很多学生都知道我们的评分标准是这四项,但是有一个非常重要的事情我们也应该在考试之前搞清楚,就是这四项分别有什么样的要求,你可以达到相应的什么样的分数。雅思口语考试流程及评分标准 雅思口语部分考试向来是中国考生最薄弱、丢分最严重的环节。
第一个部分,introduction and interview部分。那什么叫introduction and interview呢,主要我们分成两个部分在这个小项里面,第一呢,在一开始考官会问你一些最基本的,确定你身份的问题,比如说他会问道,你的名字是什么?我可以看你的证件吗?Can I have your ID please? 然后在这个过程之后呢,当确定了身份之后就会正式进入到这个所谓interview的部分了。interview的部分呢他会考察一些你关于基本的一些生活相关的问题的一些口语的交流,比如说他会问到关于你学业,你的生活,你的家乡,你的兴趣爱好这样方面的问题,那整个第一部分我们持续的时间是四到五分钟的时间。
第二部分,Personal long-turn部分。那在第一部分的这个交流之后呢我们就会进到我们所谓的第二部分,这个Personal long-turn,这个Personal long-turn来说,很多学生可能不太知道这是什么意思,那我们会拿到一张A4大小的纸,那在这个纸上你会有一个题目,那可能是关于人,或者一个地方,或者一个事情,或者一个东西的一个题目,那下面你会有一些提示的问题,根据这个问题,考生有一分钟的时间去做准备,然后两分钟的时间咱们需要自己来喋喋不休的来说一个整段的话,那这段话呢我们必须围绕着我们这个题目所给出的内容来回答。同学们也可以相应的做一些展开。
第三部分,Two-way discussion部分。那我们在这个第二部分的Personal long-turn之后呢,我们进入到这个第三部分,叫Two-way discussion的部分,那什么叫Two-way discussion呢,实际上形式上来说它是第一部分的一个类似的东西,它是以问答的形式出现,考官会抛出一些问题,这些问题在内容上呢我们通常是跟第二部分你回答的这个问题有关系的,那么这个Two-way discussion主要讨论一些比如说社会、自然生态以及各个方面的这些内容,而它的问题难度呢比第一部分相对要深很多,词汇量的要求也会大一些,那这个时间我们也持续在四到五分钟之间。那整个口语考试我们在这里可以看到,我们只有十一到十四分钟,也就是我们所有的考试里面最短的一项,那很多同学这个时候会问说,老师我有一个问题,在短短的十一到十四分钟,考官如何去检查我们这十几年来英语的水准呢,我们口语的水平是怎么来被评分的呢,我们就要来研究一下这个所谓的口语的评分标准。
Describe a big company or organisation that employs a lot of people大公司。
you should say:
what it is
how big is it
how many employees works there
and explain what do you think about it
I’d like to talk about Zalora group, one of the leading companies specializing in selling clothes.
It is an e-commerce company for online shopping purposes and provides a wide variety of style as well as current fashion trend for both men and women . The company has been through so many ups and downs that there was a time when they were on the edge of bankruptcy. At first, I didn’t care much about it ,not until I came across a eye-catching dress when going shopping in the mega mall did I become interested in its products. What amazed me is that the price is much cheaper than other brands so I can get the best offer without asking for a bargain. Normally it would take me 3 days for the merchandise to be delivered but just only 2 days I could receive it. Another thing is that the refund policy of zalora is much better than Lazada which is its competitor. Customers can return unpleasing products within 10 days and get a brand new one with similar price so that’s the reason why zalora has great customer base than any competitors. Lately, the company has expanded its chain all over the place, therefore, customers no longer have to wait for delivered products and can enjoy great service from physical stores.
Starting from modest investment to a leading company that has highly profitable and thousands of employees coming from all over the world, zalora is an icon for lots of start-ups and youngsters running their own businesses.
地道用词:e-commerce company
physical stores
a wide variety of
current fashion trend
eye-catching dress
ask for a bargain
高分句型: The company has been through so many ups and downs that there was a time when they were on the edge of bankruptcy.
At first, I didn’t care much about it ,not until I came across a eye-catching dress when going shopping in the mega mall did I become interested in its products.
Customers can return unpleasing products within 10 days and get a brand new one with similar price so that’s the reason why zalora has great customer base than any competitors.
Starting from modest investment to a leading company that has highly profitable and thousands of employees coming from all over the world, zalora is an icon for lots of start-ups and youngsters running their own businesses.
A good number of successful companies are available across the world but none of them is as enriched as Microsoft Corporation. This is a big software company and it employs a lot of people.
Microsoft Corporation mostly deals with technological issues. The majority of the personal computers in the world now run with Windows operating system. This is the greatest invention of this company. Besides, it has its association with some other corporate bodies and has bought Skype and LinkedIn – two of the most popular modes of virtual networking and communication. Besides, the company has some other arenas of interest like it has a share in video game industry. The corporation is skilled in producing computer software and sells them at a reasonable rate. It also comes up with some other services like mobile phones and digital service market. The computer also started producing personal computers for the users, tablet computers and more. Microsoft Office Suite is the most used software for computers and people use the software package to meet a wide number of their needs.
I believe Microsoft Corporation is a very successful company so far after its initiation. In fact, it has no noteworthy competitors in the market. It has happened for its specially made software and their unique features. The company is successful in almost every term. The services are unique and the users are satisfied with the software quality.
Furthermore, the corporation has always tried to bring the products in a user-friendly environment. Anyone can use the personal computers without experiencing any sort of troubles. Besides, the products are exceptionally simple and easy to use. But there are some complexities with some other operating system like Linux or Mac. So, I think this is a successful company and it is for the exceptional strategies.
地道用词:A good number of
a wide number of
run with Windows operating system
virtual networking and communication
comes up with
Besides, the company has some other arenas of interest like it has a share in video game industry.
高分句型:Microsoft Office Suite is the most used software for computers and people use the software package to meet a wide number of their needs.
Besides, it has its association with some other corporate bodies and has bought Skype and LinkedIn – two of the most popular modes of virtual networking and communication.
Thank you for this opportunity to let me talk about a company that employs a sizeable number of people from the locality. This is a chair manufacturing company and it has been manufacturing chairs for a long time in Greece. The company employs a good number of local people from the city to manufacture various types of chairs and other accessories to decorate chairs and tables in my hometown. This is a smart cue card topic and I am really happy to have this.
Around 900 people work here and most of them are workers. In fact, the job of manufacturing chair involves a huge number of hands to complete the process. Almost all the people of this locality are involved in producing chairs and they work around the day in the company factory. The majority of the people belong to the working class while some of them are working as high officials in the company. Actually, the area I live in is densely populated and most of the people are not that much educated. As a result, they are unable to manage a higher job for them.
A high school graduation is a must to get a job with this company and with a higher education, anyone can apply for some other positions than that of the worker. But if someone can show some extraordinary skills, educational barriers are relaxed for them. The authority employs them without a second thought and considers them as the asset for the company. The salary offered by this company is also higher and everyone working here is pleased.
I would be interested to work here if I get a chance. Actually, all the works are equal and contribute to building the society. So, I do consider the job of a chair company worker is respectable. Moreover, the benefits of this company are also attractive and everyone loves their job here. I am currently doing my bachelor degree in Business Administration and would love to get a relevant administrative job in this company.
地道用词:a sizeable number of
But if someone can show some extraordinary skills, educational barriers are relaxed for them.
without a second thought
高分句型:Thank you for this opportunity to let me talk about a company that employs a sizeable number of people from the locality.
A high school graduation is a must to get a job with this company and with a higher education, anyone can apply for some other positions than that of the worker.
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雅思口语part3话题范文:old people
1. At what age are people considered to be “old” in China?
That is really a big question. People’s views much be divided on this. From my perspective, …
The easiest way to divide the old from all is to judge according to the chronological age. In the past, people over 70s are considered to be old, but this line has been shifted gradually with the time goes by, because people nowadays live much longer than before. Many older people can still make great contribution to the society, so broadly speaking, I think, those over 80s, or those who are no longer physically capable can be regarded as just entering the twilight life.
The biological age has no longer been the only judgment, because the real psychological age and the physical fitness differ from person to person, and they seem to be more important for others to decide whether the person is qualified as “old” or not.
Broadly speaking, when people are over their 50s, they will gradually feel that they are getting older. Indeed, the physical and mental condition do decrease year by year, with a higher possibility of suffering from diseases and less tolerant and acceptable to different opinions and new ideas.
I firmly believe that being “old” is simply connected with the state of mind. If one loses passion for life, they are indeed becoming old. This is why, in China, we tend to describe someone who show very little enthusiasm to life as an old bookish man.
2. Why do old people today live longer than in the past?
The advance in medical service means that more diseases become curable and can be easily diagnosed at an early age. Senile diseases such as diabetes and hypertension are less common among the older pensioner and most of them can even live very long with the illness being uncured permanently.
Food nutrition has also been largely improved, not only because of the development in farming skills but also because of the fertilizers that are used to ensure a higher proportion of diverse types of vitamins being reserved during the planting process within a less time period.
Another important factor is the widespread scientific reports that emphasize the positive effects of regular exercise on people’s physical fitness, so most of the modern people become more aware of the importance of doing sports and many older people, with more time available after retirement, participate actively in various sorts of sports.
Besides, regular health check has been required by most companies nowadays in China and younger people also arrange this activity for their aging parents. It is now fair to say that many potential health hazards can be easily found in advance and therefore be avoided eventually.
More attention has been paid for the aging society, so government and private charity groups have set up many nursing house and other accessible facilities for the senior citizens, which means generally, a higher living standard can be expected and people then live much longer under a better welfare system.
3. What are some things a person can do to help them live longer?
An obvious answer is to take part in more outdoor activities because it can enhance the immune system and further build up the physical fitness. Especially in an outdoor atmosphere, we can breathe more fresh air and speed up the process of metabolism.
Regular health check should be taken on a, at least, yearly basis. So that diseases can be found well before it poses any threat to our body and our mind.
Also, I would suggest people to frequently talk to their friends and family members, particularly on the occasion of feeling stressful or facing difficulties. By expressing one’s emotion feely, one can actually easily release the negative emotion and find hope in life, which seems to be more important than just being healthy physically.
Even though the modern life has set higher demand for most people, in order to live longer, people should constantly adjust their goals to keep pace with their ability at the time. Pushing oneself too much is definitely detrimental to the expansion of longevity.
In any stage of one’s life, people should choose to participate in the things that interest them most instead of those impose heavy mental pressure and make them hopeless all the time.
A simple solution could be the reduction of TV time and Internet addiction and to spend more time on reading books or other mentally healthy activities, such as playing chess or listening to the music.
4. Are the attitudes of young people today towards old people the same as they used to be, years ago?
I personally didn't see any change in recent decade. Younger people are still very respectful and willing to talk and receive suggestions from the older ones.
As for me, I usually believe that the elderly are more vulnerable than the younger people, so I’m always willing to help them and I think this attitude is shared by most youngsters.
Unfortunately, we become less respectful of the older people, and almost indifferent to their request. For example, when an older person fall down on the street, very few people, especially the youth, will step up and give a hand immediately, because we worry about being defrauded of money by them, since similar occasions did happen in the past when some unlawful old people commit crime like this.
In previous time, we believe that older people have very rich experience, but the world is changing too fast. The wisdom they have become less practical in the modern-day society. So we are less likely to rely on them.
Some of the older generation are indeed more conservative, so younger people, who are interested in making changes and trying new things, are not very much willing to spend time with the aged.
Generally, it depends on the personality of each individual. Some may only want to communicate with people in similar age, others value the intrinsic character more, rather than the age.
雅思口语part3话题范文:big company
1. What is the difference between big companies and small companies?
不用列举太多的不同哦,只要2-3个即可。还有一点儿要注意的是,我们不要多太绝对的语言,比如‘all the big companies’或者‘every small company’这样的字眼;可以多使用vague language,比如‘perhaps’‘probably’‘most likely’‘possibly’等。
plenty of clear differences 很多明显的区别
whereas in contrast 然而反过来
while on the other hand 而另一面
get promoted 升职
get a promotion 升职
Well obviously there are plenty of clear differences, but I guess one of the most obvious one is that there are a lot more employees in big businesses while on the other hand there might be only a few people in a really small place, like family business or stuff like that. Apart from that, another point I can think of is that you might be able to have more chances to get staff trainings to work on your professional skills in a bigger place whereas in contrast when you just start working in a small place, they might just expect you to skip the training part.
2. What are the good things about working for a big company?
‘good things’就是好的方面的意思,也可以用‘advantages’‘benefits’‘positive aspects’这样的词去替换。当我们回答的时候可以尽量绕开‘good things’这个原题的表达,用用转述。
positive aspects 积极的方面
clear benefits 明显的优点
plus point 优势/优点
Well, I suppose that there are quite a few clear benefits, but I would probably say that the most obvious part is that people might have more chances of getting a promotion in a big business because there will be loads of positions so you can work your way up. As well as this, another good bit about working in a proper company is that you are more likely to be granted some benefit like health insurance, group travels or stuff like that.
3. Why do some companies prefer senior employees?
remain at the same place 停留在同一个地方
first thing you might have noticed 你首先可能注意到的
slightly more stable 有些更稳定
Well, I guess it’s mainly because there are loads of benefits when it comes to hiring senior employees. First thing you might have noticed is that older staff are always more experienced in a certain area. I mean they know what they are doing. Plus the HR department doesn’t have to spend too much time or money training them. What’s more, new graduates might tend to keep changing their jobs and that whereas older employees would want to remain at the same company and they are normally slightly more stable.
4. How can big companies pay attention to the environment protection?
manufacturing factory 制造厂
put in money 投资
second hand 二手货
Well, to be honest, I don’t know. I mean what they are doing now, is moving some of the manufacturing factories to other South Asian places like Vietnam, Thailand or places like that. But of course I’m not saying that’s a better way of protecting the environment, but I’m not an expert in this. What I can think of though, is that they can perhaps focus more on recycling, you know, like they can put in some money and work on second-hand stuff, like charity shops or things like that.
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Tips:有些培训机构的老师会跟考试的学生说如果门关着的你就去敲门咯!千万不要敲啊!请在门外椅子上安静等候,不论你是紧张到发抖也好还是看着周围的小伙伴已经进入房间了等得心焦也罢,千万别敲门!否则你会从考官脸上看到什么叫做,You are a dead man walking.
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Tips:考官在一开始会问你有没有带手机,千万不要没听清问题就乱说yes。会问你要身份证件,会问你的full name(很多新烤鸭会听成phone name),直接回答my name's X 中文名字就好,不需要说英文名或者其他别的,这里考官是在核对你的信息。紧接着可能会有另一个问题what should i call you? 这不是问你要电话号码啊!回答Just call me X 英文中文都行。
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Describe an experience when you changed your opinion.
You should say:
When it was
What your original choice was
Why you changed it
And explain how you felt about it
This is a curious question, because, in fact, there are a few times when I changed my opinion about things. The time that really sticks in mind is when I went to the USA on a trip. But, first, let me give you the background: most of my life I thought that American food was just fast food and junk food like burgers and fries and coca cola and things like this, perhaps also pizza and other similar types of food. I really thought that most westerners, and indeed Americans in particular, only really ate this kind of food – you know, that it was their main diet. Also, because so many Americans are so fat. Some are really enormous. I really was convinced that western food only really consisted of unhealthy burgers and fries and junk food. I think most of my friends and peers always thought the same, and maybe many of them still do. Well, anyway, I went to New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle on a month-long trip to the USA. In fact, it was a work trip - you see, I’m a computer programmer and I have a job with Baidu and I work part of the time in Shangdi, in Beijing, in the head office, and a few months a year in the US. Anyway, the time I’m talking about was my first trip to the USA. So, I went with this conception in my mind that the food would be all junk food and I was convinced about my opinion being correct. I’d never thought otherwise. It was to my great surprise when I arrived in New York City, that I found a lot of my American co-workers dining in a wide variety of restaurants and eateries. Not all fancy or expensive, either. I realized very quickly that there is a massive range of different foods in the USA, and most people don’t actually eat or order burgers and fries at all – or maybe only when they’re in a rush and need a quick take-out to go back to the office. Even in Grand Central Station there is an Oyster Bar and loads of seafood stalls and restaurants – I honestly couldn’t believe it! And that’s only a railway station! People were eating lobsters and salads and Israeli food and all sorts of middle eastern dishes that are really healthy too! Comparing that with the pot noodles and KFC at Beijing railway stations, I started to challenge my preconception about Americans and their attitude to food. I then realized that my idea that all Americans and all Westerners ate junk food, was a sweeping generalization. And, therefore, I changed my opinion.
1. Who do young people turn to for advice?
Are there any issues that people should be careful when giving advice?
When giving advice people should sometimes be quite careful. Firstly, they must consider the kind of advice they are giving and how the listener will feel about it. Not everyone enjoys getting advice, or even wants advice from others. Sometimes people don’t want to hear the advice you want to give them, and it can even upset or annoy them. So, you have to carefully consider the person you’re giving advice to and how they might receive the advice. Another issue is how you give the advice – this is where it’s important to learn to be diplomatic, to think carefully about the different perspectives that need to be considered, and make sure you deliver your advice in a careful way that will make the other person feel encouraged, rather than discouraged.
2. Do people like giving opinions on politics?
It depends what people you’re talking about. Usually, I think Chinese people, and perhaps Asians in general, don’t really talk about politics much at work, or in public. I think there is a tendency amongst Asian people to not want to raise issues of a very serious and possibly contentious nature in public, unless they are with close friends. However, when you look at Europeans and Americans, you find they very openly discuss politics in the office, over dinners, in public and everywhere, and often disagree with each other about their personal political stances and opinions. This seems to be more part of Western culture than ours.
Describe a time you got into contact with an old friend.
You should say:
Who he or she is
When and where you met
What you talked about
And explain how you felt about this experience
This is a really good question for me, because I’ve a number of stories about this topic! I’ll tell you why: I’m a really social person, and I also went to school, primary and secondary school, before the age of WeChat and social media, so I actually remember the days when you basically had to visit your friends, or phone their parents to ask them if they were coming out to play… Anyway, so as the years went by we lost touch with a lot of friends, and only really got back in touch with them because of the introduction of social media in mainstream society. The one I was especially pleased about getting back in contact with was a girl called Xiao Shuang, she was a petite, pretty, quiet, but super-intelligent girl who was most certainly my best friend for many years in school. She had an amazing sense of humour too, and I’ll never forget her jokes and pranks in class. Anyway, we got in touch, exchanged contact details, and met in person in Beijing. It was great to see how much she had grown up and changed, although she maintained the same sense of humour and attitude to life as before. We met around the Lama temple area of Beijing, and we went to drink a coffee in one of cute coffee shops in a street called Wu Dao Ying. The café we chose to meet in was dedicated to cats! Yes, there are lots of cats in this café – real cats as well as pictures and ornaments of cats. We talked about our studies, life now, life then, how things have changed, and our aspirations for the future. I found it particularly interesting to discuss with her how she had changed, how her interests in life had developed and the challenges she had faced over the years when we had been out of touch with each other. It made me realise that I should make more effort to get in touch with more old friends from the past – and that it’s definitely worth it. We learn a lot from sharing experiences with other people and keeping in touch with people we knew in childhood. So, all in all meeting Xiao Shuang after all these years was a brilliant experience and I would strongly recommend that anyone make every effort to get back in touch with old school friends.
Part 3
1. Why do people lose contact with their friends after graduation?
People lose contact with some friends for a variety of reasons. One reason is that their paths in life diverge and their lives go in different directions. They lose common interests and goals, and life moves on, their ambitions change and their priorities differ. This is not always the case, but sometimes is what happens, often gradually over time. It’s a common reason anyway. Another reason might be that you end up losing your friends’ contact details, though today this is less common because people are often connected quite extensively with many friends and friends of friends via various online social media accounts.
2. How does modern technology influence friendship?
Modern technology influences friendships by enabling people to keep in touch all the time with friends and families, enabling people to see each other’s daily updates on things like WeChat Moments and other social utilities and platforms, and also enabling people to make new friends through online friends and dating sites. Also, there are a lot of online forums where people can post comments, opinions, ideas and share their experiences around specific or general topics and themes – often those that get along or share similar views on these forums, can make friends with each other and then develop those friendships. So, modern technology, mostly internet-based technology and software, has a huge impact on friendships and relationships. From enabling people to nurture existing friendships, to helping people make new friends.
3. Do you think people’s relationship with friends will change when they get older?
I think that friendships do evolve and change over time, and as we get older we have slightly different relationships with our friends, yes. It really depends. One example might be that as people get older maybe they have less time to spend with friends, and more responsibilities, so they might stay in touch with less friends, or be more selective about the friends they do spend time with. Children tend to play with a wider variety of friends, also because they are less discerning and have less prejudices. As we get older we take stronger likes and dislikes to people and also have less time for people who we might not immediately get along with or share common ground with. Evolving friendships are different too – adults who really want to maintain friendships will make efforts to develop them and be emotionally supportive of friends, and as the years go by, that can make friendships stronger, and last into old age. These are arguably the most valuable friendships.
4. Some people believe that friendship is more important to young people compared with old people. What do you think of it?
Yes, I think this is the case. Young people are very keen to play and go out with friends, and are more energetic and active. As I mentioned earlier, they are also perhaps less discerning about who they choose as friends and maybe have a wider variety of friends with varied interests. I think older people have less energy for going out socializing or meeting new people, and they are more comfortable with family, or hanging around with the few friends that they have had for many years. Obviously, it also depends on the personality of the individual – some people, regardless of age, are simply more social and extrovert than others, and more keen to keep friendships going and make new friends, whilst others prefer a calmer, more introvert lifestyle at home, with family, or spending a lot of time alone and without the responsibility of dealing with multiple friendships and the demands they can bring with them.
口语考试可能安排在笔试前一周至笔试后一周的任意一天。口语考试可以进行在线预订,您最终的口试安排将显示在准考证上, 且不能按照您的要求进行更改。
您可以在报名截止日期前2天登录教育部考试中心雅思报名网站个人主页, 在“查看已注册考试”界面的“口试日期”栏点击“立即预订”按钮,按照个人需求在可供选择的日期预订上/下午时间段。英国文化教育协会将尽量根据您的意愿进行口试日期及时间安排。
一些初识雅思的学生在口语上遇到的最大障碍之一就是没话可说,每个问题的答案都只有寥寥几个词。比如:Are you workingor studying? I am working now. How do you spend your weekends? I spend my weekends reading and watching TV. Do you read a lot in your spare time? Yes, I read a lot in my spare time.其实如若您拿着这些问题去问一个初中生或甚至是小学生,他恐怕也能非常流利的给出这些答案的吧。既然如此,您又怎么能显示出您的水平决不仅止与此哪?雅思口语的高分诀窍就是要在很短的时间内将您的浑身解数都使出来。那么我们就要有意识的积累一些答题的技巧,也就是怎样拓长自己的答案,并且灵活运用各种句型的方法。
考题中有很多问题是带有最高级的,如:What’s the best time of a day? 对于这类考题,无论您用的是什么样的拓展方式,一定要在最后点出题目的回答重点,即“最为……..的是……”。切忌说了一大堆,最后却忘了去对某一点进行特殊强调。在回答的过程中也可适当的用一些表述特殊强调的词,比如my favorite is…等。
有些考题有明确的地域性规定,如:How’s the traffic around your home? What can you see from your window? Are there any fitness facilities near your home? 这些题目中,以粗斜体标注的都是些表明地点限制的短语。在考场中,经常有学生忽略这些限制,比如在回答第一题时,只是泛泛而谈上海的交通状况,却只字未提家周围的交通状况。
考题中的修饰语通常最易被考生错过,通常一个小小的形容词就已经点明了考题的回答方向。而这样的形容词又很容易在考试听题时被错过,特别是那些名词之前出现的形容词,经常被学生当作不会影响对考题理解的词而自动过滤掉。但是实质上,对于这些词的把握会对答题的质量和角度产生决定性的影响。比如在听到Is it convenient for you to buy fresh vegetables and fruits? 这道题时,学生经常会无视fresh这个词,而只是泛泛的谈论购买蔬菜水果的问题。但是事实上fresh这个词放在这里给我们提供了很多回答的角度,实质上我们就可以抓住这个词,将fresh vegetables and fruits和preserved vegetables and fruits做一个对比。这样,我们的回答会更加紧扣考题并又非常具有特色。
时态细节是最基本的,而且是一定要把握的,如果时态弄错将会导致较为严重的后果。而很多的学生本身就对动词的时态变化不够熟悉,在说的时候更容易混淆的一塌糊涂,所以这也是我们练习的一个重点。特别是过去时,所以我们在考前一定要熟悉基本动词的过去式和过去分词,因为考过去时的考题占的比重还是非常之大的。此外,虚拟语态的考题也有一定的比重,也是大多数学生会出现错误的地方,如If you can redesign your home, what would you do? Would you like to change your job in the future? 在回答这些题目时我们也要用到虚拟语态,也是我们需要练习的重点。
最后,我们要在回答中注意避免中国式思维,有很多我们从小说到大的英语并不一定是非常贴切的,更加不是老外们的street language。比如,我们从小学到的对于How are you?的标准回答是Fine thank you, and you?实质上这种回答在老外听起来是相当不礼貌的。所以适当的学习一些地道式的英语表达将会为您的回答增色不少。推荐考生最好的办法是多看些原版的电影和书籍,特别是那些较为生活化的情景剧,从中,我们可以学到不少的地道表达方式,从而也可以让我们自己的回答听起来洋味十足。
雅思口语考试持续时间约为11到14分钟,经历三个部分,其中第六分钟开始的Part Two一直让众多烤鸭们黯然神伤。与Part 1和Part 3不同,这一部分考官不参与讨论,全听考生个人独白。考生相当于是需要用英语进行两分钟的即兴演讲,语言的组织能力以及流畅性将会在此部分尽显无遗。为了能将这一两分钟的speech进行到底,烤鸭们绞尽了脑汁,使出浑身解数,然而其结果却往往不尽如人意。
其中最重要的就是eye contact(眼神交流)。敢于与考官四目相对是自信的体现,也是交流的基本条件。把考官当作朋友,把Part 2的独白自然的“讲”给他听,而不是自顾自的“表演”。讲的同时关注对方,通过眼神的交流可以知道听者是否理解,是否有疑惑,从而及时作出调整保证交流的有效。如果缺乏了这种眼神的互换,只顾自己说,说错了,考官听不清了都无从知晓,分数也就因而失去了。我们很多考生也知道这一点,只不过做不到。一看到考官的眼睛就紧张。这里可以采取的一个小方法是试着去看考官的额头或鼻子,由于距离较近,考官会有错觉认为你是在看他眼睛。
眼神的交流对口语考试只能起到辅助的作用,内容更为重要。怎么样在个人独白的过程中体现交流?那就需要连贯性用语。这不仅是有效交流的利器,还能降低Part 2任务的难度。举例说明如下:
以Describe a city 为例。考生A的回答:Beijing is a large city. It is the capital of China. Beijing has many tourist attractions, such as, the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, and the Summer Palace. Beijing Roast Duck is very delicious. Peking Opera is amazing. Beijing successfully held the Olympic Games. …
看考生B的回答:OK, the city I am going to talk about is Beijing. Well, as you may probably know, it is a large city. And um, it is the capital of China. I suppose if I had to describe Beijing, the first thing I would say is that it offers tourists so many wonderful places to go, you know, the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, and uh, of course, the Summer Palace. Another reason to visit Beijing is the Roast Duck, which is really, really delicious. I am sure you are gonna love it! Also, you can’t miss the Peking Opera. It’s amazing!...
RAFLE专家点评:考生B还未将A 列的信息点都讲完就已经明显在篇幅上胜出了。这要归功于连贯语(划线处)的使用,不仅内容显得更丰富了,表达方式也更自然了,条理似乎也清晰了,这才是交流。
烤鸭们都知道Part 3是口语考试中令人头疼的最后一个“坎”,攻下它,是口语迈向成功的最后关键一步,很多烤鸭们已经了解了准备雅思口语考试的一些方法,但是每个部分的具体策略还是有所不同的。在本文中,专家将针对Part 3部分的一些考生可能疏忽的细节问题进行探讨,使考生们能更充分了解Part 3,从而根据自己的具体情况,化被动为主动迈过这最后一道坎。
雅思口语part3不可忽视三细节之一:Part 3为何“难”
谈到part 3,多半会听到烤鸭们从牙缝里挤出一个“难”字,而且无论你水平怎样,感受都很相似——感觉考官好似要打破砂锅问到底,每次刚费力回答完一个问题,考官都会从刚刚的答案中找到“漏洞”,然后针对它继续“为难”你,似乎更像是参加了一场辩论赛。其实之所以难,是考官有意而为之。在你较为轻松地通过了Part 1和Part 2之后,考官已经基本了解了你的日常沟通以及描述能力,甚至在心里已经给出了大约的分数,而这最后一步便是通过挑战你的语言极限(linguistic limit or upper limit)来定乾坤了,方法是根据你的水平来使用更为复杂的问题以及话题。而且,因为问题的灵活性和广泛性,背诵答案变得几乎不太可能。这就是为什么不管是得5分还是7分的同学,都会觉得Part 3 “难”的原因了。
所以,如果你感觉“难”并不意味着成绩会低,只是考官想要多挖掘一下你的潜力,努力“抬高”你的分数而已,所以你应该放松心情,不要轻易放弃展示语言能力的机会。同时,这也提醒我们在准备一些常规问题时要未雨绸缪,内容最好是你能够驾驭的,不要给考官太多抓住漏洞的机会。比如有同学在回答“what will houses be like in the future?”(预测未来类问题),信口开河地回答“I think people will live under the sea.”,接下来考官问了句 “why do you think so?”他只有卡在那里半天没反应。但如果他从现实出发,事先想好“未来人口过多,地面空间拥挤,科技发达”等因素,就不会尴尬了。
雅思口语part3不可忽视三细节之二:How to say it 比What to say更重要
很多人感觉Part 3的好多问题很像雅思写作的Task 2,因为它们比起Part 1和Part 2更学术,抽象,还要随时准备对问题进行评价与预测。所以考生们为了Part 3做的所有的准备就是事先背诵很多ideas来准备回答问题。当然,这无可厚非,因为可以节约考场上的思考时间,避免长时间停顿。但如果仅仅是简单的ideas堆砌在一起,却并不能给你带来高分。因为与口语考试的其他部分一样,Part 3的评分点是你的语言能力而并不只是你的观点和内容。换句话说,只要你没有跑题,你可以发表任何观点,永远没有正确和错误之分。在Part 3,考官最关心的是,你有没有抓住机会展示你能驾驭的高级词汇,语法以及连贯上下文的能力。
Vocabulary:词汇的基本要求当然是准确,因为交流永远是第一位的,所以你完全可以使用比较常用的简单词汇与表达,但是相对于主要谈论personal life的Part 1和Part 2,老师建议考生在Part 3的用词应该稍正式,但是不要照搬雅思大作文里的学术词汇。 比如:bad effects可以用negative impact来代替,consequences比results更能给考官留下好的印象。同时,花点功夫记一些地道的表达是很值得的,例如‘come up against’ difficulties; ‘look forward to’ something in the future。
Grammar:除了基本的时态与句型结构要正确,在Part 3了解常见问题类型,是拿下语法分的主要方法,例如:
“How do you think transportation will change in China in the next twenty years?”
准备句型:I believe/There’ll be….
Sample: “I think there’ll certainly be many electric cars on the roads twenty years from now.”
Coherence:语言是否连贯是part3能否顺利过关的关键,因为当你讨论一些比较有深度的抽象问题或学术问题时,适当的逻辑连接可以直接决定考官能否跟上你的思路,理解你的意思。而且,我们都知道大部分的雅思口语问题的回答是需要在主要观点的基础上扩充相关细节信息的,part3尤其如此,因此,为了避免让考官觉得你“跑题”的危险,保持整个答案的“一致性”,必须熟练使用连接词或表达,例如常见的 “Therefore, ...”; “So, ...”; “As a result, ...”; “On the other hand, ...”; “Although X, ... Y”; “In contrast to that, ...”; “In other words, ...”; “As well as that, ...”; “For example, ...”; “As I mentioned before, ...”
雅思口语part3不可忽视三细节之三:为什么叫做“Further discussion”
虽然Part 3算不上一场真正的“讨论”,因为基本上只有考生在回答问题,但是考官还是努力地营造出discussion的气氛,比如会针对一个topic提问几个相关问题,并且根据你的回答有针对性地提出新的问题等。其实,了解到Part 3具备discussion的特点,对考试是很有帮助的。例如,在discussion中,当你被问到一个比较有挑战性的问题而不确定答案时,保持沉默是不对的,因为会使对方觉得你因为不满或生气而不愿谈论这个话题。所以我们当然也不应该在考试时这么做。老师对此给出如下建议:首先,可以使用一些表达为难的句型,比如“oh,that’s a difficult question to answer,you sure seem to know how to ask hard questions!”来赢得思考时间。其次,你完全可以尝试用猜测的方式来回答问题,例如“I’ve no idea,but if I were...,I would probably...”因为这在discussion中是完全可行的。
有时细节可以决定成败,希望考生们通过对以上一些信息的了解,可以化解对Part 3的恐惧感,对症下药,合理正确地准备考试,争取拿到理想分数。
口语考试可能安排在笔试前一周至笔试后一周的任意一天。口语考试可以进行在线预订,您最终的口试安排将显示在准考证上, 且不能按照您的要求进行更改。
您可以在报名截止日期前2天登录教育部考试中心雅思报名网站个人主页, 在“查看已注册考试”界面的“口试日期”栏点击“立即预订”按钮,按照个人需求在可供选择的日期预订上/下午时间段。英国文化教育协会将尽量根据您的意愿进行口试日期及时间安排。
Describe an interesting novel or story.
You should say:
what it is about
who told you this story
when you heard this story
and explain why this was an interesting story to you.
Thank you very much to let me talk about this cue card topic. The story that I am going to talk about is a fascinating story on how an eight year’s old kid saved more than 500 people from possible fatal casualty. I read this story a year ago in a daily newspaper.
This story was published in a popular newspaper that I used to read every day at that time and it was featured as a story of bravery and exemplary one.
An eight years old boy was playing with some other kids in the evening near a rail junction and suddenly noticed that a part of the rail track was severely damaged. While other kids ignored that and returned to their houses, this particular boy was different and he went home and persuaded his father that something bad is going to happen. He came back to the train junction with his father and took a great deal of hassle to convince the rail officers to actually go to visit the damage. They officers were reluctant to do so and thought it was a child’s imagination or lack of comprehension. But the boy was adamant and with his father, they were able to finally convince them that something terrible might happen if they do not take prompt actions. When all of them saw the severe damage on the rail track, it was almost the time for a passenger rail to pass this junction using this particular rail track. It was evening and very few people were in the station. The railway authority understood that repairing the harmed railroad was impossible. They immediately informed the nearby station and warned them so that the train does not leave that junction.
Next day many rail supervisors and employees visited the place and they were amazed by the bravery the boy showed to save people from an approaching peril.
I followed the news story and next day it made the headline of every local newspaper. As far I remember the boy was given many gifts by the rail authorities as well as the local administration.
The story was an exemplary one to remind us how a small sacrifice and bravery can save others. The eight years old boy showed his utmost intelligence, heroism and prompt actions to save people from unforeseeable dangers. The event was so touchy that it went viral in a day and that hit the headline of many newspapers. I did not watch TV that time, but I am sure that was also in TV news.
From the very nature of this event, we can understand that we revere the good news and we are not used to the bad news only. The great courage of a small kid saved the lives of many and that was an indeed worth news story to let the people of the whole country know and feel proud of.
Describe an interesting tradition in your country
You should say:
what it is
where it came from
when it occurs
and say why you think it is interesting.
Well, China has a long and rich history, you know, so we have countless traditions, but today I’d like to talk about what usually happens during the Spring Festival, which is the most important celebration for Chinese people.
On Chinese New Year’s Eve, all the family members would come back home for the family reunion dinner, no matter where they are and how far away they are from home. And it’s not an ordinary meal, I mean, every dish has its special meaning. For example, we must eat fish that day, because in Chinese, fish is pronounced as YU which sounds like “surplus”, so you see, that’s a good wish for the coming new year, meaning that the family would make more than enough money.
And I’m sure you know the tradition that everyone has to eat dumplings on New Year’s Eve. The interesting part is, when we make the dumplings, we would mix some coins or peanuts into the fillings, and the one who get the specially made dumpling would have good luck throughout the whole year. I know it sounds a little superstitious, but it’s a time-honored tradition.
And there’s another activity we have to do during dinner, which is like a ritual, that is, to watch the Spring Festival Gala broadcast by China Central Television. It’s an annul variety show, and it’s the most watched TV show all around the world, you know, because of the large population in China.
Anyway, I think it is the tradition that helps people get in festive mood during Chinese New Year, so I believe it’s worth passing on the next generation.
1. 上午8:00 前到达考试中心。
2. 在考场张贴的名单上找到自己的名字,记住自己的考场号。
3. 听从考试中心工作人员的指挥到候考室候考,并将您的私人物品存放在指定的区域。请注意:8:30 停止进场。迟到的考生将被取消参加笔试的资格,并不得转考、退考或退费。笔试迟到的考生有权利选择参加口语考试。
1. 进入考场后,监考人员将宣读考试注意事项。
2. 考生的身份证会被暂时集中收起,并在笔试结束前归还。
3. 监考人员发放听力与阅读答题纸,请根据监考人员指示进行填写。(考试答题纸为一张,两面分别为听力与阅读,请注意区分)
4. 请根据提示测试耳机。
5. 监考人员将会现场拆封并分发听力试卷,指示考生填写姓名与考号。
6. 考试正式开始之前,监考人员会提示考生再次检查耳机。
7. 听力考试录音将会提示考生何时可以打开试卷。在此之前,请勿打开。
1. 笔试答题大约将在上午9:00 到12:00 进行。
2. 如果考生需要帮助,请随时举手向监考人员示意。
3. 如果您认为您得到的试卷有误,或是试卷缺页模糊,请马上举手告诉监考人员。
4. 当监考人员要求停笔时,请考生马上停笔并放下铅笔和橡皮。否则将会被视为违规,
1. 考生请在位置上保持安静。
2. 按照监考人员指示,按顺序离场。
3. 请带好自己的身份证件和桌卡。
4. 请勿忘记自己考场外的.私人物品。
1. 请在预定的口试时间前30 分钟到达考试中心并签到。未能在考试前15 分钟到达并签到的考生,将有可能被取消参加口试的资格,并不得转考、退考或退费。
2. 请带上报名时使用的身份证件和桌卡参加口试。(如桌卡丢失,请向工作人员说明)
3. 签到后请在候考室待考。工作人员会在考前几分钟将考生带到考场。
4. 请在考场外椅子上安静等候,不要敲门。
5. 得到考官指示后进入考场,将所有私人物品放在椅子上,只带身份证件进入考场。
6. 口试考试时间大约为11 到14 分钟。
7. 在完成口试后,请立即离开考场。不要与任何人谈及您的考试情况,否则会被视作违规,情节严重会被取消考试资格。
考试时考生必须一边阅读考试说明文字和问题,一边聆听录音材料,一边记下重要字句,一边写出答案。这对于没有接触过这种听力考试形式,又没有做过大量针对性很强的练习的考生来讲,要想获得理想的成绩简直是Mission Impossible III.
在雅思考试的听力部分中,选择题只占一定的比重,而使用文字回答的题目相当多,如问答题,填空题,表格题等。这一点对于很多习惯选择题的中国考生来说又是不太有利的。雅思考试的官方说明中将雅思听力分为7大题型,在讲课中这7种题型又具体分解为 10种题型。根据不同题型使用不同的应试思路是针对这一难点的唯一法宝。
流程3:Part 1
流程4:Part 2
流程5:Part 3
不管有无错误,如果你不进行大量口语练习,你就不会在口语水平上取得真正的进步。你练习得越多,口语就会变得越容易。 如果你尽可能多地练习口语,你的口语水平很快就会得到迅速提高。
如果你不能与母语为英语的人的谈话也不必担心。 你也可以自己独自练习雅思口语。 虽然独自练习口语的时候没有人回应你的谈话,但是只要开口练习,你就能有机会去尝试用不同的方式来说话,而这也将增强你的信心。同时这也会弥补你在词汇量和语法上的缺点,让你以这种集中的方式学习新的单词和语法结构。
• 早晨的时候可以想象接下来的一天将要发生的事情,晚上的时候再回顾今天发生的事情。
• 阅读一篇关于任何话题报纸文章,并给出简短的摘要。
如何能够听出这些发音的区别呢?一种方法就是对广播或电视节目(如:新闻)录音30秒。 然后自己重述,以此来对比自己的发音与广播电视节目里发音的不同。
He thought his book would change society, but he didn’t bring it off.
She likes to read novels with happy endings.
Your latest book amused me no end.
Some people have compared books to friends.
They’re selling like hot cakes.
As is well known, books teach us to learn life, truth, science and many other useful things. They increase our knowledge, broaden our minds and strengthen our character. In other words, they are our good teachers and wise friends. This is the reason why our parents always encourage us to read more books.
Reading is a good thing, but we must pay great attention to the choice of books. It is true that we can derive benefits from good books. However, bad books will do us more harm than good.
Reading books can strongly shape you inclination, mature your thoughts, widen you horizon and enrich your personality. Life is limited, but knowledge is boundless. The more books we read, the more knowledge we get.
However, books can also be harmful, particularly the pornographic books. Bad books contain evil thoughts. In them, there might be much description about violence, superstition, and .
Before we encourage our children to read books, we should teach and help them to identify good and bad books.
Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight, is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgement and disposition of business.
To spend too much time in studies, is sloth.
读书费时过多,无异于懒惰. (培根)
They perfect nature, and are perfected by experience: for natural abilities are like natural plants, that need pruning by study; and studies themselves do give forth directions too much at large, except they be bounded in by experience.
考官问:What’s your full name?
考生答:My full name is Linwei Ma. Ma is my family ……
考官问:What shall I call you?
考生答:Please call me Linwei, lin-wei.(如果考生有正常的英文名字,则不需要重复;如果是中文名字,最好重复读一遍,以让考官记住。当然,如果你的英文名字是“非正常”的自己创立的英文名字,比如我的一个学生,名字叫Cher, 是个法国名字,那么你必须重复两次考官才能记住。)
考官问:What do you do now? Working or studying?
考生答:I’m a third year university student. My major is……
考官问:What are you studying?
考生答:My major is Finance.
1. 考官“叫停”住考生,实属正常。千万不要怕被“叫停”,而只是给出极其简短的答案;越是如此,考官越会连珠炮似的提问。
2. 切题!切题!切题!是不被考官“叫停”住的唯一办法。但是,大家记住:切题,不是简单,而是说“句句话都是回答考官所问;即使我回答上3分钟,也都是考官你要求我回答的题目的范畴”。
考官问:How do you like your major?
考生答:I really like my major. It’s very practical. Most courses I’m studying, for instance, Accounting, Financial Planning, are very useful. I feel they can help me to get a good job after graduation. Besides usefulness, I also find Finance very interesting. We do a lot of case studies, for instance, how Amway managed the cash flow, why a huge company closed the door overnight due to financial problems, and so on. I really have a lot of fun in the case studies. So you see, I think I’m very lucky to have chosen Finance as my major!
1. 长期战略
1)看所有你能买到的英文电影或电视剧:PRISON BREAK, SEX AND CITY, FRIENDS等等,看一遍中文字幕,再看一遍英文字幕;
I like living in Guangzhou. The best thing about living here is the food. It is of high quality and reasonable price. And you always get great services in restaurants! Another wonderful thing is the climate. I just love warm weather. I can not stand the cold climate in the North!
2. 考前冲刺战略
3)在口试前1个小时,进入纯英语状态,不停地说话,随便说什么都可以!哪怕你大声说:I’m so nervous, can you see that
1. 造就成就感,培养自信。
2. 增加兴趣。
3. 语言朗朗上口。
4. 易于学以致用。
1.简介以及问答:考官会向考生进行自我介绍,并核对考生的身份。之后,考官会就考生熟悉的话题(如朋友、兴趣习惯或者食物) 进行询问,这部分时长为 4-5 分钟;
2.个人陈述:考官将给考生一个答题任务卡,答题任务卡上会给出一个话题和需要在个人陈述中包含的要点,并在最后提示考生解释这个话题的某一个方面。考生有一分钟的准备时间,之后考官会要求考生就相关内容讲述 1-2 分钟。
考官会在 2 分钟后打断考生,并在最后提问一两个问题作为结束语,这部分考试时长为 3-4 分钟;3. 双向讨论:考官和考生将对第二部分中涉及的话题进行讨论,讨论将为更加广泛和抽象,在恰当的时候还会更加深入。时间为 4-5分钟。这部分考察的是考生表达和论述看法、分析、讨论以及深入思考问题的能力。
大家知道口语流程中part1难度不大,是warm up 热身。这部分会问大家can you tell me your full name? can you tell me where are you from?等简单介绍问题。这部分叫general introduction,只要不出意外和小瑕疵都没问题。这部分持续20-30秒。
这部分结束后考官会说 in the first part, I’d like to ask you some questions, let’s talk about sth. Talk about 后面的单词可能就是进入part1 的标志。Part1 叫daily questions.包含3个topic,每个topic中扩展四个小问题,持续4-5分钟。这部分并非真正考察口语能力,每个回答仅两三句话,更多考察对口语的快速反应能力。除了有说的能力,更要听到问题快速反应。所以对于听力较差同学,第一要提升听力能力。第二捷径化的方法是熟悉机经。问题没听清但对机经的熟悉也能猜到八九不离十。
Part2部分,是topic cards,考官让你用1-2分钟独立陈述话题卡上的题目。陈述前有一分钟准备时间。Part2真正考察口语能力,持续3-4分钟。这是考试的重中之重,因为对绝大多数同学独立陈述1-2分钟有难度。
概况: 60分钟 共3篇文章 每篇约1000左右(阅读量极大) 40个题目
Academic类与General training类的考题都以“三大段”的文章为基本结构,大约1500-3000字之间,内容多样,甚至有时以图表、表格的方式出现,学生答题的方式亦有多种答题形式,共40题.
写作包括两篇作文题目,Task 1和Task 2,前一篇150字,后一篇250字。原则上建议考生前一篇作文用20分钟,后一篇用40分钟,因为后一篇文章分值更高。
A类写作部分,全部1小时时间,分2大单元(Task 1&Task 2);
(Task 1)通常考题以图片、表格坐标、曲线图为基本形式,考生根据所给的资料,写出150个字以上的文章来叙述主题,组织并探讨主题,提出比较支持的论点。
G类的(Task 1)考生多以写一封信来应对考题中所给予的模拟状况或问题。
(Task 2) A类与G类非常类似,考生就考题的主题,用250字详加发表意见,通常考生被要求用几种方式之一来做为架构解决问题、表达自己的意见、支持或争辩考题所给予的讯息。
5、口语部分(General Traning和Academic试卷一致)
Step2 出示准考证,听从工作人员的指引到候考室签到,并将您的个人物品置放在指定的区域。
Step3 在签到时雅思考试考生请出示身份证件和准考证/桌卡,在候考室候考
Step4 按照工作人员安排进行身份证件查验、现场照相及指纹扫描。
Step5 接受工作人员电子扫描以检查是否随身携带违禁物品后,按照工作人员指引到口试考场。请在考场外椅子上安静等候,不要敲门。
Step6 得到考官指示后进入考场,只带身份证件进入考场。
Step7 口试考试分三个部分,共计用时为11到14分钟。
Step8 在完成口试后,请在领取个人物品后立即离开考场。不要与任何人谈及您的考试情况,否则会被视作违规,情节严重会被取消考试资格。
P.S. 迟到考生将无法进入考场,无法参加任何考试科目,并不得转考、退考或退费,已完成科目的成绩将被取消。
雅思口语考试Part 1的迷你表达法
※Greetings used when you meet somebody for the first time
How do you do?
Glad to meet you.
Pleased to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
Delighted to meet you.
Good morning/ afternoon/ evening.
Hello/ Hallo! (informal)
Hi! (informal)
I’m very well, thank you. And you?
What exactly would you like to know?
As you can see from my CV…
Perhaps I can begin by telling you about…
Recently, I’ve been studying / working at…
I’ve been studying English now for (1 year)…
The reason I’m taking the test is because…
Would you like to know about…
Before that I studied / worked at…
At the moment I’m studying/ working at…
Have I answered your question?
Is there anything else you wish to know?
※What the candidate should do
·Show the examiner you are confident by smiling and looking at him or her in the eye.
·When the examiner shakes your hand return his or her handshake firmly.
·Answer the questions you are asked as clearly and in as much detail as possible.
·Show that you are in control by talking freely about yourself and your past.
·Make sure you have practiced enough before the test so that the past tenses you use are accurately formed and appropriate.
※What the candidate should not do
·Do not tell the examiner that you are nervous or blink your eyes and move about too much.
·Do not shake hands with the examiner as if your extended hand were a cold wet fish!
·Do not cut the conversation short with answers of only one word, or short answers.
·Do not wait for another question if you know that the examiner wants you to keep talking.
·Do not be afraid to correct yourself if you make a grammatical mistake. But fluency is more important than grammar at this stage.
雅思口语考试Part 2的迷你表达法
※Useful said
Could you please rephrase that question/ topic? I’m not exactly sure what you mean…
I’m not exactly sure how to answer that question, but (perhaps)…
That’s a rather difficult question, but (maybe)…
I’m sorry, but I don’t know much about…However, it might be possible that…
Maybe I can answer your question by telling you about a personal experience I had.
That’s an interesting question…Let me see. Well, I suppose that…
Well, I think there are three ways of looking at it:
In my opinion there are three ways of it: First of all,…Next,…Then,…
Have I given you enough information?
Is that all you’d like to know?
I think that’s about it.
Would you like me to tell you more about…
I’m afraid that’s about as much as I know…
I can’t think of anything else right now…
※You can state you have finished by saying:
I think that’s all.
That’s it, I think…
Have I answered your question?
Does that give you a clear idea?
※You can invite your interviewer to talk by saying:
I think you know more about this than I do.
Bob, don’t you agree?
What’s your opinion?
What do you think?
I expect you will agree with me when I say…
I don’t know what you think, but…
※What the candidate should do
·Organize your reply by first commenting on the topic given.
·Then think of at least 2 main aspects of the topic
that are worth discussing.
·Explain that you will discuss each aspect in turn before you begin your talk in tamest. (formally and objectively is best)
·Try to talk around a difficult topic by guessing. Using“maybe”,“perhaps”etc. It is much better than saying nothing!
※What the candidate should not do
·Do not say that you cannot talk about the topic, or that you’ve never thought about it.
·Do not worry if you do not understand a question/ topic. Ask the examiner to repeat it.
·Do not digress too much. Keep to the topic, otherwise it will appear as though you do not understand what the question topic is.
·Do not wait for question-show that you are capable of discussing the topic without being prompted by the examiner.
笔试日期前 10 天:请登录教育部考试中心雅思报名网站个人主页查看您的考号、口试时间、口笔试场地、地址和教室号,并打印准考证。建议提前查阅地图,选择合适的交通方式。请注意:口语考试可能安排在笔试前一周至笔试后一周的任意一天。口试时间不能按照考生的要求进行更改。请注意如果未能及时打印准考证,可能导致您错过口语考试。
1.请在预订的口试时间前 30 分钟到达考点并签到。口试截止入场时间为口试时间前 15 分钟。 迟到考生将无法进入考场,无法参加任何考试科目,并不得转考、退考或退费,已完成科目的成绩将被取消。
7.口试考试用时为 11 到 14 分钟。8.在完成口试后,请在领取个人物品后立即离开考场。不要与任何人谈及您的考试情况,否则会被视作违规,情节严重会被取消考试资格。
请在上午 07:30 左右到达考点。请提前安排好早餐,保证体力。
请出示准考证,听从工作人员的指引到候考室候考,并将您的个人物品置放在指定的区域。进入笔试考场:到达候考室后, 按照工作人员安排在 07:30 到 08:30 间进行入场前的检录。
按照工作人员安排在笔试教室前按照考号顺序排队等候。 请在排队前使用卫生间。
笔试入场截至时间为 08:30。 迟到考生将无法进入考场,无法参加任何考试科目,并不得转考、退考或退费,已完成科目的成绩将被取消。
考试正式开始之前,监考人员会提示考生再次测试耳机。听力考试录音将会提示考生何时可以打开试卷。在此之前,请勿打开。【笔试进行中】笔试答题大约将在上午 09:00 到 12:00 进行。 听力: 30 分钟加 10 分钟誊写答案的时间,阅读: 60 分钟,写作: 60 分钟。在听力开始时,考生会听到听力考试说明以及一段例题。考生之后会开始阅读听力第一部分的问题,听第一部分的录音并作答。第二、三、四部分也是同样的流程。听力考试结束后将有 10 分钟时间供考生将答案誊写到答题纸上,誊写答案时请不要取下耳机,听力考试录音将会提醒考生考试何时结束,届时请及时停笔。
请仔细阅读写作试题说明,注意 2 篇作文的字数限制。每篇作文都有建议时长,方便考生掌握时间。
每间考试教室都有挂钟,监考人员会在阅读和写作考试中为考生提供四次时间提醒,分别是考试开始后 20 和 40 分钟,以及考试结束前 10 和 5 分钟。请注意:在整个考试过程中,考生必须遵守考场规则,并独立完成各项考试。
考生只能在写作考试期间、且监考人员已经宣读完考试注意事项之后使用洗手间,使用洗手间前须举手征得监考人员同意。写作考试结束前 10 分钟禁止使用洗手间。使用洗手间前后,考生有可能被考场工作人员要求在考场范围内进行电子扫描。
1. 注册成为教育部考试中心网上报名系统用户
2. 预存考试费
3. 选择考位
4. 填写IELTS报名表并确认付费
3.笔试答题大约将在上午09:00 到12:00进行。听力:30分钟加10分钟誊写答案的时间,阅读:60分钟,写作:60分钟。
雅思口语难点介绍 突破难点才能考出高分
雅思口语难点一 考官面考易紧张
雅思口语难点二 没有标准答案
雅思口语难点三 无法深入探讨问题
雅思口语考试得分点:Fluency & Coherence (流利度与连贯性)
详细地谈论一个话题 a) Can I speak at length on a topic?
有一个非常好的逻辑 Has a very good logic
b) I hope everything you say is logical
逻辑连接词的使用恰到好处Use logical connectives
c)Have I used appropriate linking words?
B Quick reaction (快速的反应)
a) Have I used a range of structures to convey modality, conditionals, active/passive, cause/effect and tenses?
你是否知准确知道我所想问的东西 ?
b)Can you know exactly what I want to ask?
c)Do I speak clearly and smoothly?
d) How well can I talk about personal and familiar topics?
e) How well can the assessor understand me even though I have made some errors?
C Pronunciation (语音语调)
a) The correct pronunciation
b)The examiner can understand what I said
c) Is my voice strong and clear?
D Lexical Resource (词汇的丰富度)
a) Are the words and expressions I use appropriate and accurate?
b) Do I have a good range of vocabulary to cover the topic?
c) Have I used correct word forms?
d) Have I used some idiomatic language?
eg: There’s there are three man...the... men
你想表达伦敦这座城市很漂亮,表示赞美的词可能有 lovely, scenic, picturesque, 等等这些词,假如你脑海里搜索上述这些词就自然地在考试中停下来了,你想想场面会是什么样的?
这个时候如果反应足够快的话就将 London is a beautiful city..说出来,替换词/近义词可以在口语考试中发挥极大作用,同学们平时可以加以积累。
1. important = crucial (extremely important), significant (amount or effects large enough to be important)
2.stick = adhere, cling (hold on something tightly)
3. top = peak, summit
4. poor (soil) = barren, infertile (used to describe the soil is so poor that plants cannot be planted in it)
5. show = demonstrate (to demonstrate a fact means to make it clear to people.)
6. ruin = devastate (it means damage something very badly, or utterly destroy it.)
7. boring = tedious (if you describe something tedious, you mean it is boring and frustrating)
8. worry = fret (if you fret about something, you worry about it)
9. dangerous = perilous (very dangerous, hazardous) (dangerous, especially to people's safety and health)
10. difficult = formidable
TV shows/programs/channels
From Monday to Friday, I watch very little TV, but on the weekend or during holidays, I’m a bit of a couch potato.
Well, actually, I’ve got no particular preference for TV shows. I just flick through the channels and watch anything that attracts me.
What I like most is entertainment shows, cos they’re really entertaining. You know, after a hard day at work/school, a good laugh is exactly what I need to relax.
One of my favorites is an entertainment show called Happy Camp, which is one of the best-liked shows among young people. Most of my friends are loyal viewer of the show.
学习工作类,如what is your opinion about your job/major 。
兴趣爱好类,如What do you usually do in your free time 。
家乡背景类介绍,如can you say something different about your hometown。
经常针对这一类考题所涉及到的话题,最常见的围绕于music, reading, TV, film, sport, Internet…
在口语考试中,许多我们平时总是使用的简单词句都会在脑内大批量冒出来,比如连接词than、however、but、so;一般词of course,、as you know;形容词big、small、long、short、old、yong等等。这类基础用词出现次数过多容易给雅思口语考官留下一个词汇量不足的印象,小站雅思君建议平时可以多积攒一些词汇,能在口语考试中发挥大作用。
这类问题通常出现在基础比较薄弱的学生中。由于词汇量的有限,也想要避免使用不熟悉的词汇出现错误,在口语考试中,常常缺乏词汇的变化,也就是说,过多的使用某些词汇。像because, beautiful, like等用的比较滥的词,而不会用其他的词去替换它。比如说到喜好,如果每一个考生在考试过程中都在用like,那么考官听得多了,一定不会给很好的分数。而我们学过的,还有很多词都是可以表达喜好的,比如enjoy, be interested in, be fond of, be crazy about,这些都可以给考官带来焕然一新的感觉。
1. A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。
2. A common danger causes common action. 同舟共济。
3. A contented mind is a continual / perpetual feast. 知足常乐。
4. A fall into the pit, a gain in you r wit. 吃一堑,长一智。
5. A guest should suit the convenience of the host. 客随主便。
6. A letter from home is a priceless treasure. 家书抵万金。
7. All rivers run into the sea. 殊途同归。
8. All time is no time when it is past. 机不可失,时不再来。
9. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一日一个苹果,身体健康不求医。
10. As heroes think, so thought Bruce. 英雄所见略同。
11. A young idler, an old beggar. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。
12. Behind the mountains there are people to be found. 天外有天,山外有山。
13. Bad luck often brings good luck. 塞翁失马,安知非福。
14. Bread is the stall of life. 面包是生命的支柱。
15. Business is business. 公事公办。
16. Clumsy birds have to start flying early. 笨鸟先飞。
17. Courtesy costs nothing. 礼多人不怪。
1.I have a lot of problems. 我有很多问题。
2.I hope our dreams come true. 我希望我们的梦想成真。
3.I’m looking forward to seeing you. 我期望见到你。
4.I see what your mean. 我了解你的意思。
5.I can’t do this. 我不能这么做。
6.Let me explain why I was late. 让我解释迟到的理由。
7.Let’s have a beer or something. 咱们喝点啤酒什么的。
8.Where is your office? 你们的办公室在哪?
9.What is your plan? 你的计划是什么?
10.When is the store closing? 这家店什么时候结束营业?
11.Are you sure you can come by at nine? 你肯定你九点能来吗?
12.Am I allowed to stay out past 10? 我可以十点过后再回家吗?
13.Tom’s birthday is this week. 汤姆的生日就在这个星期。
14.Would you care to see it/sit down for a while? 你要不要看/坐一会呢?
15.Could you do me a big favor? 能否请你帮我个忙?
16.He is crazy about Crazy English. 他对疯狂英语很着迷。
17.Can you imagine how much he paid for that car?你能想象他买那车花了多少钱吗?
18.Did you hear about the new project? 你知道那个新项目吗?
19.Do you realize that all of these shirts are half off? 你知道这些衬衫都卖半价了吗?
20.Are you mind if I take tomorrow off? 你介意我明天请假吗?
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★ 高考报名流程