
时间:2023-03-15 08:05:07 试题试卷 收藏本文 下载本文







( )1 A、spring B、summer C、fall

( )2 A、March B、May C、April

( )3 A、eat breakfast B、eat lunch C、eat dinner

( )4 A、7:30 B、8:30 C、9:30

( )5 A、drinking B、eating C、having

( )6 A、fly kites B、plant trees C、make a snowman

( )7 A、nice B、sweet C、good

( )8 A、go hiking B、go shopping C、go fishing

( )9 A、go to bed B、go to school C、go to work

( )10 A、first B、second C、third


( )1、Look, what is my mother doing?

She’s ________________

A. go fishing B. go swimming C. go hiking

( )2、Chen Jie and Amy are ____________________.

A. flying kites B. playing football C. reading books

( )3、Hello _____________ , Can I speak to ChenJie, please ?

A. this is Wu yifan B. this is Chen Jie

C.this is Sarah

( )4、Her grandpa is ___________________

A.my father B.my uncle C. my teacher

( )5、When is your birthday?______________________.

A. My birthday is in May B. My birthday is in June C.My birthday is in March


( )1. A. There are four seasons in a year. B. Spring is my favourite season.

( )2. A. It's June 21st. B. It's Thursday.

( )3. A. No. He's playing football. B. Yes. He's very tall.

( )4. A. My mom is a doctor.

B. Sure. Hold on, please.

( )5. A. They are cooking dinner.

B. She is answering the phone.






4.over there(译成汉语)



( )1. A. often B. usually C.noon

( )2. A.spring B.fall C.skate

( )3. A .dog B .elephant C.play

( )4. A .swim B .people C.write

( )5. A .third B .fourth C.eight

( )6. A.winter B.cool C.spring

( )7. A.cold B.warm C.walk

( )8 A. skate B. swim C. season

( )9 . A. first B.two C. second

( )10. A. May B.July C. Sunday


( ).1 .______ is your birthday ?

A. What B. When C. Why

( ).2.I eat dinner ________ 7:00 in the evening ?

A. on B. in C. at

( ) .3.What _____ you doing ?

A. are B. am C .is

( ) .4.John is ______the phone .

A. answering B .answer C. are answering

( ) .5 .When is your birthday ?It’s ______.

A. June 9 B. June the 9 C. June 9th .

( )6.What do you do ____the weekend?

A. on B. in C. at

( )7._____season do you like best? x Kb 1. Com

A. Which B. What C. How

( )8.Kate ____ playing chess.

A.am B.is C.are

( )9.Can I speak ___John?

A.for B to C.on

( )10. The fish is in the river.

A. swim B. swims C. Swimming


( ) 1.如果你想了解别人是干什么的,你可以问:

A. Who are you? B. What do you like?

C. What do you do?

( )2. 你在问别人问题之前,你可以有礼貌地说:

A. I’m sorry. B. Excuse me. C. Can you help me?

( )3. 如果你想了解别人最喜欢吃什么,你可以问:

A. What do you like? B. What’s your favourite food?

C. Do you like this?

( ) 4. 如果你想了解今天是几月几日,你应该问:

A. What is the date today? B. What day is it today?

C. What is it?

( )5. 妈妈称赞你说:You’re so helpful(有用的),你应该回答:

A. You’re welcome. B. I’m not helpful. C. Thank you.

( )6. 如果你想问别人星期一上什么课, 你可以问:

A. What do you do on Monday?

B. What would you like on Monday?

C. What do you have on Mondays?

( )7.打电话时如果想知道对方是谁,应该问:

A. Who are you? B. Who’s that? C. Who’s this?

( )8. 如果你想和李先生通电话,你可以说:

A. Hello. May I speak to Mr. Li?

B. Where is Mr. Li, please?

C. Who is Mr. Li?

( )9. 如果你想了解对方正在做什么, 你可以问:

A. What are you? B. Where are you?

C. What are you doing?

( )10. 如果你想问他们经常做什么,你可以问:

A. What do they often do? B. What are they doing?

C. What can they do?

( )11. 如果你想问别人几点起床,你可以问:

A. What time do you get up? B. Why do you get up?

C. How do you get up?

( )12. 如果你想了解John正在做什么,你应该问:

A. What can John do? B. What is John doing?

C. What does John do?

( )13. 如果你告诉别人到了走的时间了,你应该说:

A. Let’s go. B. Can you go now? C. It’s time to go.

( )14. 在电话中介绍自己是谁,你可以说:

A. I am Peter. B. My name is Peter. C. This is Peter.

( )15.你想知道别人生日什么时候,你该怎么问:

A. What are you? B.What’s your favourite food? C.when is your birthday?


1 dancing is monkey the(.)


2 beautiful spring is (.)


3. is What the date(?)


4. am doing I the dishes (.)


5. is doing Brother homework (.)



January Christmas Day

March National Day

June Children’s Day

October Tree-planting Day

December New Year’s Day


It’s summer. Zoom and Zip swim in the lake(湖).they are happy . “I like Summer,”says Zip. “Why do you like summer? ”asks Zoom. “because I can swim in the lake.”

It’s fall. Zoom and Zip go hiking. They eat a lot.

Winter comes. Zoom and Zip don’t skate. They sleep.

Spring comes. Zoom and Zip wake up .They fly kites. “I like winter,” says Zoom. “Why do you like winter?” asks Zip. “Because I can sleep a long time.” in the winter,they can sleep.

( ) 1.Zip likes Summer.

( ) 2.It’s summer, Zoom and Zip go hiking.

( ) 3.Zip can swim in the lake.

( ) 4.Zip can sleep for a long time in spring.

( ) 5.Winter comes. Zoom and Zip can sleep.


1、fall 2、April 3、eat breakfast 4、8:30 5、eating

6、plant trees 7、good 8、go hiking 9、go to bed 10、second


1、Look, what is my mother doing?

She’s go swimming.

2、Chen Jie and Amy are flying kites.

3、Hello this is Sarah, Can I speak to ChenJie, please ?

4、Her grandpa is my teahcer.

5、When is your birthday? My birthday is in May.


1. What’s your favourite season?

2. When is your birthday?

3. Is he playing basketball?

4. Can I speak to Mr Zhang?

5. What are they doing?

笔试部分:一,1 Sept. 2 Mom 3running 4 在那边 5 tomatoes

二, 1-5CCCBC 6-10BCCBC 三,1-5BCAAC 6-10 AABBC

四,1-5CBBAC 6-10CCACA 10-15ABCCC

五,1. The monkey is dancing. 2.Spring is beautiful.3.What is the date?

4.I am doing the dishes. 5.Brother is doing homework.


January Christmas Day

March National Day

June Children’s Day

October Tree-planting Day

December New Year’s Day




A. February B.fight C.get up D. summer E.do an experiment


( )1.A.morning B.evening C.dinner D.afternoon

( )2.A.usually B.best C.often D.sometimes

( )3.A.drink B.trunk C.swing D.fight

( )4.A.December B.February C.Sunday D.May

( )5.A.second B.eighth C.fifth D.which

( )6.A.swim B.play C.noon D.skate



1.September(缩写形式)_________ 2.third(简写形式)____________

3.one(序数词)_________________ 4.run(现在分词)______________

5.leaf(复数)___________________ 6.butterfly(复数)______________

7.are not (缩写形式)___________ 8.writing(动词原形)_________

9.November(缩写形式)_________ 10.spring(同类词)_________


( )1. ----What's your favourite season?


A.I like fall best. B. February is my favourite. C. I swim in summer.

( )2. My parents usually get up ________ 6:40.

A.on B. in C. at

( )3 . ----What's the date today?


A.It's Tuesday. B. It's cool C. It's April 1st.

( )4 . ----Is Amy answering the phone?


A. Yes, he does. B. No, she is writing a letter. C. No, he isn't.

( )5. August is the ________ month of the year.

A. seven B. ninth C. eighth

( )6. ---- What is Mike doing?

---- He ____________

A. running B. swims in the river C. is walking

( )7. ----______ do you like summer?

----______ I can swim in the river.

A. Why, Because B. Why, And C. Which, Because

( )8. There is a call ____ you.

A. for B. on C. at

( )9. ----__________?

----They are listening to music.

A. What do they do? B. What are you doing? C. What are your grandparents doing?

( )10. Apples are sweet _______ fall.

A. on B. in C. at

( )11.---Can you see the monkeys ?----__________________.

A. Yes ,I can. B.Yes , she is . C.No, I don’t.

( )12.Do an experiment _____ ,please.

A. me B. I C. my

( )13.Amy is playing_______ piano , but Chen Jie is playing ______ chess .

A.the ; the B. the ; / C. / ; the

( )14.Come and have a look _______ the ants .

A. on B.at C. in

( )15.My mom ______ cooking. I ____ reading . We ______ busy now .

A.is ; is ;are B. is ;am ; are C. am ;is ;are


1.have English class__________ 2.弹钢琴__________________

3.collect leaves _____________ 4.五月____________________

5.climb mountains____________ 6.采摘树叶 _______________

7.eat breakfast______________ 8.捉蝴蝶_________________

9.over there ______________ 10.去远足________________


A. spring B. March C. elephant D.walking E.lion F.January G.swinging H.summer I.flying J.April K.tiger L.winter

1.季节_______________________ 2.月份_______________________

3.动物_______________________ 4.现在分词___________________


( ) 1. What do you do on the weekend? A. No, I'm going hiking.

( ) 2. When is Children's Day? B. I'm doing homework.

( ) 3.Which season do you like best? C. June 1st.

( ) 4. Are you climbing the mountain? D. Winter. I can play with snow.

( ) 5. What are you doing? E. I often do homework and go hiking.


( )1.打电话时,你想说自己是张鹏,你应该这样说:____________

A.Hello!This is Zhang Peng . B. Hello!I am Zhang Peng .

( )2.当你想问“你在做什么的时候?”你应该说:__________________

A.Who is she ? B.What is he doing. C. What are you doing ?

( )3.你想问对方什么时候过生日,你应该说:_________

A.When is your birthday ? B.When is your mother’s birthday ?

( )4.你想说大象正在喝水,你这样说:__________________

A.The elephant is taking a bath . B. The elephant is drinking water .

( )5.你问“老虎真的会游泳吗?”你这样问:_______________

A. Can tigers really swim ? B. Tigers can swim .


( )1.He’s in the woods .

( )2.Yes , he is . They are playing together .

( )3.Where is Zhang Peng ?

( )4.Is John playing chess ,too ?

( )5.No, he isn’t .He is playing chess.

( )6.Is he taking pictures ?



Mike: Hello. This is Mike. Is that Wu Yifan?

Wu: Yes, this is Wu Yifan. What are you doing, Mike?

Mike: I'm watching TV. What are you doing? And how is everybody doing?

Wu: Just fine. I'm doing the dishes. My father is writing an e-mail in the study. My mother is sweeping the floor. And my brother is playing chess with my sister.

Mike: What do you do on the weekend?

Wu: I visit grandparents and go shopping.

Mike: Do you want to go to the nature park?

Wu: Sure. What time?

Mike: At 1:30.

Wu: OK. See you later.

Mike: Bye.


( ) 1. Wu Yifan is watching TV and Mike is doing the dishes.

( ) 2. Wu Yifan's father is writing an e-mail in the bedroom.

( ) 3. Wu Yifan visits grandparents and goes shopping on the weekend.

( ) 4. Wu Yifan wants to go to the Children's Park at 1:30 with Mike.


My name is Amy. I'm from Canada. I usually get up at 6:30, and I often go hiking on the weekend. I like spring best. It's windy and warm. And I like winter, too. Because my birthday is in December, and I can play with snow. Today my parents are going shopping. My brother is swinging in the garden. I'm watching TV. Do you want to be my friend. My QQ is 408981124, and my telephone number is 6678115.


( ) 1. Amy often goes hiking______.

A. on Sunday B. in spring C. on the weekend.

( ) 2. Which is Amy's favourite season?

A. Spring. B. Winter. C. Spring and winter.

( ) 3. ----Why does Amy like winter?


A. her birthday is in December B. she can play with snow C. A and B

( ) 4. Is Amy's brother going shopping?

A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn't. C. Yes, he is swinging in the garden.

( ) 5. What's Amy's telephone number?

A. 408981124 B. 6678115 C. 408981124 and 6678115

五年级英语答案:一.E B C D A 二.C B B C D C 三.省略 四.1.Sept. 2. 3rd 3.first 4.running 5.leaves 6. butterflies 7.aren’t 8 . write 9.Nov. 10.summer/fall/winter五.1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.A 8.A 9.C 10.B 11.A 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.B 六.1.上英语课 2.play the piano 3.收集树叶 4.May 5.爬山 6.pick uo leaves 7.吃早饭 8.catch butterflies 9.在那边 10.go hiking 七.1A H L. 2.B F J 3. C E K 4.D G I 八.ECDAB 九.ACABA 十.261543 十一.FFTT CCCBB




( )1. A. Sunday B. some C. Science D. study

( )2. A. dad B. bed C. bag D. bad

( )3. A. fever B. five C. free D. feel

( )4. A. toothache B. headache C. backache D. earache

( )5. A. 123 B. 132 C. 321 D. 231

( )6. A. at nine B. at once C. at school D. an Art

( )7. A. at home B. after lunch C. after supper D. after school

( )8. A. I still feel ill. B. I feel ill. C. I am ill. D. I am still ill.

( )9. A. have got B. have get C. has got D. have get

( )10. A. Take some medicine and have a lot of rest.

B. Take some medicine and have lots of rest.

C. Take some medicine and have a lot of water.

D. Take some medicine and have some water.


( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

三、听录音,根据所听内容选择正确的应答。(听两遍)(12分)xKb 1.C om

( )1. A. I have three. B. There are three. C. We are three.

( )2. A. I am Mike. B. Sorry, wrong number. C. This is Mike speaking.

( )3. A. Monday. B. Sunday. C. Saturday.

( )4. A. I’ve got a new car. B. I feel thirsty. C. I’ve got a headache.

( )5. A. Yes, they do. B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, they have.

( )6. A. I don’t like Art. B. I’d like Math lesson. C. English.



1. the first lesson _____________ __ 2. take some medicine ____

3. an interesting subject ____ ______________ 4. open your mouth _____ _____

5. have a lot of rest ________ ___ 6. 在星期四________ ____

7. 八门学科____ ________________ 8. 重感冒___ _________

9. 呆在床上______________ 10. 在两个星期里__ __________


( )1. We have nine _______ this term.

A. subject B. lessons C. subjects D. classes

( )2. _______ do you feel now?

A. How about B. How C. What about D. What

( )3. We have three lessons ______ the morning. w W w .x K b 1.c o M

A. in B. on C. at D. with

( )4. —I’ve got a fever. —__________________.

A. Thank you. B. Great! C. I’m sorry to hear that. D. That’s all right.

( )5. —I like PE very much. __________ — I like Art.

A. It’s interesting. B. How about you? C. Me, too. D. Do you like PE?

( )6.—Hello! May I speak to Nancy?— .

A. Yes, speaking. B. Yes, I am Nancy. C. No, I’m not Nancy. D. No, you don’t.

( )7. We don’t have ______lessons today.

A. a B. an C. some D. any

( )8. It is _________Monday morning.

A. on B. at C. in D. /

( )9. My father works _________ Monday to Friday.

A. on B. in C. from D. at

( )10. What’s wrong with ________? He’s got a headache.

A. he B. her C. him D. his


1. her, having, lesson, Wang, a , are, Miss, and, students ( . )

2. can, you, I, medicine, get, for, some ( . )

3. many, lessons, Wednesday, English, you, on, have, how, do ( ? )

4. soon, hope, I, better, get, you ( . )

5. is, today, absent, why, she ( ? )



( )1. May I speak to Miss Li? A. It’s Sunday.

( )2. What day is it today? B. We have three.

( )3. What’s 123 plus 321? C. I’m ill.

( )4. Can you tell me at once? D. Yes, I can.

( )5. How many PE lessons do you have a week? E. I’m sorry to hear that.

( )6. I like Art. How about you? F. I like English.

( )7. What’s wrong with you? G. It’s 444.

( )8. Why are you absent today? H. Yes, this is Miss Li speaking.

( )9. I’ve got a bad cough. I. I feel cold.

( )10. How do you feel now? J. I’ve got a backache.


1. My mother often washes clothes ________________.

2. Who ________________ today?

3. —________________ with your watch? —It doesn’t work.

4. We work for a long time. Let’s ________________.

5. The present is very good. Thanks ________________.

6. The classes ________________ at four o’clock in the afternoon.


1. Mike ____________(have) a Chinese lesson now.

2. I have seven _________ (lesson) every day.

3. Su Yang calls _______ (she) after breakfast.

4. Yang Ling _______(have) got a stomach ache.

5. What subjects _______ he _________(have) at school?


( )1. What lessons do you have in Tuesday afternoon?


( )2. You have get a bad cough.


( )3. How many subject do you have?


( )4. I will get some fruits for you.


( )5. Let’s going to see the doctor.


( )6. I am not feel tired.



Jane is a schoolgirl. She is fifteen. She lives with her parents and her grandpa. Her grandpa is seventy years old. He’s got a backache. He needs to see a doctor. But Jane’s parents are very busy. Her father is a policeman. Her mother is a teacher. So Jane wants to go to hospital with her grandpa after school. She hopes her grandpa will get better soon.

( )1. What is Jane?

A. A teacher B. A policewoman C. A student

( )2. --What’s wrong with her grandpa? --He’s got a ___ __.

A. toothache B. backache C. earache

( )3. Who needs to see a doctor?

A. Jane B. Jane’s parents C. Jane’s grandpa

( )4.What is Jane’s father?

A. a doctor B. a policeman C. a teacher


1. What day is it today? .

2. What subject do you like? .

3. I’ve got a backache. .

4. How do you feel now? .



1. What subject do you like? I like Science.

2. What’s wrong with you? I’ve got a bad cough.

3. How do you feel now? I feel thirsty.

4. What’s wrong with you, Liu Tao? I’ve got a headache.

5. What’s 124 minus 1? It’s 123.

6. Can you tell me at once? OK.

7. Su Yang calls Tom after school.

8. How do you feel now, Ben? I am still ill.

9. You have got an earache. You must have a lot of rest.

10. How do you feel now? I feel ill. Take some medicine and have a lot of water.


1. How do you feel now? I feel thirsty. I can get some water for you. Thank you.

2. What lessons do you have this morning? I have English, Computer Studies, Social Science and Maths.

3. Hi, Grandma. What’s the matter? I feel cold. I can get a blanket for you. Thanks.

4. What’s 654 minus 456? It’s 198.

5. What subject do you like? I like Social Science. What about you? I like Chinese.

6. Hello, Lily. What’s wrong with you? Hello, Miss Gao. I’ve got a high fever. You must have a rest.

7. What lessons do you have this afternoon? We have English, Science, Chinese and Maths.

8. Hi, may I speak to Miss Li? Yes, speaking. Hi, Miss Li, this is Liu Tao. I’m ill. I can’t go to school today.


1. How many lessons do you have this afternoon?

2. Hello, may I speak to Mr Black?

3. What day is the first day of a week?

4. What’s wrong with you?

5. Do they have nine subjects this term?

6. What subject do you like?


一、1、C 2、D 3、D 4、B 5、A 6、B 7、D 8、D 9、A 10、C

二、7 3 5 2 1 8 4 6

三、1、A 2、B 3、B 4、C 5、A 6、C




sunny beef pretty yellow eat flower

snow cow see windy window how

1. /i:/ _________ _________ __________

2. /I/ _________ _________ __________

3. /əu/_________ _________ __________

4. /au/_________ _________ __________


5. don’t(完整形式)______6. noodle(复数) ___________

7. have(第三人称单数)_______8. Saturday(缩写形式) _______

9. sandwich (复数) _________10. he(宾格) _________

11.they’re(完整形式)______12. what about(同义短语)_________三、英汉互译。(10分)

13. 在周末___________14. my favourite teacher______________

15. 做作业 _______________16. healthy food_______________

17. draw cartoons______________


at with in on like

18. Look ____________the pictures.

19. They don’t have the maths ___________ Mondays.

20. We have a reading class __________ Mr Reed.

21. Do you often watch TV ___________ the living room?

22. What’s your father__________?


( ) 23.What’s your teacher_____________?

A. liked B. to like C. like

( ) 24. _________ comes after Tuesday?

A. Monday B. Wednesday C. Thursday

( ) 25. We have __________, hamburgers and tea.

A. sandwich B. sandwichs C. sandwiches

( ) 26. What would you like _________ drink?

A. for B. to C. in

( ) 27. How many books do you __________, Tom?

A. have B. has C. is there

( ) 28. —Would you like ____________ milk?

—Yes, it’s healthy.

A. any B. some C. a

( ) 29. Let’s ____________volleyball.

A. play B. playing C. to play

( ) 30. We have English __________ Mondays and Thursday.

A. on B. in C. at

( ) 31. Do you often __________ books in this park?

A. read B. reads C. reading

( ) 32. I often __________ books and ____________TV.

A. read; read B. watch; read C. read; watch

六、情景对话 (10分)

( )1. 当你要表达你喜欢三明治,它们很健康时,你会说:_______________

A. I like sandwiches. They are healthy.

B. I like sandwiches. They are fresh. C. I have some sandwiches.

( )2. 当你询问别人什么是他最喜欢的食物时,你会说:__________________

A. What’s your dinner? B. Who is your favourite food?

C. What is your favourite food?

( )3. 当你要表达请给我一个三明治时,你会说:__________________

A. I have a sandwich. B. Some sandwiches, please.

C. A sandwich, please.

( )4. 当你要询问别人想喝点什么时,你会说:__________________

A. What would you like to drink?B. Do you drink some tea?

C. What do you often drink on the weekend?


Hi, I’m Tim. I’m from Dongfang School. Today is Tuesday. We have maths, Chinese and computer on Tuesdays. I like computer. My computer teacher is very funny. He is very strong. I like him.We have sandwiches and fish for lunch on Wednesdays. Potatoes are my favourite food. Saturday is my favourite day. I often play football on Saturdays. Of course I do my homework on Saturdays, too. What about you?


( ) 38. What day is it today?

A. Tuesday. B. Wednesday.C. Friday. D. Saturday.

( ) 39. What do they have for lunch on Wednesdays?

A. Pork and rice. B. Tofu and green beans.

C. Sandwiches and fish. D. Mutton and tomatoes.

( ) 40. What’s Tim’s computer teacher like?

A. He is tall and thin. B. He is very funny and strong.

C. He is so heavy. D. He is active.

( ) 41. Does Tim like his computer teacher?

A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, he like.C. No, he doesn’t. D. No, he does.

( ) 42. What does Tim do on Saturdays?

A. He often plays football and docs his homework.

B. He often plays computer games.

C. He often watches TV and plays ping pong.

D. He often sing.



参考词汇:short, fat, favourite , food, beef, friends .

要求:1. 条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确。

2. 根据提示写出杰克的特点。

3. 不少于50个单词。


一、1. /i:/ beef eat see

2. /I/ sunny pretty windy

3. /əu/ yellow snow window

4. /au/ flower cow how

二、5. do not 6. noodles 7. has 8. Sat. 9. sandwiches

10. him 11. they are 12. how about

三、13. on weekends/on the weekend 14. 我最喜欢的老师

15. do homework 16. 健康的食物 17. 画漫画

四、18. at 19. on 20. with 21. in 22. like

五、23. C “What + be动词+某人+ like?”意为“什么样?”。Like是介词,意为“像”。

24. B 根据事实,在星期二之后一定是星期三,故答案为B。

25. C sandwich的复数形式应该在末尾直接加-es。

26. B “What would you like to drink?”意为“你想喝什么?”。

27. A 表示“要用动词have/has,故排除C项。因主语为you,故答案是A。

28.B 在表示请求、建议或希望得到肯定回答的疑问句中,常用 some不用any;句中的milk为不可数名词,故不能用a修饰。

29. A “let sb. do sth.”意为“让某人做某亊”,是固定搭配。

30. A 在具体的星期几前要用介词on。

31.A 在一般现在时的一般疑问句中,当主语为you时,谓语动词用原形,故排除B和C。

32. C “看书”用read,“看电视”则常用watch,故选C。

六、33. D 34. D 35.A 36. D 37. A

七、38. A 39. C 40. B 41. A 42. A


This boy is Jack. Last year he was ten years old. He was fat and short, because he slept all day and ate too much sweet food. And he didn’t do exercise. Now he is eleven years old. He is tall and healthy, because he often swims and plays basketball. And sometimes he goes climbing.



( ) 1. A. kind B. delicious C. quiet D. strict

( ) 2. A. our B. hot C. fresh D. sweet

( ) 3. A. polite B. young C. Monday D. tall

( ) 4. A. read B. have C. play D. weekend

( ) 5. A. Friday B. class C. Sunday D. Saturday


1.I’d like(完整形式) ____________2. old(反义词) ______________

3.Let’s(完整形式)______________4.tomato(复数) ______________

5.Tuesday(复数) ______________


( ) 1. What do you do on Saturdays?

I often________my homework .

A .do B .does C .doing

( ) 2 . His sister often ________ TV on Fridays.

A .watch B .watches C .watching

( ) 3. What ________ you like to eat ?

A .would B .are C .is

( ) 4. ________ you like vegetables? Yes , I do .

A .Does B .Do C .Would

( ) 5.________ is your favourite class ?

A .What B .Where C .Who

( ) 6 .What would you ________ for dinner ?

A .do B .does C . like

( ) 7 .What’s you _______fruit .

A .favourite B .like. C .sweet

( ) 8 .What’s ________ like ?

A .her B .she C .him

( ) 9 .I have three new ________ .

A .teacher B .teachers C .teaches

( )10 .I’d like some ________ .

A .tomato B .tomatos C .tomatoes


( ) Who’s your English teacher ?

( ) What’s she like ?

( 3 ) Is she strict?

( ) No, she isn’t. And she is kind.

( ) Miss Zhang.

( ) She’s tall and thin.


on would some his likes

He like tomorrow to for

1 .What’s ___________ favourite fruit ?

_________ __________ apples .

2 . I have _______ potatoes ________ dinner .

3 .What _________ you like _________ eat ?

I’d like some noodles .

4 .What’s your sister ___________ ? She’s very kind .

5 .Lingling has English __________ Tuesdays .

6 .What day is it ___________ ? It’s Sunday .

六、我会补全对话. (15分)

A. What would you like for dinner ?

B. We have music and PE .

C. What do you do on PE class ?

D. Yes , I do .

E. Mr Zhao .

Tom : Good afternoon ,Jack .

Jack : Good afternoon .What do you have on Wednesdays ?

Tom : __1__

Jack : Great!__2__

Tom : I often play ping-pong .

Do you like playing ping-pong?

Jack : _3______ And who’s your PE teacher ?

Tom : 4_________ His class is funny .

Jack : I know ._5______

Tom : Potatoes and beef .

1._______ 2._________ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______


1 . you what do on often do weekend the ( ? )


2. often you sports do in play park the ( ? )


3. new is your teacher like what maths ( ? )


4. your is Chinese strict teacher ( ? )


5. what you would to like drink ( ? )


八、阅读短文,判断短文后面的句子是否正确。正确的写T ,错误的写F.(15分)

Hello! My name is Mike .I am a student in Garden School . I love Tuesdays .On Tuesdays I have science and a computer class . Our science teacher is very smart . My favourite subject is the computer class . It is so fun . What about you ?

We have three English classes every week(每周) . They are on Mondays , Wednesdays and Fridays . Our English teacher comes from (来自)the USA . He is tall and strong . He likes sports . We boys often play football with him .

My father and mother are not at home on Thursdays , so I have lunch at school . The food at my school is so yummy(好吃) . I love it .

( )1.Mike’s favourite class is science .

( )2. Mike has English on Tuesdays .

( )3. Mike’s English teacher likes sports .

( )4. Mike has lunch at school on Wednesdays .

( )5. Mike likes the food at his school .



二、1、I would like 2. young 3.Let us 4. tomatoes 5.Tuesdays

三、1-5 AAABA 6-10 CABBC


五、1.him He likes 2. some for 3.would to 4.like 5.on 6.tomorrow


七、1.What do you often do on the weekend ?

2.Do you often play sports in the park ?

3.What is your new maths teacher like ?

4.Your Chinese teacher is strict ?

5.What would you like to drink ?





( ) 1. A. there B. where C. here

( ) 2. A. behind B. beside C. under

( ) 3. A. Monday B. mountain C. mouse

( ) 4. A. much B. maths C. music

( ) 5. A. salad B. sandwich C. schedule

( ) 6. A. finish B. food C. funny

( ) 7. A. watch TV B. wash my clothes C. on the weekend

( ) 8. A. play football B. play basketball C. play ping-pong

( ) 9. A. There are some trees in front of the house.

B. There is a tree in front of the house.

C. There aren’t any trees in front of the house.

( ) 10. A. Robin can’t swim.

B. Robin can do some kung fu.

C. Robin can speak English and Chinese.


( ) 1. Who’s Mike’s favourite teacher?


( ) 2. What do they have on Wednesdays?


( ) 3. What’s Amy favourite food?

( ) 4. Where does Li Ming’s live?


( ) 5. What can she do at home?


( ) 6. Which is Oliver’s bedroom?




Wu Yifan

Chen Jie




( ) My name is Robin.

( ) I can do some kung fu.

( ) I am friendly and funny.

( ) I can play ping-pong, but I can’t swim.

( ) Do you want to be my friend?

( ) I can speak English and Chinese.


lots, above, Beside, plants, draws, front, living, house

Hello, I’m Zhang Peng. This is my

1. room. There are two pictures on the wall. My father 2. them very well. Under the pictures, there is a photo 3. the TV. In the photo, you can see my grandparents’ garden in 4. of their 5. . There are 6. of beautiful flowers in it. 7. the sofa, there are so many 8. and two lovely dogs here. What’s your living room like? Can you tell me, please?



( ) 1. house mouse

( ) 2. good book

( ) 3. shy happy

( ) 4. eat beef

( ) 5. cow window


( ) 1. lake A. bus B. boat C. bike

( ) 2. swim A. tree B. flower C. river

( ) 3. hungry A. hamburger B. water C. juice

( ) 4. weekend A. Sunday B. Monday C. Friday

( ) 5. nature park A. TV B. forest C. computer


read books, mountain, do kung fu, water bottle, hard-working, in front of


( ) 1. What do you have Thursday? A. in B. on C. at

( ) 2. There a book and two pens on my desk.

A. are B. have C. is

( ) 3.—What’s she like? — .

A. She’s kind. B. She is seven years old. C. She can play pipa.

( ) 4.—Can you sing English songs? — .

A. No, I can. B. Yes, I can’t. C. Yes, I can.

( ) 5. —What would you like to eat? —I’d like some .

A. juice B. sandwiches C. tea

( ) 6. are my favourite vegetable.

A. Tomato B. Tomatos C. Tomatoes

( ) 7. . I’d like some orange juice.

A. I’m thirsty B. I’m hungry C. I’m helpful

( ) 8. I like vegetables, I don’t like onions.

A. also B. and C. but


basketball, English, swim, friendly, Chinese

Dear Robin,

My name is Tom. I am an 1. boy. I want to be your friend! I am 2. and funny. I can speak English, but I can’t speak 3. . Can you help me?

I can play 4. . I can play football. I can play ping-pong, too. We can play ping-pong together.

I can’t do any kung fu, but I can 5. . I can help you swim.




( ) 6. Tom is a Chinese boy.

( ) 7. Tom is friendly and funny.

( ) 8. Tom can speak Chinese.

( ) 9. Tom can’t play football.

( ) 10. Robin can help Tom swim.


1. kind 2. do some kung fu 3. helpful 4. swim 5. draw cartoons

6. play football 7. hard-working 8. play the pipa 9. polite

10. sing English songs

What’s he/she/…’s/… like?

He/She is…

What can you do?

I can…



Dear Robin,




1. where 2. behind 3. mountain 4. maths 5. salad 6. funny

7. wash my clothes 8. play football 9. There are some trees in front of the house. 10. Robin can speak English and Chinese.


1. A: Hey, Mike. Who’s that young man?

B: He’s Mr. Jones, my art teacher. He’s my favourite teacher.

2. A: What day is it today? B: It’s Wednesday.

A: What do we have on Wednesdays? B: We have maths, art and computer.

A: OK, I see. Thank you so much.

3. A: I’m hungry. Let’s go to the school canteen. B: OK. What would you like to eat, Amy?

A: I’d like some noodles. They’re my favourite. B: Me, too.

4. I’m Lin Hua. I live in a small village. There is a big tree beside my house. There is a small river in front of my house, too.

5. I’m helpful at home. I can cook for my parents. And you?

6. I’m Oliver. This is my bedroom. There is a bike, a clock and a photo in my room. There is a computer on the desk. I often play it on the weekend.


1. I’d like some hamburger and orange juice for my breakfast.

2. Sarah is a hard-working girl.

3. There is a ball between the two dogs.

4. We can play ping-pong after school.

5. There are many tall buildings in the picture.


1. A: What would you like to eat, Sarah? B: I’d like fish. It’s my favourite.

2. A: What would you like to eat, Wu Yifan? B: I’d like vegetables. They’re healthy.

3. A: Hi, Chen Jie. What’s your favourite food? B: My favourite food is noodles.

4. A: Do you know Mike’s favourite food? B: Yes, his favourite food is chicken.

5. I’m Zoom. Ice cream is my favourite food.


My name is Robin. I am friendly but funny. I can speak English and Chinese. I can do some kung fu. I can play ping-pong, but I can’t swim. Do you want to be my friend?


lots, above, Beside, plants, draws, front, living, house

Hello, I’m Zhang Peng. This is my 1. living room. There are two pictures on the wall. My father 2. draws them very well. Under the pictures, there is a photo

3. above the TV. In the photo, you can see my grandparents’ garden in 4. front of their 5. house . There are 6. lots of beautiful flowers in it. 7. Beside the sofa, there are so many 8. plants and two lovely dogs here. What’s your living room like? Can you tell me, please?



1. B 2. A. 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. C


1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. B


1. × 2. × 3.√ 4. × 5.√


Sarah √

Wu Yifan √

Chen Jie √

Mike √

Zoom √




1. living 2. draws 3. above 4. front 5. house 6. lots 7. Beside 8. plants


1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F


1. B 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. B


1. mountain 2. do kung fu 3. read books 4. hard-working 5. in front of

6. water bottle


1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. C


1. English 2. friendly 3. Chinese 4. basketball 5. swim

6. × 7.√ 8.× 9.× 10.×


What’s he/she/…’s/… like?

He/She is… 1,3,7,9

What can you do?

I can… 2,4,5,6,8,10

十三、书面表达。(10分) 略

























( )1. A. Japan B. France C. New Zealand

( )2. A. reading a book B. shopping C. flying a kite

( )3. A. dancer B. teacher C. fireman

( )4. A. office B. hospital C. bank

( )5. A. sun visor B. mirror C. camera


( ) 1. A, I’m from Tianjing. B, She is from Canada.

( ) 2. A, There are nine. B, They are seven.

( ) 3. A, I live on Green Road. B, He’s in Class Three, Grade Five.

( ) 4. A, It’s rainy. B, It’s Friday.

( ) 5. A, It’s an English book. B, It’s an armchair.


Dear Amy,

How you! My name Gao wei, I’m China, I’m eleven, I’m in One , Five, Now me you something my family , are 3 people my family.


四、选词填空 (10分,每题1分)

( )1、What good-looking boy! A、a B、an C、

( )2、He looks .A、friendly B、friend C、friends

( )3、Please guess who A、is she B、she is C、Her is

( )4、My uncil is a tailor . your uncle?A、How B、How about C、What

( )5、What your aunt do ?A、do B、is C、does

( )6、My mother is TV.A、at B、in C、on

( )7、My aunt is animal doctor. A、a B、an C、/

( )8、We should learn Lei Feng . A、for B、from C、of

( )9、Let me tell you about my family .A、something B、somethings C、some thing

( )10、Is he a driver ?No ,he A、is B、do C、isn’t.


1、She (look) active .

2、They (be ) good at maths.

3、She is a (write)

4、Mary likes (paint)

5、Whose (watch)are these?


( ) 1、假期里你的外国朋友来中国看望你,你对他们表示欢迎,你应说:A. Welcome to China B. Where are you from?

( ) 2、当你的朋友对你的帮助表示感谢是,你应回答:

A. You’re welcome. B. Can I help you?

( ) 3、你想问去公园的路,你首先应礼貌地说:

A. How are you? B. Excuse me.

( ) 4、你想知道那个布娃娃是谁的,应说:

A. Whose dolls are these? B. Whose is this doll?

( )5、你想要询问李艳父母的工作地点,你应该怎样说:

A.Where do they work? B.What are your parents?


1、Where do he live?

2、Peter is her name.

3、What your house number?

4、We are in same school.

5、I’m in Grade Six,Class Five


1. Are those our English books? (单数)

2、This is my uncil. (就划线部分提问)

3、He comes from China.(变同义句)

4、I want to be a dancer.(变一般疑问句)

5、What a pretty girl!(变陈述句)


Tom and Fred are from America. They are now in China , They are in diffrent classes. Tom is in Class One ,and Fred is in Class Four ,Tom and Fred are twelve ,Now ,they are playing football.They like playing football, Tom’s parents are in No.105 Middle School. They teach English , Fred’s parents aren’t in No.105 Middle school .They work in a hospital.


( )1、Tom and Fred are brother.

( )2、Tom and Fred are students

( )3、Tom’s parents are in No.106 Middle School.

( )4、Tom’s parents are teachers.

( )5、Fred’s parents aren’t in No .105 Middle School




一. 听句子,选择听到的单词,将序号填入括号中。

1.C 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.B


1. (B ) Where is she from?

2.(A) How many are there?

3.(A) Where do you live?

4.(A) How’s the weather today?

5.(A) What’s on the desk?


Dear Amy,

How are you! My name is Gao wei, I’m from China, I’m eleven, I’m in Class One , Grade Five, Now let me tell you something about my family ,There are 3 people in my family.

四、选词填空 (10分,每题1分)

A.A.B.B.C. A.B.B.A.C


1.looks 2.are 3.writer 4.painting 5.watches




1.Where does he live?

2.Peter is his name.

3.What’s your house name?

4.We are in the same class.

5.I’m in Class Five, Grade Six.


1. Is this my English book?

2. What’s this?

3. He is from China.

4. Do you want to be a dancer?

5. She is a pretty girl.






1.a、b是两个自然数,且a=36,那么a、b的最大公因数是( ),最小公倍数是( )。

2. 的分数单位是( ),它有( )个这样的分数单位,如果再加上( )个这样的分数单位就是最小的素数。

3.两个连续偶数的和是18,这两个数的最大公因数是( ),最小公倍数是( )。

4.5.375里有( )个18 ,( )个 18 是12 。

5.一个圆的半径是3分米,它的面积是( )平方分米。

6.一根绳子长40米,已经用了l0米,已经用去这根绳子的( )( ) ,还剩这根绳子的( )( ) 。

7.在l~9的自然数中,( )不是偶数,但是合数;( )既不是素数,也不是合数。

8.在一个圆内画一个最大的正方形,这个正方形的对角线长12厘米,那么这个圆的面积是( )平方厘米。

9.画一个周长是12.56厘米的圆,圆规两脚尖之间的距离就为( )厘米,画出的这个圆的面积是( )平方厘米。

10.挂钟的.时针长5厘米,经过一昼夜,时针尖走过( )厘米。

11.一个最简真分数,它的分子、分母的乘积是12,这个分数是( )或( )。

12.一根绳子长40米,已经用了l0米,已经用去这根绳子的( )( ) ,还剩这根绳子的( )( ) 。

13.能同时被2、3和5整除最小的三位数( );能同时整除6和8的最大的数( )。


800千克=( )吨 200平方米=( )公顷

二、正确选择 (将正确序号填在括号里,共5分,每题1分)

1.两个数的最大公因数是4,最小公倍数是24,这两个数不可能是( )。

A. 4和24 B. 8和12 C. 8和24

2.小刚今年X岁,小红今年是(X+3)岁,再过,他们相差( )岁

A.30 B.X+3 C.3 D.X

3.一个圆的直径扩大4倍,它的周长和面积分别扩大多少倍( )

A.4倍和16倍 B.16倍和4倍 C.4倍和4倍

4.分数单位是18 的最简真分数有( )个

A.7 B.5 C.4 D.无数个

5.一张长24厘米,宽18厘米的长方形纸,要分成大小相等的小正方形,且没有剩余。最小可以分成( )。

A. 12个 B.15个 C.9个 D.6个



= = 1- = =

= 5= 0.25=( )( ) ( )(填小数)


49 + 56 + 59 67 -( 67 - 12 )

1-( 56 + 112 ) 23 - 18 - 16


3.5+X =5.3 0.1X =30 x-

X-7.4=8 X1.8=3.6





2. 求下列各图阴影部分的面积(单位:厘米)









本次检测的数学试题以“重视基础、注重应用,兼顾差异”为基本思路,杜绝难题、偏题、怪题,体现义务教育的普及性、基础性,既关注学生对基础知识和基本技能 的理解和掌握,又关注了学生的学习方法及数学思考、解决问题的能力体现。其主要特点是:

(1) 注重在运用中考查学生对基本概念的理解和掌握,不助长死记硬背、机械训练。


(3) 试题内容加强与现实生活的联系,考查学生运用已学知识分析问题、解决问题的能力。




1、全校基本情况。全校共有482 名学生参加检测。试卷满分为100分,全校参加检测学生的平均分为81.5 分,及格率为 90℅,按80分为优秀等级计算,优秀率为70 ℅。在全校参加检测的8个班中,校平均分最高为 84.5  分,最低为79.5 分,及格率最高为93.2℅,最低为77.9 ℅。












细看本次检测的试卷可知,℅以上的题目均需经过计算才能求出结果。学生要正确解答试题不公要计算准确,而且要运算熟练、合理、简捷。这也是学生思维的敏捷性、灵活性和深刻性的体现 。所以说,计算能力 是数学学习能力的根本体现,没有良好的计算能力就根本不会有良好的数学学习能力。提高学生的计算能力可以从以下几方面进行尝试:


(2)培养学生具有良好的计算习惯。首先是校对的习惯:计算都要抄题,要求学生凡是抄下来的数字和符号都要要校对 ,做到不错不漏。其次,是审题的习惯:这是计算正确、迅速的前提。一是审数字和符号,并观察它们之间有什么特点,有什么内在联系。二要审运算顺序,明确先算什么,后算什么。三要审计算方法的合理、简便,分析运算和数据的特点,运算性质和定律,能否简算。此外,还要让学生养成估算和验算的习惯。




如果数学教育只关注学生是否掌握“双基”,能否正确解题,而忽视对学生良好的学习习惯的培养,是数学教育的严重失误。学生答题字迹潦草,格式混乱,审题不认真,计算不细心,反映出学生学习态度不端正,做事浮躁,责任意识淡薄。在考试中如何审题、做题,做题的顺序,怎样在保证准确率的前提下提高做题速度、怎样保持对解难题的信心等等,这些良好习惯平时就应该注意培养。很多学生在做题时因为审题不够认真,抄错数字,看错题目要求,计算粗心马虎等原因导致失分。这些损失是长期不良的学习习惯造成的后果,应当引起教师们的高度重视。良好习惯的养成不仅可以减少失误,提高成绩,更重要的是这才是素质的根本体现。当然年级越低,习惯培养越容易,小学阶段是学生习惯形成的主要时期,我们应该抓住这个关键的时期努力培养学生的良好习惯,一旦形成良好习惯,就很容易进入自我学习的阶段,为学生的进一步发展提供了保证。其实养成良好的学习习惯,也是学生的一个基本的素质,有时候我们也把它看作一种能力。这种习惯一经养成,不仅仅是对学生考试有帮助,还会使学生受益终身。因此,我们在教学中要对学生加强书写训练,格式指导,严格要求 ,严格监控,让每个学生养成良好的学习习惯。


Ⅰ单项选择(Choose the best answer)(15分) 1. ________of the students in his class sre boys.

A. start with B. open up C. turn up D. take up 12. Tom said he ________ to school the next week.

A. didn’t go B. isn’t go C. wouldn’t go D. won’t go

13. I was never ______ to received a _______ result from my science teacher.

A. Two third B. Three fives C. three quarter D. Seven tenths 2. Yang Liwei is the first astronaut ________ to the moon. A. traveling B. travels C. to travel D. traveled 3. He told us _________ in the river. It’s dangerous.

A. not swim B. not to swim C. not swam D. not swimming 4. --- She isn’t interested in math at all. --- __________.

A. So do I B. So am I C. Neither do I D. Neither am I 5. I have ________ homework to do every day.

A. too many B. many too C. too much D. much too 6. --- have you been learning English?

--- For six years.

A. How often B. How soon C. How many D. How long 7. Would you mind my________ the windows?

A. close B. closing C. to close D. closed 8. The TV is too loud. Please _______, Mary.

A. turn down it B. turn up it C. turn it down D.turn it up 9. She _______ a letter from her friends Lucy yesterday. A. heard B. got C. heard from D. heard of

10. I ________ America twice. What about you?

A. have gone to B. have been to C.have been in D.have been on


A. surprised, disappointed B. surprised, disappointing C. surprising, disappointed D. surprising, disappointing

14. When I came back yesterday evening, my brother ________his homework. A. is doing B. has done C. was doing D. will do 15. I need money to ________the concert.

A. pay on B. pay in C. pay with D. pay for

Ⅱ.补全对话,根据对话内容选出正确选项(Complete the conversation)(10分) A:Hi!B:I think people needn’t do housework. A:Will kids go to school? B: No, they won’t.

A:No, they won’t. Everything will be free. A: Ⅲ 完形填空(Complete the article)(10 Different people have colors of skin. Some have skin,some have yellow a woman in Alaska. Her skin was orange. It


How did her skin orange? She ate lots of tomatoes and pumpkins. She ate too many hat why her skin turned orange.The woman didn’t want her skin orange. So she went to see the doctor. The doctor said, “Stop orange things. Eat some green things.” The women did, and her skin wasn’t orange any ( )1. A. the same B. different C. same D. the different ( )2. A. yellow B. white C. black D. orange ( )3. A. is B. are C. was D. were ( )4. A. as B. like C. in D.with ( )5. A. look B. like C. become D. taste ( )6. A. blue B. orange C. green D. red ( )7. A. to be B. be C. being D. is ( )8. A. to eat B. eat C. eats D. eating ( )9. A. so B. such C. it D. not ( )10. A. much B. many C. most D. more Ⅳ 阅读理解(Reading)(每小题1分,计20分)


Are you looking for something fun and would you like to help other people in your spare time? Then join us and be a volunteer!

We are a non-profit organization. We have volunteer jobs for people of all ages. Anyone, from twelve-year-old children to people in their 80s, can become a volunteer.

You can help people in many ways. Schools need help with taking care of children while parents are working. Hospitals need volunteers to look after children when their parents see a doctor. Animal lovers can help take care of those dogs and cats without homes. There is something for everyone.

“As a volunteer, I don’t want to get anything. Seeing the children’s happy faces, I am happy, too.” said Carlos Domingo, an old woman of 42.


“I often played computer games in my spare time before. Now I help older people learn how to use computers,” said another volunteer at the age of 18.

If everyone helps out a bit, we’ll all have a better world to live in. Interested? Call us on 1-800-5756, or visit our website: www.active.com. ( ) 1. What kind of people can become volunteers?

A. Only teenagers B. People from 12 years old to 80.

C. Only old people D. Only students and teachers.

( ) 2. _________ need volunteers.

A. Animals without homes B. Doctors C. Non-profit organization D. Everyone

( ) 3. Volunteers want to get ______ when they help others.

A. everything B. money C. nothing D. computer ( ) 4. Carlos Domingo does volunteer work with _________.

A. children B. cats C. old people D. dogs ( ) 5. What kind of people can become volunteers?

A. 联络 B. 公司 C. 地址 D. 网址


James likes sports, so he is tall and strong in his middle school. Now his father and mother work in London So he begins to study in a middle school there. He’s a member of the school Rugby team. He likes the game very much and plays it on Saturday and Sunday.

His grandma lives in a small village and one day she comes to see him. It’s

Saturday and she doesn’t see the boy at home. So she goes to look for him in the school. She sees thirty boys are stealing(拼抢) only one ball. The old woman tells Tom to finish playing and going home with her.

“But, Grandma, I ……”


“Don’t play with them, my dear!” says the old woman. “I’m going to buy a ball everything you say or do. If you want more love in the world, you should have more love in your heart. If you want to be successful, you must work hard. This will give you back everything you have given to it.”

for you!”

( )6. James is strong because__________.

A. he’s tall B. he’s a student

C. he likes sports

D. he likes his school


( )1. At first, the boy was surprised that his voice came back to him.

( )7. James lives_________ now.

A. in a village B. in London

C. with his grandmaD. with his students

( )8. James___________ on Saturday and Sunday.

A. plays Rugby B. plays football

C. does some housework

D. has a rest

( )9. ________ , so the old wowww.wenku1.com/news/55D863DC8137D799.htmlman doesn’t find him at home. A. James goes shopping

B. James leaves London

C. James is playing Rugby at school

D. James is not at home

( )10. The old woman doesn’t know how to play Rugby, so she_______. A. watches the games for a long time

B. gives the team a new ball

C. is angry D. tells the boy to go home with her


A boy and his father were walking in the mountains. Suddenly the boy fell down.

“AAhhh!” he shouted. To his surprise, he heard the voice coming back soon from somewhere in the mountains, “AAhhh!”Then the boy shouted, “who are you?” he received the answer, “who are you?”. He got angry at the answer, so he shouted again, “Foolish!”. He received the answer, “Foolish!”.

He looked at his father and asked, “What’s going on?” his father smiled and said, “My son, listen!” And then he shouted to the mountains, I love you!” the voice answered, “I love you!” again the man cried,“ You are the best!” the voice answered, “you are the best!”

The boy was surprised, but didn’t understand .Then his father

explained ,“People call this “Echo”(回音),but in fact, this is life. It gives you back


( )2.the boy shouted five times after he fell down.

( )3.His father cried to the mountains in order to explain what an echo was.

( )4.When the voice answered, “you are the best”, the boy understood at once. ( )5.the passage mainly tells us life will give you back everything you have given to it.


Visitors to Singapore can discover different cultures here. The island has large nature parks and many other excellent attractions.

Boat rides ---start your visit to Singapore with a ride on a boat on Singapore River. Boats leave from Boat Quay(码头), North Boat Quay, Clark Quay or Clifford Pier(码头). From Clifford Pier, you can buy tickets for a cruise around the Southern Island on a Chinese boat. You can enjoy Chinese tea while on board.

Singapore History Museum --- It shows the life of this city in the 19th century(世纪) ,including the scenes of Chinese boats bringing things from China.

Arab Street& Little India---if you love beautiful clothing, you’ll find something special to bring back. Next to Arab Street, there is a neighborhood with lots of Indian temples and shops. It’s Little India. The Culture Corner at Little India has videos and exhibitions, you can learn more about Indian culture and etiquette there.





2. If you are going to dioscover different cultures in this country, you can go to


3. You can learn something about Indian etiquette by watching _______ at the

Culture Corner. 任务二: 回答下列问题:

4. What can you buy in Arab Street?


5. Where should you get on board if you want to enjoy a cruise in Chinese style? ___________________________________________________________________. Ⅴ. 用所给词的适当形式填空。(Fill in the blanks with the words given) (10分)1. Do you mind ________ (get) up early next morning?

2. _________ (walk) for a while after dinner is good for our health. 3. There are about three _________(thousand) students in our school. 4. I don’t feel like ________(say) anything.

5. We enjoyed ______ (play) basketball on the playground just now. 6. Could you please __________ (not say) it in Japanese? 7. They have already finished ________(clean) the classroom. 8. We usually spend much time ________(play) games every day. 9. You shouldn’t _______(wear) that coat. It’s out of style. 10. You needn’t ________(tell) them the truth.

VI.翻译句子:(Translate the sentences in order)(20分) 1. 除了我以外我们班上的每个学生都被邀请了

Everyone _________ in my class was invited _________ me. 2. 你可以给她一张球赛的门票。

You ________ give her a ticket _______ a ball game.

第7页,共8页 3. 我们决不会知道未来会发生什么事。

We never know what ________ _______in the future. 4. 对于一个机器人来说做和我们一样的事情是困难的。 It’s _________ for a robot to do the ________ things as us 5. 步行到达学校花费了我20分钟的时间。

It __________ me about 20 minutes to ________ to school. 6. 有许多你可以做的.事。

There ________ a lot of things you _________ do. 7. 玛丽的姑姑靠开出租车谋生20年了。

Mary’s aunt _______ _______ _______ ________by driving a taxi for 20years. 8. 你和你的美国同学相处得怎么样?

How are you _____ _______ ______ your new American classmates? 9. 我和我父母的谈话通常经争吵作为结束。

The talks with my parents often ________ _______ ________ ______ them. 10. 他们举办这场音乐会是为了给慈善事业筹款、

They held the concert to _____ ______ ______the charity.

VII. 书面表达(15分)请根据以下提示,以“the best gift I have ever received” 为题写一篇短文。1. When did you receive the gift? 2.who gave it to you ? Why did he/she gave you the gift? 3.Why do you like it? Introduce the gift. 要求:语句通顺,70词左右。

The best gift I have ever received

―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――






















