第23讲:take candy from a baby; a piece

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第23讲:take candy from a baby; a piece







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江苏省镇江中学 陈乃香































作者邮箱: 13952865227@vip.163.com



江苏省镇江中学 陈乃香











[1] [2] [3]

篇4:第23单元 Rescuring the Temple





at breakfast,edge,in danger,regularly,mark,face(v.),god,Africa,East Africa,

flood,level,figure,date from,rebuild,effort,make a good effort,extra,temple,




1.There are several thing we could do.

2.Can't we…?

3.Maybe we could…

4.How about…?

5.I think we should do that another day.


征求意见 What shall we do?

意愿 I'd prefer to do

偏爱I'd like to do

判断I think that's a good idea.





I was the only person in the office who was invited.


He is her father, who is a doctor.

关系代词 which 和 as 可以指代它前面整个句子的意思,引导非限制性定语从句。

He was late again, which made his teacher angry.

As everybody knows, all that glitters is not gold.


一冠之差 意义迥异


1. go to church 去做礼拜,go to the church 去教堂。如:

While going to the church,he met with many people who would go to church.

2.go to hospital 去看病,go to the hospital 去医院。如:

Mary went to hospital because she didn't feel well.

He went to the hospital to see his sick aunt.

3.go to sea=become a sailor 当水手,go to the sea 到海滨度假。

When he was a boy ,his greatest wish was to go to sea.

It's windy and we can,to go to the sea.That's a pity.

4.out of question 毫无疑问,out of the question 不可能,办不到的,不必谈的。如:

He is an honest man and his honesty is out of question.

He is too young.It is out of the question for him to support a large family.

5.in front of (某范围外的)前面, in the front of 在(某范围内的)前部。如:

He is sitting in the front of the classroom,reading a foreign novel while the others are playing football in front of the teaching building.

6.take place 发生,take the place of 取代,代替。如:

Mr Jin,who will take the place of Mike,knows how the accident take place.


1.at a time 每次,一次, at times 有时,不时。如:

please pass me the bricks two at a time.

At college we had a class-meeting at times.

2.have a word with sb. 与……谈话, have words with sb.与……争吵。如:

Can I have a word with you?

He is a cross man.He often has words with his neighbours.

3.on fire 失火,on a fire 在火上。如:

They are eating something that were cooked on a fire.

4.take a turn 兜一圈,take turns 依次,轮流。如:

They took a turn in the park on a bike and went home.

They take turns to look after the old lady.




1.level 水平线;水平

The mountain is 8 000 feet above sea level.此山海拨高度为 8 000 英尺。

2.effort 努力,艰难的尝试

He made an effort to finish his work.他努力完成他的工作。

I'll make every effort to help you.我将尽力帮助你。

Tom made a big effort to move the rock.汤姆花了很大的劲去搬那块大石头。

3.extra 额外的,外加的

I must buy extra bread because friends are coming to tea.我必须再买些面包,因为朋友们要来吃茶点。

I don't suppose they want any extra help. 我认为他们不需要额外的帮助。

Dinner costs £3,and wine is extra.饭钱是三英磅,酒钱另加。

4.flood 洪水(常用复数)(使)淹没;泛滥

When the water went down again after the floods,a lot of rich soil was left in the fields.

The river was in flood.

First,the River Nile used to flood large areas at the same time every day.

In Egypt,the Nile used to flood every year.

Our street floods whenever we have rain.

5.mark 标明;作记号于(常与 with 连用) 记号;标记

… each stone was marked with a number.

mark one's clothes with one's name.

a horse with a white mark on its head.

6.face 面向;朝向

Inside the temple is a row of stone animals,which face the rising sun.

Turn round and face me.

The building faces north / towards the north.

7.regularly 规则地;经常地

The new dam controls the waters of the Nile so that they now run regularly all through the year.

Take the medicine regularly three times a day.

We meet regularly to discuss business.


1.be on holiday 在度假;休假

2.at breakfast 早餐时;在吃早饭

She was at breakfast when I called her yesterday.

3.feel like(doing)sth 想/愿意做某事

I don't feel like (drinking)beer tonight.

4.on the edge of 在……的边缘

The temple is on the edge of the lake that has been made by the dam.

Don't put that glass on the edge of the table,it might fall off.

5.rise by …增加/提高/升高了……;以……的幅度升高/提高

rise to 增加/提高/升高到……

As a result of the dam,the water level of the lake was going to rise.

The water level rose to 63 meters.

6.in danger 在危险中

These temples were in danger.

He had a car accident.His life is in danger.

注:在 in danger 这一词组中不能加不定冠词 a,因为 danger 是作不可数名词,但在 danger 前可以加 no 或 great 和形容词构成 in no danger,in great danger 等词组,in danger 的反义词组是 out of danger.

These two countries are at war.Their people are in great danger.

Don't worry about your son.He is out of danger now.

7.date from(=date back to) 属于(某一历史时期);始于(某一历史时期)

…there dress dates from the 19th century.

My interest in stamp collecting dates from my school days.

8.in all(=in total) 总共

In all, 1,700 workers and 200 other people worked on the project.

There were 20 people in all in the party.

9.make a (an)…effort to do sth.尽力做某事

Please make an effort to arrive early.

The prisoner made no effort to escape.

The people made a good effort to work on the project.

10.interesting places: places of interest 游览胜地

There are plenty of interesting places to visit in my hometown.

11.in groups 分组地,成群结队地

They were discussing the plan for their trip in groups.

12.stone by stone 一块石头一块石头地

13.all through 在整个……时期中,自始至终,在整个……范围内

The baby cried all through the night.

There was silence all through the room.屋里一片沉默。(表示范围)

14.rush through (使)快速通过;匆忙做完

Electricity can now be made from the water which rushes through the base of the dam. 从水坝底部急速流出的水现在可用来发电。

A strange idea rushed through my mind.

I had to rush through breakfast in order to catch my train.

15.at the base 在底部

we camped at the base foot of the mountain.

He built a house at the base of the mountain.

16.at the top 在顶部;居首位

It is 980 metres wide at the base and 40 metres wide at the top.它(水坝)底部

980 米,顶部宽 40 米。

The tree grows up straight and thin,with branches at the top.

He is at the top of his class. 他在班上名列前茅。

17.as a result of 由于……;因……的结果

As a result of the dam,the water level of the lake rose by 63 metres.由于这座坝(筑坝的结果),使该湖的水位上升了 63 米。

As a result of the dam,the cold wind reduced its power.

注意:①as a result of 是个介词短语,与其意义及用法相同的是“as the result of”,但 as a result of 用得较多些。

②as a result 意为“结果,因此”,在句中作插入语。如:

The workers worked harder than ever.As a result,the output of the iron and steel company went up rapidly.

18.from across …从…的对面

Today you can either fly to Abu Simbel or you can take a boat from across the lake. 今天你既可以乘飞机去阿布辛波古庙,也可以从湖的对岸乘小船过去。

I saw you first from across the street.

He said hello to me from across the room.

19.make a good effort 作很大的努力

I will make a good effort to help you.

The wounded soldier made a good effort to stand up.


1.The dam,which is the biggest in the world,is 3830 metres long.It is 980 metres wide at the base and 40 metres wide at the top. 这座水坝是世界上最大的一座,长 3830 米,底部宽 980 米,顶部宽 40 米。


The wall is three metres high.

The stick is five inches long.

The hole is seven feet deep.

The river is half a mile wide.

The boy is eight years old.

2.Can't we visit the High Dam? 我们去看大坝好吗?

以否定形式提问的疑问句叫否定疑问句,这种疑问句包括一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的结构。句中的 not 可以和有关的 be,have 以及助动词、情态动词结合,构成~n't形式放在主语之前。


Can't you come over and join us? 你就不能过来和我们作伴吗?(表示征求意见)

Won't you sit down.请坐。(表示邀请)

Can't you(really)ride a bicycle?


Can't you shut the door behind you? 你难道不能随手关门吗?(责备,不期望得到回答)

Don't you remember that holiday we had in Beijing? 难道你不记得我们在北京的


Won't you help me? 难道你不会帮助我吗?(表示不相信)

Mustn't we leave now? 难道我们现在一定不能走吗?(表示惊讶,不相信)

Haven't you forgotten something? 难道你们没忘记什么吗?

Haven't we cleaned the room already?难道我们没有把房间打扫干净?

3.As a result of the dam,the water level of the lake was going to rise by 63

metres. 由于兴建水坝,湖面将会提高 63 米。

by 在此处表示增减程度。如:

He is old er by five years than Tom.

The price has been increased by 2 yuan.

Production fell by about one-third.

Line AB is by 4 feet longer than Line CD.

My father missed the train by three minutes.

4.It was carved in the rock and had on the outside four large stone figures,each of which was 20 metres high. 这座庙凿雕在岩石中,外边有四尊大型石雕像,每个高 20 米。

①句中的 each of which was 20 metres high 是一个非限制性从句。句中 had 的宾语是 four large stone figures.把状语 on the outside 放在宾语前,是为了强调石像的位置。each 是个代词,each of which=each of the four figures.这种定语从句是由”名词(代词或数词)+介词+关系代凳“来引导的。又如:

In his house there are three rooms. each of which has a bed.

They lived in a house,the door of which opens to the south.

China has hundreds of island ,the largest of which is Taiwan.

These books ,two of which I have read,are interesting.

②除了 of which 外,还有of whom 这种句型。即:”名词/代词/数词+of whom。“

There are around 100 teachers in our school,most of whom are women.

These girls,the youngest of whom is my sister,will dance a waltz for us.

Her brothers,both of whom(three of whom)work in Scotland ,ring her up every week.

③除了上述所举的名词、代词、数词外,some,all,none,several,few 等词都可接 of+which / whom 的句型。

5.Then anyone who wants to can go for a walk round Aswan after the boat trip.那么,想乘船去的人,就可以在乘船旅游后到阿斯旺各处去走走。

①句中的 who wants to 是个定语从句,用来修饰 anyone.

②to 后面省掉了前面提到的”to take a boat on River Nile.“英语中有些动词,如:want,hope,like 等之后,为了行文简洁,避免重复▲嗦,往往用 to 来代表不定式或不定式短语的内容。又如:

I went there because I wanted to .(to=to go there)

I meant to go but forgot to .(to=to go)

If you'd like to.

6.All the visitors who go there believe that it was right that the temple was rescued. 去那儿参观的人都认为拯救这座古庙是做得对的。

①这是一个复合句。主句是All the visitor…believe…主句的主语 visitors 后跟一个定语从句 who go there 来修饰主语。主句谓语动词 believe 后又跟一个较长的由连词that 引起的宾语从句…that it was right that the temple was rescued.在这个宾语从句中 it 是形式主语,真正的主语是第二个 that 引导的从句 the temple was rescued.

②it is right 可接 that 从句,也可接不定式短语 to,也可接”for+代词(名称)+不定式“的复合不定式三种句型。例如:

It was right that the temple was rescued.=It was right to rescue the temple=It was right for us to rescue the temple.


A Stranger's Gift

When a man named Vengalil Menon(1897-1974,Minister of National Defence of India from 1957 to 1962)first arrived in New Delhi,India,to look for a job in government,all his possessions(财物)were stolen at the railway station.He would have to return home on foot,defeated.In desperation (绝望) he turned to an elderly gentleman,explained his troubles,and asked for a loan of 15 rupees(借15个卢比).The gentleman gave him the money.When Menon asked for an address so that he could later pay back the rupees,the gentleman wouldn't give it.He said the help had come from a stranger,and was to be repaid(偿还)to a stranger.Menon never forgot that debt and eventually earned a reputation(名望)for his charity (慈善)work.

Some time ago I was in the Bombay Airport(孟买机场)at the baggage counter,trying to get back my bags.But I had no Indian money left,and the man would not accept a traveller's check.A stranger standing beside me paid the fee for me-about 89 cents .He then told me the story of Menon in refusing my attempt (尝试) to find out how to repay him.His father,he explained ,had been Menon's asistant.

From a nameless gentleman to an Indian civil servant (公务员) to his assistant to the assisant's son and to me ,a foreigner in a moment of trouble,though the gift was not of great value,its giver's spirit is priceless.



1.I see you're today.我看见你们今天是徒步走的。

2.This please.请这边走。

3.We with our feet.我们用脚走路。

4.He by me.他从我身旁走过。

5. this road to the corner.沿这条街走到拐角。

6.He wanted to Tom from school.他想把汤姆从学校撵走。

7.The clock well.这钟走时很准。

8.My watch has .我的表不走了。

9.He was by water.他被水冲走了。

10.Remember to take your book when you .走时别忘了把你的书带走。

11.It would be necessary to 53 000 people from their villages.这就需要把 53 000 人从他们所住的村庄迁走。

12.You I will catch up with you.你先走,我一会儿来追你。

13.The wind my hat off.风把我的帽子吹走了。

14.As the guests out of the car,we to greet them.来宾从车里走了出来,我们走上前去迎接。

15.I must through the night.我得走一夜。

16.He jumped on his bicycle and .他跳上自行车就骑走了。

17.Can you tell me to the museum,please?请问到博物馆怎么走?

18.I must now.我现在该走了。

答案:1.on foot 2.way 3.walk 4.passed 5.Follow 6.send,away

7.works 8.stopped 9.washed 10.leave 11.move 12.go on / ahead

13.blew 14.stopped,came up 15.travel 16.rode away 17.the way 18.b

e off 或 be leaving






The boy who lives in the next door swims very well.

The students who are in Class Three are now doing experiment.


Is this the house in which(=where)they left.


Those are the children whom Aunt Li is looking after.

The house which you are looking for is at the other end of the street.

④注意介词与关系代词的位置:介词在关系代词前时,只能用 which 和 whom,且不能省略;介词在句尾时,关系代词可用 which,that,whom,who,且可省略。例如:

This is the drawer in which I put my letters.

=This is the drawer(which)I put my letters in.

Have you seen the pen with which I wrote letters this morning?

=Have you seen the pen with which I wrote with this morning?

Is he Li Ping to whom you talked after lunch?

=Is he Li Ping (whom)you talked to after lunch?


The woman that you saw her in the park is our English teacher.(错)

The woman that you saw in the park is our English teacher.(对)

This is the classroom where we have our classes in.(错)

This is the classroom where we have our class.(对)




1. what reason did you force him leave?

2.Marx wrote articles in English an American newspaper.

3.He was highly praised his good work.

4.It rained so much that there was enough grass sheep and cows.

5.Who suggested the plan our trip?

6.He was already his sixties in the 1920's.

7.Does the church play an important part people's lives there?

8.Is the bridge danger because of the flood?

9.The temple at Abu Simbel was carved the rock.

10.Do you have any problem English pronunciation?

11.He speech began with a famous poem and closed a well-known old saying.

12.They are having a friendly talk each other.

13.Each room is marked a number.

14.It is thought that the old temple dated the year of 1806.

15.Almost half of the electricity they need is produced the Nile.

16.The big stones were moved one one to the new place for the temple.

17.We were told that the price had risen 50%.

18.What do you know the people there mainly live .

19.In all,two thousand young men worked the project.

20.It is strange that the tower is two metres wide the base and five metres wide at the top.

答案与简析:1.For.for…reason 是固定搭配,意为”因……原因“。2.for.write articles for…意为”为/给……撰稿“,write to…表示”给……写信“。3.for.praise sb for…意为”因……表扬某人“。4.for.意为”对于“,这是 for 的一个常用意思。5.for.plan for…意为”……的计划“。6.in.in one's sixties 表示”六十多岁“。7.in.play a part in…是固定短语,意为”在……中起作用“。8.in.in danger/trouble/difficulty 均为介词短语,in 表示”处于……之中“。9.in 阿布辛波的那座寺庙凿雕在岩石中,这是事实。10.with.表示”问题/毛病“意义的词,如 the matter,problem,trouble,difficulty,wrong 等之后常接说明谁或什么有问题/毛病。11.with.close with…是固定搭配,意为”以……结束“。12.with.意为”与,同“。13.with.be marked with…意为”标着……“。类似的有 be filled with 装着,be covered with 盖着等。14.from.date from 是固定搭配,意为”始于“。15.form.表示来源,意为”从“。16.by.one by one 意为”一个一个地“。17.by.表示增/减的程度。18.on.live on…表示”以……以生“。19.on.work on 意为”从事于“。20.at.at the base 如同 at the bottom / end / foot.创新园地


1.He went to high school and then went on with his studies at university.

He his studies at a university high school.

2.The box is so heavy that nobody can move it away.

It is a box that nobody can move it away.

3.Yang Mei is talking with her teacher.

Yang Mei her teacher a talk.

4.I'm British,but I'm not English.

I'm ,but I'm not .

5.It lies to the north of England.It to the north of England.

6.I don't know,he doesn't know,either.

I he .

7.Potatoes rot away in the soil.

Potatoes in the soil.

8.The Irish like music and poems very much.

The Irish very music and poems.

9.The Whites are spending their holidays in Egypt.

The Whites are in Egypt.

10.I'd like to go shopping.

I'd like to shopping.

11.The project went on for 4 years and took one billion US dollars.

The project 4 years and one billion US dollars.

12.I would like to have a drink.

I a drink.

答案:1.continued,after. 2.such,heavy 3.and,are having 4.from Britain,from England. 5.is 6.Neither,nor ,knows 7.went bad 8.are,fond of 9.family,on holiday 10.do some 11.lasted,cost 12.feel like having



1.The letter is from my sister, is working in Beijing.

A.which B.that C.whom D.who

2.This is Comrade Li, I talked about to you the other day.

A.whom B.who C.that D.不填

3.The Great Wall of China, was built by ancient(古代)Chinese people ,is regarded as one of the few wonders of the world.

A.that B.which C.it D.whose

4.In the reading-room there are tables, you can sit and read.

A.in which B.with which C.where D.which

5.He lost his pen, made him very sad.

A.which B.that C.it D.as

6. we know,the earth is round.

A.As B.That C.Which D.What

7.The earth moves round the sun, we all know it.

A.as B.that C.and D.which

8.She has two daughters, looks like her.

A.both of whom B.neither of whom

C.all of them D.each of them

9.The United States is made up of fifty states, are separated from the others by land or sea.

A.two of those B.two of them C.two of which D.which two

10.Soon they arrived at a farmhouse and in front of sat a small boy.

A.it B.which C.where D.there

11.They have invited us to visit their country, is very kind of them.

A.that B.which C.it D.what

12.Last summer we visited the West Lake, Hangzhou is famous in the


A.for which B.for that C.in which D.where

13.Li Ming, to the cinema,enjoyed the film very much.

A.I went with B.with whom I went

C.with who I went D.I went with him

14.China has thousands of islands, the largest is Taiwan.

A.of which B.in which C.in those D.of whom


It was a beautiful spring morning .There wasn't a (1)in the sky,and the sunwas (2)but not too hot,(3) Mr Green was (4)when he (5)an old gentleman at the bus stop (6)a big,strong,black umbrella in his (7).Mr Green said to him,”Are you going to have (8)today,do you think?“”No,“said the old gentleman,”I don't think so.“

”(9)are you carrying the umbrella to (10)the sun off you?“

”No,the sun is not very hot (11)spring.“Mr Green(12)at the big umbrella again and the gentleman said.”I am an old man,and my(13)are not very (14)to walk.So I really (15)a walking-stick.But when I carry a walking-stick,people say,'look at that(16)old man,'(17)I don't mind their(18)that.When I carry an umbrella in (19)wather,peple(20

)say,'Look at that stupid man.'“

1.A.rain B.cloud C.bird D.plane

2.A.warm B.clear C.up D.above

3.A.but B.because C.though D.and

4.A.strange B.excited C.surprised D.funny

5.A.knocked B.saw C.discovered D.watched

6.A.with B.carry C.taking D.had

7.A.bag B.car C.hand D.arm

8.A.snow B.rain C.anything D.something

9.A.But B.Then C.Why D.How

10.A.make B.drive C.catch D.keep

11.A.in B.at C.on D.for

12.A.worked B.got C.kept D.looked

13.A.feet B.legs C.arms D.shoulders

14.A.too strong B.enough strong C.strong enough D.strong too

15.A.get B.have C.take D.need

16.A.poor B.an C.funny D.silly

17.A.and B.then C.as D.otherwise

18.A.say B.to say C.saying D.said

19.A.fine B.good C.bad D.clean

20.A.only B.must C.should D.wouldn't



A pyramid is a very large structure(结构)with four sides.Each side is shaped like a triangle(三角形),and the four sides merge(汇合)to form a single point on top.

Pyramids were built in many part of the world ,but the most famous are in Egypt.More than four thousand years ago,an Egyptian king,named Zoser had the first pyramid built.It was a burial tomb(坟墓) for him when he died.Zoser's Step Pyramid near Cairo was the world's first all-stone structure.

Later kings built other pyramids.Every king wanted his tomb to be the best.But Khufu (胡夫) outdid them all.He had the largest Pyramid built.It is the Great Pyramid.The Great Pyramid is over 450 feet high today,and it was once higher.Each of the sides of the pyramid is 755 feet long .It takes about twenty minutes to walk all the way around the pyramid.To build the Great Pyramid,100 000 men worked for twenty years.

The Indians of central American and Mexico also built pyramids.These pyramids,however,have flat tops.they also have steps(台阶)on the side.The pyramid of the sun near Mexico city is larger at the base than any Egyptian pyramid.

1.Pyramids are built .

A.only in Egypt B.in Belgium

C.in Mexico D.in many countries of the world

2. was the earliest pyramid in the world.

A.The Great Pyramid B.Zoser's Step Pyramid

C.The pyramid of the sun D.The pyramid built for Khufu

3.The pyramids set up the Indians were those in Egypt.

A.taller than B.larger at the base than

C.different in shape from D.the same in shape as

4.The pyramid of the sun is in .

A.America B.India C.Egypt D.Mexico

5.In China is as old as some of the pyramids.

A.the Summer Palasce B.the Ming Tombs

C.the Place Museum D.the writer didn't tell us which

(二)Jesse Owens

Jesse Owens was born in Alabama (in 1913)to a poor,black family.Even when Owens was a boy,it was clear that he had special athletic ability.He could run extremely fast.In high school he was a long-jump champion.

Owens'family didn't have enough money to send him to college.However,because he was an excellent athlete,he was able to get a scholarship to Ohio State University .Owens was the star of the Ohio State track team.In one college track event in 1935 ,he broke three world records in less than an hour!Owens was chosen for the 1936 US Olympic team.

The 1936 Summer Olympics were held in Berlin,Germany.Adolf Hitler had come to power two years before.

Hitler believed that people of Germany and other northern European countries were better than all other people in the world.Hitler wanted to show the world the Germans were the best,so he ordered the German team to train hard.

At the Olympics,Jesse Owens won both the 100-metre race and the 200-metre race.His time in the 200-metre race set a new Olympic record.Owens was also no the US 400-metre relay team.The US relay team won.

Then came the long jump.A German athlete broke the Olympic record.Hitler said that he personally would congratulate the winner,but Owens still had one more jump.He jumped several inches farther than the German athlete.Hitler left the stadium in anger.Jesse Owens ,a black American ,had won his fourth gold medal at the Olympics.He was a hero.

6.From the first paragraph we can get to know that .

A.Jesse Owens'parents ran fast when they were young

B.at high school Jesse Owens did nothing but run after his teacher

C.Jesse Owens gave him a good body

D.Jesse Owens'legs were much longer than others

7.Jesse Owens became a college student only because .

A.his family was poor B.he was a black American

C.he ran fast D.he broke a world record

8.Hitler,as we all know,once .

A.made Germany very rich B.brought suffering to the world

C.became the king of the world D.made a war upon Japan

9.Which of the following is right?

A.Hitler cared for sports very much

B.Hitler took part in some games at the Olympics

C.Hitler was disappointed when Owens won the game.

D.Hitler was also a famous athlete.

(三)A Wildlife Protector

Zhong Yixing from the Wangying district (地区) of Lichuan City,Hubei province,had released 13 baby owls (猫头鹰) into the forest in the past 14 months.In February 1991,Zhong brought a wounded female (雌的) owl home and raised it .In just over one month the wound under her wing became healed .Zhong Yixing decided to send her back to the forest.

It seemed that the owl was not ready to leave Zhong before she could repay Zhong's kindness.Two months later,she came back to the nest(巢) at Zhong's with a male (雄的)owl.They stayed at Zhong's for over three months and left Zhong a special gift(礼物)--seven baby owls.When they grew up,Zhong sent them back into the forest.

On March 30th,1992 ,another owl flew to Zhong's .Zhong examined the owl carefully and studied the scar(伤痕)to discover it was the one he had saved .So he made a special nest at the original(原来的)place for the owl ,who gave birth to another six chicks.

For a third time ,Zhong released them back into the forest.

10.The leading character(主人公)brought a wounded female owl home because .

A.he enjoyed raising birds

B.he wanted her to feed the 12 baby owls

C.the owl was going to repay his kindness

D.he was planning to take good care of her till she was well again.

11.The couple of owls returned to the nest at Zhong's .

A.in order to express their heart-felt(衷心的)thanks for Zhong's kindness

B.so that they could leave Zhong a special gift

C.since they thought it safe to settle down (定居) and bear (生育)their


D.for they couldn't find any nest in the forest to lay eggs

12.How nany owls made their home at Zhong's from February,1991,to March,1992 ?

A.Fifteen B.sixteen C.Three D.Two

13.Judging (判断) by the above story,we can gusee that the new word”release

d“means .

A.drop B.set free C.seized(抓住) D.took

14.According to Zhong's deeds ,we can consider him to be .

A.an honest and kind-hearted farmer

B.a good hunter

C.a lover of bird

D.a wildlife protector worthy of (配得上) the name

(四)Pere David's Deer(四不像)

A special new park is being prepared in a Beijing suburb(郊区)to house a gift of Pere David's deer from Britain.

The 20 deer are being presented to China by the Marquess of Tavistock,the owner of the Woburn Abbey estate(大农场),and will arrive in Beijing in August.

The project (工程),which started last month,and includes growing grass,planting trees,setting up shelters (住所),and purifying water,is expected to be completed in July.

The new park will be in Nanhaizi,about 40 kilometres south of Berjing.Formally (正式地),the 60-hectare (公顷) park was an imperial (帝王的) hunting ground with hares,gazelle,pere David's deer and other animals and birds.

The park was destroyed in 1900 when the Eight-Power Allied Forces (八国联军)invaded(入侵)Beijing.

The deer will be looked after by specialists (专家)of the Beijing Museum of

Natural History (北京自然历史博物馆).

15.People began to build the special new park .

A.in July 1985 B.one month before the deer arrived

C.one month after the deer arrived D.four months before the deer arrived

16.In this passage”purifying water“means .

A.trying their best to find water B.making water clean

C.digging a hole to hold water D.making water come out

17.From this passage we can guess that .

A.no one could be allowed to hunt in the imperial hunting ground

B.all the people could hunt in the imperial hunting ground

C.only the emperor(皇帝)and his men could hunt there

D.the ground was a place where all kinds of animals were kept

18.Which of the following is true?

A.There were many Pere David's deer in China in 1985.

B.There were many Pere David's deer in China before 1990.

C.pere David's deer could be found all over the world then.

D.There were so many deer in Britanin that they couldn't keep them all.

19.From this passage we can see that .

A.the deer were important to the Chinese

B.the Eight-Power Allied Forces took the deer to Britain

C.the deer were given to Britain by the Chinese

D.the deer would be kept for meat by people


Dear Mrs.Hugget:

You may remember we have discussed about 1.

the noise your children made while practicing 2.

their musical instruments (乐器) .You agreed to 3.

make surely that they would stop practicing in the evening. 4.

You can imagine my adtonishment (吃惊)

when I realized that something changed and 5.

the situation(情况)was continuing as ago.I 6.

find it difficult to stay in house and I 7.

invent any excuses to go out for the evening 8.

to away from the terrible noise. 9.

I have had enough.I must warn you if 10.

you do something about it ,I'll have to take legal(法律的)action.


1.The recent heavy rainfalls f many villages and rice fields.

2.In order to make more money, he works for e hours.

3.All the machines in the factory are checked and repaired(检修) r .

4.The park was destroyed by the flood. It needs to be r (重建).

5.Egypt is an A country.

6.Who is the man f (面对着)us?

7.I will make every e (尽力)to help you.

8.The mountain is 3,000 meters above sea l .

9.There are many stone f (雕像)in this park.

10.Can you stand a coin up on its e (边缘)。



1.长城是世界伟大奇迹(wonder)之一。全长 6 000 多公里,宽4~5米,高6~7米。




答案:Ⅰ.1~5 D A B C A 6~10 A C B C B 11~14 B A B A Ⅱ.1. B 。语义搭配:根据前后句,rain ,bird ,plane 均不合题意,故选 B. 2.A.语义搭配:根据本句后半部分”but not too hot“,应选 warm 。 3.A。逻辑搭配: but 是过渡词,表示上下文意思的转折。考生在选择过渡词时,必须理解上下文的逻辑关系。 4.C。语义搭配:strange 奇怪,excited 激动,surprised 惊讶,funny 有趣。根据语境,选 surprised 。5.B 。语义搭配:从上下文看,只能选 saw. 6.A。惯用搭配:”with+名词+介词短语“。7.C。语义搭配。umbrella 一般放在手里,故选 hand。8.B。语义搭配:根据前句 umbrella 应选 rain.。9.B。逻辑搭配:从文章逻辑意思上看,这里表示结果,故选 then。10.D。结构搭配:keep…off 使避开。其他选项不合题意,故选 keep。11.A。惯用搭配:在某一季节应用介词 in。12.D。结构搭配和语义搭配:look at 看,其他不合题意,只能选 D。13.B。结构搭配:从”walking-stick“上得知应选 B。14.C。结构搭配:”enough…to do“。同时应注意修饰形容词、副词时 enough 应后置,故选 C。15.D。语义搭配:从语境上只能选 need。16.A。语义搭配:由上下文得知只有 A 合题意。17.A。逻辑搭配:由逻辑关系得知应选并列连词 and。18.C。结构搭配:”mind+doing“,故选C。19.A。惯用搭配、语义搭配:习惯上 weather 与 fine 或 bad 搭配,再根据语境,应选A。20.A。语义搭配:从语境上看 only 最合题意。Ⅲ.1~5 D B C D D 6~10 C C B C D 11~15 C A B D D 16~19 B C B A Ⅳ.1.去掉 about.discuss 是及物动词,后面直接跟宾语。2.made→make.根据上下文内容,此句意在指现状,而非以前。3.对。4.surely→sure.mak sure ”务使“,为固定词组。5.something→nothing。根据上下文内容可推断,双方商量后没有发生什么变化,故 something 与全文内容不符。6.ago→before.as before”像以前一样“,为固定词组。7. house 前加 the。房子应是特指。8.excuses→excuse。根据句义”我寻找任何理由走出家门……“,理由应为单数。9.away 前加 be 。此处丢掉了不定式的动词。10.if→unless.根据下句”我将采取法律行动“,前句应为”如果你不采取措施解决这个问题的话“。unless=if not.Ⅴ.1.flooded 2.extra 3.regularly 4.rebuilt 5.Africa 6.facing 7.effort 8.level 9.figures 10.edge Ⅵ.

The Great Wall is one of the great wonders in the world.It is more than 6,000 kilometers long,4~5meters wide and 6~7meters high .The first part of the Great Wall was built during the Spring and Autumn Period.In 221BC,Emperor Qin Shi Huand had all the walls joined up .And later,it was often repaired and rebuilt.At the time,because of the bad conditions ,all the work had to be done by hand .Thousands of people died and were buried under the Great Wall because of the hard work.Now our government has done much work on the Great Wall.It's famous all over the world,and it receives a lot of visitors at home and abroad every year.


习语搜索:To take candy from a baby

A piece of cake

一般人在做任何事情的时候总是想找捷径,越容易越好,这似乎是人的本性。因此,在英语里有不少成语和俗语是形容办事很容易的。其中之一就是:To take candy from a baby。Candy就是吃的糖,baby在中文里就是小孩。

To take candy from a baby的意思就是:某件事情很容易办成,就像把孩子手里的糖拿来一样。请听下面这个例子:

例句-1: ”Getting grandmother to loan me the money was as easy as taking candy from a baby.“



例句-2: ”Louey told us that robbing this bank would be as easy as taking candy from a baby. But somebody told the police and they were waiting for us. We had no choice but to throw down our guns and surrender.“


To take candy from a baby,欺负小孩,从小孩手里拿糖,在想象当中是很容易的。但是,实际情况恐怕并不见得如此。发明这个成语的人也许从来也没有设法把婴儿的小拳头扒开,然后把那小手里的糖拿来。任何做过父母的人都会告诉你孩子一般都会紧握着手里的糖不放,要是你硬是要拿,他就会大声哭叫。可是,尽管如此,to take candy from a baby已经成为美国人经常用来形容办事容易的词汇了。

另外一个形容事情很容易办的俗语也是和食品有联系的,这就是:A piece of cake。Piece 是指一片,或一块;cake就是蛋糕。A piece of cake的意思当然可以是指一块蛋糕。可是,作为俗语,它的意思就成了:这件事太容易了。


例句-3: ”Honey, I finally asked Old Man Jones for my raise. And it was a piece of cake!“


首先使用 A piece of cake 这个俗语的是二次世界大战期间联军的飞行员。那时,他们往往是这样说的:

例句-4: ”At the briefing before we took off to bomb the Germans, our commander told us it would probably be a tough flight. But it turned out to be a piece of cake: no anti-aircraft fire and no enemy fighters.“


上面我们讲了两个形容事情很容易办的俗语。一个是To take candy from a baby;第二个俗语是A piece of cake。「美国习惯用语」第二十三街,就到这里。 欢迎下次再一起来,阶阶有进步,街街是熟路。See you next time!












【例文解剖】 话题:买镜(湖北高考作文题)








【精题解析】 阅读下面的材料,根据要求作文。







课    题:1、尺寸基准

2、标注尺寸要完整3、标注尺寸要清晰4、常见结构的尺寸注法课堂类型:讲授教学目的:1、讲解尺寸基准和尺寸种类2、讲解完整、清晰地标注尺寸的方法3、介绍常见结构的尺寸注法教学要求:1、掌握尺寸基准和尺寸种类2、会完整、清晰地标注组合体的尺寸3、掌握常见结构的尺寸注法教学重点:1、尺寸基准和尺寸种类2、完整、清晰地标注尺寸的方法教学难点:完整、清晰地标注尺寸的方法教    具:模型:支座教学方法:组合体的尺寸标注,一向是学生感觉较难的内容,学生缺少这方面的实践经验,因此在讲解组合体的尺寸标注的各条规则时,应该举出恰当的图例说明,帮助学生理解,


。教学过程:一、复习旧课1、复习组合体的组合形式和表面连接关系2、复习组合体的画法二、引入新课题一组视图只能表示物体的形状,不能确定物体的大小,组合体各部分的真实大小及相对位置,由标注的尺寸确定。本次课就来学习组合体的尺寸标注。三、教学内容(一)尺寸基准标注尺寸的起始位置称为尺寸基准。组合体有长、宽、高三个方向的尺寸,每个方向至少应有一个尺寸基准。组合体的尺寸标注中,常选取对称面、底面、端面、轴线或圆的中心线等几何元素作为尺寸基准。在选择基准时,每个方向除一个主要基准外,根据情况还可以有几个辅助基准。基准选定后,各方向的主要尺寸(尤其是定位尺寸)就应从相应的尺寸基准进行标注。图5-8   支架的尺寸基准分析举例:如图5-8所示支架,是用竖板的右端面作为长度方向尺寸基准;用前、后对称平面作为宽度方向尺寸基准;用底板的底面作为高度方向的尺寸基准。(二)标注尺寸要完整1、尺寸种类要使尺寸标注完整,既无遗漏,又不重复,最有效的办法是对组合体进行形体分析,根据各基本体形状及其相对位置分别标注以下几类尺寸。(1)定形尺寸  确定各基本体形状大小的尺寸。举例:如图5-9(a)中的50、34、10、R8等尺寸确定了底板的形状。而R14、18等是竖板的定形尺寸。(a)                                   (b)                   (c)图5-9  尺寸种类课    题:1、尺寸基准2、标注尺寸要完整3、标注尺寸要清晰4、常见结构的尺寸注法课堂类型:讲授教学目的:1、讲解尺寸基准和尺寸种类2、讲解完整、清晰地标注尺寸的方法3、介绍常见结构的尺寸注法教学要求:1、掌握尺寸基准和尺寸种类2、会完整、清晰地标注组合体的尺寸3、掌握常见结构的尺寸注法教学重点:1、尺寸基准和尺寸种类2、完整、清晰地标注尺寸的方法教学难点:完整、清晰地标注尺寸的方法教    具:模型:支座教学方法:组合体的尺寸标注,一向是学生感觉较难的内容,学生缺少这方面的实践经验,因此在讲解组合体的尺寸标注的各条规则时,应该举出恰当的图例说明,帮助学生理解。教学过程:一、复习旧课1、复习组合体的组合形式和表面连接关系2、复习组合体的画法二、引入新课题一组视图只能表示物体的形状,不能确定物体的大小,组合体各部分的真实大小及相对位置,由标注的尺寸确定。本次课就来学习组合体的尺寸标注。三、教学内容(一)尺寸基准标注尺寸的起始位置称为尺寸基准。组合体有长、宽、高三个方向的尺寸,每个方向至少应有一个尺寸基准。组合体的尺寸标注中,常选取对称面、底面、端面、轴线或圆的中心线等几何元素作为尺寸基准。在选择基准时,每个方向除一个主要基准外,根据情况还可以有几个辅助基准。基准选定后,各方向的主要尺寸(尤其是定位尺寸)就应从相应的尺寸基准进行标注。图5-8   支架的尺寸基准分析举例:如图5-8所示支架,是用竖板的右端面作为长度方向尺寸基准;用前、后对称平面作为宽度方向尺寸基准;用底板的底面作为高度方向的尺寸基准。(二)标注尺寸要完整1、尺寸种类要使尺寸标注完整,既无遗漏,又不重复,最有效的办法是对组合体进行形体分析,根据各基本体形状及其相对位置分别标注以下几类尺寸。(1)定形尺寸  确定各基本体形状大小的尺寸。举例:如图5-9(a)中的50、34、10、R8等尺寸确定了底板的形状。而R14、18等是竖板的定形尺寸。(a)                                   (b)                   (c)图5-9  尺寸种类(2)定位尺寸  确定各基本体之间相对位置的尺寸,举例:如图5-9(a)俯视图中的尺寸8确定竖板在宽度方向的位置,主视图中尺寸32确定φ16孔在高度方向的位置。(3)总体尺寸  确定组合体外形总长、总宽、总高的尺寸。总体尺寸有时和定形尺寸重合,如图5-9(a)中的总长50和总宽34同时也是底板的定形尺寸。对于具有圆弧面的结构,通常只注中心线位置尺寸,而不注总体尺寸。如图5-9(b)中总高可由32和R14确定,此时就不再标注总高46了。当标注了总体尺寸后,有时可能会出现尺寸重复,这时可考虑省略某些定形尺寸。如图5-9(c)中总高46和定形尺寸10、36重复,此时可根据情况将此二者之一省略。2、标注尺寸的方法和步骤标注组合体的尺寸时,应先对组合体进行形体分析,选择基准,标注注出定形尺寸、定位尺寸和总体尺寸,最后检查、核对。以图5-10(a)、(b)所示的支座为例说明组合体尺寸标注的方法和步骤。(1)进行形体分析。该支座由底板、圆筒、支撑板、肋板四个部分组成,它们之间的组合形式为叠加。如图5-10(c)所示。(2)选择尺寸基准。该支座左右对称,故选择对称平面作为长度方向尺寸基准;底板和支撑板的后端面平齐,可选作宽度方向尺寸基准;底板的下底面是支座的安装面,可选作高度方向尺寸基准。如图5-10(a)所示。(3)根据形体分析,逐个注出底板、圆筒、支撑板、肋板的定形尺寸。如图5-10(d)、(e)所示。(4)根据选定的尺寸基准,注出确定各部分相对位置的定位尺寸。如图5-10(f)中确定圆筒与底板相对位置的尺寸32,以及确定底板上两个φ8孔位置的尺寸34和26。(5)标注总体尺寸。此图中所示支座的总长与底板的长度相等,总宽由底板宽度和圆筒伸出部分长度确定,总高由圆筒轴线高度加圆筒直径的一半决定,因此这几个总体尺寸都已标出。(6)检查尺寸标注有无重复、遗漏,并进行修改和调整,最后结果如图5-10(f)所示。(a)支座                               (b)支座三视图(c)支座形体分析                         (d)标注底板定形尺(e)标注圆筒、支撑板、肋板定形尺寸                 (f)标注定位尺寸、总体尺寸图5—10   支座的尺寸标注(三)标注尺寸要清晰标注尺寸不仅要求正确、完整,还要求清晰,以方便读图。为此,在严格遵守机械制图国家标准的前提下,还应注意以下几点:1、尺寸应尽量标注在反映形体特征最明显的视图上。举例:如图5-10(d)中底板下部开槽宽度24和高度5,标注在反映实形的主视图上较好。2、同一基本形体的定形尺寸和确定其位置的定位尺寸,应尽可能集中标注在一个视图上。举例:如图5-10(f)上将两个φ8圆孔的定形尺寸2×φ8和定位尺寸34、26集中标注在俯视图上,这样便于在读图时寻找尺寸。3、直径尺寸应尽量标注在投影为非圆的视图上,而圆弧的半径应标注在投影为圆的视图上。举例:如图5-10(e)中圆筒的外径φ28标注在其投影为非圆的左视图上,底板的圆角半径R8标注在其投影为圆的俯视图上。4、尽量避免在虚线上标注尺寸。举例:如图5-10(e)将圆筒的孔径φ16标注在主视图上,而不是标注在俯、左视图上,因为φ16孔在这两个视图上的投影都是虚线。5、同一视图上的平行并列尺寸,应按“小尺寸在内,大尺寸在外”的原则来排列,且尺寸线与轮廓线、尺寸线与尺寸线之间的间距要适当。6、尺寸应尽量配置在视图的外面,以避免尺寸线与轮廓线交错重叠,保持图形清晰。(四)常见结构的尺寸注法图5-11列出了组合体上一些常见结构的尺寸注法。要求学生熟记图例。(a)                         (b)                              (c)(d)                       (e)                           (f)图5-11 常见结构的尺寸注法四、小结1、尺寸基准和尺寸种类2、完整、清晰地标注尺寸的方法3、常见结构的尺寸注法

篇8:第197讲:the works; in the works

第197讲:the works; in the works

我们要给大家再介绍两个和work这个字有关的习惯用语。让我们先来复习一下work这个字吧。Work就是工作,或者是劳动。可是,今天我们要讲的习惯用语要在work这个字后面加一个s,成为works。Works就不能解释为工作或劳动了。Works可以解释为:工厂,比如说,水泥厂,钢铁厂等。Works也可以解释为一个机器的各个部件。这也就是我们今天要讲的第一个习惯用语的意思,这个习惯用语很简单,就是在works这个字前面加上一个定冠词:the works. 要是你在理发店里听见一个人说the works,他的意思就是他不仅要理发师给他理发,而且他还要给他洗头、剃胡子、修指甲等,也就是说这家理发店提供的所有服务项目他都要。在妇女的理发店里也是一样。要是一位女士在理发店里说她要the works,那她就是说她不仅要洗头、做头发,而且还要清理脸部皮肤和其它所有的服务。你要是在美国到麦当劳或别的快餐店去的话,你会听到更多的人说他们要the works。下面是一个学生在买一份简便的午餐。他说:

French fries, please, and a large coke. And a hamburger with all the works - mustard, catsup, pickle, lettuce and onion.




My mother and my sister have very different personalities. Mom always washes her hair before she goes to her hairdresser just to save money. But my sister asks for the works every time despite the fact she doesn't even have a job.



下面我们要给大家讲解的习惯用语就是:in the works. In the works这个习惯用语是用来形容一个正在计划中的工程,或者这个工程正在进行中。要是说一个工程is in the works,那它的意思就是这个工程已经开始,但是在结束前还有很多工作要做。下面这个例子是一个电台记者在报导汽车工业正在进行的一个项目。他说:

Several automakers have projects in the works to put a practical electrical car on the market by the year two thousand. They hope to build a car that will run four hundred miles without recharging the batteries.



I like to read books on different to



莫言 诺贝尔文学奖颁奖词








第23讲:take candy from a baby; a piece
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