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1. What“s your name?

2. Does your name have any special meaning?

3. Where were you come from?

4. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?

5. What is the main crop in your hometown?

6. What is the difference between Beijing and your hometown?

7. What are the main places of interest in your hometown?

8. What is the climate like in your hometown?

9. What is the character of the people like in the region where you live?

10. What are the differences in accent between the people of your hometown and Beijing?

11. What is people”s favorite food in your region?

12. How do you make dumplings?

13. What do you do during the Spring Festival?

14. Why is the Spring Festival so important to Chinese people?

15. Can you describe one of the main festivals celebrated in your country?

16. Tell me something about the Lantern Festival.

17. Tell me something about the Qing Ming Festival.

18. Tell me something about the customs of your country.

19. How long have you lived in Beijing?

20. What is the weather like in Beijing?


第一、 关于law

大家首先要明白一点,雅思口语考试的目的是什么? 就是检验一下我们的最基本的英语说话的能力,换句话讲,就是能不能在国外用英语讲话让别人明白你的意思。所以,思路的选择尤为重要。正是“思路决定出路”。

说到法律,我们(学生、上班族)最关心的是什么方面的事情呢? 很可能是我们上学、上班、生活、娱乐和我们生活息息相关的方面。所以,要从我们本身出发。



也有可能你是一个上班族,对于每天挤公车上下班堵在路上心理很不爽,说什么自己比较有话说呢?很可能是《交通法》。可能会提到交通管制(traffic regulation),控制私家((control the growth of private cars , control the overall number of private cars),增加公共交通(encouraging public transportaion)等等。

第二、 interesting news

如果我们平时稍微关注下新闻,我们就会明白生活中处处都是interesting news。 注意此处的 interesting 不一定是funny 好笑的,只要是自己觉得有趣就可以讲。比如:对于李嘉欣大婚花费1亿元,你怎么看? 或者中国的山寨产品(fake goods)以假乱真,或者提到出租车司机罢运,甚至是我们大学生找不到工作。但是,问题的关键不在于你讲了什么,而在于你能不能自圆其说。

第三、 book

由于我们每天都很忙,基本上就没有了读书的时间,所以,冷不丁问到这个话题,很多人不约而同地讲到:my favorite book is 《Harry Potter》。事实上,除了哈里·波特之外,我们真的无书可读了吗?太多了,既可以讲中国的四大名著,比如《水浒传》(All men are bothres),也可以提到国外的经典名著,比如温总理最喜欢的《沉思录》(Meditation);既可以讲小说,如《简·爱》,也可以讲哲学,如苏格拉底的书《理想国》(The Republic);既可以讲纯正英语背景的,如《格列佛游记》《Gulliver’s travel》,也可以讲其他的背景,如《挪威的森林》(Norwegian Wood)。总之,雅思口语需要厚积薄发。


第一、保证日常练习的口语的熟练性。Practice makes perfect. 道理谁都会懂,但是并不见得每个人都会做。每天早上起床之后可以自己读一会儿英语,可以读一下《Newyork Times》网络版,或者看看CNN 有什么新闻,或者读一下《新概念》、自己订的英文报纸等。


第三、每天坚持听英语广播,比如说BBC。 每天早上起床后可以打开BBC 听一下世界上又有什么新闻,听完后可以尝试自己简单复述下今天的新闻内容,然后,考虑下如果这是口语题,该如果回答?比如:印度发生了恐怖袭击,我们就可以考虑,口语会不会这么考?会不会问你对于跨国打击_是否支持?为什么?如果这样问题,我们应该如果回答?

第四、在自己日常生活中,对于一些问题应形成自己的视角,因为,雅思口语既需要我们的口语流利,又需要我们有自己的观点。所以,某一天坐公交 BRT 的时候,我们会发现BRT 上的人比普通公交还少,考虑一下为什么? 对于济南的交通,我们如何缓解压力?建地铁?轻轨?如果建地铁,问题是什么?轻轨呢?如果建轻轨,可能需要大笔资金。






2. 在签到时请出示与报名时一致的身份证件(身份证或护照)和准考证,签到后请保持安静,在候考室候考,签到后不得离开考场,直至考试结束。




4. 关闭所有电子设备并寄存,手机一定要关机。曾出现过考生大意没有关机,人在房间里考试,手机在考场外响了铃声被查到,最后被取消了考试成绩;手表也是不允许被带入的,带入考试房间同样会被取消成绩。之后工作人员会将考生指引到口试考场。等待考官领你进门。

Tips:有些培训机构的老师会跟考试的学生说如果门关着的你就去敲门咯!千万不要敲啊!请在门外椅子上安静等候,不论你是紧张到发抖也好还是看着周围的小伙伴已经进入房间了等得心焦也罢,千万别敲门!否则你会从考官脸上看到什么叫做,You are a dead man walking.

5. 得到考官指示后进入考场,只带身份证件和桌卡进入考场。口试考试时间大约为11到14分钟。

Tips:考官在一开始会问你有没有带手机,千万不要没听清问题就乱说yes。会问你要身份证件,会问你的full name(很多新烤鸭会听成phone name),直接回答my name's X 中文名字就好,不需要说英文名或者其他别的,这里考官是在核对你的信息。紧接着可能会有另一个问题what should i call you? 这不是问你要电话号码啊!回答Just call me X 英文中文都行。

7. 在完成口试后,不要在考场逗留,请立即离开考场。不要在考场与任何人谈及您的考试情况,否则会被视作违规,情节严重会被取消考试资格。



Describe an experience when you changed your opinion.

You should say:

When it was

What your original choice was

Why you changed it

And explain how you felt about it

This is a curious question, because, in fact, there are a few times when I changed my opinion about things. The time that really sticks in mind is when I went to the USA on a trip. But, first, let me give you the background: most of my life I thought that American food was just fast food and junk food like burgers and fries and coca cola and things like this, perhaps also pizza and other similar types of food. I really thought that most westerners, and indeed Americans in particular, only really ate this kind of food – you know, that it was their main diet. Also, because so many Americans are so fat. Some are really enormous. I really was convinced that western food only really consisted of unhealthy burgers and fries and junk food. I think most of my friends and peers always thought the same, and maybe many of them still do. Well, anyway, I went to New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle on a month-long trip to the USA. In fact, it was a work trip - you see, I’m a computer programmer and I have a job with Baidu and I work part of the time in Shangdi, in Beijing, in the head office, and a few months a year in the US. Anyway, the time I’m talking about was my first trip to the USA. So, I went with this conception in my mind that the food would be all junk food and I was convinced about my opinion being correct. I’d never thought otherwise. It was to my great surprise when I arrived in New York City, that I found a lot of my American co-workers dining in a wide variety of restaurants and eateries. Not all fancy or expensive, either. I realized very quickly that there is a massive range of different foods in the USA, and most people don’t actually eat or order burgers and fries at all – or maybe only when they’re in a rush and need a quick take-out to go back to the office. Even in Grand Central Station there is an Oyster Bar and loads of seafood stalls and restaurants – I honestly couldn’t believe it! And that’s only a railway station! People were eating lobsters and salads and Israeli food and all sorts of middle eastern dishes that are really healthy too! Comparing that with the pot noodles and KFC at Beijing railway stations, I started to challenge my preconception about Americans and their attitude to food. I then realized that my idea that all Americans and all Westerners ate junk food, was a sweeping generalization. And, therefore, I changed my opinion.


1. Who do young people turn to for advice?

Are there any issues that people should be careful when giving advice?

When giving advice people should sometimes be quite careful. Firstly, they must consider the kind of advice they are giving and how the listener will feel about it. Not everyone enjoys getting advice, or even wants advice from others. Sometimes people don’t want to hear the advice you want to give them, and it can even upset or annoy them. So, you have to carefully consider the person you’re giving advice to and how they might receive the advice. Another issue is how you give the advice – this is where it’s important to learn to be diplomatic, to think carefully about the different perspectives that need to be considered, and make sure you deliver your advice in a careful way that will make the other person feel encouraged, rather than discouraged.

2. Do people like giving opinions on politics?

It depends what people you’re talking about. Usually, I think Chinese people, and perhaps Asians in general, don’t really talk about politics much at work, or in public. I think there is a tendency amongst Asian people to not want to raise issues of a very serious and possibly contentious nature in public, unless they are with close friends. However, when you look at Europeans and Americans, you find they very openly discuss politics in the office, over dinners, in public and everywhere, and often disagree with each other about their personal political stances and opinions. This seems to be more part of Western culture than ours.


Describe a time you got into contact with an old friend.

You should say:

Who he or she is

When and where you met

What you talked about

And explain how you felt about this experience

This is a really good question for me, because I’ve a number of stories about this topic! I’ll tell you why: I’m a really social person, and I also went to school, primary and secondary school, before the age of WeChat and social media, so I actually remember the days when you basically had to visit your friends, or phone their parents to ask them if they were coming out to play… Anyway, so as the years went by we lost touch with a lot of friends, and only really got back in touch with them because of the introduction of social media in mainstream society. The one I was especially pleased about getting back in contact with was a girl called Xiao Shuang, she was a petite, pretty, quiet, but super-intelligent girl who was most certainly my best friend for many years in school. She had an amazing sense of humour too, and I’ll never forget her jokes and pranks in class. Anyway, we got in touch, exchanged contact details, and met in person in Beijing. It was great to see how much she had grown up and changed, although she maintained the same sense of humour and attitude to life as before. We met around the Lama temple area of Beijing, and we went to drink a coffee in one of cute coffee shops in a street called Wu Dao Ying. The café we chose to meet in was dedicated to cats! Yes, there are lots of cats in this café – real cats as well as pictures and ornaments of cats. We talked about our studies, life now, life then, how things have changed, and our aspirations for the future. I found it particularly interesting to discuss with her how she had changed, how her interests in life had developed and the challenges she had faced over the years when we had been out of touch with each other. It made me realise that I should make more effort to get in touch with more old friends from the past – and that it’s definitely worth it. We learn a lot from sharing experiences with other people and keeping in touch with people we knew in childhood. So, all in all meeting Xiao Shuang after all these years was a brilliant experience and I would strongly recommend that anyone make every effort to get back in touch with old school friends.

Part 3

1. Why do people lose contact with their friends after graduation?

People lose contact with some friends for a variety of reasons. One reason is that their paths in life diverge and their lives go in different directions. They lose common interests and goals, and life moves on, their ambitions change and their priorities differ. This is not always the case, but sometimes is what happens, often gradually over time. It’s a common reason anyway. Another reason might be that you end up losing your friends’ contact details, though today this is less common because people are often connected quite extensively with many friends and friends of friends via various online social media accounts.

2. How does modern technology influence friendship?

Modern technology influences friendships by enabling people to keep in touch all the time with friends and families, enabling people to see each other’s daily updates on things like WeChat Moments and other social utilities and platforms, and also enabling people to make new friends through online friends and dating sites. Also, there are a lot of online forums where people can post comments, opinions, ideas and share their experiences around specific or general topics and themes – often those that get along or share similar views on these forums, can make friends with each other and then develop those friendships. So, modern technology, mostly internet-based technology and software, has a huge impact on friendships and relationships. From enabling people to nurture existing friendships, to helping people make new friends.

3. Do you think people’s relationship with friends will change when they get older?

I think that friendships do evolve and change over time, and as we get older we have slightly different relationships with our friends, yes. It really depends. One example might be that as people get older maybe they have less time to spend with friends, and more responsibilities, so they might stay in touch with less friends, or be more selective about the friends they do spend time with. Children tend to play with a wider variety of friends, also because they are less discerning and have less prejudices. As we get older we take stronger likes and dislikes to people and also have less time for people who we might not immediately get along with or share common ground with. Evolving friendships are different too – adults who really want to maintain friendships will make efforts to develop them and be emotionally supportive of friends, and as the years go by, that can make friendships stronger, and last into old age. These are arguably the most valuable friendships.

4. Some people believe that friendship is more important to young people compared with old people. What do you think of it?

Yes, I think this is the case. Young people are very keen to play and go out with friends, and are more energetic and active. As I mentioned earlier, they are also perhaps less discerning about who they choose as friends and maybe have a wider variety of friends with varied interests. I think older people have less energy for going out socializing or meeting new people, and they are more comfortable with family, or hanging around with the few friends that they have had for many years. Obviously, it also depends on the personality of the individual – some people, regardless of age, are simply more social and extrovert than others, and more keen to keep friendships going and make new friends, whilst others prefer a calmer, more introvert lifestyle at home, with family, or spending a lot of time alone and without the responsibility of dealing with multiple friendships and the demands they can bring with them.






2.见到老外的第一眼要主动向他打招呼,最好是能上前和他握手。在考官带你到考室的路上他会让你把包放在门外的小椅子上,同时让你把手机等移动设备关掉,这时你应该主动抢着说 i have switched it off.在门口你要让考官先进入考室,如果你先进去了要等考官进来了再坐下,坐之前先要问:may i sit down?这样会让考官觉得你很懂礼貌,从旁观者角度上说,从一开始你就占据了主动。





7.如果碰到自己很难回答的问题,就不要正面回答,比如你可以说:i don't have many ideas about this but in my mind, there may be... or i guess...但千万不要说 i don't know. 同样你也可以获得更多的时间来考虑一个问题,那时你可以说:let me see...等等。











L :即逻辑性,你说话的过程中是否有逻辑,让人感觉你讲的很清晰,这里不仅是内容上要有逻辑性在语言形式上能够有逻辑性


Describe a person who made you laugh happily when you were a child

You should say:

Who this person is

What this person did to make you laugh

Why this person made you laugh

And how you felt about it

童年记忆中有许多欢乐的瞬间,但是为我带来最多欢笑的,是我家门口公园里的的一名魔术师。有一年生日,父母带我到公园玩,当他了解到当天是我的生日,就专门为我表演了一个魔术。他滑稽的姿势,搞 笑的歌声让我忍俊不禁,还专门从黑色的礼帽里变出了一个小王冠送给我。我一直认为这份礼物带着魔力,每当看到都会想起观看他表演时的兴奋与开心。

My childhood witnessed lots of moments of happiness (我的童年充满了喜悦的瞬间,witness 见证), one of which was a part-time magician at the community theme park being the very personwhobrought me the most genuine laughter. As I can recall(在我的记忆中), he always dressed smart(穿 着正式), with a black top hat, colorful suit and a big smile on his face when he greeted every kid passing by and performed magic tricks for them. He impressed me the most on one of mybirthdays, when my parents took me to the theme park to celebrate. No sooner than he was informedby the kids around that it was my birthday than he approached me with a warm smile and handed me his magic black hat. (No sooner than (倒装,他一了解到那天是我的生日,就带着温暖的微笑走向我,并递给我他的黑色礼帽) In a mysterious tone, he instructed me to say a secret word to the hat and promised to work magic for the “birthday princess”. Not only was I entertained by his hilarious gestures and funny birthday songs, I was also amazed at the fact that his birthday gift,namely a princess crown, came out of the black hat at the blink of an eye. (not only, (but) also 我不仅因为他滑稽的姿势和搞笑的歌声忍俊不禁,更是被他一眨眼功夫从黑色礼帽中变出的生日礼物—— 一顶小王冠——而深深吸引)。As an innocent child, I firmly believed that this little crown was magical, a secret power with which I could relive the exhilaration and excitement (非限定性定语从句,一种神秘的力量,能够让我重温观看他表演的兴奋与激动) brought by the kind magician and his entertaining performances. For those toddlers like me, who for a briefmoment lived in a magic wonderland, he was completely awe-inspiring. His rich imagination,together with his amiable personality enriched our childhood memories.



1.When was the last time you drank tea or coffee?

Well, actually I am a big fan of coffee and I have the habit of drinking this kind of beverage everyday. You know, I just had a cup of espresso this morning. I am really partial to it because just a sipof coffee can keep me refreshed and energetic. As for tea, it is not a common thing in my daily life.

2.Do Chinese people like to drink tea or coffee?

I believe that most people in our country are more likely to choose tea, because it is an essential part of our culture. But since coffee was introduced into China and it is regarded as a modern beverage,the number of coffee lovers is also growing. Especially among the young people, drinking a cup of Americano has become a habit in the morning.

3.Do you prepare tea or coffee for guests at home?

Definitely coffee! The reasons are simple. Personally, I’m not interested in drinking tea, so you can find anything but tea in my apartment. Besides, the flavor of coffee can be changed according toguests’ preferences. You can add a dash of milk or sugar if you don't like bitter taste, but the flavor of tea is not changeable. So I am not sure it is suitable for every visitor.















Describe a good thing that can help improve your health 描述一个可以让你更健康的东西

Honestly speaking, I have a great affection for mastering a musical instrument, especially playing the cello. Compared with doing sports activities, playing the cello does not enhance my physical health, but it is a good thing that can cultivate my soul, another way to improve my health. To tell you the truth, when I was a kid, I always attended training classes to learn the skills of play the cello. Thus, playing the cello gradually became one of my hobbies, then a habit. Whenever I play it, it will calm me down and let me to a world out of this world. I easily carry away without trace. Personally speaking, I believe, relaxation is what I could get out from such a habit. Well, you see, I am only a student, and I have to cope with all sorts of hard work or even trial things, but whenever I pick up the cello, I could feel much more soothed and relieved.



① (名词或代词) is the kind of (person/place/thing…) who (which/that) is…

② (名词或代词) is a (person/ place…) who (which) gives you the impression ofbeing…

③ (名词或代词)is one of the most (形容词) (名词) I have ever seen/met/known.

④ (地点名称) is a place where you can do sth.

⑤ (时间名词) is a day (occasion/the time) when you do sth.



① The reason why I (admire him/like the place…) is that +从句

② The most important thing is that+从句

③ Another thing is that+从句

④ What I mean is that + 从句

⑤ What I’d like to say is that +从句


The reason why I admire Yaoming is that he is a legend and also a greatguy. The most important thing is that he is one of China’s most recognizableathletes. What I mean is, his image can be seen everywhere, he is a householdname. Another thing is that Yao has also participated in many charity eventsduring his career. What I’d like to say is that he not only donated money torelief work, but also created a foundation to help those in need.


雅思口语基本句型1、Wrap this package for me. 给我把这包裹包好。

寻求帮助时的用语,当你不知道怎样打包或者没有时间打包时,你可以使用这句话向他人寻求帮助:Can you wrap this package forme?

雅思口语基本句型2、Why are you quitting? 你为什么要辞职?


quit vi. 离开, 辞职, 停止 vt. 离开, 放弃, 解除,

have notice to quit接到解雇的通知

雅思口语基本句型3、She feels pity for him. 她同情他。

当某人发生了什么不好的事情,你可以说:sb. feels pity for sb.

例如:She feels pity for him.=She feels sorry for him. 她同情他。

雅思口语基本句型4、Hurry up; the train is about to start. 快快!火车就要开了。

解释:be about to do sth 中的about作形容词讲;意思是“即将[马上]做某事”这个句型在雅思口语基本句型中也是非常重要的,大家要注意。

例如:Hurry up; the film's about to start. 快点,电影要开始了。

not be about to do sth [非正式]不打算做某事

例如:I've never smoked in my life and I'm not about to startnow.我从未抽过烟,现在也不打算抽。

雅思口语基本句型5、Nice talking to you. 很高兴跟你谈话。

通常是在结束谈话时,也就是在要分开时说的话。类似的说法有Nice meeting you.动名词表示动作的结束、完成。这是一个相对比价常见的雅思口语句型,但是却经常被忽略掉,所以在备考的时候,要注意啦。

如果是在一开始要用Nice to meet you. 或者Nice to talk to you.

雅思口语基本句型6、It was so embarrassing. 真令人困窘,好糗。



A:Tom is a selfish man.

B: Stop talking!!He is behind you.

A:Why don't you tell me earlier? That was so embarrassing.

雅思口语基本句型7、I need first aid. 我需要急救。


例句:Help, Help...My leg is badly hurt. I need first aid.


人工呼吸artificial respiration 急救车ambulance 急救箱first-aid kit 急救站first-aidstation 急救措施emergency treatment 胸外心脏按压extra thoracic compression 处理伤口dressingwounds 晕倒fall in a faint 休克shock




1.How often do you wear a watch?

I wear a watch every day

2.What was your first watch like?

The first watch I ever had was very small, and had a pink strap. I loved it, and felt so grown up wearing it!

3.What kinds of watches do you like to wear?

I like to wear fairly simple watches, with a silver colored metal strap. Sometimes I wear a watch necklace, as I do not always like to have something around my wrist.

4.Do people still wear watches in your country?

Yes, people do still wear watches, although we also have our mobile phones that have the time as well. I think they are a fashion item, as well as being practical.


1.Do you often invite friends to visit your home?

Yes, all the time. I’m a pretty sociable kind of person and I love to entertain, so I often invite friends around for dinner at the weekend.

2.Do you prefer to have friends visit you or relatives?

Friends, definitely! You can choose your friends after all – but you can’t choose your family! My friends know exactly what to expect when they come for dinner. They always bring a bottle of wine or a dessert or something – they make some kind of contribution to the meal – and they know that I’ll make an effort to put on a good spread, even if it’s just something simple like a barbecue. Family gatherings are usually much more stressful!

3.What do you usually do together with your visitors?

Well, we like to get together over dinner and just enjoy chatting over a long, lazy meal. After dinner we sit around and have a few drinks, maybe listen to some music. Depending on which friends are visiting, we might play a game like mahjong.

4.When someone visits you, how do you usually show hospitality?

As I said, it’s mostly about the meal. I like to take my time and try to make something really special when I have people around for dinner. I try to make sure that my guests always feel welcome – and even though they usually offer, I’m happy to leave the washing up until the next day!

雅思口语Part2话题范文: experience with a child

Describe an experience when you spent time with a child.

You should say:

What you did

When and you did

And explain how you felt


One of my best friends has a 3-year-old baby girl; so every time we went out, she would take her with us.

Her little girl is such a witty kid, and she is always full of energy. As she begins to be aware of the outside world, she asks a lot of questions just to satisfy her curiosity.

It happened one day when we went out shopping. While her mother and I took turns trying clothes on, she was sitting quietly on the bench. Then she looked at me and her mother and started to express her opinions on our clothes.

The way she talked was so funny that we couldn't stop laughing. She was so used to playing with her Barbie doll that she suggested we should dress like one of her dolls.

She even taught us how to walk like models because she thought that was pretty.

All the customers who walked in the store noticed her, even the store owner couldn't stop laughing at her since she was still a baby girl, but she talked and acted like a grown-up.

That was probably the best part of the shopping trip that I will never forget.


一般雅思口语考试是在笔试之后的,雅思口语考试口试流程一共有3步,分别是introduction and interview,Personal long-turn和Two-way discussion。

introduction and interview有两项内容


例如:考官可能会问道,你叫什么名字?我可以看你的证件吗?Can I have your ID please? 然后在这个过程之后呢,当考官确定了你的身份之后,就是正式进入到interview的部分了。






Two-way discussion部分的内容

从Two-way discussion的形式来看,这和第一部分的内容很接近,主要是以问答模式来考试,这就是说考官会提出问题,而这些问题很大部分都是跟第二题相关的,只是内容会逐渐深入,对考生的词汇量要求会增大,时间大概持续4-5分钟。


1.讲一讲一个对你影响比较大的older person。他是怎么样的一个人?都在哪些方面对你有一些什么影响?你们国家对老年人是什么态度?你认为这个社会在哪些方面对老年人不太好?老人在你们家有什么影响?你认为老年人在看问题的时候跟年轻人有什么不一样?他们对大家有什么影响?

2.名人, 介绍一个famous的人。三个问题要谈:谁?干什么的?为什么famous? 还有一个explain,为什么你认为他会出名?你觉得为什么有许多人喜欢出名?出名有什么好处?有什么坏处?谈一下你的国家的媒体对与明星的生活的报道?报道些什么?为什么老百姓想要知道明星的生活?明星的影响力是如何关系到你的生活的?



5。中国人都住什么样子的房子?他们喜欢什么样的房子?你觉得这样的房子好么?城市里的房子和乡村的有什么不同? 哪里不同?你住的是什么样的房子?你认识你的邻居吗?你认为应该怎样改进住房?现在的年轻还跟父母住在一起吗?说出南方和北方的生活方式有什么不同,以其在建筑上的差别。

6.对旅行怎么看?可以学到什么?Tourist industry, what tourists get from traveling? Give some solution to benefit tourist industry. 如何促进中国的旅游业

7。 怎样通过衣服看一个人,uniform的优缺,中国的traditional clothes等等do your country have any tradition and national clothing? Do you think the clothing is more important than before? Why? What type of clothing do you wear in different occasions? (For example) what information can you find in another person's clothing? (就是让你说如果你看见一个人穿一种什么类型的衣服时,你会想他是什么职业的或者他的性格是怎样的)

8.What is different between you and your parent holiday? What do you do difference purpose between older and younger. how to develop china‘s tourist?


1. Hello. Could you show me your identification card please?

Hello. Sure, here you are.

2. Could you tell me your full name please?

My full name is _X. I am also called by my English name, which is _X.

3. What shall I call you?

You could call me _X.

4. How are you?

I am well thank you, and yourself?

5. How old are you?

I am 22 years old. In other words, I was born in 1980. On the eight of March 1980, to be exact.

6. Does your name have any special meaning? ( 5 - 6 分)

Yes, my name does have some special meaning. My family name means ‘peace’, and my first name means ‘strong one’. My English name was given to me by one of my high school teachers, and it does not have any special meaning really.

6. Does your name have any special meaning? ( 7 - 8 分)

I presume you are referring to my Chinese name. Yes, the English equivalent of my family name would be something like ‘peace’, and in the case of my first name it would be ‘strong one’. My English name was randomly chosen by one of my high school teachers, and it really doesn’t have any special meaning.

7. Is your name important to you? ( 5 - 6 分 )

No. I don’t think it can do anything for me. I believe a person has to work out his own life. I am planning to do this as well as I can.

8. Is your name important to you? ( 7 - 8 分)

Not really. I am part of the new generation who do not attach too much significance to our names. Names were important to the older generation as they of the opinion that it will determine your destiny to some extent. However, I personally believe that I myself will determine my destiny irrespective of what my name is. I will do this by acquiring good qualifications and by working hard.



在雅思口语当中,答案要长才能尽量在答案里包括丰富的信息,简单举例,考官问“Are you working or studying?”好印象的回答必定长于“I'm studying/working,”,长答案不仅显出咱们的语言能力,也表达出我们愿意提供信息的积极态度,同时更彰显出我们的自信——只有英语好才能用英语“夸夸其谈”?不是,所以,回答问题一定要长,刚才那道必考题的回答可以参考

a,)“I'm studying,in a very beautiful school which is famous for its excellent curriculum for accounting majors,”b,)“I'm a senior high of one of top 5 high schools in SH/BJ/GZ, but my heavy workload really puts me under quite much pressure,”或者 a,)“I work as a clerk in the largest private bank in my country,” b,)“I'm a secretary for a large joint venture. The company is really good, but my routine bords me somehow。”请注意回答的内容褒贬皆可,只要用词造句到位,第一时间内就可以让考官眼前一亮!





考生在雅思口语中的停顿的数量必须有限,坊间曾有一个说法流传,说明显的长停顿超过5个的话,其它方面再好,最高也只能拿到6分,由于是坊间流传,依据和真实性自然无法考证,但还好有雅思最基本的一条原则可以参考——只要不影响交流,所以,这里和大家分享一条我和我的学生一直介绍的方法,以供参考,将自己的答案录下来,或者讲给朋友同学同伴听,看看停顿有没有明显stand out,听完之后回想一下刚刚听到的答案中“呃呃哎哎”的停顿或是“悄无声息”的沉默是不是印象最深的,如果是的话,说明咱们的停顿将会严重拉低分数,否则的话,数量还不成问题,

方式必须自然,但这“自然”是让考官听起来舒服的自然,而非我们说起来的自然,能让考官耳朵觉得自然的停顿不会引起考官耳朵的不快,自然也就不会导致考官提笔记下停顿的出没,也就减少了它们影响我们分数的可能,因此,即使咱们实在无法减少停顿,我们也可以通过“自然停顿”的方式有效地控制停顿的影响力,一些常见的自然停顿:well, so, you know, it's like。呵呵,不得不指出的是,这些自然停顿确实需要大量练习才能真正练到自然的哦!






















