七年级 (上)11单元测试 (B卷)

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七年级 (上)11单元测试 (B卷)(共10篇)由网友“木槿”投稿提供,以下文章小编为您整理的七年级 (上)11单元测试 (B卷),供大家阅读。

七年级 (上)11单元测试 (B卷)

篇1:七年级 (上)11单元测试 (B卷)

一、语音知识 5%



[ ]1. come A. do B. son C. today

[ ]2. family A. yes B. my C. sorry

[ ]3. please A. desk B. bus C. his

[ ]4. father A. thirteen B. there C. thank

[ ]5. afternoon A. ask B. hat C. same

二、单词拼写 5%



[ ]1. m____t A. ei B. ee C. ai

[ ]2. n__ce A. a B. e C. i

[ ]3. d____n A. ou B. ow C. or

[ ]4. fr____nd A. ie B. ei C. e

[ ]5. br__th__ A. u…er B. o…or C. o…er

三、词组互译 20%

1. the name of Mrs Green's daughter __________________

2. Jim's family tree ________________________________

3. Lucy's cat _____________________________________

4. my hat ________________________________________

5. a new American student __________________________

6. 进来 _________________________________________

7. 坐下 _________________________________________

8. 去看 _________________________________________

9. 一张吉姆的家庭照片 ___________________________

10. 凯特的猫的名字 _____________________________

四、完成句子 20%


1. 请进来。

Please ______ ______.

2. 见到你很高兴。

______ ______ see you.

3. 吉姆的'父亲在家。

Jim's father is ______ ______.

4. 这是我妹妹。

This is ______ ______.

5. 这些尺看上去像魏芳的。

These rulers ______ ______ Wei Fang's.

五、单项选择 20%


[ ]1. My mother is ______.

A. forty B. four

C. fourteen D. fourty

[ ]2. ______ a picture of your family?

A. It's B. That's

C. Are these D. Is it

[ ]3. Can you see the clock?

Yes, ______.

A. I can't B. I can

C. can't I D. can I

[ ]4. Mr White is ______ father.

A. the Betty B. Bettys'

C. Betty's D. the Betty's

[ ]5. Kate's cat is ______.

A. a black B. black

C. black colour D. a black colour

[ ]6. This is our school. It's ______ and big school.

A. a nice B. nice

C. nice a D. the nice

[ ]7. ______ name of Lily's cat is Mimi.

A. An B. A C. The D. Its

[ ]8. ______ is Ann's sister?

She is in the classroom.

A. How B. Where C. What D. Who

[ ]9. ______?

Fine, thank you.

A. Nice, thank you B. How do you do

C. How old are you D. How are you

[ ]10. The picture is very nice. Can I ______ it?

A. see B. look

C. look like D. look same

六、句型转换 20%


1. I'm a student. (改为复数形式)

______ ______ students.

2. Jim's father is forty. (对划线部分提问)

______ ______ is Jim's father?

3. Mr Green is in the room. (改为否定句)

Mr Green ______ ______ in the room.

4. This is a picture of Lucy's family. (改为一般疑问句)

______ ______ a picture of Lucy's family?

5. These are new chairs. (改为单数形式)

______ ______ ______ new chair.



A: Hi, Lucy! What's that?

B: It's a picture 1 my family. 1. ________________

A: Oh, can I 2 it? 2. ________________

B: OK!

A: 3 that? 3. ________________

B: That's my sister.

A: Who 4 they? 4. ________________

B: They're my father 5 mother. 5. ________________

篇2:七年级 (上)11单元测试 (A卷)

一、语音知识 10%


1. [i] A. bike B. fine C. nice D. sit

2. [u:] A. good B. school C. go D. put

3. [&] A. sorry B. home C. those D. close

4. [)] A. ruler B. mother C. car D. class

5. [ai] A. family B. my C. duty D. sorry


[ ]1. blackb____d A. oa B. or C. oar

[ ]2. fri____d A. en B. ne C. an

[ ]3. d____ghter A. ua B. ou C. au

[ ]4. fl____er A. ow B. wo C. aw

[ ]5. f____nd A. a B. u C. i


[ ]1. Family tree.

A. 家里的.树 B. 一家人 C. 家谱

[ ]2. How do you do?

A. 你做什么? B. 你好! C. 你怎样做?

[ ]3. Come in, please.

A. 进来 B. 过去 C. 走进去

[ ]4. Go and see.

A. 去看看 B. 来看看 C. 请回去看

[ ]5. That's Jim's father.

A. 吉姆爸爸 B. 吉姆是爸爸 C. 吉姆的爸爸

四、选择填空 20%

[ ]1. This is a picture of a student.

______ student's name is Jim Green.

A. An B. A C. The D. /

[ ]2. That is ______ old man.______ old man is Mr. Wang.

A. the, The B. an, The

C. the, An D. an, An

[ ]3. Who's that?


A. I don't know B. I am not know

C. I can't know D. I not know

[ ]4. That cat looks ______ Lucy's hat.

A. like B. the same

C. at D. /

[ ]5. ______ Jim and Li Lei ______ the same class?

A. Is, in B. Are, in

C. Is, at D. Are, at

[ ]6. Kate is ______ daughter.

A. Mr. Green's and Mrs.Green

B. Mr. Green and Mrs. Green's

C. Mr. Green and Mrs. Greens

D. Mr. Green and Mrs. Green'

[ ]7. Tom is Mr Black's son. Mrs. Black is Tom's ______.

A. sister B. mother

C. daughter D. girl

[ ]8. Mr and Mrs. Blown have two children(孩子), Mary and

Jack. Jack is Mary's ______.

A. brother B. sister C. boy D. son

[ ]9. Is she a student ______ a teacher?

A. and B. but C. / D. or

[ ]10. The man ______ a brown coat is our English teacher.

A. in B. on C. of D. to

五、连词成句 20%

1. is, Jim's, father, Mr. Green (.)


2. Jim, Kate's, brother, is (.)


3. are, sister, and, brother, Jim and Kate (.)


4. his, under,bike, the, is, tree (.)


5. in, am, the, row, same, I (.)


六、判断句子正误 10% (正确的写T, 错误的写F)

[ ]1. They look like the same.

[ ]2. Are the twin eleven?

[ ]3. They are Jim's father and mother.

[ ]4. They are our coat.

[ ]5. I can't look the magazine (杂志) .

七、完成下面短文 (每空一词) 20%

Look 1 the picture. This is a picture 2 a family. 3

you see 4 boy? 5 name is Jim. This is 6 father, Mr.

Green. That's Jim's mother, Mrs. Green. Kate 7 Jim's 8 . She

is Mr.Green and 9 daughter. They 10 very happy (幸福的).

1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______

6. ______ 7. ______ 8. ______ 9. ______ 10. ______

篇3:九年级 (上) 11单元测试 (B卷)

九年级 (上) 11单元测试 (B卷)

初三 (上) 11单元测试 (B卷)

Ⅰ. 辨音:下列各组单词划线部分的读音有一个与其余三个不


[ ]1. A. world B. word C. sport D. work

[ ]2. A. computer B. put C. pupil D. useful

[ ]3. A. fridge B. Friday C. die D. twice

[ ]4. A. own B. know C. window D. down

[ ]5. A. clear B. hear C. early D. dear

[ ]6. A. ready B. head C. breakfast D. break

[ ]7. A. operate B. open C. often D. Australia

[ ]8. A. change B. orange C. together D. jacket

[ ]9. A. move B. motor C. over D. cold

[ ]10. A. out B. cow C. enough D. mouth

Ⅱ. 词形转换:用所给词的适当形式填空。8%

1. This kind of dictionary is very ______ in our English learning. (use)

2. My uncle has ______ in that school for ten years. (teach)

3. Many ______ are playing on the playground now. (child)

4. You have named two most popular songs. What is the ____ one? (three)

5. Lucy is ______ by the window and reading. (sit)

6. Jim owned two ______. (radio)

7. She thought hard and ______ the word at last. (understand)

8. The TV is too ______. Will you turn it down? (noise)

Ⅲ. 根据所给词语释义写出相应的`单词或词语。8%

1. person who invents things: ______

2. can: ______

3. boy or girl studying in a school: ______

4. ask the doctor to come: ______

5. not slowly: ______

6. speak very loudly: ______

7. let go out of school: ______

8. give something for money: ______

Ⅳ. 选择填空:将正确答案的标号填入前面括号中。15%

[ ]1. Mr Brown ______ learning Chinese.

A. is interesting B. is interested

C. is interesting in D. is interested in

[ ]2. Jack came from a poor family. He was _____ for only two years.

A. at the school B. in the school

C. in schoolD. for school

[ ]3. Tom said he wanted ______ a word with you.

A. has B. having C. to have D. have

[ ]4. John asks Mary ______ him with his lessons.

A. helps B. helped C. help D. to help

[ ]5. I hope ______ my friend soon.

A. seeing B. to see C. seeD. will see

[ ]6. They saw him ______ basketball on the playground just now.

A. playing B. to play

C. played D. was playing

[ ]7. Mother told me ______ TV.

A. to not turn on B. not turn on

C. don't turn on D. not to turn on

[ ]8. We all like him ______ that song.

A. singing B. to sing

C. sing D. sings

[ ]9. When we walked to the street corner, we heard

someone _____ for help.

A. to call B. calls

C. calling D. to called

[ ]10. If you have any problems, just let me___.

A. know B. knowing

C. to know D. knew

[ ]11. The boy isn't old enough ______ to school.

A. go B. going

C. to go D. for going

[ ]12. Would you like ______ some tea?

A. have B. having

C. had D. to have

[ ]13. Her teacher found ______ clever.

A. her B. she C. hers D. her's

[ ]14. Can you ______ me your pen? Mine is broken.

A. lent B. lend C. borrowed D. borrow

[ ]15. This shirt looks good. ______.

A. Try out B. Try it

C. Try it onD. Try on it

Ⅴ. 将下列各组句子改写成带宾语从句的复合句。6%

1. Father will be back soon. I think.


2. Who is she writing to? Can you tell me?


3. What do they study Chinese for? Do you know?


4. Little Tom always asks a lot of questions. Jack tells me.


5. There is something wrong with the bicycle. She told me.


6. We are travelling to America for a holiday. Mr Green said.


Ⅵ. 阅读理解:阅读短文并选择答案。20%

Young people and older people do not always agree. They sometimes have different ideas about living, working and playing. But in a programme in NewYork State (纽约州) adults (成年人) and teenagers (十几岁的青少年) live together in peace(和平) .

Each summer 200 teenagers and 50 adults live together for eight weeks as members of a work group. Everyone works severalhours each day. The aim (目标) is not just to keep busy. It is to find meaning in work. Some teenagers work on the farm near the village.Some learn to build a house. The adults teach them.

There are several free hours each day. Weekends are free,too. During the free hours, some of the teenagers learn painting(绘画) . Others sit around and talk or sing. Each eenager has his own way to spend his free time.

When people live together, rules (规则) are always needed. In this programme the teenagers and adults make the rules together.If someone breaks a rule, the problem goes before the whole group. They ask, “Why did it happen? What do we have to do

about it?”

One of the teenagers has this to say about the programme, “You stop thinking only about yourself. You learn how to think about the group. ”


[ ]1. The main (主要的) idea of this text is that ______

A. adults and teenagers in New York State live together in peace.

B. adults and teenagers don't often agree with each other.

C. adults can teach teenagers how to live in peace.

D. adults and teenagers can work and live in peace.

[ ]2. The aim of working every day in the programme is ______.

A. to keep its members busy

B. to get the members together several hours each day.

C. to find meaning in work

D. to spend the summer happily

[ ]3. In the programme ______

A. the teenagers learn how to spend their free time.

B. the adults give the teenagers lessons.

C. the teenagers work on the farm or learn to build a house.

D. the teenagers work while the adults don't.

[ ]4. What does the text tell us about weekends?

A. people are busy working.

B. they have a good way to spend their free time.

C. how some of the teenagers learn painting.

D. they make the rules together.

[ ]5. If someone breaks a rule, the problem goes before

the whole group. So ______

A. each member knows the rules better and thinks more about the group than himself.

B. the member who has broken the rule will be afraid.

C. all the members will remember the rules.

D. all the members have to make the rules again.

Ⅶ. 短文填空:阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单


Mr Black wanted very much to have a car. He often said to himself, “ 1 I wish I had a car! But they are so 2 . ” “Why 3 you buy a second-hand one (旧车) ?” said one of his


It seemed a very good 4 . The trouble was that he only hada 5 money, and so he had to buy a very very old car. You should have seen it! It was so old that 6 people would like to drive it. How everyone laughed when they saw him driving by!

But Mr Black didn't 7 . He was very happy. “It's nice to havea car,” he said. “I know it's not very modern, but driving this caris 8 better than being in the crowded old bus. ”

Instead, Mr Black got lots 9 fun out of his old car. He practised (练习) every day and he learned to drive it well only a few days 10 . Soon he was able to drive to work and back home on it.

1. _____ 2. _______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______

6. _____ 7. ______ 8. ______ 9. ______ 10. ______

Ⅷ. 补全对话:Jack打电话邀请Ann明天一起去看电影。打电话




Jack: Hello, may I 1 Ann, please?

Ann: Yes, 2 Ann 3 .

Jack: This is Jack. Hi, Ann. I've got two tickets 4 a film.

Would you like to go 5 ?

Ann: 6 , but I can't hear you. 7 you 8 your radio is too 9 ?

Jack: Oh, yes. I'll turn it 10 then ... I asked if you'd like

to go to the cinema tomorrow.

Ann: Of course. 11 will the film start?

Jack: At seven in the evening. We'd 12 go there together.

Shall we 13 at the school gate at half past six?

Ann: OK. See you at the school gate then.

Jack: See you.

1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______

6. _____ 7. ______ 8. ______ 9. ______ 10. ______

11. ______ 12. ______ 13. ______

篇4:七年级 (上) 9单元测试 (B卷)

一、语音知识: 10%



[ ]1. student A. number B. excuse C. put

[ ]2. over A. woman B. home C. today

[ ]3. toilet A. eraser B. student C. next

[ ]4. American A. class B. man C. banana

[ ]5. nice A. licence B. coat C. clock

二、按要求写出下列各词: 20%

1. pencil-box (复数) ____________ 2. there (同音词) _________

3. new (反义词) _______________ 4. it (复数) ______________

5. we (形容词性物主代词) ______ 6. those (单数) ___________

7. we are (缩写) _______________ 8. class (复数) ___________

9. their (人称代词主格) __________ 10. different (反义词) ______

三、词组互译: 20%

1. 他们的书 __________________ 2. 我的英语教师 _________

3. 不用谢 ____________________ 4. 三个盒子 ______________

5. look the same _______________ 6. in the same class _________

7. on duty ____________________ 8. look after ______________

9. new students ________________ 10. sit down _______________

四、完成句子 10%


1. 今天我值日。

I'm ______ ______ today.

2. 这两个双胞胎看起来很像。

The twins look ______ ______.

3. 你在哪个班?

What class ______ you ______?

4. 请把你的书包放在那边。

Please ______ your bag ______ ______.

5. 请这边走。

______ ______, please.

五、单项选择 20%


[ ]1. Who is he?

He's ______ friend, Jim.

A. I B. she C. we D. my

[ ]2. Mother is ______ home.

A. on B. / C. in D. at

[ ]3. Jim and Lucy are ______ Team Three.

A. in B. at C. on D. to

[ ]4. Are Lucy and Lily brothers?

No, ____________________.

A. they are B. they aren't

C. their are D. their aren't

[ ]5. Li Lei is a new student in our class.

We look ______ him.

A. in B. after C. at D. to

[ ]6. The twins are in ______ class.

A. you B. me C. our D. we

[ ]7. You can put ______ bikes over there.

A. your B. them C. they D. you

[ ]8. ______.

Nice to meet you, too.

A. Excuse me B. How are you

C. Nice to meet you D. How do you do

[ ]9. My book is ______ the bag.

A. in B. to C. of D. at

[ ]10. We are in ______.

A. Grade One, Class Four B. Class Four, Grade One

C. One Grade, Four Class D. Four Class, One Grade

六、按要求变换下列各句,每空一词,缩写算一个词。 10%

1. We are American girls. (变单数)

______ ______ American ______.

2. She is a new student (变复数)

______ new ______.

3. We're in Grade One. (变一般疑问句)

______ ______ in Grade One?

4. I'm in Row Five. (就划线部分提问)

______ ______are you in?

5. Those books are over there. (变否定句)

Those books ______ over there.

七、补全对话 10%


A: Look! I 1 a new bag. 1. _____________

B: 2 nice it is! 2. _____________

A: Can I 3 it on your desk? 3. _____________

B: Oh, 4 . 4. _____________

A: Thank you.

B: That's all 5 . 5. _____________

篇5:七年级 (上)12单元测试 (B卷)

一、语音知识 5%



[ ]1. broom A. good B. look C. school

[ ]2. China A. sit B. policeman C. behind

[ ]3. find A. fine B. think C. thank

[ ]4. us A. student B. under C. put

[ ]5. bed A. very B. these C. excuse

二、单词拼写 5%



[ ]1. w__nd___ A. i…or B. e…ow C. i…ow

[ ]2. l__g__t A. i…e B. i…h C. ai…h

[ ]3. fl__w__r A. o…a B. o…o C. o…e

[ ]4. Ch__n__ A. i…a B. a…e C. i…er

[ ]5. s__me A. u B. ar C. o

三、按要求写出下列各词: 20%

1. they (形容词性物主代词) ________ 2. five (十五) _____________

3. boy (复数) ____________________ 4. can (否定式) ___________

5. my sister (人称代词) ____________ 6. up (反义词) ____________

7. where is (缩写) _________________ 8. your (人称代词) _________

9. kites (单数) ____________________10. our (人称代词) _________

四、用a, an, the 或 some 填空: 20%

1. What can you see on ______ desk? I can see ______ books.

2. She is ______ English girl. Her father is ______ teacher.

3. ______ man over there is ______ Chinese teacher.

4. This is ______ apple. ______ apple is Li Ping's.

5. Where is ______ bike? I don't know.

6. What is this? It's ______ map of China.

五、完成句子 20%

1. 请看这幅画。

_______ _______ this picture, please.

2. 那是一张中国地图。

Thats a map ______ China.

3. 请问,你们的'英语老师在哪里?

_____ _____, _______ your Englsh teacher?

4. 你能看见墙上的那只风筝吗?

Can you see ______ kite ______ the wall?

5. 现在轮到你了。

Its ______ ______now.

六、单项选择 20%



[ ]1. Now let's ______ the picture of Lucy's family.

A. look B. to look

C. look at D. to look at

[ ]2. Where's ______?

It's under the chair.

A. the cat B. the jeep

C. the bike D. the map

[ ]3. I can't find the apples. Where ______?

A. it is B. is it

C. they are D. are they

[ ]4. That's not ______ shirt. It's Tom's.

A. I B. my C. me D. they

[ ]5. What can you see ______ the picture?

A map.

A. in B. on C. at D. for

[ ]6. I'm in Class One. Mary is in Class Two. I can't see ____.

A. him B. her C. his D. she

[ ]7. Xiao Hua, it's your ______ now.

A. a turn B. the turn

C. turn D. turns

[ ]8. I can't find my bag. Can you see it?

______, I can't.

A. Yes B. That's right

C. fine D. Sorry

[ ]9. We ______ a map of China.

A. have B. are

C. can look D. do

[ ]10. Wuhan is ______ Hubei.

A. at B. in C. on D. to



A: Excuse me. I can't 1 my ruler. Can you see it?

B: It's 2 the floor under the chair.

A: Oh, it's 3 my ruler. It looks like Bill's.

B: 4 that on the chair?

A: It's a ruler. 5 my ruler.

1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______



(A) 从下列每组单词中, 选出一个划线部分与其它三个读音不同的词。

1. A. think B. five C. fine D. bike [ ]

2. A. hill B. hi C. middle D. Miss [ ]

3. A. sorry B. those C. home D. zero [ ]

4. A. much B. ruler C. number D. cup [ ]

5. A. ask B. banana C. class D. apple [ ]

(B) 下列各组对话, 在一般情况下读什么语调:

1. Where is my bike? [ ]

It's here.

A.升,升 B.降,降 C.升,降

2. Are these English books? [ ]

No, they aren't.

They are pencil-boxes.

A.升,升,降 B.降,降,降 C.升,降,降

二、单词拼写 5%



1. f___ne A. a B. i C. ai [ ]

2. th___se A. o B. ou C. oa [ ]

3. n____me A. i B. e C. a [ ]

4. Chin___se A. e B. i C. a [ ]

5. g__db__e A. o...y B. oo...i C. oo...y [ ]

三、按要求完成下列单词 8%

1. my (人称代词主格) __________ 2. bus (复数) ___________

3. she (形容词性物主代词) ______ 4. boy (人称代词) _______

5. pencil-boxes (单数) __________ 6. this (复数) ___________

7. they are (缩写) ______________

8. they (形容词性物主代词) _____

四、填入适当的'代词: 20%

1. This is my teacher. ______ name is Miss Gao.

______ is 30 years old.

2. My name is Meimei. ______ am in Class One. Jim

is ______ good friend. ______ is in Class One, too.

______ number is 25. ______ am Number 26.

3. A: Sue and Kate are not here. Where are ______?

B: ______ don't know. But ______ bags are here.

五、完成句子 20%


1. 我朋友的名字叫王海。

My ______ name ______ Wang Hai.

2. 他在第十四中学。

He is ______ No.14 ______ ______.

3. 我想那是玛丽的书包。

I ______ that is ______ bag.

4. 那些是小鸟吗? 是。

Are ______ ______? Yes. ______ are.

5. 吉姆的自行车是多少号?

______ ______ is Jim's bike?

六、单项选择 20%


1. ______ name is Lin Nan. [ ]

A. My B. I C. He D. She's

2. ______ name is Zhang Hua. ______ is a good policeman. [ ]

A. Her...she B. His...He

C. She...Her D. He...His

3. What team ______? [ ]


A. is he B. is she C. he is in D. is she in

4. Ask that ______. I think it's her bike. [ ]

A. man B. woman C. boy D. Kate

5. ______ see your picture, please? [ ]


A. I am B. Am I C. I can D. Can I

6. What class ______ in? [ ]

A. he is B. she's C. are you D. you are

7. What're those? [ ]

I think ______ hills.

A. they're B. It's C. he's D. she's

8. ______ Jim? [ ]

He's at school.

A. How is B. Who's C. What's D. Where's

9. ______________? [ ]

He's in Grade One.

A. What row is he in B. What class is he in

C. What team is he in D. What grade is he in

10. _____________? [ ]

It's thirteen.

A. How old are you B. What's six and seven

C. How is he D. How are you



A: Excuse me! Are you Zhao Peng?

B: Yes, 1 . 1.________________

A: Oh, good! I'm Zhang Fan. How do you do?

B: 2 ? 2.________________

A: Are you in Grade One?

B: 3 . I'm in Class Two, Grade One. 3.________________

A: What's this in English?

B: 4 . 4.________________

A: Can you spell it, please?

B: Yes, I can L-I-C-E-N-C-E, licence. 5.________________

A: 5 .

B: That's all right.


This is an English boy. His name is Mike. He is twelve. He is

in No. 5 Middle School. He is in Class Two, Grade One. Kate is

an American girl. She is thirteen. She is in No.5 Middle School,

too. Mr Wang is their Chinese teacher. He is a good teacher.

1. Mike is ______ boy. [ ]

A. an English B. a English C. English

2. How old is Mike? He is ______ [ ]

A. Eleven. B. Twelve. C. Thirteen.

3. Is Kate an English girl? ______ [ ]

A. Yes, she is.

B. No, she isn't.

C. She is an American girl.

4. ______ Chinese teacher is ______. [ ]

A. Their...Mr Wang

B. Mr Wang...their

C. Our...Mr Wang

5. Is their Chinese teacher a good teacher? ______ [ ]

A. Yes, she is. B. No, he isn't. C. Yes, he is.

篇7:七年级 (上) 13单元测试 (B卷)

七年级 (上) 13单元测试 (B卷)

初一 (上) 13单元测试 (B卷)

一、语音知识 10%


[ ]1. yellow A. window B. flower C. how

[ ]2. black A. what B. America C. at

[ ]3. green A. age B. good C. orange

[ ]4. orange A. who B. those C. wrong

[ ]5. me A. Chinese B. eraser C. different

二、单词拼写 10%



[ ]1. col___ A. er B. ur C. our

[ ]2. wh__te A. a B. i C. e

[ ]3. gr___n A. ee B. ea C. ei

[ ]4. __xc__se A. e...o B. a...u C. e...u

[ ]5. y__ll__ A. a...ow B. e...ow C. e...ou

三、英汉互译 20%

1. a black bike_________________ 6. 在山上_______________

2. the one behind the apple tree______ 7. 一辆黑色的小汽车_____

3. in the brown boxes_____________ 8. 哪一个_______________

4. in an orange sweater____________ 9. 穿着红色外衣的那个___

5. at the desk____________________ 10. 过来_________________

四、完成句子 20%


1. 穿白色衬衫的`那个男孩是李华。

The boy ______ the white shirt ______ Li Hua.

2. 树后面的那个女孩是谁?

______ that girl ______ the tree?

3. 你的自行车是什么颜色的?

______ ______ ______ your bike?

4. 吉姆的运动衫是绿色的吗?

_____ Jim's sweater ______?

5. 那辆红色的小汽车在山上。

That red car ______ ______ the hill.

五、单项选择 20%


[ ]1. ______ a red car on the hill?

A. You can find B. Can you find

C. Can't find you D. Can find you

[ ]2. The boys ______ a white ball. It's behind the door.

A. have B. are C. like D. look

[ ]3. The man ______ the bike is Jim's teacher.

A. in B. at C. for D. on

[ ]4. That bike under the tree is ______.

A. Li Lei father B. Li Lei father's

C. Li Lei's father's D. Li Lei's father

[ ]5. ―― What colour are those ______?―― They are green.

A. pencil-boxs B. pencil-boxes

C. pencils-boxes D. pencil-box

[ ]6. The woman ______ the red coat is our Chinese teacher.

A. in B. on C. at D. to

[ ]7. ―― What's ______ the floor?―― A football and two chairs.

A. in B. on C. at D. to

[ ]8. ―― Who's that over there?―― It's ______ friend.

A. Tom B. the Tom

C. Tom's D. the Tom's

[ ]9. ―― What ______?―― They are birds.

A. is this B. that is

C. are those D. these are

[ ]10. ―― What's that ______ English?―― It's a cat.

A. in B. on C. at D. to

六、补全对话 20%



A: Jim. Who's that 1 ?1. __________

B: Which girl?

A: The one 2 the red coat. 2. __________

B: Oh, that's my sister, Mary. 3. __________

A: Is 3 a middle school student? 4. __________

B: 4 , she is. She's 5 No. 20 Middle School. 5. __________


A: 1 that under the tree? 1. __________

B: It's a new bike.

A: What 2 is it? 2. __________

B: It's green. 3. __________

A: Is 3 your bike? 4. __________

B: 4 , it isn't. I 5 it's our teacher's. 5. __________

篇8:九年级 (上) 12单元测试 (B卷)

九年级 (上) 12单元测试 (B卷)

初三 (上) 12单元测试 (B卷)


[ ]1.cover A.come B.hold C.follow D.polite

[ ]2.sheep A.seat B.trouble C.sure D.which

[ ]3.each A.head B.break C.great D.leave

[ ]4.journey A.hour B.early C.course D.nearly

[ ]5.mind A.since B.man C.mend D.smile

[ ]6.with A.third B.father C.both D.maths

[ ]7.jacket A.guess B.match C.cage D.drop

[ ]8.just A.month B.full C.put D.found


1.Autumn is coming. ______ are falling down to the ground. (leaf)

2.Do you mind ______ on the radio? (turn)

3.All the students listen to the teacher ______. (care)

4.Mother has ______ three letters since early morning. (write)

5.Oh, don't play in the street. It's not ______. (safely)

6.Jim was tired. He fell ______ quickly after he went to bed. (sleep)

7.Mr Black ______ good-bye to his friend and got on the bus. (say)

8.This road is ______ than that one. (narrow)


[ ]1. Will you please help me with my lessons? ______.

A.I don't mind B.Yes,please C.With pleasure

[ ]2. Do you mind if I open the window? ______.

A.Yes, I have to B.No, I don't C.I'm glad to

[ ]3.It's late. You ______ go right now.

A.had better B.would like to C.make sure

[ ]4. I can take care of your little sister while you are away. ______.

A.That's all right

B.That's very kind of you

C.It's a good idea

[ ]5.Many of us want to see the film. Please get the tickets ______.

A.as much as possible

B.as quickly as possible

C.as many as possible

[ ]6.Mr Green won't go with us. He ______.

A.has changed his mind

B.doesn't mind

C.has nothing to do


[ ]1.Mary was doing her homework when she heard aknock______ the door.

A.behind B.in C.on D.for

[ ]2.Hi, Sam. I've got some new stamps. Come ______ tomy home and have a look.

A.along B.around C.on D.in

[ ]3.Bob filled his bag ______ books and went to the library.

A.inB.of C.for D.with

[ ]4.Peter got up early. He tried ______ the first bus.

A.to not missB.not miss

C.not to missD.not missing

[ ]5.They don't have enough money ______ the books.

A.toB.on C.for D.with

[ ]6.There wasn't enough time _____ them _____ the work.

A.to...to doB.to...do

C.for...do D.for...to do

[ ]7. Could you tell me ______ they are going for the holiday? In a week.

A.where B.when C.why D.what

[ ]8.Do you know ______ they are going with?

A.where B.when C.what D.who

[ ]9.He would like ______ the bike for him.

A.you to mendB.you mend

C.you mendingD.for you to mend

[ ]10.The weather is terrible. You'd better ______ today.

A.not leavingB.not to leave

C.don't leaveD.not leave

[ ]11.We'll have a lot of homework ______ this evening.

A.to do B.to do it

C.doing D.do

[ ]12.Jack is ______ that big box.

A.enough strong to carry

B.strong enough to carry

C.enough strong carry

D.strong enough carry

[ ]13.He had something interesting ______ you.

A.tell B.telling

C.to tell D.told

[ ]14.The girl is warm-hearted. She's always ready ______.

A.to help the others

B.help the others

C.help others

D.to help others

[ ]15.Her leg is all right. She ______ go and see the doctor.

A.doesn't have to B.hasn't

C.not have toD.has not to


1.Where has Jack gone? Do you know?

Do you know ______ ______ ______ ______?

2.What's her name? Can you tell me?

Can you tell me ______ ______ ______ ______?

3.When does the train arrive? Please tell me.

Please tell me ______ ______ ______ ______.

4.How many English words did you learn yesterday? Could you tell me?

Could you tell me _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ yesterday?

5.Tom said to Jim, “Speak loudly, please.”

Tom ______ Jim ______ ______ loudly.

6.The teacher said to us, “Don't forget to do your homework!”

The teacher ______ us ______ ______ forget to do our homework.

7.My parents often say to me, “Speak English as much as possible.”

My parents often _____ me _____ _____ _____ as much as possible.


General Pershing was a great American officer. He was in the American army, and fought in Europe in the First World War. After he died, some people in his hometown wanted to rememberhim, so they put up a big statue (塑像) of him on a horse.

There was a school near the statue, and some of the boys passedthere every day on their way to school and again on their way home.After a few months, some of them began to say, “Good morning, Pershing”whenever they reached the statue, and soon all the boys at the schoolwere doing this.

One Saturday, one of the youngest of these boys was goingto do shopping with his parents. When he passed the statue, he said “Good morning, Pershing” to it, but then he stopped and said to hisparents, “I like Pershing very much, Mum and Dad, but who is thatstrange man on his back?”

[ ]1.General Pershing fought in Europe, but he was from _____.

A.Europe B.England

C.America D.Japan

[ ]2.Some people put up a statue of ______.

A.HoweB.General Washington

C.a horse D.General Pershing

[ ]3.The statue was ______ the school.

A.not far from B.behind

C.in D.very far from

[ ]4.The boys went there every day ______.

A.on their way to schoolB.on their way home

C.both A and B D.after class

[ ]5.The boy thought that ______ was Pershing.

A.the shopB.the man

C.the statue D.the horse

Ⅶ.完形填空:阅读下列短文,从所给选项中找出最佳答案,将 其标号填入前面括号中。20%

American people keep 1 animals as pets in their homes.

They keep more than 2 dogs, cats, birds and fish as pets.

Usually dogs are 3 pets. 4 now, in the United States, thereare 5 cats than dogs. Cats have become 6 pets. People say 7 most dogs need more food and exercise than cats. Besides (此外) ,dogs 8 to be 9 . Cats don't care if they are left at home alone or not

while their owners (主人) go to 10 .

[ ]1.A.much B.all kinds of C.a lot D.a lot of

[ ]2.A.one hundred million

B.one hundred millions

C.one-hundred million of

D.one-hundred millions of

[ ]3.A.nicer B.the nicer C.the nicest D.nice

[ ]4.A.And B.Or C.ButD.So

[ ]5.A.many B.much C.more D.most

[ ]6.A.the popular B.more popular

C.most popular D.the most popular

[ ]7.A.that B.what C.why D.which

[ ]8.A.like B.don't like C.not like D.didn't like

[ ]9.A.along B.at home C.back D.alone

[ ]10.A.work B.the work C.working D.their work


A: What shall we do for the holiday?

B: Did you have any 1 ?

A: No, not really. I just thought it might (may的过去式) be

fun 2 something we have never done before.

B: Well, so you want to do something 3 4 you?

A: Yes, I do. I need a change. How would you like 5 fishing?

Well, just Saturday and Sunday.

B: I'm not sure I can go this 6 .

A: 7 Sunday, then? We could start early in the morning.

B: I might be able to do that. Let me see and I'll 8 you at home 9 .

A: Great. I'll talk with you tonight on the phone. See you then.

B: See you.

1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______

6.______ 7.______ 8._____ 9.______

篇9:八年级 (上) 1单元测试 (B卷)

八年级 (上) 1单元测试 (B卷)

初二 (上) 1单元测试 (B卷)



1. welcome A. brother B. box C. tomorrow [ ]

2. matter A. paper B. map C. America[ ]

3. short A. forty B. forget C. sorry [ ]

4. term A. teacher B. mother C. certainly [ ]

5. second A. eraser B. lesson C. secret[ ]


1. A. back B. have C. black D. same [ ]

2. A. learn B. early C. earlier D. dear [ ]

3. A. time B. this C. knife D. ride [ ]

4. A. fourth B. third C. thank D. them [ ]

5. A. ruler B. duty C. excuse D. student [ ]



1. piece A. [pi:s] B. [pes] C. [pies] D. [pis] [ ]

2. call A. [k&l] B. [k$l] C. [k&:l] D. [k+:l] [ ]

3. fourth A. [f+:I] B. [f&:I] C. [faiI] D. [f&I] [ ]

4. third A. [J+:d] B. [I+:d] C. [I+:d] D. [J+d] [ ]

5. long A. [l&R] B. [l)R] C. [l+R] D. [l&:::R] [ ]


1. have (第三人称单数) ________ 2. child (复数) ________

3. long (反义词) ______________ 4. third (基数词) ______

5. put (现在分词) _____________ 6. big (反义词) _______

7. I (名词性物主代词) _________ 8. she (宾格) _________

9. shop (现在分词) ___________ 10. two (序数词) _______

五、词组英译 10分


1. 一张纸__________________________________

2. 迟到____________________________________

3. 下次____________________________________

4. 早点儿到学校____________________________

5. 看起来一样______________________________

六、句型转换 15分



1. Are there any birds in the tree? (改为肯定句)

_____ _____ _____ birds in the tree.

2. He is playing football now. (改为复数句型)

________ ________ playing football now.

3. That's Meimei over there. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ over there?

4. This ruler is long. (用short改为选择疑问句)

________ this ruler long ________ short?

5. The old man is watching TV now. (用often作时间状语改写句子)

The old man ________ ________ TV.

七、单项选择 20分


1. “Welcome _______ our school!” the students are saying to

the American friends. [ ]

A. in B. at C. to D. on

2. Please write down your name ______ this piece of paper. [ ]

A. in B. at C. to D. on

3. That box is too heavy. Let me _______ you. [ ]

A. help B. to help C. helping D. helps

4. Look _______ the picture _______ the wall. How nice it is! [ ]

A. at ... on B. on ... on

C. at ... in D. on ... in

5. How many students _______ in your school? [ ]

A. there s B. there are C. is there D. are there

6. The students of Class Two are playing _______ basketball

now. [ ]

A. a B. theC. / D. an

7. Lanlan _______ a new kite.[ ]

A. have B. hasC. having D. is have

8. _______ late next time. [ ]

A. Not B. Not be C. Don't D. Don't be

9. _______ he doing over there? [ ]

He's swimming.

A. What's B. Who's C. Whose D. Where's

10. May I come in, please?

__________________. [ ]

A. It doesn't matterB. Come in, please

C. Thank you D. You are welcome

八、阅读理解 30分


It is the middle of the day. Mother and Tom are sitting at the table.

They are having their lunch. There is some rice, bread and meat on the table.

“I don't like this rice. I don't want to eat it.” says Tom. Mother says, “All

right. Don't eat it.”

After lunch Mother and Tom work in the fields. In the evening,Mother gives a bowl of rice to Tom.

“Oh, it is great!” says Tom.

“It's the same rice,” says Mother.

“Is that so?” asks Tom.

Notes: field 田地 a bowl of 一碗…

1. Mother and Tom are sitting on the table. [ ]

2. They are having supper. [ ]

3. There is some food on the table. [ ]

4. Tom doesn't like bread. [ ]

5. Tom likes the rice in the evening. [ ]

篇10:九年级 (上) 6单元测试 (B卷)

九年级 (上) 6单元测试 (B卷)

初三 (上) 6单元测试 (B卷)

Ⅰ. 语音知识。(26%)



[ ]1. A. politely B. also C. over D. whole

[ ]2. A. happen B. very C. said D. never

[ ]3. A. listen B. smile C. strict D. ship

[ ]4. A. music B. excuse C. ruler D. use

[ ]5. A. sorry B. maths C. works D. sure

[ ]6 .A. thank B. found C. mine D. moment

[ ]7. A. moon B. classroom C.book D.wood

[ ]8. A. hours B.music C.usually D.yours

[ ]9. A. for B.morning C.orD.work


[ ]10. [pei] A. play B. pay C. plate D. palce

[ ]11. [l&st] A. last B. lost C. left D. lift

[ ]12. [faund] A. found B. find C. five D. fine

[ ]13. [ri:d] A. read B. red C. ringD. real

Ⅱ. 词形转换:用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,使句子连贯、通顺。(18%)

1. Miss Yang loves her ______. (worker)

2. She always says something to others ______. (polite)

3. I ______ (borrow) a book from the library two weeks ago.

4. We've just ______ (find) that dictionary in the bedroom.

5. Lucy listened to foreign music ______ (careful).

6. Little Tom ______ never ______ (eat) dumplings.

7. Yesterday I ______ (meet) a foreigner. This is the first time

that I ______ ever ______ (speak) to a foreigner.

8. The classroom ______ (be) very clean. The students ______

just ______ (clean) it.

9. ______ you ______ (find) your lost pen?

No, I ______. I ______ (look) for it everywhere.

Ⅲ. 词组翻译:下列所给各组词组后都有A、B、C 三种译文,


[ ]1. on time A. 及时 B. 在当时 C. 准时

[ ]2. pay for A. 给…钱 B. 付款 C. 报酬

[ ]3. hurry off A. 赶快去 B. 赶快 C. 赶快来

[ ]4. fall asleep A. 入睡 B. 躺下来 C. 摔倒

[ ]5. from now on A. 从此起 B. 从今以后 C. 从头做起

Ⅳ. 选择正确答案填空。(12%)

[ ]1. “What has she done with the eggs?”

“She has ______ given them to Mr. Smith.”

A.just B. yet C. ever D. never

[ ]2. When the teacher came into the classroom, the

students ______.

A.talking B. were talking

C.talked D. are talking

[ ]3. Yesterday afternoon I ______ to the bookshop and

______ a picture-book.

A.go, buy B. gone, bought

C.went, buyed D. went, bought

[ ]4. “You'd better ______ at once,” said Mother.

A.to pick them up B. picked up them

C.pick them up D. pick up them

[ ]5. How much ______ your brother ______ the coat?

A. did, pay for B. have, pay for

C. does, pay D. did, pay

[ ]6. “Have you finished reading the book?”

“Yes, I've finished it ______.”

A. yet B. already C. ever D. just

Ⅴ. 用适当的介词填空。(16%)

1. ______ the library, he borrowed a book ______ science.

2. I've never listened ______ such music.

3. The teacher said, “Please be more careful ______ now on.”

4. We like to read newspapers ______ the reading room.

5. Thank you for helping me ______ my lessons.

6. The doctor looked ______ the boy and then gave him some medicine.

7. We are going to have a meeting ______ the meeting-room. We

must go there ______ time.

8. Look! The mother is playing ______ her children.

Ⅵ. 短文填空:用适当的词填空,使短文意思完整。(每空填一


all “library” in Professor Hunter's House

I am a bookcase but Hunter calls me “library”. I am brown. I stand 1 a corner (角) of professor Hunter's study (书房) all the year round (整年). I have a lot of friends. They are books, magazines and newspapers. 2 are in English, French and

some other languages.

Hunter loves his books very much. He always uses 3 care1fully.They help 4 a lot.Hunter and his wife 5 good 6 of me. They keep a vase (花瓶) 7 my top, and Mrs Hunter 8 flowers in it every day.She gets the flowers 9 her beautiful garden.

1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______

4. ______ 5. ______ 6. ______

7. ______ 8. ______ 9. ______




九年级 (上) 12单元测试 (A卷)



八年级 (上) 1单元测试 (B卷)




七年级 (上)11单元测试 (B卷)
《七年级 (上)11单元测试 (B卷).doc》

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