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-04-21 荔行人生

Topic: Should our fresh man live bythemselves or live with others in the different grades.


Hello everyone, today I want to discuss topicwith you: Should our fresh men live by themselves or live with others in thedifferent grades?

Of course, different people have differentideas. Now, I will share my idea with you, which is that we should live with studentsin the same grade

First,Freshmen can go to class together, to adapt tothe new teaching method and spend the free time together. Unlike high schoolwhich is busy, college life gives us a lot of spare time when everyone gather togetherin the dormitory to share the attitudes  towards the new school and new teachers, discusstheir professional knowledge, and talk about the future plan of development. Itis very convenient to do these things if students in the same grade live in thesame dormitory.

Second, freshman is so shy, not familiar with the surrounding environment.If living together with the seniors, they may be laughed at and bullied, butfreshmen living together can help each other to be familiar with thesurroundings. For example, we can go around the campus and find it so beautiful.Perhaps this is what high school students think of no fun, but freshmen arefull of curiosity, so I think the freshmen should live together.

In conclusion, let us join hands together to create a good livingenvironment. The dormitory is also home to us. It needs our join efforts to letit become warm and harmonious. So, cherish our college life, cherish the collegefriendship.

By Jinhuan







第2段:Most of the students are in favour of it.(正方观点)


第3段:However, the others are strongly against it. (反方观点)



第4段: (个人观点)




As a student, I am strongly in favour of the decision . (亮明自己的观点是赞成还是反对)

The reasons for this may be listed as follows. (过渡句,承上启下)


第2段:First of all... Secondly... Besides...(列出2~3个赞成或反对的理由)


第3段:In conclusion, I believe that... (照应第1段,构成“总—分—总”结构)


1 No one can doubt the essential fact that over the last years has caused wide public concern all over the world. 人 in increasing numbers are beginning to believe that [来源:学科网]


2 There is a general debate today over the phenomenon of ————————

3 When it comes to education,------- ---------------说到~~~

4 There’s no denying the fact that...-----------.事实不容否认----------

5 ______ has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way. …已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。

6 There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse.


7 There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired.


8 Rich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory.


9 .It go es without saying that... 不用说...(意思是:论述的内容是显而易见的


1 No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet.


2 ______ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.it has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well. ……在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重的问题。

3 Many people believe that-------- produce positive effects on economic growth and local government should be encouraged to promote-----------------------

4 People differ in their attitudes towards failure. Faced with it, some of them ------. Others, however,-------人们对失败持有不同的态度。面对失败,有人------,。然而,另一些人却------

5 To average people, they often tend to live under the illusion that——————, is this really the case?对于一般人来说,他们常常以为————,然而这是真的吗?

6 There is a growing tendency for sb to ----越来越多的人??

——人——seem to tend to have an unfavorable attitude toward —————

7 An increasing number of experts believe that ?will exert positive effects on———

However, this opinion is now being questioned by more and more ------who complain that ———have brought many serious problems越来越多的 --相信-----起到积极作用。然而,越来越多的----却怀疑这种说法,他们抱怨--了许多严重的问题

8 What calls for special attention is that...需要引起特别注意的是...


With the op ening and reform policy being carried out, thousands upon thousands of foreign visitors are crowding into our country. They are eager to see this old mysterious land with a splendid culture of more than 5,000years.?I

随着改革开放政 策的贯彻执行,数以万计的外国游人涌入中国。他们渴望参观这个有着5000多年灿烂文化的神秘古国。

In the last decades, advances in medical technology have made it possible for people to live longer than in the past.在过去的几十年,先进的医疗技术已经使得人们比过去活的时间更长成为可能。

human had made extraordinary progress in knowledge and technology over the recent decades.


1 ---人---tend to have a favorable attitude toward ------

2 Using bicycle contributes greatly to people’s physical fitness as well as easing traffic jams.


3 The harder you work, the more progress you make.你越努力,你越进步。

4 Many people seem to overlook the basic fact:许多人似乎忽视了这个基本事实:

5 Listening to music enables us to feel relaxed.听音乐能使我们放松。

6 On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge


7 There is no one but longs to.------人们都希望------

8 So precious is time that we can’t afford to waste it.时间是如此珍贵,我们不能浪费它。


From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that, although ——indeed bring us many obvious advantages, its disadvantages shouldn’t be ignored and far outweigh its advantages. 通过以上讨论,我们可以得出结论:尽管----很多优点,但它的缺点不可忽视,且远大于它的优点。

From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that____


It is difficult to say whether _____is good or not in general as it depends very much on the situation of______. However, from a personal point of view,I find----



As for me, I’m in favor of the opinion that ———for the following reasons:

就我而言,我同意 观点。

As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some extent. I think that ____.

I fully agree with the statement that ______ because______.


But ______and ______have their own advantages. For example, _____, while_____. Comparing this with that, however, I prefer to______.



In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of ______.Only in this way can ______in the future.



With the development of society, ______.So it“s urgent and necessary to ____.If every member is willing to contribute himself to the society, it will be better and better.


seriously disturb social order


to promote economic


make for good health


a hazard to health


poisoning the environment[来源:学|科|网]


protect the environment


a waste of money,time and energy


facilitating learning


influnce one's study


upgrade oneself




in favor of



Hello everyone, today I want to discuss topicwith you: Should our fresh men live by themselves or live with others in thedifferent grades?

Of course, different people have differentideas. Now, I will share my idea with you, which is that we should live with studentsin the same grade

First,Freshmen can go to class together, to adapt tothe new teaching method and spend the free time together. Unlike high schoolwhich is busy, college life gives us a lot of spare time when everyone gather togetherin the dormitory to share the attitudes towards the new school and new teachers, discusstheir professional knowledge, and talk about the future plan of development. Itis very convenient to do these things if students in the same grade live in thesame dormitory.

Second, freshman is so shy, not familiar with the surrounding environment.If living together with the seniors, they may be laughed at and bullied, butfreshmen living together can help each other to be familiar with thesurroundings. For example, we can go around the campus and find it so beautiful.Perhaps this is what high school students think of no fun, but freshmen arefull of curiosity, so I think the freshmen should live together.

In conclusion, let us join hands together to create a good livingenvironment. The dormitory is also home to us. It needs our join efforts to letit become warm and harmonious. So, cherish our college life, cherish the collegefriendship.

By Jinhuan


My favourite occupation

If you ask me what is my favourite occupation.I will say “A teacher” without any hesitation.This is because of my teachers’ impact on me..

Teachers are considered as the greatest occupation in the world.They try their best to help their students obtain the knoeledge and become useful people in society.I think I will be in honor of teachers .

It is easier to say than to do.To be a good teacher is not easy,so I should establish good foundation now .To study much harder is certainly necessary.In addition ,try to learn the methodology from the teacher.and teach old man Endlish in your neighbourhood in your spare time,this can let you have much experience.

I believe that I will be a good teacher in the future.







On Friday, xiao Ming came home happily after school. First, the teacher left his homework and then xiaoming told his mother, ”I want to play basketball with my classmates.“ Xiao Ming bounces out of the house, holding a basketball in one hand and holding a banana in one hand. He goes to the basketball court to play basketball with his classmates.

On the way, a large yellow banana was quickly wiped out by xiao Ming. The banana peel was dropped by xiao Ming and dropped to the ground without being thrown into the dustbin. He didn't stop and went on. Suddenly, xiao Ming saw a strong health sanitation worker, who was holding a big broom and trying to clean up the dirt on the road. See his sweat like a broken line of beads continuous flowing downwards, so the leaves on the tree and the garbage on the road is the darling of the sanitation workers uncle into the truck. Xiao Ming felt very regretful in this scene, thinking that in school teachers often we should take care of the environment. He didn't take care of the environment just now, and it also played a role in destroying the environment. Thinking of this three steps and taking two steps back, he picked up the banana skin on the ground and threw it happily into the dustbin.

By this, xiao Ming understood this. Although the sanitation worker is a city beautician, everyone is responsible for protecting the environment.


Topic: Do you prefer to become a leader or a follower?


Hello ,everyone!

Today, I willtalk  about the topic of ”Do you preferto become a  leader or a follower?“ My choiceis the leader. To be a leader can improve my various abilities, such as communication, organization, leadershipand the ability of emergency handling. But to be a leader is not easy, I think thatleaders need to have the following capabilities:

First, the spirit of learning. Only by continuous learningcan a person always stands in forefront of the times.

Second, avoiding the greedypursuit of money. The leader should not let his eyes glued to the wealth, butmaintain the pursuit of an ideal person.

Third, continuously carrying theirinnovative spirit. Only by  constantinnovation can he better develop the human beings.

Fourth, the ability of finding eachstrengths and making full use of them by constant encouragement.

In the end, tell you a little truth,if you want to be a great leader, you must first be a good follower!

By Shen Yan


Topic:Do you prefer to study alone on work assignment from class or to study ingroup?


Good morning everyone, myname is ZhengYao, my topic is ”do you prefer to study alone on work assignment fromclass or to study in group“.

As everyone knows , studyingalone can improve the ability of thinking.But, I thinkstudying in group is a better way, because it canimprove the learning interest of the students .And we can not only save timebut also encourage each other.

In the group learning, the way of a few people sitting together around a tablehas  broken the traditional form of classroomseat structure.Studying in group can stimulate the students'desire to learn, strengthening students' awareness to participate actively

I still remember when I was in Grade 8, my physicswas very poor. I had a really hard time with it. Once in class, I studied withsome classmates together. I was very relaxed and asked my classmates a lot ofquestions about physics. I didn’t feel stressed out at all. Atlast, I finished my homework by myself for the first time. How excited I was!Because of studying in groups, I am not worried about physic any more. I getmore confidence with my classmates’ help. It also givesme more chances to improve myself in many ways.

So I prefer studying in a group to studying on my own.

Thank you for yourlistening.

By Zheng Yao



目前,对于策略的定义和本质尚未达到一个一致的认识,比如对于什么是策略行为,什么不是策略行为还 存在着广泛的争论。对策略问题的理论分歧反映在教学上则出现了两种对立的教学方法:一种是直接教学(di rect instruction),另一种是互惠教学(recipiocal instru-ction)。本文试图对这两种方法进行分析比较 , 并谈谈自己的一些构想。



无论是直接教学还是互惠教学,都认为策略教学是培养创造力的重要手段,策略教学最终以形成学生创造 性的思维为最高目的和标准。提出直接教学观的一些学者认为,通过策略教学,可以培养更清楚和更全面地看 待事物的能力:不同一般地看待事物的能力(例如创造力或“横向思维”)。同时,他们都认为策略是可教的 和可迁移的,主张把认知策略的学习作为一个重要目标正式列入课程计划。教师在教学中必须在考虑知识、智 慧技能学习的同时考虑策略的学习,这一观点受到普遍重视。对职业教育者的民意测验发现,90%的人认为思 维技能方面的教育应该成为教育计划中主要的优先内容。一个被普遍接受的观点是认知策略的学习和智慧技能 的学习一样也是一种学习的形式,而且是重要的学习形式。


直接教学和互惠教学都把认知策略作为技能进行教学,称之为思维技能(thingking skill)。波罗教授把 思维定义为“操作技能、 通过它将智力作用在经验上”。互惠教学的拥护者伯瑞特教授反对把认知策略作为言 语声明的规则进行教学,提倡把策略教学过程作为一个程序化过程,强调在学习者的实际行动中证实策略知识 ,而不是把策略作为陈述性知识呈现给学生。1974年,维特罗克提出生成学习的概念,提出了一系列由学习者 采取的旨在促进学习的具体技术(也称生成技术),如列标题与小标题、自己设计问题、写概要、抽象出主要 观点和原理等,就是将策略作为技能进行研究的实例。加涅在策略的定义中也明确指出它是一种内部心智技能 ,是处理内部世界的能力,是自我控制和调节的能力。因此,策略无疑在知识分类中应归为特殊的程序性知识 ,应按程序性知识教学的规律进行教学。


反省认知是弗拉维尔于70年代提出的一个新概念,指个体对自己的认知过程和结果的意识。它的提出是由 于人们的研究策略时发现策略不能够迁移,只有当个体达到了反省认知水平时,策略才能迁移。这一观点为现 代认知心理学广泛接受,无论是直接教学还是互惠教学都强调反省认知在策略教学中的重要性。鼓励讲授反省 认知策略的科斯特教授认为,教学方法中输入培养反省认知的教学策略,才能将智力行为发展为有意义的教育 结果。他认为这种自控能力是智力任务上成功行为所必要的,并提出一系列加强反省认知的教学策略。



持直接教学观点的波罗教授认为,尽管存在着科目的差异,但是思考的习惯和能应用于任一学科领域的一 般的思维技能是存在的。例如,愿意寻找可选择的解决途径是一个可概括的思维习惯,而有意地引起争论则是 可应用于任一情景中有助于产生主意的技能。他进一步指出,这些概括性的思维技能确实存在,只是不能在某 一专门的课程中讲授,因为正是这些概括性的技能不能通过使用某一专门学科内容的材料来成功地教学,一些 理论家才坚信这些技能不存在。但是,持互惠教学观点的心理学家们则认为不存在可概括的思维技能,他们说 数学有数学的思维,自然科学有自然科学的思维,而在历史中则有历史的思维,每一种情况下的规则是不同的 。他们提倡在具体的情境中教特殊的与任务相对应的策略。这两种观点导致了两种对立的方法:一般思维方法 训练与具体解决问题技能训练。前者试图训练单一的、一般的思维策略,通过这种训练后,这些能力产生广泛 的迁移,教育史上的形式训练说就持这样的观点;后者则提供训练材料由具体的和个别的解决问题的技能构成 ,并经过长期系统的实验研究后表明这样习得的能力易于在类似的任务中迁移。


把策略独立作为一门学科进行教学正是“存在着概括性的策略知识”这一观点的反映。直接教学的拥护者 认为,教师应该直接讲授思维本身,应该在课程中有一个专门的空间留给思维技能的教学,应该让学生、教师 和家长都认识到思维正在被直接教学。同时,他们也希望在“思维课”上讲授的技能应该在地理、历史、社会 研究和自然科学中找到自己的用途。波罗教授勾划出这样的蓝图:每一个年级的学生每周必须接受2小时的思维 技能的直接教学。为此,他设计了一个称为CORT的教学方案,在这个方案中有60节课,他称之为“操作性工具 ”。教思维时,教师呈现出这样一个工具,然后要求学生在许多项目上应用这一工具的各个方面。他认为,方 案中专门设计的工具术语能点破学生的思维过程,产生一个反省的形式,使学生很快认识到它们的真正价值, 与说教式的告诫相比,更容易使学生掌握得更牢固。而且,波罗教授强调内容的参与将会分散正在使用的工具 的参与,因此策略教学必须发展成为一门独立的学科。但是,互惠教学的研究者们认为应该通过内容材料来教 思维。他们认为这样的方法有两个优点:第一,通过它,思维很容易被引入课程,因为课程中的材料无论如何 是必须学完的(而且它已经为教师所熟悉)。其次,这一方法可以说是一箭双雕,既教了思维又教了内容。卡 尔教授提出当内容目标依据对思维有提高的活动而定时,当思维技能渗透到整个课程中时,思维技能的教学就 会成功;相反,将思维技能作为一门学科就会导致失败。他提出两个方法防止这一失败:(1)依附策略,即将 思维作为其它已被接受的教学目标的一部分。(2)渗透策略,即在教育过程中完全渗透思维技能的活动。这样 ,它就不会被隔离开来而降低为用言语表明的学科。这两种观点导致了两种对立的方法:直接训练与间接训练 。前者认为策略可以离开材料内容单独训练,因此在许多国家出现了各种各样的专门训练思维方法的程序;后 者则认为策略不能离开材料内容单独训练。例如,加涅认为,认知策略能力不象其它认知能力那样,可以直接 训练,必须通过材料内容迂回教学。这是因为“认知策略的内在组织性意味着,教学条件只能对其获得与改进 产生间接影响”。经过系统的研究后,一般的看法是:策略的学习与教材内容的学习相结合为宜。


直接教学认为策略知识是可概括的,而且应该有它专门的术语,使思维过程清楚地被学生意识到。因此他 们认为教师的任务就是将策略知识清楚地归纳表达出来,让学生把它作为一种可操作的工具去使用。互惠教学 则认为应强加给学生,而不是由学生自发产生的策略,否则其思维行为会受到削弱。卡尔教授批评目前许多课 本所做的都是列出一系列规则,提供例证,然后提供一些要求应用这些规则的练习,这使得思维技能被概括为 一些相同的操作。这两种观点导致了两种对立的方法:通过规则运用的训练与通过实例的训练。传统上,学校 试图通过规则的运用来教会学生的思维方法。长期和系统的研究发现,通过分析解决问题的实例并将自己的解 答过程与专家的解答过程加以比较,训练思维技能的效果更好。许多心理学家之所以提出发现教学法是因为这 种教学方法先不告诉学生发现的结论,只给他们提供例子,学生必须通过亲自尝试以找到解决问题的方法。这 样,发现法就为培养学生的训练能力提供了机会,并能导致更多更远的迁移。

从前面我们已看到了有关策略教学对立的观点和方法,也许我们有时会倾向于这一方的观点,有时又会倾 向于另一方的观点,甚至有时会很难作出取舍,这是为什么呢?其实这正是关于认知策略长期存在的问题,归 纳起来这些问题中最根本的有两个:第一个问题就是认知策略是一些一般的跨学科的能力,还是特殊的与任务 有关的具体能力?另一个问题则涉及它的范围,即认知策略是否仅指思维策略,或者除包括思维策略之外,还 包括其它较低级的认知过程中的策略。为了解决上述问题,我们提出了认知策略的分类模式。


根据认知过程的模式――加涅的学习与记忆的信息加工模式,学习过程被分为信息加工过程和执行过程。 加涅认为,学习过程受内部执行控制过程的修正和调节,这些内部定向过程被称为认知策略。这里“执行控制 ”部分的作用主要是指复述、编码等策略的作用。由此可见,加涅对于前述第二个问题所持的观点是认知策略 不仅仅限于解决创造性问题中的思维策略,也包括其它较低级的认知过程中的策略(如在注意、信息编码提取 中的策略)。但是,关于认知策略的一个重要的成分――反省认知成分在加涅的信息加工模式中却没有体现出 来。从信息加工和反省认知的观点看,信息加工心理学所讲的策略指的是个体对自己认知过程的思维,包括自 己对信息表征、组织、存贮、提取方式的思维,对思维过程本身(如推理方法)的思维,以及对自己使用某种 学习或记忆方法效果的思维等。J.G.波果斯基和L.A.托尼提出的反省认知模式充分体现了这一观点。该模式的 主要成分是:具体的策略知识、一般的策略知识(与此有关的对策略效用的信念)和反省认知习得过程。对这 个模式,J.G.波果斯基是这样解释的:儿童策略的获得依下列顺序发生:(1)在父母和教师的指导下,儿童学习应用某策略,并通过重复应用,最终了解了它的属性(特殊策略知识开始形成)。这些属性包括策略的有效 性和它的适用范围。(2)如果儿童在学习中遇到其它刺激, 他会在同一领域以类似的形式习得其它策略(即 具体策略扩大了应用范围和得到了丰富);(3 )教师指出或学生直觉到同一领域中的多种策略的相似性和差 异性(相关的策略知识得以组织);(4)此时, 儿童认识并相信策略行为的一般作用(一般性策略知识在同 一领域或不同领域间被积累起来),由此儿童会把学习的成功或不成功归结于自己的努力或缺乏努力,而不是 归因于个人能力的高低或运气的好坏;(5 )儿童开始获得更高级的技能,如选择适合于某一任务而不适合于 其它任务的策略,并对策略的运用加以监控,以及在必要的策略成分未曾教过的条件下,填补策略的空白。根 据这样的观点来看,反省认知的核心成分是反省认知习得过程和获得的一般策略性知识(尤其是自我有效的归 因和关于自己心理能力发展的信念)。

结合这两个模式,我们认为学习的各个阶段都有策略的参与,策略涉及学习的全部过程。学习过程分成信 息加工过程和执行过程。在信息加工过程中,包括了短时感觉阶段、短时记忆(即工作记忆阶段)和长时记忆 阶段。在执行过程中,反应应该包括两种反应,一种是对外的操作,一种是对内的策略的应用;而对这两个过 程起调节控制作用的是反省认知技能,包括反省认知习得过程和一般策略知识(尤其是自我有效的归因和关于 自己心理能力发展的信念)。

在这几个阶段,具体使用的.策略有:促进选择性注意的策略,如自我提问、做读书笔记、记听课笔记等; 促进短时记忆的策略,如复述、笔记、将输入的信息形成组块(chunking)等;促进新知识内在联系的策略, 如分析学习材料的内在逻辑结构和组织结构、多问几个为什么等;促进激活与新信息有关的原有知识的策略, 如启发式等;促进新旧知识联系的策略,如列表比较新旧知识的异同,把新知识应用于解释新的例子等;促进 新知识长期保持的策略,如记忆术、双重编码、提高加工水平等;执行的策略,如提取的策略,阅读、写作的 策略和解决问题的策略等;调节策略:反省认知技能,如自我鉴别错误,选择最优恢复途径的策略,自我评价 反馈信息的合理性等。可见,认知策略应该包括在两部分中:一部分是包含在信息加工过程本身中的策略,一 部分是包含在执行过程中的策略。信息加工过程本身中的策略又分为认知过程中的策略(如促进短时记忆和长 时记忆的策略)和部分基本的思维过程中的策略(如概念形成的策略);在执行过程中的策略则分为部分较高 级的思维过程中的策略(如问题解决的策略)和在整个过程中起调节控制作用的反省认知技能。有些人把策略 的范围限制在执行控制过程中,认为这部分才有思维的参与,而前面的非执行过程不能算为策略。导致这一分 歧的主要原因在于,随着信息加工心理学的兴起,信息加工心理学家使用了完全不同于传统心理学的语言,可 以说根据现代信息加工的观点,思维和策略是同义词。因此,正如前面所指出的,策略是指个体对自己认知过 程的思维,包括自己对信息表征、组织、存贮、提取方式的思维,对思维过程本身(如推理方法)的思维,以 及对自己使用某种学习或记忆方法效果的思维等。这样,在信息加工过程阶段也有思维的参与。因此,在认知 范围内,学习策略与认知策略可以不加区分地作为一个概念,而在整个学习领域,学习策略所涉及的范围则大 于认知策略的范围。学习策略除了涉及认知领域外,还涉及动作领域和情感领域。根据认知策略的分类模式, 由于整个思维过程从需要意识努力变为不需要意识努力,以前属于执行控制过程中的策略转变为信息加工过程 本身认知过程的策略,因此它仍应算为策略行为。


现在让我们再回过头来看看前面关于策略问题的对立观点。根据新的认知策略分类模式,这些观点对立的 原因在于它们各自的特殊性,即它们只是在整个学习活动中的某一局限范围内适用,只要把它们放在一个整体 中去考虑,对立观点的理解和协调便成为可能。


一般地,包含在信息加工过程本身中的策略属于一般的跨学科的能力,而包含在执行过程中的策略则是特 殊的与任务有关的能力。然而,它们之间没有绝对的界限,彼此是相互渗透,兼而有之的。例如,怀特和维特 罗克1982年提出,他们已经发现了四种一般认知策略的证据。这四种策略是:寻找深层意义的策略;承认局部 目标的策略;灵活探索策略;将部分综合成整体的策略。很显然,这四种策略都应包含在执行过程中,但却是 一般的在任何领域中都适用的成功的问题解决者的策略。这就是为什么关于问题解决技能的训练一直存在着两 种不同的思路的原因。一种思路强调训练一般的问题解决策略,专门教一些产生假设、涉及检验之类的策略; 一种思路强调专业知识结构的训练,认为只有在掌握完备的专业知识后,问题解决能力才可能提高。其实,只 要搞清楚了问题解决过程中既有一般的策略能力,又有特殊的专业能力,这两种思路就可以达到殊途同归的效 果,也就不会再有“形式训练”与“实质训练”之争了。


根据这样的模式,对于在信息加工过程本身中的策略,如记忆术、编码方法、复述策略等,相对来说不受 内容的影响。就象我们学习读和写一样,可以脱离具体的学科讲授,这时我们把思维作为手段和工具,它服务 于各门科目的学习中。对于在执行过程中较高级的策略知识,缺乏具体的内容便很难得到良好的说明,必须结 合具体的内容,在每门科目中进行迂回的教学。这时,我们把思维作为目标,学生直接学到的就是如何思维, 这样我们就从实际意义上将思维既作为是促进学习的极其重要的手段看待,又将之视为一个高度可取的目的看 待。有人认为,学生把注意力集中到内容上会分散对于策略知识的注意,不利于策略的习得,且不能迁移。我 们认为,策略的迁移和内容的有趣并不是矛盾的,关键是要处理得当,有意义的内容正好促进策略的迁移。在 研究策略的最新成果中普遍认为,策略不是一个从书面言语信息到应用的线性过程,它是个人、内容和情感相 互作用的过程。有趣的内容不仅使学生对这一策略应用的情境和过程印象深刻,记忆犹新,也有利于提取出来 应用于其它类似的、甚至不同的情境中。当然,如果在策略教学过程中学生的兴趣转移到别的与策略完全无关 的地方,就会影响策略的学习,但这主要是教师指导学生自我监控的问题,与内容没有关系。


人类的知识是无穷无尽的,策略作为一种知识也同样如此,没有必要也不可能去一一亲自发现。一些前人 总结出来的概括性的策略完全可以以言语信息的形式呈现出来,这时学生习得的过程是陈述性编码的过程。通 过在规则中运用训练,学生就可以使之程序化,从而转化为技能。认知策略作为一种高级的自我调控的技能, 它总是由一

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套操作步骤(程序性知识)构成的,如阅读学习的SQ3R策略。如果学习者掌握了这套调控自己阅读 过程的操作步骤,提高了自己的阅读效果,则可以认为他掌握了这套阅读策略。另有一部分知识,如高级的问 题解决中的创造性思维,不是别人告诉你就可以获得的,必须自己去经历、去体验才能获得。它主要是在做中 学会的,在需要大量的实践中获得的。这就是为什么人们发现有些策略性知识直接强加在学生身上,反而使学 生的行为受挫的原因。因此,我们所教的思维不仅仅包括一个人对某一问题的瞬时感觉的自发表现,同时除实 践之外也包括知识的指导和辅助。这两者有机的结合,才是策略教学全部的实际的内容。

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目前,对于策略的定义和本质尚未达到一个一致的认识,比如对于什么是策略行为,什么不是策略行为还 存在着广泛的争论。对策略问题的理论分歧反映在教学上则出现了两种对立的教学方法:一种是直接教学(di rect instruction),另一种是互惠教学(recipiocal instru-ction)。本文试图对这两种方法进行分析比较 , 并谈谈自己的一些构想。



无论是直接教学还是互惠教学,都认为策略教学是培养创造力的重要手段,策略教学最终以形成学生创造 性的思维为最高目的和标准。提出直接教学观的一些学者认为,通过策略教学,可以培养更清楚和更全面地看 待事物的`能力:不同一般地看待事物的能力(例如创造力或“横向思维”)。同时,他们都认为策略是可教的 和可迁移的,主张把认知策略的学习作为一个重要目标正式列入课程计划。教师在教学中必须在考虑知识、智 慧技能学习的同时考虑策略的学习,这一观点受到普遍重视。对职业教育者的民意测验发现,90%的人认为思 维技能方面的教育应该成为教育计划中主要的优先内容。一个被普遍接受的观点是认知策略的学习和智慧技能 的学习一样也是一种学习的形式,而且是重要的学习形式。


直接教学和互惠教学都把认知策略作为技能进行教学,称之为思维技能(thingking skill)。波罗教授把 思维定义为“操作技能、 通过它将智力作用在经验上”。互惠教学的拥护者伯瑞特教授反对把认知策略作为言 语声明的规则进行教学,提倡把策略教学过程作为一个程序化过程,强调在学习者的实际行动中证实策略知识 ,而不是把策略作为陈述性知识呈现给学生。1974年,维特罗克提出生成学习的概念,提出了一系列由学习者 采取的旨在促进学习的具体技术(也称生成技术),如列标题与小标题、自己设计问题、写概要、抽象出主要 观点和原理等,就是将策略作为技能进行研究的实例。加涅在策略的定义中也明确指出它是一种内部心智技能 ,是处理内部世界的能力,是自我控制和调节的能力。因此,策略无疑在知识分类中应归为特殊的程序性知识 ,应按程序性知识教学的规律进行教学。


反省认知是弗拉维尔于70年代提出的一个新概念,指个体对自己的认知过程和结果的意识。它的提出是由 于人们的研究策略时发现策略不能够迁移,只有当个体达到了反省认知水平时,策略才能迁移。这一观点为现 代认知心理学广泛接受,无论是直接教学还是互惠教学都强调反省认知在策略教学中的重要性。鼓励讲授反省 认知策略的科斯特教授认为,教学方法中输入培养反省认知的教学策略,才能将智力行为发展为有意义的教育 结果。他认为这种自控能力是智力任务上成功行为所必要的,并提出一系列加强反省认知的教学策略。



持直接教学观点的波罗教授认为,尽管存在着科目的差异,但是思考的习惯和能应用于任一学科领域的一 般的思维技能是存在的。例如,愿意寻找可选择的解决途径是一个可概括的思维习惯,而有意地引起争论则是 可应用于任一情景中有助于产生主意的技能。他进一步指出,这些概括性的思维技能确实存在,只是不能在某 一专门的课程中讲授,因为正是这些概括

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]



Imagine that you spent your whole life at a single house.


Each day of the same hour you entered an artificially-lit room,undressed and took up the same positioning in front of a motion picture camera.It photographed one frame of you per day,every day of your life. On your seventy-second birthday,the reel of film was shown.You saw yourself growing and aging over seventy-two years in less than half an hour(27.4minutes at sixteen frames per second). Images of this sort ,though terrifying, are helpful in suggesting unfamiliar but useful perspectives of time. They may ,for example ,symbolize the telescoped ,almost momentary charater of the past as seen through the eyes of an anxious or disaffected individual. Or they may suggest the remarkable brevity of our lifes in the cosmic scale of time. If the estimated age of the cosmos were shorted to seventy-two years, a human life would take about ten seconds.


But look at time the other way. Each day is a minor eternity of over 86000 seconds. During each second, the number of distinct molecular functions going on within the human body is comparable to the mumber of seconds in the estimated age of the cosmos。

但是从另一个角度看时间,每天都有86, 000多秒的小永恒。每一秒钟,人体内所进行的不同的分子作用的次数可与宇宙估计年龄中的秒钟数相比。

A few seconds are long enough for a revolutionary idea, a startling communication, a baby's conception, a wounding insult, a sudden death. Depending on how we think of them, our lives can be infinitely long or infinitely short.



灰色 grey; gray

银灰 silver grey;chinchilla; gray mom

铁灰 iron grey

铅灰 lividity; leaden grey

碳灰 charcoal grey

驼灰 doe

豆灰 rose dust

藕灰 zephyr

莲灰 elderberry

浅莲灰 pale lilac

鸽子灰 dove grey

鼠灰 stale grey; mouse

蟹灰 storm blue

天灰 sky grey

土灰 dust grey

水泥灰 concrete grey

烟灰 smoky grey; ash

雾灰 misty grey

黑灰 grey black; charcoal grey

紫灰 purple grey;cadet;dove grey

深紫灰 heron

淡紫灰 lilac grey

浅绿灰 eucalyptus

浅米灰 moon light

卡其灰 khaki light

蓝灰 blue grey;slate;steel grey;pike grey

青灰 lividity; steel grey;balsam green

白灰 pale grey

深灰 dark grey; dull grey; Oxford grey

暗灰 deep grey

中灰 medium grey

浅灰 light grey;ash grey


Many people think that countries have a moral obligation to help each other, while other argue that the aid money is misspent by the governments that receive it, so the international aid should not be given to the poor countries in the world. Discuss the two views of international aid, and give your opinion.

With the process of economic globalization, many countries and regions have strengthened cooperation and liaison in the fields of industry, agriculture, trade and finance. In order to dedicate to the mutual development, many developed countries spare no effort to help the poor countries by means of technological, medical and financial aid, which, to my mind, is quite essential to the development of the world. (64 words)

Firstly, aids from developed countries optimize people's living standard and eradicate poverty in the poor countries. Due to the backwardness of science and technology, people in some undeveloped countries and regions such as Africa, Latin America and Asia suffer a great deal from poverty, hunger and the scarce of water. International aids from developed countries have improved their living environment and helped them with the development of agriculture, industry and economy. (70 words)

Secondly, international aids give good medical care and help promote hygienic condition in the poor countries. Malaria(虐疾), cholera(霍乱) and smallpox(天花)were once severe threats to people's health. With the help of the World Health Organization and some developed countries, these diseases have been eliminated soon and the residents in the infected areas survived these deadly diseases, which would have devoured millions of lives without international aid.(78 words)

Finally, aids to the undeveloped countries in turn benefit the donators. Due to the limitation of natural and human resources, the production cost rises sharply in the developed countries. With a view to reducing cost, many countries transferred their assembly lines and production bases to the developing countries, which not only solves the problem of low rate of employment in the developing countries but also make full use of the local resources. (72 words)

Nevertheless, some countries are showing great concern about the mal-expense of their aid aroused by bureaucracy and corruption of some governments. Therefore, the governments should take effective measures to utilize international aids reasonably and prevent abuse. Only with the help of international aids, can our world develop more quickly and prosperously. (323 words totally)



point of view





attitude of mind


a point of view

view point

frame of reference




观点 [guān diǎn]

- point of view; viewpoint; standpoint; blush:

disagreement; 观点不同

identity of views; 观点一致



Only rarely does he let his own views become public.


The views between us are discordant.


These views were common among intellectuals.


His unpopular views made him a social leper.


Our views diverged so greatly that it was impossible to agree.


These philosophical views serve as a guide in life.


They were deputed to put our views to the assembly.


着眼点tarting point; focus of attention; object in mind


It's hard to know what you're doing unless you can stand back to look at it from another point of view.

视角angle of view; visual angle

visual angle

angle of view

optical angle

optic angle

viewing angle

vision angle

look-out angle

look angle




























Helicopter strike force, fish cheung tanked, and eagle soar, heaven and earth have a xiang nine days alone, solitary bully the power of the sky; Cicada to usurp the role of ”cicada“, then only the branches, mediocre. Su Shiceng tells us: ”into the big, you not only the world of the ancient, also have perseverance of the volunteers“. Empty talk one cavity revenge, will be ineffective.

May 18 look back in the spring and autumn has quietly away from me. And I knew that he was acting the cicadas, looking back scaned the age of 18 in the spring and autumn period, only talk the talk, alone in the branches, does nothing, heart can not help relief stuff, but in this time, 18 in the spring and autumn is the sea a bouquet. But life is 18 several spring and autumn period, stand up to us to squander? Looking at that time in the history of, listen to this ”absolutely know this matter to practise.“ The great poet lu you's great melody. Lu you already understand this truth, doing is better than saying, each person's success, not to say that come out of, if not just rhetoric, rhetoric that was just a belly empty, hustle, a paper, and the language is also good.

Listening to the bing xin's stars: ”four or five flowers of speech opening the behavior of the fruit of the junction progressively more small.“ Thoughtfully in the heart, the thunder again big, if the rain is too small, also is just a bluff. Work is the most true, actions speak louder than words. Today's symbol of today's symbol of buffett's daughter proud as a child, at a dinner party, the father for the daughter bragging about their future will certainly become a great writer, for his father. Father buffett didn't happy appreciates his daughter was determined, and instead ask her: ”can you say what you have several works and appreciation for it?“ Daughter stammer said not to come out, buffett and great anger, roar a way: ”leave the table and return to your bedroom to reflect on yourself, remember, when you didn't do anything, don't dream of becoming.“ Daughter proud when I was young, at a dinner party, the father for the daughter bragging about their future will certainly become a great writer, for his father.

Father buffett didn't happy appreciates his daughter was determined, and instead ask her: ”can you say what you have several works and appreciation for it?“ Daughter stammer said not to come out, buffett and great anger, roar a way: ”leave the table and return to your bedroom to reflect on yourself, remember, when you didn't do anything, don't dream of becoming.“ Grandiloquence who will say that, but if you don't do, talk again good. Buffett in all successful, because he took the time to do not say.

In the law of the survival of the fittest, all kind of frosty day race in the vast world of freedom, only action, to succeed.



(1) 要求论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法。

1. 有一些人认为。。。

2. 另一些人认为。。。

3. 我的看法。。。

The topic of ①-----------------(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions of it. Some people say A is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason of ②-----------------(支持A的理由一)What is more, ③-------------理由二). Moreover, ④---------------(理由三).

While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly,-----------------(支持B的理由一). Secondly (besides),⑥------------------(理由二). Thirdly (finally),⑦------------------(理由三).

From my point of view, I think ⑧----------------(我的观点). The reason is that ⑨--------------------(原因). As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. For me, the former is surely a wise choice .

(2) 给出一个观点,要求考生反对这一观点

Some people believe that ①----------------(观点一). For example, they think②-------------(举例说明).And it will bring them ③-----------------(为他们带来的好处).

In my opinion, I never think this reason can be the point. For one thing,④------(我不同意该看法的理由一). For another thing, ⑤------(反对的理由之二).

Form all what I have said,I agree to the thought that ⑥----------(我对文章所讨论主题的看法).


1 No one can doubt the essential fact that over the last years has caused wide public concern all over the world. 人 in increasing numbers are beginning to believe that [来源:学科网]


2 There is a general debate today over the phenomenon of ————————

3 When it comes to education,------- ---------------说到~~~

4 There’s no denying the fact that...-----------.事实不容否认----------

5 ______ has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way. …已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。

6 There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse.


7 There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired.


8 Rich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory.


9 .It go es without saying that... 不用说...(意思是:论述的内容是显而易见的)


1 No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet.


2 ______ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.it has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well. ……在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重的问题。

3 Many people believe that-------- produce positive effects on economic growth and local government should be encouraged to promote-----------------------

4 People differ in their attitudes towards failure. Faced with it, some of them ------. Others, however,-------人们对失败持有不同的态度。面对失败,有人------,。然而,另一些人却------

5 To average people, they often tend to live under the illusion that——————, is this really the case?对于一般人来说,他们常常以为————,然而这是真的吗?

6 There is a growing tendency for sb to ----越来越多的人??

——人——seem to tend to have an unfavorable attitude toward —————

7 An increasing number of experts believe that ?will exert positive effects on———

However, this opinion is now being questioned by more and more ------who complain that ———have brought many serious problems越来越多的 --相信-----起到积极作用。然而,越来越多的----却怀疑这种说法,他们抱怨--了许多严重的问题

8 What calls for special attention is that...需要引起特别注意的是...


With the op ening and reform policy being carried out, thousands upon thousands of foreign visitors are crowding into our country. They are eager to see this old mysterious land with a splendid culture of more than 5,000years.?I

随着改革开放政 策的贯彻执行,数以万计的外国游人涌入中国。他们渴望参观这个有着5000多年灿烂文化的神秘古国。

In the last decades, advances in medical technology have made it possible for people to live longer than in the past.在过去的几十年,先进的医疗技术已经使得人们比过去活的时间更长成为可能。

human had made extraordinary progress in knowledge and technology over the recent decades.


1 ---人---tend to have a favorable attitude toward ------

2 Using bicycle contributes greatly to people’s physical fitness as well as easing traffic jams.


3 The harder you work, the more progress you make.你越努力,你越进步。

4 Many people seem to overlook the basic fact:许多人似乎忽视了这个基本事实:

5 Listening to music enables us to feel relaxed.听音乐能使我们放松。

6 On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge


7 There is no one but longs to.------人们都希望------

8 So precious is time that we can’t afford to waste it.时间是如此珍贵,我们不能浪费它。


From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that, although ——indeed bring us many obvious advantages, its disadvantages shouldn’t be ignored and far outweigh its advantages. 通过以上讨论,我们可以得出结论:尽管----很多优点,但它的缺点不可忽视,且远大于它的优点。

From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that____


It is difficult to say whether _____is good or not in general as it depends very much on the situation of______. However, from a personal point of view,I find----



As for me, I’m in favor of the opinion that ———for the following reasons:

就我而言,我同意 观点。

As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some extent. I think that ____.

I fully agree with the statement that ______ because______.


But ______and ______have their own advantages. For example, _____, while_____. Comparing this with that, however, I prefer to______.



In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of ______.Only in this way can ______in the future.



With the development of society, ______.So it”s urgent and necessary to ____.If every member is willing to contribute himself to the society, it will be better and better.


seriously disturb social order


to promote economic


make for good health


a hazard to health


poisoning the environment[来源:学|科|网]


protect the environment


a waste of money,time and energy


facilitating learning


influnce one's study


upgrade oneself




in favor of




在英语四级作文中,尤其是议论文中,经常会在开头引出自己的观点。说到这,不少童鞋一定会用“someone thinks ... and others thinks...”,而这种句子完全不会吸引监考老师的,下面小编带你看一些别样的引出不同观点的万能模板:

1、People's views on... vary from person to person. Some hold that... . However, others believe that.... 人们对……的观点因人而异。有些人认为.....然而其他人却认为……


2、Attitudes towards (drugs) vary from person to person. 人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异。


3、People may have different opinions on... 人们对……可能会有不同的见解。


4、There are different opinions among people as to... 关于……人们的观点大不相同。

“different”虽拉低了水准,但“as to”又拯救了回来。

5、Different people hold different attitudes toward (failure). 对(失败)人们的态度各不相同。




(1) 要求论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法。

1. 有一些人认为。。。

2. 另一些人认为。。。

3. 我的看法。。。

The topic of ①-----------------(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions of it. Some people say A is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason of ②-----------------(支持A的理由一)What is more, ③-------------理由二). Moreover, ④---------------(理由三).

While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly,-----------------(支持B的理由一). Secondly (besides),⑥------------------(理由二). Thirdly (finally),⑦------------------(理由三).

From my point of view, I think ⑧----------------(我的观点). The reason is that ⑨--------------------(原因). As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. For me, the former is surely a wise choice .

(2) 给出一个观点,要求考生反对这一观点

Some people believe that ①----------------(观点一). For example, they think

②-------------(举例说明).And it will bring them ③-----------------(为他们带来的好处).

In my opinion, I never think this reason can be the point. For one thing,④------(我不同

意该看法的理由一). For another thing, ⑤------(反对的理由之二). Form all what I have said,

I agree to the thought that ⑥----------(我对文章所讨论主题的看法).


Recently we have had a heated discussion on whether people should keep pets at home in cities. Some students think it’s a good idea to keep pets because old people who live alone at home can get some comfort from pets. Besides, getting along well with animals will make our life interesting. On the contrary, the other students are against the idea. In their opinion, if too many people keep pets at home, it is bad for the environment. What is worse, pets may make too much noise and even attack people.

I like animals, so I don’t think it is bad to keep pets at home. But we must take some measures to prevent them from polluting our environment or causing other troubles.


I prefer my English classes to be taught only in English because it is helpful for us to improve the ability of speaking and listening in a very short time. I have strong interest in English study and foreign culture, so I’d like to be totally immersed in the atmosphere of English so that I can quickly make progress. That’s why I prefer total English. However, since we are all English beginners, it’s really hard to understand all that the teacher says. Sometimes we need Chinese explanation. So my viewpoint is that we are taught not only in English but also using Chinese as a minor way to explain things that are hard to understand.



I prefer my English classes to be taught only in English because it is helpful for us to improve the ability of speaking and listening in a very short time. I have strong interest in English study and foreign culture, so I’d like to be totally immersed in the atmosphere of English so that I can quickly make progress. That’s why I prefer total English. However, since we are all English beginners, it’s really hard to understand all that the teacher says. Sometimes we need Chinese explanation. So my viewpoint is that we are taught not only in English but also using Chinese as a minor way to explain things that are hard to understand.




Now people in significant numbers are beginning to compare themselves with others. They harbor the idea that comparison can not only make them realize the differences between them and others, but also make them strive. They retreat surpassing others as success.


Opinions vary from person to person. Some people take the attitude that comparing ourselves with others does have the passive effects to our life. On the one hand, if you compare yourself with the one who is weaker than you, you will be so satisfied with the current situation that you will lose the ambition. On the other hand, compared with the ones stronger than you, you can not find the confidence.


All in all, every coin has two sides. So we should not compare us with others blindly. But, we can compare ourselves with ourselves before. Only in this way, can we find out our advantages and weakness.




目前,对于策略的定义和本质尚未达到一个一致的认识,比如对于什么是策略行为,什么不是策略行为还 存在着广泛的争论。对策略问题的理论分歧反映在教学上则出现了两种对立的教学方法:一种是直接教学(di rect instruction),另一种是互惠教学(recipiocal instru-ction)。本文试图对这两种方法进行分析比较 , 并谈谈自己的一些构想。



无论是直接教学还是互惠教学,都认为策略教学是培养创造力的重要手段,策略教学最终以形成学生创造 性的思维为最高目的和标准。提出直接教学观的一些学者认为,通过策略教学,可以培养更清楚和更全面地看 待事物的能力:不同一般地看待事物的能力(例如创造力或“横向思维”)。同时,他们都认为策略是可教的 和可迁移的,主张把认知策略的学习作为一个重要目标正式列入课程计划。教师在教学中必须在考虑知识、智 慧技能学习的同时考虑策略的学习,这一观点受到普遍重视。对职业教育者的民意测验发现,90%的人认为思 维技能方面的教育应该成为教育计划中主要的优先内容。一个被普遍接受的观点是认知策略的学习和智慧技能 的学习一样也是一种学习的形式,而且是重要的学习形式。


直接教学和互惠教学都把认知策略作为技能进行教学,称之为思维技能(thingking skill)。波罗教授把 思维定义为“操作技能、 通过它将智力作用在经验上”。互惠教学的拥护者伯瑞特教授反对把认知策略作为言 语声明的规则进行教学,提倡把策略教学过程作为一个程序化过程,强调在学习者的实际行动中证实策略知识 ,而不是把策略作为陈述性知识呈现给学生。1974年,维特罗克提出生成学习的概念,提出了一系列由学习者 采取的旨在促进学习的具体技术(也称生成技术),如列标题与小标题、自己设计问题、写概要、抽象出主要 观点和原理等,就是将策略作为技能进行研究的实例。加涅在策略的定义中也明确指出它是一种内部心智技能 ,是处理内部世界的能力,是自我控制和调节的能力。因此,策略无疑在知识分类中应归为特殊的程序性知识 ,应按程序性知识教学的规律进行教学。


反省认知是弗拉维尔于70年代提出的一个新概念,指个体对自己的认知过程和结果的意识。它的提出是由 于人们的研究策略时发现策略不能够迁移,只有当个体达到了反省认知水平时,策略才能迁移。这一观点为现 代认知心理学广泛接受,无论是直接教学还是互惠教学都强调反省认知在策略教学中的重要性。鼓励讲授反省 认知策略的科斯特教授认为,教学方法中输入培养反省认知的教学策略,才能将智力行为发展为有意义的教育 结果。他认为这种自控能力是智力任务上成功行为所必要的,并提出一系列加强反省认知的教学策略。



持直接教学观点的波罗教授认为,尽管存在着科目的差异,但是思考的习惯和能应用于任一学科领域的一 般的思维技能是存在的。例如,愿意寻找可选择的解决途径是一个可概括的思维习惯,而有意地引起争论则是 可应用于任一情景中有助于产生主意的技能。他进一步指出,这些概括性的思维技能确实存在,只是不能在某 一专门的课程中讲授,因为正是这些概括性的技能不能通过使用某一专门学科内容的材料来成功地教学,一些 理论家才坚信这些技能不存在。但是,持互惠教学观点的心理学家们则认为不存在可概括的思维技能,他们说 数学有数学的思维,自然科学有自然科学的思维,而在历史中则有历史的思维,每一种情况下的规则是不同的 。他们提倡在具体的情境中教特殊的与任务相对应的策略。这两种观点导致了两种对立的方法:一般思维方法 训练与具体解决问题技能训练。前者试图训练单一的、一般的思维策略,通过这种训练后,这些能力产生广泛 的迁移,教育史上的形式训练说就持这样的观点;后者则提供训练材料由具体的和个别的解决问题的技能构成 ,并经过长期系统的实验研究后表明这样习得的能力易于在类似的任务中迁移。

2.策略教学是作为独立的学科进行教学,还是渗透到每一学科中进行教学? 3.策略是由教师清楚地归纳表达出来,还是由学生自己自发地产生并总结出来?

直接教学认为策略知识是可概括的,而且应该有它专门的术语,使思维过程清楚地被学生意识到。因此他 们认为教师的任务就是将策略知识清楚地归纳表达出来,让学生把它作为一种可操作的工具去使用。互惠教学 则认为应强加给学生,而不是由学生自发产生的策略,否则其思维行为会受到削弱。卡尔教授批评目前许多课 本所做的都是列出一系列规则,提供例证,然后提供一些要求应用这些规则的练习,这使得思维技能被概括为 一些相同的操作。这两种观点导致了两种对立的方法:通过规则运用的训练与通过实例的训练。传统上,学校 试图通过规则的运用来教会学生的思维方法。长期和系统的研究发现,通过分析解决问题的实例并将自己的解 答过程与专家的解答过程加以比较,训练思维技能的效果更好。许多心理学家之所以提出发现教学法是因为这 种教学方法先不告诉学生发现的结论,只给他们提供例子,学生必须通过亲自尝试以找到解“ 决问题的方法。这 样,发现法就为培养学生的训练能力提供了机会,并能导致更多更远的迁移。

从前面我们已看到了有关策略教学对立的观点和方法,也许我们有时会倾向于这一方的观点,有时又会倾 向于另一方的观点,甚至有时会很难作出取舍,这是为什么呢?其实这正是关于认知策略长期存在的问题,归 纳起来这些问题中最根本的有两个:第一个问题就是认知策略是一些一般的跨学科的能力,还是特殊的与任务 有关的具体能力?另一个问题则涉及它的范围,即认知策略是否仅指思维策略,或者除包括思维策略之外,还 包括其它较低级的认知过程中的策略。为了解决上述问题,我们提出了认知策略的分类模式。

三、认知策略的分类模式 结合这两个模式,我们认为学习的各个阶段都有策略的参与,策略涉及学习的全部过程。学习过程分成信 息加工过程和执行过程。在信息加工过程中,包括了短时感觉阶段、短时记忆(即工作记忆阶段)和长时记忆 阶段。在执行过程中,反应应该包括两种反应,一种是对外的操作,一种是对内的策略的应用;而对这两个过 程起调节控制作用的是反省认知技能,包括反省认知习得过程和一般策略知识(尤其是自我有效的归因和关于 自己心理能力发展的信念)。

在这几个阶段,具体使用的策略有:促进选择性注意的策略,如自我提问、做读书笔记、记听课笔记等; 促进短时记忆的策略,如复述、笔记、将输入的信息形成组块(chunking)等;促进新知识内在联系的策略, 如分析学习材料的内在逻辑结构和组织结构、多问几个为什么等;促进激活与新信息有关的原有知识的策略, 如启发式等;促进新旧知识联系的策略,如列表比较新旧知识的异同,把新知识应用于解释新的例子等;促进 新知识长期保持的策略,如记忆术、双重编码、提高加工水平等;执行的策略,如提取的策略,阅读、写作的 策略和解决问题的策略等;调节策略:反省认知技能,如自我鉴别错误,选择最优恢复途径的策略,自我评价 反馈信息的合理性等。可见,认知策略应该包括在两部分中:一部分是包含在信息加工过程本身中的策略,一 部分是包含在执行过程中的策略。信息加工过程本身中的策略又分为认知过程中的策略(如促进短时记忆和长 时记忆的策略)和部分基本的思维过程中的策略(如概念形成的策略);在执行过程中的策略则分为部分较高 级的思维过程中的策略(如问题解决的策略)和在整个过程中起调节控制作用的反省认知技能。有些人把策略 的范围限制在执行控制过程中,认为这部分才有思维的参与,而前面的非执行过程不能算为策略。导致这一分 歧的主要原因在于,随着信息加工心理学的兴起,信息加工心理学家使用了完全不同于传统心理学的语言,可 以说根据现代信息加工的观点,思维和策略是同义词。因此,正如前面所指出的,策略是指个体对自己认知过 程的思维,包括自己对信息表征、组织、存贮、提取方式的思维,对思维过程本身(如推理方法)的思维,以 及对自己使用某种学习或记忆方法效果的思维等。这样,在信息加工过程阶段也有思维的参与。因此,在认知 范围内,学习策略与认知策略可以不加区分地作为一个概念,而在整个学习领域,学习策略所涉及的范围则大 于认知策略的范围。学习策略除了涉及认知领域外,还涉及动作领域和情感领域。根据认知策略的分类模式, 由于整个思维过程从需要意识努力变为不需要意识努力,以前属于执行控制过程中的策略转变为信息加工过程 本身认知过程的策略,因此它仍应算为策略行为。


现在让我们再回过头来看看前面关于策略问题的对立观点。根据新的认知策略分类模式,这些观点对立的 原因在于它们各自的特殊性,即它们只是在整个学习活动中的某一局限范围内适用,只要把它们放在一个整体 中去考虑,对立观点的理解和协调便成为可能。

1.按照认知策略分类模式,认知策略既包括一般的跨学科的能力,又包括特殊的与任务有关的能力。 2.策略教学既有需要作为独立的学科进行教学的'部分,又有需要渗透到每一学科中进行教学的部分。

根据这样的模式,对于在信息加工过程本身中的策略,如记忆术、编码方法、复述策略等,相对来说不受 内容的影响。就象我们学习读和写一样,可以脱离具体的学科讲授,这时我们把思维作为手段和工具,它服务 于” 各门科目的学习中。对于在执行过程中较高级的策略知识,缺乏具体的内容便很难得到良好的说明,必须结 合具体的内容,在每门科目中进行迂回的教学。这时,我们把思维作为目标,学生直接学到的就是如何思维, 这样我们就从实际意义上将思维既作为是促进学习的极其重要的手段看待,又将之视为一个高度可取的目的看 待。有人认为,学生把注意力集中到内容上会分散对于策略知识的注意,不利于策略的习得,且不能迁移。我 们认为,策略的迁移和内容的有趣并不是矛盾的,关键是要处理得当,有意义的内容正好促进策略的迁移。在 研究策略的最新成果中普遍认为,策略不是一个从书面言语信息到应用的线性过程,它是个人、内容和情感相 互作用的过程。有趣的内容不仅使学生对这一策略应用的情境和过程印象深刻,记忆犹新,也有利于提取出来 应用于其它类似的、甚至不同的情境中。当然,如果在策略教学过程中学生的兴趣转移到别的与策略完全无关 的地方,就会影响策略的学习,但这主要是教师指导学生自我监控的问题,与内容没有关系。


人类的知识是无穷无尽的,策略作为一种知识也同样如此,没有必要也不可能去一一亲自发现。一些前人 总结出来的概括性的策略完全可以以言语信息的形式呈现出来,这时学生习得的过程是陈述性编码的过程。通 过在规则中运用训练,学生就可以使之程序化,从而转化为技能。认知策略作为一种高级的自我调控的技能, 它总是由一套操作步骤(程序性知识)构成的,如阅读学习的SQ3R策略。如果学习者掌握了这套调控自己阅读 过程的操作步骤,提高了自己的阅读效果,则可以认为他掌握了这套阅读策略。另有一部分知识,如高级的问 题解决中的创造性思维,不是别人告诉你就可以获得的,必须自己去经历、去体验才能获得。它主要是在做中 学会的,在需要大量的实践中获得的。这就是为什么人们发现有些策略性知识直接强加在学生身上,反而使学 生的行为受挫的原因。因此,我们所教的思维不仅仅包括一个人对某一问题的瞬时感觉的自发表现,同时除实 践之外也包括知识的指导和辅助。这两者有机的结合,才是策略教学全部的实际的内容。



1. skimming在牛津词典当中的解释是:“read quickly, noting only the chief points”在韦氏词典里的的解释是 “to read, study, or examine superficially and rapidly; especially: to glance through (as a book) for the chief ideas or the plot”

从这里我们不难看出,scanning主要是用来抓住文章的主要要点的(chief points),尤其是在韦氏词典里的解释,它让我们彻底地弄清了这一方法的具体含义“找一篇文章的主要论点或是文章的**”。实际上,这就是一种整体阅读的方法。



2. scanning在牛津词典当中的解释是“glace at quickly but not very thoroughly ”在韦氏词典当中的解释是:“ to glance from point to point of often hastily, casually, or in search of a particular item (scan the want ads looking for a job)”













作 者:黄后俊 HUANG Hou-jun  作者单位:上海海事职业技术学院,上海,20 刊 名:航海教育研究 英文刊名:MARITIME EDUCATION RESEARCH 年,卷(期): 26(3) 分类号:U676.2 关键词:航海英语口语   高职高专   教学对策  










1. 有一些人认为......

2. 另一些人认为.......

3. 我的看法......

The topic of ①-----------------(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions of it. Some people say A is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason of ②-----------------(支持A的理由一)What is more, ③-------------理由二). Moreover, ④---------------(理由三).

While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly,-----------------(支持B的理由一). Secondly (besides),⑥------------------(理由二). Thirdly (finally),⑦------------------(理由三).

From my point of view, I think ⑧----------------(我的观点). The reason is that ⑨--------------------(原因). As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. For me, the former is surely a wise choice .

(2) 给出一个观点,要求考生反对这一观点

Some people believe that ①----------------(观点一). For example, they think ②-----------------(举例说明).And it will bring them ③-----------------(为他们带来的好处).

In my opinion, I never think this reason can be the point. For one thing,④-------------(我不同意该看法的理由一). For another thing, ⑤-----------------(反对的理由之二).

Form all what I have said, I agree to the thought that ⑥------------------(我对文章所讨论主题的看法).














Some people suggest/maintain/hold the opinion that. . . But / However / While /Yet, other people hold a different point of view. . .


Nowadays, an overwhelming majority of people think that. . . Nevertheless, there are still some people of the opinion that. . .


Now it is commonly/generally/widely/universally thought/held that. . . But I wonder/doubt whether. . .


When asked about…, most people say… But many other people regard…as… I personally think…


For my part/As to me/As far as I am concerned, I’d like to agree to the former/my favor goes to the first view.


In my opinion, both sides are partly right. When we. . . we should take into consideration all aspects of the problems and then make the right decision.


When it comes to…, some people think that… Others argue that the opposite is true. There is probably some truth to both arguments, but…


It is widely acknowledged that…contributed to… Experts argue that China must introduce… But I doubt whether…alone will solve the problem。


An increasing number of people are joining… In reaction to the phenomenon, some say… But do they realize that…can also lead to…


Now it is commonly/generally/widely/universally thought/held that. . . But I wonder/doubt whether. . .







母语习得论的研究 论文
















