
时间:2022-09-08 07:59:22 试题试卷 收藏本文 下载本文






1.h_mb_ _ger 汉堡          2.p__ __ce 和平

3.d_ ll_ _  美元            4.  _ _joy   享用

5. c_ _ t   美分             6.cl_ _n 清理

7.c__ll__ct收集             8.sh_ _ _照耀

9.d_ _k  鸭子              10.n_ _sy吵闹


1.上山 _____________________


3. 举行野餐________________

4.take a photo   ______________

5.enjoy your meal  ______________



8.bring peace to the world_____________

9. play with dolls  _________________

10.around the lake_______________


1.  -----________you want to go to the park.

-----Yes,I do.

A.Are           B.Do         C.  Can

2.-------This T-shirt is beautiful. ______ is it?

-------- It’s fifty dollars.

A.    How old          B.How much       C.How many

3.I think this book is interesting,________my friends don’t like it.

A.but           B.and              C.so

4.Look!The children are ________colas.

A.talking            B.listening          C.drinking

5.Do you want to ________TV?

A   watches           B.  watching          C.  watch

6.The birds _____ singing in the park.

A.is           B.             C. are

7.There are flags ________ all around the world.

A.  to               B.   from              C. at

8.------_________are we going to eat?

-------At half past twelve.

A.  When           B.   What             C.  Where

9.There _______lots of books on the desk.

A.  is           B.are             C. is

1o.I want to________ a map of China.

A.  buying            B.  to buy            C.  buy


1.   want  you  do  what  eat  to  ?


2.      picnic   have  in  we  are   a  going  to  the park   in .


3.      clean   room   you   do   often   your  ?


4.     singing   in  the  birds  are  trees  the   .


5.     snow   it  going   to  is   in   Harbin   .


6.        a   is   it   picture     the Great wall     of


7.       you    any   have    China    got   from    stamps


8.        are    ducks  eating  our  picnic   the    .


9.     much  is  how  it   ?


10. tree  we   the   are  under  .



例句;The boys are playing football.








1)Farmer                  A.I am driving a trunk to Beijing .

2)Doctor                   B.I am picking apples.

3)Driver                    C.I am teaching English.

4)Teacher                   D.I am working in the hospital.


be going toSundaytakefood

drinksraincoatby bikeschool gate

We are going to have a picnic this Sunday.We are going to______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



2. 每题二分。答案略。

3. 每题二分。1-5B B A C C6-10 C B A B C

4. 每题二分。1.What do you want to eat?

2.We are going to have a picnic in the park.

3. Do you often clean your room?

4. The birds are singing in the trees.

5. It is going to snow in harbin.

6. It is a picture of the Great Wall.

7. Have you got any stamps from China、

8. The ducks are eating our picnic.

9. How much is it?

10. We are under the tree.






( ) 1. You __________ run _________ the classroom.

A. mustn’t, in B. should, in C. shouldn’t, out of

( ) 2. I like in summer and in winter.

A. swimming; skating B. swims; skates C. swim; skate

( ) 3. He also does at home. He never goes to bed late.

A. good B. well C. nice

( ) 4. You must __________ run _______ play on the road.

A. not, or B. to, and C. not, and

( ) 5. He waits for the ______ man before he ________ the road.

A. red, crosses B. green, crosses C. green, cross

( ) 6. He’d like around Hong Kong.

A. traveling B. travels C. to travel

( ) 7. You’ll find the Grand Canyon in _____________.

A. the UK B. the US C. Australia

( ) 8. Beijing is the capital of China. London is the capital of .

A. the US B. France C. the UK

( ) 9.Look, the old woman is the bus. Let’s help .

A. gets on B. getting on; she C. getting on; her

( ) 10. Nancy is talking her plans the weekend Miss Li.

A. about; at; to B. to; about; for C. about; for; with



( ) 1. Where will you go this afternoon? A. I will give her a gift.

( ) 2. Where did you go in USA? B. Yes, I am

( ) 3. Will Yang Ling go to Jinshan Park? C. The shopping centre.

( ) 4. Are you good at playing table tennis? D. Yes, she will.

( ) 5. What will you do for your teacher? E. I went to Washington



Peter, Ann, Mary and their parents went to the countryside for their summer holiday. That was a beautiful place. They lived in a farmer’s house. The farmer was Mr Black.

In the morning, they went for a walk in a forest. They saw a river. The father wanted to swim in it. So he jumped into the river. After some time, he came out. He said there were a lot of fish in it. In the afternoon, Peter and Mary went fishing by the river. Two hours later they caught ten fish. In the evening, Ann cooked the fish and some other delicious food for dinner. They ate a lot. They were very happy.

( ) 1. Where did Peter and his family go for their summer holiday?

A. They went to the mountains.

B. They went to the countryside.

C. They went to a big city.

( ) 2. Where did they live?

A. They lived in a forest. B. They lived near a river.

C. They lived in Mr. Black’s house.

( ) 3. Can the father swim?

A. Yes, he can. B. No, he can’t. C. We don’t know.

( ) 4. Who caught a lot of fish in the afternoon?

A. Peter’s father did. B. Peter and Ann did.

C. Mary and Peter did.

( ) 5. How many fish did they catch?

A. A lot of. B. Only one. C. Ten fish.


Mrs. Jones was a teacher. Her house was not far from her school, and she often walked there in the morning. All the students in the school were very young.

One cold and windy morning in October, Mrs. Jones walked to school. The cold wind went into her eyes and big tears (泪) began to run out of them. She reached (到达) the school, opened the door and went into the classroom.

It was nice, warm there and Mrs. Jones was happy. But then a small boy looked at her for some time, put his arms round her and said (说): “ Don’t cry, Mrs. Jones. School isn’t very bad.”


( ) 1. Mrs. Jones was a teacher and she usually went to school _______.

A. on foot B. by train C. by bus D. by bike

( ) 2. ______ when she went to school one morning.

A. It was hot B. It was windy and cold C. It was sunny

D. It was snowing

( ) 3. Why did big tears begin to run out of her eyes ?

A. Because she was very cold. B. Because she was very sad. C. Because the cold wind went into her eyes.

D. Because she was very happy.

( ) 4. The classroom was _______ .

A. cold B. cool C. warm D. hot

( ) 5. The small boy wanted to _______.

A. make Mrs. Jones sad B. make Mrs. Jones happy

C. make Mrs. Jones angry D. laugh at (嘲笑) Mrs. Jones



1、全音符______拍,二分音符_____拍 .


3、《中华人民共和国国歌》,原名__________ 是由____作词,_____作曲。







10、色彩的三原色分别是 、 、 。

11、中国绘画中最擅长画马的是 。

12、森林每年吞噬着大量的二氧化碳,又制造出大量的氧气,因此被人们誉为 “ ”。

13、人们形象的把煤炭称为“ ”,把石油称为“ ”。

14、 和 是生命最基本的两种特征。

15、 提出生物进化是自然选择的结果,并于1859年出版了震惊世界的巨著《 》。

16、食物链上的生物,能自己制造食物的叫做 ,以其它生物为食物的叫做,分解动植物残骸或非物的叫做分解者。


1.400米跑可以抢道跑。( )

2. 发生轻度扭伤后,应采取热敷,减少出血与肿胀。 ( )

3. 田径运动是径赛和田赛的总称。 ( )

4. 剧烈运动时和运动后需要一次性大量饮水。 ( )

5.在睡觉的过程右侧卧睡姿对人体的健康最有利。 ( )

6、‖: :‖是反复跳跃记号 ( )

7、1=F 写在乐曲开头是,是一种速度标记 ( )


电能→声音 洗衣机

电能→热能 日光灯

电能→光能 电磁铁

电能→磁能 收音机

电能→动能 电饭锅






三、1. Do get time get At

2. What’s sleepy did went early



五、1.Yang Ling is reading loudly.

2. You can wait on the pavement.

3. You shouldn’t smoke in the restaurant.

4. The children are talking happily.

5. You shouldn’t eat or drink in the library.



( )1.A.water B.jumped C.climbed

( )2.A.longer B.taller C.strong

( ) 3.A.what B.where C.great

( )4.A.head B.shorter C.leg

( )5.A.big B.tall C.how

( )6.A.next week B.tomorrow C.last year

( )7.A.cleaned B.plays C.read

( ) 8.A.than B.kg C.cm

( )9.A.older B.tallest C.longer

( )10.A.ride B.buy C.pictures


1.long(比较级)_______2.thin(比较级) 3. heavy(比较级)

4. see(过去式) 5. play(过去式) 6.do(过去式)

7. younger(反义词) 8. go(过去式) 9. read(过去式)

10. am(过去式)


1、感冒_________2、看电影________3、拍照_______4、打扫房间 __________

5、呆在家里________6、买礼物_______7、eat fresh food ________

8、go camping ________9、read a book _______

10、wash the clothes ________


( ) 1. Did he clean his room? A.she read a book last weekend.

( ) 2. How tall are you ? B.I went to Harbin.

( )3.What size are your shoes?C.I’m1.65 meters.

( ) 4. What did she do last weekend? D.Size 38.

( )5.Where did you go yesterday? E.Yes,he did.


( ) 1. I am 1.58 m tall, but you are 1.55 m. So_____________.

A.I am taller than you. B. I am shorter than you.

C. You are taller than me.

( ) 2. They _______ English last night.

A. study B. studyed C. studied

( ) 3.Where did you go the holiday?

A.over B.in C. on

( ) 4. He didn’t sleep_________ .

A. tomorrow B. Last night C. next weekend

( ) 5. What _______ he _______ yesterday?

A. does, do B. do, did C. did, do

( ) 6. I’m _ than you.

A. strong B. thin C. thinner

( ) 7. ________ did you go on your holiday?

I went to Shanghai.

A. What B. Where C. How

( )8.Tom busy yesterday.

A. did B. was C. were

( )9. ----_______did you do last weekend ?

--I visited my grandpa.

A. What B. Where C. How

( ) 10.---. I’m 40 kg. I’m _______ than you.

A. thin B.heavier C. bigger

( ) 11. -- How _______ are you?

--- I’m 35 kg..

A. old B. tall C. heavy

( )12. --- Did you swimming last day?

A、go B、goes C、went

( )13 .--- What did Lisa do last night?

--- She to music .

A、listens B、listen C、listened

( )14. Amy usually do her homework after lunch.

A.does B. do C. Did

( )15. We ride a bike three people

A.at B. in C. for


1.Did you (go) to Jinan yesterday?

2.It (look)like a mule.

3.What (do)you do last weekend?

4.We (hurt) my foot last weekend.

5.I’m (tall) than you .

6. (Do) you watch TV last night?

7.I (clean) my room yesterday.


A. What did you do there? B.Did you have a good time? C. That’s sounds great.

D. Where did you go? E. How did you go there?

A: Hi,Amy You look tired.(1)

B:I went to Beijing

A:(2) ?

B:I visited the Great Wall.Tian’men Square and the Summer Palace(颐和园).

A:(3) I always want to go there.(4)

B:I went there by train.


B:Yes. I did.


1. older you I than am (.)


2. heavy how you are (?)


3. holiday summer your how was (?)


4. did do you last what weekend (?)


5. Stayed I all at weekend home (.)


6. size are what your shoes(?)


7. did you how go there(?)


8. go you to did Turpan(?)




Mary, Jane and May are very good friends. Mary is shorter than May, May is heavier than Jane. Jane is thinner than Mary. How old are they? Mary is 7 years old. Jane is 12 years old and May is 9 years old. They study at QingLan Primary School. Mary likes English, Jane likes math and May likes music.They all study hard.

( ) 1.There are 3 children in the story.

( ) 2. Mary is shorter than May.

( ) 3.Mary is heavier than Jane.

( ) 4. Jane is the youngest.

( ) 5. They are all good friends.


On National Day, we had a long holiday. We had seven days. I went to Hainan with my parents.My grandparents lived in a beautiful village in Hainan. We visited them.We went to see the blue sea every day. We swam in it.We went fishing. My grandma cooked good food for us every day. The seafood is tasty. I like it . We took many pictures. I was excited.

( ) 1. I went to Hainan with my .

A: father and mother B: grandparents

( ) 2. There are days on National Day.

A: a week B: seven

( ) 3. I was on National Day.

A: excited B: tired

( ) 4. I in Hainan.

A: took pictures B: bought gifts

( ) 5. We ate good food .

A: on National Day B: every day



二、 longer thinner heavier saw played did older Went read was

三、 had a cold saw a film took pictures cleaned my room stayed at home bought gifts 吃新鲜的食物 去野营 读书 洗衣服



六、 go looks did hurt taller Did cleaned


八、1.I am older than you .

2.How heavy are you ?

3.How was your summer holiday?

4.What did you do last weekend?

5.I stayed at home all weekend.

6.What sizes are your shoes?

7.How did you go there?

8.Did you go to Turpan?





1.—Have you heard the latest news?—No,What _________?

A.is it

B.is there

C.are they

D.are those

2.—The last one ________ pays the meal.—Agreed!



C.to arrive


3.We _________ so as not to wake the roommates.





4.Some pre-school children go to a day care center,_________ they learn simple games and songs.





5._________ nothing more to discuss,the CEO got to his feet,said goodbye and left the meeting room.

A.There was


C.There being

D.As there being

6.I know a little bit about Italy as my wife and I _________ there several years ago.

A.are going

B.had been


D.have been

7.“Why didn’t Tom come to the party last night?”“He _________ not have wanted to see me.”





8.Although he is only 5 years old,he has _________ aimagination.





9.The manager suggested an earlier date _________ the meeting.





10.Now many people buy _________ Christmas trees instead of real ones.





11.Could you give me a hint without _________ the answer?

A.giving off

B.giving away

C.giving up

D.giving in

12.The flowers were so lovely that they _________ in no time.


B.had been sold

C.were sold

D.would sell

13.After a number of disagreements with the committee,the chairman was determined to _________.





14.We all can’t _________ why she married a man like this.

A.reason out

B.figure out

C.make believe

D.take in

15.“Goodbye,then,” she said,without even _________ from her book.

A.looking down

B.looking up

C.looking away

D.looking on

16.Between the two generations,it is often not _________ their age,their education that causes misunderstanding.





17.—It’s a long time since I saw my sister.—_________ her this weekend?

A.Why not visit

B.why not to visit

C.Why not visiting

D.Why don’t visit

18.—Can you read the sign,sir? No smoking allowed in the lift!—_________ .

A.Never mind

B.Don’t mention it

C.Sure,I don’t smoke

D.Pardon me

19.Mary’s close _________ to her sister made people mistake them for one another.





20._________ to the question of refreshments,I should think lemonade and sandwiches will be enough.






One of my close friends, Bob, has a very large police dog named Jack. Every Sunday afternoon, Bob and Jack have a walk in the park nearby. Jack likes these walks very much. One Sunday afternoon, I paid a visit to my friend. I stayed there for a long time and my friend and I had much more talk with each other than ever before. Soon it was time for them to take a walk in the park. We forgot that. Jack became worried about it. He walked around the room several times and then sat down in front of me and looked at me. But I still paid no attention (注意) to him. I went on talking with my friend. At last, Jack could not wait any longer. He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later. He sat down in front of me again. But this time, he held my hat in his mouth. Suddenly, I understood what Jack meant and so did my friend.

1.How many people are there in this story?______.






B.enjoys long walks in the park every Sunday afternoon

B.enjoys long walks in the park every Sunday afternoon

C.has many close friends

D.enjoys talks in the room

3.Jack was worried because______.

A.he wanted to eat something

B.it was Sunday afternoon again

C.he was not feeling well

D.he wanted his master (主人) to take him for a walk

4.Jack took my hat in his mouth to show that______.

A.I should leave the house at once

B.he liked my hat very much

C.he was hungry and he tried to eat it

D.he wanted to have a rest

5.Which of the following is true?______.

A.When Jack and I were talking, my friend didn't pay any attention to us

B.When I was talking to my friend, Jack didn't pay any attention to us

C.When my friend and I were talking, we didn't pay any attention to Jack

D.When my friend was talking to Jack, I paid attention to them









1. _________ come to Yang Ling’s birthday party?

A.Would like to

B.Would you like to

C.Would you like

D.Would you to

2. --- Where ______ you just now? --- I ________ in the playground.

A.was, were

B.was, was

C.were, was

D.were, were

3. Ben and I _______ some flowers last week.





4. – What ______ he do? – He _______ pears on the farm.

A.does, pick

B.did, picks

C.does, picked

D.did, picked

5. This knife is yours, Ann._______, please.

A.Put on it

B.Put it on

C.Put it away

D.Put it away

6. I want to ______.It is fun!

A.go camping

B.going camping

C.go to camping

D.going to camping

7. Can you say the names _______ the things?





8. All my ________ to my birthday party last night.

A.friends came

B.friend came

C.friends come

D.friend come

9. _______ your new sweater _________ me, please.

A.Show, to

B.Give, for

C.Have, for

D.Shows, to

10. The Walkman is in ________ Su Hai’s pocket.





11. --- Here’s a card for you.Happy birthday! --- ___________.


B.No, thank you

C.Yes, please


12. It’s very hot.Jim is ______ his coat.

A.putting on

B.taking off

C.taking down

D.take off

13. ________ make noise; They’re _________ music.

A.Don’t; listening

B.Not; listening


14. --- What day is it today? --- ____________.

A.It’s February 10

B.It’s a Wednesday

C.It’s fine


15. “Keep off the grass” means __________.

A.we shouldn’t make any noise on the grass

B.we shouldn’t walk on the grass

C.we shouldn’t eat or drink on the grass

D.we shouldn’t smoke on the grass


Dear Susan,

How are you? It’s very nice of you to write _1_ me._ 2_ your letter I know a lot _3 _ you and your school now.I will tell you _4 _ about me and my school.

I am eleven _ 5_ old.I’m in _6_ at Jinling primary School.My mother is a _ 7 _ .She teaches Maths.My father is an _8 _ .He’s good at his work.

There _ 9 _ 1 500 students and 100 teachers in our school.Our classrooms are big and bright.Please come and have a look _10_ our school if you have time.


Wang Ying






6.A.Grade Five,Class ThreeB.Grade five,Class threeC.Class three,Grade FiveD.Class Three,Grade Five






David’s birthday was on a snowy day in December. He got lots of presents from his family and friends.

His father and mother gave him a red box with a storybook in it. His mother said, “There are a lot of funny stories in it, it’s good for you.” Mike, David’s best friend, gave him a large box. A toy car is in it.

David’s sister gave him a round box. “It is a birthday cake,” he thought. But it was a basketball. David likes playing basketball.

David’s brother gave him a big yellow box. David opened it and there was another box in it. The box was green. He opened the small box and saw the third box. This one was blue. There was a short letter in it. “Go to your study. You can see three boxes there, a black one, a grey one and a white one. Your birthday present is in one of them.” David ran to his study and found them on the desk. The black one is bigger than the grey one, and the white one is the smallest. He opened the grey box, but found nothing in it. Then he opened the biggest one. He was very glad to see a model plane in it.

1. David’s parents put their present in _________ for his birthday.

A. a yellow box

B. a lot of boxes

C. a black box

D. a red box

2. Who is Mike?

A. A friend of David’s father’s

B. One of David’s best friends.

C. David’s brother.

D. David’s sister.

3. What colour was the biggest box?

A. White

B. Black

C. Grey

D. Blue

4. How many boxes did David’s brother give him?

A. Four

B. Five

C. Six

D. Seven

5. What was in the biggest box?

A. A book

B. A letter

C. A model plane

D. A small box.


Part I Listening 第一部分 听力


一、 Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你所听到的单词。)(8分)

( ) 1. A. think B. thin C. thing

( ) 2. A. cold B. cool C. cloud

( ) 3. A. matter B. mother C. meter

( ) 4. A. head B. hand C. hear

( ) 5. A. sore B. short C. small

( ) 6. A. fever B. feel C. few

( ) 7. A. tail B. test C. tall

( ) 8. A. study B. sick C. stay

二、 Listen and tick or cross.(听录音,判断正(T)误(F))。(12分)

三、Listen and choose(听问句选择答句。)(10分) x k b 1. c o m

( ) 1. A. I feel sad. B. She's angry. C. It's blue.

( ) 2. A. It's 60m. B. I'm 162cm. C. I'm 62kg.

( ) 3. A. OK B. Not at all. C. Welcome.

( ) 4. A. I'm happy. B. He's tired. C. I have an earache.

( ) 5. A. I feel better. B. I'm feeling happy. C. She's sick.

四、Listen and fill in the blanks.(听音,补全句子。)(10分).

1.What’s the _________ with you? My ______ is _______.My _______ hurts.

2.I _________ a ___________.

3.How ________ John feel? He is ________.

4.How are you , Zhang Peng ?You _______ so _________.

Part II Reading and writing 第二部分 读写


V.Read and tick or cross.(判断划线部分发音是否相同,打“√”或“×”。) (6分)

1. goat go ( ) 2.about coat ( ) 3.cow now ( )

4.nose dog( ) 5.how know ( ) 6.Mouth house ( )

VI.Read and match.(只写序号)(10分)

( ) 1. failed the math test A. 得了流感

( ) 2. get the flu B.吃点药

( ) 3. a football match C. 因……而发笑

( ) 4. stay in bed D. 数学考试不及格

( ) 5. laugh at E. 踢球

( ) 6. kick the ball F. 进行一次长途旅行

( ) 7. a little G. 有些

( ) 8. take some medicine H. 一场足球比赛

( ) 9. a few days I .几天

( ) 10. go on a big trip J. 卧床休息Look and write.

VII.Read and choose:(选择最佳的答案。)(14分)

( ) 1. Chen Jie is sick.. She ___ tired.

A. look B. looks C. likes

( ) 2. I ____ a earache.

A . having B. has C. have

( ) 3. How are you ____?

A. feel B. feeling C. feels

( ) 4.How _____Sarah feel?

A. do B. is C. does

( ) 5.How _____you feel?

A. do B. is C. does

( ) 6. You look sad today. –Yes, ______________.

A. I’m going to have a party. B. I failed the Chinese test. C. I have a new T-shirt.

( ) 7. If you have a fever,you might have the .

A. flu B. hurt C. stomachache

( ) 8.When you’re sick, you must______________.

A. go swimming B. have a rest C. play football

( ) 9. How is Amy? --_______________.

A. She is happy. B. She is at home. C. He is sad.

( ) 10. Is your throat sore?--_________________.

A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, she is.

( ) 11. Please stay ____ bed for a few days.

A. to B. in C. for

( ) 12. If you ______sick, see the doctor. A. is B. are C. am

( ) 13. Amy ________ very sad. What’s wrong __________her?

A. looks, with B. look, with C. looks, to

( ) 14. Sarah is sick. What should she not do?

A. Have a rest. B. Go swimming. C. Stay in bed.

VIII.Read and choose:选择最佳答案写在横线上。(5分)

1.________ ( What’s,Who’s ) the matter with you ?

2.I_______ ( feel, feels,feeling) sick.

3.My temperature(温度) is 39゜C. I have a________ ( fever, toothache.)

4.I am very _________ ( bored, excited). I have nothing to do.

5.How does Amy feel? She __________ ( is, are , am ) happy.

IX..Comprehension. (阅读理解。)

A.Listen and judge.阅读短文,判断句子正(√)误(×)表示。(5分)

It’s Sunday afternoon. The weather is fine. There is a football match between class 2 and class 4. Many students are watching .They’re excited.

Now Zhang Peng has the ball. He passes it to Wu Yifan .But Wu Yifan can’t kick the ball. Then John has the ball. He kicks it. The ball flies to Zhang Peng’s arm. Zhang Peng is very angry. The ball files into the goal. How is Zhang Peng feeling now? Guess! He is so happy!

Hooray! Class 4 won the game. Class2 is very sad.

( ) 1. There is a basketball match on Sunday afternoon.

( ) 2. Wu Yifan can’t kick the ball.

( ) 3. Zhang Peng is happy when the ball flies to his arm.

( ) 4.Zhang Peng is happy when the ball flies into the gate.

( ) 5. Class 2 is not sad in the end.

B.Read and write.根据短文,回答问题.(10分)

Aunt Bear is going to make a big cake. She wants someone to help her. “Hi, Zoom!” says Aunt Bear, “Come and help me make a cake, please.” “Sorry, Aunt Bear. I’m not feeling well today. I have a toothache.” Zoom answers.

“Zip, can you help me?” “Sorry, I’m not very well. I have a headache.” Zip says.

“Monkey, what about you?”

Monkey answers, “No, I have a fever. My throat is sore. I think I have a cold.”

Aunt Bear has to make the cake by herself. Zoom, Zip and Monkey play happily outside. When they walk back home, they are hungry and tired. Aunt Bear comes out of her house to greet them. “Hello, children. I’m sorry you don’t feel today. You should eat well and go to bed early. Come and share my big cake. Zoom, Zip and Monkey feel their face go red.

1. What’s Aunt Bear going to do ?

2. What’s the matter with Zoom?

3. What’s the matter with Zip?

4. What’s the matter with Monkey?

5. Do you think they are ill? If not, why are they telling a lie(撒谎)?



1. B 2. A 3. A 4..C 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. B



III .(每小题2分,计10分)

1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.A

IV .(每个单词1分,计10分)

1.What’s the matter with you? My throat is sore My nose hurts.

2.I have a headache.

3.How does John feel? He is excited.

4.How are you , Zhang Peng ?You look so happy.



1.√ 2.X 3.√ 4. X 5. X 6.√


1. D 2.A 3.H 4.J 5.C 6.E 7.G 8.B 9.I 10.F


1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.A

8.B 9.C 10.A 11.B 12.B 13. A 14.B


1. What’s 2. feel 3. fever 4. bored 5. is


A. (每小题1分,计5分)1. √ 2. √ 3.× 4. √ 5. ×

B. (每小题2分,计10分)

1. She is going to make a big cake.

2. Zoom has a toothache.

3. Zip has a headache.

4. Monkey has a fever. His throat is sore. He has a cold.

5. No, they’re not ill. Because they don’t want to help Aunt Bear.









PEP三年级英语下册第二单元《My family》教学设计












