
时间:2022-09-10 07:52:55 试题试卷 收藏本文 下载本文





Part Ⅰ

Section A?



【关键词语】easier said than done?





【关键词语】already 8:30,until 9:15?




【关键词语】make it work ;apply?

【详细解答】make it work in our program就是apply the theory to the program,所以答案为D。 ?



【关键词语】a can of juice,food line和 stack of trays?

【详细解答】根据对话中的关键词“a can of juice”,“food line”和 “stack of trays(一堆盘子)”,我们可判断对话发生在自助餐厅。?

5.答案C。    ?


【关键词语】a textbook,my sociology course?


6.答案C。  ?


【关键词语】apply for a loan?

【详细解答】apply for a loan(申请贷款)也就是申请经济方面的援助,所以答案为C。?



【关键词语】came to America ;lived?

【详细解答】主要理解“When we left Vietnam and came to America we lived with a cousin in Dallas for 2 years.”这句话的含义,即可作出判断。Dallas,达拉斯是美国一个城市。 ?



【关键词语】sixty-watt bulbs?

【详细解答】本题对话中没有出现“buy”一词,原文中所给的背景是在一个商店里“around the whole store”,而说话人在找60瓦




Part Ⅰ

Section A?




【详细解答】听清男声中的“stamps”、“envelope”等词,则可以排除A、B、C 各项,只有D项正确。?

2. 答案B。  ?


【关键词语】but,can’t,wait,next pay day?



3. 答案C。 ?


【关键词语】They haven’t found anybody else.?

【详细解答】从they haven’t found anybody else来看,可能找到部分幸存者,只是这几个小时没有找到更多的,说明C为正确答案。 ?

4. 答案B。?


【关键词语】 office hours between one and three this afternoon?





【详细解答】本题要求考生听懂对话。本对话是就下雪冷,渴望出太阳而说的.,所以可推断出正确答案应该选择B。同时考生不要被“tired”一词迷惑而误选D,“be tired of ”一词意为“对什么东西表示厌倦”。   ?

6.答案 D。?

【详细解答】从quite disappointing来看,考试结果出乎意料,令人失望,所以答案为D。

7. 答案A。?


【详细解答】从男子所说的“How about a lemonade break”,我们可得知他想喝一杯柠檬汽水休息一下,故答案应为A。?

8.   答案D。?


【关键词语】80,only,have,have any real talent?

【详细解答】本题要求考生在听懂对话含义的基础上进行计算。80是总数,“but”后面的句子给出了符合题意的答案80÷2=40。    ?

9. 答案 B ?





Part Ⅰ

Section A?



【关键词语】weather, pleasant, rainy?

【详细解答】如果听懂了男方谈话的主要内容,并抓住了关键词rainy,答案就不难找到。女士问男士关于他那里的天气情况怎样。男士回答时的关键句子是:Generally,there are more rainy days in September than in any  other month,but it isn’t very  cold  there  then.由此可以很容易地根据关键词rainy推断出D为正确答案。?



【关键词语】suppose, as a matter of fact, intermission?

【详细解答】题目问的是男士和他的妻子对那场戏的看法如何,男士回答女士的问话时是否定的。虽然没有直接回答说他们不喜欢那场戏,但从男士的谈话中,间接地知道了他们的.态度:left at the intermission(幕间休息时离开了)。故B(他们俩个都不喜欢这出戏。)为正确答案。?



【关键词语】daughter, full?fare, half?fare,  cost?




【关键词语】type, friend, paper, generally?




【关键词语】telephone, dinner, be able to?

【详细解答】如果听懂了男士的谈话,并抓住了关键词语,此答案就不难找到。She couldn’t come for dinner, but hoped to be able to next time she comes to town.由此可知,D为正确答案。?



【关键词语】worry about, special, fail, course?





Part Ⅰ

Section A?



【关键词语】get back, lunch, library, fall asleep?




【关键词语】travel, postpone, make it, December?




【关键词语】neighbour, promised, keep an eye on?




【关键词语】avenue, straight, blocks?




【关键词语】holiday, summer, upset?

【详细解答】从对话中可知,男士希望女士已告诉他关于她的假期计划。这里用了一个虚拟语气的句子:I wish you had told me your holidays.我希望你已经告诉了我关于你的假期计划。言外之意,她没告诉他关于她的计划,因而感到遗憾。这里可从女士的问话中透露出来:“对不起。我认为你知道我每年夏季都要到我姑妈住的地方去。”这句话的意思也证明了男士没有获得此信息,故B为正确答案。?



【关键词语】look up, take out, card, list?

【详细解答】男士问女士是否可以帮他借书。女士的回答没有那么直接,而是说不想用她的卡把书拿出来,实际上就等于说她不想用她的卡给他借书。这里的关键词语是take out,故B为正确答案。?



【关键词语】ring, finger, bride,




Part Ⅰ       Listening Comprehension   (20 minutes)


Directions:  In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. ?

Example: You will hear:?

You will read: ?

A) At the office.     B) In the waiting room.?

C) At the airport.        D) In a restaurant.?

From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they had to finish in the evening. This is most likely to have taken place at the office. Therefore, A) “At the office” is the best answer. You should choose  on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the centre.?

Sample Answer [A] [B] [C] [D] ―?

1. A)  He thanks the woman for her advice.

B) It’s difficult to give up smoking.?

C) He does not need the woman’s advice.

D) It’s easy to give up smoking. ?

2. A)  Three quarters of an hour.   B) Half an hour.?

C) A quarter of an hour.

D) Ten minutes. ?

3. A) His compu




Model Test Two ?

Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. ?


Passage 1


Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:?

In a sense, the new protectionism is not protectionism at all, at least not in the traditional sense of the term. The old protectionism referred only to trade restricting and trade expanding devices, such as the tariff or export subsidy. The new protectionism is much broader than this: it includes interventions into foreign trade but is not limited to them. The new protectionism, in fact, refers to how the whole of government intervention into the private economy affects international trade. The emphasis on trade is still there, thus came the term “protection.” But what is new is the realization that virtually all government activities can affect international economic relations.?

The emergence of the new protectionism in the Western world reflects the victory of the interventionist, or welfare economy over the market economy. Jab Tumiler writes, “The old protectionism…coexisted, without any apparent intellectual difficulty with the acceptance of the market as a national as well as an international economic distribution mechanism ― indeed, protectionists as well as (if not



Part I  Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)

Section A

1. A) The storm took a heavy toll of the lives and property of the fishermen.

B) The speakers thanked the meteorologists for their help.

C) The fishermen got back safe and sound.

D) The fishing boats didn’t set sail because of the bad weather.

2. A) Cars that drive themselves will be very expensive.

B) The woman is planning to buy an intelligent car.

C) The man is working with some engineers on intelligent cars.

D) Most people do not like driving to work

3. A) They’re the only tickets to a well-paid job.

B) They don’t help much in getting a good job.

C) They’re essential in getting promoted.

D) They don’t make much difference as far as the pay is concerned.

4. A) Sacramento is a city inhabited by racial minorities

B) There is no racial tension in Sacramento.

C) Non-white Americans will outnumber white American in 60 years’ time.

D) Americans will live in perfect racial harmony 60 years from now.

5. A) He should look professional and knowledgeable about high technology.

B) He should pay special attention to his personal appearance.

C) He should wear a business suit rather than casual clothes.

D) He should make the interviewer aware of his professional qualities.

6. A) People should to everything possible to prevent it.

B) It will cause a lot of disasters for human beings.

C) People should move to cold, dry regions of the world.

D) It may offer people some opportunities, too.

7. A) She’s waiting for someone.

B) She’s enjoying her coffee.

C)She’s having a chat with the man.

D) She’s inviting the man to sit down.

8. A) The woman is good at writing poetry.

B) The man is complimenting the woman.

C) The woman dislikes the man.

D) The man is horrible insensitive person.

9. A) He often plays golf.

B) He is going to slow down.

C) He always works hard.

D) He is living in poverty.

10. A) She strives for fame.

B) She is very famous.

C) She does a lot of thinking.

D) She lives a very hard life.

Section B

Questions 11 to 13 are based on the dialogue you have just heard

11. A) The economy is slowing down..

B) She may not be able to finish college..

C) She may be not able to find a job after college..

D) The tax is going to be raised..

12. A) It is on the verge of bankruptcy..

B) It is improving steadily..

C) It has experienced a rapid increase in its sales..

D) It is going downhill fast.

13. A) She will join the man’s company.

B) She will start her own business.

C) She will stay in her parent’s house.

D) She will try to find a job.

Section C

Passage one

Questions 14 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.

14. A) Nuclear reactors.

B) Fuel cells.

C) Gasoline.

D) Hydrogen.

15. A) It is clean.

B) It is cheap.

C) It produces water.

D) It is safe.

16. A) They will be made of new materials.

B) Luxury cars will become the standard.

C) They will cost a lot more money.

D) They will not arrive all in one piece.

17. A) Traditional cars will disappear from the roads.

B) High-tech cars will coexist with old vehicles.

C) The cost of a car will be much lower than today.

D) All kinds of new technologies will make it into our garages.

Passage two

Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.

18. A) She was very kind towards the students.

B) She had racial prejudices.

C) She had a high sense of responsibility..

D) She did not trust some of the teachers.

19. A) To compliment her on her achievements.

B) To test her personally.

C) To give her a copy of the examination paper.

D) To make inquiries about an accident.

20. A) She took her fists and started punching her.

B) She smiled her thanks and backed off.

C) She boiled over with anger and refused her request..

D) She decided to quit the school.

Part II Reading comprehension (35 minutes)

Passage One

It’s a brand new world --- a world built around brands. Hard-charging, noise-making, culture-shaping brands are everywhere. They’re on supermarket shelves, of course, but also in business plans for .com startups and in the names of sports complexes. Brands are infiltrating (渗透)people’s everyday lives --- by sticking their logoes (商标) on clothes, in concert programs, on subway Cstation walls, even in elementary school classrooms .

We live in an age in which CBS newscasters wear Nike jackets on the air, in which Burger King and McDonald’s open kiosks(小亭) in elementary school lunchrooms, in which schools like Stanford University are endowed with a Yahoo! Founders Chair. But as brands reach (and then overreach) into every aspects of our lives, the companies behind them invite more questions, deeper scrutiny―and an inevitable backlash(强烈反应) by consumers.

“Our intellectual lives and our public spaces are being taken over by marketing ---and that has real implications for citizenship,” says author and activists Naomi Klien. “It’s important for any healthy culture to have public space--- a place where people are treated as citizens instead of as consumers. We’ve completely lost that space.

Since the mid-1980s ,as more and more companies have shifted from being about products to being about ideas C Starbucks isn’t selling coffee; It’s selling community!----those companies have poured more and more resources into marketing campaigns.

To pay for those campaigns, those same companies figured out ways to cut costs elsewhere, for example, by using contract labor at home and low-wage labor in developing countries. Contract laborers are hired on a temporary, per-assignment basis, and employers have no obligation to provide any benefits (such as health insurance) or long-term job security. This saves companies money but obviously puts workers in vulnerable situations. In the United States, contract labor has given rise to so-called McJobs, which employers and workers alike pretend are temporary----even though these jobs are usually held by adults who are trying to support families.

The massive expansion of marketing campaigns in the 1980s coincided with the reduction of government spending for schools and for museums. This made those institutions much too willing, even eager, to partner with private companies. But companies took advantage of the needs of those institutions, reaching too far, and overwhelming the civic space with their marketing agendas.

21. Which of the following does the author state as a factor in the increasing presence of brands in people’s lives?

A  the aggressive nature of corporate marketing

B  the lack of government funding for schools and museums

C  the lack of government regulations of marketing methods

D  the corporate funding of public s



Part Ⅰ       Listening Comprehension   (20 minutes)


Directions:  In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. ?

Example: You will hear: W: I certainly hope the library will be open this Saturday. ?

M: The sign says library hours! Week days 8 am. to 9 pm. On Saturdays 9 to 5, closed Sunday. ?

Q: When will the library be open on Saturday? ?

You will read: ?

A) 8 am. to 9 am.?

B) 5 am. to 9 pm.?

C) 9 am. to 5 pm.?

D) closed ?

From the conversation we know that the two are talking about library hours. On week days the library is open from 8 am. to 9 pm. On Saturdays it is open from 9 am. to 5 pm. Therefore C) “9 am. to 5 pm.” is the correct answer. You should c

hoose C) on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the centre.


Sample Answer [A] [B] [C] ― [D]?

1.  A) She goes home for lunch.

B) She spends her time shopping.?




Model Test One 预测试卷一???

Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. ?

Passage 1


Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:?

People do not analyze every problem they meet. Sometimes they try to remember a solution from the last time they had a similar problem. They often accept the opinions or ideas of other people. Other times they begin to act without thinking; they try to find a solution by trial and error. However, when all these methos fail, the person with a problem has to start analyzing. There are six stages in analyzing a problem.?

First the person must recognize that there is a problem. For example, Sam’s bicycle is broken, and he cannot ride it to class as he usually does. Sam must see that there is a problem with his bicycle.?

Next the thinker must define the problem. Before Sam can repair his bicycle, he must find the reason why it does not work. For instance, he must determine if the problem is with the gears, the brakes, or the frame. He must make his problem more specific.?

Now the person must look for information that will make the problem clearer and lead to possible solutions. For instance, suppose Sam decided that his bike does not work because there is something wrong with the gear wheels. At this time, he can look in his bicycle repair book





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