八年级 (上) 1单元测试 (B卷)

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八年级 (上) 1单元测试 (B卷)(合集6篇)由网友“蔷薇糕”投稿提供,下面是小编为大家整理后的八年级 (上) 1单元测试 (B卷),仅供参考,喜欢可以收藏与分享哟!

八年级 (上) 1单元测试 (B卷)

篇1:八年级 (上) 1单元测试 (B卷)

八年级 (上) 1单元测试 (B卷)

初二 (上) 1单元测试 (B卷)



1. welcome A. brother B. box C. tomorrow [ ]

2. matter A. paper B. map C. America[ ]

3. short A. forty B. forget C. sorry [ ]

4. term A. teacher B. mother C. certainly [ ]

5. second A. eraser B. lesson C. secret[ ]


1. A. back B. have C. black D. same [ ]

2. A. learn B. early C. earlier D. dear [ ]

3. A. time B. this C. knife D. ride [ ]

4. A. fourth B. third C. thank D. them [ ]

5. A. ruler B. duty C. excuse D. student [ ]



1. piece A. [pi:s] B. [pes] C. [pies] D. [pis] [ ]

2. call A. [k&l] B. [k$l] C. [k&:l] D. [k+:l] [ ]

3. fourth A. [f+:I] B. [f&:I] C. [faiI] D. [f&I] [ ]

4. third A. [J+:d] B. [I+:d] C. [I+:d] D. [J+d] [ ]

5. long A. [l&R] B. [l)R] C. [l+R] D. [l&:::R] [ ]


1. have (第三人称单数) ________ 2. child (复数) ________

3. long (反义词) ______________ 4. third (基数词) ______

5. put (现在分词) _____________ 6. big (反义词) _______

7. I (名词性物主代词) _________ 8. she (宾格) _________

9. shop (现在分词) ___________ 10. two (序数词) _______

五、词组英译 10分


1. 一张纸__________________________________

2. 迟到____________________________________

3. 下次____________________________________

4. 早点儿到学校____________________________

5. 看起来一样______________________________

六、句型转换 15分



1. Are there any birds in the tree? (改为肯定句)

_____ _____ _____ birds in the tree.

2. He is playing football now. (改为复数句型)

________ ________ playing football now.

3. That's Meimei over there. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ over there?

4. This ruler is long. (用short改为选择疑问句)

________ this ruler long ________ short?

5. The old man is watching TV now. (用often作时间状语改写句子)

The old man ________ ________ TV.

七、单项选择 20分


1. “Welcome _______ our school!” the students are saying to

the American friends. [ ]

A. in B. at C. to D. on

2. Please write down your name ______ this piece of paper. [ ]

A. in B. at C. to D. on

3. That box is too heavy. Let me _______ you. [ ]

A. help B. to help C. helping D. helps

4. Look _______ the picture _______ the wall. How nice it is! [ ]

A. at ... on B. on ... on

C. at ... in D. on ... in

5. How many students _______ in your school? [ ]

A. there s B. there are C. is there D. are there

6. The students of Class Two are playing _______ basketball

now. [ ]

A. a B. theC. / D. an

7. Lanlan _______ a new kite.[ ]

A. have B. hasC. having D. is have

8. _______ late next time. [ ]

A. Not B. Not be C. Don't D. Don't be

9. _______ he doing over there? [ ]

He's swimming.

A. What's B. Who's C. Whose D. Where's

10. May I come in, please?

__________________. [ ]

A. It doesn't matterB. Come in, please

C. Thank you D. You are welcome

八、阅读理解 30分


It is the middle of the day. Mother and Tom are sitting at the table.

They are having their lunch. There is some rice, bread and meat on the table.

“I don't like this rice. I don't want to eat it.” says Tom. Mother says, “All

right. Don't eat it.”

After lunch Mother and Tom work in the fields. In the evening,Mother gives a bowl of rice to Tom.

“Oh, it is great!” says Tom.

“It's the same rice,” says Mother.

“Is that so?” asks Tom.

Notes: field 田地 a bowl of 一碗…

1. Mother and Tom are sitting on the table. [ ]

2. They are having supper. [ ]

3. There is some food on the table. [ ]

4. Tom doesn't like bread. [ ]

5. Tom likes the rice in the evening. [ ]

篇2:八年级 (上) 1单元测试 (A卷)

八年级 (上) 1单元测试 (A卷)

初二 (上) 1单元测试 (A卷)



1. A. next B. women C. second D. lesson [ ]

2. A. long B. doll C. so D. shop [ ]

3. A. piece B. car C. call D. second [ ]

4. A. third B. fourth C. throw D. these [ ]

5. A. call B. half C. tall D. wall [ ]

6. A. thank B. these C. the D. that [ ]

7. A. go B. come C. coat D. borrow [ ]

8. A. too B. to C. book D. school [ ]

9. A. class B. family C. after D. basket [ ]

10. A. ruler B. rubber C. come D. mother [ ]



1. ma er A. tt B. bb C. pp D. t [ ]

2. w lc me A. o, e B. a, e C. e, o D. o, a[ ]

3. four A. sh B. th C. ch D. tch [ ]

4. f st A. or B. ir C. ur D. ar [ ]

5. p p r A. ae, e B. e, a C. a, o D. a, e[ ]

三、词组汉译 10分


1. this term___________________________________

2. a piece of bread_____________________________

3. call one's name______________________________

4. over there__________________________________

5. a short ruler_________________________________

四、完成句子 25分


1. 这学期吴老师是我们的英语老师。

Mr Wu is _____ English teacher _______ term.

2. 李华正在纸上写字。

Li Hua is writing ________ a piece _________ paper.

3. 下次不要迟到。

_________ ________ late next time.

4. 我可以借你的'橡皮吗?

_________ I _______ your eraser. please?

5. 学生们正在教室里做什么?

What _______ the students _________ in the classroom?

五、单项选择 20分


1. This term Mr Zhang is _______ English teacher. [ ]

A. us B. our C. ours D. we

2. _______ you often late for school? [ ]

A. Do B. Does C. Are D. Is

3. Look! The boy ______ up. [ ]

A. is standB. stands

C. am standing D. is standing

4. Kate's ruler is ________ .[ ]

A. long B. a long

C. long ruler D. a ruler long

5. I don't want a red pen. I want _______.[ ]

A. blue colour B. a blue

C. a blue one D. one blue

6. That girl in the red coat is a new student in our [ ]

class but I ________ her name.

A. not know B. am not know

C. doesn't know D. don't know

7. Let them _______ the classroom. [ ]

A. clean B. cleaning

C. to clean D. cleans

8. May I borrow _______ bike?[ ]

A. you B. your

C. yours D. you're

9. Excuse me, may I have a green schoolbag? [ ]


A. Thanks B. Sorry, I don't

C. Not at all D. Certainly! Here you are

10. Who's the teacher of Class Six? [ ]


A. Mr Li B. Yes, Mr Li

C. No, Mr Li D. Mr Li does

11. Welcome back ____ school.[ ]

A. at B. to C. for D. with

12. ___ I come in, please? [ ]

A. Am B. Does C. Must D. May

13. ______ I can't open the window now. [ ]

A. I'm sorry. B. Please you help me.

C. Excuse me. D. Can you help me?

14. Please listen to ____. [ ]

A. I B. me C. my D. mine

15. “Sorry, I'm late.”

“ _________________.” [ ]

A. All right B. Don't sorry

C. It doesn't matter D. Yes

16. There ___ some bread on the table. [ ]

A. are B. has C. have D. is

17. Excuse me, do you have _____, please?[ ]

A. a piece of paper B. a paper

C. a piece paper D. piece of paper

18. Who ___ a bike? I ___. [ ]

A. have, have B. has, have

C. have, has D. has, has

19. Today is September 1st. It's ___ day of the term.[ ]

A. one B. a C. first D. the first

20. Where are his socks? Can you see ___?[ ]

A. them B. it C. him D. they

六、完形填空 30分



It is September. The new school year 1 .We come back 2

school. We are glad to see our classmates and teachers again.

We are 3 Grade Two this new school year.We are very busy

now. We get up very early every morning. We get 4 our school at

7:30 in the morning and get home at 5:30 in the afternoon.

After supper we do 5 homework. We all study hard. We want

to be good students.

Notes: September 九月 again 又,再

1. A. begin B. is beginning C. begins D. to begin [ ]

2. A. to B. at C. in D. for [ ]

3. A. at B. on C. in D. of [ ]

4. A. up B. / C. to D. in [ ]

5. A. / B. we C. us D. our [ ]

篇3:九年级 (上) 1单元测试 (B卷)

九年级 (上) 1单元测试 (B卷)

初三 (上) 1单元测试 (B卷)

Ⅰ. 辨音: 下列各组单词划线部分的读音有一个与其余三个不同,将这个单词的标号填入前面括号中。(5%)

[ ]1. A. away B. Thursday C. today D. maybe

[ ]2. A. shall B. callC. fall D. walk

[ ]3. A. sport B. sorry C. born D. important

[ ]4. A. below B. flower C. snow D. tomorrow

Ⅱ. 词形转换: 将句子后面所给的词变成适当的'形式填空。(5%)

1. Milk is an ______ food for babies. (importance)

2. I'm having ______ (in) doing this work. (difficult)

3. Please wish me good ______ for my exams. (lucky)

4. There is a ______ between spring and autumn weather. (different)

5. Is it ______ to have milk with meals? (usually)

Ⅲ. 根据所给的词语释义写出相应的单词或词语。(5%)

1. take out what you want from several things or people: ______

2. book where you write what has happened each day: ________

3. something to talk or write about: _______________________

4. something that shows how a rule (规则、规律) works: _____

5. simple; that you can do or understand with no trouble: ______

Ⅳ. 将下列词组译成英文。(5%)

1. 摘很多水果 2. 谈论

3. 祝愿… 4. 暑假

5. 全名

Ⅴ. 选择填空: 将正确答案的标号填入前面的括号中。(15%)

[ ]1. A person's name is Robert Thomas Brown. When we meethim for the first time we call him ______. When we arefriends we call him ______.

A. Robert...Mr Brown B. Mr Brown...Robert

C. Mr Robert...Brown D. Mr Thomas...Robert

[ ]2. Which is wrong? People who meet for the first time say,“______”

A. Pleased to meet you.B. Nice to meet you.

C. How do you do? D. Please to meet you.

[ ]3. Which is wrong?

A. Both of his parents are doctors.

B. Both his parents are doctors.

C. Both them are doctors.

D. Both of them are doctors.

[ ]4. May I put my bag here? ______

A. Yes, do please! B. Yes, put them please.

C. Yes, putting please.D. Yes, to put it please.

[ ]5. Happy ______ Day! Here are some floers ______ you.

A. Teachers'...for B. Teacher's...for

C. Teachers'...with D. Teacher's...to

[ ]6. His friends call ______ Jim ______ short.

A. he...forB. him...for

C. him...inD. her...for

[ ]7. It's so hot today! I'd better ______ the meat in the fridge.

A. to put B. putting C. puting D. put

[ ]8. You'd better ______ the last bus.

A. not missB. not to miss

C. not missing D. not missed

[ ]9. The boy ______ Tom is a good swimmer.

A. calling B. is called C.was called D.called

[ ]10. Would you like to give us a ______?

A. talking B. talk C. to talk D.talked

[ ]11. Bill is different ______ Bob.

A. from B. to C. with D.on

[ ]12. How are your parents? They ______ fine.

A. both are B. are both C. are all D. all are

[ ]13. Thank you ______ us so well.

A. for teach B. for teaching

C. for to teach D. to teach

[ ]14. He enjoys ______ music.

A. listen to B. to listen to

C. listening D. listening to

[ ]15. Hi! Here is a postcard ______ you.

A. to B. of C. for D. with

Ⅵ. 用动词的适当时态填空。(30%)

1. Be quiet! Our teacher ______ (talk) to us now.

2. John ______ (cut) his hair once in two weeks.

3. ______ he ______ (wash) his face every morning?

4. What ______ they ______ (make) now?

5. Bob's cat often ______ (catch) mice(老鼠) at night.

6. Your uncle never ______ (drink) tea, does he?

7. The food ______ (get) cold now. You'd better ______ (eat) it.

8. I ______ (hear) the news two weeks ago.

9. He ______ (wait) until 6 o'clock yesterday.

10. Lily ______ (not walk) to school last Friday. She ______ (come)

by bus.

11. ______ Rita _____ (wear) a blue dress last night? Yes, she _____

(wear) a blue dress.

12. I ______ (buy) a new bike next week.

13. The sky is dark. It ______ (rain).

14. Look out! The car ______ (come).

15. If Paul comes this evening, we ______ (give) the letter to him.

Ⅶ. 阅读理解: 阅读短文并选择最佳答案。(16%)

One morning, before the school bell rang, a little boy fell on the

playground. He cried, “My arm is hurt!” Several children saw him lying

on the ground. They all rushed over to help.

“We should carry him into the school,” Linda said. “Peter and I are

strong enough.”

“No!” said Cathy.“ He should not be moved, except (除非) bysomeone who knows first aid (急救).” “I'll get the school nurse,” Carlos said. “He'll know what to do.”

Then Carlos ran quickly into the school. The nurse put the boy's arm int a splint (夹板 ).“Cathy was right,” he said. “This child's arm was badly broken. Moving him would have made it much worse. Now the arm can be set (接上) easily. It will heal (治愈) quickly.”

[ ]1. The hurt boy was ______.

A. home in bed

B. lying on the ground

C. moved by Cathy and Carlos

D. carrying someone

[ ]2. The boy had broken his ______.

A. leg B. splint C. nose D. arm

[ ]3. Carlos looked for the nurse ______.

A. inside the school B. on the playground

C. after school D. outside the classroom

[ ]4. Cathy's advice (劝告) was ______.

A. useless B. correct

C. silly (愚蠢的)D. dangerous (危险的)

[ ]5. Moving the boy could have been ______.

A. dangerousB. easy

C. safe D. intelligent (明智的)

[ ]6. What did the nurse do?

A. He let the boy alone.

B. He sent Carlos into the school.

C. He put the boy's arm into a splint.

D. He broke the boy's arm.

[ ]7. Linda offered (提议) to ______.

A. tell the school nurseB. find a splint

C. set the arm D. help carry the boy inside

[ ]8. What is this story mostly about?

A. a playground

B. a school nurse

C. a safe and wise decision (明智的决策)

D. a splint

Ⅷ. 短文填空: 阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词,使短文意思完整。(10%)

What happens when too many animals of one kind are killed? Soon, there are almost none left. Then we say that the animal 1 become extinct (绝种). When one 2 of animals becomes extinct, there are 3 more of those animals alive (存在). There are still some wild (野生的) tigers alive. But there 4 notmany. We say 5 tiger is an endangered species (濒临灭绝的物种).The tiger is 6 the only endangered species. Other animals, 7 some kinds of birds and fish,are nearly extinct. Sometimes people 8 these animals 9 food. Sometimes, people kill these animals for sport 10 for money.

Ⅸ. 补全对话。(9%)


Li Ming: Hi, Wang Hong.

Wang Hong: Hi, Li Ming. 1 are you?

Li Ming: I'm fine, thank you. And 2 are you?

Wang Hong: 3 , thanks. 4 you have a nice holiday?

Li Ming: Oh, yes. 5 6 you?

Wang Hong: I had 7 8 9 , too.

Li Ming: See you later, Wang Hong.

Wang Hong: See you.

篇4:八年级 (上) 3单元测试 (B卷)

八年级 (上) 3单元测试 (B卷)

初二 (上) 3单元测试 (B卷)

一、语音知识 5分

从A、B、C中 找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的.选项。

1. mooncake A. room B. football C. cook [ ]

2. ninth A. drink B. begin C. fine [ ]

3. hungry A. why B. early C. fly [ ]

4. round A. double B. house C. young [ ]

5. nut A. autumn B. hundred C. duty [ ]

二、单词读音 10分



6. parent A. ['p#+r+nt] B. ['per+nt] [ ]

C. ['p$r+nt] D. ['pe+r+nt]

7. why A. [hai B. [wi] [ ]

C. [wai] D. [whai]

8. delicious A. [de'liM+s] B. [di'liM+s] [ ]

C. [di'laiM+s] D. [de'li:M+s]

9. kind A. [kind] B. [kaind] [ ]

C. [kaiRd]D. [k)nd]

10. letter A. ['let+] B. ['let+:] [ ]

C. ['lit+] D. ['li:t+]

三、词组英译 10分


11. 一点_____________________________________________

12. 有空_____________________________________________

13. 在户外___________________________________________

14. 中秋节___________________________________________

15. 在夜里___________________________________________

四、句型转换 15分



16. I'm free tomorrow. (改为复数句型) ________ ________ free tomorrow.

17. Li Lei likes mooncakes with meat. (改为否定句)

Li Lei _______ _______ mooncakes with meat.

18. This box is very heavy. (改为感叹句)

_______ _______ this box is!

19. We eat mooncakes on Mid-Autumn Day. (对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ you eat on Mid-Autumn Day?

20. Mary is the youngest in the class. (改为一般疑问句)

_______ _______ the youngest in the class?

五、单项选择 30分


21. That woman is _________.

A. old B. older C. oldest D. the oldest

22. This bike is _______ than that one.

A. new B. newer C. newest D. the newest

23. Lin Tao is _______ boy in our class.

A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest

24. I want to see the moon _______ night. It's big and nice.

A. in B. on C. atD. with

25. What do you like to do _______ Mid-Autumn Day?

A. in B. on C. atD. with

26. Tom _______ hungry. Please give him a mooncake.

A. look B. is C. look like D. are

27. I'd like you _______ supper with us this evening.

A. have B. are having

C. havingD. to have

28. Look! Li Hai _______ a big box over there.

A. carry B. carries C. is carrying D. carrying

29. Wei Fang _______ a nice bike.

A. has B. have

C. don't have D. doesn't has

30. Hello! Nice to see you!


A. How do you do B. How are you

C. Thank you D. Nice to see you, too

六、阅读理解 30分


The sun, the moon and the stars are all in the sky. We can see the sun in the day and we can see the moon and the stars at night.

The sun is a ball. It is bigger than the moon. The moon is a ball, too, like the sun. Sometimes it looks like a plate. The moon is smaller than the sun. It is smaller than many stars, too. It looks bigger than the stars. It is nearer to us.

The stars look smaller than the sun and the moon. But a lot of stars are bigger than the sun and the moon. The stars are in the sky all day. But we can't see them in the day.

Notes: star 星 near近的

31. The sun, the moon and all the stars are in the sky. [ ]

32. We can see the sun at night. [ ]

33. The stars look like balls. [ ]

34. The sun is bigger than the moon. [ ]

35. The stars are in the sky all day. [ ]

篇5:八年级 (上) 8单元测试 (B卷)

一、语音知识 (5分)

从A、B、C 中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。

[ ]1. touch A. count B. double C. dangerous

[ ]2. answer A. many B. America C. afternoon

[ ]3. head A. leave B. heavy C. great

[ ]4. ear A. near B. pear C. wear

[ ]5. leg A. age B. orange C. tiger

二、单词读音 (10分) 下列每个单词都有三个注音,其中一个是正确的`,


[ ]6. question A. ['kwestM+n] B. ['kwesM+n] C. ['kweztM+n]

[ ]7. front A. [fr)nt] B. [fr&nt] C. [fr+nt]

[ ]8. nose A. [n+us] B. [n)z] C. [n+uz]

[ ]9. body A. ['b+udi] B. ['b)di] C. ['b&di]

[ ]10. mustn't A. ['m)znt] B. ['m)snt] C. ['m)stnt]

三、词组英译 (10分) 将下列词组翻译成英语。

11. 在左边 _____________________

12. 贴近_______________________

13. 举右手 _____________________

14. 在第二排 ___________________

15. 摸 (某人) 的脸 ______________

四、句型转换 (15分) 根据括号内的要求,改写句子,每个空格内只填一


16. Look at the blackboard. (改为否定句)

__________ _________ at the blackboard.

17. Jim sits in the third row. (改为一般疑问句)

__________ Jim __________ in the third row?

18. Lily and Lucy are sitting in the middle of the classroom.


__________ __________ Lily and Lucy sitting?

19. The children often play games after school.


The children __________ __________ games now.

20. Are they playing games in the classroom? (作否定回答)

__________, they __________.

五、单项选择 (30分)

从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。

[ ]21. There's a map of China __________ the back wall of

our classroom.

A. in B. on C. at D. to

[ ]22. What's __________ the middle of the room?

A. in B. on C. at D. to

[ ]23. Their classroom is next __________ ours.

A. in B. on C. at D. to

[ ]24. There are forty students in our class. Twenty-two are

girls, __________ are boys.

A. other B. others C. the other D. the others

[ ]25. Lily __________ a nice doll.

A. has B. have C. hasing D. having

[ ]26. Mr White is very __________.

A. old B. older C. oldest D. the oldset

[ ]27. Who __________ the people in that room?

A. is B. are C. has D. have

[ ]28. Do you like __________ games?

A. play B. plays C. playing D. to playing

[ ]29. Look! The students __________ basketball over there.

A. play B. plays

C. are going to play D. are playing

[ ]30. ――How many students __________ in Mr Wu's class?


A. there are B. are there

C. there have D. have there

六、阅读理解 (30分)

先阅读下列短文,然后根据文章内容判断正 (T),误 (F)。

Tom's father wants to know how his son is getting along in school.

One day he asks Tom, “Tom, how are you getting along in school? What

is your place in the class?”

“Number twenty-one, father.” “And how many students are there in

your class?”


One Saturday afternoon Tom gives his test paper to his father.

“How are you getting along in school now, Tom?” asks his father.“I am

getting along better now, father.” “What is your place in the class

now?” “Number twenty now.” “Good, then you are one place ahead.” “No,

father, one of the students isn't in our class. He studies in another

school now.”

Notes: get along 进展 ahead 向前 test paper 试卷

[ ]31. Tom is not getting on well in school.

[ ]32. Tom's place in the class is the first.

[ ]33. There are twenty-one students in his class and Tom is

Number twenty.

[ ]34. One of the students isn't in their class now.

[ ]35. Tom isn't a good student.

篇6:八年级 (上) 7单元测试 (B卷)



[ ]1. player A. soccer B. certainly C. her

[ ]2. zoo A. afternoon B. cook C. football

[ ]3. young A. dangerous B. out C. double

[ ]4. usually A. fly B. very C. July

[ ]5. team A. health B. breakfast C. clean




[ ]6. hear A. [hi+] B. [h+::] C. [h#+]

[ ]7. metre A. ['mit+] B. ['mi:tr+] C. ['mi:t+]

[ ]8. quite A. [kuait] B. [kwait] C. [kuit]

[ ]9. nothing A. ['n)I!R] B. ['n+uI!R] C. ['n)J!R]

[ ]10. better A. ['bet+:] B. ['bet+] C. ['bit+]

三、词组英译(10分) 将下列词组翻译成英语。

11. 找出;查明 ______________________

12. 非常流行的'游戏 __________________

13. 去买东西 ________________________

14. 十一名选手 ______________________

15. 美国足球 ________________________




16. Li Lei is very good at football. (改为否定句)

Li Lei ______ ______ very good at football.

17. They are going to watch a basketball game. (改为一般疑问句)

______ ______ going to watch a basketball game?

18. There are eleven players in the team. (对划线部分提问)

______ ______players are there in the team?

19. They are working on a farm. (用将in a factory将原句改写为选


______ they working on a farm ______ in a factory?

20. What time does he usually go to school? (用they作主语改写原句)

What time ______ they usually ______ to school?


从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。

[ ]21. We often talk ______ some pictures in our English class.

A. about B. on C. at D. to

[ ]22. There are some pandas ______ China.

A. at B. in C. on D. about

[ ]23. What shall we do ______ four this afternoon?

A. at B. in C. on D. about

[ ]24. Li Hua usually ______ breakfast at seven in the morning.

A. have B. having C. has D. hasing

[ ]25. What time ______ Li Lei usually get up?

A. do B. does C. is D. are

[ ]26. My mother often ______ after work.

A. go shoppingB. go to shopping

C. goes to the shopping D. goes shopping

[ ]27. They like ______ football games very much.

A. see B. watch C. seeing D. watching

[ ]27. They like ______ football games very much.

A. see B. watch C. seeing D. watching

[ ]28. Tom is ______ than Jack.

A. tallB. a little taller

C. a few taller D. tallest

[ ]29. Do you often play ______ after school?

A. basketball B. a basketball

C. the basketball D. basketballs

[ ]30. ―― ____________?

―― It's a quarter to eight.

A. What's time B. What's a time

C. What's the time D. What time it is

六、阅读理解(30分) 先阅读下列短文,然后根据文章内容判断正(T),误(F)。

Lucy: Hi, I'm Lucy Brown. Are you new students?

Jim: Yes, we are. My name is Jim White, and this is my brother

Sam White.

Lucy: I'm glad to meet you.

Sam: I'm glad to meet you, too.

Lucy: There is going to be a party in our classroom this evening.

Would you like to come to it?

Jim: A party! Great! I'd love to.

Lucy: You are welcome. Excuse me, I'm going to the classroom to

put some flowers on the desk.

Sam: When is the party going to begin?

Lucy: At six thirty. Let's meet in the classroom.

Notes: Party 聚会 welcome 欢迎

[ ]31. Lucy and Jim are good friends.

[ ]32. They are going to have a party in the afternoon.

[ ]33. Jim doesn't want to go to the party.

[ ]34. Lucy is going to put some flowers on the desk.

[ ]35. They are going to meet in the classroom.




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人教部编本初中语文七年级下 第6单元第24课测试2024-01-19







