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ir字母组合在单词中的发音 /E:/

二、单词和习惯用语: (共21个)


young年轻的 go for a walk 去散步 glad 高兴的,乐意的 as…as 和……一样 tall高的 than比 short短的、矮的 strong 强壮的 heavy 重的


chat聊天 light轻的 sit(sat)坐 meet(met)遇见、见面 twin (双胞胎)之一 as作为 minute分钟 only惟一的、仅有的 child孩子(children孩子们)

centimeter 厘米

二会单词(2个): height身高 weight体重


1.on Sunday morning 在星期天早晨

2.go for a walk 去散步

3. look the same 看起来一样

4.as tall as 与…..一样高 as fat as 与…..一样胖as long as 与….一样长

5. shorter than 比….矮bigger than比 大heavier than比 重

6. twenty minutes younger小二十分钟

7.one year older大一岁

9.be glad to do 非常高兴做某事

10.a twin sister 双胞胎姐妹

11.how old 多大

12.the only child 仅有的一个孩子

13.a tall boy 一个高个子的男孩

14.a young teacher 一位年轻的教师

15.some heavy boxes 一些重的盒子

16.your old friend(s)你的老朋友

17.a strong goalkeeper 一个强壮的守门员

18.the girl in red 穿红衣服的女孩

19.yours or mine 你的还是我的

20.look young 看起来年轻

21.have a chat 聊天、闲谈




tall---________light----________young--_________old---________strong--___ small--_________late---_________long---_________short--________ nice--- _____


big-------_________ fat-----_________ thin---________ hot---________


heavy---_________ early---__________ busy---__________


good---_______ many---________ much---______ bad/ill ---_____



1、A+谓语(be动词)+形容词比较级+than +B A比B……

Who’s younger than him ? 谁比他年轻?

My brother is younger than him . 我弟弟比他年轻。

2、A+谓语(be动词)+as+形容词原级+as +B A和B一样……

Are you as tall as Tom ? 你和汤姆一样高吗?

3、Do you have any brothers or sisters? Yes,I do .

No, I don't. I have a brother./I have a sister.

4、which( whose)…/ who+谓语(be动词)+形容词比较级, A or B?

哪一个(谁的)……/ 谁更……, A 还是B?

1) Whose schoolbag is heavier, yours or mine ?

Mine is./My schoolbag is heavier than yours .

2) Which apple is bigger, this one or that one? That one is.

3) Who is taller, Jack or Mike? Jack is.

5、Su Yang’s twenty minutes younger than Su Hai.

Unit 2More exercise


or字母组合在单词中的发音 /O:/ (more/ short/ horse/ sports)

/E:/(work/ worker / worm) / E/ (doctor)

二、单词和习惯用语: (共10个)


low低 slow慢 far远 more更多 be good at 擅长


true正确的 player运动员,演员 jog慢跑 number 号码,数字

ball game球类运动


1. be good at 擅长 (be better at更擅长)

2.do well in 在……方面干得好(do better in)

3.do more exercise做更多的锻炼

4. all the other children 所有其他的孩子

5.want to do better 想做得更好

6.What’s the matter?怎么啦?

7.well done 做得不错、干得好

8.run faster than me 跑得比我快

9.run as slow as him 跑得和他一样慢

10.a good football player一个好的足球运动员

11.jump farther than 跳得比……远

12.That’s true.对的。

13.some of the boys 某些男孩

14.Don’t worry.别担心。

15.a good idea一个好主意 (an idea)

16.jog to school慢跑去学校

17.read better than all of us 读得比我们所有人好

18.want to do=would like to do想要做...

19.get up earlier 更早的起床

20. fly lower than …飞得比… …低


1) 直接加er/r:low-______slow-_______high-________ fast-______late-_____

2) 去y改i加er:early-earlier

3)少数双音节和多音节形容词和副词前加more (more carefully/ often/ beautiful)

4) 不规则变化:far-farther, well-better , badly-worse


1) A+谓语(行为动词)+副词比较级+than +B A比B……

I get up earlier than you.我起床比你起得早。

Ben runs faster than Jim.本跑得比吉姆快。

Do the boys jump higher than the girls? Yes, they do.男生们跳得比女生们高吗? 是的。

Does Jim swim slower than David? 吉姆游得比大卫慢吗?

No, he doesn’t. David swims slower than Jim.不,大卫游得比吉姆慢。

2) I’m good

at Chinese.=I do well in Chinese.我擅长语文。

(I am not good at Chinese.=I don’t do well in Chinese.)

Jim is good at English. =Jim does well in English.吉姆擅长英语。

(Jim isn’t good at English.=Jim doesn’t do well in Chinese.)

3) A+谓语+ not as (so)+ 形容词/ 副词原级 +as B


Jim is not as strong as the other boys. 吉姆不如其他男生强壮。

=The other boys is stronger than Jim.

Mike runs as fast as Ben.迈克跑得和本一样快。

I think you do other things better than your classmates.


The traffic was heavier than yesterday.交通比昨天拥挤。

4) Well done. 干得好!

That’s true. 那是对的。


1. 比较级前可用 much/ even/ a little/ a few…等程度副词,但不可用 very/ so / quite…

2. 比较级,+and+比较级 表示越来越…… (more and more/ bigger and bigger)

3. the比较级, the比较级 表示越……越 (the more , the better)

4. two years younger(older) than

5. the 比较级of the two … (the taller of the two boys)



ou字母组合在单词中的发音 /au/ (blouse/ about / house/ mouse /out)

/V/ (young / enough )

二、单词和习惯用语: (共30个)


get到达 way路 along沿着 take 乘 street大街 stop停车站



away离开crossing交叉路口miss找不到、错过steal thief shout come-came hotel run-ran place post office邮局tell-told告诉 kilometre千米、公里history museum历史博物馆city城市shopping centre购物中心middle school中学primary school小学No.=number第 号 Bank of China out of

train station火车站bus station汽车站 bookshop get on/ off get to


1.come from 来自于

2.live in China 住在中国

3.on holiday 度假

4. get there 到达那里 (get home)

5.go to the city post office 去市邮局

6.tell me the way to 告诉我去……的路

7.let me see 让我想想

8.go along this street 沿着这条街走

9.turn right / left 向右/ 左转

10.at the third crossing 在第三个十字路口

11.on your left 在你的左边

12.how far 多远

13.take bus No. 5乘5路车

14.at the bus stop 公共汽车站

15.every five minutes 每隔五分钟

16.on River Road 在大江路

17.get on 上车

18.get off at the third stop 在第三个车站下车

19.You’re welcome. 不客气/不必谢。

20. a map of the town小镇地图


1)----Excuse me, can you tell me the way to…, please?

----Go along this street, and then turn… at the …crossing. The…is on your…

----Thank you/Thanks.

----You’re welcome. /That’s all right. /Not at all. /That’s OK.

2)Can you show me the way to…?

3)Can you tell me how to get to… ? /Can you tell me how I can get to…?

How can I get there? How can I get to… ?


5)Which is the way to…?

6)Is there a…near here?

其他回答:It’s over there. /It’s near the… /Go down the street. /It’s on…Road.

It’s in Street. /You can take bus No…and get off at the stop. /Go along…Road, turn right/left at Road. Then go along…Road.

The place is on your right/left.

7) 路程问答法:How far is it from here?

It’s about…meters/kilometers away.

It’s about…minutes’ walk from here.

Is it far from…?


1. How many stops are there?

2. I want to go to the… /He wants to go to the…

Unit 4 Review and check


1.do the long jump跳远

2.get on bus No.6 在6路公交车处上车

3.next to the Bank of China 紧靠银行旁边

4.high jump 跳高

5.50-metre race 50米赛跑

6.be good at running 擅长跑步


1. Who goes to school earlier, you or David?

2. Who goes to bed later, Helen or Mike?

3. Can I help you? Yes, I’d like a skirt for my daughter. / what can I do for you?

4. Do you have any smaller ones?

5. How far can…jump? Four meters.

6. Are Helen’s pencils as long as Nancy’s? Yes, they are.

7. We hope to see you soon. Come and visit us.


句型专项归类 :


如:I’m a student. She is a doctor. He works in a hospital.

There are four fans in our classroom.

He will eat lunch at 12:00.

I watched TV yesterday evening.


•Are you a student? Yes, I am / No, I’m not.

•Is she a doctor? Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.

•Does he work in a hospital? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.

•Are there four fans in our classroom? Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.

•Are you going to buy a comic book tonight? Yes, I am. / No, I am not. (Yes, we are. / No, we aren’t.)

•Will he eat lunch at 12:00? Yes, I will. / No, I will not(won’t).

•Are they swimming? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

•Did you watch TV yesterday evening? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.

3、特殊疑问句:以特殊疑问词(what , where , who , which , when , whose , why , how等)开头引导的句子. 此类句子应该问什么就答什么,不能用“yes 、no”来回答。如:

•What is this? It’s a computer.

•Where are you going? I’m going to Beijing.

•Who played football with you yesterday afternoon? Mike.

•Which season do you like best? Summer.

•When do you usually get up? I usually get up at 6:30.

•Whose skirt is this? It’s Amy’s.

•Why do you like spring best? Because I can plant trees.

•How did you go to Xinjiang? I went to Xinjiang by train.


watch ( watched ) 看

wash ( washed) 洗

clean ( cleaned ) 打扫

play (played ) 玩

visit (visited)看望

do/did 助动词/做

cook (cooked ) 做饭

go( went ) 去

study ( studied ) 学习

read ( read ) 阅读

fly ( flew ) 飞

yesterday ( 昨天)

swim (swam) 游泳

last 上一个

weekend 周末

to 朝 ,向

park 公园

go swimming ( went swimming ) 去游泳

go fishing ( went fishing )去钓鱼

go hiking ( went hiking ) 去郊游

return ( returned) 送回/归还

sing sang 唱 eat ate吃

go went去 leave left离开

take took 拍;照 have had有;吃

buy bought买 see saw看见

prepare准备 relax放松

get got到达

go/went ice-skating 去滑冰

cousin 堂兄弟;堂姐妹工作

I’ll= I will miss想念

buy/bought presents 买礼物

row/rowed a boat 划船

see/saw elephants 看大象

go/went skiing 去滑雪

learn / learned Chinese学中文

take /took pictures 拍照

climb/climbed a mountain 爬山

sing and dance /sang and danced 唱歌跳舞


人教新起点一年级英语下册Unit 16的教案








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