九年级 (上) 12单元测试 (A卷)

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九年级 (上) 12单元测试 (A卷)(锦集9篇)由网友“骑着长颈鹿去那”投稿提供,下面是小编整理过的九年级 (上) 12单元测试 (A卷),欢迎您阅读分享借鉴,希望对您有所帮助。

九年级 (上) 12单元测试 (A卷)

篇1:九年级 (上) 12单元测试 (A卷)

九年级 (上) 12单元测试 (A卷)

初三 (上) 12单元测试 (A卷)


[ ]1.A.while B.beside C.mind D.instruction

[ ]2.A.leaf B.dead C.each D.seat

[ ]3.A.cover B.operate C.shop D.follow

[ 4.A.cage B.hate C.jacket D.safely


1.leaf______ (复数) 2.try______ (过去式)

3.get______ (现在分词) 4.near______ (副词)

5.take______ (过去分词) 6.leave______ (现在分词)

7.they______ (宾格) 8.have to______ (同义词)







6.change one's mind_________________

7.the floor of her cage________________

8.once a week_____________________

9.the air tickets_____________________

10.arrive in________________________


1.Could you ______ (做点事) for me, please?

2.Please clean the floor of her cage ______ (一周一次) .

3.He's ______ (前来) to get her quite soon.

4.He'll be here ______ (一会儿) .

5.You haven't ______ (改变主意) , have you?

6.Do you know what time the plane ______ (到达) London.


[ ]1.I'm going to England next week ______ a holiday?

A.for B.of C.to D.from

[ ]2.We can't take Polly ______ us.

A.for B.to C.with D.of

[ ]3.I would love to look ______ her.

A.on B.after C.at D./

[ ]4.I'll take good care ______ her.

A.to B.at C.of D.from

[ ]5.Mrs Green was worried ______ their journey.

A.from B.for C.of D.about

[ ]6.He'll be here ______ a minute.

A.in B.on C.at D.of

[ ]7.If there is _______I can do for you, plaese let me know.


C.nothing D.everything

[ ]8.See you ______ January.

A.on B.at C.in D.to

[ ]9.Do you know what time the plane arrives ______ Moscow?

A.on B.to C.at D.in

[ ]10.Could you tell me how we get ______ the plane?

A.to B.on C.in D.at

[ ]11.Could you do something ______ me, please?

A.to B.of C.for D.from

[ ]12.Where do the Greens stop ______ the way?

A.to B.of C.in D.on


1.You haven't changed your mind, ______ ______? (完成反意疑问句)

2.Mr and Mrs Green were getting ready to fly to England for their holiday.


_____ Mr and Mrs Green _____ ready to fly to England for their holiday?

3.Did she like to stay safely in the same place? (做肯定回答)

______, ______ ______.

4.Was she able to sleep well on the plane? (做否定回答)

______, ______ ______.

5.I know what time the plane arrives in Paris. (改为一般疑问句)

______ ______ ______ what time the plane arrives in Paris?

6.We know when we arrive. (改为否定句)

______ ______ ______ when we arrive.


1.We can't ______ (take) Polly with us.

2.I would ______ (love) to look after her.

3.You ______ ______ (change) your mind, have you?

4.Do you know what time the ship ______ (leave) ?

5.Could you ______ (tell) me how we ______ (get) to plane?

6.We ______ (not know) when we arrive.


阅读下面短文,判断句子对错,在正确句子前面括号里写 (T) ,在错误句子前面括号里写 (F) 。

The summer holidays were over. All the children were back to school. On the second day when the bell rang, the teacher came into the classroom and said, “Now, children, today you must write a composition about an interesting film. In an hour's time you must

hand in your composition. Now, open your exercise books andbegin. Don't forget that you have only one hour.”

The boys began to write. An hour passed, and the bell rang.The teacher said.Now,ime is up. Hand in your composition.“ ”Oh,“ said one of the boys, ”I haven'tfinished,“ ”Show me what you havewritten,“ said the teacher. The boy gave her his exercise book. Theteacher opened it and read. ”It was Sunday. I got up at nine o'clock,

I dressed, washed and had my breakfast. After breakfast my motherasked me to buy some bread. On my way to the shop, I saw my friendWang Tong. He asked me to go to the cinema with him. We decided tomeet at six o'clock in the evening. At about two o'clock in the afternoon,I came to the zoo. In the zoo I met some of my friends. We saw manyanimals. We saw a white bear. He was playing in the water. Then we wentto see the monkeys and the wolves, we had a very good time. At four o'clock,I came home and had my supper, “That was all.” But you haven't written aboutthe film,“ said the teacher,” You have written what you did in the morning, about the zoo, and many other things, but you haven't said a word about thefilm. “I wanted to write about the film, but the bell rang, and so I had no time.” said the boy. “Next time,” said the teacher, “keep to your plan, and don't beginwith morning when you must write about the evening.”

[ ]1.The summer holidays were over. Some of the children were back to school.

[ ]2.The teacher asked the children to write a compositionabout an interesting film.

[ ]3.The teacher asked the children to write a compositio about the film, holidays' life.

[ ]4.The children had to hand in their compositions in an hour.

[ ]5.The children had to hand in their compositions in two hours.

[ ]6.When the bell rang, all the children handed in theirexercise books to the teacher.

[ ]7.When the bell rang, one boy didn't hand in his exercise book.

[ ]8.The boy did write a composition about an interesting film.

[ ]9.The boy didn't finish his composition because he didn'tkeep to his plan.

[ ]10.The boy didn't finish his composition because he didn't wantto write about theilm.

篇2:九年级 (上) 12单元测试 (B卷)

九年级 (上) 12单元测试 (B卷)

初三 (上) 12单元测试 (B卷)


[ ]1.cover A.come B.hold C.follow D.polite

[ ]2.sheep A.seat B.trouble C.sure D.which

[ ]3.each A.head B.break C.great D.leave

[ ]4.journey A.hour B.early C.course D.nearly

[ ]5.mind A.since B.man C.mend D.smile

[ ]6.with A.third B.father C.both D.maths

[ ]7.jacket A.guess B.match C.cage D.drop

[ ]8.just A.month B.full C.put D.found


1.Autumn is coming. ______ are falling down to the ground. (leaf)

2.Do you mind ______ on the radio? (turn)

3.All the students listen to the teacher ______. (care)

4.Mother has ______ three letters since early morning. (write)

5.Oh, don't play in the street. It's not ______. (safely)

6.Jim was tired. He fell ______ quickly after he went to bed. (sleep)

7.Mr Black ______ good-bye to his friend and got on the bus. (say)

8.This road is ______ than that one. (narrow)


[ ]1. Will you please help me with my lessons? ______.

A.I don't mind B.Yes,please C.With pleasure

[ ]2. Do you mind if I open the window? ______.

A.Yes, I have to B.No, I don't C.I'm glad to

[ ]3.It's late. You ______ go right now.

A.had better B.would like to C.make sure

[ ]4. I can take care of your little sister while you are away. ______.

A.That's all right

B.That's very kind of you

C.It's a good idea

[ ]5.Many of us want to see the film. Please get the tickets ______.

A.as much as possible

B.as quickly as possible

C.as many as possible

[ ]6.Mr Green won't go with us. He ______.

A.has changed his mind

B.doesn't mind

C.has nothing to do


[ ]1.Mary was doing her homework when she heard aknock______ the door.

A.behind B.in C.on D.for

[ ]2.Hi, Sam. I've got some new stamps. Come ______ tomy home and have a look.

A.along B.around C.on D.in

[ ]3.Bob filled his bag ______ books and went to the library.

A.inB.of C.for D.with

[ ]4.Peter got up early. He tried ______ the first bus.

A.to not missB.not miss

C.not to missD.not missing

[ ]5.They don't have enough money ______ the books.

A.toB.on C.for D.with

[ ]6.There wasn't enough time _____ them _____ the work.

A.to...to doB.to...do

C.for...do D.for...to do

[ ]7. Could you tell me ______ they are going for the holiday? In a week.

A.where B.when C.why D.what

[ ]8.Do you know ______ they are going with?

A.where B.when C.what D.who

[ ]9.He would like ______ the bike for him.

A.you to mendB.you mend

C.you mendingD.for you to mend

[ ]10.The weather is terrible. You'd better ______ today.

A.not leavingB.not to leave

C.don't leaveD.not leave

[ ]11.We'll have a lot of homework ______ this evening.

A.to do B.to do it

C.doing D.do

[ ]12.Jack is ______ that big box.

A.enough strong to carry

B.strong enough to carry

C.enough strong carry

D.strong enough carry

[ ]13.He had something interesting ______ you.

A.tell B.telling

C.to tell D.told

[ ]14.The girl is warm-hearted. She's always ready ______.

A.to help the others

B.help the others

C.help others

D.to help others

[ ]15.Her leg is all right. She ______ go and see the doctor.

A.doesn't have to B.hasn't

C.not have toD.has not to


1.Where has Jack gone? Do you know?

Do you know ______ ______ ______ ______?

2.What's her name? Can you tell me?

Can you tell me ______ ______ ______ ______?

3.When does the train arrive? Please tell me.

Please tell me ______ ______ ______ ______.

4.How many English words did you learn yesterday? Could you tell me?

Could you tell me _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ yesterday?

5.Tom said to Jim, “Speak loudly, please.”

Tom ______ Jim ______ ______ loudly.

6.The teacher said to us, “Don't forget to do your homework!”

The teacher ______ us ______ ______ forget to do our homework.

7.My parents often say to me, “Speak English as much as possible.”

My parents often _____ me _____ _____ _____ as much as possible.


General Pershing was a great American officer. He was in the American army, and fought in Europe in the First World War. After he died, some people in his hometown wanted to rememberhim, so they put up a big statue (塑像) of him on a horse.

There was a school near the statue, and some of the boys passedthere every day on their way to school and again on their way home.After a few months, some of them began to say, “Good morning, Pershing”whenever they reached the statue, and soon all the boys at the schoolwere doing this.

One Saturday, one of the youngest of these boys was goingto do shopping with his parents. When he passed the statue, he said “Good morning, Pershing” to it, but then he stopped and said to hisparents, “I like Pershing very much, Mum and Dad, but who is thatstrange man on his back?”

[ ]1.General Pershing fought in Europe, but he was from _____.

A.Europe B.England

C.America D.Japan

[ ]2.Some people put up a statue of ______.

A.HoweB.General Washington

C.a horse D.General Pershing

[ ]3.The statue was ______ the school.

A.not far from B.behind

C.in D.very far from

[ ]4.The boys went there every day ______.

A.on their way to schoolB.on their way home

C.both A and B D.after class

[ ]5.The boy thought that ______ was Pershing.

A.the shopB.the man

C.the statue D.the horse

Ⅶ.完形填空:阅读下列短文,从所给选项中找出最佳答案,将 其标号填入前面括号中。20%

American people keep 1 animals as pets in their homes.

They keep more than 2 dogs, cats, birds and fish as pets.

Usually dogs are 3 pets. 4 now, in the United States, thereare 5 cats than dogs. Cats have become 6 pets. People say 7 most dogs need more food and exercise than cats. Besides (此外) ,dogs 8 to be 9 . Cats don't care if they are left at home alone or not

while their owners (主人) go to 10 .

[ ]1.A.much B.all kinds of C.a lot D.a lot of

[ ]2.A.one hundred million

B.one hundred millions

C.one-hundred million of

D.one-hundred millions of

[ ]3.A.nicer B.the nicer C.the nicest D.nice

[ ]4.A.And B.Or C.ButD.So

[ ]5.A.many B.much C.more D.most

[ ]6.A.the popular B.more popular

C.most popular D.the most popular

[ ]7.A.that B.what C.why D.which

[ ]8.A.like B.don't like C.not like D.didn't like

[ ]9.A.along B.at home C.back D.alone

[ ]10.A.work B.the work C.working D.their work


A: What shall we do for the holiday?

B: Did you have any 1 ?

A: No, not really. I just thought it might (may的过去式) be

fun 2 something we have never done before.

B: Well, so you want to do something 3 4 you?

A: Yes, I do. I need a change. How would you like 5 fishing?

Well, just Saturday and Sunday.

B: I'm not sure I can go this 6 .

A: 7 Sunday, then? We could start early in the morning.

B: I might be able to do that. Let me see and I'll 8 you at home 9 .

A: Great. I'll talk with you tonight on the phone. See you then.

B: See you.

1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______

6.______ 7.______ 8._____ 9.______

篇3:九年级 (上) 12单元测试

九年级 (上) 12单元测试


[ ]1.A.while B.beside C.mind D.instruction

[ ]2.A.leaf B.dead C.each D.seat

[ ]3.A.cover B.operate C.shop D.follow

[ 4.A.cage B.hate C.jacket D.safely


1.leaf______ (复数) 2.try______ (过去式)

3.get______ (现在分词) 4.near______ (副词)

5.take______ (过去分词) 6.leave______ (现在分词)

7.they______ (宾格) 8.have to______ (同义词)







6.change one's mind_________________

7.the floor of her cage________________

8.once a week_____________________

9.the air tickets_____________________

10.arrive in________________________


1.Could you ______ (做点事) for me, please?

2.Please clean the floor of her cage ______ (一周一次) .

3.He's ______ (前来) to get her quite soon.

4.He'll be here ______ (一会儿) .

5.You haven't ______ (改变主意) , have you?

6.Do you know what time the plane ______ (到达) London.


[ ]1.I'm going to England next week ______ a holiday?

A.for B.of C.to D.from

[ ]2.We can't take Polly ______ us.

A.for B.to C.with D.of

[ ]3.I would love to look ______ her.

A.on B.after C.at D./

[ ]4.I'll take good care ______ her.

A.to B.at C.of D.from

[ ]5.Mrs Green was worried ______ their journey.

A.from B.for C.of D.about

[ ]6.He'll be here ______ a minute.

A.in B.on C.at D.of

[ ]7.If there is _______I can do for you, plaese let me know.

A.something B.anything

C.nothing D.everything

[ ]8.See you ______ January.

A.on B.at C.in D.to

[ ]9.Do you know what time the plane arrives ______ Moscow?

A.on B.to C.at D.in

[ ]10.Could you tell me how we get ______ the plane?

A.to B.on C.in D.at

[ ]11.Could you do something ______ me, please?

A.to B.of C.for D.from

[ ]12.Where do the Greens stop ______ the way?

A.to B.of C.in D.on


1.You haven't changed your mind, ______ ______? (完成反意疑问句)

2.Mr and Mrs Green were getting ready to fly to England for their holiday.


_____ Mr and Mrs Green _____ ready to fly to England for their holiday?

3.Did she like to stay safely in the same place? (做肯定回答)

______, ______ ______.

4.Was she able to sleep well on the plane? (做否定回答)

______, ______ ______.

5.I know what time the plane arrives in Paris. (改为一般疑问句)

______ ______ ______ what time the plane arrives in Paris?

6.We know when we arrive. (改为否定句)

______ ______ ______ when we arrive.


1.We can't ______ (take) Polly with us.

2.I would ______ (love) to look after her.

3.You ______ ______ (change) your mind, have you?

4.Do you know what time the ship ______ (leave) ?

5.Could you ______ (tell) me how we ______ (get) to plane?

6.We ______ (not know) when we arrive.


阅读下面短文,判断句子对错,在正确句子前面括号里写 (T) ,在错误句子前面括号里写 (F) ,九年级 (上) 12单元测试 (A卷),英语试题《九年级 (上) 12单元测试 (A卷)》。

The summer holidays were over. All the children were back to school. On the second day when the bell rang, the teacher came into the classroom and said, “Now, children, today you must write a composition about an interesting film. In an hour's time you must

hand in your composition. Now, open your exercise books andbegin. Don't forget that you have only one hour.”

The boys began to write. An hour passed, and the bell rang.The teacher said. Now,ime is up. Hand in your composition.“ ”Oh,“ said one of the boys, ”I haven't finished,“ ”Show me what you havewritten,“ said the teacher. The boy gave her his exercise book. Theteacher opened it and read. ”It was Sunday. I got up at nine o'clock,

I dressed, washed and had my breakfast. After breakfast my motherasked me to buy some bread. On my way to the shop, I saw my friendWang Tong. He asked me to go to the cinema with him. We decided tomeet at six o'clock in the evening. At about two o'clock in the afternoon,I came to the zoo. In the zoo I met some of my friends. We saw manyanimals. We saw a white bear. He was playing in the water. Then we wentto see the monkeys and the wolves, we had a very good time. At four o'clock,I came home and had my supper, “That was all.” But you haven't written aboutthe film,“ said the teacher,” You have written what you did in the morning, about the zoo, and many other things, but you haven't said a word about thefilm. “I wanted to write about the film, but the bell rang, and so I had no time.” said the boy. “Next time,” said the teacher, “keep to your plan, and don't beginwith morning when you must write about the evening.”

[ ]1.The summer holidays were over. Some of the children were back to school.

[ ]2.The teacher asked the children to write a compositionabout an interesting film.

[ ]3.The teacher asked the children to write a compositio about the film, holidays' life.

[ ]4.The children had to hand in their compositions in an hour.

[ ]5.The children had to hand in their compositions in two hours.

[ ]6.When the bell rang, all the children handed in theirexercise books to the teacher.

[ ]7.When the bell rang, one boy didn't hand in his exercise book.

[ ]8.The boy did write a composition about an interesting film.

[ ]9.The boy didn't finish his composition because he didn'tkeep to his plan.

[ ]10.The boy didn't finish his composition because he didn't wantto write about theilm.

篇4:七年级 (上)12单元测试 (A卷)

一、单词辨音 10%



[ ]1. A. clock B. woman C. not D. box

[ ]2. A. good B. bed room C. football D. broom

[ ]3. A. know B. down C. how D. now

[ ]4. A. father B. table C. class D. car

[ ]5. A. Jim B. sit C. find D. this

二、词汇 40%

A. 补全下面单词并注出中文意思。

1. wind___ ___ [ ] 2. b___ ___l [ ]

3. Ch____n___ [ ] 4. t___ ___n [ ]

5. li___ ___t [ ] 6. ch__ __ __ [ ]

7. s___m___ [ ] 8. fl___ ___er [ ]

9. fr___ ___nd [ ] 10. th___ ___ty [ ]

B. 英汉词组互译。

1. under the table _____________ 6. 一幅中国地图 ____________

2. behind the door ____________ 7. 凯特的卧室 ______________

3. the teacher's desk ___________ 8. 在墙上 __________________

4. the name of his cat __________ 9. 请进 ____________________

5. your turn _________________ 10. 在那边 __________________

三、选择填空: 20%

[ ]1. She is an American. ______ her cat is Chinese.

A. And B. Or C. But D. Then

[ ]2. I can see ______ birds.

A. a B. an C. any D. some

[ ]3. Where is the pen? It's ______ the floor ______ the desk.

A. under, under B. on, on

C. on, under D. under, in

[ ]4. That's not my pencil. It's ______.

A. Lily B. Lily' C. Lily's D. Lilys'

[ ]5. Tom is an American boy. ______ mother is an English teacher.

A. his B. His C. Her D. she

[ ]6. “______ is your eraser?” “In my pencil-box. ”

A. What B. How C. Who D. Where

[ ]7. We can see ______ pens on the desk.

A. a B. some a

C. some D. the some

[ ]8. Can you see ______ hole (洞) ______ the wall?

A. a, on B. the, in

C. an, on D. the, on

[ ]9. “______. ” “Hello, Li Lei!”

A. All right B. Hello, Wang Qiang

C. Thank you D. Are you Li Lei

[ ]10. “Are you and Lin Tao in Class Two?”


A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, we aren't

C. Yes, they are D. Yes, we are.

四、句型转换 (每空一词, 缩写算一词) 20%

1. I can see a kite on the wall. (改为否定句)

I ______ ______ a kite on the wall.

2. The football is under the teacher's desk. (改为一般疑问句)

______ the football under the teacher's desk?

3. How do you do?(做相应的回答)

______ ______ you do?

4. Are these brooms?(做肯定回答)

______, they ______.

5. Wuhan is in Hubei. (对划线部分提问)

______ ______ Wuhan?

五、看图选择答案(将正确答案填在题前括号内) 10%

[ ]1. Can you see a bedroom in the picture?


A. Yes, we can B. No, we can't

C. Yes, can D. No, can't

[ ]2. What can you see on the wall?


A. Pictures B. Maps

C. Flowers D. Coat

[ ]3. Where is the light?


A. It's on the bed B. It's in the bed

C. It's on the desk D. It's in the desk

[ ]4. What can you see on the desk?


A. A light B. A flower

C. light and flower D. A light and some books

[ ]5. Is the coat on the bed?


A. Yes, it's B. Yes, it is

C. No, the coat isn't D. No, it isn't

篇5:初一 (上)12单元测试 (A卷)

初一 (上)12单元测试 (A卷)

一、单词辨音 10%



[ ]1. A. clock B. woman C. not D. box

[ ]2. A. good B. bed room C. football D. broom

[ ]3. A. know B. down C. how D. now

[ ]4. A. father B. table C. class D. car

[ ]5. A. Jim B. sit C. find D. this

二、词汇 40%

A. 补全下面单词并注出中文意思,七年级 (上)12单元测试 (A卷)。

1. wind___ ___ [ ] 2. b___ ___l [ ]

3. Ch____n___ [ ] 4. t___ ___n [ ]

5. li___ ___t [ ] 6. ch__ __ __ [ ]

7. s___m___ [ ] 8. fl___ ___er [ ]

9. fr___ ___nd [ ] 10. th___ ___ty [ ]

B. 英汉词组互译。

1. under the table _____________ 6. 一幅中国地图 ____________

2. behind the door ____________ 7. 凯特的卧室 ______________

3. the teacher's desk ___________ 8. 在墙上 __________________

4. the name of his cat __________ 9. 请进 ____________________

5. your turn _________________ 10. 在那边 __________________

三、选择填空: 20%

[ ]1. She is an American. ______ her cat is Chinese.

A. And B. Or C. But D. Then

[ ]2. I can see ______ birds.

A. a B. an C. any D. some

[ ]3. Where is the pen? It's ______ the floor ______ the desk.

A. under, under B. on, on

C. on, under D. under, in

[ ]4. That's not my pencil. It's ______.

A. Lily B. Lily' C. Lily's D. Lilys'

[ ]5. Tom is an American boy. ______ mother is an English teacher.

A. his B. His C. Her D. she

[ ]6. “______ is your eraser?” “In my pencil-box. ”

A. What B. How C. Who D. Where

[ ]7. We can see ______ pens on the desk.

A. a B. some a

C. some D. the some

[ ]8. Can you see ______ hole (洞) ______ the wall?

A. a, on B. the, in

C. an, on D. the, on

[ ]9. “______. ” “Hello, Li Lei!”

A. All right B. Hello, Wang Qiang

C. Thank you D. Are you Li Lei

[ ]10. “Are you and Lin Tao in Class Two?”


A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, we aren't

C. Yes, they are D. Yes, we are.

四、句型转换 (每空一词, 缩写算一词) 20%

1. I can see a kite on the wall. (改为否定句)

I ______ ______ a kite on the wall.

2. The football is under the teacher's desk. (改为一般疑问句)

______ the football under the teacher's desk?

3. How do you do?(做相应的回答)

______ ______ you do?

4. Are these brooms?(做肯定回答)

______, they ______.

5. Wuhan is in Hubei. (对划线部分提问)

______ ______ Wuhan?

五、看图选择答案(将正确答案填在题前括号内) 10%

[ ]1. Can you see a bedroom in the picture?


A. Yes, we can B. No, we can't

C. Yes, can D. No, can't

[ ]2. What can you see on the wall?


A. Pictures B. Maps

C. Flowers D. Coat

[ ]3. Where is the light?


A. It's on the bed B. It's in the bed

C. It's on the desk D. It's in the desk

[ ]4. What can you see on the desk?


A. A light B. A flower

C. light and flower D. A light and some books

[ ]5. Is the coat on the bed?


A. Yes, it's B. Yes, it is

C. No, the coat isn't D. No, it isn't

篇6:八年级 (上) 12单元测试 (A卷)



[ ]1. A. fifth B. ninth C. different D. little

[ ]2. A. ago B. cold C. worry D. hello

[ ]3. A. porridge B. October C. sorry D. tomorrow

[ ]4. A. date B. happy C. table D. gate

[ ]5. A. April B. favourite C. which D. milk

二、以下所给单词均不完整,从A、B、C 中选出适当的字母


[ ]6. __ u __y A. J ... l B. L ... i C. G ... l

[ ]7. D __ c __ mber A. i ... e B. e ... e C. e ...i

[ ]8. w __ se A. ur B. er C. or

[ ]9. A __ g __ st A. u ...e B. u ... u C. w ... u

[ ]10. fi __ A. fth B. vth C. veth

三、词组汉译 10分


11. my favourite sport ________________

12. the best month ___________________

13. have bread for breakfast ____________

14. December 3rd, 1987 ______________

15. in an hour _______________________

四、完成句子 (15分)


16. 一天有24个小时。

There are __________ __________ in a day.

17. 昨天是几号?

What was __________ __________ yesterday?

18. 今天比昨天冷多了。

It's __________ __________ today than it was yesterday.

19. 午饭我经常吃米饭和蔬菜。

I often __________ rice and vegetables __________ lunch.

20. 你昨天晚饭吃的什么?

What __________ you __________ for supper yesterday?

五、单项选择 (30分)

从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的


[ ]21. What are you going to have _________ supper tomorrow?

A. for B. about

C. with D. at

[ ]22. I'd like some noodles for lunch. What _________ you?

A. for B. about

C. with D. to

[ ]23. Which is __________ month of the year?

A. good B. well

C. better D. the best

[ ]24. It's __________ today than it was yesterday.

A. cold B. colder

C. coldest D. the coldest

[ ]25. The boys __________ at school yesterday evening.

A. were B. was

C. are going to be D. are

[ ]26. __________ you have milk for breakfast this morning?

A. Are B. Do

C. Did D. Does

[ ]27. How many days __________ in a year?

A. are there B. there are

C. have there D. there have

[ ]28. When __________ Lin Tao start learning English?

A. is B. was

C. does D. did

[ ]29. We __________ dumplings for supper tomorrow.

A. have B. has

C. are going to have D. had

[ ]30. What did your brother have for breakfast this morning?


A. He has some bread and milk

B. He had some bread and milk

C. Yes, he did

D. No, he didn't

六、完形填空 25分



A: What day is today, Mary?

B: Today is Monday.

A: Did you have any lessons yesterday?

B: No, we didn't. Yesterday was 31 . We have no lessons on Sunday.

A: Were your parents at work yesterday?

B: No, they were not. They were at home, and we 32 lunch together

at home.

A: What did you have 33 lunch?

B: There 34 different kinds of vegetables, fruit, meat and bread

on thetable. I didn't like meat and fruit, so I had vegetables and bread.

A: What else did you do yesterday?

B: We had a party in the evening.

A: You had a good 35 yesterday, didn't you?

B: Yes, we did.

Notes: else 别的 party 聚会

[ ]31. A. Thursday B. Friday C. Saturday D. Sunday

[ ]32. A. have B. has C. had D. are

[ ]33. A. in B. at C. for D. at

[ ]34. A. is B. are C. was D. were

[ ]35. A. time B. day C. month D. year

七、阅读理解:阅读下列短文,然后回答问题 10分


The Greens lived in a small village. There were three people in the

family: Mr Green, Mrs Green and the only child John. John was twenty

years old. He worked in the village and lived with his parents, but he didn't like working in the village. Later he got work in a town with the name of Greensea (格林西). It was quite a long way from the village. John liked his new work very much, but his parents were not happy about this. “John, you'd better come back to work in the village and live with us,”Mrs Green said one day. “There isn't any good work for me here, Mother,” said John, “and I can get a lot of money (钱) in Greensea and every week I can give you more money than before.” John went to work in Greensea and lived there. Last Sunday Mrs Green was very angry (生气). She got on a bus and went to John's house in Greensea. “John,” she said to him, “Why do you never call?”

John smiled and said, “But, Mother, you haven't got a telephone


“No,” she answered, “I haven't but you've got one (你有)!”

[ ]36. How many people were there in John's family?

A. Two. B. There.

C. Four D. Five.

[ ]37. Did John like working in the village?

A. Yes, he did B. No, he didn't

C. Yes, he does D. No, he doesn't

[ ]38. Did John's parents like his new work?

A. Yes, they did. B. Yes, they do.

C. No, they didn't D. No, they don't.

[ ]39. How did Mrs Green go to Greensea?

A. She went there by car. B. She went there by bike.

C. She went there by bus. D. She went there by train.

[ ]40. Did Mrs Green have a telephone?

A. Yes, she did. B. Yes, she had.

C. Yes, she has. D. No, she didn't.

篇7:九年级 (上) 10单元测试 (A卷)

九年级 (上) 10单元测试 (A卷)

初三 (上) 10单元测试 (A卷)


A) 从A、B、C、D中找出一个划线部分的读音不同于其他三个的词。

[ ]1.A.weak B.break C.leave D.read

[ ]2.A.hurry B.result C.cut D.true

[ ]3.A.comrade B.most C.whole D.both

[ ]4.A.behind B.kind C.miss D.find

B) 找出下列所给单词的正确读音。

[ ]5.hold A.[h+uld] B.[h&ld] C.[h+ud] D.[h)ld]

[ ]6.able A.['$bl] B.['eibl] C.['ebl] D.['+bl]

[ ]7.lazy A.['lezi] B.['leisi] C.['leizi] D.['lizi]

[ ]8.even A.['evn] B.['ivn] C.['i:vn] D.['i:vin]



[ ]1.p__ss__ble A.i...o B.o...e C.o...i D.o...a

[ ]2.m__ss__ge A.e...a B.a...e C.e...e D.a...a

[ ]3.b__tw__n A.e...ee B.e...ea C.i...ee D.i...ea

[ ]4.__x__m A.i...a B.i...e C.e...i D.e...a



1.Don't be late for class. The teacher said. (用不定改写句子)

The teacher told us ______ ______ ______ late for class.

2.I think the weather will be fine tomorrow. (改为一般疑问句)

______ ______ ______ the weather will be fine tomorrow?

3.The Greens have come to China. (用for two years作时间状语改写)

The Greens ______ ______ ______ China for two years.

4.He has visited the factory. (用He says作主句改写)

______ ______ ______ he has visited the factory.

5.Kate says, “My favourite food is dumplings.” (改为一个复合句)

Kate says ______ ______ favourite food is dumplings.



[ ]1.There is a river ______ the two cities.

A.at B.near C.in D.between

[ ]2.Is he ______ trouble these days?

A.at B.in C.has D.make

[ ]3.I'm going to Beijing ______ my holidays.

A.spend B.have C.for D.to

[ ]4.My brother is a ______ boy. He always does little work the whole day.

A.busy B.good C.nice D.lazy

[ ]5.His family ______ to move to Nanjing.

A.are going B.is going

C.will go D.goes

[ ]6.Mrs Green told me ______ everything went well.

A.that B.this C.those D.these

[ ]7.______ they ______ Tianjin for half a year?

A.Are...in B.Do...come to

C.Have...been in D.Have...been to

[ ]8. ______?

Sorry, Tom isn't in. Who's that speaking?

A.Are you TomB.Can I talk to Tom

C.Could I speak to Tom D.Is Tom in

[ ]9.______ possible that we can all pass the exam.

A.It's B.It has C.This is D.That's

[ ]10.Have you ______ a message in his room?

A.leave B.goC.star D.left


先阅读下列短文,然后根据文章内容判断正 (T) ,误 (F) 。

It was evening. Li Ming had done his homework, but Li Ying, his sister, was still at the table. “What are you doing?” asked Li Ming.

“A maths problem. I haven't worked it out yet,” replied Li Ying.

“Let me show you,” said Li Ming.

“No, please don't. I'll do it myself,” Half an hour later, Li Ming said, “I'm going to bed. Here's the answer. I've put it on the table.”

Li Ying didn't even turn her head. Li Ming got into bed and fell asleep soon. Li Ying went on working for a long time. She was very tired, so she washed her face in the cold water and again sat at the table. The answer to the problem lay beside her, but she did

not look at it. Finally she got the answer herself.

The next day she got an excellent mark for maths. And this did not surprise any one in her class. But her brother knew very well how she had worked.

[ ]1.The maths problem was not hard for Li Ying.

[ ]2.Li Ying wanted to find the answer herself.

[ ]3.Li Ming left the answer on the table.

[ ]4.Li Ming did not work it out that night.

[ ]5.Everyone in her class knew how hard Li Ying had worked that night.

篇8:九年级 (上) 14单元测试 (A卷)

九年级 (上) 14单元测试 (A卷)

初三 (上) 14单元测试 (A卷)

Ⅰ.选出划线部分发音不同的`单词 (共4分,每小题1分)

[ ]1.A.heart B.hear C.clear D.nearly

[ ]2.A.top B.follow C.stocking D.other

[ ]3.A.Britain B.kind C.chimney D.dictation

[ ]4.A.follow B.own C.down D.narrow

Ⅱ.写出下列单词中划线部分的音标,并注明中文意思 (共8分,每小题2分)

1.foreigner [ ]_______ 2.heart [ ]______

3.top [ ]_______ 4.dictation [ ]______

Ⅲ.英汉互译 (共6分,每小题1分)

1.在…上面_________ 2.穿上盛装,乔装打扮_______

3.查寻_______________ 4.彼此,互相_______________

5.Christmas Day________ 6.Christmas Eve______________

Ⅳ.根据要求写出下列各词 (共10分,每小题1分)

1.country______ (名词复数) 2.ride______ (过去分词)

3.run______ (现在分词) 4.meet______ (过去式)

5.one______ (序数词) 6.quiet______ (副词)

7.small______ (反义词) 8.quickly______ (形容词)

9.well______ (最高级) 10.two______ (同音词)

Ⅴ.完成下列各句 (共16分,每小题2分)

1.Have you ever_____ (骑马) ?

2.They've______ (已去伦敦了) .

3.Christmas is______ (重要的一个节日) in Britain.

4.When they were very young, Mr Green sometimes______ (穿上盛装)

in a red coat.

5.Now______ (查寻) the words in a dictionary.

6.So today,people still______ (彼此做着同样的事) .

7.______ (当然), everyone likes presents.

8.She's been there______ (几次) .

Ⅵ.选词填空 (共10分,每小题1分)

[ ]1.They've had______accident.

A.a B.an C.the D./

[ ]2.She comes______America.

A.for B.to C.in D.from

[ ]3.They lived there before they came______China.

A.for B.to C.in D.from

[ ]4.He fills each______the stockings______Christmas presents.

A.of...to B.for...of

C.in...from D.of...with

[ ]5.They still put their stockings ______ the end _____ their beds.

A.at...of B.in...for

C.on...to D.to...with

[ ]6.They help their parents ______ open their stockings, too.

A.of B.for C.to D.with

[ ]7.Have they______been to the moon?

A.ever B.never C.just D.yet

[ ]8.Has______called the police?

A.someone B.anyone

C.everyone D.on one

[ ]9.He lands______top______each house.

A.in...of B.to...for

C.on...of D.at...to

[ ]10.Could you tell me where _______ from?

A.are you B.you were

C.you are D.do you

Ⅶ.句型转换 (共12分,每小题2分)

1.Have you ever ridden a horse? (做否定回答)

______, I______.

2.Mr Green climbs down the chimney. (改为否定句)

Mr Green______ ______down the chimney.

3.It's from England, ______ ______? (完成反意疑问句)

4.She has lived in that village for ten years. (对划线部分提问)

______ ______ ______she______in that village?

5.FatherChristmas often puts the presents into children's

stockings. (改为一般疑问句)

______Father Christmas often______the presents into children's stockings?

6.Has Mrs Green made the Christmas cake yet? (做肯定回答)

______, she______.

Ⅷ.用所给动词的适当形式填空 (共16分,每小题2分)

1.I______never______ (meet) a foreigner.

2.______they ever______ (be) to the moon?

3.I thought they______ (return) the next month.

4.He____ (live) there since he came to China.

5.Their parents usually______ (tell) them that Father Christmas

will come during the night.

6.It must______ (be) from Jim.

7.The parents told the children______ (not wake) them up too early.

8.It______ (be) from England, isn't it?



The moon is a ball, 1 like the earth and the sun. Sometimes it looks round and flat (平坦), like a plate. Sometimes it 2 half a plate. 3 whether (不论) you can see it 4 not, the moon is always 5 . Part of it looks dark (黑暗) because it is turned away 6 the sun.

The moon is 7 than the stars, but it is 8 , so it looks bigger. And it has 9 of its own. Moonlight is only sunlight shining on the moon.

[ ]1.A.also B.either C.too D.neither

[ ]2.A.looks B.looks like C.looks as D.seems

[ ]3.A.But B.And C.SoD.No

[ ]4.A.does B.orC.and D.do

[ ]5.A.ball B.round C.around D.plate

[ ]6.A.off B.toC.from D.leave

[ ]7.A.small B.smaller C.the smallest D.too small

[ ]8.A.much nearer B.very near

C.more near D.even nearer

[ ]9.A.light B.bright C.no light D.not bright

篇9:九年级 (上) 7单元测试 (A卷)

九年级 (上) 7单元测试 (A卷)

初三 (上) 7单元测试 (A卷)

Ⅰ. 语音知识 (12%)

A)从A、B、C、D 中找出划线部分与所给单词划线部分读


[ ]1. who A. where B. whole C. when D. what

[ ]2. popular A. warm B. similar C. party D. star

[ ]3. cloudy A. touch B. enough C. dangerous D. mouth

[ ]4. problem A. remember B. then C. pen D. September


[ ]5. [fil] A. feel B. full C. fall D. fill

[ ]6. [swi:t] A. sweep B. sweet C. swim D. sweater

[ ]7. [breik] A. break B. bread C. bright D. bring

[ ]8. ['p#+r+nt] A. parent B. present C. pocket D. practise

Ⅱ. 词汇知识 (8%)


1. spend (过去式) _________ 2. bike (另一种拼写形式) ______

3. noisy (副词) ___________ 4. forget (形容词) _____________

Ⅲ. 词语替换 (20%)


[ ]1. It was quite late when I arrived at the village.

A. came B. went to C. got to D. got

[ ]2. I got all the things on the shopping list.

A. gave B. sold C. took D. bought

[ ]3. When did he reach Tianjin?

A. arrive in B. arrive at C. got to D. come

[ ]4. You draw the house and I'll put in the tree.

A. live in B. fill in C. put up D. put on

[ ]5. A young person is waiting for you. He looks worried.

A. people B. man C. woman D. child

Ⅳ. 单项选择 (40%)

从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。

[ ]1. Phone is ______ telephone.

A. short than B. short for

C. shorter for D. shorter then

[ ]2. This film is as ______ that one.

A. interested as B. interest as

C. interested than D. interesting as

[ ]3. Han Meimei is ______ singer in our class.

A. a good B. a best

C. the best D. a better

[ ]4. Did it rain ______ last night?

A. heavy B. heavier

C. heavily D. more heavily

[ ]5. Here is your English book, Mary. You ______ it on the


A. forgot B. left

C. have lost D. have left

[ ]6. I wasn't ______ to the radio at seven yesterday evening.

A. listening B. hear

C. listen D. hearing

[ ]7. It was snowing hard when he ______ home last night.

A. got to B. reached

C. arrived in D. arrived at

[ ]8. What ______ the bike?

I've just mended it.

A. do you do for B. did you do for

C. have you do with D. have you done with

[ ]9. Basketball is very popular in our school ______.

A. at that time B. at the moment

C. from now on D. in a minute

[ ]10. I ______ my glasses on the floor and broke it.

A. dropped B. fell

C. put D. saw

Ⅴ. 阅读理解 (20%)

先阅读下列短文,然后根据文章内容,从A、B、C、D 四


One day, my wife and I went shopping. We took the car as we had a lot of things to buy because my brother and his family were going to spend the weekend with us. We stopped the car in front of the shop. An hour later we came back to the car with a lot of things. Then the trouble started. We could not open the car door. “Oh, dear,” said my wife. “What are we going to do?” “Let's ask that policeman,” I said. The policeman was very kind and glad to help us. Soon he got the door open. Just at that moment an angry man came up and shouted. “What are you doing with my car?” We looked at the number of the car, and our faces turned very red.

[ ]1. The husband and the wife went shopping ______.

A. by bus B. in their car

C. by bike D. on foot

[ ]2. They spent ______ in the shop doing their shopping.

A. half an hour B. four hours

C. one hour D. eight hours

[ ]3. The ______ opened the car door in the end.

A. husband B. wife

C. policeman D. owner of the car

[ ]4. The owner of the car was very angry to see ______.

A. someone had opened his car door

B. the policeman standing by the car

C. his car was not there

D. that there was a trouble

[ ]5. They didn't know it was the wrong car until they looked

at the ______ of the car.

A. colour B. owner

C. door D. number


七年级 (上)11单元测试 (B卷)

八年级 (上) 1单元测试 (B卷)








九年级 (上) 12单元测试 (A卷)
《九年级 (上) 12单元测试 (A卷).doc》

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