
时间:2023-01-17 07:53:08 更多作文 收藏本文 下载本文





我们的处心积虑,机关算尽可最后还是没有获得最后自己想要的东西。为什么?毫无疑问就是因为信任,团结的大家总能做出很多事情来,毕竟团结力气大嘛,可是,现在啊人类当中缺少的就是一种团结的信任的精神,没有了互相信任的心理,大家做什么事情都是防这放那的,有时候甚至可以被称为不得不防,甚至达到了连自己都不信自己朋友的地步了。做很多事情还要瞒着自己的朋友,怕他们知道,自己做的事情,更甚的自己做的什么事情都不敢告诉朋友,那么这还是朋友吗?或许很多人,根本没把围绕在身边的那群人,当做朋友吧,不相信自己身边的人,那么这个世界上你还有谁可以相信的呢?这个世界上,如果真的没有任何人可以相信了的人, 那么一定是可悲的。毕竟人啊,活在这个世界上,到底盼什么,到底求什么?毫无疑问,一两个知心朋友,至少这就是我最想要的了。毕竟物质上的东西都可以靠自己努力得来,可朋友却不一定。一些百万富翁,千万富翁,没有一个知心的朋友的却也不在少数。或许我们现在都以为自己有所谓的好朋友了吧,可或许都是一些酒肉朋友啊,无非就是只能共甜却不能共苦的一些人罢了。






















































as our contemporary society develops dramatically, a worrying problem has sprung up that the degree of trust among individuals has decreased. for example, when we meet a man begging for money due to his handicapped leg in the street, we are considering whether he is cheating us. plus, in the business circle, we consumers couldn’t easily believe what the merchant has guaranteed.

all these problems mentioned above are reduced to adverse consequences. especially, in the corporate world exists the prevalence of dishonesty. influenced by these phenomena, we, invariably, become increasing cautious about other’s guarantee, even a piece of word. thus, this trend does much harm to the commodity economy.

the underlying reason for these phenomena is the distorted mentality of money worship. there are an army of figures expect getting by with cheating customers by selling fake products. but, they would inevitably suffer penalty. so, honesty counts most. to sum up, we, average citizens, can eliminate the feeling of distrust via treating others honestly and paying confidence to others.











As our contemporary society develops dramatically, a worrying problem has sprung up that the degree of trust among individuals has decreased. For example, when we meet a man begging for money due to his handicapped leg in the street, we are considering whether he is cheating us. Plus, in the business circle, we consumers couldn’t easily believe what the merchant has guaranteed.

All these problems mentioned above are reduced to adverse consequences. Especially, in the corporate world exists the prevalence of dishonesty. Influenced by these phenomena, we, invariably, bee increasing cautious about other’s guarantee, even a piece of word. Thus, this trend does much harm to the modity economy.

The underlying reason for these phenomena is the distorted mentality of money worship. There are an army of figures expect getting by with cheating customers by selling fake products. But, they would inevitably suffer penalty. So, honesty counts most. To sum up, we, average citizens, can eliminate the feeling of distrust via treating others honestly and paying confidence to others.































我们的处心积虑,机关算尽可最后还是没有获得最后自己想要的东西。为什么?毫无疑问就是因为信任,团结的大家总能做出很多事情来,毕竟团结力气大嘛,可是,现在啊人类当中缺少的就是一种团结的信任的精神,没有了互相信任的心理,大家做什么事情都是防这放那的,有时候甚至可以被称为不得不防,甚至达到了连自己都不信自己朋友的地步了,700字作文《信任危机作文700字》。做很多事情还要瞒着自己的朋友,怕他们知道,自己做的事情,更甚的自己做的什么事情都不敢告诉朋友,那么这还是朋友吗?或许很多人,根本没把围绕在身边的那群人,当做朋友吧,不相信自己身边的人,那么这个世界上你还有谁可以相信的呢?这个世界上,如果真的没有任何人可以相信了的人, 那么一定是可悲的。毕竟人啊,活在这个世界上,到底盼什么,到底求什么?毫无疑问,一两个知心朋友,至少这就是我最想要的了。毕竟物质上的东西都可以靠自己努力得来,可朋友却不一定。一些百万富翁,千万富翁,没有一个知心的朋友的却也不在少数。或许我们现在都以为自己有所谓的好朋友了吧,可或许都是一些酒肉朋友啊,无非就是只能共甜却不能共苦的一些人罢了。



As our contemporary society develops dramatically, a worrying problem has sprung up that the degree of trust among individuals has decreased. for example, when we meet a man begging for money due to his handicapped leg in the street, we are considering whether he is cheating us. plus, in the business circle, we consumers couldn’t easily believe what the merchant has guaranteed.

all these problems mentioned above are reduced to adverse consequences. especially, in the corporate world exists the prevalence of dishonesty. influenced by these phenomena, we, invariably, become increasing cautious about other’s guarantee, even a piece of word. thus, this trend does much harm to the commodity economy.

the underlying reason for these phenomena is the distorted mentality of money worship. there are an army of figures expect getting by with cheating customers by selling fake products. but, they would inevitably suffer penalty. so, honesty counts most. to sum up, we, average citizens, can eliminate the feeling of distrust via treating others honestly and paying confidence to others.


When you look at the three popular domestic blockbusters “Lust Caution”, “registration” and “assembly”, you will find a striking similarity - the crisis of trust.

Lets talk about lust, caution: during the Anti Japanese War, a group of young people were willing to sacrifice their youth and life for their motherland. They carefully planned to assassinate a traitor leader in charge of Wang Jingweis secret service. They used the heroine as bait and placed high hopes on her. The heroine also lived up to the expectations of the public. In order to play a good traitors mistress, she resolutely sacrificed her virginity and trained her. In spite of all the difficulties, the heroine finally let the traitor fall in love with her. However, after several times of boundless love, when the six carat pink diamond ring was put on the heroines finger, she fell in love with the traitor and let him go... Although the sacrifice was not only her own and her comrades lives, but also the trust and expectation of her comrades, Of course, her so-called love also disappeared with her life. The end of the story tells us that women cant be trusted! Emotional fragility is a womans inherent defect (perhaps an advantage). When love quietly sprouts, she cant grasp herself in front of right and wrong, at the cost of her life and the trust of her comrades. What is a traitor? Its a villain who can sell his motherland and the lives of his compatriots. What do you care about your love in front of them?

Lets talk about “toumingzheng”: three men with iron bones, the eldest brother is a general of the Qing Dynasty, who survived a battle in which the whole army was destroyed. When he was hungry and desperate, he met his second and third brothers. For his future, for his comeback, and for the trust of his second brother and third brother, the three of them became intimate friends and set up a joint pledge of life and death. As a result, the second brother and the third brother joined the imperial court with their brothers (a group of righteous mountain bandits), and the elder brothers military power was enriched. But when the second brothers compassion hindered the overall military situation, he was assassinated by the elder brother. Because big brother firmly believes that he can be reused by the imperial court, the obstacles that hinder his future must be removed. After watching it, I cant help but let us feel - brother cant be trusted! When a man is complacent, he will have a firm belief: the overall situation is the most important! What is the overall situation? Is for their own future and victory and defeat, at the expense of everything, even if it is difficult to give up the brotherhood, and its name: never tired of deception! Sad!

In the assembly, there are a group of soldiers who look at death as if they are at home. Under the leadership of the company commander, they carry out the commanders order: to stop the enemy for the transfer of large troops, and take the assembly as a retreat signal. As a result, only the company commander climbed out of the dead, but he never heard the assembly call. Company commander all the way to find their own organization, in order to ask: in the end, there is no retreat of the assembly number? When the company commander found the organization, he found that the team leader had also died, but the trumpeter told him that the team leader didnt ask him to blow the assembly number at all, because for the sake of the safe transfer of large troops, the organization hoped that the company commanders troops could resist the enemys pursuit to the end... After watching the film, we couldnt help but have the same doubts as the host of the story - the organization is not credible! Although it is the duty of soldiers to obey orders, when they beat back the enemys attack again and again, they listen to the voice of the assembly number in the bombing of the enemys artillery. Because they cant hear the retreat signal of the assembly number, they mean that they cant withdraw from their positions under any circumstances. Who knows that the organizations promise of using the assembly as a retreat signal has no intention to be fulfilled at all. As a result, the bodies of those heroes were blown to ashes, and there was no evidence for future generations to evaluate the martyrs, and they even suspected that they had surrendered to the enemy.

Ethics tells us: we should believe in women, because their kindness inherits maternal love; We should believe in friends and brothers, because the power of unity is infinite; We should not doubt the organization, because without organization and discipline, it is a mess! Is the director talking nonsense for the box office?


There are a group of small animals on the grass. They live a happy life carefree.

But one day, a terrible lion came to the grass. He was hungry and saw the animals at a glance. He spread his four strong legs and ran to them.

“Here comes the lion, lets run!” Baboon at the top of the tree, see clearly, immediately issued a warning to the tree. The animals immediately ran away and the lion jumped into the air. But the lion was not reconciled. Seeing this, he thought: I have to think of a good strategy to alienate them and make them distrust each other, so that I can take advantage of it.

One day, the lion found the baboon drinking water by the stream. The baboon subconsciously stepped back two steps and widened his vigilant eyes: “what are you doing?” The lion said solemnly, “baboon, Ive come to tell you a piece of news. I hear the animals talking about you. They say that you only know how to play and have nothing to do. Youre a useless guy.” Baboons listen, very angry, but also very confused. Then, the lion did the same and ran among the small animals.

Finally one day, when the lion saw that the time was ripe, he came to the tree again and found that all the small animals were alone and ignored each other. So he rushed up immediately and had a good meal!


There is an invisible barrier between people: distrust. As long as they overcome this barrier, they will become transparent people who talk about everything and show everything to each other without regret, because he knows that the other will not harm me. We believe in each other, and gradually become slimy people - become a pair of inseparable friends all day. Not many people may have conquered this level, so life has become a dirty negotiation table full of intrigue. Not only between people, but also between people and things, things and things can reflect this mutual distrust.

I cant help thinking that I seldom went back to my hometown last summer vacation. Suddenly, a barking dog came into my ear. When I went along, I saw a pure breed poodle with brown yellow fur, which was almost dragged to the ground, roaring at me in the corner. Oh! Majestic as a lion, but a little bit naive, really lovely! At this time, the dog was fawning on me. It seemed that he liked me very much! Whats more, its still tied to a rope and its not aggressive to me. Why not play with it? Such a good dog, its too bad not to tease. ha-ha! Its still giving me new years greetings! I put my foot to his neck, and he was very satisfied, and he scratched my foot with the dogs paw. Look at its tail. Its like the fan thruster of a submarine. My uncle saw that I had a good time, so he untied the rope and wanted me to have a good time. But I immediately became soft: I was naturally afraid of dogs. Even though they kept wagging their tails to me as a sign of friendship, I didnt even dare to approach them. I dont believe in its appearance for fear that it will bite me.

Ah! If the trust between man and dog is only based on one rope, is it real? This dog and I have also hinted at the whole human race. Even if they show kindness to you, you dare not accept it, for fear that others will plot against you. This is distrust. If people and animals cant trust each other, the whole world will be less sincere and more intriguing.


There may be a big loophole in the heart between people, but what is the loophole? Yes, its a crisis of trust. Now in this world, people have less and less trust in each other, less and less that kind of trust. But the world without trust will wither. Trust is far more than all our consideration. Unfortunately, few people can understand this truth.

In the end, we didnt get what we wanted. Why? There is no doubt that because of trust, united people can always do a lot of things. After all, unity is strong. But now, what human beings lack is a spirit of unity and trust. Without the psychology of mutual trust, we all do things to guard against this and that, and sometimes we can even be called having to guard against it, Even to the point that they dont believe their friends, 700 words composition “trust crisis composition 700 words”. I have to hide a lot of things from my friends. Im afraid they dont dare to tell my friends what they do or even what they do. Is this still a friend? Maybe a lot of people dont regard the people around them as friends. They dont believe the people around them. Who else can you believe in this world? In this world, if there is really no one to believe, it must be sad. After all, people, what do you want and what do you want to live in this world? No doubt, one or two close friends, at least thats what I want most. After all, material things can be obtained by our own efforts, but friends are not necessarily. Some millionaires, multimillionaires, and not a few of them have intimate friends. Maybe we all think we have so-called good friends now, but maybe we are all fair weather friends. They are just people who can only share sweet but not bitter.

Trust crisis, who else in the world can we trust? In fact, we dont have people to trust. Its better to say that we never try to trust some people ourselves. Some people deserve our trust. But how many of us have the courage to trust? You cant trust your friends. Maybe you never regard them as your friends. I hope you have a friend, can all trust, can tell each other to her heart, also can smile heartless, a silly friend.





















