冨 Do Part A and B in writing on Page 93.

冨 Preview Grammar and Usage by reading P28 & P29.

篇4:Unit 1 School Life in the UK(译狶瑉┌@英语ゲ驻@毙妆学设计)

冘 To introduce and develop the theme of school life

冘 To identify the differences between school life in different countries

冘 To develop the reading skills of skimming and scanning

冘 To learn some words about school facilities

冘 To learn about attributive clauses and how to use relative pronouns

冘 To develop listening, speaking, reading and writing by completing a task and a project

冘 To form a positive attitude in a new and challenging situation

冘 To learn to be cooperative and helpful when working together

Period 1 Welcome to this unit

Teaching objectives:

冘 To introduce and develop the theme of school life

冘 To develop listening and speaking by talking about life in the new school

冘 To know more about classmates

Teaching procedures:

1. Brainstorming

2. Listening and speaking

3. Discussion

4. Further discussion

5. Introducing more information

6. Writing

7. Homework

Period 2 Reading

Teaching objectives:

冘 To develop the skills of skimming and scanning

冘 To know about school life in the UK

冘 To compare school life in the UK and in China

冘 To form a positive attitude in a new and challenging situation

Teaching procedures:

1. Presentation of homework

2. Skimming

3. Scanning

4. Detailed reading

5. Thoughts after reading

6. Group work (problem solving)

7. Introducing more information

8. Homework

Period 3 Language focus

Teaching objectives:

冘 To understand new words and expressions and learn how to use them

Teaching procedures:

1. Presentation of homework

2. Review of the text

3. Words to be studied and reviewed

4. Phrases to be learned

5. Sentences to be attended to

6. A word quiz

7. Homework

Period 4 Word Power

Teaching objectives:

冘 To learn some words about school facilities

Teaching procedures:

1. Presentation of homework

2. Warming up

3. Words about school facilities

4. Reading

5. Discussion

6. Writing

7. Group work (problem solving)

8. Homework

Period 5 Project

Teaching objectives:

冘 To develop listening, speaking, reading and writing by completing a project

冘 To learn to be cooperative and helpful when working together

Teaching procedures:

1. Presentation of homework

2. Background education in the US

3. Starting a project

4. Planning

5. Preparing

6. Producing

7. Homework

Period 6 Grammar and Usage (1)

Teaching objectives:

冘 To learn about attributive clauses ( with that, which, who, whose)

Teaching procedures:

1. Presentation of homework

2. Review of the text

3. Searching for attributive clauses in the text

4. Learning grammatical structure of attributive clauses with that, which, who, whose

5. Identifying attributive clauses in a passage

6. Practice 1, 2, 3

7. Homework

Period 7 Grammar and usage (2)

Teaching objectives:

冘 To learn about attributive clauses (with whom and without relative pronouns)

冘 To practice more on the usage of attributive clauses

Teaching procedures:

1. Presentation of homework

2. Review of attributive clauses

3. Learning grammatical structures of attributive clauses with whom and then those without relative pronouns

4. Practice 1, 2, 3

5. Homework

Period 8 Task

Teaching objectives:

冘 To develop listening, speaking, reading and writing by completing a task

冘 To develop the skill of comparing information

冘 To develop the skill of reading a timetable and a notice

冘 To learn how to write a notice

Teaching procedures:

1. Presentation of homework

2. Introducing the task

3. Skill building 1 and task 1

4. Skill building 2 and task 2

5. Skill building 3

6. Homework

Period 9 Presentation of project

Period 10 Evaluation

篇5:unit 1 laughter is good for you welcome to the ..(译狶瑉┌G英语ゲ驻毙妆学设计)

welcome to the unit

1 period the 1st period teaching date

I. Teaching objectives:

1. To learn about the good laughter can do to people.

2. To make Ss realize how we should treat the unhappiness in our life.

II. difficult points

Ssˇ awareness of all kinds of things that can bring joy to us.

III. teaching methods and aids

Picture-talking and free talk

IV. Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Picture -talking

1.T; Life consists of laughter and tears. Which do you think is better for you, laughing every day or crying all the time? Why?


2. Let Ss look at the pictures on P1. Ask them questions:

What can you see in the pictures?

Pic 1 A man standing there giving a stand-up using facial expressions and body language.

Pic2 A book about a funny girl

Pic 3 Two Chinese performing crosstalk

Pic 4 clowns, acrobats and so on in a circus

Do the four posters share something in common? If so, what is it?

Why do people like funny things?.

Step 2. free talk about the screen

1. T: Now can you tell me what can make people laugh?

(jokes, comedies, funny movies, /stories. comic pictures K)

2. Some pictures on the screen.

*. A joke

A. Where do you wash?

B. In the spring.

A. I didnˇt ask when. I asked you where.

* cross talk

*situation comedy

*comic films

* some funny pictures of some famous comedians in China

Let Ss tell who they are

3. T: What do you think of when you see these faces?

Do you like comedians? Why?

Who is your favourite comedian?

Collect Ssˇ answers.

3. show some pictures of foreign clowns and comedians such as Charlie Chaplin and Mr Bean.

T; Do you know about this man?

Why was/ is he famous? Why are you impressed by him?

4. Show Ss a video of Mr Bean ( Cheating in an exam)

5. T:Can you count how many times youˇve laughed in the last 5 minutes? Do you think youˇve understand the humor in it? How can you make it?

What do you think of this man?

Will any of us do like him in the real life?

6. Let Ss read the passage on P 104. Find out the answers to the questions.Mkae Ss know more about Mr Bean and the actor.

7. Let Ss enjoy more funny pictures about animals.

Step 3 discussion

1. T: Do you feel happy when you see those funny things or funny people?

So what can we do to make ourselves happier?

冩 read funny stories, watch funny movies and K

冩 Make friends with humorous people

冩 develop your own sense of humor

冩 be more optimistic about life and sadness

冩 K

2. summary: Laughter is good for our health. So remember: No matter how old you are, always laugh. Now matter how much sadness you meet in life, try to laugh. Then we can live a better and more meaning life.

篇6:The sixth period ----Project.doc毙(译狶瑉┌T英语毙妆学设计)

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the words and expressions in the text:

2. Train the studentsˇ reading ability.

Teaching Important Points:

1. How to help the students to master the words and expressions:

2. How to get the students to train the studentsˇ reading ability.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1. How to help the students understand the text exactly.

2. How to get the students to making a speech.

Teaching Methods:

1. Fast reading to get a general idea of the text.

2. Careful reading to get the detailed information.

3. Asking-and-answering to help the students understand the text exactly.

4. Pair or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.a tape recorder

3.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

兂Step I Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

兂Step II Lead in


1. Is Vincent van Gogh a successful man?

2. Was he famous of rich in his time?

3. How do you understand ¨successful〃?

Who cares you most in your family?

What do you think of him or her?

兂Step III Read the transcript of a speech ¨ My father, my hero〃 and match column A with column B.


Part 1 A. My fatherˇs constant care about me and my brother

Part 2 B. My fatherˇs hard childhood.

Part 3 C. My father made the best Christmas for us.

Part 4 D. What I value about my father.

Part 5 E. My father helped his friendˇs son go on study.

Part 6 F. My fatherˇs good qualities of success.

Part 7 G. My father helps in our local community.

Part 8 H. My fatherˇs optimism.

Step IV Reading

1. What makes a successful father? Money, fame or love?

2. How does the father help the community?

兂Step A game

Find out as many good qualities as you can in the transcript. You will get one pear in your basket for each merit you find.

兂Step V Answer the following questions

1. Who will you write your speech about?

2. Why is the person successful?

3. What qualities does the person have that make him or her successful?

4. Will you interview this person?

5. How long will you speech be?

6. How will you practise your speech?

篇7:M3 U3 welcome to the unit(译狶瑉┌@英语ゲ驻T毙妆学设计)

Period 1 Welcome to the unit

Teaching Objectives:

1) Get students to conduct a free discussion about ancient civilizations.

2) Encourage the students to share their ideas with each other.

Important points and difficult points:

1) Students are expected to describe what they have known about the ancient civilizations.

2) Encourage the students to communicate with classmates.

Teaching procedures:

Step1 Lead in

Quiz: How much do you know about the ancient civilization?

1) What are the four ancient civilized nations?

2) What are the seven wonders of the world?

Step2 Talking about the pictures

The Statue of Zeus:

Who is Zeus? (A god of Greek mythology, Cronus and Rheaˇs youngest son, the supreme ruler of both Mount Olympus and the Pantheon of gods residing there)

What does the name Zeus mean? (It is said to be related to the Greek word ˉdiosˇ, with ˉbrightˇ as its meaning.)

Where was the Statue of Zeus once located? (On the western coast of Greece)

The Taj Mahal:

Who built it? (Shah Jehan, the fifth Mughal Emperor.)

For whom and why was it built? (It was built by Shah Jehan for his beloved wife as a monument of eternal love.)

When was it built? (From 1631 to 1648)

Where is it? (On the banks of Indiaˇs most sacred river, the river Yamuna in Agra)

The Hanging Gardens:

Who built it? (King Nebuchadnezzar, who ruled ancient Babylon for dozens of years)

Why did it appear to be ˉhangingˇ in the sky? (It looked so because it was constructed entirely on the roofs of a building, with a lot of trees surrounding it.)

Why was it built? (To cheer up Nebuchadnezzarˇs wife who was said to be very homesick)

The Potala Palace:

Where is it located? (On the Red Hill in the Lhasa Valley of Tibet, China)

When was it rebuilt? (In the 17th century)

What was it used as? (The residence of the Dalai Lamas since the 7th century, as well as the religious and political centre of old Tibet)

Step3 Group discussion

1 What do you think of the structures you saw just now?

2 Do you think it is important to protect cultural heritage? Why or why not? Do you have any suggestions on how to protect it?

Step 4 Homework : Preview reading.

Period 2 Reading Lost Civilizations (1)

Teaching aims:

1) To talk about lost civilizations

2) To help the students develop the ability of reading diary entries.

Important and difficult points:

The way of reading diary entries.

Teaching procedures:

Step1 Lead-in

1. Ask students to name some building that could represent ancient civilization in China.

2. Show students some pictures of Pompeii and Loulan and ask them to answer the following questions:

冘 Where are the places in the pictures?

冘 What have you known about them?

冘 What else do you want to know about them?

Step2 Reading comprehension.

1. Ask students to read the passage quickly and try to find answers to the questions in Part A.

2. Ask students to read again and complete Part C1.

3. Let students complete Part C2.

Step 3 Reading strategy

1. Discuss in pairs about what features are usually included in diary entries.

2. Let students read the Reading strategy.

3. Find out the facts and historical information about the two cities.

Pompeii time event

in the 8th century

in 89 BC

on 24th Aug. AD 79

in 1860

Loulan 2000 years ago

from AD 200 to AD 500

100 years ago

Step 4 Discussion

1. Is it useful for people to study things from the past? Why or why not?

2. Since as long ago as 1553 people have said, ˉHistory repeats itself.ˇ What do you think this saying means? Do you agree with it? Why or why not?

Step 5 Homework.

1. Read the passage carefully and review the new words and phrases.

2. Make a summary of the text.

Period 3 Reading (2)

Teaching Objectives:

1^ To understand the text better

2^ To master some useful words and expressions

Important and difficult points:

Some useful words and expressions

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Check the homework.

Step 2 Complete the summary with proper words.

Both Pompeii in ________and Loulan in China became ____ ________ about 2000 years ago. Pompeii was ________ in the 8th century BC and was _____ _______ by the Romans in 89BC. On 24th Aug.AD79, Mount Vesuvius _________ and the city were _______ __________. Loulan was a _________ _________ on the Silk Road. It disappeared under the ________. There are just a few _________ left. Some _________, such as coins and painted pots, was found.

Step 3 Exercises on the new words.

Step 4 Word study

Step 5 Homework:

1. Review the new words.

2. Finish the exercises in the workbook.

NSEFC2B Unit 13 单じ毙3(H毙┌G英语U册毙妆学设计)










@家块G单じPeriod 2 Reading 1毙(译狶瑉┌@英语ゲ驻@毙妆学设计)
《@家块G单じPeriod 2 Reading 1毙(译狶瑉┌@英语ゲ驻@毙妆学设计).doc》

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