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Part I Writing (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the followingtopic. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

Suppose a foreign friend of yours is coming to visit your hometown, what is the mostinteresting place you would like to take him/her to see and why?


Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At theend of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both theconversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be apause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decidewhich is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a singleline through the centre.


1. A) See a doctor about her strained shoulder.

B) Use a ladder to help her reach the tea.

C) Replace the cupboard with a new one.

D) Place the tea on a lower shelf next time.

2. A) At Mary Johnson’s. C) In an exhibition hall.

B) At a painter’s studio. D) Outside an art gallery.

3. A) The teacher evaluated lacks teaching experience.

B) She does not quite agree with what the man said.

C) The man had better talk with the students himself.

D) New students usually cannot offer a fair evaluation.

4. A) He helped Doris build up the furniture.

B) Doris helped him arrange the furniture.

C) Doris fixed up some of the bookshelves.

D) He was good at assembling bookshelves.

5. A) He doesn’t get on with the others. C) He has been taken for a fool.

B) He doesn’t feel at ease in the firm. D) He has found a better position.

6. A) They should finish the work as soon as possible.

B) He will continue to work in the garden himself.

C) He is tired of doing gardening on weekends.

D) They can hire a gardener to do the work.

7. A) The man has to get rid of the used furniture.

B) The man’s apartment is ready for rent.

C) The furniture is covered with lots of dust.

D) The furniture the man bought is inexpensive.

8. A) The man will give the mechanic a call.

B) The woman is waiting for a call.

C) The woman is doing some repairs.

D) The man knows the mechanic very well.

Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

9. A) She had a job interview to attend.

B) She was busy finishing her project.

C) She had to attend an important meeting.

D) She was in the middle of writing an essay.

10. A) Accompany her roommate to the classroom.

B) Hand in her roommate’s application form.

C) Submit her roommate’s assignment.

D) Help her roommate with her report.

11. A) Where Dr. Ellis’s office is located. C) Directions to the classroom building.

B) When Dr. Ellis leaves his office. D) Dr. Ellis’s schedule for the afternoon.

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

12. A) He finds it rather stressful. C) He can handle it quite well.

B) He is thinking of quitting it. D) He has to work extra hours.

13. A) The 6:00 one. C) The 7:00 one.

B) The 6:30 one. D) The 7:30 one.

14. A) It is an awful waste of time.

B) He finds it rather unbearable.

C) The time on the train is enjoyable.

D) It is something difficult to get used to.

15. A) Reading newspapers. C) Listening to the daily news.

B) Chatting with friends. D) Planning the day’s work.

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you willhear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After youhear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) andD). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through thecentre.


Passage One

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

16. A) Ignore small details while reading.

B) Read at least several chapters at one sitting.

C) Develop a habit of reading critically.

D) Get key information by reading just once or twice.

17. A) Choose one’s own system of marking.

B) Underline the key words and phrases.

C) Make as few marks as possible.

D) Highlight details in a red color.

18. A) By reading the textbooks carefully again.

B) By reviewing only the marked parts.

C) By focusing on the notes in the margins.

D) By comparing notes with their classmates.

Passage Two

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. A) The sleep a person needs varies from day to day.

B) The amount of sleep for each person is similar.

C) One can get by with a couple of hours of sleep.

D) Everybody needs some sleep for survival.

20. A) It is a made-up story. C) It is a rare exception.

B) It is beyond cure. D) It is due to an accident.

21. A) His extraordinary physical condition.

B) His mother’s injury just before his birth.

C) The unique surroundings of his living place.

D) The rest he got from sitting in a rocking chair.

Passage Three

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

22. A) She invested in stocks and shares on Wall Street.

B) She learned to write for financial newspapers.

C) She developed a strong interest in finance.

D) She tenderly looked after her sick mother.

23. A) She made a wise investment in real estate.

B) She sold the restaurant with a substantial profit.

C) She got 1.5 million dollars from her ex-husband.

D) She inherited a big fortune from her father.

24. A) She was extremely mean with her money.

B) She was dishonest in business dealings.

C) She frequently ill-treated her employees.

D) She abused animals including her pet dog.

25. A) She made a big fortune from wise investment.

B) She built a hospital with her mother’s money.

C) She made huge donations to charities.

D) She carried on her family’s tradition.

Section C

Direction: In the section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for thefirst time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for thesecond time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard.Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.


Among the kinds of social gestures most significant for second-language teachers are thosewhich are (26)______ in form but different in meaning in the two cultures. For example, aColombian who wants someone to (27)______ him often signals with a hand movement inwhich all the fingers of one hand, cupped, point downward as they move rapidly (28)_______.Speakers or English have a similar gesture through the hand may not be cupped and thefingers may be held more loosely, but for them the gesture means goodbye or go away, quitethe (29)______ of the Colombian gesture. Again, in Colombian, a speaker of English wouldhave to know that when he (30)________ height he most choose between different gesturesdepending on whether he is (31)_______ a human being or an animal. If he keeps the palm ofthe hand (32)_________ the floor, as he would in his own culture when making known theheight of a child, for example, he will very likely be greeted by laughter, in Colombia thisgesture is (33)_________ for the description of animals. In order to describe human beingshe should keep the palm of his hand (34)_________ to the floor. Substitutions of one gesturefor the other often create not only humorous but also (35)________ moment. In both of theexamples above, speakers from two different cultures have the same gesture, physically, butits meaning differs sharply.



Part I Writing (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on theimportance of writing ability and how to develop it. You should write at least 120 wordsbut no more than 180 words.




Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes)


Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each newsreport, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions willbe spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer fromthe four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter onAnswer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.

1. A) Annoyed.

B) Scared.

C) Confused.

D) Offended.

2. A) It crawled over the woman's hands.

B) It wound up on the steering wheel.

C) It was killed by the police on the spot.

D) It was covered with large scales.

Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.

3. A) A study of the fast-food service.

B) Fast food customer satisfaction.

C) McDonald's new business strategies.

D) Competition in the fast-food industry.

4. A) Customers' higher demands.

B) The inefficiency of employees.

C) Increased variety of products.

D) The rising number of customers.

Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.

5. A) International treaties regarding space travel programs.

B) Legal issues involved in commercial space exploration.

C) U.S. government's approval of private space missions.

D) Competition among public and private space companies.

6. A) Deliver scientific equipment to the moon.

B) Approve a new mission to travel into outer space.

C) Work with federal agencies on space programs.

D) Launch a manned spacecraft to Mars.

7. A) It is significant.

B) It is promising.

C) It is unpredictable.

D) It is unprofitable.

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of eachconversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questionswill be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answerfrom the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter onAnswer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

8. A) Visiting her family in Thailand.

B) Showing friends around Phuket.

C) Swimming around a Thai island.

D) Lying in the sun on a Thai beach.

9. A) She visited a Thai orphanage.

B) She met a Thai girl's parents.

C) She learned some Thai words.

D) She sunbathed on a Thai beach.

10. A) His class will start in a minute.

B) He has got an incoming phone call.

C) Someone is knocking at his door.

D) His phone is running out of power.

11. A) He is interested in Thai artworks.

B) He is going to open a souvenir shop.

C) He collects things from different countries.

D) He wants to know more about Thai culture.

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

12. A) Buying some fitness equipment for the new gym.

B) Opening a gym and becoming personal trainers.

C) Signing up for a weight-loss course.

D) Trying out a new gym in town.

13. A) Professional personal training.

B) Free exercise for the first week.

C) A discount for a half-year membership.

D) Additional benefits for young couples.

14. A) The safety of weight-lifting.

B) The high membership fee.

C) The renewal of his membership.

D) The operation of fitness equipment.

15. A) She wants her invitation renewed.

B) She used to do 200 sit-ups every day.

C) She knows the basics of weight-lifting.

D) She used to be the gym's personal trainer.

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spokenonly once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the fourchoices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.

16. A) They tend to be nervous during interviews.

B) They often apply for a number of positions.

C) They worry about the results of their applications.

D) They search extensively for employers' information.

17. A) Get better organized.

B) Edit their references.

C) Find better-paid jobs.

D) Analyze the searching process.

18. A) Provide their data in detail.

B) Personalize each application.

C) Make use of better search engines.

D) Apply for more promising positions.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.

19. A) If kids did not like school, real learning would not take place.

B) If not forced to go to school, kids would be out in the streets.

C) If schools stayed the way they are, parents were sure to protest.

D) If teaching failed to improve, kids would stay away from school.

20. A) Allow them to play interesting games in class.

B) Try to stir up their interest in lab experiments.

C) Let them stay home and learn from their parents.

D) Design activities they now enjoy doing on holidays.

21. A) Allow kids to learn at their own pace.

B) Encourage kids to learn from each other.

C) Organize kids into various interest groups.

D) Take kids out of school to learn at first hand.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

22. A) It is especially popular in Florida and Alaska.

B) It is a major social activity among the young.

C) It is seen almost anywhere and on any occasion.

D) It is even more expressive than the written word.

23. A) It is located in a big city in Iowa.

B) It is really marvelous to look at.

C) It offers free dance classes to seniors.

D) It offers people a chance to socialize.

24. A) Their state of mind improved.

B) They became better dancers.

C) They enjoyed better health.

D) Their relationship strengthened.

25. A) It is fun.

B) It is life.

C) It is exhausting.

D) It is rhythmical.

Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passagewith ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choicesgiven in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully beforemaking your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark thecorresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through thecentre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Since the 1940s, southern California has had a reputation for smog. Things are not asbad as they once were but, according to the American Lung Association, Los Angeles isstill the worst city in the United States for levels of 26 . Gazing down on the city from theGetty Center, an art museum in the Santa Monica Mountains, one would find the view ofthe Pacific Ocean blurred by the haze (霾). Nor is the state's bad air 27 to its south. Fresno, in the central valley, comes top of the list in America for year-round pollution. Residents' hearts and lungs are affected as a 28 . All of which, combined withCalifornia's reputation as the home of technological 29 , makes the place ideal fordeveloping and testing systems designed to monitor pollution in 30 . And that is justwhat Aclima, a new firm in San Francisco, has been doing over the past few months. Ithas been trying out monitoring stations that are 31 to yield minute-to-minute maps of32 air pollution. Such stations will also be able to keep an eye on what is happeninginside buildings, including offices.

To this end, Aclima has been 33 with Google's Street View system. Davida Herzl, Aclima'sboss, says they have revealed pollution highs on days when San Francisco's transitworkers went on strike and the city's 34 were forced to use their cars. Conversely, “cycleto work” days have done their job by 35 pollution lows.

A) assisted B) collaborating C) consequence D) consumers E) creating F) detail G) domestic H) frequently I) inhabitants J) innovation K) intended L) outdoor M) pollutants N) restricted O) sum

Section B

Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statementsattached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose aparagraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questionsby marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.

As Tourists Crowd Out Locals, Venice Faces 'Endangered' List

A) On a recent fall morning, a large crowd blocked the steps at one of Venice's maintourist sites, the Rialto Bridge. The Rialto Bridge is one of the four bridges spanning theGrand Canal. It is the oldest bridge across the canal, and was the dividing line betweenthe districts of San Marco and San Polo. But on this day, there was a twist: it was filledwith Venetians, not tourists.

B) “People are cheering and holding their carts in the air,” says Giovanni Giorgio, whohelped organize the march with a grass-roots organization called Generazione '90. Thecarts he refers to are small shopping carts—the symbol of a true Venetian. “It started asa joke,” he says with a laugh. “The idea was to put blades on the wheels! You know? LikeBen Hur. Precisely like that, you just go around and run people down.”

C) Venice is one of the hottest tourist destinations in the world. But that's a problem. Upto 90,000 tourists crowd its streets and canals every day—far outnumbering the 55,000 permanent residents. The tourist increase is one key reason the city's population isdown from 175,000 in the 1950s. The outnumbered Venetians have been steadilyfleeing. And those who stick around are tired of living in a place where they can't evenget to the market without swimming through a sea of picture-snapping tourists. Imagine, navigating through 50,000 people while on the way to school or to work.

D) Laura Chigi, a grandmother at the march, says the local and national governmentshave failed to do anything about the crowds for decades, because they're only interestedin tourism—the primary industry in Venice, worth more than $3 billion in . “Veniceis a cash cow,” she says, “and everyone wants a piece.”

E) Just beyond St. Mark's Square, a cruise ship passes, one of hundreds every year thatappear over their medieval (中世纪的) surroundings. Their massive wake creates wavesat the bottom of the sea, weakening the foundations of the centuries-old buildingsthemselves. “Every time I see a cruise ship, I feel sad,” Chigi says. “You see the mud itdrags; the destruction it leaves in its wake? That hurts the ancient wooden polesholding up the city underwater. One day we'll see Venice break down.”

F) For a time, UNESCO, the cultural wing of the United Nations, seemed to agree. Twoyears ago, it put Italy on notice, saying the government was not protecting Venice. UNESCO considers the entire city a World Heritage Site, a great honor that meansVenice, at the cultural level, belongs to all of the world's people. In , UNESCO gaveItaly two years to manage Venice's flourishing tourism or the city would be placed onanother list—World Heritage In Danger, joining such sites as Aleppo and Palmyra, destroyed by the war in Syria.

G) Venice's deadline passed with barely a murmur (嘟哝) this summer, just as UNESCOwas meeting in Istanbul. Only one representative, Jad Tabet from Lebanon, tried toraise the issue. “For several years, the situation of heritage in Venice has beenworsening, and it has now reached a dramatic situation,” Tabet told UNESCO. “We haveto act quickly—there is not a moment to waste.”

H) But UNESCO didn't even hold a vote. “It's been postponed until ,” says AnnaSomers, the founder and CEO of The Art Newspaper and the former head of Venice inPeril, a group devoted to restoring Venetian art. She says the main reason the U.N. cultural organization didn't vote to declare Venice a World Heritage Site In Danger isbecause UNESCO has become “intensely politicized. There would have been some back-room negotiations.”

I) Italy boasts more UNESCO World Heritage Sites than any other country in the world, granting it considerable power and influence within the organization. The former headof the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, which oversees heritage sites, is FrancescoBandarin, a Venetian who now serves as UNESCO's assistant director-general forculture.

J) Earlier this year, Italy signed an accord with UNESCO to establish a task force ofpolice art detectives and archaeologists (考古学家) to protect cultural heritage fromnatural disasters and terror groups, such as ISIS. The accord underlined Italy's globalreputation as a good steward of art and culture.

K) But adding Venice to the UNESCO endangered list—which is dominated by sites indeveloping and conflict-ridden countries—would be an international embarrassment, and could even hurt Italy's profitable tourism industry. The Italian Culture Ministry saysit is unaware of any government efforts to pressure UNESCO. As for the organizationitself, it declined a request for an interview.

L) The city's current mayor, Luigi Brugnaro, has ridiculed UNESCO and told it to mind itsown business, while continuing to support the cruise ship industry, which employs 5,000 Venice residents.

M) As for Venetians, they're beyond frustrated and hoping for a solution soon. “It's anightmare for me. Some situations are really difficult with tourists around,” says Giorgioas he navigates around a swelling crowd at the Rialto Bridge. “There are just so many ofthem. They never know where they are going, and do not walk in an orderly manner. Navigating the streets can be exhausting.”

N) Then it hits him: This crowd isn't made up of tourists. They're Venetians. Giorgio sayshe's never experienced the Rialto Bridge this way in all his 22 years. “For once, we arethe ones who are blocking the traffic,” he says delightedly. “It feels unreal. It feels likewe're some form of endangered species. It's just nice. The feeling is just pure.” But, heworries, if tourism isn't managed and his fellow locals continue to move to the mainland, his generation might be the last who can call themselves native Venetians.

36. The passing cruise ships will undermine the foundations of the ancient buildings inVenice.

37. The Italian government has just reached an agreement with UNESCO to takemeasures to protect its cultural heritage.

38. The heritage situation in Venice has been deteriorating in the past few years.

39. The decrease in the number of permanent residents in Venice is mainly due to theincrease of tourists.

40. If tourism gets out of control, native Venetians may desert the city altogether oneday.

41. UNESCO urged the Italian government to undertake its responsibility to protectVenice.

42. The participants in the Venetian march used shopping carts to show they were 100% local residents.

43. Ignoring UNESCO's warning, the mayor of Venice maintains his support of the city'stourism industry.

44. One woman says that for decades the Italian government and local authorities haveonly focused on the revenues from tourism.

45. UNESCO has not yet decided to put Venice on the list of World Heritage Sites InDanger.

Section C

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by somequestions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter onAnswer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Passage One

Questions 46 and 50 are based on the following passage.

Living in an urban area with green spaces has a long-lasting positive impact onpeople's mental well-being, a study has suggested. UK researchers found moving to agreen space had a sustained positive effect, unlike pay rises or promotions, which onlyprovided a short-term boost. Co-author Mathew White, from the University of Exeter, UK, explained that the study showed people living in greener urban areas weredisplaying fewer signs of depression or anxiety. “There could be a number of reasons,” he said, “for example, people do many things to make themselves happier: they strivefor promotion or pay rises, or they get married. But the trouble with those things is thatwithin six months to a year, people are back to their original baseline levels of well-being. So, these things are not sustainable; they don't make us happy in the long term. We found that for some lottery (彩票) winners who had won more than £500,000 thepositive effect was definitely there, but after six months to a year, they were back to thebaseline.”

Dr. White said his team wanted to see whether living in greener urban areas had alasting positive effect on people's sense of well-being or whether the effect alsodisappeared after a period of time. To do this, the team used data from the BritishHousehold Panel Survey compiled by the University of Essex.

Explaining what the data revealed, he said: “What you see is that even after three years, mental health is still better, which is unlike many other things that we think will make ushappy.” He observed that people living in green spaces were less stressed, and lessstressed people made more sensible decisions and communicated better.

With a growing body of evidence establishing a link between urban green spaces and apositive impact on human well-being, Dr. White said, “There's growing interest amongpublic policy officials, but the trouble is who funds it. What we really need at a policylevel is to decide where the money will come from to help support good quality localgreen spaces.”

46. According to one study, what do green spaces do to people?

A) Improve their work efficiency.

B) Add to their sustained happiness.

C) Help them build a positive attitude towards life.

D) Lessen their concerns about material well-being.

47. What does Dr. White say people usually do to make themselves happier?

A) Earn more money.

B) Settle in an urban area.

C) Gain fame and popularity.

D) Live in a green environment.

48. What does Dr. White try to find out about living in a greener urban area?

A) How it affects different people.

B) How strong its positive effect is.

C) How long its positive effect lasts.

D) How it benefits people physically.

49. What did Dr. White's research reveal about people living in a green environment?

A) Their stress was more apparent than real.

B) Their decisions required less deliberation.

C) Their memories were greatly strengthened.

D) Their communication with others improved.

50. According to Dr. White, what should the government do to build more green spacesin cities?

A) Find financial support.

B) Improve urban planning.

C) Involve local residents in the effort.

D) Raise public awareness of the issue.

Passage Two

Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.

You probably know about the Titanic, but it was actually just one of three state-of-the-art(先进的) ocean ships back in the day. The Olympic class ships were built by the Harland& Wolff ship makers in Northern Ireland for the White Star Line company. TheOlympic class included the Olympic, the Britannic and the Titanic. What you may notknow is that the Titanic wasn't even the flagship of this class. All in all, the Olympic classships were marvels of sea engineering, but they seemed cursed to suffer disastrousfates.

The Olympic launched first in 1910, followed by the Titanic in 1911, and lastly theBritannic in 1914. The ships had nine decks, and White Star Line decided to focus onmaking them the most luxurious ships on the water.

Stretching 269.13 meters, the Olympic class ships were wonders of naval technology, and everyone thought that they would continue to be so for quite some time. However, all suffered terrible accidents on the open seas. The Olympic got wrecked before theTitanic did, but it was the only one to survive and maintain a successful career of 24 years. The Titanic was the first to sink after famously hitting a huge iceberg in 1912. Following this disaster, the Britannic hit a naval mine in 1916 and subsequently sank aswell.

Each ship was coal-powered by several boilers constantly kept running by exhaustedcrews below deck. Most recognizable of the ship designs are the ship's smoke stacks, but the fourth stack was actually just artistic in nature and served no functionalpurpose. While two of these ships sank, they were all designed with double hulls (船体) believed to make them “unsinkable”, perhaps a mistaken idea that led to the Titanic'sand the Britannic's tragic end.

The Olympic suffered two crashes with other ships and went on to serve as a hospitalship and troop transport in World War I. Eventually, she was taken out of service in1935, ending the era of the luxurious Olympic class ocean liners.

51. What does the passage say about the three Olympic class ships?

A) They performed marvellously on the sea.

B) They could all break the ice in their way.

C) They all experienced terrible misfortunes.

D) They were models of modern engineering.

52. What did White Star Line have in mind when it purchased the three ships?

A) Their capacity of sailing across all waters.

B) The utmost comfort passengers could enjoy.

C) Their ability to survive disasters of any kind.

D) The long voyages they were able to undertake.

53. What is said about the fourth stack of the ships?

A) It was a mere piece of decoration.

B) It was the work of a famous artist.

C) It was designed to let out extra smoke.

D) It was easily identifiable from afar.

54. What might have led to the tragic end of the Titanic and the Britannic?

A) Their unscientific designs.

B) Their captains' misjudgment.

C) The assumption that they were built with the latest technology.

D) The belief that they could never sink with a double-layer body.

55. What happened to the ship Olympic in the end?

A) She was used to carry troops.

B) She was sunk in World War I.

C) She was converted into a hospital ship.

D) She was retired after her naval service.

Part IV Translation (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chineseinto English. You should write your answer onAnswer Sheet 2.



Part Ⅰ Writing

The Importance of Writing Ability and Howto Develop It

As the most productive and communicative way to express ourselves, writing isattached great importance in all ages. Whether we want to improve our writing skills as acreative writer or simply perfect our skills for schoolwork, we can take some steps tolearn how to be a better writer.

Firstly, in order to make our writing creative and imaginative, brainstorming is one ofthe key elements to build up a unique topic. Don't hesitate to take down all the ideasthat come into our mind. Secondly, a good development of our writing is based on a clearstructure or paragraph organization. Even a simple outline will help us see the bigpicture and save us hours of rewriting. Finally, diversity of vocabulary and grammarused in writing is highly recommended for the reason that one of the most commonmanifestations of bad writing is overuse or reuse of simple language.

To sum up, we should take practice and expand our knowledge to become a greatwriter. With enough hard work and scientific techniques, we will amaze not onlyourselves but also anybody else.

Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension

1. B) Scared.

2. D) It was covered with large scales.

3. A) A study of the fast-food service.

4. C) Increased variety of products.

5. C) U.S. government's approval of private space missions.

6. A) Deliver scientific equipment to the moon.

7. B) It is promising.

8. D) Lying in the sun on a Thai beach.

9. A) She visited a Thai orphanage.

10. D) His phone is running out of power.

11. C) He collects things from different countries.

12. D) Trying out a new gym in town.

13. C) A discount for a half-year membership.

14. A) The safety of weight-lifting.

15. C) She knows the basics of weight-lifting.

16. B) They often apply for a number of positions.

17. A) Get better organized.

18. B) Personalize each application.

19. B) If not forced to go to school, kids would be out in the streets.

20. D) Design activities they now enjoy doing on holidays.

21. D) Take kids out of school to learn at first hand.

22. C) It is seen almost anywhere and on any occasion.

23. D) It offers people a chance to socialize.

24. A) Their state of mind improved.

25. B) It is life.

Part III Reading Comprehension




Part IV Translation

Buses used to be the main means of transportation for the Chinese people. In recentyears, with the number of private cars increasing, cities have been facing increasinglysevere traffic problems. To encourage more people to travel by bus, many cities havebeen making efforts to improve bus services. Bus facilities have been continuouslyrenovated, and bus speed has also increased dramatically. However, bus fares are stillcheap. Now, in most cities, many local elderly citizens can take a bus for free.








翻译:很多同学不是太重视四级的翻译,认为即使提前准备也不会有太大提高,其实不然。四六级的翻译也是可以快速提分的,因为其考察内容有很多重复的地方,比如:词汇,句式结构,文章题材。去年12月的四级就考察了:中餐,中国结,茶文化等中国传统文化的相关内容,很多词语是相通的;同一句式结构会反复考察,比如not only...but also...。所以说提前准备是可以复习到常考词汇和句式的,也可以在短期内获得提高。当然最重要的是平时多积累词汇、语法知识,多读多写多做积累,培养英文的敏感性。









Part I Writing (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the importance of reading ability and how to develop it. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.




Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes)


Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.

1. A) The return of a bottled message to its owner's daughter.

B) A New Hampshire man's joke with friends on his wife.

C) A father's message for his daughter.

D) The history of a century-old motel.

2. A) She wanted to show gratitude for his kindness.

B) She wanted to honor her father's promise.

C) She had been asked by her father to do so.

D) She was excited to see her father's handwriting.

Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.

3. A) People were concerned about the number of bees.

B) Several cases of Zika disease had been identified.

C) Two million bees were infected with disease.

D) Zika virus had destroyed some bee farms.

4. A) It apologized to its customers.

B) It was forced to kill its bees.

C) It lost a huge stock of bees.

D) It lost 2.5 million dollars.

Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.

5. A) It stayed in the air for about two hours.

B) It took off and landed on a football field.

C) It proved to be of high commercial value.

D) It made a series of sharp turns in the sky.

6. A) Engineering problems.

B) The air pollution it produced.

C) Inadequate funding.

D) The opposition from the military.

7. A) It uses the latest aviation technology.

B) It flies faster than a commercial jet.

C) It is a safer means of transportation.

D) It is more environmentally friendly.

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

8. A) It seems a depressing topic.

B) It sounds quite alarming.

C) It has little impact on our daily life.

D) It is getting more serious these days.

9. A) The man doesn't understand Spanish.

B) The woman doesn't really like dancing.

C) They don't want something too noisy.

D) They can't make it to the theatre in time.

10. A) It would be more fun without Mr. Whitehead hosting.

B) It has too many acts to hold the audience's attention.

C) It is the most amusing show he has ever watched.

D) It is a show inappropriate for a night of charity.

11. A) Watch a comedy.

B) Go and see the dance.

C) Book the tickets online.

D) See a film with the man.

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

12. A) Most of her schoolmates are younger than she is.

B) She simply has no idea what school to transfer to.

C) There are too many activities for her to cope with.

D) She worries she won't fit in as a transfer student.

13. A) Seek advice from senior students.

B) Pick up some meaningful hobbies.

C) Participate in after-school activities.

D) Look into what the school offers.

14. A) Give her help whenever she needs it.

B) Accept her as a transfer student.

C) Find her accommodation on campus.

D) Introduce her to her roommates.

15. A) She has interests similar to Mr. Lee's.

B) She has become friends with Catherine.

C) She has chosen the major Catherine has.

D) She has just transferred to the college.

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.

16. A) To investigate how being overweight impacts on health.

B) To find out which physical drive is the most powerful.

C) To discover what most mice like to eat.

D) To determine what feelings mice have.

17. A) When they are hungry.

B) When they are thirsty.

C) When they smell food.

D) When they want company.

18. A) They search for food in groups.

B) They are overweight when food is plenty.

C) They prefer to be with other mice.

D) They enjoy the company of other animals.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.

19. A) Its construction started before World War I.

B) Its construction cost more than $ 40 billion.

C) It is efficiently used for transport.

D) It is one of the best in the world.

20. A) To improve transportation in the countryside.

B) To move troops quickly from place to place.

C) To enable people to travel at a higher speed.

D) To speed up the transportation of goods.

21. A) In the 1970s.

B) In the 1960s.

C) In the 1950s.

D) In the 1940s.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

22. A) Chatting while driving.

B) Messaging while driving.

C) Driving under age.

D) Speeding on highways.

23. A) A gadget to hold a phone on the steering wheel.

B) A gadget to charge the phone in a car.

C) A device to control the speed of a vehicle.

D) A device to ensure people drive with both hands.

24. A) The car keeps flashing its headlights.

B) The car slows down gradually to a halt.

C) They are alerted with a light and a sound.

D) They get a warning on their smart phone.

25. A) Installing a camera.

B) Using a connected app.

C) Checking their emails.

D) Keeping a daily record.

Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

An office tower on Miller Street in Manchester is completely covered in solar panels. They are used to create some of the energy used by the insurance company inside. When the tower was first 26 in 1962, it was covered with thin square stones. These small square stones became a problem for the building and continued to fall off the face for 40 years until a major renovation was 27 . During this renovation the building's owners, CIS, 28 the solar panel company, Solarcentury. They agreed to cover the entire building in solar panels. In , the completed CIS tower became Europe's largest 29 of vertical solar panels. A vertical solar project on such a large 30 has never been repeated since.

Covering a skyscraper with solar panels had never been done before, and the CIS tower was chosen as one of the “10 best green energy projects”. For a long time after this renovation project, it was the tallest building in the United Kingdom, but it was 31 overtaken by the Millbank Tower.

Green buildings like this aren't 32 cost-efficient for the investor, but it does produce much less pollution than that caused by energy 33 through fossil fuels. As solar panels get 34 , the world is likely to see more skyscrapers covered in solar panels, collecting energy much like trees do. Imagine a world where building the tallest skyscraper wasn't a race of 35 , but rather one to collect the most solar energy.

A) cheaper B) cleaner C) collection D) competed E) constructed F) consulted G) dimension H) discovered I) eventually J) height K) necessarily L) production M) range N) scale O) undertaken

Section B

Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.

Some College Students Are Angry That They Have to Pay to Do Their Homework

A) Digital learning systems now charge students for access codes needed to complete coursework, take quizzes, and turn in homework. As universities go digital, students are complaining of a new hit to their finances that's replacing—and sometimes joining—expensive textbooks: pricey online access codes that are required to complete coursework and submit assignments.

B) The codes—which typically range in price from $ 80 to $ 155 per course—give students online access to systems developed by education companies like McGraw Hill and Pearson. These companies, which long reaped big profits as textbook publishers, have boasted that their new online offerings, when pushed to students through universities they partner with, represent the future of the industry.

C) But critics say the digital access codes represent the same profit-seeking ethos (观念) of the textbook business, and are even harder for students to opt out of. While they could once buy second-hand textbooks, or share copies with friends, the digital systems are essentially impossible to avoid.

D) “When we talk about the access code we see it as the new face of the textbook monopoly (垄断), a new way to lock students around this system,” said Ethan Senack, the higher education advocate for the U.S. Public Interest Research Group, to BuzzFeed News. “Rather than $250 (for a print textbook) you're paying $ 120,” said Senack. “But because it's all digital it eliminates the used book market and eliminates any sharing and because homework and tests are through an access code, it eliminates any ability to opt out.”

E) Sarina Harpet, a 19-year-old student at Virginia Tech, was faced with a tough dilemma when she first started college in 2015—pay rent or pay to turn in her chemistry homework. She told BuzzFeed News that her freshman chemistry class required her to use Connect, a system provided by McGraw Hill where students can submit homework, take exams and track their grades. But the code to access the program cost $ 120—a big sum for Harper, who had already put down $ 450 for textbooks, and had rent day approaching.

F) She decided to wait for her next work-study paycheck, which was typically $ 150- $ 200, to pay for the code. She knew that her chemistry grade may take a dive as a result. “It's a balancing act,” she said. “Can I really afford these access codes now?” She didn't hand in her first two assignments for chemistry, which started her out in the class with a failing grade.

G) The access codes may be another financial headache for students, but for textbook businesses, they're the future. McGraw Hill, which controls 21% of the higher education market, reported in March that its digital content sales exceeded print sales for the first time in 2015. The company said that 45% of its $ 140 million revenue in 2015 “was derived from digital products.”

H) A Pearson spokesperson told BuzzFeed News that “digital materials are less expensive and a good investment” that offer new features, like audio texts, personalized knowledge checks and expert videos. Its digital course materials save students up to 60% compared to traditional printed textbooks, the company added. McGraw Hill didn't respond to a request for comment, but its CEO David Levin told the Financial Times in August that “in higher education, the era of the printed textbook is now over.”

I) The textbook industry insists the online systems represent a better deal for students. “These digital products aren't just mechanisms for students to submit homework, they offer all kinds of features,” David Anderson, the executive director of higher education with the Association of American Publishers, told BuzzFeed News. “It helps students understand in a way that you can't do with print homework assignments.”

J) David Hunt, an associate professor in sociology at Augusta University, which has rolled out digital textbooks across its math and psychology departments, told BuzzFeed News that he understands the utility of using systems that require access codes. But he doesn't require his students to buy access to a learning program that controls the class assignments. “I try to make things as inexpensive as possible,” said Hunt, who uses free digital textbooks for his classes but designs his own curriculum. “The online systems may make my life a lot easier but I feel like I'm giving up control. The discussions are the things where my expertise can benefit the students most.”

K) A 20-year-old junior at Georgia Southern University told BuzzFeed News that she normally spends $ 500-$ 600 on access codes for class. In one case, the professor didn't require students to buy a textbook, just an access code to turn in homework. This year she said she spent $ 900 on access codes to books and programs. “That's two months of rent,” she said. “You can't sell any of it back. With a traditional textbook you can sell it for $ 30 - $ 50 and that helps to pay for your new semester's books. With an access code, you're out of that money. ”

L) Benjamin Wolverton, a 19-year-old student at the University of South Carolina, told BuzzFeed News that “it's ridiculous that after paying tens of thousands in tuition we have to pay for all these access codes to do our homework.” Many of the access codes he's purchased have been required simply to complete homework or quizzes. “Often it's only 10% of your grade in class.” he said. “You're paying so much money for something that hardly affects your grade—but if you didn't have it, it would affect your grades enough. It would be bad to start out at a B or C.” Wolverton said he spent $ 500 on access codes for digital books and programs this semester.

M) Harper, a poultry (家禽) science major, is taking chemistry again this year and had to buy a new access code to hand in her homework. She rented her economics and statistics textbooks for about $ 20 each. But her access codes for homework, which can't be rented or bought second-hand, were her most expensive purchases: $ 120 and $ 85.

N) She still remembers the sting of her first experience skipping an assignment due to the high prices. “We don't really have a missed assignment policy,” she said. “If you miss it, you just miss it. I just got zeros on a couple of first assignments. I managed to pull everything back up. But as a scared freshman looking at their grades, it's not fun.”

36. A student's yearly expenses on access codes may amount to their rent for two months.

37. The online access codes may be seen as a way to tie the students to the digital system.

38. If a student takes a course again, they may have to buy a new access code to submit their assignments.

39. McGraw Hill accounts for over one-fifth of the market share of college textbooks.

40. Many traditional textbook publishers are now offering online digital products, which they believe will be the future of the publishing business.

41. One student complained that they now had to pay for access codes in addition to the high tuition.

42. Digital materials can cost students less than half the price of traditional printed books according to a publisher.

43. One student decided not to buy her access code until she received the pay for her part-time job.

44. Online systems may deprive teachers of opportunities to make the best use of their expertise for their students.

45. Digital access codes are criticized because they are profit-driven just like the textbook business.

Section C

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Passage One

Questions 46 and 50 are based on the following passage.

Losing your ability to think and remember is pretty scary. We know the risk of dementia (痴呆症) increases with age. But if you have memory slips, you probably needn't worry. There are pretty clear differences between signs of dementia and age-related memory loss.

After age 50, it's quite common to have trouble remembering the names of people, places and things quickly, says Dr. Kirk Daffner of Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston.

The brain ages just like the rest of the body. Certain parts shrink, especially areas in the brain that are important to learning, memory and planning. Changes in brain cells can affect communication between different regions of the brain. And blood flow can be reduced as blood vessels narrow.

Forgetting the name of an actor in a favorite movie, for example, is nothing to worry about. But if you forget the plot of the movie or don't remember even seeing it, that's far more concerning, Daffner says.

When you forget entire experiences, he says, that's “a red flag that something more serious may be involved.” Forgetting how to operate a familiar object like a microwave oven, or forgetting how to drive to the house of a friend you've visited many times before can also be signs of something going wrong.

But even then, Daffner says, people shouldn't panic. There are many things that can cause confusion and memory loss, including health problems like temporary stoppage of breathing during sleep, high blood pressure, or depression, as well as medications (药物) like antidepressants.

You don't have to figure this out on your own. Daffner suggests going to your doctor to check on medications, health problems and other issues that could be affecting memory. And the best defense against memory loss is to try to prevent it by building up your brain's cognitive (认知的) reserve, Daffner says.

“Read books, go to movies, take on new hobbies or activities that force one to think in novel ways,” he says. In other words, keep your brain busy and working. And also get physically active, because exercise is a known brain booster.

46. Why does the author say that one needn't be concerned about memory slips?

A) Not all of them are symptoms of dementia.

B) They occur only among certain groups of people.

C) Not all of them are related to one's age.

D) They are quite common among fifty-year-olds.

47. What happens as we become aged according to the passage?

A) Our interaction skills deteriorate.

B) Some parts of our brain stop functioning.

C) Communication within our brain weakens.

D) Our whole brain starts shrinking.

48. Which memory-related symptom should people take seriously?

A) Totally forgetting how to do one's daily routines.

B) Inability to recall details of one's life experiences.

C) Failure to remember the names of movies or actors.

D) Occasionally confusing the addresses of one's friends.

49. What should people do when signs of serious memory loss show up?

A) Check the brain's cognitive reserve.

B) Stop medications affecting memory.

C) Turn to a professional for assistance.

D) Exercise to improve their well-being.

50. What is Dr. Daffner's advice for combating memory loss?

A) Having regular physical and mental checkups.

B) Taking medicine that helps boost one's brain.

C) Engaging in known memory repair activities.

D) Staying active both physically and mentally.

Passage Two

Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.

A letter written by Charles Darwin in 1875 has been returned to the Smithsonian Institution Archives (档案馆) by the FBI after being stolen twice.

“We realized in the mid-1970s that it was missing,” says Effie Kapsalis, head of the Smithsonian Insitution Archives. “It was noted as missing and likely taken by an intern (实习生), from what the FBI is telling us. Word got out that it was missing when someone asked to see the letter for research purposes,” and the intern put the letter back. “The intern likely took the letter again once nobody was watching it.”

Decades passed. Finally, the FBI received a tip that the stolen document was located very close to Washington, D.C. Their art crime team recovered the letter but were unable to press charges because the time of limitations had ended. The FBI worked closely with the Archives to determine that the letter was both authentic and definitely Smithsonian's property.

The letter was written by Darwin to thank an American geologist, Dr. Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden, for sending him copies of his research into the geology of the region that would become Yellowstone National Park.

The letter is in fairly good condition, in spite of being out of the care of trained museum staff for so long. “It was luckily in good shape,” says Kapsalis, “and we just have to do some minor things in order to be able to unfold it. It has some glue on it that has colored it slightly, but nothing that will prevent us from using it. After it is repaired, we will take digital photos of it and that will be available online. One of our goals is to get items of high research value or interest to the public online.”

It would now be difficult for an intern, visitor or a thief to steal a document like this. “Archiving practices have changed greatly since the 1970s,” says Kapsalis, “and we keep our high value documents in a safe that I don't even have access to.”

51. What happened to Darwin's letter in the 1970s?

A) It was recovered by the FBI.

B) It was stolen more than once.

C) It was put in the archives for research purposes.

D) It was purchased by the Smithsonian Archives.

52. What did the FBI do after the recovery of the letter?

A) They proved its authenticity.

B) They kept it in a special safe.

C) They arrested the suspect immediately.

D) They pressed criminal charges in vain.

53. What is Darwin's letter about?

A) The evolution of Yellowstone National Park.

B) His cooperation with an American geologist.

C) Some geological evidence supporting his theory.

D) His acknowledgement of help from a professional.

54. What will the Smithsonian Institution Archives do with the letter according to Kapsalis?

A) Reserve it for research purposes only.

B) Turn it into an object of high interest.

C) Keep it a permanent secret.

D) Make it available online.

55. What has the past half century witnessed according to Kapsalis?

A) Growing interest in rare art objects.

B) Radical changes in archiving practices.

C) Recovery of various missing documents.

D) Increases in the value of museum exhibits.

Part IV Translation (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.


第 5 页:四级答案


Part Ⅰ Writing

The Importance of Reading Ability and How to Develop It

As the most frequently used way to get access to the original material, reading has always been considered one of the most important parts of language learning. This explains why reading skills should be highly emphasized.

Then how to improve our reading skills? First of all, scan the material before we begin. Whatever the purpose of our reading is, take a few minutes to look the piece over to check and see how the work is structured and presented. Secondly, try not to reach for the dictionary when we come to a word we don't know. Instead, try to guess the meaning of the word based on the context. Last but not least, write a few sentences to summarize what we've read since it is a way of checking that we understand what we're reading.

Above all, reading has important benefits and can help us learn the language faster and more completely, which encourages each language learner to develop their reading skills as suggested.

Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension

1. A) The return of a bottled message to its owner's daughter.

2. B) She wanted to honor her father's promise.

3. B) Several cases of Zika disease had been identified.

4. C) It lost a huge stock of bees.

5. A) It stayed in the air for about two hours.

6. C) Inadequate funding.

7. D) It is more environmentally friendly.

8. A) It seems a depressing topic.

9. D) They can't make it to the theatre in time.

10. C) It is the most amusing show he has ever watched.

11. B) Go and see the dance.

12. D) She worries she won't fit in as a transfer student.

13. C) Participate in after-school activities.

14. A) Give her help whenever she needs it.

15. D) She has just transferred to the college.

16. B) To find out which physical drive is the most powerful.

17. A) When they are hungry.

18. C) They prefer to be with other mice.

19. D) It is one of the best in the world.

20. B) To move troops quickly from place to place.

21. A) In the 1970s.

22. B) Messaging while driving.

23. D) A device to ensure people drive with both hands.

24. C) They are alerted with a light and a sound.

25. B) Using a connected app.

Part III Reading Comprehension




Part IV Translation

In the past, traveling by plane was unimaginable for most Chinese people. Today, with the development of China's economy and the improvement of people's living standards, more and more Chinese people, including many farmers and migrant workers, can travel by air. They can fly to all major cities, and many other cities are also planning to build airports. Air services continue to improve, and there are often cheap flights. In recent years, the number of people choosing to travel by air during holidays has been increasing.


Part I Writing (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a foreign friend whowants to study in China. Please recommend a university to him. You should write atleast 120 words but no more than 180 words.




Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)

说明:由于12月四级考试全国共考了两套听力, 本套真题听力与前两套内容相同, 只是选项顺序不同, 因此在本套真题中不再重复出现。

Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passagewith ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choicesgiven in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully beforemaking your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark thecorresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You maynot use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Millions of people travel by plane every single day. If you're planning on being one ofthem soon, you might not be looking forward to the __26__ feeling air travel often leavesyou with. Besides the airport crowds and stress, travelling at a high altitude has realefects on the body. Although the pressure of the cabin is __27__ to prevent altitudesickness, you could still __28__ sleepiness or a headache. The lower oxygen pressurefound in an aircraft cabin is __29__ to that at 6,000-8,000 feet of altitude. A drop inoxygen pressure can cause headaches in certain __30__ To help prevent headaches, drink plenty of water, and avoid alcohol and coffee.

Aiplane food might not really be as tateless as you __31__ thought. The air you breathein a plane dries out your mouth and nose, which can affect your sense of taste. Perception of sweet and salty foods dropped by almost 30 percent in a simulation of airtravel. However, you can make your taste buds active again by drinking water. A drymouth may __32__ taste sensitivity, but taste is restored by drinking fluids.

Although in-flight infections __33__ in dry environments like airplanes, your risk ofgetting sick from an airplane is actually low because of the air __34__ used. Unless you're stting next to someone who is coughing or sneezing, you shouldn't worry too muchabout getting sick. However, bacteria have been shown to live on cabin surfaces, sowash your hands __35__.

A) adjusted

B) channels

C) equivalent

D) experience

E) filters

F) frequently

G) individuals

H) originally

I) particular

J) primarily

K) reduce

L) renovated

M) smooth

N) thrive

O) unpleasant

Section B

Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statementsattached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphsIdentify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose aparagraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questionsby marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.

A south Korean city designed for the future takes on a life of its own

A) Getting around a city is one thing -- and then there's the matter of getting from onecity to another. One vision of the perfect city of the future: a place that offers easyaccess to air travel.In , a University of North Carolina business professor namedJohn Kasarda published a book called Aerotropolis: The Way We'll Live Next. Kasardasays future cities should be built intentionally around or near airports. The idea, as hehas put it, is to offer businesses “rapid, long-distance connectivity on a massive scale.”

B) “The 18th century really was a waterborne century, the 19th century a rail century, the 20th century a highway, car, truck century -- and the 21st century will increasinglybe an aviation century, as the globe becomes increasingly connected by air,” Kasardasays.Songdo, a city built from scratch in South Korea, is one of Kasarda's primeexamples. It has existed for just a few years.“From the get-go, it was designed on thebasis of connectivity and competitiveness,” says Kasada. “The government built thebridge directly from the airport to the Songdo International Business District. And thesurface infrastructure was built in tandem with the new airport.”

C) Songdo is a stone's throw from South Korea's Incheon Airport, its main internationalhub. But it takes a lot more than a nearby airport to be a city of the future. Just buildinga place as an “international business district” doesn't mean it will become one. ParkYeon Soo conceived this city of the future back in 1986. He considers Songdo his baby. “I am a visionary,” he says.Thirty years after he imagined the city, Park's baby is closeto 70 percent built, with 36,000 people living in the business district and 90,000 residents in greater Songdo. It's about an hour outside Seoul, built on reclaimed tidalflats along the Yellow Sea. There's a Coast Guard building and a tall trade tower, as wellas a park, golf course and university.

D) Chances are you've actually seen this place. Songdo appears in the most famousmusic video ever to come out of South Korea.“Gangnam Style” refers to the fashionableGangnam district in Seoul. But some of the video was filmed in Songdo.“I don't know ifyou remember, there was a scene in a subway station. That was not Gangnam. That wasactually Songdo,” says Jung Won Son, a professor of urban development at London'sBartlett School of Planning. “Part of the reason to shoot there is that it's new and nice.”

E) The city was supposed to be a hub for global companies, with employees from allover the world. But that's not how it has turned out.Songdo's reputation is as afuturistic ghost town. But the reality is more complicated.A bridge with big, light-blueloops leads into the business district. In the center of the main road, there's a long lineof flags of the world. On the corner, there's a Starbucks and a 7-Eleven -- all of theinternational brands that you see all over the world nowadays.

F) The city is not empty. There are mothers pushing strollers, old women with walkers -- even in the middle of the day, when it's 90 degrees out. Byun Young-Jin chairs theSongdo real estate association and started selling property here when the first phaseof the city opened in . He says demand has boomed in the past couple of years.Mostof his clients are Korean. In fact, the developer says, 99 percent of the homes here aresold to Koreans. Young families move here because the schools are great.And that's theproblem: Songdo has become a popular Korean city -- more popular as a residentialarea than a business one. It's not yet the futuristic international business hub thatplanners imagined. “It's a great place to live. And it's becoming a great place to work,” says Scott Summers, the vice president of Gale International, the developer of the city. The floor-to-ceiling windows of his company's offices overlook Songdo Central Park, with a canal full of kayaks and paddle boats. Shimmering glass towers line the canal’sedge.

G) “What's happened is, because we focused on creating that quality of life first, whichenabled the residents to live here, what has probably missed the mark is for companiesto locate here,” he says. “There needs to be strong economic incentives.”The city is stillunfinished, and it feels a bit like a theme park. It doesn't feel all that futuristic. There'sa high-tech underground trash disposal system. Buildings are environmentally friendly. Everybody's television set is connected to a system that streams personalized languageor exercise classes.

H) But Star Trek this is not. And to some of the residents, Songdo feels hollow.“I'm, like, in prison for weekdays. That's what we call it in the workplace,” says a woman in her20s. She doesn't want to use her name for fear of being fired from her job. She goesback to Seoul every weekend. “I say I'm prison-breaking on Friday nights.”But she has tomake the prison break in her own car. There's no high-speed train connecting Songdo toSeoul, just over 20 miles away.

I) The man who first imagined Songdo feels frustrated, too. Park says he built SouthKorea a luxury vehicle, “like Mercedes or BMW. It's a good car now. But we're waitingfor a good driver to accelerate.”But there are lots of other good cars out there, too. Theworld is dotted with futuristic, high-tech cities trying to attract the biggest internationalcompanies.

J) Songdo's backers contend that it's still early, and business space is filling up -- about70 percent of finished offices are now occupied.Brent Ryan, who teaches urban designat MIT, says Songdo proves a universal principle. “There have been a lot of utopiancities in history. And the reason we don't know about a lot of them is that a lot of themhave vanished entirely.”In other words, when it comes to cities -- or anything else -- it ishard to predict the future.

36. Songdo's popularity lies more in its quality of life than its business attraction.

37. The man who conceived Songdo feels disappointed because it has fallen short ofhis expectations.

38. A scene in a popular South Korean music video was shot in Songdo.

39. Songdo still lacks the financial stimulus for businesses to set up shop there.

40. Airplanes will increasingly become the chief means of transportation, according to aprofessor.

41. Songdo has ended up diferent from the city it was supposed to be.

42. Some of the people who work in Songdo complain about boredom in theworkplace.

43. A business professor says that a future city should have easy access to internationaltransportation.

44. According to an urban design professor, it is difficult for city designers to forescewhat will happen in the future.

45. Park Yeon Soo, who envisioned Songdo, feels a parental connction with the city.

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage isread for the first time,you should listen carefully for its general idea.When the passageis read for the second time,you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact wordsyou have just heard. Finally,when the passage is read for the third time,you shouldcheck what you have written.

Passage One

Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.

The fifth largest city in US passed a significant soda tax proposal that will levy (征税)1.5 cents per liquid ounce on distributors.

Philadelphil's new measure was approved by a 13 to 4 city council vote. It sets a newbar for similar initiatives across the country. It is proof that taxes on sugary drinks canwin substantial support outside super-liberal areas. Until now, the only city tosuccessfully pass and implement a soda tax was Berkeley, California, in .

The tax will apply to regular and diet sodas, as well as other drinks with adder sugar, such as Gatorade and iced teas. It's expected to raise $410 million over the next fiveyears, most of which will go toward funding a universal pre-kindergarten program forthe city.

While the city council vote was met with applause inside the council room, opponents tothe measure, including soda lobbyists, made sharp criticisms and a promise tochallenge the tax in court.

“The tax passed today unfairly singles out beverages — including low —and no-caloriechoices,” said Lauren Kane, spokeswoman for the American Beverage Association. “Butmost importantly, it is against the law. So we will side with the majority of the people ofPhiladelphia who oppose this tax and take legal action to stop it.”

An industry-backed anti-tax campaign has spent at least $4 million on advertisements. The ads criticized the measure, characterizing it as a “grocery tax”.

Public health groups applauded the approved tax as step toward fixing certain lastinghealth issues that plague Americans. “The move to recapture a small part of the profitsfrom an industry that pushed a product that contributes to diabetes, obesity and heartdisease in poorer communities in order to reinvest in those communities will sure beinspirational to many other places,” said Jim Krieger, executive director of HealthyFood America. “indeed, we are already hearing from some of them. It's not 'justBerkeley' anymore.”

Similar measures in California's Albany, Oakland, San Francisco and Colorado's Boulderare becoming hot-button issues. Health advocacy groups have hinted that even moremight be coming.

46. What does the passage say about the newly-approved soda tax in Philadelphia?

A) It will change the lifestyle of many consumers.

B) It may encourage other US cities to fllow suit.

C) It will cut soda consumption among low-income communities.

D) It may influence the marketing strategies of the soda business.

47. What will the opponents probably do to respond to the soda tax proposal?

A) Bargain with the city council.

B) Refuse to pay additional tax.

C) Take legal action against it.

D) Try to win public support.

48. What did the industry-backed anti-tax campaign do about the soda tax proposal?

A) It tried to arouse hostile felings among consumers.

B) It tried to win grocers' support against the measure.

C) It kept sending ltters of protest to the media.

D) It criticized the measure through advertising.

49. What did public health groups think the soda tax would do?

A) Alert people to the risk of sugar-induced diseases.

B) Help people to fix certain long-time health issues.

C) Add to the fund for their rescarch on discases.

D) Benefit low-income people across the country.

50. What do we lear about similar measures concening the soda tax in some other citics?

A) They are becoming rather sensitive issues.

B) They are spreading panic in the soda industry.

C) They are reducing the incidence of sugar-induced diseases.

D) They are taking away a lot of proft from the soda industry.

Passage Two

Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.

Popping food into the microwave for a couple of minutes may seem utterly harmless, and Europe's stock of these quick-cooking ovens emit as much carbon as nearly 7millioncars, a new study has found, and the problem is growing. With costs falling and kitchenappliances becoming “status” users, owners are throwing many microwave after anaverage of eight years. This is pushing sales of new microwave which are expected toreach 135 million annually in the EU by the end of the decade.

A study by the University of Manchester worked out the emissions of carbon dioxide -- the main greenhouse gas responsible for climate change -- at every stage ofmicrowaves, from manufacture to waste disposal. “It is electricity consumption bymicrowaves that has the biggest impact on the environment,” say the authors, whoalso calculate that the emissions from using 19 microwaves over a year are the same asthose from a car. According to the same study, efforts to reduce consumption shouldfocus on improving consumer awareness and behaviour to use appliances moreefficiently. For example, electricity consumption by microwaves can be reduced byadjusting the time of cooking to the type of food.“

However, David Reay, professor of carbon management argues that, althoughmicrowaves use a great deal of enery, their emissions are minor compared to those fromcars. In the UK alone and these emit way more than all the emissions from microwavesin the EU. Backing this up, recent data show that passenger cars in the UK emitted 69mtonnes of CO2 in . This is 10 times the amount this new microwave oven studyestimates for annual emissions for all the microwave ovens in the whole of the EU.” further, the energy used by microwaves is lower than any other form of cooking. Amongcommon kitchen appliances used for cooking, microwaves are the most energyefficient, followed by a stove and finally a standard oven. Thus, rising microwave salescould be seen as a positive thing.

51. What is the finding of the new study?

A) Quick-cooking microwave ovens have become more popular.

B) The frequent use of microwaves may do harm to our health.

C) CO2 emissions constitute a major threat to the environment.

D) The use of microwaves emits more CO2 than people think.

52. Why are the sales of microwaves expected to rise?

A) They are becoming more afrdabla.

B) They have a shorter life cycle than other appliances.

C) They are gtting much easier to operate.

D) They take less tine to cook than other ppliaces.

53. What recommendation does the study by the University of Manchester make?

A) Cooking food of dfferent varieties.

B) Improving microwave users' habits.

C) Eating less to cut energy consumption.

D) Using microwave ovens less frequently.

54. What does Professor David Reay try to argue?

A) There are far more emissions from cars than from microwaves.

B) People should be persuaded into using passenger cars less often.

C) The UK produces less CO2 than many other countries in the EU.

D) More data are needed to show whether microwaves are harmful.

55. What does Professor David Reay think of the use of microwaves?

A) It will become less popular in the coming decades.

B) It makes everyday cooking much more convenient.

C) It plays a positive role in envronmental protection.

D) It consumes more power than conventional cooking.

Part IV Translation (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chineseinto English. You should write your answer onAnswer Sheet 2.



Part I Writing

Hello Tom,

I'm pretty excited to hear that you are going to pursue a postgraduate degree ineconomics in China. If you are still uncertain about which college to apply to, why notgo to Renmin University of China (RUC)?

I recommend it mainly because of its academic reputation. Today, it is widelyrecognized for its strengths in the fields of humanities and social sciences.

The School of Economics often invites distinguished scholars at home and abroad toacademic forums or seminars. You will definitely gain new insights into various economicissues by attending them as a student. Another striking feature of this university is itsvibrant campus life, as evidenced by activities such as Fun Sports Games, schoolorienteering competitions and the annual International Culture Festival. You will findthem all highly enjoyable. Moreover, RUC is conveniently situated close to bus stops andsubway stations, so you can spend your spare time exploring the city of Beiing.

Of course, it's totally up to you. Let me know if you make a final decision. Anyway, welcome to China.


Zhang Lei

Part III Reading Comprehension




Part IV Translation

The full name of a Han Chinese consists of a family name and a given name. Adistinctive feature of the Chinese name is that the family name always comes first, followed by the given name. For thousands of years, Chinese family names have beenpassed down through the father. Nowadays, however, it is not uncommon for a child toadopt the mother's family name. Generally, a given name is made up of one or twocharacters, usually carrying the parents' wishes for their child. It can be inferred fromthe name what kind of person the parents want their child to be, or what kind of life theyexpect him or her to lead. Chinese parents attach great importance to the choice of theirchild's name, as the name tends to accompany the child for his or her entire life.



Part I Writing (30 minutes)

Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a foreign friend who wants to learn Chinese. Please recommend a place to him. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.




Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)


Section A News Report

Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.

1. A) The number of male nurses has gone down.

B) There is discrimination against male nurses.

C) There is a growing shortage of medical personnel.

D) The number of nurses has dropped to a record low.

2. A) Working conditions.

B) Educational system.

C) Inadequate pay.

D) Cultural bias.

Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.

3. A) He fell out of a lifeboat.

B) He was almost drowned.

C) He lost his way on a beach.

D) He enjoyed swimming in the sea.

4. A) The lifeboats patrol the area round the clock.

B) The beach is a good place to watch the tide.

C) The emergency services are efficient.

D) The beach is a popular tourist resort.

Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.

5. A) It climbed 25 storeys at one go.

B) It broke into an office room.

C) It escaped from a local zoo.

D) It became an online star.

6. A) Release it into the wild.

B) Return it to its owner.

C) Send it back to the zoo.

D) Give it a physical checkup.

7. A) A racoon can perform acts no human can.

B) A racoon can climb much higher than a cat.

C) The racoon did something no politician could.

D) The raccoon became as famous as some politicians.

Section B Conversation

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversations you will hear four questions. Both the conversations and the question-s will be spoken only once. After you hear a question. You must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

8. A) She received a bonus unexpectedly.

B) She got a well-paying job in a bank.

C She received her first monthly salary.

D) She got a pay raise for her performance.

9. A) Two decades ago.

B) Several years ago.

C) Just last month.

D) Right after graduation.

10. A) He sent a small check to his parents.

B) He treated his parents to a nice meal.

C) He took a few of his friends to a gym.

D) He immediately deposited it in a bank.

11. A) Join her colleagues for gym exercise.

B) Visit her former university campus.

C) Buy some professional clothes.

D) Budget her salary carefully.

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

12. A) He has just too many things to attend to.

B) He has been overworked recently.

C) He has a difficult decision to make.

D) He has just quarreled with his girlfriend.

13. A) Turn to his girlfriend for assistance.

B) Give priority to things more urgent.

C) Think twice before making the decision.

D) Seek advice from his family and advisor.

14. A) His girlfriend does not support his decision.

B) He is not particularly keen on the job offered.

C) He lacks the money for his doctoral program.

D) His parents and advisor have different opinions.

15. A)They need time to make preparations.

B) They haven't started their careers yet.

C) They need to save enough money for it.

D) They haven't won their parents' approval.

Section C Passage

Directions: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.

16. A) Expressing ideas and opinions freely.

B) Enriching social and intellectual lives.

C) Acquiring information and professional knowledge.

D) Using information to understand and solve problems.

17. A) Traveling to different places in the world.

B) Playing games that challenge one's mind.

C) Improving mind-reading strategies.

D) Reading classic scientific literature.

18. A) Participate in debates or discussions.

B) Expose themselves to different cultures.

C) Discard personal biases and prejudices.

D) Give others freedom to express themselves.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.

19. A) Why dogs can be faithful friends of humans.

B) The nature of relationships between dogs.

C) The reason a great many people love dogs.

D) How dogs feel about their bonds with humans.

20. A) They behave like other animals in many ways.

B) They have an unusual sense of responsibility.

C) They can respond to humans' questions.

D) They can fall in love just like humans.

21. A) They stay with one partner for life.

B) They have their own joys and sorrows.

C) They experience true romantic love.

D) They help humans in various ways.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

22. A) A rare animal.

B) A historical site.

C) A cow bone.

D) A precious stone.

23. A) Dating it.

B) Preserving it.

C) Measuring it.

D) Identifying it.

24. A) The channel needs to interview the boy.

B) The boy should have called an expert.

C) The boy's family had acted correctly.

D) The site should have been protected.

25. A) Conduct a more detailed search.

B) Ask the university to reward Jude.

C) Search for similar fossils elsewhere.

D) Seek additional funds for the search.

Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Finally, some good news about airplane travel. If you are on a plane with a sick passenger, you are unlikely to get sick. That is the __26__ of a new study that looked at how respiratory (呼吸道) viruses __27__ on airplanes. Researchers found that only people who were seated in the same row as a passenger with the flu, for example -- or one row in front of or behind that individual -- had a high risk of catching the illness. All other passengers had only a very __28__ chance of getting sick, according to the findings. Media reports have not necessarily presented __29__ information about the risk of getting infected on an airplane in the past. Therefore, these new findings should help airplane passengers to feel less __30__ to catching respiratory infections while traveling by air.

Prior to the new study, little was known about the risks of getting __31__ infected by common respiratory viruses, such as the flu or common cold, on an airplane, the researchers said. So, to __32__ the risks of infection, the study team flew on 10 different __33__ in the U.S. during the flu season. The researchers found that passengers sitting within two seats on __34__ side of a person infected with the flu, as well as those sitting one row in front of or behind this individual, had about an 80 percent chance of getting sick. But other passengers were __35__ safe from infection. They had a less than 3 percent chance of catching the flu.

A) accurate

B) conclusion

C) directly

D) either

E) evaluate

F) explorations

G) flights

H) largely

I) nearby

J) respond

K) slim

L) spread

M) summit

N) vividly

O) vulnerable

Section B

Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.

Is Breakfast Really the Most Important Meal of the Day?

A) Along with old classics like “carrots give you night vision” and “Santa doesn't bring toys to misbehaving children”, one of the most well-worn phrases of tired parents everywhere is that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Many of us grow up believing that skipping breakfast is a serious mistake, even if only two thirds of adults in the UK eat breakfast regularly, according to the British Dietetic Association, and around three-quarters of Americans.

B) “The body uses a lot of energy stores for growth and repair through the night,” explains diet specialist Sarah Elder. “Eating a balanced breakfast helps to up our energy, as well as make up for protein and calcium used throughout the night.” But there's widespread disagreement over whether breakfast should keep its top spot in the hierarchy (等级) of meals. There have been concerns around the sugar content of cereal and the food industry's involvement in pro-breakfast research -- and even one claim from an academic that breakfast is “dangerous”.

C) What's the reality? Is breakfast a necessary start to the day or a marketing tactic by cereal companies? The most researched aspect of breakfast(and breakfast-skipping) has been its links to obesity. Scientists have different theories as to why there's a relationship between the two. In one US study that analysed the health data of 50,000 people over seven years, researchers found that those who made breakfast the largest meal of the day were more likely to have a lower body mass index (BMI) than those who ate a large lunch or dinner. The researchers argued that breakfast helps reduce daily calorie intake and improve the quality of our diet -- since breakfast foods are often higher in fibre and nutrients.

D) But as with any study of this kind, it was unclear if that was the cause -- or if breakfast-skippers were just more likely to be overweight to begin with. To find out, researchers designed a study in which 52 obese women took part in a 12-week weight loss programme. All had the same number of calories over the day, but half had breakfast, while the other half did not. What they found was that it wasn't breakfast itself that caused the participants to lose weight: it was changing their normal routine.

E) If breakfast alone isn't a guarantee of weight loss, why is there a link between obesity and breakfast-skipping? Alexandra Johnstone, professor of appetite research at the University of Aberdeen, argues that it may simply be because breakfast-skippers have been found to be less knowledgeable about nutrition and health. “There are a lot of studies on the relationship between breakfast eating and possible health outcomes, but this may be because those who eat breakfast choose to habitually have health-enhancing behaviours such as regular exercise and not smoking,” she says.

F) A review of 10 studies looking into the relationship between breakfast and weight management concluded there is “limited evidence” supporting or refuting (反驳) the argument that breakfast influences weight or food intake, and more evidence is required before breakfast recommendations can be used to help prevent obesity.

G) Researches from the University of Surrey and University of Aberdeen are halfway through research looking into the mechanisms behind how the time we eat influences body weight. Early findings suggest that a bigger breakfast is beneficial to weight control. Breakfast has been found to affect more than just weight. Skipping breakfast has been associated with a 27% increased risk of heart disease, a 21% higher risk of type 2 diabetes in men, and a 20% higher risk of type 2 diabetes in women. One reason may be breakfast's nutritional value -- partly because cereal is fortified (增加营养价值) with vitamins. In one study on the breakfast habits of 1,600 young people in the UK, researchers found that the fibre and micronutrient intake was better in those who had breakfast regularly. There have been similar findings in Australia, Brazil, Canada and the US.

H) Breakfast is also associated with improved brain function, including concentration and language use. A review of 54 studies found that eating breakfast can improve memory, though the effects on other brain functions were inconclusive. However, one of the review's researchers, Mary Beth Spitznagel, says there is “reasonable” evidence breakfast does improve concentration -- there just needs to be more research. “Looking at studies that tested concentration, the number of studies showing a benefit was exactly the same as the number that found no benefit,” she says. “And no studies found that eating breakfast was bad for concentration.”

I) What's most important, some argue, is what we eat for breakfast. High-protein breakfasts have been found particularly effective in reducing the longing for food and consumption later in the day, according to research by the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation. While cereal remains a firm favourite among breakfast consumers in the UK and US, a recent investigation into the sugar content of 'adult' breakfast cereals found that some cereals contain more than three-quarters of the recommended daily amount of free sugars in each portion, and sugar was the second or third highest ingredient in cereals.

J) But some research suggests if we're going to eat sugary foods, it's best to do it early. One study recruited 200 obese adults to take part in a 16-week-long diet, where half added dessert to their breakfast, and half didn't. Those who added dessert lost an average of 40 pounds more -- however, the study was unable to show the long-term effects. A review of 54 studies found that there is no consensus yet on what type of breakfast is healthier, and concluded that the type of breakfast doesn't matter as much as simply eating something.

K) While there's no conclusive evidence on exactly what we should be eating and when, the consensus is that we should listen to our own bodies and eat when we're hungry. “Breakfast is most important for people who are hungry when they wake up,” Johnstone says. “Each body starts the day differently -- and those individual differences need to be researched more closely,” Spitznagel says. “A balanced breakfast is really helpful, but getting regular meals throughout the day is more important to leave blood sugar stable through the day, which helps control weight and hunger levels,” says Elder. “Breakfast isn't the only meal we should be getting right.”

36. According to one professor, obesity is related to a lack of basic awareness of nutrition and health.

37. Some scientists claim that people should consume the right kind of food at breakfast.

38. Opinions differ as to whether breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

39. It has been found that not cating breakfast is related to the incidence of certain diseases in some countries.

40. Researchers found it was a change in eating habits rather than breakfast itself that induced weight loss.

41. To keep oneself healthy, eating breakfast is more important than choosing what to eat.

42. It is widely considered wrong not to eat breakfast.

43. More research is needed to prove that breakfast is related to weight loss or food intake.

44. Pecople who prioritise breakfasts tend to have lower calorie but higher nutritional intake.

45. Many studies reveal that eating breakfast helps people memorise and concentrate.

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time,you should listen carefully for its general idea.When the passage is read for the second time,you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally,when the passage is read for the third time,you should check what you have written.

Passage One

Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.

Textbooks represent an 11 billion dollar industry, up from $8 billion in 2014. Textbook publisher Pearson is the largest publisher -- of any kind -- in the world.

It costs about $1 million to create a new textbook. A freshman textbook will have dozens of contributors, from subject-matter experts through graphic and layout artists to expert reviewers and classroom testers. Textbook publishers connect professors, instructors and students in ways that alternatives, such as open e-textbooks and open educational resources, simply do not. This connection happens not only by means of collaborative development, review and testing, but also at conferences where faculty regularly decide on their textbooks and curricula for the coming year.

It is true that textbook publishers have recently reported losses, largely due to students renting or buying used print textbooks. But this can be chalked up to the excessively high cost of their books -- which has increased over 1,000 percent since 1977. A restructuring of the textbook industry may well be in order. But this does not mean the end of the textbook itself.

While they may not be as dynamic as an iPad, textbooks are not passive or lifeless. For example, over the centuries, they have simulated (模拟) dialogues in a number of ways. From 1800 to the present day, textbooks have done this by posing questions for students to answer inductively (归纳性地). That means students are asked to use their individual experience to come up with answers to general questions. Today's psychology texts, for example, ask: “How much of your personality do you think you inherited?” while ones in physics say: “How can you predict where the ball you tossed will land?”

Experts observe that “textbooks come in layers, something like an onion.” For an active learner, engaging with a textbook can be an interactive experience. Readers proceed at their own pace. They “customize” their books by engaging with different layers and linkages. Highlighting, Post-It notes, dog-ears and other techniques allow for further customization that students value in print books over digital forms of books.

46. What does the passage say about open educational resources?

A) They contribute to teaching as much as to learning.

B) They don't profit as much as traditional textbooks do.

C) They can't connect professors and students as textbooks do.

D) They compete fercely for customers with textbook producers.

47. What is the main cause of the publishers' losses?

A) Failure to meet student need.

B) Industry restructuring.

C) Emergence of e-books.

D) Flling sales.

48. What does the textbook industry need to do?

A) Reform its structures.

B) Cut its retail prices.

C) Find replacements for printed textbooks.

D) Change its business strategy periodically.

49. What are students expected to do in the learning process?

A) Think carefully before answering each question.

B) Ask questions based on their own understanding.

C) Answer questions using their personal experience.

D) Give answers showing their respective personality.

50. What do experts say about students using textbooks?

A) They can digitalize the prints easily.

B) They can leam in an interactive way.

C) They can purchase custonized versions.

D) They can adapt the material themselves.

Passage Two

Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.

When we think of animals and plants, we have a pretty good way of dividing them into two distinct groups: one converts sunlight into energy and the other has to eat food to make its energy. Well, those dividing lines come crashing down with the discovery of a sea slug (海蛞蝓) that's truly half animal and half plant. It's pretty incredible how it has managed to hijack the genes of the algae (藻类) on which it feeds.

The slugs can manufacture chlorophyll, the green pigment (色素) in plants that captures energy from sunlight, and hold these genes within their body. The term kleptoplasty is used to describe the practice of using hijacked genes to create nutrients from sunlight. And so far, this green sea slug is the only known animal that can be truly considered solar-powered, although some animals do exhibit some plant-like behaviors. Many scientists have studied the green sea slugs to confirm that they are actually able to create energy from sunlight.

In fact, the slugs use the genetic material so well that they pass it on to their future generations. Their babies retain the ability to produce their own chlorophyll, though they can't generate energy from sunlight until they've eaten enough algae to steal the necessary genes, which they can't yet produce on their own.

“There's no way on earth that genes from an alga should work inside an animal cell,” says Sidney Pierce from the University of South Florida. “And yet here, they do. They allow the animal to rely on sunshine for its nutrition. So if something happens to their food source, they have a way of not starving to death until they find more algae to eat.”

The sea slugs are so good at gathering energy from the sun that they can live up to nine months without having to eat any food. They get all their nutritional needs met by the genes that they've hijacked from the algae.

51. What is the distinctive feature of a sea slug?

A) It looks like both a plant and an animal.

B) It converts some sea animals into plants.

C) It lives half on animals and half on plants.

D) It gets energy from both food and sunlight.

52. What enables the sea slug to live like a plant?

A) The genes it captures from the sea plant algae.

B) The mechanism by which it conserves energy.

C) The nutrients it hjacks from other species.

D) The green pigment it inberits from its ancestors.

53. What does the author say about baby sea slugs?

A) They can live without sunlight for a long time.

B) They can absorb sunlight right after their birth.

C) They can survive without algac for quite some time.

D) They can produce chlorophyl on their own.

54. What does Sidney Pierce say about genes fom an alga?

A) They are stolen from animals like the sea slug.

B) They can't function unless exposed to sunlight.

C) They don't usually function inside animal cells.

D) They can readily be converted to sca slug gencs.

55. What do we learn about sea slugs from the passage?

A) They behave the way most plant species do.

B) They can survive for months without eating.

C) They will turn into plants when they mature.

D) They will starve to death without sunlight.

Part IV Translation (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.



Part I Writing

Dear Mike,

How's everything going? Last time you said you felt inclined to learn Chinese but had no clue where to start. So I'm writing to recommend a place to you -- the Confucius Institute, an established language center aimed to promote Chinese language and culture.

The reasons for my recommendation are as follows. Firstly, this Chinese government-funded educational institute is staffed by the most experienced, professional Chinese teachers, which ensures high-quality instruction. You can turn to them whenever you encounter difficulties in mastering the tones and the characters. Secondly, students there are encouraged to take part in activities ranging from making traditional food to learning clligraphy, as a means of exposing them to the appealing aspects of Chinese culture. Besides, the organization is now widely embraced by more than two million students. That means you aren' t alone as a beginner and will probably forge deep friendships with other learmers.

Learming a language from scratch won't be easy. But I believe you'll find yourself having fun while improving your Chinese proficiency.

Best wishes,

Li Hua

Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension

1. A

2. D

3. B

4. C

5. D

6. A

7. C

8. C

9. A

10. B

11. A

12. C

13. D

14. D

15. B

16. D

17. B

18. A

19. B

20. D

21. A

22. C

23. B

24. C

25. A

Part III Reading Comprehension




Part IV Translation

China's family values are related to its cultural traditions. Harmonious extended families used to be very enviable. It was not uncommon in the past for four generations of a family to live under the same roof. According to the tradition, many young people continued to live with their parents after marriage. Today, that tradition is changing. As housing conditions improve, more and more young couples are opting to live apart from their parents. But the connections between them still remain strong. Many old people still help to look after their grandchildren. And young couples take time to visit their parents, especially during important festivals such as the Spring Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival.



Part Ⅰ Writing

A Visit to Fanhai Hope Elementary SchoolReceived a Warm Welcome

A two-day visit to Fanhai Hope Elementary School organized by the Student Union ofour university has been completed as scheduled this weekend.

Aiming at fostering college students' service awareness and helping pupils of ruralareas better understand the colorful college life so as to motivate them to studyharder, the Student Union organized an activity named A Trip of Love Seed. A team of30 college students' participated in this trip. The visit was warmly welcomed by all thestudents and staff of Fanhai, followed by a range of colorful activities, such as theinteraction among students about the fascinating college life, a visit to the school artshow of students' works of painting and handicraft and teaching activities focusing onshowing the magical science world to the pupils.

Both the pupils and our college students were actively involved in all these brilliantactivities. And the headmaster of Fanhai spoke highly of this trip as well as thedevotion, enthusiasm and creativity of our students.

Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension

1. B

2. D

3. C

4. A

5. D

6. B

7. C

8. D

9. C

10. B

11. A

12. B

13. C

14. D

15. A

16. C

17. D

18. B

19. A

20. B

21. A

22. D

23. C

24. A

25. B

Part III Reading Comprehension




Part IV Translation

Lanterns originated in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and were at first used primarily forlighting. In the Tang Dynasty, people used red lanterns to celebrate a stable life. Sincethen, lanterns have became popular in many parts of China. Lanterns are usually madeof brightly-colored tissue paper in a variety of shapes and sizes. In traditional Chineseculture, red lanterns symbolize a happy life and flourishing business, usually hungduring festivals like the Spring Festival, Lantern Festival and National Day. Today, redlanterns can be seen in many other parts of the world.





He doesn't study as [so] hard as his brother. 他学习不如他弟弟努力。


若涉及数量或程度,可用“as much+不可数名词+as”和“asmany+可数名词复数+as”。如:

He doesn‘t pay as much tax as we do / as us. 他没我们交的税款多。

There are not as many restaurants as there were. 现在餐馆没有过去多了。



I have as good a voice as you. 我的声音和你一样好。


根据情况可用(not) nearly, almost, just, nothing like, exactly, not quite, half, one-ten, twice, threetimes, 30 per cent等修饰,并且这些修饰语必须置于第一个as之前,而不能置于其后。如:

This room is twice as large as that one. 这个房间是那个房间的两个大。

You‘re not half as clever us you think you are. 你远不是自己想像的那么聪明。

It took three times as long as I had expected. 这件事比我预料的多花了两倍的时间。

first与at first用法区别详解:


first可用作形容词或副词,有时还可用作代词;而at first作为介词短语,只起副词用作用(在句中用作状语)。如:

First class is the most expensive way to travel. 坐头等舱是最贵的旅行方式。(first为形容词,在句中用作定语)

This is the first time I have heard of such things. 这是我第一次听到这样的事。(first为形容词,在句中用作定语)

You needn‘t read the whole book hut you must readthe first four chapters.你们不必把整本书全读完,但必须读完前四章。(first为形容词,在句中用作定语)

I asked them to ring first in case we were out. 我请他们先打电话来,以防我们不在家。(first为副词,在句中用作状语)

She‘s always the first to arrive and the last to leave. 她总是第一个来,最后一个离开。(first为代词,可视为其后省略了one, person等之类的词)

His second suggestion was not much better than his first. 他的第二个建议比第一个好不了多少。(first为代词,可视为其后省略了suggestion)

At first we used hand tools. Later we had machines. 开始我们用手工工具,后来我们有了机器。(at first在此用作状语)



first 用来说明顺序,意为“先……”,暗示接下去还有其他动作或事件要发生,因此其后往往接有(或暗示有)then,next,last 等词。如:

Think first, then act. 先想清楚再行动。

I‘ll have to finish my homework first. 我得先把作业做完。

First(you)boil some water. Then(you)warm the teapot. Then(you)add three teaspoons oftea. Next,(you)pour on boiling water… 你先烧些开水,然后把茶壶烫热,接着放三勺茶叶,随后冲入开水……

John came home from work. First he read the paper for a while, then he got up from the chairand turned on the radio. 约翰下班回家,先看一会儿报,然后从椅子上站起来,打开收音机。

2). at first 的用法

at first 的意思是“起初”“开始”,它主要用于强调前后对照,暗示接下去的动作与前面的动作不同甚至相反,因此常有 but,afterwards,soon,at last等相呼应。如:

At first I didn‘t want to go, but I soon changed my mind. 我开始不想去,但我很快就改变了主意。

The work was hard at first, but I got used to it. 起初这活儿很累,不过后来我习惯了。

At first they were very happy, but then things started going wrong. 起初他们生活得很幸福,但后来就开始出问题了。

At first I paid little attention, but slowly my interest awoke. 起初我没怎么注意,但逐渐产生了兴趣。


1). at first 除以上用法外,其他场合一般不用它;而first除表示“先……(然后……)”外,还可表示“最先”“第一次”“首先”等。如:

Ladies first. 女士优先。

That‘s mine—I saw it first. 那是我的,是我先看见的。

When did you first meet him? 你第一次见他是什么时候?

2). 有时at first并非固定搭配(first后还修饰有其他词语)。如:

She was so nice a girl that he fell in love with her at first sight. 她是这样好的一个姑娘,使他一见钟情。

She could tell at first glance to which class a man belonged. 她一眼就能看出一个人属于哪个阶级。

3). at first与at last不是一对反义词组,后者的意思是“终于”“最终”。如:

At last the truth became known. 最后真相大白了。

She has at last got everything ready. 她最后把一切准备好了。

At last the bus came. I had been waiting for half an hour. 最后公共汽车来了,我已等了半小时。


1.表示“对某人生气”,一般用介词 with(有时也用 at)

The teacher got angry with [at] me. 老师对我生气了。


2.表示“对某事生气”,一般用介词 at(about)

He was rather angry at what you said. 他对你说的话相当生气。

I was angry about missing the film. 没看上那部电影我很气恼。

He was angry at being kept waiting. 他因久等而生气。

有的词书认为:at 之后接某人之言行,about 之后接某事,但这种区别并不十分严格,两者常可换用。


He was angry with me for not having done anything. 因为我什么也没做,他对我很生气。

注:be angry 之后除搭配介词外,还可接不定式或从句:

He‘ll be angry to find that nothing has been done. 他发现什么都没做,他会生气的。

He was angry that the door was locked. 门锁上了,他很生气。



He is an able manager. 他是位有能力的经理。

He is old but still able. 他虽年老,但仍有很能干。

2.用于 be able to do sth(能或会做做某事)。如:

He is able to speak English. 他会说英语。

Everyone here is able to type. 这儿的每一个人都会打字。

He will be able to get about in a week or two. 再过一两个星期左右他就能走动了。

He studied hard and was able to pass his examinations. 他学习很努力,所以考试及了格。

注:be able to 不仅有多种时态形式(通常不用于进行时或与 be going to 连用),而且还可以与某些情态动词连用(通常不与 can 连用),甚至还可以有非谓语形式。如:

Since his accident he hasn't been able to leave the house. 自出事之后,他一直未能离开家。

You might be able to persuade him. 你也许能够说服他。

I hope to be able to do the work. 我希望能干得了这项工作。

I regret not being able to help her. 我很遗憾未能帮助她。

3.able 的比较级和最高级通常是abler和ablest,也可以是more able和most able,有时还可用 betterable和best able.如:

You are better able to do it than I (am). 你比我更有能力做这件事。

She's the person best able to cope. 她是个最能妥善处理问题的人。


He is quite [well] able to take care of himself. 他完全有能力照顾自己。

He's a very able student; he's just too lazy. 他是个很有能力的学生,只是太懒了。

若受just,only just修饰,则表示“只能”“仅能”。如:

I was just able to make out a dark figure in the distance. 我只能看见远处有个黑影。


They were unable to reach a decision. 他们没法做出决定。

Now that he was disabled, his house had become a prison to him. 因为他残废了,他的房子就成了他的牢笼。




1)现在完成进行时态 (have/has been + -ing 分词构成): 动作或状态从过去某时开始,继续到现在,可能继续下去,也可能刚刚结束.

I’ve been writing letters for an hour.

I’ve been sitting in the garden.

2)过去完成进行时(由had been + ing分词构成): 过去某个时刻以前一直在进行的动作

I’d been working for some time when he called.

We had been waiting for her for two hours by the time she came.

3)将来完成进行时: 将来某个时刻以前一直在进行的动作.

By next summer, he will have been working here for twenty years.

In another month’s time she’ll have been studying here for three years.

4)将来完成时(由shall/will have + 过去分词构成): 将来某时已发生的事.

I shall have finished this one before lunch.

They’ll have hit the year’s target by the end of October.



He was said to be jealous of her success.

It was said that he was jealous of her success.


It is supposed that the ship has been sunk.

The ship is supposed to have been sunk.

担当be supposed to 与不定式的一般形式搭配时往往表示不同的意义.例如:

Why are you driving so fast in this area? You are supposed to know the speed to know the speed limit. (你应该晓得速度限制)


双宾语结构的被动语态: 双宾语结构变为被动语态时,可以把主动结构中的一个宾语变为主语,另一个宾语仍然保留在谓语后面,但多数是把间接宾语变为主语.

He was asked a number of questions at the press conference.

Two days were allowed them for making the necessary preparations.


She was called Big Sister by everybody.

Then he was made a squad leader.

He was considered quite qualified for the job.

The room was always kept clean and tidy.


Vi + adv

The plane took off two hours late.

Vi + prep

They looked round the Cathedral.

Vi + prep (有被动语态)

She’s looking after her sister’s children.

The children were always well looked after.

Vi + adv + prep

I began to look forward to their visits.

Vt + O + adv

Some women choose to stay at home and bring up their children.

The children were brought up by their mother.

They took him on.

Vt + adv + O (无被动语态)

I am trying to give up smoking.

Vt + O + prep

We talked Donald into agreement.

在以as, than, when, if, unless等引导的从句中的省略:

在有些状语从句中,如果谓语包含有动词be,主语又和主句的主语一致a),或者主语是it b),就常常可以把从句中的主语和谓语的一部分(特别是动词be)省略掉.

Look out for cars when crossing the street.

When taken according to the directions, the drug has no side effects.

While there he joined in voluntary labour on a project.

Although not yet six months old, she was able to walk without support.

If not well managed, irrigation can be harmful.

Though reduced in numbers, they gained in fighting capacity.

This viewpoint, however understandable, is wrong.

Enemies, once discovered, were tightly encircled and completely wiped out.

She hurriedly left the room as though/if angry.

She worked extremely hard though still rather poor in health.

Fill in the application as instructed.

Whenever known, such facts should be reported.

The documents will be returned as soon as signed.

He said that no acrobat could ever perform those daring feats unless trained very young.

Once having made a promise, you should keep it.

If necessary I’ll have the letter duplicated.

Fill in the blanks with articles where(ver) necessary.

If possible, I should like to have two copies of it.

As scheduled, they met on January 20 at the Chinese Embassy.

在以than a) 或 as b) 引起的从句中,常会有一些成分省略.

He told me not to use more material than (it is) necessary.

We should think more of the collective than of ourselves.

They worked with as much enthusiasm as young people (did).

He is now a vice-manager, but still often works in the kitchen as before.

Their training is free, as is all education.

We will, as always, stand on your side.


His life is as fully committed to books as anyone I know.

While standing there in her nightgown, two bullets struck the wall beside her.


如果主语是单数,尽管后面跟有with, together with, as well as, as much as, no less than, more than等引导的短语,谓语动词仍旧用单数形式.

Terry, along with her friend, goes skating every Saturday.

An expert, together with some assistants, was sent to help in this work.

The captain, as well as the coaches, was disappointed in the team.



Part Ⅰ Writing

The Challenges of Starting a Career AfterGraduation

Recent years have witnessed a sharp rise in the number of college students whosuccessfully start their career after graduation. However, many others fail to do sobecause the transition from a student to an employee is actually full of challenges.

First of all, you might not be popular with every colleague, which is frustrating for anewcomer of the workplace. So you'd better try to make a good first impression on allof your workmates, especially your boss. Furthermore, there probably is a gap betweenwhat you've learned at school and what you are required at work. You have to learnactively and quickly, and avoid making too many mistakes. Finally, the low payment fora new graduate and various living expenses make it difficult to make ends meet, so youmay find yourself always on a tight budget.

As the old proverb goes, “Well begun is half done.” If you can handle these challengessuccessfully after graduation, you will clear the path for future career development, suchas job promotion or starting your own business. So hold on and never give up!

Part III Reading Comprehension




Part IV Translation

The mobile payment market has thrived in China during the past few years. With theadvent of the mobile Internet, mobile shopping has gradually become a trend. Youngpeople aged from 18 to 30 have constituted the largest group of the mobile paymentmarket. Because it is quite easy to make a payment by phone, many consumers wouldrather pay by mobile phone than in cash or by credit card. In order to encouragepeople to spend more, many stores offer discounts to consumers who use the mobilepayment. As is predicted by experts, the mobile payment market in China still hasgreat potential for development in the future.



Whileachieving successis easier said than done, persistencedoes in fact pay off. One of the most important traits ofa successful person is self-confidence,another isdesire,and still another isdetermination.


Recognizing a problem is the first step in finding a solution.


We owe a debt of gratitude tothe many individuals who dedicated their lives to making the world a better place.However, we must not rest on their accomplishments, but must instead work assiduously to record even greater achievements.


Thetwomajor challenges facing China today center onmaintaining sustained economic growth and feeding its growing population of over 1. 2 billion people with only seven percent of the world's cultivable land.Despite the monumental difficulties involved, Chinese peoplewill undoubtedly exhibit their indefatigable resilience and achieve great success in both regards.


We do, in fact,have a long way togo toreach our final goal,but achieving some remainswell within the realm of possibility.

The older, the wiser.


Action is the proper fruit of knowledge.


There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse.


Something attempted,something done.


Christmas comes but once a year.


Like and like make good friends.



1.in the long run 从长远来看,最后

2.on offer 在出售中

3.choose from... 从...中挑选

4.be curious about... 对...感到好奇

5.confront with... 使面临, 使面对

6.with interest 有兴趣地

7.an average of ...平均是...

8.at high altitudes 在很高的地方

9.draw one’s attention 吸引某人的注意

10.focus on 集中

11.in years to come 在未来的几年内

12.as a matter of fact 实际上

13.adopt a positive approach 采取一种正确的方法

14.wait for 等待

15.pass through 经过, 通过

16.a sequence of 一系列的

17.set apart from 把...区分开

18.take ... for granted 以...为骄傲

19.be aware of/that 注意到

20.translate into 翻译成

21.set in 开始

22.intend to do 想要做

23.looking forward to 期望

24.be built from... 用...去建造

25.a wide variety of 很多的

26.at advanced levels 在高级范围内

27.carry out 完成,实施

28.according to 根据

29.aim to do 指望做某事

30.make sacrifices to do 做出牺牲而做

31.in depth 深入地

32.a series of 一系列,一连串

33.above all 首先,尤其是

34.after all 毕竟,究竟

35.ahead of 在...之前

36.ahead of time 提前

37.all at once 突然,同时

38.all but 几乎;除了...都

39.all of a sudden 突然

40.all over 遍及

41.all over again 再一次,重新

42.all the time 一直,始终

43.all the same 仍然,照样的

44.as regards 关于,至于

45.anything but 根本不

46.as a matter of fact 实际上

47.apart from 除...外(有/无)

48.as a rule 通常,照例

49.as a result(of) 因此,由于

50.as far as ...be concerned 就...而言





For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to one of your friends who helped you most when you were in difficulty. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

第一段: 写出写信目的. (表达感谢)

第二段: 阐述感谢的原因.


Dear Mary,

I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for your help when I was in difficulty. You have been very kind and helpful since we knew each other.

Last week, I caught a bad cold and had to stay at home for a week. When I was worrying about the lessons, you came to my home after school and helped me with every subject. With your help, I didn’t fall behind others.

Again, thanks so much for your enthusiastic help. Even though you are to about to go abroad for further education I know that I will always stay in touch with you. I wish you every success in the future and I hope we can exchange more viewpoints on study.

Please keep in touch, and drop in and visit us whenever you are in this part of the world.

Very sincerely



For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to one of your school teachers upon entering college. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

第一段: 写出写信目的. (表达感谢)

第二段: 阐述感谢的原因.


Dear sir,

I am writing to you to express my thanks for your help in learning English. You are one of the best teachers who I have ever met .There are many good points that I learn from you.

During these days in your class, I have acquired much knowledge from you and it really helps me a lot. Firstly, you let me know what the west thinking pattern is ―straight thinking pattern. As an English learner, it is important for me to understand the difference between them. There is no denying the fact that this can help me with my examination and interaction with foreigners. What’s more, I’m glad to be your student, and I am very happy to learn the course under your guidance. English is an important tool, through which we can share our experience with the world. I treasure the chance of learning English, and I enjoy the happiness from your course.

The last not the least, please forgive those mistakes I have made which may upset you. What I have learned from you will help me pass the coming examinations and also be useful for my further education in abroad. It is not only a progress of learning, but also a cultivation of my ability.

May everything go well around you.

Your student,

Li ling


For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to your parents or any family members upon making memorable achievement. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

第一段: 写出写信目的. (表达感谢)

第二段: 阐述感谢的原因.


Dear parents,

This letter is to tell you my true feelings from the bottom of my heart. Although we can keep in virtual touch every day, I still feel it not enough to let you know how much I love you and how much I’ve appreciated what you’ve done for me.

In the past 20 years, you have done a lot for me. Firstly, thank you so much for bringing me up. I know how hard you’ve being working in the past. I can imagine how many difficulties and obstacles you’ve conquered. Second, I want to thank you for your good education on me. There is an old saying goes like this “parents are the first teachers to their children”. Both of you are the typical ones. The most important thing that I want to say “thank you” is for your great admiration on my own freedom. You told me to look over the horizons and to pursuit my own dreams without hesitation.

I really feel that my pen fails me when I am writing this thank you letter. The only thing I hope you can do for me is to take good care of yourselves and you will be always proud of me.

Yours beloved



功夫(Kung Fu)是中国武术(martial arts)的俗称。中国武术的起源可以追溯自卫的需要,狩猎活动以及古代中国的军事训练,它是中国传统体育运动的一种。年轻人,老年人都练,它已逐渐演变成了中国文化的独特元素,作为中国的国宝,功夫有上百种的风格,是世界上练得最多的艺术形式,有些风格模仿了动物的动作。还有一些则受到中国哲学思想,神话和传说的启发。

Kung Fu is the folk name of Chinese martial arts, which dates back to the need of self-defense, hunting, and military drill in ancient China. It is one of China’s traditional sports, and all people, old and young, would participate in. It has gradually evolved into a unique element of the Chinese culture. As a national treasure of China, it has hundreds of styles. Meanwhile, it is also the most practiced art form in the world. Some styles imitate the movements of animals, while others are inspired by Chinese philosophy, myth and legend.



In Weifang, Shandong, kites are not only for entertainment. It also symbolizes the culture of the city. Weifang is known as the “capital of kites” with a history of nearly 2,400 years in flying kites. It is said that the ancient Chinese philosopher Motze took three years to make the first kite right in Weifang. It fell and

broke, however, on its first day of flying. Some also belives that it was the carpenter LuBan that fist invented the kite. It’s said that his kite was made of wood and bamboo and it landed after three days’ flying.



Wuzhen, an ancient water town of Zhejiang province, is located near the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. It is a charming place. Many ancient bridges, Chinese style hotels and restaurants dwell there. In the past one thousand years, the water system and the way of life there haven’t changed much, so it is a museum of ancient civilizations. All rooms in Wuzhen are made of stone and wood. Over hundreds of years, the locals have built houses and markets along the riverbank. Numerous spacious and pretty courtyards hide in those houses, serving as surprises and waiting to be found by the tourists.



26. 正确选项 O tend

27. 正确选项 M review

28. 正确选项 L performance

29. 正确选项 K particularly

30. 正确选项 N survive

31. 正确选项 E dropping

32. 正确选项 J mutually

33. 正确选项 H flow

34. 正确选项 F essential

35. 正确选项 I mood


36. 正确选项 E

37. 正确选项 L

38. 正确选项 B

39. 正确选项 H

40. 正确选项 N

41. 正确选项 J

42. 正确选项 F

43. 正确选项 C

44. 正确选项 I

45. 正确选项 G


Passage one

46. 正确选项C。 It can be avoided if human values are translated into their language.

47. 正确选项 D。 They are ill-bred.

48. 正确选项 C。 By picking up patterns from massive data on human behavior.

49. 正确选项 D。 Do sufficient testing before taking action.

50. 正确选项 A。 Determine what is moral and ethical.

Passage Two

51. 正确选项A。 to see whether people’s personality affects their life span

52. 正确选项 D。 They are more likely to get over hardship.

53. 正确选项 C。 Such personality characteristics as self-discipline have no effect on longevity.

54. 正确选项 D。 Mothers’ negative personality characteristics may affect their children’s life spans..

55. 正确选项 B。 Longevity results form a combination of mental and physical health.


1. C) Rising unemployment worldwide.

2. C) Few countries have realized the seriousness of the current crisis.

3. B) Put calorie information on the menu.

4. A) They will be fined.

5. D) Failure to integrate innovation into their business.

6. B) It is the creation of something new.

7. C) Its innovation culture.

12. A) He wants to change his job assignment.

13. A) His workload was much too heavy.

14. C) His boss has a lot of trust in him.

15. D) Talk to his boss in person first.

16 A) The importance of sleep to a healthy life

17 C) They get less and less sleep

18 D) Their blood pressure will rise

19. B) What course you are going to choose

20. D) The personal statement

21. C) Indicate they have reflected and thought about the subject

22 B) It was built in the late 19th century.

23 D) They often broke down.

24 A) They were produced on the assembly line.

25 C) It marked a new era in motor travel.






















考研英语完型 风云变幻 泰然处之2023-01-27
