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第一单元 阅读应试理论






1) 用一段概括性的话引入要叙述的经历(话题)

2) 叙述先前的经历(举例1)及其感悟或发现

3) 叙述接下来的经历(举例2)及其感悟或发现

4) 做出总结或结论


1) 总括性的话:

Engineering students are supposed to be example of practicality and rationality, but when it comes to my college education I am an idealist and a fool.

2) 先前的经历或想法

In high school I wanted to be ……,but I didn't chose a college with a large engineering department.

3) 往后的经历

I chose to study engineering at a small liberal-arts university for a broad education.

4) 接下来的经历

I headed off for sure that I was going to have an advantage over others.

5) 再下来的经历

Now I am not so sure. …… I have learned the reasons why few engineering students try to reconcile engineering with liberal-arts courses in college.

6) 结论

I have realized that the struggle to reconcile the study of engineering and liberal-arts is difficult.



说明文的一般结构模式和叙述文的结构模式有相通之处即:提出问题(或以一个事例引出问题)---- (专家)发现直接原因----- 分析深层原因-----得出结论或找到出路。


1) Priscilla Ouchuida's “energy-efficient” house turned out to be a horrible dream. …… a strange illness. (事例)

2) Experts finally traced the cause of her illness.(直接原因)

3) The Ouchidas are victims of indoor air pollution,….(深层原因)

4) The problem appears it be more troublesome in newly constructed homes rather than old ones. (得出结论)




文章的开始提出某college teacher认为:“High school English teachers are not doing their jobs .” 因为 His students has a bad command of English.


1) It is inevitable for one generation to complain the one immediately following it. And it is human nature to look for reasons for our dissatisfaction.

2) The people who criticize the high school teachers are not aware that their language ability has developed through the years.

最后的结论是:The concern about the decline and fall of the English language is a generation, and is not new and peculiar to today's young people.

议论文的这种结构特点决定了它的主要题型是作者观点态度题,文章主旨题以及推理判断题。只要发现了这种结构特点,解答问题的主要任务就变成了到段落内找答案, 基本上不存在任何困难。

通过研究以上的文章结构特点,我们不难发现,在四级考试阅读理解中无论任何体裁的文章都遵循着这样一个共同的模式:提出话题(观点或事例)---- 用事例分析原因(或批驳观点)------得出结论。 对文章结构特点的把握有助于读者更加自觉地关注文章的开始和结尾,分清观点和事例,从而在四级考试的阅读理解中准确定位,快速答题。









1、英语文章中不是所有的词的功能都是同等的,有些词担负着传达主要信息的功能,而有些词主要起语法作用或者它所传达的信息和下文的其他信息没有联系。这类词有:表示人名,地名,机构名等专有名词。遇到这些词,只要我们能辨认出它是专有名词,就能理解文章而不必知道它的意思。比如在下面的句子中:“In fact”, says David Dinges, a sleep specialist at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, “there's even a prohibition against admitting we need sleep.” 两个引号之间的部分就不必去管它。类似的还有: “ We have to totally change our attitude toward napping,” says Dr. William Dement of Stanford University, the godfather of sleep research.



我们要实现快速准确理解文章除了要抓住关键句子外,还要抓住句子当中的关键成分。主要是句子的主干,如主语、谓语和宾语,因为它们是传达信息的主要载体,其他成分,不论它有多么长,多么复杂它都是辅助成分。比如在下面的句子中:Another element in the emergence of prodigies(神童),I found , is a society that values excellence in a certain field and is able nurture talent. 只要我们抓住了Element is society.就可以得知社会是神童出现的一个因素。









第二单元 命题考点及题型



列举处指的是First,…,second, …,Third, …等逐步列出,并列指的是A、B and C。其共同特点是列出3条或3条以上的条目。后要求考生从列举出的内容中,选出符合题干要求的答案项。该考点常出题型是“细节事实题”。 主要有两种:





例1. At third big difference between the drama detective and the real one is the unpleasant pressures: firstly, as members of a police force they always have to be have absolutely in accordance with the law. Secondly, as expensive public servants they have to get results. They can hardly do both. Most of the time some of them have to break the rules in small ways.

Q: What's the policeman's biggest headache?

(A) He has to get the most desirable results without breaking the law in any way.

(B) He has to justify his arrests while unable to provide sufficient evidence in most cases.

(C) He can hardly find enough time to learn criminal law while burdened with numerous criminal cases.

(D) He has to provide the best possible public service at the least possible expense.



例2.I believe we have a three-part mission for the present.First, we must continue to press for improvements in the quality of life that people can make for themselves . Second,we mast investigate and understand the link between environment and health. Third,we must be able to communicate technical information in a form that citizens can understand. If we can accomplish these three goals in this decade,maybe we can finally stop environmental degradation, and not merely hold it back. We will then be able to spend pollution dollars truly on prevention rather than on barrages.

Q: which of the following is true according to the last paragraph?

(A)Efforts should be exerted on pollution prevention instead of on remedial measures.

(B)More money should be spent in order to stop pollution.

(C)Ordinary citizens have no access to technical information on pollution.

(D) Environmental degradation will be stopped by the end of this decade.



为了使自己的观点更有说服力、更加明确,作者经常用具体的例子打比方,句中常由as, such as, for example, for instance等引导的短语或句子作为举例句,这些例句或比喻成为命题者提问的焦点。考生需注意的是例子或比喻一般是和文章或段落中心紧密相关的,常以“细节事实性”题型和“推断性”题型出现,但偏倾于“推断性”题型。

例1. The opinion seems ridiculous because, for one thing, computers lack the drives and emotions of living creatures. But drives can be programmed into the computer's brain just as nature programmed them into our human brains as a part of the equipment for survival.

Q:Today, computers are still inferior to man in terms of ______ .

(A) decision making (B)drives and feelings

(C)growth of reasoning (D)information absorption

(分析:选B项。这属辩认细节事实题,依据文章我们知道计算机缺少人类所具有的动机和情感:computers lack the drives and emotions of living creatures,至于动机可以被编入计算机程序,那是今后的事,就目前而言计算机在动机和情感方面不如人类。选项B符合题意。考生只要注意到for one thing 后面一句话,即可选出。)

例2.…. However, very few of us have actually been interviewed personally by the mass media, particularly by television. And yet, we have a vivid acquainting with the journalistic interview by virtue of our roles as reader, listeners, and viewers. Even so, true understanding of the journalistic interview, especially television interviews, requires thoughtful analyses and even study, as this book indicates.

Q: The passage is most like a part of 。

(A)a news article (B) a journalistic interview

(C) a research report (D) a preface

(分析:选D项。这属判断、推理题。考生在了解全文梗概之后,要正确地对文章的内容作出判断,考生关键要看懂文章最后一句话:“…as this book indicates。”由此便推断正确的答案是D项。)

例3 ….In spite of the case against nuclear energy outlined above, nuclear energy programs are expanding. Such an expansion assumes a continual growth in industrial production and consumer demands. However, it is doubtful whether this growth will or can continue.…

Q:Which of the following statements does the writer support?

(A) The demand for commercial products will not necessarily keep increasing.

(B) Nuclear energy is something we cannot do without.

(C) Uranium is a good source of energy for economic and ecological reasons.

(D) Greater safety provisions can bring about the expansion of nuclear every programmes.

(分析:选A项,属推理题,依据文中“such an expansion assumes…. However,…便可推断出A项正确。)



例1.”There is a senseless notion that children grew up and leave home when they're 18, and the truth is far from that,“says sociologist Larry Bumpers of the University of Wisconsin….

Q: There was apparently a trend in the USA ________ .

(A) for young adults to leave their parents and live independently.

(B) For middle class young adults to stay with their parents.

(C) For married young adults to move back home after a lengthy absence.

(D) For going adults to get jobs nearby in order to live with their parents.


例2. …”people cheat on their sleep, and they don't even realize they're doing it,“says Dr. David.”They think they're okay because they can get by on 6.5 howler, when they really need 7.5 , eight or even more to feel ideally rigorous.“(见《分册》P12页例3)

Q: According to Dr. David, Americans ________ .

(A) are ideally vigorous even under the pressure of life.

(B) Often neglect the consequences of sleep deficit.

(C) Do not know how to relax themselves properly.

(D) Can get by on 6.5 hoarse of sleep.

(分析:选B项。属于归纳事实细节题。Dr. David所说的话,描述的是一种事实现象,即美国人睡眠不足而误认为这不是什么大的事,还自我感觉良好。从事实中我们可以看出美国人经常忽视睡眠不足的后果,即B项的内容。)

例3. By the millions they are coming-no longer the tired, the poor, the wretched masses longing for a better living. These are the wealthy. ”We don't have a budget,“says a biologist from Brazil. As she walks with two companions through New York lity's South Street, ”We juse use our credit cards.“

Q:From what the Brazilian biologist says, we know that tourist

like her ________ .

(A) are reluctant to carry cash with them.

(B) Simply don't care how much they spend.

(C) Are not good at planning their expenditure.

(D) Often spend more money that they can afford.

(分析:选B项。属判断推理题。文章讲成千上万涌进美国的富有者与那个巴西生物学家一样,他们在购物时只管刷卡(”just use our credit cards.“)而根本不做预算(”don't have a hudget“),可推断出他们这类人是”根本不管花多少钱的。“即B项内容。)


一般而言,转折后的内容常常是语义的重点,命题者常对转折处的内容进行提问。转折一般通过however, but, yet, in fact等词或短语来引导。强对比常由unlike, until, not so much…as等词或短语引导。命题者常对用来对比的双方属性进行考查。 比如文章中说甲具有X属性,但乙与甲不同,问乙有何属性?答曰:非X属性。


例1. Some observers say the fault is with the young people…. But that's a condemnation of the students as a whole…. Others blame the state of the world… But disappointed graduates are learning that it can no longer absorb an army of trained twenty-two-year-olds, either.

Q:According to the passage the problems of college education partly arise from the fact that _______ .

(A) society cannot provide enough jobs for properly trained college graduates.

(B) High school graduates do not fit the pattern of college education.

(C) Too many students have to earn their own living.

(D) College administrators encourage students to drop out.


例2 … Unlike other lawbreakers, who must leave the country, commits suicide, or go to jail, computer criminals sometimes escape punishment, demanding….

Q: It can be conduced from the passage that ________ .


例3 Beauty has always been regard as something praiseworthy. Almost everyone thinks attractive more respectable occupations. Personal consultants give them better advice for finding jobs. Even judges are softer on attentive defendants(被告)。But in the executive circle, beauty can become a liability.

Q:The author writes this passage to _______ .

(A) discuss the negative aspects of being attractive.

(B) Give advice to job-seekers who are attractive.

(C) Demand equal rights for women.

(D) Emphasize the importance of appearance.


例4. The sensation of sound involves a verity of factors in addition to its peak level. …In regular programming the intensity of sound varies over a large rage. However, sound levels in commercials tend to stay at or near peak level.

Q: Commercials create the sensate at the highest sound level.

(A)TV stations always operate at the highest sound level.

(B)Their sound levels are kept around peak level.

(C)Their sound levels are kept in the middle frequency ranges.

(D)Unlike regular programs their intensity of sound varies over a wide range.

(分析:选B项,该题属阐述说明主旨大意的事实细节题。用however作转折,指出商业节目的音量是保持或接近峰值(peak levels)。命题者给出的B答案中,只是对however后原句进行了词语和句型的转换。)



例1. As families move away from their stable community, their friends of many years, their extended family relationships, the informals flow of in formation is cut off, and with it the confidence that information will be available when needed and will be trustworthy and reliable…

Q:The word ”it“ most probably refers to ________ .

(A) the lack of stable communities.

(B) The breakdown of informal imformation channels.

(C) The increased mobility of families

(D) The growing number of people moving from place to place.

(分析:选B项,本题属句际关系推理题型,要善于分析句子结构,As 引导的前半部分是状语从句,主句是”the informal flow of information is cut off“, with引导的短语表伴随。)

例2. The manufacturer who increases the unit price of his product by his package size to lower the quantity delivered can, without undue hardship, put his product into boxes, bags, and tins that will contain even 4-iybcem, 8-ounce, one-pound, two-pound quantities of breakfast foods, cake, mixes, etc.

Q:The word”undue“ means ” ______ “。

(A)improper (B)unexpected (C)adequate (D)excessive

(分析:选D项,这属词汇题型,但需要分析句子结构和上下文逻辑。该句看似复杂,但结构容易分析,主语”the manufacturer“,谓语”can put“,宾语his product, who引导定语从句,that此引导定语从句,without undue hardship介词组作插入部分。句子结构分析好,全句意思就易弄懂,制造商改变包装大小或样式不需要过多的艰辛努力,故选D。)

例3 … All this will lead to a population in the twenty first century that is smaller than was feared a few years ago. For those anxious to see world population brang by under ventral the news is encouraging.

Q:The population in the 21st century,arousing to the writer,_____.

(A) will be smaller than a few gears ago.

(B) will not be as small as people expect.

(C) will prove to be a threat to the world.

(D) will not constitute as serious a problem as expected.

(分析:选D项。属逻辑推理型题。考生关键要理解that 引导的定语从句意思,然后联系下句,便知D项是正确选项。)


命题者常以文中因果句命制一些考查文中两个事件内在的因果关系的试题,或出些概括文意、段意试题。一般以”推理性“题型和主旨大意题型出现,兼顾少量其它题型。表示因果关系的词有:because, since, for,as, therefore, consequently, result in, originate from 等。

例1. Why? Because company executives are afraid of the bad publicity that would result if the public found out that their computer had been misused . They hesitate at the thought of a criminal boasting in opera court of how…

Q:The passage is mainly about______ .

(A) why computer crimes are difficult to detect by systematic inspection.

(B) Why computer criminals are often able to escape punishment.

(C) How computer criminals manage to get good recommendations from their former employers.

(D) Why computer crimes can't be eliminated.


例2 … Certainly it (telephone) has extended the scope of human conflicts, since it impartially disseminates(传播)the useful knowledge of scientists and the nonsense of the ignorant, the affection of the affectionate and the malice(恶意)of the malicious.

Q:The author describes the telephone as impartial because it______.

(A) saves lives of people in remote places.

(B) Enables people to live alone if they want to.

(C) Spreads both love and ill will

(D) Replaces much written communication.

(分析:选C项。属逻辑推理型题。Since引导的从句表明电话不偏不倚地传播着科学家的真言,无知者的废话,仁者之爱心,恶者之恶意。因此,从这句话我们可以推断出电话”spreads both love and ill will“故选C)。

例3 … The primary reason why it was revolutionary is that it led to great social change…

Q:According to the author, the introduction of the composer is a revolution mainly because .

(A) the computer has revolutionized the working of the human mind.

(B) The computer can do the tasks that could only be done by people before.

(C) It has helped to switch to an information technology.

(D) It has a great potential impact on society.

(分析:选D项。属逻辑推理型题。原段首句就交待了没有什么技术发展比计算机革命对我们生活产生的影响要大。然后指出工业革命之所以是一切革命在于它导致了巨大的社会变化。由此可以推断,计算机的诞生之所以是一场革命主要是D项:it has a great potential impact on society.)



例1. Just how critical this eye maneuvering is to the maintenance of conversational flow becomes evident when two speakers are wearing dark glasses there may be a sort of trefoil jam of words caused by interruption, false, and unpredictable pauses.

Q:To keep a conversation flowing smoothing, it is better for the participants ______ .

(A) out to wear dark spectacles

(B) not to make any interruptions

(C) not to glance away

(D) not to make unpredictable pauses.


例2.… She adds:”Most women and blacks are so frightened that people will think they've gotten ahead because of their sex or color that they play down (使…不突出)their visibility. “Her advice to those folks: learn the ways that white males have traditionally used to find their way into the spotlight.

Q:The best title for this passage would be ______ .

(A) pole of women and Minorities in Management

(B) The Importance of Being Visible

(C) Job Performance and Advancement

(D) Sex and Career Success


例3.… Human-resource management is not traditionally seen as central to the competitive survival of the firm in the United States. Skill acquisition is considered an individual responsibility. Lab our is simply another factor of production to be hired - rented at the lowest possible cost - much as one buys raw materials or equipment.

Q:Which of the following applies to the management of human resources in American companies?

(A) They hire people at the lowest cost regardless of their skills.

(B) They see the gaining of skills as their employees' own business.

(C) They attach more importance to workers than equipment.

(D) They only hired skilled workers because of keep competition.


例4:”Alternative fuels such as natural gas, burned in internal-Combustion engines, could be introduced at relatively low cost, but they would lead to only marginal reductions in pollution and greenhorns emissions (especially because oil companies are already spending billions of dollars every year to develop less of polluting types of gasoline).

Q:Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

(A)The decline of public transportation accounts for increased…

(B)cars are popular in western Europe even though fuel prices …

(C)The reduction of vehicle use is the only sustainable option…

(D)Western European oil companies cannot sustain the cost of developing new-type fuels.

(分析选B项 属推理题。此题虽需通阅全文才能做出。但命题者针对小括号内内容出了一干扰项D项。D项内容与文中小括号内容是有出入的,故错。)




例1.The question of whether war is inevitable is one which has conviced many of the worlds great writers. Before considering this question, …

Q:The passage is probably intended to answer the question _____ .

(A) Is war inevitable?

(B) why is there conflict and competition?

(C) Is conflict desirable?

(D) Can competition lead to conflict?


例2.…“They think that if you work hard, …”She adds, Most women and blacks … because of their sex or color that play down (使…不突出)their visibility.“Her advice to those folk . Learn the ways that white males have traditionally used to find their way into the spotlight.” (见《分册》P74页例8)

Q:The best title for this passage would be _________ .

(A) Role of women and Minorities in Management.

(B) The Importance of Being Visible

(C) Job Performance and Advancement

(D) Sex and Career Success.

(分析:选B项,属段尾主旨大意型。文章开头就指出女人和黑人加入管理阶层之后,出现了一些新的观点。文中又介绍了Coleman观点及Kaleel Jamision 的评论,最后通过Kaleel Jamision的建议才点出文章中心意思。)

例3.It is natural for yours people to be critical of their parents at times and to blame them for most of the misunderstands between them. They have always complained, more or less justly, that their parents are out of touch with modern ways; that they are possessive and dominate; that they do not trust their children to deal with crisis; that they talk too much about certain problems --and that they have no sense of humor, at least in parent-child relationships.

Q:The first paragraph is mainly about ________.

(A) the teenager's criticism of their parents.

(B) misunderstandings between teenagers and their parents.

(C) the dominance of the parents over their children.

(D) the teenagers' ability to deal with crisis.

(分析:选12项。属某一段落段首主旨大意型。此段第一句就指出年轻人批评其父母,认为他们的父母对他们之间的误解负责,这是很正常的事。然后用五个that 引导的宾语从句来阐述他们对父母不满的原因。段落结构一目了然,故知首句是中心思想。)

例4:… These definition are necessary because it is important to emphasize that competition between individuals or groups is inevitable in a world of limited resources, but conflict is not. Conflict, nevertheless, is very likely to occur, and is probably and essential and desirable element of human societies.

Q:In the first paragraph, the author gives the definitions of some terms in order to _______ .

(A)argue for the similarities between animal societies and human societies

(B) smooth out the conflicts in human societies.

(C) distinguish between two kinds of opposition.

(D) summarize the characteristic features of opposition and cooperation.

(分析:选C项。属某一段段尾主旨大意型。文章此段给出了conflict (矛盾)和competition (竞争)的定义,然后进一步阐述了两种对抗(opposition)在很多情况下的不同。作者最后两句又强调了“These definitions are necessary because …”。很明显作者是想通过定义这两个词从而区分这两种对抗。



(1)According to the author ,the word “…”means_______.

(2)What does the author probably mean by“...”in...paragraph?

(3) Which of the following is nearest in meaning to “…”?

(4) From the passage, we can infer that the word“...”is ____.

(5) The term “..”in paragraph… can be best replaced by ….

(6) What does the author probably mean by“...”in...paragraph?

(7)What's the meaning of “…”in line …of paragraph….?

(8)As used in the line …, the word “…”refers to _______.


1. 利用上下文词语意义的互相联系猜测词义

Example :The fishermen make their canoes from tree trunks .They go from island to island in these light narrow boats and collect turtles' eggs.


Example :Jogging has become very popular in some countries ,It is believed to be a good exercise for old people .“Jogging”的意思通过“a good exercise for old people ”可以推断出是一种适合老年人的运动方式。

2. 利用文章中词与词的同义和反义关系猜测词义 Example :If you happened to be sitting in the woods outside the city ,you might have witnessed a strange sight . You would have seen a very proud looking man riding along horseback , saying something.


Example :In the northern regions the winters are generally cold and humid ,and the summers hot and dry .

显然,冬天和夏天的气候是截然相反的,它们的修饰词的意思也应该截然相反。“cold”与“hot”对应,“humid”与“dry”对应。因此,“humid”是“潮湿” 意思。


Example: The Asian monkey like other apes, is specially adapted for life in trees.

如果不认识ape ,但认识monkey ,这里用like把ape和monkey进行比较,还用了一个other说明monkey可能是ape的一种,即ape也就是“猿类”的意思了。


Example: Many famous scientists are trying to understand the problems modern people suffer from, but never these eminent scholars are confused about what causes them.

在句中,为避免重复,“these eminent scholars “替换”many famous scientists”,既然scholars和scientists同义,eminent也就和famous同义,为“著名的“。















第三单元 正确答案的特征




(一)答案项中有绝对语气词的一般不是正确答案项。这些语气词有: must, always, never, the most, all, only, have to, any, no, very, completely, none, hardly等。

例(1) One of the great changes brought about by the knowledge society is that _____ .(1995年6月题22)

A. the difference between the employee and the employer has become


B. people's traditional concepts about work no longer hold true.

C. most people have to take part-time jobs.

D. people have to change their jobs from time to time.

(分析:四个选项中,C、D两项中都含有“have to”,语气太绝对化,一般被排除。考生在剩下两项中进行选择,就大大降低了难度。)

例(2)The main idea of this passage is that _____ .(1991年6月六级题40)

A.better use of green space facilities should be made so as to

improve the quality of our life.

B. attention must be directed to the improvement of recreative


C. the urban environment is providing more recreation activities

than it did many years ago.

D. priority must be given to the development of obligatory


(分析:B、D两项中均有must be,语气太绝对化,故一般被排除。考生结合短文内容在剩下两项中进行选择,命中率就极高了。)

(二)选项中含有不十分肯定的语气词一般是正确答案项。这些语气词有: can, could, may, should, usually, might, most(大多数),more or less, relatively, be likely to, possible, whether or, not necessarily 等。

例(1)It can be inferred from the passage that the author believes .(6月四级题30)

A.Americans are more ambitious than people in other countries

B. in many countries success often depends on one's social status

C. American businesses are more democratic than those in other


D. businesses in other countries are not as competitive as those

in America

(分析:选项B中often 一词,语气委婉,不十分肯定,故为答案。而其它三项中所表达出的语气都明显绝对化。)

例(2) According to the passage the problems of college education partly arise from the fact that --.

A. society can't provide enough jobs for properly trained college


B. high school graduates do not fit the pattern of college


C. too many students have to earn their own living

D. college administrators encourage students to drop out

(分析:答案项C中有have to, 语气太绝对化,故被排除。而A项中can't 的语气则不十分绝对化,故为答案。)


例(1)According to Dr. David, Americans .(1993年6月六级题32)

A.are ideally vigorous even under the pressure of life

B. often neglect the unsequences of sleep deficit

C. do not know how to relax themselves properly

D. can get by on 6.5 hours of sleep

(分析:答案项中A、D两项基本上是原文中句子的原现,故被排除。B项中有often 一词,语气委婉,不十肯定,故为答案。)

例(2)According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?(191月六级题35)

A.Future man will be made of silicon instead of flesh and blood

B. Some day it will be difficult to tell a computer from a man

C. The reasoning power of computers has already surpassed that of man

D. Future intelligent life may not necessarily be made of organic

matter. (分析:A项句子基本上是原文词句,C项中有already一词,语气太绝对化,故A、C两项被排除。剩下B、D两项,而D项中有不十分肯定语气词may not,故选D。)


例(1)which of the following best summarizes the main idea of the passage? (年1月六级题25)

A.Musical instruments developed through the years will sooner or later be replaced by computers.

B. Music can't be passed on to future generations unless it's recorded.

C. Folk songs can't be spread for unless they are printed on music sheet.

D. the development of music culture is highly dependent on its material aspect.


例(2)The first paragraph is mainly about . (1991年6月六级题22) A.the teenagers' criticism of their parents

B. misunderstandings between teenagers and their parents

C. the dominance of the parents over their children

D. the teenagers' ability to deal with crisis



例(1)The population in the 21st century, according to the writer .

A. will be smaller than a few years ago

B. will not be as small as people expect

C. will prove to be a threat to the world

D. will not constitute as serious a problem as expected


例(2)From the passage it can be seen that employeeship helps one . (1990年1月六级题)

A.to be more successful in his career

B. to solve technical problems

C. to be more specialized in his field

D. to develop his professional skill

(分析:题意是“从文中看出员工素质有助于人们 ...。” B项题即“解决技术问题”;C项意即“深化专业”;D项“发展职业技能”。这三项表达的意思都比较具体,而A项则概括地有深度,包括了B、C、D三项内容。)


例(1)Advertising can persuade the consumer to buy worthless products by .(191月四级题31)

A. stressing their high quality

B. unlinking him of their low price

C. maintaining a balance between quality and price

D. appealing to his buying motives


例(2)Raising children, in the author's opinion, is . (6月四级题32)

A.a moral duty

B. a thankless job

C. a rewarding task

D. a source of inevitable pain

(分析:题目问的是,“依作者观点,抚养孩子是 ”。 依据我们日常生活所闻所见,抚养孩子就是A. “一种道德责任” B.“不求回报的工作”。我们都觉得抚养孩子是人生义务,是天经地 义的。这两项太熟悉了,因而一般不是答案。而C项“求回报的事”,似乎不太合人情味、合乎常识。但这样的选项就是答案。D项有inevitable 一词,语气太绝对化,故排除掉。) 此外,在作者态度题中,象中立态度(neutral)一般不是选项,既有肯定、赞扬性、褒义的(如positive等),又有否定、批评、贬义的如(critical, neglect等)。一般否定性、贬义的是正确选项。如果没有肯定性、赞扬性选项,则批语性、否定性为正确选项,其它的为干扰项。在四个选项中,忽然有一个选项特别长或特别短,则此选项往往是正确选项。在两个选项中,如果除个别字外,其他部分完全一样,其中往往有一个是正确选项。“None of the above”往往是用作干扰项。而尤为请考生注意的是,新闻记者理解四个选项中,正确答案项为D的频繁比较高,其次为B项



(一)主旨大意题干扰项特点。 (1)虽覆盖全文意思,但显得太笼统;(2)其内容太窄,不能覆盖全文内容,只是文章内容的一部分,或只是文章内容的一个细枝未节;(3)与文章内容毫不相干,或与文章内容相悖。

例(1)The author write this passage to .(1995年6月六级题30)

A. discuss the negative aspects of being attractive

B. give advice to job-seekers who are attractive

C. demand equal rights for woman

D. emphasize the importance of appearance

(分析:文章中心意思是讲漂亮对女性的不利影响(But in the executive circle, beauty can become a liability.)但B项表达的意思偏离了主题(不是提供建议),且不是对所有外貌有魁力的人而言的;C项内容太笼统,太宽,不是讲女权平等;D项内容与文章主旨相反。故选A项。)

(二)细节题干扰项特点。 (1)与原句内容相反;(2)与原文内容一半相同一半不同;(3)与原句内容相似但过于绝对化。(4)原文中根本没提到 例(1)According to the passage, which of the following statement is TRUE?(1996年1月六级题35)

A.Future man will be made of silicon instead of flesh and blood.

B. Some day it will be difficult to tell a computer from a man

C. The reasoning power of computers has already surpassed that of


D. Future intelligent life may not necessarily be made of organic matter.


(三)逻辑推理题干扰项特点 。(1)不是在文章事实或上下文(句)逻辑基础上进行推理而得出了观点。 (2)虽然可以以文章提供的事实或内在逻辑为基础进行推理,但推理过头,概括过度。

例(1)It can be inferred from the passage that earlier generations didn't realize .(1993年6月六级题27)

A. the interdependence of water, soil and living things

B. the importance of the proper land use

C. the harmfulness of soil destruction and river floods

D. the extraordinary rapid growth of population


例(2)It can be concluded from the passage that the introduction of electronic media into the world of music .(1996年1月六级题24)

A.has brought about an information revolution

B. has speeded up the advent of a new generation of computers

C. has given rise to new forms of music culture

D. has led to the transformation of traditional musical instruments

(分析:短文中句电子媒体本身是“信息革命”(information revolution)的一部分,而A项说“导致、带来”(brought about)信息革命,属推理过头。文中还谈到计算机本身是一种电子媒体,而这种媒体又是音乐物质文化的一个更为重要的部分,而B项“加速新一代计算机的产生”从逻辑上推不出来。D项说导致了传统乐器的变革,而文中根本没提到“traditional musical instruments”属不在事实基础上进行揄,故错。因此,选项C才是正确答案。)

(四)观点态度题干扰项特点。纵观历届四级阅读理解试题在考查学生揣测作者观点态度时,正确选项要么是肯定、赞扬、褒义性的(如positive, support, useful, interesting, admiring等)要么是否定、批评、贬义性的(如disgust, critical, negative, disappointment等)而又以否定、贬义性居多。所以此类题型中的中性词(如indifferent, ambivalent, neutral, humor, disinterested, impassive)一般均为干扰项。由于近几年文章都是反映与社会联系紧密的,多为人们所担心的现象,故作者对这些社会现象持批评态度的较多。

例(1)The author's attitude toward the communications revolution is . (19 6月六级题25)

(分析:答案是(B) critical 其它选项(A)positive, (C)indifferent, (D)tolerant均为干扰项。)

例(2)What the last paragraph tells us is the author's . (年1月六级题30)

A.detailed analysis of the ways of raising poultry in Bangladesh

B. great appreciation of the development of poultry industry in Bangladesh.

C. critical view on the development of the poultry industry in Bangladesh

D. practical suggestion for the improvement of the poultry industry in Bangladesh.


例(3)The author's attitude towards the speaker's remarks is .(1996年1月四级题68)

(分析:正确答案为(C)critical, 其它选项(A)neutral, (B)positive, (D)compromising 均为干扰项。)


做好阅读理解题,最理想的步骤是先迅速浏览五道题大体了解一下五道题各自提问了什么,各选项句是什么意思。然后带着题干的提问略读全文,以最快的速度掌握所阅读材料中的主要内容和主要观点,模清五道题各自提问的内容大体在文章的什么位置,并做些相应的记号。接着开始逐个答题如果哪一题在略读基础上不能选出,再到文中相应的地方进行查读、细读,直至选出正确答案。五题全做完后,最后把五个选出的答案连起来看一看,检查一下是否存在明显的逻辑不通或相冲突。如果有,及时订正;如果没有,可以做下一篇文章。 但是,如果考生时间实在不够了而剩下一、两篇还没做,在此紧急状况下,该如何阅读答题呢?下面介绍一些临门一脚的诀窍。


例(1) The author writes this passage to .(1995年6月六级题30)

A. discuss the negative aspect of being attractive.

B. give advice to job-seekers who are attractive

C. demand equal rights for woman

D. emphasize the importance of appearance

(分析:考生若没有时间看整个文章,但只要看到第一段最后一句话:But in the executive circle, beauty can become a liability. 第二段第一句话:While attractiveness is a positive factor for a man on his way up the executive ladder, it is harmful to a woman. 考生亦能选出正确答案项A。)

例(2)The main idea of this passage is that .(1991年6月六级题40)

A.better use of greenspace facilities should be made so as to improve the quality of our life

B. attention must be directed to the improvement of recreative possibilities.

C. the urban environment is providing more recreation activities

than it did many years ago. D. priority must be given to the development of obligatory activities.

(分析:此题主要考某一段的中心意思。考生苦看到了该段第一句话:Greenspace facilities are contributing to an important extent to the quality of the urban environment. 即使没有通读全段,考生也应能选出A项为正确答案。)

(二) 若针对举例子、引用名人言论、特殊符号(如冒号、引号、破折号)后内容出题,可只读例子、名人言话、符号前后句内容,然后符号题。

例(1)This sommers argues that . (1994上1月六级题28)

A. older women find it hard to escape poverty.

B. older women usually perform better in their jobs

C. the major cause of the poverty of older women is sexism

D. more people have come to believe in sexism and ageism.

(分析:考生一看到题干,迅速到文章中找到Tish Sommers 位置C人名开头安母大写,容易找到,且有双引号引用了她的原话:When “sexism meets ageism, poverty is no longer in the doorstep it moves in”。考生只要看看新引用的话及前后句内容,就能选出正确答案A项。)

例(2)According to Dr. David, Americans . (1993年6月六级题32)

A. are ideally vigorous even under the pressure of life

B. often neglect the consequences of sleep deficit

C. do not know how to relax themselves properly

D. can get by on 6.5 hours of sleep.

(分析:考生一看到此人名字,迅速从课文中找到,然后细读他所说的话:“people cheat on their sleep, and they don't even realize they're doing it,”says Dr. David. “They think they're key because they can get by on 6.5 hours, when they really need 7.5, eight or even more to feel ideally vigorous.”只要理解了这些话,考生应能选出B项。)


例(1)In the first paragraph, the author gives the definitions of some terms in order to .(1996年1月六级题26) (建议:考生看完第一段就做此题,不必看后面内容)

例(2)From the third paragraph, we can leard that .(建议:考生只看第三段,然后迅速答题。)


例(1)The word “dubious”(Line. 2)most probably means .(1990年1月六级题33)

A.valuable B. useful C. doubtful D. helpful

(分析:对“dubious”一词词义的揣测,可根据该单词所在句和其前面一句话即可猜出。Yet you will find little if anything written on what it is to be an employee. You can find a great deal of very dubious advice on how to get a job or how to get a promotion. 从这两句可猜出dubious是含有贬义、否定语气的,故选C。)

例(2)The word “hassles” in the passage (Line 4)probably means .(1993年6月六级题24)

A. agreements B. disadvantages C. worries D. quarrels

(分析:判断“hassles”意思,可从该词所在句前后句判断出。But sharing the family home requires adjustments for all. There are the hassles over bathrooms, telephones and privacy. Some families, however, manage the delicate balancing act. But for others, it proves too difficult. 从前后句意思及介词over, 考生可猜出“hassles”就是quarrels。)





作 者:闫伟静  作者单位:邢台技师学院,河北,邢台,054001 刊 名:科技信息(科学・教研) 英文刊名:SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION 年,卷(期): “”(23) 分类号:H3 关键词:阅读速率   解题步骤   跳读   问题提示   主题句  


















1)抓住短文的论点,论据并明确作者用以论证的是归纳、类推还是演绎;2)论述文通常立中有驳、驳中有立,阅读中要特别注意其中的反驳内容; 3)抓住论证中表示因果(because,as a result,therefore等)、递进(moreover,in addition等)和转折(but,however等)的意流转换信号词;4)注意作者使用的表达自己赞同、反对等感情色彩的形容词、副词或句型。









例: No formula for box-office success in a movie is more certain than to have a cocky heroine enter some field which is generally regarded as a masculine preserve,achieve some initial superficial successes,and then become so entangled in difficulties that she has to be extricated by the hero,who,smirking forgiveness,offers her his brain

for salvation and his lapel for penitence,submission,and tears.

Women in our society are still almost completely dependent upon men for their livelihood,and most of them demonstrate their intelligence by taking care not to seem more intelligent than their escort thinks they ought to be.According to a study of 153 coeds,reported by Mirra Komarovsky in the American Journal of Sociology,many college girls deliberately play dumb to please their dates.Forty percent admitted that they lied about their grades,making them out to be lower than they were,gave up arguments when they saw they might win,lost card games,begged for explanations of what they already knew,knowingly misspelled words in their letters and“jigged,lisped,and ambled”in the manner which so annoyed Prince Hamlet.

1.The subject of this passage is ____.

A.how women adjust to their ependence on men

B.the inferiority of women

C.a formula for box-office success

D.the intelligence of women in our society

2.The author suggests that women's wisest course of action is to ____.

A.develop their brain power through education

B.organize to change existing morals

C.choose men possessed of less intelligence than their own

D.cultivate the art of pleasing men

3.The author feels that movies which show women as inferior to men are successful because such inferiority is ____.

A.wishful thinking on the part of men

B.what women really want

C.typical of the unreality of movie-land

D.an accepted social pattern

4.If the concurred with the thesis of this passage,a legislator attempting to frame a law regulating divorce would probably include provisions to ____.

A.award custody of the children to the women in all cases

B.make it difficult for incompatible couples to separate

C.ensure payment of alimony to the divorced wife

D.ensure that the court determine the guilty party

5.The author mentions that coeds“gave up arguments when they saw they might win,lost card games”,etc.,to show that women are .

A.cowardly B.false C.realistic D.unintelligent

本文包容了上述2)、3)、4)、5)四类难点,困难的焦点又集中在第一段:难词、长句又加上借喻等修辞手法。但我们可以先不看第一段,只要往第二段读下去,自然能抓住全文的主题,从而求得对第一段大意的理解。第一段的难点主要是句子,简化后的句子主干成份是:No formula...is more certain than to have...,接着是动词have的句型:have a heroine enter...,achieve...and then become,而后又是so...that的程度结果句;句中还有两个定语从句,分别由which和who引导,修饰field和hero;由who引导的定语从句中brain和lael(西服前翻领)为借喻,分别表示affection和comfort,即为他“出谋划策”并让她“靠在他怀里忏悔、屈服并流泪”。句子主干部分为否定比较级表示最高级,相当于It is most certain for box-office success to have...。



考试意义上的阅读理解不同于一般获取信息的阅读,它是一种定向理解,即要求考生在阅读短文后回答命题人设计的理解题,与考题无关的内容则可以不理解,理解 正确率及能力强弱通过答题正确率鉴定。这样,阅读理解应试技巧当包括两个方面的内容:把握命题人的命题意图,了解他出题时处理短文的深度和角度;站在命题 人角度去分析阅读理解题题型,并掌握不同题型的特点及答题要求。六级考试阅读理解题型大致可以归纳为以下四类:词汇语义题、细节要点判断题、主题归纳题和 暗示推论题。

(1) 词汇语义题

这类试题问及词汇的上下文语义及代(名)词的指代,问题涉及的词语有四类:词组短语、生僻单词、旧词新义、指代性名词或代词。这类问题的设计目的不是考查 考生的词汇量,而是从特定的角度测试考生的阅读理解能力和上下文推定词义处理生词的能力,所以解答这类试题同样要紧扣短文,特别是问及的是我们所认识的单 词时,不能凭我们对该词的已有知识匆然选题,而要根据上下文来确定该词在本短文中的特殊含义。词汇语义题的问题干扰项一般有以下几种类型:






这类题占绝对多数,这类题型中常有两个选择项语义较近,令考生模棱两可、举棋不定。提高这类试题的答题正确率的一个重要技巧是,即使问题涉及的是短文中的 某个细节或要点,我们仍要首先抓住短文主题,并在答题中不忘主题、围绕主题。命题中的正确答案往往是与短文主题密切相关的那一选项,因为作为命题内容的细 节一般总是短文的要点或主要论据。本类题型的干扰项有以下几种类型:

























阅读理解题(reading comprehension)通过文章的阅读来测试考生的理解能力。这部分试题有三至四篇文章,每篇文章大约300至500个单词,题型十分广泛,不仅涉及到物理学、化学、天文学和生物学等自然科学方面,而且还包括哲学、历史、文化、艺术等社会科学领域。










英语四六级阅读理解如何不看文章答题 英语测试中阅读理解部分是最让考生紧张而又担心的部分。它量大,难度较高。因此,阅读理解题发挥如何决定着考生得分的高低。许多考生在做阅读理解部分时,最大感受就是时间紧、答案选项迷惑性大,因而很难及时而又准确地选出答案。




(一)答案项中有绝对语气词的一般不是正确答案项。这些语气词有: must, always, never, the most, all, only, have to, any, no, very,completely, none, hardly等。

例(1) one of the great changes brought about by the knowledge society is that _____ .(1995年6月六级题22)

a. the difference between the employee and the employer has become insignificant.

b. people's traditional concepts about work no longer hold true.

c. most people have to take part-time jobs.

d. people have to change their jobs from time to time.

(分析:四个选项中,c、d两项中都含有“have to”,语气太绝对化,一般被排除。考生在剩下两项中进行选择,就大大降低了难度。)

例(2)the main idea of this passage is that _____ .(1991年6月六级题40)

a.better use of green space facilities should be made so as toimprove the quality of our life.

b. attention must be directed to the improvement of recreative possibilities.

c. the urban environment is providing more recreation activities than it did many years ago.

d. priority must be given to the development of obligatoryactivities.

(分析:b、d两项中均有must be,语气太绝对化,故一般被排除。考生结合短文内容在剩下两项中进行选择,命中率就极高了。)

(二)选项中含有不十分肯定的语气词一般是正确答案项。这些语气词有: can, could, may, should, usually, might, most(大多数),more or less, relatively, be likely to, possible, whether or, not necessarily 等。

例(1)it can be inferred from the passage that the author believes .(6月四级题30)

a.americans are more ambitious than people in other countries

b. in many countries success often depends on one's social status

c. american businesses are more democratic than those in other countries

d. businesses in other countries are not as competitive as those in america

(分析:选项b中often 一词,语气委婉,不十分肯定,故为答案。而其它三项中所表达出的语气都明显绝对化。)

例(2) according to the passage the problems of college education partly arise from the fact that ——.

a. society can't provide enough jobs for properly trained college graduates

b. high school graduates do not fit the pattern of college education?

c. too many students have to earn their own living

d. college administrators encourage students to drop out

(分析:答案项c中有have to, 语气太绝对化,故被排除。而a项中can't 的语气则不十分绝对化,故为答案。)


例(1)according to dr. david, americans .(1993年6月六级题32)

a.are ideally vigorous even under the pressure of life

b. often neglect the unsequences of sleep deficit

c. do not know how to relax themselves properly

d. can get by on 6.5 hours of sleep

(分析:答案项中a、d两项基本上是原文中句子的原现,故被排除。b项中有often 一词,语气委婉,不十肯定,故为答案。)

例(2)according to the passage, which of the following statements is true?(1月六级题35)

a.future man will be made of silicon instead of flesh and blood

b. some day it will be difficult to tell a computer from a man

c. the reasoning power of computers has already surpassed that of man

d. future intelligent life may not necessarily be made of organicmatter.

(分析:a项句子基本上是原文词句,c项中有already一词,语气太绝对化,故a、c两项被排除。剩下b、d两项,而d项中有不十分肯定语气词may not,故选d。)


例(1)which of the following best summarizes the main idea of the passage? (191月六级题25)

a.musical 包含uments developed through the years will sooner or later be replaced by computers.

b. music can't be passed on to future generations unless it's recorded.

c. folk songs can't be spread for unless they are printed on music sheet.

d. the development of music culture is highly dependent on its material aspect.


例(2)the first paragraph is mainly about . (1991年6月六级题22)

a.the teenagers' criticism of their parents

b. misunderstandings between teenagers and their parents

c. the dominance of the parents over their children

d. the teenagers' ability to deal with crisis



例(1)the population in the 21st century, according to the writer .

a. will be smaller than a few years ago

b. will not be as small as people expect

c. will prove to be a threat to the world

d. will not constitute as serious a problem as expected


例(2)from the passage it can be seen that employeeship helps one . (1990年1月六级题)

a.to be more successful in his career

b. to solve technical problems

c. to be more specialized in his field

d. to develop his professional skill

(分析:题意是“从文中看出员工素质有助于人们 ...。” b项题即“解决技术问题”;c项意即“深化专业”;d项“发展职业技能”。这三项表达的意思都比较具体,而a项则概括地有深度,包括了b、c、d三项内容。)








大部分参加测试的考生都已离开学校多年,甚至很长时间没有继续英文方面的学习。因此,必须尽量每天安排一定的时间,比如说每天一小时,并根据自身英文情况制定一个学习计划,稳步、系统地学习。争取每天阅读一定量的原版英文报刊、书籍,并非要读懂每一个字,或完全理解,只要能理解其中大至含义既可。可采取 3:1的比例进行泛读与精读。





在考试中,应尽可能快速阅读所给“指引”(DIRECTION),“例句”(EXAMPLE),及“问题”(QUESTION)三个部分,并准确理解,从而争取到更多时间来答题。另外,应学会词汇组合(GROUPS OF WORDS)阅读,如:

Australia has been a popular choice for thousands of international students over many years.

1. Australia has been a popular choice (What and Where)

2. …… for thousands of international students (For whom)

3. Over many years (How long)





























